RTN South Edition 561

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Your English Newspaper

Issue 561

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Stars ‘n’ bars JULY 16 - 22 2010

The atmosphere outside Orbita in San Miguel de Salinas was electric

JOYFUL CELEBRATIONS by Spain’s football stars a continent away were passionately matched by millions back home as bars emptied to begin a frantic nationwide street party. Moments after the final whistle, and 5,000 miles from South Africa, fireworks filled the sky,

by Jack Troughton the sound of car horns filled the streets and people danced amidst an ocean of red and yellow flags. Spain lifted the World Cup on Sunday for the first time – making room on the nation’s mantelpiece to sit alongside

the silverware for the European Championships, won two summers ago. A goal by Andres Iniesta with four minutes of extra time remaining was enough to secure victory over Holland and get the party started. And it was a fiesta that went into the early

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hours and was to continue for days to come. The 26-year-old’s powerful half-volley sealed victory and the influential Barcelona midfielder – all five feet seven inches of him – raced for the corner flag, tearing off his shirt to celebrate. continued on page 3

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16 - 22 july 2010

continued from front page It cost the player a booking, but also revealed a tribute to a former sporting colleague. Iniesta was wearing a t-shirt reading: “Dani Jarque – always with us”, a heartfelt message for the Espanyol player who died last year, aged 26, of a heart attack. However, the match was far from the beautiful game. In a tension filled, physical, and bad tempered encounter, The Netherlands had set out a determination to “win ugly” and English referee Howard Webb was forced to show 15 cards – nine yellows and red to the Dutchmen and five yellows to the Spanish. Back on the Costas, RTN witnessed something more memorable in sporting terms as Dutch fans, proudly dressed in orange shirts, spilled from the same bars to shake hands and applaud the impromptu street conga and cavalcade. Spain’s victory – winning the World Cup after 76 years of disappointment – was even more remarkable because the side were reigning European champions, and they won the honour outside Europe. Anyone in any doubt about the outcome should have paid heed to Paul. Possibly now St Paul, the octopus has become the most famous tipster in the World after once again predicting the result – a victory for Spain. DORSET

Paul lives in a German aquarium but according to the Press Association – and an article headlined “Paul Right Again” – the all-knowing sea creature was actually born in Weymouth, Dorset. RTN’s own Andy Kay predicted five weeks ago that Spain would triumph and said the squad did “enough” to win – but only scored eight goals in nine games. But it was not the easiest of paths to the final – Spain lost its opener to Switzerland and becomes the first side to claw its way back to glory. “The impressive thing was there was no panic in the camp after the Swiss game – Spain had played well and cre-


ated a few chances but did not alter the style of play afterwards,” said Andy. “They had belief. “It was one of the shocks of the tournament but Spain stayed true to its views and ultimately came through the other end. GOAL

“It would have been lovely to see them score twice as many goals but at the end of the day, 1-0 is enough and they got the job done.” Andy picked Germany as the team of the World Cup – a young side sure to make its mark in future competitions in Europe and across the globe. “But I suppose at the end of the day the best team won and Spain is the first European country to win a World Cup outside Europe, which is another feather in its cap.” He said the match had been very difficult to referee – as Holland’s intention seemed to be stopping Spain playing rather than concentrating on its own game. “I think he did well to keep 22 players on the pitch for as long as he did!” Spain’s skipper Iker Casillas, the Real Madrid keeper, summed up his country’s win by saying: “It is a historic moment for Spanish football and it is something we have dreamt of since we were children. SPECIAL

“It is truly a special time and certainly even better than when we won the European Championships because we are now World champions,” he said. “It was not easy but luckily we managed to win. We earned this victory from beginning to end.” And match winner Iniesta added: “I had the opportunity to score the goal that was so important for my team – and it is incredible! “I have made a small contribution in a very tough game, a very rough game, there were all sorts of things happening on the pitch, but Spain deserved to win this World Cup. “It is something we have to remember and enjoy and feel very proud of everyone in this squad.”

The Senior and Junior Queens of San Miguel, Lily and Jessica, celebrate Spain’s victory

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16 - 22 JULY 2010

Corruption case rumbles on by Louise Clarke

THE ORIHUELA judge in the ‘Operation Brugal’ corruption case, Carlos San Martín, has decided this week to cancel the 2007 judicial inquiry, which accused, amongst others, the President of the Alicante Diputacion, Jose Joaquin Ripoll and major shareholder of Hercules Football Club, Enrique Ortiz, of corruption. RTN understands that he will be sending all the files to the High Court in Alicante so that the case can be divided into several smaller cases and be allocated to various different investigative bodies. Although there was no official notification, the judge also extended the gagging order on the case; a measure which will now have to be agreed by the Alicante judges who will take charge of the separate cases. RTN has been told that the Orihuela judge will now only be looking into the case of the contract for the rubbish collection in the Orihuela Municipality. Any case with regards to Snr Ripoll will now be dealt with in Alicante. DIVIDED

Orihuela’s judicial court

The judge’s decision came after he had a meeting with the anticorruption prosecutor on Wednesday morning to inform him of his position, although RTN has been told that the accused have yet to be officially told of his decision. After the meeting yesterday, the judge continued to hold trials as usual but later spoke with officers from the Economic Crime Unit and the prosecutors who have been overseeing the police investigations to tell them what he intends to do. A source close to the investigation told RTN that once the court papers arrive at the High Court, they will be divided into five or six small-

We want our island back! by Jean Orellana THE SPANISH Government has contacted internationally acclaimed search engine Google, to tell them they have lost their way. The online facility, able to accurately pinpoint domestic addresses, has listed the Spanish island ‘Isla de Perejil’ as being Moroccan territory. Without a shot being fired, Google also ceded Vélez de la Gomera and the Chafarinas Islands to Spain’s North African neighbour. Google says the request is being dealt with.

New tourist posters revealed by Louise Clarke THE TORREVIEJA Councillor for Tourism, Tomás Arenas Bueno, has presented the new Tourism posters for

er cases and would include everything that relates to the award of the large waste dump in Torremendo as well as the charge against Snr Ortiz for possession of a firearm after officers found a gun in his safe during the search of his company’s offices last week. Until the judges in Alicante formally accept the case, it will remain in the Orihuela court. CONCERN Meanwhile, opposition parties in Orihuela are falling over themselves to make statements denouncing the governing party, following the questioning by anti-corruption officers of three PP Councillors last week. The President of coastal party, CLARO, Bob Houliston, told RTN: “The fact that such serious charges have been made against three of the 11 Popular Party politicians is of serious concern to residents of Orihuela Costa. Residents should be concerned by these events because money used for corrupt purposes does not grow on trees. If the charges are confirmed, fraud will have been committed with money paid by those paying local taxes in the Orihuela municipality.” Bob concluded: “We believe that these charges are sufficiently serious to constitute a wake up call for Orihuela Costa residents. All EU residents have the legal right to vote in local elections if they are on the padron, so it is more important than ever that as many as possible of the 30,000 residents on the ‘padron’ in Orihuela Costa register and vote at next year’s local elections.” Orihuela’s PSOE party leader, Antonia Moreno, also expressed her concerns following last week’s events. She said: “We protested against the award of the Orihuela rubbish collection contract at the time it was awarded mainly because of the fact that the owner of the company, Angel Fennoll, is intimately related to Monica Lorente.”

the city this week. The new posters promote the Museum of Natural History, the new Sports City and the newly pedestrianised area of the city centre and are aimed at promoting tourism for the city, signalling a new change of image for Torrevieja, which the Town Hall hopes will show off its cultural, sporting and environmental attractions.

Tomás Arenas Bueno reveals Torrevieja’s new promotional posters

Opposition councillors want town hall office by Louise Clarke

TWO OF the main opposition parties on the Orihuela coast have denounced the governing PP party for denying them the use of an office in the Coastal Town Hall at Playa Flamenca. Rosa and Pedro will Councillors from CLR and PSOE sat in be in the the Town Hall foyer on Wednesday mornCoastal Town ing to meet residents who had requested Hall every an appointment to speak to them. More Wednesday than three months ago, the Councillor of the CLR party, Pedro Mancebo, presented a have criticised Monica Lorente for her lack of democratic attitude and her negawritten application to the Mayor, Monica tive approach to the work of opposition Lorente, requesting the use of an office or parties on the coast. a room twice a week at the Orihuela CosThis week, they took the initiative and ta Town Hall. The use of this room would spent the morning at the Playa Flamenca enable the opposition Councillors to atTown Hall to meet residents who needed tend to and advise the many residents on to talk to them. Pedro told RTN: “We were the coast who seek their assistance. sat very quietly on a bench well away from the reception area as not to hinder INITIATIVE or obstruct other visitors to the Town After receiving no reply to his written Hall. A short while later we were spoken application, Pedro repeated his request to by one of the PP Councillors and told verbally to Ms Lorente at a recent ‘pleno’ we were not allowed to speak to people meeting. The Mayor eventually replied to in the Town Hall and that we would have the councillor and stated that “…all the to leave.” offices and rooms at the Orihuela Costa NECESSARY Town Hall are fully occupied and an available office or room for the CLR party The opposition Councillors informed is not possible.” the PP Councillor that they were doing Rosa Martinez from the PSOE party has no wrong and not breaking any laws. But also repeatedly asked for an office in the again they were asked to leave or the PoliCoastal Town Hall and both Councillors cia Local would tell them to leave. Pedro

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continued: “Again, we repeated we were not doing anything wrong and also have the right as elected Councillors to attend to the needs of residents who request advice and assistance and it was obvious that due to the small crowd of residents wishing to speak to Rosa and myself, our services are necessary. The Councillor then informed us that he would not have us removed this week but if we return next week then he certainly will have us removed.” Rosa Martinez told RTN: “There were more than 30 people who wanted to talk to Pedro and myself and we addressed problems such as plagues of cockroaches and rats invading certain coastal streets as well as the lack of maintenance on some green areas on the coast.” She added: “Despite what the Councillor for the Coast said, we intend to do this every Wednesday morning from 10:30 until 12:30 so that people on the coast who do have problems can come and talk to us about them.”

16 - 22 july 2010


No vote, no voice RTN’S CAMPAIGN to encourage more people to vote in next year’s municipal elections is gaining more prominence within local political circles as more Town Halls express an interest in holding information meetings for their European residents. Recent advocates of the RTN campaign include the Town Halls of Catral, San Pedro del Pinatar and San Fulgencio and meetings are being planned in all these municipalities for September; details of dates and times will be available in forthcoming

issues of RTN once they have been confirmed. Meanwhile, preparations are being finalised for next Wednesday’s meeting in San Miguel de Salinas. Residents who would like to know how to vote in next year’s municipal elections are invited to attend the meeting at the San Miguel de Salinas Casa de Cultura at 19:00 on Wednesday 21st July, where all the information on how to get on the ‘padron’ and how to register on the electoral census will be given, along with the relevant forms to do so.

Two new councillors unveiled

SAN JAVIER Town Hall has two new councillors. The PP councillors were introduced at this week’s ‘pleno’ meeting and were congratulated and welcomed to the council by San Javier’s Socialist Mayor, Pepa Garcia. Alfonso Samper Villaescusa and Antonio Marcelo Martínez have replaced outgoing PP Councillors David San Nicolás and Eva María Pérez who left the Town Hall due to professional incompatibility and personal reasons respectively. Alfonso Samper is from Santiago de la Ribera and Antonio Marcelo is from La Manga.

Earthquake rocks Almeria Province

AN EARTHQUAKE at 3.7 on the Richter scale hit the province of Almeria last Saturday at 21.00. Scores of people reported feeling the tremors in their homes. The epicentre of the quake was out at sea according to the National Geographic Institute. There have been hundreds of aftershocks registering between 2.2 and 2.9 in magnitude throughout Almeria. The towns of Albox and Tabernas have also been affected.


16 - 22 july 2010

Beach clean success MORE THAN 60 volunteers, including 14 children, helped to collect over 500 kilos of rubbish from San Javier’s beaches last weekend. The ‘Beach Clean’ concentrated mainly on the municipality’s beaches of the Mar Menor, along the La Manga strip and was organised by the Escondido Port in collaboration with the Environment Department at

the San Javier Town Hall. Amongst the items retrieved from the beaches were discarded fishing nets, an anchor and several bags of litter. The San Javier Councillor for the Environment, José Luis Espinosa, was pleased with the results from the ‘Beach Clean’ and thanked the volunteers for their contribution.

The ‘Beach Clean’ was a great success

Hashish in sardine tins ELEVEN TONS of hashish has been discovered hidden in sardine tins in the port of Algeciras in Spain. The drugs were found by the Guardia Civil and national police forces who were working together. Five arrests have been made and 38 bank accounts frozen. Police say the gang responsible will face charges of money laundering and crimes against public health. Seven properties have been searched, eight vehicles impounded and €240,000 in cash has been recovered. The gang were based in Cartagena, Murcia, and were using fake businesses to launder the money made from the drugs.

City council cause more delays for AVE by Louise Clarke THE LACK of official documents and a letter of compliance from the City of Alicante look set to delay the high speed rail link (AVE) from Madrid to the provincial capital even longer, it has been revealed. As a result of the City Hall’s failure to produce these documents, the Ministry of Infrastructure and Avant, the company that three weeks ago won the tender to carry out the works to bring the rail link into Alicante, have been unable to officially sign the loan agreement for the €90 million finance package approved by three participating banks. RTN understands that an appointment with the notary to sign the documents for the loan, which has been granted by Banesto, Bankinter and Banco Pastor, has had to be postponed twice and an official representative of the company has publically expressed his surprise at the bureaucratic obstacles that are now slowing down a process which has already been more than a year in the making and may even be terminated if not signed off soon. SLOW A spokesman for the Alicante City Council has reiterated that it is still very much committed to the high speed rail link project and that it has nothing to do with the PP led council presided over by

High speed rail link delayed

the Mayor, Sonia Castedo. The spokesman added that the delays are purely down to the slow transfers of the Town Planning Officer, Alfonso Mendoza who has to sign off the minutes of the ‘pleno’ meeting that gave the final approval to the operation. Meanwhile, the passage of the AVE into the city of Alicante was further complicated after last month’s visit by Government Minister, José Blanco, who said that he wasn’t satisfied with the works that are taking place in Alcoy. However, the spokesman has said that the problems that were highlighted following the minister’s visit should be resolved by the end of the week. NO CONTROL The letter of compliance which is needed for the deal to go ahead is basically a document which the banks must have signed by the City Council and

Regional Government to support the project, whatever happens. Without this agreement, they will not go ahead with the loan. Avant has agreed to have the AVE in Alicante by 2012 to coincide with its arrival in Elche, Murcia and Castellón, so any more delays would be a nightmare for them, especially as they have no control over the delays. Once the documents are signed, the company will be able to start to build the link, which includes 300 metres of underground track and 700 metres of over ground track in the middle of the city centre. Avant already has the written agreement of two of the project’s partners; ADIF and RENFE, who have 50% of the capital needed for the link and have already agreed to repay their credit with the banks within six years of the rail link’s opening. The company proposes to start work in the autumn and say that it should take 14 months to complete.

16 - 22 july 2010



16 - 22 JULY 2010

Five years of holey hell by Louise Clarke MIRIAM TRACEY and Syd Bull have lived in El Galan for six years and for five of those years have had to endure opening their curtains every morning to a huge hole. The plot across the road from their house should have been a commercial centre with underground parking but following the excavation of the land, all that occupies the plot is a ruddy great big hole that is not only an eyesore, but is extremely dangerous as it is at least 10 metres deep. Miriam has complained to the Town Hall on several occasions but as the land is owned by the property developer, they say that there is very little they can do except demand that the area is kept secure. Miriam told RTN: “They started excavating about five years ago and after a few months, the workmen left and didn’t come back. Then about 18 months ago, out of the blue, some workmen returned and started digging again. They then put steel rods and concrete into the foundations and we thought ‘great’. But a month later they disappeared and never returned; leaving it just like it is now.” PRESSURE

Miriam and Syd have even spoken to the Orihuela Mayor, Monica Lorente, about the hole and she has sent technicians to the site to investigate. Miriam added: “You often get official looking people down here looking at the hole but they soon leave and nothing gets done. We have been told that a denuncia has been made against

The big hole is an eyesore

the developer by the Town Hall, but that hasn’t pushed them into action. All we want is for it to either be filled in or the building to be completed. Is it too much to ask for something to be done about it? It has been five years.” The urbanisation that the couple live on was built by the now defunct Tecnologia Urbanista, but the plot of land actually belongs to a company called Mikendi and all the numbers on the plot sign are no longer working. Miriam added: “In the beginning we used to call those numbers to ask the company what was happening; now they are all unobtainable.” She continued: “We have tried to do it the official way and have complained to the Town Hall, but now we feel that we have to keep up the pressure, or else the Town Hall will just forget about it.” She concluded: “It is a terrible eyesore and I hate waking up every morning with that big hole the first thing I see. We have to make a

Fancy a cheap day out at Terra Mitica? IF YOU live in the Torrevieja Municipality, keep reading because RTN is about to tell you about a great opportunity which means that this Sunday, you can visit the Terra Mitica theme park in Benidorm for just €9 per person! This week, the Torrevieja Councillor for Tourism, Tomás Arenas Bueno, together with the Managing Director of Terra Mitica, Juan José de Torres, announced that this Sunday, 18th July, is

joke of it when friends and family come to visit from the UK, but in truth, we are embarrassed that our dream home in the sun is opposite the hole from hell!” GREEN FENCE COVER

RTN spoke to Stefan Pokroppa from the Orihuela Costa Town Hall and he is well aware of the problem. He told us that a file has been opened at the Town Hall and legal action is being sought to pressurise the builder into action, but he admits that it will be a while before anything can be done about the site, given the current economic climate. He has said that he will ask an inspection team from the Town Hall to visit the plot and make sure that it is properly secure and then ask the developer to re-install the green fence cover that blew away in heavy wind and rain a few months ago, so that Miriam and Syd will not have to look at the site when they are relaxing on their downstairs patio.

Councillor for Tourism, Tomás Arenas Bueno with Juan José de Torres

Ice traps and kills two on daytrip

TWO PEOPLE are dead and three have been injured after being trapped in a hole created by a previous avalanche. The group were on a daytrip in the Valle de Pineta at the Ordesa National Park in Huesca last Sunday. Once they had climbed into the hole, they became stuck inside as ice blocked their exit. The group was made up of eight people, and the two dead are 20-year-old M.P.M. and 21-year-old J.M.G., from Tarragona. The incident took place at approximately 16.45. A rescue helicopter attended the scene, but nothing could be done to save the two victims.

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16 - 22 july 2010



16 - 22 july 2010

How to hypnotise animals! A light hearted look at Hypnosis

HYPNOSIS CAN be used for a multitude of conditions ranging from the simple ones such as stopping smoking, weight control and the hugely successful gastro band, to the more severe , i.e. panic attacks and phobias, etc. However, in this write up you may be interested to know what else Hypnosis can be used for! We have all been there: the neighbours with the constantly barking dog that seems to get louder at 03.00 in the morning (the dog – not the neighbour). Short of placing a small pellet of lead in its ear that would guarantee you a good night’s sleep, (with the help of a Colt 45), there doesn’t seem to be answer to this. As a Hypnotherapist it would be wonderful if I could hypnotise the offending dog to do just that keep quiet. However, if that were the case I would have millions of beagles at my door wanting to stop smoking! But did you know that there are some animals that you can ‘Hypnotise’. Many years ago in Northern Ireland there was a stage hypnotist who was famous for hypnotising chickens and he labelled himself ‘The one and only Chicken Hypnotiser’. Hypnosis in animals is more of a physical condition than it is


Alan Gilchrist The Costa Blanca’s Top Hypnotherapist

mental. Just because the animal does not respond, it then appears to be ‘asleep’. OKAY, LETS START WITH HYPNOTISING CHICKENS!

Take one chicken, preferably not from the freezer as it makes the effect that much more difficult, if not impossible. Hold the (living) chicken flat on the floor with its head down. Take a piece of chalk and draw a line directly out and away from its beak for about 2 feet. When you remove your hands the chicken will stay there. To awaken it, just move its head away from the line. Try this one with the cockerel that lives on the local farm that crows at dawn; you will be the hero of the neighbourhood! RABBITS!

Hold the rabbit out in a stretched position on its back with its ears and back legs flat out. Keep it in this position for about 30 seconds then take your hand away. To awaken, blow on its nose! (Ever noticed the ones in the Spanish supermarkets stretched out - is this how they do it?) LOBSTERS!

Stand the lobster on its head us-

Did you know that there are some animals that you can Hypnotise?

ing its claws as supports. When you hold it in this position for a few moments it will immediately go to ‘sleep’. While in this state, quietly whisper to it that it will soon be going for a relaxing sauna. To waken it up just put it back on its legs again. (Then place it into the pot for its lovely sauna). GUINEA PIGS!

Roll it over a few times and place it on its back. To awaken it, again just blow on its nose. Then return it to the next door neighbour’s frantic child!

FROGS! (And lizards)

Simply flip it on its back and hold it for a few moments, then take your hand away. To awaken it, just flip it back over. As regards lizards, keep them small- Komodo dragons can be a handful! One animal that we would all love to hypnotise is that elusive creature – the Bank Manager- to forget all about our overdrafts. Sadly it can’t be done, because if that were the case I would not be writing this article, you would find me down at their office swinging

a watch at them, and we would all be Hypnotists! Alan holds his Fast Track Hypnosis sessions in Cabo Roig, Guardarmar, and Benidorm. Alan is also the Originator of the Stop Smoking in under 30 minutes Fast Track Hypnosis Session For an appointment, brochure, or free of charge initial consultation, contact Alan Gilchrist on 659 229 408. Visit his web sites: alangilchrist.com hypnosiscostablanca.com thegastroband.com fitnosys.com

Opposition party pushes for airport link THE LOS VERDES political party in Torrevieja has urged the Torrevieja Mayor, Pedro Hernández Mateo, to push for a direct bus service from Alicante Airport at El Altet to the City and surrounding municipalities. A spokesman from the party told RTN that with the influx of summer visitors into the city, the need for the essential transport link is even more evident. Los Verdes claims that the Torrevieja Town Hall has ignored the need for a direct link to the airport for many years and said that the Mayor has been less than

enthusiastic about pushing for what they consider to be an essential service for all the city’s residents. BENEFITS

The spokesman said: “The isolation of Torrevieja and its neighbouring municipalities from the Airport at El Altet contrasts starkly with that of the Benidorm municipality and the benefits that they receive from the resulting tourists and visitors who fly into Alicante. “Since 2004, there has been a regular

Torrevieja Mayor, Pedro Hernández Mateo

16 - 22 july 2010


Two babies die in immigrant boat

TWO BOATS carrying immigrants were picked up off the coast of Spain last Saturday. The first boat brought 36 illegal immigrants to Almeria, and the second boat was spotted in distress 43 miles off the coast of Motril, half submerged in the sea. When the authorities arrived to rescue the boat they discovered five dead, including two babies. There were 38 people on board in total. Two children travelling in the boat were also in a very serious condition and both were rushed to hospital.

bus service to and from the airport into Benidorm and during the high season, there is one every hour. There are also regular bus services into Elche, Murcia and Alicante from the airport, so why not Torrevieja? Los Verdes believes that the reason for this is because the current administration does not see the importance in providing a direct bus By Louise Clarke service for its residents.”

San Miguel needs new queens


The Torrevieja Town Hall disputes the opposition party’s claims and has told RTN that it is wholeheartedly supporting the project for a tram style bus link from the airport to the city, which is being funded by the Valencian Regional Government. However, Los Verdes has said that the realisation of that project will not be until 2014, at the very earliest. So, what happens between now and then? The spokesman continued: “There are at least another four years before the new transport link is up and running. In the meantime, Torrevieja’s residents will have to suffer, not to mention the city’s economy through lack of investment in the tourism and commercial sectors. We implore the Town Hall of Torrevieja to bend over backwards to secure a direct bus link from the airport to the city and make this initiative possible so that Torrevieja residents and businesses will benefit from the increase in visitors to the city.”

THE TOWN HALL of San Miguel de Salinas is looking for two new Queens and is reaching out to the expat population to see if there are any young ladies out there interested in running for election. Regular readers will be aware that RTN reporter Louise Clarke’s daughter Lily was last year’s ‘Infantil’ Queen and she had a truly memorable time representing the expats of the municipality at the fiesta celebrations last September. It will soon be time for Lily and ‘Juvenil’ Queen Jessica to hang up their crowns and pass the honour onto two other young ladies and the election for the new Queens will take place at the forthcoming August Fair, which starts on Wednesday 4th August. To be considered for the ‘Infantil’ Queen, applicants must be between the ages of seven and ten

Outgoing San Miguel Queens Lily and Jessica with Mayor Angel Saez Huertas

years of age and live in San Miguel de Salinas. Likewise, the ‘Juvenil’ Queen must also live within the municipality but be between the ages of 16 and 20 years. If you think that your daughter or granddaughter would be interested in being a candidate for the 20092010 Queen of San Miguel de Salinas, please take them along to visit Inma or Noelia at the Town Hall between the hours of 09:00 and 14:00.


16 - 22 july 2010

- 22 JULY FEB 2616 - MARCH 4 2010

Jennifer Cunningham y Asociados S.L.

by Jennifer Cunningham

Being prepared for the unexpected BEING PREPARED for the unexpected is one of life’s old adages. I recently had the chance to go on holiday to Cantabria and the Picos de Europa and one day we took a trip into Santander. Normally I seem quite lucky at finding a parking space but it wasn’t to be, so I parked in the underground car park that runs parallel to the port. Having taken my son’s bike out of the car, we realised it had a flat front tyre, so I opened the boot and without thinking I put my keys on a jumper and then used the pump to put some air in the tyre. With all the excitement, the inevitable happened and the boot was closed, locking my keys inside. Having established that I couldn’t use my Swiss penknife to break into the boot and, being insured with Liberty I thought it best to contact them. However, I realised that all my policy documents were trapped in the car and I did not have their number in my mobile phone! Fortunately for me I had my mobile so I called Jennifer and she answered her phone and gave me their number. To cut a long story short, the spare set of keys were at home in Jávea and Liberty offered to take my car back home on a trailer. Being

stuck with a 5 year old and half way through our holiday this wasn’t really a viable option, so as an alternative Liberty arranged for a taxi to collect us and take us to our hotel, around 50 kilometres down the coast. I then contacted my parents (who live in Jávea) and the following morning my dad took a train from Valencia to Santander, with the spare set of keys chained to his belt. Liberty then arranged for a taxi to collect us from the hotel and return us to Santander train station to meet my dad and perhaps more importantly my keys! It was all quite an adventure for my son and Liberty´s service was second to none. They met the full costs of the taxis and if it had been needed, the recovery of the car to Jávea. It perhaps teaches me to read my policy as I had not realised these costs were covered. However, perhaps more importantly it brought home to me the importance of planning for the unexpected by taking the spare set of keys on holiday and, perhaps more importantly, putting Liberty´s number in my mobile phone: I would also recommend all readers to do the same! In the same vein I continue to remind people of the importance of executing a Spanish Will. I learnt my mistake from my

recent adventure in Santander but fortunately it wasn’t as costly as failing to put a Spanish Will in place could be. If for no other reason than the costs that can arise where a Will is not in place it gives each individual the chance to specifically state who they would like to benefit from their estate. Where a Will is not in place Spanish Law states that we must revert to the individual’s national law and in many instances numerous beneficiaries may exist. Furthermore, a well drafted Spanish Will can also be useful in planning for Inheritance Tax and this is one of the most frequent questions that I am asked. Not only can it help to reduce any potential tax liability, but I often discuss Wills in the context of complete Inheritance Tax planning, which can include preparing detailed simulations of the total costs that would arise in dealing with an estate in a variety of different circumstances. A Spanish Will is ordinarily executed before a Spanish Notary and I would take this opportunity to dispel the myth that “there is nothing to worry about; my Will in England will be okay.” In theory, if well drafted then it may apply to assets in Spain, although again, the costs of enforcing this


The Costas leading insurance consultant Will in another jurisdiction would far outweigh the costs of executing a straightforward Spanish Will. No-one knows what’s round the corner and, being prepared for the unexpected is never a bad thing. I have learnt this from my own recent experience and know this in a professional capacity. I can only reinforce the prudence in being prepared and this includes the need to have a Spanish Will in place – it may just be one of the best investments you make. I trust that this has been of interest and to discuss this or any other legal or fiscal matter please feel free to contact me through any of Jennifer Cunningham offices and I shall do all that I can to be of assistance. Glyn Moran LL.B. (Hons), Partner, Costa Blanca Legal & Fiscal Message from Jennifer: Glyn is one of my Associates and has been for many years. He is available for private appointments together with David and Justin who are part of Foreign Trust ( offering investments and Qrops) and, never forgetting that we have Wayne and Tim who offer a door to door service for NIE’s, Residencias, driving licences etc. When you need any of these expat services, please call us.

Jennifer Cunningham y Asociados S.L. The Costas leading insurance consultant. If you have a question please email her at: jennifer@jennifercunningham.net Regulated and Authorised by the DGSFP in Spain.

Offices at: JAVEA PORT




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16 - 22 JULY 2010

Join the RBL

BENIDORM AND DISTRICT Branch of the Royal British Legion held their last meeting before the summer recess in the Cumberland Bar in central Benidorm on 1st July. The next meeting there will be at 13.00 on 2nd September. Until then we will be meeting socially in the Geordie Bar near the Rincon at the same time each Thursday. We are trying to rebuild our membership and increase social activity while raising our game to be one of the best fundraising branches of the RBL in Spain. There are thousands of ex pat exservicemen living in Spain: may I appeal for those who live in our area to come and join us? You don´t have to be ex-service to join the RBL and Legion members on holiday in our area are welcome to join us socially. Jack Johnson

A job well done!

HAVING WATCHED, along with most of the residents of La Cala, the demolition of the derelict building on the beach front at La Cala Finestrat recently, it was with eager anticipation that we waited for the proposed recreational park area to replace it. Well it appears to have been completed and what a joy it is to behold. The area comprises a gravel patch enclosed by wire fencing. The wall of the adjoining building has been painted in the most delightful shade of ‘vomit yellow’ and within this enclosed area is the most modernistic sculpture, which (if not knowing their modern art) one would swear was a builders’ skip, complete with a full load of builders’ rubble. I would like, on behalf of the thousands who will no doubt flock this summer to enjoy the peace and tranquility of this location, to thank the Finestrat Council for a job well done. I now eagerly await the picture postcards so that I can show and attract even more people to this lovely location. Jim Ireland, La Cala Finestrat

Bus stop please There is a lack of parochial bus service (for want of a better word) in Alfas del Pi. Our local council are extremely kind to ‘pensionistas’- they have provided an exceptional venue, restaurant etc… but without a car we ladies cannot hump our worn out legs over two miles to get there! The buses from Callosa are over a mile to the nearest stop. Please ask people who are affected to call or write to our town hall requesting a small hourly bus to visit the railway station, also to meet buses to Altea and Benidorm stop. This would be a boom to local shops. Elise Kellett


talk tous

Email letters to rtnmail@roundtownnews.com with your full name and address

Email: rtnmail@roundtownnews.com

letter of the week

The dreaded Red Palm Weevil I THOUGHT readers may be interested to know that I may have beaten these little blighters who invaded three of my palms last October. The secret first of all is to inspect your trees regularly and look for the signs and listen for the munching of the grubs within the heart of the new leaf/branch area, whilst the tree is still green and healthy. Once the trees have gone brown and flopped, well I guess it would be too late then. Last October I noticed the red weevils around the trees first and then I came across the fat cigar shaped fibrous cocoons that contain the young weevil. Next I listened carefully to the base of the branch area and heard the distinct munching of the grub (which is a pretty large objectionable thing). I obtained ‘clorpirifos 48da’ from a local farm supplier and was assured that this product (amongst many others) would kill them off. Into the centre of and around the outside of each tree I poured a full watering can of the recommended clorpirifos / water mixture so it cascaded

from the centre all around the tree. As an added precaution I then wrapped the trunk in some commercial cling film (the type you see around pallets of building materials being delivered on a lorry). This, I assumed, would prevent rapid evaporation and effectively gas the insects as well. I continued pouring a watering can full of ‘the mixture’ into the centre of the trees in question each month until I was happy that no insect could be left alive. The cling film was left in place for some 6 months. It has been recommended to me that all palms be sprayed regularly to dissuade any enterprising weevils from trespassing on your property again and especially after pruning, (which should be done in the cooler months ) as the smell of the sap will attract them. Please be aware that these chemicals are to be used taking the necessary precautions as they are very toxic. I hope this helps someone to save their beloved trees. David, Catral

Viva España!

I AM a white South African female, of German descent, living in South Africa. I am not or shall I say, was not a soccer/football fan – however, the bug bit! My ‘money’ was on Spain from day one. The build up from Thursday to the weekend was enormous. The game itself even more so! The waiting for Spain to score a goal was excruciating... and then Andres Iniesta did the magic and there I was with tears of happiness streaming down my face… Viva Espana! Well done! I am very proud of the Spanish team. Marina

Vitriolic Vicar

Your correspondent H Southgate believes that it is not necessary to possess or display UK road tax if the vehicle is not being used on a UK road therefore no offence is being committed. The Direct Gov website is unequivocal “If a UK registered vehicle is taken abroad temporarily, it remains subject to UK law. This means that you, as the keeper, must by law make sure that the vehicle stays taxed while it’s overseas” ..and… “If you take your vehicle abroad, it must be continuously taxed.” The European website http://ec.europa.eu/youreurope/citizens/ vehicles advises: “Payment of vehicle registration / road tax. There is no EU law on vehicle registration and road tax. You will have to pay these taxes as required by law in the country where you live”. The fatuous ‘€50 offer’ is totally misleading and disingenuous. Of course you are unlikely to be stopped and fined or prosecuted for this offence in Spain. To encourage people to risk potentially being uninsured as the vehicle does not comply with the law of its country of registration is totally irresponsible. Cliff Cushing, Javea

Devine guidance needed ME THINKS the good reverend should loosen his dog collar, thus increasing the blood supply to his brain! UK registered cars driven by ex pat residents are depriving Spain of Spanish road tax- something which the Hacienda is very slow to act on. In addition the insurance is invalid on the vehicle, with obvious consequences. Even if the car has UK tax and MOT, the owner must have taken it back to the

UK and given a false address to the DVLA; in itself an offence because he has misled them into believing he lives in the UK - fraud! The police in Spain should have prosecuted these owners, fined them and had the cars crushed. Unfortunately, it appears they are either too apathetic or just don’t understand the situation. I suggest the rev prays for divine guidance before spouting forth. Anonymous

Benidorm in the Pink I HAVE seen your article RTN ‘Benidorm in the pink’ and I am so pleased that the Council wishes to help and support the gay Old Town, with more of the gay community to come to Benidorm and enjoy what it has to offer. I have been coming to Benidorm for 12 years and have always supported Benidorm as much as I can. As such, this year I decided to

have a T-shirt printed with ‘Gay Benidorm 2010’ on it and ask the businesses in the old town to support me by donating money to have their business printed on the shirt. I did have a good response, but slow, as I did not do the publicity as I should. However, I got 4 businesses and many more enquiries that were too late. The T-shirt was seen

at London Gay Pride 2010 where there were thousands attending; not just from the UK but all over the World. The money that I raised is going to be split between two charities. So I would like to say that I will always support Gay Benidorm and I intend to go to London Pride 2011 to promote Gay Benidorm there. Colin Morris

Please don’t spoil Benidorm I WAS very surprised and upset to read the article on the front page of the RTN northern edition 9th July regarding the Mayor of Benidorm’s comments on the gay situation in Benidorm. I am sure that he will find in the long term this will do a lot of damage to the resort. I remember 50 years ago when life was pretty normal and people had morals there was a lovely seaside village in Cataluña called Sitge. My wife and my son and I used to holiday there and then a few years later along came the gays, and who came with them? The lesbians; prostitutes; pimps; drug dealers and the ugly bars and clubs you usually get in these environments. The place just went to pieces for the family holiday maker who wants to take his children to a place where two men cannot be seen walking

down the street kissing and feeling each other all over, or likewise with women. I can see this happening to Benidorm if the Mayor has his way. I think there is enough publicity for the gays at the moment and if anyone is that way inclined we all know where to go in the old town, but please don´t push it down our throats wherever we turn; there is a place and a time for everything. Otherwise, I am afraid we are going to finish up the same as the Romans - it didn’t do them a lot of good did it? It’s a sick World that we live in, but luckily we don’t all have to be members; not yet anyway. Please don’t let this happen to Benidorm: it’s a lovely place for children at the moment. Don´t spoil it - we are running out of places to go with our families. MTG, Altea

Beneath your recognition WHILST SHAKING my head at the reasoning of the Rev. Southgate, I must admire his semantics. Of course it not an offence to drive a UK registered car in Spain. What is an offence

is to continue driving in Spain or any other EU country after that Road Tax expires, unless you re-register the vehicle and have it put though the equivalent of an MOT test. This is of course

if you don’t consider that local laws and taxes in Spain are beneath your recognition (I would have thought that a man of God would show a little more humility) as well as making an effort to contribute fully to our adopted country. Lewis Rudge

16 - 22 july 2010

Ryanair’s O’leary fires from the lip By Jean Orellana RYANAIR HAS cut further its Dublinbased fleet from 14 to 12 aircraft. It calls for the Dublin Airport Authority (DAA) to transfer €1.2 billion, set aside to pay for the unnecessary T2 to National Asset Management Agency (NAMA). The airport’s T1 is running at half capacity and the budget airline says passengers will be forced to pay for the Terminal 2 white elephant. Michael O’Leary, the airline’s boss, notorious for ‘firing from the lip’ is fu-

Mother dies after tripping and falling onto glass AN AUTOPSY has revealed that a 42-year-old British woman died in Spain after tripping over a handbag and falling and impaling herself on a glass in a bar. Sally Feeley – mother to a 12-year-old boy – died in hospital last October after bleeding to death. She had been enjoying a late-night hot chocolate in a Málaga bar with friends. The Mail online reports that Birmingham’s assistant Deputy Coroner, Michael Snell, has confirmed that Ms Feeley died as the result of an accident. An examination carried out in Spain showed that the broken glass severed a major blood vessel in Sally’s armpit. Friends at the scene tried to stop the bleeding, without success.

rious at the effect of a 40% increase in passenger charges recently imposed. He has also called on the Government to scrap its €10 tourist tax and follow the example of other EU countries which have already done so and returned to tourist growth. Independent analysis shows that the UK and Eire, the two remaining EU countries with tourist taxes, continue to suffer traffic decline whilst most other European countries have returned to tourism growth.


Mika to perform at MTV Murcia night

Michael O’Leary

Since the Irish Government introduced the passenger tax, Dublin airport traffic has fallen by 30%. In just two years, Dublin Airport lost seven years growth in passenger usage. O’Leary is moving the released aircraft to more user friendly airports in the European Union.

By Louise Clarke MORE THAN 15,000 people are expected to attend next Saturday’s MTV Murcia night which will see a performance by pop sensation Mika. As well as Mika, there will performances by Pignoise, The Leadings, Hercules and Love Affair as well as set by popular Spanish DJ Amable. The event, on 24th July, will be transmitted via Spanish MTV and will also be on their website at www.mtv.es. The spectacular concert is part of the music channel’s World Stage programme of events and will take place at the Recinto Ferial in Caravaca de la Cruz. Murcian band The Leadings will open the show with a number of songs from their recent album, made up of a mix of electronic pop sounds. The Madrid based trio Pignoise will then take to the stage. This band has won critical acclaim within the Spanish music industry and has been described as one of the most influential and important

Mika in action bands to come out of Spain in decades. Their last album, ‘Año Zero’, sold thousands of copies. After Mika’s performance, it will be the turn of Hercules and Love Affair and then DJ Amable, who is the resident DJ of Razzmatazz in Barcelona and an icon of Spanish Indie music, will close the show. For more information on the event and details on how to get tickets for the show, please visit www.mtv.es.


16 - 22 JULY 2010

Though it’s been around for literally thousands of years, the Mangosteen fruit is not commonly known the world over. Typically grown in southeast Asia and other tropical climates, its taste is beyond compare. Containing a dark purple rind and boasting a sweet white pulp, it is roughly about the size of a tangerine. Delicious as it is functional, the Mangosteen fruit is rich in xanthones, which will promote healthy bodily function. In addition, each serving of Mangosteen contains up to 5 grams of fiber. This one fruit was named by Queen Victoria the Queen of Fruits.

Maritime service THE TOWN Hall of Torrevieja has announced this week that the maritime service of the Local Police will continue until 15th September. The service will complement the existing coastguard and the boat will patrol the coastline of Torrevieja from La Mata to Mar Azul to ensure that any bathers who get into difficulties can be attended to as soon as possible. They will also be in charge of monitoring the sea and controlling the fishing boats and lei-

sure craft that sail along the coast. The officers will also be looking out for any litter pollution as well as protecting the natural maritime habitat and will occasionally have representatives of the Marine Biology department at the Town Hall on board the vessel who will further monitor the local sea life. The boat will be manned by a team of five Local Police officers as well as several volunteers from the Civil Protection Unit.

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Two of the local police officers that will man the coastal patrol

Access to new hospital complete RAFAEL GONZÁLEZ Tovar, the Murcian Government Delegate for Health, visited the site of the new Mar Menor hospital this week. The Delegate was accompanied by the San Javier Mayor, Pepa Garcia and the pair officially inaugurated the access road to the hospital, financed by money from the central government’s Plan E. The Delegate praised the Mayor and her government team for the efforts that they have made with regards to the building of the access road to the new local hospital, which will cover 100,000 square metres of land in the San Javier municipality and will cost nearly €2 million to construct. The access road consists of two lanes and has been fitted with drainage and street

The Mayor with the Murcian Government Delegate, Rafael González Tovar

lighting. It has employed 34 people from the town who otherwise would have been unemployed and on benefits and the Mayor congratulated all those involved in the project for a job well done. Rafael González Tovar also expressed his satisfaction at the speed with which the access road has been built and said that this means the completion of the hospital will be even closer. He also said that he was delighted at how well the three municipalities involved in the construction of the hospital have worked together. The pair promised a “…great hospital that is going to cover all the needs of the residents of the Mar Menor.” Now that the access road is complete, the construction of the hospital is expected to start very soon.

16 - 22 july2010 2010 8-14 JANUARY



16 - 22 july 2010

Distressed owl found LOCAL POLICE on the Orihuela Coast were called to the ‘barranco’ in Dehesa de Campoamor last week after local residents discovered an injured owl. The officers found the distressed bird in a wooded area close to the beach with an injured wing. They managed to recover the bird safely and took

it back to the Town Hall in Playa Flamenca before handing it over to the bird sanctuary of Santa Faz in Alicante, where it was examined to determine the cause of its injury. RTN is pleased to report that the owl is well on the road to recovery and it is hoped that it will be released back into the wild after the summer.

Town Hall officials fell in love with the bird after its rescue

Amazing donation for AECC NEXT SATURDAY, 24th July, Maria Wilson, who is currently undergoing treatment for breast cancer, and her ‘pink ladies’ who organised the recent 5km walk and market, will be handing over a cheque for more than €11,000 to the AECC. The presentation will take place at L M Dbra’s (formerly known as TW’s) in El Galan and there will be music until late, courtesy of DJ Mick Masters. There will also be a buffet available for just €5 per head at the event which starts at 19:30. Maria told RTN: “We would like as many people as possible to be there so that we can make it a good night for every one and say a huge thank you for all their support.”

Haiti money handed over Elisa Girona, AFA Director, Lola Canales, Tomas Ballester and Matilde Sanchez

THIS WEEK saw the sixth month anniversary of the Haiti earthquake, measured as a deadly seven on the Richter scale. The earthquake took place on January 12th 2010 and, according to the Haitian government, is estimated to have killed more than 230,000 people. Half a year later, as much as 98% of the rubble from the quake remains un-cleared and thousands of bodies are still entombed in the rubble. The number of people in the quake relief camps, which consist of tents and tarps, stands at 1.6 million and almost no transitional housing has been built. Most of the camps have no electricity, running water or sewage disposal and the tents are beginning to fall apart. Crime in the camps is widespread,

especially against women and children and there are 23 major charities working together to help the refugees. Despite $1.1 billion being collected, money for these people is still desperately needed and last week more than €8,000 from the people of Torrevieja was sent to the emergency fund. STRICKEN

Following the earthquake, people from cities all over the World rallied around to raise money for the victims of the earthquake and Torrevieja was one of them. In the aftermath of the quake, the Torrevieja Town Hall asked Matilde Sanchez from the Alzheimer’s Association to help them to organise events specifically aimed at

raising much needed funds for the stricken Haitians. Last week, the money that was raised from those events, which included a concert at the Municipal Theatre and a fun day at the Habaneras shopping centre, was officially handed over to the Town Hall, to be passed on to the Red Cross’ Haitian Disaster Appeal Fund. A cheque for €8,649.46 was handed to the Torrevieja Councillor for Social Services, Lola Canales, at a press conference last week by Alzheimer’s Association President in Torrevieja, Tomas Ballester. Matilde was then given an overwhelming round of applause for all the hard work that she and the other volunteers put into the fundraising campaign.

Beware of Pickpockets by Louise Clarke RTN HAS been inundated with calls from people who have been the targets of pickpockets in local supermarkets. The M.O. seems to be the same and it appears that more often than not, it is happening in Mercadona and Lidl supermarkets. Readers have told RTN that they have been targeted in the Mercadona supermarkets in San Luis, Los Balcones and the Torettas in Torrevieja, and the Lidl in Playa Flamenca and Torrevieja; all of which do not have security guards. The thieves use distraction techniques such as a broken arm or an arm full of supermarket produce and ask the unsuspecting victim to help them get some fresh produce or something from the chest freezers. The accomplice will then go into their bag or pocket

and steal their purse or wallet. A third person has also sometimes been used to pass on the stolen item and they will then exit the store before the victim has even realised that it is missing. Many people who have contacted RTN have reported the incident to unsympathetic supermarket managers and feel very frustrated that this kind of thing can be allowed to happen, especially as more holiday makers descend on the area. One reader said: “I have eleven members of my family coming over next week and I will be shopping in Carrefour as they have CCTV and extra security guards.” It is clearly a thieves’ paradise at the moment with the influx of tourists and visitors and RTN asks that all its readers be extra vigilant. The thieves have been described as either Spanish or Eastern Europeans and are both male and female.

Moros I Cristians -16th July – 25th July SPAIN WAS conquered by the Moors in the 8th Century AD. The last surviving Moorish Kingdom was Granada, reconquered by the Christians in 1492. Guardamar was conquered by King James I of Catalonia-Aragon and his crusaders in 1265. The town was built by Catalan settlers in 1270 around the Castle Hill, which disappeared in the 1829 earthquake. The new neoclassic town was built in 1830 on the slope overlooking the dunes and the sea. Guardamar Castle was the southernmost fortress in the Kingdom of Valencia and of great historic and strategic importance. The Moriscos (descendents of Moors, forced to become Catholics in 1492) were expelled from the Kingdom of Valencia in 1609 and were shipped to North African shores. Actually, it is not until much later that the present day popular fiestas in the Autonomous Community of Valencia of ‘Moros i Cristians’ began to be celebrated. In Guardamar we celebrate them on our patron saint’s week, Saint James, 25th July. People can apply for membership of either the ‘Moorish’ or ‘Christian’ clubs, known as ‘comparsa’ and each comparsa has its ‘filades’ or ‘sections’. There are 8 ‘comparses’. For a full listing of this year’s Moors & Christians festival programme of events, please visit www.guardamarinformation.com/guardamar-fiestas-and-holidays/

Entre Naranjos Summer Fiesta NEXT MONDAY, Tuesday and Wednesday (19th, 20th and 21st July), sees the first ever Town Hall organised fiesta on the Entre Naranjos urbanisation. There will be lots of fun activities for young and old during the three day event as well as live entertainment, a number of stalls and the chance

to sample some delicious food and drink. The Town Hall of Orihuela has kindly laid on complimentary bus transport to the ‘Summer Festival’ for those residents on the coast who would like to attend. Seats on the bus may only be booked by applying through Stefan Pokroppa at the Office of the Coordinator

for European Residents in the Town Hall at Playa Flamenca. You can call him on 966 760 000 or email stefan@orihuela-costa.eu to reserve your place. Block bookings will not be allowed and buses will depart from the Town Hall at Playa Flamenca at 11:00, 12:00, 13:00, 14:00 and 15:00.

16 - 22 july 2010



16 - 22 july 2010

Captain comes home CAPTAIN, THE horse rescued by Easy Horse Care Rescue Centre (EHCRC) from a farm building in Daya Vieja three weeks ago, has been released from the Alicante Animal Hospital. RTN reported on the story of Captain last month, who along with a second horse, Hope, was found locked in a remote barn without food or water and close to death from starvation. Unable to get the authorities to act quickly enough, supporters of the rescue centre bought the horses to save their lives. Sue Weeding, from EHCRC, told RTN: “It is lovely to see Captain back and doing so well. He was in a terrible condition when we found him; we’ve not seen a horse so close to starvation before. He was little more than a walking skeleton and had to be rushed to the animal hospital for life-saving treatment.” It was touch and go whether Captain

would survive, but he proved to be a real fighter. The hospital found he had a puncture wound that had caused a severe infection, an abscess and fluid in one of his front legs. He has joint problems in the other front leg and underwent lots of tests, x-rays and scans, plus an operation to drain the fluid and abscess. Captain gained an incredible 18 kilos during his stay at the animal hospital, but remains painfully thin and is still a long way from full health. His leg will need daily treatment and he will remain on medication for some time. Hope settled in immediately at the centre and after three weeks of care and good quality food she has gained in weight and confidence. It was thought that she was in foal when she was found, but closer veterinary examina-

tion revealed she had already given birth. EHCRC do not know what happened to the foal. The two horses were reunited on Captain’s return and now have adjoining stables at night and share a field during the day.

President’s Night Dinner for Lions Club of Mazarrón Bahia


EHCRC receives no official funding and relies entirely on donations. It is looking for sponsors for Captain and Hope to ensure they get all the care and medical treatment they need. Captain and Hope can be visited on EHCRC open days, every Wednesday and Sunday 13:00 until 16:00. More details of the work of the centre can be found at www.easyhorsecare.net. To contact the centre, call Sue Weeding on 652 021 980 or email info@easyhorsecare.net

Captain has gained an incredible 18 kilos since being in the hospital

Andrew thanks Mervyn

THE PRESIDENT’S Night Dinner was held at ‘The New Royal’ in El Alamillo, Puerto de Mazarrón. Retiring President Mervyn Booth handed over the Chain of Office to new President, Lion Andrew Brown.Under the stewardship of Presidents Anne Tugwell MBE and of Mervyn, debts have been cleared and Membership has nearly doubled. In the past year nearly €4,000 has been given to various charitable causes, the largest donation of €2,000

to the Haiti Earthquake Appeal. Major donations were also given to CARITAS, to ASPADEM and to assist local Girl Scouts attend the International Jamboree. The largest of the trips and events for the coming year, to take more than a hundred people to Barcelona in the Autumn, is already fully subscribed: places are still available on others. To know more or to enquire about joining The Lions, mazarronbahialions@gmail.com

16 - 22 JULY 2010

Satellite Television Installations

a2sat bring you the latest news

Over the past few weeks, we have seen an increase of potential customers being offered cheap “freesat” recording decoders, Sounds good until you try to record something say, Top Gear this coming Sunday, and today is Friday! No problem you may think, until you realise there is no programme guide and that’s it your stuck! you will have to wait for the programme to start to record it. With GENUINE freesat decoders, it takes less than one minute to set up to record a programme even the whole series if you like. Why not call for our latest offers for the GENUINE freesat Humax plus decoder and with a full two years warranty!

a2sat is pleased to announce its all new,very popular decoder recycle scheme. So how does it? Its really quite simple, we offer a trade in on your old Sky, FTA or freesat decoder when you purchase a new genuine freesat decoder from us. The offer is limited to certain models and the trade in rates vary. The old decoders must be in full working order with full working order remote controls. Please consult our website www.a2sat.com for the trade in rates! Very limited offer



freesat from a2sat & no subscription

All Major Credit cards Accepted

How to get the best signal from your satellite Dish !

a2sat constantly strive to improve the service as much as possible and only offer the best equipment available. When installing a system we only ever use Invacom LNB’s. These LNB’s are widely known to be the market leader and always out perform other makes. All installations come with a minimum of a twin LNB even if only one feed is required, as we know the single LNB is not as good. By using the Invacom LNB on a 1.9 Dish we know we can get the maximum signal that is available, and in many cases meaning the customer receives BBC2 etc at certain times of the day, although this is not guaranteed. We have been working on a new design of feed horn that really does make a difference when paired with the twin, Quad and Quatro Invacom LNB’s. These feed horns are now available.

Not sure which LNB you have? Here are some examples of LNB’s used, which under perform and cost less! Why not sign up to receive our newsletters via email. The system is very secure and your email address is never passed onto any third parties and is controlled by constant contacts and you can unsubscribe at anytime. Just go to www.a2sat.com and follow the instructions on how to join.

Freesat HD Plus

a2sat’s BEST-SELLING System! The system operates in a similar manner to SKY HD Plus but with one major difference: users have access to any of the accepted free to air channels with the ability to record them without any subscription required. With Freesat HD Plus, viewers have the freedom to pause, rewind and fast forward LIVE TV without the need to record anything! This is possible as the sophisticated decoder has a massive 320GB hard drive, allowing users to preserve up to 200 hours of Standard Definition, or 80 hours of High Definition programming, which is great if someone telephones at a crucial moment in the programme or if you just want to pop to the kitchen to make a brew!

This a2sat combination is the very best! Invacom twin, Quad and Quatro LNB’s with the all new a2sat feedhorn so why not upgrade today. Prices start from as little as 164€ fitted!

Community Installations a2sat now offer FIBRE OPTICS as the new way of installing the larger community systems; allowing us to run the cables up to as far away as 10km without any signal loss! Community systems can be installed in various ways, primarily in normal copper cored cabling or using fibre optics. There is only one real way of doing it, and that is correctly! We supply many customers on existing communal systems with genuine freesat decoders and whilst we are there we are often asked to inspect their community installation. Many of the systems run perfectly however we do come across some, where if your home is close to the dish you have no problem but the further away from the dish you are the more signal problems you have. The main reason for this is where the wrong type of coax has been used, we have seen some installations where the Spanish FM community cable has been used. The Price of their installation is the normal tell tale sign, if it sounds too cheap then it probably is. a2sat only offer quality installations using either the right size and grade of copper coax and now after investing in the latest technology, we can also use FIBRE OPTICS. By using this type of equipment we know we will have all of the signal all of the time, meaning the distance between the satellite dish and the home could be up to 10km away! So to summarise, if your community would like a quality installation, without compromise, without touching the Spanish community cables (TV or FM which you should never do) and want a full working genuine freesat system then look no further than a2sat. We are very happy to conduct a no obligation site visit, free of charge to discuss the possibilities available, and if any planning applications are required we will complete the paperwork at no extra cost! a2sat also design smaller systems for neighbours who just want to share the cost with each other. The cost for this is as little as 399€ for 4 to share using a genuine freesat SD decoder with a superb picture, 7 day programme guide, ceefax, teletext, subtitles, BBC RED button. Or why not step up to full HD in time for the world cup for an extra 85€ each. Most types of installations large or small, cost less that two years subscription charges than that of a rebroadcasted system, and most importantly you own the system and pay out nothing more!!

We now offer community systems as a rental package subject to terms and conditions

For further information Please telephone 966 194 931 or 678 239 193.

Opening times are 10.00 – 16.00, Monday to Friday and 10.00 to 14.00 on Saturdays. Alternatively you may email enquiries to info@a2sat.com or consult the website www.a2sat.com Office Calle Miguel Angel, Blanco 1, 03159, Daya Nueva (near Almoradi) Alicante. Next door to the town hall, Ayuntamiento


16 - 22 july 2010

RTN article brings homing success by Louise Clarke FOLLOWING RTN’s article about the terrible conditions in the Orihuela dog pound last month, the Orihuela Protectora has been inundated with offers of support and help, not to mention dozens of kind hearted people donating lots of food for the dogs that are in their care. After reading the article, Elaine and Sam contacted the association to see about adopting one of the dogs that had been rescued from the squalid conditions in the pound, which is run by Orihuela Town Hall. They originally wanted to adopt the large Labrador that we featured in the article and went along with one of the volunteers to meet him. Although the dog was docile and very gentle, he was a lot bigger than they had thought and he towered over the heads of their little boys, aged five and 18 months

old and so Elaine and Sam knew that sadly, this dog wouldn’t be able to go home with them. Vicky Pena from the Association told RTN: “They all took him for a walk without any problem, but they were concerned that because of his size, he could knock the children over when playing. We could see their point and we felt that people have to feel comfortable and at ease with the adopted pet.” GROW UP TOGETHER

The couple then had a look around and determined to give one of these poor dogs a home, they chose a very young Labrador cross female which was only about five months old and which fitted in better with all the family. Vicky continued: “Both Elaine and Sam said that as the dog was quite young she could grow up with the children. Their eldest son named her Blanca and we all thought that was

Casillas’ kiss of joy

SPANISH FOOTBALL star Iker Casillas kissed TV presenter Sara Carbonero during a live TV interview after the World Cup final. The footage has become one of the mostwatched clips on YouTube, with more than one million views. Carbonero is, at least, the goalkeeper’s girlfriend – although she was left practically speechless at the spontaneous show of affection.

a very good choice. They are even thinking that perhaps they will like another dog in the near future.” Directly from the association’s kennels, Elaine and Sam, along with their sons and Blanca went to the vet, where the pup was immediately tested for illnesses. She was then micro-chipped and given a passport, so that she can travel with the family wherever they want to go. The Protectora still desperately need food donations not only for the dogs but also for their cattery, which RTN will be reporting on next week. You can drop off any donations to the RTN office in San Luis, near Torrevieja. For monetary donations to the charity, you can pay into the Caja Rural Bank, account number: 3005-0080-25-2098622927. For more information please visit www.protectoraoriolana.org. The family If you can be a food collection with their new point please e-mail addition, louise@rtnnewsgroup.com. Blanca

Freewheeling on TV

The Freewheelers visited the famous Valor chocolate factory and became the centre of a local news item on Spanish television that evening. They were met by Municipal Guide Service tour coordinator Melana Lloret, the museum and short film describing the manufacturing process from bean to wrapper. The tour was followed by shopping for samples

(try before you buy) as the TV crew looked on. A tour of the town and seafront with the film crew followed, before parking in the Generalitat Square where the cars remained under the watchful eye of the policia local until their post lunch departure. There is more to see in this wonderful old town: visit the Moors & Christians fiesta, 28th July. The next meeting: Display of Classic & Interesting cars, the Entre Naranjos fiesta, 21st July. Email freewheelers08@yahoo.co.uk for more information.

Breaking the language barrier with El Principe Centre THERE ARE many reasons why as expats we may want to learn Spanish: we may want to integrate more, or get a better job. We may simply feel it is polite to learn the language of the country that we live in, or we may not want to have to pay for costly interpreters or feel embarrassed that we have to be accompanied to the Doctor or to hospitals. We may want to sort out our own residencia certificates and other red tape or just generally function better in our day to day life in Spain. Besides all these good reasons, we may find that going to Spanish Classes helps us to meet new people in a country where we have had to leave our existing social structure behind, and classes should be fun and have a social aspect as well as a more serious one. In classyou can learn more about Spanish culture, traditions and traits that make life so ‘interesting’ in Spain! Not least the many dialects, accents and slang words we have to cope with in our adopted homeland. These are some of the varied reasons given by students at El Principe Centre for coming to classes. Established in 1999, the Centre specialises in teaching Spanish through English in small groups of 6 or less. Various courses are available, from ‘fasttrack’ semi-intensive courses through to E-courses for those unable to attend the Centre. New courses are starting

We may find that going to Spanish classes helps us to meet new people

all the time and huge discounts are currently on offer for those wanting to start a semi-intensive course from the new term in September. Semi-intensive courses consist of three 4 hour classes per week over 4 weeks, making a total of 48 hours. This gives the student a real ‘kick-start’ into the language, whatever your level. The price is only €5 per hour, making a total course price of €240. Enrol be-

fore 31st July for one of the September courses and receive a massive discount of 20 %, making the total price for the course only €192. Enrol between 1st and 31st August and receive a 10% discount, making the total price €216. For further details or information without obligation contact 965 999 047, mobile 696 102 874, email info@elprincipecentre.com or visit the website on www.elprincipecentre.com.

16 - 22 july 2010


The Fall headline ‘On The Sea’ ON 7TH AUGUST, in association with the Town Hall of Orihuela, The Fall will perform alongside other acts in a music festival on the Dehesa de Campoamor beach in Orihuela Costa. This week, Orihuela Councillor for Youth, Jose Manuel Cutillas, announced the line up which also includes Trans Am, Moon Duo and Los Platanos. For those of you who do not know, The Fall has a very strong cult following and is an English post-punk group, formed in Prestwich, Greater Manchester in 1976. The band, which has existed in some form ever since and is essentially built around its founder and only constant member Mark E. Smith, has been influential in the music of many other groups including The Happy Mondays, Franz Ferdinand and Nirvana. During the last three decades, the band has accumulated 28 studio albums, including their latest offering: ‘Your Future Our Clutter’, released in April this year. The Fall was long associated with the late BBC disc jockey John Peel, who championed them from early in their career and cited them as his ‘favourite band’, famously explaining; “They are always different; they are always the same.” So, for those of you who know the band and their back catalogue, you are in for a real treat and for those of you who don’t, it is worth going to see them perform, just to find out what all the fuss is about! Tickets are priced at €20 if you pre book and €30 on the gate. For more information and to reserve tickets, please visit www.onthesea.es


16 - 22 july 2010

Doing the 92: Disaster strikes I BEGAN my last update with, “I started my last update with ‘A lot has happened.’” I could just as easily have said the same this time!” Perhaps I should start every update like this but certainly little did I know what I was going to go through over the next few days when I penned that introduction. As all regular RTN readers will know, I am cycling to the 92 English and Welsh Football League grounds to raise awareness for the plight of the world’s 45 million refugees. I was initially inspired by Bjørn Heidenstrøm who had just started to cycle from Norway to South Africa and for many months I did his PR and media work. I then decided it was time to get more serious about the whole project and I have spent the past 8 weeks cycling to the 92 grounds. So far it is 36 down and 56 to go. All was going well until last week when disaster struck. I had just left Carlisle United’s Brunton Park and was en route to Newcastle United when I was involved in a serious road traffic accident. I ‘lost’ four hours of my life and I still cannot say what happened. What I do know is that I ended up in Newcastle General Hospital and for three days they looked after me superbly and nursed me towards recovery. I am now out of hospital and out of danger. I have some short-term memory

In Carlisle with Nigel Dickinson

loss but the doctors say that is to be expected and I hope to be continuing my journey shortly. I need the bruising to go down a bit and the bike to be repaired. Yes, the bike is a bit of a mess too but the good guys at a local cycle store are putting it back together as part of their support for the project. Obviously, the big news this week was Spain’s win last weekend and the victory was a huge boost to the project as well as a huge boost for the country. Congratulations! Sadly, I was not well enough to celebrate ‘in style’ but I did watch the game and was delighted that the Valencia and Barcelona players who had done so much to support Bjørn in Spain (see www.theshirt2010.net) were so well represented in the team. So, as soon as I am fit I am off through Northumbria, Durham and Yorkshire and I already have shirts promised from several clubs along the way to add to Bjørn’s collection. We continue to build the Shirt as a symbol for the United Nations (www.unhcr.org) and by the time I next update I will be able to reveal full details of the next stage of the project. So, please do not stop sending the shirts – today we got a shirt from Avenue School in London and a signed shirt from Walsall that was not available when I was at the ground. Thanks all. Please continue following me here on RTN and on a daily basis on www.theshirt2010.co.uk

Couture by candlelight: Firefly for Fashion: Saturday 31st July 15.00 until LATE! SATURDAY AFTERNOON, July 31st, Michaela Davies brings a couture fashion show to Quesada with stunning fashion and designer clothes, for just €3 per ticket including a free glass of cava. There will be wigs and hair enhancers; fashion jewellery; Bodyshop products; perfume and more! Clothes will be on sale for a fraction of the usual price; all proceeds to be donated to Paul The Cunningham Nurses. green Raffle prizes will include a jacket green silk jacket normally which retailing at €40. In-house can be DJ Craig will provide won entertainment, with a in the ballet recital by Libby raffle and Howard’s Gym will demonstrate how to look to turn into CASH on the good in summer. day! For tickets or further Michaela would like to information call Michaela thank Firefly and Cash on 685 040 670, Firefly on for Gold in Quesada 966 189 249 or call into Cash who donated tickets and for Gold in the Commercial advertising flyers. Go Centre. Firefly is on the through your drawers for top floor of No. 17 Calle old bits of gold and silver Los Arcos Quesada near jewellery for Cash for Gold Howards Gym.

Pénelope Cruz and Javier Bardem get hitched PÉNELOPE CRUZ has married Javier Bardem in a secret ceremony in the Bahamas. The actress’s agency released a report last week confirming that the wedding took place at the start of this month. Only friends and family were invited and no photos have been published so far, although reports claim Cruz was dressed in a John Galiano gown. The ceremony was in the grounds of a friend’s house.

16 - 22 july 2010



Oh, to be in Spain

16 - 22 july 2010

Watts In Britain By

Paul Watts

Ole,ole ole, ole… Oh, to be in England, Now that April’s there, And whoever wakes in England, Sees, some morning, unaware…

So wrote Robert Browning all those years ago. Rousing stuff, eh? And I found myself paraphrasing ole Bob last Monday morning with an, Oh, to be in Spain, Now the World Cup’s here, And Rafa won the tennis, Here mate – have a beer… I couldn’t have planned my long awaited trip to Spain any better. Raf won Wimbledon on my first Sunday and then the Spanish football team grabbed the World Cup on my last Sunday. It made the perfect bookends to the trip. Now, as the rain pitter-patters on my window here in Birmingham, I can at least go back in my mind to a glorious week in Spain. And talking about Browning’s “sees, some morning unaware” reminds me of last Monday morning. As me and shewho-must pulled up to the seafront in La Cala Finestrat (notice I’ve spelt it right this week) for our final day’s sun harvesting, one of the millions of football supporters was lying on his back, half on the sand, half on the wooden walkway, spending his ‘morning’ completely ‘unaware’. In fact it took two policemen and the local ambulance medic to help the guy become ‘aware’. He was totally gone; the

delight of winning the World Cup had been too much. Or maybe the post-match celebrating had been too much! He finally limped home very stiff but happy. The atmosphere in Spain must surely lift the country. The celebrating over the tennis and the football must surely work wonders for the national spirit. Did you see on TV the million plus people gathered in Madrid to welcome home the football team? It really is party time for Spain at the moment and I hope and pray that it regenerates the country. I know, that’s a simplistic view but these things can and do help. When you compare the scenes repeated in all the provinces over Spain and then think about the England team scoring just three goals in the entire World Cup and then slipping quietly back into the country… Yes, I do think it will really help Spain gain a new confidence. One thing that has made me smile about the World Cup was the optimism of the ITV and BBC TV soap producers. They really must’ve expected England to go the distance because in all the pubs in ‘soap-land’ the English flags were still up in the bar. From the Rovers Return, to the Queen Vic, to The Woolpack they were all flying flags. In ‘reality-land’ however, Kathy at the Brewer’s Arms, to give just one example, has had them down for weeks. BACK TO BLIGHTY

Anyway, all good things have to come to an end. So, for me and my sweetheart it was time to get the plane home to Britain.

Chic on drums, not on the Linea Directa ad

But it’s not all bad because as Charlie Brown down at Gatwick pointed out, The Proms season starts today (Fri 16th). More entertainment and culture than you could shake a stick at. Bless you for that, Charlie; I know you’re just trying to cheer me up. But I’m okay, I’ve had some sun and touched base with lots of people in Spain. A big thank you to Bob Hodge at Fab FM for inviting me to the live session last Friday night where I saw two fabulous Spanish musicians called Sweet and Sour perform. They were ably assisted by Julio on bass and guess who on drums? Yes, Chic Gammage of course; batería extraordinaire. There’s an exclusive RTN picture of him to prove it. And apparently, it wasn’t him in the linea directa advert. I listened to Jack Troughton’s RTN report on Bob James’s Bay Radio programme on Thursday. Good ole Bob, another Sussex lad! I tuned into Vince Tracy for his Sunday show on Cool FM; couldn’t miss Vince while I was here and, of course, had a jolly good nosh-up down at La Riviera in Albir. I met a

couple of RTN readers too, last week. A big hello to Jim Ireland whom I meet in La Cala Finestrat; I believe Jim has had a couple of letters published recently. I nipped in to the always-busy RTN HQ and saw Geoff, Ian, Danny, Lynn and Kirsty, nice to see you guys and I still miss working with you like mad (catch you next time Dawn). Sadly, I have to report that Dave and I never beat our pit-pat score of 164 from last year. We managed twice to get into the low hundreds but hey, as the England team know, there’s always another day. And then suddenly, I blinked twice and whoosh our time was up; all too soon it was home time… There is a Chinese saying that goes something along the lines of: “After three days, guests, like fish, start to stink.” Well, I want to say a big thank you to Dave and Sheenagh for billeting us in their home for over three times that amount! And not once did they even sniff loudly in our direction. You are true pals, guys: ABSOLUTAMENTE! Watts in Birmingham, umbrella at the ready…

16 - 22 JULY 2010




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16 - 22 july 2010


16 - 22 JULY 2010


Making an independent or community claim by

Marc White & Carlos Baos

English & Spanish Solicitors

I PURCHASED a property last year in a complex of 15 properties in Javea, Alicante. Less than one year after my purchase, some problems appeared in our property, although they were not really serious. On the other hand we started to have more serious problems in the complex such as: the garage is flooded every time it rains; large cracks in the façade of the complex; roofs over the corridors are falling down; subsidence in part of the building, etc. In our community meeting we decided to use the services of an architect who stated that the problem exists but he cannot determine who is responsible for it; the architect; the builder, etc; or where the problems come from, so we do not know who we should claim against or what to do. Regarding the problems in my own property, I do not know if we should claim together with the community when they claim for the problems in the common areas or if I should file an independent claim for building defects in my own house. The applicable law, as mentioned in our previous articles regarding this subject of the building problems-defects

(vicios de la construcción), is the LOE (Ley Ordenacion Edificación), this law does not foresee any specific regulation for the damages in the communal parts of a complex. We understand, as per the court precedents, that when a building is subject to the Horizontal Division Law (Ley de Propiedad Horizontal) it is the President of the community, representing the co-owners of the urbanization, who should present the claim for these building problems. Therefore the community in a meeting must agree and empower the president to start a legal action. This should be done with legal formalities to make sure that the agreement of the community is valid, enforceable, and cannot be contested by the respondents in court. Even if the building problems also affect private elements (such as private houses) as in your case, we advise to include them in the same claim, listing defects of each individual house and the ones for the common areas. The president could also be empowered by each owner individually. Even if the community is reluctant to start a legal action, in theory each owner individually could have the option to claim for the problems that affect the common elements, as they each own a percentage of the common areas. Regarding the question as to who is the person liable for the problems: whether it be the architect; technical architect; builder; developer etc, the same Law ( LOE) at article 17.3 states that where it is not possible to attach blame to one individual for the cause or reason of the material damages or when it is proved that there has been collective fault without being possible to determine the % or liability of

each of them, they should be responsible jointly. The court precedents from the local courts but also the Supreme Court of Spain make it clear in this sense, so in your case, you may be able to claim against all the building agents, normally: builder, developer, architect, technical architect, Insurance Company ( Ten Year Insurance Policy), etc. This is in your interests in the sense that the more people you can show to be liable, the more chance you will have of getting paid by some of them. You have to remember that this does not mean that you do not need to prove anything. You must prove clearly to the court the damages that you or the community are suffering in your building, property, private and common elements but it may not be possible to prove who is responsible or for what ultimate reason, as mentioned above. As per our previous articles regarding this same subject of building problems and defects, we recommend that you come to see us or any other specialist, as there are deadlines to claim for these problems, so action should take place on time in order for you to not lose the possibility to claim for your rights. Should this be your case, or the case of your complex-community, we will be more than pleased to assist you, and please remember that depending of the severity of the problem we would be able to handle your court case throughout the whole of Spain. Please see our W & B ad in the following pages. *The information provided on this article is not intended to be legal advice, but merely conveys general information related to legal issues.

Marc White LL.B. & Carlos Baos (English & Spanish Solicitors) © White & Baos Abogados 2010 - All rights reserved. C/Diana 19, 2º-D, 03700 Dénia (located close to the Glorieta Square at the end of Marques de Campo). Tel: 966 426 185. Send your questions to spanishlawyer@roundtownnews.com or info@white-baos.com

Secret visit to Afghanistan for Spanish Defence Minister THE SPANISH Defence Minister, Carmé Chacón, has met with General Patraeus, the new head of NATO operations, in Afghanistan. She arrived in Kabul last Tuesday. The chief of the JEMAD Defence Staff, General José Julio Rodríguez, also arrived in Afghanistan last Tues-

day from Madrid. The general expressed his gratitude for the work of the Spanish troops in Afghanistan and revealed that the allied troops will be important in the handover of power to the Afghan authorities in November, which will start with Kabul airport next year.

Catalans stage biggest protest in 33 years HUNDREDS OF thousands of people took part in a demonstration in Barcelona last Saturday to protest over the new Catalan statute published by the constitutional court and to push for independence. The statute declared that:

“The constitution does not recognise any other nation than the Spanish” and ruled that the Catalan language cannot be used in preference to Castellano. The protest was so large that those in the centre of the march were unable to move forward for

two hours due to more and more people joining the front line of the demonstration. Those at the head of the march carried a flag saying, in Catalan: ‘We are a nation’. The new ruling however, only recognises Catalonia as a rhetorical nation.

Social security fraudsters caught A HUGE police operation has resulted in the arrest of 99 people in connection with social security fraud. All the criminals were Romanian and they were captured in Zaragoza last Saturday. Police were investigating 20 ghost companies with fake addresses which allegedly employed people in the construction, hospitality, cleaning and mechanical sectors. The so-called employees – 160 of them – were then granted social security payments from the government upon losing their ‘jobs’. However, the investigation revealed that the jobs never existed and the ghost companies had defrauded the social security department of €1.5 million.



16 - 22 july 2010

Rent-to-buy by

Suzanne O’Connell Freelance reporter

BUY-TO-LET or rent has been popular for a long time. People with some spare cash invested in property and made it pay for itself through letting it out. This came from the days when property was seen as your biggest and best investment. You were encouraged to stretch yourself and get the biggest mortgage you could because in time the cost of the mortgage would be less and the value of your home would be more. Those days are gone, at least for the time being. What we are seeing now is a growing number of people, particularly young people, who can’t/ won’t get on the property ladder as well as some older people who would rather appreciate quality of life now than maintain an expensive property that might end only just funding their residential home fees. Renting property is flourishing.

People wanting a change and unable to sell are exchanging their own mortgage payment for someone else’s and feel safer with this lower level of commitment. But will they always want to just rent the property? The inclination to own your own home is a strong one. More cautious we may be but we still aspire to be kings of our castles. And so, rent-to-buy has risen as an alternative in a nervous market. In this topsy turvy economic climate is it a good option? TO BEGIN WITH WHAT IS IT EXACTLY? The idea is that you can rent a property long-term at a reasonable price and at some point in the future have the option of buying it. A percentage of the money you have paid in rent will be discounted from the eventual sale price. So what are the benefits? It

goes without saying that if you live in a property first you will have much greater insight into if it is the one for you, or not. For those worried in the wake of land grab and demolition orders, rent-tobuy provides time to check that all services are in place and that the property comes without legal complications. As long as the price is fixed you are ‘building equity’ once the agreement is made. You are just paying your landlord instead of paying a mortgage. Sound good? What’s the catch? It’s hard to see that there is one. You might argue that for the term of your rental you are still not committed which perhaps means that your integration into the area might be a little half-hearted. Having ready cash in savings accounts might prove a little too tempting for some and whilst waiting around you might find your savings eroded and perhaps even house prices rising. For the seller, the rent-tobuy option is better than not selling the property at all. Generally, however, it is the tenant who benefits most

- as you might expect in these times. However, as with all legal arrangements, it is important to be clear about what the terms are of the agreement and that you are happy with them. Having legal representation is important. They will check whether: • The purchase price is fixed or not • The purchase price is at a realistic level • There is any charge held on the house And, of course, all the usual searches and checks you would expect when buying any property. Advantages for the tenant/ buyer • Time to get to know the property and decide whether it’s what the tenant wants • May benefit from increases in housing prices in the meantime • Ensures that there are no hidden surprises – all utilities are available DISAdvantages for the tenant/ buyer • the process of purchasing

is much longer and delays the decision • available cash might be ‘eroded’ by other demands upon it Advantages for the seller • The property is occupied and less likely to be broken into, attract squatters or be vandalised • The property is earning money Disadvantages for the seller • The options rest with the tenant • Does not release the money all at once • The market might change significantly during the rental period but the seller is locked into the arrangement Interested in a rent-to-buy purchase? It is important to seek professional advice concerning the terms and conditions. Ábaco can guide can guide you through the legalities. For more information call the ÁbacoConnect Helpline: 966 703 748 www.abacoconnect.com


16 - 22 JULY 2010


QROPS and changes to UK pensions following the Emergency Budget by

Stephen Ward & Robert Burns THERE HAVE been announcements in the UK in recent weeks which will have a major impact on most people with UK pension rights, including expats. We always maintained that the extent to which pension contributions could be made from April 2006, and with full income tax relief, was untenable. High earners could pay up to £255,000 in pension contributions and get income tax relief on the lot. The Labour Government had already announced a limitation of tax relief to basic rate for those earning over £180,000 from April 2011. The bottom line is a determination to reduce the cost of tax relief on pensions by around £4bn

p.a. The proposals focus on a massive reduction in the annual allowance - probably to between £30,000 and £45,000. The lifetime allowance (currently £1.8m) will also be looked at, but the implications of reducing this are much more complex. Consultation will take place over the summer with the intention of introducing legislation in what will be a third 2010 Finance Act in the Autumn. The impact will be to increase the market for non tax relieved pension savings. The second change is to abolish the effective compulsion to buy an annuity by age 75. An interim measure extends the age 75 rule to age 77, so as to allow time for new legislation to be consulted on for introduction from April 2011. We doubt that the tax charge on ‘leftover funds’ following death after age 75 (or 77?) where an annuity is not secured will disappear completely. Our best guess is an abolition of the unauthorised member payment

charges with the tax burden ‘just’ being IHT. For those with estates below the IHT threshold this may enable the tax free inheritance of UK pension funds. Arguably this damages the attraction of QROPS as a long term vehicle; one of the major selling points of QROPS has been avoidance of the effective compulsion to buy an annuity. However there is a lot more to QROPS than this and there is the possibility of a ‘buy now before your transfer value falls’ market emerging - in fact it already exists. The coalition Government has already announced that with regard to public sector pensions ‘inflation proofing’ will in future be based on the Consumer Prices Index (CPI) instead of the Retail Prices Index (RPI). The nature of the CPI is that over time it is a lower measure of price inflation than RPI. So these ‘gold plated’ pensions, once in payment, will increase at a lower rate. But there is more to it than

There will be a major impact on pension rights

this, as those who leave service before pension age and so have a deferred pension - sometimes wrongly called a frozen pension, will see their benefit up-rated by CPI. So the expected pension to be received will be lower and it will increase after retirement at a lower rate as well. How much lower - well say on average between 1.5% and 2% p.a. This does not sound much but if compounded over a long period it will make a big difference. Private sector inflation protection of pensions is also based on RPI to a maximum of 5% p.a. This has been the case since 1986. The RPI to CPI change is to apply to private sector pensions as well from January 2011. It is estimated that this change will at a stroke reduce the collective deficit of final salary and public

sector schemes by about £100bn. There will therefore be a downward effect on transfer values. So herein lies the ‘buy now while stocks last’ opportunity. We have already been told to expect long delays to requests for new public sector scheme transfer values as a new calculation basis is to be introduced to take account of the RPI to CPI change. So if you already have a guaranteed public sector transfer value and you intend to transfer out, best get on with it, as to delay will 99% for sure result in a lower transfer value later. The same applies to private sector final salary scheme transfer values. It will not be too long before private sector schemes also review their transfer value calculation basis - downwards.

THIS ARTICLE IS WRITTEN BY STEPHEN WARD AND ROBERT BURNS, July 2010. Please see our advert on Page 2. At the forefront of the industry with over forty years combined experience with pensions, regulated and authorised, liaising directly with providers and HMRC, Stephen and Robert are two of the leading authorities on QROPS. E: review@qrops.es T: 965 790 918 W: www.qrops.es



16 - 22 JULY 2010

Stay healthy in the sun

TOO MUCH sun can be harmful and damage the skin. Generally it is the Ultra-violet (UV) spectrum of sunlight that causes this and there are three main groups:


Michael Lord BPharm(hons) MRPharmS UK Pharmacist with 20 years experience

UVA – causes damage to deeper skin layers resulting in wrinkles and ageing UVB – causes both tanning and burning UVC – mainly filtered out by the atmosphere Sun protection products are graded by their ability to filter out UVB radiation, the so called SPF (sun protection factor); the higher the number the better the protection. For example if your skin normally starts to burn after 30 minutes exposure to the sun, applying an SPF15 product will give you 15x the protection or 7.5 hours exposure before burning. However, this is assuming that the product is applied generously and frequently (at least every 2 hours and after swimming). These products work by either reflecting UV light off the skin (titanium oxide or zinc oxide) or using chemicals that absorb the UV light (cinnamates & Mexoryl). Some ONCE daily application sunscreens, such as P20, Calypso & Piz Buin ONCE a day, use chemical filters that can penetrate or bind to the skin, offering many hours of protection from a single application. Many sun protection products now offer

additional UVA protection against skin ageing. The STAR rating is the most widely used, where 1 star (*) gives low levels of protection & 5 stars (*****) gives high levels of protection. In the absence of a star rating, a product claiming to give UVA protection should provide the equivalent of at least 3 stars (***). However, the star system is fairly ambiguous as a product with an SPF of 8 with 5 stars will give LESS UVA protection than an SPF15 product with 3 stars. Additional protection may be achieved by using a sunscreen with added antioxidants or taking an antioxidant supplement, such as vitamin C & vitamin E. Don’t use sunscreens past their expiry date (if they have one!) or, once they are opened, beyond the ‘discard’ date. This is shown by an image of an open jar with 6M, 12M, 18M etc. written on it meaning the contents should not be used more than 6, 12 or 18 months after 1st opening. OTHER METHODS OF PREVENTING SUN DAMAGE • Avoid the sun between 11.00 and 15.00 • Cover up with a parasol or loose fitting clothes • Drink plenty of water and avoid alcohol • Wear a hat and sunglasses • Use an SPF15+ sunscreen and apply regularly • Babies under 6 months should not be exposed to the sun at all Everyone will have experienced sunburn at some stage and will know how painful it can be. Mild sunburn can be treated with after-sun lotions or aloe Vera gels which not only relieve the burning, but also moisturise to reduce peeling and preserve that tan. Some after-sun products contain anaesthetics that can relieve painful sunburn - Banana Boat after-sun gel is a popular example. Severe sunburn is treated in the same way as any skin burn and hospitalisation may be necessary. Excessive exposure to the sun can result in

Stay protected this summer

sunstroke with fever, vomiting and a headache. If this occurs drink plenty of water and taking Paracetamol or Ibuprofen can help ease the symptoms as well as relieving the pain of sunburn. Everyone can have fun in the sun as long as adequate protection is used to prevent sunburn and further skin damage, but remember: 90% of non-melanoma skin cancers and 60% of melanoma skin cancers (the most serious type) are thought to be caused by excessive exposure to the sun, not to mention premature ageing! A large range of quality UK sun products are now in stock at Health & Beauty Abroad from only €2.50.

Michael Lord BPharm(hons) MRPharmS UK Pharmacist with 20 years experience. Now at Health & Beauty Abroad, Flamenca Beach Commercial Centre, Orihuela Costa. Tel: 965325116 www.HealthandBeautyAbroad.com


San Luis Lakeside by Reeves Butcher


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16 - 22 july 2010


Calling all Physiotherapists, Chiropractors, Doctors and Back Specialists… Do you know what makes a good chair? IF YOU are a Physiotherapist, a Chiropractor, a Doctor or a Back Specialist then in the course of your daily working lives you will treat people who have become disabled by injury, illness, or age. Where possible, your goal will be to help patients regain their range of movement, or to support patients with permanent disabilities to prevent further damage and increase their functionality. Prominent are a well established Dutch company specialising in bespoke armchairs and recliners made from top quality materials and leather. There are lots of factors that contribute to what makes a chair comfortable or suitable for one of your patients, and many of these relate to the quality of the components used, including the foam and fabric. Ergonomic Prominent chairs are built by Scandinavian craftsmen who use excellent quality foam

and a strong wooden frame, needed to help people get in and out of a chair with confidence. Because of the first-rate quality of the materials, the chairs will provide proper support now and for many years.

A good chair with proper back support will improve your patient’s posture and therefore eliminate or reduce their back pain and stiffness. The chair should have a good shape to it and reflect the natural posture of your patients’ body. At Prominent we take the client’s unique measurements (height, weight, build and health) into account to place every customer into the right seating position. Taking these measurements ensures correct support for the neck, back and the small of the back. So if you are treating or nursing a patient who suffers from a sore back, neck pain or has a specific health problem or injury then please bear in mind our chairs which will ease the stresses and strains placed on your patient’s body by the simple act of sitting. And if you are tending to a person who has difficulty getting out of, or

The Prominent showroom

Ergonomic Prominent chairs are built by Scandinavian craftsmen

into, a chair here at Prominent we have ‘riser’ chairs which provide ideal support for the whole body at the touch of a button. A ‘riser’ chair will help your patient get to their feet by taking all the pressure off their knees and tendons, and vice versa when they sit down. At our showroom, your patients will find a huge range of armchairs and recliners that can be tested, and then measurements taken, to

supply exactly the right custommade product. If you would like to know more about how Prominent chairs can assist your patient and you, please telephone 965 793 229 or call into the showroom at Poligono Industrial Teulada (where the Sunday market is). There is ample parking. Opening hours are MondaySaturday 10.00 – 14.00. Website: www.prominent.nu


16 - 22 JULY 2010

Discover the Costa Blanca By Derek Workman. Derek Workman continues his series of excursions from his book ‘Inland Trips From the Costa Blanca’ which features 22 detailed trips that lead you to spots you’d never find by yourself.

Temple of Indulgence: Murcia Casino IF THE magnificent entrance, with its rose marble pillars and heroic allegorical bas reliefs isn’t enough to convince you that you are entering a building of grandeur and significance, then the Islamic splendour of the Patio Arabé will. Exuberant muliticoloured intricate designs with horseshoe arches radiating fantails of blue and gold arabesques fill the entrance hall of the Casino of Murcia, proclaiming its importance to the city’s

Moorish horseshoe arches

business and cultural life of years gone by. Casinos can be found in many towns and villages in Spain, but not always of the grandeur of that of Murcia. The ‘casino’ did not have the glitzy, high-rolling image that is implied today and the only gambling done would be for very small stakes on a game of dominoes or cards. They were essentially a gentleman’s club, paid for by subscriptions and seen as a democratic meeting place where business and high-minded enterprises could be discussed with like-minded people – as long as you could afford the monthly membership fees. The Casino of Murcia was founded on 12th June 1847 under the Presidency of Juan López Somalo and over the following decades the magnificent palace-like building was expanded and embellished. It was recognised as an Historic National Monument in February 1983 and, despite the sepulchral calm that pervades its halls, it now has over 150,000 visitors annually. As you stand overawed in the Patio Arabé, bright daylight filters through the coloured glass canopy overhead, casting complex shadows and dancing rainbow illumination around the walls of the upper level, around which runs a wrought-iron balustrade. You have the sense that you could be in one of the more intimate rooms of the Alhambra,

Sculpture room

were it not that before you stretches an arched glass roof over a marble-floored corridor, awash with diffused daylight, that extends to a semi-circle of deep armchairs, raised five steps above floor level and arrayed either side of a copy of the famous statue of the Dama de Elche. On either side of this corridor, dainty white marble steps with twisted handrails lead to the casino’s function rooms. As you descend the steps when you leave these subdued rooms you feel as if you are coming out of your own front door onto a brightly lit summer street. Pass through the Arabic arch, with its marble columns and intricate plasterwork, and into the room to the left, where you enter an elegant Edwardian library. Alternate lengths of pale oak and deep maroon mahogany form rectangles and triangles, radiating from a central square. Around the edge, a one-metre deep border of pale oak parquet lends an almost lattice-like effect. In the centre of the room deep maroon and brass studded chairs surround the two enormous library tables with their brasshooded lamps. Laid out on the tables are the daily newspapers, each carefully locked in its wooden handling support. Around the walls, small desks with darkened green shades allow members the privacy of private study or letter-writing. In one corner a wrought-iron spiral staircase twists its way up to a narrow balcony where leather-bound tomes rest majestically in glazed bookcases. Bookcases, balcony and books are born aloft on the wings of a flight of herons, each forming the ark of great cast iron brackets. Crossing the corridor to the room opposite the library, you find yourself in a small salon of faded elegance with cane-backed chairs, heavy maroon velvet drapes and flock wallpaper covered in ponderous oil paintings. Should you choose to do so, you could pass through the room into the pillared cool of the Patio Pompeyano, with its statues of Danaide and Amazona d Policleto, there with the courtesy of the Vatican Museum, but to lighten the mood it’s best to return to the corridor and visit the last room on the left, the Tocador Señoras, the ladies powder room, although these days the gentlemen are allowed in. In a gallant nod to the ladies this room has been set aside for their use, and in the male ponderousness of much of the rest of the casino, this tiny room is a delight. Gilded

chairs line the walls, but it is the ceiling that draws the eyes and the gasps. Painted with eternally youthful maidens with bright butterfly wings skittering across a cloud covered deep blue sky, they appear to be ascending heavenward to the centre of the domed ceiling. You suddenly realise, though, that they are in fact reaching out to one of their flaxen haired maids as she tumbles to earth, her wings on fire – although one couple of nymphets are too busy prettifying themselves to care! Before you leave the room, stand in front of one of the tall oval mirrors and see yourself reflected into infinity in the one opposite, as you travel down an Alice in Wonderland hole in the wall. The painted butterflies of the Tocador Señoras are a mere aperitivo to the banquet that is the piece de resistance of the casino – the Salon de Baile. As you approach the room at the side of the Patio Pompeyano, all is in darkness. Drop a one-euro coin into the box to the side of the door and a rousing Parisian polka strikes up as the room burst into brilliant light. The ballroom is an incredible confection of gilding and gold moquette, with a stunning painted silk ceiling, now sadly suffering from damp. Heavenly scenes and Greek rural idylls fill panels in the frieze and from the centre of a group of maidens floating on clouds, who appear to be observing the goings-on below from above a tromp l’oie balcony, five huge chandeliers hang, the light from their 326 bulbs being reflected in a hundred direction from the incredibly rococo gilt mirror frames. The salon de Baile Regio was inspired by the French palaces of Luis XV and was completed in 1876. The lamps were made in Paris from an original design and are of gilded bronze with 1,800 pieces of glass made by Bacarat. Having done a twirl beneath the glowing candelabras, be ready as the applause fades after the music. Just as the first strains of a waltz appear the lights suddenly go out and you are plunged into near total darkness. Whilst the casinos in Spain are often deteriorating due to lack of new members they provide an important part of the cultural history of the country. Many are open to the public or at least allow them to visit the more public rooms. It is unfortunately quite rare than anyone has actually written about them, either individually or collectively, but they are glorious reminders of the individuality and idiosyncrasy of the Spanish culture.

To discover more about Spain, visit www.derekworkman-journalist.com and http://derekworkman.wordpress.com. http://valpaparazzi.wordpress.com are random notes about life in Spain. Derek Workman’s books, Inland Trips from the Costa Blanca and Small Hotels and Inns of Eastern Spain are available from most good books shops or direct from the publisher, Santana Books, www.santanabooks.com or Tel. 952 485 838.

16 - 22 JULY 2010

Visit Cuenca with Coachtrips SL AS WE all know, Spain is a great country in which to live and holiday. With lots of sun, sand and sea, it makes for a pleasant relaxing holiday. But how many of us know what ‘real’ Spain is like? Lurking beyond the blue seas and golden sands is another Spain, which many travellers and even residents miss. This large country offers the traveller such diversity from area to area, that it is difficult to believe that this is only one country. The Cuenca region is one of the many jewels in the Spanish crown and offers a Spain that is new and exciting. Beaches are replaced with vine filled fields, golden corn replaces golden beaches and sparkling rivers replace deep blue seas. This is delightful, inland Spain at its very best. If you would like a taste of ‘real’ Spain, why not take the forthcoming Coachtrips SL excursion to Cuenca?

LUSH VEGETATION Driving inland, you will pass many castles; a reminder of Spain’s turbulent past and fields of golden corn dance to and fro in the gentle winds of the Spanish plains. Grapes start to form in large clusters on the leafy vines and then a little

silver strip of water appears which faithfully follows the curves of the road along which you travel. The landscape then becomes greener and trees and lush vegetation adorn the banks of the river. Fishermen stand silently in the rushing water with the only sound being the occasional swish of their rod as they expertly tempt a trout to bite. The excursion will stop en route and give you the opportunity to sample local cheeses and wines or experiment with unfamiliar local ‘tapas’ and then you will arrive at a rustic stone built hotel and receive a warm welcome from the staff. Half an hour later, you will be tucking into a hearty lunch, fortified with ample supplies of local wine. HANGING HOUSES During the next few days you will eat well and at the same time get to know this stunningly attractive region. You will wander through the fortified village which sits alongside the hotel, drive through deep gorges, through forests and over mountains. You will sit and watch gentle cascades of water filling the rivers below, marvel at nature’s ability to sculpture rocks into instantly

recognisable shapes. And then stand at the top of a gorge and look out of ‘the window of the devil’ to see the deep green waters of the river Jucar winding its way from the tiny Cuenca village of Tragacete to the sea just south of Valencia. You will then lunch in the forest, visit more lakes and finally, pay a visit to the city of Cuenca, which offers fabulous views over the gorges. With an impressive cathedral that dominates the town square, you will be able to cross the valley on a suspended bridge to the former monastery, which now serves as a hotel, and of course visit the famous ‘hanging houses’ of the city. So whether you are a visitor to Spain or you are a resident, it is hard to imagine a better way to spend three days than to join this exciting inland excursion run by the highly respected David’s Coachtrips SL. The cost for the trip is just €138 and includes full board with wine and water, plus all excursions. The next trips are from 20th until 22nd July and 18th until 20th August. To reserve your place phone 966 785 910 or visit their website at www.coachtripsonline.com

Hanging houses in the city of Cuenca


tv Friday


16 - 22 july 2010

23:35 Dragnet

08:10 Big Brother 09:20 Frasier 09:45 Fern Britton’s 5 O’Clock Show 10:45 Deal or No Deal 11:30 Everybody Loves Raymond 12:00 Friends 12:30 Friends 13:00 Channel 4 News 13:05 Wife Swap USA 14:00 Come Dine with Me 14:25 Come Dine with Me 14:55 Come Dine with Me 15:25 Come Dine with Me 15:55 Come Dine with Me 16:25 Countdown 17:10 Deal or No Deal 18:00 Fern Britton’s 5 O’Clock Show 19:00 The Simpsons 19:30 Hollyoaks 20:00 Channel 4 News 20:25 4thought.tv 20:30 Girls on the Pull 21:00 A Place in the Sun: Home or Away 22:00 Big Brother 23:00 The IT Crowd 23:35 Big Brother 24:05 Stand Up for the Week

08:00 Childrens TV 10:00 Bert and Ernie’s Great Adventures 10:10 Castle Farm 10:15 The Adventures of Bottle Top Bill and His Best Friend Corky 10:30 Igam Ogam 10:45 Michaela’s Animal Road Trip 11:45 Trisha Goddard 12:45 CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 13:40 Five News 13:45 House 14:45 Neighbours 15:15 Home and Away 15:50 Don’t Stop Believers 15:55 County Secrets 16:05 Just Desserts 18:00 Five News 18:30 Neighbours 19:00 Home and Away 19:25 Don’t Stop Believers 19:30 Live From Studio Five 20:30 Zoo Days 21:00 Nature Shock 22:00 The Mentalist 23:00 CSI: NY 23:55 Don’t Stop Believers 24:00 Grey’s Anatomy

08:00 Everything’s Rosie 08:10 dirtgirlworld 08:25 Sportsround 08:40 Wolverine and the X-Men 09:00 Raven 09:30 School of Silence 10:00 Paradise Cafe 10:30 Animals at Work 11:00 Horrible Histories 11:30 Deadly 60 12:00 Richard Hammond’s Blast Lab 12:30 Evacuation to the Manor House 13:00 Degrassi: The Next Generation 13:25 The Cut 14:20 The 5.19 Show 14:35 Best of No Hats, No Trainers 15:00 Two Rode Together 16:45 Flog It! 17:15 Sacred Music 18:15 Golf 20:30 Dad’s Army 21:00 Is Anybody There? 22:30 Have I Got Old News For You? 23:00 Eastern Promises 24:40 The Ipcress File

08:00 Dora the Explorer 08:25 Planet Sketch 08:30 Chop Socky Chooks 08:55 Ben 10 09:15 Horrid Henry 09:30 SpongeBob SquarePants 10:00 Aaron Stone 10:25 The Crocodile Hunter Diaries 11:25 Children’s Hospital 11:55 Monk 12:55 ITV News 13:10 This Morning: Saturday 14:10 Totally You’ve Been Framed! 14:55 Arthur 16:45 Catwoman 18:40 Granada News 18:55 ITV News 19:15 You’ve Been Framed! Kids Special 20:15 Odd One In 21:00 Magic Numbers 22:00 30 Years of An Audience With... 23:00 ITV News 23:15 Captain Corelli’s Mandolin

08:00 FIM Superbike World Championship 08:30 World Sport 09:00 The Morning Line 10:00 Orange RockCorps Manchester 10:50 Video Exclusive 10:55 Friends 11:25 Friends 11:55 Big Brother 12:55 Big Brother 13:25 Hollyoaks Music Show 13:55 Under The Skin: Mark Ronson 14:55 Channel 4 Racing 16:55 Come Dine with Me 17:25 Come Dine with Me 17:55 Come Dine with Me 18:30 Come Dine with Me 19:00 Come Dine with Me 19:30 Channel 4 News 19:55 4thought.tv 20:00 Guns of the Magnificent Seven 22:00 Big Brother 23:00 The Misfits 24:05 Star Trek V: the Final Frontier

08:00 Childrens TV 09:15 Little Princess 09:30 The Adventures of Bottle Top Bill and His Best Friend Corky 09:50 Igam Ogam 10:00 Olivia 10:15 The Mr. Men Show 10:30 Gerald McBoing Boing 11:00 Zoo Days 11:05 Fifth Gear 11:35 The Man Who Moves Buildings 12:35 Don’t Stop Believers 12:40 Battle of Britain: The Lost Evidence 13:40 Operation Crossbow 15:55 None but the Brave 17:55 See No Evil, Hear No Evil 19:50 Five News 19:55 Don’t Stop Believers 20:00 NCIS 20:55 NCIS 21:50 CSI: Miami 22:50 CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 23:45 Law & Order 24:45 Don’t Stop Believers 24:50 Cops in Crisis

08:00 Everything’s Rosie 08:10 dirtgirlworld 08:25 Muddle Earth 08:35 Bear Behaving Badly 09:00 Wingin’ It 09:20 Sam and Mark’s Guide to Dodging Disaster 09:30 Planet Ajay 10:00 Big Babies 10:15 OOglies 10:30 Something for the Weekend 12:00 Golf 13:45 MotoGP 2010 15:00 Flog It! 15:30 EastEnders 17:25 Escape to the Country 18:25 Songs of Praise 19:00 Wild Wales: The Heart of Wales 20:00 Dragons’ Den 21:00 Top Gear 22:00 The Damned United 23:30 Brian Clough: The Greatest Manager England Never Had? 24:30 Mock the Week

08:00 My Friends Tigger & Pooh 08:25 Planet Sketch 08:30 Supernormal 08:45 Back at the Barnyard 09:10 The Replacements 09:30 Shaggy and Scooby Doo Get a Clue 10:00 Phineas and Ferb 10:25 Coronation Street Omnibus 13:05 ITV News 13:10 This Morning: Sunday 14:10 House Gift 15:10 Columbo 16:40 Agatha Christie’s Poirot 18:40 Ladies of Letters 19:10 Granada News 19:20 ITV News 19:30 Celebrating The Carpenters 20:30 Coronation Street 21:00 Heartbeat 22:00 Taggart 23:00 ITV News & 23:15 Out of Sight

08:00 Catching the Impossible 08:55 Mobil 1 The Grid 09:20 Quaife MSA British Rallycross 09:50 The Hills 10:20 Hollyoaks Omnibus 12:50 Big Brother’s Little Brother 13:50 Being N-Dubz 14:20 The Simpsons 14:50 The Simpsons 15:20 Ever After: a Cinderella Story 17:35 Deal or No Deal 18:25 Grease 20:30 Channel 4 News 20:55 4thought.tv 21:00 Dispatches 22:00 Big Brother 23:00 Alan Carr: Chatty Man 24:05 The IT Crowd 24:40 Stand Up for the Week

08:00 Elmo’s World 08:15 Pocoyo 08:25 The Milky and Shake Show 08:28 Bert and Ernie’s Great Adventures 08:30 Harry and His Bucket Full of Dinosaurs 08:45 Noddy in Toyland 09:00 Mist: Sheepdog Tales 09:10 Little Princess 09:30 The Adventures of Bottle Top Bill and His Best Friend Corky 09:45 Igam Ogam 10:00 Olivia 10:15 The Mr. Men Show 10:30 Gerald McBoing Boing 11:00 iCarly 11:35 True Jackson, VP 12:10 Animal Rescue Squad 12:30 Revealed 13:35 The Violent Men 15:25 Superman II 17:45 Five News 17:55 Finding Nemo 20:00 Don’t Stop Believing 21:30 The Wedding Singer 23:25 Not Another Teen Movie

07:00 Breakfast 10:15 Heir Hunters 11:00 Homes Under the Hammer 12:00 Real Rescues 12:45 Cash in the Attic 13:15 Bargain Hunt 14:00 BBC News 14:30 Regional News 14:45 Doctors 15:15 Murder, She Wrote 16:00 BBC News 16:05 ZingZillas 16:25 Zoo Factor 16:50 OOglies 17:05 Trapped 17:35 Hounded 18:00 Newsround 18:15 The Weakest Link 19:00 BBC News at Six 19:30 Regional News 20:00 The One Show 20:30 DIY SOS 21:00 EastEnders 21:30 QI 22:00 My Family 22:30 The Old Guys 23:00 BBC News at Ten 23:25 Regional News 23:35 Friday Night with Jonathan Ross

07:00 Harry and Toto

07:00 GMTV

07:10 Bob the Builder:

10:25 The Jeremy Kyle Show

Project Build It

11:30 This Morning

07:20 Postman Pat: SDS

12:25 ITV News

07:35 Guess with Jess

12:30 This Morning

07:50 Pingu

13:30 Loose Women

08:00 Everything’s Rosie

14:30 ITV News

08:10 dirtgirlworld

15:00 Dickinson’s Real Deal

08:25 LazyTown

16:00 60 Minute Makeover

08:50 Charlie and Lola

17:00 Midsomer Murders

09:00 Da Dick and Dom

18:00 The Chase


19:00 Granada Reports

09:30 Ed and Oucho’s

19:30 ITV News

Excellent Inventions

20:00 Emmerdale

10:00 Golf

20:30 Coronation Street

21:00 BBC Proms 2010

21:00 Dickinson’s Real Deal

22:30 Shooting Stars

21:30 Coronation Street

23:00 How Not to Live

22:00 Doc Martin

Your Life

23:00 ITV News at Ten

23:30 Newsnight

& Weather

24:05 T in the Park

07:00 Breakfast 11:00 Golf 13:00 BBC News 13:05 Regional News and Weather 13:10 Golf 18:15 BBC News 18:25 Regional News and Weather 18:35 Toy Story 2 20:00 101 Ways to Leave a Gameshow 21:00 Tonight’s the Night 21:50 The National Lottery Saturday Night Draws 22:00 Casualty 22:50 Michael McIntyre’s Comedy Roadshow 23:35 BBC News 23:55 The Rock

07:00 Breakfast

tv Saturday

tv Sunday

10:00 The Andrew Marr Show 11:00 Sunday Morning Live 12:00 Cash in the Attic 12:30 The Politics Show 13:45 Golf 20:00 Antiques Roadshow 20:45 BBC News 20:55 Regional News and Weather 21:00 Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man’s Chest 23:20 BBC News 23:35 Regional News and Weather 23:45 Enigma

08:00 Brainiac: Science Abuse 09:00 Best of Oops TV 10:00 The Real A & E 11:00 X-Weighted: Families 12:00 X-Weighted: Families 13:00 Law & Order 14:00 Law & Order 15:00 A Town Called Eureka 16:00 Stargate SG-1 17:00 Stargate SG-1 18:00 WWE: Superstars 19:00 Oops TV 19:30 The Simpsons 20:00 The Simpsons 20:30 The Simpsons 21:00 Missing Children: Lorraine Kelly Investigates 22:00 Bones 23:00 Bones 24:00 Lie to Me

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08:00 Malcolm in the Middle 09:00 Bite Size Brainiac 09:20 Girls Aloud: Out of Control 10:50 Got to Dance 11:50 Got to Dance 13:00 Pineapple Dance Studios 14:00 Malcolm in the Middle 15:00 Vet Adventures 16:00 Project Runway 17:00 Liza and Huey’s Pet Nation 18:00 Futurama 18:30 Futurama 19:00 My Pet Shame 20:00 The Simpsons 20:30 Glenn Martin, DDS 21:00 The Simpsons 21:30 Glenn Martin, DDS 22:00 Coyote Ugly 23:55 Classic Albums

08:30 Inside World Touring Cars 09:00 IRC Rally 09:30 FIFA U20 Women’s Football 11:00 Cycling 12:25 Planet Armstrong 12:30 Live Formula Two 13:30 Live Cycling 17:30 FIFA U20 Women’s Football 18:00 Live FIFA U20 Women’s Football 20:00 Boxing 22:00 Cycling 22:55 Planet Armstrong 23:00 IRC Rally 23:30 Live Le Mans Series 24:00 Fight Club

08:00 Jerry Springer Show 08:50 Celebs 24/7 09:00 Maury 10:50 Celebs 24/7 11:00 The Fresh Prince of Bel Air 12:00 Will and Grace 13:00 Dating in the Dark 14:00 Britain’s Next Top Model 15:00 Four Weddings 17:30 Bulging Brides 18:00 Extreme 19:00 Nothing to Declare 19:30 Nothing to Declare 20:00 Nothing to Declare 20:30 Nothing to Declare 21:00 Nothing to Declare 21:30 Nothing to Declare 22:00 Four Weddings 23:00 Cougar Town 23:30 Cougar Town 24:00 Criminal Minds

08:30 IRC Rally 09:00 FIFA U20 Women’s Football 10:30 FIA World Touring Cars 11:00 Live FIA World Touring Cars 11:30 Cycling 12:40 Planet Armstrong 12:45 Live FIA World Touring Cars 13:45 Live Cycling 17:45 FIA World Touring Cars 18:15 Live UEFA U19 Championship 20:00 Live UEFA U19 Championship 22:00 Cycling 22:55 Planet Armstrong 23:00 IRC Rally 23:30 FIA World Touring Cars 24:00 Motorsports Weekend 24:15 Cycling

08:00 The Jerry Springer Show 08:50 Celebs 24/7 09:00 Maury 10:50 Celebs 24/7 11:00 The Fresh Prince of Bel Air 12:00 Four Weddings 14:30 Bulging Brides 15:00 Super Secret Celebrity Weddings 16:00 RSPCA Animal Rescue 17:00 Passport Patrol 17:30 Passport Patrol 18:00 16 and Pregnant 19:00 Dating in the Dark 20:00 Four Weddings US 21:00 Ghost Whisperer 22:00 Criminal Minds 23:00 CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 24:00 CSI: Miami

Toy Story 2 BBC 1, 18.35

08:00 Malcolm in the Middle 09:00 Oops TV 10:00 Road Wars 11:00 WWE: Superstars 12:00 WWE: Experience 13:00 Malcolm in the Middle 13:30 Malcolm in the Middle 14:00 Modern Family 14:30 Glenn Martin, DDS 15:00 Oops TV 16:00 Girls Aloud: Out of Control 17:30 Oops TV 18:00 Futurama 18:30 Futurama 19:00 The Simpsons 19:30 The Simpsons 20:00 Pineapple Dance Studios 21:00 The Librarian: Quest for the Spear 22:50 Inception Special 23:00 Best of Oops TV 24:00 House

Slumdog Millionaire Celebrating The Channel 4, 10.00pm Carpenters

ITV 1, 19.30

tv Monday

16 - 22 july 2010

08:00 Guinness World Records Smashed! 09:00 Brainiac: Science Abuse 10:00 Oops TV 10:30 Oops TV 11:00 Got to Dance 12:00 Don’t Forget the Lyrics 13:00 Sell Me the Answer 14:00 The Real A & E 15:00 A Town Called Eureka 16:00 Stargate SG-1 17:00 Stargate SG-1 18:00 Malcolm in the Middle 18:30 Malcolm in the Middle 19:00 Oops TV 19:30 The Simpsons 20:00 The Simpsons 20:30 The Simpsons 21:00 The Biggest Loser USA 23:00 Law & Order 24:00 Bones

07:00 Breakfast 10:15 Heir Hunters 11:00 Escape to the Country 12:00 Homes Under the Hammer 12:30 Cash in the Attic 13:15 Bargain Hunt 14:00 BBC News at One 14:30 Regional News 14:45 Doctors 15:15 Murder, She Wrote 16:00 BBC News 16:05 ZingZillas 16:25 Zoo Factor 16:50 OOglies 17:05 Mission: 2110 17:35 Legend of Dick and Dom 18:00 Newsround 18:15 The Weakest Link 19:00 BBC News at Six 19:30 Regional News 20:00 The One Show 20:30 Fake Britain 21:00 EastEnders 21:30 Panorama 22:00 Who Do You Think You Are? 23:00 BBC News 23:25 Regional News 23:35 My Child’s Big Fat Birthday Party

08:00 Childrens TV 11:00 Copycats 11:30 Deadly 60 12:00 Sam and Mark’s Guide to Dodging Disaster 12:10 The Flintstones 12:35 The Flintstones 13:00 The Daily Politics 13:30 Working Lunch 14:00 The World at War 14:50 Hands on Nature 15:05 Wanted Down Under 16:00 Diagnosis Murder 16:45 Flog It! 17:30 Ben Fogle’s Escape in Time 18:15 The Hairy Bikers’ Food Tour of Britain 19:00 Eggheads 19:30 Antiques Road Trip 20:00 Victorian Pharmacy 21:00 University Challenge 21:30 Antiques Master 22:00 On the Frontline: Life with the Green Howards 23:00 Rev 23:30 Newsnight 24:20 Brian Clough: The Greatest Manager England Never Had?

07:00 GMTV 09:30 GMTV with Lorraine 10:25 The Jeremy Kyle Show 11:30 This Morning 12:25 ITV News 12:30 This Morning 13:30 Loose Women 14:30 ITV News & 15:00 Dickinson’s Real Deal 16:00 60 Minute Makeover 17:00 Midsomer Murders 18:00 The Chase 19:00 Granada Reports 19:30 ITV News 20:00 Emmerdale 20:30 Coronation Street 21:00 Countrywise 21:30 Coronation Street 22:00 Identity 23:00 ITV News at Ten & Weather 23:35 Taking Lives

07:50 Big Brother’s Little Brother 08:45 Big Brother 09:45 Fern Britton’s 5 O’Clock Show 10:45 Deal or No Deal 11:30 Everybody Loves Raymond 12:00 Friends 13:00 Channel 4 News 13:05 Iyaz’s Postcard From T4 on the Beach 13:20 The TV Book Club 13:50 Come Dine with Me 14:20 Come Dine with Me 14:50 Come Dine with Me 15:20 Come Dine with Me 15:50 Come Dine with Me 16:25 Countdown 17:10 Deal or No Deal 18:00 Fern Britton’s 5 O’Clock Show 19:00 The Simpsons 19:30 Hollyoaks 20:00 Channel 4 News 20:55 4thought.tv 21:00 WWI: Finding the Lost Battalions 22:30 Big Brother 23:40 Ramsay’s Kitchen Nightmares USA

08:00 Childrens TV 10:00 Bert and Ernie’s Great Adventures 10:05 Chiro 10:10 Castle Farm 10:20 The Adventures of Bottle Top Bill and His Best Friend Corky 10:30 Igam Ogam 10:45 Michaela’s Animal Road Trip 11:45 Trisha Goddard 12:45 CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 13:40 Five News 13:50 House 14:45 Neighbours 15:15 Home and Away 15:50 Don’t Stop Believers 15:55 County Secrets 16:10 The Colt 18:00 Five News 18:30 Neighbours 19:00 Home and Away 19:25 Don’t Stop Believers 19:30 Live From Studio Five 20:30 How Do They Do It? 21:00 Police Interceptors 22:00 The Jackal 24:25 Don’t Stop Believers 24:30 The Sexy Ads Show

07:00 Breakfast 10:15 Heir Hunters 11:00 Escape to the Country 12:00 Homes Under the Hammer 12:30 Cash in the Attic 13:15 Bargain Hunt 14:00 BBC News at One 14:30 Regional News 14:45 Doctors 15:15 Murder, She Wrote 16:00 BBC News 16:05 ZingZillas 16:25 Zoo Factor 16:50 OOglies 17:05 Mission: 2110 17:35 Horrible Histories 18:00 Newsround 18:15 The Weakest Link 19:00 BBC News at Six 19:30 Regional News 20:00 The One Show 20:30 EastEnders 21:30 Holby City 22:30 Outnumbered 23:00 BBC News at Ten 23:25 Regional News 23:35 The Bionic Vet 24:05 Forces of Nature

08:00 Childrens TV 10:30 Gimme a Break 11:00 Copycats 11:30 Deadly 60 12:00 Sam and Mark’s Guide to Dodging Disaster 12:10 The Flintstones 12:35 The Flintstones 13:00 The Daily Politics 13:30 Working Lunch 14:00 The World at War 14:50 Hands on Nature 15:00 Wanted Down Under 16:00 Diagnosis Murder 16:45 Flog It! 17:30 Escape in Time 18:15 The Hairy Bikers’ Food Tour of Britain 19:00 Eggheads 19:30 Antiques Road Trip 20:00 Antiques Master 20:30 University Challenge 21:00 Top Gear 22:00 That Mitchell and Webb Look 22:30 Shooting Stars 23:00 Miranda 23:30 Newsnight 24:20 How to Beat Tough Times: Money Watch

07:00 GMTV 09:30 GMTV with Lorraine 10:25 The Jeremy Kyle Show 11:30 This Morning 12:25 ITV News 12:30 This Morning 13:30 Loose Women 14:30 ITV News 15:00 Dickinson’s Real Deal 16:00 60 Minute Makeover 17:00 Midsomer Murders 18:00 The Chase 19:00 Granada Reports 19:30 ITV News 20:00 Emmerdale 20:30 Children’s Hospital 21:00 Piers Morgan on Monte Carlo 22:00 The Bill 23:00 ITV News at Ten 23:35 Ladette to Lady 24:35 October Road

08:10 Big Brother 09:20 Frasier 09:45 Fern Britton’s 5 O’Clock Show 10:45 Deal or No Deal 11:35 Everybody Loves Raymond 12:00 Friends 12:30 Friends 13:00 Channel 4 News 13:05 Alexandra Burke’s Postcard From T4 on the Beach 13:20 Jamie at Home 13:50 Come Dine with Me 14:20 Come Dine with Me 14:50 Come Dine with Me 15:20 Come Dine with Me 15:50 Come Dine with Me 16:25 Countdown 17:10 Deal or No Deal 18:00 Fern Britton’s 5 O’Clock Show 19:00 The Simpsons 19:30 Hollyoaks 20:00 Channel 4 News 20:55 4thought.tv 21:00 Ugly Face of Beauty 22:00 Fairy Jobmother 23:00 Big Brother 24:10 Rhod Gilbert and the Award-Winning Mince Pie

08:00 Childrens TV 10:10 Castle Farm 10:20 The Adventures of Bottle Top Bill and His Best Friend Corky 10:30 Igam Ogam 10:45 Michaela’s Animal Road Trip 11:45 Trisha Goddard 12:45 CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 13:40 Five News 13:50 House 14:45 Neighbours 15:15 Home and Away 15:50 Don’t Stop Believers 15:55 County Secrets 16:05 Raising Waylon 18:00 Five News 18:30 Neighbours 19:00 Home and Away 19:25 Don’t Stop Believers 19:30 Live From Studio Five 20:30 Michaela’s Zoo Babies 21:00 Revealed 22:00 CSI: Miami 23:00 CSI: NY 23:55 Don’t Stop Believers 24:00 CSI: Crime Scene Investigation

08:00 Guinness World Records Smashed! 09:00 Brainiac: Best of Science Abuse 10:00 Oops TV 10:30 Oops TV 11:00 Got to Dance 12:00 Don’t Forget the Lyrics 13:00 Sell Me the Answer 14:00 The Real A & E 15:00 A Town Called Eureka 16:00 Stargate SG-1 17:00 Stargate SG-1 18:00 Malcolm in the Middle 18:30 Malcolm in the Middle 19:00 Oops TV 19:30 The Simpsons 20:00 The Simpsons 20:30 The Simpsons 21:00 Ouch! Sextuplets 22:00 Extraordinary Illnesses 23:00 House 24:00 House

07:00 Breakfast 10:15 Heir Hunters 11:00 Escape to the Country 12:00 Homes Under the Hammer 12:30 Cash in the Attic 13:15 Bargain Hunt 14:00 BBC News at One 14:30 Regional News 14:45 Doctors 15:15 Murder, She Wrote 16:00 BBC News 16:05 ZingZillas 16:25 Zoo Factor 16:45 MyWish 16:50 OOglies 17:05 Mission: 2110 17:35 Little Howard’s Big Question 18:00 Newsround 18:15 The Weakest Link 19:00 BBC News at Six 19:30 Regional News 20:00 The One Show 20:30 Penguin Island 21:00 Celebrity MasterChef 22:00 Traffic Cops 23:00 BBC News at Ten 23:25 Regional News 23:35 National Lottery Draws 23:45 Trawlermen 24:45 The Getaway

08:00 Childrens TV 09:00 Barney’s Barrier Reef 09:30 Ed and Oucho’s Excellent Inventions 10:00 Roar 10:30 Gimme a Break 11:00 Copycats 11:30 Deadly 60 12:00 Animal Park 12:30 The Daily Politics 14:00 Open Gardens 14:30 Working Lunch 15:00 Wanted Down Under 16:00 Diagnosis Murder 16:45 Flog It! 17:30 Ben Fogle’s Escape in Time 18:15 The Hairy Bikers’ Food Tour of Britain 19:00 Eggheads 19:30 Antiques Road Trip 20:00 Mary, Queen of Shops 21:00 How to Beat Tough Times: Money Watch 22:00 Dragons’ Den 23:00 QI 23:30 Newsnight 24:20 That Mitchell and Webb Look 24:50 Tribal Wives

07:00 GMTV 09:30 GMTV with Lorraine 10:25 The Jeremy Kyle Show 11:30 This Morning 12:25 ITV News 12:30 This Morning 13:30 Loose Women 14:30 ITV News 15:00 Dickinson’s Real Deal 16:00 60 Minute Makeover 17:00 Midsomer Murders 18:00 The Chase 19:00 Granada Reports 19:30 ITV News 20:00 Emmerdale 20:30 The Lakes 21:00 Midsomer Murders 23:00 ITV News at Ten & Weather 23:35 Crank

08:10 Big Brother 09:20 Frasier 09:45 Fern Britton’s 5 O’Clock Show 10:50 Deal or No Deal 11:35 Everybody Loves Raymond 12:00 Friends 12:30 Friends 13:00 Channel 4 News 13:05 Postcard from T4 On The Beach 13:20 Jamie at Home 13:50 Come Dine with Me 14:20 Come Dine with Me 14:50 Come Dine with Me 15:20 Come Dine with Me 15:50 Come Dine with Me 16:25 Countdown 17:10 Deal or No Deal 18:00 Fern Britton’s 5 O’Clock Show 19:00 The Simpsons 19:30 Hollyoaks 20:00 Channel 4 News 20:55 4thought.tv 21:00 How to Look Good Naked 22:00 My Weird and Wonderful Family 23:00 Big Brother

08:00 Childrens TV 10:10 Castle Farm 10:20 The Adventures of Bottle Top Bill and His Best Friend Corky 10:30 Igam Ogam 10:45 Michaela’s Animal Road Trip 11:45 Trisha Goddard 12:45 CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 13:40 Five News 13:50 House 14:45 Neighbours 15:15 Home and Away 15:50 Don’t Stop Believers 15:55 County Secrets 16:10 Desperate Escape 18:00 Five News 18:30 Neighbours 19:00 Home and Away 19:25 Don’t Stop Believers 19:30 Live From Studio Five 20:30 Escape from... 21:00 Emergency Bikers 22:00 NCIS 23:00 CSI: NY 23:55 Don’t Stop Believers 24:00 K-Ville 24:55 PartyPoker.com: The Big Game IV

08:00 Guinness World Records Smashed! 09:00 Brainiac: Science Abuse 10:00 Best of Oops TV 10:30 Best of Oops TV 11:00 Got to Dance 12:00 Don’t Forget the Lyrics 13:00 Sell Me the Answer 14:00 The Real A & E 15:00 A Town Called Eureka 16:00 Stargate SG-1 17:00 Stargate SG-1 18:00 Malcolm in the Middle 18:30 Malcolm in the Middle 19:00 Oops TV 19:30 The Simpsons 20:00 The Simpsons 20:30 The Simpsons 21:00 My Pet Shame 22:00 Coyote Ugly 23:55 Serial Killers on the Loose

tv Tuesday

tv Wednesday

08:30 Motorsports Weekend 08:45 FIA World Touring Cars 09:15 UEFA U19 Championship 10:15 Cycling 11:10 Planet Armstrong 11:15 UEFA U19 Championship 12:30 Cycling 14:10 Planet Armstrong 14:15 Live Cycling 17:30 Football 19:00 Eurogoals Flash 19:10 Cycling 20:00 UEFA U19 Championship 20:45 All Sports 20:50 WATTS 21:00 Pro Wrestling 21:30 Pro Wrestling 22:25 All Sports 22:30 Cycling 23:25 Planet Armstrong 23:30 Football


08:00 The Fresh Prince of Bel Air 08:50 Celebs 24/7 09:00 Jerry Springer Show 10:00 America’s Next Top Model 11:00 RSPCA Animal Rescue 12:00 Maury 12:55 Celebs 24/7 13:00 60 Minute Makeover 14:00 Four Weddings 15:00 Nothing to Declare 16:00 CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 17:00 Charmed 18:00 Charmed 19:00 America’s Next Top Model 20:00 Four Weddings 21:00 Dating in the Dark 22:00 Britain’s Next Top Model 23:00 Four Weddings US 24:00 Criminal Minds

Watch Coronation Street for Free with Europa call 902 050 999

08:30 Olympic Magazine 09:00 UEFA U19 Championship 10:00 Cycling 11:25 Planet Armstrong 11:30 Live Cycling 17:30 FIFA U20 Women’s Football 19:00 Eurogoals Flash 19:10 Cycling 20:00 Live Football 22:00 Cycling 22:55 Planet Armstrong 23:00 Inside World Touring Cars 23:30 FIFA U20 Women’s Football 24:30 Cycling

Children’s Hospital ITV 1, 20.30

08:30 FIFA U20 Women’s Football 10:00 Cycling 11:25 Planet Armstrong 11:30 FIFA U20 Women’s Football 15:00 Live UEFA U19 Championship 17:00 FIFA U20 Women’s Football 18:00 Live UEFA U19 Championship 18:45 Eurogoals Flash 18:55 Live UEFA U19 Championship 20:05 Wednesday Selection 20:10 World Equestrian Festival 21:10 Show Jumping 22:10 Riders Club 22:15 Wednesday Selection Guest 22:25 US PGA Golf 23:25 European PGA Golf 23:55 Golf Club

Coyote Ugly Sky 1, 22.00

08:00 The Fresh Prince of Bel Air 08:50 Celebs 24/7 09:00 Jerry Springer Show 10:00 America’s Next Top Model 11:00 RSPCA Animal Rescue 12:00 Maury 12:55 Celebs 24/7 13:00 60 Minute Makeover 14:00 Four Weddings 15:00 Nothing to Declare 16:00 CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 17:00 Charmed 18:00 Charmed 19:00 America’s Next Top Model 20:00 Four Weddings 21:00 Britain’s Next Top Model 22:00 Dating in the Dark 23:00 16 and Pregnant 24:00 Criminal Minds

08:00 The Fresh Prince of Bel Air 08:50 Celebs 24/7 09:00 The Jerry Springer Show 10:00 America’s Next Top Model 11:00 RSPCA Animal Rescue 12:00 Maury 12:55 Celebs 24/7 13:00 60 Minute Makeover 14:00 Four Weddings 15:00 Nothing to Declare 16:00 CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 17:00 Charmed 19:00 America’s Next Top Model 20:00 Celebrity Four Weddings 21:00 Four Weddings US 22:00 Ghost Whisperer 23:00 Most Haunted 24:00 Criminal Minds

tv Thursday

48 38

16Feb - 2226 july 2010 4 2010 - March

07:00 Breakfast 10:15 Heir Hunters 11:00 Escape to the Country 12:00 Homes Under the Hammer 12:30 Cash in the Attic 13:15 Bargain Hunt 14:00 BBC News at One 14:30 Regional News 14:45 Doctors 15:15 Murder, She Wrote 16:00 BBC News 16:05 ZingZillas 16:25 Funky Fables 16:40 Mortified 17:05 Animals at Work 17:35 Deadly 60 18:00 Newsround 18:15 The Weakest Link 19:00 BBC News at Six 19:30 Regional News 20:00 The One Show 20:30 EastEnders 20:57 BBC News and Regional News 21:00 Celebrity MasterChef 22:00 It Shouldn’t Happen at a Vets’ 23:00 BBC News at Ten 23:25 Regional News and Weather 23:35 Question Time 24:35 This Week

08:00 Childrens TV 09:00 Barney’s Barrier Reef 09:30 Ed and Oucho’s Excellent Inventions 10:00 Roar 10:30 Gimme a Break 11:00 Copycats 11:30 Deadly 60 12:00 Sam and Mark’s Guide to Dodging Disaster 12:10 The Flintstones 12:35 The Flintstones 13:00 The Daily Politics 13:30 Working Lunch 14:00 The World at War 14:50 Hands on Nature 15:00 Wanted Down Under 16:00 Diagnosis Murder 16:45 Flog It! 17:30 Ben Fogle’s Escape in Time 18:15 The Hairy Bikers’ Food Tour of Britain 19:00 Eggheads 19:30 Antiques Road Trip 20:00 Wainwright Walks: Coast to Coast 20:30 RHS Show Tatton Park 21:00 The Private Life of... 22:00 Victorian Pharmacy 23:00 Mock the Week 23:30 Newsnight 24:20 Dragons’ Den

07:00 GMTV 09:30 GMTV with Lorraine 10:25 The Jeremy Kyle Show 11:30 This Morning 12:25 ITV News 12:30 This Morning 13:30 Loose Women 14:30 ITV News 15:00 Dickinson’s Real Deal 16:00 60 Minute Makeover 17:00 Midsomer Murders 18:00 The Chase 19:00 Granada Reports 19:30 ITV News 20:00 Emmerdale 20:30 Tonight 21:00 Emmerdale 21:30 Coronation Street 22:00 Homes From Hell 23:00 ITV News at Ten 23:35 Cops with Cameras 24:35 Superhuman

08:10 Big Brother 09:20 Frasier 09:45 Fern Britton’s 5 O’Clock Show 10:45 Deal or No Deal 11:30 Everybody Loves Raymond 12:00 Friends 12:30 Friends 13:00 Channel 4 News 13:05 Postcard from T4 On The Beach 13:20 Jamie at Home 13:50 Come Dine with Me 14:20 Come Dine with Me 14:50 Come Dine with Me 15:20 Come Dine with Me 15:55 Come Dine with Me 16:25 Countdown 17:10 Deal or No Deal 18:00 Fern Britton’s 5 O’Clock Show 19:00 The Simpsons 19:30 Hollyoaks 20:00 Channel 4 News 20:55 4thought.tv 21:00 Location, Location, Location 22:00 Undercover Boss 23:00 Big Brother 24:10 Skins

08:00 Childrens TV 09:40 Hana’s Helpline 09:50 The WotWots 10:00 Bert and Ernie’s Great Adventures 10:05 Milkshake Monkey 10:10 Castle Farm 10:20 The Adventures of Bottle Top Bill and His Best Friend Corky 10:30 Igam Ogam 10:45 Michaela’s Animal Road Trip 11:45 Trisha Goddard 12:45 CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 13:40 Five News 13:50 House 14:45 Neighbours 15:15 Home and Away 15:50 Don’t Stop Believers 15:55 County Secrets 16:10 Mystery Woman 18:00 Five News 18:30 Neighbours 19:00 Home and Away 19:25 Don’t Stop Believers 19:30 Live From Studio Five 20:30 Fifth Gear 21:00 The Man Who Moves Buildings 22:00 The Hotel Inspector 23:00 Quicksand 24:55 Don’t Stop Believers

08:00 Guinness World Records Smashed! 09:00 Brainiac: Science Abuse 10:00 Oops TV 10:30 Oops TV 11:00 Got to Dance 12:00 Don’t Forget the Lyrics 13:00 Sell Me the Answer 14:00 The Real A & E 15:00 A Town Called Eureka 16:00 Stargate SG-1 17:00 Stargate SG-1 18:00 Malcolm in the Middle 18:30 Malcolm in the Middle 19:00 Oops TV 19:30 The Simpsons 20:00 The Simpsons 20:30 The Simpsons 21:00 The Real A & E 21:30 Real Filth Fighters 22:00 Lie to Me 23:00 A League of Their Own 24:00 NCIS: LA

08:30 Show Jumping 09:30 UEFA U19 Championship 10:15 UEFA U19 Championship 11:15 Cycling 12:10 Planet Armstrong 12:15 Live Cycling 17:45 Football 19:00 Eurogoals Flash 19:10 Cycling 20:00 Fight Club 22:00 Cycling 22:55 Planet Armstrong 23:00 Pro Wrestling 24:00 Pro Wrestling 24:30 Cycling

08:00 The Fresh Prince of Bel Air 08:50 Celebs 24/7 09:00 The Jerry Springer Show 10:00 America’s Next Top Model 11:00 RSPCA Animal Rescue 12:00 Maury 12:55 Celebs 24/7 13:00 60 Minute Makeover 14:00 Celebrity Four Weddings 15:00 Nothing to Declare 16:00 CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 17:00 Charmed 19:00 America’s Next Top Model 20:00 Celebrity Four Weddings 21:00 Cougar Town 21:30 Cougar Town 22:00 Criminal Minds 23:00 Private Practice 24:00 Criminal Minds

Suduko Answer

Crossword Answers 560 CRYPTIC SOLUTIONS Across: 1 Opal; 8 Undertaker; 9 Deceased; 10 Gate; 12 Darwin; 14 Entrap; 15 Launch; 17 Carver; 18 Atom; 19 Loophole; 21 Bill-poster; 22 Past. Down: 2 Poles apart; 3 Luce; 4 Odds on; 5 Bridle; 6 Laughter; 7 Erse; 11 Travellers; 13 Windmill; 16 Hollow; 17 Clouts; 18 Albs; 20 Harp. QUICK SOLUTIONS Across: 1 Iota; 8 Strike dumb; 9 Pleasant; 10 Ante; 12 Efface; 14 Heeded; 15 Turret; 17 Saturn; 18 Isis; 19 Reclaims; 21 Above board; 22 Send. Down: 2 On all fours; 3 Asia; 4 Grease; 5 Sketch; 6 Adjacent; 7 Able; 11 The Kremlin; 13 Abrasive; 16 Throbs; 17 Social; 18 Iran; 20 Adds.

A London shoebox would have done! What’s The Last Song playing The TV Round Up by

Alex Trelinski

Broadcaster and freelance journalist

I NEVER thought I’d write something like this, but I thought the Spanish TV coverage of the World Cup was light years ahead in terms of imagination compared to what the UK channels offered. True, it does help if you have a winning team, but right from the off in South Africa, Cuatro and Telecinco were determined to bring over the whole atmosphere and flavour of the tournament, with presenters and reporters popping up all over the place, and you really felt that you were there. Yes, the long commercial breaks and ‘in your face’ sponsorship plugs would ensure regular toilet breaks, but that should not detract from their positive achievements. Besides the serious business of the football, both channels brought a sense of fun and passion that even a non-sports fan would get tied up with. There were daily prime-time programmes of all the latest World Cup news, and clearly the Spanish squad were really open in giving full media access from their training base, where many of the shows came from. The players clearly had interesting things to say and enjoyed doing it, which is all a far cry from the outdated way that football deals with the media and TV in the UK. You could not imagine the FA and Stalag Capello offering the same privileges, but of course they are more than happy to pocket anything from rights deals paid by the broadcasters. The BBC and ITV studio-based offerings looked somewhat old-fashioned and frankly boring. They might as well have sat in a shoebox in London for the little it added to the programming, like the BBC’s expensive backdrop of the vistas of Cape Town. The Spanish lesson for the UK broadcasters is that there is more to covering a World Cup than having a bunch of expensive gurning, pontificating pundits sat in a comfortable studio. It’s a great

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event that all viewers want to feel part of and for the first time ever, I didn’t think that the British TV coverage was the best on offer. Talking of the best….he’s back! The police officer that would make Cannon go on a crash diet, or force Ironside out of his wheelchair. I’m talking about the sunglasses-wearing Miami detective Horatio Caine, as played by David Caruso in the new series of CSI Miami which started on Five last Tuesday. Caine is as wooden as a GMTV presenter trying to read an autocue properly, but there’s always something endearing about the frequent moments that he removes his eyeshades to offer us a cliché-ridden line delivered in the style of a Shakespearian sonnet. The plots have more holes in them than a slab of Dutch Edam cheese, but the sheer gloss and improbability of it all makes it one of the most enjoyable sixty minutes of hokum that you can get anywhere. I’m clearly not alone in that view, as a survey done four years ago voted it the most popular TV show in the World. I’m sure Horatio would have taken off his glasses in homage to that, along with an appropriate one-liner!

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16 - 22 july 2010


Got a story? 902 118 999


16 - 22 july 2010 2010 15-21 JANUARY


People words

Spanish lessons by

Jane Cronin

A weekly ‘cut out and keep’ feature helping you to learn basic Spanish for everyday needs

Lesson 116

IT’S VERY easy for language teachers to get stuck in ruts. An example of this is with “people” words. We always teach the words of jobs (profesor, abogado) and members of the family (hijo, abuelo). We might throw in a few extras like “vecino” or “compañero” and that’s as far as it usually goes. However, the language is full of other “people” words which are more commonly used than one might think. We had better start with the words for “person” and “people” which have their own little quirks. “People” en masse as it were, is in fact a feminine singular word in Spanish “la gente”. Therefore it behaves like all feminine singular words when placed in a sentence. This means that “a lot of people” is “mucha gente” (feminine “mucha”) and “people think” is “la gente piensa” (“piensa” in the singular). The word for “person” is “persona” and this is also feminine. This means that if we want to say something like “Pedro is a great person” in Spanish it remains grammatically feminine, like this “Pedro es una persona estupenda”. There are other feminine people words which obey this rule which seems very strange to English speakers. Another example is “la victima.” We might hear something like this on the news: “el padre de la familia fue una de las victimas”. The opposite of “victima” is a word that also appears from time to time in the news “verdugo”. This basically means “tyrant” or “executioner” but nowadays is often used to describe a person who victimizes or abuses another in a particularly dreadful way. Before we

leave criminal matters, the general word for “criminal” in Spanish is “delincuente”. The Spanish word “criminal” refers specifically to someone who murders or physically harms another person, whilst the general word for crime is “delito”. Just thought you might like to know that. There are many people words which link individuals to where to live. We have already seen “vecino” which as well as neighbour can also mean “local resident”. “David Villa es vecino de Langreo en Asturias” for example. We also have citizen, “ciudadano” (literally a resident of a city or ciudad) and “paisano” (resident of a country). “Paisano” can also mean “compatriot” or “fellow countryman”. Sometimes a Spanish person will say to me “Ayer estuve con un paisano tuyo” (“I was with one of your fellow countryman yesterday”). This is usually followed by: “Se llamaba John o Jim o algo así. ¿Lo conoces?” (His name was John or Jim or something like that. Do you know him?) As you will have discovered from your “job” words, we sometimes change the endings of verbs and add “-dor” or “-dora” to give us the person who does something, such as “limpiador” (cleaner). This works for non-job words too, for example “jugador” (player), “pensador” (“thinker”), “vendedor” (“seller”) “comprador” (buyer) “seguidor” (follower) or simply “trabajador” (worker) . In each case you can just add the letter “a” at the end to turn the person into a female. You might want to try out a few more of these,

although they don’t always work. Sometimes the “dor” or “dora” ending refers to a machine “ordenador” (computer, from the verb “ordenar”) “lavadora” (washing machine, from the verb “lavar”). There are many more where these came from and also an interesting way in which the Spanish use adjectives to make people words. More of that next week, I’m sure you can’t wait.

Spanish language course Hog Roast for HELP MMM Cancer Summer Spanish language lessons for the employed and self employed SATURDAY 14th August, a Hog Roast is to be held to raise funds for this worthy cause that specialises in the support of cancer screening. The Hog Roast will be hosted by the New York Bar, Trampolin Hills, Valle Del Sol, starting at 20.00 with entry costing just €8 per person. Tickets may be purchased by calling Maggie Milne on 605 441 286 or Pam Clough on 646 786 444. All are welcome.

will commence soon in the Arcandia language school in San Fulgencio. The course will be held for approx 3 hours each day, the complete course taking 60 hours spread over the summer months. It is totally FREE and it includes study books; CD; notebooks etc. Collect an application form from the Tourist Information Office in La Marina urbanisation (tel 966 790 021), or at the Centro Formacion Arcandia, in calle General Mola 11, San Fulgencio. For more information visit: www.lamarina.info

Company women give you a pat on the back

Do you know someone who deserves a pat on the back?

DO YOU know someone who is doing something special in the world of business and entrepreneurship? Company women, the networking group of females in business, are preparing for their annual award ceremony. It’s nearly time to show your appreciation by nominating someone who deserves a pat on the back. Every year nominations are invited from members and non-members under the categories of: • Bright ideas for innovations • Customer focus • Business excellence • Overall award And, of course, there’s the very special category of ‘top banana’. Last year’s top banana was Natasha Moon from Hair OTT. Natasha is a well-respected and active member of company women who developed a flourishing business whilst also remaining a key member of the community with an interest in supporting her ‘fellow’ women. Your nomination doesn’t have to be for a

member of company women. Any woman who has succeeded in business in Spain and/ or provides very special customer service is eligible. You can access the nomination forms from http://companywomen.org/ how-to-enter-or-nominate/ The awards this year will be announced on Friday 19th November at a venue yet to be decided. Wherever it is, it will be a chance to celebrate and support those delivering something unique in these challenging times. To find out more about the nominations and company women generally, why not come to the next lunch on Thursday 5th August at the Lodasol Bar / Restaurant in San Pedro del Pinatar. Company women welcome members and non-members to this buffet lunch where there will be opportunity to hand out business cards and leaflets and listen to presentations from Castelar College and Waggy tails dog groomers. Why not join us and give yourself a pat on the back too. Contact Tracey on 634 295 243, visit the website www.companywomen.org or email christine@companywomen.org

Wine region of Murcia - Yecla


SINCE MY last article, the wine regions of Murcia have been blossoming at a rate of knots and they are looking absolutely sensational. Vines will only continue to grow and blossom now until around November time; at which Wine point the harvested vines will begin Review by to shed their foliage in preparation for another year. Having already mentioned two of the three certified wine producing Director of Murcia Wine Club regions of Murcia (Jumilla and Bullas), I thought it was about time I gave a little mention to Yecla – the third and final wine region of Murcia. Yecla is a Spanish Denominación de Origen (D.O.) authorised to produce wine and which is located to the extreme North of the Murcia region, about a thirty minute drive north from Jumilla. As well as being a certified wine region, Yecla is also a historic town which sits on the borders of Murcia, Albacete and Alicante, surrounded by vast beautiful countryside with a mountainous backdrop. Like Bullas and Jumilla, Yecla is also renowned for its extensive use of the native Monastrell (or Mourvèdre) grape variety enjoyed so much in the southern parts of France. Findings from archaeological excavations in the area have been able to teach us that grape

Jonathan Burrows

Bodegas Castaño are one of two wine producers in Yecla

cultivation and wine production has been evolving in Yecla for more than two thousand years and the general consensus is that it was originally introduced by the ancient Romans. At the end of the nineteenth century, Yecla enjoyed a period of rapid expansion due to the arrival of French wine merchants and producers who had been suffering from a phylloxera plague in their homeland of France. Yecla was finally awarded the official and prestigious status of ‘Denominación de Origen’ in 1975 and since then, wines from Yecla have been revealing interesting results in the hands of skilled producers with modern equipment. The climate in Yecla is Mediterranean-continental, notable for long, hot, dry summers and very mild winters. The maximum temperature in the summer can climb above 40˚C and in the winter, temperatures drop below 0˚C. Rainfall is rather sparse with only around 300mm per year, most of which occurs during Autumn and Spring, quite often in the form of violent thunder and lightning storms. Sunlight hours are very high too, with an estimated 3,000 hours of intense sunlight per year. There are numerous grape varieties in cultivation in Yecla, although the predominant white varieties in the area / D.O. are: Airén, Macabeo, Malvasía and Chardonnay. As for the red varieties, the most popular strains are: Monastrell / Mourvèdre, Garnacha, Tempranillo, Merlot, Cabernet Sauvignon and Syrah / Shiraz. The main two wine producers of Yecla are Bodegas Castaño and Bodegas Señorio de Barahonda. If you are looking to visit Yecla and enjoy some of the best wines they produce in these Bodegas / vineyards, with everything taken care of for you; book your allinclusive wine tasting vineyard tour to Yecla online at www. murciawineclub.com. You can also choose from a selection of brilliant Spanish wines which offer unrivalled value for money and benefit from an awesome free delivery service throughout the E.U. ¡Hasta la próxima vez!

Article written by Jonathan Burrows, Director of Murcia Wine Club Tel: 608 708 579; e-mail: info@murciawineclub.com web: www.murciawineclub.com

16 - 22 july 2010



16 - 22 JULY 2010

Concert on the beach

Vibes From The Costas by

Last year’s event attracted more than 10,000 people

THE 18TH Night of Habaneras on the Beach takes place in Torrevieja this Saturday, 17th July. The event, which is free to attend, features five choral groups and is a very popular attraction for people of all nationalities. Last year, more than 10,000

Tony Poole

from www.vibesfromthecostas. blogspot.com

people attended the concert and there will be speakers all along the promenade so that you can hear the wonderful music regardless of whether you are on the beach or not. The main stage is on the Playa del Cura beach and the concert starts at 22:30.

Asociación de International Singers 3rd International West End Choral Workshop THE HOTEL Cabo Cervera in La Mata, Torrevieja is to host the International West End Choral Workshop by father and son team Nigel and Matthew Hopkins. Both have international reputations and are lecturers in the art of choral, solo singing and vocal well-being. The course runs from Monday 9th to Saturday 14th August, with an air-conditioned function room for daily rehearsals (10.00 –13.00) culminating in a concert at the hotel on Saturday evening, ticketed at €5. All aspects of the singing performance and vocal health will be addressed, with a soloist master class during the week. Telephone 966 775 976 or 649 570 923 for details and attend Registration Day at the hotel on Sunday 1st August (11.00-15.00) to collect music and ‘teach-disks’. Nigel and Matthew recommend this course for anyone who enjoys singing, and for local conductors or choir directors. Website registration: www.westendworkshop-spain.com

Rojales Pantomime group ARE YOU what we are looking for? Rojales Pantomime Group needs to increase its flock! If you would like to give it a try come and join us in our latest production ‘Red Riding Hood’, to be staged at El Capitol Theatre in Rojales, December 3rd, 4th & 5th. Most wanted are

Jazz legends at San Javier

cast for the chorus line and back stage crew. Experience is not essential. so if you are interested please contact Bridget 966 717 977, Tina on 966 797 683 or email bazbov@yahoo.co.uk. Proceeds are going to the charity Caritas.

Air Force Band wows the crowd


HE XIII EDITION of the San Javier International Jazz Festival is well under way and there have already been some indelible memories from the opening week. Chris Isaak showed us what a great showman he is; maestro Chucho Valdes proved yet again why he is one of the greatest exponents of Latin jazz piano ever; saxophonist Marcus Strickland led his band of young guns for an inspired bebop session; and the electrifying performance from Avishai Cohen went way beyond the borders of jazz to further enhance his reputation as one of the most gifted bass players in modern music. The music is hotter than July, and ‘the best is yet to come.’ Festival Director Alberto Nieto has pieced together an amazing programme of jazz, blues and rock considering the financial restraints he has had to endure for this edition. None of the artists performing will be more inspiring than the two living legends of jazz tucked away on the early performance of Friday (tonight) evening, namely Bobby Hutcherson and Cedar Walton, which I’ve saved for my penultimate preview. Bobby Hutcherson is the most accomplished vibraphonist of his generation. He is a master of melodic, harmonic and rhythmic improvisation on both vibes and marimba. He has performed or recorded with nearly every major living jazz musician. His vibraphone playing is suggestive of the style of Milt Jackson in its free-flowing melodicism but his sense of harmony and group interaction is thoroughly modern. He recorded extensively for the Blue Note label during the 60’s and 70’s. Of his approach to music and life today Hutcherson states “I want to squeeze as much life as I can into

The band received a standing ovation

SAN MIGUEL de Salinas’ town square was the venue for a fantastic concert last weekend by the Spanish Air Force Academy Band, based in San Javier. The event was free to attend and more than one hundred people packed into the square to see the band perform various pieces of music including songs from the hit seventies musicial ‘Grease’ and ‘You Can Leave Your Hat On’ which featured in the hit movie ‘The Full Monty’. The band received a standing ovation after they had performed their final piece and following the concert, San Miguel Mayor Angel Saez Huertas presented the band with a commemorative plaque as a ‘thank you’ for their brilliant performance. The San Miguel Councillor for Culture, Inma Hernandez, told RTN: “We had originally planned this concert for one of the nights that Spain was playing in the World Cup, so had to re-arrange it. This is the third year that the band has performed in San Miguel and we hope that it won’t be long before they perform again in our town.”

Cedar Walton

the day and at the end of the day, when I’m exhausted, I say ‘Well. I don’t think I can do any more today, I’ll start again tomorrow. “I’m in a different phase of my life right now and really enjoying where I am,” Hutcherson says. “With music, I found something that I could devote the rest of my life to. If I hear people talking about how they want to make a record and make a lot of money, I want to say ‘No, no, no, no, no... That’s not what it’s about. You’re rich already, just to be involved in this music. How about the thrill of participating instead of vying for a certain position? Jockeying for position to get on top is a dangerous proposition. I just want to be able to walk into a room, go about my business and leave, having caused the whole room to change.” In the 80s, record

Bobby Hutcherson

producer Wim Wigt brought pianist Cedar Walton and Hutcherson together in the Timeless All Stars. Walton had worked with J.J. Johnson, Art Farmer and Art Blakey, among others. He was a much-in-demand session musician on countless recordings for Blue Note and Prestige. He formed a partnership with drummer Billy Higgins and the two became known as one of the best rhythm sections ever. Walton has written several evergreen jazz standards, including Ugetsu, Bolivia and Mosaic. They were both inducted to the National Endowment for the Arts as Jazz Masters in January 2010, the highest honor that the United States bestows upon a jazz musician, joining the likes of Dizzy Gillespie, Ella Fitzgerald and Miles Davis. To celebrate this achievement, together they will present what promises to be a spectacular concert at Jazz San Javier. They will be joined by prestigious drummer Eddie Marshall and double bassist David Williams. Tickets are €18, doors open 21:30. The evening also includes American jazz singer Dianne Reeves. Finally, congratulations to Richard Wills and Michal Deefolts for winning a pair of tickets to see Dr. John and Canned Heat. Both correctly answered that Dr. John was born in New Orleans. Sally Clarke and Peter Friend won the Robben Ford & Bill Evans ‘Soulgrass meets Blues’ competition with Bluegrass being the correct answer.

Full details www.vibesfromthecostas.blogspot.com plus you can find me on Facebook at www.facebook.com/tony.poole Email news and views to vibes@roundtownnews.com Keep the ViBES ALiVE!

16 - 22 july 2010 Win a meal for 2 at the Inn Plaice in torrevieja (Mon-Thu) or at La Pista Restaurante In Jalon (Mon-sat Lunchtimes Only) by answering the Cryptic Crossword correctly. Answers by email to: office@roundtownnews.com or Fax: 96 570 5328.

Euromillions Draw Friday 9th juLY

9 24 37 39 49 3


No ticket won the 28,051,827 Euros (£23,591,586) jackpot prize


Answers & Winner Last week’s Crossword and Suduko answers found on page 38. Crossword winner for issue 560: Brian Green South (San Luis)

Quick Crossword

Cryptic Crossword



7. Blameworthy (13)

1. Strong affection (8)

ACROSS 7. Explicitly, how verbose speeches are made (2,2,4,5) 8. Think it can be seen in the company entrance (8) 9. Throw light, maybe, on the outbuilding (4) 10. A paragon of virtue or an errant type! (6) 12. Restrict one’s movements in the winter nowadays (6) 14. Courageous fellow with ‘flu disorder (6) 16. They make holes and soldiers are put through them! (6) 18. Old priest in suitable vicarage (4) 20. Long live the community showing animation (8) 22 & 6 Down. In an oral context, had a grating effect on the fellow! (3,3,5,2,4)


8. Balderdash (8) 9. Evict (4)

2. Levered (6) 3. Eschew (4) 4. Pause (8)

10. Impede (6)

5. Energy (6)

12. Confirm (6)

6. Sad to say (4)

14. Babe (6)

11. Backward (8)

16. Dimish (6) 18. Fashionable (4)

13. Haunt (8) 15. Stress (6) 17. Elf (6)

20. Severe (8)

19. Pursue (4)

22. Dull (13)

21. Merriment (4)

DOWN 1. Those caught napping are not affected by this! (8) 2. Prospecting for oil is monotonous (6) 3. Celebration for nearly everybody in Georgia (4) 4. Winger not to be trusted, by the sound of it (4-4) 5. Petty-officers fixed the drink (6) 6. See 22 Across 11. Provide entertainment for those on the watch! (8) 13. One trial involving a member of the family (8) 15. Fifty in conflict may be put to it (6) 17. Cause agitation in particular location, we hear (6) 19. Number of pupils in college yesterday (4) 21. I’ve changed to western outlook (4)

44 40

16 - 2226 JULY 2010 4 2010 FEB - MARCH

music scene

96.7 (TKO GOLD) - 91.9 - 87.7 - 87.5 • STUDIO SMS: 667 287 588 • STUDIO@TKOFM.COM


Ameritz H

This unpretentious couple instinctively knows from experience what is required to make a good night great. They perform all the best songs from the best eras of the 50’s 60’s 70’s 80’s 90’s that will get everyone’s toes tapping until they eventually find the dance floor for a good old bop around. Ameritz are very busy this summer but are happy to take on more venues or private events. You can call them on 677 222 352.

Find the keyword and win win two tickets to Aqua Natura. Just listen to Davy Jones between 14.00 – 17.00 on TKO FM on Monday to enter.

Don´t forget: any Groups with ‘The’ as the first word will be the main name only... (i.e. The Rolling Stones will be Rolling Stones). First names will be used for answers (i.e. Billy Idol). 1. Which group featured Siobhan Fahey and Keren Woodward? 2. Who sang ‘Oh Pretty Woman?’ 3. Who had hits with ‘Need You Tonight’ and ‘New Sensation?’ 4. Which legendary British DJ has the nickname ‘Fluff?’ 5. What is the real name of DJ/producer and ex Housemartin ‘Fat Boy Slim?’ 6. Which Scottish folk pop band did Eddi Reader sing lead vocals for? 7. Perhaps the most famous of all American singers died 16th August 1977. Who was he? 8. The Police thought that this naughty lady didn’t need to ‘put on the red light’ 9. UB40 covered which song written and originally recorded by Neil Diamond? 10. A single by Bob and Marcia (1970) and an album by Aretha Franklin (1972) share what title?

Music venues or acts that wish to be featured in this column should email music@tkofm.com with details and photo...

Jon Summer

USBAND AND WIFE vocal duo, ‘Ameritz’, really believe variety is the spice of life. Vic and Lesley are a familiar act in our region, having played local bars and restaurants for some years. Their remit has always been to remember when entertainers not only sang the right songs, but also looked like they were out on the town for the evening. This is their template for success, as well as striving to provide the type of easy listening music that their audiences prefer. Immaculately presented, they are extremely pleasing on the eye and present themselves in a professional manner.

Keyword Pop Quiz


Listen to Davy Jones on TKO FM, Monday between 14.00 and 17.00. Davy will ask you to text in the keyword. The winner and this week’s answers will then be announced.

NOW, IF you haven’t heard of Jon Summer this is either your first visit to our shores or you have been living under a stone for the last few years! Probably the best known and most popular vocalist on the Costa Blanca, Jon brings not only his big voice but his own brand of comedy to entertain audiences everywhere. Not afraid of the high notes, Jon relishes in making difficult songs sound easy with his powerful ballads to good old Rock and Roll. People who know and love this man still enjoy his wit and banter about the good old days, his jokes and witty repartee similar to Billy Connelly but without the profanities and, as a charismatic and natural entertainer, he will have you enthralled from start to finish. Jon also fronts his own band, Cutloose, a four piece covers band. This band knows how to rock with great songs by U2,

Kaiser Chiefs, Stealers Wheel, Kings of Leon, Joe Cocker, The Foundations, Chris Farlowe and so on. Again, Jon leads from the front and the combination of talented musicians and his power house vocals gives this band the edge when it comes to excellent performances. So, come on, crawl out from under that stone and go and enjoy yourself with Jon Summer.

Chris Ashley joins TKO Gold weekday afternoons EX BBC radio presenter Chris Ashley brings his individual style to complete the TKO Gold weekday schedules. Broadcasting from 14.00 to 18.00 every Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, Chris plays a wide range of laid back tunes, including many old favourites and he injects his witty personality to make this a fun show, to see our loyal Gold listeners through the first half of the week. Chris will also be throwing in some of his classic wind up calls and aiming to give you a giggle and the odd groan with his witty banter. If you’d like to join in the fun you can call or text him any time to request a song or tell him a joke and if it’s clean he may even share it with the listeners! Chris’ show completes the weekday line up to give you live broadcasts from 09.00 to 21.00 throughout the week. Tune in to TKO Gold on 96.7FM or listen via www.tkogold.com. Contact Chris or any of our presenters on 966 720 473 and speak to your favourite DJ live.

- 22 july 2010 Feb 26 -16 March 4 2010

45 45

46 40

16 - 2226 JULY 2010 4 2010 FEB - MARCH

Summer sunflowers by

Clodagh & Dick Handscombe Practical gardeners and authors

SUNFLOWERS (HELIANTHUS) are majestic summer flowers and do especially well in Spain in reasonable soil if one remembers to water them regularly. At first one thinks of the large single headed yellow flowers on stems up to two or three metres high that look like a summer sun, that for many children has been their first attempt at gardening, competing with friends for the tallest and largest flower. Such tall plants are not always easy to fit into a balanced garden layout. However, there are now an amazing number of varieties available, from dwarf varieties to the Russian Giants from Siberia. They can give valuable displays of colour and interest throughout the summer. BENEFITS OF GROWING SUNFLOWERS They are relatively easy to grow. They provide a wonderful display, whether you grow a block of tall varieties in the vegetable garden, medium height varieties mixed into a perennial /shrub bed or dwarf varieties grown in flower pots. You can enjoy long lasting cut flowers for a covered terrace or house. The flower heads attract beneficial insects.

They can support climbing beans in the vegetable garden or at the back of a flower bed. They are a natural windbreak for lower growing vegetables or annuals. Seed heads can be separated and sun dried to provide seeds as an alternative to nuts or olives with an evening drink, adding to breakfast cereals or fruit, or crushing to extract sunflower oil if you have sufficient. Make sure you eat them before the oil content turns rancid. Seed heads left on the plant to dry can be cut off and tied to a branch of a tree to attract and feed birds. Loose seeds can also be added to the bird table. As a sprouting seed – soak seeds overnight. Cut the base out of a 5 litre water bottle, about 8cm deep. Fill with 50/50 soil and compost, dampen, lay seeds on top and cover with damp newspaper. Put in a sunny corner, but remember to keep the paper moist but not soaking. As soon as the seeds start to sprout, remove the paper but continue to keep the soil moist. In a couple of days you will have green shoots two centimetres high which you can cut off and add to salads for their flavour and high mineral content. We have also read that a famous 16th Century herbalist, Gerurde, found that sunflower buds boiled and eaten like globe artichokes with butter, vinegar and pepper exceeded the taste of artichokes, as well as stimulating a bodily lust! Something to try this summer, but with olive oil!

A majestic sunflower

VARIETIES TO CHOOSE FROM As already mentioned, sunflowers are now available with a wide variety of heights, leaf forms, single or multi headed branches of flowers, and most importantly, single and mixed colour flowers. For variety, try the mail order catalogue of Chiltern Seeds (fax 0044 1229 584549, email info@chilternseeds.co.uk, website www.chilternseeds.co.uk Up to thirty varieties have been included in their annual catalogues. The following selection will give a feel for the range of sunflowers available: Dwarf: 30 to 45 cms. Pavino: can grow well even in a 10 cm pot. Develops a number of branches with a continuing display of 10 cm flowers.

Clodagh and Dick’s books collate their twenty five years of gardening in Spain to help newcomers to Spain, whether experienced or beginner gardeners living in houses or apartments. Found in bookshops, they are available by mail order from internet bookshops including Bookworld, Amazon and Santana Books. If you are interested in stocking them in your shop, contact Gertrud or Alan Roberts on 952 485 838. © Clodagh and Dick Handscombe www.gardeninginspain.com

Little Dorrit: A little taller: 40 to 60 cms. A single stem with 20 cm yellow flowers around a dark chocolate centre. Useful for the front of a bed. Mid height: 120 to140 cms: Autumn Beauty. Branching stems of 15 cm flowers in a range of artists’ colours – bronze; lemon; mahogany; old gold and cream. Tall: 200 to 300 cms: Earth Walker. An abundance of multi headed branches of terracotta and reddish brown flowers. Even taller! 300 cms plus: Uniflorus Gigantus….why not call it Sky rocket? Traditional single headed large plate-sized yellow flowers. It is obviously possible to achieve a breathtaking display.

16 - 22 JULY 2010 FEB 26 - MARCH 4 2010

47 47

Bavarois of horchata with granizado of moscatel FOR FOUR PERSONS 4 pc of Gelatine 500 ml Horchata 500 ml Cream Some Olive Oil 500 ml Moscatel 500 ml Water


1. Mix the moscatel with water and put into an empty ice cream jar. Put in the freezer overnight.

Scrape with a fork to get the granizado shape. 2. Place the Gelatine leaves in cold water for 5 minutes. Meanwhile, heat up the horchata. Place in a bowl and mix with the gelatine. Mix till it cools down and starts to thicken. 3. Whip the cream and mix carefully with the horchata. Oil some molds and put in the mixture. Place in the fridge for 3 hours to cool and thicken. 4. For serving you can place the granizado on a plate and the bavarois on top or serve it separately.

RTN AND RESTAURANT Casa ‘Mola Mola’ are proud to present a series of recipes. We will take a closer look at the Spanish tradition of eating, in particular the fabulous world of TAPAS. Eating tapas is typical to Spain and entertaining. It is a way to enjoy the company of friends or family whilst sampling several different flavours in small portions. OVER THE NEXT 10 WEEKS, CHEF SASSEN WILL BE PREPARING THE FOLLOWING TAPAS: 1. Patatas Bravas ‘New Style’ 2. Goat’s Cheese with Lavander and Vanilla Syrup 3. Dices of Tuna with Tomato-Pistache Marmalade 4. Fish Cakes Thai Style 5. Chicken Sticks with Mango-Teryake Sauce 6. Smoked Salmon filled with fresh Goat’s Cheese and Herbs 7. Boquerones with Sundried Tomato and Quail Egg 8. Shrimps with Papaya and Moscatel sauce 9. Scrambled Eggs with Smoked Salmon and Caviar 10. Bavarois of Horchata and Granizado of Moscatel

Restaurant Casa ‘Mola Mola’ in the old town of Calpe is a must for every food lover! For reservations call 965 839 554 / 628 057 138 Casa ‘Mola Mola’, C/la justicia 6 C/campanarie 5, 03710 Calpe

Hymn 56 48

16 - 22 JANUARY JULY 2010 2010 8-14

I BEGAN my Spiritual life amid dusty hymn books and under the constant of scrutiny of some wonderful, but intimidating Mediums. I was very young when I first entered into the Spiritualist Association of Great Britain, in Belgrave Square, Victoria, London. Just to enter into this magnificent building was sheer inspiration in itself. To climb that magnificently sweeping staircase to attend a demonstration on the first floor meant drinking in the awe of an ever present collection of spiritual guides in the atmosphere of a great Victorian house with its vaulted ceilings and original fabrics and appurtenances. My first visit was on a Sunday afternoon on a sunny Summer day. My mother trusted me to take the Tube, strictly checking with me where I would interchange stations, and arming me with a ten shilling note for my journey. As I crossed Belgrave Square, something stirred within me, and I stood just looking at the front door in anticipation of what was waiting for me. What exactly was beyond the number 33? I couldn’t wait to find out. As I took my seat right at the back of the spacious room I failed to notice that everyone had a hymn book, and I hadn’t taken one. I was just going to pick one up when I came face to face with the Medium as she made her entrance. She eyed me with some approval, smiled and took her place on the platform. She seemed to be looking right at me, and when she spoke it was initially to me, aimed right at the back row. I felt a shiver. She asked me what would be the number of the first hymn. My response was given with a dry and nervous mouth, and I wanted to say that I had no idea, however I found myself turning the pages of the hymn book held tightly in my profusely sweating hand. Wildly I blurted out the first number that came to me: Hymn 56.

The Medium proudly strode down the aisle right to the back row and showed me her neatly typed agenda. There in black and white was the number 56 - first Hymn! Smiling, the Medium looked directly at me and told me that I had come along wanting a sign, and here it was, and she hadn’t really started yet. The rest of the demonstration brought some wonderful messages and evidence of survival too. The whole time I was experiencing a strange feeling in the pit of my stomach. It was the same feeling that I still get, rather like the buzz just before take off on a plane, a sensation that I really love, and always will. I felt adrenaline flowing through my body, felt the energy of contact from the Spirit World as my Guides contacted me throughout the service, and thrilled at the excitement of seeing a real Medium giving out all that she could. As I returned home I felt the subtle energies within me. One great Guide came forward to me as I crossed the Square there in Victoria. I knew that someday, somehow, somewhere that this was something I was going to do, whatever else I had to do. My selection of the hymn number had revealed my skills and I was excited as to what all this would mean. I wondered what I would have to do. I loved leaving with a special feeling inside and somehow I knew that all would be revealed to me in due course. Crossing Baker Street station and scanning the indicator for the next Metropolitan line service I was on my way home again. My very special journey of Light and Love was really beginning to take shape, and I knew from that point onwards that I literally had a Spiritual journey to make, and my ticket to ride, and that there was no going back, ever!

Love & Light... Kenny Corris

Postbag Email your letters to me at: kennycorris@roundtownnews.com Kenny, my four-year-old son often talks into space as if he was talking to someone, and there is nobody there. I know all about the phantom friends and yet this isn’t ‘make believe’. What should I do? My partner says just let it blow over, but is that the right thing to do? Sue JK. Well, Sue, just maybe he is seeing Spirit, and you are not. Children can be very perceptive and there is surely nothing to worry about here. We have now the Crystal Age of Children. They are coming in with some of the DNA we never had, or couldn’t use, or that we didn’t know we had. I believe that children’s levels of psychic power can be quite awesome. They are using the natural talents that they were born with, and that means that they are tuning into things that we may never ever see. Monitor and check, and I will help you all that I can. Above all make your son feel special and allow him the right to develop his talents: hopefully this won’t blow over for him!

Kenny’s Diary Tuesday 20th July: Readings at Bar Peri Pera Javea from 18.00. Demonstration and Talk at 19.00. Contact: Penny Smith on: 687 926 021. Sunday 25th July: The Maya Spiritual Café in Albir Psychic and Spiritual Fair with mini readings, tarot, treatments, crystals… all are welcome, come and meet me from 14.00. Contact Els on: 966 868 213. Summer Workshops in Finestrat: July 24th : Higher Realms. July 29th: Sanctuary Half Day Meditation. August 1st: 2012 The Truth. Contact info on this page.

contact kenny Appointments: 96 587 8424 Mobile: 686 361 594 Web: www.kennycorris.net Forum: www.kennycorris.net/forum Email: kennycorris@hotmail.com Please contact me for inclusion in my healing list!

horoscopes by Kenny Corris The last vestiges of the luck and fortune of Jupiter fade away this weekend, revealing a way forward for you and a positive motive for your next move. Weighing up the pros and cons you are to be in the right place at the right time, and it is vital that you empower yourself to ensure that you get the very best deal in all this. Focus and be strong, it get’s worse before it gets better, but you know that! The dreamy romantic Taurean is a joy to perceive, and just lately you have put a lot of love and patience into a project that will bring you rich rewards and much satisfaction in the very near future. The power of positive thinking, combined with the inner talents you have harnessed and used to make a difference make it a very hard act to follow. Accept that pat on the back with pride after a job well done. Emotional upheaval greatly affects your conscious decisions right now. You badly need space, peace and quiet to get your head together and to see all this for what it really is, and not what you think it could be. People have been very open in their condemnation of a set of events they really know nothing about. Clarity and purpose will bring you the resilience to deal with all, your way, and on your terms. After the New Moon comes a good time to make some ongoing plans, especially with travel in mind. You need a change of scenery, and a chance for some rest and relaxation to boot. It is time to connect with friends and family, and to have a planned escape ready and waiting for you, far from your hectic routine and the hustle and bustle of your busy and complicated life right now. The Sun enters with a flourish at the end of this week, and spreading a little joy and energy around will be a pleasure for you. You can be so very hard on yourself, and you haven’t been in the very best of moods just lately, but resolve and adhering to positive energies sees you through this week. Someone close to you needs help, but they cannot bring themselves to admitting their current failures. Saturn, as a planet of deep wisdom and heightened security, beckons you to work together with the inner you, to bring the very best results that you currently need to stay on track, and go for gold. You have accepted second best in the past, but not any more, and what you are about to do will balance you on all levels and show you just what you can do when you work with what is within. Saturn enters just before the end of the week and brings a judgmental problem into play so it can be dealt with properly and finally, once and for all. For all concerned you will always beg to differ about what really happened, but conjectures and theories have to be eliminated as the future sheds some light on the unknown, and resolve and reward find their way in to keep the peace. A project falls into your capable hands and begs for completion. Happening quite out of the blue you are adaptable and resourceful, and how you cope with this will see a drama not becoming a crisis and you have a unique chance to show to those who matter just what you can do when you try, when left alone. All this could set a precedent and show you where you originally went wrong. You are hurting because someone has blamed you for something that wasn’t your fault. You have been covering tracks for someone else, and it seems as if your intentions have somewhat backfired. Your concern was for the truth to be told, but your need to protect someone who really cannot help themselves right now has prevailed, and you have to stand by the decision that you now must make. Pluto continues to steer the ship, but as always brings on a hidden agenda that reacts with your negative energies right now. Since you are hardly thinking straight right now you need to examine things from the roots upwards, and do not hold back in your actions. If someone has got hold of the wrong end of the stick then you cannot be blamed, so fight fire with fire for the best result. Planet Chiron is instructive and bonding, and leaves you wanting more as you are about to do your very best work. Nothing must stand in the way of your current need to make the right connections. You have suffered too much just lately, and part of coming to terms with yourself is to face any demons that linger around you. Inner strength comes from a deep belief in yourself, and a clear pathway forward. Everyone is waiting for your reaction to something that you haven’t fully grasped yet. This is delaying things somewhat and showing you a hidden agenda that could just be your salvation. You are far more than you think that you are, and whatever happens, it is high time that you took matters into your own hands and did things your way for a change. Assume control and believe in yourself.

If it’s your birthday this week... What happened had to be, and you should now spend quality time putting things behind you so you can move onwards and upwards to just where you should really be!

16 - 22 JULY 2010 8-14 JANUARY 2010

Guernica Book Review by

Danny Collins


BOLING’S NOVEL is set in the Basque town of Guernica at the time of its destruction by the Stuka squadrons of the German Luftwaffe at the behest of Nationalist forces under Franco. The author masterfully steers the pre climax plot through the loves and lives of the Navarro and Ansotegui families, joined together when Miguel Navarro flees the fishing village of Lekeitio in 1935 after an altercation with the Guardia Civil and attempts to make a new start in Guernica, where he falls in love with the fleet-footed dancer Merin Ansotegui, daughter of Justo, the strongest man in Guernica. All is well until the fearsome shadow of Spain’s Civil War threatens the Basque homeland. The Basques, never in love with the Spanish whether Catholics or Socialists, rebel in true Basque form and earn Franco’s animosity, remnants of which exist to this day. The result is the conflagration that was Guernica; Franco’s attempt at ‘ethnic cleansing’ that inflamed Basque nationalism forever. This is the story of a proud and honourable people brought alive by Boling’s sympathetic characters and background. A truly good read that recounts the history of a stunning period of Spanish and Basque history. I will always be glad I read it. Well done, Mr Boling.


Javea Green Bowls Club cheque presentation to HELP of Denia Sponsored by MATRIX 35 Finance & Europa Network PICTURED IS Mr Ian Jackson, representative of HELP of Denia, receiving a cheque for €400 from Felicity Jenkins, organiser of the recent Javea Green Fun Day. Ian thanked the Club and Felicity for the donation, and took the opportunity to explain the wider but less well known roles of the charity to the Javea Green members.

Author: Dave Boling Publisher: Picador (paperback) Price: €10.40 ISBN: 978 0 330 46066 8

All the featured books are available off the shelf or by mail order from Librería Europa, Calle Oscar Esplá 2, 03710 Calpe. Tel: 96 583 58 24; e-mail: libreria.europa.calpe@gmail.com Take along or send this review for a discount of 5% on your purchases.

25 years of service

By Jack Troughton MEMBERS OF eight Costa Blanca congregations celebrated Father Peter Edwards reaching the milestone of a quarter of a century of ordained ministry. The Senior Chaplain of the Costa Blanca Anglican Chaplaincy, he was joined at a special ‘bring and share’ lunch after the regular Sunday Eucharist at the Borja Palace, Gandia. And Father Peter was presented with a ‘sat nav’ and Bluetooth kit for his car to mark the occasion –and no doubt to help him find congregations in El Campello; Benidorm; Calpe; La Fustera; Javea; Denia; Fontiles and Gandia. Pictured receiving the gift and thanking

Alzheimer’s Association hold people’s market THIS FRIDAY, 16th July, is the Day of the Virgen del Carmen, the Patron Saint of the Sea. There will be many processions and celebrations in Constitution Square in the centre of Torrevieja and as part of the fiesta, the Alzheimer’s Association of Torrevieja will be holding a People’s Market. Stalls will include items from their shop such as quality clothes and books as well as light refreshments, homemade cakes and many more. The event takes place from 12.00 until 20:00.

the members of the congregations for their generosity are (right to left) Father Peter; Neville Jarrett, Chaplaincy Warden; Sue Clark and Edith Pidoux, Chaplaincy Warden. The Costa Blanca Anglican Chaplaincy is part of the Church of England’s Diocese in Europe. For more information go to its website www.costablanca-anglicanchaplaincy.org

Punter’s favourite touts for Paul Cunningham Nurses

A FANTASTIC atmosphere was enjoyed by all at the Race night held at the Novo Cathargo bar/restaurant in Estrella de Mar, Los Urrutias recently. Proceeds will go to Paul Cunningham Nurses who are hoping to extend their fully licensed services to the Mar Menor area. At present PCN covers from Pilar de la Horadada to Alicante and inland to Orihuela. Paul Cunningham nurses work to support and care for people with ANY end stage terminal illness, free of charge, whilst helping families with all aspects of the illness. For further information, visit www.paulcunninghamnurses.com telephone our office on 966 790 363, or e mail sueinthesun@terra.es

50 44

16 - 2226JULY 2010 4 2010 FEB - MARCH

Computing USB external hard drive error with aunty virus

Paul from the UK asks: Earlier in the year my computer was infected with a win32 virus and would not recognise any of my peripheral hardware. I managed to salvage my files but had to return to factory settings to recover the computer. All is now okay except for my USB external hard drive. The computer will not access it although it registers it with a bleep when I plug it in, the icon does not appear in My Computer. I also recovered the data using Filerecovery, which I found on the web. The same problem occurs when I connect the external hard drive to my

netbook, with which I have had no other problems. Please advise, is it a goner or can it recover? Please Email me your thoughts as I have gone back to England for the ‘summer’. Aunty says: It is possible that the drive is physically okay but what is known as the ‘partition’ is seriously corrupted. A good place to start is by right clicking on ‘my computer’ and choose ‘manage’. Click on ‘disk management’ and you should see your USB drive in the list with a status of its health. Let me know what it says and I’ll know the next step.

Windows 7

Got a story? 902 118 999

Ken via email asks: Hi Aunty, I have had Windows 7 for 6 months now and suddenly when I reboot it takes 45-60 minutes to get from ‘Windows is starting’ to the log on screen. I run Superantispyware daily which usually finds and removes 4 or 5 tracking cookies, I have run AGV and it finds nothing as does Malwarebytes. What can I do to speed things up? Aunty says: 45 minutes Ken! How on Earth do you tolerate that? There are a few things I can suggest but you will need to apply some caution and common sense as it is possible to do more harm

than good. The first is to see if this is caused by something running on startup and you can do this using the msconfig utility. Click on the ‘start’ button, type msconfig and press the enter/return key (the big key with a bent arrow ↵) You should see the System Configuration window appear and a click on the startup tab will display a list of all programs that run automatically when Windows starts. You can untick each one of these, restart your computer and see if solves the problem. If you’re not 100% confident with using msconfig then I would suggest enlisting the help of an expert.

Cleaning my Laptop Fred via email asks: Hi there Aunty, I wrote to you recently about my PC’s CPU showing 100% all of the time. I thought that you and your readers would be interested to know that I have at long last solved the issue. Amazingly, what it needed was a clean up of the cooling fan above the processor and a clean of the top of the processor itself. I was extremely careful in removing the accumulated dust and now my PC works fine. Aunty says: Hello Fred. Thanks for writing in and good to

Printing Jack via email asks: Dear Aunty, I am having dreadful trouble printing pdf files. The graphics are beautiful but any text contained on or within the doc comes out as

hear you have sorted out the problem, heat and dust in Spain seems to be a major problem and can permanently damage PCs and laptops if left unchecked. If you’re okay with a screwdriver then most PCs can be accessed through the left hand side panel where you can dislodge and blow out dust that builds up around the processor cooler and memory. Laptops are a little more fiddly but checking and cleaning the visible cooling vents on the sides and underneath can help. I know www.enetcomputers.net offer a tune-up and clean-up for around €45 which, according to them, will leave your computer running better than when it was new.

gobbledygook. I have an HP4000 series printer, and the latest version of Adobe reader 9.3. Can you help? I have reloaded the printer drivers from the supplied disk. Aunty says: Is everything else is printing okay Jack? (i.e. Word or OpenOffice) because if other

programs are printing okay then I imagine that this is a driver issue. Maybe try downloading the latest drivers from the HP website, as the software on the CD is normally out of date before the printer leaves the factory. If that doesn’t work maybe revert to an older version of Adobe Reader and see if that cures the problem.

That’s all for this week, email me on auntyvirus@roundtownnews.com and I will do my best to sort you out

- 22 july 2010 Feb 26 16 - March 4 2010

51 45

LNB The Nยบ1 Satellite Co on the Costa Blanca for all your UK TV needs LNB SATELLITE Services are one of the longest established satellite companies on the Costa Blanca. Established since 2000, LNB has built up a client base of over 7,000 customers with a full back up and after sales service. Based in Alfaz del Pi, just outside Benidorm, this family run business has been serving the public from Gandia to Torrevieja with individual systems and community systems within Urbanisations and apartments. LNB is a genuine licensed company with extensively qualified, experienced engineers and registered premises. They have been fitting satellite dish systems from 60cm to 2.4m dishes for the last 10 years, allowing you to view all your favourite UK channels for free with no monthly subscription. If you have an existing Sky satellite system, even on a small dish, it would be an idea to give LNB Satellite a call, because over the past couple of years lots of things have changed and you may be able to view more channels without any upgrades, including ITV plus all BBC Sport coverage, or go one step further with a Sky Plus Box and watch one channel whilst recording another - life could not be simpler. LNB strives to offer the best value systems on the Costa Blanca and pride themselves on their excellent after sales service, offering their genuine aftercare promise with all systems. They are proud of the business they have built with their team. But they never lose sight of the fact that you, the customer, are the only reason that they are here. They have worked hard in an effort to earn your business, and want

LNB would be delighted to discuss all your television needs

to stress their committed service to all their customers. They will be delighted to discuss all your television needs, and the LNB office is open Mondays to Fridays from 09.30 till 18.30, and on Saturdays from 10.00 till 13.30. Telephone 965 873 726 or 669 686 587.

About Discreet Dish Installation: A common concern among people considering a satellite system is the visual impact of a dish on their home. In most cases, nothing more than a little thought is required to ensure a discreet installation. However, even in less straightforward situations, a number

of unobtrusive locations can be used. Where a dish cannot be installed discreetly, it can be disguised by careful painting with lead-free, matt paint. A qualified satellite installer will always work with you to find a suitable location so why not call LNB today to arrange a Free Site Survey to find the system to suit your needs.

16 july 20102010 14- -2220 may

61 52



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16 - 22 JULY 2010

Rally Bulgaria 2010 RUNNING FROM its rally base in the Rila mountain resort of Borovets, WRC visited Bulgaria for the first time as rally fans anticipated a battle for the title lead. The new rally, with almost perfect tarmac roads, is a compact event set in stunning mountain scenery!

Rally Preview by

ARE THE BULGARIANS UP TO THE JOB? Surprisingly the event was looked Citroen, Benijofar after by some 1,000 members of staff and the Management committee have already been praised by Ford and Citroen for their enthusiasm and professionalism in organising the event. However, there were some issues about traffic control and crowd control on stage 7 which ended being cancelled on safety grounds!

Andy Stephenson

HOW ARE THE DRIVERS SHAPING UP? Loeb came out of the blocks with his usual passion for the lead, along with team Citroen fighting for their place on the podium. However, Sebastian Ogier was tipped to be the star of the event as he honed his skills on tarmac, overshadowing the talents of Spain’s Danni Sordo. Rally Portugal gave us a glimpse into the future of rallying as ‘King Seb’ had his feathers ruffled

by team mate Sebastian Ogier whose stunning rally won his first WRC event. Spain’s Danni Sordo has had a lacklustre season; although running at sixth in the championship, he struggles on gravel surfaces as a tarmac expert and obviously finds it difficult having Seb Loeb as his team mate. Ford is not far behind Citroen in the Manufacturers title race. With only 26 points in it as they go to Rally Bulgaria, Mikko Hirvonen and Jari-Matti Latvala are playing a cool consistent waiting game for a weakness in the armour of the Citroen fighting machine. RALLY WRAP 1-2-3-4 Throughout the rally Citroen dominated the event yet again, achieving its best-ever result in Bulgaria: a one-two-three-four finish. Strangely Ford was noticed more by their lack of performance than setting any serious pace, largely due to a wrong call from Malcolm Wilson who insisted drivers use a harder compound tyre; a disastrous move, putting Ford out of the running. A big thank-you to everyone who got in touch after the last Rally Preview; I particularly enjoy the comments of Mr Ron McCaw with reminiscences on rallying in the 70´s and 80’s and the

Citroen are leading the driver standings with 232 points

way rallying has evolved from a basic 2 wheel drive ‘masters of sideways driving’ to 4 wheel drive Turbocharged rally beasts. Both, for me, hold their place in history and are as exciting to watch now as back in the 80´s in the forests of Northern England. CHAMPIONSHIP STANDINGS 1. Sebastien Loeb 151 2. Sebastien Ogier 100 3. Mikko Hirvonen 86 4. Jari-Matti Latvala 80 5. Petter Solberg 78 6. Dani Sordo 67 7. Matthew Wilson 40 8. Federico Villagra 26 9. Henning Solberg 25 10. Kimi Raikkonen 15 11. Mads Ostberg 10 12. P-G Andersson 7 13. Xavi Pons 6

14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21.

Jari Ketomaa Frigyes Turan Martin Prokop Dennis Kuipers Khalid Al Qassimi Armindo Araujo Aaron Burkart Ken Block

4 4 2 2 2 1 1 0

DRIVER STANDINGS 1. Citroen Total World Rally Team 232 2. BP Ford Abu Dhabi Rally Team 185 3. Citroen Junior Team 125 4. Stobart M-Sport Ford Rally Team 98 5. Munchi’s Ford World Rally Team 40 Don´t forget to keep in touch with your views about WRC and who you think will be crown WRC champion in 2010 to wrcrallynuts@hotmail.com. Watch out for Rally Preview Finland in RTN on Friday 30th July...!

Sponsered by Citroen Benijofar, Par Motor Benijofar, 105 Avenida Frederico Garcia Lorca, Benijofar. Call 966 713 429 or 966 714 497 for more information Brian Deller is on holiday this week and will be back next week with more of your motoring questions and answers.




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PEDIGREE LHASA APSO PUPPIES K.C Reg ready in 6 weeks, 3 girls & 1 boy. CHIPPED & INOCULATED. Ring 634-108-686/ 683 for price to view or book REGISTERED SPANISH HORSE FOR SALE Stallion, 4 years old. Beautiful horse with a great temperament. Blacky/ grey, full registered Spanish papers. Well ridden. 1,63 metre, 16.1HH. Travels well in box, shoes well. Competed in in-hand shows. Call Olivia for more information 605-778-559 SMALL FRIENDLY BRITISH KENNELS individual runs, large excercise area. 25 mins Alicante airport. www.parkbark.co.uk 628-244-712

SMALL DOGS CARED FOR IN OUR OWN HOME so if you need to go away on holiday but don’t want your dog to go into kennels then we will look after them. References available on request. Call Diane and Trish: 965843781 or 622514980 (Altea Area)

MOBILE ECO CAR VALETING Ready to go with state of the art Steam machine for inside and out of vehicles amazing results no mess uses approx 5 litres water. Sale includes Van all tools products and training. 11,500€ Call Andy 619-559-005 for details. 25 PRINGLE VENDING MACHINES With Locations. All cash, 500€ net per week. 8 hours work per week.14,900€ 965-326-442/659-696-455 FOR SALE HAIRDRESSING AND BEAUTY SCHOOL Fully Equipped Main Salon (open to public), Classroom, Reception, Beauty Room etc. City and Guilds plus ITEC accredited. Torrevieja. Call:96-678-4403 for details. EARN MONEY Tax Free. See Employment Column. LEISURE PRODUCTS BUSINESS established 10 years, rental and sales income, top Google ranking, future expansion plans in place, if required. Price 150,000€ which represents approx. one years profit and stock of around 50,000€. Currently run from home. Low Overheads. Please E-mail leec697@gmail.com BAR BISTRO FOR SALE on popular lemon tree market. Excellent potencial. 88 cover. Sale due to ill health. Tel: 966-180-168/ 655-479-753 CASHKING TORREVIEJA Pawnshop for sale. Highly profitable Pawnshop with licence to Pawn, Buy, Sell Gold, Watches, Consumer Electronics, ect. For first contact and more. Information admin@ cashking.es or Tel. 965-703-774 DUE TO RETIRMENT: Very popular profitable magazine business for sale. Now in its 6th year. Alicante area. Worked part time, minimal overheads. includes all equipment Tel 690-222-273

DRAIN SOLUTIONS Problems with constantly blocked drains? Need to trace the direction of your drains runs? Our drain camera gives you DVD evidence of your problems and above ground locators pinpoint the position. Tel Graham 626-570-121 MOBILE/ PARK HOMES From 15.000€ TV, A/C, TEL, some with conservatories, permanent site, pool, tennis, new lounge bar, supermarket, 5 mins walk San Javier, all amenities, 3KM beach & hospital. 7 mins Murcia airport by car. Carol 968-192-425/ 626-055-622. Email: haydn47@hotmail.com Web: www. mobilehomesmarmenor spain.com FOR SALE MOBILE HOME At Camping Almafra. 3 years old, plot 273. 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms. To view call Mary - Plot 291. Tel: 0044-7860-744-675.

ONLINE E-BUSINESS SUPPORT SERVICES INCLUDES: Promotional website marketing slideshows, banners, videos, audio files, graphics, logos, photo retouching, e-business consulting & training. Monthly fee covers hourly support and training services by email or telephone. Contact: Karla Darocas - info@Darocas.com or 648 156 066

LADY LOOKING FOR WORK Kitchen assistant, domestic or looking after the elderly. Tlf:649-570-438 EARN MONEY Tax Free, Legally. 250+€ P/Week. Work Self Employed from Home, PM, with a Computor & ADSL in Sportsworld activities. E Mail: horces@gmail. com for Details. AVON NEED AGENTS AND LEADERS work hours to suit you. For info Phone Rosh 966-785-520 FEMALES AND COUPLES 18 to 65 required for adult internet photo and video modeling. Excellent rates. 697-697-842.

GARDEN SERVICES private or community gardens CUT COSTS not Quality 619 336 762 PALM & TREE TRIMMING/ REMOVAL All Garden Maintenance Call 619336762

16 - 22 JULY 2010


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16 - 22 july 2010

NEED A WEBSITE? Websites start 395euros, free domain name, free hosting. www. websitedesignscostablanca.com Tlf:-966-182-275 ANY REFORMS, MAINTENANCE, GENERAL REPAIRS. No job to big or small. Pices cannot be beaten. Free estimates. Call Hrista 667-339-588/ 965-709-203

PERSONAL TRAINER Ex-world kickboxing champion. All martial arts taught, weight loss, all ages, private gym. 965-326-442/ 659-696-455 HAIRDRESSER, EXPERIENCED IN LADIES & MEN’S HAIR Competitive rates. In the comfort of your own home or mine. Calpe, Jalon, Moraira & Javea areas. Tel Gill:-618508649 WEIGHT WATCHERS Call our free English call centre now to find your nearest meeting. 900-818-794 QUIRO-MASSAGE & REFLEXOLOGY Relax and let yourself be carried away by a professional in massage. You will feel really great! Come to a professional qualified in Quiro-massage & Reflexology! Appointments by consultation! 639-439-890. Denia. PRESTIGE NURSING offers Legal, Registered and Professional Home Care on the Costa Blanca. All your home nursing care service needs can be undertaken by our highly trained nursing/ domiciliary team. Call Prestige Nursing on 687-015-517 JODIE’S GELS Nail technician: Gel nail extensions, gel nail overlays, gel toenails. Finishes: French, colour, glitter. Repairs. Tel: 622-244-613. CREATIVE NAILS Creative acrilic nails. You come to me (Alfaz Del Pi) or I’ll come to you (Altea - Villajoyosa). Fully qualified, 15 years experience. Tel: 669-126-281.

BOOKS FOR SALE In English: Quest for Adventure-Chris Bonnington 1982, Coastwise Navigation-GG Watkins, 1962, Navigation for Yachtsment-Mary Blewit 1973, The Sailing ManualBob Bond 1973,Cruising Under Sail-Eric Chiswick 1965, Man O´War-The Fighting Ship In History-Richard Hough 1979. 6 Hardback books for 25euros. In Spanish: Set of 20 Non Fiction new books (still wrapped) Assorted authors suit student. 35euros the lot. Tlf: 691-202-307 LA MARINA FURNITURE All Furniture Bought & Sold At Unbeatable Prices. Now Also In Shop, New Linen, Lingerie, Jewellery & JML Products. Also Cars Bought For Cash. Come and visit La Marina Furniture shop on the main street through La Marina. Call Allan on 966-443-370 or 625-985-491 FOR SALE Beautiful old convertible snooker/dining table with original ivory balls. Slate base. Gd con. 2.00m x 1.10m. 750€ono. Call Andy 630949883. ALADDIN’S For quality furniture and second hand household goods at prices that won’t dent your wallet telephone 966-457-291

ALADDIN’S Disappointed with offers elsewhere on Jewellery etc? Telephone 966-457-291 1.9M PORTUGUESE DISH One year old. Bargain 450€ O.N.O. Tlf:966-810-655 or 685-427-236 VILLA CLEARANCE SALE Dining table, chairs, matching sideboard, single beds, Mountain bikes, bed settee, many other items. 696655028. 4 STURDY WHITE SUN LOUNGERS With Full Length Cushioning. Very Comfortable. as New 200€. Calpe. Tlf:965-837-286 BLUE CANE THREE PIECE SUITE 3 Seater settee plus 2 singles. Good Condition. 100€ Calpe. Tlf:-965-837-286 TWO BICKERTON FOLDING BICUCLES For Sale old but in good condition, 60€. the pair. Tlf:965-745-325 2 ORANGE SOFAS GC 190€ tall Fridge freezer 150€, heavy cast table Lamp 35€, Washing machine 150€, Dining table 4 chairs 75€, long wooden Coffee table 35€, free standing Parasol 35€, TV 37 FLAT 300€ 637909080 BREAKFAST TABLE, TALL, ROUND chrome/glass with 2 chrome stools hardly used 85€. Job lot. 2x boxes of books on antiques cost a fortune. 30€ Linguaphone English/Spanish. complete 12cd/ book set. cost £279. 50€ Steve 646686448

ZUMBA & GIRLY BITZ Fun, easy to follow, calorie burning Salsa, merengue,samba,flamenco and more.A dance fitness class that feels like a party!Beginners classes too!Javea,Benitachell & Benissa. Call kimberley 696746091 or e mail info@zumbacostablanca.com. ww.zumbacostablanca.com

HARLEY DAVIDSON HERITAGE SOFTAIL LIMITED EDITION Colour pale turquoise, cream, lots of chrome. Purchased new in Alicante 1998.Superb condition, a real head turner.€ 13,000. Tel. 96 571 9939. SUZUKI GRX 600 gorgeous bike, good condition. 3,000€. Tel Allan 625-985-491 REPAIR & SOLD & BUY pickup from your home second hand motorbikes and scooter for reasonable price and quick service open 7 days. Tel: 680-644-010

MINI SMOOTH DACHSHUND PUPS for sale mini smooth dachshund pups.top pedigree. lovely temperament.ideal pets.tel 965975470 or go to www.minimeades.com PINE FURNITURE SALE Top quality furniture. Flat pack or constructed. The stock includes:Kingsize Beds, Double Beds, Single Begs, Treble Robes, Double Robes, Bedside Cabs, Chests of Drawers, Computer Desks, Sideboards, Welsh Dressers, Bookcases, Tallboys, Mirrors, Wine Tables, Display Cabinets. Tlf: 628-499-448. POOL, SNOOKER TABLES will beat any price. Tel: 666-933-726 HOUSE AND PET SITTING call Margaret 968-186-781 or 659-824-156 KARAOKE MEDIA PLAYER “Brand New” 500GB. 70,000songs, software, songbooks, bar/home use. 275euros Tlf:-654-925-679

LA MARINA FURNITURE All Furniture Bought & Sold At Unbeatable Prices. Now Also In Shop, New Linen, Lingerie, Jewellery & JML Products. Also Cars Bought For Cash. Come and visit La Marina Furniture shop on the main street through La Marina. Call Allan on 966-443-370 or 625-985-491 FLYING FLOWERS beautiful bouquets to any UK address. Order by credit or debit card. Call Kelly’s 965-761-595/ 966-425-713

FOR SALE ELECTRIC SCOOTER Beauty 50km autonomy, silver, completely new, shop price 1860euros, but you can get it for only 900euros Tel:- 966-850-252

DATEMED.ES Great new online dating site for English speaking people on the Costa Blanca. Free memberships - Join Now! www.datemed.es

CHEVROLET MATIZ 2005 white LHD 5 door 70,000kms ITV Feb 2011 excellent condition 3200 EUROS Tel 649 205 255 VOLKSWAGON BEETLE. LHD UK registered. 60,000 miles service history. All Electrics. Immaculate. 3500€. 966 77 2153 or 627 463 523. LDV MAXSUS LWB XHR 2007 VAN. 15,000 miles, Can be imported. UK reg. 9000 euros NO VAT call Barry 96 213 57 49 Mob 689 925 522 FORD TOURNEO CONECT Combi 1.8 TDDi May 2006 Met Silver SH R/Privacy Glass Sony CD Air Con, 106k kms 5,550€ Andy 619-559-005 ROVER 75 DIESEL automatic diesel saloon, 2001, metallic gold, biege interior,excellent condition throughout, full electric pack, itv, suma paid, bargain 3750 euros, transfer included, 649806579 CARS WANTED accident damage, tech. problems from year 2002. Tel 661-362-005 RENAULT BOX VAN 2.5 diesel, white 2007. Full Service History, New Condition, 67,000kms. Tlf: 628-499-448 OPEL CORSA 1.5 YEAR 1995 Ideal as a first car for a new driver, well maintained and cared for. 3 new tyres, MOT to Jan 2011, DVD player etc. 995€ tlf 691-202-307. Altea area (close to Benidorm) WE BUY AND SELL quality late vans, cars and combis. For an instant decision phone 605-669-388/ 680-665-583

BABY EQUIPMENT FOR HIRE chair, car seat, etc 965-836-450/ 696-206-249.

PAINTERS AND DECORATORS Interior painting. 1 bedroom property from 135€. 2 bed prop from 200€. 3 bed prop from 265€. Fast and reliable service. Will quote for exterior painting. No job too small. For more info tel: 634-793-984.

GENERIC VIAGRA safe effective 100mg blue pills 24 for 50€. Also Kamagra oral jellies, effective in 15 minutes and generic Cialis, effective for 36 hours. Confidential postal or collection service. Call Ron at TT Marketing 966-499-204 LADY OFFERS PROFESSIONAL Massage and other services, Calle Maria Parodi. Tlf:-695-042-381 LATINA 45 YEARS Looking for serous long term partner. Tlf:-649570-438 SPANISH LADY PLAYA FLAMENCA near new Carrefour before La Florida. 35 years, attractive, classy lady, private house, parking. Offers all erotic services, massage, sexy lingerie, economical prices from 40€. Full discretion. Call Ana 680-735-412 ELEGANT, SLIM, SEXY LADY Available Santa Pola-Mazarron. Tlf-693-357-526 HEY LADIES enjoy a Spanking to Dreamy Ecstasy, NO FEES, Guardamar to Alcazares, Details: headmaster@live.co.uk” WOMAN, TORREVIEJA New Beauty, Brunette, Slim body, special massage. Tlf: 698-278-334 NATACHA Divorced, erotic massage, very hygienic apartment, Ourtings, mimimum 60€. Calle Goleta 26, near Avda Habaneras. Tlf:677-676-554 UNSATISFIED MARRIED WOMAN im married and i give massages, and im waiting for you. Tel: 644052399 XXXXX PORNOGRPHIC DVD’S nearly all interests. 7 for 25€. Tel: 615-474-139 KAMAGRA 100MG 24 tablets for 50€ also fast acting jellies and weekenders. Free discreet delivery. Quesada & surrounding area. Derek 685-207-378 SEXY COUPLE OR SEPARATE Offers pleasure for couples, women, men, girl on girl, relaxed, discrete. At our apartment or yours. Call Jasmine/Sebastian 663-478337 NEW PLACE! TORREVIEJA Sexy girls from South America. Come and enjoy, economical prices from 40€. NEW ADDRESS Zone Los Locos beach. 639-622-285 CASA ANGELA TORREVIEJA Luxury Private Chalet, parking. Drinks invitation. Feeling alone? Just want some company? Exotic

girls from South America. Call us, come and enjoy! Also Escort Service. Full discretion. Street: Avenida Asociacion Vistimas del Terrorismo. 609-573-468 or 639-832-118 TORREVIEJA CHINESE SUPER SEXY Young and beautiful. Calle Orihuela Nº60, 2º1 MALE 55 & MY STUNNING GIRLFRIEND 25 both British, Voyeur shows & threesomes with A, DP & SR. Also home-made DVD’S by post or collect. Torrevieja Call Steve 697-892-969 TRANSVESTITE TORREVIEJA dark skin, big vreasts, big surprise. Tel 610-934-279 www. esnegratrans.blogspot.com TORREVIEJA CHINESE SUPER SEXY GIRL! Young and beautiful. Calle Orihuela Nº60, 2º1 JAVEA, MORAIRA East Europeon lady, super erotic massage and more. 661-034-261 Hotel & Home visits GORGEOUS ENGLISH BLOND 45 years, gives discreet massage, 1 hour or over night stay, 15 mins Alicante airport. Tel: Karen 662-049-021

WEDDING PHOTOGRAPHER Now with video highlights included as standard. Contact Steve 966470-163/662-570-702 .

SWIMMING POOLS 8x4 10,000€. Building & repairing. All types of building work undertaken. Concrete flooring & tiled from 30€m2. Tel: 600-776-672 (Eglish) 677-643-845 (Español) POOL LEAK REPAIR SPECIALIST’S Pipe leaks pressure tested, detected and repaired. Structural leaks investigated and repaired. 100’s of private and communal pools successfully repaired on the Costa Blanca. Refurbishments and upgrades undertaken. Replacement pumps, filters, salt systems, ph regulators and accessories supplied and installed. All work guaranteed. British trained in the UK pool industry with over 15 years experience. Torrevieja and surrounding areas including Costa Calida. Tel Pristine Pools on 966774-199 or 678-080-500 Email info@pristineswimmingpools.com www.pristineswimmingpools.com SWIMMING POOL MAINTENANCE AND CLEANING SERVICE BY POOLTECHSPAIN. We are a fully legal, qualified and registered business who have been operating on the Costa Blanca for 6 years. We offer a professional, reliable, safe and efficient pool service, inc. re-grouting, pressure testing and leak repairs. Private and community swimming pools undertaken. Call now for more information on 965-725-565 or mobile 676-945-360/ 620-743-048 www. pooltechspain.com

16 - 22 july 2010

WE ARE LOOKING FOR RESALE PROPERTIES on the ORIHUELA COSTA. If you want to sell yours, please contact us. Tel: 616-939326, 966-773-985, www.hf-immo.com

LA FLORIDA Det. house, 250m² plot, 2 bed, bath, conservatory, solarium, sunny locaiton, off-road parking, fire place, in need of some renovations. 119.000€. Tel: 616939-326, 966-773-985, www.hf-immo.com LA ZENIA Det. villa, 400m² plot, 3 bed, 2 baths, dining room, fire place, furn., nice garden, large storage and garage, pool possible. 176.000 euro. Tel: 616-939-326, 966-773-985, www.hf-immo.com LA ZENIA BEACH Semi-detached, 280m2 plot, 2 bed, 1 bath, terrace, priv. pool poss. , in need of renovations, quiet location, short walk to beach. 129.000euro. Tel: 616-939-326, 966-773-985, www.hf-immo.com VILLAMARTIN Corner house, 2 bed (3 poss.), 2 baths, air con, furnished, beautiful garden, 3 terraces, comm. pool, quiet + sunny. 116000 euro. Tel: 616 939 326, 966 773 985, www.hf-immo.com

MAR AZUL, TORREVIEJA Corner apartment, 3 bed, 2 baths, furn., lift, balcony, nice sea views, comm. pool, 100m from the beach. 115.000€ Tel: 616-939-326, 966773-985, www.hf-immo.com LA FLORIDA Terraced house, 2 bed, 1 bath, sep. Kitchen, storage, terrace, sunny location, 54.000 euro. Tel: 616-939-326, 966-773985, www.hf-immo.com PLAYA FLAMENCA Groundfloor apartment, 2 bed, furn., terrace, patio, comm. pool, 79.000 Euro. Tel: 616-939-326, 966-773-985, www.hf-immo.com LA FLORIDA Large corner house, 3 bed, 2 baths, furn., large balcony, solarium, sea views, garden, off-road parking, comm. pool, 117.800€. Tel: 616-939-326, 966-773-985, www.hf-immo.com VILLARMARTIN Det. villa, 107m² living area, 2 bed, 2 baths, storage, nice terrace, balcony, off-road parking, air con, fire place, 154.000€. Tel: 616-939-326, 966-773-985, www. hf-immo.com VILLAMARTIN Ground floor apartment, 1 bed, 1 bath, amer. kitchen, air con, morning sun, beautiful comm. pool, 49.999€. Tel: 616-939-326, 966-773-985, www.hf-immo.com LOS BALCONES Det. Villa, 3 bed, 2 baths, 400m2 plot, car port, terraces, alarm, safe, fire place, air con, heating, sunny location, private pool, 297.000€. Tel: 616-939-326, 966-773-985, www.hf-immo.com MOBILE/PARK HOMES Ready to move into on permanent site. From 15,000eurosCarol. 968-192-425 Mob. 626-055-622. Web. www.mobilehomesmarmenor spain.com FOR SALE OR TO RENT Classic Spanish Old Town House. 3 double bedrooms (one with en-suite bathroom), master bath, downstairs toilet, new kitchen, large living room diner with real fire. Terrace with bbq, summer kitchen and shower. Separate sun terrace with views to the mountains. Recently reformed and fully furnished. 135,000€ or 450€ per month.Tel: 609-177-032.

WOODEN CHALET, EL REALENGO rural site, furnished, 2 bedrooms, large plot, must sell, reasonable offers considered. 664-760-428


Buyer’s structural surveys, defects reports & solutions Mark Paddon BSc Hons Building Surveying. MCIOB. T 0034 962 807 247 M 0034 653 733 066

TWO BEDROOM DETACHED CHALET A/C, TV/DVD, Community Pool, near Beaches and Town, Toretta 1 on Mi-Sol Park. 300€+bills. Tlf:617-599-470 LA SIESTA lovely 2/3 bedroom upper floor bungalow with separate kitchen, lounge/Diner, balcony and large solarium overlooking La Mata National Park and Lake, Telephone and English TV installed 375€ P.C.MTelephone 697243365 CABO ROIG BEACHSIDE 1 minute from beach Cala Capitan. Apartments or terraced house for rent. Long term or short term. Tel: 966-773-985. FOR RENT OR FOR SALE Classic Spanish Old Town House. 450€ per month. Tel: 609-177-032. (See main advert description under For Sale - General) VALENCIA CITY Two double rooms available in stunning shared 140m2 apartment, with 14m2 sunny terrace. The bedrooms share a full bathroom. Apartment is spacious, modern, wooden floors, light and sunny, peaceful, but only 15 mins walk to city centre. Supermarkets and market within 5 mins walk. View from terrace across city to mountains (6th floor atico). Apt has lift, trastero, internet, a/c and heating, new washing machine, new fridge, microwave, dishwasher and spacious lounge/dining area. Peaceful street with plenty of bars and restaurants nearby. To share apt with one other female, English, 34. No smokers (or you smoke on the terrace!). Professionals with work only. Looking for relaxed people with sense of humour who are used to sharing. Beautiful apt. Bills included. OPTION 2: If only one room is rented the price is 450 incl bills. Deposit of one month’s rent. Call 696 534 228. Hablo espanol! ALGORFA TOWN CENTRE two bedroom ground floor flat, large terrace, swimming pool, furnished 250€ per month. Ring 00447949589539 or londonangels@hotmail.com

INTERPRETER cheap rates, I can help out with: Medical, Police, Schools, Admin. Call Olivia 605-778-559 TRANSLATOR Spanish and English speaking. Available for medical visits etc. Benidorm and surrounding areas. Tel Dawn: 626-337-258.


TURN YOUR UNWANTED FURNITURE Electrical, Houshold Goods and Brica-Brac into Cash. Anything! Anywhere! 96-531-9220 618-165-877 GOLD WANTED English jeweller wishes to buy unwanted gold jewellery/coins. To book an appointment call Peter. Instant cash paid! Member of the National association of Goldsmiths. Call 664 890 990

MAN IN A TRANSIT fast economincal reliable service. Ring for quote 965-836-450/ 696-206-249.

LARGE EMPTY VAN with experienced owner, driver returning to UK regularly. Dave: 965-329-610/ 686-767-839 MAN & LWB SPRINTER VAN going to UK- Spain twice a month. Tel: 610-846-260 or 0044-7519186-355 email van.man@hotmail.co.uk MICK WITH HIS VAN Removals Collections Deliveries. For a reliable effective service. Hourly rate or quote. Call Mick anytime 600-247-535

ONLINE SPANISH LESSONS Learn how to put words together and start talking. Easy and effective system with immediate results. 600-400-668 www.howtospeakspanish.es GET YOUR COPY OF ‘SUPER SIMPLE SPANISH’ (Basic essential words) from Round Town News - Vall De Biar 14, La Nucia 03530 or Calle Aviles 41, Com. San Luis, Local 7, Torrevieja 03184. BRITISH GRADUATE TEACHER offers secondary/ primary tuition. English/ mathematics. Tel: margaret Johnson B.Ed. 965-350-516/ 616-660-687

FORGET THE REST GO TO THE BEST Crystal Clear Satellite & Telecommunications for all your digital & TV requirements Steve 660-186-505 Ros 965-584-097 www.ccsattv.com info@ccsattv.com DIGITAL SATELLITE SYSTEMS Largest supplier and installer of famaval satellite equipment on the costa blanca. A genuine registered company with genuine registered premises. Mon-fri 8:00- 4:30. Www. digitalsatsystems.com 965-852251/ 965-866-999/ 965-854-528/ 966-804-748 (or see our main ad in the tv section)

JALON VALLEY RENTALS is looking for properties in the Jalon area for the 2010 holiday season. By placing your property with us you receive excellent coverage in the highest ranking websites and publications. Call us now for more information on our complete, lowcommission service for short term rentals. Tel: 619642035


16 - 22 july 2010

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16 - 22 july 2010

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16 - 22 JULY 2010

The final whistle The reign of Spain With Andy Kay

World champions! SO, SPAIN are World Champions. We should be pleased. There aren’t that many people who can say they live in a country that has won the World Cup. However, I’ve got this nagging feeling at the back of my head and annoyingly, I can’t quite seem to put my finger on why I’m not satisfied with Spain’s success. There are plenty of reasons why I should be. For a start, regular readers of RTN will know that Spain was my tip to triumph. And, as we all know, there’s nothing like a bit of ‘I told you so’. Also, technically, the Spanish were a joy to watch. While Rooney and Gerrard were running around like headless chickens and failing to trap bags of cement, the Spaniards played the beautiful game – comfortable in possession, passing accurately and often, barely rattled and supremely confident in their own ability. And yet. And yet. Looking back at their results give a clue to my feeling of unease. Indeed, the signs were there in the first group game. Spain dominated possession against Switzerland, were much the better team but got beaten 1 – 0. True, they didn’t panic and stuck to their beliefs as the group matches unfolded but David Villa aside, their lack of a goal scoring threat was never really overcome. Astonishingly, the only team that Spain beat by more than one goal was Honduras. And they weren’t great shakes, let’s be honest. Chile were defeated 2 – 1 and from the last sixteen, all the way to the final, Spain won their last four matches by a score line of 1 – 0. In other words, they did just enough. Now, of course, I realise that’s the name of the game. If England had won 7 matches on the spin by a goal to nil would I have taken that? Most certainly. But from Spain, I expected a bit more. True, they only conceded twice throughout the tournament but eight goals from seven matches isn’t the best return so I can’t see this Spanish side going down as one of the ‘greatest’ ever to have lifted the World Cup. And they won’t be remembered as one of the most exciting teams either. Not with the likes of Germany and Uruguay around. Buy they did win it. No-one can take that away from them and they’ll be feted in this country for ever and a day. I just wish they’d done it more emphatically. DUTCH DOPES Holland went in to the final unbeaten for nearly 30 games and having won all 6 matches in South Africa. So why on earth did they abandon their successful formula and go out in Johannesburg intent on kicking lumps out of their opponents? And their moans about English referee Howard Webb are ludicrous. Yes, he made an error before the Spanish goal but by that time, Holland were lucky not to be down to 8 players such was the standard of their behaviour. And, if you want to talk about mistakes, as the Dutch players and media have done in the days after the game, perhaps they should look at Arjen Robben who had two glorious chances to score and missed them both; both far bigger cock-ups than those of Webb.

Football crazy By Jack Troughton TALENTED YOUNGSTERS are playing international football in this year’s Costa Blanca Cup and hoping to taste glory. Javea’s FC Amigos has entered two teams in the tournament – an ‘Alevine’ (under 12) side coached by Terry Denty and an under 10 ‘Benjamine’ team led by coach Richard West. The Costa Blanca Cup format closely follows the World Cup with eight mini leagues of four teams and the top two sides from each qualifying for the knockout rounds and a final at Benidorm. The Alevine team started its campaign with a win over CD San Jose, a side from Castilla Leon, and met clubs from Russia and Venezuela in its league games. And the younger FC Amigos side narrowly lost to the champions of Andalucia in its thrilling opener but was still confident of progress-

ing by picking up points from games with Villajoyosa and Madrid champions ‘the Rottweiler’s. WORLD “Just like the World Cup we are competing with teams from all over the world with 250 teams taking part in various age groups,” said Terry. “If the Avelines qualify, we could meet teams from Cameroon, Andorra or Madrid in the next stage. If the Benjamines qualified for the next round we could play teams from Venezuela or Brazil.” He said all the boys in the two sides were “proud” to represent amigos de Javea in the competition. “Even though we are only from a small community compared to the international and ‘big city’ teams we are competing against, we are hoping to give a good account of ourselves in the competition,” Terry added.

FC Amigos Avelines



Costa Blanca round-up

Maggots end by

David Hoare

968 199 279

RODS AND REELS THIS WEEK’S match was the 4th in the Summer series. The match was held on a new venue, still the Rio Segura but at Olivarejos, near Calasparra. This venue, we had been told, had some big fish in it. This was borne out by the fact that some 6 or so of us latched into these fish but nobody managed to land one. The fish, when hooked, just decided to go down river and that was it! As this is in a valley, the temperature was very hot with the car showing around 40º when we finished, and of course with the heat came an abundance of flies! Terrapins still abound up there as a number of anglers caught them (but not me). TOP RODS ON THE DAY 1st Ian (Irish Wizard) Dalzell, fishing the pole using maggot and hemp with 6.020 kilos 2nd Clive (Golf No More) Cleghorn, fishing the waggler using tares with 3.960 kilos 3rd Ian (From the Darkside) Haughton, fishing the pole using maggot and hemp with 3.360 kilos ANGLERS TOGETHER ANGLERS TOGETHER continues to grow with firm friendships formed since the group started 4 years ago. Many members fish together regularly and say they are happy to have taken up a sport to replace golf and the like which have become so expensive. We have the occasional organised outing but the main aim is to introduce members to find fishing companions and to assist in finding the venues. It costs €10 to join for the first year and €5 per annum for each year after. If you are interested in joining or finding out more about Anglers Together, either come along to one of the meetings or contact Alan below: email: anglerstogether@gonuts4free.com or call Alan Roscoe on 968 570 876. Meetings are generally held on the first Friday and Saturday of each month depending on other public holidays and local fiestas. Anyone with an interest in fishing (sea or freshwater) is welcome to come along to a meeting to see what we’re about. NOTE: There is no meeting in August. The next meetings will be held on Friday 10th September at 12.00 at Mary’s Bar in Campoverde (north of Pilar de la Horadada) and on Saturday 11th September at 12.00 at Los Galayos Bar, opposite the beach front at Puerto de Mazarron. WARNING: Anglers fishing a couple of weeks ago at Argos were all checked for their licenses and insurance so don’t take chances and make sure you have all relevant documents to hand. Tight Lines, Dave Hoare

THE RTN Golf Club is free to join and members are entitled to a generous ‘two for one’ offer to ensure the sport is affordable for everyone – making sure golfers are out enjoying themselves rather than worrying about the cost of a game. The club is open to every resident – all that is needed to qualify is an NIE number – and a round of golf, including a buggy, will cost no more than €50 per head – slashing the current club average green fee of €80. Go to www.roundtownnews.co.uk and tap in a few details – or inquire at golf clubs taking part in this exciting new venture! Well? What are you waiting for!

ANYONE FOR FOOTBALL? Aged between 20 to 40 ? Torrevieja area Call Doug on 628 789 335

16 - 22 july 2010

What about the rest of us? ALL THE golf clubs seem to worry about are the golf societies. That is a common arguNoel’s world ment that I hear from many golfers. The or husband and wife who want of golf individual to play have to pay through the nose with By Noel Eastwell ridiculous prices being charged. Professional coach In many places this argument seems to and RTN golf expert be very true. Very few golf courses seem to 639 730 891 offer any sort of discount for the two ball or four ball that just do not want to play society golf but still want to play the game, or some want to play outside the golf society. There is no doubt that these people should be catered for and on The Costa Blanca we have The RTN Golf Club that we launched 18th June. This provides a discount for this type of golfer. Once this has proven to be a success we will hopefully be able to roll it out to our friends on The Costa Del Sol where the casual golfers seem to suffer the overpricing of golf that Spain has developed over recent years. Golf in Spain is far from value for money and just when the course owners realise this I would hate to try and guess. The Spanish people are intensely proud and I don’t have a problem with that at all. Sooner rather than later though we are going to have to see a change of thinking or we are going to lose golf courses. We have already lost several thousand holidaymaking golfers annually to golf resorts that provide value for money. Most of these will take a lot of persuading to come back. The deals they are offered will have to be exceptional if we are to ever to see them return. The resident golfing public of Spain, whether they be Expatriates or Spanish, cannot afford to pay high prices for golf: nobody has a pocketful of money anymore and it will be many years before we see that situation return. It makes sense for the golf courses to look after the people who live here and want to play golf. These people will help pay the bills; the holidaymakers can then provide the profits. We have some very good golf courses in Spain but very many think they are far better than they really are and charge what can only be described as stupid prices for people to play them. It is time to get into the real world. The grass will grow whether or not people play the course; surely it is better to

The Molinari brothers

have a €10 profit to help with the expense of keeping it pristine than have nothing at all? Let’s hope common sense will prevail sooner rather than later. THE PROFESSIONAL TOURS The Barclays Scottish Open provided a very interesting final day that saw the Molinari brothers compete against one another for the first of many times over the coming years I would guess. This time Eduardo came out on top; he must now be a strong favourite to partner his brother at The Ryder Cup. WIN A ROUND OF GOLF FOR 2 INCLUDING BUGGY AT THE BEAUTIFUL EL PLANTIO RESORT IN ALICANTE To enter this competition, simply answer the question below correctly. Every correct answer will be entered into a draw at the end of the month and the winner of this fantastic prize worth over

€180 will be picked at random at the end of each month. Send your entries by email to golf@roundtownnews. com. The decision of the editor of RTN will be final in making the winning selection. QUESTION FOR 16TH JULY 2010: WHO WON THE 2010 US OPEN? A. Phil Mickelson B. Gregory Havret C. Graeme McDowell All answers must be received no later than 17.00 on 31st July 2010 to be entered into July’s draw, to be made on 1st August 2010. The winner will be announced in RTN on 6th August 2010. QUALITY GOLF LESSONS To enjoy golf lessons with a coach recommended as one of The World’s Top 100 call Noel on 639 730 891.

Any questions you have for Noel should be sent to golf@roundtownnews.com

Club de Golf Ifach EVERY SATURDAY morning a well established traditional club event takes place. By 08:30 the Friday night hangovers are shaken off and the first team of mixed players sets off for a nine hole game of Texas Scramble. All ages, handicaps, members and non members

are welcome. In fact, our oldest lady member, age 83, is a regular attendee. The entrance fee is two Euros, distributed as prizes for the winners along with bottles of wine for Men and Ladies’ ‘Nearest the Pin’. The organisers (the previous week’s losers) arrange

teams of three or four players to ensure a mix of experience and ability. And this is a great way to make friends and to improve your game. Non members must of course pay green fees as usual. Why not roll up at 08:15 and give it a try!

Club members


Beach Rugby Tournament THIS SATURDAY 17th July, from 11.00 until 18.00, at Villajoyosa, Central Beach, La Vila will organise its first Beach Rugby Tournament with 20 teams competing in 5 categories. Senior teams are Alicante University; Denia; Akra; Javea Bulls; Jaen and La Vila. Womens’ teams are Tatami; Valencia; Denia A; Denia B and La Vila Junior teams are from Alicante University; Akra; La Vila; Rojales and Albacete Final games will be shown at Punt 2 TV and Canal Plus. La Vila’s new formed cheerleader group will entertain the crowd. Beach Rugby will be played under 5-a-side rules. No scrums; no line outs; no conversions. Only pass and run; very fast and spectacular. Trophies will be presented at the end of the competition at Bar El Torreon on the central Villajoyosa beach. Come and enjoy!

Adam does it again LOCAL SWIMMING sensation Adam Stewart has just returned from the British Learning Disability Swimming Championships at Ponds Forge in Sheffield, where over 200 swimmers took part with all disabilities. It was a one day event that started at 09:00 and ended at 19:00, run by Mencap; DSISO; and the Special Olympics GB. Adam won a silver medal in the 50 metre Butterfly and a silver medal in the 100 metre Butterfly and set two new personal best times in the 400 Crawl and the 50 metre Backstroke. Adam is heading off to Taiwan in October, so this was a good event to assess his strengths and weakness so that his coaching team can adjust his pool and gym programmes to improve his performance for the World Championships. His programme in the pool is 4,000 to 5,000 metres per day, five days a week and approximately two hours a week at the OK Gym in Los Dolces. Anyone or any business that could sponsor Adam for his forthcoming trip to Taiwan would be very much appreciated. Adam’s Dad Greig told RTN: “We have had such fabulous support from local expats. My wife Pauline and I, as well as Adam, would like to thank again all those people who have supported Adam over the last few years, especially those who live in Orihuela Costa.”

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