RTN South Edition 843

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Your English Newspaper


Sara is new Vice Consul


January Friday, December 11 - Thursday, December 17 2015

SARA MUNSTERHJELM has been appointed the new Vice Consul in the British Consulate in Alicante where she has worked for six years. Turn to page 9


ANIMAL LOVER Gillian Beynon has teamed up with her “perfect gentleman” – handsome podenco Andy – for a perfect Christmas together on the Costa Blanca. The friendly and affectionate Spanish hunting dog has been given a ´forever home´ at Gillian´s villa near Jesus Pobre, and joins the rest of her canine family – Gracie, George and Amy. And just like in the Dickens’ stories of Christmas, Gillian´s is a tale of redemption after a horrific incident two years ago. Podencos are now forgiven. In December 2013 a pack of dogs ran riot in her garden, killing Chico, a small dog she was looking after for friends and seriously injuring two of her own pets. Retired school teacher Gillian said three podencos killed Chico almost immediately but with a “blood lust” set on Gracie and Amy and only the swift and heroic intervention of her gardener saved the pets. The story made front page headlines in RTN as Gillian – who said her pets were “exceptionally valuable to me, both emotionally and as company” – described the dogs as “trained killers”. Turn to page 7.

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