RTN South Edition 542

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Your English Newspaper



Issue 542

March 5-11 2010

Trampolin hell

TRAMPOLIN HILLS is nestled in between the mountains of North West Murcia and has been in the headlines for many months. Last week RTN, along with a news crew from Madrid, took a trip down to Campos del Rio to meet the President and two commit-

by Louise Clarke tee members of the Association for the Affected of Trampolin Hills and, we hoped, a director of the company responsible. Trampolin Hills was an ambitious development project with

2500 houses; all surrounding a beautiful 18 hole golf course. The furthest the company got to building these houses was the five show homes which sadly, are now in a significant state of disrepair; having been stripped of all their contents, includ-

ing light sockets, and been subjected to a barrage of vandalism. The company behind the project, Grupo Trampolin, was declared bankrupt in October 2009 leaving more than 1300 people out of pocket; many of whom had put down sig-

nificant deposits of between 70,000 and 100,000 euros. In fact, the company had received over 53 million euros worth of deposits and now they have nothing but debt.

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Continued on page 3

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The weather in Spain

A WET weekend for most in Spain with the rain starting in the south on Friday afternoon and continuing into next week. The rain will be heavy and persistent in places at times. TEMPERATURE Highs: Santa Cruz de Tenerife 23, Murcia 22, Alicante 20, Almería, Cadiz, Valencia 19, Málaga 17, Barcelona, Palma de Mallorca 16, Salamanca 15, Granada, Madrid 14, Lows: Santa Cruz de Tenerife 17, Almería 13, Cádiz 12, Málaga, Palma de Mallorca 10, Alicante, Barcelona, Granada, Murcia, Valencia 9, Madrid 5, Salamanca 2

Killer hurricane rips through northern Spain The unsettled weather continued last week and a hurricane on Saturday 27th resulted in the deaths of three people. A man and woman driving near Burgos died when their car hit an uprooted tree that was blocking the road. In Galicia, an 82-year-old woman was crushed to death

by the wall of an agricultural warehouse. A fourth man was admitted to hospital in Vigo after high winds caused scaffolding to collapse on him. The hurricane responsible has been named Xynthia, and it also left 22,000 homes without electricity.

Reservoirs topped up For once drought shouldn’t be a problem in Spain this summer as the nation’s reservoirs are at their highest levels since March 1998. The Basque Country reservoirs are at 100 percent capacity, and the Andalusian are at 90.9 percent. Cantabria is at 90.7 percent, Galicia 84.4 percent, the Guadalquivir basin 83.6 percent, the Miño-Sil basin (Galicia, Castilla y León, Asturias) 89.3 percent, the Guadiana basin (Castilla-La Mancha, Extremadura) 83.3 percent and the Duero basin 83.1 percent. The Ebro, Tajo, Segura and Júcar basins are all just below 80 percent capacity, as are reservoirs in the coastal area of Andalusia and inland Catalonia.


5-11 MARCH 2010

continued from front page THE ASSOCIATION was keen to make it clear that although they are furious about their situation, they still would like their houses to be built and are currently trying to get the bankruptcy order overturned. The reason that they are trying to do that is because if the company remains in bankruptcy, they have no hope at all of getting their homes built. Whereas if the company comes out of bankruptcy, there is hope that someone will see the potential in the project and realise that it will create hundreds of jobs, which are desperately needed in the area. The representatives from the Association all agreed that bankruptcy was not the solution and all were shocked to see the state of the show homes at the site. Anne told RTN: “We feel that this is a sad and meaningless waste of resources.” There were no final licences issued for the development by Murcian authorities, so even if the Association is successful in getting the order reversed, new planning permissions and licences would be required. So, it could be at least another three years before building could start again. UNBELIEVABLE

Norwegian born Anne Cenname from the Association told RTN: “We need to get as much publicity as possible and highlight our situation, hence the TV crew and your invitation here today.” Some of the affected owners have taken their cases to the European Parliament, but

that doesn’t seem to have had any impact. Anne commented: “I can’t believe that they are going to abandon this project. We are in a crisis and this development will create lots of work and bring people to the area which will create money for local businesses. It is unbelievable. The owners, the company and the Town Hall all want to start building, so we need a solution. We can’t just sit back and lose our life savings. We can’t have our lives over again, so we need to find an answer. It is so very sad. No-one is doing anything to resolve the situation or taking responsibility. There is no-one to defend the rights of the buyers.” VILLAS

Despite all the stress that this situation is causing, the trio are remarkably optimistic, especially if the judge does change the bankruptcy order. Anne concluded: “We are adamant that we will continue to fight this and get our homes built.” There is no doubt that the spot where the Trampolin Hills is situated is stunning. Views of the mountain ranges envelop the area. But then as you survey the land, which should now be full of stunning detached villas, to the left is a piece of land with ten abandoned cement lorries and to the right are seven towering cranes standing idle, rusting away. It’s hard to think that this site will ever be developed; it’s a very sad state of affairs. Needless to say, a Director of the company responsible for this mess failed to show up to be interviewed. For more information on the association please visit http://bftboth.blogspot.com

Deluge of water causes road closures

By Louise Clarke A DELUGE of rain forced the closure of several roads on Tuesday afternoon. Torrevieja local police had to close the CV 905 near Carrefour and the Habaneras shopping centre after it was flooded and in the nearby urbanisations homeowners became isolated as the surrounding roads became rivers. According to local po-

lice reports, between 16:00 and 21:00, over 20 litres of rain fell per metre squared and during the last hour, fell with such force that the drainage systems could not adequately cope with the influx and some roads even collapsed causing some cars to become completely stranded. The police implemented an emergency plan of action to rescue the driv-

ers and then blocked off the affected roads, to ensure that no other cars would become trapped by the torrent of water. Ironically, earlier that day, the Town Hall of Torrevieja announced a new project, paid for and approved by the Valencian Regional Government, to improve the rain water drainage system in the City.

Cristobal (centre) with committee members Anne and Victoria outside one of the show homes

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5-11 MARCH 2010

Flooding tragedy narrowly averted by Louise Clarke TUESDAY’S HEAVY rain brought the usual chaos to the Orihuela Costa as people had to abandon cars and wade through rivers of fast flowing water to escape the floods. Opposition political party CLARO has denounced the Orihuela Town Hall twice in the last six months for not having adequate drainage in place, particularly in Playa Flamenca where the underpass for the N332 regularly gets flooded and is impassable. And it is there where a flood tragedy almost occurred on Tuesday evening. At 20:15, Pedro Sanchez from Murcia and a friend were making their way to Playa Flamenca to visit Pedro’s girlfriend Olga who lives there. The rain was coming down heavily and with no street lights working, Pedro drove his car through the underpass and directly into nearly two metres of water. The 36 year old’s Mercedes, which cost him 42,000 euros when he bought it six years ago, soon started to flood with water and due to the pressure of the water they couldn’t open the doors to escape. WHOLLY INADEQUATE They struggled to get the windows opened but eventually managed to climb out. The car was soon completely submerged in water and Pedro and his friend thanked their lucky stars that they managed to get out alive. Despite recent works to the underpass, the drainage system was still

wholly inadequate and the pump system which was recently installed failed miserably. All in all three cars were left abandoned and once the rain had subsided, when the owners asked if the Local Police Grua was available to tow their cars out of the flood water, they were told that it was actually in Orihuela City, 30 kilometres away. Pedro is now denouncing the Orihuela Town Hall for failure to provide adequate drainage and for not closing off the roads before the situation became as bad as it did. Pedro’s insurance company has said that his policy does not cover flood damage and so he is looking at a total write off with no prospect of any money being returned to him, unless his insurance company also denounces the Town Hall. RIDICULOUS Pedro told RTN: “It was a really frightening experience. We were in the car for about four minutes before we realised that we need to get out. The water was pouring into the car and by the time we crawled out, it was above waist height. There were no lights in the underpass and so it was pitch black.” He added: “It is a good job that we were young and fit. Had this happened to elderly person, we could be looking at a fatal incident.” Eventually Pedro’s car, and the other two that also had to be abandoned, were recovered by the fire brigade but only after the flood waters had subsided. CLARO President Bob Houliston commented: “How many times does this need to happen before the Town

Pedro Sanchez indicates how high the water level was in the underpass on Tuesday evening

Hall take responsibility for their actions? There should be a grua based on the coast at all times. We have already said that it is ridiculous that the municipal tow truck takes illegally parked vehicles all the way to the Orihuela car pound and then when it is needed in an emergency situation like this, it is 30 kilometres away in Orihuela city.” Pedro officially denounced the Town Hall on Wednesday and is awaiting a response from them.

Minister of State to visit Torrevieja

By Louise Clarke MR CHRIS Bryant, who is currently Minister of State for Europe and Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs at the Foreign and Commonwealth Office will

be in Spain this weekend. The Consul General has arranged for him to take a public meeting this Saturday evening, 6th March. The theme will be along the lines of ‘problems faced by British Expats

in Spain’ and the Minister will also take any questions. The meeting will be chaired by Her Majesty’s Ambassador, Giles Paxman and will take place at 19:00 at the Hotel Cabo Cervera in Torre-

vieja. The full address is Ctra. Torrevieja a La Mata s/n, 03188, Torrevieja. Everyone is welcome to attend. RTN will be there and will have a full report on the meeting in next week’s paper.

What can the British Consulate do for me? What am I entitled to as a resident in Spain? THE BRITISH Consulate in Alicante and the Pension, Benefit and Healthcare Team are holding an open event for British residents in the Santa Pola area on Friday 12th March 2010 at 10:30am, presenting advice on some of the issues that matter most to residents. The Pension, Benefit and Healthcare Team will provide essential information on British residents’ entitlements in Spain and the services that their team can offer. The British Vice-Consul will open the session and explain the role of the Consulate. PLACE: Salon de Teatro, Santa Pola Life Resort, C/Monte de Santa Pola, Nº 15 03130 (Gran Alacant) Santa Pola, Alicante DATE: Friday 12th March 2010 TIME: 10:30am (doors open at 9.45am) To reserve your place, please go to: http:// ukinspain.fco.gov.uk/ opendays. If you experience problems booking or do not have internet access, call: 917 14 64 43. For more information on the press release please contact Sally Aston, Consular Communications Officer, on 917 146 475 or Sally.Aston@fco.gov.uk

Why are we waiting? 5-11 MARCH 2010

to which Orihuela Costa residents contribute hugely, Monica Lorente is relying on money from her friend, Senor Camps, the President of the Valencia Regional Government, to finance the Emergency Services Centre. This is a major political error as we suspect that Valencia is facing a dire financial crisis.”

by Louise Clarke

WITH CRIME statistics on the coast rising, opposition political party on the coast, CLARO has issued a statement denouncing the PP Town Hall for their failure to comply with their promise of extra local police officers; until the new emergency services centre has been built. Angry CLARO President Bob Houliston contacted RTN to explain why the party is not happy that the residents of the coast have to wait for possibly another two years for the extra police officers. Bob said: “Why are waiting so long for the Emergency Services Centre and the 30 additional local police which Mayor Monica Lorente says we will not get until the building is finished?” FOOT-DRAGGING

As reported in RTN late last year, the centre will house local and national police and a fire brigade. But according to Bob, this should have been provided years ago, as the population of

Orihuela budget still not ready!

By Louise Clarke IT WOULD sound like a good joke if it was not be such a serious matter, but in the first week of March, the Orihuela 2010 budget is still not ready! The announcement was made at last week’s pleno


CLARO President Bob Houliston

Orihuela Costa increased to over 30,000. He said: “It was announced on repeated occasions during 2009 and the Mayor even promised to lay the foundation stone in February 2010. But February has passed and we begin to suspect there is more foot-dragging because of problems with finance.” Bob continued: “Due to her policy of not investing money from the Town Hall budget in Orihuela Costa,

meeting, much to the disgust of the opposition parties who are still waiting to see how the Town Hall of Orihuela intends to spend its money this year. And as well as not having a 2010 budget to look at, the balance of the 2009 budget still needed to be approved. Los Verdes chose to vote against the balance as they were only given two days to check over 30,000 invoices! A Los Verdes spokesman said: “It was not even clear when one administrative year ended and the

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But it is completely unnecessary to wait another two years for the building to be completed to have the additional 30 police officers not only required, but promised to bring the local force up to strength. Bob commented:“There are hundreds of empty commercial premises and many newly completed empty commercial centres which could be used to house the additional police, provisionally. We have an outbreak of crime in Orihuela Costa which requires additional local police officers to tackle it.” Bob concluded: “We do not need to wait another two more years until the Emergency Services Centre building is finished. We need emergency services now.”

next one started!” According to the opposition party, a lot of money has been spent on publicity and dinners instead of investing in employment or something constructive and for the benefit of the municipality’s residents. The PSOE party also criticised the PP led Town Hall as there was not even an inventory to go with the balance figures. One PP Councillor allegedly told opposition parties: “We spend the money the way we want.” And according to Los Verdes, in the few

bills that they did have had time to look at, it appears that the Town Hall has spent in excess of 30 million euros in unnecessary expenses during the last few years. The spokesman told RTN: “The balance of 2006 still has not been approved, so who knows if the initial amount of 2007 is correct? All the opposition parties agreed that this kind of expense, which included dinners at a cost of 120 euros per person, was immoral in times of a global financial crisis.”


New houses for young people THE TOWN Hall of Torrevieja has been granted approval by the Valencian government to construct 116 houses especially for young adults. The project, which was agreed on Tuesday this week, is part of a 12.5 million euro global investment and the houses will be available to rent from the Town Hall by any person aged between 18 and 35 years of age. The Torrevieja Town Hall has, as a result of this decision, allocated four parcels of land for the project and the final municipality approval will be made at the next pleno meeting. Following that final planning approval, construction will then commence. The Mayor announced that the first parcel of land will contain 40 houses, the second 26 houses, the third 34 and finally the fourth will contain 16 houses. He also indicated that these houses will be available to buy after one year of renting and has praised the decision, especially in these ‘delicate’ times, to invest in future homes for the young people of the municipality.

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5-11 March 2010

5-11 March 2010

5-11 March 2010

Recreation area needs a facelift

The La Regia area which needs a facelift

by Louise Clarke ORIHUELA OPPOSITION party Centro Liberal Renovador (CLR) has been contacted recently by several residents living in the La Regia area of Cabo Roig. All the calls were regarding the condition of the green area at La Regia. Pedro Mancebo, Councillor and spokesman of the CLR, told RTN: “After receiving these calls and listening to the residents´ comments, I thought it was a good idea to visit La Regia and actually take another look at the area for myself.” Pedro took over as a councillor in July last year, following the death of his predecessor, Joaquín Ezcurra Gilabert, and commented that the recreation area desperately needs a facelift and is in a very sad state. He continued: “The area has been in this condition for a long time now and it has never been taken seriously into account by the PP governing party. This area has always been a mess and now is the time to solve this problem.”

According to the opposition Councillor, there are piles of rubbish lying around, a lot of which is building rubble that has been illegally dumped, the little playground equipment which is still there but is practically beyond repair and needs renewing, and the whole area generally needs tidying up and made more appealing to the residents who might wish to spend quality time with their children or grandchildren. Pedro commented: “At the moment it is far too dangerous to allow children to play there.” Fitness Park

Pedro also suggested the installation of a fitness park, something which, as reported in RTN, he brought to the attention of the Town Hall in Orihuela during a pleno meeting. He said: “My proposal was approved by my fellow councillors and it was agreed to be developed as soon as funds are available.” The fitness park, which is a free open air gym, would be fantastic

at La Regia. Pedro commented: “The recreation area would cater for all age groups and a fitness park would give residents the possibility to take a little exercise while out walking, or doing something for their own health requirements, and at the same time being able to keep an eye on their children who could use the playground area.” Apart from the installation of exercise and playground equipment, Pedro thinks that the whole area needs more greenery. He said: “It would be nice to see trees planted which would offer the necessary shade in the hot summer months and perhaps an area where the young and young at heart could kick a ball around.” The CLR party has brought the problem of the neglected green areas in and around Orihuela Costa to the attention of the PP led Town Hall in Orihuela. He concluded: “And until we see improvements and the promised tasks actually being carried out, we will keep reminding the PP party of their duties.”

Chris Isaak to open San Javier Jazz Festival EARLIER THIS week, Alberto Nieto, the San Javier Jazz Festival Director announced some of the line up for this year’s annual festival. Amongst the stars at this summer’s event is Chris Isaak, Chucho Valdés, Dianne Reeves and Roy Hargrove. The full festival programme will be announced in April and the festival dates are expected, as in previous years, to run from the end of June through to the end of July, over a four week period. The 13th annual event will be dedicated to the memory of singer/guitarist Willy Deville, who performed at the festival in 2007 and died on August 6th 2009. For more information on the festival visit http://jazz.sanjavier.es/en/index.htm

St Patrick’s Day fiesta on the coast By Louise Clarke As we all know, St Patrick’s Day is the annual feast day which celebrates St. Patrick, one of the patron saints of Ireland. The feast day is celebrated on March 17th and although the day is

Chris Isaak will be at the jazz festival in June/July

a national holiday in Ireland, it is also widely celebrated by parades and parties throughout the world, not just by the Irish but by an increasing number of non-Irish as well. A common slogan for the day is ‘Everyone’s Irish on March 17th’ and ‘Everybody loves a party!’ This year, the Town Hall in Orihuela is pleased to announce that there will be a St Patrick’s Day Festival held in the car parking area near the Mercadona at Playa Flamenca from 16th to 18th

March. This will be a mix of exhibition stalls, a market and a fiesta! The celebration is organised in conjunction with the Town Hall of Orihuela and will include food, a children’s play area, Irish dancing, entertainment and music. There will be something for everyone and hopefully this will become an annual event. Should you wish to know more or to organise a stall, then please contact either Diane on 634 065 463 or Naomi on 672 505 157.

5-11 March 2010


5-11 March 2010

Fastrack Hypnosis


Alan Gilchrist

Fast Track your way to a healthier life style in 2010 in ONE simple 30 minute session - With Guarantee ! With Alan Gilchrist, Costa Blanca’s top hypnotherapist ALAN GILCHRIST began practising hypnotherapy over 25 years ago in Belfast. At the time, during the provincial troubles, he practiced analytical hypnotherapy which involved regression. As you can imagine, there were many people who needed help from Alan following events during troubles and as analytical hypnotherapy involves going back to the point where the trauma occurs, many people became more distressed as a result of the therapy. Alan soon developed another way of hypnotherapy, which didn’t involve regression. It was called fast track hypnosis where the trauma in the minds of patients could be rearranged. He started the Belfast Hypnotherapy Centre and developed the therapy further and it meant that he could cut the amount of sessions necessary for any patient from around 15 to four. One of the local Sunday newspapers decided to do a feature on Alan and soon word started to get around that there was a guy who could help to sort people out with their problems.

From that one article it just started to grow. Alan saw the employed, unemployed, multi millionaires, TV, Radio and sports personalities, people from every walk of life and over two decades later Alan now has several clinics in Northern Ireland as well as three here on the Costa Blanca. People were making appointments to see Alan for various reasons and problems, including the common ones such as stopping smoking and losing weight. Over two decades later, Alan now has seven clinics in Northern Ireland as well as three here on the Costa Blanca. He explained to RTN how fast track hypnotherapy works. He said: “Fast track allows the patient to deal with the situation right away. You can give the patient what they want and need quickly. There is no need for hours and hours of therapy.” ANXIETIES

Alan is so busy now that he commutes between Northern Ireland and Spain every other week to run his clinics. He joked: “I came here to semi retire and I’m busier

Costa Blanca’s Top Hypnotherapist

than ever before!” Alan says that his style of therapy is entirely different to what other hypnotherapists do. He said: “It’s not what people expect.” Alan has dealt with all kinds of phobias and problems from fear of flying and death to insomnia and excessive hair pulling. He also deals with other kinds of internal anxieties which he says may seem small to other people, but to the sufferer can be devastating and crippling. With problems such as smoking and excess weight, Alan says that he can help combat and tackle them in one quick session. After the session you are given a CD to re-iterate and re-force the hypnotherapy, which you must listen to every day and it will help you avoid smoking again or gaining more weight. RTN was extremely interested in Alan’s undoubted skill in helping people overcome their problems and next week, reporter Louise Clarke will have a session with him in a bid to help her to lose some weight before the bikini weather arrives! In two weeks, she will let you know how she got on, so make sure you pick up a copy!

5-11 March 2010



5-11 MARCH 2010

Day of the Woman

THE PILAR de la Horadada Town Hall has organised various different activities this weekend to celebrate the International Day of the Woman, which takes place next Monday, 8th March. Tomorrow (Saturday), during the afternoon, in the Salon de Actos in the town’s Casa de Cultura, Maria Garcia, the Director of the cultural centre will conduct a talk about the remarkable women of the Town throughout history. In addition, later that evening, the Municipal Theatre Group of Campoverde will perform

a play called ‘Total Liquidation’. The weekend will end with the opening of an exhibition commemorating the town’s great women, which will remain in the Casa de Cultura until 27th March. Also between the 9th and 12th March the ‘Equality of Opportunities’ project will take place. Again, as a direct celebration of the Day of the Woman, the town’s children will have the opportunity to learn about equality and take part in activities to promote it, during their school day.

Remarkable women of the Town throughout history

Language courses THE TORREVIEJA Town Hall has announced this week that enrolment for new language courses will take place between 8th March and 14th April. The courses are available in basic, intermediate and advanced level in English, French, German, Spanish for foreigners and Valenciano. For more information contact the Official Language School of Torrevieja on 966 700 232 or visit www.eoitorrevieja.com

New contact point for Entre Naranjos by Louise Clarke ORIHUELA OPPOSITION party PSOE is to introduce a new contact point for the residents of Entre Naranjos and Laguna Green which will be open every Wednesday; starting 31st March, between the hours of 11:00 and 13:00. The urbanisations which are often known as ‘the lost city’ due to the fact that they have literally been built in the middle of nowhere, will now have a central point from which people can air any grievances and get help and support. Based at the home of Sarah and Dave Hill, the new PSOE contact point will enable local people to share their problems and ideas, which will in turn receive the personal attention of opposition Councillor for the Coast, Rosa Martinez.

and Laguna Green in issues that affect them, and Dave and I can help her do this through opening our home once a week to listen to people, and to pass on their concerns to Rosa, or facilitate a meeting with her.” WORRYING

Entre Naranjos and Laguna Green are situated between Orihuela city and the coast. There are currently no public services available to residents, who have to drive at least seven kilometres to carry out basic tasks, such as posting a letter. Many residents were told there would be a bus service when they initially bought their properties. This has never materialised. Sarah continued: “We are quite an isolated community and having a car is essential, worrying as many of us are getting older and won’t always be able to drive. We have


Sarah Hill told RTN: “Already, Rosa has helped many people who live in this area. Recently, she proposed the installation of a satellite medical centre and pharmacy at the recent pleno meeting in the Town Hall. She is also campaigning for an adequate sewage system for Laguna Green continues the fight to get habitation certificates for many residents here and she has taken up employment and benefit issues for individuals as well. Rosa wants to include people from Entre Naranjos

Sarah and Dave Hill will open up their home every Wednesday as a contact point for residents

no public services at all, except for bin collections, but this does not include street cleaning, and most of our roads are unfinished. The PP ruling party of Orihuela has neglected this area and issues are now only getting resolved because Rosa Martinez has intervened.” Local residents will also be able to fill in voting registration forms with Sarah and Dave’s help, and learn about what they need to take to the Town Hall to ensure they have the right to vote in next year’s municipal elections. INAUGURATION The new contact point will be inaugurated on Saturday 27th March at 11:00 when local residents will be invited to meet PSOE’s opposition councillor for the coast, Rosa Martinez, as well as other members of the PSOE opposition party.

5-11 MARCH 2010

Police capture Bosnian war criminal


VESELIN VLAHOVIC was arrested in Altea last Monday when police were investigating a criminal gang believed to be responsible for violent burglaries. Vlahovic tried to escape the police who apprehended him, and found him to be carrying false Belgian papers. He is known as the Monster of Brbavica – a district of Sarajevo – and is wanted for genocide and the murder of more than 100 women and children during the Balkan war, when it is thought that he also committed rape and torture. There are three international warrants for his arrest, and two in Spain. He previously escaped from prison in Podgorica in 2001 and is suspected of involvement in a burglary in Salou in 2005 where a baby was intoxicated with a chemical spray. In addition, police believe he was involved in a shooting at a Tarragona brothel in 2004.

Pope returns to Spain POPE BENEDICT XVI is planning a trip to Spain on 6-7 November this year. The Cardinal of Barcelona, Lluis Martínez Sistach and the Archbishop of Santiago de Compostela, Julian Barrio announced the visit last week. The Pope will travel to Santiago de Compostela and also to the Sagrada Familia cathedral in Barcelona. This will be his holiness’s second visit to Spain; he previously visited Valencia in 2006 for the World Family Meeting. He will visit Spain again in 2011 for World Youth day.

The expat voice by Jack Troughton EXPATS LIVING on the Costa Blanca can still have their voice heard in the coming UK General Election by registering as an ‘overseas voter’. A fraction of British citizens living around the globe are currently on the electoral register despite the “really easy” process of claiming a voice. Britain must go to the polls by June 3rd and any expat who has been registered to vote in the UK in the last 15 years – a cut off point set by Parliament - can still register to have their say in the election. Visit www.aboutmyvote.co.uk/overseas to download an overseas registration form and complete a few personal details – including a

signature from a witness. The website also informs people where to send the application – depending on their last registered UK address. And once registered, there are different ways of placing a vote. Any expats back in the UK on Election Day can still visit a polling station, the website also has details of how to submit a vote by post, or if a person has friends and family still living in Britain, they can apply to vote by proxy. Vice-consul at Alicante, Lloyd Millen said it seemed that many people living in Spain did not realise they could still play a part in the election process by registering to vote. “Even when basking in the Spanish sunshine, I am sure people like to keep up to date with

what’s going on in the UK. They must, then, have heard a UK Parliament election is on the cards,” he said. “Maybe what people do not know is they can still take part in the election by registering to vote from abroad. Only a small amount of British expatriates are currently on the electoral register, which is surprising as the process to register is really easy.” And he said that casting a vote in the UK General election did not affect a person’s right to vote in the Spanish or European elections in Spain. However, people needed to be listed on the ‘padron’ – their local town hall register – to sign up for a vote. “Another reason why it is worthwhile getting on the padron.” More information about voting abroad and useful information for expats living in Spain is available on the British embassy website www.ukinspain.fco.gov.uk Mr Millen added: “It does not matter how far away you are, your voice can still be heard.”


5-11 MARCH 2010

Clever Carlisle

With reference to Andy Kay’s RTN sports page article Clever Carlisle, regarding Burnley footballer Clark Carlisle appearing on the TV show Countdown. • Carlisle, from my home town Preston, is deemed the brainiest footballer - in a profession with some of the game’s stars having their ‘brains’ in their pants. • Carlisle attained 10 A-grades at GCSE and studied maths and politics at A Level. In 2002 he was awarded the title of Britain’s Brainiest Footballer. • Carlisle is an ambassador for the Kick It Out campaign and is part of the Management Committee of the Professional Footballers’ Association. • In 2004 Carlisle, married to wife Gemma, who has a son Marley, and a daughter Francesca from a previous relationship, admitted himself to ex-Arsenal and England player Tony Adams Sporting Chance clinic - for alcohol addiction. Unlike the late George Best, and Paul Gascoigne, who continues his downward spiral today, despite the chances to correct himself. At a time when football hits the headlines for all the wrong reasons Carlisle can stand out in a word (Countdown fashion) PROUD. Andrew Atkinson Preston and Los Montesinos, Alicante.


Email: rtnmail@roundtownnews.com

talk tous

Email letters to rtnmail@roundtownnews.com with your full name and address

letter of the week

Smoke till you croak! Like it or not, smokers, Spain WILL be dragged kicking and screaming into the 21st century. As for freedom of choice-of course you have it, you can smoke till you croak in your own house, or are you one of those who says they don’t smoke inside their own house out of consideration, but don’t mind smoking all over everyone else in a bar? You could also form your own smoking club in your own house, and then all the members could help you paint your yellowed ceilings. As for flouting the new laws, I don’t think any bar or cafe owner who values his livelihood will allow it. Some argue that the government will lose a lot of money from tobacco taxes, but they will also gain because they are currently spending millions on treating smoking related diseases - so much for the healthy Mediterranean lifestyle! One of the most shocking sights is that of hospital doctors and nurses congregating outside the doors of the hospital in a haze of smoke, what a horrendous example! One other thing-why do smokers not regard their cigarette stubs as litter, dropping them feet away from a rubbish bin? Time for a review of the anti-litter laws as well, I think!

Muchos gracias amigo! I would like to thank the kind man from Torremendo who helped me find La Pedrera on Sunday so that I could take part in a charity walk. Muchos gracias amigo. Carol Naylor


Would you please warn your readers to beware of thieves working at Alicante Airport. We travelled to Leeds/Bradford Airport from Alicante on Saturday 13th February. The flight was delayed and we sat on board watching the luggage being loaded. Our new bright purple suitcase was the last to be loaded: we noticed the attached strap was undone and swinging loose. On arrival at Leeds/Bradford, the strap was still undone. We placed the suitcase in our hire car and opened it to remove the Sat Nav. The TomTom Sat Nav was missing as was also a Samsung mobile phone and 200 cigarettes. We then realised that the zips on the suitcase were no longer affixed into the combination lock which had obviously been opened. We reported this to Jet2.com at the airport and are now in the process of trying to claim for the missing items. We can only assume that the items went missing at Alicante Airport and were removed by an airport employee. A very disillusioned Anita Orton

Got a story? 902 118 999


EasyJet flight 22nd December

WERE YOU on flight easyjet 3172, 22nd December 2009, (Alicante to Stansted, via Birmingham)? If you were a passenger on the above flight, you may be able to claim compensation for the delay, (€400 per passenger) under EC regulation 261/2004. I am currently trying to claim this compensation from easyJet, and if you were

on this flight and can remember anything about the announcements made by the pilot regarding the reasons for the delay - please go to the following web page and add your comments.... www.flightmole.com - forum - easyjet claims - flight 3172 22nd Dec 2009 If easyJet pay me the compensation due, you can claim yours!

English trailer query

In answer to Ken’s query, concerning his English trailer, may I say that all trailers, over 750kgs in weight, are regarded as a vehicle, and as such require registration and will carry a red number plate and be subject to ITV inspections. In the case of an English trailer, the re-registration process may prove lengthy and expensive. Should Ken wish to contact me, for detailed advice and costings, I can be reached on the details below. Regards Mick, mick@completemotoringsolutions.es or telf : 965419769.

8-14 JANUARY 5-11 MARCH 2010


Mayors Court Camps Dame Denise’s new roles at Valencian tourism fair Torrevieja Mayor Pedro Hernández Mateo gives Valencian President Francisco Camps a gift from the people of Torrevieja THE MAYORS of Orihuela and Torrevieja were both keen to show Valencian President Francisco Camps the attractions of their own individual municipalities during last weekend’s Valencia Tourist Fair. The event was the perfect opportunity for Town Halls all over the region to promote their tourist attractions and encourage visitors

to their municipalities. Torrevieja’s Mayor Pedro Hernández Mateo used the event to promote the new Sport’s City and Monica Lorente, the Mayor of Orihuela, continued to publicise the events that have been planned to celebrate the centenary of the birth of the famous poet Miguel Hernandez.

Government determined to ban smoking in public

DESPITE PROTESTS from the hostelry industry and some debate between political parties, the government has announced that it plans to push forward with plans to ban smoking from all public closed spaces. The proposed date when the ban will start is 22 June, although the ruling still has to be passed through congress. Should the new legislation be approved, smoking will no longer be permitted in bars, restaurants, airports, hotels, nightclubs or bus and rail stations. Currently, smaller bars are allowed to choose whether to allow smoking or not.

Princess Letizia guest of honour in Germany PRINCESS LETIZIA travelled without Prince Felipe to Germany last week on her first-ever solo engagement as Princess of Asturias. She was the guest of honour at an awards ceremony for investigation into rare diseases, held by Eva Köhler, the wife of the German president, Horst Köhler. The princess’s visit began with a meeting with the mayor of Berlin, Klaus Wowerelt, who is one of three mayors to have received the Prince of Asturias ‘Concord’ prize last year, for understanding, coexistence, justice, peace and freedom.

By Jack Troughton HARD WORKING Denise Holt, the former British Ambassador to Spain, has accepted two key posts in the UK. Dame Denise – she was given the title in the Queen’s Birthday Honours list last summer – left Madrid in October 2009 and was succeeded by Ambassador Giles Paxman. The 60-year-old, who made history as the first female ambassador to Spain in over 500 years of residential diplomatic relations between the two countries, becomes a member of the board of Ofqual, the new regulator of school examinations and qualifications and will also serve on the Pay Review Board which makes recommendations on the salary levels of some 1.6 million non-medical staff working in the NHS. She said she was delighted to take on both challenges. “The maintenance of consistent and reliable high standards in education is an essential ingredient in insuring the continuing competiveness of the UK, and the attraction of the British education system. “And public sector pay will be a very difficult area in most developed countries in the coming years, but the importance of maintaining a world class health service is not in doubt.”

Dame Denise Holt


5-11 March 2010 by Louise Clarke

Celia won a pair of return flight tickets with Monarch airlines

Monarch tickets reunite mum and son

WHEN CELIA Ramscar from Quesada entered Monarch airlines’ recent competition in RTN, she never thought that she had a chance of winning, because in her words: “I never win anything!” It therefore gave us great pleasure to knock on her door the day before her birthday and surprise her with the news that she had, in fact, won two return tickets with Monarch to the UK. Celia’s husband Lee was also in on the surprise and was there to help wipe her tears of joy when she found out the good news. The reason that Celia is so delighted that she has won the tickets soon became apparent and RTN has to admit that there was a tear or two in our eyes when we heard her story. Secret

Celia discovered that she was pregnant at the age of 17 and as you can imagine, in those days, especially in a small rural village in the Lake District, that kind of news did not go down too well. Celia’s parents would not allow her to keep the baby and so sent her to go and live with her elder sister in Ashton-Under-Lyne, Greater Manchester. The arrangements were soon made to put Celia’s baby up for adoption. She told RTN: “I was told that if I kept the baby, I would not have a family, but if I put it up for adoption, everything would go back to normal.” On August 11th 1972, Celia went into labour. She recalled: “They had left me in a side room on my own for the whole of my labour and only came in as I was delivering the baby. They then told me off for not calling them sooner! How was I supposed to know I was due to give birth?!” Soon after she arrived in the delivery room, Celia gave birth to a beautiful and healthy 8lb 4oz baby boy, whom she named Mark. Barbaric

She had to look after her son in hospital for two weeks; supplying clothing and

formula and then without warning, he was taken away. Celia stayed in the maternity unit for several more days and then returned to her parents’ home. She said: “The way they did it was barbaric.” Back in her home village no-one knew about it. She said: “It was a very well kept secret. Only my friend and parents knew.” She was told by her parents that it was never to be spoken of again. Mark went to his adoptive parents in Bolton and they named him Darryl. Celia began to rebuild her life and went onto have two more children with her first husband whilst living in Manchester. Tragically her first child, a son called Carl, died at six weeks old after he was born 12 weeks prematurely. She then had a daughter called Naomi, who now lives in Dubai. Agency

There was not a day that went by when Celia didn’t think of her son and after she met her second husband Lee, they tried for children of their own. Sadly, that was not to be and so Lee was always keen to help her find the son that she had been taken away from her all those years ago. In 2008, they paid for an agency to help try to find him and after 14 months he was tracked down. In June 2009 Celia got the call to say that he had been found and overjoyed, she sent him an e-mail that went via the agency. Almost immediately she received one back from Darryl and the pair started to communicate. Last summer Darryl, along with his 18 year old daughter Bryony, visited Celia here in Spain but Celia has yet to visit him at his home in Bolton. Celia said: “It was wonderful to finally meet them and very emotional. Now, thanks to Monarch and their competition, I can make that journey over to Bolton to visit them at their home.”

5-11 MARCH 2010

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5-11 MARCH 2010

Bed bugs invade Spain THE NUMBER of bed bugs in hotel rooms has increased to almost epidemic proportions. According to the National Association for the Control of Plagues (ANECPLA) the number of bed bugs rose by 10 – 20 percent in 2008. Four and five star hotels are reporting the biggest number of bugs, but that could be due to advanced detection methods. People are not usually aware of the 5mmlong bugs – which become active at night – until the next day when red welts are visible on the skin where the bug has been feasting on the sleeping person’s blood. The bugs do not transmit disease, but they can make the room smell unpleasant. Their increase is thought to be connected to the market withdrawal of chemicals such as DDT, which killed them. The authorities in Madrid have released information for hoteliers on how to detect the pests.

Rescue plan foiled by tip off by Louise Clarke

THE EASY Horse Care Rescue Centre (EHCRC) believes that a tip off from an unknown source foiled the planned rescue of seven horses that had been cramped together in a wooden and corrugated iron shack. RTN has been following the story for the last six weeks and promised an update. We at RTN all hoped for a good outcome, but sadly that does not seem to be the case. A spokesman for the charity, based in Benijofar, told RTN: “For the last six weeks we have been trying to save this group of horses which had been incarcerated in a filthy, dark shack in Benijofar. Unfortunately, we were unable to get the authorities to take the strong action needed to save these horses and punish the owner under legislation for mistreatment of animals.” The spokesman and any travellers other than tourist class continued: “This was not a case of horses will still be allowed simply not being looked after to standards we more than one suitcase would apply; it was a case of horrendous and without additional sustained mistreatment. Kept in permanent charge. Iberia say darkness in filthy, cramped conditions, chained the new policy is inand unable to move, these horses were keeping with market physically and psychologically tortured. trends and that the It is one of the worst cases of cruelty to consequent lighter horses we have seen. But still, it seems, it was load will reduce fuel not serious enough to be considered a crime consumption and and treated as such.”

Iberia hikes up luggage charges THE SPANISH airline Iberia will begin charging tourist class passengers between €50 and €60 for their second suitcase as from Monday. The charge is only applicable on longhaul flights and hand baggage will not be affected. Passengers flying business class


WELFARE LAWS The charge is only applicable on longhaul flights

While council officers did take action to close down the shack and get the horses moved, the owner remains in possession of the animals and will face no punishment for the cruel treatment he has subjected these animals to. The spokesman added: “We are not confident that someone who considered this kind of

A miniature horse was penned in with breeze blocks

treatment acceptable will now start to care for his animals properly in the unknown location to which they have been taken. It is highly likely they will end up in a similar shack elsewhere. There are strong animal welfare laws in the Valencian community, with penalties including seizure of animals, fines and bans from keeping animals. But, it seems the authorities charged with applying these laws either cannot or will not use them. Until these changes gross cruelty against animals, such as we witnessed in the shack in Benijofar, will continue.” PENNED IN

The vet who attended the horses in the shack described them as ‘hygienically deplorable’ with ‘space not sufficient to allow them to move, with some of them unable to raise their heads or turn around.’ The vet also noted the horses had ‘skin problems and signs of malnutrition’. On the day of the rescue, when volunteers from EHCRC arrived at the shack, there were no horses. However, three of

the horses from the shack were tethered in a nearby field, including a miniature that was penned in with breeze blocks in a space so small it could not even turn around. The spokesman continued: “While we were at the shack, one of the owners turned up. He turned to the officials present and said he had been told to get them out before we arrived.” As reported in last week’s RTN, the Benijofar Town Hall had given the owner written notice to move the horses. The spokesman concluded: “The only realistic outcome of this action was that the horses would be moved before any seizure could take place. Therefore, we do not feel there was ever a serious intention to rescue these horses, but rather to get them moved so that the problem would go away. Also, we were not allowed to take the remaining horses that had been moved to the nearby field because the legal notice only told the owners to move the horses out of the shack.” For more information on the EHCRC please visit www.easyhorsecare.net.

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5-11 March 2010




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5-11 March 2010

Sabotage causes charity walk chaos by Louise Clarke THE CHARITY Challenge Walk last weekend around the La Pedrera Lake near Torremendo was a challenge alright; especially as some kind hearted soul removed some of the essential markers that the walkers were using to guide them along the routes. Over 400 people took part in the event, many of whom were walkers of either the 10 km route or the 5 km route. Forty three intrepid walkers took part in the 20 km walk and 12 really hardy walkers, including yours truly, managed more than 25 km thanks to the kind hearted saboteur, who sent us along the wrong route. Fortunately, I was part of the Vamos Nordic Walking team, expertly led by experienced expedition leader Lee Barry and she managed to get us all back to the Casa Pedrera in one piece; albeit absolutely shattered!

RTN’s website ranks high

Happy Vamos Nordic Walking team

Thank God we had those poles! After walking for nearly six hours, the expletives coming out of my mouth would have made Bernard Manning blush! Let’s just hope that it shows when I get on the scales this weekend! FEEDBACK

Disappointingly, there were no representatives from either charity to greet us on our return and the organisers were also sadly absent, despite knowing that we were on our way; and we are still waiting for our well deserved certificates, which we hope will be amended to state the actual distance

that we all walked! Having said that, the Vamos team raised nearly 500 euros for the charities and it appears that the whole event was a great success as far as money raised and participation is concerned. This was the first charity challenge walk and the organisers plan to make it an annual RTN’S event. During those last website seven kilometres, when is streets the only thing holding ahead of the us up was our Nordic competition walking poles, the Vamos team came up with lots by Jack Troughton of great ideas on how RTN’S POPULAR website roundtownnews. to improve the event, so co.uk is one of the busiest in the world maybe they will contact according to the independent Alexa ranking us to offer feedback when system which monitors internet traffic. organising next year’s event! Numbers of visitors to the website have soared over the past three months by a massive 37 percent – taking it to just outside the top 200,000 visited websites around the globe. There were more than 207 million existing sites recorded in a February 2010 worldwide survey and RTN’s current World Alexa Ranking is 203,619 – and it also stands at 5,417 in the table of Spanishbased websites. The lower the Alexa ranking, the more a site has been visited

– so currently, for example Google enjoys its position at number one, while Facebook lies second in the world league table. And the highly accurate system proves RTN leaves the competition in the shade – Euro Weekly News has an Alexa world ranking of 306,744; Costa Blanca News, 572,290; and The Coastrider 1,322,589. Geoff Gartland, RTN’s managing director said he was delighted to learn of the website’s success. “These truly independent statistics show people appreciate the hard work and professionalism that goes into the newspaper every week and brings them all the best news and features wherever they are in the world.”

Ralph and Debbie run for the horses

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By Louise Clarke RALPH AND Debbie Weedon, who are known throughout the Costa Blanca for their organisation of the AECC Breast Cancer walks, have been so moved by the plight of the horses from Benijofar; a story which has also been featured in RTN over the last few weeks, they have decided to run the Lisbon half marathon on 21st March to raise money for the Easy Horse Care Rescue Centre. Debbie told RTN: “We originally were going to Portugal for Ralph’s birthday but then found out that the 20th Lisbon half marathon was taking place at the same time, so we entered.” Ralph is a seasoned marathon runner having recently completed the Benidorm, Santa Pola and Torrevieja half marathons. Debbie has also run a lot of half marathons but not for a few years; finding the 10km distance more to her capabilities these days. However, Ralph is going to run the race with her to help her along. They hope to raise money via sponsorship, so if you would like to sponsor them, all the money will go to the EHCRC. Please contact Debbie on 630 771 296 or the charity on 965 967 033 for more information. If you would like to know more about the wonderful work they do go to the website www.easyhorsecare.net

Debbie and Ralph

La Pedrera charity walk I THINK the best word to start this week’s article is WOW! Who would have thought that more than four hundred people would turn up last Sunday, either to walk, run or cycle between five and twenty kilometers around the wonderful lake at Pedrera. I set off on Sunday morning to join the PCN helpers and had quite a bit of difficulty in finding the house where everybody was meeting. I wasn’t alone in getting lost. I found the lake but didn’t realise the house was up a very tiny rough track, where it would have been better if I’d have had a 4 wheel drive. The house was straight out of a design magazine, with stunning views, 2 swimming pools, barbecue and bar area and to complete the scene beautiful peacocks strutting about. I then remembered why I was there; it was not to sit and stare but to walk. I joined a team from the Jennifer Cunningham offices and off we all set. I was not only very concerned that I was not going to

be able to finish the walk, but the diabetes frightened me as well. I went prepared with coca cola, mars bars and loads of water. Anyway, it was great. The girls never stopped talking and laughing and time flew by, in fact I think we achieved 6 kms. The whole atmosphere was one of joy and some were very fit whilst others struggled a little bit like me. Fortunately Saphie from the Hotel Corazon and her friend Margarita were there to give foot and leg massages to help tired muscles. Luckily, I took advantage of this treatment and was able to get out of bed next day without too much stiffness or pain. Paul Cunningham Nurses shared the day with Help Association from Vega Baja and, thanks to both charities working well together and both sets of wonderful organizers giving their time tirelessly, it was a great success. No one will know for a while how much was raised, as those who did join in were all sponsored. I am, however, confident it will have been all worth while, plus

it was a lovely day. I am hoping we can have a pamper day for us ladies at the same venue, maybe in June. This will depend on the generosity of Jenni and Derek Ray owners of this beautiful venue, who both worked tirelessly for this charity challenge walk, one of their many tasks being to mark out the 65 Kms of the trails. PCN are very grateful for all their hard work, support, and hospitality. An extra bonus for me happened at the beginning of the walk. Avalon gave PCN charity a further cheque of two hundred euros, which was a good start to the day. A big thank you to them. Loads more functions are happening within the next couple of months. The first big event for the charity will be at the Hotel Corazon in Quesada on Saturday 27th March from 11.00am until late. A Fun Day for all the family with loads to do and see, barbecue, charity shop clothes, mini golf, beauty treatments and all whilst leaving the children in safe hands, so much

5-11 MARCH 2010


by Jennifer Cunningham

The Costas leading insurance consultant If you have a question please email her at: jennifer@jennifercunningham.net

choice for them to do. PCN will also be on hand to take your blood pressure and blood sugars and to meet you. TKO will be there with a live show. Then in the evening Max Bacon will be entertaining us, plus a special menu with a hot/ cold buffet in the lovely Tango restaurant. Tickets are 2 Euros for adults and 1 Euro for children. Full information and tickets will be available from the charity shop in Quesada or on the day. The charity shop in Quesada is still extremely busy and their takings are increasing every week, which is wonderful. Another thank you goes to all those who are giving their time to help in the shop, together with the people who bring such wonderful items for us to sell. Chris, the Manager of the shop, is looking for another venue close by to enable us to sell far more bric a brac and small furniture. The shop we have has already become too small, but will remain as solely a boutique. The donated clothes etc take up so much room

whilst sorting, ironing, and, pricing them that it is becoming a bit tight. We manage, but, it would be great to have bigger premises. How exciting is that, and to think when I signed the lease for the shop I was very, very nervous. I have also received a message from the Spanish lady who takes the bags of clothes, sheets and towels that are not quite good enough to sell. She broke down and said how grateful she was for everything, as her family had grown even more. What a job she does every day, sorting all the stuff she receives and taking it to families who have next to nothing. We are so lucky to live in the sun and, for many of us, life is not so bad. I appreciate times are tough at present and, hope that we are soon able get back to a little more of what we have became used to. Perhaps, this time, we will think hard before buying that new television or second home or car, kidding ourselves we cannot live without them.

Jennifer Cunningham y Asociados S.L. The Costas leading insurance consultant. If you have a question please email her at: jennifer@jennifercunningham.net


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5-11 March 2010

5-11 March 2010



The rivalry is good!

5-11 March 2010

by Jack Troughton WEEKLY CHALLENGES between the two members of Team North have sparked an intense but goodnatured rivalry on the golf course. Natasha ‘Nats’ Woodhams and Max Beard go head to head after their weekly lesson and the competition between them is keenly fought as they attempt to outdo each other on the putting green or chipping out of a bunker. Golf professional Noel Eastwell, who coaches the pair every Sunday morning at Javea Golf Club, said he believed the rivalry was a good thing and honed the competitive spirit of 14-year-old Nats and Max, 13. He said Max was now winning the ‘competition’ 4-2. “The rivalry is good and has grown more intense in the last week.” The youngsters and their counterparts in Team South, Sam Curtis and Charlie Little, won the RTN and Bay Radio competition to find dedicated players capable of making the top ranks of the game and a year’s tuition with Noel. CLASH

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The two teams meet again on March 18 after sharing the honours last month in a clash at Alicante Golf. Team North went four shots down at one stage but they clawed their way back. Noel said: “Their heads had dropped and so we gave them an absolute rollicking and they fought back to finish all square – the lesson is that it’s never over until it’s over.” He said he set a different challenge every week after lessons ended to prevent the sessions becoming boring. “It makes them have to think about things – it is never the same routine shot and they have to use their brains to see a shot and execute it. That’s what we are aiming for.

Noel coaching on the putting green

“We do work on their long game but it is the short game and the putting where they actually score – and they must score in and around the greens if they want to be good golfers.” PLAY

He said both members of Team North were learning quickly. “Their golf is coming on remarkably well, it is astounding really and the difference in their play in a few weeks is amazing.” Nats, fresh from a “confidence boosting” fourth place in

her first competition at Javea, said she was really enjoying the lessons. “But it is a little annoying that Max is beating me in the challenges!” She added: “Overall, I am having fun and learning loads – my whole game is improving.” Max said he had noticed a “vast Improvement” in his game. “I am really enjoying myself and it is good to be working with Nats – we are learning from each other’s mistakes. “Actually, I think the rivalry between us is even bigger than the one with Team South.”

Pilar trio play in golf competition

The Pilar trio who played at El Plantio Golf Course last weekend

IT IS not just RTN’s Golf Factor kids who have been enjoying the delights of the El Plantio Golf Course in Alicante. Last weekend, three youngsters from Pilar de la Horadada took part in the first ever Valencian Community under Tens Golf Competition which was organised by the Valencian Golf Federation. The children, Maite García Martínez, Alejandro Chacón Berenguer and Félix Martínez Hernández, who are all pupils of Pilar de la Horadada’s Golf School, all enjoyed playing at the course, which is located close to the airport at El Altet.

The local council wants to see less use of private cars Elche is facing up to climate change and launching a new campaign designed to get people to leave the car at home. Leaflets are to be distributed and there will be conferences held to explain the idea of the initiative.

It will start after Easter according to local councillor for transport, Antonio Amorós. He said that he wanted to see ‘a more rational use of private vehicles in the town’, and to promote public transport. The campaign will also give information on how to drive efficiently, checking type pressures regularly for example. Amorós said that cars were responsible for 10% of the CO2 emitted into the atmosphere and that a car which does 20,000 kms a year needs a forest the area of three football pitches to compensate.

5-11 March 2010

Birmingham, Bostrom, and a big wheel Watts In Britain By

Paul Watts

COULD IT really be the power of the press? Could we even notch it up as a victory to the RTN? Hmm, I don’t know but one thing I do know is this, the car park in Brunel Street is displaying information in English once again. Do you remember a couple of weeks back and our Watts in Britain about the Birmingham car park that gives German instructions? I believe a couple of the national papers covered it too. Well, I can now report that the signs are back in English again. I’ve seen for myself and I’ve had an email from someone in Birmingham City Council who let me know in no uncertain terms. Honestly, some people can be so touchy… Ho hum, shouldn’t mess with the English language should they? These apostrophe-banning philistines of Brum City Council (long famous for putting panoramas of Birmingham, Alabama instead of Birmingham, West Midlands in their colourful tourist brochures) are somewhat hypersensitive to any criticism and do not enjoy unwelcome press attention from the nationals or, dare I mention, a certain Costa Blanca weekly. Opps, did I mention it? Mind you, apostrophe banning councils apart, I made an English language gaff myself in that article of Feb 19 (“What’s new?” I can hear Squaddie Pete saying, down at The Brewer’s Arms) and dear old Charlie, who I work with at Gatwick, was quick to point it out. Charlie reg-

ularly reads these jottings and, rather like my English teacher Mrs Knock did back in 1966, gives me marks for each effort. He is a tough task-master and marked me a miserly B- for that article. I was marked down because of the line: “the chap from Birmingham exhorted to his wife”. Okay, okay I know it was wrong but hey listen I’d been up all that night and was clogged with caffeine. In mitigation, my longhand notes read ‘exclaimed’ rather than ‘exhorted’ so, obviously, I’d typed it wrong… hadn’t I? Honest guv. Anyway, all this digression is wasting time. Meanwhile, back in Birmingham I have now discovered that the language slippage at Brunel Street car park is not the first time that Birmingham residents have experienced a more, shall we say, continental flavour to their city. To start with the street name Brunel comes from the French, so perhaps Birmingham is vying to be not only the heart of England but the heart of Europe too. And when the city elders decided they must have something to rival the London Eye, it was to France they looked for a bargain. There on la ebay they found the Birmingham Eye. It is a 60 foot high wheel, believed to be the largest transportable wheel in the world, and was previously located close to the Champs-Elysee in Paris. It has 42 six seater gondolas around its circumference. Now this is the good part -

back in 2003 the first Brummies taking trips on the giant wheel were treated to a lesson in French. Well, Franglais actually because the dialogue broadcast to the passengers was in English but spoken with a French accent. But listen to this folks because it’s a real hoot; the commentary inside each carousel gave a guide to the main attractions of… go on have a guess where; Birmingham? No sorry, wrong. It gave a guide to the sights of Paris, of course, where it had previously been erected. Can you picture it then, the voice-over vividly describing Paris’s attractions such as the Eiffel Tower and River Seine, while panoramic views of Brum slip by? An episode of ‘Allo Allo’- or what? I can see our couple from Brunel Street car park sitting comfortably on board waiting for the narration to begin. “Bonjour mes enfants, if you lookoutta ze window on ze left you can see ze Eiffel Tower…” Our man scratches his head, and says: “Oh er, bub, what’s going on? I can see the Aston Villa ground but I can’t see any Eiffel Tower. What’s he going on about?” His wife comforts him and replies, “Aw, don’t worry love it’s probably the same European ruling like in the car park.” He smiles, “oh ar, bub I suppose you are right.” She pats his hand, “just sit back and don’t fuss. We don’t want you ‘exhorting’ to me again.” I really wish I could have enjoyed the surreal experience of that Franglais presentation.

To the council’s geographically challenged publicity department that voice-over must’ve seemed like a masterstroke. Alas, the new commentary is a most pedestrian affair voiced by a Heart FM disc jockey. If you take my advice you’ll take an MP3 player with you. Come to think of it the aforementioned Allo Allo might provide a better narration. Can you picture the Seine, sorry scene, with Arthur Bostrom as the witless Officer Crabtree conducting the proceedings? “Good moaning, every biddy,” dits Crabtree, “Welcome on beard my little rude.” Cut to: Gordon Kaye raising his eyes and fiddling with his pinafore. Crabtree continues, “If you lick out of the loft wondoo, you’ll see we’re pissing the Boomingham art gallery. In it hangs the puncture of the fallen Madonna with the bog bibbies…” “I’d like to puncture ’im,” moans Rene. Cut to: two allied airman dropping from the wheel and scurrying away, while Michelle adjusts her moustache. Roll end credits. If you do go on the Birmingham Eye you could visit a website that contains an alternative commentary. It’s a laugh and until I can convince Vince Tracey to join me on the Eye to record a new one it’s the one I’d recommend you to download. (www.birminghamitsnotshit. co.uk/2009/11/birminghameye-— download-our-commentary.html) Watts in Boomingham, enjoying a rude on the wheel




5-11 MARCH 2010


Marc White & Carlos Baos

English & Spanish Solicitors

Cyber crime How to protect yourself

MOST COMPUTER users are aware of the damage caused if their machine becomes infected with a virus. Your system will slow down and possibly crash, data will be lost and you might infect your friends’ computers if you send them emails. Not everyone is aware however that a network of virus-infected computers can cause far more damage, and potentially cost you a great deal of money. The Guardia Civil revealed that they have recently arrested three men responsible for one of the world’s biggest networks of virus-infected computers. All are Spanish citizens with limited hacking skills and no criminal records. It has been estimated that the so-called ‘Mariposa botnet’ was made up of nearly 13 million computers across 190 countries. The virus has been detected on the computers of hundreds of major banks and financial institutions. The network of computers was set

up with the aim of stealing sensitive information such as usernames, passwords, banking credentials and credit card data from social media sites and other online e-mail services. It is important to protect yourself and your business from these risks by doing the following: - install and regularly update anti-virus software on your computer; - do not open emails or attachments from unknown senders; - avoid releasing your password or other personal details to third parties. Banks do not send emails asking you to re-confirm your details;

- keep a saved copy of your computer’s hard drive away from your home or place of business; - have a look at the site www.identitytheft.org.uk for more useful tips. The purpose of the Mariposa botnet was to make money by renting out parts of the infected computers to other cyber-criminals as well as selling stolen credentials and using banking and credit card information to make transactions via so-called money mules. If your computer is infected, you will find that a hacker in a bedroom thousands of miles away will be able to detect your email and banking

passwords, and then clear your bank accounts or make purchases on your behalf for goods you will not receive. The damage to a business can be even greater. I am sure that many people are aware of the risks, but do you have a powerful anti-virus system installed and do you keep a copy of your hard drive? I hope the above is useful although it is no substitute for detailed professional advice. Please feel free to give either myself or Carlos Baos a call on 966-426-185, or send an email to info@white-baos.com if you wish to discuss this or any other issue.

Marc White LL.B. & Carlos Baos (English & Spanish Solicitors) C/Diana 19, 2º-D, 03700 Dénia (located close to the Glorieta Square at the end of Marques de Campo). © White & Baos Abogados 2008 - Tel: 966 426 185. All rights reserved. Send your questions to thespanishlawyer@roundtownnews.com or info@white-baos.com

More than 37,000 lose their construction jobs in Alicante

The recession has seen 6,420 builders go out of business in the province of Alicante, resulting in 37,840 losing their jobs over the past three years. President of the Alicante Construction Federation, FECIA, Ramón Jerez, told Información newspaper that he applauded the Government’s plans announced this week to give tax breaks on house improvements. He said that work could prove a life-line for those builders still in business.

More foreigners finding work THE SOCIAL Security system has registered an increase in the average number of foreign contributors, indicating that more foreigners are finding work. The number of payments made by nonSpaniards increased to 1,817,985, which is 11,112 more contributors in February than the previous month. Overall, there were an average total of 17,572,351 contributors in February, which is an increase of 26,340 on the previous month. The year-on-year rate stands at -2.98 percent, or 540,259 fewer contributors, representing a significant moderation in declining contributor numbers compared with the same month of 2009, when the contribution rate fell by -5.92 percent and the system lost a total of 1,139,514 contributors. The Secretary of State for Social Security, Octavio Granado said: “In summary, we are looking at good data, data indicating that the

Secretary of State for Social Security, Octavio Granado

worst is over, data that opens the way to what will be very different behaviour for Social Security contributions in 2010 than in 2009, data that encourages a certain optimism, along with which all the rising economic indicators show that the behaviour of the Spanish economy is going to improve”.

5-11 March 2010



5-11 FEBRUARY 5-11 MARCH 2010 2010


The ‘Eviction Express’ has now arrived by

Michael Olmer

Solicitor, Link Point Legal and Business Services

With exquisite irony on 24th December 2009, as the Christian part of the World was commemorating one family’s search for shelter from the ‘bleak mid-winter’, the law to promote rental property, known popularly as the ‘express eviction’ law (law 19/2009) came into force here in Spain. The new rules apply to both urban and rustic property, and to residential and commercial tenancies of any length. They operate by amending previous legislation to streamline the eviction process, and hopefully stimulate the market for rental property and make at least some of the 3,000,000 empty rental properties available for rent by making it easier for Landlords to get rid of bad Tenants. The new law also gives new rights to property owners who want to recover possession of property for their own use or to provide a permanent home for their parents, children, or for their ex-wife or exhusband following a divorce or separation. A Landlord can apply for eviction on the grounds of only one month’s arrears of rent. The first stage in the process (which although not obligatory is

recommended) is the sending of a ‘burofax’ to the defaulting Tenant demanding payment of the arrears of rent within 7 days. This should contain a full statement of how the due arrears have accrued. This is particularly important where the Tenant has made occasional payments while the arrears have been building up. If the Tenant does not pay the full amount, or agree a payment plan acceptable to the Landlord, the next step is to issue a Court Summons to evict the Tenant and recover the money due. THE PROCEEDINGS MUST BE SUPPORTED BY THE FOLLOWING DOCUMENTS, ALL IN SPANISH: • A copy of the rental contract • A copy of the Landlord’s ‘escritura’ to prove that they are in fact the owner of the property • A written statement of the amount of rent owed together with the amount of any outstanding bills for electricity, water, etc • Copies of all previous written demands for the money owed The Court Summons is then delivered

Application of eviction can be made after one month’s arrears

to the Tenant. Crucially, the Tenant does not have to accept service of the Summons in person; it need only be delivered to the property. Once the proceedings have been sent to the Tenant, the Tenant then has 20 days in which he has his one and only chance to either pay up or formally come to terms with the Landlord. The Tenant can make an offer to pay the arrears through the Court which the Landlord may accept or reject. If the Landlord accepts the offer but the Tenant breaks the arrangement, the Landlord may apply to evict the Tenant without going back to Court. If the Landlord rejects the Tenant’s offer the Landlord can apply immediately to the Court to evict the Tenant. When the Court makes an order for eviction, it also fixes the date when it is to be executed by the police which is not less than 15 days after the date of the hearing. A defaulting Tenant will be faced not only with an Order for possession of his home

Link Point Legal and Business Services www.linkpointlegal.com - michaelolmer@linkpointlegal.com

but also for payment of the Landlord’s legal costs including Court fees and Lawyers’ and Procurators’ Fees. In addition, the Tenant will find that he has a judgment registered against him at the central registry of judgments in Madrid which will affect his ability to obtain credit and possibly rent other premises in the future. Special Courts are to be established to deal with the new ‘express evictions’ and other new express procedures being brought in to recover bad debts and it will be interesting to see whether the legal system will be able to cope with these new pressures. If you are thinking of renting out your property, whether for residential or commercial purposes, always have a written agreement professionally prepared in Spanish as well as your own language and check if your prospective Tenant is credit worthy before signing the rental contract and letting them into your property.


5-11 March 2010


Millie Munro: simply the best By Louise Clarke

MILLIE MUNRO officially opened her first office in the southern Costa Blanca this week and promised the same excellent service and products in her new Benijofar office as she provides at her Benitachell office. Millie offers the best possible advice available on the Costa Blanca for private health insurance and pre-paid funeral plans. And from her two offices, Millie and her staff bring a wealth of experience to her clients. The companies she has selected to work with are long-established field leaders with expert knowledge and outstanding reputations for integrity and client satisfaction. Her friendly members of staff are on hand to deal with any queries and Millie is always happy to be available to her clients, out-of-hours, for any emergencies. The Benijofar office opening was extremely successful on Tuesday with dozens of people visiting Millie and her team to discuss

health insurance, funeral plans and her range of services and a large majority of them signed up for products that very day. Millie was delighted with the attendance and told RTN: “It is always a worry, especially in a recession, to open a new office, but this amazing response has been so positive. It is enlightening that in these turbulent times a new business can open in a new area and show such positive signs.” Millie works closely with funeral plan experts Golden Leaves and health insurance professionals El Perpetuo Socorro to give her clients only the very best products and services. Millie said: “I must thank El Perpetuo Socorro from the bottom of my heart for all their support in helping me open up this new office. They have been tremendous and have provided office furniture and point of sale marketing for the new office.” As well as eight members of Millie’s team from Benitachell making the trip south

Millie (front row, centre) with her team

to the Benijofar office opening, Luis Cuenca and Robert van der Sander from El Perpetuo Socorro were also there to wish Millie all the best with her new office. Support Golden Leaves offers three types of funeral plans and as the company is backed by world leading repatriation experts Rowland Brothers International, which has been established since 1865, you can be assured that your final journey will be made the way that you want it in experienced hands. Since 1985 Golden Leaves have specialised in plans specifically

for the expat community and it is essential to have something in place should the worst happen, especially in a foreign country with a foreign language. As the old saying goes, it is better to be safe than sorry. As for El Perpetuo Socorro, Millie has been working closely with them since 2003. She said: “They are such a user friendly healthcare company and you can trust them.” Millie prides herself on her excellent customer service and admits to fighting ‘tooth and nail’ for her clients and this is reciprocated by El Perpetuo Socorro who in turn support and help her. Millie has recently

expanded her range of services and is now able to offer home, contents, travel, marine and car insurances as well as healthcare insurance. Liaising between the companies and the clients and helping every step of the way means that Millie Munro and her staff can offer you complete peace of mind. The new office in Benijofar is shared with the Sol Vista Estate Agents, is run by Malcolm Soll and can be found at: Avenida Federico Garcia Lorca 14, Benijofar, 03178, Alicante. Telephone/Fax: 966 716 626 Mob: 670 763 248, visit www.milliemunro.com or e-mail: Malcolm@milliemunro.com

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5-11 MARCH 2010

Spain’s sales cycle demands a slower approach by

Karla Darocas

Information Technology & Communications

RECENTLY, I met with two business advisors who shared with me their collective years of experience with conducting business throughout Europe. The one point that both mentors shared was their experience with the Spanish sales cycle and its specialised slant. Jerry Lewis, not the famous comedian, but a famous wheeler and dealer in the business world, now retired on the Costa Blanca was quick to point out that his experiences with the Spanish people and their buyer trends were completely different to the British, American and Canadian buying strategies. “The sales cycle in Spain takes longer,” admits Mr. Lewis. “The Spanish in general are not driven by price performance. Their purchases are based

on personal relationships and loyalty. Once they decide to buy from you, price will not play a role. Even if the item costs more to buy from you than another merchant, a Spanish buyer will stick with you for life.” That being said, Mr. Lewis did clarify that this trend is slowly changing with the bigger supermarkets and department stores like El Corte Inglés. “We are seeing more 2 for 1 and discount offers in the bigger shopping outlets and this will eventually alter Spanish buying trends. Also the younger Spanish consumer will tend to have less traditional buying loyalty than their parents. However, this buying change process will take a few years to fully mature as will the purchase point change from the local stores to the new

El Corte Inglés is slowly changing

shopping malls, mostly frequented by the youth market.” This is an interesting trend also noted by American-born business mentor Alan Blank, also retired to the Costa Blanca. He adds to the discussion by pointing out that the average Spanish worker “is paid lower than other European workers and yet is willing to work long hours.” He also commented on the Spanish trend to buy from “boutique” businesses and shy away from “warehouse or outlet” type shopping, again sighting the need for a “personal relationship with the vendor” as being very important. Mr. Blank agreed that this trend was changing in the larger cities.

Mr. Blank explained that, “the average Spanish buyer who wishes to bring you and your product or service into their circle, feels personally responsible for your performance. It reflects on them and therefore they want to know and understand you before they risk themselves.” Mr. Lewis and Mr. Blank are both business advisors in the Costa Blanca Business Incubator, a regional project aimed at helping business students formulate effective business plans. If you are a retired business person and wish to volunteer your time as an advisor, please contact me – Karla Darocas – info@darocas.com

Karla Darocas * Business Communications Software Training & Computer Repairs *Helping You to Help Yourself 965 973 234

Unemployment still rising

Burberry slashes 300 jobs

FEBRUARY’S FIGURES show that unemployment in Spain is still on the increase, up 82,132, bringing the total to 4,130,625 according to the Ministry of Employment and Immigration. The largest increase in the number of people claiming dole was in Andalusia (14,782) and then the Valencian province (13,422). The General secretary for Employment, Maravillas Rojo, has stated that levels are not rising as rapidly as the same time last year, and that there has been a 1.1 percent increase in the number of new work contracts issued.

Burberry revenue has dropped by 37%

THE BARCELONA plant of the UK textile company Burberry is to close, leaving around 300 people unemployed. The closure is due to a lack of demand from Spanish consumers – revenue dropped 24 percent from 2008 to 2009 and 37 percent in the first six months of the current financial year. The Barcelona factory produced garments purely for the Spanish market and has felt the brunt of the downturn.

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5-11 MARCH 2010


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Euro/Sterling Weekly Market Update brought to you by .uk

& Another week of punishment for Sterling

Upward revision to fourth quarter economic data does sterling no favours. Germany and France consider a bailout for Greece but there are no details yet. A two-day honeymoon took sterling from €1.1350 to almost €1.1450 before it set off south... Robert Stheeman, the chap responsible for issuing UK government bonds, managed an upbeat tone when he addressed a conference in London. He said that ‘politicians of all colours are taking the [public sector debt] situation very seriously indeed. Mr Stheeman also suggested that a hung parliament might be ‘less disruptive’ than assumed. Unfortunately the market did not share his optimism and sterling spend most of the week on the slide... The rot started, as it so often does these days, with cautious words from Bank of England Governor Mervyn King to parliament’s Treasury Committee. He did not go out of his way to talk sterling lower but, by refusing to rule out the possibility of further quantitative easing, made it sound as though the Bank’s printing press is ticking over and ready for more action. The governor’s comments coincided with news that mortgage approvals had dropped sharply in January with the end of the stamp duty holiday...

Sterling spent the rest of the week rolling from one punch after another as investors lightened their holdings... Investors did not just ignore one part of the euro zone economic story, they ignored the lot. Industrial new orders grew in December, confidence figures from Brussels had little to say; consumer and economic confidence were very slightly softer while industrial confidence edged higher. Euroland inflation was roughly in line with expectations... Greece was again the main story for the euro. Even though no solid plans emerged last week, stories at the weekend suggested the emergence of a workable solution that would see the better-heeled euro zone members buying Greek government bonds... The six weeks that sterling spent between €1.13 and €1.16 have been consigned to history With opinion polls closing the gap between Labour and Conservative to almost nothing investors fear that even after the general election Britain’s government will be paralysed by indecision, unable or unwilling to tackle the budget gap...

To read the full report click on Currency Guidance at www.moneycorp.com/roundtownnews


5-11 March 2010

Haiti fundraisers LAST WEEKENDS Haiti fundraiser at the Duques de Palma pavilion in Pilar de la Horadada attracted more than 1000 people. The event, organised by the Town Hall for to help those whose lives have been destroyed by the January earthquake, raised 2730 euros and that money, along with 6000 euros already donated, has been sent to the charity Doctors Without Frontiers to help them with all the good work that they are carrying out over in the devastated Caribbean country.

Torrevieja is still for Haiti

ONE OF the stimulating things about this campaign to raise funds for Haiti sufferers is that so many volunteers of charitable organisations have involved themselves in raising funds for this devastated country. Obviously the volunteers all require more funds for their own causes, but the solidarity has been tremendous, with the Alzheimer’s Association organising several events in Torrevieja alongside Manos Unidas, Caritas, or APANEE. The staff of Salud 22, the health area covered by Torrevieja Hospital and the offices and clinics in the surrounding towns that come under this department were generous by raising 5,560 euros put into cow shaped collection boxes. Mothering Sunday falls on 14th March this

Charities benefit from fishermen

year and in the plaza de la Constitution in Torrevieja there is a full programme of bands, international artistes, South American musicians and cancers, Russian musicians and the massed band of tambours and cornets providing a background to an outdoor market featuring food from various countries. If you are going shopping on 20th March in the Habaneras Shopping centre from 12.00 – 14.00 you can stop and listen to the Vega Baja Big Band performing popular music and drop a donation in the bucket for Haiti. Well-known singer Tony Kelly takes over the stage at the same venue from 17.00 – 18.30 who will be followed by the Keith Monk Band. All these people are giving their time and talent freely so that you can enjoy yourselves and at the same time put your drop of help into the buckets provided by some gorgeous gals. Kids of all ages have a treat in store on 21st March with two showings, one at 11.000 and the afternoon one at 18.00 in the Torrevieja Municipal Theatre with a variety of great characters performing in song and dance from Walt Disney’s Mickey Mouse to Marvel Comics heroes Batman and Superman. A treat for all ages and Lola Canales, the councillor of welfare in Torrevieja has

DESPITE RUMOURS of disbandment, which have recently been circulating, Carp-R-Us; is a thriving Sports and Social Club and is very much ‘alive and kicking’. Club members are, as always, keen to support local charities and every year, charities are nominated, and those chosen by Club members are supported throughout that year. Money is

The dancers who took part in last week’s Haiti Fundraiser at Duques de Palma

been delighted with the response form the foreign community. Incidentally her department in conjunction with Caritas has a food kitchen that in January gave out over 2,000 meals to some of the many people who are really struggling.

Local Lions raise 10,000€ for Haiti AT THE quarterly zone meeting of local Lions Clubs, held in Los Alcazares and attended by representatives from Torrevieja Costa Lions, Torrevieja Suomi Lions and Mazzaron Bahia Lions, it was announced that the aggregate sum of the fund raising efforts of the three Clubs had raised in excess of 10,000.00 euros, around 14,000.00 US Dollars.

raised through different activities, and distributed at the end of the Club year. In 2009, APAH and SAT; two local Animal Rescue Charities, and DEBRA (the Butterfly Children), were CarpR-Us’ chosen charities. Fundraising events during the year included a Sponsored Fishing Match and two ‘Crazy Golf Days’ at a venue in Quesada, which proved to be very popular. Carp-R-Us’ bank, Cajamurcia, also chose, through the Club, to make a separate donation of 300 euros to DEBRA.

This money has been forwarded to the Lions Club International Appeal and is already having a beneficial effect on the people of Haiti. It is anticipated that the work of the Lions in Haiti will continue for years to come and Lions Club International are commited to providing support for as long as it takes to return the people of Haiti to some form of normality. The three Clubs in our Zone are extremely grateful for the public support to date and Torrevieja Costa Lions would specifically like to thank the pupils and staff of El Limonar Schools in Villa Martin and Murcia for their combined donation of 3,200.00 Euros, a fabulous effort.

At the end of the Club year, a total of 1,625 euros was divided between the three Charities and representatives of each one were delighted to be invited to the Carp-R-Us Club Meeting, held on Sunday 21st February at the bar El Alto la Dolores, off the N332, to accept their cheques. Carp-R-Us welcomes any enquiries from people interested in joining, and information on the Club can be found on its web site, www.carprus.net or by contacting Colin Brinkley, the Club’s New Members Secretary on telephone number 966 712 351, e-mail rojales1@gmail.com.

Waste problems answered For homes that are not near to a planned sewage mains system, they will require new EU regulation septic tanks. GEOSA is a company from San Isidro that was founded in 1998. The family run firm specialises in technical equipment for waste management and disposal and offers serious commitment and experience to those who use their services as well as competitive prices. Next Friday, 12th March, there will be a presentation of the new GRAF water treatment system and other septic tank products at the “Salon de la Comunidad de Regantes Catral” in the town centre. The meeting starts at 11:00 and will be extremely informative for those affected homeowners. Quality Service The massive uncontrolled construction on rural land, which has resulted in the hundreds of illegal homes, is being regulated and legalised, slowly. Instructions on how the new regulations are to be implemented are now being made by

European officials in Brussels and as a result, all homes not connected into a mains sewer must have a private septic tank, which adheres to the regulations and is nearby to treat the different kinds of residual water produced by the house. GEOSA, which has both the ISO 9001 and the ISO 14001 quality service certificates, will present the GRAF water treatment system and other septic tank products at next Friday’s meeting and will have representatives on hand to advise homeowners on the best product for them. The Picobell System is one of the products that GEOSA offers. It is simple, compact and easy to assemble and is guaranteed to be long lasting and have the minimal maintenance requirements. And the best part is that the water treated by this septic tank can be used for flower and plant watering if the installations are adjusted for this purpose. For more information contact GEOSA Depuradoras on 965 487 266, email: depuradoras@geosa.es or visit their website at www.geosa.es

5-11 March 2010




15-21MARCH JANUARY 2010 5-11 2010


Michael Lord BPharm(hons) MRPharmS UK Pharmacist with 20 years experience

Vascular risk

IN ENGLAND alone, over 450 deaths every day are attributed to vascular disease including coronary heart disease; stroke; diabetes and kidney disease. It is also the single largest cause of long term ill health and disability. There are many factors that influence the likelihood of an individual developing vascular disease and whilst some are fixed and cannot be altered, others are modifiable. Cardiovascular disease (CVD) risk increases with age. It is higher in men than women. It is higher in some ethnic groups (such as those of South-Asian origin). It is also increased in those individuals that have a family history of EARLY CVD, defined as having a father or brother developing CVD under 55-years-old or a mother or sister developing it under 65. There is nothing an individual can do to alter these risk factors, however, there are others that can be altered to improve health and reduce risk significantly. • Smoking: One of the most important risk factors in coronary heart disease

(CHD). It is estimated that smoking is responsible for 1 in 5 of all deaths from CHD. The most widely used tool for calculating vascular risk considers an ex-smoker as a NON smoker after only 5 years of abstinence. • Blood pressure (BP): CVD risk increases as BP increases and an individual will be classed as at HIGH risk if their BP is 160/100 mmHg or more even if ALL other risk factors are normal. A 12/6 mmHg reduction in BP reduces the risk of stroke by 40% and CHD by 20%. • Cholesterol (CHL): Can be expressed as total CHL or split into low or high density lipoprotein (LDL or HDL): the former is regarded as ‘BAD’ and the latter as ‘GOOD’ cholesterol. Whilst reducing total CHL is often the goal in treatment, actually improving the GOOD to BAD cholesterol balance is more important. • Physical activity: Current guidelines recommend a minimum 30 minutes of moderate exercise FIVE times a week: only about a third of men and women actually achieve this at present. • Obesity and body fat: The risk of CVD

increases with increasing body weight. However, the distribution of body fat is also important. Being overweight and abdominally obese (a waist measurement of over 102cm in men or 88cm in women) not only increases the risk of CVD further, but also significantly increases an individual’s chances of developing diabetes. Calculating your BMI can indicate whether your weight is healthy: BMI = weight (kg) / height (m) x height (m) e.g. a person of 70kg and 1.70m high, BMI = 70 / 1.70 x 1.70 = 24.2 (desirable range 18.5 – 24.9) • Alcohol: Generally above 3 units a day increases CV risk, whereas binge drinking is associated with increased risk of sudden death and stroke. The cardioprotective effects of red wine had been reported, but are valid for moderate drinking only. To calculate your vascular risk and for more information, go to www.Qintervention.org

HOW TO REDUCE YOUR RISK: • Stop smoking • Reduce weight

• Regain control of blood pressure • Lower cholesterol • Improve diet: increase fruit, vegetables and oily fish: reduce saturated, trans and hydrogenated fats and salt • Exercise more • Drink alcohol sensibly Next time: STATINS – Over 26 BILLION US dollars spent on Statins in 2008: why?

Michael Lord BPharm(hons) MRPharmS- UK Pharmacist with 20 years experience- Now at Health & Beauty Abroad, Flamenca Beach Commercial Centre, Orihuela Costa. Tel: 96 532 5116 - www. HealthandBeautyAbroad.com

5-11 MARCH 2010


Introducing…The Karen Phillips Beauty Clinic By Louise Clarke IT TAKES a brave person to open a brand new business in the middle of a recession, but when you have the qualifications, experience and expertise that Karen Phillips has, you know that she and her new beauty clinic will be absolutely fine! Situated in Pueblo Bravo in Quesada, opposite the Budapest Restaurant, the Karen Phillips Beauty Clinic officially opens on Monday March 8th at 16:00. With a vast array of beauty and holistic treatments available including; Hopi ear candles, manicures, pedicures and facial treatments, the clinic is the place to go to perk you up and make you look and feel fabulous. With toning tables, detox foot spas and a power plate, you can also get in shape at the clinic. Karen went into the beauty industry at just 17 years of age and did all her training at the renowned Delia Collins School of Beauty Therapy in Knightsbridge in London. Having qualified with distinctions; proof of which adorns the walls of her stunning clinic, Karen was then asked to join the staff at Delia’s Institute in Beauchamp Place, also in Knightsbridge. CHAMPION She worked in London for three years and decided to return to her home county of Worcestershire and start her own business. She opened the very first Karen Phillips Beauty Clinic in Droitwich and built it up into the biggest and most successful salon in the area. It was while she was running that clinic that she discovered Shapemaster Toning Tables and she opened the very first Shapers Toning Salon in the county; which eventually merged into the clinic.

Although highly qualified in all areas of beauty therapy, acrylic nails soon became very fashionable and so Karen enrolled on an acrylic nail course and after a few months, became quite an expert. So much so she was persuaded to enter into the National Nail Competition in 1996 and much to her surprise, although not to her colleagues and customers, she won. She then entered the following year and became back to back champion! Sadly, two prolapsed discs in her back put paid to any more competitions and due to the severe pain, she was forced to give up her beloved clinics. She had major surgery and after six months recuperation she decided that life in Spain, with a warmer climate and a slower pace of life, is just what the doctor ordered. POTENTIAL Karen soon became aware that there was a distinct lack of quality beauty salons like the ones that she had previously owned. She told RTN: “Client care and a relaxing comfortable atmosphere are paramount in any salon, but this is something that is so often overlooked.” Karen moved to Quesada and came across the Palms Toning Salon in Pueblo Bravo in February and immediately fell in love with the place. She said: “I could see the potential immediately and so decided to come out of retirement and within one month I had bought the premises.” After a few minor adjustments, she is now ready to open this coming Monday, March 8th and would like to invite all RTN’s readers to go along and visit the salon, which offers a full range of beauty treatments along with toning tables and the amazing Crazy Fit Vibration Plate, which is a great toning device; ten minutes on the plate is the equivalent to one hour in the gym! Alongside Karen at the clinic is

Martin Glover, a hypnotherapist who will be there one day a week and who specialises in stopping smoking, weight loss and getting rid of phobias. Karen also welcomes to the clinic a very special lady and good friend, Jayne Lavelle. Jayne has helped Karen enormously with her new venture and is an expert psychic medium and spiritual healer and is very well know in the Quesada area. Why not come along to the grand opening on Monday evening and meet all three experts and find out more about the Karen Phillips Beauty Clinic? There will be a champagne buffet, free gifts for everyone and huge discounts of many treatments booked on the day. It’s party time! For more information please call Karen on 676 882 045.

The beautifully appointed clinic

5-11 March 2010


Essential Spanish

Spanish lessons by

Jane Cronin

A weekly ‘cut out and keep’ feature helping you to learn basic Spanish for everyday needs

Lesson 97

Este fin de semana ha sido muy especial porque el viernes fue el cumpleaños de mi madre. Cumplió noventa años y toda la familia ha venido a España para celebrarlo. No somos una familia muy grande pero vivimos en muchas partes del mundo. Mis hermanos viven en Inglaterra, pero tengo sobrinos en Ecuador, Perú y Mallorca. Decidimos celebrar el cumpleaños aquí porque es el sitio más cómodo para reunir a toda la familia por un fin de semana. Mi madre se ha quedado en mi casa, pero el resto de la familia ha estado en el mismo hotel. Menos mal que el tiempo nos ha acompañado y todos han podido disfrutar del sol. Hemos pasado mucho tiempo tomando algo en la terraza del hotel y charlando juntos. La gran celebración fue el sábado por la tarde en un restaurante australiano. La cena fue estupenda, con mucha comida exquisita y muy buen servicio. Prepararon una tarta de cumpleaños en forma de bumerán que era muy graciosa. Mi madre estaba muy emocionada al recibir todos los regalos y aplausos de toda la familia. Después de la cena los miembros más jóvenes de la familia salieron a las discotecas para bailar, mientras los mayores nos caímos en nuestras camas agotados. Ahora estamos preparando el cumpleaños de los 100 años.

Torrevieja Costa Lions club charter night LION PRESIDENT Diane Walsh is delighted to announce the 5th Anniversary of the Torrevieja Costa Lions Club Charter and invites everyone who has had association with the Lions either past or present to join the celebrations. Charter Night this year is being held in The Real Golf Hotel on the Campoamor Golf Resort on Saturday 20th March 2010.

This weekend has been very special because Friday was my mother’s birthday. She was ninety years old and all the family has come to Spain to celebrate it. We are not a very big family but we live in many parts of the world. My brother and sister live in England, but I have nieces and nephews, my mother’s grandchildren, in Ecuador, Peru and Mallorca. We decided to celebrate the birthday here as it is the most convenient place to bring all the family together for a weekend. My mother has been staying in my house, but the rest of the family has been in the same hotel. It’s just as well that the weather has been kind to us and everyone has been able to enjoy the sunshine. We have spent a lot of time having drinks on the hotel terrace and chatting together. The big celebration was Saturday evening in an Australian restaurant. The supper was terrific with a lot of delicious food and excellent service. They made a birthday cake in the shape of a boomerang which was good fun. My mother was quite emotional when she had all the presents and applause from all the family. After the dinner the younger members of the family went out to dance in the discotheques, whilst the older members fell into our beds exhausted. Now we are preparing the hundredth birthday party.

The evening commences at 19.30 with a Cava and Canapes reception. Following the reception, guests will be provided with a delicious three course dinner, with wine; local beers and water included. The price of tickets for this evening of celebration has been kept down to an inflation beating €35.00 per person, representing wonderful value for an evening in such pleasant surroundings. Tickets are now available from any Torrevieja Costa Lions member or by contacting Lions Treasurer Janette Bennett on 966 731 495 or janbee2007@hotmail.co.uk

New charity shop opens MABS, the cancer support group Mazarron is proud to announce the opening of their charity shop in Totana Square (in front of the Church) on Wednesday 10th March, from 10:00 until 14:00. If you or someone you know would like some confidential help or support call our Helpline number:620 422 410. For General Enquiries telephone 620 582 418 11am to 4pm Monday to Friday. Email: mazmabs@hotmail.com Web: www.mabsmazarron.com - www.mabscancersupport.org

Airport parking the plane, simple and easy way! by Louise Clarke AT PLANE Parking, they aim to make parking and retrieving your vehicle at Murcia Airport as simple and as easy as possible. Having been recent flyers into Murcia’s San Javier Airport for many years, Nick, Terry and Marianne who run the company, became very aware of the lack of parking facilities, both short and long term. As we all know, it is an expensive business having to get taxis to and from airports and friends are not always on hand to drop you off and pick you up when you need them to. And with the Guardia Civil trying to stop the influx of illegal taxis in the area; the options for a cheap and easy way of getting to and from the airport are relatively slim. So, that is where Plane Parking comes in… Safe and Sound Based just two minutes from the San Javier Airport, Plane Parking offers long and short term parking. You go to them, drop your car off and get a lift to the airport, safe in the knowledge that you know exactly where it is and that it is safe and secure in a fully alarmed site with CCTV. They offer a parking facility 24 hours a day, seven days a week for 52 weeks a year and it is manned during all that time. The company is fully legal and insured. They record the mileage of the car and inspect the car before, during and after its stay; so that you know

that the car has been kept safe and sound and not used to joy ride around the local urbanisations! And all their members of staff are mature and responsible; there are no boy racers at Plane Parking! Unlimited Transfers Also with Plane Parking, they not only keep you car safe whilst you are on a holiday, they can even arrange servicing, an ITV check, essential and non essential repairs and they have all the equipment to get your car started if there is a problem, also mechanics on call. They will also clean it inside and out so that it looks like new when you come back to Spain and collect it. Their business is based on a high level of customer service. They can drop you off right outside departures and then be outside arrivals waiting for you in your car as you walk out of the airport. If you are regularly in and out of the country, Plane Parking’s annual contract offers unlimited transfers; unlike most other companies, who only offer five transfers in and five transfers out and then you have to pay for more. They even offer an Alicante airport service, for a small fee, for all their annual clients who sometimes have to fly into or out of Alicante Airport. You can book your space at Plane Parking online at info@planeparking.es and also view on their website at www.planeparking.es all the great testimonials that they have from happy customers who, since they opened in August 2009, amount to over 3000! If you require any further information call 968 566 410 / 656 532 491: Español/Aleman Tel:656 532 490, 24hr Tel: 656 532 725, Airport Tel: 656 532 724.

5-11 March 2010


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5-11 March Feb 26 - March2010 4 2010

music scene Out n’ about with Elite Entertainment


Compiled by

Maria O’Hara

Elite Entertainment Tel: 610 076 204 or e-mail info@eliteentertainment.es

MAZING IS the only word that appropriately illustrates The Costa Blanca Line Dancing competition which took part last Monday the 22nd of February at the Lounge Bar in Torrevieja. Nearly 200 people help to set the scene for an explosive night of dance talent. 21 teams in total entered the competition spread over four categories of Beginner, Improver, Intermediate, and Advanced and were evaluated by four judges Debbie Ellis, Angie Evans, Gerry Fitton and Andy Hunter. The dancers were in groups from two to eight people and although the routines were complicated the dancers also managed to make them very entertaining. Charles Cole started the evening’s entertainment and also compared the event with great ease. The many awaiting dancers burnt off most of their precompetition nerves to a selection from Charles huge repertoire of line dancing classics. The winners of the categories were as follows: Beginner Category - Peter and Jenny Symes Improver Category - Michelle Copp, Victoria Stevens, Shirley Mills and Corry Calis Intermediate Category - Joyce Maddison, Hilde Peters, Clive Simms and John Daniels Advanced Category - Pat Heaslewood, Barbara Laing, Linda Lord and Margaret Taylor All winners were presented with a special certificate courtesy of The Lounge Bar. Many people are already asking when the next competition will take place. Watch this Space. If you are still free tomorrow night and you’re fan of all things 70’s then get yourself to the Club in Quesada for one of the dinner dance evenings. The 70’s show and the Abba Angels will be the evening’s entertainment certain to provide a memorable night for everyone. Tickets are just €10 including a two course meal or show only tickets are a mere €4. Call the Club now on 966 717 028. Also at the Club on the 10th of March, is the SAT´s Animal Charity night featuring Vibe FM DJ´S Brendan James, Ritchie Sparks and of course myself. Around 12 performers will all be giving their time for free,

making it a rare occasion to see the best in local talent performing together for just one night. Tickets are just €5 and can be purchased from SATS animal charity on 96 671 0047 by calling Elite Entertainment on 966 284 784 or again by contacting the Club directly. My entertainment tips for the coming week are as follows: Friday 5th March – The Rusty Nail, Campoverde Race Night with Mathew Curtis Friday 5th March – La Bodega, La Marina– PDQ Friday 5th March – Las Belgas, Gran Alacant Suzanne James Saturday 6th March – Inn on the Green, Entre Las Naranjos – JACK CLAYTON Saturday 6th March – The Club, Quesada – 70’S SHOW FEAT. ABBA ANGELS Saturday 6th March – La Taberna, Entre Las Naranjos, LUCINDA Saturday 6th March - Rusty Nail, Campoverde PAT MARTIN´S 80´S SHOW Monday 8th March - Abbey Tavern, Playa Flamenca ALAN WARDAN Monday 8th March – The Black Bull, El Chaparel WOODY Tuesday 9th March – Horacios, Playa Flamenca LUCINDA Wednesday 10th March – The Celtic Drop, Playa Flamenca – PLAN B Thursday 11th March – The Lounge Bar, Torrevieja PETE HULL For further information on Elite Entertainment and all our artists view our website at www.eliteentertainment.es Don’t forget to tune into my radio show this weekend, Saturday 12 till 3pm and Sunday 2pm till 5 pm on Vibe FM 108 and 91.1 fm. playing only the best music. Please support your local live entertainment venue, and if you are an entertainer out there that would like to be featured in the local entertainment profile section, then send us your biog and a photo and we will feature you in the coming weeks, so give us a call on 966284784 or 610076204 or e-mail us at yourshowtime@yahoo.co.uk

If there are any music venues or acts that wish to be featured in this column please contact Maria directly.

Access All Areas ‘ACCESS ALL Areas’ are a hot new international Boyband with members from Venezuela, Ireland and the UK. Mali, Lee, Antonio and Tom are sure to raise a few eyebrows in the music industry when they launch this year. Mali, was Simon Cowell’s hot tip for the future, is the youngest member of the group at just 16 and reached Simon’s final 6 boys. Vocally Mali has been compared to Terence Trent Darby, Bobby Womac and James Brown. Lee, the Irish member of the group, is no stranger to the music scene. Lee has performed in L.A., New York and Orlando as a young singer and shared the stage as a teenager supporting acts like Westlife, Suga Babes, Mc Fly and Shane Ward. Antonio from Venezuela has already seen success in the Latin music industry when he was the lead singer in a boyband at just 15. He had a No. 1 in Mexico and was playing to 30,000 people. Antonio brings a unique Latino flavour to the group with his unique style and seriously good looks

he already has thousands of female fans on the groups website. Back to the UK and the final member of the band Tom from Bristol who completes the talented lineup, writing and joking with the producers in the studio he has been described as a cross between Russell Brand and Johnny Depp. The talented singer and songwriter is the newest member of the band and hit it off with the group at a meeting arranged by their manager in London earlier this year after the

boys returned from America. The group have a London music industry legend as mentor and he has placed them with a number of producers and writers and they have begun to compile an album so 2010 looks like an exciting year for the new band. Access all Areas will be coming to Spain this summer, performing at a number of venues. The first is at the Lounge bar on July the 28th. Further bookings will be posted in our weekly gig guide.

Access All Areas

Charity Night The Lounge Bar is The Best of British! The Saladillo Vista Bar on Sector A in Camposol, presents a charity night, tomorrow night, Saturday 6th march. Live music with Backwater and guest artists, also a disco with Byron. Tickets are just €5 (all money to go to Help for Heroes) and are available from the bar. 20:00 until late.

The Lounge Bar in Torrevieja has been officially announced as a ‘Best in Country Winner’ in The Telegraph’s Best of British Awards! And it is now not only classed as the best British Pub/Bar in Spain, it is now in with a chance of becoming the Best in the World! The shortlists of winners and other commended establishments from 47 countries worldwide are now live on The Telegraph’s Best of British site, which can be accessed via www.telegraph.co.uk/expat. All the Best in Country winners go through to the next and final round of the competition, to select the best in the world. So, for all those of you who voted for the bar in the first round, you can now vote again at this world showdown stage. So, to get The Lounge Bar literally ‘on top of the world’, all you have to do is log on to the site as soon as possible and get clicking. Voting in this round ends on March 15th. The world winners will be announced at the Best of British Awards ceremony on April 22nd in London and the bar will shortly be receiving an official certificate recording their ‘Best in Country’ victory, which will have pride of place behind the bar!

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39 39


5-11 MARCH FEB 26 - MARCH2010 4 2010 by

Clodagh & Dick Handscombe Practical gardeners and authors

Roses in Spain

WHERE BEST GROWN? Roses are a traditional Spanish garden plant but are only really successful when grown as specimens trained over arches; fences; sides of buildings or in tubs; or mass planted in dedicated beds in large private gardens, as seen in the Alhambra in Grenada and public parks. They do not really work mixed in with other shrubs in a mixed shrub bed. What many Spaniards do is to grow them alongside their vegetable plot to grow flowers for cutting – which is what we do.

traditional, open cabbage forms. One can also have plants that have individual specimen flowers on single stems or multi flower headed floribunda types.

WHAT SHAPES AND FORMS ARE POSSIBLE? Climbers and ramblers are available for training up and over things and shrub, standard and half standards for rose beds. Each of these can have a variety of forms of flowers from the modern, tightly budded tea roses to the older

WHERE TO OBTAIN YOUR PLANTS? The best thing is to go onto the websites of rose growers such as Cants of Colchester UK or Austin Roses based in the UK and Spain and browse through what is on offer and then check what your local garden centres have. Whether you buy through mail order or from a garden centre, order early as the most popular and best varieties tend to sell out early. Indeed unless you move fast you may have to order now for delivery of your first choices in the autumn.

PERFUMED OR NON-PERFUMED? For us it is only worth growing perfumed varieties for their impact on a garden and a table when in a vase. Unfortunately most roses are not heavily perfumed and those that are sell out early.

WHEN TO PLANT? The best times are when the plants are semi dormant, from November to March. We say semi dormant for it is possible to stimulate flowers for Christmas and indeed during all months of the year in very sheltered mild areas of Spain. ARE CUTTINGS POSSIBLE? Yes, most of our rose bed comprises plants propagated from cuttings from gardens we pruned or plants growing around deserted buildings. Cuttings can be taken at any time of the year provided you can keep them damp. If you have never grown a rose bush from a cutting, take a 30 to 50 cm long

cutting with an embryo bud at the bottom and top. Slit the bottom of the cutting for two centimetres and slot in two dried sweet corn seed into the slit. Then dig a hole and plant the cutting two thirds into the soil, preferably in it’s future permanent position to save transplanting later. Plant two close together to make sure and remove the weakest one in a year’s time. WHEN TO PRUNE? The main pruning times in Spain are the end of the summer to stimulate flowers for the autumn and Christmas and as part of the January/February annual garden cut back to stimulate spring and summer flowers. Stems are cut back to two to three buds. Between these times, cut back stems that have finished flowering to a new bud and also over straggly growth. Also cut out crossing branches and dead wood. FERTILISING? Work in well rotted manure or a rose fertiliser when you prepare planting holes and give a good mulch of well or partially rotted manure in the Spring. A summer feed is also beneficial. WATERING? Never let them dry out or become water logged for a long time. ECO PEST CONTROL? A ouple of garlic cloves planted under each rose will help control aphids. Co-planted marigolds; scented geraniums and parsley can help deter rose beetles. A neem/proplis spray on each from Spring to Autumn can help avoid most insect and fungal problems.

BY CLODAGH AND DICK HANDSCOMBE practical gardeners and authors who have enjoyed gardening in Spain for themselves and at times others for twenty five years. New book ‘Mediterranean Apartment Gardening’ is to be published this month and can be obtained from high street and internet bookshops including www.gardeninginspain.com for the fastest deliveries. We will be talking about the new book on Trust Radio FM which you can listen to on your computer at a little after 11.00 on Tuesday 16th March.

Out and about with the Freewheelers THE LAST day of February saw a large number of Freewheelers gathering at Hotel Torre in Los Montesinos for their trip to L’Alcúdia on the outskirts of Elche. La Alcidia is an archaeological site where human presence has been documented from the Neolithic period (4000BC) to the beginning of Muslim occupation in the 8th century and a very important Iberian and then Roman settlement when the Romans gave it the status of a Roman colony. Although a very important archaeological site it is most famous for the discovery of a sculpture known as the Dama de Elche, hidden in the wall. A replica portrays the place where it was found, the original being kept in the National Archaeological Museum of Madrid. Should you wish to visit this site it might be advisable to go during the week between 10.00 and 14.00 when the main

La Alcidia, near Elche

museum within the site is also open. For more information on Freewheelers visit www.TorreviejaInformation. com/freewheelers Or e-mail us on freewheelers08@yahoo.co.uk and ask to be put on our mailing list, we will then be able to inform you of future trips.

Walking routes in Almoradí STARTING SATURDAY 6th March, at 10.30 am, from the Tourist Info, a new Cultural Guided Route through the most important buildings in the town begins. The Music Conservatory Students will offer a concert for all the assistants at the end of the walk. The following Saturday, 13th March, at 10.30 am, from the Tourist Info,begins the first Green walk of this year. Those interested in taking part please send an email to almoradi@touristinfo.net or go to the Tourist Info. Plaza de la Constitución, Almoradi , tel: 966 783 442 www.almoradi.es

Readers’ recipes

MY MOTHER introduced me to this recipe which was originally the late and great Elvis Presley’s speciality, featured in the Graceland recipe collection. The sandwich is cooked in butter and should really include jam (or as the Americans call it – ‘jelly,’ but I prefer it without. It’s a great hangover remedy, probably because of all the grease and sweetness. It sounds disgusting but actually it’s delicious.

FEB5-11 26 - MARCH MARCH 4 2010 2010

INGREDIENTS 2 slices bread (packeted sliced loaf rather than good quality bread) About a dessertspoonful of peanut butter (smooth variety) Generous knob of butter 1 banana, mashed

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Spread the first slice on the cooked side with the peanut butter and return to the frying pan, with the uncooked side down. Leave to cook over a low heat. Spread the second slice on the cooked side with the mashed banana. Sandwich the two slices together and continue to cook gently for five minutes. Turn the sandwich in the pan very carefully. The banana will squish out of the sides and singe slightly but this adds to the flavour. Eat hot with a large glass of cold coke in front of the TV…

METHOD Melt the butter over a medium heat in a frying pan. Fry one slice of the bread on one side. Transfer to a plate. In the meantime, fry the other slice on one side.

Maria, Alicante Don’t forget: if you have a recipe that you would like featured in RTN please email to rtnmail@roundtownnews.com

Perfect for Mother’s Day by Andy Campbell

I BET most of you have a preconceived notion of what it is to dine in a French restaurant. Well I want you to metaphorically tear that notion up and throw it away… Done that? Good! I want to introduce you to Cote Jardin, an absolute little treasure of a restaurant we have here in our midst, nestling as it does in sleepy Benimar II. This is a family run French restaurant that you can drop into for a quick bite or spend the evening dining with friends. Chef Julien and his partner Ludi have created a warm, friendly, brasserie style experience where food, charm and multilingual service jostle for first place. Pam and I have been regular diners here for the past three years and I can honestly say we have never had a bad experience,

this is the total package. There is no need to be in-timidated by the thought of eating French cuisine, Chef has taken some of the classic French dishes and molded them to suit the English palate. Cost should not be a barrier ei-ther with set menu prices starting as low as €15.90, including a glass of wine and coffee! Unparalleled value when you consider that these dishes are produced using only fresh lo-cal ingredients. But the real reason why you should make tracks to Cote Jardin is the food… Be ready to have your taste buds completely pampered. Take Chef’s Boeuf Bourguignon, leaning for-ward cutlery in hand you catch the aroma of the stewed beef delicately mingled with the unmistakable smell of bacon and you are snared. The meat falls apart in your mouth whilst the velvety juices of the dish ensure a truly sublime experience.

Chef Julien and his partner Ludi with their two children

Baked Swordfish with oriental spices on a bed of quinoa Or maybe fish is your passion, there are always at least four to choose from on the a la carte menu. The sea bream fillet with lemon and vodka sauce is a delightfully delicate balance of flavours, absolutely mouthwatering! Although you will find French fries on the menu, it would be a real shame if you didn’t try the special little saute potatoes laced with garlic and herbs. If these two suggestions haven’t got you excited I know the desserts on offer will! We have a friend who is something of an aficionado on crème brulée, he believes that Julien’s crème brulée with lavender beats that of a three star Michelin Chef he knows in Brussels! All I can tell you is

that it tastes divine. And if chocolate is what “floats your boat” then the chocolate fondant cake should not be missed. Then of course there’s the crèpes… Mmmm! You might just be starting to get the idea that I like this restaurant? Alright I own up it’s by far and away my favourite in the area, I can’t recommend it enough. And it would seem from the amount of positive reviews we get on our website (RestaurantGuideCostaBlanca. com) that I’m not alone in feeling this way. For more information call them on 966 712 444, 699 578 746, email www.restaurantcotejardin.com or go and see them at Benimar 2, Calle Agata.

19-25 5-11 MARCH FEBRUARY 2010 2010


Heretat de Cesilia and their international wine awards HERETAT DE Cesilia was highly recommended to us by some Russian students that had visited in January. We sampled some of the wine they had purchased from the winery and I immediately knew that we would visit soon. I have never sampled such My Costa delicious red wine and the dessert Adventures by wine that we tried after dinner was also simply divine. Heretat de Cesilia is based in Novelda, which is just 27 kilometres Adventure days & experiences from Alicante. Last year, they won 11 international awards for three of their wine varieties. Ad Gaude, a red, picked up four medals including one from Brussels and another from Asia. Black olive and cinnamon stand out in its aroma and the wine beautifully compliments cold meats and mature cheeses. This was the wine I had tried with my friends and at 22€ a bottle, I must say; it was completely worth it.

Anna Ratcliffe

The wine is simply divine!

The grape varieties grown here include Monastrell, Merlot, Cabernet Sauvignon, Syrah, Muscatel, Chardonnay, Petit-verdot and Sauvignon Blanc. The vineyards and accompanying buildings have a sweeping view across the landscape before your eyes ascend the nearby hillside; to the sanctuary of Santa Magdalena, a church that mimics the Sagrada Familia. The outer shape of the Santa Magdalena maybe very similar to the world renowned church in Barcelona but the exterior finish also embraces an art nouveau type décor, this is a privileged location. Of the 80 hectares owned by Heretat de Cesilia, only 30 hectares is currently used for wine production, the rest produces grapes for market. The operation here is multi-faceted. Although the houses are steeped with history, the winery has been producing for just ten years. Heretat de Cesilia currently markets

itself for ‘enoturismo’, wine tourism, although it used to produce olives and olive oil. One objective for the winery is to embrace and market their products with the European Ecological Logo by 2012. This project is being managed by D.Joaquin Arias, family member and onsight oenologist, a superb wine blender. Joapuin explained how difficult the European organic standards are to reach, ‘the soil has to be ‘clean’ (organic) for three years before we can start the formal organic process. It then takes a further three years of production, testing and sampling before we can start to submit any wine for the European Ecological Logo tests. It is a long and complex journey.’ The wine production process is very similar to many other bodegas I have visited. However, there are elements which stand out and are therefore accountable for the premium wines

being produced. To start, the best, and first selection of grapes, are picked by hand rather than machine. The grapes are introduced to the vats after some are crushed and some are pressed. There are dedicated vats for white, red, rose and cider. The fermentation processes obviously differ, with the main variations showing in durations that the wine is kept in barrels. Two types of barrel are used, French Oak (coming in at 600€ each!) or Oak from the US and Eastern Europe, coming in at a mere 300€ each. Heretat de Cesilia is now exporting their wine and is already having success in Europe, China and Japan. Wine tours are available and you can purchase their premium wines plus a whole host of other sumptuous delights at the shop. For more information, please check out www.heretatdecesilia.com or call 965 603 763.

For gift experiences and adventures days check out: www.costa-adventures.com. For all my published articles so far, go to the page ‘My Costa Adventures’.

121 Car Rental changes name to Indigo Car Hire AFTER HAVING a very busy year providing UK car hire to thousands of expats , Indigo Car Hire formally known as 121 Car Rental have launched an all new online booking system which provides instant quotations and allows bookings to be made at a touch of a button. Of course there’s still the option to call our dedicated reservations team in the UK, who have a great wealth and experience in the car hire industry so rest assured they will find the best deal for you with one of our wide range of suppliers. The new website allows you to choose locations, select between the different models and compare prices. With a network of over 200 locations including all UK airports and most major cities we can arrange a solution for any car hire requirements. If you need to pick up and drop off at different

airports, this isn’t a problem, with low cost fees. All car hire packages are fully inclusive and very competitive. We also have suppliers based inside the terminal building, making your next car hire experience hassle free! Reservations manager Cherie Walker added “Myself and all at Indigo Car Hire look forward to assisting new and existing customers in 2010” Finally we would also like to thank RTN and our many loyal customers who have used and recommended our services to friends, family and neighbours! Thanks for your support! Keep your eyes open for Indigo Car Hire Visit our all new website – www.indigocarhire.com or call 0044 (0)113 3082016 today!!

5-11 March 2010 Win a meal for 2 at the Inn Plaice in torrevieja (Mon-Thu) or at La Pista Restaurante In Jalon (Mon-sat Lunchtimes Only) by answering the Cryptic Crossword correctly. Answers by email to: office@roundtownnews.com or Fax: 96 570 5328.

Euromillions Draw Friday 26th February

7 11 18 29 42 6


No ticket won the 30,133,000 Euros jackpot prize


Answers & Winner Last week’s Crossword and Suduko answers found on page 48. Crossword winner for issue 541: JENNIFER THORP, TORREVIEJA

Quick Crossword

Cryptic Crossword

ACROSS 1. Headland (4) 3. Scatter (8) 8. Decoy (4) 9. Famished (8) 11. Directions (12) 13. Narrate (6) 14. Steering apparatus (6) 17. Sweat (12) 20. Dexterously (8) 21. Engrave (4) 22. Emblem (8) 23. Poke (4)

ACROSS 1. Spoils for the war-god (4) 3. Not at home in the open air (8) 8. Possibly mean to call (4) 9. Burly Pat got reformed in a very sudden way (8) 11. Makes a resounding comeback (12) 13. He returns help in a tavern (6) 14. On paper he has an important job (6) 17. Attractive perch on top of the world (8,4) 20. Possibly a tree-top entertainment (8) 21. Not an area of growing importance in Asia (4) 22. But this is quite different to mal-de-mer (3-5) 23. Poor average? (4)


DOWN 1. Coal-mine (8) 2. Sunshade (7) 4. Untouched (6) 5. Special (10) 6. Rule (5) 7. Therefore (4) 10. Objecting (10) 12. Soaked (8) 15. Wanderer (7) 16. Helm (6) 18. Incorporate (5) 19. Legend (4)

Who said that?

My mother was the most beautiful woman I ever saw. All I am I owe to my mother. I attribute all my success in life to the moral, intellectual and physical education I received from her.



George Washington




DOWN 1. Transport system invented by a one-track mind? (8) 2. Went to another house when ousted (7) 4. Not brought up to be rude (6) 5. He may go to pot! (4,6) 6. The route of extravagance (5) 7. Where those for the ferry were always late (4) 10. In age erect as a relatively young woman (5,5) 12. Well, it’s near a disturbance (8) 15. Most woe-begotten pair? (7) 16. Not a figure of speech! (6) 18. A venue in which sports are naturally held (5) 19. Outstanding manager (4)


8-14 MARCH JANUARY 2010 5-11 2010

Outside the box

WE INHABIT a body, and our soul within connects with the mighty power of the brain; as it establishes control of the body. We therefore can believe in what we want as free souls, but we nevertheless inhabit a mind controlled body and are ruled with what is the greatest control force the World has ever known. This brings us conditioning and limits our thinking well within our ability, but borne by our experience and our enthusiasm for life, and all that it brings, is an area of hope, and this alone is our freedom and our future. We are conditioned into responses all our life. Childhood brought us a structure that we learned to adhere to. We learned at the level we could, and so long as our performance wasn’t too deficient, we climbed the ladder of expectation with the reality of our achievement and all that it brought us. We learned dates to please the history teacher, and dabbled at French, daubed art and memorised quotes from Shakespeare. We were conditioned. Structure became the only acceptable norm, and this maybe accounts for the fact that we use only some 12% of our true brain capacity, and fear to use the remaining 88%! Our morals then comfortably steer us through the minefield of our culpable actions, and it is sure that when we could make a go for it, something or someone, or both, held us back. At this stage we are thinking in the box, when we should be looking beyond, or outside the box. A box holds whatever it is selected to hold; as has our memory over the years rejected what it has to, to maintain our levels of self satisfaction and continuity. Our box has limited dimensions, but adequately probably holds all that we can hold dear inside. Once we make a step in a wrong direction we find ourselves outside

of the box, and outside our comfort zone to boot! Conditioning helped us find our way, and we should be grateful really, but just what is it that holds us back? Where is fear generated from and what does it bring us in the scheme of things? We can aspire and we can hope, but we can also be satisfied with failure, and all that it may bring, since we are designed to compromise; after all it helps us fit in the box, our box. A strong belief in Spirit is a choice made by us. I am always mindful that the great majority of the World do not hold any spiritual belief. For them the unknown and the unchartered is way too far outside the box for them to be able to take it in. Many feel that they are punished if they take things to the limit. The great safety net makes things less dangerous, but also more predictable. There are many who should be making a fresh start right now, but are held back by belief, lack of confidence, lack of faith in themselves, and/or Spirit. We do not know what we can do unless we try. We have learned by past errors; and the freedom of life means that we may make a lot more on our Earthly journey. As we travel we predetermine situations and make wrong turnings. Priorities are sometimes not worth the effort that we place on them. Learn to think out of your box. True inheritance of the richness of the World emanates from energy and the correct use of power. Power we may not even know that we have, unless we learn to see the powers of beyond, and we eliminate the barriers that were only created to keep us under control. Spirit will walk along side you when your faith demands it, and the time is right, and that may serve to tick a lot of boxes for you right now!

Love & Light... Kenny Corris

Postbag Email your letters to me at: kennycorris@roundtownnews.com Kenny I am sure that my Grandfather is trying to contact me. He died a little over a year ago and he was very special to me. I was thinking of him recently when all of a sudden I felt him in my stomach, a strange feeling hard to describe, but it scared me a little at the time. Can he make contact with me? What can I do to pass a message on to him? Christopher. L. Your Grandfather has decided to make contact with you, and he has given you evidence of his survival. Speak to him, because he may not reply with words, but may communicate with you anyway he feels is right. Keep an open mind and know that feeling in the pit of your stomach is close to your solar plexus where spiritual contact is often successfully made. He has made the first move, so don’t be afraid. Tell him how special he is to you, and above all tell him that you are unafraid and waiting for his next communication, in whatever form it is sent to you. I can help you make contact and advise you of techniques to help you re-enforce the spiritual dialogue, if you need me to.

New online forum! www.kennycorris.net/forum Please feel free to ask questions of Kenny and read questions and comments of others.

Kenny’s Diary POPULAR MINI readings and afternoon tea are available with me at the Bistro Maya, Albir on Wednesday March 10th, from 16.00. In attendance will be Spiritual Workers offering their services of healing and clairvoyance, angel divination, tarot, and guest speakers. Call for details on: 96 686 8213. The Bistro Maya is next to the BBVA bank in the Avenida del Albir and free parking is available close by. All Spring Workshops now booking from March 14th, when presentation 2012 The Truth is showcased here in Spain. Information on this and all workshops on: www.kennycorris.net or please call for details.

contact kenny Appointments: 96 587 8424 Mobile: 686 361 594 Web: www.kennycorris.net Please contact me for inclusion in my healing list!

horoscopes by Kenny Corris Venus enters just before the weekend and brings love and happiness with special reference to those friends and family whom you hold dear. Entering the third house the Goddess of Love here is inadvertently bringing conflict regarding the way you have gone about something, and a suggestion that you may now realize the error of your ways may force you to change your mind somewhat. Love will conquer all this week, so just let it speak directly from your heart. Your planetary leader Venus moves into your second house of service midweek. This brings you the support that you need right now and backs a plan that will greatly benefit from your tender loving care and your expertise. Keep your focus, and maintain your standards above all. Someone may move the goal posts this week, but they are only testing your reserve and in so doing will reassure you of what has to be done and ensure that you work with the right motive. With Venus in conjunction with Mars there comes a chance to see things from each and every angle, and you are advised not to jump to conclusions over something very delicate that however you look at it beggars belief. Trust in your innermost thoughts because surely instinct tells you that there is far more to all this than initially meets the eye; but you have to be true to yourself. Positive energy this week will show you the way to go and inspire you. A message needs to be delivered to you, but you are not in the frame of mind to receive it. Whilst you often function and thrive under pressure just lately a conflict of interests has left you somewhat emotionally low and you have sought the comfort that diversion brings. With all the will in the World this cannot solve all your current problems, but it can take some of the immediate pain away as you are about to do things that you may very well live to regret. Mars ends a lengthy retrograde in the comfort of Leonine energies midweek. Initially the impact will force you to take things easy, and it would be wise not to make any advance plans unless you are happy to have them rest and relaxation are advised as subtle energies find you losing your temper and having to store anger within. Leave decisions and any major changes until next week. Busy Mercury attaches to Jupiter, planet of abundance this weekend and brings growth and expansion, success and certain good luck. This is a good time to invest in your strengths and to eliminate negativity and it is a wonderful time to contemplate a deeper personal understanding within yourself. If you have been waiting for a time to move on then know that you are not running away, and consolidate all your hopes wishes and desires in what you know you have to do. Saturn ensures that future happiness weighs in the balance this week, and you have to make a decision very shortly that will greatly support all your hard work and open your emotional energies. Try putting yourself first for a change and doors will undoubtedly open for you and show you the way. Since you have previously accepted second best it will be good to see what you are capable of, and the great difference that you could make for all concerned if you give this your best shot. Hard working and highly principled, throw caution to the wind this week as your attention is drawn to things you have put on the back burner to be dealt with at a later stage. This is not mere stalling, but being more open to your interpretation, and biding your time, until it is absolutely right. You are non judgmental, but others are pointing an accusing finger and nodding their disapproval. Since you can justify all that you do show them what you are made of! Actions of Mercury, Saturn and Mars shed light on something that you can use to lever yourself into position. The actions of these mighty planets bring hope, strength and persistence to you at a time when they are all vitally needed in your defence. You may feel that you are out on a limb, but you are highly motivated and entitled to your own opinion at the known events. Reading between the lines there is a need to see things from a distance and the truth cannot hurt you. Pluto is in prime position to make great influences on your innermost self this week. This heralds a strong need to make progress, since Pluto governs transformation and regeneration, highlighting education and learning, expertise and talent. With effects transmuting and enduring something constructive is on the line; and you have a right to be very excited at the outset. Changes are a wonderful way of showing you just what you can do if you try! Ring out the old and ring in the new as changes affect your schedule, and breathe new life into the work-front, where pressure and hard work sustain and support you. When the going gets tough then the tough get going and this week there is no stopping you as you take centre stage and show everyone just what you are capable of. Someone needs your shoulder to cry on, but fears that you will say that you warned them all along the line, and you did! Dreamy and romantic energies surround you with light and love as your open and loving soul is the key to your success right now. Both Mercury and Jupiter are resident bringing power of dynamic communication and the gift of fortunate blessing. Whatever is your desire let it be known this week, and then be sure of exactly what you ask for since there is no reason whatsoever that it shouldn’t be yours by right. Keep your feet on the ground and your eyes on the stars.

If it’s your birthday this week... Work with your inner energies because you must connect with yourself right now, and work to a new agenda, outside the box, where you belong!


8-14 JANUARY 5-11 MARCH 2010 2010

Kirsty Tuxford Freelance writer

FALLAS IS a big deal in Valencia. Every day throughout March until 19th, the town hall square fills with crowds who come to watch, and more importantly, listen, to the daily, 2pm mascletá – a cacophony of explosions loud enough to leave your ears ringing for the rest of the afternoon. The multicoloured bangers are hung from ropes that criss-cross the square and once ignited, they go off in rapid succession for a whole 10 minutes, culminating with a heart-stopping frantic series of explosions that reverberate through your entire body. There’s not much to see through all the smoke, but the crowds gather religiously each day for the sheer adrenaline rush that comes from being so close to such a shudderingly powerful chain of explosions. But it’s not just about loud bangs. There’s a fallera queen and numerous other falleras and falleros decked out in traditional, glittering costumes, and they’re frequently seen parading the streets. On 17 March at 4pm, the falleras walk through the city centre carrying flowers to offer to the Virgin Mary. But this is not ordinary statue of the Virgin, she is made from flowers, and each time a fallera arrives with a bouquet, she tosses it up to a man hanging from a wooden skeleton and he weaves the flowers around the wooden frame – this continues all afternoon until the Virgin Mary is complete

Valencia fallas Photo by Visentico Sento

Valencia The

The Fallas festival has officially started in Valencia, which means parties, parades, fireworks and the assembly of the impressive statues known as ninots, which are later burned. The city’s population swells with visitors from far and wide who come to see this phenomenal festival and the giant papier-mâché statues that adorn the streets.




– and she towers over the crowds who gather below to see her. To the people of Valencia, this is an incredibly profound and significant act, and most of the women who arrive with flowers are in tears due to the sheer overwhelming emotion of the experience. As the festival progresses the ninots appear in each district of the city. These satirical statues have been a year in the making and they depict well-know figures from politics or the media. There are also ninots in Dénia and Gandia, but Valencia city has the biggest. On the final night of the festivities, the ninots are burned to the ground, with only a few being saved for exhibition in the fallas museum. The night of the burning releases yet more adrenaline, as the flames grow hotter and hotter as they engulf these works of art. Nearby buildings have to be doused in water by firemen in order to prevent them catching light. TIMETABLE OF EVENTS THROUGHOUT FALLAS Until 19 March: Ninot exhibition, Nuevo Centro (shopping centre). 5 March: 9pm, Sports Gala. 6 March: 6pm, Gran Mascletá, Arenas beach (between Balneario las Arenas and Red Cross). 10.30pm, ninot parade

(starting from c/Játiva, Marques de Sotelo, Plaza del Ayuntamiento by the post office building, until Maria Cristina, Plaza del Ayuntamiento, (by the town hall) Marques de Sotelo, finishing in c/Játiva). Followed by colour mascletá in town hall square. 11 March: 6pm, armed forces tribute to senior falleros. From San Juan de Ribera to Paseo de la Alameda. 13 March: 10.30pm, folklore parade. From c/Játiva, Marqués de Sotelo, Plaza del Ayuntamiento by the post office until the crossroads of San Vicente with María Cristina, Plaza del Ayuntamiento, Marqués de Sotelo, finishing in c/Játiva. Finishing finally in the Plaza del Ayuntamiento. Followed by colour mascletá. 14 March: 6pm, closure of infant ninot exhibition. 15 March: Midday, gathering outside Fallero Museum in Monteolivete (district near City of Arts and Sciences). 6pm, closure of ninot exhibition. 1am, firework display in Paseo de la Alameda. 16 March: Midday, opening of exhibition about fallas (Nuevo Centro). 4.30pm, prize giving (town hall square). 1am firework display in the Paseo de la Alameda. 18 March: 11am, homage to poet, Maximiliano Thous, at his monument (c/Sagunto crossroads with c/Maximiliano Thous). Followed by a mascletá. Midday, homage to Maestro Serrano (Avda. Reina de Valencia at his monument). Followed by a mascletá. 4pm, offering of flowers to the Virgin (c/Paz and c/San Vicente). 1.30am, Night of Fire in the Paseo de la Alameda. 19 March: 11am, San José bridge, offering of flowers, followed by a mascletá. Midday, mass in the cathedral. 7pm, Parade of Fire: starting from c/Ruzafa, c/Colon, finishing at Porta de la Mar. 10pm, burning of infant ninots. Midnight, start of burning the rest of the ninots. 1am fireworks in the town hall square.

Also in Valencia this week: 5-7 March: BioCultura – ecological fair Feria Muestrario Internacional de Valencia, Avd. De las feria s/n, 46035 Valencia. Tel: 902 747 330. www.feriavalencia.com and http://biocultura.org/ An informative exhibition of ecological products, offering lots of delicious food and drink, together with everything you need for a healthy lifestyle: music, therapies, products to help aid relaxation and much more. There are also seminars, workshops and concerts. This is BioCultura’s first time in Valencia, but it has previously been a massive success in Madrid and Barcelona.

The Ecological fair in Valencia

tv Friday


5-11 March 2010

7.00 Breakfast 10.15 Animal 24:7 11.00 Homes Under the Hammer; BBC News 12.00 To Buy or Not to Buy 12.45 Cash in the Attic 13.15 Bargain Hunt 14.00 BBC News; Weather 14.30 Regional News; 14.45 Doctors 15.15 Murder, She Wrote 16.00 BBC News 16.05 CBeebies: Timmy Time. 16.15 Pinky Dinky Doo 16.25 CBBC: 16.25 Dennis and Gnasher 16.40 Bear Behaving Badly 17.05 ROY 17.35 Gastronuts 18.00 Newsround 18.15 Weakest Link 19.00 BBC News; Weather 19.30 Regional News 20.00 The One Show 20.30 MasterChef 21.00 EastEnders 21.30 QI 22.00 Five Days 23.00 BBC News 23.25 Regional News 23.35 Friday Night with Jonathan Ross 0.35 The National Lottery EuroMillions Draw

7.00 - 10.20 Childrens TV 10.30 I Can Cook 10.45 Guess with Jess 10.55 Big & Small Songs 11.00 Tinga Tinga Tales 11.10 Waybuloo 11.30 In the Night Garden 12.00 Schools: Primary Class Clips. 12.15 BBC Primary Geography 12.25 Primary Class Clips 12.40 Look and Read 13.00 Daily Politics 13.30 Working Lunch 14.00 Nature’s Top 40 14.30 Castle in the Country 15.00 Living in the Sun 16.00 Diagnosis Murder 16.45 Flog It! 17.30 Cash in the Celebrity Attic 18.15 Escape to the Country 19.00 Eggheads 19.30 Priceless Antiques 20.00 Coast 21.00 Mastermind 21.30 Gardeners’ World 22.00 Mastercrafts 23.00 The Bubble 23.30 Newsnight 0.00 The Review Show 0.50 Heroes 2.15 Gladiatress 3.40 BBC News

7.00 GMTV 10.25 The Jeremy Kyle Show 11.30 This Morning 13.30 Loose Women 14.30 ITV News 14.55 Granada News 15.00 House Guest in the Sun 16.00 Dickinson’s Real Deal 16.59 Granada Weather 17.00 Midsomer Murders 18.00 The Alan Titchmarsh Show 19.00 Granada Reports 19.30 ITV News 20.00 Emmerdale 20.30 Coronation Street 21.00 Dancing on Ice Friday 21.30 Coronation Street 22.00 Michael Winner’s Dining Stars 23.00 ITV News at Ten 23.30 Granada News 23.35 Death Wish 2 1.20 Nightwatch with Steve Scott: Crime; ITV News Headlines. 2.15 The Amityville Horror

8.00 Freshly Squeezed 8.30 Everybody Loves Raymond 9.20 Frasier 9.50 Will & Grace 10.20 According to Jim 10.45 Deal or No Deal 11.35 Coach Trip 12.05 Wife Swap USA 13.00 Channel 4 News Summary 13.05 Ice Station Zebra 15.55 Glamour Puds 16.25 Countdown 17.10 Deal or No Deal 18.00 Coach Trip 18.30 Jamie at Home 19.00 The Simpsons 19.30 Hollyoaks 20.00 Channel 4 News 20.30 Sticks and Stones 21.00 A Place in the Sun: Home or Away 22.00 Embarrassing Bodies 23.00 Chris Moyles’ Quiz Night 23.50 Team America: World Police 1.40 4Music: Mercury Prize Sessions 1.55 4Music: 4Play: Broken Bells

7.00 - 10.05 Childrens TV 10.15 The Wright Stuff 11.45 Trisha Goddard 12.45 House Doctor 13.40 Five News 13.45 RSPCA: On the Frontline 14.15 Lights, Camera, Animals 14.45 Neighbours 15.15 Home and Away 15.50 Property List: Top Spots 16.05 For One Night 18.00 Five News; Weather 18.30 Neighbours 19.00 Home and Away 19.25 Live from Studio Five 20.30 Building the Ultimate; Five News Update. 21.00 Highland Emergency; Five News at 9. 22.00 The Mentalist 23.00 Law & Order: Criminal Intent 0.00 Law & Order: Special Victims Unit 1.00 SuperCasino

7.00 Breakfast 11.00 Saturday Kitchen 12.35 Rachel Allen: Home Cooking 13.00 BBC News; Regional News; Weather 13.15 Football Focus 14.00 Formula 1 2009: Jenson Button’s Glorious Season 15.00 Murder, She Wrote 15.45 Cash in the Celebrity Attic 16.30 Bargain Hunt 17.00 A Question of Sport 17.30 Final Score 18.25 BBC News; Regional News; Weather 18.45 Hole in the Wall 19.15 Total Wipeout 20.15 Let’s Dance for Sport Relief 21.30 The National Lottery: Who Dares Wins 22.20 Casualty 23.10 BBC News; Weather 23.30 Match of the Day; National Lottery Update. 0.30 The Football League Show 1.45 Friday Night with Jonathan Ross; Weatherview.

7.00 CBeebies: Jakers! 7.20 Clifford 7.35 Brum 7.45 Louie 7.55 Pingu 8.00 Dennis and Gnasher. 8.25 Sportsround 8.40 What’s New Scooby-Doo? 9.00 Richard Hammond’s Blast Lab; Leon. 9.30 Jump Nation 10.30 Prank Patrol 11.00 Ed and Oucho’s Excellent Inventions 11.30 Keep Your Enemies Close 12.00 The Slammer 12.30 My Life 13.00 BBC Switch: Greek 13.45 BBC Switch: Single, Together, Whatever 14.15 BBC Switch: The 5:19 Show 14.35 BBC Switch: The Cut 15.00 The High and the Mighty 17.20 She Wore a Yellow Ribbon 19.00 Bruce on Vegas 20.00 Bette Midler In Concert: Diva Las Vegas 21.00 A Kick in the Head - The Lure of Las Vegas 22.15 QI XL 23.00 Heroes 23.45 Louis Theroux: Gambling in Las Vegas 0.45 Honeymoon in Vegas

7.00 GMTV 10.25 The Planet’s Funniest Animals 10.55 The Crocodile Hunter Diaries 11.25 Lion Country 11.55 Michael Winner’s Dining Stars 12.55 News; Weather 12.59 Granada Weather 13.00 Live FA Cup Football 15.30 Midsomer Murders 17.30 Granada News and Weather 17.45 ITV News and Weather 18.00 Live FA Cup Football 20.30 Harry Hill’s TV Burp 21.00 Ant and Dec’s Push the Button 22.00 Piers Morgan’s Life Stories 23.15 ITV News and Weather; Weather 23.30 Alexander; ITV News Headlines. 2.40 Grey Owl

7.05 The Treacle People 7.15 The Hoobs 8.05 World Sport 8.30 Road to the 2010 FIFA World Cup 9.00 The Morning Line 9.55 T4: Friends 11.00 T4: Glee 12.00 T4: JLS’ Slammin’ R’n’B Mixtape: Top 10 13.00 T4: Ultimate Traveller 14.05 T4: Smallville 15.00 Channel 4 Racing from Newbury and Doncaster 17.05 Three Hungry Boys 17.35 Come Dine with Me Extra Portions 19.45 Channel 4 News 20.15 The End of the Line 22.00 Braveheart 1.20 Alan Carr: Chatty Man 2.10 Breakfast on Pluto 4.15 Mama Lou 4.20 The Dead Zone 5.05 Scrapheap Challenge 6.00 Countdown

7.00 Sunrise 8.00 Milkshake!: Elmo’s World. 8.15 The WotWots 8.30 Milkshake Monkey 8.35 Chiro 8.45 Make Way for Noddy 9.00 Hana’s Helpline 9.15 Mist: Sheepdog Tales 9.30 The Adventures of Bottle Top Bill and His Best Friend Corky 9.50 Harry and His Bucket Full of Dinosaurs 10.00 Olivia 10.15 The Mr Men Show 10.30 Gerald McBoing Boing 11.00 Highland Emergency 12.00 The Gadget Show 13.00 Chinese Food in Minutes 13.30 Zoo Days 13.50 A Man for All Seasons 16.10 The Age of Innocence 18.50 Five News 19.00 Anzio 21.00 NCIS 22.00 CSI: NY 23.00 Law & Order 0.00 CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 1.00 SuperCasino

7.00 Breakfast 8.55 Match of the Day 10.00 The Andrew Marr Show 11.00 The Big Questions 12.00 Country Tracks 13.00 The Politics Show 14.00 Cash in the Celebrity Attic 14.45 Bargain Hunt 15.15 Murder, She Wrote 16.00 EastEnders 18.00 Songs of Praise 18.35 BBC News; Regional News; Weather 19.00 Countryfile 20.00 Antiques Roadshow 21.00 Lark Rise to Candleford 22.00 Seven Ages of Britain 23.00 BBC News; Regional News; Weather 23.25 Match of the Day 2 0.15 Would I Lie to You? 0.45 The Sky at Night; Weatherview. 1.30 Sign Zone: Generation Jihad 2.30 Sign Zone: Holby City 3.30 Sign Zone: Five Days 4.30 Sign Zone: The British Family

7.00 CBeebies: Jakers! 7.20 Clifford 7.35 Brum 7.45 Louie 7.55 Pingu 8.00 CBBC: Arthur. 8.15 Dennis and Gnasher 8.40 The Basil Brush Show 9.05 Jinx; Leon. 9.30 The Legend of Dick & Dom 10.00 Tracy Beaker Returns 10.30 Spirit Warriors 11.00 Something for the Weekend 12.30 Monk 13.15 Jack 15.00 Henry V 17.10 Natural World 18.10 Banded Brothers - The Mongoose Mob 19.10 Richard Hammond’s Engineering Connections 20.00 Top Gear 21.00 Lambing Live 22.00 Wonders of the Solar System 23.00 In the Loop 0.45 Don’t Worry About Me 2.00 A Kick in the Head - The Lure of Las Vegas

7.00 GMTV 10.25 Coronation Street 12.45 Columbo: Blueprint for Murder 14.15 News; Weather 14.19 Granada Weather 14.20 Live FA Cup Football 19.15 Granada News and Weather 19.30 ITV News and Weather 19.45 Harry Hill’s TV Burp 20.15 Dancing on Ice 21.45 Wild at Heart 22.45 Dancing on Ice: The Skate Off 23.15 ITV News and Weather; Weather 23.30 Mars Attacks! 1.30 Premiership Rugby Union 2.30 Champions League Weekly 3.00 Path of Destruction; ITV News Headlines. 4.35 Dating the Enemy

7.55 The Great Swim Series 8.50 The Grid 9.15 Superbikes World Championship 9.45 T4: The Hills 10.15 T4: Friends 10.45 T4: Hollyoaks 13.15 T4: Ultimate Traveller 14.25 T4: Friends 15.25 T4: Shooting Cheryl Cole 15.55 T4: 90210 16.45 T4: The Simpsons 17.45 Deal or No Deal 18.30 Glee 19.30 Channel 4 News 20.00 The Bible: A History 21.00 Stardust 23.30 30 Days of Night 1.35 Wrong Turn 3.10 The Dead Zone 3.55 The War at Home 4.15 Hill Street Blues 5.10 Bright Young Wonders 5.15 Dispatches: Britain’s Islamic Republic

7.00 Sunrise 8.00 Milkshake!: Elmo’s World. 8.15 The WotWots 8.30 Milkshake Monkey 8.35 Chiro 8.40 Make Way for Noddy 8.50 Milkshake! Bop Box 8.55 Fireman Sam 9.05 Hana’s Helpline 9.20 Mist: Sheepdog Tales 9.35 The Adventures of Bottle Top Bill and His Best Friend Corky 9.50 Harry and His Bucket Full of Dinosaurs 10.05 Olivia 10.20 The Mr Men Show 10.35 Gerald McBoing Boing 11.00 Shake!: Hannah Montana. 11.35 Wizards of Waverly Place 12.10 Andre Rieu in Concert 13.10 Zoo Days 13.30 Ice Road Truckers 14.30 A Lawless Street 16.05 From Here to Eternity 18.15 Five News 18.25 Are We Done Yet? 20.15 The Pink Panther 22.00 War 0.05 Hamburger Hill 2.15 SuperCasino 5.05 House Doctor

tv Saturday

tv Sunday

7.00 Good Morning Sports Fans 8.00 The Simpsons 9.00 Brainiac: Science Abuse 10.00 Grimebusters 11.00 Lion Man 11.30 Airline 12.00 Don’t Forget the Lyrics 13.00 The Biggest Loser: Australia 14.00 Bones 15.00 Angela and Friends 16.30 Project Runway 17.30 Lion Man 18.00 WWE Superstars 19.00 Oops TV 20.00 The Simpsons 21.00 Michael Jackson’s Private Home Movies 22.00 Lost 23.00 Pineapple Dance Studios 0.00 Modern Family 1.00 Road Wars 2.50 Ross Kemp on

8.30 Champions Club 9.00 International Football 10.00 Live Alpine Skiing 11.15 International Football 12.55 Planet Armstrong 13.00 Live Alpine Skiing 14.00 Winter Olympic Finish Line 15.00 Nordic Combined Skiing 15.30 Live Nordic Combined Skiing 16.15 International Football 18.00 Live Ski Jumping 19.00 Eurogoals Flash 19.10 Alpine Skiing 20.10 Timbersports World Championship 21.00 Strongest Man 22.55 Planet Armstrong 23.00 Ski Jumping 0.00 Rallying 0.30 World Superbikes 1.30 Freeride Spirit Show

7.00 Home Shopping 8.00 Bewitched 9.00 Maury 9.55 Celebs Off Duty 10.00 Nothing to Declare 11.00 America’s Next Top Model 12.00 Maury 12.55 Celebs Off Duty 13.00 60 Minute Makeover 14.00 Australia’s Next Top Model 15.00 Four Weddings 16.00 Ghost Whisperer 17.00 Charmed 19.00 America’s Next Top Model 20.00 Ghost Whisperer 21.00 Medium 22.00 Criminal Minds 23.00 CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 2.00 Hotel Babylon 3.05 Living with Kimberly Stewart 4.00 Charmed

Pineapple Dance Studios sky1, 23.00

7.00 Brainiac: Science Abuse 8.00 Malcolm in the Middle 9.00 Wayne Rooney’s Street Striker 10.00 Soccer AM 13.00 The Simpsons 14.00 The Real A&E 15.00 Pineapple Dance Studios 16.00 The World Wild Vet 17.00 Oops TV 18.00 Michael Jackson’s Private Home Movies 19.00 The Simpsons 20.00 Futurama 21.00 Pineapple Dance Studios 22.00 Wall Street 0.25 Fringe 1.25 Ultimate Road Wars 2.25 Road Wars 3.15 Night Cops 4.15 Prison Break 5.10 American Gladiators

8.25 Planet Armstrong 8.30 Alpine Skiing 9.30 Live Biathlon 10.45 Live Cross-Country Skiing 11.30 Live Alpine Skiing 12.45 Live Biathlon 13.45 Live Cross-Country Skiing 15.15 Live Nordic Combined Skiing 16.15 Live Ski Jumping 17.55 Wintersports Weekend 18.00 Cross-Country Skiing 18.30 Alpine Skiing 20.00 Live World Touring Car Championship 20.45 Fight Club 22.55 Planet Armstrong 23.00 Alpine Skiing 0.00 Rallying 0.30 World Touring Car Championship 1.00 GP2 Asia Series 2.00 Wintersports

7.00 Home Shopping 8.00 I Dream of Jeannie 9.00 Bewitched 10.00 My Wife and Kids 11.00 The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air 12.00 Will & Grace 13.00 Four Weddings 16.00 Changing Faces 17.00 The Karate Kid Part II 19.10 Celebs 24/7 19.30 Nothing to Declare 21.00 Criminal Minds 22.00 Most Haunted: The Live Series 0.00 Exposed: Britney Spears 1.00 Medium 2.00 Nothing to Declare 3.00 Criminal Minds 4.00 Exposed: Take That 4.50 Will & Grace 5.40 The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air

8.30 Wintersports Weekend 8.35 Ski Jumping 9.30 Live Biathlon 10.15 Live Cross-Country Skiing 11.30 Alpine Skiing 12.15 Live Cross-Country Skiing 13.45 Live Ski Jumping 15.40 Wintersports Weekend 15.45 Planet Armstrong 15.50 Live Cycling 17.30 Biathlon 18.00 Live World Touring Car Championship 20.15 Boxing 22.00 Ski Jumping 22.55 Planet Armstrong 23.00 Rallying 23.30 Motorsports Weekend 23.45 Cycling 1.20 Motorsports Weekend

7.00 Home Shopping 8.00 I Dream of Jeannie 9.00 Bewitched 10.00 My Wife and Kids 11.00 The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air 12.00 Will & Grace 13.00 America’s Next Top Model 14.00 So You Think You Can Dance 16.00 The Karate Kid Part II 18.10 Celebs 24/7 18.30 Passport Patrol 19.00 Changing Faces 20.00 Psychic Sally: On the Road 21.00 Grey’s Anatomy 22.00 Criminal Minds 23.00 Supernatural 0.00 CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 2.00 America’s Next Top Model

Casualty BBC1, 22.20

7.00 Hour of Power 8.00 Malcolm in the Middle 9.00 Pineapple Dance Studios 10.00 Road Wars 11.00 WWE Superstars 12.00 WWE: Experience 13.00 The Simpsons 14.00 Futurama 15.00 Bones 16.00 The World Wild Vet 17.00 UK Border Force 18.00 The Simpsons 19.00 Pineapple Dance Studios 20.00 The World Wild Vet 21.00 Noel’s Are You Smarter Than Your 10 Year Old? 22.00 24 23.00 House 0.00 Modern Family 0.30 Oscars - Red Carpet Live 2.00 Pineapple Dance Studios 2.55 Street Wars

Slumdog Top Millionaire Channel 4, Gear 10.00pm

BBC2, 20.00

tv Monday

Feb 5-11 26 March - March 42010 2010

7.00 Good Morning Sports Fans 8.00 The Simpsons 9.00 Brainiac: Science Abuse 10.00 Oscars - Red Carpet Live 11.30 Lion Man 12.00 Don’t Forget the Lyrics 13.00 The Biggest Loser: Australia 14.00 Bones 15.00 Angela and Friends 16.30 Project Runway 17.30 Lion Man 18.00 Malcolm in the Middle 18.30 Futurama 19.00 Oops TV 20.00 The Simpsons 21.00 How to Get What You Want 22.00 Oscars - The Highlights 2010 23.30 House 0.30 Road Wars

7.00 Breakfast 10.15 Fake Britain 11.00 Homes Under the Hammer; BBC News 12.00 To Buy or Not to Buy 12.45 Cash in the Attic; 13.15 Bargain Hunt 14.00 BBC News 14.30 Regional News 14.45 Doctors 15.15 Murder, She Wrote 16.00 BBC News; 16.05 CBeebies: 3rd & Bird. 16.15 Pinky Dinky Doo 16.25 CBBC: 16.25 Dennis and Gnasher; Leon. 16.40 Bear Behaving Badly 17.05 Sorry, I’ve Got No Head 17.35 MI High 18.00 Newsround 18.15 Weakest Link 19.00 BBC News 19.30 Regional News 20.00 The One Show 20.30 Inside Out 21.00 EastEnders 21.30 Panorama 22.00 New Tricks 23.00 BBC News 23.35 The World’s Strictest Parents 0.35 Late Kick Off 1.05 Famous, Rich and Homeless; Weatherview.

7.00 - 11.30 Childrens TV 12.00 Schools: Who Are We? 12.20 Maths Channel 12.40 Food Stuff 13.00 Daily Politics 13.30 Working Lunch 14.00 Nature’s Top 40 14.30 Castle in the Country 15.00 Living in the Sun 16.00 Diagnosis Murder 16.45 Flog It! 17.30 Pointless 18.15 Escape to the Country 19.00 Eggheads Celebrity Special 19.30 Antiques Road Trip 20.00 Seven Ages of Britain 21.00 Lambing Live 22.00 A Band for Britain 23.00 Grumpy Old Women 23.30 Newsnight; Weather. 0.20 Newswipe with Charlie Brooker 0.50 How Safe Are Our Skies? Detroit Flight 253 1.50 BBC News

7.00 GMTV 10.25 The Jeremy Kyle Show 11.30 This Morning 13.30 Loose Women 14.30 ITV News and Weather 14.55 Granada News and Weather 15.00 House Guest in the Sun 15.59 Granada Weather 16.00 Dickinson’s Real Deal 17.00 Country House Cooking Contest 18.00 The Alan Titchmarsh Show 19.00 Granada Reports; Weather 19.30 ITV News and Weather 20.00 Emmerdale 20.30 Coronation Street 21.00 The Lakes 21.30 Coronation Street 22.00 Married Single Other 23.00 ITV News at Ten and Weather 23.30 Granada News and Weather 23.35 Intolerable Cruelty 1.25 In Plain Sight; ITV News Headlines.

7.00 Sali Mali 7.10 The Hoobs 8.00 Freshly Squeezed 8.25 Everybody Loves Raymond 9.20 Frasier 9.50 Will & Grace 10.15 According to Jim 10.45 Deal or No Deal 11.30 Coach Trip 12.05 Wife Swap USA 13.00 Channel 4 News Summary 13.05 It’s Me or the Dog 13.35 Ladies in Lavender 15.25 Glamour Puds 15.55 The TV Book Club 16.25 Countdown 17.10 Deal or No Deal 18.00 Coach Trip 18.30 Come Dine with Me Extra Portions 19.00 The Simpsons 19.30 Hollyoaks 20.00 Channel 4 News 20.55 3 Minute Wonder: Loo Ladies 21.00 Dispatches: Cameron Uncovered 22.00 The Secret Millionaire 23.00 The Good Wife 0.00 Lake Placid 1.35 Comedy Showcase: The Amazing Dermot

7.00 -10.05 Childrens TV 10.15 The Wright Stuff 11.45 Trisha Goddard 12.45 House Doctor 13.40 Five News 13.50 RSPCA: On the Frontline 14.15 Wild Animal ER 14.45 Neighbours 15.15 Home and Away 15.50 The Family Recipe 15.55 Property List: Top Spots 16.10 Avenging Angel 18.00 Five News with Natasha Kaplinsky; Weather 18.30 Neighbours 19.00 Home and Away 19.25 Live from Studio Five 20.30 Building the Ultimate; Five News Update. 21.00 The Gadget Show; Five News at 9. 22.00 For a Few Dollars More 0.45 CCTV Cities 1.45 Urban Legends

7.00 Breakfast 10.15 Fake Britain 11.00 Homes Under the Hammer; BBC News 12.00 To Buy or Not to Buy 12.45 Cash in the Attic; 13.15 Bargain Hunt 14.00 BBC News 14.30 Regional News 14.45 Doctors 15.15 Murder, She Wrote 16.00 BBC News 16.05 CBeebies: 3rd & Bird. 16.15 Pinky Dinky Doo 16.25 CBBC: 16.25 Dennis and Gnasher 16.40 Bear Behaving Badly 17.05 Deadly 60; Street Monsters. 17.35 Blue Peter 18.00 Newsround 18.15 Weakest Link 19.00 BBC News 19.30 Regional News 20.00 The One Show 20.30 EastEnders; BBC News; Regional News. 21.00 Holby City 22.00 Famous, Rich and Jobless 23.00 BBC News 23.25 Regional News 23.35 Jobless 0.35 Film 2010 with Jonathan Ross

7.00 - 11.30 Childrens TV 12.00 Schools: BBC Primary Geography. 12.20 KS2 Science Clips 12.30 Telling Tales 12.40 Let’s Write a Story 13.00 Daily Politics 13.30 Working Lunch 14.00 Nature’s Top 40 14.30 Castle in the Country 15.00 Living in the Sun 16.00 Diagnosis Murder 16.45 Flog It! 17.30 Pointless 18.15 Escape to the Country 19.00 Eggheads Celebrity Special 19.30 Antiques Road Trip 20.00 Wonders of the Solar System 21.00 Lambing Live 22.00 Horizon 23.00 Mock the Week 23.30 Newsnight; Weather. 0.20 Mad Men

7.00 GMTV 10.25 The Jeremy Kyle Show 11.30 This Morning 13.30 Loose Women 14.30 ITV News and Weather 14.55 Granada News and Weather 15.00 House Guest in the Sun 15.59 Granada Weather 16.00 Dickinson’s Real Deal 17.00 Country House Cooking Contest 18.00 The Alan Titchmarsh Show 19.00 Granada Reports; Weather 19.30 ITV News and Weather 20.00 Emmerdale 20.30 The Krypton Factor 21.00 Cops with Cameras 22.00 Law & Order: UK 23.00 ITV News at Ten and Weather 23.30 Granada News and Weather 23.35 Martina Cole’s Lady Killers 0.35 Nightwatch with Steve Scott: Crime 1.30 Premiership Rugby

7.10 The Hoobs 8.00 Freshly Squeezed 8.25 Everybody Loves Raymond 9.20 Frasier 10.15 Will & Grace 10.45 Deal or No Deal 11.30 Coach Trip 12.05 Wife Swap USA 13.00 Channel 4 News Summary 13.05 Proud Parents 13.15 Location, Location, Location 14.15 The Badlanders 15.55 Glamour Puds 16.25 Countdown 17.10 Deal or No Deal 18.00 Coach Trip 18.30 Come Dine with Me Extra Portions 19.00 The Simpsons 19.30 Hollyoaks 20.00 Channel 4 News 20.55 3 Minute Wonder: Loo Ladies 21.00 Jo Frost: Extreme Parental Guidance 22.00 One Born Every Minute 23.00 Shameless 0.10 My Big Fat Gypsy Wedding 1.15 Late Night Poker 2.15 Superbikes World

7.00 - 10.05 Childrens TV 10.15 The Wright Stuff 11.45 Trisha Goddard 12.45 House Doctor 13.40 Five News 13.50 RSPCA: On the Frontline 14.15 Wild Animal ER 14.45 Neighbours 15.15 Home and Away 15.50 I Own Britain’s Best Home: Flying Visit 16.05 A Place Called Home 18.00 Five News with Natasha Kaplinsky; Weather 18.30 Neighbours 19.00 Home and Away 19.25 Live from Studio Five 20.30 Chinese Food in Minutes; Five News Update. 21.00 Ice Road Truckers; Five News at 9. 22.00 CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 23.00 CSI: Miami; Five News Update. 0.00 CSI: NY 1.00 NCIS

7.00 Good Morning Sports Fans 8.00 The Simpsons 9.00 Brainiac: Science Abuse 10.00 Bones 11.00 Grimebusters 12.00 Lion Man 12.30 Airline 13.00 The Biggest Loser: Australia 14.00 Bones 15.00 Angela and Friends 16.30 Project Runway 17.30 Lion Man 18.00 Malcolm in the Middle 18.30 Futurama 19.00 Oops TV 20.00 The Simpsons 21.00 Stargate Universe 22.00 Caprica 23.00 Fringe 0.00 Lost 1.00 Road Wars 1.50 Ross Kemp on Gangs 2.50 Caprica 3.40 Don’t Forget the Lyrics US 4.30 Brainiac: Science Abuse 5.20 Journeyman 6.10 Are You Smarter Than a 10 Year Old?

7.00 Breakfast 10.15 Fake Britain 11.00 Homes Under the Hammer; BBC News 12.00 To Buy or Not to Buy 12.45 Cash in the Attic 13.15 Bargain Hunt 14.00 BBC News 14.30 Regional News 14.45 Doctors 15.15 Murder, She Wrote 16.00 BBC News 16.05 CBeebies: 3rd & Bird. 16.15 Pinky Dinky Doo 16.25 CBBC: 16.25 Dennis and Gnasher 16.40 Bear Behaving Badly 17.05 SMart; Street Monsters. 17.35 Blue Peter 18.00 Newsround 18.15 Weakest Link 19.00 BBC News 19.30 Regional News 20.00 The One Show 20.30 Nigel Slater’s Simple Suppers; 21.00 MasterChef 22.00 Famous, Rich and Jobless 23.00 BBC News 23.25 Regional News 23.35 The National Lottery 23.45 Damages; National Lottery Update. 0.25 Hollywoodland; 2.25 Sign Zone: Five Days

7.00 CBeebies: Jakers! 7.20 Clifford 7.35 Brum 7.45 Pinky Dinky Doo 8.00 CBBC: Arthur. 8.15 Arthur 8.25 Newsround 9.40 Pinky Dinky Doo 10.05 Louie 10.20 Ethelbert the Tiger 10.30 I Can Cook 10.45 Guess with Jess 10.55 Big & Small Songs 11.00 Tinga Tinga Tales 11.10 Waybuloo 11.30 In the Night Garden 12.05 The Flintstones 12.30 Daily Politics 14.00 See Hear 14.30 Working Lunch 15.00 Living in the Sun 16.00 Diagnosis Murder 16.45 Flog It! 17.30 Pointless 18.15 Escape to the Country 19.00 Eggheads Celebrity Special 19.30 Antiques Road Trip 20.00 Yellowstone 21.00 Lambing Live 22.00 Inside John Lewis 23.00 Rhod Gilbert’s Work Experience 23.30 Newsnight; 0.20 The Bubble

7.00 GMTV 10.25 The Jeremy Kyle Show 11.30 This Morning 13.30 Loose Women 14.30 ITV News and Weather 14.55 Granada News and Weather 15.00 House Guest in the Sun 15.59 Granada Weather 16.00 Dickinson’s Real Deal 17.00 Country House Cooking Contest 18.00 The Alan Titchmarsh Show 19.00 Granada Reports; Weather 19.30 ITV News and Weather 20.00 Emmerdale 20.30 Live UEFA Champions League 23.00 ITV News at Ten and Weather 23.30 Granada News and Weather 23.35 UEFA Champions League: Extra Time 0.35 Cops with Cameras 1.25 Nightwatch with Steve Scott: Crime; ITV News Headlines.

8.00 Freshly Squeezed 8.25 Everybody Loves Raymond 9.15 Frasier 10.20 Will & Grace 10.45 Deal or No Deal 11.30 Coach Trip 12.05 Wife Swap USA 13.00 Channel 4 News Summary 13.05 My Eden 13.10 Location, Location, Location 14.15 The Man Behind the Gun 15.55 Glamour Puds 16.25 Countdown 17.10 Deal or No Deal 18.00 Coach Trip 18.30 Come Dine with Me Extra Portions 19.00 The Simpsons 19.30 Hollyoaks 20.00 Channel 4 News 20.55 3 Minute Wonder: Loo Ladies 21.00 Relocation, Relocation 22.00 Ramsay’s Kitchen Nightmares USA 23.00 Desperate Housewives 0.00 Shameless 1.00 4Music: Music Academy 2010

7.00 - 10.05 Childrens TV 10.15 The Wright Stuff 11.45 Trisha Goddard 12.45 House Doctor 13.40 Five News 13.50 RSPCA: On the Frontline 14.15 Wild Animal ER 14.45 Neighbours 15.15 Home and Away 15.50 The Family Recipe 15.55 I Own Britain’s Best Home: Flying Visit 16.10 Mystery Woman: Redemption 18.00 Five News with Natasha Kaplinsky; Weather 18.30 Neighbours 19.00 Home and Away 19.25 Live from Studio Five 20.30 Monkey Life; Five News Update. 21.00 Jack the Ripper: Tabloid Killer - Revealed; Five News at 9. 22.00 NCIS 23.00 Law & Order: Criminal Intent 0.00 Numb3rs 0.55 Poker 2.00 SuperCasino

7.00 Good Morning Sports Fans 8.00 The Simpsons 9.00 Brainiac: Science Abuse 10.00 Bones 11.00 Grimebusters 12.00 Lion Man 12.30 Airline 13.00 The Biggest Loser: Australia 14.00 Lie to Me 15.00 Angela and Friends 16.30 Project Runway 17.30 Lion Man 18.00 Malcolm in the Middle 18.30 Futurama 19.00 Oops TV 20.00 The Simpsons 21.00 Children’s Champion Awards 2010 22.00 The Real A&E 23.00 Wall Street 1.25 Road Wars 3.25 Ross Kemp on Gangs

tv Tuesday

tv Wednesday


8.30 Wintersports Weekend 8.35 World Touring Car Championship 9.30 Motorsports Weekend 9.45 Ski Jumping 10.45 Cross-Country Skiing 12.15 Ski Jumping 13.30 Biathlon 14.25 Planet Armstrong 14.30 Cycling 15.15 Live Cycling 17.15 Ski Jumping 18.00 Live Ski Jumping 19.00 Alpine Skiing 20.30 Eurogoals 21.15 Champions Club 22.15 Football: World Cup Preview 22.45 World Touring Car Championship 0.15 Cycling

8.00 Bewitched 9.00 Maury 9.55 Celebs 24/7 10.00 Passport Patrol 11.00 America’s Next Top Model 12.00 Maury 12.55 Celebs 24/7 13.00 60 Minute Makeover 14.00 Australia’s Next Top Model 15.00 Four Weddings 15.30 Nothing to Declare 16.00 Ghost Whisperer 17.00 Charmed 19.00 America’s Next Top Model 20.00 Ghost Whisperer 21.00 Britain’s Worst Pet 22.00 America’s Next Top Model 23.00 Changing Faces 0.00 Criminal Minds 1.00 CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 2.00 Hotel Babylon

8.30 Eurogoals 9.15 Cross-Country Skiing 10.00 Biathlon 10.30 Ski Jumping 11.30 Eurogoals 12.15 Champions Club 13.15 Football: World Cup Preview 13.45 Cycling 15.15 Live Cycling 17.15 Live Ski Jumping 18.45 Eurogoals Flash 18.55 Champions Club 19.55 Cycling 21.00 Boxing 23.00 Freeride Spirit Show 23.30 World Touring Car Championship 0.00 Test Drive 0.30 Cycling

7.00 Home Shopping 8.00 Bewitched 9.00 Maury 9.55 Celebs 24/7 10.00 Passport Patrol 11.00 America’s Next Top Model 12.00 Maury 12.55 Celebs 24/7 13.00 60 Minute Makeover 14.00 Canada’s Next Top Model 15.00 Four Weddings 15.30 Nothing to Declare 16.00 Ghost Whisperer 17.00 Charmed 19.00 America’s Next Top Model 20.00 Ghost Whisperer 21.00 America’s Next Top Model 22.00 Psychic Sally: On the Road 23.00 New Most Haunted Unseen 0.00 Criminal Minds

Eastenders BBC1, 21.00

One Born Every Minute C4, 22.00

8.30 Freeride Spirit Show 9.00 WATTS 9.15 Live Alpine Skiing 10.30 Ski Jumping 11.15 Live Alpine Skiing 12.30 Alpine Skiing 13.30 Ski Jumping 14.45 Cycling 15.15 Live Cycling 17.15 Cycling 18.45 Eurogoals Flash 18.55 Alpine Skiing 20.30 Eurosport for the Planet 21.00 Wednesday Selection 21.10 Riders Club 21.15 US Tour Golf 22.15 Golf Club 22.20 Yacht Club 22.30 Abu Dhabi Challenge 23.00 Cycling 1.00 Champions Club

Ramsay’s Kitchen Nightmares USA C4, 22.00

7.00 Home Shopping 8.00 Bewitched 9.00 Maury 9.55 Celebs 24/7 10.00 Passport Patrol 11.00 America’s Next Top Model 12.00 Maury 12.55 Celebs 24/7 13.00 60 Minute Makeover 14.00 Canada’s Next Top Model 15.00 Four Weddings 15.30 Nothing to Declare 16.00 Ghost Whisperer 17.00 Charmed 19.00 America’s Next Top Model 20.00 Ghost Whisperer 21.00 Changing Faces 22.00 Supernatural 23.00 Medium 0.00 Criminal Minds 1.00 CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 2.00 Canada’s Next Top Model

tv Thursday


Feb 26 - 2010 March 4 2010 5-11 March

7.00 Breakfast 10.15 Fake Britain 11.00 Homes Under the Hammer; BBC News 12.00 To Buy or Not to Buy 12.45 Cash in the Attic; BBC News; Weather. 13.15 Bargain Hunt 14.00 BBC News; Weather 14.30 Regional News; Weather 14.45 Doctors 15.15 Murder, She Wrote 16.00 BBC News; Weather; Regional News 16.05 CBeebies: 3rd & Bird. 16.15 Pinky Dinky Doo 16.25 CBBC: 16.25 Dennis and Gnasher; Leon. 16.40 Bear Behaving Badly 17.05 Horrible Histories 17.35 Relic: Guardians of the Museum 18.00 Newsround 18.15 Weakest Link 19.00 BBC News 19.30 Regional News Programmes; Weather 20.00 The One Show 20.30 EastEnders; BBC News; Regional News. 21.00 MasterChef 22.00 Cars, Cops and Criminals 23.00 BBC News 23.25 Regional News; Weather 23.35 Question Time 0.35 This Week; Skiing Weatherview. 1.25 Sign Zone: Panorama 1.55 Sign Zone: Countryfile 2.50 Sign Zone: Five Days 3.50 Sign Zone: MasterChef

7.00 CBeebies: Jakers! 7.20 Clifford 7.35 Brum 7.45 Pinky Dinky Doo 8.00 CBBC: Arthur. 8.25 Newsround 8.30 Barney’s Barrier Reef 9.00 League of Super Evil 9.15 Dennis and Gnasher 9.30 CBeebies: Zigby. 9.40 Pinky Dinky Doo 10.05 Louie 10.20 Ethelbert the Tiger 10.30 I Can Cook 10.45 Guess with Jess 10.55 Big & Small Songs 11.00 Tinga Tinga Tales 11.10 Waybuloo 11.30 In the Night Garden 12.00 Schools: BBC Primary History. 12.20 KS2 Science Clips 12.30 Primary Dance 12.45 Primary Creative Arts Around the World 13.00 Daily Politics 13.30 Working Lunch 14.00 Nature’s Top 40 14.30 Castle in the Country 15.00 Living in the Sun 16.00 Diagnosis Murder 16.45 Flog It! 17.30 Pointless 18.15 Escape to the Country 19.00 Eggheads Celebrity Special 19.30 Antiques Road Trip 20.00 The Culture Show 21.00 Lambing Live 22.00 Michelin Stars - The Madness of Perfection 23.00 Bellamy’s People 23.30 Newsnight 0.20 Women 1.20 The Culture Show

6.30 ITV Morning News 7.00 GMTV 10.25 The Jeremy Kyle Show 11.30 This Morning 13.30 Loose Women 14.30 ITV News and Weather 14.55 Granada News and Weather 15.00 House Guest in the Sun 15.59 Granada Weather 16.00 Dickinson’s Real Deal 17.00 Country House Cooking Contest 18.00 The Alan Titchmarsh Show 19.00 Granada Reports; Weather 19.30 ITV News and Weather 20.00 Emmerdale 20.30 It Pays to Complain: Tonight 21.00 Emmerdale 21.30 Coronation Street 22.00 The Bill 23.00 ITV News at Ten and Weather 23.30 Granada News and Weather 23.35 Car Crime UK 0.35 The Krypton Factor 1.05 In Plain Sight; ITV News Headlines. 1.50 Loose Women 2.40 The Jeremy Kyle Show 3.35 It Pays to Complain: Tonight

7.10 The Hoobs 8.00 Freshly Squeezed 8.25 Everybody Loves Raymond 9.15 Frasier 10.15 Will & Grace 10.45 Deal or No Deal 11.30 Coach Trip 12.05 Wife Swap USA 13.00 Channel 4 News Summary 13.05 Location, Location, Location 14.05 Ride the High Country 15.55 Glamour Puds 16.25 Countdown 17.10 Deal or No Deal 18.00 Coach Trip 18.30 Come Dine with Me Extra Portions 19.00 The Simpsons 19.30 Hollyoaks 20.00 Channel 4 News 20.55 3 Minute Wonder 21.00 Country House Rescue 22.00 Too Poor for Posh School? 23.00 Alan Carr: Chatty Man 23.50 Hung 1.00 Chris Moyles’ Quiz Night

7.00 - 10.05 Childrens TV 10.15 The Wright Stuff 11.45 Trisha Goddard 12.45 House Doctor 13.40 Five News 13.45 Extraordinary Animals 14.15 Wild Animal ER 14.45 Neighbours 15.15 Home and Away 15.50 I Own Britain’s Best Home: Flying Visit 16.05 Murder 101 18.00 Five News with Natasha Kaplinsky 18.30 Neighbours 19.00 Home and Away 19.25 Live from Studio Five 20.30 Live UEFA Europa League Football 23.30 America’s Toughest Prisons 0.35 The Sexy Ads Show 1.05 SuperCasino 5.05 The FBI Files 5.50 The Family Recipe 5.55 County Secrets 6.10 Neighbours

7.00 Good Morning Sports Fans 8.00 The Simpsons 9.00 Brainiac: Science Abuse 10.00 Lie to Me 11.00 Grimebusters 12.00 Lion Man 12.30 Airline 13.00 The Biggest Loser: Australia 13.30 Oops TV 14.00 Lie to Me 15.00 Angela and Friends 16.30 Children’s Champion Awards 2010 17.30 Lion Man 18.00 Malcolm in the Middle 18.30 Futurama 19.00 Oops TV 20.00 The Simpsons 21.00 Pineapple Dance Studios 22.00 A League of Their Own 23.00 Bones 0.00 Cold Case 1.00 A League of Their Own

8.30 Champions Club 9.00 Live Alpine Skiing 10.00 Alpine Skiing 10.30 Live Alpine Skiing 12.45 Ski Jumping 13.45 Cycling 14.45 Live Cycling 16.30 Live CrossCountry Skiing 17.15 Cycling 18.00 Live Ski Jumping 19.00 Eurogoals Flash 19.10 Alpine Skiing 21.10 Cycling 23.10 Fight Club

7.00 Home Shopping 8.00 Bewitched 9.00 Maury 9.55 Celebs 24/7 10.00 Passport Patrol 11.00 America’s Next Top Model 12.00 Maury 12.55 Celebs 24/7 13.00 60 Minute Makeover 14.00 Canada’s Next Top Model 15.00 Four Weddings 15.30 Nothing to Declare 16.00 Ghost Whisperer 17.00 Charmed 19.00 America’s Next Top Model 20.00 Ghost Whisperer 21.00 Medium 22.00 Grey’s Anatomy 23.00 Criminal Minds 1.00 CSI: Crime Scene Investigation

Suduko Answer

Crossword Answers 541

CRYPTIC SOLUTIONS Across: 1 Furthermore; 9 Skimmed; 10 Given; 11 Annul; 12 Antonio; 13 Lavish; 15 Asleep; 18 Surplus; 20 Trait; 22 Evict; 23 Elation; 24 Undertaking. Down: 2 Union; 3 Tumulus; 4 Endear; 5 Might; 6 Revenue; 7 Established; 8 Incompetent; 14 Version; 16 Set-back; 17 Ascent; 19 Lithe; 21 Alien. CRYPTIC SOLUTIONS Across: 1 Overlooking; 9 Ice-floe; 10 Tight; 11 Taste; 12 Abstain; 13 Naples; 15 Random; 18 Torpedo; 20 Irons; 22 Olive; 23 Moorhen; 24 Plate-layers. Down: 2 Views; 3 Relieve; 4 Operas; 5 Kites; 6 Niggard; 7 Distinction; 8 Stone-masons; 14 Partial; 16 Alimony; 17 Formal; 19 Erect; 21 Other.

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Feb 5-11 26 -March March 4 2010 2010

Wolf Man Book Review by

Danny Collins


THE NAME of author Wensley Clarkson will be familiar to any devotee of the true crime genre. Clarkson’s books on the subject are numbered in millions of copies and translated into five languages. What is particularly true of Clarkson’s books on crime is that they are researched to the nth degree and the author has been known to travel thousands of miles to verify details of a crime with informants face to face, be they US County Sheriffs or incarcerated criminals. In Wolf Man, Clarkson traces the criminal career of Francisco Arce Montes, who first came to the notice of the world’s public when he was arrested in the USA in 2001 on a warrant for the rape and murder of English schoolgirl Caroline Dickinson, who was killed in a makeshift dormitory on a school trip to France in 1996 as her classmates slept nearby. But the history of Montes’s predilection for the rape and murder of young girls began long before, when he was banished from his Spanish

Author: Wensley Clarkson Publisher: John Blake Publishing (paperback) Price: 10.40 euros ISBN: 978 84454 504 9

home town for his first attack on a young girl, which led to a consensual relationship and to her bearing his child. Clarkson goes on to detail the predatory rapist’s first brushes with the law and his ultimate trail of rape and murder across the globe. Montes was captured in the USA to where he had fled following the Dickinson murder when he aroused the suspicions of a US Immigration official who had read of the murder in a UK

broadsheet. It is now believed that Montes was responsible for the deaths of more than two dozen women in sexuallymotivated killings worldwide. Clarkson’s book is meticulously researched and is based on over 100 hours of interviews – including with the killer’s family – to produce the definitive account of the world’s first global serial killer and a chilling excursion into the criminal mind. copy@dannyjpcollins.com

All the featured books are available off the shelf or by mail order from Librería Europa, Calle Oscar Esplá 2, 03710 Calpe. Tel: 96 583 58 24; e-mail: libreria.europa.calpe@gmail.com Take along or send this review for a discount of 5% on your purchases.

U3A Moraira -Teulada

General Meeting Monday 5th April 2010 at Salon de Banquettes, Avenida Mediteraneo, Teulada.

The doors will open to Members at 09.45, new members are welcome and they will be able to join the U3A. The Speakers at the

meeting on the 5th April will be Clodagh and Dick Handscombe, the well known gardeners. They will not be giving a talk, they will instead be holding a Gardeners Question Time, and answering questions from Members. www.u3amoraira-teulada.org


50 44

FEB 26 5-11 MARCH - MARCH2010 4 2010


with aunty virus

UK TV catch up sites Bill via email: Dear Aunty, a couple of weeks ago you answered a question to a correspondent, I think it was about accessing UK TV Catch up sites, where you advised the site you have used that provides the services of a proxy server. I intended to keep the article for future use but unfortunately it appears that the cold weather has contributed to me recycling the newspaper by way of la chimenea. Would it be possible to let me have the website address again?

Peter via email asks: Dear Aunty, I occasionally put my computer in the standby mode which allows me to take a break from my work, but sometimes when I press any key to bring it back to life it will not accept my password. Not wishing for my account to be locked after three tries I then turn the PC off to start again. When I do this a message appears saying “Do I wish to continue as others are logged on” to which I reply “yes”. The mystery is that it does not happen every time. Now when I put the PC into standby mode I check for “others logged on” and there is no one. I am assuming that the person/s referred to could be me. Aunty says: How strange Peter. Probably the easiest solution is to disable the password requirement when your computer comes out of standby mode. If you go to Control Panel and choose “Power Options” and then the “Advanced” tab. Uncheck “Prompt for password when computer resumes from standby” and click “OK”. While you’re in control panel you may as well go to the user account section and check there are no suspicious user accounts setup. Make sure you do a complete scan for virus and spyware. Jim via email asks: Firstly, if there is one article I will not miss in the RTN it is yours and this is not to butter you up to get a reply! After loading Firefox 3.6 I have encountered several problems the most annoying being the loss of the toolbar with ‘File’ View’ ‘Edit’ ‘Tools’ etc. and the Forward and Back buttons. I have tried everything I know (not a lot mark you) but have uninstalled and re-installed without success. I lost other toolbars as Firefox said they were not compatible with 3.6 and will not allow me to install them as before. Aunty says: Flattery will get you everywhere Jim. The menu bar can normally be switched back on by holding down the Alt key and pressing V T and M in that order. Any other toolbars or add-ons will need to be updated either from the Firefox website or from the company that provide them (Skype, Google etc.)

Aunty says: Hi Bill. I’m pretty sure it would have either been daveproxy.co.uk or proxy-list. co.uk. The main problem with these proxy servers is that they are identified and blocked fairly frequently, especially by the BBC. I cannot understand why the BBC won’t change their archaic rules, and allow people outside the UK to access their services via the internet. They’re missing some huge advertising opportunities and I for one would be more than willing to pay the licence fee.

Restarting your PC Ray from Sucina asks: Hi Aunty, I read your column on the Round Town News website as I live out in the sticks and can’t always pick the printed version. I would like to say the new website is a brilliant improvement on the old one

Aunty says: Looking at the screen shot you sent me this could well be an AVG issue. Once your PC is up and running and connected to the internet you should double click on the small AVG icon in

the bottom right corner. This will bring up the AVG control panel where you can check everything is functioning correctly up to date. You should be running version 9 and once fully updated you must run a full scan.

(much easer to read). Enough rambling and onto my problem. When I switch on I get a message saying “Restarting your computer is required” if I do it makes no difference as it keeps appearing and I can’t get rid of it, any suggestions please?

Laptop freezing problems Gordon via email asks: We have an Dell Laptop just two years old with Windows XP and not often used. Shortly after start up there is a beep then all programs freeze completely and the laptop has to be turned off manually. We had installed Panda antivirus software but it seems to uninstall and requires reactivation. We have tried to get answers from Dell Tech support without success.

diagnose. As always I would recommend AVG, Malwarebytes and SuperAntiSpyware but in your situation it is going to be tricky to install and run any security programs. It will be best if you take your laptop to a specialist so if you email me your location I will see if I know of a good one in your area.

Aunty says: This could be caused by almost anything Gordon, and as your computer is freezing it is going to make it even more difficult to

That’s all for this week, email me on auntyvirus@roundtownnews.com and I will do my best to sort you out

FEB 5-11 26 -MARCH MARCH 4 2010 2010

51 45

Are you HD Ready? by

Bill Pole

ConeXionS TV Solutions, professional sales, service, support & advice

WELCOME TO the first in a new series of monthly features about the world of British TV here on the Costa Blanca. My aim is to keep you up to date with the latest news, products and developments in the field of digital TV. Each month we will cover different items of interest to the local British-speaking expat community - subjects including Sky, FreeSat, TDT, accessories for your system, ways to get the most out of your system, useful checkpoints to make sure your system runs smoothly, and many more - in a plain English, easy-to-read format. My background was originally IT back in the UK, until a motorcycle accident in 2001 left me badly injured, and eventually unemployed after 9/11. I moved to Javea in 2002 where I bought out and took over ‘ConeXionS’, an established firm in the local area which has been trading since 1988. I feel privileged to have been asked to write for RTN. My hobbies include dog-walking and amateur magic. Please feel free to email me at bill@ conexions-javea.com with your thoughts, comments, corrections and news. I actively encourage discussion and questions, and will do what I can to provide clear, relevant information on current local TV issues. Flat-screen ‘HDReady’ LCD TVs have been plummeting in price recently due to the arrival of thinner, sleeker LED and OLED TVs. Technology marches on at a fast pace, and whilst this is good for progress, it leaves many people over the age of 20 wondering how to keep up, and what the benefits really are. The industry is often confusing and fast-paced, and even the best of us can get it wrong from time to time. However, here are a few simple facts about ALL recent flat-screens which are indisputable: Because the new screens contain many

more pixels (the individual dots of light which make up an image) than the old ‘conventional’ TV screens, the picture puts less strain on the eyes, making it easier to view for the majority of the population, especially those over 50. Even with a standard definition digital receiver, the image is usually sharper than on a comparable conventional TV. High Definition broadcasts are a spectacle to behold, but you need good eyes or decent glasses to be able to get the full benefit. There has never been a better time to upgrade your old TV, in terms of value for money. So why buy the even newer LED and OLED? Well, apart from being able to show off to the neighbours, the latest TVs are much thinner than LCDs and plasmas (as little as 3cm!) in profile, have even sharper picture detail, and use around 30% less power. Over the lifetime of the set, that could add up to a substantial power saving! However, LED TVs are still expensive - a 32” set still generally costs over 1,000 euros. Also, bear in mind that the smaller and thinner the set, the more compact the speakers need to be. This can sometimes result in ‘tinny’ sound, without much body or character. The solution? Plug it into your existing hi-fi or stereo using audio cables, or run external speakers and a subwoofer to add clarity and depth to the sounds, matching the improved picture detail. Some of the absolute latest TVs on the market now come with Wi-Fi built in, allowing them to connect wirelessly to your home broadband connection, and delivering email, Youtube videos and more straight to your living room without the need for a PC. In my opinion they are still an experimental technology, and data input (such as writing an email) is restricted by having to use the remote control in a ‘texting’

type of way. I would wait for these TVs to be commonplace before splashing out. However, mark my words - this is the distant future of TV for us all! Expect a lot more news from me around this subject as the lines between computer and TV start to blur more and more. In future articles I hope to cover IPTV (TV via internet), re-broadcast TV systems, portable hard disk media players, hard disk and DVD recorders, PC to TV links, HD formats and setups, cables and senders, and eventually 3DTV, the cutting edge in 3 dimensional viewing as seen recently on Sky News – watch this space… In the meantime, if you are the proud owner of a white Sky card, but

have not, for whatever reason, got access to a ‘big’ 2.4m dish, you may find it surprising to learn that it is possible to receive several ‘big-dish’ channels on a much smaller 1 - 1.2m dish. Channels available include ITV1, Channel 4, More4 and E4. It also means uninterrupted viewing for owners of larger dishes when the usual channels start to break up late at night, or in bad weather. Please consult the ConeXionS website (details at the end of this feature) for further details. Next month: TDT or Terrestrial Digital Television – what you can do to beat the imminent rush in demand. If you can’t wait till then, feel free to contact us to find out more.

Bill Pole runs ConeXionS Digital Satellite Solutions, based in Javea. Established in 1988, they are one of the original satellite TV firms on the Costa Blanca, surviving through our success, customer loyalty and recommendation. Phone them on (+34) 660 638 975 or visit at www.conexions-javea.com for the latest news and special offers.

Solar association Costa Blanca

THE OBJECT of the Solar Association Costa Blanca is to inform about the possibilities how to use Renewable Energies in Spain. Focus will be on solar sanitary hot water, solar central heating and solar pool heating and how

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to apply for subsidies from the Government of Valencia. We offer free seminars on solar energy in Casas de Cultura and can also help people on Costa Blanca to get a solar plant for a reasonable price.

You do not need to be member of the Solar Association. Our main activities are on Northern Costa Blanca between Alicante and Denia. More informations can be obtained from Peter Spahn on 637 785 181 or info@enreal.eu or www.enreal.eu

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MercedesSport for elegance and sportiness

5-11 March 2010 UNDER THE new label MercedesSport, Mercedes-Benz is presenting a portfolio of elegant and sporty individualisation products for the first time at the Geneva Motor Show. This MercedesSport portfolio includes specially designed light-alloy wheels, a sports suspension and mounted aerodynamic and styling components. The highlights include: • Intelligently designed front aprons, spoiler edges and side skirts ensure an elegant and sporty appearance. Unlike conventional products on the market, the sophisticated “add-on principle” makes it unnecessary to replace the original components. • Optional rear and roof spoilers. • Striking eighteen-inch light-alloy wheels in a trendy bicolor version. These have sections painted in high-sheen black and bear the MercedesSport logo. • A sporty suspension, with noticeably stiffer damping, transverse stabilisers and shorter springs to lower the suspension by up to 15 millimetres • A sports braking system with perforated brake discs and grey brake calipers bearing the Mercedes-Benz logo, for outstanding deceleration and a sporty look. • A grippy four-spoke sports steering wheel with perforated leather and a silver contrasting seam, optionally available with shift paddles and heating.

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• A stainless steel pedal cluster, stainless steel door entry panels illuminated in white and bearing the MercedesSport logo and black velours floor mats with an edge border and silver contrasting seam, likewise bearing the MercedesSport logo, are further eyecatching features in the interior.


MercedesSport components distinguish themselves in three respects: • They are designed in accordance with the high quality criteria of the Mercedes-Benz brand, which in part impose far stricter standards than existing technical norms. Their development is based on the extensive findings and experience gained from the development work on the base vehicle, as well as on the original vehicle’s computer data. This means that the components fit with extraordinary precision, for example. All components have undergone computer simulations and sophisticated practical tests for reliability, durability and function - also under extreme operating conditions. The aerodynamic components have also been tested in the wind tunnel, and under the dynamic driving conditions of high-speed tracks. MercedesSport components are also highly dimensionally stable, and extremely resistant to impacts. And as MercedesSport components meet the very highest standards, they are covered by the original MercedesBenz warranty. • Thanks to the intelligent design according to the “add-on principle”, no existing parts need to be removed or replaced. • The same designers who created the original vehicle are responsible for MercedesSport styling. These mounted components accentuate the character of the vehicle, and seamlessly blend into the sophisticated design idiom of the MercedesBenz brand. MercedesSport will initially be available for the entire E-Class family (Saloon, Estate, Coupé, Cabriolet), with other model series to follow. MercedesSport is available from authorised Mercedes-Benz sales and service outlets, and can also be professionally installed there.



5-11 March 2010

Costa Blanca South Age Concern C/Blanca Sur 966786887 Mon-Fri 10-1.30pm. Centre, C/Paganini, Urb La Siesta, Torre. Charity Shop C/Patricio Zammit 41, T orre. Alcoholics Anonymous C/Blanca North 648169045. C/Blanca South 625912078 www.aa-costablanca.org Animal Aid Charity Linda 965725794 www.animalaidcostablanca.org A.E.C.C. (Assoc Española Contra el Cancer) C/Calera, 2 Torre. Wed 9am-1pm 965716679. A.E.C.C. Pilar de la Horadada Branch Wed 10-12pm Una Europa building. Autos y Caravanas de España (ACE) Caroline 965842562. Badminton Pilar de la Horadada John McGilvray 966786774 carolejohn_3@hotmail.com Badminton San Pedro del Pinatar 651483809/965727816. Baobabs Club Ted 966709881, Jean 966784735, Brian 966791970. Benijofar Chess Club Richard 660825390. Benimar Social Club Richard 660825390/Marlene 626407362. Boule Grp Guardamar 690338115. Campoverde Theatre Grp Dorothy Gates 966761812. Cancer Support (MABS) Gran Alacant Jan & Agnie 966697754. Caring Together Regional Hospice Asn. (RPA 5377) 649956365/ 965894240 www.caringspain.com info@caringspain.com Carp-R-Us Angling/Social Club New Members’ Sec 966712351 rojales1@gmail.com Catral Model Railway Grp Mike 662022190. Church On The Way Quesada Reg SG1265 sec A. Pastors: Rod/Janet 966712584/666001543 info@churchontheway.es www.churchontheway.es C.L.A.R.O Independent Party Orihuela Costa office Mon-Fri 111pm Rest Asturias. Classic Scooter Club Del 966765026/617998265 Club 600 y Clásicos de Orihuela y Vega Baja 965716360 www.club600orihuela.com info@club600orihuela.com Coro Pilar Dennis 966762954. COSTA BLANCA BIKERS Contact Pete 644143678 Bob 600677583, pete@frstyres.co.uk Costa Blanca Big Band 966731723. Costa Blanca Samaritans Helpline: 902883535 Mon-Fri 8pm-12am. info@costablancasamaritans.com www.costablancasamaritans.com Dama de Elche Lodge No163 Philip Dawe (sec) 968150244. Denelle Dance Club Ballroom/ Latin Lyn 635584431. Diabetic Support Grp Benijofar Ivy Medcare 966860258. Expatriate Ostomates of Spain EOS (G5380655) 966460063/965744426. Fellowship C.B. 965322484 patfee2005@yahoo.co.uk Freewheelers Classic Car Grp 686765297 www.TorreviejaInformation.com/freewheelers freewheelers08@yahoo.co.uk Friends 4u Abroad Karen 622033582 friends4uabroad@gmail.com www.friends4uabroad.com Gilbert & Sullivan Society Cindy/ Cyril Willoughby 966785877 cwillo.es@gmail.com www.gilbertandsullivansociety.eu Guardamar Badminton Club 690338115. Guardamar No1 CSC Steve 669340528/Maureen 618180290. HELP Vega Baja 966723733 10-1.30pm www.helpvegabaja. com 24hr helpline 965704282

Hondon Bridge Club Pat 637993667/Eddie 677240656. Int. Motorhome Assoc John Sanderson Volunteered Co-ordinator 966474532/662032131. Int. Motorhome Club 965851671/ 667508217 rayjeanbarber@hotmail.com DerekLoveday@telefonica.net (mark subject IMC) L A Concert Band Lorraine/David 965724291/687429144. Ladies Friday Club Rojales Dee 966712504/Jan 966712679. La Marina & San Fulgencio Cardinal Belluga Theatre Grp Maria 966715891/Alan 966795523. mariamosley3@hotmail.com La Marina & San Fulgencio computer club. Albert 966797704 / Ron 966790396. www.lamarinacomputerclub.com La Marina & San Fulgencio Residents Asoc lmsfra@gmail.com www.lmsfra.webs.com M & M’s Dance Club Horadada Michael 610981795/965350762. Manchester City F.C. Official Supporters Club (1949) Spanish Branch Rob Hudson (Sec) 608511437 bluerob64@live.co.uk Medcare Mum/Baby Clinic Benijofar Hazel 966860258 doctors@medcarespain.com Modern Jive Paso o Paso 670711408 www.modern-jive-spain.com Mums/Tots La Marina Marianne 966790117/Hilary 966790738. Nifty Fiftys Fitness Jason 693596533. jason@jpsfitness.net Orihuela Costa Neighbourhood Watch Chris Poole 966761379/ Graham Jones 965327838. Orihuela Scooter Club Lee 630142317/Ian 664367512 Ostomates Support Grp Alan 965319029/Sylvia 966791837 thelovelies70@hotmail.com sylviaajohnson@gmail.com Paul Cunningham Nurses 966790363 Palm Tree Hse Avda de Londres 56, urb La Marina. P.E.P.A. Animal Charity 650304746. www.pepaspain.com Phoenix Car Club www.phoenixcarclub.com info@phoenixcarclub.com Phoenix Retired Firefighters Club Iain Bennett 966731495 idsbennett@hotmail.co.uk Pilar Christian Community Church 966763725/968575417 PilarChristian. CommunityChurch@gmail.com Pilar Sol Club Trevor Hook 966769655. Radio Control Howard 965415410. Rascals Jill 966727282 www.therascals.info RAOB GLE The Philip Scott Lodge No:10671 Tel: Sec. Kevin Dent 626664101. Rojales & Quesada Neighbourhood Watch Helen 966717582 helentudor22@gmail.com Rojales Pantomime Grp Bridget 966717977 www.rojalespantoespana.webnode.com Rojales Studio 17 Life Drawing Club Martin 965724927. Royal British Legion Gran Alacant’s Branch Barbara Turnbull 966699828 b_dmt1966@yahoo.co.uk Royal British Legion Hondon Valley Branch 677376770 davesyl@gmail.com Royal British Legion La Manga Branch 691982724 www.lamangarbl.com Royal British Legion La Marina Branch 966790798 kei-jan@hotmail.com Royal British Legion Spain Welfare: 676451780/952352300 (ans/phone). www.spainnorth. legionbranches.net Royal Marines Assoc, C/Blanca

8-14 JANUARY 19-25 FEBRUARY2010 2010


Please note that the DEADLINE for clubs announcements is Friday at 12.00 noon. Please email your details to clubs@roundtownnews.com or fax to 965 705 328 RTN clubs is printed on the first friday of each month. You can also find clubs listed on our web page www.roundtownnews.co.uk

Branch Bert Moye 965725659/Phil Prince 966700731. San Miguel Amigos Greyhound Racing Club Brian 965720492/ Wayne 966723999. San Miguel Baobabs Club Brian 966791970, Jean 966784735, Doug 966791849 San Miguel Cage/Aviary Bird Club Mathew 966780336/Ian 966723235. Santa Pola Dollshouse & MIniatures Grp Janette 965415410 Table Tennis San Luis Del 653564831. The Aircrew Assoc Costa Blanca Branch 966495042 www.acacostablanca.org THE MARITIME ASSOCIATION For more information contact Mel Cook 966716877/ mel.cook30@ yahoo.com The Phoenix Concert Band Di Hedley 965716601. www.TorreviejaInformation.com/phoenix Toastmasters Int. Las Palmeras Club Eamon 678105007/Jan 965329642 ernstandjan@gmail.com Torre de la Horadada Neighbourhood Watch Frank Reid 646255696/Trevor Hook 606562347. Whist Drive Jacky 965322361/ 629963279.

Los Alcazares Acacia Centre for Spiritual Awareness 968537243/ 679824008. Centro Cristiano La Vina San Javier/Mar Menor Jan 618779532. Freemasonry Mar Menor Brian 968199596 briandelect@aol.com LA Digital Camera Club Trevor 968574877/Mike 968582217 www.ladigitalcafe.webeden.co.uk/ Los Alcazares Duplicate Bridge Margaret/ Ron Odell 968575760/ 676346118 romar.odell@yahoo.co.uk Spangles 968334527/968432525. www.spangleschorus.com The Mar Menor Art Grp Eli 968170571 eli@spainmagic.com The Nosmo-King Club 968546817 Alcoholics Anonymous 679385105. Badminton Totana Ric 680782076. Calida Country Music Club Tom Wills 610632152. Camposol Bridge Barry 609925497/Norma 650418887. Cañadas del Romero www.CanadasdelRomero.es Cancer Support (MABS) Help Line 620422410 www.mabsmazarron.com Ex-Servicemen’s Assoc Mazarrón District Bill 626209419/Ian 629818611. Freemasonry Mazarron Reg 649296658/Peter 699261828. Mass In English 968424386/ 676219445 Father Peter Escribano/Father Octavio Carpena. Mazarron Bowls Club Richard Cooper 968131619. www.mazarronbowlsclub.webs.com Mazarron Friendship Grp Len 689113494 mfg30875@yahoo.co.uk P.A.L.S. Protection & Life Saving Pres. Ken 626460465/V.Pres. Pat 628879284. www.pals.com.es Puerto de Mazarron Ladies Circle Anne 669338885/Linda 616112879. St.Nicholas Ecumenical Church Len Eaton 968138952/660969243. Choir Master, Stuart Burnley 618869376 www.st-nicholaschurchcamposol.com The Coffin Dodgers Rock ‘n’ Roll Club Carol 628590014 casacarol@hotmail.com The Lions Club of Mazarron Bahia Diane 968431521/Beryl 616277389.

The Olive Branch Christian Fellowship Pastor Ralph/ Margaret Locke 968199622/618720181. www.olivebranchfellowship.com Welcome Grp 620105179/ 618254143 Mon-Sat 11-7pm. www.welcomegroupspain.com Wellspring Victory Church Pastor Andrew 968635875/Duncan 607382033/968130530. www.wellspringvictorychurch.com

Murcia 1 Metre Radio Control Sailing Club Richard 965325009/ hextinspain@gmail.com Alcoholics Anonymous English 646290420. Alcoholics Anonymous La Manga 679385105. Amigos de los Coches Clásicos del Levante Harry 629529656/ Hans 968419256 www.a-c-c.es acclevante@hotmail.com Cancer Support Grp (MABS) 693275779 www.mabsmurcia.com Cloud Nine Drama Pat Hunt 968664429/627791577 patsy. hunt@gmail.com Community Church Los Nietos Miguel/Vivien 968133724 losnietoschurch@gmail.com www. aqua-adicta.co.uk/alphacentre/ Friends & Buddies Social Club Ann Lambert 968163758/ 628153329 friendsandbuddies07@hotmail.com Friends In Totana (F.I.T.) Pat 630941377. Guiding/Scouting 608174485. info@murciasur.org Harmony Ladies Grp Jenny 680858836. HELP Murcia Mar Menor Office: 968570059 Mon-Fri 10-1.30pm. info@helpmurciamarmenor.org www.helpmurciamarmenor.org Evt/tkts: Joan Mitchell 968181943. Mar Menor Sailing Asso(SAMM) Cdre: John Curtis 966764664. M/ship: Brian Blackburn samm. membersec@hotmail.com www.sailingmarmenor.com

Torrevieja 4-10 Yrs! Football! Kids-Mini Soccer Tony 678955501 tonyssoccerschool@yahoo.co.uk www. tonys-soccer-school.net 50+ Solos Ruth 966786320/Anne 966786281. AFA Torrevieja, Assoc Alzheimer de Familiares y Amigos de Torrevieja 966702500 Fax: 966702203 Al-Anon Family Grp Helpline: 692799318 (9am-9pm). Alcholics Annonymous English 625912078. Anglican Chaplaincy St Peter & St Paul Alicante-Cartagena. Church ser: 968193117. Funerals, Wedding Blessings, Baptisms 965720911. Asn. de las Rutas y Caminos de la Sal Pres. Maureen Moss 966923113/Sec. Jenny Dodd 965718483. Asn. of Retired Police Officers ARPO (Police) Mike Peters 966797015 mlspeters@hotmail.com Bon Bon Club Anna 966789470. Bridge Club Rojales Coby 966714266. Cafe Con Senoritas June 966731113/680384738 junesullivan@hotmail.co.uk Cantabile Int. Ladies Choir Jennifer 966796866/655471787 jenmorton@terra.es Henny 966703247 www.cantabilesingers. bravehost.com Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints 637460864/664551627. Church Mtg C/Formentera, Torre Lesley/Brenda 965870911/ 629623706. Club ‘93 965080339 yvonneblake4@hotmail.com

Club Torrevieja Classics & Specialists Cars David 965716360 www.ClubTorrevieja.com Costa Blanca Runners John 966786774 carolejohn_3@hotmail.com Crescendo Int. Choir M/ship sec Phyl Webb 966785332. C/man Lawrence Gee 966261663 www.crescendo-choir Crime Watch Spain VG-82612000 Fd:1999. Torre: 966786266 Ted. Catral: 965992838 Jose. jrivero-smith@skynetlink.com http://vecinos-colaborando.tripod. com/ Crisol Pensioners Club Civic Centre, Alameda del Mar Mon-Fri. 4-6pm. http://www.NetHatcher.de Euro Divers Diving/Watersports Social Club Bob 966723024/Eric 965328941 eurodivers34@yahoo.co.uk Football In Torrevieja Dougie 628789335 www.CostaBlancaFootball.com Forty Something Dining/Social Club Angie 686367421 jessang563@hotmail.com Full Gospel Business Men’s Fellowship Int Torrevieja Stuart 968575417/664673863. Gardening Club (Vega Baja) C.man Val 966716527. Int. Christian Assembly Rev Rafael Restrepo 968282049/ 660127276. www.icatorrevieja.org Just Brass Band John 966706959 Ian 966191734 iangibson@hotmail.es La Bamba’s Ballroom/Latin Dancing Andrea/Brian 616478157. Labour Int. (CB South) Christine Montano 966784720 /Sarah Hill 966260352. La Marina Bridge Club Peter 966790328/Trevor 966795869. La Marina & San Fulgencio Computer Club Albert 966797704/Ron 966790396. www.lamarinacomputerclub.com La Marina Tappers Yvonne 966796820/Bill 966760032. La Mata and Torrevieja Nature Reserve Volunteers Group. Tel Joy 966 797 765 La Siesta & El Chaparral Neighbourhood Watch/ Residents Grp Bruce 966786079. La Siesta Charity Lending Library Tue 10.30-12.30pm C/Weber 12, Urb La Siesta, Torre. La Siesta Evangelical Church Rev. Daniel Reyes B.D. 968508028. Sec Fiona Cook 966700131 www.TorreviejaInformation.com/ lasiestachurch Masonry Torrevieja Barrie Mansell 966719653 provincialsec@ hotmail.com Mothers Union Debbie 679501543 capewell4@hotmail.com Netball Tracey 679539995. New Gospel Choir 966927551. Nirvana Dining Club Janet 667863495. Norwegian Church La Siesta Paul Hammond-Poe 636948446 Norwegian/Dennis Beecroft 965720732 English. P.A.L.S (Pleasure & Leisure in Spain) Carole 965080351/ 671986781. Petanca Club San Miguel 966723522. Phoenix Solo’s Club Beryl 629891482/Trevor 966708175. Portsmouth Football Club Supporters Steve 656579423. R.A.O.B. Costa Blanca Lodge 976717084 ronkmcgreevy@ yahoo.co.uk Rhythm Rascals 662441258. Road Bowling Club Brendan C/man 677868566. Neville Hancox Royal Air Forces

Association 965724256 nwhancox@hotmail.com http://www.rafacostablanca.com/ RAFA/idex.html Royal British Legion V/c.man Steve Ironmonger 966719985/ 628034962. Royal Naval Assoc Gillian Burden 638512056 www.torreviejarna.info Scottish Country Dancing Torrevieja Stewart 966722724/ Wilma 966730666. Sequence Dancing Derek 965716647. Showgroup Torrevieja Jennifer 966261627. Sole Mates’Main Street’, Formerly the Dining Room, San Luis. Jim 606744861/Karyn 663399027 Spanish Classes (Crime Watch) 965992838. T.A.A.B.’ s Singing Show Grp Helen 965070413 www.TorreviejaInformation.com/taabs The Baker Foundation for Spiritual Awareness Tel/fax: 966760665. The Brit Club Barbara 965702003. The Costa Blanca Branch of the World Ship Society Mel Cook 966716877 mel.cook30@yahoo.com www.worldshipsociety.org The Dolly Mixtures Irene 966712924 The Good Life Non Smoking Club Hazel 966921558. The Iceni Dancers Jacqui 965323673/Joy 966715848. The Int. Club Torrevieja Sue 965703803/Mandy 966920428. The Oddballs Motorbike Club Paul 638187890/Carol 661375716. The Seekers Mary Brewer 966784033. The Spiritual Awareness Society of Quesada Mandy 699691236. The Torrevieja Barbershop Harmonies Barry 966717262/ Eberhard 966773145 www.theharmonisers.com The Torrevieja Scottish Country Dancing Group 966730666 The “Velvetones” Kristoff 966714973 www.velvetones.org The Vivace Mixed Voice Classical Choir 965720919. Torre Foundation for Spiritual Awareness 647189135/ 966786651 www.torrespirit.com Torrevieja Aglow Barbara 965702871/Marcia 966760585. Torrevieja Christian Fellowship 966700391 www.tcf-spain.org Torrevieja Computer Club 966786281. www.torreviejacomputerclub.com Torrevieja Costa Lions Club Dave Bray 965013088 brayer50@ yahoo.co.uk Torrevieja Craft Club Kathy 678901237. Torrevieja Flower Club Sandra 966707330 Cynthia 965703547 www.torreviejaflowerclub.com Torrevieja Philatelic Society Harry Alderson 966789018. Torrevieja Pipes & Drums Joan/ Barry 966712076 waddingtonjoan@gmail.com Torrevieja Rugby Club Jerry Josee 695953137/Jeff Davies 677607424. Torrevieja Stroke Support Grp Louie 966718964/Carol 966765488/Margaret 966193311 strokesupportgroup@hotmail. com www.torreviejastrokesupportgroup.net Torrevieja Writers’ Circle Nik Morton 966796866. Total Crafts Maureen 966789977/ Sue 966706268. TRAC: Torrevieja Retired Activity Club M.ship Pam 966790648/ C.man Graham 966775282. U3A Torrevieja www.u3atorrevieja.com

5-11 MARCH 2010


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MOBILE/ PARK HOMES ready to move into on permanent site. Carol. 968-192-425/ 626-055-622. Web: www.mobilehomesmarmenorspain. com BUYERS STRUCTURAL SURVEYS www.surveyspain.com defects reports & solutions. Mark Paddon Bsc Hons Building Surveying. MCIOB. Tel 962-807-247/ 653-733-066 LOOKING FOR A HOUSE INSURANCE? 100.000 building - 20.000 contents for just 185€/pa. contracts in English. Call 661-362-131 for your personalized quote >>>> 250,000€ <<<< 3 story semi, underbuild to be finished as you desire. 1st floor - lounge, fitted kitchen, bedroom, back and front balcony. 2nd floor - 2 beds, large and small balconies, sea and mountain views, his and hers bathroom. 200m2 house, 425m2 land with private parking. A/C, alarm, tel, cetral heating. Lots of green, fantastic views, ideal for family. Call Tony: 699-843-553. LA NUCIA - LOCAL FOR SALE OR TO RENT Close to town hall, 100m2, parking close by. Inside fully equip., A/C, 2 toilets 1 with shower, seperate office, storage rooms... ideal for any activities. For more info. tel: 667-055377/ 966-873-781. PROPERTY MANAGEMENT offering a complete and competitive service for all your property rental needs including: Keyholding, cleaning & laundry, meet and greets, airport transfers Los Alcazares. Tel: 628-772418 email: rosaliamews@live.co.uk

1 BEDROOM BUNGALOW with large garden & parking, for yearly rental on Camping pueblo, san Javier. Carol 968-192-425/ 626-055-622 Email: haydn47@hotmail.com Web: www. mobilehomesmarmenorspain.com FANTASTIC PLACE TO ENJOY YOUR HOLIDAYS. RURAL HOUSE

SUITABLE FOR 8 PEOPLE 652 756 085 www.casalastreshermanas.com BEAUTIFUL PLACE TO ENJOY YOUR HOLIDAYS: WOODEN HOUSE SUITABLE FOR 5 PEOPLE. 695923194 WWW.VENDOPISO.COM DOLORES 3 bedrooms apartment 390€ 695923194. Spanish village house in the country side. 3 bedrooms, bathroom, kitchen, lounge. 300€ 695923194 DOLORES 2 bedrooms apartment fully furnished. Large terrace. garage, s. pool 350€ 695923194 DOLORES Large 3 bedrooms detached villa for rent with option to buy!! 700€ 695923194 CABO ROIG Apartment fully furnished. 2 bedrooms, lounge, Air conditioning hot and cool. Car port, community swimming pool and tennis court. 500€ 695923194 CATRAL Semidetached villa. 3 bedrooms, 2 bathroom, kitchen, lounge, utility room, community swimming pool. 600€ 695923194. 3 bedrooms terraced house. 2 bathrooms, kitchen, lounge, utility room. 450€ 695923194 CALLOSA DEL SEGURA 5 bedrooms villa. 13.000sqm plot. Swimming pool 850€ 695923194 MUDAMIENTO 3 bedrooms detached villa. 600€ 695923194 SAN BARTOLOME 3 bedrooms Spanish village house in the country side. Bathrooms, kitchen and lounge. 400€ 695923194 PINOSO 2 bedrooms apartment fully furnished. 350€ 695923194 DAYA NUEVA 2 bedrooms bungalow, community s. pool. 400€ 695923194 LA MARINA 1 bedroom bungalow 320€ 695923194. 2 bedrooms bungalow, swimming pool 400€. Detached villa with swimming pool. 4 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms. 500sqm plot. 1.000€ 695923194 LA MARINA 3 bedrooms detached villa fully furnished. S.pool and large garage. 750€ 695923194. BETWEEN GUARDAMAR AND LA MARINA 2 bedrooms bungalow, garden, s.pool. 450€ SHORT OR LONG TERM. 695923194 GUARDAMAR DEL SEGURA 2 bedrooms apartment fully furnished. 2 bathrooms, kitchen, utility room, lounge and balcony. SHORT OR LONG TERM. 450€ 695923194 LA MATA 2 bedrooms Spanish duplex style apartment fully furnished. BBQ. and s. pool. Close to the beach. 500€ to let and 106.000€ for sale. 695923194 SALADAR (Almoradi) 2 bedrooms detached house. 2 bathrooms, toilette, open fitted kitchen, lounge, utility room, courtyard, terrace & solarium. 4Air conditioning & central heating. 450€ FOR SALE: 120.000€ 695923194 ALMORADI Large 3 bedrooms apartment fully furnished. 450€ 695923194

FOR SALE IN ALTEA LA VELLA Spacious furnished 3 bedroom apartment for sale in middle of beautiful village. 110m². New kitchen with dishwasher and washing machine, 1 bathroom and 1 shower room. Bars, restaurants, supermarkets, pharmacy all within a couple of minutes walk. Large terrace at back of the apartment overlooking orange groves and balconies off 2 bedrooms. Trastero and private parking. AP-7 3 minutes by car.

VALVERDE 3 bedrooms country house. Big plot of land. 400€ 695923194 CLOSE TO ELCHE 1 bedroom country house. 320€ including bills.695923194 ALBATERA 2 double bedrooms country house. 2500sqm plot. S.pool, car port, barbecue…. 650€ 695923194 SANTA ANA (ELCHE) 2 bedrooms country house. For rent with option to buy. 500€ 695923194 MATOLA 4 bedrooms country house. Fully furnished. 600€ 695923194 CREVILLENTE 4 bedrooms country house. Swimming pool. 490€ 695923194 ROJALES FULLY FURNISHED. New Detached and semidetached villas from 800€ 695923194 WWW.VENDOPISO.COM GRAN ALACANT Beautiful 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms bungalow. American kitchen, 2 terraces and garage. Beautiful urbanization in front of the sea with electric gate, 2 swimming pools and tennis court. 500€ 695923194 CABO ROIG BEACHSIDE 1 minute from beach Cala Capitan. Apartments or terraced house for rent. Long term or short term. Tel: 966 773 985 BLUE LAGOON 3 Bed/2 Bath detached villa,Separate kitchen, Beautifully furnished, Air con, Off road parking, Sea views.South facing. Available for long term rent. Please call 663836990 LA ZENIA 2 Bed apartment, ground floor, Recently refurbished, close to all shops and bars, walking distance to beach,large terrace to front of property, suitable for wheelchair access. Available for long term rental. Please call 663836990 BENITACHELL (LES FONTS) PRIVATE RENT. 2 double bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, Fitted kitchen, Satellite & telephone connection, Front south facing terrace, Large Garage/ Storeroom. 85m2, community pool, Quiet location in cul-de-sac. Ideal for retired or young couple, no pets please. Telephone: 965-748-199/ 659-921-875. Price: 550€ per month, plus Utility Costs. HOUSE IN QUESADA FOR RENT 2/3 bedrooms, overlooking community pool. Good views. Close to all amenities. Tel: 965-702-170/ 625-830-776 ALGORFA TOWN CENTRE two bedroom ground floor flat, large terrace, swimming pool, furnished 300€ per month +100€ bills. Ring 966-783-555/ 00447949589539 or londonangels@hotmail.com DETACHED VILLA FOR RENT 2 Bed villa for rent 1,200sqm garden, high walls private pool. 2 rent 4 short/ long term. Torrevieja La Siesta contact dorothydevos@gmail.com PROPERTIES REQUIRED for holiday lets in Javea area. Free advertising & professional photography 697-432-226 www.javeapropertyservices.com LA NUCIA - LOCAL TO RENT OR FOR SALE Close to town hall, 100m2, parking close by. Inside fully equip., A/C, 2 toilets 1 with shower, seperate office, storage rooms... ideal for any activities. For more info. tel: 667-055-377/ 966-873-781.

DOLORES 5 double bedrooms country house. 10.000sqm plot. Manis water and electricity. 188.000€ 695923194 VISIT OUR WEB SITE WE HAVE THE BEST PRICES!!!!! WWW.VENDOPISO.COM CLOSE TO MATOLA Country house with 2.600sqm plot fully fenced. 4 double bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, kitchen, large lounge with 2 fire place, terrace, storage with barbecue, 10x5 swimming pool, garden. Mains water and electricity. 257.500€ An exchange is accepted 695923194 DOLORES URGENT FOR SALE Beautiful 3 bedroom detached villa. Central heating, air conditioning, swimming pool, summer fitted kitchen. 219.500€ 695923194 ALBATERA Country house. 2500sqm plot fully furnished. 2 double bedrooms, swimming pool, barbecue. Fantastic views. 186.000€ 695923194 CREVILLENTE 4 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms country house fully refurbished. OPPORTUNITY 195.000€ 695923194 SAN BARTOLOMÉ 3 bedrooms village house, bathroom, kitchen, lounge. 115.000€ 695923194 ALMORADI Large apartment. 3 double bedrooms with fitted wardrobes, 2 bathrooms. Independent kitchen, utility room and courtyard. Lounge, large terrace, and community swimming pool. 115.000€ 695923194 VILLAMARTIN South facing villa, 2 bedrooms, bathroom, partly furnished, big lounge, garden, terrace, big solarium with seaviews, conservatory, huge garage, community pool. 162.000 euro. Tel: 616 939 326, 966 773 985, www.hf-immo.com LA FLORIDA Large one bedroom apartment, fully furnished, aircon, glazed in balcony with nice views, south-west facing, off road parking, close to all amenities. 62.700 euro. Tel: 616 939 326, 966 773 985, www.hf-immo.com PUNTA PRIMA Penthouse apartment, private solarium, 2 bedrooms, storage rooms, furnished, balcony with sea views, community pool, quiet area, walking distance to the beach. 82.000 euro. Tel: 616 939 326, 966 773 985, www.hf-immo.com VILLAMARTIN Detached house, 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, 3 terraces, furnished, a/c, storage, central heating, sea views, conservatory, sunny side, parking, community pool. 149.000 euro. Tel: 616 939 326, 966 773 985, www.hf-immo.com LA ZENIA BEACH Furnished apartment, 80 m² living area, 2 bedrooms, bathroom, balcony with lovely sea view, terrace overlooking green area, 3 min walk from the beach. 109.000 Euro. Tel: 616 939 326, 966 773 985, www.hf-immo.com CABO ROIG BEACH Top floor apartment, 2 bedrooms, 1 bathroom, a/c, fire place, balcony, sunny side, storage room, new windows, off road parking, 20m² garden. 103.000 euro. Tel: 616 939 326, 966 773 985, www.hf-immo.com VILLAMARTIN Terraced house, 2 bedrooms, bathroom, large kitchen, a/c, terrace, front and back garden,

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solarium, storage room, quiet area, close to all amenities. 79.000 euro Tel: 616 939 326, 966 773 985, www.hf-immo.com PLAYA FLAMENCA Terraced house, 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, furnished, balcony, sunny side, off road parking, community pool, quiet area and close to all amenities. ONLY 109.000 euro. Tel: 616 939 326, 966 773 985, www.hf-immo.com CABO ROIG BEACH Cala Capitan. Semi detached house, 2 or 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, fire place, furnished, 2 balconies, 2 terraces, big cellar, great seaviews, 1 min walk to the beach. 239.000 euro. Tel: 616 939 326, 966 773 985, www.hf-immo.com LA ZENIA Detached villa, 400m² plot, 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, dining room, fire place, furnished, nice garden, large storage room and garage, pool possible. 176.000 euro. Tel: 616 939 326, 966 773 985, www.hf-immo.com LA ZENIA BEACH Ground floor apartment, 3 bedrooms, bathroom, office, furnished, terrace, patio, off road parking, community pool, 7 min walk to the beach. 109.000 euro. Tel: 616 939 326, 966 773 985, www.hf-immo.com WE ARE LOOKING FOR RESALE PROPERTIES ON THE ORIHUELA COSTA. IF YOU WANT TO SELL YOURS, PLEASE CONTACT US. Tel: 616 939 326, 966 773 985 MONTEBELLO 3/4 bed, 2 bath detached villa on a 210m corner plot in a nice, quiet location. Separate kitchen, plenty of storage areas, A/C, sat TV, communal pool, close to amenities, lovely garden and patio areas as well as a terrace with fantastic views of the mountains and country side. Viewing essential. Outstanding price of €145,550. Phone 628 932 137 BEAUTIFUL SEMI-DETACHED HOUSE in Callosa de Segura with views of the mountains. 3 bed, 2 bath, separate modern fitted kitchen and spacious lounge/diner. Fully furnished to a high standard, A/C, roof solarium and balconies off 2 of the bedrooms. Lovely garden, 200m plot and a communal pool shared between only 5 houses. JUST REDUCED TO €139,000. Phone Price Crash Property on 628 932 137 EL GALAN lovely, modern 3 bed, 2 bath detached villa. Spacious lounge/diner with a built in fireplace, good size fully fitted kitchen. On the ground floor is 1 of the 3 bedrooms and a WC. Upstairs are 2 airy and well sized bedrooms both with fitted wardrobes and their own private balcony and also a roomy, fully tiled family bathroom. Fully furnished. From the back of the villa there is access to the lovely enclosed communal pool area. To the front of the property is a low maintenance garden, patio area and driveway. Fantastic Opportunity €134,000. Call 628 932 137 APARTMENT IN VILLA COSTA close to Campoamor golf course. 3 bed, 1 bath, recently refurbished. Separate kitchen, brand new and fully tiled bathroom, terrace, very close to amenities. ONLY €78,000. Phone 628 932 137 ENTRE NARANJOS beautifully presented 3 bed, 2 bath quad. Separate kitchen, A/C, lounge/diner, garden, balcony, roof solarium with fantastic views, communal pool and carport. Close to all amenities including golf, restaurants and shops. Only €120,000. Call Price Crash

Property on 628 932 137 LA APARACIDA NEAR ORIHUELA Lovely ground floor apartment in a small gated community in a traditional Spanish village next to the mountains. 2 bed, 1 bath, fully fitted American kitchen, balcony, lounge/diner with patio doors to a small patio/garden to the front over-looking communal pool and gardens. Fully furnished with garage space included in the price. Only €78,000. Phone 628 932 137 REDUCED TO €79,500 2 bed, 1 bath apartment in Los Altos. Lounge/diner, separate kitchen with utility room, fully furnished, private terrace, communal pools. Bargain price. Call Price Crash Property on 628 932 137 MONTEMAR, ALGORFA secure top floor 2 bed, 1 bath apartment with private roof solarium. Good sized lounge/diner which leads to a small balcony. The American kitchen is modern and fully equipped. 2 bedrooms, the master has built in wardrobes and a fully tiled family bathroom. Sold fully furnished, communal pool and an allocated parking space. Close to amenities. NOW REDUCED TO €69,750 Call Price Crash Property on 628 932 137 EL GALAN quad house with 3 beds, 2 baths, American kitchen, utility room, lounge/diner. Part furnished, roof solarium and a manageable garden. No community charges and close to amenities. €111,000. Phone Price Crash Property on 628 932 137 VISIT OUR WEBSITE www.pricecrashproperty.com for more bargain properties on the Costa Blanca

COSTA BLANCA NORTH Well established retail shop. curtains, bedding, mattresses etc. high turnover high margins. Fully fitted inc air con. possibilty of second shop included in the price of 25.000€ plus SAV. more info 625-546-111 COSTA BLANCA NORTH Well established retail shop. curtains, bedding, mattresses etc. high

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WEDDING PHOTOGRAPHER Now with video highlights included as standard. Contact Steve 966-470-163/662-570-702.

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turnover high margins. Fully fitted inc air con. possibilty of second shop included in the price of 25.000 euro plus SAV. more info 625546111

BUSINESS OPPPORTUNITY Offers invited for a well established storage business for sale on the southern Costa Blanca. Fully equipped new buildings with 24 hr access, security systems and staffed. High occupancy rate, high gross margins with room to expand. Please contact gary@ securistore.com to arrange a viewing. (NO TIME WASTERS)

SERVICE AIR David Higton: (Tel) 966-865-883 (Mob) 629-308-505 (Email) cool@serviceair.biz EXCEL AIRCONDITIONING See main ad on page 27. Tel/Fax (Head Office) 966-897-772. Mobiles: 680-154-432/676-265-675. Email: excelairconditioning@hotmail.com. All credit/debit cards accepted.

GENERAL BUILDING AND GARDEN MAINTENANCE No job to small. Reliable service. Competitive prices. Tel. 671442998

INTERIOR PAINTER One bedroom property from 135€. Two bedroom property from 200€. Three bedroom property from 265€. Fast, reliable service. Will quote for exterior painting. No job too small. For more info. tel: 634-793-984

ALL PLUMBING central heating & Aircon work undertaken including installation of your own units. Re-gas and full Aircon service €49. Trade work also. 965-638-529/ 618-036-611

LOCKEDOUT LOCKSMITH 24h Emergency Service. Houses & Cars Opened. Locks changed or Upgraded. Call Dan 965-888-418/ 657-890-830 www.lockedout.es REGISTERED LOCKSMITH For emergency safe opening. Tel. Michael Rice: 686-513-510. Denia - Alcante.

STORAGE/ VAN HIRE/ REMOVALS First class storage facilities north and south CB with free access, low cost van hire with or without driver, local and international removals, boxes and packing materials for sale. Call 965681-605 CB south or 965-760-111 CB North www.securistore.com MAN & LWB SPRINTER VAN going to UK- Spain twice a month. Tel: 610846-260 or 0044-7519-186-355 email van.man@hotmail.co.uk REMOVALS- SPAIN- UK Local and long distance. Competitive rates, credit cards accepted. Tel. 671442998 SPANISH LINKS LTD Low budget door to door fast collection & quick delivery removals or storage. Weekly reliable service. Full or part loads and even small deliveries. Spain/UK/Spain. Credit or Debit cards accepted www. spanishlinks.co.uk Telephone UK office 0044-1209-843-971 GRAHAM’S TRANSPORT 24/7 Deliveries, Collection. Spain- UKSpain or any where in Europe. Reasonable rates. Storage facilities are available in Spain and UK. Tel: Lyn or Graham 661-752-010/ 0044-7733-329-305 BMC TRANSPORT High volume box van, deliveries, collections 24/7 All types of work undertaken, full or part loads UK and Europe covered. For a professional and reliable service call Sue daytime/evening 620 044 983. MICK WITH HIS VAN Removals Collections Deliveries. For a reliable effective service. Hourly rate or quote. Call Mick anytime 600-247-535 LARGE EMPTY VAN with experienced owner, driver returning to UK regularly. Dave: 965-329-610/ 686-767-839

BRITISH GRADUATE TEACHER offers secondary/ primary tuition. English/ mathematics. Tel: margaret Johnson B.Ed. 965-350-516/ 616-660-687 DO YOU WANT TO SPEAK SPANISH? Spanish lessons 652756085

1.9M SATALITE DISH twin LNB & wall stand 150€. Mobile 676-673-285 SKY UK ENGINEER Famaval Satalite Dishes, Trade prices from 395€. Sky Sports, Sky HD, Home Cinema. Tel: 965-070-458/ 618-585-051 CRYSTAL CLEAR SATELLITE & TELEVISION Forget the rest go to the best for all your digital & TV requirements Steve 660-186-505 Ros 965-584-097 www.ccsattv.com info@ ccsattv.com SKY FREE TO VIEW Small dish & mesh upgrades, yes back on 90€. BBC, ITV, CH4 & lots more. Also installations/ repairs. 10 years. Torrevieja. 679-876-926 SKY SUPPLIES Pace, Thompson, Amstrad digi-boxes. White cards,

SWIMMING POOL MAINTENANCE AND CLEANING SERVICE BY POOLTECHSPAIN. We are a fully legal, qualified and registered business who have been operating on the Costa Blanca for 6 years. We offer a professional, reliable, safe and efficient pool service, inc. re-grouting, pressure testing and leak repairs. Private and community swimming pools undertaken. Call now for more information on 965-725-565 or mobile 676-945-360/ 620-743-048 www.pooltechspain.com

POOL LEAK REPAIR SPECIALIST’S Pipe leaks pressure tested, detected and repaired. Structural leaks investigated and repaired. 100’s of private and communal pools successfully repaired on the Costa Blanca. Refurbishments and upgrades undertaken. Replacement pumps, filters, salt systems, ph regulators and accessories supplied and installed. All work guaranteed. British trained in the UK pool industry with over 15 years experience. Torrevieja and surrounding areas including Costa Calida. Tel Pristine Pools on 966-774199 or 678-080-500 Email info@pristineswimmingpools.com www.pristineswimmingpools.com

Reliable and professional Torrevieja area For your free estimate, call Dave on

693 215 192

QUALIFIED TRADESMEN Air Conditioning. Satalitle TV installation, plumbing, electrical, boilers, fencing, painting, balustrades, tiling & general maintenance. Small jobs welcome. Torrevieja surrounding area. Tel: 965-328-361/ 680-934-549 JOINER, KITCHENDS, BEDROOMS..... doors, windows, garden, decking Etc. High standards of work. Tel: Stewart 634-320-962 RELAX IN YOUR ABSENCE reliable house sitter. Genuine references available. Security experience. pets welsome. Resonable prices. 618-497-334 patrisot@hotmail.com YOUR INSURANCE OFFICE IN LA ZENIA CAR-HOUSE HEALTH. Get your car insurance from 199€/pa. Call 661-362-131 for your personalized quote PALM & TREE TRIMMING and removal. Also all garden maintenance carried out. reliable service. 619-336-762 DRESSMAKER/ DESIGNER Also alterations. Tells:- 686-453-827/ 965-771-397 WELD IT RITE Mobile welding/ repair service, Metal carpentry/ Fabrication projects. Time served & quallified. tel: 966-490-338 Mobile 638-479467 Email iwanegan@hotmail.co.uk (Moraira based)

BYTEBACK MICROS computer repairs/ uppgrades in your home. Qualified technician. Systems custom built. Whatever your problem call: 965-312-006 or 606-127-424

FORD TRANSIT CONNECT 1.8TDCI 2005, clean, white, unwritten. Ready for work. 6,250€. www.fwreurocars. com or simply call Frank 600-726-221 or 965-687-976 MAZDA MX-5 1.8 SPORT silver, 2003, RHD, 27,500mls, Spanish plated, ITV 2011, AC, SAT. NAV/ CD, FSH, plus had top. 1 owner. 8,500€. 650-345-671 HYUNDAI LANTRA 96 spanish reg. ITV, SUMA, 1.6lt petrol. 900€. 690-660-907 UK, AUTOMATIC MERCEDES 300SL CABRIOLET 3 LTR 1990,Spanish LHD, metallic silver, power hood, electric memory seats, air con, cd player, alloys 8495€. www.venuscars. com 965 368 274 RENAULT KANGOO 2001 blue, 1.9 ltr diesel, Spanish LHD It is very clean throughout with air conditioning. It has 2 seats and side loading door.3995€ www.venuscars.com 965 368 274 MERCEDES 300 CE CABRIOLET 1992 blue ,Spanish LHD 3.0 ltr petrol automatic 4 Door convertible with leather, air conditioning, excellent condition throughout. This car can only appreciate in value. 10995€ www.venuscars.com 965 368 274 PORSCHE CAYMAN S 2006 22000km, black, as new Spanish LHD 39995€ www.venuscars.com 965 368 274


5-11 March 2010


Tel 661 362 005 YAMAHA MAJESTIC 2004 250CC Champagne 2500€ www.venuscars. com 965 368 274 DERBI GPR 125CC 2005, Red, 2500€ www.venuscars.com 965 368 274 PEUGEOT 307 CABRIOLET 2003 Spanish LHD metallic daytona violet, one owner, full leather, excellent condition 10995€ www.venuscars.com 965 368 274 RENAULT LAGUNA HATCHBACK 2003 Spanish LHD, silver 2.0 ltr 16V petrol, 2 owners, full Renault service history, excellent condition throughout. 6495€ www.venuscars.com 965 368 274 BMW 320 I, 170 BHP Spanish, LHD, Petrol, 2001, silver, alloy wheels , central locking, air con, very good condition. FSH 10495€ www. venuscars.com 965 368 274 DAEWOO MATIZ 2004 , Spanish LHD, Turquoise, 800cc, petrol, FSH, one owner from new, low Klms, 4495€ www.venuscars.com 965 368 274 SEAT ALTEA XL SPORT UP SPANISH LHD, 2007 silver , all usual sport refinements, one owner from new. 14995€ www.venuscars.com 965 368 274 FORD FOCUS, ZETEC 2004 1.6 ltr petrol, silver, Spanish, LHD, 5 door hatchback, remote locking, climate control, CD only 56000 Klm, excellent condition 6995€ www.venuscars.com 965 368 274 FORD FOCUS CMAX TREND PLUS 2008 Spanish LHD, red, 1.6 ltr diesel, one owner from new, cruise control, climate control, rain sensors, automatic lights, alloys, roof bars & top box included 13995€ www.venuscars.com 965 368 274 FORD FOCUS ESTATE TDCI ,2002, Spanish LHD, Green, 1.8 Ltr Diesel, air con, electric windows excellent

condition throughout 5995€ www. venuscars.com 965 368 274 RENAULT MEGANE HATCHBACK 2003, Spanish LHD ,Champagne Silver, 1.5 Ltr DCI, Diesel, CD player, new shape 4995€. www.venuscars.com 965 368 274 HYUNDAI ACCENT, 1999 1.3 Ltr Petrol, Spanish LHD, Burgundy red, 5 door hatch, air con, low Klms, power steering, nice clean car 2995€ www.venuscars.com 965 368 274 MINI ONE, 2004 blue with white roof, 1.6 ltr petrol, Spanish LHD, CD player, excellent condition. 8995€ www.venuscars.com 965 368 274 FORD FOCUS 1.8 Ltr Diesel Trend, 2004, Spanish LHD,silver, air con, electric windows, remote locking, total main dealer service history. Excellent condition throughout. 6495€ www.venuscars.com 965 368 274 MG ZR, 2002 Spanish LHD, Red, 1.4 Ltr petrol 105 BHP, 2 owners from new, FSH, excellent condition throughout. 5995€ www.venuscars.com 965 368 274 FORD FUSION 2004, Silver, Spanish LHD, Trend ,TDCI, 1.4 Ltr Diesel, CD player, air con, electric windows. 6995€ www.venuscars.com 965 368 274 FORD FOCUS,2002 AUTOMATIC, Spanish LHD, Graphite Grey metallic, 1.6 Ltr petrol automatic trend, 5 door hatchback,, air con, CD, excellent condition throughout, much sought after automatic. 5995€ www.venuscars.com. 965 368 274 VOLVO V70 ,1999, AUTOMATIC Spanish LHD, Blue2.4 ltr petrol automatic, climate control, alloys, CD player, heated seats, all usual Volvo safety features, this car is in excellent condition and has been well looked after. 4495€ www. venuscars.com 965 368 274 BMW 325 CABRIOLET 1994 black


fully loaded, power hood, heated leather interior. Unmarked paintwork, sports alloys. 3,500€ ONO. 966-475-965 or 696-981-082 LAND ROVER FREELANDER 2.5ES Automatic, year 2000. Spanish plated. RHD. Towbar, ITV. Bargain 3,500€ Tel: 966-875-240 Mob: 618-182-500. IMPORTING YOUR CAR need headlights. Contact www. headlights4u.com Tel: 966-875-497 or 618-592-396 IRISH REG RHD Volvo V70 1999 Petrol Auto FSH 120000miles. Ex condition. For Sale or Swop for similar Spanish Reg LHD. Phone 968136952 GALAXY GHIA 7 seats, TDI diesel auto/tiptronic. Parking sensors, CD. Twin air-con. Fantastic condition. UK 2002 Regd. UK MOT. V.W engine. 5,000€ ono. Tel: 676-673-285 WANTED UK registration right hand drive cars. Immediate cash settlement. Please phone Rod 687434-950 or 966-462-089 CARS WANTED cars/ vans bought and sold, uk or spanish upto 3000€ cash today 678-808-837 WANTED BRITISH OR SPANISH CAR 4X4, Van, Caravan. Etc. Immediate cash. Buyer going home. 600-781-873 WE BUY AND SELL quality late vans and combis. For an instant decision phone 605-669-388/ 680665-883 WANTED WANTED WANTED for cash cars vans lorries 4x4 any condition good bad or ugly runing or non runner forigen or english any vehicle any condition call ray 633-385-068. CAR 2 POSTER RAMP FOR SALE very good condition 1200€ call ray on 633-385-068. LOOKING FOR A CAR? Van, MPV, 4X4 or a cheap runaround. Look

British & Spanish used car sales


1,950€ 2,750€ 2,450€ 1595€ 2450€ 1,950€ 2,750 1,350€ 1950€


Tel: 620 738 023 10am to 5pm


Cars wanted for cash LHD/RHD

no further. www.fwreurocars.com or simply call Frank 600-726-221 or 965-687-976

REPAIR & SOLD & BUY Pickup from your home second hand motorbikes and Scooter for reasonable Price and quick service open 7 days Tel: 680-644-010

MOBILE/ PARK HOMES from 18.000€ tv, A/c, Tel, Some with conservatories, permanent site, pool, Tennis, bar, supermarket, 5 mins walk San Javier. All amenities, 3km beach & hospital. 7 mins murcia airport by car. Also bungalows to rent. Carol 968192-425/ 626-055-622. Email: haydn47@hotmail.com Web: www. mobilehomesmarmenorspain.com BURSTNER TOURING C/VAN 2002 excellent condition h/c air con, h/c water, tv airiel, fixed island bed, toilet shower, fridge 3 hobs, awning, alko lock. fully spanish registered. 8,750€. Tel 968-193-818/ 626-770-083

5-11 March 2010

BENIMAR MOTORHOME 2.8 JTD 2003 LHD English Reg. TAXED and MOT. June 24,950€ ONO 966193732/ 665256740 MOTORHOME FOR SALE HYMER Tramp 1994, 2.5 Diesel, Fiat base, LHD manual, many inclusive extras, excellent condition, fixed rear bed, solar panels. 10,000€. Tel: 678204630

MERMAID BOAT CARE For all your boat valet and management requirements. Serving the marina’s in Torrevieja and the surrounding areas. Experienced, professional and trustworthy service at competitive rates. Ad-hoc arrangements and boatsitting welcome. For more details or just an informal chat contact Anna on: 680-297-955 mermaidboatcare@yahoo.com

EARN MONEY HOSTING GOLD BUYING PARTIES! Fantastic earning potential with no outlay! Just gather your friends with their unwanted, broken or scrap gold for sale and we’ll do the rest! Call for more information on 630-867-924 DRIVER AVAILABLE to drive all types of vehicles. Tel: 689-212-085 enriquesaizdc@hotmail.com ANN SUMMERS PARTY ORGANISERS WANTED Earn €40€50 per night with NO OUTLAY! Call Anne 966-462-317 or 675-860-665 or www.spanishsummers.com LOOKING FOR A FRIENDLY SECTRETARY for busy property agent office, Orihuela Costa. Must speak German, English, Spanish, computer knowledge. Tel: 616 939 326 NETWORKERS REQUIRED for new business. Call Paul 966-796-854 BENIDORM HOLIDAY COMPANY needs 5 marketing staff for a 5 day week of fun in the sun with great earning potential and working hours. Contract and full traning provided. Call carlie 966-813-210 (office hours) VR PROPERTY GROUP are looking for experienced telemarketers to work in a torrevieja based office. Experience in essential and a knowledge of real estate and investments would be an advantage. Applicants must be self motivated. Office hours are monday to Friday 10- 6 call Paul on 636-889-232 EXPERIENCED CHEF REQUIRED to join our team, must have some experience but willing to learn. Top Jalon Valley restaurant. Tel 966-480-125 SALES VACANCY Are you smart in apperance? Do you have empathy for people? Are you a compassionate person? The why not join Millie Munro and her successful team. Contact Rose on 966-493-082 for interview www.milliemunro.com AVON NEED AGENTS AND LEADERS work hours to suit yo. For info Phone Rosh 966-785-520 TELEMARKETERS WANTED for our Moraira office. Must be able to speak Spanish. Tel 965-050-200

SOCIAL DANCE: Saturday 7.00pm10pm: New Beginners class Monday 10.30am - 12.30pm. Also at the Bienvenido Chinese Restaurant at La Zenia roundabout: TUITION, Beginners Wednesday 8pm - 10pm; Beginners Thursday11.30am - 1.30pm; Intermediates Friday 11am 1pm. Tel: Andrea or Brian 616 478 157 DATEMED.ES Great new online dating site for English speaking people on the Costa Blanca. Free full memberships - Join Now! www.datemed.es

ATTRACTIVE MATURE ENGLISH LADY For escorting, dinner dates & more. My Villa is between Torrevieja & Alicante. Also available as an m/f couple. Call (0034) 648-676-277 NEW GHANA & SPANISH LADY slim, tall & nice body. All services. 634-318-386 NEW 2 BLACK LADIES nice body, big breasts. All services, massage. 24 hour escort service. 600-064-423 SEXY MALE MASSEUR offers pleasure to woman. Treat yourself to an experience of pure indulgence and desire at my villa. Safe and discreet. Call Sebastine 663-478-337 SEXY COUPLE together or seperate offers erotic pleasure to couples, woman, men. Also girl on girl enjoyment. Visit our apartment, relaxed and discreet, or we come to you. Call Jasmine/ Sebastine. 663-478-337 COUPLE 40’S seek females for adult fun. Torrevieja area, low rates. Tel. 689-133-384 DVDS! Gay, Sado, Bestial, you name it! 7 for 25€. Tel: 697-647-367 JAVEA, MORAIRA East European lady, super erotic massage and more. 661-034-261 Hotel & Home visits NAUGHTY JAPANESE HOUSEWIFE age 24 alone or together with my English husband for DP and SR. Role play, humiliation and punishment also available. Torrevieja, call Saki 687-891-139 CHARMING BI-SEXUAL MALE 50 and my beautiful 25 year old girlfriend, both British, offer erotic massage and more, we also have other girlfriends who you may visit either alone or together. In addition we have a selection of home made DVDs for collection or by post. Very discreet private villa near Torrevieja, call Steve 697-892-969 SPANISH LADY, PLAYA FLAMENCA Near new Carrefour before La Florida. 35 years, attractive, classy lady, private house, parking. Offers all erotic services, massage, sexy lingerie, economical prices from 40€, full discretion. Call Ana 680-735-412. ADULT TOYS IN SPAIN For Best Products & Prices visit WWW. Adulttoysinspain.com. Fast Delivery & Discretion Assured. TORREVIEJA, ALICANTE Brazilian,

loving, sexy lady, silk hands. Best massage, relax- erotic. Escort service. 664-664-390 GOOD FUN 62 year old Dom/ Sub switch, specialising in males, cross dressers. Loves the more mature woman and great fun with couples. Low rates. Full body massage and much much more. 655-058-554 FEMALES AND COUPLES 18 to 65 required for adult internet photo and video modeling. Excellent rates. 697-697-842. GORGEOUS ENGLISH BLOND 45 years, gives discreet massage, 1 hour or over night stay, 15 mins Alicante airport. Tel: Karen 662-049-021 THE WEATHER MAY HAVE COOLED but Tanya is still hot! All inclusive 40€. Tel: 626-324-088 DANI 23, SWEET GERMAN GIRL Offers erotic service. House and Hotel visits or in my apartment. 650-104-534 Torrevieja area. NEW PLACE! TORREVIEJA Sexy girls from South America. Come and enjoy, economical prices from 40€. NEW ADDRESS Zone Los Locos beach. 639-622-285 CASA ANGELA TORREVIEJA Luxury Private Chalet, parking. Drinks invitation. Feeling alone? Just want some company? Exotic girls from South America. Call us, come and enjoy! Also Escort Service. Full discretion. Street: Avenida Asociacion Vistimas del Terrorismo. 609-573-468 or 639-832-118

SOLO GUITARIST/ VOCALIST seeks work, blues & Country. In bars etc. No set price. Pay what you can afford. Tel: Charlie 691-622-804 WWW.MYSPACE.COM/ KERRYKNIGHTTRIBUTES www.myspace.com/kerryknighttributes

PROFESSIONAL BRITISH PHYSIOTHERAPIST Offering therapeutic massage in your home. Contact Paul 681268248. 15km radius of Los Montesinos JODIE’S GELS Nail technician: Gel nail extensions, gel nail overlays, gel toenails. Finishes: French, colour, glitter. Repairs. Tel: 622-244-613. WEIGHT WATCHERS Call our free English Call Centre now to find your nearest Meeting. 900-818-794 CREATIVE NAILS ‘Creative’ acrilic nails. You come to me (Alfaz Del Pi) or I’ll come to you (Altea - Villajoyosa). Fully qualified, 15 years experience. Tel: 669-126-281.

Jennifer Cunningham Expats Services require an English/Spanish speaking person to work in the Javea office. Good selling ability necessary, confident on the telephone and computer

BALLROOM/ LATIN/ SEQUENCE DANCING with LA BAMBA’s. NEW VENUE: Los Arcos Restaurant, Avenida Balaeres 34, Torrevieja,

literate. Apply with CV to info@jennifercunningham.net

DOG GROOMING over 30 years experience, competitive rates. Prices starting from only 15€. Call Tracy 634-320-963 PAWS PET TRANSPORT door to door service, all pets are fully insured, vehicle has a/con. your pet will be exercised every 2/3 hours, and be rest assures your pets will be treated as if they belonged to us, we may have the cheapest rates in Spain so why not give us a ring for a chat on 966-074-576/ 650-341-087 or email pawspettransport@hotmail.com Web: www.pawspettransport.com NEED YOUR DOG TAKING CARE OF? No Kennels, Just a friendly home. Larfe fenced garden (Altea) Tel: 699-790-080 PETZBACK HOME LTD Professional door to door pet transportation. UK/ Spain/UK. Travel in our petmobile with your pets for free (subject to availability). Or treat yourself in one of our air conditioned luxury vehicles with our fully chaperoned Limo Service. A regular, reliable and safe service. Defra pet passport advice given. ww.petzbackhome.co.uk Credit or Debit cards accepted. Telephone UK office 0044-1209-843-971 HOME FROM HOME Caring dog boarding with experienced owner in my rural home nr La Marina. No Kennels. Inspection welcome. Tel: 616-459-599. LABRADOR MIX PUPPIES 8 weeks old, looking for a loving home! Must come see! Call Jodie on 622-244-613. PARK & BARK small friendly British kennels, individual runs, large excercise area, 25mins Alicante airport. www. parkbark.co.uk Tel: 628-244-712 FELINE FRIENDS CAT HOTEL The Purrfect place to stay. Free pickup and delivery. tel: 965-967-081/ 665-080-885 www.felinefriendscathotel.com TRANS-PET SPAIN-UK door 2 door service, professional driver with pet care experience, kennels and cattery, passport service. Contact Sharon 965960-658/ 600-552-030 www.trans-pet. co.uk or sharon@trans-pet.co.uk DEANACAONA BOARDING KENNELS & CATTERY Social training for dogs. Home delivery and collection service. English trainer. Balsicas, 10 minutes from San Javier. Tel 639-286-428 www.deanacaona.com

DO YOU KNOW ANYONE THAT NEEDS A HOUSE/ Pet sitter during the months of July and August? I will house sit here in Spain or anywhere in the UK. No payment, just free accommodation. Call Gail: 669-126-281.

WANTED HOUSEHOLD ITEMS Instant cash payments. Furniture, electrical, tools etc. Tel John: 626-918-833.

DRIVING TO THE UK? English owned B&B in France close to the Spanish border. Peaceful location, ideal for your stopovers. Please ring for details: 0033-562-33-19-62 or visit website: www.millefleursbb.co.uk

LOOSE COVERS Curtains etc. Made to measure. Choose from a wide range of beautiful materials in your own home. Javea based. Tel: 965-771-397/ 686-453-827

AT MICHAEL’S You get very high quality designer pre-owned furniture for half price or less. Quick delivery. Stock changes daily ! See photos (updates every 5-6 days): www. michaels-javea.comTel 96-579 1328 AT MICHAEL’S Big black quality leather corner suite. 2 beige leather


sofas (3+2). Pale blue leather sofa. Several leather recliners. See them all and over 600 photos on: www. michaels-javea.comTel 96-579 1328 AT MICHAEL’S Large wicker complete bedroom suite. For children’s bedroom, a Mickey Mouse child´s bed with matching chest of drawers. See them all on: www. michaels-javea.comTel 96-579 1328 AT MICHAEL’S you also get NEW high quality Spanish beds. All sizes available as we deal directly with the manufacturers! Famous brands like United Colors of Benetton, etc www. michaels-javea.com WITH MICHAEL’S Customer-tocustomer Service: you can sell your furniture on our website for only 3:- euros per item! For more info look at: www.michaels-javea.comTel 96-579 1328 KARAOKE MEDIA PLAYER 500GB. inc 70,000 songs, software/ song book, ideal for bar/ home use. Only 275€. Tel: 654-925-679 LA MARINA FURNITURE All Furniture Bought & Sold At Unbeatable Prices. Now Also In Shop, New Linen, Lingerie, Jewellery & JML Products. Also Cars Bought For Cash. Come and visit La Marina Furniture shop on the main street through La Marina. Call Allan on 966-443-370 or 625-985-491 FLYING FLOWERS beautiful bouquets to any UK address. Order by credit or debit card. Call Kelly’s 965-761-595/ 966-425-713 ORDER FOR MOTHER’S DAY NOW POOL, SNOOKER TABLES will beat any price. Tel: 666 933 726

EARN MONEY HOSTING GOLD BUYING PARTIES! Fantastic earning potential with no outlay! Just gather your friends with their unwanted, broken or scrap gold for sale and we’ll do the rest! Call for more information on 630-867-924 ENGLISH JEWELLER wishes to buy broken or unwanted gold jewellery & coins. Immediate cash payment to book home appointment. Call peter 664-890-990 (7 days) WANTED Instant Cash Paid. GOld and Jewellery Bought and Sold. VAluations, repairs and retail. Nikolas Michael, London Jewellers & Pawnbrokers @No 17 Calle Los Arcos Ciudad Quesada Rojales 03170. Telephone 634 043 060 ALADDIN’S Disappointed with offers elsewhere on Jewellery etc? Telephone 966-457-291 WANTED INSTANT CASH PAID Antique and modern jewelley, bought sold & part exchanged, insurance valuations. Jewellery & watch repairs. Alexanders, Javea Port seafront near Bar Esquina. Established since 2003 Tel: 965-792-595.


5-11 MARCH 2010

4 AVERYS FOR SALE from 50€. Also some birds 4€. 965-709-797 DOG HOUSE solid pine with felt roof, 210wX112DX130H only 6 months old in excellent condition 200€. GX240 HONDA 8.0 3KVA generator, Electronic ignition, petrol dual output 200€. Call Paul 966262-785 APPLE IPHONE 3G 16GB LEGALLY UNLOCKED Works with ANY sim. Black. Good condition. Denia - Can be seen working. 275€ o.v.n.o. For more info/ pics email Mike at quasimodo1@telefoninca.net

OIL FILLED RADS 25€ EACH OR 3 FOR 60€ Complete computer 100€, good working condition. Tel: 689-251-628. INDUSTRIAL SEWING MACHINES Sewmaq 3314E Overlock. Global Binder WF13356. In excellent condition and full working order. Call Anna on 618-818-721. LA MARINA FURNITURE All Furniture Bought & Sold At Unbeatable Prices. Now Also In Shop, New Linen, Lingerie, Jewellery & JML Products. Also Cars Bought For Cash. Come and visit La Marina Furniture shop on the main street through La Marina. Call Allan on 966-443-370 or 625-985-491

WHEELCHAIR Light, foldable, LIKE NEW. 175.00€. Tel: 627-019-403. FOR SALE Beautiful old convertible snooker/dining table with original ivory balls. Slate base. Gd con. 2.00m x 1.10m. 750€ono. Call Andy 630949883. ALADDIN’S For quality furniture and second hand household goods at prices that won’t dent your wallet telephone 966-457-291

Classifieds Agents Now it’s even easier to place a classified advert with the RTN by using our official agents listed below! Cars, Houses, Boats, Computers find them all in the classifieds section. Or maybe you have unwanted items to sell or something to offer? Our classified agents will be happy to help you whatever your needs.


ROUND TOWN TRAVEL 1, Avenida Dr Severo Ochoa, 1, Urb. El Admiral, Local 1, Rincon Benidorm, 03503, Alicante. Lisa 966 811 123 BENIDORM ROUND TOWN TRAVEL 2, Calle Gerona, 39, Benidorm, 03503, Alicante. (Next to Hotel Ambassador) Kerry/Gemma 966 813 261 BENIDORM ROUND TOWN TRIPS, Calle Narcisco Yepes, 4, Local 8, Albir, 03581, Alicante. (Opp. Golf Course, next to Kwik Save) Lee/Jackie 966 867 294 • lee@roundtowntrips.com ALBIR

VIVES PONS & ASSOCIATES the leading Legal, Fiscal and Architectural based in Denia are conducting a series of free, informative talks on fiscal, legal and architectural issues which are very relevant to expats. Each session is approx 30 minutes long and will be followed by questions and answers. This is your chance to receive free expert advice direct from the experts. Please contact Joe Bassim on 686566-106 or see our half page advert in this weeks RTN for details.

PROMINENT, Teulada Industrial Est. Calle Llanterner, 2 alto, 03725, Teulada, Alicante. Marja 965 793 229 • espana@prominent.nu


MILLIE MUNRO INSURANCE, Avenida Lepanto, 6, 03726, Benitachell, Alicante. Millie 966 493 082 • millie@milliemunro.com

BENITACHELL HORIZON CONSULTANTS INSURANCE, Calle San Rafael 45 - 1, Jalon, 03727, Alicante. (Near Kwik Save) Aaron 966 481 382 • info@horizonconsultants.com JALON MICHAEL’S FURNITURE SHOP, Avenida Lepanto, 9, Javea Port. Cristina 965 791 328 • astorga@telefonica.net


EASYBUY, Avenida del Portet 24, Moraira. 03724 Alicante 965 745 969



BARGAIN BOOKS, Plaza Juan Carlos 1, Nº 2, San Miguel de Salinas, 03193, Alicante. (Opp. Tourist Info) Gaynor/Lee 688 667 389 • leeshaw.evans@gmail.com SAN MIGUEL JOHNSONS EL LIMONAR,JCP Commercial Center, Local 31, Los Altos Del Limonar, Torrevieja, 966 785 600 TORREVIEJA JOHNSONS QUESADA, Ava. Las Naciononies 1a -17, Quesada, 966 717 848 QUESADA JOHNSONS ALGORFA, Local 30, Commercial Center La Finca Golf, Algorfa, 966 729 647

ALGORFA THE POST ROOM, Centro Comercial 5, Via Park III, Calle Panticosa Nº 2, Los Altos, 03189, Orihuela Costa, Alicante. Aoife/Chris 965 319 665 • aoifesweeney@hotmail.com ORIHUELA PENNYS SUPERMARKET, Flamenca Beach Comercial Centre, Unit 123, Playa Flamenca, 03189, Orihuela Costa, Alicante. Peter/Sarah 966 733 257 • bulldogstores@live.com ORIHUELA PRINT SOLUTIONS, Avenida Londres 136, La Marina Urb, San Fulgencio, 03177, Alicante. Jim/Trish 966 790 520 • jim@printsolutionsspain.com SAN FULGENCIO INTERPOST, Avenida de la Alegria Nº 32, La Marina, 03194, Alicante. Malika/Malcolm 965 419 673 • Inter-post100@live.com

LA MARINA VILLAMARTIN SATELLITE CENTRE, Avenida Las Brisas 33, Villamartin, 03189, Alicante. (Near Supervalu, Los Dolses) . Sarah/Heather 966 764 878 • villamartinsatellitecentre@yahoo.co.uk VILLAMARTIN BEST WISHES, Local 30, Comercial Centre Hispania, Avda de la Union 72, San Javier, 30730, Murcia. Kathy 968 192 235 • kaffywalker@hotmail.com MURCIA ONONIX MAR SL, Calle Mayor 30, bajo derecha, Guardamar, 03140, Alicante. Ron/Alicia 965 728 178 aliciamuddle@ononix.com GUARDAMAR


Mackie, a black & brown Jack Russel cross, escaped on Tuesday 23rd February in Calle Niagara, Playa Flamemca. He was last seen on Thursday 25th Feb in the Barranca next to Miraflores 4, Playa Flamenca. He has a blue scarf attached to his collar. If anyone sees him would they call John

on 638-751-365

ANIMAL AID TEL: 965725794 WWW.ANIMALAIDCOSTABLANCA.ORG RIFLE is a lovely black & white Pointer. He’s about 18 months old, very friendly & he walks well on the lead. He was recently found abandoned, so he’s still a bit thin, but a few square meals should cure that! Interested? Please call Linda Animal Aid tel: 965725794 www. animalaidcostablanca.org

WWW.ANIMALAIDCOSTABLANCA.ORG TEL: 629 278 239 A “perrera” is being closed on all these puppies and dogs are on death row. Please we need people to adopt these dogs immediately. Any delay could result in their death. If you can adopt one of these please contact 629 278 239 Mónica or alternatively contact Linda here at Animal Aid.


A.P.A.S.A. 618 754 635 WWW.APASA-JAVEA.ORG





K9 Club 676 447 682 k9club@lamarina.info www.petsinspain.info

EASY HORSE CARE RESCUE 96 596 7033 or 652 021 980 When we found Taffeta we didn’t think she’d last the night. It was a long battle, but now Taffeta’s happy and healthy. Help us help them. Open days Wed & Sun 1-4pm. www.easyhorsecare.net

JOE THE CATMAN 96 671 9272


K9 CLUB 676 447 682

Sally is a young female black cat, born in June 2009. She was found wandering along the road as a tiny kitten. Sally is a happy, friendly little girl who loves to be made a fuss of. APAH has quite a few black cats, so if you like black cats, but don’t want Sally, come and have a look at the others. To arrange to meet Sally or any other APAH cat, please contact Yvonne on 630 422 563

Oriana was found in a bin on Cami de Gandia. She is now very cute and friendly and would make a wonderful pet. If you would like to adopt Oriana, or any of our other cats/kittens please call. See our website http://aldea-felina.blogspot.com. LYNDA - 648100629

Harry was thrown from a moving car so is nervous in and around cars. He has a face only a mother or father could love, but is very loving and kind. He is fully vaccinated, neutered and housetrained PAWS LINDA ON 646 645 035

Jo is a beautiful boy of around 6 months. His owners have to move back to the UK and can´t take him with them so he needs someone to love and look after him. He is a sweetheart and will make a loving companion. If you are interested in Jo, or any of the cats or kittens that we have, please contact Linda on 646 645 035

ATLANTICO, male, Shelter since 30.06.2006 Alsation, DOB 30.06.2004 – 56 cm This peaceful elderly male was brought to our pound by the police of a neighbouring community. There he had been living in a pack of 15 dogs under dreadful conditions. Atlantico would very much like a nice new place, perhaps with an amicable female where at last he is enjoying his life again. He walks very well on the lead. For more information call 618 754 635 (Nicole).

These beautiful puppies (3F+2M) were born mid January and will be medium to large sized. They have been reared in a family environment and are well socialised, balanced pups. They have had their first vaccinations. All they need now is a loving home

Ringo, 4 month old male terrier , last of 3 born here. Paul & John have gone, Ringo’s still waiting. Call us or visit our website www.giveadogahome.es or call for more details or information

Urgent! Baños de Fortuna. Female dog, German Shephard type, 9 years old, ca. 25kgs, 21 inches high at the shoulders, sterilized and with all her vaccinations, shy and loving. Male dog, large mix-breed, 4 years old, ca. 25 - 30 kgs, 28 inches high at the shoulders, sterilized and with all his vaccinations, friendly and loving. Owners must return to England for assisted living and cannot take the dogs with them. Call Ayisha or Michael at 968 685 837

DANDY and BEEZER are two cute three month old brothers who were found in a field in Dolores. They are playful terrier types who enjoy the company of people and other dogs. Although brothers they don´t need to be homed together. Dandy and Beezer have had all their vaccinations and are micro chipped.

Ginger is a gentle, friendly, ginger and white boy nearly two years old. He has been neutered and will make a loving companion for someone on their own or a couple. Please call Joe (The Cat Man) on 966719272 Randy is a Fox Terrier cross and was rescued after nearly being hit by passing vehicles. He is 2 years old, a very friendly little chap and will make a great pet. k9club@lamarina.info www.petsinspain.info or call 676 447 682 for more information

5-11 MARCH 2010


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5-11 MARCH 2010

The final whistle The season’s falling apart at the seams A Bridge too far With Andy Kay FC Torrevieja 0 Novelda 1

Wayne Bridge refuses to shake hands

SO IN the end, Wayne Bridge declined to shake John Terry by the hand. The ‘will he, won’t he’ moment had been given a massive build up in the media, the TV commentators were primed to cover every eventuality and even the crowd got in on the act, building up the volume as the two players got closer to each other in the pre-match line up. As it happened, rather than offer his hand, Bridge was able to walk off the pitch and give Terry two fingers, metaphorically speaking, after his Manchester City side had inflicted a rare home defeat on JT’s Chelsea. As it happened, of far more importance was the decision by Bridge 24 hours earlier to stand down from international duty. Clearly quite a private and modest man, he’d decided that being in the same squad as Terry would have been divisive for the team. With Ashley Cole injured and a place in the starting XI in the build up to the World Cup almost a certainty, this was a huge call by the City defender. Being a macho sport, the papers have been full of exmanagers and pundits accusing Bridge of being weak and not standing up for himself. I think the opposite is true. Deciding to make himself unavailable for selection in a World Cup year will have taken far more guts than accepting the situation and carrying on as normal. England have a great chance of doing well in South Africa and rather than be part of that and all it entails, Bridge felt he would better serve both himself and his country by staying away. Others were not slow in offering an opinion either. Vanessa Perroncel, Bridge’s ex-girlfriend and mother of his young son suggested that he’d made the wrong decision. Well guess what luv – you’re French and your thoughts on the England team count for rien! Her spokesman, Max Clifford, also added his two-penneth worth accusing Bridge of letting his country down. Fancy that, a man whose client had an affair with the husband of one of her best friends lecturing Wayne Bridge on letting people down. Perhaps irony is what Clifford thinks happens to his recently laundered shirts. Meanwhile, the Chelsea coach, Carlo Ancelotti, said he didn’t care who his players slept with as long as they turned up for training with the right attitude. Nice. In other words, do what you like with your tackle away from the club just so long as your tackling doesn’t suffer when wearing the blue shirt. Trouble is, that’s not how it’s working out for Terry. Whilst he was fine when playing for England against Egypt, he’s been at fault for more than his fair share of goals conceded by Chelsea in recent weeks. He was poor against Everton, not much better versus Inter Milan and he was given the run around in the 4 – 2 defeat by Man City. I wonder what has caused him the most concern? Being caught with his pants down by the tabloids or by the likes of Saha, Milito and Tevez.

IT WAS only a matter of a few weeks ago that some Torrevieja supporters held out the faintest of all hopes that a play-off spot might be in sight for their side. It was the kind of hope that you have every spring that the United Kingdom might win the Eurovision Song Contest, or that Gordon Brown could produce a smile that is not of the sickly intensity last seen in Jack Nicholson’s portrayal of ‘The Joker’ in Tim Burton’s 1989 re-working of ‘Batman’. The optimism though, saw a balloon marked ‘February’, expiring of oxygen as rapidly as David Cameron’s lead in the UK opinion polls. The month which heralds the start of Lent saw a frugal return of just one point, tin-hatted by a dismal home display against Novelda. Soto, the manager, was starting a two match touchline ban, and so he would have been within easy earshot of some choice comments by the fans in the second half directed at him in both Spanish and English. Director of football, Tommy Taylor, had little cheer to offer either. Asked afterwards

whether there were any positives to take out of the game, the ex-West Ham man gave the succinct reply of “No” and like an old vinyl record that’s stuck in a groove, repeated his view that “the players must learn to keep the ball”. One hopes then that a superglue manufacturer will be appearing at future training sessions, as with two months to go, the season is falling apart at the seams. The only consolation appearing to be that the club will probably not be mired in a relegation battle….well not yet anyway! Taylor also said that it would be nice for the team to finish a match with 11 players, as it was Jorge’s turn on Sunday to be shown the red card of doom after a reckless challenge over an hour into the game. The defender may not have been aware that a couple of scouts from Murcia had decided to make a Lenten pilgrimage to the Vicente Garcia stadium to check him out. In the end, they got a pre-match “hands-off” warning from Tommy Taylor doing an impression of Pontius Pilate, and a buttock-numbing performance from Jorge and the rest of his colleagues. In fact, any of the

Torry fans who opted to stay at home to watch Wayne Rooney canter off the bench at Wembley to clinch the Carling Cup for Manchester United had made a wise choice. Not for the first time this season, the Torrevieja keeper kept his side in it early in the second half, with two fine saves in the 52nd minute. At the other end, the gangly substitute Cristian Green produced a run that provided some rare excitement, and then a header a few minutes later to give the locals some fleeting optimism of getting a win. That hope was as misplaced as a John Terry - Wayne Bridge handshake, when Jorge clumsily clattered into a Novelda player, and referee Rico Gomis had no choice but to send him off in the 65th minute. Just seven minutes later, Juande headed the visitors into a deserved lead, and the points appeared to be sealed. Real passion and consistent pressure from the Torrevieja players appeared though in the closing five minutes, but it was too little, too late. FC Torrevieja are now 15th in the table, and are away to struggling Alicante ‘B’ this Sunday.

Alone mugged by assassins ALONE DE GUARDAMAR 0 BENISA 2

By Steve Hibberd TOP OF the table Benisa arrived at Las Rebosas Stadium with a reputation of being a hard, physical (bordering on dirty) side, and they did not disappoint anyone who watched this Preferente match. Guardamar had already won 2-1 at Benisa, and knew what to expect in terms of their alehouse tactics. At 16 minutes, Julen denied Benisa from taking the lead, saving a fierce point blank drive. Shortly afterwards, Alone’s Nino should have done better, but he shot wide from a good position. Benisa took the lead on 21 minutes through a fine opportunist goal by Toni. It was only the crossbar that came to Benisa’s rescue, denying Alberto a fine headed effort. Just before the interval, Benisa twice came close to extending their lead when first a low shot just evaded the far post, then a powerful drive cleared the crossbar. Keeper Julen once again came to Alone’s rescue, when straight from the 2nd half kick off, he pulled off another

Hands off Jorge! FC TORREVIEJA’S centre-back, Jorge, is not going anywhere, says the club’s director of football, Tommy Taylor. Taylor was tipped off that a couple of scouts from Murcia would be at Sunday’s home match with Novelda to check out the player. So, before the game started, they were told that the 20 year old was not

Torrevieja FC’s Director of Football, Tommy Taylor

for sale. “I found out who they were and where they were seated and I had a brief conversation with them to tell them my position.” said Taylor. “I also made it clear that I would not tolerate any unofficial approach”. Ironically, Jorge was sent off after an hour in a match that FC Torrevieja went on to lose 1-0.

brilliant point blank save. Alone struck back through Juanje who had a well struck shot comfortably saved. Julen was magnificent twice within as many minutes with breathtaking vital saves. A baffling free kick some 25 yards out on 78 minutes, produced a second and deciding goal for Benisa - Julen just beaten at his far post by a fearsome drive. An unsavoury free for all developed, with the instigator wearing the all white of Benisa, only receiving a booking for a nasty open hand thrust into the face of Juanje. The young ref then completely lost the match by deciding that a violent foul, forcing an Alone player to receive lengthy treatment, should go unpunished. With only four minutes remaining, Juanje received his second yellow card, leaving Alone to play out the rest of the match with only 10 men. In the dying minutes, it was the outstanding Julen who produced two top drawer saves to deny Benisa scoring more goals. Next week Alone have a long distance journey to Javea for another Preferente match. Please phone Steve on 656 579 423 for further details.

5-11 MARCH 2010


Noel’s world of golf Maggots end Fishing Costa Blanca round-up


Noel Eastwell Professional coach and RTN golf expert 639 730 891

LOOK OUT THE AMERICANS ARE COMING THOSE OF you who know me know how I hate being treated as a second class citizen when I am a paying customer. I particularly hate getting second class service from our golf courses. I feel privileged to live where I do and would love to see our Costa Blanca as the number one golf destination in Europe. There are very many more people who play golf in our beautiful part of the world that feel that they get this type of second rate treatment from our golf clubs. Well that is all about to change and not before time in my opinion and those of many others as well. The Americans are coming to The Costa Blanca and those golf courses that do not rise to the challenge will fall by the wayside. Two weeks ago thanks to someone reading this very column some friends and I had the chance to meet a gentleman called Martin Eastgate. Martin is relatively new to golf management and works for an American company called Troon Golf. They are a golf course management company from Scottsdale, Arizona. Troon Golf is the Management Company at Las Colinas de Campoamor just outside San Miguel de Salinas. This new golf complex is due to open to the public in May this year and will shake up the golf industry in our part of the world. At Las Colinas we are going to not only experience a wonderful golf course we are also going to receive a level of service that will mean we will feel appreciated as customers. In the current economic climate this is something that many other golf courses will do well to follow. Many will be reading this article and wondering just how much we are going to pay for this higher level of service, well I can tell you, you will pay no more than at many of our other golf courses on The Costa Blanca. The aim of all businesses must be to provide value for money; this is something that has been missing here for a long time. Come May all our local golf courses will have to compete against a higher

service level if they are to get their fair share of the golfing public. I am very happy to see that at last we are going to see a golf complex that will treat customers as someone that is appreciated. We need to see many more of our golf courses make the customer feel king if we are to make inroads into the golf travel market that has now passed us by. For far too long The Costa Blanca golf courses have been sitting back thinking that visitors will continue to come, just because they always have. It’s time to open your eyes; yes visitors are coming but not in the numbers they used to. We need to improve and make people feel special when they visit our golf courses and holiday locations. The New World of golf holiday destinations is giving the service that is seen in America because that works. Just why we here on the Costa Blanca continue to ignore service levels is beyond me. We cannot be right and the rest of the world wrong. Okay many may not like the way the Americans behave but they know how to look after their customers and that is something we need to learn and fast! As I have said before our golf courses are no longer seen as value for money, we have to change that opinion if we are to see visitor numbers increase. There are many businesses that rely on visitors for their very survival, by working together and demanding a higher level of service we can all prosper. Those of us in business must not lag behind and get lazy. We all need to improve what we are doing. We now live in a world that is constantly shrinking with travel to all over the world easier, cheaper, and faster, than it has ever been. The world is now also far more competitive than it ever has been and to be successful we need to be aware of this fact. It is now very easy to travel to the southern hemisphere to play top golf courses at prices that far more competitive than here. There are a lot of things mentioned here that will mean a whole change in the way many of our Spanish friends think, well we must encourage them. We must also demand a higher level of service ourselves. Only by doing this can we compete against those who already have a head start of many years. We can catch up and get back to the top of the pile but it surely will not be easy. Spain is in deep recession

and is reluctant to accept this fact, eventually it will have to and we can do our bit for the recovery if we not only demand high standards but also set them. THE PROFESSIONAL TOURS The PGA Tour continued in Arizona last weekend. Ian Poulter again looked he was going to be a winner after the second round of 63 that got him right into contention. That was as far as it got though for Poulter as he faltered over the weekend. Hunter Mahan was the man who produced the scores over the weekend and his final round of 65 on Sunday was enough for a 1 shot win. The European contingent fell away with Alvaro Quiros being the best of the bunch in a tie for 14th place. On The LPGA Tour Ai Miyazato continued where she left off last week and secured her second consecutive win on tour at the HSBC Champions event. Christie Kerr was second. In New Zealand Laura Davies won again as the European ladies got their season under way. Davies is now the oldest winner ever on the Ladies European Tour at the age of 46 years and 146 days. WIN A ROUND OF GOLF FOR 2 INCLUDING BUGGY AT THE BEAUTIFUL EL PLANTIO RESORT IN ALICANTE To enter this competition simply answer the question below correctly. Every correct answer will be entered into a draw at the end of the month and the winner of this fantastic prize worth over 180 euros will be picked at random at the end of each month. Send your entries by email to golf@roundtownnews.com. The decision of the editor of RTN will be final in making the winning selection. QUESTION FOR 5TH MARCH 2010: Who was the first player from the Far East to win a major? A. K J Choi B. Y E Yang C. Isao Aoki All answers must be received no later than 5pm on 29th March 2010 to be entered into March’s draw, which will be made on 29th March. The winner will be announced in RTN on April 2nd 2010. Winner for February, Brian Hewitt from Denia.

Any questions you have for Noel should be sent to golf@roundtownnews.com


David Hoare

968 199 279

RODS and REELS THE MATCH this week was an open and held on the now famous eight foot drain, but it didn’t fish that well. The day although a bit windy, never caused too much of a problem, and with the sun breaking through in the afternoon, it pushed the temperatures into the low 20´s. In saying that, there were some dry nets and there was also a good few of us that never broke the 1 kilo mark! In fact I drew next to my travelling partner Clive and between us we only just managed a kilo of fish. SEVERAL ANGLERS HAD A GOOD DAY AS SHOWN FROM THE RESULTS: 1st - Richard Kendall fishing the pole using maggot with 7.02 kilo’s. 2nd - Ian (From the Darkside) Haughton same method with 6.140 kilo’s. 3rd - Alan (The Quiet One) Reid same method with 2.96 kilo’s. H Clarke found to his detriment the immediate depth of the drain while he was pushing his keepnet out, the end section of his landing net pole, parted company with the rest of the handle and he watched it disappear into the murky depths. So if anyone is lucky enough to retrieve it, you know who the owner is. (Good job he never caught any fish big enough to be landed). ANGLERS TOGETHER IMPORTANT NEW MESSAGE: The Friday Campoverde meetings will now be held at Marys bar/ restaurant. Taking the CV 925 from Pillar de la Horadada turn right at the 1st roundabout into Pinar de Campoverde, then first left and following the slip road, up past Fibber Mcgees and Lounge bar 6 until you get to the next parade of shops. Mary’s bar is the 3rd / 4th unit up. The next meeting will be held on Friday 5th March at 12 o’clock. The Puerto de Mazarron meetings remain at Los Galayos bar/restaraunt on the paseo adjacent to the beach. Next meeting will be held on Saturday 6th March at 12 o clock. Work is still continuing on the Rio Segura at Murcia but is still fishable. Embalse de Pedrera, the water level has risen dramatically and is over the road at the broken bridge and still rising. Sweetwater, the final dredging has taken place and the works personnel have cleared the surrounding road of all the silt that was deposited there. However there are still workmen there. The banks are now angled and swims need cutting in! Please note anglers have been turned off this water by the Spanish workers so be careful if you go there. TIGHT LINES DAVE HOARE

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