RTN South Edition 550

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Your English Newspaper

Issue 550

See pages 19 & 31



See page 20

Heated debate over La Regia 30 APRIL - 06 MAY 2010

The supporters were delighted with the outcome of the ‘pleno’ meeting

THE HEAT was certainly on in the Orihuela Town Hall this week as a motion was heard at the monthly ‘pleno’ meeting to allocate funds to improve the La Regia Park in Orihuela Costa. The park, which was the subject of a petition, signed by over 300 people, and a report in RTN two weeks ago, is

by Louise Clarke in a terrible state of disrepair. Opposition Councillor Pedro Mancebo Gilabert, from the CLR party, raised the issue at the meeting in a bid to have the park repaired, im-

proved and maintained as part of the, as yet unavailable, 2010 budget. During the meeting, which was attended by over 30 park supporters, the debate got pretty heated at times with both sides hurling abuse at one another. Pedro explained that La Regia is not only in a terrible state, but it is

dangerous. In response to that, the PP Councillor for the Coast, Jose Antonio Aniorte said that €1,700 is spent every month on maintaining La Regia Park; which RTN finds very hard to believe judging by what it saw during its visit! Continued on page 3

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30 april - 06 may 2010

continued from front page Señor Aniorte then accused the opposition Councillor of jumping on this opportunity in order to make him more popular on the coast. He said: “It is very easy for Pedro to say that La Regia Park is not well kept and in a bad condition, then go and collect a few signatures, because all he is interested in is promoting himself and his party and being in the newspaper!” Pedro then replied that if the PP party has spent the €19,000,000 on the coast that they said that they have, then perhaps they should have spent it more wisely; maybe on an adequate sewage system for instance, instead of expensive parties and paying for people to vote for them. Pedro said: “If €1,700 is being spent on monthly maintenance at La Regia, the PP party should stop wasting our money because no work has been carried out.” WAR ZONE Pedro also informed Señor Aniorte that he has been responsible for the coast for approximately 12 years and during this time nothing has improved. To that Señor Aniorte replied that it is very easy for the opposition to make a comment like that but the PP party is responsible for 42 urbanisations and it is practically impossible to cope with and maintain these urbanisations.

The meeting was packed with park supporters

Pedro replied: “Here again the PP party has failed to do their duty. If they are not in a position to maintain 42 urbanisations then they should not have given the permission for them to be built.” Pedro went on to inform the meeting that La Regia resembles more a war zone than a recreation area and combat clothing should be worn to enable you to cross it safely!

DANGEROUS Pedro added that not only is the ground very rough and uneven, making it impossible to walk upon but there is lots of rusty metal sticking out of the ground which is very dangerous to children, walkers and animals. Pedro presented the petition to the ‘pleno’ meeting and commented that these 300+ residents are not telling lies. A vote

was then passed and despite the exchanges between the opposition Councillor and the Councillor for the Coast, it was unanimously decided to invest some money in the park in the 2010 budget, whenever it miraculously appears, and get it to a desirable state. Alan McPhail who initiated the petition was delighted with the outcome. He told RTN: “Let’s just hope they stick to their word…”

School improvements THE COLEGIO Acequion which is one of the oldest primary schools in Torrevieja will soon be having 5.9 million euros invested in it to renovate it and to increase its capacity by 50%. The works will start within the next few weeks and as a result the school will now have a three stream intake. The works will include a new canteen and a new gymnasium. The new infant and primary school lists in Torrevieja are open from 4th May until 14th May, so if you have a child that you need to register in school for September, you need to apply during those dates.


THIS SATURDAY, 1st May Manuel Carrasco, the runner up of last year´s Spanish

version of the X Factor and Pop Idol will be performing at the Municipal Theatre in Torrevieja. The ticket price is 20 euros and doors open at 22:00.

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30 APRIL - 06 MAY 2010

Torrevieja woman classed as asylum seeker in UK by Louise Clarke A BRITISH grandmother has hit the headlines in the UK when she returned to her homeland after 23 years living in Spain and was branded an asylum seeker! Lorraine Marsland has been told by officials in the UK that even though she has a British passport and was born in Britain, she is being classed as an illegal immigrant. The 52 year old, who returned to the UK in January, has complained after being refused benefits including Jobseeker’s Allowance, Child Benefit, for her ten year old grandson Dylan and housing benefit. As a result, Ms Marsland is living off charitable handouts and her grandson, whom she has custody of, is living in a hostel which has been provided by Havering Council in Essex. She told members of the UK media: “The council sent me a letter which said I was classified as a person from abroad and therefore I wasn’t entitled to housing benefits.” She added: “I looked up the law they quoted and it included asylum

seekers. I was just stunned. I’m a British citizen, I’ve got a British passport, I’ve paid my taxes in the UK and in Spain and now I feel like a refugee in my own country.” REPOSSESSED

Lorraine was born in Liverpool and moved to Torrevieja with her parents Jim and Margaret 23 years ago. Sadly her father passed away 12 years ago and her mother died six years ago and so Lorraine inherited their two-bedroom home, which she shared with her 30 year old daughter Lisa and her sons Dylan and Bradley who is four. She lost her job three years ago and developed anaemia so she decided to sell her home to clear off debts. It was at that point that she realised that her parents had taken out a £35,000 mortgage and so the £100,000 that she expected to get from the sale of her house was significantly reduced. She couldn’t afford to pay off all of the mortgage and her debts, so ended up having the house repossessed; leaving her and her family homeless.

Lorraine Marsland LAUGHED

Reluctantly, they decided to leave their life on the Costa Blanca behind and return to the UK with her eldest grandson; Lisa had to stay in Spain with Bradley as she has not got a copy of his birth certificate which is needed for a passport. On her return to the UK, Lorraine stayed with friends in Brentwood in Essex and following the confirmation of her status, she rang the Asylum Seekers Association to see if they could help her. She said: “They just laughed at me.” She has since sold all her jewellery to raise some money and receives food parcels. She added: “I’ve applied for about 40 jobs

doing everything from cooking, cleaning to ironing but I’ve not had any luck.” ELIGIBILITY

According to Havering Council Ms Marsland was ‘ineligible for assistance’ under various sections in the 1996 Housing Act, which relate to ‘persons from abroad’ and ‘asylum seekers and their dependants’. A council spokesman said: “She is not eligible because she is not habitually resident in the UK. It is nothing to do with being an asylum seeker, she has not claimed asylum. It is a very complicated case and we are working with her, helping her to look for employment.”

Violent aggressor released

AN 18-YEAR-OLD man has made an official complaint to the police after being attacked on the Madrid metro on his way home from work. The entire incident was caught on CCTV camera and is now circulating online. Despite the fact that the victim needed two weeks off work and suffered a black eye as a result of the apparently unprovoked attack, the aggressor was only held in jail for 10 days and has been released with a restraining order. The victim initially claimed that he did not know his attacker, although he had seen him on the metro before, but it later emerged that the two had argued online. The attacker said very little at the time of the assault, other than he was an “anti-fascist”.

Cancer scare in Gibraltar

NEW FIGURES released by the Pompeu Fabra University in Barcelona show that people are suffering from a high level of cancerous tumours in Gibraltar. The Spanish Ministry of Health has also completed a study that reveals many more people in Gibraltar are hospitalised due to tumours than in other areas of Andalusia.

Consequently, the EU has called for Britain and Spain to proceed with further investigations into the cause. A group called Platform for an Epidemiological Study believe that the high rates of cancer could be connected to the oil refineries in the bay. Previous investigations have shown that the level of air pollution in Gibraltar is also high.

30 april - 06 may 2010

National Police decision angers Mayor by Louise Clarke

The Mayor of Torrevieja reacts angrily to the decision

THE MAYOR of Torrevieja, Pedro Hernandez Mateo, has defended the proposal to construct eleven new National Police stations in the Region. Speaking at the Valencian Government’s ‘pleno’ meeting, he told delegates that the proposal, which has been rejected by socialist parties PSOE-PSPV, is fundamental to the wellbeing of the community’s citizens. The plan was to construct a National Police station in 11 municipalities in the Valencian Community, one of which would have been Torrevieja. The proposal was approved with the support of the PP deputies but was rejected by the socialist parties. Members from Esquerra Unida and the Group for Compromise abstained in the vote. Hernandez Mateo said that the decision to reject the proposal was ‘deceitful to the citizens of the Valencian Community’ especially considering that this proposal was part of the election manifesto for

PSOE. He was particularly angry that the rejection would mean that the people of Torrevieja will now be without the essential services of the National Police on their doorstep.

understood that the project would have cost millions of euros, which would have been funded by the state treasury; hence why it was shelved.


During the heated debate at the Valencian Parliament, the Torrevieja Mayor recalled the statement made by Carlos González, the national deputy of the PSOE, which said that: “In Torrevieja, you were twenty times more like to die as a result of crime than in Madrid.” Incredulous to the decision to cancel the project, the Mayor said: “Even after making that statement, the Socialist Central Government still decided to cancel the plan and only informed the Town Hall in 2009, that it was suspending the project due to the ‘change in the economic cycle’.” Hernandez Mateo also stated that this is even more of injustice to the people of Torrevieja as the Guardia Civil is currently experiencing financial limitations brought on by the ‘crisis’.

Stations had been planned in San Vicente del Raspeig, Villena, Burriana, Vall de Uxó, Alacuás, Petrer, Villajoyosa, Xabia, Santa Pola, Manises and of course, Torrevieja. They would have directly benefitted more than half a million people; although during the summer months that number usually exceeds a million. In the case of Torrevieja, the Town Hall has, since 2005, reserved a parcel of land on Avenida de las Habaneras where the station could be built and has rebuffed approaches from other authorities and government departments who wanted that piece of land for their offices. The Mayor said: “The Central Government has failed to fulfil its commitments to the Torrevieja Town Hall and the citizens of Torrevieja.” It is


New emergency telephone operators THE TOWN Hall of San Javier welcomed six new 112 telephone operators to the team this week. The Mayor of San Javier, Pepa García, along with the Town’s Councillor for Security, Manuel Leal and the Head of Civil Defence, Fernando Postigo as well as friends and

family officially welcomed the operators at a special presentation in the Town Hall. The new operators of the 112 service are Eladio Raúl Sánchez, Ana María Cánovas, Santiago Montealegre, Laila González, Fernando Javier López and Mercedes Martínez. The Mayor said: “These new

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appointments prove that the Town Hall is committed to ensuring the safety and The Mayor security of its residents.” She of San then went onto congratulate Javier, Pepa the operators on their new García (centre) jobs and said that she was welcomed very proud of all the people the new who work in the town’s telephone operators emergency services.

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30 APRIL - 06 MAY 2010

Alicante beach which is in the Valencian community

Spain profits from resident and non-resident tourists SPANISH HOLIDAYMAKERS prefer Valencia, while foreigners prefer the Canary Islands. This is according to statistics recently released by the National Statistics Institute. The study looked at the travel destinations of tourists during the month of March this year.

The results show that the main destination chosen by non-residents was the Canaries. Within the Canary Islands the overnight stays by foreign nationals increased 5.6 percent when compared with March 2009. The following destinations were Catalonia, with an inter-annual rate of 26.6

percent, and Andalusia, with a rate of 2 percent. Andalusia, the Valencian Community and Catalonia were the main destinations chosen by guests resident in Spain, with inter-annual rates for overnight stays of 7.3 percent, 12.0 percent and 20.4 percent respectively.

The study also showed that overnight stays at hotel establishments increased 7.5 percent in March, compared with the same month in 2009, and that hotels earned €33.5 per available room. However, as Easter fell in March this year – and it didn’t last year – the figures are bound to be more positive.

Madrid-Valencia flight emergency landing A FLIGHT from Madrid to Valencia was forced to turn around due to the breakdown of its engine last Sunday morning. The hydraulic system failed once the plane was airborne. Privilege Airways operated the

flight which departed from Madrid Barajas at 7.30 am. And by 8.10 am the pilot had performed an emergency landing back at Madrid. Firefighters were on standby, but the plane landed safely and nobody was hurt.

Emergency landing in Seville A VUELING flight had to make an emergency landing at Seville airport last week when a bird hit one of the engines during

takeoff. The incident happened just after 5pm last Monday. The plan’s destination was Barcelona. Fortunately, no one was

Matador loses to bull in Mexico A FAMOUS Spanish bullfighter has been severely gored by a bull in Mexico. José Tomás was rushed to hospital after a bull named Navegante inflicted serious injuries up to 15 cm deep on the matador in the Feria de San Marcos. Tomás underwent a three-and-a-

injured and passengers were re-routed. This is the second emergency landing made by an aircraft in Spain in the past week.

half hour operation and he was reportedly given eight litres of blood to compensate for what he had lost. There was so much of his blood in the bullring, that the announcement came over the PA for audience members to donate blood. Doctors say that Tomás is now stable and recovering in intensive care.

30 april - 06 may 2010


30 APRIL - 06 MAY 2010

Why are we living in a dump? THAT IS the question that coastal opposition party CLARO are asking this week. The party has denounced the Orihuela Town Hall for their lack of initiative in getting and keeping certain sections of the coast clean. Six months ago, RTN reported on how CLARO had denounced the Town Hall for the biggest and ugliest rubbish dump in Orihuela Costa, which is situated on the N332 behind the Go Karts. During that time, nothing has changed. It is still there and getting bigger by the week. The Town Hall told RTN at the time that it had a fly tipping clearance policy, that it was dealing with many cases and to be patient! Now, with the crisis still affecting the economy, it seems that more companies are flouting the law to save a euro or two and are illegally fly tipping all over the coast. The residents of Calle Talco have denounced a rubbish dump down their road, which is not only unsightly; it smells and is a breeding ground for rats. To make matters worse, the rubbish dump must be located on municipal land since it is the site of the unfinished link

between the road leading from the entrance to the AP 7 motorway and the road from Cabo Roig to Campoamor. Another link on this road, near the motorway entrance, was finished some months ago with money from a developer. DISGRACE Until recently, residents at the Calle Talco end of this road could use the land where the dump is as a short-cut to the Cabo RoigCampoamor road. Now it is impassable and blocked and they have to make a long detour to get to the N332. Another unfinished link in the inter-urbanisations road is in La Florida and there is no sign of this link being completed either. The rubbish dump in front of the Commercial Centre in Los Dolses, Villamartin is also steadily growing in size and came be seen by golfers who come to play at the Villamartin golf course. President of CLARO, Bob Houliston commented: “It can hardly be a selling point for golfers or tourists and is off-putting to the shoppers in the com-

Torrevieja May Fair THE TENTS are already up in preparation for this year´s May Fair in Torrevieja. Tuesday 4th May sees the ´Pescaderos´ evening, which starts at 21:00 (ish) and is a traditional curtain raiser for

the fair and involves them testing the lights and other facilities at the fairground by the harbour; whilst eating lots of fried fish! On Wednesday, the inauguration of the May Fair takes

place at the fairground at 21:00. The ´Coros y Orchesta Salinas de Torrevieja´will perform the Torrevieja anthem and then all 40,000 light bulbs at the fairground will be lit. There will also be an amazing firework display to mark the beginning of five days of solid partying!

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Rubbish dump beside the Commercial Centre in Los Dolses, Villamartin

mercial centre with its bars and restaurants. It does not, of course, enhance the value of properties adjacent to the golf course. When will the Town Hall do something about it?” OFFENSIVE Another eyesore is the rubbish strewn path which leads from the Town Hall office and Mercadona area to the Flamenca Beach Commercial Centre. It is part of the system of pathways across the wide Barranco and as such it should provide attractive walks. It is also right in front of the El Cid urbanisation.

Bob added: “It is offensive to residents and visitors and so visible that officials in the nearby Town Hall must close their eyes when they pass by, otherwise there is no explanation for it not having been cleaned up ages ago.” He concluded: “On the rare occasions when the Town Hall has the wasteland in the area of the Barranco scraped, this simply uncovers rubbish which is not removed. CLARO urges the Town Hall to clear them up promptly as well as clearing up the giant rubbish dump behind the Go Karts which we denounced six months ago.”

Primary pupils visit Town Hall The children and teachers with the Mayor of San Javier, Pepa García By Louise Clarke STUDENTS FROM the Colegio ‘Fulgencio Ruiz’ in Santiago de la Ribera visited the San Javier Town Hall this week to find out how it operates. The six and seven year old children, from the second year of the primary school, visited the building in the centre of the town with four of their teachers and were greeted by the Mayor of San Javier Pepa García. The Mayor explained to the children what services

the Town Hall provides and how it works. She then answered questions from the youngsters who addressed the Mayor whilst seated in the Town Hall’s ‘pleno’ meeting room. They asked her if she could provide more trees and flowers in the parks of the town and asked the Town Hall help the ‘poor men’. Following the meeting with the Mayor, the children then visited the rest of the Town Hall building and the municipal library.

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30 april - 06 may 2010


30 april - 06 may 2010

Iberdrola tax is legal

After a 50 minute wait, RTN’s Louise Clarke got the answer she was after from an Iberdrola representative

FOLLOWING A letter that was printed in RTN two weeks ago entitled ‘Spot the Deliberate Mistake’, the Newsdesk and RTN’s reporters have been inundated with calls and e-mails asking us to ascertain whether it is legal to charge IVA on top of the 4.864% ‘Impuesto sobre electricidad’, which can be found on all Iberdrola bills. Eager to get clarification from the company RTN sent its reporter Louise Clarke to the Iberdrola office in Pilar de la Horadada earlier this week to get the ‘lowdown’ on the tax and find out exactly what it is for. After a 50 minute wait in the queue, Louise got the answer that everyone wants to know. According to the lady behind the desk in the office, the tax is a charge that has been in place for over ten years and was imple-

mented to subsidise the Spanish coal industry when more sustainable forms of energy started to be used. Although it is classed as a ‘tax’ it is more of a subsidy and therefore IVA can be charged on it. The lady added that it was completely legal and above board and that it was the government that charges it and not Iberdrola. So, there you have it! AIR YOUR VIEWS

Do you think we’re still being cheated by large corporate companies or, now you know the reason for this ‘tax’, are you happy to pay this charge if it helps find other means of energy supplies. Email your views and comments to rtnmail@roundtownnews.com and we’ll print the best replies in next weeks paper.

Spain to spend millions on telescope? SPAIN HAS lost out to Chile for the right to house the world’s biggest telescope. Chile was chosen because it’s northern Atacama Desert offers cloudless skies for 320 nights per year, low humidity and very few storms. Spain wanted the telescope to be based on the Canary island of La Palma, but the island suffers from too many adverse

weather conditions. Spain is still considering financing the project however, and the government said in their original bid for the project that they would provide €300 million for the $1.3-billion (€970-million) scheme. Science and Innovation Minister Cristina Garmendia said that before the government would make a decision on whether

or not to participate in the telescope’s manufacture, that they “demand complete economic guarantees on the viability of its construction.” The European Southern Observatory (ESO), which is behind the project, hope that the telescope will lead to new discoveries and answer unresolved questions in the world of astronomy.

30 april - 06 may 2010



30 april - 06 may 2010

All’s well that ends well by Louise Clarke

WHEN THE heavens opened last Friday evening at precisely the same time as the International Veteran’s Day was due to start, the event looked to be a complete wash out. But in true British style, a few drops of the wet stuff was not going to put off the dozens of distinguished veterans who had turned up to pay homage to the fallen and to march past the guest of honour, Lt General Jose Emilio Roldan Pascual, who is the second highest ranking officer in the Spanish Armed Forces; second only to King Juan Carlos. MARCH PAST

The Lt General toured the various different sections of the Spanish armed forces that had separate areas assigned to them to show off there various expertises. He also witnessed the firemen of Torrevieja dismantling a car in a re-enactment of how they would go

about rescuing a casualty from a car accident. It was then onto the main event itself. The marching band of Albatera provided the music and it was hard not to have a lump in your throat as the ex-servicemen from each of the armed forces, including some Spanish ex-military and a Norwegian contingency, marched along the concrete path. The Lt General and his guests then toured the new floating museum in the harbour before returning to witness the homage, the lowering of the Spanish flag at sunset, which was stunning and the final march past. With the wreath laid, the Spanish national anthem played, the flag lowered and the march past complete, the event drew to a close and the veterans returned home knowing that the International Veteran’s Day celebrations were a complete success. IMPRESSIVE

Graham Knight from the Overseas Residents Office in Torrevieja attended the event

European Day

SUNDAY 9TH May is European Day and this year a group of French Sevillanas dancers will be performing at an event to commemorate the occasion which will take place in Torrevie-

ja’s church square. The event starts at 10:30 and will also include music from the award winning Torrevieja Musical Union. There will be a presentation of the

Terry Watson with the Spanish Contingency

and told RTN this week that he was very proud to have played a small part in the event. He said: “I would like to pass on my sincere congratulations to all of those veterans, representing the four principal exservicemen associations, who waited until the rain had passed and participated in last Friday’s Veteran’s Day event in the harbour. The turn out, the spectacle, colour, respect and discipline displayed by those participating were truly impressive.” He added: “By chance, I happened to be standing alongside Lt General Roldan and his wife during the ‘homage to the fallen’ and the final march past and they were truly surprised and im-

Torrevieja Golden Shield, which this year is going to the President and members of the El Huerto de los Olivas Cofradia. The European flag will then be raised and a spectacular equine display from the horses and riders involved in the May Fair will conclude the event.

pressed! The comment by the General’s wife was; ‘We’ve got a lot to learn!’ as the final group (RAFA) marched past us!!” He concluded: “Whilst this event is obviously an ‘act of integration’, it was also a great opportunity of showing off a bit of ‘Britishness’. Personally, I feel that this type of display underlines what we ‘Brits’ are about and gives us, in a small way, a ‘national idendity’. So, let me say many congratulations to all of those who worked so hard towards the success which, despite the downpour, was in no way minimised and also many congratulations to all those who took part. I am looking forward to next year!”

International petanca day

SUNDAY 9TH May sees the 8th International Day of Europe Petanca Day at the petanca courts opposite the Torrevieja Municipal Cemetery, on the other side of the N332. The event involves 18 different countries from all over Europe and it starts at 10:00. Trophies for the winners and the runners up have been provided by Torrevieja Town Hall.

30 april - 06 may 2010

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30 APRIL - 06 MAY 2010

National bureaucracy Yesterday I received from Cereco a letter which is apparently intended to be helpful, informing me of the documents I need to bring to their medical centre in order to renew my driver’s licence: the existing licence, a copy of my NIE – ‘In case you have not old residencia or if it run out in 2 months, we need a copy of the Certificate of Member of the European Union (new residencia), a recent original padron and a copy of your passport with 2 recent colour photographs’. As my existing driver’s licence, which incidentally is valid until October 2011, has my NIE, what possible relevance have these other documents, and why should my ability to drive depend on my ability to keep up with Spanish local and national bureaucracy? Roger McCutcheon, Torrevieja

Pedestrians be warned

Car drivers be WARNED, pedestrians be WARNED. There is a hidden danger awaiting you on the New Javea Arenal Traffic layout. The pedestrian crossings are hidden by half (or over half) with the parked cars on either side of the through roads going either way through the Arenal. Pedestrians will be part way across the crossing (and think they are safe on the crossing) before they can be seen from the left and from the right. This was really brought home to me driving behind a car that narrowly missed knocking a pedestrian over. It was not the car drivers fault or the pedestrian’s fault it is just a hazardous layout Regards Mick Scarles


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letter of the week

A fictional party?

It was the night before Hot Cross Christmas Wednesday, which this year fell on Friday 30th February. Nick Cameron-Brown, the newly elected leader of The Green Liberal National Labservative Party, was in his new flat within the recently extended political hostel, Buck House, filing his claim for hens teeth coated organic hiporhinosacow fin soup when he heard a knock at the door. His astute political brain immediate shifted a gear wondering if he could claim for a door bell. A quick check of the Parliamentarian’s “DO, DO, DO, DON’T GET CAUGHT GUIDE” revealed that if listed as a national monument the upper price allowed was not the paltry million times the average state pension, 97 devalued new pence monthly, but 150% of GDP of all oil rich states together. A frantic goggle on the web later resulted in a quote from a firm in Brussels, “Side Line MEPs “ stated if using old shoe laces linked to Big Ben the cost would be €10,000,000 plus VAT, well within the allowable limit. Concorde was removed from mothballing and two work

experience 14-year-olds flew in from Lithuania for the work, with two brown envelopes: one addressed to Nick Cameron-Brown and the other to Allowances Office, UK Plc, having just attended a course for local Spanish politicians, Finance Directors, Mayors and close blood relatives of same. The invoice was forwarded to the relevant office of UK Plc but was refused. Checks revealed Nick CameronBrown was disbarred from being an MP as his birth certificate contained the names of both father and mother. FACT: You cannot be made into one of the UK parliamentarians; you have to be born one. Now the only other thing you will hear in the coming year even more far out and fictional than this is all Political Parties Manifestos. All of which would be of more use to the general public if they were printed on very soft paper and each page separated by perforations. Juan De La Ribera

Be bothered! I feel I have to respond to the letter last week from a holiday maker to our area of La Regia, Orihuela Costa. I am the person who organized the petition to the town hall to get something done about the park, which was signed by 350 people of many different nationalities, all of whom were united in condemning the town hall for their lack of commitment in fulfilling their responsibilities with respect to the health and safety of the public and their lack of investment and management of the park. Children in our area have nowhere else to play and to suggest because a fence has been vandalised by some, that nothing more should be done

in that area is just pig headed idiocy. If that were the case all civilised society would be turned into ghettos because vandals will always be amongst us, they always have been since the beginning of time, and those elected to look after our society must never acquiesce to them and allow them to destroy the facilities and thus denying enjoyment to others. The town hall has a responsibility to make sure that does not happen and it can never be used as an excuse to do nothing. In the case of La Regia park the area has been the way it is for over ten years and if people didn’t bother to do something about it like the author of your letter suggested, I am sure it would remain the

way it is for another ten years. I found on my petition collecting around the houses that a lot of people do care about their environment and want change for our area of Orihuela Costa. I have been contacted from other people since this went public who have similar problems with regard to neglect of their areas by the P.P. controlled ayuntamiento of Orihuela. It is gratifying to know that there are other people out there who are willing to get off their sun loungers and make themselves heard. My advice to those people is to go for it, because today 27 April 2010 at Orihuela city the Plenary meeting of the ayuntamiento agreed to include the La Regia park renovation in their next budget. That is why people should bother. Alan N McPhail, Vista Azul 2, La Regia, Orihuela Costa

Snake Oil Cameron To those who took the trouble to register to vote in the UK elections I would like to offer a little advice. Beware Greeks bearing gifts. You may wake up on Friday the 7-5-2010 with Snake Oil Cameron as your Prime Minister. I would not dare to call him a liar but he is a false prophet who is a stranger to the truth. One simple fact is that when the Tories were miles in front in the polls the Pound was around 1.10 to the Euro, now that it looks like we may have a hung Parliament they are

Chris Hale Read-in

The organizers of the read-in would like to thank all those who contributed to this very worthwhile cause. The event managed to raise €2150 to help Chris have the chance to have a ground breaking and potentially life saving new operation in Poland in November this year. Unfortunately this operation, which was recently reported on by the BBC news, is still only available privately and at a substantial cost. The six readers completed the task of

saying that the economy will collapse and the Pound with it because the markets will not like it? As we have seen the three main parties are fairly equal and the Pound has gone up to 1.16 to the Euro! People are not as daft as Snake Oil thinks, they know that most EU countries are governed by coalitions that give strong governance. If the snake is prepared to lie about this can you trust anything he says? Jack Johnson, La Cala Finistrat

reading in turn continuously for eight hours, with Chris himself reading from his own novels at the start and the end of the read. Many people were involved in the event and in raising the cash and our thanks go to all of them, and our thanks also go to Bodywise, Javea Golf Club and Lisa Fox for donating prizes for the contributors. To read a full report on the event please go to www.ddecker.net and click on the Chris Hales Read-in button. We will keep you all updated on Chris’s progress. David Decker

8-14 JANUARY 30 april - 06 may2010 2010

Last of the election whine by Jack Troughton

DAYS TO go in the race for No. 10 and people can be forgiven for being driven batty by the blanket coverage given to the General Election 2010. For the first time the leaders of the three major parties have sluggishly slugged it out in presidential-style television debates – and every moment of the soap opera has been put under the microscope and analysed. And the successes and failures of Messrs Brown, Cameron and Clegg on the campaign trail have also become a focal point for the camera and filled many column inches as Britain prepares to vote next Thursday. The dour inhabitants of a fictional Yorkshire village could even, like any punter, pop into their nearest bookmaker and have a flutter on the outcome of the poll or who did best on the box. SUMMER Certainly illustrator Jan Gamm was inspired by the original characters of the long running hit comedy Last of the Summer Wine when she decided to capture some cartoon capers on paper. Labour’s Gordon Brown becomes Compo, Tory chief David Cameron is

seen as Foggy; while the role of Norman Clegg is taken by namesake Nick Clegg, the leader of the Liberal Democrats. “I suppose it started with Nick Clegg having the same surname as Cleggy in the series,” she told RTN. “And some

of the electioneering has become very funny. “Gordon Brown has reminded me of Compo, he always seems to be in a crumpled suit and bumbling around and putting his foot in it.”

Muslim girl wins fight to wear headscarf

A 16-YEAR-OLD Muslim girl returned to school in Madrid last week after being banned for wearing a headscarf. Najwa wears her hijab for religious reasons, but her school in Madrid has said that the scarf in incompatible with its regulations. Najwa was forced to work in isolation for refusing to remove her scarf, and suffered panic attacks and depression after being ordered out of school. Her parents met with the head teacher over the weekend and explained that they would take legal action if Najwa’s right to wear the hijab was not respected. The teenager was due to go back to the school wearing her scarf - her friends were also sporting scarves in support – but at the last minute her parents elected to send her to another school where the scarf is allowed. AIR YOUR VIEWS This has been a highly reported story in the Spanish press, do you think Najwa should be allowed to wear her hijab or should she respect the regulations of the school? Email your comments to rtnmail@roundtownnews.com and we’ll print the best replies in next week’s paper.



30 april - 06 may 2010

Charlie goes for X-Factor glory by Louise Clarke CHARLIE WILCOX-ROYAL is well known in the Costa Blanca for his excellent vocal skills and is a regular performer at his Dad Dave’s bar, La Bodega in La Marina. Last weekend, he put his amazing talent to the test and auditioned for this year’s X Factor. The ITV1 show was holding its auditions at the Birmingham NEC last Saturday and RTN is pleased to reveal that Charlie, who is 19, wowed the producers with his talent and he has been predicted to go through to the next stage in June. Earlier this week, RTN caught up with Charlie to find out all about the audition process.

Charlie went to Birmingham with his brother Billy and he, along with Charlie’s friend Lee Anne, who travelled from London to meet the pair in Birmingham, accompanied Charlie to the audition. The brothers left Alicante Airport on Friday night for East Midlands Airport and were collected by family friends, Clive and Louise, who actually live in Sheffield. Now, these friends can only be described as ‘probably the best in the world’ as Charlie explained: “Clive and Louise picked us up from the airport, drove us up to Sheffield, where we stayed the night. They then drove us back to Birmingham at 05:00 the next morning so that we could get there

for 08:00. They picked us up on Saturday night, took us back to their house and then brought us back to Birmingham on Sunday, for the second and third auditions. They were brilliant!” SUCCESS Charlie had to wait in the X Factor queue, which contained 6,500 entrants and at least two friends or family members, for eight and a half hours before he was eventually seen by producers. At this audition, he wowed them by singing ‘Everything’ by Michael Buble. He was told that he had got through to Sunday’s audition and to return at 15:00 the next day for a second audition. Charlie told us: “I

had to register that night for the next day and show them my ID; so I didn’t leave until 22:30.” He had his second audition with one of the programme’s producers and a producer from record company Song BMG at 20:30 and amazed them with his vocal talents. He was told that he had been successful and he then had to wait around for an interview with more programme producers so that he could give them all his background details. CONFIDENT After the interview, he was met by top Executive Producers and had to go through another audition, which was filmed. They told Charlie that he was in the

Charlie waits to be auditioned complete with the X Factor number 62533

final 600 and he now has to wait to find out whether he is in the final 500 and whether or not he will face judges; Simon Cowell, Louis Walsh, Danni Minogue and Cheryl Cole in June. Charlie said: “I feel quite confident as I sang really well in all three auditions. I met some

Coastal Youth Fiesta

The amazing ‘Monos’

THIS SATURDAY, 1st May, sees the first ever Youth Fiesta in Orihuela Costa. The event, which has been organised by the new Youth Association (AJOC) and the Orihuela Town Hall, will take place on the large car park area close to Mercadona in Playa Flamenca. The fiesta includes, sport, games, art and music for children of all ages; with the amazing ‘Monos’ closing the event with a free concert on Saturday night. The scheduled activities include a mixed 7-a-side soccer tournament for young people aged from 14

great people who also got through and so I am looking forward to seeing them all in June.” RTN will keep you posted on Charlie’s progress. In the meantime, if you want to see this talented young man perform, he will be at his Dad’s bar in La Marina on May 21st at 22:00.

to 20 years of age; children’s games and activities such as a bouncy castle, painting and drawing. The football tournament starts at 10:00 and registration can be made by e-mail to ajoc@hotmail.es or by telephone: 607 043 779. The children’s games start at 11:00 and finish at 14:00, whilst the painting and drawing for 3 to 10 year olds starts at 15:00 until 18:00 hours. The free ‘Monos’ concert starts at 23:00 and there is also going to be a DJ at the event, to take the music and dancing into the early hours.

This is success!

30 april - 06 may 2010


St George’s Day Fiesta

A young boy celebrates

ENGLAND’S FLAG was flying high last Friday for the second annual St George’s Day Fiesta in Playa Flamenca. The event which was organised by the Orihuela Town Hall was situated in the car park next to Mercadona and played host to a number of different stalls, which sold an array of items including food Jennifer Cunningham and her team

by Louise Clarke WITH THE sun shining and the swimming pool open and ready to use, last weekend’s ‘This is Spain’ exhibition, which took place at the prestigious Orihuela Costa Resort Hotel in La Zenia, has been hailed as a tremendous success. RTN was proud to be the main media sponsor for the event and organiser Christine Roche was delighted with the amount of visitors to the exhibition, especially during Sunday when the exhibition saw a record numbers of visitors. She told RTN: “I would like to take this opportunity to thank all of the exhibitors who took part in the ‘This Is Spain’

exhibition last weekend. The event was busy despite the current economic climate and other events taking place nearby. Having spoken to some of the exhibitors, I have been told that most had received some very positive leads and had got some good results.” She continued: “I would like to thank everyone involved in making the event such a success, in particular, Geoff Gartland and Cliff Roberts from RTN, together with their design team and Gerrit from Go Advertise.” She added: “And of course the TKO team, who all produced fantastic professional publicity for the event. I must also say thanks you to Norma and Mike Reilly

and beverages. There was entertainment throughout the day including Layla and Josh Gillespie. The stunning vocals of 22 year old Layla were perfectly accompanied by the amazing guitar playing ability of her younger brother, 14 year old Josh, who is a pupil at El Limonar School in San Miguel.

Saturday market

The Council of Almoradí, directed by Miguel Gascón, has reported that the weekly market will also open on from Phoenix Promotions for providing Saturdays from May 1st. According to Councilman Gascon, “responds to the some of the quality entertainment that demands that have arisen from merchants, visitors and took place during the event.” Christine is now looking forward to tourists who normally come to this market.” the next exhibition and hopes you all have a fantastic summer. RTN’s Cliff Roberts said: “We always do our very a trophy and 25 euros in best to promote the This is Spain events THE PSOE party in Orihuela prize money. There are also and it was nice to see the RTN logo back Costa are organising the medals and prize money where it belongs alongside TKO and Go first ever Coastal Dominoes for second and third place. Advertise, who have always worked so Championship. The event Everyone is welcome and as well together over the years through will take place on 6th May at 18:00 in their office on every nationality can play both the good and bad times.” dominoes, it is hoped that ‘This is Spain’ will be back in the the coast; opposite the Cabo the event will provide some autumn and RTN will keep you post- Roig Health Centre. It costs four euros to positive integration for the ed on all the details as and when we enter and the first prize is local community. get them.

Dominoes Championship


30 APRIL - 06 MAY 2010

Adam triumphs in Europe

LOCAL SWIMMING sensation Adam Stuart competed in last week’s European Downs Syndrome Open Swimming Championships, which were held at the Quays Aquatic Centre in Southampton, and came back with a well deserved haul of medals. Adam, who trains at the Pilar de la Horadada Municipal Swimming Pool, knocked two minutes off his personal best in the 800 metres crawl to get silver and also got a personal best in the 400 metres crawl, also getting a silver medal and knocking one minute off his best time. He got

a bronze medal in the 100 metre butterfly, a bronze in the relay for Team España and was placed sixth in the back stroke. So all in all, a very good weekend for Adam! All his times are qualifying times for the World Championships which take place in October in Taiwan. WHIPLASH

There were over 150 swimmers at the championships from around Europe including Spain; England; Scotland; Ireland; Portugal; Estonia; Sweden and Norway. Dad Greig told RTN: “This achievement was something

special to Adam as this year has been quite bad for him. He was involved in a car accident at the end of January, which caused whiplash and as a result, has had to have regular physiotherapy sessions. On top of this, his mum was seriously ill in hospital during February and is recovering.” Greig added: “He has worked hard through all this though to achieve these times. We have to thank the OK Gym in Los Dolces for their support and advice as well as the guys from the pool at Pilar de la Horadada.” Well Done Adam!!

Adam Stuart

Foundation stone ceremony THE HON Senora Trinidad Maria Miro Mira, the Regional Councillor for Culture and Sports will be visiting Torrevieja this Sunday, 2nd May, to lay the foundation stone of the new Semana Santa Museum in the city. The Councillor will attend mass at 11:30 at the City’s church, which will be performed by the Bishop of Orihuela and Alicante, and then she will accompany the Mayor and other Town Hall officials to the parcel of land where the new museum will be built. The procession to the site will also include the local cofradias and costelleros, who will all be in uniform.

Rare orchid RECENT RAINFALL has benefitted the natural park of La Mata. According to the Torrevieja Town Hall botanists, more birds have been spotted than ever before, including some very rare species. They are also very excited to have found an extremely rare orchid which seems to flourishing in the park. The botanists have discovered 311 Orchis

Collinos which have now all been photographed and catalogued. The orchid bulbs often remain underground for years but this spring they have decided to appear; much to the delight of the local botanists. One of the scientists commented: “This is such a rare and exciting find. We are delighted to have them here in the La Mata Natural Park.”

30 APRIL - 06 MAY 2010


VFS Spain - Protected Notes THROUGHOUT THE volatility of the last decade, investors have increasingly sought investments which offer both a high degree of security as well as potential for capital appreciation and flexibility. A product that provides this is a Protected Note, issued by a financial institution. Protected Notes are structured investment products, linked to a broad range of underlying investments. At the heart of each Note is an undertaking to protect the investor against capital loss whilst offering the opportunity for them to participate significantly in the appreciation of the underlying investment. Although these products have the attraction of protection against losses, as well as participation in profits, they may often be illiquid, and may include complex investments. Many are based on a market index or a basket of indices, with the components of the underlying investment remaining unchanged over the period of investment. VFS Spain is offering a novel variation on this theme. This is a protected note offered by Nomura Securities that offers participation in a successful fund: the VAM Driehaus Fund. Recognising the advantages of Notes, but also seeking to remove their traditional disadvantages, this unique offer is available through VFS Spain by way of VAM Funds, who have teamed up with Nomura International plc (Nomura), a leading international bank, to provide a 5 year 90% Note for investors seeking significant medium term investment growth, but also offering a 90% capital guarantee, if held to maturity. The VAM Driehaus Fund offers an exceptional investment in World stockmarkets, managed by Driehaus Capital Management LLC (Driehaus), a Chicago-based and World rated Investment Manager that has provided index beating performance since 1983. Driehaus specialises in domestic US and non-US equities, using an aggressive stock picking style and has produced superior capital appreciation over each investment cycle (for example their US Mid Cap Growth strategy has matched Warren Buffett’s Berkshire Hathaway with an 15% plus annualised rate of growth since 1986).

Current recent figures for the Driehaus fund are as follows:

% Growth Q1 2010

% Growth 2009

VAM Driehaus Fund 4.29


MSCI World USD 3.35


Source: Lipper Hindsight

The Note has the following characteristics: 1) It is for a fixed term of 5 years with a launch date on 1st June 2010. 2) Although it should be held to maturity, Nomura will operate a secondary market for the Note if early redemption is required. In this event, no protection will apply. 3) The Note is available in US Dollars. 4) Up to 80% of the investment will be in the Driehaus Fund, which has produced superior returns since launch. 5) On redemption, 80% of The Fund’s investment gain will be realised, together with 90% of the principle sum invested. For example, if the initial investment is 100,000, and after 5 years the gain on the investment is 100,000, the total return will be 80% of the gain or 80,000, plus the protected portion of the investment which is 90% or 90,000, giving a total of 170,000, i.e. a profit of 70% over 5 years. These figures will of course vary depending on the extent of the investment gain. 6) However, should markets decline over the 5 years, the protected portion of 90% of the amount initially invested will be paid out - in this example, it would be 90 000. The maximum loss which can be incurred is 10% of the amount invested. 7) Instead of the static underlying investments normally associated with these Notes, within the Driehaus Fund, the Fund Manager will invest in a varying range of sub-funds within the VAM Funds (Lux) stable, from large cap to medium, small and micro cap, international real estate, World growth and emerging market funds. This gives an enviable degree of flexibility in investment choice.

The 90% Protected Note provides Investors with the opportunity to benefit from the high growth potential provided by one of the best performing funds in the world with the safety feature of 90% Capital protection. Key Features of the VFS 90% Protected Note:

• 90% protected means your capital Investment is secure • Exceptional earning potential from the VAM Driehaus Fund • Issued by Nomura International plc • Currency US$ • 5 year term Investment • Offer closes on May 31st 2010

30 APRIL - 06 MAY 2010


Experience Las Colinas Truly a world apart! by Louise Clarke LAS COLINAS Golf and Country Club is an exclusive private community built around a world class championship golf course and it is right here in the Costa Blanca. The eco-friendly development, which is situated in Campoamor on the Orihuela Costa, is surrounded by 10,000 hectares of Mediterranean woodland in a beautiful valley and offers superb views of the Mediterranean and the Mar Menor. The Troon Golf managed championship golf course, was uniquely designed by world renowned course architect Cabel B Robinson and boasts wide fairways, extensive and undulating greens. The course adapts to the natural lie of the land and with five different tee platforms for each hole, there is great versatility which promises to test every golfer who plays there, time and time again.

The par


R E T U O R ! 0 5 € h t wor

71-18 hole golf course officially opens on June 12th and RTN is proud to exclusively offer four lucky readers the chance to play at this course before it opens to the public.

PGA PROFESSIONAL The winners will each receive the full Las Colinas experience and enjoy a VIP day on Friday 14th May. The winners will not only get to play 18 holes on this amazing course and have a buggy provided, but they will also receive a Las Colinas goody bag, a picnic bag lunch prepared by the head chef of the club house restaurant, UNiK, and time to use their superb practice facilities, as well as have a swing check session from the course’s head professional, Robert Mitchell, who is a PGA qualified professional. Robert, who is originally from Wales, has spent the last three years working at the Scott Cranfield Academy in Cadiz, where he was Head Coach. The 28 year old is fluent in Spanish and brings a wealth of experience to Las Colinas. The event will be covered by RTN’s Louise Clarke and she will be asking all the winners for

Exclusive Competition To enter the competition, you must be available on May 14th and be able to get to Las Colinas under your own steam. The day will start at 09:30 with a tee off at 11:00 and will finish around 16:00 with a presentation by the Golf Course Managing Director, Juan Álvarez.

Just answer the following question:

Who designed the Las Colinas Golf Course?

Please state whether you are male or female and your handicap on the application and send it to golf@lascolinasgolf.es using the header ‘RTN Competition’. E-mail details will only be used by Las Colinas and RTN. their comments and reviews on the course and the whole Las Colinas experience and will report on those findings in the following week’s paper.

30 APRIL - 06 MAY 2010

Claims and the Consortium I AM sure there are better places to spend a weekend which turned out to be lovely and sunny. The venue for This is Spain is a very attractive hotel resort. Some even braved the pool! My company as normal was kept busy and hopefully the consultants who worked all weekend will convert lots of the enquiries. Although, and as per normal, most people who were approached are never going to die (!), funeral plans and indeed health enquiries were very encouraging. Perhaps the investment of time and money will have been worth it. We listened again, as per normal to a small amount of moans and groans, in the main from people who have claimed on their insurance, only to find that they are underinsured. Why this always ends up being our fault, I just don’t know, especially with the amount of times that I write about this situation. I also know that our consultants always point out the risks attached to underinsurance. Many times, the problems occur when a community policy is in place,

and it is assumed that this covers everything related to the buildings…unfortunately, this is just not true. You should be aware that there are many elements within your property that are classed as buildings, yet may not be covered by the community. This can include installations such as water, heating, air conditioning, telephones, and also elements required to operate such installations, including boilers, radiators etc. Also, any fixed decorative or ornamental items attached to the floors, ceilings and/or walls, such as paint, wallpaper, fabric, carpets or parquet etc, that form a part of the home and belong to the insured shall be construed as an integral part of the building at all times. Should your property be part of a community of owners, it is always worth requesting a copy of the policy from your administrator, and checking the exact level of cover. The majority of communities will insure the bare minimum, keeping costs down for all concerned. However, there are exceptions to the rule, as some communities will

cover more. The other problems experienced by many are with claims via the consortium. As a Spanish government agency, we should not expect them to speak any other language but Spanish! As I have mentioned before, a part of every Spanish insurance premium is paid to the consortium, thereby protecting the insured in the case of “extraordinary risks” such as earthquakes, gota frias, forest fires etc. We have recently heard from Liberty Seguros, that the consortium will now allow claims to be registered over the phone, providing we have full policy details prepared, to be able to confirm verbally. This should help to speed up the claims process. The consortium, besides dealing with extraordinary risks, holds the huge national database of car insurance policies. However, unlike the Motor Insurance Bureau, this information is not readily available to the general public. This means that should you be involved in a car accident, the most important detail to ensure that you have correct is the other persons registration number – if


by Jennifer Cunningham

The Costas leading insurance consultant If you have a question please email her at: jennifer@jennifercunningham.net

they have written it down for you, check it carefully, as your insurers first port of call with this registration number will be the consortium, in order to identify the other parties insurer, hence opening the claim. Finally, it is worth checking with your chosen insurer that they are fully regulated /registered in Spain and that they pay their fees to the consortium. I still fail to understand what significance an FSA registration holds in Spain – the regulatory body in Spain is the Dirección General de Seguros y Fondos de Pensiones (DGS). I for one would not insure in the UK with a company regulated in another country… Why do it here? NB; Don’t forget……Friday 21st May “Something Red” May Ball, at the Marjal Rte on the N332 between Guardamar and La Marina, Tickets just 12 Euros for live music, dancing, and dinner, now available from PCN Office in La Marina on 966 790 363 or the Charity shop in Cuidad Quesada, book now to be able to enjoy a fantastic night.

Jennifer Cunningham y Asociados S.L. The Costas leading insurance consultant. If you have a question please email her at: jennifer@jennifercunningham.net


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30 april - 06 may 2010

Looking after lady APAH WERE contacted by an elderly couple recently who live in San Miguel de Salinas. They had been feeding a young female street cat, when they saw that she was getting rather large around the middle! They asked the charity, which has a shop in the town whether they could take the cat, which was later named as Lady, in and help her have her kittens and find homes for them. They agreed and she was taken over to the APAH Cattery and settled in. Margaret McCabe from the charity told RTN: “I was very concerned about her small size and young age and I was worried that she would be too small to have the kittens, if they were large. As our Cattery is not staffed overnight, I was worried that someone could find her dead one morning, having had problems giving birth overnight.” ACCEPTANCE So on Wednesday 30th March, Margaret and her husband Ian took her back to their apartment, also in San Miguel, so that the cat could have her kittens with them. During the night of 5th and 6th April, she had five healthy little kittens. The plan is now to have her spayed and to find homes for her and her kittens. Margaret commented: “For a cat so young, barely more than a kitten herself, she is a fantastic mum; so caring and loving towards her babies.” Then, last Thursday, Richard from the char-

30 APRIL - 06 MAY 2010


New dog zone

By Louise Clarke THE MAYOR of Pilar de la Horadada, Ignacio Ramos and the town’s Councillor for the Environment, Ute Kaiser, officially opened the town’s new ‘Dog Zone’ earlier this week, at the Parque de Las Cofradías. The pair was accompanied by Pilar’s Head of Environmental Services, Pedro Sáez and members of the town’s Green Brigade. The ‘Dog Zone’ is a 500 metre squared fenced off area, where dogs can take a walk without a lead and according to the Town Hall, is a place where they can ‘relax’! The area is on the corner of Calle Cristo Yacente and Calle Infantes. Owners of dogs who use the ‘zone’ are still obliged to clean up after their pets and those dogs which are classed as dangerous, must have a muzzle on at all times. The owner of the dogs must be responsible for it at all times and dogs that are ‘on heat’ or who wear studded collars are prohibited from entering the ‘Dog Zone’ at all times.

Lady with the kittens

ity was contacted by someone who had found a dead mother with three young kittens, about a week younger than Lady’s. The man asked if there was anything the charity could do to help and so Richard suggested that they could see if Lady would accept them. Margaret said: “Just by holding them all together, and getting Lady’s kittens scent on to the new kittens, she accepted them quite happily and is now feeding them too! So her little family of five has become eight and she is just as caring of the three little ones, who wouldn’t have stood a chance without her, as she is of her own.”

The charity has around 50 cats and kittens of varying ages, so, if anyone is looking to offer a cat a home please contact the charity through their website at www.apahrescue.com. Margaret concluded: “We are also desperately looking for a home for two sisters and a brother, three years old, who have lived their whole lives together. Their owner gave them over to us and returned to the UK. We have been trying very hard to home them together, but they are all becoming so stressed and depressed in the Cattery, that we would be thankful just to find a home for one of them, or maybe two.”

Horadada, Ignacio Ramos, Ute Kaiser and Pedro Sáez open the new dog zone

Spanish Mother’s Day

THIS SUNDAY, 2nd May is Spanish Mother´s Day and to celebrate this, there will be a free concert for mums and their families at the Immaculada Church in Torrevieja at 20:00. The concert features the vocal talents of Paco Moreno and Laura Martinez.

SUMMER SCHOOLS AND CAMPS 2010 Castelar College and “GSK Gestion Deportiva”, of San Javier, have joined together to provide activities which are educational and nautical, as well as being FUN! The activities will take place in either the sailing school, the Mar Menor, within Castelar College or the San Javier sports centre. THE FOLLOWING SUMMER OPTIONS ARE AVAILABLE: SCHOOL FOR INFANTS: ages 2 to 7, Monday to Friday 9am to 12:30pm. Here the emphasis is on learning through fun and includes bilingual classes, incorporating stories, songs, crafts, recreational games etc, with days planned for “A Magic Fiesta” and a “Fun Day”. BILINGUAL SUMMER SCHOOL: Ages 8 to 14, Monday to Friday 9am to 1:30pm. Includes: English and Spanish classes. The classes will give opportunities for your child to improve their language skills. Activities available include sailing, dinghies, canoes, kayaks, scuba diving etc. Physical sports and activities include: badminton, handball, baseball etc. We shall offer activities in the Sports Centre in San Javier for one day of the summer school. Here, children can take part in orientation, archery, use of the climbing wall, and free time in the swimming pool. BILINGUAL SUMMER CAMP For ages 8 to 14 on a full board basis in residence in a multiple occupancy room at the college. Durations of 6, 7 or 9 nights are available. Students will be accompanied at all times by teachers, monitors or other suitably qualified people. •Nautical activities include sailing, canoeing, scuba diving, beach games and more. Sports include badminton, handball, baseball and swimming, basketball, tennis, indoor football. • Activities in the Sports Centre in San Javier. • Creative workshops making masks etc. • Workshops in life-guarding in a covered pool • RCP, first aid, auxiliary assistance… In addition, we will also hold an Olympic style competition during the summer camp, as well as excursions. The first of these will be to Calblanque and the second will take a look at marine life on the Mar Menor. TERMS & CONDITIONS Prices include all tuition fees and materials. • Various transport routes available on request at an affordable price.

For more information contact Castelar College on 968 178 276 or email info@castelar.org or www.castelar.org

30 april - 06 may 2010


Eh, it’s been an Eyjafjallajökull of a week… I SIGNED off last week with the immortal words: “Watts in Gatwick, bored beyond belief…” Boy, should I have kept my big mouth shut. It has gone ballistic. Yup, since air travel returned to normality, it’s been all hands to the pump down here at the UK’s second busiest airport. What a week… I suppose those six days of non-flying, is about the closest I’ll ever experience to that period in histoBy ry known as the Phoney War. It was so Watts quiet and unreal but at the back of your mind you knew that at any minute all hell was going to break loose. BBC Radio 4 reported on Monday that the volcano at the centre of all our avionic woes is now producing steam rather than the more problematic engine clogging ash. So is that it? Can we relax? According to the Icelandic media organisation Pressan, “the effects of the volcanic eruption at Eyjafjallajökull are now limited to Iceland”. Hmmm, I suppose that’s good news for the rest of us, although of course there’s still a huge cloud of ash floating around the planet somewhere - it’s out there. Pressan’s website says: “Keflavik Airport remains closed and international flights are rerouted to and from Akureyri or Egilstadir.” And there’s still an ever present ash mist over the capital, Reykjavik. Does this ash present any health problems? Pressan reports: “The ash mist is predicted to remain limited and similar to pollution caused by traffic.” The agency adds, “The country’s chief epidemiologist advises those who suffer from dormant heart and lung disease to remain indoors but there should be no need to wear masks.” Well, you wouldn’t wear masks for traffic pollution would you? But equally you

Watts In Britain Paul

wouldn’t remain indoors for it either. Does anyone know, just what’s going on? Do aircraft engines fail in the ash cloud? Why haven’t the newspapers been talking about Eyjafjallajökull since airspace returned to normal? Too many questions there Watts… And talking of questions, we here in Britain are in the middle of our busiest media question time. Questions abound in every nook, broadsheet and tabloid. They lurk on national and local radio and burst out without a moments warning on near-by tellys. The average person’s letterbox fair groans at the rain forests of printed questions pouring through them from wannabe MPs. “We’ll give you clarity on the issues,” boasts the BBC while bombarding us with those issues from noon till night. Yes, with just a few more days of electioneering to go the huge media Q and A session is reaching exponential acceleration. The politicians are scrabbling like river-escaping wildebeest to get their messages to us. There is more hot air coming out of would-be MPs than a continent of Eyjafjallajökulls! But do you know what the biggest problem is? You really cannot tell the MPs apart. The minutiae of argument is being spun around and around to the nth degree that you get dizzy with all the facts, figures and predictions. You do not know who is telling the truth; or, for that matter, what is the truth. The colossal figures regarding the economy are truly mind-numbing. It is so hard to get your head around the massive sums that most people default to the position of choosing between personalities. Now to make even that strategy unworkable you cannot tell the major

The Debt Clock

players physically apart. If you discount Brown for a moment, Clegg and Cameron morph into this homogeneous American presidential-style shinning ‘package’ - with hair by Clairol. But even Bully Brown has a wealth of luscious presidential hair. Where are the individuals? Where are the Lord Suchs of the screaming variety? How about letting the bald guys have a go? Na, sorry Mr Hague. It really is a case of the bland leading the bland. I am at a loss to find what the difference to choose between them is. I guess this is where their secret weapon, the leader’s wives, comes in. Hmmm, Leader’s Wives, sounds like a tacky magazine… Hugh, fire up the printers! Now I don’t want to appear partial but feel I must make a note of warning because there is a growing feeling that Bully Brown might gain a last minute sympathy vote. So, should you be sparing a sympathetic thought for the Bullymeister it’s worth remembering Daniel Hannan’s musings in last week’s Daily Telegraph. “It bears repeating,” warns Dan, “Labour has introduced 111 tax rises

since 1997, taken an additional trillion pounds in revenue, and still left us with the same level of deficit as Greece.” That certainly does bear repeating Danny Boy. As I said above it is really hard to get a handle on the huge sums of tax payers’ money that is being lost. But help is at hand. The ever vigilant Tax Payers’ Alliance has been travelling around Britain these past few weeks with their marvellous Debt Clock Road Show. It is a timely, if not worrying reminder of the state of things. Britain’s national debt goes up at a rate of £5,169 every second. Every second! So, just reading this nonsense it’s gone up over another £600,000. £5,169 per second is £310,212 per minute; which is £18,607,306 per hour and an unimaginable £446,575,342 per day. Quick, STOP that clock. For an instant up-date (if you’ve the stomach for it) go to www. debt-clock.org and be frightened by the way the national debt is racking-up! So, please bear that in mind if you’re thinking of taking sympathy on Brown. Watts in Eyjafjallajökull, where the air is clearer…

Caravaca Fiestas

30 april - 06 may 2010


Off ya Head live Off ya Head will be performing live next weekend

RTN’s Louise Clarke with her Mum and children overlooking Caravaca

CARAVACA DE la Cruz is situated in north east Murcia and last week RTN went to visit the town with David’s Coachtrips SL. Caravaca is the fifth most holiest city in the world and is located near the left bank of the River Argos, which is a tributary of the River Segura. It has a population of 26,240 and this year, 2010, it is celebrating its jubilee year. More than a million pilgrims are expected to visit the town this year and if you would like to be one of them keep reading; especially if you have nothing planned for this coming Monday! JUBILEE Caravaca de la Cruz was given its prestigious Holy City status, along with Rome, Jerusalem, Santiago de Compostela and Camaleño (the Monastery of Santo Toribio de Liébana) by Pope John Paul II in 1998. It celebrates its jubilee every seven years, with the first of them

taking place in 2003 when the town was visited by the then Cardinal Ratzinger, who is now, of course, Pope Benedict XVI. DISTINCTIVE CROSS RTN set off bright and early on the trip with David’s Coachtrips SL and was ably guided along the way by Lee. She was a mine of useful information and kept giving us lots of really interesting facts and figures throughout our journey to Caravaca, which went via Murcia City. Caravaca is dominated by the medieval Castle of Santa Cruz, and contains several convents as well as a fine parish church. The town’s symbol is a distinctive cross which has two horizontal beams as opposed to the usual one. This cross has been celebrated over the centuries for its healing power. In fact when RTN went into the Castle of Santa Cruz there was a large queue of

people waiting to kiss the cross in the hope that some of its healing power may pass onto them.

THE HOTTEST young band on the Costa Blanca, Off ya Head, will be performing live next Saturday, 8th May at the Tavern Bar (La Taverna) which is located on the Torremendo Road, by the Lakeview Mansions Urbanisation in San Miguel de Salinas. The guys start at 21:00 and will finish at 23:00. Be there or be ‘Off ya Head’!

Sevillanas Club Flamenco Dancers

Fiesta Time This Monday, 3rd May is Caravaca’s yearly festival and a must see for anyone here either on holiday or who has never visited the town before; or even if you have! The fiesta is a great event and David’s Coachtrips SL has a specially chartered coach going to the town on Monday for anyone who is interested in seeing the town and experiencing their amazing Moors and Christians fiesta. The cost for the trip is just 12 euros and the company can collect you from a number of pick up points including La Marina, Quesada, Torrevieja and the Orihuela Costa. For more information and to book you seat on this Monday’s trip, please call 966 785 910 or visit www.coachtripsonline.com.

The dancers unveil their new costumes

LAST WEEK’S ‘This is Spain’ Exhibition was chosen by The Sevillanas Club Flamenco Dancers to present their new costumes and many new dances. Upcoming shows for the popular Sevillanas Club dancers include this Saturday, May 1st at the PSOE Party’s May Day Fiesta, which takes place at the new Asturias Restaurant in Punta Prima and May 28th for the charity ‘Aidemar’

in San Pedro del Pinatar. The dancers are also scheduled to perform at shows for MABS and Help Murcia Mar Menor. The Raquel Peña Professional Flamenco Dance Company will also be at Rojales Capitol Theatre on May 23rd at 17:30, performing a show in aid of the Alzheimer’s Association of Torrevieja. For more information on any of the above, please contact 630 689 431.



30 APRIL - 06 MAY 2010

I am the owner of a property in Spain and I am not Tax Resident. I have been advised to gift my property to a Spanish company SL or an English Limited company in order to avoid Spanish Inheritance Tax, is this advisable? by

Marc White & Carlos Baos

English & Spanish Solicitors

DEAR READER, thank you for email. First of all we would like to clarify that we understand that even if you transfer the property to a company by means of a gift, sale, as a part of the share capital of the company, or any other way, when the shareholder passes away their shares must be transferred to their heirs and the shares will represent the ownership of the Spanish property so, there will be instances where inheritance tax (IHT) must be paid in Spain. It is true that it could be difficult for the Spanish tax authorities to realise that someone has passed away, and that his Spanish estate is comprised of shares in a company. This is relevant, as the IHT in Spain must be paid within six months from the death, and the taxman can only start a penalty process asking for IHT within the next four years after the payment period, therefore we can say that after four years and six months from the death if the taxman has not started a process asking for the IHT, the obligation to pay it disappears. But please keep in mind that if the taxman realised that you have not paid the IHT within this period, you will need to pay the taxes, plus penalties and interest. If the property is owned by a company it would be possible for

the directors of the company to sell the property without the need to deal with the inheritance, which is an advantage. But if the property is owned by an individual who passed away the inheritance needs to be sorted before the heirs are able to sale the property. The disadvantages are that owning a property through a company also means more expenses, as the company will need to file annual accounts, submit company tax declarations, possibly appoint a tax representative in Spain etc, so it is not always a good idea as the maintenance and the setting up costs are high if you compare them with the cost of owning a property personally. About your question of transferring the property that you already own to a company through a gift, it is really important you to know that there is no gift tax, so for the Gift Deed the taxes that you will need to pay would be 1% Stamp Duty (AJD), as companies do not pay gift tax (which is the same as IHT). But you need also to be aware that when a company receives a gift, it does not pay gift tax but should pay company tax if you are transferring the property to a Spanish SL or Income Tax for Non Residents if the company is an English Limited company. The General Tax Office (Dirección General de Tributos) in the Consultation number 2017-04, made clear this point, in the consultation made by a French Institution that was a beneficiary of a Spanish Inheritance, and confirmed that in this scenario the inheritance or gift are not subject to IHT, but there must be paid Income Tax for Non Residents when the recipient is a company non resident in Spain.

Should this be your case, or the case of someone you know, we will be more than pleased to assist you. *The information provided on this article is not intended to be legal advice, but merely conveys general information related to legal issues.

Marc White LL.B. & Carlos Baos (English & Spanish Solicitors) C/Diana 19, 2º-D, 03700 Dénia (located close to the Glorieta Square at the end of Marques de Campo). © White & Baos Abogados 2010 - Tel: 966 426 185. All rights reserved. Send your questions to thespanishlawyer@roundtownnews.com or info@white-baos.com

Do you live in La Siesta or El Chaparral? IF SO, you might be interested in meeting with the Councillor for Foreigners, Pedro Valero, and the Councillor for Parks and Green Areas, Eduardo Gill, who have asked to meet with you to discuss any questions you might have regarding the Urbanisations you live on or any subject regarding Torrevieja as a whole. Graham Knight will accompany the Councillors to act as interpreter if necessary. A meeting has been arranged by the La Siesta NHW & Residents Group to take place at the New York Bar, Washington Square, La Siesta on Tuesday 4th May, starting at 16:00. Everyone is welcome so make a date to come along and let the Councillors know how you feel, both good and bad.

Consumer alert over Power Balance bracelets

The consumer association, Facua, have made an official complaint against the manufacturers of a bracelet called Power Balance. The marketing campaign claims that the bracelet has the ability to “bring the body to a state of harmony and balance the same as it had before chemical pollution, fast food, lack of exercise and stress.” The bracelet also promises: “increased balance, strength,

flexibility, endurance, focus, coordination and rhythm.” Facua say that the advertising violates a Royal Decree from 1996 regarding the promotion of products, activities or services in relation to health. The decree prohibits the advertising of products, materials, substances or methods “to suggest or indicate their use or consumption can enhance physical performance, or psychological, sexual or sporting abilities” without complying with the conditions and requirements under the Medicines Act.

Churros travel to Japan THE FAMOUS chocolateria, San Ginés, in Madrid has sold its secret churro recipe to Japanese businessman, Hideto Maeda, who has opened a chocolateria in Tokyo. This is the first time that the traditional Spanish snack of chocolate con churros has been sold in Japan. The shop opened last Wednesday, and has a sign informing customers about the Spanish origins of churros, which says: “In Madrid since 1894”. Staff are also wearing t-shirts that show how to pronounce “chocolate con churros” in Spanish. There’s a Japanese twist, as these churros are coloured pink, blue and yellow.

30 april - 06 may 2010




30FEBRUARY APRIL - 06 MAY2010 2010 5-11

Spanish inheritance tax By Gwen Davies I HAVE received many replies after my article recently with a lot of people concerned about the Inheritance Tax problem in Spain. One of the most frequently asked questions is: Can I avoid or minimise the Amount of Inheritance Tax payable by putting the property into my children’s names? This is one way of avoiding the issue of inheritance tax in Spain, but it also raises other issues that you may not be aware of. If the transfer is done after purchasing the property then you have to pay the following. • 7% Property Transfer Tax • 1% Documentation Tax • 0.2% Land Registry Tax This can become expensive, around 8,200€ for a property

that is valued at 100,000€. This is not taking into account Plus Valia Tax and any potential Capital Gains Tax. What happens if one of the children become involved in matrimonial issues or insolvency issues, it could put their part of the property at risk. If they are living in the UK it may create problems in respect of gifting to members of the family.

If their beneficiaries are non resident in Spain then they would be liable for Spanish Inheritance Tax upon inheriting their share of the property. If you have any property of any value then you should seriously consider restructuring your asset and weigh up all the pros and cons before making any decision that could affect you and your family.

This information was supplied by Gwyn Davies from Costa Blanca Property Consultants and is intended for informative purposes only, if you are worried or concerned on how Spanish Inheritance Tax may affect you and would like more information then e-mail Gwyn at gwyn@costablancapropertyconsultants.com Or phone 0034 965 741 360 / 0034 608 186 316

Government supports home renovation

HOME RENOVATION projects will be easier from now on, according to the Minister for Housing, Beatriz Corredor. At a press conference following a meeting of the Council of Ministers, she announced that the government will be providing the public with “direct, personal and qualified technical assistance for the development of property renovation projects.” The Council of Ministers has agreed to support the creation of a social platform for the promotion of redevelopment, accessibility and energy efficiency work on homes and other buildings. The platform will explore ways for the public authorities and the private sector to cooperate and create a broad network of technical offices to help the public. Corredor stated that the platform will help speed up the issue of permits and will increase the information offered to the public.

Good time to buy property

SPANISH SAVINGS banks (cajas) are eager to get rid of properties they have on their books and have started to sell homes via the Ahorro Corporación. Currently, 6,000 properties are being put up for sale. The portal is offering the stock from 12 savings banks, and estimates say that there will be more than 10,000 properties available by the end of the year. Properties up for sale in Alicante, Murcia and Valencia make up 1,500 of the flats already for sale through the portal.

Zapatero optimistic about economy PRIME MINISTER Zapatero confirmed last week in parliament that the economic data for the last quarter indicate that the Spanish economy is improving and that the country is starting to leave the recession behind it. Zapatero said that the increase recorded in income to the State is the largest in two years, that the number of contributors to the Social Security system increased by 22,000 people in March compared with February and that the same positive trend will continue in the coming months. The Prime Minister acknowledged that the recovery of employment will be slow due to its current high level, but he confirmed that expectations indicate unemployment has reached its highest level and that we will now start to see a decline. The leader of the PP, Mariano Rajoy, does not share the same views as Zapatero and accused him of lying about the Prime figures. Rajoy went on to say that Minister Zapatero’s credibility had reached “rock José Luis bottom” and that he was running out of Rodríguez time to do what must be done. Zapatero

Spain’s unemployment at record high? UNCONFIRMED REPORTS say that Spain’s unemployment could be at its highest level ever since 1997. A report was accidentally published prematurely on the National Statistics Institute’s web page earlier last week. The official figures were not due to be made public until the very end on the month of April. But if the statistics shown are true, then Spain’s unemployment has now risen to 20.5 percent, meaning that 4,612,700 people are out of work. Prime Minister, José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero spoke in congress last Tuesday, and said that: “Our unemployment rate has reached its highest level.” Saying that it is “excessively high”.

Huge profit increase for Antena 3

THE ANTENA 3 group has reported a massive increase in profits for the first quarter of 2010. Their books show €15.9 million, almost double the profit made for the same period last year, which was €8.1 million. Gross earnings are revealed to have reached €25 million, which is a 10 percent increase on the first quarter of 2009. An increase in advertising revenue is the main contributing factor; TV advertising revenue brought in €167,894, which is 20.3 percent more than last year. This boost to Antena 3’s revenue is mainly due to the removal of advertising from competing channel, TVE1.

30 april - 06 may 2010




30 APRIL - 06 MAY 2010

Greeks, Hung UK Parliament, emerging elephants, my UK pension fund and QROPS by

Stephen Ward & Robert Burns A FEW months ago we warned about the possibility that economically speaking we may be getting “fooled in to a state of complacency”. We wrote about planning for the unexpected and preparing for “the hidden elephants in the room”. Some of the “hidden elephants” we mentioned have emerged - they are no longer hidden and now represent real risks. THESE LURKING BEASTS INCLUDE: • A possible UK Sovereign debt crisis following a credit rating drop. • Tax increases and reduction in public spending with the possibility of civil unrest.

• A possible collapse of the Euro - as the so far uncontained “Greek crisis” threatens to spread to Portugal, Italy, Spain … • Hung parliament in the UK followed by political and economic instability and a possible second general election later in the year - as happened in 1974. Frankly we do not want to think about, let alone write about, what this could all lead to. However, it remains probable that the worst scenario will be nowhere near the eventual reality. Surely this must be right? • The IMF and the European central bank will rescue Greece, and underwrite Portuguese, Italian and Spanish Sovereign debt won’t they? • Stock markets will soon resume their upward trend surely? • We can all sleep soundly in our beds can’t we? Gold is perhaps the best barometer

of economic and political uncertainty. It is heading up again. We are increasingly being asked by those for whom we transfer UK pension funds to overseas pension schemes or QROPS to give investment advice. This is especially so for those who are looking to transfer their UK funds to a Guernsey QROPS. When we give advice we do so in the knowledge that we are taking full account that for the last year or more maybe we have been at “half time” in a two part financial crisis. The Banks were hard enough to rescue; rescuing one Nation state from having to default on its Sovereign debt may indeed be doable - but a wholesale rescue of a big chunk of the Euro zone? Surely this could never be necessary. Well the International Monetary Fund begs to differ.

Protesters in Athens burning a European Union flag

IMPORTANCE OF ADVICE FROM EXPERTS WHO CAN REVIEW AND PUT A STRATEGY IN PLACE. UK pensions, QROPS and the associated investment of those funds is a specialist subject - and advice on the subject always needs to be available from experts. Get expert advice from those who have identified the elephants emerging

from under the covers, and have taken account of them in the strategies they devise. For further information please see our main advert on Page 2 and contact Stephen Ward and Robert Burns via e-mail: review@qrops.es or see: http://www.qrops.es or http://www.qropsguernsey.com

THIS ARTICLE IS WRITTEN BY STEPHEN WARD AND ROBERT BURNS, April 2010. Please see our advert on Page 2. At the forefront of the industry with over forty years combined experience with pensions, regulated and authorised, liaising directly with providers and HMRC, Stephen and Robert are two of the leading authorities on QROPS. E: review@qrops.es T: 965 790 918 W: www.qrops.es


When the going gets tough… THEY SAY a week is a long time in politics but in the currency market it is an eternity. Greece, hung parliaments, debt, borrowing, budget deficits, GDP, sentiment are all factors affecting how much money you receive on your currency transactions. by Sterling has strengthened over the last couple of weeks (or has the Euro weakened?) which is better Account Manager, news for anyone receiving money Moneycorp from the UK. However, there are still a large number of us selling up and returning to the UK and for those people the market has moved the wrong way. No currency company can influence the rate of exchange but there are steps you can take to make sure you are getting the best deal. For those receiving funds from the UK a few minutes can put more Euros in your pocket. How much is your UK bank charging to send your regular or ad-hoc payments? Are you sure you are getting the best rate of exchange? There is only one way to be certain and that is to get a comparison – otherwise how do you know?

Kevin Wright

When sending money back to the UK every penny counts so last week we were extremely proud to announce the official launch of the Moneycorp repatriation service in conjunction with Solbank. In a nutshell, when you use Moneycorp to send your funds back to the UK you will not incur any Spanish bank charges during the process. Remember, depositing your notary draft and transferring the funds can mean you lose up to 1% of your sale proceeds before a currency exchange has even taken place. With Moneycorp the process is completely free the partnership with Solbank shows the commitment of Moneycorp to ensure our clients receive the best deal and therefore more sterling. Unlike other companies ‘free’ offers, the repatriation service from Moneycorp is agreed at head office level, available at every Solbank branch nationwide and is always confirmed in writing. If you have any currency related issues or questions please do not hesitate to contact us and we will always do our best to help with honest advice.

30 APRIL - 06 MAY 2010


For more information on how Moneycorp can help you to save hundreds of euros on your Spanish bank fees, as well as helping you get more pounds for your euros, contact us on 902 887 243 or email Moneycorp directly at roundtownnews@moneycorp.com

Euro/Sterling Weekly Market Update brought to you by &


Sterling ignoring prospect of hung parliament Mostly positive UK data but GDP disappoints. Greece formally requests EU aid but will Germany play? With the opinion polls pointing ever more precisely to a hung parliament after next week’s general election the FX market gave every impression that it had come to terms with such an outcome. Sterling was a winner on most fronts… It received considerable help from most of the week’s economic data. Tuesday’s consumer price index figures showed inflation accelerating again to 3.4%. Wednesday’s employment figures were less compelling but a 33k shortening of the dole queue was positive enough. Thursday’s money supply figures revealed total government borrowings of £163.4 in the financial year just ended, slightly less than last month’s budget forecast and 8% below the chancellor’s original estimate… Friday’s first estimate of overall economic performance in the first three months of the year was far from helpful though. For the third time on the trot, economists and investors overestimated quarterly expansion of gross domestic product… A general shortage of pan-Euroland economic news left investors to make the best of fuzzy numbers like economic sentiment, seven points

higher in April at 46.0, and consumer confidence two point better but still negative at -15. The main driver for the euro continued to be the ebb and flow of investors’ faith in the EUIMF bailout for Greece… On Friday investors were momentarily enthusiastic that Greece had made a formal application for EU aid. Surely now the money would flood into Athens, reassuring investors that it was once again safe to buy Greek government debt. But it transpired at the weekend that Germany still has misgivings. Finance minister Wolfgang Schauble had previously said that ‘we cannot allow the bankruptcy of a euro member state like Greece to turn into a second Lehman Brothers’. But that sentiment evidently does not guarantee Germany’s participation… Sterling’s ability to shrug off the opinion polls and the disappointing GDP figure gives room for optimism that it has found a comfort zone and is flexing its muscles with a view to moving higher. But with the election only a few days away there is little chance of any serious upward push unless it becomes obvious that the wheels have come off the Greek bailout project…

To read the full report click on Currency Guidance at www.moneycorp.com/roundtownnews


15-21 JANUARY 2010 30 APRIL - 06 MAY 2010

Golden mile by Jack Troughton

OLYMPIC GOLD medal hero Steve Redgrave threw down the gauntlet and colleagues at the British Embassy and Consulate General in Madrid responded by running a Sport Relief Mile. Ambassador to Spain Giles Paxman and Deputy Head of Mission Emma Boggis both completed the run which will raise money for Age Concern Espana and Cruz Roja (Red Cross) Espana. Sir Steven – who won five rowing gold medals at consecutive Olympics - challenged Foreign and Commonwealth Office staff around the globe to take part in charity run and the FCO was happy to accept. The Madrid runners warmed up as the sun rose on the Spanish capital’s Parque

del Norte, in the shadow of the impressive Torre Espacio which houses the FCO offices, and after the mile enjoyed some traditional ‘sports day’ events like the egg and spoon and relay races. It was decided the two charities would benefit as both have ongoing relationships with the British Consular Network in Spain – Cruz Roja promoting integration and wellbeing through various social intervention programmes and Age Concern providing advice and assistance for more than 15,000 expats a year in Spain, depending on donations to fund its telephone information line and training for volunteer caseworkers. Adam Kettle-Williams, of the consular network, helped organise the event and said: “Both these charities offer fantastic services to local communities in Spain and we often

Fund fair

FCO runners

rely their support in providing assistance for our customers. Today has been an opportunity to give something back.” More than 70 FCO bases around the world took up the challenge and held

Paul Cunningham Nurses expand inland! HOT ON the heels of the recent and very successful Black and White Night, which raised €600 for the charity, PCN Fundraising Manager Susan Reader and her dedicated volunteers Jennie and Jack Lowe, hardly had time to catch up on their sleep before they were helping Darren and Hazel at La Pedrera in Bigastro plan the tremendous PCN Music Night in association with Maria O’Hara from Elite Entertainment. PLAY YOUR CARDS RIGHT Maria along with amazing singers,

By Jack Troughton JALON AND Orba Lions are staging a ‘Fun in the Park’ day on June 12th hoping the extravaganza will be a huge fund raiser for charity. The venue is the Torrecremada Gardens, Denia, and organisers promise a classic car show, flamenco and other dancers, singers, choirs, bands, along with trade and craft stalls.

The Lions recently held a quiz night at the Piscina Bar, Rafol, to raise money for the club’s charity fund. Twelve teams took part, with The Dandies narrowly beating Bob’s Best to win the night. Pictured are (right to left) Peter Tomlin, quiz master, Brian Maddox of The Dandies, Lions president John Wilkins, Sally and Malcolm Blackwell of Bob’s Best.

Sport Relief events. British Embassy staff on Astana, Kazakhstan claim they ran the coldest ever Sport Relief Mile as they braved temperatures of minus 10 degrees Centigrade last month.

Andy Jones, Tony Kelly, Susan James, Lucinda, Suzy G and Shadogie and of course not forgetting the very loveable Tony Lincoln who not only sang but was compere too, all performed at the fundraiser. The night started well and just got better and better. Darren has his own version of Play Your Cards Right and is great competition for Brucie! Tickets were a modest €3 but even so with entrance money and the proceeds of a raffle and the kind donation of €55, funds reached €471 passing the ‘champagne’ buck-

Community services provided by Help Vega Baja OUR OFFICES in San Miguel de Salinas and Torrevieja provide a wide range of information and advice to members of the public for free. Both offices are open Monday to Friday from 10.00 am to 1.30 pm. • Diabetic support group once a month • Monday afternoon between 2.00 pm and 5.30 pm our Friendship Centre at Playa Flamenca is open and is a popular meeting place for people who tend to be housebound or isolated. • Our hospital visiting teams visit both the Vega Baja and the

et among the very generous guests bought the total raised to over €500! FUN DAY All in all two great nights out and many more to come: On May 12th there is an Only Fools and Horses Quiz with Darren at La Pedrera Bigastro; tickets are just €3. And on June 5th there will be another FUN DAY at El Corazon Hotel in Rojales. For more information on the charity please visit our website www.paulcunninghamnurses.com or email sueinthesun@terra.es

Torrevieja hospitals three times a week. Books and talking tapes from our library are loaned to patients free of charge. • We have a wide range of orthopaedic equipment for hire from our San Miguel de Salinas office. This service is available to both residents and visitors alike. • Friends Unlimited is the social arm of Help Vega Baja and they meet on a Thursday afternoon at The Club in Quesada between 2.00 pm and 4.00 pm. Come along and meet new friends of all ages. For further information on any of the above please contact our offices in San Miguel on 966 723 733, Torrevieja on 965 704 282 or visit our website www.helpvegabaja.com

MABS buffet and dance raises over 4,000 euros

Race night

The ladies in their Ascot Best

PUNTERS PLACED bets, ladies modelled Ascot-style hats, and a charity was first past the post in a successful race night. The Original Charity Shop and Library organised an evening’s entertainment using the sport of kings and eight races to raise cash – collecting nearly 700 euros. The money will be added to a successful Easter raffle and a total of 11,400 euros has now been raised for the Gandia Refuge Transformer Appeal, and the aim of connecting new buildings at the hospice run by Franciscan monks to mains electricity. Pictured are the ladies wearing their colourful headgear and there were also prizes for the best dressed male and female race goer while a successful tombola meant no-one went home empty handed.

The cheque being given to MABS

LADIES IN colourful dresses and outfits along with their companions made their way through the revolving doors of the Sensol Hotel in Camposol last weekend to take part in a night of enjoyment, entertainment and thoughtful giving to help others. Many won delightful prizes donated by generous and very thoughtful people. The tremendous efforts of all, was presented by Kevin of Kevin’s Fly Screens and his wife Barbara and it amounted to a whopping 4,317 euros for the MABS cancer support group in Mazarron. If you or someone you know would

Samaritans donation PRESIDENT OF the Costa Blanca Samaritans, Steve Ashley, attended the rehearsal of the Melody Makers International last Tuesday to present conductor Nigel Hopkins with a certificate in recognition of over 415 euros raised at their highly successful inaugural concert at the Orihuela Costa Resort in January. The choir is rehearsing for ‘An Evening with Rodgers and Hammerstein’ which will take place on 19th June, again at the Orihuela Costa Resort and which will again benefit the Samaritans. Tickets for this concert will be available from the OCR box office from 1st May, priced at 10 euros.

Nigel Hopkins left with Steve Ashley

like some confidential help or support call their HELPLINE 620 422 410. For General Enquiries call 620 582 418 11am to 4pm Monday to Friday Email: mazmabs@hotmail.com Web: www.mabsmazarron.com www.mabscancersupport.org www.twitter.com/mabscancer FORTHCOMING EVENTS 8th May Draw for Na’ura prize of Table and Chairs. 29th May Summer Fare Mariano’s (outside) 1€ entrance. For further details on EVENTS call 634 338 189

30 april - 06 may 2010



15-21 JANUARY 30 APRIL - 06 MAY2010 2010


Statins – Atorvastatin, Pravastatin, Simvastatin, Rosuvastatin, Fluvastatin


Michael Lord BPharm(hons) MRPharmS UK Pharmacist with 20 years experience

LAST TIME we looked at the factors that determine your VASCULAR RISK – the likelihood of an individual suffering from a stroke or heart attack in the next 10 years. Your individual risk can be calculated at: www.Qintervention.org Individuals with an estimated vascular risk of 20% or more are highly likely to be offered one of the lipid lowering STATIN drugs, as are patients with certain medical conditions, such as diabetes; angina; high blood pressure; kidney disease and following a heart attack or stroke. Statins work by reducing the levels of cholesterol (CHL) in the blood but also have other beneficial effects so are often still prescribed for those at risk, even if CHL levels are not high. Only around 25% of CHL is obtained directly from food: the remainder is produced in the body, mainly by the liver, from fatty foods in the diet. CHL is a factor in the formation of atheroma (furring of the arteries) which results in the narrowing or blocking of arteries by fatty plaques. If this occurs in the coronary arteries of the heart it can lead to angina or a myocardial infarction (heart attack).

Plaques formed in the arteries of the neck may rupture causing clots to form which can then lead to a stroke. Peripheral vascular disease is caused by narrowing of the leg arteries which can ultimately result in amputation. CHL is transported in the blood combined with a protein forming a lipoprotein. There are different types containing various amounts of CHL: LDL – low density lipoprotein, high in CHL & regarded as BAD HDL – high density lipoprotein, low in CHL & regarded as GOOD It is the ratio or balance between LDL & HDL that is important rather than the total CHL measurement alone. Statins work by blocking an enzyme (HMG CoA reductase) in the liver which reduces CHL production; they are also believed to stabilise arterial plaques, reducing their chance of rupture. Statins are generally taken at night (or preferably early evening) as CHL production in the liver is highest at this time. THE AIM OF TREATMENT WITH A STATIN IS TO: Reduce total cholesterol to less than 4.0 mmol/l and LDL

cholesterol to less than 2.0 mmol/l, or a 25% reduction in total cholesterol and a 30% reduction in LDL cholesterol. Of course dietary changes, (especially reducing saturated fats) should be made to help reduce total CHL & LDL, and increase HDL. Statin doses will be increased until the above goals are reached, but if a sufficient response is not achieved with a statin & diet alone other drugs can be added, such as Ezetimibe, which blocks CHL absorption in the gut. Most people who take a statin have no, or minor sideeffects, but these can include: fatigue headache pins and needles abdominal pain bloating diarrhoea feeling sick a rash You should tell your doctor if you have any unexpected muscle pains, tenderness or weakness. This is because a rare side-effect of statins is a severe form of muscle inflammation. You should not take a statin if you have active liver disease,

if you are pregnant or are breast feeding. Some side effects of statins are believed to be caused by their effect of reducing Co-enzyme Q10 levels in the body; taking a supplement may be beneficial. Conversely, taking grapefruit juice with statins blocks their breakdown and can be toxic; it’s best to avoid this combination. Simvastatin 10mg is now

available to buy over the counter in the UK for those at moderate risk and can reduce CHL levels by more than 20%. Note: mmol/l is the preferred unit of measurement in the UK, but mg/dl is used in Spain & USA. 1mmol/l is equivalent to approximately 40mg/dl. Next time: Hypertention (high blood pressure) – affects 600 million people Worldwide.

Michael Lord BPharm(hons) MRPharmS, UK Pharmacist with 20 years experience. Now at Health & Beauty Abroad, Flamenca Beach Commercial Centre, Orihuela Costa. Tel: 96 532 5116 www.HealthandBeautyAbroad.com

Kids fitness WHEN IT comes to exercise and fitness, children are not likely to think in terms of health, training and weight loss as adults might but instead focus on the fun involved in playing games, which is how it should be. It seems fewer and fewer young by people are interested in playing sport or getting involved in other physical activities and there is a battery of excuses for avoiding it. Premier Global It is true the thought of exercise does Personal Trainer not make everyone jump for joy but no one was born with a ‘rubbish-atsport’ gene. So once you have got over worrying about looking silly or getting sweaty, think about all the positive reasons for being physically active. Apart from the health benefits people of all ages get from exercise, it is also an opportunity to meet up with friends or make new ones, it can provide a fun break from the stresses of school and exams and can give you a real sense of achievement - you never know, you might discover a talent you never knew you had. It is recommended that children and young people get one hour of physical activity a day. This activity should be of at least moderate intensity. At least twice a week you should include activities to improve bone health, muscle strength and flexibility. Activities that are ‘weight bearing,’ where you are on your feet rather than

Jason Scawthorn

in water or on a bike, help build strong bones. Some parents, in an effort to help their kids develop good exercise habits, enrol them in fitness classes, or in some cases enlist the help of Personal Trainers. Fitness minded families may also choose to make active play a part of their family time: swimming; hiking or riding bikes together. Fortunately, reaping the benefits of daily activity does not require that families completely overhaul their current schedules. It is not necessary to find large blocks of time to dedicate to exercise and fitness. Studies indicate that many kids get little or no exercise during their average week and instead spend much of their free time watching television or playing computer games. When you combine this inactivity with a diet that is nutritionally deficient and loaded with empty calories, it is no wonder that today’s kids are heavier and unhealthier than those of past generations. Many adults participate in healthier lifestyle changes designed to help them to lose weight and get into shape and similar programs for kids are now being seen in communities everywhere. Many of today’s kids would benefit from lifestyle programs designed and run by personal trainers, especially those that utilise a number of games for kids that are fun yet designed to

30 APRIL - 06 MAY 2010

improve overall health and fitness. It is important that parents take their children’s health and fitness seriously because habits formed in childhood are often maintained throughout life. JPS FITNESS HAS THE FOLLOWING KIDS CLASSES: Mondays: 7.30pm - Boxercise (Age 12+) - Catral Hotel & Spa Gym, Catral

Tuesdays: 6.30pm - Boxercise (Age 6+) - Howards Gym, Quesada Fridays: 8.00pm - Body Blast (Age 12+) - Catral Hotel & Spa Gym, Catral Saturdays: 10.00am - Kids Energy (Age 5 - 11) - Esport I Gym, Hondon Saturdays: 10.45am - Boxercise (Age 12+) - Esport I Gym, Hondon Saturdays: 12.00pm - Boxercise (Age 5 - 12) - Catral Centre

Written by Jason Scawthorn, Premier Global Personal Trainer, NRPTT, IIHHT, VCTC, EREPS. Email: jason@jpsfitness.net Website: www.jpsfitness.net

MABS Cancer Support Group, Murcia/Mar Menor Wednesday 5th May – 11:00 – Volunteer Meeting, Centro Las Claras, Los Narejos, Los Alcázares NEW VOLUNTEERS WELCOME. Sunday 16 May – 4 pm - Rick and the

Ramblers – American Folk and Country Band. Café Golf, San Javier. Lunch available from 1pm – 4pm. Ring 96 956 6448 to book a table or just turn up at 4pm.

Something red THE SOMETHING Red Paul Cunningham Nurses Charity Ball takes place on Friday 21st May 2010 at 20:00 with dancing until 01:00! Come and join us at the fabulous Marjal Restaurant, Ctra N332 situated between La Marina and Guardamar and enjoy a three course meal with drink, bread and after dinner coffee. Tickets cost just 12€ each, which is an amazing price! Entertainment will be provided by “It Takes Two” and there will be tombola prizes throughout the evening. The dress code is smart, with something red! All money raised will be donated to Paul Cunningham Nurses to help support them provide care in the community for terminally ill patients. Nurses and carers are provided free of charge, subject to an assessment, at the latter stages to patients with a terminal prognosis. Tickets available from: Karen – at PCN Office, Avenida de Londres 56, Urb La Marina, 966 790 363, karen@paulcunninghamnurses.com Susan – 966 713 503 – sueinthesun@terra.es Anne – 690 237 808 – anne@paulcunninghamnurses.com Lynda – 647 356 945 – lebc62@yahoo.com Or the PCN Charity Shop in Quesada (behind the petrol station after the Arches)

Dance night and show

THIS SUNDAY, 2nd May, there will be a Dance Night and Show in aid of The Torrevieja Stroke Support Group. Come along, join in the fun, put on your dancing shoes and witness the second performance by the Denelle Dance Club Formation team at Los Arcos Restaurant in Torrevieja. The evening of dancing starts with live music, provided by Franky Jones and will run from 20:00 until 23:30 (doors will open at 19:30).

The Torrevieja Stroke Support Group will benefit from all proceeds from the show, which will also include performances by the formation teams of Ballroom and Latin American as well as a Sequence Medley. Several flamenco numbers will be performed by rising flamenco star, Harriet Gingell and the shows organisers, Chris Gaskell and Lyn Aspden will provide professional performances in Ballroom and Latin American. The last show was a sell out, so don’t miss this one. Tickets are 7.50 euros each and are available from Los Arcos Restaurant, the Torrevieja Stroke Support Group, Sapphire Properties Quesada, or from Lyn on 635 584 431.


30 APRIL - 06 MAY 2010


Irregular past simple verbs Spanish lessons by

Jane Cronin

A weekly ‘cut out and keep’ feature helping you to learn basic Spanish for everyday needs

Lesson 105

OUR NEXT irregular past simple verb is “decir”, chosen like the others we have looked at because of its frequent use. “Decir” as you no doubt know means “to say” or “to tell”, and of course we are always using it in sentences like: “What did he say?” “I said to him and then he said to me”, “They told me to ….” “We were told …” and so on. Telling people what was told to us must be part of the human condition, and is just as necessary in Spanish as it is in English. HERE IS HOW THE VERB LOOKS IN THE PAST SIMPLE: dije dijimos dijiste dijisteis dijo dijeron One thing that is particularly odd about these irregular verbs is in the placing of the emphasis in the third person singular. You will remember our regular verbs in this form look like this: “miró, bebió, vivió”. In other words they all have a beat on the final “o” sound. With the irregular verbs this is not the case, as the beat here goes on the “di” syllable (DI-jo). “What did he say?” is “¿Qué dijo?” “He said” - “Dijo …” or “He told me ….” “Me dijo ….”. These must be followed by what he told me, using the link word “que” this time meaning “that”. For example “He told me that he was ill” “Me dijo que estaba enfermo”. In the English language we can say “He told me” on its own, as in: “Did he say that he was ill?” “Yes,

he told me.” However, to say the same in Spanish we cannot simply use “Me dijo” on its own. We have to include the word “lo” (“it”) as in “me lo dijo” (he told me it). This applies to all combinations, for example: “¿Se lo dijiste?” (“Did you tell him/her/them?”) “Nos lo dijeron” (“They told us”). And finally, another of our very common irregular past tenses – the verb ESTAR (to be - where or how). This is what it looks like: estuve estuvimos estuviste estuvisteis estuvo estuvieron Here is a typical exchange in which this verb is used, along with the past tense of “ir”, talking about places. “¿Has estado alguna vez en Madrid?” “Sí, estuve allí el año pasado” “¿Sí? ¿Te gustó?” “Sí, mucho. Estuvimos en el Escorial también, pasamos allí un día entero. Luego, al día siguiente fuimos a Segovia y estuvimos allí dos días.” “¿Fuisteis a Toledo también?” “Sí, estuvimos allí el último día, antes de regresar a casa.” We can also use “estar” with reference to someone’s “state” or “how” they are, at a particular moment. “¡Qué dijo tu padre cuando se enteró?” “¿Tú que crees? Estuvo enfadadísimo” “What did your father say when he found out?” “What do you think? He was absolutely furious!” You may remember having conversations like that, a few years ago.

Animal charity fundraising THE FORTHCOMING charity events to be held in La Bodega Cabaret & Restaurant Bar on the urbanisation of La Marina. Friday 7th May - K9 Club Charity night with entertainment by Tony Lincoln, starting at 9:30 pm. Two course set meal available, to be booked in advance, 10.00€ per person. Monday 10th May - in aid of S.A.T. Animal

Rescue. Show starting at 8.00pm. Local Talent paying tribute to their favourite artistes. Two course set meal available, to be booked in advance, 10€ per person. Fun packed evening including raffle & “Open Dave’s Box!!”. For bookings call the restaurant (Urb. La Marina, Plaza Sierra Castilla, 39) on 966 795 157 or Pauline on 660 934 615.

Thank you to the Dutch Painting Club of Moraira!

Louk Clavam, Anna Kerkhoven and Lisette de Leeuw in front of the collage of 10 paintings

LAST THURSDAY 22nd April saw the opening of a display of 30 paintings at the Anneke Residence in Alfaz del Pi. The cheerful and strongly coloured pieces have been painted by various members of the Dutch Painting Club of Moraira, and kindly the Painting Club has offered one of the paintings, a beautiful collage of ‘10 paintings of flowers’ as a gift to the residents and staff of Anneke. On behalf of the club Louk Clavan and Anna Kerkhoven presented the gift to the Residence, and in the photo are Lisette de Leeuw (General Director of Cruz Costa Blanca) together with Louk and Anna, in front of the collage. Special detail is that one of the flowers, the Strelitzia, or bird-ofparadise flower is the model for the logo of Anneke Residence. For five years Anna Kerkhoven has been one of the teachers at the Painting Club, and she explained to RTN that every six weeks the theme of the members’ work changes. On show at the Anneke Residence are pictures from three of their past themes: Birds, Moraira and Flowers. The current theme on which the members are working is Silhouettes, but no paintings have been finished yet, says Anna.

All the paintings on display are done in acrylic, which the Club members prefer because it is quick drying, enabling them to work on with their pieces rather than having to wait weeks for the pieces to dry as they would if they were working with oils. The Club members also give time to producing special effects on the canvas, and to treatment of the surface of the paintings to give various finishes. You can visit this beautiful exhibition in Anneke Residence free of charge until the 20th July each day from 10am until 6pm. Displaying different designs, different textures and different mediums is one part of the Care Home’s goal of creating a constantly evolving and stimulating place to live for the residents. If you are thinking of entering into a Care Home, or have a relative or friend who may be needing to do this soon, then the Anneke Residence is highly recommended for its excellent care, the surroundings, and its ambience. It offers a warm and homely atmosphere, and the care centres entirely around the wellbeing of the elderly. For more information call Lisette de Leeuw on 966 814 034 or see the website www.annekeresidence.org

30 april - 06 may 2010


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april - 06 may 2010 Feb3026 - March 4 2010

music scene Out n’ about with Elite Entertainment


Compiled by

Maria O’Hara

Elite Entertainment Tel: 610 076 204 or e-mail info@eliteentertainment.es

HIS WEEK we saw mixed weather especially on Friday night. Early afternoon storms had both landlords and acts dubious of the evening ahead. For those tempered souls who ventured forth (into what turned out to be an evening akin to that of midsummer) there were some great shows in store. Bonnies bar in Pinoso is a trek by no means of the imagination but well worth it. When you reach there, Andy and Bonnie make you feel at home and like locals from the first jar. Our trekker this week was the legendary B.J Bluesman, who brought the house down. Again in the country side but this time a little closer to home, last Wednesday was our showcase night at La Pedrera. A big thank you to all our acts that performed on the evening, to Andy Jones, Tony Kelly, Suzanne James, Tony Lincoln, Lucinda and Shadoogie. I would like to give a very warm thank you to Tony Lincoln, who also performed as host as compare for the evening and Vibe FM’S Ritchie Sparks who did an amazing job on lights and sound (although this time no rendition of Combine Harvester) these two guys made this evening an absolutely seamless occasion. Although not on the advertised bill, TKO’S Suzy G made an appearance to show her support to Paul Cunningham Nurses. Despite a few minor throat problems, Suzy still pulled out a spectacular performance. La Pedrera is nestled in the beautiful Bigastro countryside and this summer will be a hotspot not only for the finest entertainment but also for BBQ and Al Fresco Dining. For upcoming events at Bigastro keep an eye on our gig guide or contact Darren at La Pedrera on 625 272 256. If you are a fan of all things cabaret, then you will be happy to know that the Venue has now re opened under new management, now called “Casa Limon”. This fantastic venue is definitely going to be one to keep an eye on this summer with a variety of acts coming from all over Spain and Europe. Watch this space for further updates.


Friday 30th April – Rosie O’Gradies, Playa Flamenca NICK GOLD Friday 30th April – La Taberna, Quesada SMITHY Friday 30th April – Crystals Restaurant, Villamartin KEVIN TYLER Saturday 1st May – Landons Bar, Catral PAT MARTIN Saturday 1st May – La Taberna, Entre Las Naranjos CLOUD NINE Saturday 1st May – Claptons Bar, Quesda PDQ Saturday 1st May – The Lounge Bar, Torrevieja STARS AND STRIPES TRIBUTE SHOW Monday 3rd May – Abbey Tavern, Playa Flamenca THE EVERLY BROTHERS Tuesday 4th May – Sensol Golf Hotel, Mazzarron NEIL DIAMOND TRIBUTE AND JUSTIN SANE Wednesday 5th May – The La Zenia Hotel, La Zenia SUNFLOWER VALLEY Thursday 6th May – Pirate Bar, Playa Flamenca ALAN WARDEN For further information on Elite Entertainment and all our artists view our website at www.eliteentertainment.es Don´t forget to tune into my radio show Mon-Fri 3 till 6 on Vibe FM 108 and 91.1 fm. playing only the best music. Please support your local live entertainment venue, and if you are an entertainer out there that would like to be featured in the local entertainment profile section, then send us your biog and a photo and we will feature you in the coming weeks, so give us a call on 96 628 4784 or 610 076 204 or e-mail us at yourshowtime@yahoo.co.uk

If there are any music venues or acts that wish to be featured in this column please contact Maria directly.

Copperhead Road Duo COPPERHEAD DUO is Jim and Colin, playing the best in Country and Western music. Both Jim and Colin have received great success both as solos and as a duo. They have played in a variety of bands all over the UK and Europe, including Portugal, Italy & the Canary Islands to name but a few. Jims love truly lies in country music which has brought him to win many awards as a country music artist / musician appearing on National TV & radio in England. Jim and Colin met in Spain only a couple of years ago and began working together as a duo, and soon discovered a mutual liking of their favourite style of music “modern country” and they have never looked back since. The name Copperhead Road comes from the title of one of their favourite songs by Steve Earle which is featured in their evening’s repertoire along with songs by: The Mavericks, the Eagles, Johnny Cash and many more

well-known country artists both old and new including such favourites as - Folsom Prison Blues, Ruby, Tequila Sunrise, Dance The Night Away and of course the ever popular Galway Girl. Jim and Colin are currently recording their first 12 track CD which will be published in the very near future featuring a selection of their most popular and requested songs to date. Both Jim and Colin like to entertain and their choice of music and relaxed on-stage presence certainly reflects this, So if you like to dance, sing along or just sit back and listen go along and enjoy some of the best country music on the Costa Blanca. Remember Line Dancers are always made very welcome at all their gigs. Become part of the ever more popular Copperhead Road Duo country music experience and be sure to catch them at most of the major venues in the near future. See our gig guide for details of upcoming events.

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APRIL - 06 MAY 2010 FEB3026 - MARCH 4 2010

Alternative gardening ideas by

Clodagh & Dick Handscombe Practical gardeners and authors

OVER THE years we have gathered many traditional gardening ideas that are not widely used today but would be very effective if they were. So we use many of them, particularly when they are good alternatives to manufactured chemical fertilizers, insecticides, fungicides and herbicides. Many are mentioned in our books but not all, so we discuss a useful mix below. COMFREY Following the enthusiasm for the comfrey plants we had at the ‘This is Spain’ show last weekend, we are potting up more for next month’s talks which are as follows: 5th May Gardeners Circle, Teulada Social Club 14.00 6th May Castalla Gardening Club 11th May Quesada Ladies Club, La Maquesa Golf Club 19th May Torrevieja Flower Club Comfrey plants can be used in a number of

ways including the following: 1. Wrapping around seed potatoes before planting them. 2. Putting in a barrel of water for a month to produce a good fertilizer for fruit vegetables, flowering plants and fruit trees. 3. Placing around seed beds to deter snails and slugs. 4. An overnight poultice around a gouty toe. FISHING FOR FERTILIZER There is still time to plant squash and pumpkins plantlets or seeds. We had hoped to fertilize ours in the best way possible this year but there is an unfortunate missing ingredient. The large planting holes are now filled with a mix of compost and well rotted horse, rabbit and chicken manure and have been watered with liquid comfrey but we had hoped to place a large chunk of catfish under that mix as prize winners of local shows used to do this with pike when Dick lived in Norfolk in the 1960’s. To get the large fish, Dick fished on the Ebro for two days to relax before the La Zenia show. A large cat fish - which the river authorities want out of the waters as they are not native fish – was hooked but it snapped the line after twenty minutes. But there was the compensation a couple of hours later of

Dick with his catch

landing a thirty pound native carp, which was returned to the river to grow bigger. By the way, if you want to do the same, phone keen gardener Mary, and knowledgeable fisherman Mike, on 605 422 890. They have recently moved from Alicante to manage and upgrade a comfortable riverside fishing lodge in idyllic natural surroundings with excellent home cooking. Interestingly, their land still has an ancient water wheel that would have been driven by donkey power to draw irrigation water from a well. PROTECTING PLANTS FROM WILD BOAR Many readers have experienced marauding wild boar from time to time that love to dig up and eat sweet potatoes, potatoes, peanuts and flower garden bulbs. Mary (above) was suffering the latter in her raised beds so Dick suggested that she ask the local hairdresser to save a few days of hair cuttings and then fill small netting bags and

hang them on canes on the edge of the affected raised beds. ASH FROM THE LOG BURNING STOVE Garlic leeks and onions are swelling well but the soil they are growing in would benefit at this time of year with a dusting of wood ash which contains useful minerals. Do this on a calm day to avoid wind blowing the ash onto the leaves. THE COMPOST HEAP Compost heaps are invaluable in Spain for making quality compost. Remember to add green kitchen waste, coffee and tea grounds as well as garden cuttings and shredded prunings. If you have the comfrey plants mentioned earlier they are an excellent compost heap accelerator. You will find full instructions for making compost in ‘Your Garden in Spain’ as well as the fruit and vegetable books.

Clodagh and Dick are practical gardeners and authors who have enjoyed living and gardening in Spain for 25 years. Their quartet of books published by Santana Books have become popular best sellers useful to both experienced and beginner gardeners. © Clodagh and Dick Handscombe April 2010. www.gardeninginspain.com. The books are obtainable from high street and internet book shops including Bookworld, Carrefour and www.santanabooks.com - also via 952 485 838 if you do not have a computer in Spain.

Enchanted garden

The Garden Club of Vega Baja

In the greenhouse at the Agricultural school

The Iris Gardens of Marnes

MYSTERIES SURROUNDING a magical flower will be revealed next week when the doors of the world famous Iris Gardens of Marnes are thrown open for charity. Thousands of flowers in bloom will create a carpet of colour for guests at the Garden Party thrown by Calpe and Benissa Lions Club on Thursday, May 6th. And Christine Lomer, the owner of the gardens and recognised around the globe as an iris expert, will be ready to answer questions about the species – its seemingly

endless palette of colour, size, and intriguing names such as Drinks At Sunrise, Slovak Prince, Louisa’s Song, Crazy For You, and Decadence. The country garden is an easy drive into the hills from Benissa, the journey itself offering spectacular views of the countryside, before entering the tranquillity of the romantic gardens, its labyrinth, and its inner secret. Visitors have a chance to take in the Marnes experience between 3.30pm and 6.30pm and the 6 euro

entrance fee includes afternoon tea and homemade cakes available throughout the afternoon. This year proceeds from the open day will be used by the Lions to support Caritas in Calpe and Benissa, the Spanish charity committed to helping families struggling to cope in the economic crisis. A year ago visitors were delighted with the spell cast by the Iris Gardens and to secure a place on this year’s open day, call 629 478 007 or 636 695 569.

APRIL HAS been a busy month for the Garden Club of Vega Baja. On Monday April 5th, club member RON HARRIS gave a very informative talk about roses. He started by helping his Dad when he was about five years old. On Monday April 19th, a coach load of garden club members visited the vegetable growing area of Murcia near Torrepacheco, where Maria-Jose, a rep for the Green Route joined them. They started the visit with a tour of a very up-to-date packing factory AGROMED. After a brief talk in the lecture theatre, Rafael, the factory guide, handed out overalls and hats for everyone before showing how the factory operates; from a high tec laboratory to the regulated cooling rooms where the wrapped vegetables are cooled to three degrees before

being loaded onto the trucks and sent off all over Europe. Back on the coach for a quick visit to the Horticultural/ Agricultural school where students come from all over Spain to learn the modern growing methods, then a menu del dia before boarding the coach for home. Next month the speaker will be club member Margot Gay talking about HERBS, their folklore, origins, and uses. The meeting will be on Monday May 3rd at CASA LIMON (new name for the Venue) on the Lemon Tree Road from 2-4 pm. May is also the month for the ROSE COMPETITION. There are three categories…a single rose, a floribunda rose, or a scented rose each one to be displayed in a vase. All enquiries to chairman VAL on 966 716 527.

Readers’ recipes

- 06 MAY 2010 FEB30 26APRIL - MARCH 4 2010

Chicken with almonds and apricots THIS AROMATIC chicken stew with a thick apricot and almond sauce makes a tasty, low-fat midweek meal that’s easy to prepare

INGREDIENTS Substitute the apricots for dried prunes, if you prefer. • 1tbsp sunflower oil • 2 onions, sliced • 1tsp ground turmeric • 1tsp ground cinnamon • 1tsp ground ginger • 500g chicken, cubed • 500g pot of chicken stock • 250g pack dried Apricots, halved • 25g organic shelled almonds, chopped or sliced METHOD 1. Heat the oil in a medium pan and cook the onion for 3-4 minutes until softened. Add the spices and chicken; stir to coat evenly. Pour in the stock. 2. Bring to the boil, then cover and simmer for 15 minutes, stirring occasionally. Add the apricots and simmer for a further 15 minutes. Remove the lid, stir well and continue to cook for 10 minutes more, until the chicken and apricots are tender and the sauce has thickened slightly. 3. Transfer to a serving dish and sprinkle with the almonds. Garnish with chopped fresh coriander, and serve with couscous, flavoured with a little fresh lemon juice.

Jennifer, Benitachell Don’t forget: if you have a recipe that you would like featured in RTN please email to rtnmail@roundtownnews.com Artien is created and illustrated by Jan Gamm

Fun dog show with dog walk and scavenger hunt SUNDAY 9TH May, Registration for classes 10.00am – 11.00am Show to start at 11.00am to approx. 4.00pm. At Casa La Pedrera, off the CV95 just past Urb Bellavista. Entrance is 10 euros per dog and handler to Show Ring and Scavenger Hunt, 5 euros for Scavenger Hunt only (first place prize for the cleverest dog and its owner) (All dogs must have a current vaccination cert. & be kept on leads at all times). Eduardo from Eduardo’s Pets Veterinary Clinic and Anna from Tidy Paws Grooming Salon will be on hand with expert advice for Dog Owners, and Gloria Ayres a ‘Natural Animal Therapist’ will be giving a short talk on Caring for Animals Naturally There is an Agility Course and Display

Team and Tea Rooms for drinks and snacks and an APAH Tombola with instant prizes to be won. Please come along, have a lovely day out, support a worthwhile cause, and if you don’t have a dog, but would like to join in you can borrow one of ours for a day! From 7.30 there will be a Barbeque and live entertainment from ‘Loose Change’. No pre-tickets sales, buy on the night and enjoy good food and great entertainment. (Take your dog home, and come back and enjoy the evening with us) Contact Jenni on 660 816 620 or Yvonne on 630 422 563 for further details, or visit the APAH Web site www.apahrescue.com or www.thingstodoinspain.info

41 41

30 APRIL - 06 MAY 2010 19-25 FEBRUARY 2010


Festival vibes G

Vibes From The Costas by

Tony Poole

from www.vibesfromthecostas. blogspot.com

RAMMY AWARD winner George Benson is to headline the XIII edition of the San Javier International Jazz Festival this summer. George returns for a third appearance in July following highly successful performances in 2003 and together with Al Jarreau in 2007. The full programme of national and international jazz and blues artists was announced to the press on Wednesday 21st April at the Cultural and Tourist Office in Murcia. Festival Director Alberto Nieto made the announcement accompanied by the Mayoress of San Javier, Pepa García and the Consejero de Cultura y Turismo, Pedro Alberto

Cruz. The programme will stage 21 performances over 12 nights from July 2nd to July 31st at the open air Almansa Auditorium which seats 2,000. The finale will be dedicated to Brits in Spain in recognition to those who have faithfully supported the festival every year since the beginning. This year’s edition is dedicated to the memory of the late guitarist Willy DeVille who performed at the festival in 2007. American rock musician and occasional actor Chris Isaak opens the festival. His best-known song is “Wicked Game”. Released on his 1989 album Heat Shaped World, an instrumental version of the song was later featured in the 1990 David Lynch film Wild at Heart. The programme includes jazz greats George Benson, American jazz singer Dianne Reeves, legendary Cuban pianist Chucho Valdes with his Afrocuban Messengers, vibes and marimba player Bobby Hutcherson together with pianist Cedar Walton, saxophonist James Carter and Italian accordionist Richard Galliano with his Tangaria Quartet. Blues fans will be well catered for with performances from New Orleans great Dr. John, Canned Heat who had big hits with “Going Up the Country” and “On the Road Again”, Murcian blues rock group Los Bluesfalos, Robben Ford and Bill Evans with “Soulgrass Meets Blues”, Dr. John Women of Chicago Blues featuring Deita

Mayoress Pepa Garcia at the unveiling of artists

Farr, Zora Young and Grana Louise, and the collaboration of blues piano and boogie woogie virtuosos Barrelhouse Chuck and Lluis Coloma. The final concert features two British greats, Carol Kidd and Paul Carrack. Ms. Kidd has a long line of admirers including Prince Charles and Tony Bennett. Frank Sinatra said “Carol Kidd is the best kept secret of British jazz”. This endorsement from Ol’ Blue Eyes gave Carol the confidence to make singing her career. In 1998 she was awarded an MBE. Carrick is best known for his work with Ace, Mike & The Mechanics and Roxy Music. His distinctive voice appears on

Exclusive interview with Pepa García and Alberto Nieto TWO DAYS after the annual press conference in Murcia City which announced this summers programme for the 2010 edition of the San Javier International Jazz Festival, I was granted some “face time” with two key figures responsible for this prestigious event. I wanted to understand how a small Spanish seaside resort can host one of the best jazz festivals in Europe. This is my trip to the top floor suite of the San Javier Town Hall for an interview with Pepa García, Mayoress of San Javier and Alberto Nieto, the Festival Director. TP: Many thanks for taking time out of your schedules to talk to the RTN. PG: Our pleasure, the British population in Spain are very important to us. They have supported the festival since the beginning in 1998. This year we are dedicating the final concert to the British along with Scottish jazz singer Carol Kidd together with Yorkshireman singer/songwriter Paul Carrack. No fish and chips (laughs) but a tip of the sombrero to all our British amigos. TP: Tell us more about the beginning. AN: The festival was started by a team of four together with the support of the Cultural Department for the Murcia region. Three friends and myself, all working for San Javier Town Council; Jose Andreas, Salvador Tenza and Luis Lluch. As the festival has grown so has the workload but it’s basically still the same small team that run it. The first edition was extremely exciting but very nerve racking, the festival was only staged for five nights back then, however once guitarist Luis Salenas took to the stage and gave a magical performance our dreams came to fulfilment and we realised what could

be possible. The festival is now in its 13th year and has matured into one of the most important cultural events in Murcia. TP: I’m a huge Al Green fan, it’s unmistakable, and it’s my favourite poster. How do you choose and decide who to book each year? AN: Several factors are taken into consideration before I can even consider my “Wish List”. The artists should have a national or international reputation. I dedicate half of the programme to jazz, the rest is a mix of blues, bossa nova and rock, along with Spanish artists of course. One or two popular rock artists ensures high attendance plus a different type of audience. The blues are popular with all music lovers and the Spanish have particular affinity with Latin and bossa nova artists. We receive invaluable support from the Cultural Department, the cost this year is 667,975 euros, however due to the continuing cash crisis we have been hit with financial restrictions. TP: How does this year’s line up compare with previous years? AN: We are very excited to have George Benson again. We welcome back some familiar names, Dr. John, Chucho Valdes and sax player James Carter, who gave one of the best performances of the XI edition in 2008. As well as many new appearances, the wonderful singer Dianne Reeves, one of the most import voices in contemporary jazz, American country rock artist Chris Isaak and an exceptional young Tunisian oud player, Dhafer Youssef, who I’m particularly excited about. I’ve just heard his latest CD “Abu Nawas Rhapsody”, no other artist has ever impressed me as

Pepa Garcia and Alberto Nieto much on a first hearing. This year we have 12 nights, the concerts in La Manga and Santiago de la Ribera have been suspended and big bands are too expensive to consider. However that hasn’t stopped us producing an exciting programme that will continue to enhance the high reputation of the festival. TP: What about the future of the festival? AN: With the continued support of the Cultural Department of Murcia and our invaluable sponsors we are committed to developing the festival to help the people and businesses of San Javier. It’s always been my main aim to help San Javier. It’s important to remember that the festival is not primarily about making money, it’s a cultural programme, we are investing in the future of San Javier...

some of these bands best known hits. Completing the programme is the Marcus Strickland Quartet, Christian Scott Quintet, Avishai Cohen Quintet, Dhafer Youssef Quartet, Javier Vaquero Group, the Colina-Serrano Project with Carmen Rodriguez. Tickets can be purchased from May 1st onwards from the festival office on the ground floor of the San Javier Town Hall (tel. 968 19 15 88 or 968 19 15 68), opening hours are 9:00 am – 2:00 pm, Monday to Friday. Also Discos Carrots in Cartagena (tel. 968 50 19 07) and ServiCaixa. Information is also available in English on the web site www.jazz.sanjavier.es

Festival Programme Sunday July 2nd - 30 euros Chris Isaak Thursday July 8th - 18 euros Chucho Valdes & The Afrocuban Messengers Friday July 9th - 12 euros Marcus Strickland Quartet Avishai Cohen Quintet Wednesday July 14th - 15 euros Canned Heat Dr. John Friday July 16th - 15 euros Bobby Hutcherson - Cedar Walton Quartet Dianne Reeves Saturday July 17th - 12 euros Javier Vaquero Group Christian Scott Quintet Sunday July 18th - 12 euros Los Bluesfalos Robben Ford & Bill Evans “Soulgrass Meets Blues” Friday July 23rd - 12 euros James Carter Quintet Women of Chicago Blues Saturday July 24th - 12 euros Dhafer Youseef Quartet Barrelhouse Chuck & Lluis Coloma Quinteto Sunday July 25th - 30 euros George Benson Friday July 30th - 12 euros Colina - Serrano Project + Carmen Rodríguez Richard Galliano Tangaria Quartet Saturday July 31st - 15 euros Carol Kidd Paul Carrick A festival pass is available for 100 euros which allows admission to 10 concerts. George Benson and Chris Isaak is not included, however the ticket price is reduced from 30 to 24 euros. www.jazz.sanjavier.es

Full details www.vibesfromthecostas.blogspot.com plus you can find me on Facebook at www.facebook.com/tony.poole. Email news and views to vibes@roundtownnews.com Keep the ViBES ALiVE!

30 april - 06 may 2010 Win a meal for 2 at the Inn Plaice in torrevieja (Mon-Thu) or at La Pista Restaurante In Jalon (Mon-sat Lunchtimes Only) by answering the Cryptic Crossword correctly. Answers by email to: office@roundtownnews.com or Fax: 96 570 5328.

Euromillions Draw Friday 23rd april

3 7

8 43 46 6 8

No ticket won the 43,702,393 Euros (£38,064,784) jackpot prize

Quick Crossword


Answers & Winner Last week’s Crossword and Suduko answers found on page 48. Crossword winner for issue 549: JOYCE DICK, CIUDAD QUESADA

Cryptic Crossword




6. Liken (7)

1. Fret (5)

7. Serpent (5) 9. Attempt (3)

2. Secret agent (3) 3. Region (4) 4. Not resolved (9)

10. Shows (9)

5. Not detailed (7)

12. Prophetic vision (6,5)

8. Concealed (6)

15. Understaffed (5-6)

11. Harm (9)

17. Society (9) 19. Wicked (3)

13. In one’s possession (2,4) 14. During (7) 16. Bisect (5)

21. Pangs (5)

18. Rip (4)

22. Immense (7)

20. Enquire (3)

Across 6. Getting up a revolt? (7) 7. It just goes to show how time passes! (5) 9. Our first cardinal (3) 10. River rose, perhaps, to fill it? (9) 12. An order which doesn’t require attention (5,2,4) 15. Father, in making wagers, is very careful (11) 17. They may struggle to break locks (9) 19. Consumed stirred tea (3) 21. Complete set of notes (5) 22. Make believe (7)

Down 1. Odd person to alter the motion? (5) 2. One who could be taken for a ride (3) 3. Low joint keen to be reformed (4) 4. Madly in love and such a romantic place (3,6) 5. Put in the shade, naturally (7) 8. Comment about foreign (6) 11. Doesn’t sit inside and is conspicuous (6,3) 13. Sting to anger (6) 14. Good route for a longdistance driver (7) 16. Baby bird? (5) 18. Bird you can play with (4) 20. The first mate (3)


8-14 30 APRIL JANUARY - 06 MAY 2010 2010

Lucky for some SOMEBODY ASKED me today if I have a lucky number. They asked because they wanted to win the Eurolottery; well so would I! However numbers do have their significance and their relevance, and they seem to pop up here and their throughout our lives. I always dread my appointment with the American Embassy to renew my Visa. The process is laborious and it takes months to get an interview. Renewal used to be a formality, but in these days of terrorism each application merits an interview, and that means a trip to Madrid. The Embassy is quite intimidating, with a tank and live US soldiers guarding it. Guards are armed with machine guns. Security means that you cannot enter with anything more than the relevant papers that you need; and such papers are scanned before you are allowed to sit for hours waiting for approval. It is here that my numbers came into play. My appointment was for 13.00, and the number of the office dealing with my petition was, no: 13. My cloakroom tag was, number 13, and the receipt for my mobile phone was also 13. Yes, you’ve got it, the date was the 13th too! Unbelievably I was called to booth number, 13, and was interviewed, standing up and talking through a telephone, like a jail scene in the movies, with a substantial plexiglass shield between me and my interviewer. There were 13 interview stations. My application was approved, my passport taken, and my receipt for the passport was given to me, stamped: 13! I couldn’t believe that everything happened so quickly. As I collected my belongings I glanced at the clock. It was 13.13. As I walked on the sunny Madrid streets I hailed a cab. As I sat down I couldn’t believe that the cab was registered as number 13013. Next day a courier

delivered my passport to my home here in Finestrat. As I signed I noticed that I was his 13th delivery of the day, and as he sped away saw that his number plate included the magical number 13! Since that day the number 13 was of no real significance for me. Princess Diana was killed when her car impacted with the 13th pillar of the Alma tunnel in Paris. The number 13 has always been seen as sinister in some way. Jesus was the 13th member of the Last Supper, and it was his last! He allegedly died on Friday 13th. The Freemasons fear the 13th because the original Knights Templar were arrested and charged on Friday the 13th 1307, all 13 of them. Here in Spain and in parts of Italy it is Tuesday 13th that is the unlucky day. How that fares with Paraskavedekatriaphobics, I just don’t know. Paraskavedekatriaphobics are irrationally scared, to the point of mania, on any Friday 13th that comes along. All over the World attempts are made to remove the number 13. In elevators and on planes the number 13 is often removed. At Aintree racecourse lane 13 is clearly marked 12A and the Trump Tower has no thirteenth floor. Many London Theatres avoid row 13. The Queen is said to be very superstitious about the number 13, and she certainly isn’t alone! I was at the roulette wheel in Vegas once. Pausing with my huge 50 dollar chip, whilst others were playing with thousands, I was drawn to sweet little number 13. My winnings paid for my flight home! Well, in this world of number there are many connections that have to be made. Good or bad. Make them. But when your number is up, then it’s up, and that’s final! Remember that!

Love & Light... Kenny Corris

Postbag Email your letters to me at: kennycorris@roundtownnews.com

What exactly is a poltergeist, and why do they act so malevolently? J.D.(text) A poltergeist is a very determined and energized but immature spirit entity that often attaches to homes where there is a moody adolescent present. They are in fact very low in vibrational energy, and have to resort to breaking things and disturbing the peace just to get the attention that they think they deserve. Fuelled on by a rebellious teenager around them the poltergeist can hurl plates or other objects and break, or move things often causing havoc. They act badly because they can! The low grade energy of a poltergeist actually has a musty smell and they can normally be removed quite easily. However, a poltergeist presence can bring chaos, and then when a better offer comes along they are off to join in, and make merry somewhere else!

Kenny’s Diary Readings at Bistro Maya on Monday 3rd and Wednesday 5th May from 16.30. Parlour Séance on Tuesday May 4th at 19.00 in Finestrat. Limited Places! Friday 7th: Kenny addresses the UFO group in Javea “2012 The Truth!” 10.30 to 13.00. All welcome. Call: Maria on: 96 645 9976 for more info.

contact kenny Appointments: 96 587 8424 Mobile: 686 361 594 Web: www.kennycorris.net Forum: www.kennycorris.net/forum Please contact me for inclusion in my healing list!

horoscopes by Kenny Corris Pluto appears on the horizon changing your schedule and bringing some changes from the depths of your foundations. As the wind of change blows you will benefit from a new stance and realize that you didn’t have all your exits covered securely. Plans made of now will reflect your innate ability to construct and grow. You often do your very best work alone, and under pressure, so conditions are favourable now for you to proceed with clearance and caution. The Ceres retrograde means that this week is well and truly put on hold somewhat. Serendipity calls midweek and brings someone to your door, someone you cannot turn away, but who must now tell you the truth, and not just a version of it; if you are to give them the help and backing that so desperately need. Your kindness and generosity are legend, and highlight your concern and fear of involvement, but be very careful until you know everything that you must. A peaceful week, and yet too a good time to catch up with domestic duties and chores while you can. You have put off doing these things, but with a renewed vigour and a need to get the job done then you can see your achievements as you take things on. A time of reflection and contemplation comes too. Looking within and finding that Libran balance is all very well, but just how do you propose to keep it that way? Especially, take time out to re connect. Powerful Venus is currently en route to bring a little romance into your life, but currently you are wound up in one of your predictable routines. Hard work is natural to you, but do not expect others to be able to work the way that you do, because they cannot aspire to your levels, and you are hard to keep up with. Hold onto a secret this week, and however tempted do not share it with anyone. A friendship comes from a new source and makes a difference to your life it you let it. Sulking is not a solution to your current problems since you have only yourself to blame for what has happened. Your little game did not work, and in hindsight how could it have done? Put your positive power into actions, and leave no stone unturned in the pursuance of that which shows you in a truly positive light, because people haven’t really had a chance to see just what you can do if you are left alone. True power should be used, not abused. Actions with both Saturn and Neptune take you one step forward and two steps back. You have the energy needed to rise above all this, but all that you do is to combat petty jealousy and rivalry with a challenge. To resolve you simply have to work towards a peaceful and all embracing solution. Things shouldn’t be the way that they are, but they are, so what really can you hope to do about it; without someone getting very hurt in the process? A financial warning comes yet again. Be ruthless in economy, and see that thus spreads all across the board. There is a need to restructure a loan, and to investigate ways in which your money can work for you, and not you for it. Take the advice that you are given and tighten that belt once and for all. The message must now go out to all involved that this is a joint effort, and it has to work. Determination and resolve will see you safely through. Actions beyond your control have seen you having to suffer. People do need to know your current situation because by the time you ask for their help things will have gone too far and you will be too late. Independence is all very well, but pride can really come before a fall, and a trouble shared with someone who cares is a problem halved. Somebody’s viewpoint can do much to alleviate pressure and will help you see a way out of all this. Your attention is drawn to pressures within the family, and this means that you have to take control for all concerned, since you are the best person for the job. It is quite clear that you are not going to be popular when a few home truths are told, but then there are things that have to be said, and when all is said and done facing the current problem goes well on the way to making resolve, which may come with compromise. Whatever, please keep your temper even when others lose theirs! Pluto continues to call the shots and this is distracting and confusing. Indeed it is hard for you to make any further plans whilst your seventh house continues to make contact with the many negativities that have coloured your life in the past. Fortunately there comes a real chance to use this time to make plans, bearing in mind that they currently cannot be put into action for obvious reasons, but they will help you to move on when the time finally comes. Attention comes to the work front where you are taking over temporary responsibilities. Your organisational skills are endearing and encouraging, and this chance to show what you can do, especially when left alone, as prompt changes in the future help to give you give you a better say in what goes on. Take control, because it is natural for you, and show all and sundry just what you are made of, and showcase your talents and your expertise once and for all. With Neptune in cahoots with Uranus you will feel as if you lack support this week, but it mustn’t stop you from achieving that which you must. Often your great ideas are shelved because you lack confidence at the thirteenth hour, and bow to pressure beyond your control. If you play your cards right then you really can have the happiness you need, and the support you merit, without having to look over your shoulder. Others should be aware that you are someone who can, and will, get the job done.

If it’s your birthday this week... Place on hold your priorities. This astrological year is not about compromise, but there is a slow and testing start until you really get going!

Breaking down musical barriers ANOTHER SMALL milestone in Anglo/Spanish cultural integration was reached in Pilar de la Horadada on Sunday 25th April with a concert appealing to both sections of the community, who were equally represented in the audience at the Iglesia Ntra.Sra del Pilar. The programme of “Musica Sacra” sung by the new chamber choir “Chorale”, under the baton of Christine Eames, featured the work of Spain’s greatest composer Tomas Luis de Victoria, ‘Ave Maria’, alongside British sixteenth-century sacred music by William Byrd and Richard Farrant. This was followed by music of the Romantic Period by Bruckner and Fauré, leading up to music from the last century. Many of the items were sung unaccompanied by the choir. Later, the glorious acoustics of the church provided a perfect setting for Andrew Lloyd Webber’s ‘Pie Jesu’ – beautifully sung by Jennifer Morton and Helen Baines - while ‘The Lord is my Shepherd (Psalm 23)’, the

8-14 30 APRIL JANUARY - 06 MAY 2010 2010


theme music from the TV series ‘The Vicar of Dibley’, gave an opportunity for another superb duet, this time by Eva Olsson and June Phillips. The piano accompanist throughout the evening was Natalyia Khomyak. The concert ended with the first Spanish performance of ‘Father’, for which Christine Eames had set the words of the Lord’s Prayer to Italian composer Ennio Morricone’s music for the film “The Mission”. In this work the solos came from Chris Parkes and Eve Suffield. The arrangement, which has already been performed in the UK and South Africa, involves exciting cross-rhythms, a pan-pipe introduction from one of the two keyboards, and further percussion in the shape of claves and a cabasa. This was a finale which brought the audience to its feet demanding an encore, which was duly performed, thus concluding a wonderful The new evening of music which broke many musical chamber and cultural boundaries. choir

Crescendo Choir events May

CRESCENDO INTERNATIONAL Choir has been hard at work learning new pieces for their summer season. As usual their music will be a mixture of fun and serious numbers. Dates for your diary are:Saturday May 8th: San Roque Church in Torrevieja. Approx 20:45 (after mass). Entry is free but there will be a collection for church restoration. Saturday May 22nd: Torrevieja Christian Fellowship at 19:30. This event also features Q4 Barbershop quartet. Tickets are five euros in aid of APANEE and are available from the church or Margot on 653 085 833. Saturday May 29th: Casa de Cultura in Quesada at 19:30. Free entry with a collection for the Rojales Caritas.

All That Jazz ALL THAT Jazz will be performing from 1pm – 3:30pm at The Marina Bar, Calle Las Rosas Toretta II, Torrevieja with a brolly parade at 3pm (On behalf of the Rainbow Trust). For Further Information Call 679 011 081

Vivace Choir sing Puccini BETWEEN THE 15th and 18th April, the Vivace Classical Choir gave three performances of Puccini’s Messa di Gloria, in San Miguel de Salinas Parish Church, La Siesta Urbanisation Church, and Orihuela Cathedral respectively. The comparative rarity of performances of this setting of the Latin Mass is amazing, given its succession of lovely tunes and positive emotional effect for

both choir and audience alike. The Choir didn’t know the work before rehearsals started in January, but by April all the singers were bowled over by the sheer beauty of the music, and gave their very best at all three concerts. The second and third performances were particularly good, given the clearer singing acoustic of those venues. Soloists Alan Phelps (tenor), and Douglas Brown

(bass-baritone) also excelled, and their duet in the Agnus Dei was lovely. Nataliya Khomyak was the fine accompanist and Tom Pargeter provided inspired overall music direction. The Orihuela Cathedral performance was an experience which none of the choir will ever forget; singing in a superb acoustic from the choir stalls down the nave and behind the full and most appreciative mainly Spanish audience and congregation. A surprise but very welcome cold buffet was laid on for the choir by the Cathedral after the concert, in the nearby Bishop’s Palace. On the strength of this Puccini performance, Vivace has also been invited to sing again in the Cathedral next Easter, when the music will be a selection from Handel’s Messiah. The choir will also be singing this at other venues, from 7th to 10th April 2011. Vivace now has its mid-year break. Rehearsals start again in San Miguel de Salinas on 7th October for concerts to take place in several venues from 2nd to 5th December. The theme of those concerts will be “A Victorian Evening”.

tv Friday


30 april - 06 may 2010

08:00 Brainiac: Science Abuse 09:00 Oops TV 10:00 Cold Case 11:00 UK Border Force 12:00 The Lion Man 12:30 The Lion Man 13:00 The Biggest Loser USA 14:00 Medical Emergency 14:30 Cold Case 15:30 Angela and Friends 16:30 Project Runway 17:30 Wedding SOS 18:00 WWE: Superstars 19:00 Liza and Huey’s Pet Nation 20:00 The Simpsons 20:30 The Simpsons 21:00 - 23.00 A League of Their Own 23:00 Pineapple Dance Studios 24:00 Ross Kemp: Battle for the Amazon

07:00 Breakfast 10:15 Hospital Heroes 11:00 Homes Under the Hammer 12:00 To Buy or Not to Buy 12:30 Cash in the Attic 13:15 Bargain Hunt 14:00 BBC News at One 14:30 Regional News 14:45 Doctors 15:15 Escape to the Country 16:00 BBC News 16:05 Grandpa in My Pocket 16:15 Gigglebiz 16:30 Leon 16:35 Piggley Winks 16:55 Shaun the Sheep 17:05 Tracy Beaker Returns 17:35 Gastronuts 18:00 Newsround 18:15 The Weakest Link 19:00 BBC News at Six 19:30 Regional News 19:55 Party Election Broadcast 20:00 The One Show 20:30 A Question of Sport 21:00 EastEnders 21:30 Jeremy Paxman Interviews 22:00 Ashes to Ashes 23:00 BBC News at Ten 23:30 Regional News 23:45 Friday Night with Jonathan Ross

08:00 Childrens TV 09:00 Zoo Factor 09:20 Shaun the Sheep 09:30 Timmy Time 09:40 Chuggington 09:50 Louie 10:00 Charlie and Lola 10:15 Postman Pat: SDS 10:30 LazyTown 10:55 Garth and Bev 11:10 Waybuloo 11:30 In the Night Garden 12:00 Nature’s Calendar 12:30 The Daily Politics 13:30 Working Lunch 14:00 World Championship Snooker 18:55 Party Election Broadcast 19:00 Eggheads 19:30 Great British Menu 20:00 World Championship Snooker 22:00 Bombay Railway 23:00 Frank Skinner’s Opinionated 23:30 Newsnight 24:00 The Review Show 24:45 Later... with Jools Holland

07:00 GMTV 10:25 The Jeremy Kyle Show 11:30 This Morning 12:25 ITV News 12:30 This Morning 13:30 Loose Women 14:30 ITV News 15:00 60 Minute Makeover 16:00 Daily Cooks Challenge 17:00 Dickinson’s Real Deal 18:00 Divided 19:00 Granada Reports 19:25 Party Election Broadcast by the Liberal Democrats 19:30 ITV News 20:00 Emmerdale 20:30 Coronation Street 21:00 Dickinson’s Real Deal 21:30 Coronation Street 22:00 Marco’s Kitchen Burnout 23:00 ITV News at Ten 23:35 Blood Work

08:00 Freshly Squeezed 08:25 Everybody Loves Raymond 08:55 Everybody Loves Raymond 09:20 Frasier 09:50 Will and Grace 10:20 Supernanny US 11:10 Deal or No Deal 11:55 Iron Chef UK 13:00 Channel 4 News 13:05 The TV Book Club 13:35 Will and Grace 14:00 A Brief History of Fun 14:20 None but the Brave 16:25 Countdown 17:10 Deal or No Deal 18:00 Iron Chef UK 19:00 The Simpsons 19:30 Hollyoaks 20:00 Channel 4 News 20:55 Party Election Broadcast 21:00 Glee 22:00 Embarrassing Bodies 23:00 Facejacker 23:35 The Ricky Gervais Show 24:10 Ricky Gervais: New Hero of Comedy

08:00 Childrens TV 10:15 The Wright Stuff 11:45 Trisha Goddard 12:45 CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 13:40 Five News 13:45 Big, Bigger, Biggest 14:45 Neighbours 15:15 Home and Away 15:50 I Own Britain’s Best Home: Flying Visit 16:05 Danielle Steel’s Zoya 18:00 Five News 18:30 Neighbours 19:00 Home and Away 19:25 Live From Studio Five 20:25 Party Election Broadcast 20:30 Highland Emergency 20:55 Party Election Broadcast 21:00 Ice Patrol 22:00 The Mentalist 23:00 Grey’s Anatomy 24:00 NCIS 24:55 Cops in Crisis

07:00 Breakfast 11:00 Saturday Kitchen Live 12:30 Great British Menu 13:00 BBC News 13:10 Regional News and Weather 13:15 Football Focus 14:00 Inside Sport 14:30 World Championship Snooker 17:30 Final Score 18:10 BBC News 18:20 Regional News and Weather 18:25 Total Wipeout 19:25 Doctor Who 20:10 Over the Rainbow 21:10 The National Lottery: Who Dares Wins 22:00 Casualty 22:50 BBC News 23:15 Match of the Day 24:25 The Football League Show

08:00 Childrens TV 11:00 Horrible Histories 11:30 Da Dick and Dom Dairies 12:00 BAMZOOKi 12:30 Hai! Karate: Journey to Japan 13:00 Degrassi: The Next Generation 13:25 The Cut 13:50 Myths 13:55 Myths 14:00 Myths 14:10 Myths 14:15 Myths 14:20 The 5.19 Show 14:35 Off the Hook 15:05 Revealed 15:20 Flower Drum Song 17:30 World Championship Snooker 18:30 Dad’s Army 19:00 Coast 19:20 Newsnight 20:00 World Championship Snooker 22:40 I’m in a Rock ‘n’ Roll Band! 23:40 Heroes 24:25 Heroes

08:00 Dora the Explorer 08:25 Kid vs Kat 09:00 The Secret Saturdays 09:30 SpongeBob SquarePants 09:50 Aaron Stone 10:25 Planet’s Funniest Animals 10:55 The Crocodile Hunter Diaries 11:25 The Lakes 11:55 Monk 12:50 ITV News 13:10 This Morning: Saturday 14:10 Midsomer Murders 16:15 The Secret of My Success 18:15 Creature Comforts 18:30 Granada News 18:45 ITV News 19:00 You’ve Been Framed! 20:00 The Whole 19 Yards 21:00 Britain’s Got Talent 22:00 The Prisoner 23:00 The Fast and the Furious: Tokyo Drift 24:15 ITV News 24:30 The Fast and the Furious: Tokyo Drift

08:00 World Sport 08:25 Road to the 2010 FIFA World Cup 09:00 The Morning Line 09:55 Friends 10:25 Friends 10:55 Dizzee Rascal: Video Exclusive 11:00 90210 12:05 Friends 12:40 Christina Aguilera: Video Exclusive 12:45 Frock Me 13:20 Koko Pop 13:55 Smallville: Superman the Early Years 14:50 Channel 4 Racing 16:55 Come Dine with Me 19:30 Channel 4 News 20:00 Party Election Broadcast 20:05 Blitz Street 21:00 SAS: The Real Story 22:05 The Transporter 23:50 Sleepy Hollow

08:00 Childrens TV 09:25 The Adventures of Bottle Top Bill and His Best Friend Corky 09:45 Igam Ogam 10:00 Olivia 10:15 The Mr. Men Show 10:30 Gerald McBoing Boing 11:00 Europa League Football 11:35 Red Bull Air Race 12:35 The Gadget Show 13:35 Chinese Food in Minutes 14:05 Justin Lee Collins: Good Times 15:05 Zoo Days 15:30 Mutiny on the Bounty 19:00 Five News 19:05 Two Mules for Sister Sara 21:05 NCIS 22:00 CSI: NY 22:55 Law & Order 23:55 CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 24:50 Cops in Crisis

The Fast and the Furious: Tokyo Drift ITV1, 23.00

07:00 Breakfast 08:45 Match of the Day 10:00 The Andrew Marr Show 11:00 The Big Questions 12:00 The Politics Show 13:40 Match of the Day Live 16:10 EastEnders 18:00 Points of View 18:15 Songs of Praise 18:50 BBC News 19:05 Regional News and Weather 19:15 Countryfile 20:15 Over the Rainbow Results Show 21:00 Antiques Roadshow 22:00 Modern Masters 23:00 BBC News 23:15 Regional News and Weather 23:25 Match of the Day 2 24:35 The Football League Show

08:00 Dennis & Gnasher 08:15 Dennis & Gnasher 08:25 Muddle Earth 08:40 Bear Behaving Badly 09:00 The Legend of Dick and Dom 09:30 Prank Patrol 10:00 Big Babies 10:15 OOglies 10:30 Sorry, I’ve Got No Head 11:00 Something for the Weekend 12:30 Escape to the Country 13:30 MotoGP 2009 15:00 World Championship Snooker 18:30 Dad’s Army 20:00 Don’t Panic! The Dad’s Army Story 20:50 World Championship Snooker 24:00 Eyewitness

08:00 Special Agent Oso 08:25 Kid vs Kat 09:00 Penguins of Madagascar 09:25 Batman: The Brave and the Bold 10:00 Phineas and Ferb 10:25 Coronation Street Omnibus 12:45 ITV News 13:05 This Morning: Sunday 14:10 Columbo 15:40 Survival with Ray Mears 16:40 Britain’s Got Talent 17:40 About a Boy 19:25 Granada News 19:40 ITV News 20:00 Survival with Ray Mears 21:00 Coronation Street 21:30 Lewis 23:30 ITV News 23:45 The South Bank Show Revisited 24:45 The Birds

08:00 The Grid 08:30 Racing Cup 08:55 Superbike World Championship 09:25 Freesports on 4 09:55 Hollyoaks Omnibus 12:25 Glee 13:30 Frock Me 14:00 The Simpsons 14:30 The Simpsons 15:00 Channel 4 Racing 17:10 Deal or No Deal 17:55 Killer Volcanoes 19:00 Time Team 20:00 Channel 4 News 20:30 Election Uncovered: What They Won’t Tell Us 22:00 The Restoration Man 23:00 The Volcano That Stopped Britain 24:05 Bremner, Bird and Fortune

08:00 Elmo’s World 08:15 The WotWots 08:30 Little Lodgers 08:35 Chiro 08:40 Noddy in Toyland 08:50 Fireman Sam 09:00 Hana’s Helpline 09:10 Mist: Sheepdog Tales 09:25 The Adventures of Bottle Top Bill and His Best Friend Corky 09:45 Igam Ogam 10:00 Olivia 10:15 The Mr. Men Show 10:30 Gerald McBoing Boing 11:00 BUPA Great Edinburgh Run 2010 12:30 Ice Patrol 13:30 Cowboy Builders 14:30 The Gadget Show 14:40 Lawrence of Arabia 18:50 Five News 18:55 The Golden Voyage of Sinbad 20:55 Five News 21:00 Hellboy 23:20 Dog Soldiers

07:00 Hour of Power 08:00 Malcolm in the Middle 08:30 Malcolm in the Middle 09:00 Pineapple Dance Studios 10:00 Road Wars 11:00 WWE: Superstars 12:00 WWE: Experience 13:00 The Simpsons 13:30 The Simpsons 14:00 The Simpsons 14:30 Glenn Martin, DDS 15:00 Futurama 15:30 Futurama 16:00 Oops TV 17:00 Futurama 17:30 Futurama 18:00 Modern Family 18:30 Modern Family 19:00 Pineapple Dance Studios 20:00 The Simpsons 20:30 The Simpsons 21:00 Best of Oops TV 22:00 24 23:00 House 24:00 Bones

tv Saturday

tv Sunday

08:30 Snooker World Championship 09:30 WTA Tennis 11:00 Live Snooker World Championship 14:00 Live WTA Tennis 15:45 Live Snooker World Championship 18:30 Live WTA Tennis 19:00 Eurogoals Flash 19:10 Live WTA Tennis 20:00 Live Snooker World Championship 23:00 Intercontinental Rally Challenge 23:30 Strongest Man 24:30 Freeride Spirit

08:00 The Fresh Prince of Bel Air 08:30 The Fresh Prince of Bel Air 09:00 Four Weddings 10:00 America’s Next Top Model 11:00 Maury 11:55 Maury 12:50 Celebs 24/7 13:00 60 Minute Makeover 14:00 Four Weddings 15:00 Medium 16:00 Ghost Whisperer 17:00 Charmed 18:00 Charmed 19:00 America’s Next Top Model 20:00 Ghost Whisperer 21:00 Medium 22:00 Criminal Minds 23:00 CSI: Miami 24:00 Criminal Minds

Watch Eastenders for Free with Europa call 902 050 999

08:00 Malcolm in the Middle 08:30 Malcolm in the Middle 09:00 Oops TV 10:00 Soccer AM 13:00 The Simpsons 13:30 The Simpsons 14:00 The Simpsons 14:30 Futurama 15:00 Futurama 15:30 Futurama 16:00 WWE: Smackdown 18:00 Pineapple Dance Studios 19:00 Futurama 19:30 Glenn Martin, DDS 20:00 The Simpsons 20:30 The Simpsons 21:00 Lie to Me 22:00 Back to the Future Part II 24:05 Fringe

08:30 IRC Rally 09:00 WTA Tennis 11:00 Live Snooker World Championship 14:00 Live WTA Tennis 15:45 Live Snooker World Championship 18:30 Live WTA Tennis 20:00 Live Snooker World Championship 23:00 IRC Rally 23:30 Fight Club

08:30 Snooker World Championship 09:30 World Series by Renault 10:00 FIA World Touring Cars 10:30 Live FIA World Touring Cars 11:00 Artistic Gymnastics 12:00 Snooker World Championship 13:00 Live Formula Two 14:00 Live FIA World Touring Cars 15:00 Live FIA World Touring Cars 16:00 World Series by Renault 16:30 Live Snooker World Championship 18:00 WTA Tennis 19:15 Artistic Gymnastics 20:45 Motorsports Weekend 21:00 Live Snooker World Championship 24:00 IRC Rally Review SlumdogGreat BUPA Millionaire Edinburgh Run Channel 4, 10.00pm 2010

five, 11.00

08:00 Maury 08:55 Celebs 24/7 09:00 Will and Grace 10:00 My Wife and Kids 11:00 The Fresh Prince of Bel Air 12:00 Will and Grace 12:30 New Australia’s Next Top Model 13:30 Four Weddings 14:00 Four Weddings 14:30 Four Weddings 15:00 Four Weddings 15:30 Four Weddings 16:30 Steel Magnolias 18:50 Celebs 24/7 19:00 Nothing to Declare 19:30 Nothing to Declare 20:00 Nothing to Declare 20:30 Nothing to Declare 21:00 Nothing to Declare 21:30 Nothing to Declare 22:00 Ghost Whisperer 23:00 Ghost Whisperer

08:00 Maury 08:55 Celebs 24/7 09:00 Will and Grace 10:00 My Wife and Kids 11:00 The Fresh Prince of Bel Air 12:00 Will and Grace 12:30 Steel Magnolias 14:50 Celebs 24/7 15:00 Cougar Town 15:30 Cougar Town 16:00 Cougar Town 16:30 Cougar Town 17:00 Cougar Town 17:30 Cougar Town 18:00 Cougar Town 18:30 Cougar Town 19:00 Grey’s Anatomy 20:00 New Four Weddings 21:00 Cougar Town 22:00 Criminal Minds 23:00 CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 24:00 Supernatural

tv Monday

30 april - 06 may 2010 Feb 26 - March 4 2010

08:00 Brainiac: Science Abuse 09:00 Oops TV 10:00 Best of Oops TV 11:00 UK Border Force 12:00 The Lion Man 12:30 The Lion Man 13:00 The Biggest Loser USA 14:00 Cold Case 15:00 Project Runway 15:55 Malcolm in the Middle 16:25 Futurama 16:55 Oops TV 17:55 Back to the Future Part II 20:00 The Simpsons 20:30 The Simpsons 21:00 She’s Amazing 2010 22:30 A League of Their Own 23:00 NCIS: LA 24:00 24

07:00 Breakfast 10:00 Hospital Heroes 10:45 Homes Under the Hammer 11:45 To Buy or Not to Buy 12:15 Cash in the Attic 13:10 Bargain Hunt 13:55 BBC News at One 14:10 Regional News 14:15 Antz 15:35 Lemony Snicket’s A Series of Unfortunate Events 17:10 Escape to the Country 17:55 The Weakest Link 18:55 Party Election Broadcast 19:00 BBC News at Six 19:20 Regional News 19:30 Countryfile’s Spring Special 20:30 Bang Goes the Theory 21:00 EastEnders 21:30 Inspector George Gently 23:00 BBC News at Ten 23:25 Regional News 23:35 The Graham Norton Show 24:20 Late Kick Off 24:50 Fakers

08:00 Childrens TV 10:00 Charlie and Lola 10:15 Postman Pat: SDS 10:30 LazyTown 10:55 Garth and Bev 11:10 Waybuloo 11:30 In the Night Garden 12:00 Castle in the Country 12:30 The Daily Politics 13:30 Badminton Horse Trials 15:15 The Daily Politics Election Debate 16:00 World Championship Snooker 18:55 Badminton Horse Trials 19:25 Party Election Broadcast 19:30 Great British Menu 20:00 The Hairy Bakers 20:30 Newsnight 21:00 World Championship Snooker 24:00 Davis v Taylor: The ‘85 Black Ball Final

07:00 GMTV 09:30 GMTV with Lorraine 10:25 The Jeremy Kyle Show 11:30 60 Minute Makeover 12:30 Daily Cooks Challenge 13:30 Loose Women 14:30 ITV News 15:00 Agatha Christie’s Poirot 17:00 Midsomer Murders 19:00 Granada Reports 19:10 Party Election Broadcast by the Conservative Party 19:15 ITV News 19:30 You’ve Been Framed! 20:00 Emmerdale 20:30 Coronation Street 21:00 Countrywise 21:30 Coronation Street 22:00 Joanna Lumley’s Nile 23:00 ITV News at Ten 23:15 Unforgiven

08:10 Everybody Loves Raymond 08:35 Everybody Loves Raymond 09:05 Frasier 09:35 Will and Grace 10:00 Will and Grace 10:25 Supernanny US 11:20 Deal or No Deal 12:05 Cocoon 14:15 Killer Volcanoes 15:20 The Volcano That Stopped Britain 16:25 Countdown 17:10 Deal or No Deal 18:00 Iron Chef UK 19:00 The Simpsons 19:30 Hollyoaks 20:00 Channel 4 News 20:55 Party Election Broadcast 21:00 Dispatches 22:00 Blitz Street 23:00 The World’s Fattest Families and Me 24:05 Bremner, Bird and Fortune

08:00 Childrens TV 09:50 Castle Farm 09:55 The WotWots 10:05 Bert and Ernie’s Great Adventures 10:15 The Wright Stuff 11:45 Trisha Goddard 12:45 CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 13:40 Five News 13:50 Monkey Life 14:20 Neighbours 14:50 Home and Away 15:20 55 Days at Peking 18:15 Five News 18:30 Neighbours 19:00 Home and Away 19:25 Zoo Days 19:30 Police Interceptors 20:25 Party Election Broadcast 20:30 How Do They Do It? 21:00 The Gadget Show 22:00 FlashForward 23:00 Justin Lee Collins: Good Times 24:00 Stolen Hearts

07:00 Breakfast 10:15 Hospital Heroes 11:00 Homes Under the Hammer 12:00 To Buy or Not to Buy 12:30 Cash in the Attic 13:15 Bargain Hunt 14:00 BBC News at One 14:30 Regional News 14:45 Doctors 15:15 Escape to the Country 16:00 BBC News 16:05 Grandpa in My Pocket 16:15 Gigglebiz 16:30 Leon 16:35 Piggley Winks 16:55 Shaun the Sheep 17:05 Natural Born Hunters 17:35 Blue Peter 18:00 Newsround 18:15 The Weakest Link 19:00 BBC News at Six 19:30 Regional News 19:55 Party Election Broadcast 20:00 The One Show 20:30 EastEnders 21:00 Holby City 22:00 Luther 23:00 BBC News at Ten 23:30 Regional News 23:45 Children’s Emergency 24:15 Inside Sport 24:45 This Week

08:00 Childrens TV 10:30 LazyTown 10:55 Garth and Bev 11:10 Waybuloo 11:30 In the Night Garden 12:00 Castle in the Country 12:30 The Daily Politics 13:30 Working Lunch 14:00 Gymnastics 15:15 The Daily Politics Election Debate 16:00 Diagnosis Murder 16:40 Flog It! 17:25 Cash in the Celebrity Attic 18:10 The Hairy Bikers’ Food Tour of Britain 18:55 Party Election Broadcast 19:00 Eggheads 19:30 Great British Menu 20:00 Monty Halls’ Great Hebridean Escape 21:00 Theo’s Adventure Capitalists 22:00 The Story of Science: Power, Proof and Passion 23:00 Later Live... with Jools Holland 23:30 Newsnight 24:20 Tropic of Cancer

07:00 GMTV 09:30 GMTV with Lorraine 10:25 The Jeremy Kyle Show 11:30 This Morning 12:25 ITV News 12:30 This Morning 13:30 Loose Women 14:30 ITV News 15:00 60 Minute Makeover 16:00 Daily Cooks Challenge 17:00 Dickinson’s Real Deal 18:00 Divided 19:00 Granada Reports 19:25 Party Election Broadcast 19:30 ITV News 20:00 Emmerdale 20:30 Children’s Hospital 21:00 Who Wants to Be a Millionaire? 22:00 The Bill 23:00 ITV News at Ten 23:35 Campaign 2010 with Jonathan Dimbleby 24:35 Joanna Lumley: Catwoman

08:10 Everybody Loves Raymond 08:35 Everybody Loves Raymond 09:00 Frasier 10:00 Will and Grace 10:25 Supernanny US 11:20 Deal or No Deal 12:05 Wife Swap USA 13:00 Channel 4 News 13:05 Country House Rescue 14:05 Come Dine with Me Extra Portions 14:35 Johnny Come Lately 16:25 Countdown 17:10 Deal or No Deal 18:00 Iron Chef UK 19:00 The Simpsons 19:30 Hollyoaks 20:00 Channel 4 News 20:55 Party Election Broadcast 21:00 Supersize vs Superskinny 22:00 Heston’s 70s Feast 23:00 Shameless 24:05 Bremner, Bird and Fortune

08:00 Childrens TV 09:50 Castle Farm 09:55 The WotWots 10:05 Bert and Ernie’s Great Adventures 10:15 The Wright Stuff 11:45 Trisha Goddard 12:45 CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 13:40 Five News 13:50 Combat Chefs 14:45 Neighbours 15:15 Home and Away 15:50 I Own Britain’s Best Home: Flying Visit 16:05 Scandalous Me: the Jacqueline Susann Story 18:00 Five News 18:30 Neighbours 19:00 Home and Away 19:25 Live From Studio Five 20:25 Party Election Broadcast 20:30 Chinese Food in Minutes 21:00 Cowboy Builders 22:00 CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 23:00 CSI: Miami 24:00 CSI: NY

08:00 Brainiac: Science Abuse 09:00 Oops TV 10:00 Cold Case 11:00 UK Border Force 12:00 The Lion Man 12:30 The Lion Man 13:00 The Biggest Loser USA 14:00 Medical Emergency 14:30 Cold Case 15:30 Angela and Friends 16:30 Project Runway 17:30 Wedding SOS 18:00 Malcolm in the Middle 18:30 Futurama 19:00 Oops TV 20:00 The Simpsons 20:30 The Simpsons 21:00 Stargate Universe 22:00 Glenn Martin, DDS 22:30 Glenn Martin, DDS 23:00 Fringe 24:00 Steve Jones in The Jones’ Boys Amazon Adventure

07:00 Breakfast 10:15 Hospital Heroes 11:00 Homes Under the Hammer 12:00 To Buy or Not to Buy 12:30 Cash in the Attic 13:15 Bargain Hunt 14:00 BBC News at One 14:30 Regional News 14:45 Doctors 15:15 Escape to the Country 16:00 BBC News 16:05 Grandpa in My Pocket 16:15 Gigglebiz 16:30 Leon 16:35 Piggley Winks 16:55 Shaun the Sheep 17:05 Dani’s House 17:35 Blue Peter 18:00 Newsround 18:15 The Weakest Link 19:00 BBC News at Six 19:30 Regional News 20:00 The One Show 20:30 DIY SOS 21:00 Waterloo Road 22:00 Motorway Cops 23:00 BBC News at Ten 23:30 Regional News 23:45 The National Lottery Draws 23:55 Damages 24:35 Masquerade

08:00 Childrens TV 10:00 Charlie and Lola 10:15 Postman Pat: SDS 10:30 LazyTown 10:55 Garth and Bev 11:10 Waybuloo 11:30 In the Night Garden 12:00 Castle in the Country 12:30 The Daily Politics 13:30 Working Lunch 14:00 See Hear 14:30 Ready Steady Cook 15:15 The Daily Politics Election Debate 16:00 Diagnosis Murder 16:45 Flog It! 17:30 Cash in the Celebrity Attic 18:15 The Hairy Bikers’ Food Tour of Britain 19:00 Eggheads 19:30 Great British Menu 20:00 Out of the Frying Pan 21:00 The Edible Garden 21:30 Cracking Antiques 22:00 Monty Halls’ Great Hebridean Escape 23:00 QI 23:30 Newsnight 24:20 Tropic of Cancer

07:00 GMTV 09:30 GMTV with Lorraine 10:25 The Jeremy Kyle Show 11:30 This Morning 12:25 ITV News 12:30 This Morning 13:30 Loose Women 14:30 ITV News 15:00 60 Minute Makeover 16:00 Daily Cooks Challenge 17:00 Dickinson’s Real Deal 18:00 Divided 19:00 Granada Reports 19:30 ITV News & Weather 20:00 Emmerdale 20:30 Lion Country 21:00 Midsomer Murders 23:00 ITV News at Ten 23:35 Red Heat

08:10 Everybody Loves Raymond 08:35 Everybody Loves Raymond 09:05 Frasier 09:35 Will and Grace 10:00 Will and Grace 10:25 Supernanny US 11:20 Deal or No Deal 12:05 Wife Swap USA 13:00 Channel 4 News Summary 13:05 Country House Rescue 14:05 Come Dine with Me 14:35 Channel 4 Racing 16:25 Countdown 17:10 Deal or No Deal 18:00 Iron Chef UK 19:00 The Simpsons 19:30 Hollyoaks 20:00 Channel 4 News 21:00 Three in a Bed 22:00 Jamie Does... 23:00 Desperate Housewives 24:00 Shameless

08:00 Childrens TV 09:50 Castle Farm 09:55 The WotWots 10:05 Bert and Ernie’s Great Adventures 10:15 The Wright Stuff 11:45 Trisha Goddard 12:45 CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 13:40 Five News 13:50 Combat Chefs 14:45 Neighbours 15:15 Home and Away 15:50 I Own Britain’s Best Home: Flying Visit 16:05 Moonlight Becomes You 18:00 Five News 18:30 Neighbours 19:00 Home and Away 19:25 Live From Studio Five 20:30 Heads or Tails 21:00 Last of the Dambusters: Revealed 22:00 NCIS 23:00 CSI: NY 24:00 CSI: NY 24:55 PartyPoker.com Women’s World Open IV

08:00 Brainiac: Science Abuse 09:00 Oops TV 10:00 Cold Case 11:00 UK Border Force 12:00 The Lion Man 12:30 Zoo Vet at Large 13:00 The Biggest Loser USA 14:00 Medical Emergency 14:30 Cold Case 15:30 Angela and Friends 16:30 Project Runway 17:30 Wedding SOS 18:00 Malcolm in the Middle 18:30 Futurama 19:00 Oops TV 20:00 The Simpsons 20:30 The Simpsons 21:00 Pineapple Dance Studios 22:00 Chris Ryan’s Strike Back 24:00 Ross Kemp: Battle for the Amazon

tv Tuesday

tv Wednesday

08:30 Motorsports Weekend 08:45 FIA World Touring Cars 09:45 Snooker World Championship 11:15 Artistic Gymnastics 12:30 WTA Tennis 13:30 Snooker World Championship 15:00 Live Snooker World Championship 18:00 Eurogoals 18:45 Champions Club 19:45 Football 20:00 FIFA World Cup Giants 20:30 Snooker World Championship 21:00 Live Snooker World Championship 24:00 Champions Club


08:00 The Fresh Prince of Bel Air 08:50 Celebs 24/7 09:00 Four Weddings 10:00 America’s Next Top Model 11:00 Maury 11:55 Maury 12:50 Celebs 24/7 13:00 Exposed 14:00 Four Weddings 15:00 Four Weddings 16:00 Four Weddings 17:00 Four Weddings 18:00 Four Weddings 19:00 America’s Next Top Model 20:00 Ghost Whisperer 21:00 New Australia’s Next Top Model 22:00 New Four Weddings 23:00 Cougar Town 23:30 Cougar Town 24:00 Criminal Minds

Watch Coronation Street for Free with Europa call 902 050 999

08:35 Snooker World Championship 10:00 Artistic Gymnastics 11:15 Eurogoals 12:00 Champions Club 13:00 Live WTA Tennis 19:00 Eurogoals Flash 19:10 Snooker World Championship 20:15 Eurogoals 21:00 Boxing 23:00 Freeride Spirit 23:15 Inside World Touring Cars 23:45 World Series by Renault 24:15 Champions Club

08:00 The Fresh Prince of Bel Air 08:50 Celebs 24/7 09:00 Four Weddings 10:00 America’s Next Top Model 11:00 Maury 11:55 Maury 12:50 Celebs 24/7 13:00 60 Minute Makeover 14:00 Four Weddings 14:30 Four Weddings 15:00 Medium 16:00 Ghost Whisperer 17:00 Charmed 18:00 Charmed 19:00 America’s Next Top Model 20:00 Ghost Whisperer 21:00 New Four Weddings 22:00 Cougar Town 22:30 Cougar Town 23:00 Drop Dead Diva 24:00 Criminal Minds

Glenn Martin, DDS Sky1, 22.00

08:30 Freeride Spirit 08:45 Eurogoals Flash 08:55 Football 09:15 Eurogoals 10:00 Champions Club 11:00 Cycling 12:00 WTA Tennis 13:00 Live WTA Tennis 19:00 Eurogoals Flash 19:10 Olympic Games 19:40 Wednesday Selection 19:50 Kentucky Three-Day 20:50 Riders Club 20:55 Wednesday Selection Guest 21:05 US PGA Golf 22:05 European PGA Golf 22:35 Ladies PGA Golf 22:45 Golf Club 22:50 Sailing 23:20 Yacht Club 23:30 Snooker World Championship

Chris Ryan’s Strike Back Sky1, 22.00

08:00 The Fresh Prince of Bel Air 08:50 Celebs 24/7 09:00 Four Weddings 09:30 Passport Patrol 10:00 America’s Next Top Model 11:00 Maury 11:55 Maury 12:50 Celebs 24/7 13:00 60 Minute Makeover 14:00 Four Weddings 14:30 Passport Patrol 15:00 Medium 16:00 Ghost Whisperer 17:00 Charmed 19:00 America’s Next Top Model 20:00 Ghost Whisperer 21:00 Nothing to Declare 21:30 Nothing to Declare 22:00 Supernatural 23:00 Medium 24:00 Criminal Minds

tv Thursday


Feb -26 March 30 april 06-may 2010 4 2010

07:00 Breakfast 10:15 Hospital Heroes 11:00 Homes Under the Hammer 12:00 To Buy or Not to Buy 12:30 Cash in the Attic 13:15 Bargain Hunt 14:00 BBC News at One 14:30 Regional News and Weather 14:45 Doctors 15:15 Escape to the Country 16:00 BBC News 16:05 Grandpa in My Pocket 16:15 Gigglebiz 16:30 Leon 16:35 Jakers: The Adventures of Piggley Winks 16:55 Shaun the Sheep 17:05 Safari 8 17:35 Prank Patrol 18:00 Newsround 18:15 The Weakest Link 19:00 BBC News at Six 19:30 Regional News and Weather 20:00 The One Show 20:30 EastEnders 21:00 Watchdog 21:55 Have I Got News for You 22:25 Outnumbered 22:55 Election 2010

08:00 Skunk Fu 08:15 Eliot Kid 08:25 Newsround 08:30 Raven: The Dragon’s Eye 09:00 Gimme a Break 09:30 Timmy Time 09:40 Chuggington 09:50 Louie 10:00 Charlie and Lola 10:15 Postman Pat: SDS 10:30 LazyTown 10:55 Garth and Bev 11:10 Waybuloo 11:30 In the Night Garden 12:00 Seven Little Foys 13:30 Working Lunch 14:00 Castle in the Country 14:30 Ready Steady Cook 15:15 Car Booty 16:00 Diagnosis Murder 16:45 Flog It! 17:30 Cash in the Celebrity Attic 18:15 The Hairy Bikers’ Food Tour of Britain 19:00 Eggheads 19:30 Great British Menu 20:00 Bombay Railway 21:00 Bill Oddie’s Top 10 Frights and Delights 22:00 History Cold Case 23:00 Kinky Boots 24:40 I’m in a Rock ‘n’ Roll Band!

07:00 GMTV 09:30 GMTV with Lorraine 10:25 The Jeremy Kyle Show 11:30 This Morning 12:25 ITV News 12:30 This Morning 13:30 Loose Women 14:30 ITV News & Weather 15:00 60 Minute Makeover 16:00 Daily Cooks Challenge 17:00 Dickinson’s Real Deal 18:00 Divided 19:00 Granada Reports 19:30 ITV News & Weather 20:00 Emmerdale 20:30 Tonight 21:00 Emmerdale 21:30 Coronation Street 22:00 Greatest Cities of the World with Griff Rhys Jones 22:55 Election 2010

08:10 Everybody Loves Raymond 08:35 Everybody Loves Raymond 09:05 Frasier 09:30 Will and Grace 10:00 Will and Grace 10:25 Supernanny US 11:20 Deal or No Deal 12:05 Wife Swap 13:00 Channel 4 News Summary 13:05 Country House Rescue 14:05 Come Dine with Me Extra Portions 14:35 Channel 4 Racing 16:25 Countdown 17:10 Deal or No Deal 18:00 Iron Chef UK 19:00 The Simpsons 19:30 Hollyoaks 20:00 Channel 4 News 21:00 The Landscape Man 22:00 Channel 4’s Alternative Election Night

08:35 Roary the Racing Car 08:45 Little Lodgers 08:50 Make Way for Noddy 09:05 Fifi and the Flowertots 09:20 Peppa Pig 09:25 Thomas & Friends 09:35 Ben and Holly’s Little Kingdom 09:50 Castle Farm 09:55 The WotWots 10:05 Bert and Ernie’s Great Adventures 10:15 The Wright Stuff 11:45 Trisha Goddard 12:45 CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 13:40 Five News 13:50 Combat Chefs 14:45 Neighbours 15:15 Home and Away 15:50 The Family Recipe 15:55 I Own Britain’s Best Home: Flying Visit 16:10 Secrets of the Summer House 18:00 Five News 18:30 Neighbours 19:00 Home and Away 19:25 Live From Studio Five 20:30 Zoo Days 21:00 Britain’s Greatest Machines 22:00 The Contract 23:50 Soho Blues 24:50 Cops in Crisis

07:00 Good Morning Sports Fans 08:00 Brainiac: Science Abuse 09:00 Oops TV 10:00 Cold Case 11:00 UK Border Force 12:00 Zoo Vet at Large 12:30 Zoo Vet at Large 13:00 The Biggest Loser USA 14:00 Medical Emergency 14:30 Cold Case 15:30 Angela and Friends 16:30 Project Runway 17:30 Wedding SOS 18:00 Malcolm in the Middle 18:30 Futurama 19:00 Oops TV 20:00 The Simpsons 20:30 The Simpsons 21:00 Modern Family 21:30 Modern Family 22:00 A League of Their Own 22:30 Glenn Martin, DDS 23:00 Bones 24:00 NCIS: LA

Crossword Answers 549 Cryptic solutions Across: 7 Railway ticket; 8 Pressman; 9 Oils; 10 Candid; 12 Inland; 14 Vessel; 16 Glance; 18 Spur; 20 Venetian; 22 Prefer a charge. Down: 1 Marriage; 2 Closed; 3 Farm; 4 Stunning; 5 School; 6 Well; 11 Delivery; 13 No change; 15 Strife; 17 Astray; 19 Part; 21 Nice. Quick solutions Across: 7 Make nothing of; 8 Converse; 9 Rare; 10 Ransom; 12 Employ; 14 Barren; 16 Yelled; 18 Deaf; 20 Unstable; 22 Consolidation. Down: 1 Panorama; 2 Serves; 3 Poor; 4 Thievery; 5 Unwrap; 6 Sour; 11 Manfully; 13 Overlook; 15 Refuse; 17 Lean-to; 19 Eros; 21 Side.

08:30 World Series by Renault 09:00 Inside World Touring Cars 09:30 Snooker World Championship 11:00 Cycling 12:00 WTA Tennis 13:00 Live WTA Tennis 19:00 Eurogoals Flash 19:10 Planet Armstrong 19:45 Cycling 20:00 Fight Club 23:00 Pro Wrestling 23:30 Pro Wrestling 24:30 Bowling

08:00 The Fresh Prince of Bel Air 08:25 The Fresh Prince of Bel Air 08:50 Celebs 24/7 09:00 Four Weddings 09:30 Passport Patrol 10:00 America’s Next Top Model 11:00 Maury 11:55 Maury 12:50 Celebs 24/7 13:00 60 Minute Makeover 14:00 Four Weddings 14:30 Passport Patrol 15:00 Medium 16:00 Ghost Whisperer 17:00 Charmed 18:00 Charmed 19:00 America’s Next Top Model 20:00 Ghost Whisperer 21:00 Drop Dead Diva 22:00 Grey’s Anatomy 23:00 Criminal Minds 24:00 Criminal Minds

Suduko Answer

The Forgotten Garden Book Review by

Danny Collins


THE FACT that this book was voted Richard & Judy’s Summer Read of 2008 should be enough to deter most people. It certainly stood me at bay until my wife told me she had read Kate Morton’s earlier triumph The House at Riverton and enjoyed it immensely. We don’t always agree on books – if we had a boiler she’d light it with Ian Rankin – but we do have similar tastes for the enigma of the plot, especially when it concerns age old family skeletons brought to light, something at which Kate Morton excels. Thus I found myself inveigled in a story that begins in 1913, when an Australian harbourmaster finds a three-year-old waif sitting on her tiny suitcase on the quay when an ocean liner from London disgorges its passengers. All she can remember of the journey is being hidden among some deck crates before the ship sailed by a mysterious woman whom she knew as the Authoress, who then vanished without trace. As an old lady the child whom the harbourmaster and his wife adopted and called Nell travels to England to discover her origins, her only clues are what was contained in that small white suitcase that had accompanied her from England over sixty years before. Her quest leads her to Cornwall and an estate called Blackhurst Manor, once owned by the titled Mountrachet family. Nell goes to her grave with the secrets she discovered there but on her death thirty years later, her granddaughter Cassandra discovers that Nell has left her Cliff Cottage, an abandoned dwelling with a mysterious walled garden on the Blackhurst Estate that is notorious among the locals for a secret scandal that split the family asunder so many years before. Was Nell in truth the tragic Ivory Walker who reportedly died of scarlet fever aged three and was

Author: Kate Morton Publisher: Pan (paperback) Price: 10 euros ISBN: 978 0 330 44960 1

never spoken of again; and who was the mysterious Authoress who abandoned her on the Australia bound ship? Personally, I couldn’t put the book down in my old maid’s urge to hear all the gossip and discover the truth. Kate Morton, bless her, obligingly kept me strung out for every one of the 645 pages. Well, would you ever? What a plot, what a story, what a read. I shall be following Kate Morton’s star which is definitely in ascendency and revelling in her masterly and dastardly plots at every opportunity. I suggest you order this book today and prepare that sofa for a long occupancy. This is thoroughly recommended reading for anyone who enjoys a good mystery and it’s the most gripping I’ve read this year.

All the featured books are available off the shelf or by mail order from Librería Europa, Calle Oscar Esplá 2, 03710 Calpe. Tel: 96 583 58 24; e-mail: libreria.europa.calpe@gmail.com Take along or send this review for a discount of 5% on your purchases.

30 april - 06 may 2010


50 44

APRIL - 06 MAY 2010 FEB3026 - MARCH 4 2010


with aunty virus

Wireless or WIFI Prepare to install Derek via email asks: Dear Aunty, I’m running Windows XP and this problem is driving me mad. As soon as my desktop appears, a window pops up from the Windows Installer saying “preparing to install”. I’ve tried cancelling it but it keeps coming back. It eventually leaves after fifteen minutes or so, but it’s still a pain. Can you advise me how to get rid? Aunty says: There’s a plethora of things that can cause this Derek and none of them are easily identified. MS Office is probably the most common cause but to be honest fixing this can lead to all kinds of problems, often a lot worse than just having the annoying installer message appear. Certainly make sure you have the latest Windows and Office updates and XP Service Pack 3, and maybe use the Task Manager (Ctrl Alt Del at the same time) to identify the process that’s running. Keep me posted.

Geoff via email asks: Hi Aunty, keep up the good work, I find your page always of great interest. Could you possibly assist me with finding a reliable Wi-Fi internet service supplier in Spain? I spend about six months of the year in Spain (two separate three month periods). When in Spain I live on Villamar Benidom the ISP Wi-Fi that I use is Ahoranet, or should I say attempt to use as it is very difficult to get on line and when on line it is very slow. The service is also expensive when compared to the UK. Most of the time I use the free hotel Wi-Fi connections but would rather have and pay for my own connection. I read many bad reports about Telefonica but Ahoranet must be a close second for charging an A1 price for a third class minus service. Aunty says: The million dollar question Geoff. I use Europa

Yahoo email Frank via email asks: Hello Aunty. My Yahoo email address and contact list has been hijacked and all my contacts have been receiving emails advertising anything from motorcycles to video cameras. I have changed to Gmail and deleted all my contacts from Yahoo. My question is: Can I remove my Yahoo email address completely? Many thanks. Aunty says: Hi there Frank. If you login to your Yahoo account and go here you can delete all of your Yahoo account stuff. https://edit.yahoo.com/config/ delete_user

Wireless and therefore have no need for a landline and thankfully no contact with Telefonica. However it’s not cheap in Spain so shop around. you may find having a wireless installation isn’t as fast or reliable as a fixed line ADSL running over your existing phone line. When talking about ‘Wi-Fi’ and ‘Wireless Internet’ there is often confusion so I’ll try and explain it a little. Essentially there are two very different varieties of wireless, three if we count the mobile USB dongles from the likes of Vodafone. ‘Wi-Fi’ is the connection Windows tells you about when you’re near a Wi-Fi source in your home, café or hotspot. It is not actually the Internet connection, but simply a connection between your laptop and a small internet box with an aerial known as a ‘router’. This Wi-Fi router is usually supplied by the internet provider and exists purely to save you having an unsightly cable running across the floor. The very different ‘Wireless Internet’ service that the likes of Europa offer involves installing a transmitter somewhere on your roof

Firefox affecting speed Dave via email asks: Hi Aunty, can you help please? My computer runs fine with variety of programmes running at same time but when I open up Firefox and start browsing within a minute it has bought the computer to an almost standstill. When I hit ctrl+alt+del to get out of it my CPU meter shows 100% and the moment Firefox shuts down everything goes back to normal. I run AVG, SuperAntiSpyware & and Malwarebytes regularly and these are showing everything is good to go, any suggestions please? Aunty says: Hello Dave. There seems to a couple of things that can cause Firefox to eat up your computers resources so try this one first and let

me know. Start Firefox and click on ‘tools’ ‘add-ons’ and click on the ‘extensions’ button. In the extensions window that appears you will see a list of all the additional features that Firefox has installed and you can disable each one and check the results. The AVG Security Toolbar is notoriously bad so maybe go for that one first. You will need to restart Firefox and give it a few minutes before you check your CPU load.

that points to a receiver more than likely a few miles away. In this context you can think of Wi-Fi as a connection within the home/hotspot as an alternative to having bothersome cables, and Wireless Internet as a long distance ADSL/broadband connection as an alternative to the ADSL used over the copper landlines owned by Telefonica. So now you know.

Phishing emails Alan from Benidorm asks: Dear Aunty, I often receive (like everybody I’m sure) emails which get sent to my junk box that are blatant phishing scams. They are usually claiming to be from banks or building societies, but I have even received them from the ‘Inland Revenue’ offering a tax overpayment rebate or people with foreign names. I always mark them as phishing scams and they disappear from my inbox. Do you know what happens to them? Does the network provider report them to the supposed sender so they know what is happening? As they arrive as junk I cannot forward them to the financial institution being used to target me. Aunty says: I’m not sure with Hotmail Alan, but I know the Gmail people at Google are constantly monitoring these junk and spam emails to try and identify the source, what can be done about it is a different matter all together. Until the ‘No Man’s Land’ surrounding the Internet is properly legislated I can’t see any way our ISPs (Internet Service Providers) can do much more than the tail chasing they already do.

That’s all for this week, email me on auntyvirus@roundtownnews.com and I will do my best to sort you out

APRIL - 06 MAY 2010 FEB3026 - MARCH 4 2010

51 45

Infrared saunas and your personal wellbeing NOWADAYS WE are all making a more conscious effort to live healthier lives. So we pay more attention to what we eat and drink, we don’t smoke and we try to get more exercise. Infrared is an excellent supplement to this conscious and responsible lifestyle and makes a significant contribution to your personal wellbeing. An infrared cabin enables you to escape the pressures of daily life while the luxurious warmth penetrates deep into your body, bringing relaxation and new, positive energy. Not only will you feel better, you will also look better and younger as the infrared energy gives you cleaner, more elastic and smoother skin.

planet consist of ultraviolet light (UV), visible light and infrared radiation (IR). It is this infrared radiation that is responsible for the transport of heat from the sun. Everything that lives needs infrared radiation to grow and flourish. The infrared radiation in an infrared sauna warms up your body. Your body responds by speeding up your blood circulation and by perspiring. Your body relaxes, rids itself of Europool’s shop in Altea

HOW DOES IT WORK? The sun is the source of all life on Earth. The sun’s rays that reach the surface of the A Zen sauna

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automatic water treatment products. Europoolshop S.L., Pda. Cap Blanc, 70, local 9, Ctra. N332, Km.155, Altea Tel. +34 968970672 contact@europoolshop.com www.europoolshop.com www.sanasauna.com

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30 APRIL - 06 MAY 2010



I notice that on the roads we have police traffic road blocks operated by usually the Guardia Civil but never the policia local or the Policia Nacional. What are the differences? by

Brian Deller

Author of Motoring in Spain

AS YOU should know (the differences are explained in my book) the Guardia Civil (GC) is a national police force attached to the military (although it was announced last year the intention of merging it with the Policia Nacional) and the GC was formed in the days of Franco. The GC had a reputation in those days of being the “do not argue with me” force. The GC is organised and is paid by central government. It also officiates in many smaller pueblos where there is insufficient people and/or funding to have a policia local, so a section of the GC will look after several pueblos and the adjoining areas. The GC officers usually live in small urbanisations (barracks) with their

families so they are protected from such organisations as ETA etc. and being national they usually patrol the “open roads” whereas the policia locales tend to keep to the confines of the towns and villages where they have been employed and they also know most of the citizens but their duties are rather low-key compared with the Guardia Civil. There is also the Policia Nacional which is the detective arm of the police forces again national but they investigate serious crimes such as murder etc and they have offices in larger towns called Comiserias. As far as us drivers are concerned, the policia locales only fine offenders within defined limits because if the fines are not issued within

the towns boundaries, then the amounts are to be paid to central government. The local ayuntamiento pays the costs of the policia locales albeit with grants sometimes from the government. The offences would include such events as parking. Open road offences’ fines are policed by the GC and the cash collected goes to Central Govt. Amazing as it may seem, this often results in the attitude that the policing on the open roads is the responsibility of the GC as there is no income for the policia local. I have been a little unwell recently but I have a forthcoming interview with our local jefe de policia local and have many questions to ask so more specifics on this matter when I know for sure. YOU HAVE A SPANISH REGISTERED VEHICLE? Have you paid the annual “Impuesto Municipal Sobre Vehiculos de Traccion Mecanica?” This is the equivalent of the Road Fund Tax in the UK, and you have

from mid-March to Mid May to pay it to your local ayuntamiento. The amounts vary from in our local case, €73 to one other Malaga area Ronda, where it is €135, 97 for the same vehicle, namely in this example, 12 to 15, 99 fiscal Horse-Power which is what our Ford Focus diesel, 1, 8 litres is classed at. The Fiscal HP is the designated power of each vehicle and yours can be found on the Tarjeta Inspeccion Technica de Vehiculos Card issued and kept with your vehicle (even on the road) when you bought it. The actual end-date for paying may vary slightly but in most areas it is the 20th May. Late payments incur a percentage fine which increases the longer you leave it and you pay the amount to the address ayuntamiento in the area as on your Permiso de Circulacion, at the local ayuntamiento although most will give you the banks where the cash must be paid over the counter along with the letter/advice/ invoice from the ayuntamiento.

No more space: more next week. Email your questions to rtnmail@roundtownnews.com and I will do my best to sort you out. Brian Juan (John) Deller, Malaga, author, ‘Motoring in Spain’ www.spainvia.com and 666 888 870 We Buy, Sell & Part Exchange Quality British & Spanish Cars Transfer Documents Completed Competitive Insurance Quotes All cars Fully serviced and valeted


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30 APRIL - 06 MAY 2010


Noche del Coche THIS FRIDAY evening, April 30th, is time for the second ‘Noche del Coche’, taking place in the Marina Salinas, Torrevieja. This fun and informal event attracted 30 cars, half a dozen bikes and over 200 spectators last month, all of whom had a good time chatting to car and bike owners and enjoying a cup of java or a frosty libations in Ole del Mar café, while looking at the variety of cars on display. It’s a casual, no pressure event, organised by enthusiasts for enthusiasts; a social gathering and display of all types of interesting cars and bikes. Noche del Coche attracts cars and drivers from all points of the globe and it’s expected that you’ll see classic cars, tuning and

customised cars, American Muscle, Italian Exotica, German Technology, pocket rockets and hot hatches, Harley Davidson’s and the best of British, including the Mini, Ford Anglia and Classic, Morris, Lotus, Panther, Morgan, Triumph, MG, Jaguar and even the ubiquitous Rolls Royce. With a bit of luck, there may even be a London Taxi! The event is planned along the same lines as the popular Friday Night Cruises, which are held all over the USA. It’s an opportunity for the younger drivers to show off their ‘tuning’cars with stereos, neon, lambo doors and DVD systems, the older ones to let everyone see a car from yesteryear, the bikers to bring along choppers, café racers and chrome while the

horsepower will be provided by Mustangs, Corvettes, Porsche, Audi and even Ferrari. It’s hoped that some car services shall also be in attendance, including tuning, insurance, bodywork and accessories. A team from Photo Video Spain shall be photographing the cars and adding those that wish to their quickly developing database of vehicles for Movie, TV and promotional hire. Couples looking for that special car for their wedding day may also be interested in seeing if there is something special for their own ‘special day’ and representatives from Costa Blanca Weddings will be around to answer any questions. Entry is free, as is parking outside of the main entrance barrier (first come, first parked!) while anyone displaying their classic, future classic or just fun and interesting car or bike, can park for free inside the Harbour Zone itself. Marina Salinas is the new sporting harbour located beside where the Delfin S-61, Pascual Flores and static museum All types is based, beside the fairground. of cars For those displaying their cars or and bikes bikes, just take a ticket to open the are on barrier, go around the roundabout display

The second Noche del Coche is on Friday 30th April

to your left and you’ll find the parking bays. Your parking ticket shall be stamped to allow you to park for free. For more information on the event, sponsorship opportunities and spin-off events, please visit www.NochedelCoche.com, become a fan on Facebook or call Nick on 609 063 614. Everyone is welcome and with the longer summer nights and warmer weather, the setting should be fabulous for an evening stroll to see a beautiful exhibition of cars on the waterfront. The event is open

from 20.00 until 22.00 and is a regular event, planned for the last Friday of every month, with possibly a few special days thrown in for good measure. Happy Motoring and look forward to seeing you at Noche del Coche.


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30 APRIL - 06 MAY 2010

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NEW C3 1.6Hdi 90 Exclusive This beautiful example of the new C3 has only covered 600 kilometres since registration in March 2010. The exclusive model comes with all of the following options: Automatic digital air conditioning. Alcantara-leather upholstery.Electric windows. Electrically heated and folding door mirrors. Chrome inserts on front bumper, door handles and tailgate. Body colour painted door mirrors with chrome base. Dark tinted rear windows. Front central armrest. Heightadjustable front passenger’s seat Panoramic Zenith windscreen. Cruise control. Leather steering wheel. Trip computer Height and reach adjustable streering wheel. Height-adjustable driver’s seat. 17 “ Sonneberg alloy wheels. Stereo radio/MP3 CD player with steering mounted controls and 6 speakers. Rear 1/3-2/3 split/ folding and reclining seats. Electrically adjustable door mirrors, 4 air bags. 2 years maufacturers warranty.

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30 APRIL - 06 MAY 2010


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30 april - 06 may 2010

WOODEN HOUSE near Catral, quiet rural site, 2 beds, large plot, pets welcome. Bargain 29,000€. 664-760-428

2 NEW EXCLUSIVE DEVELOPMENTS on the wirral. Luxury Lodges and Park Homes for sale 12 month occupancy px considered call 0044-1516-332-321 or email alan@hill-brothers.com COMMERCIAL UNITS IN VILLAMARTIN Two fitted units. Sold as one with a total of 135m2 or separately with 67m2 with terraces. Good established location and position. rental considered. 657-964-702 MOBILE/ PARK HOMES ready to move into on permanent site. Carol. 968-192-425/ 626-055-622. WEB: www. mobilehomesmarmenorspain. com CLASSIC SPANISH OLD TOWN HOUSE CALLOSA D’EN SARRIA. 3 double bedrooms (one with en-suite bathroom), master bath, downstairs loo, new kitchen, large living room diner with real fire. Terrace with bbq, summer kitchen and shower. Seperate sun terrace with views

to the mountains. Recently reformed and fully furnished. 135,000€ Tel: 609-177-032. PROPERTY MANAGEMENT offering a complete and competitive service for all your property rental needs including: Keyholding, Pools mainmatined, cleaning & laundry, meet and greets, airport transfers Los Alcazares. Tel: 628-772-418 email: rosaliamews@live.co.uk STRUCTURAL SURVEYS Mark Paddon BSc Hons Building Surveying. MCIOB. Free 15pg buyer’s guide via website www.surveysspain.com Tel 962807247 / 653733066

CABO ROIG BEACHSIDE 1 minute from beach Cala Capitan. Apartments or terraced house for rent. Long term or short term. Tel: 966 773 985 ALTEA - CAP NEGRET two double bedroomed apartment, glazed terraces, beautiful views, private beach and parking, walking distance to town. tlf:686-535-15 HOUSE IN QUESADA FOR RENT 2/3 bedrooms, overlooking community pool. Good views. Close to all amenities. Tel: 965702-170/ 625-830-776 ALGORFA TOWN CENTRE two bedroom ground floor flat, large terrace, swimming pool, furnished 300€ per month +100€ bills. Ring 966-783-

555/ 00447949589539 or londonangels@hotmail.com FULLY FITTED APARTMENT for rent, quiet urbanization, mountain views. 220€ per week all included. Rafol de Almunia 679-285-161 LOW RENT COMMERCIAL UNITS Large commercial unit 110m2, fitted as restaurant, Playa Flamenca. 600€ p.m Unit in La Finca, fully fitted 600€ p.m. 657-964-702 1 BEDROOM FIRST FLOOR FLAT IN TORREVIEJA telephone line, English TV, pool. Near Friday market and Iceland, walking distance to bars, shops and sea front. Long let min 4 months.300€ pcm including bills. 966-708-573 or 660-859-862 1 BEDROOM BUNGALOW with large garden & parking, for yearly rental on Camping pueblo, San Javier. Carol 968-192-425/ 626-055-622. Email: haydn47@ hotmail.com WEB: www. mobilehomesmarmenorspain. com

LA ZENIA BEACH Terraced house, 2 bed, 2 baths, large rooms, garden, furnished, comm. pool, off-road parking, gated community, quiet area, walking distance to the beach. 139.000 euro. Tel: 616 939 326, 966 773 985, www.hf-immo.com LA ZENIA Luxury corner apartment, 2 bedrooms, bathroom, balcony, solarium with nice views, south facing, off road parking, comm. pool, only 8 mins walk to beach, 99.900 euro. Tel: 616 939 326, 966 773 985, www.hf-immo.com VILLAMARTIN Luxury detached villa, large rooms, 2 bed, 2 baths, storage, balcony, carport, furnished, comm. pool, marble radiators, air con, double glazing, fire place, 196.000 euro. Tel: 616 939 326, 966 773 985, www.hf-immo.com VILLAMARTIN Detached house, 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, 3 terraces, furnished, a/c, storage, central heating, sea views, conservatory, sunny side, parking, community pool. 149.000 euro. Tel: 616 939 326, 966 773 985, www.hf-immo.com LA FLORIDA Penthouse apartment, 2 bed, furnished, balcony, solarium, conservatory, garden, south-facing, fire place,

off-road parking, storage, comm. pool, 84.700 Euro. Tel: 616 939 326, 966 773 985, www.hf-immo.com GUARDAMAR Lovely 2 bedroom, apartment, furnished, balcony with sea views, lift, only 500m to the beach and close to the centre but quiet area. 129.000 euro. Tel: 616 939 326, 966 773 985, www.hf-immo.com LA ZENIA Terraced house within walking distance to the beach. 2 bed, 2 bath, conservatory, patio, comm. pool, air con, fire place, storage, furnished, close to amenities, 123.000 euro Tel: 616 939 326, 966 773 985, www.hf-immo.com PLAYA FLAMENCA Terraced house, 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, furnished, balcony, sunny side, off road parking, community pool, quiet area and close to all amenities. ONLY 109.000 euro. Tel: 616 939 326, 966 773 985, www.hf-immo.com LA ZENIA BEACH Semidetached on 280m2 plot, 2 bed, 1 bath, terrace, private pool poss. , in need of renovations, quiet location, short walk to the beach. 129.000 euro. Tel: 616 939 326, 966 773 985, www.hf-immo.com LA ZENIA Detached villa, 400m² plot, 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, dining room, fire place, furnished, nice garden, large storage room and garage, pool possible. 176.000 euro. Tel: 616 939 326, 966 773 985, www.hf-immo.com LA ZENIA BEACH Terraced house, 3 bedrooms, bathroom, guest toilet, alarm, roof terrace, off road parking, community pool, lovely sea views, quiet gated community. Only a short walk to the beach! 164.000 euro. Tel: 616 939 326, 966 773 985, www.hf-immo.com WE ARE LOOKING FOR RESALE PROPERTIES ON THE ORIHUELA COSTA. IF YOU WANT TO SELL YOURS, PLEASE CONTACT US. T el: 616 939 326, 966 773 985, www.hf-immo.com RIOJA, VILLAMARTIN terraced bungalow, 2 bed, 1 bath. Well presented, garden,terrace, large roof solarium with planning permission for additional bed & bath. Fully furnished, comm pool, close to amenities. BARGAIN PRICE €99,900. Phone 628 932 137.

PUNTA PRIMA APARTMENT with 2 beds, 1 bath. Secure property with intercom system and lift. 2 balconies, fully furnished, separate kitchen, communal pool, option to buy garages. Now Reduced €78,500 Call Price Crash Property on 628 932 137. MONTEBELLO 3 bed, 2 bath Quad House situated in a quiet road close to local amenities. Good size lounge, a separate raised dining area, and a separate fully equipped kitchen leading to a utility room. The master bedroom benefits from its own private terrace. The property comes fully furnished and has a private garden, off-road parking and a communal pool.€122,500. Price Crash Property on 628 932 137. TERRACE HOUSE IN ROCAJUNA 3 bed, 2 bath property in a secure, gated urb over-looking the large communal pool. Good size lounge/ dining area with a fireplace, fully fitted separate kitchen and a g/f shower room. 2 bedrooms and a family bathroom on the 1st floor, master bed with private balcony. Large 3rd bedroom on the top floor with a glazed balcony, ideal for an extra sitting room or a study. €117,400 Call Price Crash Property on 628 932 137. TORREBLANCA La Mata top floor apartment/bungalow. 1 Bed, 1 bath, sun room, new fitted american kitchen. Balcony off bedroom with beautiful sea views, use of 2 communal pools. This is an ideal holiday retreat at a bargain price of €64,450. Phone Price Crash Property on 628 932 137. DETACHED VILLA in Blue Lagoon, San Miguel de Salinas. 400sqm plot. Separate dining room with a beamed ceiling, large lounge and good sized separate kitchen. On this floor there are 2 bedrooms, and 2 bathrooms. Marble heating, A/C, sat TV. Downstairs are 2 further large bedrooms which have independent access; however the under build can easily be connected internally if required. Beautifully landscaped garden with extensive terraced areas and a large roof solarium with lovely views, garage and a hot tub! €256,000. Phone Price Crash Property on 628 932 137. CREVILLENTE finca currently being used as a B&B business.

For Rent Luxury 2 & 3 Bedroom (2 Bathroom) apartments in the centre of San Miguel de Salinas, video entry, marble entrance,lift to all floors – underfloor heating, roof top pool,next to supermarket, stunning views From: 385€ per month Call 965 720 817 or 616 493 487


Spacious furnished 3 bedroom apartment for sale in middle of beautiful village. 110m². New kitchen with dishwasher and washing machine, 1 bathroom and 1 shower room. Bars, restaurants, supermarkets, pharmacy all within a couple of minutes walk. Large terrace at back of the apartment overlooking orange groves and balconies off 2 bedrooms. Trastero and private parking. AP-7 3 minutes by car.

€200,000 Tel: 617 893 036 or email kath_poole@hotmail.com


Buyer’s structural surveys, defects reports & solutions Mark Paddon BSc Hons Building Surveying. MCIOB. T 0034 962 807 247 M 0034 653 733 066

2000sqm plot in the countryside with pool and BBQ area. Finca has 3 beds and 2 baths (divided into an owners and a letting suite). There are also 2 cassitas in the grounds each with 1 bedroom and 1 bathroom €300,000. Call Price Crash Property on 628 932 137. VISIT OUR WEBSITE www. pricecrashproperty.com for more bargain properties on the Costa Blanca. SICKNESS FORCE SELL Villamartin Blue Lagoon,Villa, 400qm plot, 180 qm livingspace, garage, 2 sep apartments 4 bedrooms 3 bathrooms,seaview Make an Offer 669 283 973 www.costablancaproperties24. com LOS ALTOS Bungalow,2 bedrooms,terrace, 96.000 €, 669 283 973 www. costablancaproperties24.com SICKNESS FORCE SELL Villamartin EL Galan,Villa, 240qm plot 4-5 bedrooms, pool, seaview, southwestfacing Make an Offer 669 283 973 www. costablancaproperties24.com SPECIAL OFFER, LOS ALTOS Detached Villa, 2 bedrooms, terrace, furnished com - pool, roofterrace, 220 qm plot, only 117.000 € 669 283 973 FOR OUR RUSSIAN CLIENTS we require looked after 2nd hand properties pref. near the beach) from La Mata to Cabo Roig Palmera Mar Inmobiliaria since 2000 Tel/Fax (Manfred) 966 764 678 - 669 283 973

BAR BISTRO FOR SALE on popular lemon tree market. Excellent potencial. 88 cover. Sale due to ill health. Tel: 966180-168/ 655-479-753 LUXURY VILLA For sale on the Costa Blanca North. A luxury 9 bedroom villa, set in a quiet area, 15mins walk to the blue flag beaches of Calpe. Currently operating as a small bed and breakfast accomodation. The property could be used for many other activities. This property must be viewed to be appreciated. This is an opportunity not to be missed! For further details contact 628-499448 or 965-837-948. PINE FURNITURE Large quantity of flat pack solid pine furniture for sale, includes double and treble wardrobes, bedside cabinets, chest of draws, mirrors, tall boys, side boards, dressing tables, single beds, double beds, king size beds, bookcases, etc. Too much to list, for details tel 628-499-448.

30 april - 06 may 2010

SERVICE AIR David Higton: (Tel) 966-865-883 (Mob) 629308-505 (Email) cool@serviceair.biz

SUN BLINDS - AWNINGS Established in 1992 and still offering a reliable service for: Installation of all types of sun

CONSTRUCCIONES PASTOR Building and maintenance without complications. Call 96584-7284 Mobile. 627-706-405. www.construccionesaltea.com

blind, manual or electric. Material replacement and repairs. Mosquito blinds for doors and windows. Roller shutter blind repairs. Contact Tony Bowers on 659-464-992 or 965-831272. www.toldosalchemy.com email info@toldosalchemy. com English/Spanish spoken.

INTERIOR PAINTER One bedroom property from 135€. Two bedroom property from 200€. Three bedroom property from 265€. Fast, reliable service. Will quote for exterior painting. No job too small. For more info. tel: 634-793-984

Villamartin Hot Tub Centre 120sq m Unit for rent within our very very busy shop and showroom

700€ per month

Please call the office on 966 764 878 or mobile 685 442 656 for more info

VAN LAVING UK TO SPAIN 10th May. Great Rates. I’ll even do your shopping whilst there. Tesco, Argos, B&Q Etc. Any other goods required bringing over. Contact Joe 966-074576 or 650-341-087 or email civic1235@msn.com BMC REMOVALS High volume new luton vehicle. We have over 15 yrs of experience covering all of Europe and the UK providing a professional and reliable service with a personal touch. If you want the best removal company then call Sue on 620044-983 or email bmctransport@ live.com GRAHAM’S TRANSPORT 24/7 Deliveries, Collection. Spain- UK- Spain or any where in Europe. Reasonable rates. Storage facilities are available in Spain and UK. Tel: Lyn or Graham 661-752-010/ 00447733-329-305 SPANISH LINKS LTD Low budget door to door fast collection & quick delivery removals or storage. Weekly reliable service. Full or part loads and even small deliveries. Spain/ UK/Spain. Credit or Debit cards accepted www.spanishlinks. co.uk Telephone UK office 00441209-843-971 LARGE EMPTY VAN with experienced owner, driver returning to UK regularly. Dave: 965-329-610/ 686-767-839 STORAGE/ VAN HIRE/ REMOVALS First class storage facilities north and south CB with free access, low cost van hire with or without driver, local and international removals, boxes and packing materials for sale. Call 965-681-605 CB south or 965-760-111 CB North www. securistore.com MAN & LWB SPRINTER VAN going to UK- Spain twice a month. Tel: 610-846-260 or 0044-7519-186-355 email van. man@hotmail.co.uk MICK WITH HIS VAN Removals Collections Deliveries. For a reliable effective service. Hourly rate or quote. Call Mick anytime 600-247-535

SPANISH CLASSES MondayFriday (mornings) My house


or your house. Good prices. Sara(La Nucia) 677-340-292. PRACTICE YOUR SPANISH WEEKLY with a native teacher. Improve your speaking ability. On the internet or personally. From 5€/ person. Call Martin 600-400668 www.howtospeakspanish.es BRITISH GRADUATE TEACHER offers secondary/ primary tuition. English/ mathematics. Tel: margaret Johnson B.Ed. 965-350-516/ 616-660-687

SKY FREE TO VIEW Small dish & mesh upgrades, yes back on 90?. BBC, ITV, CH4 & lots more. Also installations/ repairs. 10 years. Torrevieja. 679-876-926 SKY UK ENGINEER Famaval Satalite Dishes, Trade prices from 395€. Sky Sports, Sky HD, Home Cinema. Tel: 965-070-458/ 618-585-051 FREE VIEW TV SKY SPORTS Freeview TV, World Cup, Digital Box Upgrade, Sky Sports 1 2 3. No Contract Required Short Term Hire Availiable Details Paul 680-938-184

COMPLETE SKY SYSTEM Including free to view card. Installed and guaranteed for only 349€. Hurry whilst stocks last. Tel: 617-911-118. CRYSTAL CLEAR SATELLITE & TELEVISION Forget the rest go to the best for all your digital & TV requirements Steve 660186-505 Ros 965-584-097 www. ccsattv.com info@ccsattv.com DIGITAL SATELLITE SYSTEMS Largest supplier and installer of famaval satellite equipment on the costa blanca. A genuine registered company with genuine registered premises. Mon-fri 8:00- 4:30. Www. digitalsatsystems.com 965-852251/ 965-866-999/ 965-854-528/ 966-804-748 (or see our main ad in the tv section)

INTERPRETER cheap rates, I can help out with: Medical, Police, Schools, Admin. Call Olivia 605-778-559 TRANSLATOR Spanish and English speaking. Available for medical visits etc. Benidorm and surrounding areas. Tel Dawn: 626-337-258.


30 april - 06 may 2010



or call 666 888 870

PRACTICAL INFORMATION ISBN No. is 978-84-611-9278-6


British & Spanish used car sales


3,950€ 2,750€ 1950€ 2,400€ 1,950€ 4,950€ 950€ 3,750€ 1,750€ 4,750€


Tel: 620 738 023 10am to 5pm


Cars wanted for cash LHD/RHD

installation, plumbing, electrical, boilers, fencing, painting, balustrades, tiling & general maintenance. Small jobs welcome. Torrevieja surrounding area. Tel: 965-328-361/ 680-934-549

WOODWORM, BORING BEETLE, OR TERMITE problems? Call Woodtech now on 625-160-325 COCKROACHES, RATS, MICE, WASPS OR HORNET problems? Call Pestkill now on 625-160-325


WEDDING PHOTOGRAPHER Now with video highlights included as standard. Contact Steve 966-470-163/662-570-702 .

registered business who have been operating on the Costa Blanca for 6 years. We offer a professional, reliable, safe and efficient pool service, inc. re-grouting, pressure testing and leak repairs. Private and community swimming pools undertaken. Call now for more

PALM & TREE TRIMMING/ REMOVAL all gardening maintenance. 619-336-762 GARDEN SERVICES private or community gardens. Cut costs not quality. 619-336-762

information on 965-725-565 or mobile 676-945-360/ 620-743048 www.pooltechspain.com

GENERAL BUILDING WORK carried out. Competitive rates. 619-336-762 WELD IT RITE Mobile welding/ repair service, Metal carpentry/ Fabrication projects. Time served & quallified. tel: 966490-338 Mobile 638-479-467 Email iwanegan@hotmail.co.uk (Moraira based) QUALIFIED BRITISH TELEVISION SATELLITE SERVICE ENGINEER... Same day service, all work guaranteed. Call Steve 617-911-118. GUALIFIED TRADESMEN Air Conditioning. Satalitle TV

GOING HOME? Perfect! RHD VOLVO S40 1.6 SE 2001, saloon, 1 previous keeper, only 79,000 miles with full service history and new MOT, high spec. model with alloys, aircon and much more. Stunning car, met. Silver. 4,250€ or exchange for your Spanish car. Tel Frank 600726-221 more nice RHD cars in stock www.fwreurocars.com FORD FUSION 1.6 TREND June 2007, 5 door, 1 owner, 39,000kms, FSH, high spec. with alloys, aircon, front fogs and more. Light met. Ceramic blue, show room condition. Coming this week. P.O.A Don’t miss it. Tel. Frank 600-726-221 www. fwreurocars.com 7 SEATER Look, FORD GALAXY 1.9TDCi GHIA, Nov. 2004, MPV, 7 seats, alloys, climate, front fogs, CD, Roof rails, 2 owners, 79,000kms, FSH, beautiful condition. 10,750€ BE QUICK! Coming this week! Tel. Frank 600-726-221 www. fwreurocars.com FORD FOCUS 1.6 TDCI 5 door trend, new shape, Aug. 2008, 1 owner, only 7,600kms, high spec model with 16” sport alloys, cruise control, climate, f/fogs and much much more. As new,

30 april - 06 may 2010 beautiful light met. Blue. 11,950€ wont be here long! Be quick! Tel. Frank 600-726-221/ 965-687-976 www.fwreurocars.com BARGAIN! OPEL CORSA New ITV new Tyres, new CD, just serviced. Only 1,495€. Tel. Frank 600-726-221/ 965-687-976 www.fwreurocars.com LHD/ RHD VEHICLES We buy, we sell, we exchange. Cash waiting. Tel Frank 600-726-221 HYUNDAI GETZ 1.2 2004, 75,000kms, CD, aircon, 5 door, white, 4,500€ ono. Call 661-938-806 RHD FORD TRANSIT 2001, 2.4d, Semi High Top, LWB, Tax & MOT. Clean, drives well. 2500€. Ph 628-667-582 SEAT IBIZA, RED 1.4 petrol, 4 door, 1998. All electric, ITV, 1195€ ono. Call 966-772-153 or 616-343-218 FORD FOCUS TDCI ESTATE 2003 Spanish car, 130,000Km, new clutch, drives superbly. 4,460€. Denia 686-624-102. OPEL CORSA 1.4 - YEAR 1995 Ideal as a first car for a new driver. A few “dings” in the bodywork but well maintained and cared for. 3 new tyres, MOT to Jan 2011, DVD player etc. 995€ ONO tlf 691-202-307. Altea area (close to Benidorm) 2001 AUDI A4 TDI Black/ Beige leather, Electric seats/ 18’’ Alloy Wheels, Electrical sunroof/ LHD Spanish plates. 10.900€ Negociable. Call 697-421-568 RENAULT MEGAN II COMFORT EXP 1.9DCI 2004, 5dr, L/H/D, 87,000klms, 2yrs ITV, SILVER. Climate Control. Trip comp, E/W, E/M, Remote C/L, Keyless start. CD Stereo player, 6 Air Bags, Censor lights/mirror Alarm & Imob. Recent tyres, battery, front disks& pads. Very economical, VGC, genuine reason for sale, 5495 euros ono. Tel: 680-159-391. (RTN apologize for a mis print on the price last week) WANTED I buy any car, van, Caravan, 4x4 Etc. British, Spanish. Immediate cash 600-781-873 ibuyanycar@ hotmail.com FORD FOCUS diesel, silver 1.6, full service history from new. 42,000kms. 5,300€. Tel: 965-796-702 IVECO 7.5 TONNE BOX LORRY 2001. Tail lift, ideal for taking back to the UK. £1200 recently spent on MOT etc. 3200€. Call 616-343-218

WANTED UK registration right hand drive cars. Immediate cash settlement. Please phone Rod 687-434-950 or 966-462-089

FOR SALE Static Home with large extension,views of mountains- fully furnished with outside store- Pine Sheds- 3Km to Albetera. MUST SEE owner moving back to UK Contact Cheryl on 608-021-331 Price 12,000€ AITANA STATIC MOBILE HOME 3 years old, camping Almafra, benidorm, 2 bedrooms, aircon, washer, television, large raised decking. Many extras!. 27,000€. Rita 625-733-611 MOBILE/ PARK HOMES from 18.000€. TV, A/C, Tel. Some with conservatories, permanent site, pool, Tennis, bar, supermarket, 5 mins walk San Javier. All amenities, 3km beach & hospital. 7 mins Murcia airport by car. Also bungalows to rent. Carol 968-192-425/ 626055-622. EMAIL: haydn47@ hotmail.com Web: www. mobilehomesmarmenorspain. com

SPORTS POWERBOAT 5M comes with 90hp engine, trailer and all equipment, can be seen working. Excellent condition only €6500 call 638-056-224

FAMILYBIKEHIRE.COM HireSales-Repairs. The largest selection of bike hire equipment on the Costa Blanca, free delivery and collection. Tel: 966-774-598/ 655-338066. See us at WWW. CostaBlancaBikeHire.COM (Spanish registered)

EXTRA INCOME MONTHLY Tax Free. Would 200 Euros approx + Per Week Help? Members Only Club - Free Membership for first 25 joining. Work From Home With A Computer&Internet in Afternoons approx 1-2 Hours Details: EMail to horces@gmail.com AVON NEED AGENTS AND LEADERS work hours to suit yo. For info Phone Rosh 966-785-520 CHEF/COOK REQUIRED FOR POPULAR RESTAURANT IN EL RASO. Part time leading to full time for the right applicant. Experience essential. Previous applicants need not apply. Call 636-889-232

LINE DANCING every Friday, absolute beginers 11.00AM12noon. Improver intermediate 12Noon -1.30PM. Bar Patricia’s, Torreta’s Torrevieja. New classes commencing 30th March @ Vistabella Gold Club 10,00am12.00. Call John or Amanda 606-783-989/ 688-611-789


Fully Qualified Nail Technican, working with Acrylic and Gel nails, required for well established Hair and Beauty Salon in Moraira. Must be competent in all aspects of the business. Telephone Angie at: Shop 96 574 5357 or Mobile 659 921 877.

FOR SALE 4 seats from Alicante to Bristol 29th April oneway Ryanair offers Tel 96 679 0986

BALLROOM/ LATIN/ SEQUENCE DANCING with LA BAMBA’s. Los Arcos Restaurant, Avenida Balaeres, Torrevieja, SOCIAL DANCE: Saturday 7pm- 10pm: TUITION: Beginners Monday 10.30am. Bienvenido Chinese Restaurant La Zenia: Beginners Wednesday 7.30pm; Thursday 11.30am; Intermediates Friday 11am. Tel: Andrea 616-478-157 SINGLE IN SPAIN? DON’T BE! www.iwant2meetyou.com Spain’s No1 online dating site. Bringing Ex-Pats and other English speakers together DATEMED.ES Great new online dating site for English speaking people on the Costa Blanca. Free memberships - Join Now! www.datemed.es

MISTRESS JASMINE will see you now for all your needs in her fully equiped Dungeon near Benidorm. 608-250-649 NEW ONLINE SEX SHOP Over 3000 items privacy assured. bigmelonssexshop.com LETS HAVE FUN! 63yr old sub/ Dom, switch for men, woman, couples, love mature woman, same sex, couples & crossdressers. Call me (low rate) 655-058-554 TORREVIEJA CHINESE SUPER SEXY GIRL! Young and beautiful. Calle Orihuela Nº60, 2º1 DVDS! Gay, Sado, Bestial, you name it! 7 for 25€. Tel: 697-647-367 SPANISH LADY, PLAYA FLAMENCA Near new Carrefour before La Florida. 35 years, attractive, classy lady, private house, parking. Offers all erotic services, massage, sexy lingerie, economical prices from 40€, full discretion. Call Ana 680-735-412. NEW PLACE! TORREVIEJA Sexy girls from South America. Come and enjoy, economical prices from 40€. NEW ADDRESS Zone Los Locos beach. 639-622-285 CASA ANGELA TORREVIEJA Luxury Private Chalet, parking. Drinks invitation. Feeling alone? Just want some company? Exotic girls from South America. Call us, come and enjoy! Also Escort Service. Full discretion. Street: Avenida Asociacion Vistimas del Terrorismo. 609-573-468 or 639-832-118 GORGEOUS ENGLISH BLOND 45 years, gives discreet massage, 1 hour or over night stay, 15 mins Alicante airport. Tel: Karen 662-049-021 THE WEATHER MAY HAVE COOLED but Tanya is still hot! All inclusive 40€. Tel: 626-324-088 JAVEA, MORAIRA East European lady, super erotic massage and more. 661-034-261 Hotel & Home visits

SOLO GUITARIST/ VOCALIST seeks work, blues & Country. In

bars etc. No set price. Pay what you can afford. Tel: Charlie 691622-804 www.myspace.com/ bluesmancharlielindsay

WE SELL & HIRE mobility scooters and wheelchairs. Very cheaply. Janet 697-647-367 PRESTIGE NURSING offers Legal, Registered and Professional Home Care on the Costa Blanca. All your home nursing care service needs can be undertaken by our highly trained nursing/ domiciliary team. Call Prestige Nursing on 687-015-517 PRESTIGE NURSING offers Legal, Registered and Professional Home Care on the Costa Blanca. All your home nursing care service needs can be undertaken by our highly trained nursing / domiciliary team. Call Prestige Nursing on 687-015-517 JODIE’S GELS Nail technician: Gel nail extensions, gel nail overlays, gel toenails. Finishes: French, colour, glitter. Repairs. Tel: 622-244-613. WEIGHT WATCHERS Call our free English Call Centre now to find your nearest Meeting. 900-818-794 CREATIVE NAILS Creative acrilic nails. You come to me (Alfaz Del Pi) or I’ll come to you (Altea - Villajoyosa). Fully qualified, 15 years experience. Tel: 669-126-281.

SPRINGER SPANIEL PUPPIES 2 male pups lovely markings, pedigree parents, calm, intelligent, excellent family pets. Tel 699-203-136 PAWS PET TRANSPORT door to door service, all pets are fully insured, vehicle has a/con. your pet will be exercised every 2/3 hours, and be rest assures your pets will be treated as if they belonged to us, we may have the cheapest rates in Spain so why not give us a ring for a chat on 966-074-576/ 650-341-087 or email pawspettransport@ hotmail.com Web: www. pawspettransport.com PETZBACK HOME LTD Professional door to door pet transportation. UK/Spain/UK. Travel in our petmobile with your pets for free (subject to availability). Or treat yourself in one of our air conditioned luxury vehicles with our fully chaperoned Limo Service. A regular, reliable and safe service. Defra pet passport advice given. ww.petzbackhome.co.uk Credit or Debit cards accepted. Telephone UK office 0044-1209-843-971 NEED YOUR DOG TAKING CARE OF? No Kennels, Just a friendly home. Larfe fenced garden (Altea) Tel: 699-790-080 HOME FROM HOME caring dog


Karen is organizing a fashion show for the LIONS Charity and is still looking for models who are interested to show on the catwalk. Unfortunately this is not paid, as it’s for a charity. But certainly good exposure and experience for yourself. Pictures will also be taken for free which you can use in your portfolio. This will happen JUNE 12TH.

Call Karen for all details 669 030 892 Costa Blanca Models

boarding with experienced owner in my rural home near La Marina. No kennels. Inspection welcome. Tel 616-459-599 SMALL DOGS CARED FOR IN OUR OWN HOME so if you need to go away on holiday but don’t want your dog to go into kennels then we will look after them. References available on request. Call Diane and Trish: 965843781 or 622514980 (Altea Area)

WANTED BASS PLAYER/ SINGER or Keyboard player/ Singer. to join working band playing general covers from the 60\’s to present day music, any age group considered, must be enthusiastic and willing to gig. WANTED!! LARGE BIRD CAGE or Aviary for lovebirds. 638-253-684 WE BUY YOUR STOCK FOR CASH We purchase closing down stock, over runs, buy bankrupt stock, salvage and clearance stock. Contact us NOW for quick cash on 675-218-436 or 966-196-777. or email your inventory or queries to insolvencyespana@yahoo.es. Or if you’re looking for stock to buy, visit our website at www.liquidacionfinal.es HOUSE/ PET SITTER AVAILABLE July & August, UK - Spain. Call Gail 669-126-281.

DRIVING TO THE UK? English owned B&B in France close to the Spanish border. Peaceful location, ideal for your stopovers. Please ring for details: 0033-562-33-19-62 or visit website: www.millefleursbb.co.uk

AT MICHAEL’S Customer-tocustomer Service: you can sell your furniture on our website for only 3:- euros per item! For more info look at: www.michaels-javea. comTel 96-579 1328 AT MICHAEL’S Two matching swivel chairs with foot stools, as new. Yellow leather suite


(3+2+1). Dark brown mock leather recliners. See photos (updates every 5-6 days): www.michaelsjavea.com AT MICHAEL’S Industrial Miele tumble dryer. Two industrial large fridges with locks. Large American fridge. Portable Jacuzzi (NEW in box). Video players. Look at: www. michaels-javea.com AT MICHAEL’S English divans (New and pre owned). Beds with motors. Guest beds. Large King size pine bed and more. Quick delivery! See over 600 photos on: www.michaels-javea.comTel 96-579 1328 AT MICHAEL’S you also get NEW high quality Spanish beds. All sizes available as we deal directly with the manufacturers! Famous brands like United Colors of Benetton, etc www.michaelsjavea.com SHOP FITTINGS & EQUIPMENT FOR SALE Shop racking to fit 90m2 area. Chest Freezers, glass fronted fridges, open fronted chiller, Epos till system, flat screen and scanner plus much more. Please contact 688 666 999/ 622 380 570 or email tollica@aol.com for further details LOOSE COVERS Curtains etc. Made to measure. Choose from a wide range of beautiful materials in your own home. Javea based. Tel: 965-771-397/ 686-453-827 PINE FURNITURE SALE www. gata-discount-pine.com PINE FURNITURE SALE King size bed + under-bed drawers 285€. Tel: 628-499-448. PINE FURNITURE SALE Double bed + under-bed drawers 270€. Tel: 628-499-448. PINE FURNITURE SALE Double wardrobe 180€. Tel: 628-499-448. PINE FURNITURE SALE CD stand 80€. Tel: 628-499-448. PINE FURNITURE SALE Hall mirror 85€. Tel: 628-499-448. PINE FURNITURE SALE Gate leg table 60€. Tel: 628-499-448. PINE FURNITURE SALE Bookcase 57€. Tel: 628-499-448. PINE FURNITURE SALE Wine table 30€. Tel: 628-499-448. PINE FURNITURE SALE Side table 30€. Tel: 628-499-448. PINE FURNITURE SALE Dressing table mirror 30€. Tel: 628-499-448. PINE FURNITURE SALE 2 drawer bedside 23€. Tel: 628-499-448. RECORDS AND CDS WANTED Pop, Rock, Jazz, Etc. Specially collections and lots. Top cash paid. 630-665-363 LA MARINA FURNITURE All Furniture Bought & Sold At Unbeatable Prices. Now Also In Shop, New Linen, Lingerie, Jewellery & JML Products. Also Cars Bought For Cash. Come and visit La Marina Furniture shop on the main street through La Marina. Call Allan on 966-443-370 or 625-985-491 FLYING FLOWERS beautiful bouquets to any UK address. Order by credit or debit card. Call Kelly’s 965-761-595/ 966-425-713 POOL TABLES, SNOOKER TABLES Table Tennis Tables Tel; 666-933-726


30 april - 06 may 2010

30 APRIL - 06 MAY 2010


Classifieds Agents

Now it’s even easier to place a classified advert with the RTN by using our official agents listed below! Cars, Houses, Boats, Computers find them all in the classifieds section. Or maybe you have unwanted items to sell or something to offer? Our classified agents will be happy to help you whatever your needs.


ROUND TOWN TRAVEL 1, Avenida Dr Severo Ochoa, 1, Urb. El Admiral, Local 1, Rincon Benidorm, 03503, Alicante. Lisa 966 811 123 BENIDORM ROUND TOWN TRAVEL 2, Calle Gerona, 39, Benidorm, 03503, Alicante. (Next to Hotel Ambassador) Kerry/Gemma 966 813 261 BENIDORM ROUND TOWN TRIPS, Calle Narcisco Yepes, 4, Local 8, Albir, 03581, Alicante. (Opp. Golf Course, next to Kwik Save) Lee/Jackie 966 867 294 • lee@roundtowntrips.com ALBIR PROMINENT, Teulada Industrial Est. Calle Llanterner, 2 alto, 03725, Teulada, Alicante. Marja 965 793 229 • espana@prominent.nu MILLIE MUNRO INSURANCE, Avenida Lepanto, 6, 03726, Benitachell, Alicante. Millie 966 493 082 • millie@milliemunro.com MICHAEL’S FURNITURE SHOP, Avenida Lepanto, 9, Javea Port. Cristina 965 791 328 • astorga@telefonica.net EASYBUY, Avenida del Portet 24, Moraira. 03724 Alicante 965 745 969



BARGAIN BOOKS, Plaza Juan Carlos 1, Nº 2, San Miguel de Salinas, 03193, Alicante. (Opp. Tourist Info) Gaynor/Lee 688 667 389 • leeshaw.evans@gmail.com SAN MIGUEL

ALADDIN’S Disappointed with offers elsewhere on Jewellery etc? Telephone 966-457-291 WANTED INSTANT CASH PAID Antique and modern jewelley, bought sold & part exchanged, insurance valuations. Jewellery & watch repairs. Alexanders, Javea Port seafront near Bar Esquina. Established since 2003 Tel: 965-792-595.

JOHNSONS EL LIMONAR,JCP Commercial Center, Local 31, Los Altos Del Limonar, Torrevieja, 966 785 600 TORREVIEJA JOHNSONS QUESADA, Ava. Las Naciononies 1a -17, Quesada, 966 717 848 QUESADA JOHNSONS ALGORFA, Local 30, Commercial Center La Finca Golf, Algorfa, 966 729 647

ALGORFA THE POST ROOM, Centro Comercial 5, Via Park III, Calle Panticosa Nº 2, Los Altos, 03189, Orihuela Costa, Alicante. Aoife/Chris 965 319 665 • aoifesweeney@hotmail.com ORIHUELA PENNYS SUPERMARKET, Flamenca Beach Comercial Centre, Unit 123, Playa Flamenca, 03189, Orihuela Costa, Alicante. Peter/Sarah 966 733 257 • bulldogstores@live.com ORIHUELA PRINT SOLUTIONS, Avenida Londres 136, La Marina Urb, San Fulgencio, 03177, Alicante. Jim/Trish 966 790 520 • jim@printsolutionsspain.com SAN FULGENCIO INTERPOST, Avenida de la Alegria Nº 32, La Marina, 03194, Alicante. Malika/Malcolm 965 419 673 • Inter-post100@live.com

GENTS PETROL MOTOR BICYCLE price 230euros. Altea area, tlf 686-513-510 KINGSIZE SLEIGH BED Polished Cherry Wood, as new, 275.00euros La Nucia Area. Tlf : 966-873-279 FOR SALE- OFFICE FURNITURE DESKS, CHAIRS & PHONES. Brand new and in perfect condition. Call 636-889-232 WHEELCHAIR Light, foldable, hardly used, LIKE NEW. 175.00€. Tel: 627-019-403. LA MARINA FURNITURE All Furniture Bought & Sold At Unbeatable Prices. Now Also In Shop, New Linen, Lingerie, Jewellery & JML Products. Also Cars Bought For Cash. Come and visit La Marina Furniture shop on the main street through La Marina. Call Allan on 966443-370 or 625-985-491


VILLAMARTIN SATELLITE CENTRE, Avenida Las Brisas 33, Villamartin, 03189, Alicante. (Near Supervalu, Los Dolses) . Sarah/Heather 966 764 878 • villamartinsatellitecentre@yahoo.co.uk VILLAMARTIN BEST WISHES, Local 30, Comercial Centre Hispania, Avda de la Union 72, San Javier, 30730, Murcia. Kathy 968 192 235 • kaffywalker@hotmail.com MURCIA ONONIX MAR SL, Calle Mayor 30, bajo derecha, Guardamar, 03140, Alicante. Ron/Alicia 965 728 178 aliciamuddle@ononix.com GUARDAMAR FOR SALE Beautiful old convertible snooker/dining table with original ivory balls. Slate base. Gd con. 2.00m x 1.10m. 750€ono. Call Andy 630949883.

ALADDIN’S For quality furniture and second hand household goods at prices that won’t dent your wallet telephone 966-457-291

2nd Hand Don’t whisper about your business Furniture bought for cash 966 723 437 or about 965 720 817


For sale by Private Seller

Royal Albert Bone China, design Belinda (white back ground, gold edging on rims and pretty country-flower border). This would make and ideal wedding/anniversary present. Tea Set, comprising: Teapot, Milk Jug, Sugar Basin, 6 teacups and saucers, 6 cake/bread and butter plates, Large B & B/Sandwich plate, 3 tier cake stand. Tea Set Value (+/-) 325euros....sell for 275euros Coffee Set, Comprising: Tall Coffee pot, 6 coffee cups and saucers, Creme Jug, Sugar dish. Coffee Set value (+/-) 180euros.... sell for 150euros Dinner service, comprising. 6 large dinner plates, 6 salad plates, large oval meat platter, round chop plate, gravy/sauce boat & plate, vegitable tureen with lid. Dinner service value (+/-) 400euros....sell for 350euros. All in excellent condition. Will sell as three seperate lots but would prefer to see all go to the same home. Also, 6 x large, Bohemian crystal sundae dishes, matching design but different colours. Value (+/-) 56euros...sell for 35euros. 4 x Fine Glass, Irish Coffee Mugs sell for 25euros.

Tlf: 96-584-4801/691-202-307

ANIMAL AID TEL: 965725794 WWW.ANIMALAIDCOSTABLANCA.ORG ALICIA & DEGSY are two adorable 8 month old puppies in desperate need of a loving new home. They are brother & sister Labrador/Doberman crosses & love being together, playing & cuddling. They have truly lovely natures. Could you love them? Please call Linda, Animal Aid tel: 965725794 www.animalaidcostablanca.org

OZ KENNELS 968 431 265 OR 968 431 590 This mum and her pup are to be sent


A.P.A.S.A. 618 754 635 WWW.APASA-JAVEA.ORG


ALDEA FELINA-DENIA LYNDA - 648 100 629 Ginny is a gorgeous torty who loves to be fussed and is desperate for a home. If you would like to adopt Ginny, or any of our other cats/kittens please call. See our website http://aldea-felina.blogspot.com.



K9 Club 676 447 682 k9club@lamarina.info www.petsinspain.info

EASY HORSE CARE RESCUE 96 596 7033 or 652 021 980

JOE THE CATMAN 96 671 9272

WWW.GIVEADOGAHOME.ES 619 938 955 Toy Terriers. Little beauties, 2 female, 3 male. Born at the kennels and ready for new homes. Fully weened. Ideal for small dog lovers !! for more info on any of our dogs call 619938955. or visit our website www.giveadogahome.es


APAH has several puppies of ages between 6 weeks and 8 weeks old who are now ready to be adopted into loving homes. They will grow up to be varying sizes between small dogs to medium/large dogs. Some were lucky enough to have their mother look after them, others were unlucky and have had to be bottle fed by volunteers.

Homer was starving and on initial inspection it was obvious that he had been attacked by a larger dog because he had wounds to his right hip and his right ear. He is a medium size German Shepherd cross, 15 months old, a very friendly dog. PAWS LINDA ON 646 645 035

Jo is a beautiful boy of around 6 months. His owners have to move back to the UK and can´t take him with them so he needs someone to love and look after him. He is a sweetheart and will make a loving companion. If you are interested in Jo, or any of the cats or kittens that we have, please contact Linda on 646 645 035

to the pound if they cannot be homed or fostered could someone please help them DESIREA, female, Shelter since 14.10.2007 Spaniel Cross, DOB approx. Oct. 2006 – 45 cm She’s rather like a jack-in-thebox and is continually ready for affection and a game. Desirea would like to have a sportive family who would have a lot of action with her. She walks well on the lead and she is very fond of water Erin is 2-3 years old and is an Argentine Dogo X. Her foster carer says she has never seen such a gentle loving dog and considers that she would be a very loyal companion. All she asks for is a bit of love and a good home. For more information please telephone P.E.P.A on 650304746. Suffering from COPD, a pulmonary disease, Malibu was fighting for breath when we found him. We doubted he’d make it to the centre alive. Emergency treatment to keep his airways open saved his life. Fresh air and a good diet keep him healthy. Open days Wednesday & Sunday 1-4pm.

APAH CONTACT YVONNE ON 630 422 563 Emily and Tess are two beautiful sisters, who are very affectionate towards each other. Both of them are quite large cats, and have lived together since birth. They are happy to be stroked and handled by people, but Tess the tabby female is the more confident and outgoing of the two and Emily a ginger/white is gentle and shy. Urgent! Baños de Fortuna. Female dog, German Shephard type, 9 years old, ca. 25kgs, 21 inches high at the shoulders, sterilized and with all her vaccinations, shy and loving. Male dog, large mix-breed, 4 years old, ca. 25 - 30 kgs, 28 inches high at the shoulders, sterilized and with all his vaccinations, friendly and loving. Owners must return to England for assisted living and cannot take the dogs with them. Call Ayisha or Michael at 968 685 837

THE R GANG are a litter of 6 puppies who came to the kennels last month. They are cute little dogs who love playing with their siblings and their toys, running around one minute and sleeping the next. They have started their course of vaccinations and will soon be ready for a new home.

Dixie has been in our pen for over two months, she is very friendly and loves to sit on your lap. She gets along well with the other cats in the pen and will make a very loving addition to any family. Please call Joe (The Cat Man) on 966719272 Luna is a 20 month old miniature Poodle and was left with a neighbour when he moved away. She has a microchip and full record of vaccinations. She has a lovely appealing nature and loves to sit on your lap. or more information please call 676 447 682


30 APRIL - 06 MAY 2010

The final whistle Champions League special With Andy Kay

Cartagena lose more ground FC CARTAGENA 1 REAL SOCIADAD 1 By Steve Hibberd PLAYING AGAINST 10 men for nearly half the match, Cartagena should really have capitalised against table topping Real Sociadad. But unfortunately these two dropped points have left Los Albinegros with it all to do if they want to make the huge step up to La Liga football next season. They now lay joint third with Levante on 55 points, a point behind second place Hercules. Neither side played with any real commitment - the first half in particular littered with unforced errors. The game was scrappy, failing to flow for prolonged periods. Real Sociadad opened the scoring after only four mins, through a superb 20

yard blockbuster by Aranburu, which brushed the outstretched fingers of Ruben before nestling in the back of the net. It took only 13 mins for the home side to equalise. A well taken in swinging corner was back headed by Victor perfectly into the path of Herrero at the far post, who side footed home his first goal of the season. Just before the interval De Lucas blasted a long range free kick just wide of the post. Toche gasped in disbelief as his fiercely struck drive was blocked on the line, as Cartagena started the new half brightly. When Aranburu received a second yellow card for a trip on De Lucas Cartagena should really have made numerical advantage count, but they failed to

exert any real pressure. On the stroke of full time Cartagena might have been awarded a penalty for a push on Toche but the match officials decided otherwise. FC CARTAGENA LINE UP Ruben, Exposito, Etxeita, Herrero, Signorino, Lafuente, Mariano, Falcon, De Lucas, Victor, Toch

FORTHCOMING FIXTURE Next up for FC Cartagena is a long trip up north to 14th place, SD Huesca. This div 2a match takes place on Sat 1 May, K.O 6pm. For further information visit www.futbolclubcartgena.com or www.gotocartago.com.

Second successive clean sheet Inter players celebreate the win

YOU WOULD have thought that UEFA would have learnt their lesson after the Norwegian referee fiasco in last year’s semi final between Barcelona and Chelsea. Sadly not. This week, we had the top teams from France, Germany, Italy and Spain in action and the officials came from Switzerland and Belgium. Obviously, they are held in high esteem by the sports governing body but I just don’t get it. Surely a weekly diet of Neuchatel Xamax versus Bellinzona or Germinal Beerschot against Genk (and no, I haven’t made any of those up) isn’t the kind of preparation required to officiate some serious European heavyweights. Now, Massimo Busacca who took charge of the Lyon v Bayern Munich game is highly experienced. He reffed last year’s final in fact but you don’t have to look too far back in his record to find some almighty clangers. At the 2006 World Cup for instance he made some awful decisions, wrongly sending off a player in one game and then failing to dismiss another for a clear red card offence. Indeed, during Tuesday’s match he booked Maxime Gonalons for simply standing his ground and then sent off Cris after he’d pulled off a perfectly legitimate tackle. Enough is enough. We are constantly told by the likes of UEFA that the Champions League is the premier club competition in the world. If so, why can’t they use officials from the top leagues in the world? Furthermore, the decisions of Busacca whilst critical on the night, would have had far reaching consequences for Lyon if they had managed to progress to the final. Both Gonalons and Cris would have been banned from playing. Hasn’t the time come for UEFA to recognise that a lack of a post match appeals process is clearly ridiculous, particularly when it comes to wrongly awarded yellow cards? Incorrect decisions are constantly robbing players of performing in marquee games and it’s wrong. On a similar subject, I thought the dismissal of Inter Milan’s Thiago Motto by Frank de Bleeckere was harsh. Yes, I know the rule is clear – if you raise your hands to another player’s face it’s a sending off offence, but Motto wasn’t even looking at Sergio Busquets when the incident took place and the contact was minimal. Indeed, it wouldn’t have troubled Graham Norton even after 12 rum and cokes. Busquets though went down as if pole-axed by Lennox Lewis. It was a blatant piece of play-acting and again, it should be reviewed by UEFA and Busquets should be retrospectively banned. Finally, whilst I can understand that everyone at Barcelona was upset at going out of the competition, the decision by the club to turn on the sprinklers as Inter Milan celebrated their win was mean spirited, plain and simple. You know, one year, we might have a team that actually accepts a semi final defeat in good grace. But then again, don’t hold your breath.

JOVE ESPANOL 0 FC TORREVIEJA 0 A SECOND successive clean sheet away from home helped give FC Torrevieja another point in another goalless draw. In truth it was a scoreline that summed up the game pretty well, which was low on quality and on chances, but in the key business of avoiding relegation, FC Torrevieja are safe from the drop. This was all largely down as to whether three or four teams would go down, because of the regional status of the teams that would be demoted to the division for next season. A fluid set of factors that have had the supporters twitching over recent

Alone out of drop zone By Steve Hibberd ALTHOUGH NOT pretty to watch by any stretch of the imagination, this point moves Guardamar a point clear of the preferente div relegation places. It was way back last November that Alone last won a league match at Albatera, but in between, many points have been lost from lack of discipline. Lessons have been learnt, for at long last the defence kept a clean sheet, whilst the attack showed imagination. Within two mins Albatera twice shot just over the bar, before Mario almost scored for the home side, but his headed effort was also just too high. Midway through the half, Linero

saw his header well saved as Alone pushed forward for a winner. Another card happy referee, decreed that an innocuous foul by Juanje was worthy of a yellow card inside injury time. Having already been booked, poor Juanje traipsed off the pitch dejectedly, knowing that he will now serve yet another suspension. On Sun 2 May K.O 11.30 hrs, Alone de Guardamar make the short journey to Rojales to take on local rivals Thader, in another vitally important preferente league match. Please phone Steve on 656 579 423 for further information.

weeks, but it appears now, unless there is a dramatic twist, that only three teams will face relegation. Some 250 spectators watched this dull and forgettable match where scoring opportunities were at a premium, and where Juampe was sent off for Torrevieja, 12 minutes into the second half for a second yellow card. The home side were unable to capitalise on this advantage, and themselves had a man sent off with a few minutes remaining. So there are just two games left in what has been a roller-coaster ride of a season, both on and off the field, for FC Torrevieja. The final home match is this Sunday with struggling Onda the visitors for the earlier kick off time of 11.45am.

Vistabella Golf

THE WEEKEND of the 8th May sees the launch of the final Introductory Beginners Course for Golf: this course runs over 2 months with 1 hours of lessons every week. The course gives a full and detailed introduction to golf, covering all the aspects needed to get you started. The fundamentals of the golf swing; pitching; putting; chipping and sand play are all covered over the 8 week course. Beginners groups still have places available on Saturday mornings, either at 10:00 or 11:30. The course price of €85

includes all equipment hire and range balls. Saturday 1st May at Vistabella Golf hosts a Custom Fit and Demo Day in association with WILSON GOLF. Come and try the latest technology available and their range of newest clubs on offer, or book a private fitting session for made to measure clubs to really improve your game. There will be a demonstration and FREE clinic by Academy Professional Simon Foster at 11:30 and 16:00. For further info on academy offers, please contact Vistabella Golf Academy on 661 27 96 16

Cricket España junior trials OVER THE past three weeks Cricket España (CE) has held two Junior Cricket trials for players aged between seven to 18 years of age to form Spanish cricket Squads for U11, U13, U15, U17, and U19 levels. The first trial took place in Barcelona at the superb Olympic Park where 40 juniors took part and where there was a selection of players in all age groups. The second trial took place at Sporting Alfas CC where they had 30 young players in total. From these two trials, plus all other recognised players in other regions of Spain, CE can now be satisfied that they can form strong squads to represent Spain in the future. CE’s Director of Junior Cricket Neil Brook told RTN: “At both trials, we saw some outstanding players. We also have around 30 players that weren’t available for this weekend to pick from as well.” INTERNATIONAL MATCHES Squads will be announced in the near future with various coaches to be selected from by main committee, three players from these trials have been selected to represent Spain in the forthcoming U17 Tournament in the Isle of Man with possibly one more. Neil added: “I will be looking to arrange international matches for these squads to take part or touring schools this I hope to begin later this year but will definitely have matches arranged for 2011. It was pleasing to see all the hard work going on in the various regions by many volunteers who give up there own time for Junior cricket.” GIRLS SQUAD As regards to the cricket playing girls, a number of girls took part in the second trial and they will all be joining their age group squad. Neil commented: “We haven’t enough girls of a certain age to form an individual squad but hope to have a girl squad later this year. I’m aware of other juniors playing cricket throughout the other regions, where I’m waiting for regional officers to let us know who playing there so we can visit these regions to expand junior squads.”

Noel’s world of golf by

Noel Eastwell Professional coach and RTN golf expert 639 730 891

Rise to the challenge ALICANTE GOLF, RTN and Bay Radio have got behind a fantastic golf tournament that will once and for all settle the old argument of just which is the best golf society in the Province of Alicante. There are many good golfers in all our societies and all have handicaps that they are proud of. This will be the first time that they can test themselves against the very best and most consistent golfers on the Costa Blanca in an event that matters to all golfers who play society golf. The chance for your golf society to prove to be the best in Alicante will take place on May 26th & 27th at Alicante Golf, the area’s top championship golf course with a unique pedigree and outstanding record of holding all the biggest and most important events in the area. Alicante Golf has also been chosen to hold the inaugural event because of its experience in holding top quality golf tournaments and its convenient location. The two-day competition will start at 9am each day and we have arranged a special deal with the Hotel Castilla for players who wish to avoid travelling each day from home to the golf course. A twin room and breakfast can be booked for just 54 euros and a triple bed room for just 70 euros. Dinner can be included at a cost of just 12 euros per person. The Hotels Castilla is situated just a few minutes walk from Alicante Golf who will store competitors golf clubs overnight in their secure caddymasters area if required. It will be possible for you to select your tee times although no player may play with another from the same team. Tee times will be allocated at 9-minute intervals with play taking place in groups of four where possible. This will be a Stapleford competition in teams of three with all three scores to count for your society over the two days of competition. Your society can enter a maximum of three teams. Handicaps should be calculated as far as possible along RFEG guidelines and all players must have played at least three times for the golf society that they represent. A full handicap allowance plus slope will be calculated as this will be a competition where you will play as an individual event though players will be representing their golf society. We will endeavour to accept as many different golf societies as possible but reserve the right to refuse entry to any applicant. The cost of two days golf will be 70 euros per player and will include a buggy each day and buffet lunch on day two at Alicante Golf where

the prizegiving ceremony will take place. Alicante Golf has arranged for a fantastic arrangement of prizes and there will be the usual nearest the pin competitions and longest drives. The prize giving ceremony will take place as soon as all the returned scorecards have been checked and all the scores added together for each society that competes. To enter email your teams and their handicaps to golf@bayradio.fm Places are limited and will be allocated on first come first in basis so contact us without delay to secure your place. THE PROFESSIONAL TOURS The PGA Tour staged the Zurich Classic of New Orleans last weekend where a relatively weak field competed for the top prize and the things that go with a tour win these days. Jason Bohn picked up his second tour win with a wire to wire victory. His total of 270 was enough for a two shot victory. The European Tour went to Korea where Marcus Fraser took his maiden title by four shots from Gareth Maybin. The event was played over 54 holes because of prolonged rain over the first two days. The European Nations Cup at La Sella was the big news for us in Spain last weekend. The strongest field ever assembled for this event produced thrilling golf for those lucky enough to attend. The lead changed several times over the four days with all the best players determined to win. In the end 72 holes were not enough to produce a winner as Sweden and Australia finished tied on 21 under par. A further three holes produced a win for Sweden with a tap in birdie on the par five 75th hole. WIN A ROUND OF GOLF FOR 2 INCLUDING BUGGY AT THE BEAUTIFUL EL PLANTIO RESORT IN ALICANTE To enter this competition simply answer the question below correctly. Every correct answer will be entered into a draw at the end of the month and the winner of this fantastic prize worth over 180 euros will be picked at random at the end of each month. Send your entries by email to golf@roundtownnews.com. The decision of the editor of RTN will be final in making the winning selection. Question for 30th April 2010: Who won the 2010 US Masters? A. Phil Mickelson B. Lee Westwood C. Anthony Kim All answers must be received no later than 5pm on 30th May 2010 to be entered into May’s draw, which will be made on 31st May. The winner will be announced in RTN on June 4th 2010.

Any questions you have for Noel should be sent to golf@roundtownnews.com

Ifach golf mixed competition ON SUNDAY 18th, the Dutch contingency of members challenged the Rest of the World to a mixed competition with a shotgun start. With so much at stake it was heads down and concentration at its highest with a satisfactory result of 7 - 3 in favour of The Rest of the World! The game was followed by a paella lunch in the clubhouse and the day continued into the evening with music by The Rock Academy which includes the son of this year’s Ifach Captain, Richard Trinder. Wednesday the 14th April saw the ladies tackling their monthly medal. 1st Division joint winners in the 1st Division were Susie Pernack and her best friend Rita Linder, both with 61 pts, 2nd Julie

Mighall (64) and 3rd Marlise Achar (65). In the 2nd Division, 1st Gail Brumham (59 pts) 2nd Judy Harland (61) and 3rd Beryl Harding (67). On Sunday 25th the men

competed for the Ken Singleton Trophy which was won by The Captain, Richard Trinder with his partner Al Colclaugh. 32 players took part in a greensomes.


30 april - 06 may 2010


Costa Blanca round-up

Maggots end by

David Hoare

968 199 279

RODS AND REELS THIS WEEKS match was the second in the Summer Championship. This is a series of nine matches with the best six results being used to determine the winner. The match was held on the Rio Segura in Murcia, a venue that is fishing very well. Everybody caught fish, although the river on the day was pushing through. For myself I went the hog this week, and managed to not only lose some very big fish into the reeds, but also lost the top two sections of my pole. If anybody is fishing at Murcia, halfway between the road bridge and the crystal bridge, and catch a top two section, you know who to phone. Other than that the day went very well! TOP ANGLERS ON THE DAY 1st Harold (H) Clarke fishing the pole using maggot and corn with 26.94 kilos. 2nd Paul (Poco Loco) Baxter fishing the pole using corn with 11.34 kilos. 3rd Mick (The Arsenal) Hill fishing the pole using corn with 11.32 kilos. ANGLERS TOGETHER IMPORTANT NEW MESSAGE: The Friday Campoverde meetings will now be held at Mary’s bar/ restaurant. Taking the CV 925 from Pillar de la Horadada turn right at the first roundabout into

Pinar de Campoverde, then first left and following the slip road up (past Fibber Mcgees and Lounge bar 6) until you get to the next parade of shops. Mary’s bar is the 3rd / 4th unit up. The next meeting will be held on Friday 7th May at 12 o clock. The Puerto de Mazarron meetings remain at Los Galayos bar/restaurant on the paseo adjacent to the beach. Next meeting will be held on Saturday 8th May at 12 o clock. Subs will be due at these meetings for the forth coming year. Work is still continuing on the Rio Segura at Murcia but is still fishable and fishing well. Embalse de Pedrera the water level appears to be still rising as there is more going in and very little being taken out. Sweetwater the final dredging has taken place and the works personnel have cleared the surrounding road of all the silt that was deposited there, however there are still workmen there. The banks are now angled and swims need cutting in! Anglers Together continues to grow as a club with many friendships formed over the past three years. Many members fish together regularly and say they are pleased that they have taken up a sport that they once followed in their youth. We have the occasional organized outings but the main aim is to introduce members to find fishing companions and to assist in finding the fishing venues. The joining fee is 10 euros for new members and 5 euros for renewing members. If you are interested in joining or finding out more about Anglers Together, then either come along to one of the meetings or contact Dave. (Alan is away on his annual trek to Oz). anglerstogether@gonuts4free.com or telephone Dave Hoare on 96 819 9279. TIGHT LINES, DAVE HOARE

Javea Bulls 18 Cau (Valencia) 14

ON SUNDAY the 25th of April Javea Bulls played host to Cau the north Valencian champions in the first leg of the semi final play off to see who gains promotion to the higher league. Javea Bulls were rewarded for some intense pressure when a penalty on 5 minutes was awarded on the 15m line, this kick was duly converted to give the Bulls the start they needed. The home side seemed to settle and after 11 minutes were rewarded with a beautifully worked interpassing blindside attack involving both forwards and backs for the centre to crash over for a well taken try. Cau showed why they were the unbeaten north division champions and drove deep into the heart of the Bulls defence but they could not penetrate the resolute tackling until a decision to penalise a Javea player when he clearly stole the ball legally from a tackle situation gave Cau the opportunity to get 3pts back from a penalty kick. Several missed penalties by Cau let Javea off the hook in this period. Undeterred, the Bulls attacked hard again and were rewarded with a second try somewhat identical to the first except on the other side of the field. This try was converted to give the Bulls a 15pts to 3 lead. The second half began with a text book play that had the crowd on their feet cheering. Cau kicked off to Javea and the ball was secured

by the Bulls, a box kick followed and supported by some good support saw the ascendancy back in Javea’s favour. A penalty was awarded for killing the ball by Cau and Javea duly converted to take an impressive 18pts to 3 lead. The next score would be vital and both teams knew it. A blindside attack by Javea saw a searing run by the winger only to be caught when it seemed easier to score. Then followed a series of penalties awarded to Cau for offences that seemed to amaze the Bulls which resulted in a score for Cau to narrow the gap by 3pts. What followed next would indicate the outcome of the match, a yellow card awarded against a Javea player seemed to baffle the player concerned yet alone every other Javea player and supporters. The Bulls resilience dug deep and kept out Cau for the 10 minutes he was off the field only to see on his return another player yellow carded almost simultaneously for a different offence. This meant Javea were down to 14 men continuously for 20 minutes of the second half and it was during this second 10 minute period that Cau crossed the line for a try after a series of well worked forward drives. As soon as the Javea player returned to the field another Javea player was red carded for spear tackling a Cau player. Despite strong representations which were correct that the

red carded player had in fact smother tackled the player to the ground fell on deaf ears. This penalty was converted to take the score to 18pts to 14. So in effect for 27 minutes of the second half Javea Bulls played 14 men against 15 which is totally unacceptable in the semi final of a league play off. Whilst it was 15 against 15 Javea Bulls controlled the game and were in general the better side but how costly would this indiscipline be as Javea will now take a slender 4 point lead into the second leg at Cau on Saturday 8th of May. The first major event for the youth side of the club is the `Come and Try It` days to be held on 5 consecutive Sundays beginning on the 23rd of May commencing with the player registration at 10.00am at the large car park end of the Arenal Beach Javea. These non contact sessions for children between the ages of 6 to 16 years will give the children the opportunity to sample the delights of being coached to play rugby in a safe environment. To enlist on the ‘Come and Try It’ days or for further information please contact stacy. spencerbarclay@ javeabulls.com or lee. jones@javeabulls.com

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