RTN South Edition 558

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Your English Newspaper

25 JUNE - 1 JULY 2010

Issue 558


New Community Centre for urbanisation Urbanisation Presidents alongside the Mayor and Councillors of San Miguel de Salinas

AS WITH buses, you wait for something good to come along in San Miguel de Salinas, and three positive projects come all at once! This week saw the announcement by the San Miguel Mayor, Angel Saez Huertas, of a new community centre in Blue Lagoon; a new sports centre on the

by Louise Clarke Balcon de la Costa urbanisation in the town and the approval of a project to improve all the municipality’s green areas; including those on the urbanisations of Blue Hill, Blue Lagoon, Eagles

Nest and El Galan. The Mayor made his announcement as he officially opened the works for the new cultural and sports centre in Blue Lagoon. The project started almost as soon as the ribbon was cut on Wednesday morning and the company carrying out the con-

struction of the building, Projobil SL, started digging the foundations yesterday (Thursday). The building will be owned by the San Miguel de Salinas Town Hall but will be run on a day to day basis by the various Presidents of nearby urbanisations. Continued on page 3

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25 june - 1 july 2010


continued from front page The funding for the building comes from the Valencian Government’s ‘Plan Confianza’ and will cost €318,729.49 exactly! The one storey building, due to be finished in eight months, will be for everyone who lives in the urbanisations of San Miguel and will include a cafeteria; sports area; Bowling Green and meeting rooms where people can enjoy activities such as painting, exercise classes and computer clubs and where urbanisations can hold their regular meetings. The Mayor explained the delay with these projects, which were promised in the town’s PP manifesto during the 2007 municipal elections. He said: “We had to wait until the Plan General (PGOU) was approved by Valencia before we could start planning these projects. Everything must be done legally, within the Valencian law and without an approved PGOU, these projects would not be legal, but now we have that approval, we can initiate our plans.” He added: “I have said a million times how important the PGOU is to the town; without it, we cannot

IN LAST week’s RTN, we reported on a shooting and stabbing incident at a bar in Quesada. The paper inadvertently printed the bar owner’s name, not knowing that he was an official witness to the incident. RTN would like to apologise profusely to the owner of the bar for printing his name, wholeheartedly accept the mistake and would like to take this opportunity to offer sincere apologies for any inconvenience caused. The case is still being investigated by the Guardia Civil.

The area where the centre will be located

work.” He concluded: “This new community centre has been made possible following discussions with the Presidents Liaison Group (PLG). The group saw the need for such a centre and the Town Hall is happy to now be able to inaugurate the works on what will be a valuable asset for the residents who live in the surrounding urbanisations.” The new sports centre being built on the Balcon de la Costa urbanisation has been made possible thanks to central government’s second lot of

Plan E money and will cost €600,000 to construct. The centre will include four squash courts; four tennis courts; a cafeteria; a state of the art gymnasium and a bowling green. Work to clear the site where the centre will be located has already started and the Town Hall has stated that the new facilities will be completed and ready to use by the end of the year. The green spaces of the town will also all be renovated and improved and the Mayor said that drainage and road improvement

projects are also planned. He added that the biggest project that the town faces at the moment is the outstanding problem of contaminated water which is affecting over 2,000 residents in the Las Filipinas area. He told the gathered press and residents: “We have to remember that the process to get the water problem sorted is very bureaucratic and very slow. Having said that, we hope to have a solution in place very soon, as the documents have been sent to Valencia for approval.”

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British man arrested

LOCAL POLICE in Orihuela Costa arrested a 42-year-old British man from Torrevieja for domestic violence after his fiancée sustained injuries during a night out in Playa Flamenca. The assault was witnessed by the couple’s daughter and the man was later taken to the Guardia Civil Station in Torre de la Horadada, where he was charged with the offence.

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25 june - 1 july 2010

12 killed as train hits revelers crossing track by Eddie Taylo At least 12 people were killed when a high-speed passenger train slammed into a group of revelers crossing a railway track in Castelldefels Playa station, south of Barcelona. At least 13 others were injured in the accident at the station at around 11:30pm on Wednesday, the interior ministry of the regional government of Catalonia said in a statement. Spanish media said the dead and injured were mostly youths who were celebrating the

annual San Juan (Saint John) mid-summer festival, which includes bonfires, fireworks, concerts and dances, often on the beach. Reports said they had just arrived at the station on another train from Barcelona and were crossing the tracks to go to the beach, although the station was equipped with a pedestrian underpass. One witness, Fernando Ortega, told Spanish media the train they arrived on was “very full” and a large number of people got out at the same time so “most decided to jump across the tracks and cross

Black money in Spain Experts agree the crisis is producing more and more ‘black’ economy activities, meaning where social security contributions and taxes are not being paid. The estimates for the black economy vary from 19% of Gross Domestic Product, by Friedrich Schneider, professor at Linz University and accepted as one of the greatest experts in the field, to 23.3% by the Spanish Ministry of Finance. Of all regions, black money in the Canary Islands plays the biggest part in the economy at 28.7% of Gross Domestic Product. Castilla La Mancha has a black sector which represents 26.5% of GDP and Galicia 26.3%. The greatest increase in black money over the past 10 years has been in the Valencia Region with a 5.6% growth. Andalusia; Murcia; La Rioja; Castilla y Leon; Cantabria and Aragon all had increases of 5%.

Solbes doubts the reforms are sufficient Pedro Solbes, former First Vice President and Minister of Finance in the Government of Zapatero, has signalled his doubts whether the labour reforms decided

by the Government, are “sufficient.” He also refused the proposal of the present Minister of Finance, Elena Salgado, to postpone the reform for some months.

to the other side of the station” to avoid the crush of people. It was then that the northbound express train came past suddenly. The interior ministry said the passengers on the train, which was traveling between the eastern cities of Alicante and Barcelona, were unhurt. The rail line was closed following the accident. Spanish radio said it was the worst rail accident in Spain since 19 people were killed and 38 injured in a June 2003 collision between a passenger train and a freight train in the southeastern Emergency crew at the town of Chinchilla. scene

Couple found guilty of murder By Louise Clarke THE BRITISH couple on trial last week in Elche for their daughter’s murder, as reported in RTN, has been found guilty. The jury of eleven heard that the couple had been arrested by Guardia Civil officers as they tried to cross the Spanish border into Gibraltar, following initial enquiries in which it was suspected that the baby had died of cot death. However, after an autopsy determined that the tot, named as Lucia W, had sustained several beatings and there was evidence of slapping to the head and face, the couple became the prime suspects. The pair initially said that she died as a result of a fall but then blamed each other for the little girl’s death. The family was living in Torrevieja when the tragedy happened on March 17th 2008. Prosecutors told the court that the couple had “...failed to provide the child with the care that she needed and did not provide her with food necessary for her development and adequate medical care.” A statement from the couple’s defence lawyer said that the father, Daryl W, 23, suffers from a ‘personality disorder’, aggravated by the consumption of drugs and alcohol.

The court also heard that he had once been admitted to a psychiatric hospital in the UK and since his time in prison has received adequate medical treatment to alleviate the symptoms of his disorder. And the mother fervently denied any part in her daughter’s death, telling the court that she was the victim of violent physical abuse at the hands of her ex-partner. As a result of the verdict the mother, Carla Marie D, was immediately imprisoned as she has been on bail since her arrest. The prosecutors reaffirmed their request of a prison sentence of at least 19 years each for the pair. Meanwhile, their defence team has argued that a term of 15 years would be more appropriate. In summing up, the Judge said that the parents were ‘clearly aware of the fatal consequences’ by not taking their baby, who had suffered two separate skull fractures, to the doctor and were therefore responsible for her death. Sentencing will take place next month.

25 june - 1 july 2010


Costa benefit ‘cheats’ New Mar Menor employment office by Louise Clarke A NEW Employment Office was opened in San Javier this week. The new office will mean that the municipality’s residents will no longer have to travel to nearby Torre Pacheco to find work. The Mayor of San Javier, Pepa Garcia, officially inaugurated the office this week, alongside the President of the Murcian Region, Ramon Luis Valcárcel Siso. The Mayor told RTN: “This new office is great news for the people of San Javier.” The office is located in Calle Salzillo in the town and will accommodate the residents of not only San Javier but San Pedro del Pinatar and Los Alcazares. Ms Garcia added: “This new office will serve many people and will hopefully increase employment opportunities for the residents who live within its catchment.” Investment in the new office has cost the regional government €958,180 and the office itself consists of two separate meeting rooms; a boardroom; an archive room

One down, several more to go!

by Louise Clarke THE RESIDENTS of Villacosta I in Orihuela Costa finally got their roads asphalted last week and celebrated the event alongside the Councillor for the Coast, Jose Antonio Aniorte, and the Officer for InternaThe newly tional Residents on the asphalted Coast, Stefan Pokroppa. roads

The Mayor of San Javier and the President of the Murcian Region

and toilet facilities. Eleven civil servants, employed by the Murcian Region, will man the office on a daily basis and they will look after the needs of over 70,000 inhabitants of the Mar Menor area, of which 13,000 are actively seeking employment. After many requests to the Coastal Town Hall in Playa Flamenca, the authorities managed to persuade the promoters, who were responsible for the construction of the urbanisation, to carry out all outstanding infrastructure work, which included getting drinkable water as well as a huge clean up operation to rid the area of builder’s rubble. The final job that had to be done, which was the

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road tarmac, was finally completed last week. The President of the Urbanisation told RTN: “More than 500 European residents live on this and surrounding urbanisations and we would like to thank the Town Hall in Playa Flamenca for liaising, on our behalf, with the promoters in order to get the outstanding works, which amounted to over €300,000, completed.”

by Jack Troughton ANGER IS mounting along the Costas at accusations expats are milking the UK benefits system to fund a life in the sun. Government figures show that £46 million of British taxpayers’ cash is being sent abroad to people claiming they are too sick to work on the ‘Costa del Malingerer’. More than 10,000 people living in Spain and other European countries like, France, Portugal and Cyprus, are claiming incapacity benefits. And it was said that many expats have continued to receive the payments for more than five years without their cases being reviewed – it was claimed a ‘loophole’ allowed them to simply provide a doctor’s note to keep the benefit supply flowing. However, with Chancellor George Osborne announcing a raft of measures to slash the welfare bill by £11 billion over four years, it is likely that expat claims for a number of payments – including the controversial winter fuel allowance – will be put under the microscope. OVERSEAS

The Daily Express sparked a heated debate by revealing a ‘scandal’ of the 10,000 overseas claims – a quarter made to expats in Spain. The newspaper reported 90 percent were receiving long term incapacity benefits and more than two thirds had claimed for five years or more. It was understood

about a third of the total of people are aged under 50. A spokesman for the Department of Work and Pensions said the system needed fixing and claimants would be reassessed to see if they were capable of working. He said the department would also focus how this could be applied to expats claiming benefits. And UKIP’s MEP Campbell Bannerman alleged: “What was the Costa del Dole has become the Costa del Malingerer. If people cannot bother to prove their illness then they should no longer prey on the taxpayer.” REVIEW Campaign group The Tax Payers’ alliance has called for a review of all benefit claimants – including expats – to ensure no-one was cheating the system. Disability charity Scope maintains that 2.9 million people receiving the disability living allowance would be ‘alarmed’ at proposals that appeared to be designed simply to reduce numbers. However, RTN readers believe the problem is benefit fraud in its entirety and expats had wrongly been highlighted over a national scandal. They maintain they had paid into the British system and those entitled to receive benefits should be paid the money. At the same time, it was said ‘scroungers’ should be identified and their money stopped.

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25 JUNE - 1 JULY 2010

British man abandons Mum by Louise Clarke

A BRITISH man is being sought by the Guardia Civil after he literally abandoned his ailing mother at the Torrevieja Hospital. The unscrupulous son of the 61-year-old woman left her at the medical facility after dropping her off at the emergency department last week. She was admitted to the hospital suffering from malnutrition and dehydration. Her life was not in danger, she was fully conscious, alert and orientated but hospital staff decided to admit her for observation and to rehydrate her. Meanwhile her son, who had clearly decided that he no longer wanted to take care of her, walked away. After five days in hospital, the lady was well enough to be discharged. She was taken in an ambulance to the address in Torrevieja that was given by her son on her arrival at the hospital. CRUEL When the ambulance arrived at the address, the son told the paramedic team that he no longer wanted anything to do with his mother and told them to take her back to the hospital. The ambulance returned to the

hospital and officials there contacted the local police who accompanied the ambulance, complete with its frail passenger, back to the address, where the same thing happened again. This time however, the local police were there to make a record of the fact that this lady’s cruel offspring was once again refusing to take her back into his home. The woman had to return to the hospital yet again, where staff consulted solicitors, who obtained a subpoena against the man. A Guardia source told RTN that he had been charged with family abandonment and was due to appear in court to hear the charge on Tuesday morning. He allegedly failed to appear and after local police were despatched to his address to arrest the man, it appeared that he and his wife had fled from their home. RECUPERATION Torrevieja hospital sources said that they will be initiating further legal action against the man and police officers are currently looking for him and his wife. RTN understands that the pensioner has now returned to the UK after relatives there funded her return flight ticket. She was fully aware of

The hospital were the mum was left

what happened with her son and RTN believes that the pair had recently fallen out. This is not the first case of abandonment that the hospital, which opened in 2006, has seen. There have been similar cases to this and more often than not it coincides with the holiday season when people cannot afford appropriate care for their elderly relatives and just dump them at the hospital, knowing that they will be cared for free of

Food for thought By Jack Troughton HOLIDAYMAKERS VISITING a Costa Blanca resort have been warned not to feed the birds – a soaring population of seagulls. The skies around the Calpe’s port and the famous towering rock, the Penon de Ifach, are daily Do not filled with dozens of the seabirds. And feed as the high season approaches, Calpe the birds Town Hall has repeated its appeal

charge. Several denuncias have been made by the hospital against relatives of abandoned and often elderly patients. But in some cases it’s the patients themselves who don’t want to leave. A few weeks ago, a patient set fire to his room because he didn’t want to leave the hospital; now if that is not a recommendation for the excellent services of Torrevieja hospital, then RTN doesn’t know what is!

for people not to feed the gulls. he council said numbers of the large yellow-legged gull had grown rapidly in recent years, helped by human donations of scraps. RTN was told bird mess created a health hazard as well as being unsightly and gulls could be aggressive, especially in the breeding season. The birds nest on the rock – a major tourist attraction – but had also started to build on apartment block roofs.

Summer is here! THIS SUMMER could be the hottest in a decade according to experts. Summer in Spain officially began on 21st June, which was also the longest day, with 15 hours of daylight. Storms are expected, but once the air is clear forecasts say that temperatures will rocket to 35 degrees Celsius. This follows one of the coldest springs in Spain for decades.

25 june - 1 july 2010



25 JUNE - 1 JULY 2010

Dog lovers unite against ‘barbaric’ dog pound by Louise Clarke

RTN HAS had an overwhelming response to the story in last week’s paper about the appalling conditions at the Orihuela Municipal Dog Pound. Inundated with both dog and cat food at our office in San Luis, near Torrevieja, RTN’s reporter Louise Clarke is delighted that two other outlets, the Easy Horse Care Rescue Centre and Suzanne Fletcher’s retail unit at the Pedregur Rastro on a Sunday, have also offered to be drop off points for cat and dog food for the charity. The Asociacion Protectora de Animales Oriolana will be receiving all the food donations that RTN has received this week. They also have two dogs that desperately need homing or they will be destroyed by the pound as they have exceeded their 20 day stay of execution. Their details can be found on our Pets Page, page 64. Please contact Vicky on 686 981 794 if you can help. In the meantime, this is a story about one of the charity’s many success stories. This is the story of BOND...James BOND! DISLOCATED HIP

Bond just after he was rescued with matted fur that was full of fleas and ticks

Bond was taken out of the Orihuela Dog Pound in December 2009. He had been there for about a month and came out very ill. His condition was pitiful. He was due to be ‘put to sleep’ (which in reality means ‘put to death’ and is much more appropriate) Vicky Pena from the charity told RTN: “We saw him by chance and took him out straight away. Bond had Leishmania, severe bronchitis and a dislocated hip, as diagnosed by the University Veterinary Hospital in Murcia, and is due for surgery as soon as the charity can afford to pay for the operation.” On top of that, Bond was suffering from infected wounds of the skin, especially all over his head, which were not visible due to the previous state and length of his fur. Vicky added: “He had nose bleeds and could only breathe through his mouth. He had a long list of other

Man attacks statue of Jesus

A 37-YEAR-OLD man in Seville has been arrested for attacking a statue of Jesus. Luis C.O. beat the 181-metre tall statue and pulled off one of the arms after a Sunday evening mass in church. The statue, called Bond with Jesús del Gran Poder, is treasured his new by locals, and was made in the 8th owner Century by Juan de Mesa. It is used at a in the famous Easter parades in the SAT city. The attacker has been charged dog show with a crime against Spain’s ailments as well. It took several months historical artistic heritage. of treatment and care to get Bond sufficiently well, during which time he remained with us as a foster home; sharing with six other dogs.” HEALTHY Bond left Vicky for his adoptive home on 22nd April and has gone to live in Ferrol in the North West of Spain. Vicky concluded: “When he went, his Leishmania was practically gone and his health was much improved. The photo that we have sent RTN is of Bond participating in a SAT Fun Dog Exhibition, looking very well and pleased with himself; not a shadow of that pitiful and sick little figure that we took out of the awful Dog Pound in Orihuela.” For monetary donations to the charity, you can pay into the Caja Rural Bank, account number: 3005-0080-252098622927. For more information please visit www.protectoraoriolana.org. If you can be a food collection point, please email louise@rtnnewsgroup.com. Once again, RTN implores Ms Lorente to investigate the situation with the Orihuela Municipal Dog Pound and carry out her promise of a full review of the facility as soon as possible.

Mum who murdered rapist gets sentence reduced

A WOMAN who was sentenced to nine years in jail for killing her daughter’s rapist has had her sentence reduced. The Supreme Court has ruled that Maria del Carmen G. will now only serve five-and-a-half years behind bars. The provincial court in Alicante originally ruled that she should be imprisoned for nine years. The rapist, Antonio C.V., served nine years for the rape of del Carmen’s 13-year-old daughter. Upon his release, he asked Maria del Carmen how her daughter was, and she doused him with petrol and set him on fire. He died from his injuries.

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25 june - 1 july 2010



25 june - 1 july 2010

Learn to relax using Fast Track Hypnosis and just wanted their problem sorted out as quickly as possible so they could get on with their lives. And that is exactly what I did and still continue to do! Every so often, even though ‘peace has broken out’, I would still get the odd occasion when someone has had the misfortune of something really bad happening to them. For example I had a taxi driver a few months ago who picked up a fare of 3 men and when he started to drive off, one pulled out a knife and cut the drivers throat! Fortunately he had the presence of mind to park his cab outside a police station and the men ran off. I don’t think these ‘people’ realise the damage their actions cause their victims and their victims’ relatives. A few weeks ago I had to help a woman who had been at work when a gunman came in, put a gun to her head and was going to shoot her unless she opened the safe. After his escape, the woman simply went to pieces and couldn’t be consoled. She had nightmares about the event and was now in the ‘what if’ scenario, waiting on something bad about to happen and just couldn’t settle. I was asked to help her calm down and to start getting her confidence back again so that she could return to work. This was achieved in only 4 sessions and I was delighted to receive a letter from her about it: “Recently I had the misfortune of being help up by a gunman at my place of work. I was in a terrible way - nervous and in a state of shock. I went to the doctors who gave me tablets to take but I didn’t want to take them.

Alan Gilchrist The Costa Blanca’s Top Hypnotherapist

By Alan Gilchrist, The Costa Blanca’s Top Hypnotherapist IT IS commonly accepted that some people can cope with the stresses of modern day life more readily than others. Some seem to fall completely apart at the slightest pressure, while others seem to be untouched by these stresses. If a person is presented with enough stress such as bereavement; difficulties in personal life; financial problems; loss of employment or other outside pressures, they will become stressed and anxious. This may also be due to PMS, anger, or being in constant pain. While certain types of stress can be very beneficial (a romantic encounter-or the anticipation of an event or celebration), what is not acceptable is the stress that can debilitate the body and mind. When I first started out in practice 25 years ago in Belfast, Northern Ireland, over the years of the troubles I had to help many thousands of people with stress, anxiety, panic attacks, etc. to get back into the business of living as fast as possible after various traumatic incidents. Bombings, shootings, hijackings, robberies; I’ve seen them all. Because of this, I came away from my conventional training of Analytical Hypnotherapy where people would normally be regressed into their childhood to try to recall the originating cause of their panic attacks, or other problems (which can also give rise to the false memory syndrome that I will write about at a later date). This might take up to 15 sessions to achieve, and clearly it wasn’t in their childhood at all: it had happened right then! All of these people had suffered quite enough


A very traumatic experience

“Alan did 4 session with me to help overcome the trauma and gave me CDs as well, which helped me to relax and it took away the nervousness I was feeling. My breathing and sleep got back to normal; I sleep like a baby now and all without tablets! The C’s and hypnosis was unbelievable and better than any tablets - it’s great now. Thank you, Alan: I couldn’t have done it without your help, and I am now at work again. J..........” This was exactly what I had to do in the 80’s and 90’s every single day, and sadly it

is still happening. Alan holds his Fast Track Hypnosis sessions in Cabo Roig, Guardarmar, and Benidorm. Alan is also the Creator of the Stop Smoking in under 30 minutes Fast Track System. For an appointment, brochure, or free of charge initial consultation, contact Alan Gilchrist on 659 229 408. Visit: www.alangilchrist.com www.hypnosiscostablanca.com www.fitnosys.com www.thegastroband.com

New pavement project

Ignacio Ramos Garcia and Ismael Ferrer

THE CHIEF of Regional Public Works, Ismael Ferrer, visited Pilar de la Horadada last week to officially announce a new project for the town which will cost nearly €93,000 and has been funded by the Plan Confianza. Sr. Ferrer, who works within the Valencian Department of Infrastructure and Transport, was accompanied by Pilar’s Socialist Mayor, Ignacio Ramos Garcia, when he detailed the plans for new pavements in the town which have recently undergone a huge transformation after road and drainage improvements were made.

The project has a budget of €92,768 and has been awarded to the company Tarancón Construction. The new pavements will be constructed on Calles Mayor, Ribera Girona, Alicante, Los Luceros and Alfonso X el Sabio, all of which currently have a large number of flaws, dangerous potholes and inadequate drainage as they constantly flood during heavy rain. The roads will also have new signage and other urban furniture such as bins and benches installed and will be included in the new one-way system which has recently been implemented.

Belgian arrested for assaulting partner

A 58-YEAR-OLD Belgian man was arrested for assaulting his 29-year-old partner in Playa Flamenca on the Orihuela Costa. The man is alleged to have assaulted his partner, a Nigerian national who also has Belgian citizenship, after she threw a glass on the floor causing the man slight injuries, during an argument. The man was taken to the Guardia Civil Station in Torre de la Horadada, where he was charged with the offence.



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25 JUNE - 1 JULY 2010



25 june - 1 july 2010

Ex-lover arrested for murder

THE EX-LOVER of 61-year-old German woman whose body was found last week in the café-bar she owned in Campoverde near Pilar de la Horadada, has been arrested for her murder. The 60-year-old man, who is also a German national, was arrested at his home, which is also in Pinar de Campoverde, on Sunday and attended the Number One Court in Orihuela on Monday morning. The woman, who has not been named, was found by her cleaner at the bar last Wednesday, 16th June and initial suspicions were that she was the victim of a robbery gone wrong as there was money allegedly missing from the café-bar’s till. An autopsy revealed that she had died as a result of blunt force trauma to her head and was found in a pool of blood in the kitchen area of the café-bar, located within the quiet urbanisation. Local residents were shocked at the violent death of a well known and popular lady. One told RTN: “It is a complete shock. She was a nice lady. I regularly went into the cafébar for a drink and a chat.”

Torrevieja businesses offer discounted Safari tickets THE DEPARTMENT of Commerce from the Torrevieja Town Hall has announced an agreement which means that residents of the Municipality will get to enjoy cheaper and on occasions, free entrance to one of the regions most popular tourist attractions; Rio Safari in Elche. The deal was made as a result of negotiations between the Town Hall and the Association of Small and Medium Businesses (APYMECO) and earlier this week, the Torrevieja Councillor for Commerce, Agustina Esteve, announced the project at the Town Hall, accompanied by the President of APYMECO, José Riera and the Director of Rio Safari in Elche, José María Pérez. DISCOUNTS All small businesses in Torrevieja will now be able to offer these free or discounted tickets to the theme park in exchange for business. Over 200 free children’s tickets will be made available and posters have been printed to ensure that all participating businesses will be able to

The Councillor for Commerce announces the new Rio Safari campaign

display the offer to their customers. There have also been more than 40,000 discounted tickets made available to the shoppers of Torrevieja, which can be used any day of the week throughout the year. In addition, participating businesses of Torrevieja who have signed up for the campaign will be given ten half price entrances

Ash cloud didn’t stop tourists

THE NUMBER of tourists visiting Spain in May increased by 1.1 percent, despite the effects of the volcanic ash cloud. The airspace closure that forced the cancellation of close to 5,000 flights in May did not stop more than five million tourists visiting Spain. For the first five months of the year, the total number of visitors amounted to 17.8 million, an overall decrease of 2.8 percent. Arrivals from most of the main emitting markets increased in May 2009. Catalonia, Andalusia, the Canary Islands and Madrid all recorded an increase in the number of foreign tourists.

to the tourist attraction to use at their discretion. GOOD OPPORTUNITY From this week, interested businesses can sign up for the campaign by registering at the offices of the Department of Commerce at the Town Hall, between the hours of 08:00 and 14:30. Meanwhile,

APYMECO will also be taking applications directly to all those businesses which are part of their association. The Councillor for Commerce told RTN: “This is a good opportunity to tie in leisure with purchases from local businesses and is will promote not only the local businesses but also the Rio Safari park in Elche.”

Swiss bank stashes could make Spain richer BANKING LEGISLATION in Switzerland is to change, meaning less secrecy for account holders. The Spanish newspaper ‘Expansión’ reports that the move may trigger a huge return of Spanish capital currently held in Swiss bank

accounts. Spaniards with savings in excess of €120,000 could see their names given to the Spanish tax authorities. They would then be liable for prosecution by the Spanish anti-corruption authority for tax avoidance. Expansión says

that more than €60 billion of Spanish money could be affected by the changes to Swiss legislation. Account holders do still have the opportunity to declare their savings and avoid prosecution before the legislation comes into play.

25 JUNE - 1 JULY4 2010 FEB 26 - MARCH

Jennifer Cunningham y Asociados S.L.

by Jennifer Cunningham

Overseas pension arrangements – a New Zealand story I WOULD like to take this opportunity to introduce one of my key associates, Foreign Trust. Foreign Trust is a provider of Overseas Pensions and Investment advice. Foreign Trust has been working closely with my clients to help them understand the relevant benefits of considering QROPS. In recent times, Foreign Trust has seen many clients who have come for a second opinion on QROPS. A good number of these people have come to us out of concern about the possible implications of releasing 100% of their pension via QROPS products, mainly located in New Zealand. I have requested Foreign Trust review the advice given and believe it is appropriate to consider the possible wider implications of such a transfer. Foreign Trust are in regular contact with the UK HMRC and overseas pension trustees who have advised the following:The UK HMRC guidance on QROPS transfers and lumps sum withdrawals is clear. At retirement 25% of the fund can be drawn leaving 75% of the fund earmarked to provide for future income payments. On this basis, how is it that New Zealand as a QROPS location can work around this rule? Our understanding is that there is a legal ‘quirk’ which makes this possible. However, the UK HMRC has repeatedly stated that this goes

against the spirit in which the rules were intended. We would advise anybody who is considering releasing 100% of their pension fund to contact the UK HMRC for confirmation. Removing your 100% of your pension fund could carry a number of risks. In the early days of QROPS we saw Singapore lose its qualifying status for what many believe to be flouting the rules, including 100% lump sums. History has taught us that the UK HMRC can quickly deal with such practices and have on a number of occasions created legislation which not only prevents, but retrospectively attacks arrangements which go against the spirit of legislation. It is in this event where the risks lie and we believe it is only a matter of time before the loophole is closed. If the UK HMRC took this course of action, people who have released their whole pension fund could be liable to a 55% unauthorised payment charge. Foreign Trust tax experts have warned that it is not unknown for the UK Inlands revenue to chase individuals through the Spanish tax system. For many people living in Spain, they have not ruled out returning to the UK at a future point. Returning to the UK and rejoining the UK Tax system could be a trigger for chasing potential tax against 100% withdrawn pension funds.

Having seen a number of reports recommending QROPS and 100% fund withdrawal, the recommendations look like standardised documents with similar disclaimers. The fees for these reports range from 5-30% of an individuals pension fund value. How can such excessive fees be justified for what is relatively straight forward advice along with minimal administration? Our fear is that this could be a classic case of making as much money as possible and running for the hills! Foreign Trust is in regular contact with pensioner trustees and often visit highly regulated locations with close ties to the UK such as Guernsey, Jersey and Isle of Man. Having feet on the ground in these locations is paramount to understanding risks which can be associated with dealing with offshore financial services companies. I would suggest this is even more important when your money is being transferred to a far away location such as New Zealand. If you are considering moving your UK pension to an Overseas Pension arrangement, I would urge to contact us for a no obligation second opinion. Our advisers will consider carefully your existing pension arrangements along with your personal circumstances before deciding whether such a transfer is suitable.


The Costas leading insurance consultant Foreign Trust believe the risks associated with recommending the 100% withdrawal are too high and as a result does not conduct any such transfers. For each of you the benefits of QROPS are likely to be different and for some it may not be suitable at all. We would suggest you contact your local Jennifer Cunningham and Associates office (see below) to arrange a mutually agreeable time and date to discuss QROPS. Alternatively, please submit your enquiry by email to qrops@jennifercunningham.net. In the meantime, we hope this list of questions below will be of assistance if you are considering using New Zealand as a means of releasing your entire pension fund. 1. Why do some other QROPS locations restrict me to a 25% lump sum compared to New Zealand which is paying 100%? 2. Can you offer me any guarantees the Inland Revenue will not come after me for an unauthorised payment charge of 55% if the loophole is closed? 3. Please can you give me a breakdown of how the fees are calculated? 4. How is New Zealand as a QROPS location working with the UK HMRC in relation to QROPS rules?

Jennifer Cunningham y Asociados S.L. The Costas leading insurance consultant. If you have a question please email her at: jennifer@jennifercunningham.net Regulated and Authorised by the DGSFP in Spain.

Offices at: JAVEA PORT




Near the cinema

Near CAM

Mercadona Square

Avda Londres 56

966 46 16 90

965 72 47 34

968 57 58 66

966 79 50 82


TURRE Mojacar Estates Avda de Almeria 34 950 47 20 48


902 373 444 or visit www.jennifercunningham.net


25 JUNE - 1 JULY 2010

Peanut men

WITH THE summer season here, I have noticed the peanut men are here in greater numbers. I will not reiterate the scams these scum get up to as most people are aware of them; the only thing I will say is that they must operate with the Mayor’s approval. How can he condone these criminals on the streets when he is always saying that he is going to stamp down on crime? Why doesn’t he take a leaf out of the Mayor of New York’s books and have a walk around and see ‘first hand’ how this scum operates? The reason I say that he must condone their actions is that in the 4 years I have been here, he has done nothing to stop the actions of these people. What I would like is an honest answer: why they are allowed to get away with their dealings openly on the streets? Please don’t patronise me by saying the Police are doing everything they can. All they do is play hide and seek like schoolchildren in a playground. The good news is that I see very few Brits being conned thanks to your newspaper and the travel reps warning the holiday makers. So here’s to streets that are free of the peanut men. Mr Jack Wardle


talk tous

Email letters to rtnmail@roundtownnews.com with your full name and address

Email: rtnmail@roundtownnews.com

letter of the week

Hell on earth

HAVING WATCHED the Spanish Ambassador’s interview on British television’s ‘Watchdog’ on Spanish properties, Thursday 3rd June, we can only say how utterly disappointed we are. He seemed to be on a completely different planet, totally unaware and uninterested in the vastness of the problem that has been caused mainly due to his country’s greed and corruption. He showed not an ounce of compassion for the hell on earth that so many of us that own illegal builds have been subjected to over the last number of years, or the excess amount of cash we have spent and are continuing to spend in trying to resolve this problem. Many of us have suffered not only financially but health wise, from stress related illnesses including the onset of Cancers and wonder if we will ever see the legislation of our properties or if our children will be left to continue the fight. What has happened is that Spain has taken away our ‘Freedom of Choice’: Our freedom to sell our property; our freedom to raise capital against our property should it be necessary; our freedom to rent out our property and more importantly, our ability to live each day

No more notes THE BANK of England has announced that the £20 banknotes depicting composer Sir Edward Elgar are to be removed from circulation from 30th June. The Elgar notes are presently being used alongside the new Adam Smith £20 note, and will remain legal tender up to and including 30th June.

with enjoyment and freedom from worry. We need to have this returned to us and the judicial system needs to sit up take notice and more importantly be able to override the Town Hall’s negativity. We in Lliber, for instance, have been told that the ‘General Plan’ holds the key to ‘legalising’ our properties. It has been promised to us for the last 7 years by the current mayor and still we wait while they continue to lie to us and excuses are made. Amazing really, as it was the Town Hall (amongst others) that got us into this mess in the first place. We wonder how the present mayor and his family would feel if he was caught up in a similar mess in a country other than his own and through no fault of his own? Spain, all we ask is that you listen. We mean really listen, and help resolve this for us. We chose to live here because like many others we had wonderful holidays both here on the mainland and on your beautiful islands; we loved the laid back honesty of your people; your lifestyle and culture; we ask nothing from your country but for the chance to move on with our lives free from worry and free from captivity. So far, Spain, YOU HAVE LET US DOWN! Jane


IN RESPONSE to Jan Gamm’s article on the ‘vuvuzela’ menace during the World Cup, I would like to say a few words myself. In Germany, it is those amazing cowbells that drive us mad (is it just that we are intolerant or jealous of the money making skills of the manufacturers of these amazing, incredibly infuriating pieces of plastic terrorism that we cringe at the sound of.) As with the deplorable ball being used in the matches, the vuvuzelas are definitely having an effect on how the players are performing and the results are proof of this fact I believe. If only the Zulus had the damned things in January 1879, they would have had a totally different result at Rourkes Drift!! Randall Owen, ‘Virtual Paper Reader’


THIS IS the last (I hope) about ketchup. I don’t agree with Gary or Rob as my son has lived in Holland off and on for 25 years, is married to a Dutch national and speaks like a native. He says it is only the fast food outlets that charge; not restaurants. I also don’t agree with Anthony as the places I am talking about serve the ketchup in a small bowl. But even if everyone thinks it is right to charge, why not a reasonable charge of say 20 centimos? Remember, a bottle costs from €1 to €3, so I think 50 or 90 centimos is far too much. Brian Clarance

Zapatero has lost the plot

Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero the Spanish Prime Minister, Way out on his policys it seems;in fact in a bit of a twister. A five percent wage cut forall of the civil servants in pay, Has got the spanish industrial strikes season well underway. The euros fourth biggest economy;is now a weeping blister. Regards, Neil burman, San Miguel De Salinas

A fantastic job!

I READ with interest ‘A fantastic job’- I have recently been diagnosed with ruptured tendons after an MRI at the New Denia Hospital. The Consultant said when giving me the result that an operation is the only cure. He referred me to Traumatologia, where I saw a Consultant with whom I already had an appointment for my arthritis. The Interpreter asked him about my shoulder and the operation: he bluntly said, looking at me, “You are too old, and cannot have the operation. Take 3 grams of Paracetamol a day.” What a difference to Torrevieja Hospital: I am constantly paying out for taxis, we only have two buses per day and they always make appointments at times one is unable to get a bus. They insist upon an Interpreter, more money, then one is treated at nearly 82 to that rude remark. I would be appreciative of Mr. Putt’s age. Mrs Kathy Kington, Orba


25 JUNE - 1 JULY 2010

NHW Unjustified attack Don’t Mr. Houliston and Mrs. Wood realize that NHW or Crime Watch Spain are voluntary and seek no profit? They are associations that do not follow or belong to any political party, and if they did not work in total collaboration with the Spanish Police Force, mainly with the Local Police and Guardia Civil, I am sure the reduction of crime and vandalism in Spain would collapse. These two so called ‘open mindeds’ should be closed for repairs if they really think NHW isn’t doing enough in the Costa. Congratulations to Orihuela’s Vecinos Colaborando NHW, for their good work for the last ten years in Orihuela Costa. Jose Rivero Santana Vecinos Colaborando Costa Blanca

WE ARE writing to bitterly complain about the comments made by Mayor John Reynolds of Entre Naranjos, in a letter to your newspaper attacking the PSOE Councillor Rosa Martinez. John Reynold’s appointment as Mayor is a political appointment by the Partido Popular and not a result of any election. The position and the person have been foisted on us, the residents of the newly designated Pedania of Entre Naranjos. This has happened in the last month. All of a sudden there is a flurry of activity in the PP camp. People have been living on Entre Naranjos from as early as 2001. Nine years on, we are a sizeable community, all paying our Suma taxes and contributing to the economy of Orihuela. Yes, Entre Naranjos is a beautiful place to live, however, our roads have not been finished, we have no bus service, we have an inadequate sewerage system that should have been replaced by the urbanisador, a major roundabout that is missing and Laguna Green 1 and 2 are still without their certificates of habitation. The only investment in the area has been made by the private sector, not the Town Hall in Orihuela and that has taken years to materialise. When we purchased our homes on Entre Naranjos , it was on the understanding that we would have a bus route; a medical centre; a pharmacy; postal

collections; shops and finished roads. To build a village this size, the Council is obliged to provide a level of services. It has failed dismally in this department. Two years ago, some of us approached the PSOE and Cllr Martinez to take up our case as little interest had been shown from the Town Hall. Cllr Martinez has since worked closely with many residents, taking up issues that the council has failed to address. To insult her integrity and honesty in the way that Mayor Reynolds has is appalling, particularly when he has only been in office five minutes and without a mandate to govern from the people of Entre Naranjos. Cllr Martinez was democratically elected by the people of the Municipality of Orihuela. Fortunately, Spain is now a democratic society although sometimes we think the Partido Popular who have run Orihuela Council for over 23 years have not yet made the transition from the Franco era: imposing a mayor on the people of Entre Naranjos is a strong indicator of that. We will continue to open our home on Wednesday mornings as the PSOE CONTACT POINT for Entre Naranjos and Laguna Green so that people can come and access Cllr Martinez. She listens very carefully to what people are telling her. Her sources are very reliable. They are the local people and residents of the Pedania. Sarah and Dave Hill, Entre Naranjos

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Do you know what ‘Third World’ actually means? I lived for over 50 years on the African Continent in Uganda, Malawi (Nyasaland) and South Africa. I have lost family and friends to murder; border wars and rape – Zimbabwe, formally known as Rhodesia, is an example of a ‘third world country’. A third world country has no infrastructure. Examples of this is: roads; electricity; running water; sewage; desalination plants; more often than not a Government resulting from war; education; hospitals and medical supplies ...... a few basic examples… Jim Ireland - have you been to a Third World Country and lived all your life in one? I doubt it. However, I have. The only thing I have encountered in Spain all too often is their lack of tolerance of the English due to their arrogant attitude; rudeness; moaning and groaning and living as if they are still in England and not supporting their host country’s establishments. You cannot go and live in

another man’s country and think you can bring the laws of your own country. One must follow and accept the rules of the country in which you choose to live. The English live high and then do nothing but criticise Spain and the Spanish people about their homeland. If you chose to come and live here and live off the fat of the land - face the fact: YOU LIVE IN SOMEONE ELSE’S COUNTRY: YOU ACCEPT THEIR RULES. I have been asked so often by Spanish people if I am English because I speak the language. As soon as I say no, their whole attitude changes to one of absolute charm. Jim Ireland - why are you here if you call Spain a ‘Third World Country? Did you know that Torrevieja is the top medical establishment in Europe? That is why Microsoft has become involved with them - it is far, far, far removed from a ‘Third World Country’. If Spain is a Third World Country; what do you call Britain? Anonymous

Alicante to Torrevieja

Re the letter from Carol Wilder regarding public transport to and from Alicante airport. She is wrong about transport from Alicante (I am not sure about Murcia). From the airport there is a C6 Bus which runs every 20 minutes and takes 30 minutes to Alicante bus station: there you pick up a Costa Azul bus to Torrevieja bus station (there you can pick up a timetable). Cost: C6 is €2.60 and Costa Azul is €3.63. There is no need for a taxi. This is the way we arrived back when we got to Alicante airport. Mrs Lowing, Torrevieja



25 june - 1 july 2010

UK budget alert THREE MONTHS ago, Alistair Darling delivered a pre-election budget that he hoped would avoid demoralising the electorate ahead of a knifeedge general election. He knew full well what was necessary to reduce government debt, a good chunk of which was a result of the financial crisis. But he, and more importantly his boss, thought it would be political suicide to dish out such financial pain that they would probably not even be in power to exact two months later. Mr Osborne came to the dispatch box today with no such qualms: “Tough on the deficit; tough on the causes of deficit” was his leitmotif. He sketched out more than a month ago in his post-election briefing how he was minded to balance the books, but more importantly he made it abundantly clear that he would address the problem ‘head-on’. Between then and now, with the help of the media, the government has gone out of its way to manage expectations such that neither the electorate nor financial markets should have been surprised by the measures he announced today. So will financial markets – and the FX market in par-

ticular – see today’s budget as positive for Sterling? In the hour before the chancellor’s speech, Sterling/Euro – arguably the most important measure of investors’ appetite for the pound – climbed by nearly half a cent to €1.2025 and fell most of the way back. When he stood up to speak it was trading at €1.1994 and sterling/dollar was $1.4725. When he sat down 56 minutes later, those prices were €1.2000 and $1.4735: there was clearly nothing in the speech to drive investors one way or the other. Judging by Sterling’s peaks and troughs during the speech – hardly an acid test of market opinion – investors were more impressed by the pledge to balance (roughly) the budget within the life of this parliament than they were by changes to capital allowances or corporation tax. It will do Sterling no harm that one of Mr Osborne’s opening comments was to the effect that he wanted to avoid governments (presumably his own) coming under the same pressure that banks experienced during the crisis; preserving Britain’s AAA credit rating is apparently a priority. It might not be so helpful that the Office for Budget Responsi-

Oil recycling

George Osborne

bility expects inflation to peak this year at 2.7% and then return to its 2% target: low inflation means low interest rates. There are marked cultural differences between the way Europe and the United States are approaching very similar problems. With austerity budgets across the continent and spending cuts all round (encouraged by the harsh example of Greece’s failures), European governments are pushing for fiscal probity. In the States, the aim is still to encourage the economy out of the recession. Rightly or wrongly, the US has no immediate fear of being unable to finance its deficit by the sale of Treasury Bills: investors must decide for themselves where the greater risks lie; slower

growth and constrained borrowings, or faster growth with the danger of more bubbles. The bulk of the chancellor’s speech will not have come as a great surprise to investors. The full text of the finance bill will probably include devilish details that Mr Osborne had no time to reveal this afternoon, and that may force investors to revise their opinion. Otherwise, though, there was nothing there that was obviously harmful to the pound and there were several measures that could be helpful. As always, time will tell. For more information about how currency movements can impact you and your clients, call +34 902 887243 to speak to a member of the Moneycorp team.

By Louise Clarke THIS WEEK saw the installation of ten new oil recycling containers in Orihuela. The new containers have been made available to residents so that they can dispose of waste oil easily and efficiently; in a way that will not damage the immediate environment. The Orihuela Councillor for Infrastructure, Manolo Abadia, presented the new containers at a press conference earlier this week and demonstrated how residents should use the facility. Residents must deposit their waste oil into the plastic containers and once the container is full, it will be transferred by the Municipal refuse service to the Vega Baja oil recycling plant, where it will be converted into engine diesel, which will then be reused by the very municipal vehicles that collected the original waste oil in the first place. The Councillor told RTN: “For every millimetre of oil that is put down a household sink, it contaminates one litre of water which is destined for the local rivers and eventually, the sea.” The Town Hall plans to install 30 more containers in the municipality, including on the coast; making 40 in total.

One of the new Oil Receptors is installed in Orihuela

25 june - 1 july2010 2010 8-14 JANUARY

Starving horses rescued by Louise Clarke Volunteers from the Easy Horse Care Rescue Centre in Rojales were called out on Sunday 20th June to a farm building in Daya Vieja and the worst case of cruelty they have ever seen. Two horses were locked away without food or water, near death from starvation. Sue Weeding from the EHCRC told RTN: “We have seen some horrendous sights, but nothing could have prepared us for this. These two horses are quite literally walking skeletons. It was amazing they were still standing.” Despite EHCRC volunteers’ two day battle to get authorities to seize the horses, SEPRONA, the animal protection wing of the Guardia Civil, already had a full week of cases and only two officers covering an area stretching from Santa Pola to Pilar de la Horadada. In desperation, volunteers visited the Mayor of Daya Vieja, Rafael Vives Pertusa, at his home. He refused to look at the photos or visit the horses. RTN asked the Town Hall for a statement and also sent photos, but at the time of going to press the Mayor had still had not replied. The centre had no choice but to buy the horses from the monster that had left them painfully starving to death. EMACIATED They were immediately assessed by a vet: it is still unclear whether the horses, named Captain and Hope by EHCRC, will survive. Captain was rushed to Alicante animal hospital with a serious infection from an untreated puncture wound to his leg which has spread into his joints and around his emaciated body. If he survives, he will remain in the hospital for many weeks. HELL HOLE A Daya Vieja local police officer visited the horses on Monday afternoon and was visibly horrified but said he had no powers to remove the horses; he could only take a complaint in writing. Sue said: “We find it absolutely unbelievable that despite the sheer horror of this case the authorities

The horses as found in the shed

were either unable, or unwilling to do anything to remove these horses from the hell hole where they had been left to die. If we had not bought them, they would have stood there until they dropped.” The owner has been reported many times for serious animal cruelty. EHCRC has received complaints about some 25 horses and donkeys, plus dogs, goats and sheep, living in squalid conditions and in a state of near starvation. The mistreatment was reported to the Guardia. EHCRC will try again to get a prosecution brought against this man. PRIORITY Meantime, SEPRONA will be meeting with Sue and Rod to initiate a working relationship that could ensure quicker and more efficient rescue of horses like Captain and Hope. RTN will keep readers fully informed. Sue concluded: “The immediate priority for the centre is to try to save the lives of these two horses. If they can be saved, the veterinary costs will be


Bonfire night

By Jack Troughton TRADITIONAL BEACH celebrations across Spain marking the Night of San Juan are outlawed under the Law of the Coasts. Thousands of people along the Costa Blanca light bonfires – illegal under the legislation – and later take a dip in the sea. The summer party continued much the same as ever on the coast’s beaches, into Thursday, the saint’s feast day. In the Marina Alta town of Moraira, the bonfire was moved off the state-owned Playa l’Ampolla because of the prohibition. Instead, the fire, bar and high. The centre has no official funding and relies totally on donations; it will need help if it is to save disco organised by the local authority, took place on and rehabilitate Captain and Hope.” land not governed by the Please donate to the Centre, details at www.easyhorsecare.net. It is open to visitors on coastal law and the ‘rituals’ were still legally observed. Sundays and Wednesdays, 13.00 – 16.00.

Mystery over fatal stabbing

A MAN’S body found in Málaga has led to a police investigation. The man had been stabbed 28 times and was discovered on Calaceite beach in Torrox Costa. Documents found with the body indicate that the man was of Jordanian origin, but had Spanish nationality. He was 62-years-old. Police are investigating the crime.

Spain’s answer: borrow, borrow...

SPAIN’S ANSWER to the rumours that it needed to be saved by the EU, was to go to the private money market and raise €3,500 million over 10 years. How did it do that? By offering an even higher interest

rate, this time almost 5% that is 20% higher than the last time! Spain needs to borrow a further €24 billion before the end of July. Will it be possible and, if so, at what price?


25 JUNE - 1 JULY 2010

Walk on by by Jack Troughton MISSION ACCOMPLISHED! Trekkers David Farndon and Sandie Cushing have completed their 34km hike along Hadrian’s Wall, raising more than €1,086 for the Great Ormond Street Hospital for Sick Children. The Costa Blanca couple joined a party of 70 walkers following in the steps of Romans and helping fund GOSH and the world famous hospital’s need to update equipment and facilities. David and Sandie, who live in Javea, returned to Spain from Northumberland knowing the “well organised” weekend adventure had raised a record amount for GOSH with the cash still being counted. “It was very hard work,” said David. “We had rubber legs at the end.” Over 19th and 20th June, they completed the hike from Lanercost Priory to Housestead

Roman Fort, the 21 mile hike labelled “tough” by organisers. Sandie “We did 16 miles on the Saturday and on the Sunday we only had six miles to do but it was actually harder – the hills were very like pyramids to walk over, but at least the downward slopes were very nice. TENT “You just walk at your own pace. There were 70 walkers, 10 auxiliaries and six people from GOSH and we spent two nights in a tent.” And to thank their sponsors, the couple organised a prize raffle, the winners drawn on Tuesday at the Copi Shop, Javea. They will be notified by David and Sandie or can ring Sandie on 635 034 955. The winners are: Rita, who will enjoy a lunch time meal for two at La Pista Restaurant, Jalon; Angela Zawaga, winning a treatment with Javea-based osteopath Hans Hu-

Burkas banned in all public places THE BURKA has been banned in all public spaces, including the street. The Spanish Senate voted 131 to 129, in favour of the ban last week. The Burka is worn by Islamic women and covers the entire body with an opening for the eyes. The Niqab is part of the dress and is a scarf which covers the face leaving the eyes visible. Expectations were that the ban would not go ahead as the PSOE Socialists had formed a deal with

the Catalan group CiU to oppose it, but the CiU voted with the PP, who proposed the new ruling. Support also came from the UPN. The government say that the ruling means that “equality, freedom and safety” can be guaranteed. The CiU spokeswoman, Montserrat Candini, says that there will be amendments to the legislation and plans are to develop of a law on equality for the Muslim community.

David and Sandie on the border

iskamp; Jillian Brough won a lunch for two at Spencers’ Bistro, Moraira. Jim Lilley won a private reading with RTN’s medium, clairvoyant, psychic and astrologer Kenny Corris; Roger and Pam won

a meal at David’s Fish and Chips, Moraira; Hazel Duke won a manicure and blow dry at Heaven Hair and Beauty, Moraira; and Janine Miles won a lunch for two at the Olive Tree Deli, Moraira.

Young Dutch man drowns THE BODY of a young Dutch man has been found by the Guardia Civil. The 25-yearold man went missing off the Punta Porquerola in Mont-roig del Camp (Tarragona) last Sunday. He was found half a mile out to sea at 21.00 last

Tuesday, several kilometres away from where he was last seen. The search began late on Sunday and had involved the Guardia Civil, Maritime Rescue and the Mossos d’Esquadra. The body was taken

to Cambrils for formal identification. The man’s identity has not yet been released. He had been holidaying on a campsite with his parents. Police believe he went for a swim, as his clothes were recovered on the shore.

Rugby sevens success

The Mayor with the Captain of the Viator Barbarians

LAST SATURDAY saw the first ever rugby tournament at the new Nelson Mandela Sports Stadium in Torrevieja. The Mayor, Pedro Hernandez Mateo, and the Councillor for Sports, Daniel Plaza Montero, officially inaugurated the stadium and then settled down to watch the morning’s play at the SRUGBY 7s Rugby Tournament. The new multipurpose sports stadium, which cost in excess of €2 million to construct, will not only be the venue

for rugby tournaments, it will also welcome soccer, hockey and cricket teams from all over the world. Twelve teams from Spain and England competed in the SRUGBY 7’s tournament, organised by 4 GEST SPORT EVENTS S.L; experts in organising large sporting events like this all over Spain. The Marauders Academy, the English team which flew over for the tournament, was made up of a mix of young

Immigrants keep coming

SIXTY IMMIGRANTS, including a mother and her baby, have been rescued off the coast of Almería on board a small boat. The coastguard patrol saw the boat first.

players who are emerging talent in the World of rugby and experienced players from Camberley RFC, which has won the Rugby Sevens Golden Glass on several occasions and will participate in the Rugby World Series in Dubai, which takes place later this year. The first match for the visitors was against Spanish team Viator Barbarians and the Mayor presented a special trophy to the Captains of both teams to commemorate the occasion.

The Red Cross came to the aid of the immigrants and reports are that they are all in good health. The coast guard then went in search of a second boat reported to have been seen off the coast of Cabo de Gata. None of the immigrants had papers.

25 june - 1 july 2010


The Great British Cuppa By Eddie Taylor DRINKING SEVERAL cups of tea or coffee a day appears to protect against heart disease, a 13-year-long study from the Netherlands has found. High and moderate tea consumption and moderate coffee consumption is good for the heart, say the Dutch researchers. According to study findings, people who consumed more than six cups of tea per day had a 36 percent lower risk of heart disease when compared to people who had less than one cup of tea a day. Also, consuming three to six cups of tea a day was linked with a 45 percent reduced risk of dying from heart disease, when compared to those who drank less than one cup per day. Coffee drinkers who enjoyed two to four cups a day experienced a 20 percent lower risk of heart disease when compared to people having less than two cups or more than four cups. While the protective effect ceased with more than four cups of coffee a day, even those who drank this much were no more likely to die of any cause, including stroke and cancer, than those who abstained. The Dutch tend to drink coffee with a small amount of milk and black tea without. There have been conflicting reports as to whether milk substantially affects the polyphenols, this is believed to be the most beneficial substance in tea. Having a cigarette with your coffee could completely cancel any benefits, while

drinking lots of tea in front of the TV for hours on end without exercising is unlikely to offer your heart much protection at all. Coffee has properties which could in theory simultaneously increase and reduce risk by potentially raising cholesterol while battling the inflammatory damage associated with heart disease. The study in the Journal of the American Heart Association finds those who drank between two and four cups a day lowered the risk of the disease by 20%. “It’s basically a good news story for those who like tea and coffee. These drinks appear to offer benefits for the heart without raising the risk of dying from anything else” said Professor Yvonne van der Schouw, the lead researcher.


25 JUNE - 1 JULY 2010

Pink Ladies look set to hit target LAST SATURDAY’S inaugural Pink Ladies Walk in Torrevieja saw more than 150 ladies and gents walking the five kilometre route from the Hombre del Mar to Los Locas and back again. The event was organised by Maria Wilson, who is herself undergoing chemotherapy as she battles with breast cancer. Maria was diagnosed with the disease in March and had a mastectomy to remove her left breast just days after her diagnosis. Organising this walk gave her and all her friends, who have all been extremely supportive, something to focus on and their dedication to the cause certainly paid off last weekend as the walkers brightened up the seafront in their outrageous pink outfits. While the ladies have been organising the walk, Maria’s husband of 26 years, Carl, has been busy keeping friends and relatives all over the World updated on Maria’s progress with his daily ‘Maria Updates’, which RTN has also been receiving. Carl has also been drumming up Worldwide support for the walk and been getting everyone to donate to Maria’s chosen charity, which unsurprisingly is the cancer charity, the AECC. WINDING SNAKE OF PINK Despite having a dose of chemo only days before the event, Maria managed to complete the whole five kilometres, even though the second half was done in a wheelchair. Carl told RTN: “I am so proud of my beautiful wife and her friends for organising this amazing event. The whole area around the Hombre del Mar in Torrevieja was a sea of pink and as the walk stretched out, when you looked ahead or behind all you could see was a winding snake of pink. The local population must have thought that

Outcry after death of bull THE COURTS are investigating the possible abuse and death of a bull during fiestas in Málaga. A video posted on the internet led the animal rights group El Refugio to make an official complaint about the treatment the young bull received. The

video shows six youths apparently beating the animal, and the courts have said that the footage shows “characteristics which show the possible existence of a penal infraction.” Police have questioned all six of the youngsters and taken statements.

we were all mad!” He continued: “Money was collected along the way in buckets and it was amazing how many people stopped to put money in them when they knew which charity we were doing it for. On one occasion three ladies actually emptied the entire contents of their purses into the buckets.” Carl concluded: “Everyone had a great day, especially Maria, although she was very tired by the end of the day. I would like to thank everyone for working so hard to making it such a success.” MARIA’S MARKET Even though the walk is over, Maria’s ‘Mission’ to raise as much needed funds as possible for the AECC has nowhere near finished and she has lots of events planned for the summer, the first of which is next Friday, 2nd July. Maria told RTN about her plans. She said: “I have arranged a market in aid of the charity, which will be managed by the Pink Ladies. The market will be held at LM.D´Bras at El Galan (formerly known as TW´s). The event starts at 10.00 and continues until 15:00. There will be stalls selling jewellery, handbags, shoes, books, cakes and a whole host of other things, there will also be a barbeque and raffles; all in aid of raising money for breast cancer awareness and once again your readers’ support would be much appreciated.” Early counts for the walk have already reached €5,500 and that is before the majority of the sponsorship money has been handed in, so Maria hopes that her target of €10,000 is much more than a possibility now. Please go along to Maria’s Market next week and support this very worthy cause.

Maria and her husband Carl

Obama gives backing to Spain

BARACK OBAMA gave his backing on Monday to the adjustment measures approved by the government to reduce the public deficit. He stated that he believed the government was heading in the right direction and the measures are compatible with a future of economic growth. Obama conveyed his support for the adjustment measures by telephone to Prime Minister Zapatero last Monday. He

said that the measures are “difficult but necessary” initiatives and that they also help ensure that the fiscal consolidation process is compatible with a policy of economic growth. The two leaders also spoke about the G-20 Summit to be held at the weekend in Toronto (Canada), which both will attend. Barack Obama also congratulated José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero on the

work undertaken during the six-month period of Spanish EU Presidency because, in his opinion, it has helped boost relations between the United States and the 27 Member States of the European Union. Finally, the US President praised the decision taken by the most recent European Council to publish the stress tests that examine the solvency of financial entities.

Fundraising friends Graham Knight addresses the group members and the audience

FOLLOWING THEIR sell out matinee show at the Virgen del Carmen Cultural Centre in Torrevieja last week, the Rascals presented a large cheque for €100,000 to represent the total amount that the group has donated to local charities since its inception in 1993. Among the charities that have benefited from the sell out shows that the group of talented performers have staged are Age Concern; Cruz Roja; APANEE; ALPE; the International Cofradia; the Alzheimer’s Association and AMFA, which is based in Almoradi. All of the money raised has come from the tickets for their various shows over the years and representatives from the many charities who have been supported by the group

were in attendance last week to witness the ‘cheque presentation’. The group has performed at a number of different theatres and venues in towns all over the Vega Baja including Rojales; San Fulgencio; Guardamar; Almoradi and Catral as well as the Municipal Theatre and Cultural Centre in Torrevieja. Rascals Chairperson, Jill Rule, officially presented the cheque following their performance of ‘Musical Mayhem’ in front of Torrevieja’s Councillor for Foreign Residents, Pedro Valero and Graham Knight from the International Residents Office (OARI), who told the group and the audience that the Rascals were not only amazing fundraisers but also ‘friends of the Town Hall’.

Chinese Railways Ministry visits Spain A DELEGATION from the Chinese Railways Ministry, led by Deputy Minister An Limin, travelled to Spain last week to learn more about the technical aspects of the Spanish high-speed railway system. Last Saturday, they enjoyed a first-hand experience of the Spanish high-speed railway infrastructures on a journey to Barcelona by AVE (High-Speed Train). The visit continued at the Departmental headquarters on Monday with a presentation of Spain’s high-speed railway model and discussions regarding possible Spanish collaboration on high-speed railway development projects in China with a presentation by the Chinese delegation of the characteristics of high-speed railways in China and the investment projects being managed by the Chinese Railways Ministry. Several Director-Generals from the Chinese Railways Ministry also took part in the meeting. Afterwards, a visit was made to the Atocha control centre and the drilling works on the new underground connection between the stations of Chamartín and Puerta de Atocha. A lunch was also organised with the major Spanish companies in the sector. This visit is yet another of many made over the last year by political and technical leaders from several countries in order to learn more about the details of the Spanish high-speed railway system in person.

Ladies Day is Thursday

The Ladies from the Ladies Thursday Club

WHISPERS BAR on the Balcon de la Costa Urbanisation in San Miguel de Salinas is the venue for the Ladies Thursday Club; an essential group of likeminded women who want to escape their houses or husbands (!) for a couple of hours every week. The informal club, which is open to all ladies regardless of where they live, is welcoming and light-hearted with no committees and no leaders; just lots of ladies chatting and discussing anything and everything from current affairs, politics and dieting to knitting, tapestry and even football!

The club has recently embarked on a fundraising project for the Help for Heroes charity and next Wednesday 30th June the ladies will be holding a table top sale outside the bar. There will be lots of second hand clothes, books, bric-a-brac and other odds and sods for sale and all proceeds will go to the charity that helps ex-servicemen and women from the British armed forces, who have returned injured from past and present conflicts. Please go along to support a worthy cause. The Ladies Thursday Club meets at Whispers in San Miguel every Thursday from 14:30.

25 june - 1 july 2010



25 JUNE - 1 JULY 2010

Perfect pampering for PCN CASA LA PEDRERA in Torremendo was the ideal venue for last week’s Paul Cunningham Nurses Ladies Pamper Day. It was a day of leisure and pleasure for all the ladies who attended and nearly €300 was made for the charity as a result. Thankfully, after the torrential rain during the previous three days, the sun shone brightly as more than 30 ladies arrived to start their day of luxury with a glass of pink champagne. After a wander around the absolutely stunning garden and pool areas, the ladies were all invited to book a short free massage treatment, courtesy of the wonderful Saphia, who has a fabulous beauty clinic based the El Corazon Hotel in Rojales. Saphia was definitely the star of the day after completing almost 30 massage treatments during the five hour event. Saphia offers a complete range of beauty treatments, facials and all types of massage including Indian head massage as well as Hopi ear candles and much more. AQUACISE Jason Scawthorn from JPS Fit-

ness chatted to small groups of ladies before doing a short presentation about the benefits of exercise and healthy eating. Then Casa La Pedrera owner Jenni Ray followed with a short talk about the beautiful walks around the lake and the other activities that she organises. Jason picked up again after lunch, with several of the ladies enjoying an impromptu Aquacise class. Susan Reader, PCN Fundraising Manager told RTN: “It was a great day and we would like to thank all the pampering professionals who came along and made the event so memorable.” Susan would like to take this opportunity to thank the following people for their time at the PCN Ladies Pamper Day: Michaela, for her beautiful clothes in ALL sizes; Margarite for her wonderful hair consultations and styling; Jackie from The Hair Enhancers, who brought along a beautiful selection of lightweight wigs and hair pieces; Sue Campbell who was there with a whole range of Bodyshop products and Louise Ryde, a local artist who has some beautiful paintings, came along to display

her work and to answer any questions from budding artists. Susan added: “I would also like to thank Christine from Bliss Hairdressers at La Finca, who at the eleventh hour sent along two hair stylists to add to the pampering.” She continued: “Linda Sage from Quesada Wellbeing Centre, who is also a beautician, was there offering a 12 week weight loss programme for just €40, which equals just €3.33 a week, including toning tables and Liz who gave up her own day of pampering to do several sets of Minx nails. Thank you Liz!” COMPETITION All of the above people, plus many more will be joining PCN again at PROCOMOBEL in Guardamar on Sunday 4th July when the charity is holding a Mind Body and Soul experience! For more details email sueinthesun@terra.es or visit www.paulcunninghamnurses.com. There will be more about this event in next week’s RTN. In the meantime, if you would like to be in with a chance of winning afternoon tea at Casa La

Lethal recycle bin traps and fatally injures girl A ROMANIAN girl has died after becoming trapped inside a clothing recycle bin. She was 11-years-old. The incident took place in Albacete on 12th June, when her family helped her to put her head and upper body inside the bin to search for clothes, but she became trapped and couldn’t breathe. When the fire service arrived the girl was being held off the ground by a youth, and her mother was screaming and

crying. The girl was released quickly, but had turned blue from lack of oxygen. The CastillaLa Mancha health service reports that she died from her injuries on Wednesday afternoon after spending 10 days in intensive care at Albacete’s Hospital General. This is the second time this year such an incident has happened. A man died in Valencia because he also got trapped and suffocated in a clothing bin.

Saphia was the star of the day!

Pedrera, a relaxing Indian head massage, courtesy of Saphia, some lovely Bodyshop products or a Toning Table Session with a BMI and Body Fat Analysis from Linda

Sage from Quesada Wellbeing Centre, simply e-mail sueinthesun@terra.es and quote this RTN article and you will be placed in the prize draw.

Smoking ban comes one step closer ANTI-SMOKING legislation has received the thumbs up in parliament. Minister for Health, Trinidad Jiménez, has reiterated that she wants the smoking ban in place by next year. The latest draft of the new law says that smoking will be banned in all closed public places, including bars, restaurants and leisure facilities, but permitted on terraces, in some hotel rooms and institutions where people are held against their will, such as prisons. Parliament gave unanimous approval for the new measures last week, although the PP have criticised the socialist government for lacking ambition when it comes to protecting health.

25 june - 1 july 2010

New church inauguration The new parish church of San Pedro and San Pablo

THE BISHOP of Orihuela and Alicante, Rafael Palmero, will be officially inaugurating the new parish church of San Pedro and San Pablo with a special mass this Sunday, 27th June. Earlier this week, the Mayor of Torrevieja, Pedro Hernández Mateo, accompanied by the Councillor of Government and Human Resources, José Antonio Sánchez García and the Priest of the city’s Inmaculada Concepción Church, Manuel Martínez Rocamora, visited the new

church, situated in the Torretas urbanisation, to see its progress ahead of this weekend’s official inaugurating mass. The building, which will be home to seven different parishes from Torrevieja and La Mata, sits in a parcel of land that is 6,000 metre sq and the church itself is more than 1,000 metre sq. The Priest of the Immaculada Concepción Church has overseen all the building work on this project and is delighted that the new par-

ish church plans, which have been in the pipeline for many years, have finally come to fruition. He told RTN: “We have been waiting for this church for many years and we will now be able to accommodate Greek-Catholics and Ukrainian Catholics within the church as they will be able to have their own masses and services.” The church is on Calle Los Jazmines, behind the new fire station, and the inauguration and mass begins at 18:00.

New town hall office in La Manga THE MAYOR of San Javier, Pepa Garcia, officially opened a new Town Hall office in La Manga this week. The office, which is in the Castillos de Mar urnbanisation, will provide information for residents and tourists and will also be the main office for the local ‘alcalde pedaneo’ or local Mayor, who is in charge of looking after La Manga. The office was officially inaugurated by Mrs Garcia and the local La Manga Mayor Manuel García Ferré, as well as the Murcian Regional Councillor for La Manga, José Luis Espinosa, who also lives in the area. Manuel García Ferré told RTN: “This office will be a very important addition to the La Manga strip. It will mean that the residents will have a direct voice to the Town Hall, which is some distance away by car.” The office will be open weekdays from 10:00 until 14:00, will have representatives from the Town Hall’s Local and Youth department full time and will open its doors to the public on 1st July.


Night of Flamenco THIS SATURDAY evening, 26th June, sees a festival of flamenco take place at the Pilar de la Horadada ‘Recinto Ferial’ in the town centre. The event starts at 22:00 and promises to be an amazing display of this traditional Spanish dance.

Concert in San Miguel NEXT SATURDAY, 26th June, there will be a concert at the Casa de Cultura in San Miguel de Salinas. The Cuarteto De Cuerda Orchestra, based in Elche, will be playing pieces of music by composers including Turine; Toldra; Devorak; and Albeniz. The event starts at 20:30.

Drunk in charge of a bottle

By Jean Orellana A SPANISH truck driver’s tour of Sevilla’s ring road ended when the Guardia Civil noticed his highly inflammable consignment of gas bottles had not been securely stowed. Most of the truck’s cargo was loose and the clanking of gas bottles careering around the vehicle’s deck had little in common with the click of castanets. Pulling the errant navigator over, the cops realised that in addition to a strong smell of gas there was a toxic aroma of alcohol. The 47year-old tested positive and was shown to be also unstable at 0.99 milligrams of blood, double the legal limit. To make matters worse, the truck he was driving did not have a valid ITV certificate.

The Mayor of San Javier inaugurates new La Manga Town Hall office


25 june - 1 july 2010

Watts In Britain

Dorset: is it in the west, or not?

By PREVIOUSLY ON Watts in Britain: De-

Paul Watts

spite a wobbly landing, I returned the Tardis to the BBC Mailbox last weekend without a single scratch. I must say 1967 was okay but the choice of take-away restaurants was a bit thin. What I did like was the lack of computers, mobile phones, MP3s and bar-codes stuck on everything. Oh, and the absence of VAT (soon to hit a 20% all time high after the emergency budget on Tuesday). Talking of bar-codes, did you know that tomorrow is the anniversary of the first scanning of a bar coded product? Yup, it is. That was back on 26th June, 1974 and can you guess what that first scanned product was? I’ll tell you in a while - but first to business. Jean Rudd, who lives over here in the UK, receives each week an edition of the RTN. Normally, she is very happy with her dose of Costa Blanca news, gossip and goings-on as it is a reminder of her time in Spain. “I lived in Torrevieja for many years,” Jean tells me, “I loved it there and still love Spain, but it was time for me to move back here.” Okay Jean, that’s very nice to know and I’m glad that RTN helps keep alive the memories of Spain but I do sense a bit of a ‘but’ building up. Yup, here it is: Jean wants to take issue with me over my article two weeks ago about Dorset County Council. Uh oh, what have I done now? That article, ‘West Country Council to remake Mama Mia’, seems to have caused

me nothing but trouble. Last week I had the Brigadier banging on about there being no Odean cinema in Tolpuddle and now something else in it seems to have upset Jean. Come on then, Jean, tell me... She says: “I have lived most of my life in North Devon. In fact I was born there and my family go back over 200 years in the area.” That certainly gives you a local lineage Jean. What Jean finds galling is my apparent cavalier geographical assertions. The title of the article insists that Dorset is a West Country council. “In all my years,” Jean argues, “Dorset has never been West Country, seeing as its way over past Exeter. West Country was always south of Bristol and down to Cornwall on the west coast.” Hmmm, with respect I guess it’s really a matter of geographical perspective, Jean. You see, from here in Brighton it really does seem to be in the west. Even from Birmingham running south and two degrees from the prime meridian it still places such landmarks as the North and South Dorset Downs definitely in the west. But I’m not here to upset anyone, especially when you consider that I’ve always been highly geographically challenged. Yeah, I have - you just ask Roy Cooke, my old geography teacher. He wrote in my first geography report, “as regards the subject, Paul is indifferent.” “Wow,” I remember thinking, “I don’t know what ‘indifferent’ is but

Durdle Door, Lulworth Cove, Dorset... but where does it lie?

it sure sounds like something good.” I hoped my parents would be proud of that. Old Cookie further commented that, “Paul does exceedingly well to find his way home…” So you see Jean I probably can’t really be trusted geographically speaking. However, I decided to conduct a straw poll to see what the consensus was because I still have a sneaking suspicion that Dorset is in the west. And where better to start such a poll than the Brewer’s Arms. Kathy, the landlady, thought that sense of place was all down to one’s own personal sense of geographic and spatial awareness. Eh, what Kathy? Bit too deep for me, that one. Chad, a teacher from the local grammar school, suggested we plug in a sat-nav and see what ‘she’ had to say. I think he was joking, either that or the Biddenden’s Cider had started to react. Squaddie Pete recommended that we “quadrate the country and extrapolate from those findings”. Hmmm, so definitely the Biddenden’s at work! “Although,” as Kathy said, “Pete might

possibly be on to something.” A map of the country was found and spread upon the floor of the snug. It was divided into four parts, with Leicester being set as the dead centre of England. Ergo: It might not be too scientific but it did put Dorset in the western quadrant. Sorry Jean, but there you have it. I even phoned my in-laws down at Paignton in Devon to see what they thought. However, they were far too cautious about upsetting the locals to comment. “We’ve lived here thirty-five years now,” Main-law said, “we don’t want to risk not being accepted. Grievances here can last seven generations.” Oh, okay… I think I’m just going to leave this one open. Unless, of course, you think you have the answer. Bung us a clue to p.watts@roundtownnews.com and help solve the dilemma presented by Jean. Dorset: is it in the west, or not? Oh, and as for the first bar-code scanned product, did you guess it? It was chewing gum. Pip, pip, for now… Watts in Brighton, somewhere northish of France...

25 june - 1 july 2010



25 JUNE - 1 JULY 2010

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25 june - 1 july 2010



25 JUNE - 1 JULY 2010

Put your foot down - top quality, discount furniture WHEN YOU think about it, top quality furniture at discount prices is a really attractive proposition. The problem is that most retailers on the Costa Blanca have little or nothing to back up the claim. So when I went to visit Continental Interiors in Gata to find out what makes them different, I have to admit to being pleasantly surprised. You see, Continental Interiors in Gata is one of the many outlets for a £10 million company established for many, many years. When you’re that big, you have a lot of buying power, resulting in significant savings, which are passed on to the likes of you and me: the customers. And with that sort of buying power, you can really put your foot down when it comes to quality!

That is, in essence, what Continental Interiors is all about! The store in Gata is certainly impressive. Firstly, it’s easy to find between Gata and Teulada on the N332. Secondly, there is an abundance of free and easy parking. And thirdly there is over 8,000 square feet of showroom floor space, so you really can see what you’re buying and compare different types of furniture, woods and finishes. Continental Interiors’ furniture is made from solid wood – no laminates here! There’s a range of Oak, Ash, Pine, Mahogany and even some of the more exotic dark woods from Asia. The range covers sofas; dining tables and chairs; beds; sideboards; wardrobes; dressing tables; shelves… you

A wide range of mattresses are available


R E T U RO ! 0 5 € h t wor

Continental Interiors’ furniture is made from solid wood

name it, they’ve got it! I even saw a rather nice looking desk which would look great in my home office. If you’re buying a bed, Continental Interiors can offer a wide range of mattresses from basic right up to the amazing memory foam mattresses. If you’ve never slept on a memory foam mattress, you don’t know what you’re missing! A new line of electrically adjustable bed bases has just arrived, so just plug your mother-in-law in when she comes to stay! Of particular note are the accessories. Incorporating a large selection of British bedding, you can buy your sheets; duvets; duvet covers; pillows; pillow cases and even summer throws. Of course, all of this is only good if the

prices are good. And I’m happy to report the prices are VERY good. Most of the stock is at least 50% off the normal UK price and often more with the 1-off clearance lines. For example, where else can you get a dining suite comprising 4 leather chairs and a solid wood dining table for only €285! Other pricing includes: new mattress from €89; selection of slight imperfect all half of half price; new bed base single €55; double €75; king €79; new electric bed base from €435. Continental Interiors ‘does what it says on the tin’: top quality furniture at discount prices. I recommend you pop along and take a look. Open 6 days a week, on the N332 between Gata and Teulada (opposite the Repsol Petrol Station). Tel: 96 646 9277 or 669 801 333.

25 june - 1 july 2010


Spanish Badminton Champions are Brits Butterfly Children TWO BRITISH residents from San Miguel de Salinas have become Spanish Champions in Badminton at the recent Spanish Badminton Championship for Veterans, held in Galicia. Eleanor Ziaiahmadi and Behrooz Ziaiahmadi, both members of the San Pedro Badminton Club, a club established for only two years, along with seven other players, took part in the Championship. Eleanor Ziaiahmadi, with her partner Carlos Martinez from Xátiva, took first place in the mixed doubles over 60´s category. Behrooz Ziaiahmadi and his partner, Mike Carter, from Alhaurin, Andalucia, came second in their category: men’s doubles (55 – 59 years.) Two other players from San Pedro were placed: Carol Clarkmead (second in the Ladies´ Singles over 60´s) and Karen Sullivan along with her partner, Susana Muñoz from Malaga (second place in the Ladies´ Doubles (40 – 44 years). The five remaining players all reached the semi-finals. Behrooz Ziaiahmadi, President of the Club, was delighted with the results of such a young club and thanked all the players for participating, congratulating the winners. The players would like to say a big


From left to right: Carol Clarkmead, Karen Sullivan, Behrooz Ziaiahmadi and Eleanor Ziaiahmadi

thank you to their sponsors, Talleres Ford Martinez of San Miguel and tomorrow, Saturday, they will all be playing in a tournament with around 45 - 50 players from five other clubs in the region. Some of these players were winners in the Spanish Nationals, so it should be a very high standard tournament.

If you would like to go and watch some top class badminton, the tournament takes place at the Sports Pavilion in San Pedro del Pinatar, starts at 09.00 and will go on until approximately 14:00. RTN will be there and will have a full report in next week’s paper.

AT THEIR end-of-year meeting this month, TRAC (Torrevieja Retired Activity Club), were given a talk by Ann Wylie from the DEBRA charity, known as The Butterfly Children charity. Ann, who manages the Pueblo Bravo DEBRA charity shop, explained how the charity was set up in Spain, why it was so important and told club members how E.B (Epidermolysis Bullosa) which is an inherited connective tissue disease, affects children. Many members were moved almost to tears by the description of this terrible affliction on the children and the expense

Six autonomous presidents and five mayors earn more than Zapatero

By Gabrielle Rey

EVERYONE WANTS to show that they are doing their bit to help in times of crisis, but very few Spanish leaders have lowered their wages as much as Jose Luis Zapatero - by more than 15%. The president is one of the worst paid politicians in Spain and now receives (only) €6,515 per month. There are six autonomous presidents (Cataluña, Madrid, País Vasco, Murcia, La Rioja and Castilla y León) and five mayors (Barcelona,

Madrid, Bilbao, Valencia y Huelva) who earn more than the president. The presidents of the Congress, the Senate, and the Courts and Tribunals of the State, all earn more than Zapatero, as well as the Governor of the Bank of Spain (who has generously dropped his wage by 15% and will now earn €11,600 per month). The president of RTVE (Spanish Television) earns a modest €20,000 per month, making the Spanish president look poor in comparison.

101.28€ was donated

and pressures that their families have to cope with. Following the talk, Ann answered many questions from club members and was presented, by two committee members, with a collection tin holding €101.28 which had been donated by a collection from club members. TRAC meets every third Wednesday of each month from September to June at the International Marina Bar at the International Marina, Torrevieja. If you are interested in joining, contact either Membership Secretary Pam on 966 790 648, or Vice Chairman Frank on 966 791 369


25 JUNE - 1 JULY 2010


Britons missing out on £101m each year on international money transfers


Kevin Wright

Account Manager, Moneycorp

POOR BANK rates and high charges for foreign exchange transactions mean individuals need to be savvier when transferring money overseas. Research by Moneycorp reveals that Brits are potentially losing over £101m a year by not shopping around for the best deals when transferring money abroad. Furthermore, uncompetitive exchange rates and high bank charges are costing individuals a lot of money, despite a concerted effort by most to reduce their outgoings on luxury and even staple items. David Kerns, Head of Personal Clients at Moneycorp, comments: “While many individuals are visiting comparison websites more frequently, checking voucher code sites and consulting online consumer forums before purchasing goods in order to save money, this mindset doesn’t seem to have extended to foreign exchange. As a result, individuals are missing out on a very large sum of money they could be saving, by transferring funds overseas through a foreign exchange specialist rather than a bank. Not surprisingly,

high street banks are cashing in as a result of this surprisingly apathetic approach.” People buying or selling property overseas and people emigrating or repatriating will be particularly affected, though this issue will affect all Brits who are transferring money overseas. People who own additional properties abroad and make regular mortgage and/or utilities payments will also be badly affected, as every transfer is open to individual transfer charges, in addition to exchange rates. An individual who wants to transfer a lump sum of £100,000 to an account in Europe would lose out on an average of €1,690 by using their bank for the transfer into euros. David Kerns concludes: “Despite the UK coming out of recession recently, individuals shouldn’t be lining the pockets of their bank managers and it’s in their best interest to maximise their investments. Prior to making any overseas payments, we always advocate that people shop around to get the best rates possible.”

For more information on how Moneycorp can help you to save hundreds of euros on your Spanish bank fees, as well as helping you get more pounds for your euros, contact us on 902 887 243 or email Moneycorp directly at roundtownnews@moneycorp.com

Euro/Sterling Weekly Market Update brought to you by &



Last week’s UK data were uninspiring but did no great damage. The euro shrugged off all sorts of bad news because it was not bad enough… It was not an inspiring week for the pound, which covered a two-cent range between €1.21 and €1.19… It was not quite five-a-day for sterling but the British economy managed to put together the best part of a handful of statistics every day… Monday’s economic growth and deficit estimates marked the first outing of the shiny new Office for Budget Responsibility, a triumvirate of economists whose task is not to lie about the country’s fiscal position in a way that politicians might be tempted to do. The figures were heartening... Tuesday’s inflation figures came in on the low side of expectations. The consumer price index went up. Wednesday’s employment data looked good on the surface, with a 31k reduction in the number of dole claimants… Thursday’s retail sales data provided another interesting social comment. Sales were +0.6% higher in May but the Office for National Statistics drew attention to the uplift cause by the football world cup. There was concern that the footy-related sales (shirts, St George’s flags with ‘ENGLAND’ across the middle of them, televi-

sion sets) would mean an upturn in British imports and further deterioration of the trade balance. Friday’s money supply and public sector borrowing figures showed the number of mortgage approvals still stalled at a low level and another £16 billion of government borrowings in May… Euroland remained beset by less-thanpositive news… In Spain the El Economista daily claimed that plans were well-advanced for a €250 billion bailout from the EU and the IMF. Elena Salgado, Spain’s finance minister, repudiated it, saying ‘It has been denied by the Spanish government, by the European Commission, and by the IMF. How much more can we deny it?’ Not enough, apparently. The story refuses to die… The euro, however, showed an almost Teflon-suited ability to shrug off the bad news. As far as investors were concerned, none of the week’s accusations or data were sufficiently bad to provoke a new round of euro selling… By far the most important event for sterling this week will have been Tuesday’s budget (or ‘emergency’ budget as the chancellor chooses to describe it)…

To read the full report click on Currency Guidance at www.moneycorp.com/roundtownnews


25 JUNE - 1 JULY 2010


I am UK domiciled and have a few assets in Spain (house, car, bank account and a small boat). What is the advantage, if any, of having Spanish Will? by

Marc White & Carlos Baos

English & Spanish Solicitors

THERE ARE many advantages for a UK domiciled (owner of assets in Spain) to have a Spanish Will let me list just a few of them: 1) The existence of a Spanish Will is a cost effective means of simplifying the handling of your affairs. I have come across many people who intend to rely upon their English Will or, even worse, (English intestacy rules where there is no Will at all) to deal with their Spanish estate. Unfortunately however, without a Spanish Will no action can be taken in Spain until the Probate of your English estate has been finalised. This can take a very long time - irrespective of whether your affairs are complicated

or straightforward. There is also the expense of preparing an official translation of the English Will and its legalisation to bear in mind, which together will cost significantly more than preparing a Spanish Will in the first place. 2) An English person prepares his/her Spanish Will in accordance with their national law (English law). This means that the same provisions set out in any pre-existing English Will can generally be duplicated in the Spanish Will if required. 3) A closely related topic is Inheritance Tax. Many people are aware that the Spanish authorities impose tax penalties if matters are not dealt with quickly. You have only 6 months to pay any taxes due on the deceased’s Spanish estate following the date of death; failing to do so will result in a surcharge and interest will start to accrue. It is rare for the English probate to be dealt with in time to allow this deadline to be met. 4) For tax purposes, a Spanish Will can be drawn in such a way that it will minimize the Inheritance Tax (IHT). Needless to say, you have to know how the Spanish IHT works to make your Will really tax efficient.

5) Sometimes (due to the amount of the estate etc) when an English person passes away there is NO need to get a Probate as long as he has a valid Spanish Will BUT if this person does not have a Spanish Will then normally the Spanish authorities will need to see the Probate before dealing with the Spanish estate. 6) If you have assets in Spain and have not yet drawn your Spanish Will, we advise you to do it as soon as possible. The most advisable way is to do it in Spain as it will be registered in the Spanish system (central registry of Last Wills etc) directly. But if is not possible for you to travel to Spain, in some occasion we have also prepared Spanish Wills in our office and the client have signed it in front of an English Public Notary in the UK and we have registered them in Spain. Should this be your case or the case of someone you know, we will be more than pleased to assist you. *The information provided on this article is not intended to be legal advice, but merely conveys general information related to legal issues.

Marc White LL.B. & Carlos Baos (English & Spanish Solicitors) C/Diana 19, 2º-D, 03700 Dénia (located close to the Glorieta Square at the end of Marques de Campo). © White & Baos Abogados 2010 - Tel: 966 426 185. All rights reserved. Send your questions to thespanishlawyer@roundtownnews.com or info@white-baos.com

Banks have problems finding credit SPANISH BANKS are having increasing difficulties finding new loans. Foreign banks make loans only if the guarantees are outside Spain and shy away from anything connected with the infamous Spanish property market. Their distrust is not so much directed against Banco Santander and BBVA, but, in the main, the small and medium sized banks. Thus, these banks must approach the European Central Bank, which is still pouring money into the banking system. In May, Spanish banks borrowed €85.6 billion from ECB; 25% more than in May last year and 11 billion more than in March.



25 JUNE - 1 JULY 2010

Concentrate on your core skills; you can’t be Jack of all Trades by

Fiona Hulme

Agencia de Cobros Directos

IF YOU are running a small business, i.e. you’re a plumber, an electrician, or a builder, your core skills are of course your trade expertise; you spend your time quoting for jobs, buying the materials and doing the work. Somewhere along the line you have to do paperwork to get paid, and to keep your Gestor happy. Mostly this all works smoothly and the customer pays you immediately on completion of the job. But occasionally, they ‘haven’t been to the Bank’, or you’ve done work in an empty house while the owners are back in their home country. For laggard payers, how do you chase them up? Not many people enjoy asking for money. It makes it easier if you spell out your payment terms up front, and can refer to them if a payment is late. In any quote, verbal or written, state your payment terms (for example 50% to buy materials, then the remainder on

the day of completion). When your second polite payment reminder doesn’t work, say that you will place the debt in the hands of a debt collection agency. Don´t be embarrassed about this, remember: • It’s your money • You’ve done a good job • You shouldn’t be wasting time on bad payers when you have other good customers to serve For medium and larger businesses, you will have accounting staff to prepare invoices and do all the necessary banking and accounting formalities. But you will still get tardy payers. Your accounts staff is probably under pressure and late payers usually end up at the bottom of the priority list. Try to get into a routine, if an invoice is 3 months overdue, pass it out to the debt collectors. The quicker we get onto it, the more likely you are

How do you chase up late payers?

to get paid. Your accounts team can concentrate on their daily tasks in the knowledge that the overdue debts are being actioned and not just left ‘until they get round to it’. We work for individuals, one man businesses and larger organisations and can tailor our services to suit your needs. Our most popular fee type is ‘no win no fee’, which means that if we

can’t recover the money for you, then you don’t pay us anything. See our website www.cobrosdirectos.com, or call for no obligation advice on 966 888 987. Debt Collectors enjoy asking for money! That´s our core skill, so let us do that for you while you continue fixing leaks, mending walls or building your empire.

Contact us on 966 888 987, or email us at info@cobrosdirectos.com and we will be pleased to discuss any aspect of our service


25 june - 1 july 2010


Have you bought a property in the last four years? by

Suzanne O’Connell Freelance reporter

Beware registered post. We all know that the post in Spain can be a little bit dodgy. That’s why anything of real importance comes as sign on delivery. You know immediately when correos pulls out a pen that it’s not likely to be a birthday card they’re dropping into your buzon. If you have bought a second-hand (resale) property within the last four years your sign on delivery could be a very unwelcome notification that you have some more transfer tax to pay. Transfer tax or transmission tax is the amount you pay when a second-hand property is transferred between two owners. It is likely that the value you declared for your house is the same as what is registered on your title deeds. The price you paid. You might have bought your new house below it’s value, but…(and there always has to be a but) the tax man knows it too. Doubting your declaration of the value of your house, an architect has done a few calculations and decided that ,yes, you have got a bargain and perhaps the tax man would like a share of your good fortune too. If you have paid transfer tax on a low purchase price then chances are that when a property value check is completed (and this is happening more and more) the tax man will wop an extra few thousand on the value of your house and charge you tax on this too. “It’s a real problem we’re seeing more and more,’ says Pablo Arteaga, lawyer at

Ábaco Asesores, “fortunately if you catch it quickly enough you can appeal. We’ve been very successful in our appeals at Ábaco but that depends upon us being referred the case in enough time.” It’s a worry for everyone especially for non-resident owners. What do you do when correos is on your door step but you’re not? Here’s the order of events: 1. letter arrives by registered post explaining that your property value has been checked and that you owe more money in transfer tax if you do nothing/ you’re not there 2. the notification is posted on the official provincial bulletin – this is updated daily and is not easy to access if you don’t see this/ do nothing about it 3. if you have a named fiscal representative on your deeds they will be notified and be able to deal with it for you if you don’t have a fiscal representative 4. you are sent an agreement letter with a bill for what you owe (it averages between 3,500€ and 6,000€) if you don’t know/ don’t pay 5. your bank account can be embargoed or a charge put against your property And just as people are saying it’s a good time to buy. But it still is! Pablo has some advice, “you need a good fiscal representative like Ábaco Asesores named on your title deeds. That way we get the letter and we can appeal for you. You only

Receive a notification like this and you need to take action! have a month to appeal in. So far we have been very successful winning nearly every appeal we’ve led.” So what advice does Ábaco give to those who have purchased and those who are about to? Purchased in the last four years • Make sure you pick up your post or get someone to do it for you • Seek advice as soon as you are notified – a good lawyer can appeal on your behalf if they are given enough time New buyer • Make sure you have a good fiscal

representative named on your title deeds It’s difficult to change who is named on your deeds so be careful to use a reputable firm. A neighbour or translator, no matter how obliging, is unlikely to want to receive your tax demands! And don’t be too worried about correos calling – next time it might just be that birthday card. If you have already received an official notification, or think you are likely to, for help and guidance call the ÁbacoConnect help-line 966 703 748 or visit www.abacoconnect.com


2515-21 JUNEJANUARY - 1 JULY 2010 2010


Chinese medicine and arthritis ARTHRITIS AND the pain and inflammation that comes with it cannot be avoided for most people over the age of 50. Joints do degenerate over time. Fortunately, Arthritis can usually be managed by Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM).


Robert Vandevelede

WHAT IS ARTHRITIS? Arthritis is not just one disease; there Ex-president Australian are at least 100 distinct varieties of the Acupuncture & Chinese disorder. The most common forms are medicine Association osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. Although these two forms of arthritis have very different causes, risk factors and effects on the body, they do share a common symptom: persistent joint pain. OSTEOARTHRITIS (OA) This is the most common form of arthritis. 80% of people over 65 have evidence of OA yet only 25% have symptoms. There is degeneration of the joint cartilage with growth of new bone and connective tissue within the joint. OA mainly affects the spine, hips, knees and fingers. Pain is worse for movement

and better for rest. Stiffness is common. If you have or had a strenuous job that required repetitive bending, kneeling, or squatting, for example, you may be at risk for OA of the knees. This is a chronic, inflammatory, destructive and deforming polyarthritis (meaning, affecting many joints. Other parts of the body, including blood, the lungs and heart can be affected as well! It affects about 3% of the population in the west and three times more women than men. It usually begins at around 30-40 years of age. It is worse in damp and cold climates. Inflammation of the joint lining, called the synovium, can cause pain; swelling; stiffness; heat and redness. The affected joint, usually fingers and toes, may lose its shape, resulting in loss of normal movement. GOUT Another condition that most people don’t relate to Arthritis is Gout. Gout is an inflammatory Arthritis which, in western medicine, is due to an excess of uric acid in the blood. Crystals are

formed in the joints which lead to the severe symptoms of this condition. Foods with high protein content, e.g. meat and alcoholic drinks increase uric acid levels. Middle aged men are more commonly affected. The commonest joint affected is the second joint of the big toe. The pain of Gout is so severe sometimes that any contact is excruciating. DIAGNOSIS AND TREATMENT OF ARTHRITIS WITH ACUPUNCTURE AND TCM The name ‘Arthritis’ of course did not exist 2000 years ago, but the Chinese knew the disease and treated it then: in Chinese medicine we call it ‘Bi’ syndrome - Bi meaning blockage pain; blockage of QI (energy). As in western medicine, there are different types of ‘Bi’ disorders, each treated differently with Acupuncture and/or Chinese herbs. And as always, each person is different and may receive different treatment. Acupuncture points to treat Arthritis are all over your body, not just over the affected area. During treatment, small needles may be inserted along your arms and legs, as well as the affected area. The frequency and number of treatments will vary according to the condition you present. Several studies have shown that Acupuncture can help people with

arthritis. In one Scandinavian study, 25% of arthritis patients who had been scheduled for knee surgery cancelled their operation after receiving a series of Acupuncture treatments. Even without the studies, the popularity of Acupuncture for Arthritis continues to grow because more and more people have found significant relief from Chinese medicine without the negative side effects from western pharmaceuticals. If you have any queries regarding this article, or Chinese Medicine in general, please contact me at robertvdvelde@telefonica.net

Written by Robert Vandevelde Former President Australian Acupuncture and Chinese medicine Association, Contact him on 660 032 862 Write to me at robertvdvelde@telefonica.net


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Country Living Spain

Country Living Spain is a small family run business based in inland Spain selling property mainly in rural inland Costa Blanca and the coastline. It all began whilst we were running our Bed and Breakfast business, Casa 10-11. We entertained a number of clients from various estate agents in the area. At breakfast guests used to ask us for our opinions, of course we had to tell the truth, it is the only way we know, ‘yes it does get cold in winter’, ‘no you may never get mains electricity in that area’ and so on. We soon became sounding boards for our guests whilst they made their decisions, we gave and still give honest, unbiased opinions on local traders, on other estate agents we feel are trustworthy and go the extra mile, and on living in Spain in general. Friends and acquaintances began offering their houses to sell and so the business began. What started as a cottage industry grew into a property and rental business in a very short time and we now deal with property sales, long and short-term rentals, holiday rentals and property management. And we still run our bed and breakfast business!! So if you are looking for a property to purchase or have a property to sell or rent, call us now.

With links to some of the largest web search engines which generate a high level of hits per day, your property will be seen by many people wishing to make the move either inland or abroad to Spain. We offer ‘no obligation’ inspection trips with accommodation in our beautiful bed and breakfast and absolutely no pressure selling. If you don’t see anything you like, you walk away with our best wishes, if you do, we will help and guide you through the purchase process and beyond to help make the experience as enjoyable as possible. Good hunting!! Due to the present financial crisis, its even more important that clients make the right decision. If a client is unsure whether they are doing the right thing, or aren’t quite ready to buy, we always recommend them to consider a rental property fi rst to test the waters. As a result we are now desperately short of rental properties in all areas, so if you are interested in renting your property, please contact us to discuss our management packages.

To see an example of our special sales properties, take a look at this superior 3 bed Detached Finca (Farmhouse) Ubeda, Alicante For Sale 3 bed finca set on 5000m2 rural plot in a popular spanish hamlet close to Pinoso and within easy reach of Alicante airport and the coast. Originally a very small spanish finca, this property has been renovated and enlarged to create a spacious family home, comprising 3 bed, 2 bath, 2 lounges, kitchen, dining room, conservatory, gym and 10x 5 pool. Full of character and quality, it is in exceptional condition and an inspection is recommended

Our Ref MH1964S. Asking Price €265,000

info@countrylivingspain.com • Mavis Hanson • Country Living Spain • www.countrylivingspain.com Pedania de Ubeda • Casa, 10-11, 03658 Pinoso • 966 312 481

Casa 10-11 Country House Nestled amidst vineyards, almond orchards and olive groves, Casa 10-11 Country House is perfect for holidaymakers who wish to experience an authentic taste of the real Spain away from the hustle and bustle of the crowded coastline. Uniquely decorated with individually themed en-suite rooms, Casa 10-11 can be reserved for different size groups up to a maximum of 18, ideal for family get-togethers, birthday celebrations, hen and stag parties and other special occasions. Facilities include private garden with 10 x 4 swimming pool and waterfall jacuzzi, sun terraces and loungers, shaded areas, patios, barbeques, bar, pool table, function room, free parking and much more. Self Catering and B&B options available from €35 per night. For more information call 96 547 7335 or visit www.casa1011.com

Featured Properties


So you want to rent your property!

By guest writer Michael Rushe, of House Proud Property Management & Lettings

Detached villa on screened 650 sq. m. plot. 3 Beds, 2 Baths, Lounge, Kitchen, Conservatory. Heated Pool. 8 x4 metres. Barbecue area. Open views over large area of countryside. Landscaped gardens. 320.000 euros

Tel: 687 584 932


Fully renovated, charming village house which has retained many original features. Large master bedroom and two small bedrooms. Fantastic views to mountain and terrace from terrace. Fully furnished. Price negotiable. 160,000 euros

Tel: 658 138 251

WHY HAVE so many people bought a property on the Costa Blanca? Sun, sea and Sangria? Retirement, enjoyment or investment? Our community is built on some if not all of the above and at the very heart of it is ‘the place in the sun’. Our biggest industry - tourism - is based on it. With so many villas, apartments, casas and fincas, short term and holiday lets are big business. Thousands of owners are putting their dream homes on the market so that others can have that dream holiday in the sun. But do owners know what they’re getting themselves into and what they can get out of it? Renting your dream home, which is probably your biggest financial investment, can be daunting. This series of articles is aimed at helping property owners avoid the pitfalls and maximise the opportunities that renting has to offer. In the present economic climate, where property prices are falling or at best stagnant, renting your property is an attractive alternative for generating income to cover property costs such as mortgages, bills and taxes and to earn a profit. Renting long term, any period over six months has the attraction of providing a regular income throughout the year and beyond. An unoccupied property can decline and decay over time but long term tenants can maintain its infrastructure through general maintenance such as the upkeep of the garden and painting and decorating. Any problems can be identified by the tenants and quickly rectified by the owner. But there are serious pitfalls that can trap the unwary in financial misery and emotional turmoil. The new ‘express eviction’ law highlighted previously in a

edition of the RTN and the advice given will be welcomed by owners. This law deals with tenants who have accrued arrears but tenants who pay their rent on time can also cause owners to have sleepless nights. Many ex-pat owners believe that you can circumvent the law on tenancy, which is weighed heavily in favour of the tenant, by providing an 11 month contract instead of 12 months in the mistaken belief that the occupancy rights of the tenant kicks in only after 12 months. So, in theory, if the tenant only signs and renews an 11 month contract the owner can, at the end of the contract, remove the tenant even if the tenant does not want to go. In some cases the ‘eleven month contract’ is not worth the paper it’s written on. Under Spanish law, multiple contracts of this nature are regarded as contemporaneous and as such form part of the same contract. In other words, the tenant could legally remain in your property for up to five years. Removing a tenant such as this could take a lot of time, stress and money. In some instances, owners have had to resort to bribery of the tenant to get them to vacate. Of course the owner could say they wanted to move back into the property because it’s their home. All fine and dandy if true but if found to be a ruse to get the tenant to move then the tenant has the right to move back in within 3 months. Long term rentals can work perfectly well. One client of mine has been successfully renting two of his Spanish properties to various clients over the last 3 years. The properties have been well looked after and the rents always paid on time. However, with a third property he has had a problem. The tenant, who only paid one month’s rent, caused damage to the property which will cost up to €150,000 to rectify and the owner is obliged to pay a legal bill of at least €20,000 to pursue the tenant in the courts with no guarantee that any monies will ever be recovered. An extreme case but nonetheless true. If the experienced can be tripped up by the pitfalls of long term rentals, it stands to reason that, as an owner, you should not consider going ahead unless all reasonable precautions are taken to ensure your investment is protected. You should take sound legal advice before entering into any contract. The contract should be in Spanish and your own language. If using an agency, check that the tenants have been vetted and if the agency has drawn up the contract, get your lawyer to vet that. You should include a facility to enable you to check the property periodically. If you don’t feel comfortable doing the inspection, employ a property management company to do it for you; that way you won’t get any nasty shocks when you eventually take back the property. Long term rentals can be an ideal way of generating regular income from your property but there are significant risks involved. So, is there a way to have your cake and eat it? Is there a way you can enjoy your ‘place in the sun’ and still earn income without having to lay siege to what is rightfully yours? Next time we’ll look at renting your property as a holiday destination, where to start and what is involved, with tips on how to make your property stand out from all the rest.

House Proud Property Management & Lettings Tel 965781731 or 680274831 info@houseproudindenia.com www.houseproudindenia.com

Spotlight: Property

Oranges and Lemons

SELLERS - Due to a gratifying increase in villa sales recently Oranges and Lemons are looking for realistically priced villas within a 30km radius of Oliva and Gandia. We are confident that if your property is sensibly priced we should be able to find your purchaser. Sales are handled in a professional and straight forward manner and we take care of every last detail, your satisfaction is all important as we know the value of a happy client. We do not tie your hands with exclusive contracts, you are completely free to deal with any other agents as you may wish. We are not afraid of the competition. PURCHASERS - Oranges and Lemons SL are an Officially

Registered and Fully Licensed Estate Agent in Oliva, Valencia, Spain. We are a small independent family orientated business and are the Longest Established English company in the areas of Oliva, Gandia and Villalonga which still has that un commercial Real Spain appeal. So if REAL SPAIN does appeal, you will love it right here. From its simpleness and friendliness to its quality and luxury. Why not visit and see for yourself. Operating here since 1980 within the Oliva / Gandia area of La Safor, we have no UK agents, we can offer to you a selection of excellent value, carefully chosen and thoroughly researched safe, sound investments. Each property is meticulously selected, representing the cream of availability. Unlike some larger companies we do not have the time nor resources to offer properties that do not represent genuine opportunities. With Oranges and Lemons there is no run around, no pressure, no legal worries and English speaking Lawyers are available throughout. Our free after sales service is complete, we are fully committed to our past purchasers, who are your guarantee.

www.orangesandlemons.com FOR SALE - 178,000â‚Ź

ADOR, VILLALONGA. Cheerful 2 bedroom 2 bathroom villa with swimming pool and stunning views.

A truly lovely exceptionally homely and friendly villa enjoying modern and immaculate accommodation, tastefully and individually decorated and boasting a tranquil and peaceful residential location amongst other similar properties. Conveniently located just a few minutes drive from the sleepy village of Ador or the busy small town of Villalonga with many amenities. The larger towns of Oliva, Gandia and numerous blue flag sandy beaches are just 15 mins drive. On an 872m2 low maintenance garden plot with sun terraces and swimming pool boasting magnificent views of the vast and evergreen orange groves and distant Safor mountains. Now approx. 7 years old the 80m2 accommodation briefly comprises of: Covered sun and dining terrace, lounge / dining room, fitted kitchen, 2 bedrooms, bathroom and shower room. Oranges and Lemons SL, Oliva Office: 0034 96 2853112 Website: www.orangesandlemons.com E-mail: info@orangesandlemons.com

Brought to you by spanishhomefinder.com

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25 JUNE - 1 JULY 2010


Nice people don’t talk bowels (Part 2) RTN BRINGS you more information about the second largest killer in the UK. The first article looked at some of the reasons that by may contribute to bowel cancer being the second largest killer after lung cancer, and the symptoms to look out for. As a nurse with more than 13 years experience in gastroenterology (bowel operations) I Prestige Nursing and Social Care Services will explain a little of the anatomy and the initial tests/ examinations you may undergo when first referred to a specialist.

Claire Cerro Atyeo, RGN

ANATOMY Gastrointestinal tract (or GI tract for short) is the medical term for the digestive system in which the bowel is included. It is this system that processes all the food we eat, to produce energy and nutrients for our other bodily systems to use. The bowel is divided into two parts: the small and large bowel. The small bowel is actually the largest in length (approx 20 feet long) but is so named because it is smaller in diameter. Cancer in the small bowel is rare and comprises of only 1% to 2% of all gastrointestinal cancers. The large bowel is approximately 5 feet long, divided into five sections: the Ascending colon; Transverse colon; Descending colon; Sigmoid colon and Rectum. Most bowel cancer tumours are found in

the large bowel, being more prevalent in the rectum and sigmoid which makes up over 50% of the overall diagnoses made. INITIAL TEST / EXAMINATIONS ORDERED BY THE SPECIALIST FOR DIAGNOSTIC PURPOSES: On your first visit to the specialist you will again be asked about your symptoms, family history and medical history. It is always a good idea to write down beforehand the symptoms and frequency in which you have been experiencing symptoms (a sort of diary of incidents and changes), because it is not uncommon to get a little overwhelmed and then remember something that may be of importance after leaving the clinic/hospital. It is also a good idea to take along your partner or a trusted friend; someone you can rely on to take in the information given, without dramatics and embellishment. What you need at this juncture is clarity, calmness and support! The consultant will almost certainly want to examine your back passage, so be prepared for this and depending on where they suspect you have a problem part of your appointment may also include one of the following examinations: proctoscopy (sometimes called a rigid sigmoidoscopy) - this allows the doctor or specialist nurse to look inside the rectum; or a flexible sigmoidoscopy, which allows them to look a little further into the sigmoid colon. This is done by inserting an endoscopy tube via your anus (like a thin, short telescope). In preparation for these tests you will be given a small enema or strong laxatives to clear the lower part of the bowel. You may be asked to change into a hospital gown, then you will need to lie on the examination table on your left side, the tube is then inserted, a procedure that is uncomfortable but not usually painful - should you experience pain then tell them! Once the tube is in place, a little air or carbon dioxide is pumped into your bowel which inflates the bowel slightly and helps the doctor or nurse to see the bowel wall more clearly. Should anything be seen that needs further investigation or looks suspect, a biopsy will be taken for examination. Also if polyps (an abnormal growth of tissue) are detected these will be removed and sent for analysis. Neither of these tests require sedation or anaesthetic. They take about 5 minutes, or 10-15 minutes if polyps are removed, and both procedures are almost always done as an outpatient.

Most people are able to go home as soon as the test is over. Some have a small amount of bleeding from the back passage after a sigmoidoscopy, particularly if they have had polyps removed. This is normal and usually clears up on its own over a few days. Most often here in Spain, your specialist will hand you a printed sheet which you have to take to reception. You will then either be given a date to return to outpatients or they will advise that you will be contacted by telephone with the date of your next appointment. Next month we will look at the why, what and how of various bowel operations, followed by the potential problems and issues people face in post surgery, and how to live a normal life with a stoma.

This article was written by Claire Cerro Atyeo RGN of Prestige Nursing and Social Care Services, one of the few Caring, Legal, Registered and Professional Nursing and Social Care Service Providers on the Costa Blanca. Tel: 687 015 517 . www.prestigenursingcostablanca.com

tv Friday


25 june - 1 july 2010

07:00 Breakfast 10:15 Crimewatch Roadshow 11:00 Homes Under the Hammer 12:00 Cowboy Trap 12:45 Cash in the Attic 13:15 Bargain Hunt 14:00 BBC News 14:30 Regional News and Weather 14:45 Wimbledon 2010 15:30 MOTD Live 18:15 Wimbledon 2010 19:00 BBC News at Six 19:30 Regional News and Weather 20:00 Crop to Shop: Jimmy’s Supermarket Secrets 21:00 EastEnders 21:30 Inspector George Gently 23:00 BBC News at Ten 23:25 Regional News and Weather 23:35 Friday Night with Jonathan Ross 24:35 The National Lottery Friday Night Draws 24:45 MOTD

08:00 Pinky and Perky 08:15 League of Super Evil 08:25 Newsround 08:30 Raven 09:00 Prank Patrol 09:30 Timmy Time 09:40 Chuggington 09:50 Bob the Builder: Ready, Steady, Build! 10:00 Tinga Tinga Tales 10:15 Postman Pat 10:30 Guess with Jess 10:45 Show Me Show Me 11:10 Waybuloo 11:30 Yesterday at Wimbledon 12:30 The Daily Politics 13:00 Wimbledon 2010 21:00 Today at Wimbledon 22:00 Are You Having a Laugh? TV and Disability 23:00 Gorillaz at Glastonbury 2010 23:30 Newsnight 24:00 Glastonbury 2010

07:00 GMTV 10:25 The Jeremy Kyle Show 11:30 This Morning 12:25 ITV News 12:30 This Morning 13:30 Loose Women 14:30 ITV News & Weather 15:00 Dickinson’s Real Deal 16:00 Midsomer Murders 18:00 The Chase 19:00 Granada Reports 19:30 ITV News & Weather 20:00 World Cup Live 22:30 James Corden’s World Cup Live 23:00 ITV News at Ten & Weather 23:35 World Cup Highlights 24:35 Village of the Damned

08:20 Big Brother 09:15 Frasier 09:45 The 5 O’Clock Show 10:45 Deal or No Deal 11:35 Everybody Loves Raymond 12:00 Friends 13:00 Channel 4 News 13:05 Coach Trip 13:35 Come Dine with Me 14:00 Come Dine with Me 14:25 Come Dine with Me 14:55 Come Dine with Me 15:25 Come Dine with Me 15:55 Cook Yourself Thin 16:25 Countdown 17:10 Deal or No Deal 18:00 The 5 O’Clock Show 19:00 The Simpsons 19:30 Hollyoaks 20:00 Channel 4 News 20:30 Unreported World 21:00 A Place in the Sun: Home or Away 22:00 Big Brother 23:00 The IT Crowd 23:35 Big Brother 24:05 Stand Up for the Week 24:55 Topman Ctrl Student Tour

08:00 Childrens TV 09:20 Peppa Pig 09:25 Thomas & Friends 09:40 Hana’s Helpline 09:50 The WotWots 10:00 Bert and Ernie’s Great Adventures 10:05 Castle Farm 10:15 The Wright Stuff 11:45 Trisha Goddard 12:45 CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 13:40 Five News 13:45 Extreme Fishing with Robson Green 14:45 Neighbours 15:15 Home and Away 15:50 I Own Britain’s Best Home: Flying Visit 16:05 Honeymoon with Mom 18:00 Five News 18:30 Neighbours 19:00 Home and Away 19:25 Live From Studio Five 20:30 Zoo Days 21:00 Extraordinary People 22:00 The Mentalist 23:00 CSI: NY 23:55 Grey’s Anatomy 24:55 Cops in Crisis

07:00 Yesterday at Wimbledon 08:00 Breakfast 11:00 Saturday Kitchen Live 12:30 The Delicious Miss Dahl 13:00 BBC News 13:05 Regional News and Weather 13:10 Formula 1 15:30 Wimbledon 2010 18:15 BBC News 18:25 Regional News and Weather 18:35 Hole in the Wall 19:05 Doctor Who 20:00 Total Wipeout 21:00 The National Lottery: In It to Win It 2012 21:50 Casualty 22:40 Live at the Apollo 23:25 BBC News 23:45 MOTD 24:45 Phantoms

07:00 Fimbles 07:20 Me Too! 07:40 Wibbly Pig 08:00 Dennis & Gnasher 08:15 Dennis & Gnasher 08:25 Sportsround 08:40 Wolverine and the X-Men 09:00 Deadly 60 09:30 M.I. High 10:00 Paradise Cafe 10:30 Animals at Work 11:00 Horrible Histories 11:30 Da Dick and Dom Dairies 12:00 BAMZOOKi 12:30 Roar 13:00 Wimbledon 2010 17:00 Athletics 18:15 Wimbledon 2010 21:00 Today at Wimbledon 22:00 What Makes a Great Tenor? 23:00 Mock the Week 23:30 Glastonbury 2010

08:00 Dora the Explorer 08:25 Planet Sketch 08:40 Chop Socky Chooks 09:05 Ben 10 09:25 Horrid Henry 09:40 SpongeBob SquarePants 10:00 Aaron Stone 10:25 The Crocodile Hunter Diaries 11:25 Children’s Hospital 11:55 Monk 12:50 ITV News 13:00 This Morning: Saturday 14:00 Columbo 16:00 Midsomer Murders 18:00 Creature Comforts 18:15 Granada News 18:30 ITV News 18:45 You’ve Been Framed! 19:30 A Touch of Frost 21:30 A Touch of Frost 23:30 ITV News 23:45 World Cup Highlights 24:45 Escape from New York

08:00 World Sport 08:30 The Grid 09:00 The Morning Line 09:55 Friends 10:25 Friends 10:50 One Night Only: Video Exclusive 10:55 Big Brother 11:55 Big Brother 12:30 4Music Favourites 13:00 Friends 13:30 Hollyoaks Music Show 14:00 Smallville: Superman the Early Years 14:55 Channel 4 Racing 16:55 Come Dine with Me 17:25 Come Dine with Me 17:55 Come Dine with Me 18:25 Come Dine with Me 19:00 Come Dine with Me 19:30 Channel 4 News 20:00 The Great Escape: The Reckoning 20:55 The Land Girls 23:00 Big Brother 24:10 100 Greatest World Cup Moments of All Time

08:00 Childrens TV 08:35 Chiro 08:40 Noddy in Toyland 08:55 Milkshake! Music Box 09:00 Hana’s Helpline 09:15 Little Princess 09:35 The Adventures of Bottle Top Bill and His Best Friend Corky 09:50 Igam Ogam 10:00 Olivia 10:15 The Mr. Men Show 10:30 Gerald McBoing Boing 11:00 Fifth Gear 11:30 Daring Raids of World War II 12:00 Revealed 13:05 Rooster Cogburn 15:10 Atomic Train 18:00 Chisum 20:10 Five News 20:15 NCIS 21:05 CSI: NY 22:00 CSI: Miami 23:00 CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 23:55 Law & Order 24:55 Cops in Crisis

07:00 Yesterday at Wimbledon 08:00 MotoGP 2010 09:00 Breakfast 10:00 The Andrew Marr Show 11:00 The Big Questions 12:00 The Politics Show 13:10 Formula 1 16:20 Murder, She Wrote 17:05 Escape to the Country 18:05 Songs of Praise 18:40 BBC News 18:50 Regional News and Weather 19:00 Countryfile 20:00 Inside the Perfect Predator 21:00 Antiques Roadshow 22:00 Rock and Chips 23:30 BBC News 23:45 Regional News and Weather 23:55 MOTD 24:55 Iron Eagle

08:00 Dennis & Gnasher 08:15 Dennis & Gnasher 08:25 Muddle Earth 08:35 Bear Behaving Badly 09:00 Wingin’ It 09:20 Sam and Mark’s Guide to Dodging Disaster 09:30 Prank Patrol 10:00 Big Babies 10:15 OOglies 10:30 Sorry, I’ve Got No Head 11:00 Something for the Weekend 12:30 EastEnders 14:50 Tara Road 16:25 Flog It! 16:55 Coast 17:00 Glastonbury 2010 18:30 Athletics 21:00 Top Gear 22:00 How to Build a Nuclear Submarine 23:00 Glastonbury 2010

08:00 My Friends Tigger and Pooh 08:25 Planet Sketch 08:50 Back at the Barnyard 09:10 The Replacements 09:30 Shaggy and Scooby Doo Get a Clue 10:00 Phineas and Ferb 10:25 Planet’s Funniest Animals 11:00 Coronation Street Omnibus 12:00 This Morning: Sunday 13:00 ITV News 13:15 Murder, She Wrote 15:00 Columbo 17:00 Agatha Christie’s Poirot 19:00 Ladies of Letters 19:25 Granada News 19:40 ITV News 20:00 You’ve Been Framed! 21:00 Lewis 23:00 ITV News 23:30 World Cup Highlights 24:30 Wimbledon

08:50 MSA Formula Ford Championship 09:20 The Blenheim Triathlon 09:50 The Hills 10:20 Friends 10:50 Hollyoaks Omnibus 13:20 Big Brother’s Little Brother 14:20 Being N-Dubz 14:55 Tinchy Stryder: Video Exclusive 15:00 The Simpsons 15:25 The Simpsons 15:55 Carry On Up the Khyber 17:40 Deal or No Deal 18:25 Scrapheap Challenge 19:30 Channel 4 News 20:00 River Cottage 21:00 Come Dine with Me 22:00 Big Brother 23:00 Alan Carr: Chatty Man 23:50 The IT Crowd 24:25 Star Trek II: the Wrath of Khan

08:00 Childrens TV 08:50 Fireman Sam 09:00 Hana’s Helpline 09:10 Little Princess 09:25 The Adventures of Bottle Top Bill and His Best Friend Corky 09:45 Igam Ogam 10:00 Olivia 10:15 The Mr. Men Show 10:30 Gerald McBoing Boing 11:00 iCarly 11:35 True Jackson, VP 12:10 Family Food Fight with Flora 12:40 Chinese Food in Minutes 13:15 Build a New Life in the Country 14:15 East of Sudan 16:00 Mrs Winterbourne 18:00 Short Circuit 2 20:10 Five News 20:15 Cricket on Five 21:00 Maid in Manhattan 23:10 The Sweetest Thing 24:45 Crimes That Shook the World

tv Saturday

tv Sunday

08:00 Brainiac: Science Abuse 09:00 Oops TV 10:00 Cold Case 11:00 Michael Jackson’s Private Home Movies 11:30 Michael Jackson’s Private Home Movies 12:00 Fat Families 13:00 Angela and Friends 14:00 Cold Case 15:00 Project Runway 16:00 Stargate SG-1 17:00 Stargate SG-1 18:00 WWE: Superstars 19:00 Oops TV 19:30 The Simpsons 20:00 The Simpsons 20:30 Futurama 21:00 Pineapple Dance Studios 22:00 Bones 23:00 Bones 24:00 A League of Their Own 24:30 Lie to Me

08:30 Soccer City Live 09:00 Athletics 10:30 Athletics 11:30 Soccer City Live 12:00 China Open Snooker 14:00 Soccer City Live 14:30 Strongest Man 15:30 Eurosport Flash 15:45 Snooker World Championship 17:45 Live Beach Soccer 18:50 Eurosport Flash 19:00 Live Beach Soccer 20:05 Live Soccer City Flash 20:15 Strongest Man 21:15 Bowling 22:20 WATTS 22:35 Soccer City Live 23:15 Live IRC Rally 23:45 Inside World Touring Cars 24:15 World Series by Renault

08:00 The Fresh Prince of Bel Air 08:50 Celebs 24/7 09:00 Four Weddings 10:00 America’s Next Top Model 11:00 Maury 11:55 Maury 12:50 Celebs 24/7 13:00 Australia’s Next Top Model 14:00 Four Weddings 15:00 Nothing to Declare 16:00 Medium 17:00 Charmed 18:00 Charmed 19:00 America’s Next Top Model 20:00 Ghost Whisperer 21:00 Passport Patrol 21:30 Passport Patrol 22:00 Criminal Minds 23:00 CSI: Miami 24:00 Criminal Minds

Watch Eastenders for Free with Europa call 902 050 999

08:00 The Lion Man 09:00 Oops TV 10:00 Football’s Next Star 11:00 Futurama 13:00 The Simpsons 13:30 The Simpsons 14:00 Terry Pratchett’s Going Postal 16:00 Fat Families 17:00 Michael Jackson’s Private Home Movies 18:00 Futurama 18:30 Futurama 19:00 The Simpsons 19:30 The Simpsons 20:00 Pineapple Dance Studios 21:00 Pineapple Dance Studios 22:00 While You Were Sleeping 24:05 A League of Their Own 24:35 Border Invasion USA

08:30 Soccer City Live 09:00 Eurosport for the Planet 09:30 Superbike 10:30 Beach Soccer 11:30 Soccer City Live 12:00 Snooker World Championship 13:30 Live Women’s Football 15:35 Live Soccer City Flash 15:45 Athletics 16:30 Live Athletics 18:35 Live Soccer City Flash 18:45 Swimming 20:05 Live Soccer City Flash 20:15 Live Showjumping 22:00 Athletics 22:35 Soccer City Live 23:15 Live IRC Rally 23:45 Fight Club

08:00 Jerry Springer Show 08:50 Celebs 24/7 09:00 Maury 10:50 Celebs 24/7 11:00 The Fresh Prince of Bel Air 12:00 Will and Grace 13:00 Changing Faces 14:00 Four Weddings 14:30 Four Weddings 15:00 Four Weddings 15:30 Four Weddings 16:00 Four Weddings 16:30 Bulging Brides 17:00 Three Amigos! 19:10 Celebs 24/7 19:30 Nothing to Declare 20:00 Nothing to Declare 20:30 Nothing to Declare 21:00 Nothing to Declare 21:30 Nothing to Declare 22:00 Criminal Minds 23:00 Criminal Minds 24:00 Criminal Minds

Glastonbury 2010 BBC 2, 23.30

08:00 The Lion Man 08:30 The Lion Man 09:00 Oops TV 09:30 Futurama 10:00 Road Wars 11:00 WWE: Superstars 12:00 WWE: Experience 13:00 The Simpsons 13:30 The Simpsons 14:00 Terry Pratchett’s Going Postal 16:00 Futurama 16:30 Futurama 17:00 Futurama 17:30 Futurama 18:00 The Simpsons 18:30 The Simpsons 19:00 The Simpsons 19:30 The Simpsons 20:00 Pineapple Dance Studios 21:00 Fat Families 22:00 House 23:00 House 24:00 A League of Their Own 24:30 Border Invasion USA

08:30 Soccer City Live 09:00 Athletics 10:00 Swimming 11:15 Soccer City Live 11:45 Live Superbike Corner 12:00 Live Superbike 13:00 Live Supersport 14:15 Athletics 15:20 Live Soccer City Flash 15:30 Live Superbike 16:30 Live Swimming 18:35 Live Soccer City Flash 18:45 Motorsports Weekend 19:00 Live Beach Soccer 20:05 Live Soccer City Flash 20:15 Boxing 21:00 Boxing 22:30 Eurosport Flash 22:35 Soccer City Live 23:10 Eurosport Flash 23:15 IRC Rally 23:45 Superbike 24:45 Motorsports Weekend Slumdog Lewis Millionaire Channel 4,

ITV 1 10.00pm 21.00

08:00 Jerry Springer Show 08:50 Celebs 24/7 09:00 Maury 10:50 Celebs 24/7 11:00 Four Weddings 11:30 Four Weddings 12:00 Four Weddings 12:30 Four Weddings 13:00 Four Weddings 13:30 Bulging Brides 14:00 Bulging Brides 14:30 Three Amigos! 16:40 Celebs 24/7 17:00 RSPCA Animal Rescue 18:00 Nothing to Declare 19:00 Passport Patrol 19:30 Passport Patrol 20:00 Four Weddings 21:00 Criminal Minds 22:00 Criminal Minds 23:00 CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 24:00 CSI: Miami

tv Thursday

48 42

25FEB JUNE JULY 2010 26 -- 1MARCH 4 2010

07:00 Breakfast 10:15 Crimewatch Roadshow 11:00 Homes Under the Hammer 12:00 Cowboy Trap 12:45 Cash in the Attic 13:15 Bargain Hunt 14:00 BBC News at One 14:30 Regional News and Weather 14:45 Wimbledon 2010 19:00 BBC News at Six 19:30 Regional News and Weather 20:00 Fake Britain 20:30 EastEnders 21:00 DIY SOS: The Big Build 22:00 Holby City 23:00 BBC News at Ten 23:25 Regional News and Weather 23:35 Question Time 24:35 This Week

Wimbledon BBC 1, 14.45

08:00 Pinky and Perky 08:15 League of Super Evil 08:25 Newsround 08:30 Raven 09:00 Prank Patrol 09:30 Timmy Time 09:40 Chuggington 09:50 Bob the Builder: Ready, Steady, Build! 10:00 Tinga Tinga Tales 10:15 Postman Pat 10:30 Guess with Jess 10:45 Show Me Show Me 11:10 Waybuloo 11:30 Yesterday at Wimbledon 12:30 The Daily Politics 13:00 Animal Park 13:30 Wimbledon 2010 16:25 League of Super Evil 16:35 League of Super Evil 16:50 OOglies 17:05 Safari 8 17:35 Deadly 60 18:00 Newsround 18:10 Gimme a Break 18:40 Shaun the Sheep 18:50 Wimbledon 2010 21:00 Today at Wimbledon 22:00 Gareth Malone Goes to Glyndebourne 23:00 Mock the Week 23:30 Newsnight 24:20 A Culture Show Special - BBC Samuel Johnson Prize for NonFiction

07:00 GMTV 09:30 GMTV with Lorraine 10:25 The Jeremy Kyle Show 11:30 This Morning 12:25 ITV News 12:30 This Morning 13:30 Loose Women 14:30 ITV News & Weather 15:00 Dickinson’s Real Deal 16:00 Midsomer Murders 18:00 The Chase 19:00 Granada Reports 19:30 ITV News & Weather 20:00 Emmerdale 20:30 Tonight 21:00 Emmerdale 21:30 Coronation Street 22:00 Homes from Hell 23:00 ITV News at Ten & Weather 23:35 World Cup Rock ‘n’ Goal Years 24:05 Superhuman

08:00 Big Brother’s Little Brother 08:30 Big Brother 09:25 Frasier 09:55 Melanie and Denise’s 5 O’Clock Show 10:55 Deal or No Deal 11:40 Everybody Loves Raymond 12:05 Friends 12:30 Friends 13:00 Channel 4 News 13:05 Relocation, Relocation 14:00 Come Dine with Me 14:30 Come Dine with Me 15:00 Come Dine with Me 15:25 Come Dine with Me 15:55 Come Dine with Me 16:25 Countdown 17:10 Deal or No Deal 18:00 Melanie and Denise’s 5 O’Clock Show 19:00 The Simpsons 19:30 Hollyoaks 20:00 Channel 4 News 21:00 Location, Location, Location 22:00 The Untold Invasion of Britain 23:00 Big Brother 24:15 Skins

08:00 Childrens TV 09:05 Fifi and the Flowertots 09:20 Peppa Pig 09:25 Thomas & Friends 09:35 Milkshake Monkey 09:40 Hana’s Helpline 09:50 The WotWots 10:00 Bert and Ernie’s Great Adventures 10:05 Castle Farm 10:15 The Wright Stuff 11:45 Trisha Goddard 12:45 CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 13:40 Five News 13:45 Extreme Fishing with Robson Green 14:45 Neighbours 15:15 Home and Away 15:50 Zoo Days 15:55 Animal Rescue Squad 16:10 Mystery Woman 18:00 Five News 18:30 Neighbours 19:00 Home and Away 19:25 Live From Studio Five 20:30 Fifth Gear 21:00 Oil Disaster: The Rig That Blew Up 22:00 Cleaner 23:50 Police Interceptors 24:50 Cops in Crisis

08:00 Brainiac: Science Abuse 09:00 Oops TV 10:00 Cold Case 11:00 Road Wars 12:00 X-Weighted: Families 13:00 Angela and Friends 14:00 Cold Case 15:00 Project Runway 16:00 Stargate SG-1 17:00 Stargate SG-1 18:00 Malcolm in the Middle 18:30 Malcolm in the Middle 19:00 Oops TV 20:00 The Simpsons 20:30 The Simpsons 21:00 The Real A & E 21:30 Real Filth Fighters 22:00 A League of Their Own 22:30 Modern Family 23:00 Lie to Me 24:00 NCIS: LA

08:30 Soccer City Live 09:00 Cycling 10:00 Cycling 11:00 Soccer City Live 11:30 Cycling 13:00 Poker: Heads Up Championship 15:00 Soccer City Live 15:30 Cycling 17:00 Planet Armstrong 17:30 Cycling 18:00 Live Cycling 20:00 Eurosport Flash 20:05 Soccer City Live 20:40 Eurosport Flash 20:45 Fight Club 22:30 Soccer City Live 23:00 Pro Wrestling 24:00 Pro Wrestling 24:30 Cycling

Suduko Answer

Crossword Answers 557

CRYPTIC SOLUTIONS Across: 7 Hearts; 8 Laxity 10 Regally; 11 Latin; 12 Till; 13 Beard; 17 Glare; 18 Fair; 22 Aside; 23 Express; 24 Resign; 25 Grouse. Down: 1 Charity; 2 Largely; 3 Still; 4 Gallery; 5 Lists; 6 Hyena; 9 By degrees; 14 Allergy; 15 Careful; 16 Dresser; 19 Harry; 20 First; 21 Sport. QUICK SOLUTIONS Across: 7 Option; 8 Docile; 10 Perplex; 11 Peace; 12 Roll; 13 Sever; 17 House; 18 Lone; 22 Craft; 23 Vagrant; 24 Urgent; 25 Victor. Down: 1 Compare; 2 Startle; 3 Jolly; 4 Complex; 5 Final; 6 Never; 9 Expensive; 14 Content; 15 Loyalty; 16 Venture; 19 Scrub; 20 Range; 21 Again.

Dr Who is missing a Captain The TV Round Up by

Alex Trelinski

Broadcaster and freelance journalist

THE CURRENT series of Dr. Who finishes on a Rodgers and Hammerstein medley or to crack BBC 1 tomorrow night, with I’m sure another a joke about the new faces occupying the Tardis. energetic lead performance from the Never mind. Barrowman will be back in a new charismatic Matt Smith. That is assuming full length series of Torchwood next year, he manages to escape from the unholy and deservedly so after last July’s brilliant alliance of his enemies after a truly “Children of God” mini-series, that did so well brilliant episode last Saturday. in terms of critical acclaim and audience figures Smith’s “mad as a March hare” portrayal on successive nights for BBC1. We’ve had to of the Doctor has brought the character back wait a long time for this news, as the series to his early roots. Not surprising really, was dependant on a deal being struck with as the young actor spent a lot of an American cable channel, who are time studying DVDs of Patrick going to be upping the ante on the Troughton’s portrayal from budget, with international locations the late sixties. Troughton was being used, rather than the back of actually my favourite Doctor, a bar in Cardiff Bay. following on from the sternBy the way, I’ve already noticed faced and humourless William the tell-tale signs on both the Hartnell, and clearly Smith has BBC and ITV that we are going taken a lot of his traits on board. to be served up some tripe I’ve also enjoyed Karen masquerading as quality drama Gillan as the Doctor’s feisty over the next couple of months. and entertaining companion, It’s simple to work that out, as Amy Pond. Pond would not have trailers have appeared in record early lasted five seconds with the time advertising the autumn season, Hartnell version of the Doctor, as opposed to promoting the duds who probably would have that we’ll be palmed off with during coerced a Dalek to quickly July and August. At this rate, they’ll exterminate her! be advertising Christmas in the next But will tomorrow’s finale fortnight! have her leaving anyway? So, with a festive flavour, Sadly, the series has missed watch out for the high summer out on the effervescent smile turkeys which need to be of John Barrowman as Captain stuffed and roasted very quickly. Jack. He’s been busy on the The programmes that the other side of the pond (not broadcasters wish they had never Amy!), inflicting dirty deeds commissioned, and hope that to some of the residents on you will quickly forget. Last year’s Wisteria Lane on Channel 4’s Torchwood week, was clearly a Desperate Housewives. premature Christmas gift that I just can’t buy into Santa had kindly left for us Barrowman playing an evil under the BBC tree, and he’s had murderer (as opposed to second thoughts this time round. a nice murderer!). I expect his Clearly the financial tentacles of John Barrowman Patrick Logan character to George Osborne have stretched as Captain Jack burst out at any moment into out to Lapland! Harkness

08:00 The Fresh Prince of Bel Air 08:50 Celebs 24/7 09:00 Four Weddings 10:00 America’s Next Top Model 11:00 Maury 11:55 Maury 12:50 Celebs 24/7 13:00 Australia’s Next Top Model 14:00 Four Weddings 15:00 Nothing to Declare 15:30 Nothing to Declare 16:00 Medium 17:00 Charmed 18:00 Charmed 19:00 America’s Next Top Model 20:00 Celebrity Four Weddings 21:00 Cougar Town 21:30 Cougar Town 22:00 Grey’s Anatomy 23:00 Private Practice 24:00 Criminal Minds

Got a story? 902 118 999


25 june - 1 july 2010

What’s Two Lovers playing local Cinemas COLCI Benidorm

Av. Zamora, Rincón de Loix T: 965 853 859 Two lovers - 6.30pm – 8.45pm Weekends and holidays only 6.30pm

IMF Torrevieja Pol San Jose S/10, T: 965 705 414

Sex in the city – 5.45pm – 8.20pm - 11pm Marmaduke – 5pm – 6.45pm – 8.30pm – 10.30pm 5pm only on Saturday, Sunday, Monday and holidays

IMF Ondara

CC Portal de La Marina, T: 966 477 464 Sex in the city – 5.45pm – 8.20pm - 11pm Marmaduke – 5pm – 6.45pm – 8.30pm – 10.30pm Robin Hood – 8.30pm - 11pm 5pm only on Saturday, Sunday, Monday and holidays

Leonard Kraditor is a burned-out case, living with his immigrant parents after his fiancée left him, helping out at their Brooklyn dry cleaners, taking photographs, at loose ends, suicidal. In quick succession, he meets two women: Sarah, the daughter of his parents’ business associates, frank, direct, sensual, Jewish like Leonard; and, his neighbor Michelle, mercurial, rootless, fun, blond, unattainable. Michelle is in love with a married man and cries on Leonard’s shoulder; Sarah wants to save him. Is Leonard willing to risk losing Sarah’s fidelity for the moments Michelle’s moods swing toward him? Can this end well?

“V.O.S” = Original Subtitled Version - “VO” = Original Version (Works With headphones)


25 JUNEJANUARY - 1 JULY 2010 15-21 2010


The verb “estrenar”

Spanish lessons by

Jane Cronin

A weekly ‘cut out and keep’ feature helping you to learn basic Spanish for everyday needs

Lesson 113

I’VE ALWAYS been rather fond of discovering words that have no direct translation in English, although they can be really tricky to explain to other people. A very good example of this is the verb “estrenar”. Let’s start off with a dictionary definition to give us some idea of the meaning. My dictionary says: “to use for the first time”, “to wear for the first time”, “to show off for the first time”, “to show for the first time, “to perform for the first time”. Here are some other definitions gathered from here and there: “to launch”, “to release”, “to premier”, “to make one’s debut” with this latter definition translating the reflexive form “estrenarse”. The only sane way of understanding the use of this word is to see it in context. One of its most obvious associations is with show business. Here are some examples: “Antonio Banderas, el actor y director malagueño, estrena un drama musical.” (Antonio Banderas, the actor and director from Malaga, is releasing a new musical drama.) “Pedro Almodóvar estrenó “La Mala Educación” en Hollywood.” (Pedro Almodóvar premiered “La Mala Educación” in Hollywood) From this basic meaning, we can expand the use of “estrenar” to express all sorts of everyday meanings. “Estreno estos zapatos hoy” (I’m wearing these shoes for the first time today). “Esta blusa está sin estrenar” (I haven’t worn this blouse yet). Already you can see that direct translations of this

word are impossible, and we have to find a phrase that provides the same meaning in English, depending on the exact context. At some time you may have been looking at advertisements in the newspaper, or in an estate agents window and come across this phrase: “Se vende piso a estrenar”. It means that a brand new flat, or at least, a flat that hasn’t been lived in before, is for sale. The literal meaning is: “One sells a flat to be used for the first time” – now translate that into English! Here is an interesting sentence I’ve just come across: “Este año todavía no me he ido de fiesta. Estoy sin estrenar”. (This year I haven’t been to a party yet. I am “sin estrenar” – without being shown off for the first time?!) As you can see, words start to fail and we’re into the territory of things that can be said so neatly in one language, and just don’t exist in another. When we are talking about old and new clothing, there is rather a nice “sort-of” opposite to the word “estrenar”, which is “estar visto” (literally: to be seen”). If you don’t want to wear something that you have worn lots of times already, you can say: “No quiero ponerme ese vestido, está muy visto”. (I don’t want to put that dress on, it’s very “seen”). In English we sometimes say that something is “old hat”, but that does sound quite right when talking about a dress. No wonder we all end up speaking Spanglish; it’s by far the easiest solution.

Diabetic support group FOR A number of years the Help Association Diabetic Support Group has successfully provided support and advice for those who have recently been diagnosed with Diabetes, as well as for people who have learnt to live with this condition. The group meets

on the last Wednesday of every month at 11.00 at Hoggies Bar, San Luis, Torrevieja, and is fully funded by the Help Association Vega Baja so is free of any fees. If you think that you could benefit and/or contribute advice or experience about living with diabetes, you can

be sure of a warm welcome from like-minded people. For further information please contact one of our offices: San Miguel de Salinas Tel: 966 723 733 Torrevieja Office Tel: 965 704 282 Or visit our website: www.helpvegabaja.com

Afghan Heroes street party success THE PINADA Golf 1 Street Party raised funds for Afghan Heroes, organised by Maurice Henchcliffe, VP of Pinada Golf 1, with Jackie Lawson, the Regional Coordinator in Spain for Afghan Heroes and Expats 4 Afghan Heroes. Refreshments were included in the ticket price of €12, with a prize raffle and ‘Guess the Name of the Teddybear’ competition; the winner donated Teddy back to auction. Teddy, in his ‘Expats 4 Afghan Heroes’ T-shirt, raised €140. Richard compered and everyone danced to Showaddywaddy Legends, with a moving rendition of ‘Bring Them Home’ sung by Shirley. The evening raised €1,523: a big thank you goes to all volunteers. FORTHCOMING EVENTS June 26th - The Sports Complex, Urb La Marina from 14.00: A Pool Party with Vibe FM and Jackie: interview with Richie. A bucket collection will be taken for Armed Forces Day. July 8th - Hot Stuff 4 Afghan Heroes – Quesada Country Club – 19.30. Starring Tony Lincoln; Suzanne James; Nick Barker; guest stars The Icenis and Q4: Tickets: €15 (BBQ) or €6 (show only) - from Quesada Country Club or

New pilot scheme from HELP Vega Baja HELP VEGA Baja has introduced a pilot scheme for members who require a caring service at home following discharge from hospital. To be eligible for this scheme you must have been a member of HELP Vega Baja for at least six months. This scheme is intended to supplement the services available from the Spanish health service. For further details please contact the San Miguel office on 966 723 733.

call Jackie: 697 501 992. Raffle prizes donated by local businesses in Quesada, Benijofar and La Marina. APPEAL To support Afghan Heroes by giving your spare time to help Jackie reach her target of €20,000 plus this year, call 697 501 992 or visit www.expats4afghanheroes.com for full details of all events plus the competition to win 2 nights half board at the Rosamar Hotel for 2, plus €50 spending money.

Where would we be without colour?

Painting using hot colours will boost and invigorate. By Bethany Heald, age 16


Julia Evans

BA (hons). Artist & owner of ArtHouse Gallery

WHAT A dull place this world would be without colour. Can you imagine a monotone life with colourless clothes and houses? The Spanish landscape alone holds so much vibrance, with its deep orange mountains and blazing aqua ocean. The colours around us can change the way we feel and control our moods. As a painter I work with colour every day and as a teacher of art I feel that painting can be a therapy for those that choose to practice it. I have written before about the benefits of painting; a relaxing act that can boost self confidence and help control stress. I also feel that the colours we use in paintings can affect our feelings and even heal us. The ancient Egyptians used colour as a way of healing. They had sacred chambers filled with coloured light. Rays of sunlight were split into different colours of the rainbow so that each healing room was illuminated with a single vivid colour. After diagnosis, the patient would be placed into the chamber of colour that best suited them to heal and restore their body and soul. Coloured stones, garments and ointments have been used for centuries throughout many forms of alternative medicine. And each chakra in the body is symbolized by a different colour. Perhaps the colours we wear and choose to decorate our houses could make a bigger difference to our lives and our day to day health then we realise. I believe that simply using the right colour when painting can lift someone’s mood. Blue is generally a healing and calming colour. If I have a student that is suffering from stress then I suggest that they paint using blues as the simple practice of being surrounded by these colours for two hours will help to sooth and comfort. Equally, if I have a student that is a little down or low I would suggest hotter colours that boost optimism and invigorate. Below I have listed different colours and their meanings. Even if you are not an artist you can still use colour therapy in your lives. Think about the colours you put on every day when you get dressed or even the lipstick you wear. You can completely change the atmosphere of a room by painting the walls. If

you are having trouble sleeping, try painting your bedroom blue. If you want to inject a little passion into your love life then why not paint one wall of the bedroom red, as this symbolizes lust and vitality. You can bring colour into your lives in so many ways from the paper you write a letter on, to the tablecloth you use at a dinner party. If nothing else, bright colours make us happy. When the sun shines we are happier than when the sky is full of dull, grey clouds. Red – vitality, power and determination - the perfect colour for lipstick if you want people to listen to you! Also symbolizes lust and passion. But used with care it can also stimulate anger and argument so not the best colour for a table cloth if you want a peaceful dinner party! Pink – love, reconciliation, friendship and harmony. Orange – joy, optimism and the will to succeed. Money, work and power - a touch of orange in an outfit for a job interview would be perfect and sure to bring you luck. Yellow – achievement. Stimulates the mind, learning and intellect - a great colour to surround yourself with when studying. Green – prosperity Blue – a wonderful healing colour; very calming and soothing. Gold – great achievement, wealth and longevity. I will be holding colour workshops throughout the summer. Exploring colour, including how to use colour in your artwork, colour theory and mixing. You do not need any art experience to join. Please contact me for any further information.

Example of cool colours to sooth and calm. By Julia Evans

Julia Evans BA (hons), ArtHouse Gallery, Calle San Miguel no. 14, Gata de Gorgos, 03740 Alicante. Tel: 0034 965 756 286 or 0034 687 114 853. Email: arthousemail@gmail.com. Web: www. arthouseonline.net. If you are an artist and have an exhibition coming up or simply just want me to view you work then email arthousemail@gmail.com

25 JUNE - 1 JULY 2010



25 june - 1 july 2010

Standing ovation for Melody Makers


SELL-OUT audience of 600 was treated to a fabulous evening of music last Saturday at the Orihuela Costa Resort, when Melody Makers International performed an ‘Evening with Rodgers & Hammerstein’. In addition to the 55-member chorus, they were also the first to hear the exquisite sounds of the Junior Melody Makers – 14 pupils from the El Limonar International School in Villamartin – who had been specially trained by conductor Nigel Hopkins for this performance. Their renditions of ‘Edelweiss’; ‘Getting to Know You’ and a specially written

Conductor Nigel Hopkins with the choir

‘So Long, Farewell’ from The Sound of Music, in five languages, brought the audience to their feet in appreciation. Conductor Nigel Hopkins compered the evening in both English and Spanish – much to the appreciation of the international audience – and brought out the best in his much-improved choir with one show hit after another. The program included twelve major soloists who delighted with Rodgers & Hammerstein’s well-known songs. Foremost amongst these was Alyson Horsfall (‘You’ll Never Walk Alone’), Mary Beer (‘Climb

Ev’ry Mountain’), Mike Brainsby (‘Oh, What a Beautiful Morning’), Christeen Ansell (‘June Is Bustin’ Out All Over’), Janet Brewis (‘Something Wonderful’), and Eric Nicholls (‘This Nearly Was Mine’) amongst so many other performances. The evening started with ‘The Hills are Alive’ from The Sound of Music by 14-year-old Rebecca Holt – a pupil of Nigel Hopkins, and a star in the making – as she walked onstage from the wings, and from there on it was one delight after another. The evening’s performance was enhanced by a six-strong band of professional players

who accompanied the chorus faultlessly throughout the evening. They included four local players, plus international drummer from the UK, Robin Payne, and the Director of Music of Nottingham Trent University, Matthew Hopkins, on keyboards. The Finale, ‘You’ll Never Walk Alone’ with both Melody Makers International and the children on stage together, prompted a spontaneous standing ovation from many of the audience and lasted several minutes. The Melody Makers next concert, ‘A Night at the Movies’ is scheduled for January 2011.

Loud applause in quiet place

The Cantico singers

THE ‘MUSIC In a Quiet Place’ concert last Wednesday (16th June) in Campoverde’s church was warmly received by the audience, packed to the last pew. This monthly series of performances gave local (and not-so-local) listeners the opportunity to hear choral and instrumental music of high calibre in the peaceful, contemplative atmosphere of this ‘quiet place’ provided by the Church of England Chaplaincy. Yet as the Rev. Chris Scargill told the congregated audience, the programme was not entirely ‘religious’ in content. In fact, the singers presented a wide range of music; Gregorian Chants sung unaccompanied by the tenor soloist Wim van Hugten, whose group in his native Holland performed this magical mystical music before the Pope, and two pieces by Schubert, sung in German by the glorious bass singer Jo van Bentham, highlighting the contrasts. The well-known musical director Jennifer Morton brought along a small group from her choir ‘Cantabile’. This splendid 12-piece ladies’ choir, known as ‘Cantico’, fitted the bill (and the venue) perfectly, with several items specially arranged by their conductor: Evensong from Handel’s Largo, Chopin’s So Deep is the Night, and as a duet from Jennifer and Patricia Flint, O Lovely Peace from Judas Maccabaeus by Handel. Jennifer also sang The Singer by Michael Head. Eve Day was another soloist in Bach’s Ave Maria and in a specially arranged Negro Spiritual medley. Other singers were Chris Parkes; June Phillips; Jan Robson; Maura Tormey; Phyl Webb; Jean Campbell; Denise Mugford; Alicia Muddle and Kay Reeves. The concert organiser and accompanist was Christine Eames.

Foot stamping without the tantrums THE PREMIER performance Flamenco dance spectacular held on Tuesday evenings at the Asturias Restaurante in Punta Prima was a well attended success. “A foot-stamping triumph” was how one member of the audience described it. The dancers were Marina Celdran; Sara Martinez; Luciana Ibañez; Jesus Quiles and Irene Martinez.

After the show’s closing notes, several of the associated Club Sevillanas provided diners with an impromptu performance on the terraces of the Asturias Restaurante. The troupe of enthusiastic flamenco dancers are hoping to pick up an award at Sunday’s Camposol dance competition to be held during the two day festival at Mazarron.

Freewheelers travel to Novelda by Derek Fletcher SUNDAY, 20TH JUNE saw the Freewheelers heading off to visit Santuario Castello by Novelda, leaving Callosa and heading along the 909 to San Isidro and Albatera through Hondon de Las Nieves and Aspe and on to Novelda. This is a familiar route to regular Freewheelers, with good road surface and with its twists and turns up the mountain with the changing scenery. Unfortunately, when we arrived at the bottom of the road to the castle, the local police were there preventing traffic entering the road to the top. So, under the guidance of the aforementioned custodian of the law, 20 cars did a Uturn at the junction and headed back in the direction from whence they came. A suitable coffee halt was soon found and after about forty minutes to refresh the inner man, we were off again to Pinoso and Casa Casita. As we arrived, the band was playing and a number of people were already there for what had been advertised as a Classic Car Exhibition with Jazz & BB-Q. The band was a trio called Gio & Freddy - three Spanish guys who were

The next trip is on July 7th

very entertaining although I would call it more Rock & Roll than Jazz. Even so, they were very good if a little loud for some, and they did mix it up a bit and some of the guests were actually dancing; although the resident watch dog did try to disrupting the dancing by trying to nip a certain gentleman’s backside! The band played for a solid four hours before coming down to look at the cars and have a feel of real stardom

by sitting in the back of Daffyd’s long wheelbase Rolls Royce. It’s a long time since I have been to an open air rock concert but I must say I thoroughly enjoyed it. Freewheelers’ next trip is to the chocolate factory on 7th July, so book early. Read more about the freewheelers activities at www.TorreviejaInformation.com/ freewheelers

Regional swimming competition NEXT WEEKEND sees the Murcian Regional Summer Swimming Competition take place at the Municipal swimming pool in Pilar de la Horadada. The event will see 600 swimmers of all ages from the Murcian region competing for medals. It starts at 10:00 on Saturday 3rd July and concludes on Sunday 4th July.

25 JUNE - 1 JULY 2010


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music scene

25FEB JUNE JULY 2010 26 -- 1MARCH 4 2010

96.7 (TKO GOLD) - 91.9 - 87.7 - 87.5 • STUDIO SMS: 661 049 309 • STUDIO@TKOFM.COM


Dave Jackson DAVE IS a versatile solo artist, also teaming up with Bernie Price from the USA to play as a duo which includes country, rock and blues music in their set. He can also be seen playing keyboards in Malibu Allstars, a trio playing swing and trad jazz and big band music! Dave has been in the entertainment business for more years than he cares to remember, playing onboard the QE2 as pianist with the Eric Delany band and even playing in Danny La Rue’s backing band! Upon moving to Spain he joined Malibu Allstars and had a 6 nights a week residency at the Malibu Hotel in Benidorm. Nowadays Dave is trying to focus on his solo career and, with his broad and diverse catalogue of tunes, he can satisfy any audience at any type of venue. Of course if someone wants a duo or trio, Dave can provide these too. One of Dave’s unique talents is to be able to play strict tempo music for ballroom dancing. Dave Jackson really can offer any style of music for any type of event, be it a local bar, wedding, dance night or club event. You can contact Dave by calling 677 222 352.


Music venues or acts that wish to be featured in this column should email music@tkofm.com with details and photo...


Keyword Pop Quiz

Find the keyword and win win two tickets to Aqua Natura. Just listen to Davy Jones between 14.00 – 17.00 on TKO FM on Monday 7th June to enter.

FIND THE keyword and win two tickets to Aqua Natura. Just listen to Davy Jones between 14.00 – 17.00 on TKO FM on Monday to enter. Don´t forget, any Groups with ‘The’ as the first word will be the main name only... (i.e. The Rolling Stones will be Rolling Stones). First names will be used for answers (i.e. Billy Idol).

2. Who had hits with ‘Take On Me’ and

1. Name the band who released their epic single ‘Knights Of Cydonia’ in 2006


‘The Sun Always Shines On TV’ 3. Which group did Beyonce sing with before going solo? 4. Which Pavarotti hit single was used as the theme music for the BBC World Cup coverage in 1990? 5. Which legendary guitarist earned the nickname ‘Slowhand?’ 6. Who had a hit with ‘Tears Of A 7. Which group, featuring Jazzie B, had a hit with ‘Back To Life?’

Listen to Davy Jones on TKO FM, Monday between 14.00 and 17.00. Davy will ask you to text in the keyword. The winner and this week’s answers will then be announced.

SCANDAL ARE a fabulous vocal instrumental duo with many years experience in the entertainment business, now firmly established here in the southern Costa Blanca. Jeannie and Kenny are on vocals/vocal harmonies and feature keyboard, tenor and alto saxophones and clarinet. This husband and wife partnership produces a show suitable for all ages. Kenny mesmerizes audiences with his fantastic tenor, alto sax solos and his haunting melodies on the clarinet. This bubbly and charismatic pair exude fun, producing an extremely diverse repertoire, covering numbers from the swing era to the present day. Scandal are firm favourites on the Costa Blanca, simply because they are one of the best duos around, regularly booked not only in restaurants and hotels, but also at weddings, dinner dances, private parties and corporate functions. Carrying top of the range sound and light equipment, they consistently deliver an exciting, polished, professional performance and are ideal entertainers for special occasions. If you would like more information on Scandal either call 965 724 066 – Mob. 655 482 599 or visit www.scandal-duo.moonfruit.com

- 1 july 2010 Feb2526june - March 4 2010

A journey to the Picos de Europa FANCY A change of scenery? Well why not join Coachtrips SL for their forthcoming trip to the Picos de Europa. Leaving the Costa Blanca, the journey will take you past the nearby city of Elche, home to the largest palm forest in Europe. The landscape then changes as you move inland, with patches of dry parched countryside giving way to towns, villages, castles and then to fields of wheat, corn, barley, occasional olive groves and mile upon mile of vines. You will reach the outskirts of Aranjuez where the housing estates on the outskirts don’t look any different to other towns; that is, of course, until you cross the river Tajo. The mighty river known to us as the Tagus winds its way through large areas of Spain as it makes its way into the sea at Lisbon, Portugal. The presence of this delightful river turns the surrounding countryside into a fertile forest of broad leafed green trees with oak trees spreading their branches, casting a cooling shade over tree lined avenues and flower filled parks. Ducks and geese cool off in the water of the river and blackbirds warble on the tree branches and pheasants dash from bush to bush. This elegant town adorned with palaces, cobbled streets, green luscious parks, and cooling fountains was built as a playground for the medieval royals living in

Can you help Tania?

nearby Madrid, and has retained the character and gentility that you would expect. MAGNIFICENT Following a night’s rest in a three star hotel, the next day the trip leaves for Burgos; the base for the rest of your holiday. Burgos is a pleasant, lively town with a somewhat Parisian feel, with solid city walls and tree lined walkways which lead to cobbled streets full of character and a multitude of cafes and restaurants. The old castle watches over the town which it has guarded for centuries and a tourist train filled with wide eyed, camera clicking tourists winds its way through the narrow streets. For the next day of activities, the trip takes you to the site of one of the most important battles in Spanish history: Covadonga, where the king of Aragon won a decisive victory against the insurgent Moors. The battle of Covadonga signalled the start of an 800 year attempt to replace the Muslim Moors with a Christian kingdom. The journey to Covadonga will take you through numerous villages; some consisting of only two or three houses. Winding through shady gorges and alongside river banks, you will finally arrive at the Covadonga Sanctuary which overlooks one of the most wondrous sights in the world: the magnificent Picos de

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Peaks of Europe

Europa, or ‘Peaks of Europe’. Dozens of cone shaped peaks reach for the clear blue sky, often wearing a ring of mist. This is a never to be forgotten sight. A full day in Burgos is followed by a day in Santander, a fascinating historical centre with good shops and a fabulous esplanade bordered by miles of golden beaches. After Santander, there is yet more to come, with a visit to a town that is very important to Christian Spain - Tordesillas. Here you can follow in the footsteps of the nobility of medieval Spain, most notably the Catholic Monarchs, Isabel and Ferdinand.

RESERVE YOUR PLACE NOW! Can you imagine a more complete and exciting six day excursion? Using two hotels; one three star and one four star, this six day excursion is available only from David’s Coachtrips SL. It departs from the Costa Blanca this Monday, 28th June to 3rd July, so you better be quick to reserve your place! And at only €299, including all excursions and B&B accommodation, it is excellent value for money! For further details or reservations contact David’s Coachtrips SL on 966 785 910 or visit their website at www.coachtripsonline.com.

TANIA RUBIO Martinez is 22-years-old and has been studying at the Miguel Hernandez University in Elche for two years. Tania speaks ‘basic’ English but would like to improve her language skills this summer. She contacted RTN as one of the biggest English speaking newspapers in Spain, to see if we could help. Tania would ideally like to work as an Au Pair: “I am a simple girl who likes learning and meeting new people. At work I am serious and responsible, but I also like to have fun in my spare time by reading, dancing, swimming, and I am also an animal lover.” Tania does not smoke and has just finished a degree in Protocol and Institutional Relations. She has work experience in schools but really needs an environment where she can earn a little money and have the opportunity to speak English intensively. Tania spent last summer at the Tourist Information office in Torrevieja and is now to study International Trade but wants to be further advanced in English by then. Ideally, she would like to work within an English family. If you can help, please contact Tania via our reporter Louise Clarke at louise@rtnnewsgroup.com


25 JUNEFEBRUARY - 1 JULY 2010 19-25 2010

‘Soulgrass meets Blues’ at Jazz San Javier Vibes From The Costas by

Tony Poole

from www.vibesfromthecostas. blogspot.com

TWO GIANTS of contemporary music team up for a bluegrass-fusion showcase at this year’s San Javier International Jazz Festival. Guitarist/singer Robben Ford and saxophonist Bill Evans present ‘Soulgrass meets Blues’, a new project that mixes blues, country and jazz. Both artists are old friends of Jazz San Javier. Ford appeared with fellow guitarist Larry Carlton at the 2007 X edition and Evans with the CTI All-Stars at last year’s XII edition. They will be joined by banjo virtuoso Ryan Cavanaugh, Cameroon bass player Etienne N’bappè, who for many years formed part of the (Joe) Zawinual Syndicate, plus the drummer Toss Panos, back once again after his spectacular performance as part of Carlton’s band. Robben Ford is one of the premier electric guitarists today, particularly known for his blues playing as well as his ability to be comfortable in a variety of musical contexts. A four-time Grammy nominee, he has played with artists as diverse as Joni Mitchell; Jimmy Witherspoon; Miles Davis; George Harrison; Phil Lesh; Bonnie Raitt; Claus Ogerman; Michael McDonald and many others. Born in 1951 in Ukiah, California, Robben was the third of four sons in a musical family. His first chosen instrument was the saxophone, which he began to play aged ten and continued to play until his early twenties. He began to teach himself

guitar at age thirteen upon hearing the two guitarists from The Paul Butterfield Blues Band: Michael Bloomfield and Elvin Bishop. In the late 1960s, Ford frequented the Fillmore and Winterland Auditoriums in San Francisco to see Jimi Hendrix; Eric Clapton; Cream; Led Zeppelin; Albert King; B.B. King and all of the progenitors of blues. “It was an incredible time for electric guitar,” Ford recalls. Ford’s latest CD release is entitled Truth. “I feel this is the best work I have done in terms of a solo recording. It is my most realised work as a songwriter and I feel like I am reaching higher ground as a guitarist. Truth represents the blues as they are today; some of the songs are sociopolitical in essence, but not without humour, and the musical setting is fresh.” The CD is notable for a well received cover of Paul Simon’s ‘One Man’s Ceiling Is Another Man’s Floor.’ Bill Evans primarily plays tenor and soprano saxophones. Evans attended North Texas State University and William Paterson University, where he studied with Dave Liebman, a Miles Davis alumnus. Moving to NYC in 1979, he spent countless hours in lofts playing jazz standards and perfecting his improvisational style. At the age of 22, he joined Miles Davis. In the early to mid-1980s, Evans played with Davis and was instrumental in his musical comeback. Notable albums recorded with Miles include ‘The Man With The Horn’, ‘We Want Miles’, and ‘Decoy’.

Bill Evans

In addition to playing with Miles Davis he has played, toured and recorded with artists such as Herbie Hancock; John Mclaughlin; Michael Franks; Willie Nelson; Mick Jagger; Les McCann; Mark Egan; Danny Gottlieb; Ian Anderson and Randy Brecker. He is featured on the Petite Blonde album with Victor Bailey; Dennis Chambers; Mitch Forman and Chuck Loeb. During the 1980s and 90s he was a member of the jazz fusion group Elements. Two of his most recent albums ‘Soul Insider’ and ‘Soulgrass’ were nominated for Grammy awards.

‘Soulgrass’ was a ground breaking concept involving such musicians as Bela Fleck; Sam Bush; Bruce Hornsby and Vinnie Colaiuta. Robben Ford and Bill Evans ‘Soulgrass meets Blues’, supported by Los Bluefalos, are performing at the San Javier International Jazz Festival on Sunday 18th July, doors open 21:00. Tickets are €12, available from the San Javier Festival Office, Disco’s Carrots in Cartagena and ServiCaixa www.servicaixa.com More info at www.jazz.sanjavier.es

Free tickets to see Robben Ford and Bill Evans: ‘Soulgrass meets Blues’

Robben Ford

THE RTN are proud to be the official English newspaper for the San Javier International Jazz Festival. We are giving away free tickets to see some fantastic concerts throughout July. This week, two pairs of tickets to see Robben Ford and Bill Evans ‘Soulgrass meets Blues’, supported by Los Bluesfalos, live in concert on Sunday 18th July at the amazing 2,000 seater open-air Almansa Park Auditorium. The previous competition is also still open, so there is still a chance to win free tickets to Dr. John and Canned Heat by checking last week’s edition of the RTN or my blog. Here’s this week’s question:

Full details www.vibesfromthecostas.blogspot.com plus you can find me on Facebook at www.facebook.com/tony.poole. Email news and views to vibes@roundtownnews.com Keep the ViBES ALiVE!

WHAT IS THE AMERICIAN ROOTS MUSIC FORM THAT MIXES COUNTRY, FOLK AND BLUES? A : Bluegrass B : Sawgrass C : Grassroots Email your answer, together with your name and telephone contact details. Robben Ford/Bill Evans competition winners will be notified on Friday 9th July. Entries by email only to: vibes@roundtownnews.com More free tickets to give away next week in the RTN.

25 june - 1 july 2010 Win a meal for 2 at the Inn Plaice in torrevieja (Mon-Thu) or at La Pista Restaurante In Jalon (Mon-sat Lunchtimes Only) by answering the Cryptic Crossword correctly. Answers by email to: office@roundtownnews.com or Fax: 96 570 5328.

Euromillions Draw Friday 18th june

2 29 31 32 38 1


No ticket won the 15,000,000 Euros (£12,540,000) jackpot prize


Answers & Winner Last week’s Crossword and Suduko answers found on page 42. Crossword winner for issue 557: Sheila Hartendon, San Miguel

Quick Crossword

Cryptic Crossword



1. Previous to (5)

1. Upright (13)

ACROSS 1. Reporters seem to want things urgently (5) 4. Support in reverse? (7) 8. No artificial note (7) 9. Mother wants boy to become stone worker (5) 10. What a well lubricated man becomes? (4) 11. Pretend to be ill to make mother stay (8) 13. Furniture not quite up to this point (4) 14. Resigned from the socialist side (4) 16. This critic is clearly one who has a second look (8) 17. Facts given in the end at an enquiry (4) 20. Closely follow graduate in doctrine (5) 21. A reason for being stranded? (7) 22. Nose and lip are used to form a Greek letter (7) 23. What the raw golfer aims for? (5)


4. Trip (7) 8. Win back (7) 9. Sluggish (5) 10. Merit (4)

2. Become liable to (5) 3. Bellow (4) 4. Apex (6)

11. Ominous (8)

5. Used (8)

13. Destiny (4)

6. Respire (7)

14. Yield (4)

7. Amusement (13)

16. Pottery (8) 17. Eager (4) 20. Get to know (5) 21. Exalt (7)

12. Start (8) 13. Sleeping (7) 15. Emphasise (6)

22. Go back (7)

18. Escape (5)

23. Dulcet (5)

19. Information (4)

DOWN 1. Card games suitable for river crossing? (7,6) 2. Praise some of the opposite sex, to lessen nagging (5) 3. Rues being certain (4) 4. This song is wicked - contains everything! (6) 5. Does he make up heaps of clues? (8) 6. Thorough knowledge is within one’s vision (7) 7. Amnesty from army commander apparently (7,6) 12. The very last, in spite of everything (5,3) 13. Like returning to five eras of uncivilised people (7) 15. Get back for example in the wet (6) 18. In the morning employ to entertain (5) 19. Boast that clothes have gone up (4)

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25FEB JUNE JULY 2010 26 -- 1MARCH 4 2010

Summer fruits by

Clodagh & Dick Handscombe Practical gardeners and authors

HAVING JUST lunched on deliciously juicy and tasty peaches and apricots picked yards from the front door it seems natural to write about summer fruits for this week’s column. And not only were the fruit perfect but they could be eaten straight from the tree without washing as no chemical sprays had been used on the trees. The only sprays had been with a cocktail of natural products: neem oil as an insecticide and propolis, a product from the bee hives alongside honey and a nettle infusion as an extra insect control and stimulant of leaf growth. If we had run out of neem oil we would have used an infusion of dried horsetail stems available at herb stalls in markets and in health shops. Likewise with our other summer fruits such as strawberries, redcurrants, blackcurrants, raspberries, blackberries, gooseberries, nectarines, pears, grapes and the autumn fruit to follow such as kaki, azufaifo, quince and apples. Thinking about it, we have never had to spray our self-seeded fig tree, cacti, almond or passion fruit. The only other treatment used is to dust grape vines and melons with natural yellow

sulphur powder against mildew attacks. Being inland, we are just too high to successfully grow tropical fruits such as bananas, and papaya but until the record breaking frosts of 2005 we had some wonderful harvests of mangoes.

WE DO NOT HAVE A FORMAL ORCHARD BUT GROW FRUIT IN THREE PLACES: a. Mixed in with flowering trees and shrubs around the garden. b. Along the sides of our allotments. c. In containers to evaluate how best to grow fruits on apartment terraces and balconies. To date, the fruit trees we have purchased for planting in containers are not grafted onto dwarfing root stocks as they would have been in northern Europe, as they have not been available. However, we have now discovered Soljardi – www.soljardi.com who specialise in dwarf fruit trees. They are based near Girona, not too far from the motorway to France. If you do call in, do say we told you about the place - they are listed in the useful addresses page in ‘Apartment Gardening Mediterranean Style’. We plan to buy from them in the autumn. Although we are still eating stored grapefruits from a friend on the coast and harvesting the last of late Valencia oranges, we will deal them separately in the autumn when the new crops start to ripen. But like all the other fruits mentioned, we

Clodagh and Dick with their home grown fruit

eat them fresh, use them in cooked dishes such as rabbit with oranges or apricots, dry them for a home dried fruit mix to take on walks, and include them in chutneys and jams when we have gluts and time. CLODAGH AND DICK’S BOOKS Their latest quartet of practical gardening books include: ‘Growing Healthy Fruit in Spain – from strawberries to oranges and watermelons’, ISBN 978-84-89954-62-5. It is regarded as the bible for expatriates and

when we checked today it comes up first on a Google search of growing fruit in Spain amongst four million items. There is a long section on citrus trees as many expatriates run into problems with these, the main problems being choice of varieties; planting; feeding; watering; pruning and pest control. You will find the book in bookshops or for convenience can buy from internet shops such as Bookworld, Amazon and Santana Books. Also by phoning 952 485 838 for the latter.

CLODAGH AND DICK HANDSCOMBE have lived and gardened in Spain for some twenty five years, sharing their ideas and experience with others through their articles and books. The books shown, plus ‘Growing Healthy Vegetables in Spain’ and ‘Growing Healthy Fruit in Spain’ can be obtained from high street and online bookshops including Bookworld, Amazon and Santana Books. Descriptions will be found on Clodagh and Dicks’ website www.gardeninginspain.com.

Everything you need for outdoor living NOW IN our second year at Gata de Gorgos, Iron Art Home & Garden Centre has the perfect solution for offering customers a combined range of products for your garden and external living. We have recently undergone a major restructure and are now offering a one stop centre for ‘Outdoor Living’. Effectively by teaming up with our new retail partners we believe we’ve created a unique experience for our existing valued customers while welcoming new ones. Although still ‘a work in progress project’ our aim is to give great value for money but access to every aspect of garden design with a team of professionals who are experts in their respective fields.

From initial garden design concepts through to resin bonded natural stone, instant swimming pools, all year round hydrotherapy spas and saunas, gazebos, garden furniture and of course trees, plants, shrubs and authentic artificial grass, we are sure we can be of help and inspiration. Of course, no traditional garden centre would be complete without a tea garden, and here at Gata we go ‘one better’ by serving refreshments in a 100 year old finca looking out towards the Montgo mountain. So you can enjoy a relaxing cup of tea, coffee or soft drink together with a slice of delicious home made cake to revitalise you before browsing through our wonderful range of

There are many products on offer

kitchenware, china, candles, artificial flowers, naked flame gel fires, wind chimes plus much more. Our aim is to create a relaxed atmosphere for our customers with no stress, no worries and no hard sales; just enjoy the tranquil garden, be inspired and get ideas from the garden layouts and displays while taking in the beautiful views. The feedback from customers is really encouraging as they keep returning with friends, neighbours and relatives to sample our unique services. We believe we’ve created the almost perfect tranquil shopping experience with plenty of choice of good quality, value for money products available to be delivered straight to your door. Many of our customers require tailor made, bespoke steel gazebos, security grills, gates, fencing, ornate arches, car ports and even individually designed house name plates. We can provide all of these from our own ‘Steelwork Direct’ manufacturing facility with skilled fabricators who have been manufacturing and installing steel products on the Costa Blanca for 11 years and who supply our three outlets located at Almeria, Guardamar and here at Gata de Gorgos. In fact we can make most things

Iron Art Home & Garden Centre can make most things in steel

in steel; all our manufactured products are of the highest standard, are phosphate and double powder coated to give many years of protection and use. Since opening our Outlet in Gata over a year ago we’ve made significant changes to the site and we’ve been amazed at the response from our customers and put it down to the fact that

we’ve created exactly what our customers want…‘A Typical English Garden Centre’. We’re open Monday to Friday from 10.00 to 18.00 (no siesta), Saturday from 10.00 to 14.00 and Sunday for a limited period only up to the end of July from 10.00 to 14.00. Tel 680 491 740. Website www.ironartfactoryoutlet.com

Find Iron Art Home & Garden Centre at Gata de Gorgos, N332 salida Gata to Teulada

- 1 JULY 2010 FEB2526JUNE - MARCH 4 2010

53 53

Boquerones with sundried tomato and quail egg Boil the quail eggs in water with some vinegar for 5 to 7 minutes. Peel them under streaming cold water.


8 fillets of boquerones 8 quail eggs 8 sundried tomatoes 8 basil leaves 1 large potato (boiled)



Take the sundried tomatoes and cover them with olive oil. Keep them aside for about 24 hours or longer so they get a little softer and easier to eat.

Cut the potato in half and put on a plate. Now take 8 sate sticks: first put one end of the boqueron on the stick then the basil leaf, then the sundried tomato and the egg. Now finish by putting the other end of the boqueron on the stick. Put the bottem of the stick in the potato and repeat 8 times.

RTN AND RESTAURANT Casa ‘Mola Mola’ are proud to present a series of recipes. We will take a closer look at the Spanish tradition of eating, in particular the fabulous world of TAPAS. Eating tapas is typical to Spain and entertaining. It is a way to enjoy the company of friends or family whilst sampling several different flavours in small portions.

Restaurant Casa ‘Mola Mola’ in the old town of Calpe is a must for every food lover! For reservations call 965 839 554 / 628 057 138 Casa ‘Mola Mola’ C/la justicia 6 C/campanarie 5 03710 Calpe

OVER THE NEXT 10 WEEKS, CHEF SASSEN WILL BE PREPARING THE FOLLOWING TAPAS: 1. Patatas Bravas ‘New Style’ 2. Goat’s Cheese with Lavander and Vanilla Syrup 3. Dices of Tuna with Tomato-Pistache Marmalade 4. Fish Cakes Thai Style 5. Chicken Sticks with Mango-Teryake Sauce 6. Smoked Salmon filled with fresh Goat’s Cheese and Herbs 7. Boquerones with Sundried Tomato and Quail Egg 8. Shrimps with Papaya and Moscatel sauce 9. Scrambled Eggs with Smoked Salmon and Caviar 10. Bavarois of Horchata and Granizado of Moscatel

Black and White Puddings back in stock


25 JUNE - 1 JULY 2010 8-14 JANUARY 2010

Calling an angel WORKING WITH Angels is inspiring and energising and it brings enlightenment and revelation. The very first time I began to work with Angels they made it perfectly clear that they wanted to work with me, and they do. If you had told me that one day I would be rubbing shoulders with Archangels I would never have believed it: and now I am guided and protected by them. This is a close personal connection, and it feels right. It can, and it does make a difference, and anyone that supports others in a difficult World and brings good results in the process is doing a very good job. It is often the initial process that deters people from working on higher levels, with Angels. Many feel that they are unworthy of walking alongside a being of light. They link Angels to religions, and not to God, the source. Angels are common to Christians, Muslims and Jews, and many Angels have made it their duty to start to set up major branches of Worldwide religions. The Angel Moroni is accredited as founding the basis of the Jesus Christ Church of The Latter Day Saints. Archangel Metatron was the responsibility behind the Kaballah, giving evidence clearly as to the authenticity of the Tree of Life. Angel Gabriel dictated the book of the Koran to Mohammed and started Islam. So Angels have been influential in starting religions, but they also have a duty of care to us as individuals, across the board. The complex strata of Angels means that there are experts on hand to deal with problems, however, and whenever caused, in our difficult journey of Earthly life. However, no Angels live here on Earth, and to enable them to visit us and work with us, we have to ask for their intervention. Without our first move this therefore doesn’t happen, and so they cannot help us, hands on. Many people are waiting for the actions of protective and guiding Angels, but they forget that they

have to be invited into our World if they are to offer us the divine energy, solution and applicable resolve we call out for. Angels are waiting to work together with us. They have a brief to enrich our lives and they are trained to spot our wants and needs in a changing World. The Archangels are those who happily visit us here on Earth, when they are called so do to. These powerful Angels know well our shortcomings and our stumbling blocks. They are conversant with our faith and our foibles, and they are ready to enlist their support and to indemnify our Spiritual actions as we constantly change the goal posts, ever wanting solutions to escalating and burgeoning problems. Connecting with an Angel is awesome and profound, and they have greatly simplified the system because they are so aware of the need that we have right now, for their services. Lighting a candle always helps to illuminate their way to us. Their presence with us may be brief but it will be quality time, and straight to the point. Which Angel do I choose? I hear you ask. Well, get to know the four Archangels of the Covenant. These are: Michael, Raphael, Gabriel and Uriel. Try asking them to assign you your Guardian Angel. Or ask them who should you ask for help? Stay silent and this process is slow and usually unsuccessful. If all else fails, I can connect you with your Guardian Angel. Contact me via my website and ask for Guardian Angel Assignation. I will alert you to your principal Guide connecting to your date of birth, and let’s take it from there. Start calling the shots. You are so much more than you think that you are, and soon, hopefully, you too will feel the energy and the power and protection of an Angel Guardians close by, at your side, where they truly belong; and just when and where they are needed.

Love & Light... Kenny Corris

Postbag Email your letters to me at: kennycorris@roundtownnews.com Hi Kenny! You have helped me so much in the past. You told me that there was a white magic spell for making money, it was for a Thursday, but I have forgotten it. Can you print again? I did do it and it worked! Sam D. Yes, it does work, and sharing this with you may very well help other readers. On a Thursday take a plain white plate and in the centre of it place a plain white candle. Place a circle of coins around the base of the candle and then light the candle asking for those coins to be blessed with the power of abundance. Blow out the candle at midnight and gather the coins up. Keep these coins separate to any other money you have. You then have twenty four hours to pass those coins on to someone who needs the money more than you do. This isn’t difficult, believe you me; there are so many begging on the streets at this time. Choose to prosper someone who is asking for money, and then place your special coins in their hand. Ask that your blessed coins may help that someone in need, and then you are connected to the law of prosperity which will see that you are rewarded too!

Kenny’s Diary BAR PERI PERA, Javea Port: Next Spiritual Café: Tuesday 29th June: 17.00. Demonstration followed by readings. Bookings and Info: Please contact: Penny Smith on: 687 926 021. Readings at Bistro Maya, Albir Playa, continue on Mondays and Wednesdays from 16.30 onwards. Please call: 966 868 213 for details. The Open Door Centre: San Miguel de Salinas: July 17th Workshop: 2012 The Truth: 10.00 to 17.00. Contact Patricia on 672 109 432 or 96 571 7394.

contact kenny Appointments: 96 587 8424 Mobile: 686 361 594 Web: www.kennycorris.net Forum: www.kennycorris.net/forum Please contact me for inclusion in my healing list!

horoscopes by Kenny Corris Jupiter resides and helps you to face an important double edged action with both resilient Mercury and a somewhat wayward Cancer. This is a time to eliminate any doubts that you may have right now. This clearing of some significant debris simply means that you can pay more attention to what remains and give it your best shot. Love what is left and you won’t miss out on that which you know is to be relegated to the past, as a new message rings in your ears. The loving and sensitive side of your generous nature brings rich dividends this week and allows you to share your innermost thoughts with those that you love. This is a week when your communication skills are at an all time high, and you should aim towards making a determined effort to consolidate minor problems once and for all. Things have to be acknowledged, and in coming out in the open, resolve and resolution is just around the corner. Make determined efforts this week to bring unity, even if you have to carry the can, and bite the bullet. Your version of recent events is the true one, but whilst others may have a hidden agenda you have only been honest and truthful. With some changes to schedule this week, and a new reason to celebrate, there is a noticeable spring in your step and the joy of knowing that the very best things that you now need are well and truly within your grasp. Mercury is in charge from the start of the weekend as you review impartially your new position. Stubborn though you are, it is for a reason, and sometimes you like to complicate the situation just to weigh up the pros and cons. A new horizon will allow you to develop your skills in the right direction, but use this time to show those who really matter to you, just what you can do if you are left alone. Where you take this is what really matters right now. Whilst Venus is resolutely by your side right now, there is a need to better know what you want out of life. Just waiting for things to happen doesn’t allow you to plough your rich energies and intelligence into carving a niche for yourself. Do not rely on others this week, and you will be able to tap into your own rich resources to make some future plans and set the record straight. Make forward plans, especially where travel is on the cards; as you need the benefit of an escape. A Saturn/Virgo attack on Neptune sheds some new light on something that just isn’t going away by itself. As tongues wag you will know who your friends really are, just as a drama for someone close becomes a crisis, and you are the nearest person to lead the resolve. Just now something is ‘niggling’ you, and you can’t quite put your finger on it; though you must realise that things aren’t quite what they seem in the current scheme of things. Forget balance, this week is all about pushing the boat out and having some fun for a change. Libran energy allows you to have some space for yourself and your plans must reflect the current need to make somebody special very happy. Enjoy the freedom of not having to make choices, and look back at a current situation and ask yourself; is this what you really, really want right now? Put distance between the main event and your true feelings. If ever the time was right it is now, as you take centre stage, and put back what has lately been missing from your life. Pastures new beckon, and any new project gets the seal of approval and the green light. Aim high because the immediate future is all about finding yourself and making the right connections as you do so. History is not set to repeat itself if, but you must brush away any doubts which could come back to haunt you, and set you off course. Pluto opposes Mercury as Jupiter steps in to lighten the heavy energies right now. You have two alternatives, and whatever you do, wait until the end of this week before you make any decision. You have a hunch that something rather wonderful is coming your way, but you have to be in the right frame of mind if you are to make something of it. Jupiter brings luck and fortune so have a flutter and trust your instincts and all will be well if you let it. Starting the week with both a Full Moon, and a Partial Lunar Eclipse to boot, may see you very pressured. Add to this the intermittent energies of conniving Pluto and something beyond your control is coming your way very soon; something that will shake your very foundations and rattle your windows and doors. You will, however, emerge better equipped and more determined than ever. In every life a little rain will fall, but it is just a walk in the park for you. Neptune, your trusty houseguest, inconjuncts with Saturn midweek and this opens up a can of worms. Your suspicions are justified, but it is your chance, once and for all, to make up your mind, once and for all, just what it is that you really want right now. Times have changed and as you view yourself, and your future, in a rather different light, it is high time you played the game of life to win, and that you take steps to get what you truly deserve. You’re being shown an alternative way forward, and you should give it a chance, since it isn’t as crazy as it sounds. Lately you have felt a very strong connection with your heart and soul, and now that the impetus is there, strike while the iron is hot, and take all this to just where it should go, since you are about to take on something new, something wonderful, and something which needs your tender love and care before it can be shared with those whom you love.

If it’s your birthday this week... This is a side of yourself that you haven’t seen, so surprise even yourself when plans take on a new depth, and a new meaning, and you feel more in control of your life.

25 JUNE - 1 JULY2010 2010 8-14 JANUARY

The End Of Iraq Book Review by

Danny Collins


VETERAN WAR correspondent Max Hastings once remarked: ‘Galbraith knows more than most westerners about (Iraq), and maybe five million percent more than any member of the Bush administration.’ Strong words but words we had no reason to doubt as Iraq unravelled under the onslaught of US military power, driven by an incompetent cowboy president anxious to realise his father’s unfulfilled dream of conquering Baghdad. As British and US troops are withdrawn from the shattered and leaderless country, Iraq stands poised for bloody civil war. In the north, Kurdistan is an independent state in all but name. In the south, the Shiites have created an Islamic administration with all the strictness of Afghanistan under the Taliban regime. Local authority belongs to

tribal sheiks, former Ba’athists, and Al Qaeda. Iran has emerged as its closest ally. The End of Iraq examines how the Bush administration’s flawed invasion plans produced these tragic results and it demonstrates how little US policy makers understood of Iraq before they planned to remove its president and recreate its constitution along US lines. The USA invaded Iraq in the belief that the regime could be decapitated and everyone would show up for work the next morning, Author: Peter but it wasn’t to be. W Galbraith Publisher: Originally written in 2006, Pocket Books this book takes a telescopic (paperback) view of the future and each Price:€12.80 one of Hasting’s words ring ISBN: 978 1 4 true. It carries a shocking 4165 2625 4 warning of how the West’s interference by incompetent enthralling dénouement of US leaders into the enigmatic policy, abetted by the UK Blair affairs of the Middle East can administration , highlights spell disaster for us all. the collapse of Iraqi society. The subtitle of this What we call a ‘shout line’ in

Torry Army AGM

publishing declares boldly: ‘How American Incompetence Created a War Without End’. Truer words were never uttered.

All the featured books are available off the shelf or by mail order from Librería Europa, Calle Oscar Esplá 2, 03710 Calpe. Tel: 96 583 58 24; e-mail: libreria.europa.calpe@gmail.com Take along or send this review for a discount of 5% on your purchases.

Lions charity fashion show

Model Ramona models summer clothing for a two interested diners


AFTER THREE days of heavy rain, the sun finally came out on Thursday to allow the open air Fashion Show and Luncheon on the terrace of the Restaurante Puerto Blanco to go ahead as planned. Over a hundred supporters enjoyed the day, presented by Carol Griffiths of Boutique Carol in Calpe, and organised by the Calpe and Benissa Lions Club. Seven beautiful models made their way from table to table, showing off some of the latest fashions from Joseph Ribkoff; Adini; Pause Cafe and Frank Lyman; whilst the diners enjoyed an elegant summer lunch designed for the occasion by top chef Patrick Manguette. With generous donations to the raffle and auction by Joseph Ribkoff and Boutique Carol, the Lions were able to raise over €1,400 on the day, to be used to buy essential supplies for the less well off in the area. The next CB Lions event will be the Lions Youth Brass Band concert in the amphitheatre of the Casa de Cultura in Calpe. Admission for this popular outdoor event is free! More information is available from President Hugh Stewart on 965 834 852.

THE TORRY Army Annual General Meeting will be held at Casa Ventura, San Luis on Thursday 15th July at 20.00. New candidates who wish to be put forward must have been a Torry Army member for at least 12 months prior to the date of the current Annual General Meeting, and their name must be submitted to the General Secretary (Paul Hurrell) in writing, at least 14 days prior to the Annual General Meeting together with the names of the proposer and seconder, who must also be club members. Any candidate must hold a Spanish Residencia certificate and be available throughout the year. Also, any members who wish to raise any issues are to submit these, in writing, to the General Secretary (Paul Hurrell), 14 days prior to the Annual General Meeting.

U3A Moraira-Teulada: General Meeting Monday 5th July

THE VENUE for this meeting is Salon de Banquettes, Avenida Mediterraneo, Teulada; the meeting will start at 10.30. The doors will open to Members at 09.45. New members are welcome and they will be able to join the U3A, join groups and find out about both travel and cultural events. Our entertainment for this meeting will be provided by Des McGillicuddy of the ShamRockers who has agreed to sing for us. Please note there will be no meeting held in August, but we will reconvene again on 6th September. For further information, please contact the U3A President, Ann Colclough on 965 747 343 www.u3amoraira-teulada.org

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25FEB JUNE JULY 2010 26--1MARCH 4 2010


with aunty virus

Stopping spam mail Geoff via email asks: Hi Aunty. I have a problem that is driving me mad. I have windows XP on dial up and at some nonspecific period during every log on, for some unknown reason the Windows Magnifier attached to the curser comes on and remains on until I restart the computer. There seems to be no specific reason or action taken by me that begins ‘The Magnifier’, and I have found no way to turn it off (other than by as previously stated restarting the computer) Aunty says: You can normally control this (and other accessibility options) by holding down the Windows key (left of spacebar with the Windows flag) and pressing the ‘u’ key. Here you can stop the utility and control whether it starts each time you login. This may or may not work in your case and as it may appear to start at ‘nonspecific’ times, with computers there is always a reason behind things so if you notice any pattern whatsoever, let me know.

James via email asks: Hi Aunty. I always read your column and find it invaluable. Can you help? I am getting at least eight or more emails in my spam on Google, some are the same people over and over again. How can I stop these altogether? Can I amend my email name without loosing my current information, or will I have to cancel this and start up again? Could the problem be that our email address consists of both mine and my partner Christian’s names? Your comments would be greatly appreciated. Aunty says: Hello James. Your email address doesn’t seem out of the ordinary so I suspect you are simply

another random victim of the spammers. To be 100% sure that you are off the spammers lists you will have to scrap your current email address and create a new one, however, there is something already built in to Gmail that you can try that may save you having to do this. When you receive a spam email in your inbox, if you click on it you will notice a ‘report spam’ button that will send it into your spam folder and log the senders address with Google (what exactly Google do with this information I’m not sure). Try this for a few weeks and see if the amount of spam decreases.

Upgrading AVG 8.5

Derek and Pat via email asks: Hi Aunty Virus, my problem is with trying to download AVG a message came up ‘did I want to upgrade from 8.5 to 9’ and I said ‘yes’. Then they both locked up and neither worked. I deleted both and started again and now nothing will download at all but everything else seems okay. Any ideas? Aunty says: I know from experience that you really need to uninstall AVG 8.5 before you start the Version 9 install. Maybe the best option here is to use the Windows System Restore utility to bring the computer back to just before all this started. You haven’t mentioned which version of Windows you have so I’ll assume its XP, so this may be slightly different for Vista or Win7. Go to ‘start’ ‘all programs’ ‘accessories’ ‘system tools’ and you will see the ‘system restore’ option. Choose the ‘restore my computer to an earlier time’ option and click ‘next’. You should see a calendar with some dates in bold and these are the dates that you can hopefully go back to. You will likely see a lot of calendar entries called ‘system checkpoint’ which are basically restore points that were automatically created by Windows, and as long as this was before you started the AVG adventure, they can be used as well.

Scan and translate Pam via email asks: Hi Aunty. I want to download a translator onto my laptop, where I can scan documents or letters etc. in Spanish, and then have them translated. I am running Windows 7. Could you recommend a free version download for me please?

Aunty says: Hello Pam. I’ve spent a lot of time trying various free solutions to this very same task and I’ve yet to come up with an accurate reliable way of doing the whole operation in one process. What I found is that all of the modern printer/scanners come bundled

with enough software to do the document scanning, and the free web based translators do a fine job of translating the document. Look for anything called OCR (Optical Character Recognition) which will scan your documents to a OpenOffice, Word or PDF document and use Goggle or Yahoo’s Babelfish to do the translation. You will need to simply copy and paste the text from the OCR scanned document into the online translator, and I have found that rather than passing in the whole document, a sentence at a time gets better results regarding grammar.

That’s all for this week, email me on auntyvirus@roundtownnews.com and I will do my best to sort you out

2526 JUNE - 1 JULY 2010 FEB - MARCH 4 2010

DIY tips on constructing your own website by

Karla Darocas

Information Technology & Communications

RECENTLY, I had to spend some time in hospital and I was glad that I had an online store, which was open 24/7 - that could bring in money while I was out of action. When thinking about setting up a website that can bring business in for you, planning is key to success. The following tips will help you in building a robust website: LOOK & FEEL TIPS When planning your website, the most important factor is its look and feel. Does it suit your clients and represent your products and services? If your clients are young, you might want to go with a slick design with small print in trendy colours. If your clients are older, then a simple design with large print in basic colours is a better idea. The graphics and photos on your site must reflect your image, as well as your products and services. If your photos are too small – they might not make a big enough impact, as one photo can say a thousand words. If they are too big, they might take too long to download and make your client wish to leave your site. If you are not a graphic designer and do not have an eye for balance, composition and design nor the skill to make unique graphics, then you will have to hire a graphic designer to make your logo and other important images. Take a look at other websites selling similar items or services. See if you like what they have done with their column design. Do they have pages with one column that lets the viewer scroll down through a list of items, or do they have three columns and

try to keep all items displayed on the page without scrolling? I personally prefer to scroll than flip through a bunch of pages – but it will be up to you make that call based on what you think your clients will want to do. Just remember – FUN, EASY, CONVENIENT are the part of the internet ‘experience’ so try and get some, if not all, of these points into your website. CONTENT TIPS Business websites are all about getting the client to take action and order your products and services. You will need to study other websites to see how they grab the buyer’s attention. I always tell my students to study the best sites like Amazon, Microsoft, EBay and see what catch words and key ideas you can borrow from them to use in your website. Then, make sure that your contact details and how-to-order information are clearly presented on each and every page – top and bottom. Also – you will want a copyright notice placed on the bottom of every page. Don’t forget to mention about the Terms and Conditions, Privacy Policy and also the Payment Security Information. All these add more credibility to your website. NAVIGATION TIPS It is important to build a website that is easy to navigate. The interlinking between the web pages must be consistent with your home page. Your visitors should find it easy to navigate to any page they want.

It is important to include sitemaps. These not only help the visitors to go to the specific page they are looking for but also help search engine spiders to crawl your website easily. Adding an internal search tool is a good feature that you must keep in mind. This would help your visitors to query so that they can get relevant matches based on their query. KEYWORD & TAG TIPS The greatest tool to help you with your keywords and tags is Google’s Keyword Tool. You need to type in a word or phrase and select a location where you are want to do business – like Spain – and a language – Spanish or English (if you are going after the expat market) and press Search. This tool will give you a run down of all the key word ideas possible based on actual Google searches. Once you know what words people like to use to search for your products or services – you can make sure that you have those exact words and phases built into your site – both in your content and in your Title, Meta Description, Meta Keywords, ALT Tags and Header Tags. Stay tuned for more tips next time!

Karla Darocas * Business Communications Software Training & Computer Repairs *Helping You to Help Yourself 965 973 234

Ideal Lights Spain “Energy saving LED lighting solutions” We manufacture the brightest LED lamps on the market today and have an extensive range for homes, urbanisations and businesses. From spot lights to tubes, flood lighting to GLS lamps and down lights to urbanisation street lighting, our retrofit LED range will save you money. Fact!

Phone us now for a free energy saving report and a 10% discount on your first order.

Save money and brighten up your life with LED lighting from Ideal Lights Spain

Tel: 6055 474 67 www.ideallightsspain.com

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25 june - 1 july 2010

25 JUNE - 1 JULY 2010

Power surges... lightning strikes Electrics in your home by

Tony Poole

from Sparks Electrical Services

IN SPAIN we have to deal with many different problems than those we experience in the UK in our everyday living, some unique and some that are very unfamiliar and alien to us. We all know how much we take electricity for granted, until it goes wrong. As an electrician working in the electrical contracting industry in the south east of England for over 20 years I rarely installed a power surge protection device and I never fully appreciated there importance until I moved to Spain. Here on the Costa Blanca I am regularly contacted to install surge protection in homes and commercial premises, normally after the property has been hit by a power surge, such is the lack of awareness about the problem. Often power surges can cause several thousand Euros worth of damage in the home. Power surges are increasingly becoming a major problem along the Costas and like the lightning phenomenon they are highly unpredictable when and where they will strike. During a recent severe thunder storm over Torrevieja lighting stuck a house in San Luis opposite Churchill’s Bar causing a high voltage power surge. A lightning bolt struck a small satellite dish and flashed through the house causing flammables to catch fire. Fortunately the occupants, parents, two children a cat and a dog were unhurt. They had all been watching the storm on the veranda, then upon re-entering the

Surge protector


house described a large bang shortly followed by another where upon fire broke out. Everyone escaped safely and the local fire brigade was called. The family has moved into temporary accommodation whilst the damage is assessed and building repairs carried out. This is the second time in recent months lightning has struck a house in San Luis. Locals described the thunder storm as the most frightening storm in recent memory. Several homes in the area experienced electrical problems and power surges. WHAT IS A POWER SURGE? A power surge is a sudden and unwanted increase in voltage. They can damage or destroy electrical equipment, burn out chips and PCB’s (Printed Circuit Boards), which exist in practically every modern day piece of electrical equipment, where they are not designed to withstand excess voltages. In extreme cases, such as direct lightning strikes, fires often break out. Power surges come in two forms, the first and most common, is caused by the switching of the electricity supply network from high powered electric motors and transformers, or in the case of a temporary builders supply from on-site generators or faulty wiring. In addition hundreds of transient spikes occur daily from devices in the home or work place. The second form of power surge, and more severe, is caused by lightning and electrostatic discharges, more common in rural properties but can also mercilessly strike any individual property on an urbanisation, commercial or industrial estate. In industry the damage and failures due to power surges are estimated to be in the range of hundreds of millions of Euros. Each year about 2 million flashes of lightning occur on the Iberian Peninsula. Lightning protection systems should be installed on tall buildings, cultural heritage buildings, warehouses with dangerous materials and open sites used by the public, necessary for structural and personal safety. Lightning can strike a building directly,

The burnt area can be seen from the lightning strike

the ground nearby or even overhead power lines miles away and cause power surges. Mains electric cables plus TV/Sat and telephone cables which enter from the outside of a building act as conductors for lightning strikes and can facilitate the way for power surges and require protection devices against these transients. To protect your property from a power surge, a device should be installed in or nearby the Consumer Unit, to the TV/Sat and telephone outlets. The device works in one of two ways, either by diverting the current generated by the power surge directly to earth, or by disconnecting the mains supply to the installation, preventing the power surge passing through the equipment. The former type usually being most preferable because it is fully automatic and does not require someone to switch the supply back on. Multi-adapter extension leads fitted with an SPD, like those available to purchase in DIY stores, only provide minimal protection for a limited number of items, when a power surge strikes it shows no mercy and may strike every electrical appliance in your property on a search and destroy mission. Air

conditioning units are very prone to damage from power surges as well as the more commonly assumed computer equipment and TV’s. Most air conditioning and TV satellite installation companies will not guarantee their equipment unless it is protected by a Surge Protection Device. Beware of the misconception that the RCD (aka Interruptor Differencial) in your Consumer Unit provides protection against power surges, it does not. For a complete safeguard a whole property surge protection system is required. Surge Protection Devices are recommended for properties with sensitive and expensive electrical and electronic equipment such as air conditioning, microwaves, ovens, washers and dryers, computers, printers, TV cinema systems, hi-fi, even lighting, practically every appliance in your home. They are also strongly recommended for installations in rural areas supplied with Solar Energy Systems exposed to high risks of lightning. Make sure you protect your expensive electronic equipment. A final piece of advise is to check your building insurance policy to ensure you are covered for power surges.

Article written by Tony Poole, Sparks Electrical Services. Tel. 626 693 440 www.sparksinspain.es Plus we’re on Facebook for free advice

Spain bounces back

The impact of the reform

By Jean Orellana FIGURES RELEASED by the College of Registrars for June reveal an impressive 7.04% increase in Spanish property sales over the same period in 2009. This is further reinforced when compared with the 16.28% increase over the final quarter during the previous year. The reasons for the spike in the graph are contentious. The consensus of informed opinion suggests the Euro’s eighteenmonth high against the pound has been aided by a belief that property prices in Spain have finally bottomed out. Chris Mercer, director of Mercer’s Costa Calida’s hub is upbeat about the improving market. He says: “We can reveal a quite spectacular increase of 157% for the first quarter of 2010 over the same period in

THE MAJOR banks have calculated the real effects of the reforms approved by the Government and their results vary considerably from the official figures: The Government predicts a fall in economic activity of 0.3% this year, however, Banco Santander and La Caixa expect a fall of 0.4; Caja Madrid says 0.5 and BBVA 0.6%. For next year, the Government predicts growth of 1.3% in the economy; the banks disagree: Caja Madrid says growth of only 0.4%; Banco Santander 0.8, BBVA 0.7 and Caixa 1%.

2009, based on the number of enquiries we are receiving.” Perhaps the clearest signals are coming from international property portal Rightmove. Their findings show that during May, Spain topped their potential buyers’ enquiry list. As yet these figures have yet to translate into a similar increase in sales; when they do so the sales figures are set fair. Over the first quarter of 2010, five-thousand homes were sold to non-residents of which 1,574 were buyers British by nationality. It is clear that sales will need to accelerate to clear the log jam of unsold properties, especially new builds. It is, however, a big step in the right direction. Mike McLaughlin of southerncomfit.com says the news is ‘a real confidence builder’ and will be welcome news for buyers and sellers.


25 - 1 JULY 2010 14JUNE - 20 MAY 2010

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Renewing a licence by

Brian Deller

Author of Motoring in Spain

MY SPANISH driving licence is due for renewal in three weeks on my seventy fifth birthday. I know I have to go for a medical/aptitude test and have heard it should be free for over seventies. Is this true? I was charged when I went two years ago. There was also talk of a licence lasting for three years instead of the current two. Can you verify please? Also, how soon can I apply in advance to ensure continuity and do

I take anything with me other than my existing licence and two new photographs? My Licence covers A1, A, B, and BE for cars and motor cycles. Tony My information is that the Trafico fees, except for registering a vehicle, are free for us over 70s, but you are correct. I was charged for my last medical/ licence renewal in June 2009, aged 71. I must try and contact my ‘man’ in Trafico again and let all know what is what now. Or quicker would be the local reconcimiento clinics that now, after the medical, take all the documents and the payment and arrange for the new licence to be sent by post, as mine was last year. The new medical periods are as in the table shown. Just take the original licence you carry and two photos, passport size. The medical centre has all the forms and will complete, with your help, the one needed. But take your residencia or

Date Driving Test passed

Old periods

New Periods

As Applicable in the reader’s case

From date of passing test

From date of passing test

Turismos and motos, etc.

To age 45, every 10 years. From Age 45, every 5 years to age 70

To age 65, every 10 years. From age 65, every 5 years.

LCC; LCM; LVA; A1; A; B; B+E.

Commercial licences, HGVs etc.

To age 45, every 5 years

To age 65, every 5 years, from age 65, every 3 years.

BTP; C1; C! + E;C; C + E; D1; D1 + E;D; D +E.

the certificate for the Padron with you (with your current address on them) and about €25 - €35 in cash. I was charged €25 last year but some clinics seem to think we expats are millionaires: I have been advised that some have charged readers as much as €50. Trafico website address for medical clinics in Spain: http://www.dgt. es/portal/es/oficina_virtual/dir_ telefonos/centros_rec_conductores/ ?tit=%BFD%F3nde%20se%20puede% 20solicitar. Do you know how to get an International Driving Licence: a) with a British Driving Licence B) with a Spanish Driving Licence? We are off to Australia at the end

Licence classifications Affected

of the year and need International Driving Licences and I have looked on the Internet to find out, but with no success. Many thanks for your help. Jane Williams A. If you have a British licence the AA in Britain is correct, but retain copies of your licence etc and the postal receipt in case you are stopped. But if you have registered your UK licence with Trafico, try Trafico but go in person to be safe, as they will want to see your original licence and residencia or NIE etc. B. If you have a Spanish licence then Trafico is where you can get one and it is not expensive at all, about €12. But they will again want to see your original licence.

No more space: more next week. There is much more detailed information on all the differing licence classifications in my book. Email your questions to rtnmail@roundtownnews.com and I will do my best to sort you out. Brian Juan (John) Deller, Malaga, author, ‘Motoring in Spain’ www.spainvia.com and 666 888 870


British & Spanish used car sales


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Cars wanted for cash LHD/RHD

Do you employ an expat here in Spain?


25 june - 1 july 2010

If the answer is yes – read on! HOW DO you check your employee’s driver’s licence to confirm that it is valid? Most employers are happy just to look at a driver’s licence to check for points, categories, etc. Unfortunately, this is now no longer sufficient: a driver can possess TWO licences. Let us explain how: If a person drives away from a pub and is stopped by the police and found to be over the alcohol limit, that person knows they will be disqualified. They can immediately write to the DVLA and inform them that they have lost their paper licence. The DVLA will send a new licence out to them. They now have TWO licences. They then go to court for the drink driving charge and they hand over their licence. They now have the other licence which appears ‘clean’ – is this the licence you are checking? If you are employing a driver, or sending an employee out on business in their personal vehicle on your behalf, you have a ‘duty of care’ to make sure their driver’s licence is current. Over the next year or two, the photo card part of a driver’s licence may be expiring. The photo card part of the licence has only a TEN year life. Most people think that their licence runs out

You have a duty of care to make sure your employees driving licence is valid

when the paper part expires. If your employee is found to be without a ‘current’ driver’s licence and is involved in an accident and a fatality occurs, they will be uninsured and you or your company could face large payouts in uninsured losses. In the UK, directors and bosses could face heavy financial fines and under the ‘Corporate Manslaughter’ clause, they would receive a custodial sentence for not carrying out their ‘duty of care’. Chalcheck Ltd can help with checking

your employee’s driver’s licences. We are a web-based company with direct links with the DVLA. Once we receive the completed form from your employee (download from our website), the results will be emailed to you the next day with colour coded points to make checking fast and efficient, giving you peace of mind and avoiding the possibility of facing embarrassment and heavy financial losses. To contact us email info@chalcheck. co.uk or 0044 1895 459531.

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25 june - 1 july 2010

New fashion designs for the MINI

Francisco Costa for Calvin Klein, Diane von Furstenberg and Kenneth Cole create three exclusive designer MINIs for a good cause. This year marks the tenth consecutive involvement on the part of MINI in Europe’s biggest charity event in support of HIV/AIDS. The 18th Life Ball takes place in Vienna on 17th July and will once again be a hot spot for the international celebrity set. This flamboyant and extrovert event flies the flag for tolerance and solidarity. For MINI it provides an ideal platform on which to showcase its social-political commitment. Since 2001, one of the chief protagonists at the Life Ball has been a MINI created by a fashion designer. This year for the first time, three different MINI models will be embellished by a trio of renowned names from the World of fashion. On behalf of America’s Calvin Klein, his creative director Francisco Costa will be designing the MINI Countryman, the brand’s new crossover model. The US fashion designer with Belgian roots, Diane von Furstenberg,



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Design by Kenneth Cole

meanwhile, will add her artistic touch to a MINI Hatch, while New York’s Kenneth Cole will imprint his unmistakable style on a MINI Convertible. These exclusive collector’s items are to be auctioned on behalf of the charity supported by the Life Ball; the proceeds

Design by Diane von Furstenberg

going to amfAR (the Foundation for AIDS Research). The previous Life Ball MINIs have never failed to thrill with their outré designs. Indeed, their history reads like a ‘Who’s Who’ of the fashion industry: Missoni (2003); Ferré (2004); Versace (2005); Diesel (2006); Mario Testino (2007); Agent Provocateur (2008) and last year, The Blonds for Katy Perry. Proceeds now total around €500,000. LIFE BALL 2010 This year’s Life Ball will take place against a rather special backdrop, being held to tie in with the 18th International AIDS Conference that starts in Vienna the day after the big event. On 17th July, in addition to Vienna’s City Hall and City Hall Square, the Burg Theatre with its Red Ribbon Cotillion Summer Ball and even the Austrian Parliament – which hosts the amfAR Gala – will be dedicated to the red ribbon cause.



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25 june - 1 july 2010 FOR IN OUR OWN HOME so if you need to go away on holiday but don’t want your dog to go into kennels then we will look after them. References available on request. Call Diane and Trish: 965843781 or 622514980 (Altea Area)

SERVICE AIR David Higton: (Tel) 966-865-883 (Mob) 629-308-505 (Email) cool@serviceair.biz

GORGEOUS KITTENS ready for loving homes. Beautiful, hand-reared, litter-trained! Free to good homes. Please call Liz: 616664888 (Torrevieja) REGISTERED SPANISH HORSE FOR SALE Stallion, 4 years old. Beautiful horse with a great temperament. Blacky/ grey, full registered Spanish papers. Well ridden. 1,63 metre, 16.1HH. Travels well in box, shoes well. Competed in in-hand shows. Call Olivia for more information 605-778-559 SMALL FRIENDLY BRITISH KENNELS individual runs, large excercise area. 25 mins Alicante airport. www. parkbark.co.uk 628-244-712 YORKSHIRE TERRIER 8 month blonde male, lovely temperament, seeking good home 250€. ONO. 616-965-833 PETZBACK HOME LTD Professional door to door pet transportation. UK/Spain/UK. Travel in our petmobile with y our pets for free (subject to availability). Or treat yourself in one of our air conditioned luxury limo service. A regular, reliable and safe service. Defra pet passport advice given. www.petzbackhome. co.uk Credit or Debit cards accepted. Telephone UK office 0044-1209-843-971

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DRIVING TO THE UK? English owned B&B in France close to the Spanish border. Peaceful location, ideal for your stopovers. Please ring for details: 0033-562-33-19-62 or visit website: www.millefleursbb.co.uk

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SPORTS POWERBOAT Very cheap boating. Sports powerboat 5m, comes with 90hp engine and all equipment, can be seen working. Excellent condition only 4,500€. Call 638-056-224 NEED YOUR DOG TAKING CARE OF? No Kennels, Just a friendly home. Larfe fenced garden (Altea) Tel: 699-790-080 SMALL DOGS CARED


RECESSION Proof Business. Vending machines with locations. Nett. 40,000€ P.Aa One day P.W to service. 965326-442/ 659-696-455 LUXURY VILLA For sale on the Costa Blanca North. A luxury 9 bedroom villa, set in a quiet area, 15mins walk to the blue flag beaches of Calpe. Currently operating as a small bed and breakfast accomodation. The property could be used for many other activities. This

property must be viewed to be appreciated. This is an opportunity not to be missed! For further details contact 628-499-448 or 965-837-948. CONTAINER OF PINE FURNITURE Large quantity of flat pack solid pine furniture for sale, includes double and treble wardrobes, bedside cabinets, chest of draws, mirrors, tall boys, side boards, dressing tables, single beds, double beds, king size beds, bookcases, etc. Too much to list, for details tel 628-499-448.

FOR SALE MOBILE HOME At Camping Almafra. 3 years old, plot 273. 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms. To view call Mary - Plot 291. Tel: 00447860-744-675. BLUEBIRD 25’X12’ SLEEPS 8 seperate Shwr/ toilet Murcia Region 9,500€ ono More details 699-275-530 MOBILE/ PARK HOMES From 15.000€ TV, A/C, TEL, some with conservatories, permanent site, pool, tennis, new lounge bar, supermarket, 5 mins walk San Javier, all amenities, 3KM beach & hospital. 7 mins Murcia airport by car. Carol 968192-425/ 626-055-622. Email: haydn47@hotmail. com Web: www.mobile homesmarmenorspain.com

25 june - 1 july 2010

BYTEBACK MICROS computer repairs/ upgrades in your home. Qualified technician. Systems custom built. Whatever your problem call: 965-312006 or 606-127-424 ONLINE E-BUSINESS SUPPORT SERVICES INCLUDES: Promotional website marketing slideshows, banners, videos, audio files, graphics, logos, photo retouching, e-business consulting & training. Monthly fee covers hourly support and training services by email or telephone. Contact: Karla Darocas - info@Darocas. com or 648 156 066

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We Want You Enthusiastic and commited sales people wantedto work on commission only basis, must have own transport, if you can close adeal and have a desire to work for an established company call 965 720 817 or 616 493 487 EXPERIENCED CAR SALES PERSON REQUIRED for busy car sales office in San Miguel de Salinas. Applicants must be smart, punctual and a non smoker with a full driving licence. The right applicant will be rewarded with a full time contract for this full time position. Please send CV with covering letter to info@autosdirect.es MILLIE MUNRO SERVICES require office based Telesales Person for their Benitachell office. Experience Essential. Quality leads given with fixed fee paid per appointment plus excellent commission on sales and bonuses. If you live locally, are non-smoking and of smart appearance with proven track record please ring 966 493 082 for an interview. AVON NEED AGENTS AND LEADERS work hours to suit you. For info Phone Rosh 966-785-520 EXTRA INCOME MONTHLY Tax Free. Would 200€ + Per Week Help? Then try the HRC Daily Sports System. Working from Home with Computer & ADSL for 1-2 hrs per day, afternoons/ occasional evenings. Details: EMail -horces@ gmail.com FEMALES AND COUPLES 18 to 65 required for adult internet photo and video modeling. Excellent rates. 697-697-842.

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LEMON TREE INTERIORS Home-visit soft furnishing company. Curtains, all types of blinds, loose covers. Excellent quality work at reasonable prices. Wide range of fabric and pole samples. Full fitting service. Call Claire to arrange a no-obligation visit in the comfort of your own home. Tel.968-698770/ 626-614-850 Website: lemontreeinteriors@ hotmail.com CHAIN LINK FENCING Chain Link Fencing, Rigid Fencing & Perimeter Walls. Free No-Obligation Quote www.Billericky.com or call 962-384-094/ 628-613-350 NEED A WEBSITE? Websites start 395euros, free domain name, free hosting. www. websitedesigns costablanca.com Tlf:-966-182-275 ANY REFORMS, MAINTENANCE, GENERAL REPAIRS. No job to big or small. Pices cannot be beaten. Free estimates. Call Hrista 667339-588/ 965-709-203 PRINTING SPECIALIST in brochures and magazines. Unbeatable prices! 616493-487 or 965-720-817

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2.4 MTR SATELITE DISH complete with stand and LNB,out of the ground €350 644519795 BARKING DOG? Stop the vet approved way. Aboistop compact adjustable collar cost 135€. For sale at 75€. Only used once with success 688-265-879 TRAILER Caddy 535 (ONETRIP) unbraked galvanised 500KG trailer, 1500X1000X400MM deep with additional 600MM high weldmesh cage above + jockey wheel 350€. Cabo Roig. Tel: 664-520-391 1.3 SATELLITE DISH 50€ Single matress unused 25€. Tramapline 6 feet across 40€. Two airconditioning units, used one month, no gas, 140€ o.n.o. 606-515-153 delivered. ITEMS FOR SALE ROLAND E86 keyboard, syntheier 290€. 3 LIFE JACKET new, size 36 to 40 20€ each. 3 for 50€. SHIP COMPOS 40€. Tel: 966188-695/ 671-819-541 OFFICE EQUIP. desk chair, filling cab., lamp, printer, fax. 100€. The lot. Steve 646-686-448 LATHE 3½” DRUMMOND back gear self acting 3 chucks faceplate milling slide 0.5HP motor 250€. 965-747-116 GOLFERS, GOLF TROLLEY BATTERIES gel batteries for powakaddy, hillbilly etc. Fantastic prices fully guaranteed also new lite lithium batteries and golf trolleys. Ring Gary 610-344-273


FULL HOUSE CLEARANCE items can be sold seperate, everything in good condition. Contact 672-881-639 (Ontinyent) COVERED 4 WHEEL TRAILER FOR SALE English, 10x6 VGC. 500euros ONO Tlf:630-720-756 ICE COLD AIRCONDITIONING UNITS “Plug n Go” two sizes available 9000 BTU €199 or 12’000 BTU €249 no mess, no fuss! FREE delivery 622-727-430 FOLDING MOBILTY SCOOTER Very good condition. 350€ o.n.o. Tel: 0044-7542-512-542. TURN YOUR UNWANTED FURNITURE Electrical, Houshold Goods and BricaBrac into Cash. Anything! Anywhere! 96-531-9220 618-165-877 PERGOLA 5MX3M Never erected. High quality solid timber, Treated. Ideal for Garden or Carport. 385€ Will Delivery Free. 622-024-539 si.whitworth@gmail.com WHEELCHAIR Light, foldable, hardly used, LIKE NEW. 135.00€. Tel: 627-019-403. LA MARINA FURNITURE All Furniture Bought & Sold At Unbeatable Prices. Now Also In Shop, New Linen, Lingerie, Jewellery & JML Products. Also Cars Bought For Cash. Come and visit La Marina Furniture shop on the main street through La Marina. Call Allan on 966443-370 or 625-985-491


25 june - 1 july 2010

FOR SALE Beautiful old convertible snooker/dining table with original ivory balls. Slate base. Gd con. 2.00m x 1.10m. 750?ono. Call Andy 630949883. ALADDIN’S For quality furniture and second hand household goods at prices that won’t dent your wallet telephone 966-457-291

ALADDIN’S Disappointed with offers elsewhere on Jewellery etc? Telephone 966-457-291 WANTED INSTANT CASH PAID Antique and modern jewelley, bought sold & part exchanged, insurance valuations. Jewellery & watch repairs. Alexanders, Javea Port seafront near Bar Esquina. Established since 2003 Tel: 965-792-595.

BALLROOM/ LATIN/ SEQUENCE with LA BAMBA’S. Los Arcos Restaurant, Avenidas Balaeres, Torrevieja, SOCIAL DANCE: Saturday 7pm- 10pm: TUITION: Beginners Monday 10.30am. Bienvenido Chinese Restaurant La Zenia: Beginners Wednesday 7.30pm: Thursday 11.30am; Intermediates Friday 11am. Tel: Andrea 616-478-157

HOUSE AND PET SITTING call Margaret 968186-781 or 659-824-156 KARAOKE MEDIA PLAYER “Brand New” 500GB. 70,000songs, software, songbooks, bar/ home use. 275euros Tlf:-654-925-679

PINE FURNITURE SALE www.gata-discount-pine. com PINE FURNITURE SALE King size bed + under-bed drawers 285€. Tel: 628-499-448. PINE FURNITURE SALE Double bed + under-bed drawers 270€. Tel: 628-499-448. PINE FURNITURE SALE Double wardrobe 180€. Tel: 628-499-448. PINE FURNITURE SALE CD stand 80€. Tel: 628-499-448.


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PINE FURNITURE SALE Hall mirror 85€. Tel: 628-499-448. PINE FURNITURE SALE Gate leg table 60€. Tel: 628-499-448. PINE FURNITURE SALE Bookcase 57€. Tel: 628-499-448. PINE FURNITURE SALE Wine table 30€. Tel: 628-499-448. PINE FURNITURE SALE Treble robe 200euros Tel: 628-499-448. PINE FURNITURE SALE Dressing table mirror 30€. Tel: 628-499-448. PINE FURNITURE SALE 2 drawer bedside 23€. Tel: 628-499-448. LA MARINA FURNITURE All Furniture Bought & Sold At Unbeatable Prices. Now Also In Shop, New Linen, Lingerie, Jewellery & JML Products. Also Cars Bought For Cash. Come and visit La Marina Furniture shop on the main street through La Marina. Call Allan on 966-443-370 or 625-985-491 FLYING FLOWERS beautiful bouquets to any UK address. Order by credit or debit card. Call Kelly’s 965-761-595/ 966-425-713 POOL TABLES, SNOOKER TABLES Table Tennis Tables Tel; 666-933-726

SUZUKI GRX 600 gorgeous bike, good condition. 3,000€. Tel Allan 625-985-491 REPAIR & SOLD & BUY pickup from your home second hand motorbikes and scooter for reasonable price and quick service open 7 days. Tel: 680-644-010 TRIUMPH 955I English Reg. 2000 plate, speed triple 43000 miles, reluctant sale, recent service and new parts. 2,000€ ONO. Dave 693-211-542


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FOR SALE KANGOO 1.9 diesel 98 white 107K/ km fair condition ITV 08/ 10 roofrack 2,300€. 620-647-995 BUMPERS, WINGS AND MIRRORS All body panels for all cars supplied. Tel: 966-875-497 or 618-592-396. HEADLIGHTS4U.COM Left hand drive headlights supplied and fitted. All makes. Tel: 966-875-497 or 618-592-396. RENAULT BOX VAN 2.5 diesel, Spanish Reg, Year 2007, New Condtition. Cost 26.000euros, except 13.000euros. Tlf:628-499-448 VAN FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE English plated Fiat Ducato 2.ltr JTD 2005, SWB. 2,995€ or may swap for Spanish reg. Smaller van or estate car. Dave 693-211-542 OPEL CORSA 1.4 - YEAR 1995 Ideal as a first car for a new driver. A few “dings” in the bodywork but well maintained and cared for. 3 new tyres, MOT to Jan 2011, DVD player etc. 995€ ONO tlf 691-202-307. Altea area (close to Benidorm)

British & Spanish used car sales


3,950€ 1,950€ 2,400€ 1,950€ 4,950€ 4,750€ 2450€ 1950€ 2750€


Tel: 620 738 023 10am to 5pm


Cars wanted for cash LHD/RHD

BABY EQUIPMENT FOR HIRE chair, car seat, etc 965-836-450/ 696-206-249.

EXCHANGE OR SALE Los Montesinos Village, 3 double bed 2 full bathroom, Aircon Lounge- Separate Kitchen Diner- Galleria Utility Balcony Solarium For 2 Bed Beach Side Guardamar La Marina 600754-677/ 672-943-003/ 965-003-472

GENERIC VIAGRA safe effective 100mg blue pills 24 for 50€. Also Kamagra oral jellies, effective in 15 minutes and generic Cialis, effective for 36 hours. Confidential postal or collection service. Call Ron at TT Marketing 966-499-204 TORREVIEJA CHINESE SUPER SEXY Young and beautiful. Calle Orihuela Nº60, 2º1 DANI 23, SWEET GIRL offers erotic service. House and Hotel visits or in my apartment. 650-104-534. Torrevieja area MALE 55 & MY STUNNING GIRLFRIEND 25 both British, Voyeur shows & threesomes with A, DP & SR. Also homemade DVD’S by post or collect. Torrevieja Call Steve 697-892-969 UNSATISFIED MARRIED WOMAN im married and i give massages, and im waiting for you. Tel: 644052399 TRANSVESTITE TORREVIEJA dark skin, big vreasts, big surprise. Tel 610-934-279 www. esnegratrans.blogspot.com

25 june - 1 july 2010 SINDY SUPER SEXY 36 years old, massage, private apartment, La Loma, Avenida Habaneras. Tel: 677-676-554 NATACHA divorced, erotic massage, very hygenic apartment, outings. Minimum 60€. Calle La Loma, close to Avenida Habaneras. 677-676-554 TORREVIEJA CHINESE SUPER SEXY GIRL! Young and beautiful. Calle Orihuela Nº60, 2º1 SPANISH LADY, PLAYA FLAMENCA near new Carrefour before La Florida. 35 years, attractive, classy lady, private house, parking. Offers all erotic services, massage, sexy lingerie, economical prices from 40€. Full discretion. Call Ana 680-735-412 JAVEA, MORAIRA East Europeon lady, super erotic massage and more. 661034-261 Hotel & Home visits DANI 23, SWEET GIRL offers erotic service. House and Hotel visits or in my apartment. 650-104-534. Torrevieja area YOUNG 65 YEARS OLD English man, looking for female friendship (English Spoken) Orihuela Costa. 636-196-660 GORGEOUS ENGLISH BLOND 45 years, gives discreet massage, 1 hour or over night stay, 15 mins Alicante airport. Tel: Karen 662-049-021 SEXY COUPLE OR SEPERATE Offers pleasure for couples, women, men, girl on girl, relaxed, discrete. At our apartment or yours.Call Jasmine/Sebastian 663-478-337 A PERFCT LOVE LIFE ONCE AGAIN With libidus suitable for male and females, increases libido guaranteed product - Call: Keith 687-357-529 LOVELY GIRLS TO PAMPER YOU 24HRS, Free Drinks. Great Time Guaranteed. Playa Flamenca. 660-308-993/ 619-229-217

NEW PLACE! TORREVIEJA Sexy girls from South America. Come and enjoy, economical prices from 40€. NEW ADDRESS Zone Los Locos beach. 639-622-285

CASA ANGELA TORREVIEJA Luxury Private Chalet, parking. Drinks invitation. Feeling alone? Just want some company? Exotic girls from South America. Call us, come and enjoy! Also Escort Service. Full discretion. Street: Avenida Asociacion Vistimas del Terrorismo. 609-573-468 or 639-832-118

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free conveyancing. 647218-350 www.inmossp.com FOR SALE OR TO RENT Classic Spanish Old Town House. 3 double bedrooms (one with ensuite bathroom), master bath, downstairs toilet, new kitchen, large living room diner with real fire. Terrace with bbq, summer kitchen and shower. Separate sun terrace with views to the mountains. Recently reformed and fully furnished. 135,000€ or 450€ per month.Tel: 609177-032.

BEST DEAL, PLAYA FLAMENCA 3 bed detached villa, private pool, detached garage, driveway, fully air conditioned, quiet area, close to all amenities. Must sell. 155,000€. Tel: 966-730-902

WOODEN CHALET, EL REALENGO rural site, furnished, 2 bedrooms, large plot, must sell, reasonable offers considered. 664-760-428

ROMANTIC PRIVATE COUNTRY COTTAGE big lounge with woodburner, one bedroom, storage, large plot, 1 mile San Miguel 350€PCM plus utilities. Tel: 645496957 FOR RENT OR FOR SALE Classic Spanish Old Town House. 450€ per month. Tel: 609-177-032. (See main advert description under For Sale - General) ELCHE 4 bedrooms detached villa with swimming pool. 900€, 695-923-194. DOLORES 5 bedrooms country house 220.000€, 695-923-194... 4 bedrooms country house 186.000€, 695-923-194. WWW. VENDOPISO.COM CIUDAD QUESADA 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms

detached villa. 600€, 695-923-194. WWW. VENDOPISO.COM CATRAL 3 bedrooms detached villa fully furnished, swimming pool 700€ 695-923-194... 3 bedrooms detached villa. Unfurnished 600€ 695-923-194. ALBATERA 2 double bedrooms country house with swimming pool 650€ 695-923-194. DOLORES Detached large villa with option to buy 700€ or exchange for a house in Ciudad Quesada 695-923194... 2 bedrooms house in the country side 500€ including bills, 695-923-194. VALENCIA CITY Two double rooms available in stunning shared 140m2 apartment, with 14m2 sunny terrace. The bedrooms share a full bathroom. Apartment is spacious, modern, wooden floors, light and sunny, peaceful, but only 15 mins walk to city centre. Supermarkets and market within 5 mins walk. View from terrace across city to mountains (6th floor atico). Apt has lift, trastero, internet, a/c and heating, new washing machine, new fridge, microwave, dishwasher and spacious lounge/dining area. Peaceful street with plenty of bars and restaurants nearby. To share apt with one other female, English, 34. No smokers (or you smoke on the terrace!). Professionals with work only. Looking for relaxed people with sense of humour who are used to sharing. Beautiful apt. Bills included. OPTION 2: If only one room is rented


the price is 450 incl bills. Deposit of one month’s rent. Call 696 534 228. Hablo espanol! DREAM HILLS LONG TERM LET 3 Bed, 2 Bath, south facing with parking and garden. Furnished, aircon and solarium. €450 pcm + bills. Tel: 966-761497 or 659-646-258 1 BEDROOM FIRST FLOOR FLAT IN TORREVIEJA telephone line, English TV, pool. Near Friday market and Iceland, walking distance to bars, shops and sea front. Long let min 4 months. 300€ pcm including bills. 966-708-573 or 660-859-862 ALGORFA TOWN CENTRE two bedroom ground floor flat, large terrace, swimming pool, furnished 250€ per month. Ring 00447949589539 or londonangels@hotmail. com

LONG LET Nice properties Two bedrooms from 360€ various locations. Call Paul 659-647-616/ 966-785-891 CABO ROIG AREA detached house, 2/3 bed, 1.5 bath, F/F garden, close shops and beach. 500euros PCM + bills 966760-201/628-478-313 VILLA TO SHARE in La Nucia, large garden with pool, rent 325€ a month plus bills (must like dogs). Call ALISON: 619-569-805.


25 june - 1 july 2010

MAN IN A TRANSIT fast economincal reliable service. Ring for quote 965836-450/ 696-206-249. GRAHAM’S TRANSPORT 24/7 deliveries, collection. Spain- UK- Spain or any where in Europe. Reasonable rates. Storage facilities are available in Spain and UK. Tel: Lyn or Graham 661-752-010/ 0044-7733-329-305 SPANISH LINKS LTD Low budget door to door fast collection & quick delivery removals or storage. Weekly reliable service. Full or part loads and even small deliveries. Spain/UK/Spain. Credit or Debit cards accepted. www.spanishlinks.co.uk Telephone UK office 0044-1209-843-971

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INTERPRETER cheap rates, I can help out with: Medical, Police, Schools, Admin. Call Olivia 605-778-559

TRANSLATOR Spanish and English speaking. Available for medical visits etc. Benidorm and surrounding areas. Tel Dawn: 626-337-258.

ONLINE SPANISH LESSONS Learn how to put words together and start talking. Easy and effective system with immediate results. 600-400-668 www. howtospeakspanish.es GET YOUR COPY OF ‘SUPER SIMPLE SPANISH’ (Basic essential words) from Round Town News - Vall De Biar 14, La Nucia 03530 or Calle Aviles 41, Com. San Luis, Local 7, Torrevieja 03184. BRITISH GRADUATE TEACHER offers secondary/ primary tuition. English/ mathematics. Tel: margaret Johnson B.Ed. 965-350-516/ 616-660-687

SAT EQUIP. job lot poles, brackets, boxes, dishes etc. Make an offer. Steve 646-686-448 COMPLETE SKY SYSTEM Including free to view card. Installed and guaranteed for only 349€. Hurry whilst stocks last. Tel: 617-911118. QUALIFIED BRITISH TELEVISION SATELLITE SERVICE ENGINEER... With over 25 years experience. Same day service, all work guaranteed. Call Steve 617-911-118. FORGET THE REST GO TO THE BEST for all your digital & TV requirements Steve 660-186-505 Ros 965-584-097 www.ccsattv. com info@ccsattv.com SKY FREE TO VIEW Small dish & mesh upgrades, yes back on 90 Euro. BBC, ITV, CH4 & lots more. Also installations/ repairs. 10 years. Torrevieja. 679-876-926

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965-854-528/ 966-804-748 (or see our main ad in the tv section)

SAIL BOAT WANTED Approximately 15 meters with road trailer. Any condition. Tlf:-965-581-431

Classifieds Agents Now it’s even easier to place a classified advert with the RTN by using our official agents listed below! Cars, Houses, Boats, Computers find them all in the classifieds section. Or maybe you have unwanted items to sell or something to offer? Our classified agents will be happy to help you whatever your needs.


Round Town Travel 1, Avenida Dr Severo Ochoa, 1, Urb. El Admiral, Local 1, Rincon Benidorm, 03503, Alicante. Lisa 966 811 123 Benidorm Round Town Travel 2, Calle Gerona, 39, Benidorm, 03503, Alicante. (Next to Hotel Ambassador) Kerry/Gemma 966 813 261 Benidorm Round Town Trips, Calle Narcisco Yepes, 4, Local 8, Albir, 03581, Alicante. (Opp. Golf Course, next to Kwik Save) Lee/Jackie 966 867 294 • lee@roundtowntrips.com albir ProminenT, Teulada Industrial Est. Calle Llanterner, 2 alto, 03725, Teulada, Alicante. Marja 965 793 229 • espana@prominent.nu Millie Munro Insurance, Avenida Lepanto, 6, 03726, Benitachell, Alicante. Millie 966 493 082 • millie@milliemunro.com Michael’s Furniture Shop, Avenida Lepanto, 9, Javea Port. Cristina 965 791 328 • astorga@telefonica.net EasyBuy, Avenida del Portet 24, Moraira. 03724 Alicante 965 745 969

WANTED FOR RENTAL VILLA Sunbeds, Large Table and Chairs, Small terrace tables and chairs. Tlf: Mark:- 648-155-975 JALON VALLEY RENTALS is looking for properties in the Jalon area for the 2010 holiday season. By placing your property with us you receive excellent coverage in the highest ranking websites and publications. Call us now for more information on our complete, low-commission service for short term rentals. Tel: 619642035 WANTED HOUSEHOLD ITEMS Instant cash payments. Furniture, electrical, tools etc. Tel John: 626-918-833.

SAIL BOAT WANTED Approximately 15 meters with road trailer. Any condition. Tlf:-965-581-431

WANTED FOR RENTAL VILLA Sunbeds, Large Table and Chairs, Small terrace tables and chairs. Tlf: Mark:- 648-155-975 JALON VALLEY RENTALS is looking for properties in the Jalon area for the 2010 holiday season. By placing your property with us you receive excellent coverage in the highest ranking websites and publications. Call us now for more information on our complete, low-commission service for short term rentals. Tel: 619642035 WANTED HOUSEHOLD ITEMS Instant cash payments. Furniture, electrical, tools etc. Tel John: 626-918-833.

teulada benitachell JAVEA moraira


Bargain Books, Plaza Juan Carlos 1, Nº 2, San Miguel de Salinas, 03193, Alicante. (Opp. Tourist Info) Gaynor/Lee 688 667 389 • leeshaw.evans@gmail.com san miguel Johnsons El Limonar,JCP Commercial Center, Local 31, Los Altos Del Limonar, Torrevieja, 966 785 600 Torrevieja Johnsons Quesada, Ava. Las Naciononies 1a -17, Quesada, 966 717 848 Quesada Johnsons Algorfa, Local 30, Commercial Center La Finca Golf, Algorfa, 966 729 647

Algorfa The Post Room, Centro Comercial 5, Via Park III, Calle Panticosa Nº 2, Los Altos, 03189, Orihuela Costa, Alicante. Aoife/Chris 965 319 665 • aoifesweeney@hotmail.com orihuela Pennys Supermarket, Flamenca Beach Comercial Centre, Unit 123, Playa Flamenca, 03189, Orihuela Costa, Alicante. Peter/Sarah 966 733 257 • bulldogstores@live.com orihuela Print Solutions, Avenida Londres 136, La Marina Urb, San Fulgencio, 03177, Alicante. Jim/Trish 966 790 520 • jim@printsolutionsspain.com SAN FULGENCIO Interpost, Avenida de la Alegria Nº 32, La Marina, 03194, Alicante. Malika/Malcolm 965 419 673 • Inter-post100@live.com

la marina

Villamartin Satellite Centre, Avenida Las Brisas 33, Villamartin, 03189, Alicante. (Near Supervalu, Los Dolses) . Sarah/Heather 966 764 878 • villamartinsatellitecentre@yahoo.co.uk villamartin Best Wishes, Local 30, Comercial Centre Hispania, Avda de la Union 72, San Javier, 30730, Murcia. Kathy 968 192 235 • kaffywalker@hotmail.com murcia Ononix Mar SL, Calle Mayor 30, bajo derecha, Guardamar, 03140, Alicante. Ron/Alicia 965 728 178 aliciamuddle@ononix.com GUARDAMAR

25 june - 1 july 2010


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25 JUNE - 1 JULY 2010

The final whistle Thanks for Red cards for the memories the men in black

With Andy Kay

Kaka’s red card JOSÉ MARÍA García-Aranda is Fifa’s head of refereeing and is delighted. In fact, he’s very, very happy with the standard of officiating thus far at the World Cup. I assume that Senor Garcia-Aranda isn’t in South Africa as he’s clearly not watching the same World Cup that I am. I understand that Fifa must bring on officials from smaller nations but sticking them on the biggest stage of all clearly isn’t working. Some of the performances have been wretched and verging on embarrassing. I accept that there will always be questionable decisions at a major tournament and we’ve had our fair share at this one – the USA’s disallowed third ‘goal’ against Slovenia; Fabiano’s handball goal against the Ivory Coast and the ridiculously soft penalty awarded to Italy against New Zealand – but what really gets my goat are incorrectly issued yellow and red cards. Why is it that Fifa refuse to correct referees’ mistakes if there is enough evidence to prove that an error has been made? We have players being suspended for picking up underserved yellow cards and worse, players facing between 1 and 3 games on the sidelines for being wrongly dismissed. Kaka’s sending off against the Ivory Coast is a case in point: 1) The referee didn’t see the incident (as was proved on TV) and didn’t consult his assistants and therefore sent off Kaka, on the basis of the reaction of the Ivory Coast players. 2) All Kaka did was to slightly raise his arm to protect himself from an onrushing opponent. 3) Kaka’s arm hit Kader Keita in the chest but he went down clutching his face. 4) Despite clear and unequivocal evidence proving that Keita is a cheat, and a pretty low one at that, Fifa has so far refused to take action against Keita who will be free to play in his team’s next game, while Kaka will not. In any other walk of life, let alone sport, this would be a laughable situation. Indeed, in today’s litigious culture, I’m surprised that a player hasn’t sued Fifa for restraint of trade. In this instance, Fifa say they can’t act because Brazil hasn’t complained about the referee’s decision: that’s just a cop out. Fifa is the governing body and can pretty much do what it wants. And until they do, millions of impressionable kids watching the World Cup will be thinking that winning at all costs is justifiable; certainly if you don’t get caught for it either during or after the game. AT LAST! You might not have noticed but there has been some other sport taking place outside of South Africa. Last weekend, England’s rugby players did something quite special, beating Australia in their own back yard. It was a superb performance and I hope it brings to an end Martin Johnson’s ultra conservative selections and his coaches insistence of demanding a playing style that saw its best days 10 or 15 years ago. The upshot was that 20-year-old Ben Youngs and 31year-old Courtney Lawes were simply fantastic and proved that youth, along with a willingness to run the ball and take risks, can prevail on the biggest stage. More of the same please, Johnno!

FC Cartagena 0 - Albacete Balompie 4 By Steve Hibberd IF YOU had said at the start of the season that newly promoted Cartagena would finish 5th in div 2a, then you might also be in the very small minority who thinks that Heskey should play for England (don’t get me started on that one!) Los Albinegros constantly punched above their weight in season 9/10, fighting for promotion; although promotion was not achieved, the football was the highest quality. Toche finished with 19 league and 3 cup goals. De Lucas notched up 11 league goals, closely followed by Victor on 9, whilst Lafuente scored 6. Had Albacete not won, they would have been relegated. Unbelievably, a 4 goal blitz within 18 minutes secured their survival. Next season, relegated

Xerez, Tenerife and Valladolid will be replaced by Real Sociadad, Hercules and Levante. Although Hercules, Levante and Real Betis finished on equal points, the head to head rule came into force, meaning that although Betis had a better goal difference than Levante, the Valencian based side got the nod (one day the Spanish FA will join the rest of Europe in the 21st Century!) Relegated to div 2b are Castellon, Real Union, Cadiz and Cartagena’s bitter rivals Real Murcia, who will be replaced by Granada, Ponferradina, Barcalona ‘B’ and Alcorcon (giant killers in this seasons Spanish FA cup - they knocked out Real Madrid). For further info on FC Cartagena, visit www.gotocartago.com or www.futbolclubcartagena.com.

Golden Festivites at Rugby La Vila

Golden Oldies

By Louise Neave LA VILA Rugby Club hosted a very special event on Saturday, the Golden Oldies Rugby Festival. Teams included Boulder Old Boys all the way from the USA, Brescia Old Rugby from Italy and La Vila Veterans reinforced with Vagos from Valencia players. Boulder Old Boys stopped at La Vila on the last leg of their Spain tour after visiting Soto del Real (Madrid) and Sitges (Barcelona) along the way. They had a good contingent of 42, consisting of around 30 players and the rest supporters. Although there were no real winners, the performances of the Boulder team must be noted. They were not only fast and physical but played in the true spirit of the game – hence taking home the award for the ‘Best Rugby Spirit’. Brescia Old Rugby from Italy made the trip over especially for the tournament and took out the prize for the ‘Oldest Player of the Tournament’ with not one, but in fact two players aged 79; Enrique and Francesco. For all that attended they will agree that it was a very special day and a reminder of why we all participate in Rugby - whether it be playing, cheering from the sideline or volunteering time at the club. A day like Saturday reminds us of the community that is formed through the medium of rugby and the friends that are made. The Club are already looking forward to next year and with such a success on a small scale it is looking like the Golden Oldies Festival is going to be a highly anticipated annual event on the calendar for years to come at Rugby La Vila. The La Vila premier side finished runners-up in the Gold Cup and the La Vila B side also finished runners-up in the Silver Cup. We wish the La Vila side the best of luck this weekend as they head to Madrid to compete in the Final of the Spanish National Sevens Series: let’s hope they can repeat the performance they displayed up there two weeks ago and bring the Cup home!


Costa Blanca round-up

Maggots end by

David Hoare

968 199 279

RODS AND REELS THE KNOCKOUT series this week was the 3rd and also my round. After leaving home in the pouring rain it was a pleasant surprise when arriving at the Eden canal to find just a few drops of rain and that was it for the day. For me, the match was a pleasure in catching only one dinner plate sized terrapin and not losing any gear. Anglers who progress to the final are as follows: 1st Dave (Yours Truly) Hoare, fishing the pole using maggot with 7.520 kilos 2nd Tony (The Flower Man) Price, fishing the feeder using bread with 4.500 kilos 3rd Jim (The Chairman) Rouse, fishing the pole using corn and pellet with 2.820 kilos The Wednesday match was the Annual Charity match held on the Embalse de Argos. The charity this year is the Tapis Mancomumidad Bajo Segura: this charity is helping women of all nationalities to stay at a refuge after they have been mistreated in their own homes. All donations go to the charity, and if you would like to give, please call Bill Reade on 966 790 416. The fishing is still not as good as it has been, with only just over 20 kilos as a winning weight. We are all hoping that the 50 kilo weights will return but don’t hold your breath. Top rods on the day: 1st Lenny (Excultural Attachee) Bolton, fishing the pole using paste with 22.38 kilos 2nd Ian (Irish Wizard) Dalzel,l fishing the pole using pellet with 19.84 kilos 3rd Terry (Swing ‘Em) Screen, fishing the pole using paste with 17.52 kilos ANGLERS TOGETHER ‘ANGLERS TOGETHER’ continues to grow, with firm friendships being formed since the group started 4 years ago. Many members fish together regularly and say they are happy to have taken up a sport to replace golf and the like, which has become so expensive. We have the occasional organised outing but the main aim is to introduce members to find fishing companions and to assist in finding the venues. It costs €10 to join for the first year and €5 per annum for each year after. If you are interested in joining or finding out more about Anglers Together, either come along to one of the meetings or contact Alan below: email: anglerstogether@gonuts4free.com or Tel: Alan Roscoe on 968 570 876. Meetings are generally held on the first Friday and Saturday of each month, depending on other public holidays and local fiestas. Anyone with an interest in fishing (sea or freshwater) is welcome to come along to a meeting to see what we’re about. The next meetings will be held on Friday 2nd July at 12.00 at Mary’s Bar in Campoverde (north of Pilar de la Horadada) and on Saturday 3rd July 12.00 at Los Galayos Bar, opposite the beach front, at Puerto de Mazarron. GENERAL Fishing seems to have improved at all venues with some big catches on the River Segura, to name one. There is an outbreak of fish disease on the Murcia town stretch of the Segura and we would seriously recommend that all nets are disinfected or dried thoroughly in the sun for a couple of days to alleviate the spread of disease to other waters.

ANYONE FOR FOOTBALL? Aged between 20 to 40 ? Torrevieja area Call Doug on 628 789 335

25 june - 1 july 2010


Just who is telling the truth? Carp-R-Us news Noel’s world of golf By Noel Eastwell Professional coach and RTN golf expert 639 730 891

OUR LOCAL golf courses are trying hard to convince us that they are as busy as ever and profits are rolling in. Well I have news for them; that’s not what it looks like to those of us who have lived here through the good times that have now gone, for a few years at least. Our golf courses are too expensive to play and do not represent value for money compared to other golf resorts. Compare the prices of golf here in Spain to our nearest competitors and we are way off the mark. The Costa Del Sol is where you can play golf for half the price that you can in other parts of Spain yet that is still too expensive. On the south coast it is not uncommon for monthly membership to cost just €99 for unlimited golf seven days per week. The cost can be reduced further if we consider the option of not playing on Saturday or Sunday. These clubs are still not busy and have to offer

Graeme McDowell

many other special deals to attract golfers in any numbers. Spain no longer provides value for money in many peoples’ eyes and it’s time the Spanish people realised this. I have said many times here in RTN that we don’t want ‘golf for nothing’; we just want golf that presents us with value for money. Our local golf courses are good but they are perhaps not as good as their owners think. The clubs are allowed to make a profit and we all want to see that so that there continues to be investment in the golf course and its facilities. Visitor numbers are down and will continue to drop for the foreseeable future if the money experts are to be believed. I stood at Alicante airport last week for over 30 minutes waiting for friends and counted only 8 sets of golf clubs coming through arrivals; pretty poor at this time of the year. Our golf clubs are fighting for a bigger share of a smaller market that has more competition than there has ever been. What are they doing about it in the main? Burying their heads in the sand as far as many of us can see. How can a retailer of any kind continue to be told by their customers that their goods are too expensive and continue to ignore them and still expect to survive? The customer will vote with their feet and refuse to play golf until it becomes affordable again. Who can blame them? Let’s all encourage our golf clubs to enter the real World and accept that they are now in a highly competitive environment where only the strong will survive. The last thing we want to see us the loss of any of our golf courses.

failing to win on many occasions. Last weekend at Pebble Beach he put that right in style by becoming the first British player to win The US Open since Tony Jacklin in 1970. Look for more of our players to be inspired in the majors, now that at last we have broken the hoodoo of winning America’s national championship. Munich is the venue for this weekend’s golf on The European Tour; look out for a certain Sir Nick Faldo as he makes a long overdue return to action in Europe.

THE PROFESSIONAL TOURS The US Open is a championship that has been elusive to British and European players for 40 years. This year, the event started well for us and just kept getting better. Graeme McDowell is a player who is under-rated but has nearly always contended in the big events; just

TOP QUALITY COACHING WITH NOEL Noel is a member of The World Golf Teachers Federation and has been nominated for inclusion in the list of the Worlds Top 100 coaches. Call him on 639 730 891 to book an appointment and tell him you got his number from RTN for discounted rates.

WIN A ROUND OF GOLF FOR 2 INCLUDING BUGGY AT THE BEAUTIFUL EL PLANTIO RESORT IN ALICANTE To enter this competition, simply answer the question below correctly. Every correct answer will be entered into a draw at the end of the month and the winner of this fantastic prize worth over €180 will be picked at random at the end of each month. Send your entries by email to golf@roundtownnews.com. The decision of the editor of RTN will be final in making the winning selection. QUESTION FOR 25TH JUNE 2010: Who won the 2010 Madrid Masters? A. Alvaro Quiros B. Pablo Martin C. Luke Donald All answers must be received no later than 17.00 on 28th June 2010 to be entered into June’s draw, which will be made on 30th June. The winner will be announced in RTN on July 2nd 2010.

Any questions you have for Noel should be sent to golf@roundtownnews.com

THE LATEST match fished by Carp-R-Us was held at the Pantano de Beniarres. This was a non pole match that had been changed from the Embalse de la Pedrera because of the very high water levels there; permission for the change was given by the Medio Ambiente, for this to happen. The match was won by Roy Buttress using the feeder and corn. 2nd was Pete Huchison, 3rd Austin Vieth and 4th Bob Rafferty. The ranger also came to visit the water on a routine visit; whilst there he checked out our Federation status and our permit to match fish. He was also insistent that the fish were returned safely at the end of the match. The Club will be back to fish the Pantano on 22nd July. The next Club quiz night will be on Tuesday 29th June starting at 19.30. Cost is one Euro each with a finger buffet provided. The Club’s next meeting will be on Sunday 4th July, committee at 10.00 and the meeting at 11.00. The Club meets at the Bar El Alto La Dolores just off the new roundabout on the N 332 between La Mata and Guardamar. Anyone wishing to find out more information on the Club please contact the Secretary Stuart Thompson on 966 717 820 or visit www.carprus.net

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