RTN South Edition 562

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Your English Newspaper

Issue 562

Be&uty Health



British Consulate backs RTN campaign JULY 23 - 29 2010

by Louise Clarke

RTN’s Louise Clarke who is spearheading the No Vote, No Voice Campaign with Lloyd Milen

RTN’S NO Vote, No Voice campaign is gathering pace and this week saw the first residents meeting take place in San Miguel de Salinas (see page 5 ) From September, RTN will be holding similar meetings in many of the provisional municipalities and next week, RTN will introduce its campaign in the North of the region, so watch out for more information on residents meetings in forthcoming issues. At the end of last week, RTN was very proud to receive official praise for the campaign from Acting Vice Consul at the British Consulate in Alicante, Lloyd Milen. He told RTN: “I would like to congratulate you on your ‘No Vote, No Voice’ campaign and would like to offer the British Consulate’s full support. Encouraging British citizens in Spain to actively participate in their communities is a positive message, and one which the British Consulate shares with RTN.” continued on page 5


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Fire destroys house and livelihood by Louise Clarke AN ELDERLY couple from Catral had a lucky escape after their home was completely destroyed by fire on Sunday. The couple, aged in their sixties, had to flee from their property as the flames engulfed it and were unable to save any of their possessions. They had to watch in horror as their lifetime’s achievements succumbed to the flames and it was reported that the gentleman, who had lived in the property for

the whole of his life, didn’t even have time to put a shirt on as the flames intensified so quickly. The house and garden area, which contained four vehicles and farming machinery, were completely gutted and it took fire fighters from the Crevillente and Almoradi fire stations and later the Orihuela fire station, which were called in for support, several hours to contain the blaze, which also severely affected the driving conditions for drivers on the nearby AP7 motorway.

The house was completely gutted

FULL COSTS Due to the very hot and dry weather conditions it was very difficult for the firemen to firstly control the fire and then extinguish the flames and so a helicopter from Mutxamel was scrambled to get more water from the sea as the fire engines soon ran out of their water supply. Initial investigations suggest that the fire was started by a neighbour who was burning garden waste, which is completely prohibited during the summer months; however Guardia Civil officers and fire brigade officials have still to complete their full investigations. If it is confirmed that the neighbour’s negligence was the origin of the blaze, she will have to bear the costs of the full operation, which not only included the three fire appliances and the four firefighters which man each appliance, but also the helicopter and its crew, an extra water truck that was used and its driver as well as six members of staff from the Forest Fire Brigade, based in Guardamar: there were a total of 26 people involved in the incident, so her mistake could prove quite costly.

23 - 29 JULY 2010


Quesada muggers arrested

by Louise Clarke TWO 21-YEAR-OLD men, whom it is believed preyed on women and their handbags in Quesada, have been arrested in a joint operation between the Local Police of Rojales and the Guardia Civil from Almoradi. The pair took advantage of women who were out enjoying themselves, most of whom were holiday makers, in the sprawling urbanisation and literally pulled the bags from owners; sometimes quite violently. The duo had become a bit of a ‘headache’ to the local police and so they set up a ‘sting’ operation with the Guardia Civil to catch the culprits, whose initials have been reported as MT and FB. The Guardia Civil had witnessed an increase during the last few months of violent mugging cases in Quesada and as the ‘MO’ was always the same they were convinced that the same pair was responsible. More often than not, they followed unsuspecting women as they were walking along the main strip in Quesada and snatched their handbags from behind before running away. Some of the women suffered minor injuries as a result of the muggings. During the operation, the two men tried to escape, but without success and were immediately arrested and transported to the Guardia Civil station in Almoradi where they were charged with a number of offences.

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23 - 29 july 2010

New volunteer computer system unveiled by Louise Clarke RTN, ALONG with a host of representatives from various British charitable organisations were invited along to the British Consulate in Alicante earlier this week to witness the official unveiling of a computerised voluntary work station. The work station, designed by the Foundation for Solidarity and Voluntary Work of the Valencian Community (FUNDAR), was presented to the Acting Consul, Lloyd Milen by Rafael Blasco who is the Valencian Regional Councillor for Solidarity and Citizenship and also the President of FUNDAR. British charities on the Costa Blanca are often praised for their hard work and dedication by not only the British Embassy and the government in the UK, but also by the Spanish authorities and now they will have the opportunity to put all their details onto the FUNDAR database, so that people can access essential information about the various associations and charities. TRANSLATION

Snr Blasco was very keen to open the work station, located within the waiting area at the Consulate. He told RTN: “We hope that

this will promote the integration of some 300,000 British people here in Valencia through volunteering and cooperation between associations.” There are 64 FUNDAR work stations scattered around the Valencia region including one in the OARI office in Torrevieja and although the station is not yet in English, plans are afoot to translate all the data on their so that non-Spanish speaking Brits can access them. The chief designer of the project, Jesus Molina, explained to the gathered audience how the system worked and Snr Blasco added: “This system supports the integration of a specific group based in the Region; the UK citizens, promoting social engagement and participation. It encourages cooperation between associations with local organisations, responding to the twin objectives of promoting integration and solidarity.” COMMITMENT

The Regional Minister then detailed the specific objectives of this voluntary workstation. He said: “The objective is to facilitate the process of integration of British people living in our Region, to promote

Age Concern President, Maureen Payne and Alzheimer’s Association Secretary Matilde Sanchez have a look at the new FUNDAR work station

their commitment and participation in the Valencian associative movement and to strengthen collaboration and cooperation between associations formed by both our native and our British residents.” To achieve this, the Minister announced that: “Both FUNDAR in the British Consulate and the Network of Voluntary Work Stations within the province of Alicante, are going to promote information campaigns and voluntary associations, aimed specifically at British residents in these municipalities; they will inform British charities about resources, services and programs developed by FUNDAR; and they will establish and invigorate partnerships working groups of British and local organisations, to identify common work areas and develop collaborative inter-

associative projects.” According to the latest municipal census, 141,470 people from the UK live in the Valencia region, however the British Consulate estimates that the actual number of British people living in the Valencian Community, including those who have not registered, is about 300,000 (another reason why it is important to sign on the ‘padron’ if you live here permanently). This official figure represents 40% of Britons in Spain and 16% of all immigrants surveyed in the Valencian Community. Nearly 90% of the British community in the Valencian region is located in the province of Alicante, with 127,561 registered on the census. In addition, one in every three foreigners registered in Alicante come from the UK.

Residents meet to discuss voting rights by Louise Clarke NEARLY 100 election voting registration forms were handed out at Wednesday’s ‘No Vote, No Voice’ campaign meeting in San Miguel de Salinas. The meeting was held at the Casa de Cultura in the town and the Mayor of San Miguel, Angel Saez Huertas, officially welcomed the audience to the meeting and then left, as he was keen to reiterate that it was very much a non-political gathering. He praised RTN for holding the meeting and also for the huge contribution that Terry Watson and Dick Conway, from the town’s President Liaison Group, have made in helping the local British residents realise the importance of voting in the forthcoming elections. The meeting, which is essentially a ‘voting information Road Show’, was the first of many to be held up and down the Costa Blanca over the coming months. They are aimed at giving residents all the up to date information on how to register in next year’s municipal elections, due to take place on the last Sunday in May, 2011. RESIDENCIA

Many questions were asked and most of them were answered satisfactorily. However, there were some very individual and specific questions that RTN, Terry and Dick couldn’t help with, such as how residents on an urbanisation in San Miguel, but has its post delivered to the post office in Orihuela Costa would be able to get the correct voting cards

The Mayor of San Miguel welcomes residents to the San Miguel No vote, No Voice meeting

in time to vote. RTN and the guys from the PLG all said that they will endeavour to find out so that the residents on the affected urbanisation would get their voting cards delivered in time, even if they have to pick them up from the post office personally and hand them out themselves! The question about being a resident was also raised, as a few residents had been told that now, in order to be registered on the ‘padron’; you must also hold a certificate of ‘Residencia’. RTN will be getting confirmation of this from the Oficina del Censo Electoral in the next few days and will report on this issue next week.

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23 - 29 july 2010

continued from front page The Consulate is a big advocate of British expats residents integrating into Spanish society, especially them registering on the ‘padrón’ and taking up their rights to vote. Lloyd continued: “As you know, as well as the right to vote in municipal and European elections, registering on the ‘padrón’ also entitles people to a range of other advantages, including better public services, access to benefits

and a possible reduction in taxes. Though we have seen a small rise in the number of British residents registered on the ‘padrón’, we are aware that many people still do not take this very easy step.” He added: “I am delighted to see that local town halls are also supporting your campaign. Particularly over recent months, with the success of our ‘Conexiones’ project, we have been very pleased to see the cooperation and willingness of local authorities to work


with us and with local British resident communities. “As one of the busiest British Consulates in the World, offering assistance to British nationals who have been detained or hospitalised and issuing thousands of Emergency Travel Documents and notarial certificates every year, these local support networks prove to be invaluable.” He concluded: “The British Consulate in Alicante would like to wish RTN the very best of luck with the campaign.”

RTN Readers Beware!

Last week’s happy RTN reader

EVERY WEEK when RTN is on its travels, it regularly comes across people who just love the newspaper! During the summer months, RTN will be on the prowl with its camera looking for more satisfied readers, so that it can make them famous and put them in the paper. Watch out for RTN’s reporters and sales representatives who will be taking photos of satisfied readers with their favourite weekly freebie. This happy RTN reader was snapped in Dona Pepa last week. Look out for another happy RTN reader in next week’s paper.


23 - 29 july 2010

talks Mayor implicated in corruption case Zapatero with African by Louise Clarke

THE JUDGE in charge of ‘Operation Brugal’, the corruption case that has so far seen three Orihuela Councillors hauled in for questioning and the President of the Alicante Diputacion, Jose Joaquin Ripoll, being asked to answer formal judicial questions at the Orihuela Courts, has announced this week that 40 more people, including the Mayor of Orihuela, Monica Lorente, could be formally asked to answer questions regarding their role in the now notorious rubbish collection tender. As well as the Mayor, her predecessor, José Manuel Medina, who was told by Valencian President, Francisco Camps, that he couldn’t run for re-election in 2007 as he was too heavily involved in another corruption case, will also be ordered to answer the judge’s questions about his involvement. Current elected officials, former Town Hall workers and employees of the rubbish collection company, owned by entrepreneur Angel Fenoll, will also be questioned in a bid to get to the bottom of the corruption scandal which has rocked the provincial PP party to its core. IRREGULARITIES Judge Carlos San Martin is the senior judiciary and head of the No 3 court in Orihuela and has taken sole charge of the ‘Brugal’ case, as reported in last week’s RTN. He also ordered a full and detailed review of all the documents seized during the raids by anti corruption officers at Orihuela Town Hall two weeks ago, which included the contracts between the municipality of Orihuela and Angel Fenoll’s waste management company, Colsur.

The ‘Brugal’ case was opened in May 2007 to investigate alleged irregularities in the award of waste collection services in Orihuela, but this month the investigation has intensified and a number of high profile businessmen, including the Hercules Football Club’s major shareholder, Enrique Ortiz, have been implicated. On Tuesday, RTN understands that the judge issued letters to all the people that he may wish to question and has informed them that their names will now appear on the investigation’s summary, although the full details of what questions they will be asked has not been made public due to a continuing gagging order. Some of them will be asked to attend the local police station in Orihuela whilst others will be questioned by anti corruption officers from the National Police.


PRIME MINISTER Zapatero hosted a working lunch at Moncloa Palace last week for the heads of state and government taking part in the African Progress conference being organised by the PSOE, the IDEAS Foundation and the African National Congress. The event brought together more than one hundred leaders and representatives of foundations and institutions from Africa and other regions of the World to discuss the main issues and challenges being faced by Africa and to analyse Africa’s relations with Europe and the International Community. Topics of peace and security on the continent, development policies, regional cooperation, economic development and Africa’s influence within multilateral organisations, and Spain’s foreign policy in Africa were on the agenda.

ACCUSATIONS Local PP militants have expressed their dismay that Ms Lorente and the former Mayor Snr Medina have been implicated in this controversial case. And when the story broke two weeks ago, the Orihuela Mayor was quick to defend her councillors and state that she will not tolerate any wrongdoing in her Town Hall. A Spokesman for the Town Hall has flatly denied that any Town Hall official has done anything untoward and reiterated that the citations only mean that these people could be included in the investigation and that no accusations have been formally made against any of them. The Spokesman told RTN: “They are merely being asked by the judge to help him with his enquiries, should he require them to do so.”

Spaniards not confident in PP or PSOE leaders

Monica Lorente has been implicated in corruption case

THE ANNUAL ‘State of the Nation’ debate between Prime Minister Zapatero and leader of the opposition, Mariano Rajoy, hasn’t impressed the public, according to a survey conducted by the Centre for Sociological Investigation. Of the 1,518 people questioned, 36.5 percent thought there was no clear winner in the debate and 70 percent said that Zapatero did not convey a strong cabinet. The survey also showed that 78.7 percent of people thought that Mariano Rajoy offered very few or no real proposals, and 70.6 percent said that they don’t consider Rajoy is prepared to govern Spain.

23 - 29 july 2010



23 - 29 JULY 2010

Orihuela budget finally approved by Louise Clarke BETTER LATE than never, as they say. Last week saw the Orihuela municipal budget for 2010 being finally approved; only seven months late! As a result, it appears from looking at the document that was released by the PP led government that Orihuela Costa is to lose out again. Opposition parties are livid, not just because of the delay but because the coast loses out dramatically in the finances of the municipality. To illustrate this, Orihuela City which has more or less the same population as the coast, will receive €4.3 million compared to just €700,000 for the Coast, meaning that city will receive SIX times more than the coast.

non-payment of bills to companies for €7 million and there are believed to be another €5 million of unpaid bills lying in the Town Hall. Where is the Town Hall going to get the tens of millions of euros more to cover its irresponsible spending; none of which find its way to Orihuela Costa?” JOBS-FOR-THE-BOYS The answer will no doubt be to borrow more. Already, the budget for 2010 increases total borrowing from 42 million to 49 million euros. But RTN understands that the Town Hall Accountant has insisted on presentation of a Budget Stability Plan within the next three months to ensure that the finances add

up. Bob commented: “This will inevitably mean the equivalent of another budget with more borrowing.” The interest payments alone on the current borrowing stand at €1 million per year. Bob said: “Together with provision for repayment of capital, the annual amount needed is already over €5.6 million. Despite this and with higher borrowing costs to come, the Town Hall maintains a bloated ‘jobs-for-the-boys’ staff which costs €25 million per annum.” He concluded: “CLARO condemns the 2010 budget for its unfairness to Orihuela Costa and implores everyone on the coast to register to vote so that the coast can be counted next year.”

GROSSLY UNFAIR Bob Houliston from Coastal Party CLARO told RTN: “Unfairness to Orihuela Costa is not only evident in lack of expenditure, but just as dramatically on the income side. All Orihuela Costa residents pay local taxes at the highest band rate, whereas there are three other bands allowing assessment at lower levels in relation to location, size and value of property in other parts of the municipality. This is grossly unfair on Orihuela Costa residents and the excuse that we all live by the sea is totally unconvincing for the thousands who live kilometres from the sea.” Bob continued: “The finances of Orihuela are in a disastrous state. There are court cases pending against the Town Hall for

Bob Houliston from CLARO condemns the 2010 Orihuela Budget

Fun day for the Torrevieja Hospital baby unit The baby unit at Torrevieja needs your support

By Corry Granger FUND-RAISERS are planning this summer’s charity fun day in aid of Torrevieja Hospital Baby Unit following a series of events which have raised more than €2,000 over recent years. The event will be held on Saturday 14th August and will start at 10:00 at the Watering Hole bar in San Luis, near Torrevieja; organisers are appealing for donations for a raffle and tombola. Annual fun days so far have raised cash to buy a new €9,000 ‘Resuscitaire’ baby unit for premature infants, while other events have paid for specialist equipment, including furniture and audio equipment for labour suites. Organisers are keen to stress that all funds raised go directly to the baby unit, buying essential equipment to assist mothers and babies at the hospital. Rara, the event’s organiser told RTN: “The generosity of people in the past has been overwhelming. Last summer’s event was great fun and hundreds of people have turned out over the years to help us raise money. We know many young parents who have used the excellent facilities at Torrevieja Hospital and we are happy to help buy the extras that help mums and babies at the unit.” The family fun day will include a table top sale; barbecue; Bingo; a pool competition and karaoke and music throughout the day. Anyone with donations or if you would like to help on the day, telephone Rara on 658 372 339.

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23 - 29 july 2010



23 - 29 july 2010

Conquer Blushing with Fast Track Hypnosis Costa Blanca’s Top Hypnotherapist


Alan Gilchrist The Costa Blanca’s Top Hypnotherapist

With all the recent emphasis over the last few weeks about the new Gastroband session ( Gastric band using Fast Track Hypnosis) and its subsequent overwhelming success, there are a multitude of other areas that Fast Track is also used for. One in particular is helping people overcome phobias. Whenever I first started in practice over 25 years ago, like most people, I assumed the most common phobia I would treat would be either mice or spiders. This, in actual fact, is not the case. The most common phobia I treat is Blushing. I would see quite a lot of people per day with this devastating phobia and only a few people a month with the phobia of mice or spiders! Fear of blushing, eureuthophobia, usually goes hand in hand with the phobia of being stared at, scopophobia, which in turns encompasses the feeling of social disgrace. The person is scared of making a fool of themselves and going red in front of other people. Blushers are usually tense and nervous in situations with other people. Once they feel themselves starting to blush they start to panic, which increases the blushing even more! Blushers can, and do go to extreme lengths to try to cover up this devastating phobia. Men who suffer from it can grow a

beard to disguise it. Women can’t do this so they resort to other methods. They may overdo on the make up, sit under sun lamps to have a permanent tan simply to disguise the fact that they feel people can see them blushing (in actual fact it is very rare that they can). Other methods sometimes used may be to wear their hair over their face (like the old pageboy look). If they feel that they are blushing around their neck they will wear polo neck jumpers. Some keep their hand up to their chin, or twiddle with a necklace while talking. If they are going out for a night they will sit under dim lights, in a place generally near the door, just in case they need to make a hasty exit. An unusual phenomena some blushers may develop can be nasal problems, allowing them to conveniently keep a handkerchief around their nose.Its strange that blushing always tends to appear on the parts of the body that other people can see, i.e. the face and the neck and not on the unseen parts!

Over the years and having successfully treated thousands of people with this crippling phobia I have heard so many sad stories of how blushing has affected a persons life. People have cancelled their wedding, left their job, or even their partner because of it while some have even moved abroad to get a permanent suntan, but the “burning feeling” that comes with the blushing still remains. If you are a blusher then providing there are no medical reasons for your condition,( for example, Rosacea, which is a chronic progressive skin disorder that affects more than five million men and women in Britain ) then Fast Track Hypnosis is an ideal way of to help you to overcome it. The sessions are designed to instill confidence, general well being and overcoming nervousness as well as the blushing. The client is also provided with CDs and taught auto hypnosis so they can use it in any new situation they may encounter. The end result of all this

is, although there may still be some occasions whenever they do blush, such as if they trip over something, or someone tells them a rude joke. That is acceptable, but what is not acceptable is where they are constantly thinking and being controlled by it 24 hours per day, every day of their lives. The process normally takes approximately 4 sessions depending on their response and commitment as opposed to much longer methods used by psychologists, conventional Hypnotherapists (sometimes up to 15 sessions), etc. “Dear Alan”, Some months ago I came to see you with a blushing problem. The first thing that you told me was that you were not a miracle worker, but now I definitely disagree. I noticed a difference from day one in my confidence and how relaxed I was. I had tried everything but you were my last hope. I can now cope in situations that prior to my treatment I would

have found impossible. I got up and sang at a Karaoke at a family party. I once dreaded going out of the house, now I love to take part in everything. My family say they will send me back to you to shut me up, ‘cause I do nothing but talk now. If I ever need your help again I will not hesitate to contact you. I have also recommended you to my family and friends. I hope you will continue to help people for many years to come. Thank you very much, Julie” Alan holds his Fast Track Hypnosis sessions in Cabo Roig, Guardarmar, and Benidorm. Alan is also the Creator of the Stop Smoking in under 30 minutes Fast Track System . For an appointment, Brochure, or free of charge initial consultation, contact Alan Gilchrist on 659229408. Visit his web sites www.alangilchrist.com www.hypnosiscostablanca.com www.fitnosys.com www.thegastroband.com

Music at Las Colinas Golf & Country Club AS PART of a full program of events during August, Thursday nights at Las Colinas Golf & Country Club will never be the same again. The Club’s stunning UNiK Café and GLASS BAR, and the beautiful outside terrace will play host to three fabulous musical evenings on the first three Thursday evenings during the month of August and everyone is welcome to go along and enjoy the wonderful atmosphere and listen to some fabulous music of very different genres. On 5th August, there will be an amazing Bossa Nova evening: the Bossa Nova genre of music originated from Brazil in the late 1950’s. The music was driven by a group of students and middle-class musicians from Copacabana and Ipanema, in Rio de Janeiro; neighbourhoods located next to the beach. The name can be translated as ‘the pace again’ or ‘the way again’... the evening will certainly be an opportunity to get those Salsa dancing shoes on! JAZZ

On Thursday 12th August, it is Jazz Night, which of course is a musical genre born in the late nineteenth century in the United States, expanding globally over the 20thC. The history of jazz is characterized by two fundamental characteristics: firstly, for its continued assimilation of different musical styles culturally alien and its ability to mingle with other genres and create new musical styles such as rock and roll, which would eventually evolve independently from jazz. And secondly, by the uninterrupted succession of a large group of sub-styles

which, viewed in perspective, show tremendous musical differences. GOSPEL

Finally, on 19th August it is Gospel Night. Gospel, as many people are aware, is spiritual music at its most restrictive definition. It is the religious music that emerged from African American churches in the eighteenth century and became popular during the 1930s. More generally, it often also includes the religious music composed and sung by southern Christian singers, regardless of race. Gospel music, unlike the Christian hymns, is light in nature and often entertaining. The original word is ‘Godspell’, which in Castilian is translated as ‘God proclaims’. This form of singing is so named because it was a gospel song that invited people to God and the lyrics often reflect the values of Christian life. If you would like more information about these musical evenings and the other events planned for August or about the Las Colinas Golf & Country Club in general, please visit www.aworldapart.es or telephone +34 965 32 40 04.

The UNiK CAFÉ and GLASS BAR terrace area where the live music will be performed

23 - 29 july 2010



23 - 29 JULY 2010

New international children’s choir by Louise Clarke A BRAND new Children’s Choir for the Costa Blanca has been announced this week by international singer, conductor and vocal tutor, Nigel Hopkins and RTN is proud to be promoting it all the way to the top! The choir will be known as ‘Cantemos!’ (Let’s Sing!), and will be open to children between the ages of eight and 16 years. Nigel’s musical pedigree is well-known in Spain. For some years he has run an international choral workshop in Torrevieja, and this resulted last year in the formation of two choirs, ‘Melody Makers International’ and ‘In Harmony’, both of which have proved to be of the highest calibre. Nigel conducted a famous

Children’s Choir in the UK for 26 years, during which time they made several recordings and toured Europe on six different occasions including Spain, where they performed at Barcelona Cathedral and Montserrat Monastery in 2000. OPEN TO ALL NATIONALITIES The choir will meet each Saturday morning in term time at the OK Gym in Costa Shopping in Los Dolses, above the SupaValu Supermarket. Rehearsals will be from 10:30 until 13:00 and full training will be given to members by Nigel Hopkins. Music will generally be sung in English, although other languages (particularly Spanish) will be included as the choir progresses. It must be stressed that the choir is open to ALL nationalities and that they will strive to attain the highest standard possible. There will be a huge variety of music performed, which will include arrangements of modern and popular music to suit the taste of both the young performers and their audiences.

Youth weekend in Biar

THE TOWN Hall of Orihuela has announced this week that they have organised an ‘alternative’ weekend for the young people of the municipality, to the town of Biar. The Councillor for Youths, José Manuel Cutillas, together with the Vice Presidente of the ‘El Agudo’ Youth Association, Ángel Luis Vives, announced the special adventure weekend, which will take place between 13th and 15th August, at the Orihuela Youth centre on Tuesday. The Biar Youth Hostel is a very popular activity centre in the area and is ideal for anyone wanting to experience lots of great outdoor adventure, cultural activities and sports. The weekend will be heavily subsidised by the Town Hall and is open to any Orihuela or Orihuela Costa ‘padron’ holder between the age of 13 and 35. There are 45 places available and the cost is just €60 per person, which includes food, accommodation and all the activities. The trip leaves Orihuela at 18:00 on Friday 13th August and will return at 19:00 on Sunday 15th August. For more information, please visit www.elalgudo.com

José Manuel Cutillas and Ángel Luis Vives

STANDING OVATION Recently, a sell-out concert of ‘An Evening with Rodgers & Hammerstein’ was given by Melody Makers International at the Orihuela Costa Resort. During this concert Nigel introduced 14 pupils from the El Limonar International School in Villamartin, whom he had specially trained for that performance. They delighted the appreciative audience and received an Nigel Hopkins has enthusiastic standing ovation. Anyone interested should email: info@westendannounced the workshop-spain.com or telephone 966 775 976 or 64 formation 957 0923 for details of how to join this exciting new of a new venture, to commence on 11th September. Places will children’s be limited, so early application is advised. choir

PCN fun day in Playa Flamenca

FABULOUS FUN Day in aid of Paul Cunningham Nurses will start at 11.00 this Saturday, 24th July, at Hair Studio, Via Park II in Playa Flamenca. Jackie from Hair Enhancers has teamed up with Jay from Hair

Studio for this fabulous Fun Day in Playa Flamenca. Via Park II is very near to the Saturday Market so once you have had a browse through the market stalls, come and join us for some pampering and fun! We will have Bodyshop products, jewellery and a fashion show, a fantastic selection of handbags along with a raffle and lots more! Call Jackie on 609 267 657 for the latest information!

- 29 JULY4 2010 FEB 2623- MARCH

Jennifer Cunningham y Asociados S.L.

by Jennifer Cunningham

Protected no claims bonus THIS IS AN excellent benefit offered by Liberty Seguros to their clients. More economical car policies are on offer, but be aware that they have far less cover and this could cost you more money in the long term. With a recession and the pound still not as good as it used to be, I realise premium prices are important, however, I´m always advising that you read your policy conditions. For instance, why bother to take out house insurance, when on many policies there is very little you can claim for? Therefore, ask the right questions and, if in doubt, we are here to advise you by checking your policy: on many occasions we find that there are instances of people being over insured on buildings and very under insured on contents. Last week, in the UK, one of the largest Travel companies hit the ground, due to market forces, competing all the time with low prices. I am sure the volcanic ash didn’t help, but the ever demanding competitive prices became impossible to sustain. It is a very dangerous practice just to sell on price alone; the aggressive type of advertising and selling was obviously inevitable in Spain at some stage, but most of the Spanish companies are unable and unwilling to enter into a price war, because they will need to become

call centres, with no personalised contact with the client. The type of service now offered makes it impossible to cut prices to the bare minimum and at the same time advertise heavily; they choose instead to invest in the policy and service. Also of course, never forget that Liberty has brokers with offices all over Spain, supporting the client personally. I, of course, am one of their main agents and pride myself on the tremendous standard of service my company offers. Part of the excellent car policy, is a very valuable protected no claims bonus: car insurance is taken out to protect you if any damage is caused to your vehicle or passengers. Having an accident is bad enough, but then to discover that the premium has gone up quite considerably the following year, because you have lost most if not all your no claims bonus, can be quite a nasty shock. I appreciate this type of bonus is for use in the event of an accident, but in the long term it could benefit you considerably. Think about it when insuring or renewing and request an obligation free quote from us, which will include a protected no claims bonus. There are many other ways of saving Euros apart from lowering the quality of

service on your house or car insurance, but if you really do want to save money and you have a life insurance or mortgage protection scheme for example with the bank, we have an extremely competitive alternative which could save you up to 50% off your premium without cutting any benefits at all. Now, that is really saving money. We also work very closely with a currency exchange company and I know for a fact that their exchange rates are very competitive, especially if you are using either your bank or a credit card. Why not truly save some money and request a quote from us, together with Health Insurance. Due to the recession Asssa have extended their special offers of a lifetime discount, including free fractional payments. This is a genuine offer, and for example if you are 55, taking a standard policy it would cost you only €54.66 per month. You just have to think what would happen if you had an accident, needed tests or required an operation. The Spanish Social Security system will not be there for you unless you have one of the SIP cards or an EHIC (for treatment only while travelling) and even if you have the applicable card, the waiting lists for treatment can be horrendous. This discount from


The Costas leading insurance consultant Asssa is for life: if you are thinking about health insurance, now is the time to do it. Lastly, and this is a delicate subject for many, Funeral Insurance, please remember that all the arrangements have to be made when the inevitable happens and a lump sum of approximately €4.000 must be found instantly. Wouldn’t it be simpler to put all the arrangements in place now and pay a small annual amount, and if you are already a client of Asssa funeral insurance, you become eligible to take their special accident policy. This in the case of a car accident gives you the option to be transferred from a public hospital to a private one, with all the added benefits and for only €36.00 per year. If, however, you wish to cover for any type of accident, not just car accidents, this will cost just €62.00 per year. Think of how comfortable you would be, being able to speak your own language instead of struggling with Spanish medical terms, together with an individual room with a bed for your accompanying partner, and your own television: it’s certainly well worth considering. For further information on any of the above, please contact one of my offices as per the advert below.

Jennifer Cunningham y Asociados S.L. The Costas leading insurance consultant. If you have a question please email her at: jennifer@jennifercunningham.net Regulated and Authorised by the DGSFP in Spain.

Offices at: JAVEA PORT




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23 - 29 JULY 2010

Palm Weevils

TELL DAVID he is doing a good job but time consuming and expensive. I have been dealing with these little blighters for over a year now and cracked it 6 months ago. All you need to do is go to Iceland in Torrevieja and get some Jeyes Fluid. Put a tablespoon of Jeyes in a 1Lt bottle, along with some good liquid fertilizer. Shake it up and pour it into the middle of the tree so that it cascades down over the trunk. This will kill any Weevil bugs and it also kills off the beetles in a cocoon state. The pungent smell it gives off will deter any Weevil even flying near it. It also fertilizes the tree and they become a much darker green. I do this monthly when pruning the trees and have not seen a weevil for weeks. I also treated six other Phoenix Palms in the street and we have not lost one palm. In fact, last year there was an infected palm in a bad state, dying with over 40 cocoons inside it. I treated it with the above cocktail - it not only survived but is now growing again. You should advise all your readers if they own a Phoenix Palm to treat them even if the palm looks healthy, at least every 3 weeks in the summer and 4 in the winter all through the year. Yours sincerely, Jake (Blue Lagoon)

Benidorm has always been a gay desitnation I FEEL I must comment on MTG’s letter to RTN, July 16th edition, regarding Benidorm and gays. Firstly he states ‘Sitges went downhill’ by being gay friendly and associates gays with prostitutes, pimps and drug dealers, which is downright libellous. When those sorts of people move in property prices plummet. So why is Sitges one of the most expensive places in Spain? Benidorm has always been a gay destination and to make gays feel welcome as the mayor is doing can only be for the good. After all, we are big spenders. One only has to look at the personal columns of any newspaper to see that Benidorm already has its fair share of prostitutes. I agree there is a time and place for everything but I would rather see two guys or girls walking down the street holding hands, minding their own business than see all the so called straights falling out of pubs, with their foul language and atrocious behaviour. Move with the times, MTG. R Moore, San Fulgencio

talk tous

Email letters to rtnmail@roundtownnews.com with your full name and address

Email: rtnmail@roundtownnews.com

letter of the week

Anonymity when writing publicly READING AVIDLY as I do, my thoughts have recently been drawn to the subject of anonymity and why persons should feel it necessary to use this option when writing publicly in a modern society. As we all know, people have fought, and indeed still are fighting and dying around the World, defending the freedom of human expression, the most fundamental of human rights. A number of reasons for remaining anonymous spring to mind ranging from the mundane to the more sinister: it may simply be that one does not have the courage of one’s convictions; it may also be that one is prepared to express views that are not true, that he does not believe to be true or does not care whether the view is true or not. Of course it may also be that one is in breach of or intends to breach National or International Law and is looking out for one’s own interests. I would like to think that most people would agree that just Laws are essential

Thank you!

THROUGH THE pages of your newspaper may I please send the sincere thanks of the Torrevieja and the Vega Baja branches of Associación Española Contra el Cancer (AECC) to all our supporters, fundraisers and volunteers and particularly to the following: All local newspapers and broadcasters for their support of AECC; also Carol and Ron at Playa Flamenca; Anandos at La Marina; Phoenix Solo’s Club in Torrevieja, plus all the bars and

in a modern society in order for citizens to live rich and peaceful lives. It is, however, essential that freedom of human expression is upheld and this responsibility lies not just with Governments and Politicans but also the media in all its forms. There will always be abuses of freedoms as we see so often, however on the whole it must be right that we are able to freely express opinions amongst one another. We may not always agree but must always respect another’s right to have an opinion. It always saddens me, therefore, when I read an article submitted by an anonymous writer and indeed it detracts from the content of the article. On the other hand, I would not wish an article to be withheld for this reason alone as valid points are sometimes raised. I am pleased that this newspaper reflects a balanced view of both arguments. Jim Ireland

restaurants that carry the AECC ‘Hucha’ collection boxes.A very big thank you also goes to the Eurogolf Society of Quesada for making 3 donations totalling €2,248,00. In memory of Chris McNary. To ALL our volunteers, fundraising, hospital visiting and general assistance, but too many to mention by name, thank you again. Without the support of these people AECC would be unable to provide the valuable services that it does. If I have forgotten anyone, please accept my apologies. Yours faithfully Mike Bissett

Chinese bizarre?

I READ in one of the papers a short while ago that the Spanish government subsidises the Chinese to open businesses here in Spain, the thinking behind it that this will help the Spanish economy. Personally, I fail to see how this can be so, as whenever I see a building being renovated to become a Chinese Bazaar, warehouse or restaurant it is always Chinese people that I see working on it – not Spanish companies. When these businesses open for trade, all the workers are Chinese, not Spanish or any other nationality. Are these Chinese workers paid sufficiently to pay tax and contribute to the economy in that way? All the goods (mostly of inferior quality) sold in the bazaars are made in China; many of them by children in sweatshops. These goods are then transported here by Chinese ships. How can so many of these businesses open within a small area and all operate at a profit? How much of this profit goes into the Spanish economy? – I think very little and most of that is going back to China. Are all these bazaars and restaurants just a front for more sinister operations? I am trying to do my little bit not to spend in Chinese establishments and would urge others to avoid spending in them also, at least until the Chinese in Spain are playing on a level playing field with the Spanish and other nationalities. On another note, I read that that the foreign aid budget this year is €5.1 billion – why is Spain giving foreign aid when so many of her own people are out of work, homes being repossessed, and unable to feed themselves or their families without charitable (not state) handouts. Come on Mr Zapatero, charity begins at home – get out and look around you at how badly off some of your own citizens are before sending aid abroad, or do you just want to impress other World leaders? Yours sincerely, Joseph Billet (Aka Joe The Cat Man)

Vote for a change I WHOLEHEARTEDLY support the RTN’s No Vote, No Voice campaign and I would urge everyone to register to vote at the Town Hall and make a vote for change that would hurt these politicians with their false promises the most. I have been on the receiving end of broken promises by the Town Hall in Orihuela Costa and in my opinion, the ruling PP party doesn’t want people to register, because of course if you don’t register, you cannot vote and they can continue to justify doing very little to improve our area of Orihuela Costa because the padron will not reflect the true figures of the population of the coast. Some of these PP councillors now face criminal charges for corruption including the councillor responsible for parks. I think they are all morally corrupt for reneging on their promises to the people that they are supposed to represent. It is time to get off your sun loungers one more time and register at the town hall to vote, to make our protest one with teeth. The sooner a new regime that can be trusted to keep their promises is in charge of Orihuela Costa, the better. Alan N McPhail , President: Vista Azul 2 La Regia, Orihuela Costa

Consul supports “No Vote, No Voice” I AM writing as acting British Consul to Alicante. Having seen news of your current campaign ‘No Vote, No Voice’, I would like to congratulate you on this project and offer the British Consulate’s support. Encouraging British citizens in Spain to actively participate in their communities is a positive message, and one the British Consulate shares with the RTN. As you know, as well as the right to vote in municipal and European elections, registering on the padrón also entitles

people to a range of other advantages, including better public services, access to benefits and a possible reduction in taxes. Though we have seen a small rise in the number of British residents registered on the padrón, we are aware that many people still do not take this very easy step. I am delighted to see that local town halls are also supporting your campaign, particularly over recent months, with the success of our ‘Conexiones’ project. We have been very pleased to see the cooperation and willingness of local

authorities to work with us and with local British resident communities. As one of the busiest British consulates in the World, offering assistance to British nationals who have been detained or hospitalised and issuing thousands of Emergency Travel Documents and notarial certificates every year, these local support networks prove to be invaluable. Best of luck with the campaign. Yours sincerely, Lloyd Milen, Acting British Consul, Alicante


23 - 29 JULY 2010

Father Eric Lewis dies

Father Eric

Born Merthyr Tydfil 19th October 1936: died Lampeter 10th July 2010. FATHER ERIC LEWIS served as Senior Chaplain in the beautiful Parish of the Holy Spirit on the Costa Blanca. During this time he built on earlier foundations, leaving a legacy that has ensured the survival and growth of a parish spanning 7,500 square kilometres; probably the largest in the Church of England and comprising eight congregations. Father Eric was a gentle, kind, compassionate and caring priest with a sense of humour and the occasional touch of flamboyance, offering voluntary service to the Chaplaincy until in April 2001, when he took on the full time role of Senior Chaplain, although he always preferred the title Chaplain Guardian.

RIP Jennifer

JENNIFER LONDOÑO GONZALEZ was 33-years-old and lived with her Mum Angela and 13-year-old son Ivan, in Aguas Neuvas, near Torrevieja. Earlier this year, RTN appealed for monetary donations so that Jennifer would be able to pay for her own funeral after she was diagnosed with terminal cancer of the bones, lungs, colon and kidneys. Doctors had told her that there was no hope and sadly, she succumbed to the disease last week and died surrounded by her family. The family had been living on just €500 per month, thanks to pri-

Despite trying times, Father Eric retained his compassion and caring sense of humour and built a strong and lasting relationship with the laity. He was instrumental in securing valuable support for the Franciscans at Palma de Gandia from individuals, both financial and in kind. In 2007 Father Eric retired to his beloved Wales, and continued his work in the local community. He was a lovely, caring priest with a heart of gold. He enriched the lives of many and set a high standard of pastoral ministry. As a parish we are enormously indebted to him and we would all agree that he deserved a longer retirement. He didn’t get it in Spain; he didn’t get it in Wales: may he now rest in peace in the fullness of the Kingdom of Heaven.

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vate medical insurance and could not afford to have a decent funeral for Jennifer. As a result of the appeals in several local Spanish and English newspapers, the Town Hall offered her a free plot in the local cemetery and thanks to the generous efforts of the International Cofradias and other local charities, the €2,800 needed to pay for all the funeral costs were raised. The money has now been used to pay for Jennifer’s funeral when she was laid to rest earlier this week and any money left over was donated to the AECC.

Arab sheikh to invest in Spanish coast

SHEIKH ABDULLAH Bin Nasser Al Thani, the new owner of Malaga FC, has announced plans to turn Marbella’s Bajadilla marina into the next Puerto Banus. The sheikh wants to expand the marina and make way for 400 additional yacht moorings. The president of the Tourist Initiative Centre in Marbella, Miguel Gomez, has revealed that several Arab investors have their eyes on the Costa del Sol. If this plan goes ahead for Marbella, it will require an investment of €70 million.



23 - 29 JULY 2010

Though it’s been around for literally thousands of years, the Mangosteen fruit is not commonly known the world over. Typically grown in southeast Asia and other tropical climates, its taste is beyond compare. Containing a dark purple rind and boasting a sweet white pulp, it is roughly about the size of a tangerine.

Delicious as it is functional, the Mangosteen fruit is rich in xanthones, which will promote healthy bodily function. In addition, each serving of Mangosteen contains up to 5 grams of fiber. This one fruit was named by Queen Victoria the Queen of Fruits.

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Call now for more information Xango Hot line 902 898 145

Debbie’s Golf Tournament raises over 1200 euros

Debbie and husband Ralph with the winning team of Mike and Sue Gillette, their son Stuart and friend Mick Young

by Louise Clarke LA MARQUESA Golf Course in Quesada was the venue for Debbie’s Nine Hole Golf Tournament, which took place earlier this month. The winning team won a trophy plus a Sunday lunch for four at Stan and Ollie’s and the winning lady and gentleman both won golf trophies plus €25 worth of vouchers from Mick the Grip! Other winners were the runners up team of David and Paul Hirst from Stan and Ollies, along with friend Craig Roberts from Dyna Drain who actually donated the winning prize. Eighteen teams entered and altogether €1,255.55 was raised for the AECC. The prize giving and raffle were held

at the Olde 9th, close to the La Marquesa course. Debbie told RTN: “Although this year’s golf day was hard work as a lot of people cancelled either close to or actually on the day, the event went along without a hitch and the people who did turn up really enjoyed it and were really generous with their support. Some people and local businesses also donated raffle prizes and I must say a couple of people who couldn’t play did still send in their entry fee of €10 which was gratefully received.” The money raised will go towards the breast cancer awareness walk on October 10th this year. For more details or to enter go to www.breastcancerwalkspain.com or call Debbie on 630 771 296.

More Broken Promises by Louise Clarke

THE ORIHUELA Town Hall has, at last, revealed its 2010 budget; and it was only seven months overdue! And it appears that the coast has, yet again, been completely ignored. Three months ago, RTN reported on the appalling conditions of La Regia Park and following a petition and a motion in the monthly ‘pleno’ meeting, it was unanimously agreed by all Town Hall councillors, including the Mayor, Monica Lorente, that money would be put aside in the budget to fund the park’s renovation. Last week, following the release of the budget, it was announced that the park would not get a bean and La Regia Park campaigner, Alan McPhail is furious. He told RTN: “It has been three months since the Town Hall voted in favour of the motion to renovate the ‘park’ in La Regia, which is the biggest park area on the coast. Apart from the usual maintenance, nothing has been done to the park since the motion was approved. During the last week of June, for about three days, men appeared with a JCB digger and we wondered if this was finally the start of the real clean up and renovation that we were promised. But it wasn’t!” DANGEROUS The maintenance men scraped some of the rubble away and pruned some trees and then left. The footpaths are even more dangerous than before, the football ground is still a filthy mess and there are still iron bars sticking out of the ground. Councillor for the Coast, Jose Aniorte, stated that the Town Hall pays €1,700 a month to maintain the park (they must be very rich maintenance men because that makes €5,100 in the last three months) and argued vociferously against

The disgraceful La Regia Park

any renovation, saying it was in good condition the way it was (if you like barren patches of earth and no greenery that is!) Alan continued: “These PP Councillors at the Town Hall must think we are all idiots who will believe that they actually spend that kind of money maintaining the park. We can see the evidence of their efforts with our own eyes. It is still a total disgrace, not to mention a dangerous place for those people who try to walk through it.” INCREDULOUS Alan has produced a drawing of how the park could look if the PP had any intention of creating the decent park that they promised. He said: “This park could become a showpiece for the coast and something for the locals to take pride in and attract people to the area.” The plan shows a new Astro turf area relocated to the higher ground to avoid flooding; access to the park with stairs and wheel chair ramps; more playing areas for children; an exercise area for senior citizens and wider footpaths

with handrails. Alan added: “The present park already has an irrigation system fitted so extending that would make a real park a possibility. This is the minimum the Town Hall needs to do to make a decent park for the area.” After the budget was announced, Alan discovered that no money had been allocated. He was incredulous. He said: “It would appear that the vote, which was passed unanimously in favour of renovating the park after 400 petition forms were submitted, has been completely ignored and has been shelved as another empty promise by the PP led Town Hall.” He concluded: “If the park is left as it is with just cosmetic changes, it would be a disgrace and will show everyone in the La Regia area of Orihuela Costa that these PP politicians cannot be trusted to deliver on their promises. They seem to be more interested in organising fiestas for foreigners of the coast than improving the infrastructure where they live, but then fiestas with stallholders generate a profit don’t they? Parks don’t.”

23 - 29 july2010 2010 8-14 JANUARY


Elderly cyclist drowns in canal AN 84-YEAR-OLD man was found dead in the Segura canal in Algorfa on Tuesday, four miles from where it is believed that he fell in whilst riding his bicycle. RTN understands that the gentlemen, a resident of Benejúzar, fell into the canal whilst riding over a bridge across it. The man’s body was discovered by a resident in Algorfa half submerged in the shallow water of the canal. Local police from both municipalities attended the scene as soon as they got the 112 call and fire men

from the Almoradi fire station recovered the body soon after. The Guardia Civil was later called into investigate the death, which has shocked residents of both municipalities. The body was later taken to the Forensic Anatomical Institute in Alicante where a full autopsy took place on Wednesday to certify the cause of death. Local police notified the distraught family who are said to be devastated at the loss of a much loved father and grandfather.

Three drown in reservoir tragedy

A FAMILY of three have drowned in the Santolea reservoir in Castellote, Teruel. The couple, aged 50 and 51, and their 20year-old daughter were swimming last Sunday at about 15.00. The authorities say that the man had asked his family for help to get out of the water, but when they entered and tried to pull him out, they all got into difficulties and ended up drowning. They couple have been identified as Eduardo G.G. from Alcañiz and Consuelo G.M., and their daughter as Pilar G.G. from Zaragoza.

Gang warfare leaves two dead

A SHOOT-OUT left two dead and five more injured last Tuesday evening in Asturias. Locals report that the violence was between two rival gangs and that guns and knives were being used in the fight. Police arrested three men. The event took place next to the sports hall in Ujo, Mieres.


23 - 29 JULY 2010

Concert on the beach by Louise Clarke MORE THAN 6,000 people attended last Saturday’s 18th Night of Habaneras on the Playa del Cura beach in Torrevieja. The event, which was free to attend, featured five choral groups and was a very popular attraction for people of all nationalities. There were speakers all along the promenade so that people not on the beach could hear the wonderful music and everyone who attended really enjoyed the event. One RTN reader called it ‘Magical!’ ***REMINDER*** This year’s 56th annual Habaneras choral competition starts this Friday evening at the Eras de la Sal Theatre in Torrevieja Harbour. The oldest building in the city will play h ost to 28 choirs from 16 different countries, including the first ever choir from South Korea. A full list of events can be found at the Habaneras website at www.habaneras.org

Last week’s event attracted more than 6,000 people

Tropical jellyfish on the Costa Trial of ETA terrorists arrested in Sheffield

A TROPICAL jellyfish with a powerful sting that feels like an electric shock has been seen off the coast of Dénia. Scientists from Alicante University say the arrival of these jellyfish has been sudden and it is unusual and so they are investigating the creatures, which are officially called carybdea marsupialis. The jellyfish are just a few centimetres wide and have a cube-shaped head. They are commonly found in

the Caribbean and Pacific, but have been sighted in small numbers in the Mediterranean since 1878. One hypothesis is that the temperature of the oceans could have something to do with the jellyfishes’ arrival. They are currently washing up onto the Raset beach in the resort. However, scientists say there are no indications that there will be as many jellyfish as in 2008, when 2,500 people were treated for stings.

carybdea marsupialis

The ETA suspects on their arrival at Torrejón de Ardoz air base outside Madrid back in 2008

THREE ETA suspects, arrested in Sheffield, UK, in 2007, have been extradited back to Spain. Zigor Ruiz Jaso, Iñigo Albisu Hernández and Ana Isabel López Monge are accused of functioning as an ETA reserve commando unit and also charged with holding false documentation. Police believe that the three had three flats in Sheffield that were available for use by ETA members. They will stand before the courts in Madrid on 27th July.

23 - 29 JULY 2010

Entre Naranjos Summer Fiesta by Louise Clarke THE FIRST ever Town Hall organised fiesta on the Entre Naranjos urbanisation was hailed as a great success this week as hundreds of people braved the fierce sunshine and sometimes overwhelming heat to enjoy live entertainment and visit the various stalls, selling products as diverse as pillows to spark plugs. There were lots of fun activities for young and old during the three day event and the chance to sample some delicious food and drink, which included a Hog Roast and a host of Indian delicacies. New ‘Pedania’, or local mayor, of Entre Naranjos, John Reynolds told RTN: “I am happy that there are so many people who have come along to the event. I would have liked more but hopefully next year, it will be even bigger and better and we may hold it over a

John Reynolds with Orihuela Costa’s Officer for Foreign Residents, Stefan Pokroppa

weekend so then even more people will be able to attend. I would like to thank the Orihuela Town Hall for funding the fiesta and all the stall holders and entertainers for coming along and making it such a great occasion. I would also like to thank Stefan Pokroppa for all his support.”

Spanish themed charity night at Hotel El Corazon

The beautiful terrace area at El Corazon

By Louise Clarke HOTEL EL CORAZON presents a Spanish themed VIP Charity Night with the fabulous Spanish duo Jose West and Roberto playing a starring role. The pair who got together earlier this year were so impressed with each others’ musical abilities, they decided to form a partnership and since then have played many venues all over the Costa Blanca. The duo has had some rave reviews and has been described as “…fantastic, fabulous and incredible.” So, it promises to be a night to remember. They play the music of Carlos Santana and

much more and the Spanish event will not only include some amazing musical talent, there will also be traditional Spanish tapas, paella and some of the best Spanish wines to sample. VIP The event takes place on Friday 30th July and is open to everyone for just €2 per ticket. But…! El Corazon VIP members can get in for FREE and will also benefit from a better price for their paella! To find out how easy it is to become a VIP member, just call in to Hotel El Corazon or email info@hotelelcorazon. eu. You can collect a form

from the hotel or the Paul Cunningham Nurses Charity Shop in Quesada. As a VIP member you will also receive 15% discount on your restaurant bill from Sunday to Thursday. El Corazon often holds charity events and this special Spanish themed VIP Charity Night is in aid of Paul Cunningham Nurses. RTN has been told that as well as the excellent entertainment and food, there will also be dancing in the aisles along with a raffle and tombola with spectacular prizes! So, please go along and support Paul Cunningham Nurses and Viva Espana!



23 - 29 JULY 2010

Opposition party blasts New jobs in the city coastal parks and gardens By Louise Clarke THE MAYOR of Torrevieja, Pedro Hernández Mateo, accompanied by the Councillor for Employment, José Antonio Sánchez García, and the Technical Officer for the Town’s local employment agency (ADL), Juan Carlos Carmona, have this week announced that 35 of the city’s unemployed people

will be employed by the Town Hall between now and the 25th October. The Project, which has been made possible thanks to a grant of €320,000 from the Valencian Employment Service (SERVEF), will see the majority of workers employed in municipal maintenance roles with 15 of the jobs going to

administrators for various Town Hall departments. Snr Hernández Mateo handed out contracts to some of the newly employed Town Hall administrators at a press conference earlier this week. All the people who have gained employment have been job seeking and claiming unemployment benefit for some time.

The coast’s parks and gardens are in a terrible state of disrepair

by Louise Clarke THE SOCIALIST party of Orihuela has blasted the state of the parks and gardens on the coast, saying that the majority of them are in ruins. PSOE Councillor for the Coast, Rosa Martínez, denounced the state of the majority of parks and gardens in the Orihuela Costa area. The councillor was accompanied by the President of the Association of Neighbours ‘Playas de Orihuela’ and showed photographic evidence of the unmaintained and unkempt parks that in her opinion are dangerous to the health and physical wellbeing of users. ABANDONED Broken swings, litter, large areas covered with weeds, waste paper bin supports without bins and areas for children covered with broken glass - this was the view that the Councillor and the Association President were

presented with when they took a tour of the coast’s parks and gardens, the majority of which are located in the urbanisations. The photographs presented at the press conference were taken two weeks ago by the President of the Association and clearly demonstrate the disregard and neglect of all parks in the coastal area. Councillor Martinez recalled that over a year ago she presented a written denuncia on this same subject to the Councillor of the Coast, José Antonio Aniorte and that his response was: “…we will deal with it shortly.” She told RTN: “Last year’s budget designated for green zones was more than €800,000 but in many cases the work is half done and then abandoned.” She asked an open question to the PP councillors of Orihuela: “Would you allow your children to play in a park area that is full of glass and with dangerous equipment? Of course you wouldn’t, so why should the residents of the coast have to?”

The Mayor hands out contracts to the new employees

Air traffic controllers protest SPANISH AIR traffic controllers are causing flight delays due to time off work for illness. Last Sunday, 28 out of 61 controllers called in sick at Barcelona’s El Prat airport, resulting in several flight delays. Flights in Mallorca and Alicante were also affected. The spate of absenteeism from controllers comes ahead of pay talks, with workers saying they want to pressure AENA – the Spanish airports authority – for better working conditions. The union USCA claims that more air traffic personal have been off sick due to increased work pressures and too many working hours. José Blanco, the Minister for Development has said that the controllers are causing serious damage to Spain, and affecting both airlines and travellers. AENA has asked the social security department to launch an investigation into those who claim to be too ill to work, and threatened legal action against anyone found taking time off illegally.

23 - 29 july 2010



23 - 29 JULY 2010

So you think you can act?

Can you home one of the seven puppies?

by Louise Clarke PRODUCCIONES 13 has announced an open casting session for the short film ‘Mi Soledad Contigo’ which will be shot in the Murcia Region at the end of August. ‘Mi Soledad Contigo’ is a love story about a British girl called Amy who falls for an Argentinean man whilst on holiday in Spain. Her father is ex-military and he, after the loss of his father in the Falklands conflict, came with his mother to live in exile in Spain. Will they be yet another modern day Romeo and Juliet? Or can the parents overcome their pasts for the future generation to move forward? The film’s length is three to five minutes and is a lighthearted comedy. The production company is looking for four cast members to play the Argentinean young man, his mother, Amy and Amy’s Father. They need two British actors to play Amy and her Dad. Amy is in her mid twenties and her Dad is middle aged and should be an ex-military ‘type’! Both parts have dialogue in English. INTERNATIONAL FILM FESTIVAL The casting sessions will be from 10:30 on Wednesday 28th July at Kennelly’s Irish Bar in Camposol B near Mazarrón, Murcia. Anyone interesting in trying for the parts, please come along. It’s the sixth short film that local director Jesús Martinez is embarking on with his production company Producciones 13. He told RTN: “It’s the usual story - that we have no budget to make the short, but we hope to get the final film around the International film festivals next year.” For any further information or to confirm in advance that you will be attending, please contact Pru at pru.fowler@gmail.com. These are links to a couple of his earlier works, the latest having won an award, at http://www. promofest.org/films/ana-en-la-cama and http://www. youtube.com/watch?v=Z_awO3tsI2M.

Community rallies around for abandoned puppies By Louise Clarke WHEN YOU come to Spain to retire, the last thing you would expect to be doing is waking up in the middle of the night to bottle feed an infant. But that is exactly what four neighbours on the Entre Naranjos Urbanisation are doing after seven four week old puppies were abandoned at their local Petsworld. Val, Gill, Sheila and Lynn all live close to each other on the urbanisation and after Val found out that the seven puppies could not be cared for at the Petsworld kennels in San Miguel de Salinas, due to an outbreak of Parvo, she rallied her friends and neighbours to see if they could foster the pups; all of which need to be fed by hand every few hours. After finding out about the story

RTN went along to meet Val and Gill and also get a look at their very cute charges. PUPPY LIAISON OFFICER As all the puppies are so young, they are having to be fed on special puppy food, which costs €20 per bag and they have to be fed using a baby bottle complete with a rubber teat. Thankfully, they are all very healthy and have been checked over thoroughly by a vet. But very soon they will need to be re-homed as the ladies have all stressed that they cannot keep them all on a full time basis. The five girls and two boys vary in size and personality! There is the stereotypical ‘runt’ of the litter and the big bruising bossy one as well as the typical cheeky one and the quiet soft one who just loves to be cuddled. Sarah Hill, who also lives on the urbanisation and who contacted RTN to ask them to cover the story, has taken on the responsibility of ‘Puppy Liaison Officer’ and will be able to arrange viewings of any of the puppies for anyone who is interested in homing one. If you think that you can home any of the seven puppies, please contact her on 965 003 408.

Greenpeace appeal to save Spanish coasts SPAIN’S COAST is severely under threat from developers, according to Greenpeace. The environmental group say that an area of coastline the size of eight football pitches is being wiped out every day due to construction. The accusation has been published in a new report called ‘Destrucción a Toda Costa 2010’. The report goes on to say that 44 percent of the population live on the coast, but the coastal zone is only 7 percent of Spain’s land. Greenpeace are calling for a zero tolerance philosophy regarding further coastal developments in order to preserve the few virgin areas of coastal land remaining.

Activists against bull fighting AROUND 50 people from the antibullfighting group AnimaNaturalis held a demonstration in Valencia’s bullring last Sunday. The protest comes in response to the season of bullfights planned for the rest of July as part of the city’s Feria de Julio festivities. The activists wore black from head to toe and had painted their hands red. Natalia Rizzo, who coordinated the demonstration, said that the message was not only that they are against bullfighting, but also that the group supports animal rights generally.

23 - 29 JULY 2010

The Bikini Bash is back! Pirate by Louise Clarke BIGGER, BETTER and bolder than before, the Bikini Bash is back! 2010 is once again going to rock the Costa Blanca as we attempt to break the Guinness World Record for having the most photographed women in bikinis in one place. Sol Productions held the first Bikini Bash on September 20th 2009 to celebrate their 5th Anniversary and to try and break the World Record, held by Russia, who gathered together 1,923 women in bikinis. In August 2009, an attempt was made back in the UK in Southend but just 43 women turned up! The Costa Blanca beat that and whilst support was great on the

day, with over 2,000 people enjoying the events on Campoamor beach, weather was not on our side and the record was not broken, so this year, it’s all systems go to ensure the record is bought to the Costas where it belongs! The sun is sure to shine at this year’s event on Saturday 28th August at Chiringuitos Del Sol on Campoamor beach, Orihuela Costa and we’re going all out to beat that record, so ladies we need you and your bikinis! Sponsored by Europa Network and in association with Orihuela Costa Town Hall, as well as the all important official count and photo shoot, a full schedule of music and entertainment has been lined up from 16.00 until 21.00: TKO FM are also broadcasting so it is going to be fun for all

the family, guaranteed! It’s going to be the beach party of the year so don’t miss it! MALE MODELS REQUIRED

Whilst the sight of hundreds of bikiniclad ladies will delight the male population, this year we’ve also got a special treat in store for the ladies who ‘dare to bare’ as we host a male model catwalk show. So men, we also need you! If you’ve ever fancied showing off that toned torso or strutting your stuff on the catwalk, now’s your chance! We have an open casting day for all men interested in taking part in the show on the day of the Bikini Bash on Saturday 14th August from 18.00 – 20.00 at Campoamor Beach. Judging the talent will be Mr Universe and Mr World, so guys you need to pull out all the stops to impress! Come early to register. GIVING BACK TO THE COMMUNITY

Officer for Foreign Residents in Orihuela Costa, Stefan Pokroppa, was in his element at last year’s event

Thanks to the support of Europa Network and the Orihuela Costa Town Hall, the event will once again be able to give back to the community and monies raised from the day will be divided between a number of local charities; all the more reason to come along and give your support. So girls and guys, put a date in your diary for Saturday 28th August and be part of a record breaking attempt. Bikinis crossed! For more information call 966 761 050 or 691 477 771 (Spanish and Dutch) Businesses wanting to show their support and be part of a sponsorship package can call or email office@solproductions.tv Stay tuned to www.solproductions.tv or find us on Facebook to get the latest updated information.

TV scam busted

AN INTERNATIONAL network that was selling pirated television signals has been busted by police in Spain. A total of 27 arrests have been made, but there are thought to be up to 77 more people involved in the scam. Police have discovered 57 interconnected


servers throughout several EU countries. Spanish cities played host to most of the servers: Córdoba, Jaén, Sevilla, Cádiz, Almería, Barcelona, Alicante, Murcia, Gran Canaria, Guipúzcoa, Mallorca, Madrid and Orense. One server could send the TV signals to up to 150 users, who were paying €15 per month. Police say that the criminals managed to distribute the signal from one single legitimate subscriber across the internet and on to hundreds more viewers. The investigation is still open and more arrests are possible.

Madrid Metro workers call off strike

AFTER WEEKS of disruption, workers on Madrid’s Metro have reached an agreement regarding pay. They have voted to accept a 1 percent pay cut as opposed to the 5 percent originally suggested. Consequently, further strike action has been called off – although the deal is only provisional at this stage. As a result, there’ll be less training, overtime and other extras available to staff.


23 - 29 july 2010

Mandy’s making mountains of money

Watts In Britain By

Paul Watts

A FEW weeks ago I was reading one of Danny Collins’s excellent book guides in the RTN and on the strength of his recommendation I purchased a copy of Wensley Clarkson’s poignant memoir, ‘Car Troubles: A Childhood on Wheels’. Danny wrote, “Every writer hopes to pull off one book that is a career milestone. With, Car Trouble, I believe Wensley Clarkson had done it in tens. I have a feeling that this book is set to become a classic of our time.” I heartily agree with Danny’s assessment and I for one thoroughly enjoyed riding along with Wensley on his journey back to the 1960s. I would urge you to grab a copy for this summertime. Now, in direct contrast to that, my next urge is to beg you not to waste your time reading, or your good money buying, Peter Mandelson’s heinous book ‘The Third Man’. I’m hoping also that Danny Collins doesn’t even bother to review this terrible tome. Of all the odious Blair gang, Peter Mandelson has to be, arguably, the most obnoxious. Three times booted from office for dodgy-doings, he is the living embodiment of Teflon Man; back he comes time and time again. He is as happy mingling with ex-KGB agents and Middle East despots as he is with the ermine regulars at the House of Lord’s Starbucks. That said, anyone contributing time or money on this individual’s book beggars belief. On Monday, Mandy trolled along to Radio 2 and happily embraced his sobriquet of Prince of Darkness as he self-promoted to the hilt on Jeremy Vine’s show. It had me gagging. I was so

desperate to get him off the radio that I accidentally re-tuned to BBC Southern Counties! Goodness only knows what the BBC was paying him. It really is Lotto time for Mandy at the moment; he’s making mountains of money. Mark Sweeney in Monday’s Guardian wrote: “Peter Mandelson is thought to have been paid in the region of £350,000 for the rights to serialise his book in the Times, with sales understood to have increased by more than 100,000 copies as a result.” Three hundred and fifty grand… What? Just to serialise Mandy’s pusillanimous denunciation of people who previously were his bezzy mates. I think it’s obscene, how about you folks? Mark added: “It is thought that the Times managed to put on more than 35,000 sales on Monday and about 30,000 each on at least Tuesday and Wednesday, plus an extra 15,000 for Mandelson’s editorial the preceding Saturday.” It’s amazing what people will read, eh? Good ole Murdoch, swelling his own huge coffers while swelling Mandy’s. Not that Mandy is short of a few shillings; oh no, for him it’s all part of his riches to riches story. He is the grandson of champagne socialist Herbert Morrison – the architect of 1951’s Festival of Britain – and the creator of the first Dome (so that’s where Tony and Mandy got the idea from). Mandelson’s book deal with News Corporation, the parent company of Harper Collins, is believed to have netted him more than £500,000. Furthermore, it’s understood that

his advance for the book, is in the region of £150,000! That’s just for the advance. Nice work if you can get it. Anyone interested in a Watts in Britain book? My advance would start a fraction of that. Tell you what, I’ll even knock a nought off – let’s call it £15,000. A bargain, surely? Come on Harper Collins… Mandy’s book went on sale last Friday and has already caused a furore in New Labour circles. Not because of its damning indictment and utter betrayal of Bottla Brown but because of its untimely arrival. In a calculated move, Mandy has been seen as pinching the limelight from a certain war criminal. The Third Man’s publication date is just one month ahead of the ‘long awaited’ hefty tome from Tone. Yup folks, The Journey, the long awaited Blair ‘memoir’ is on its way. And the Blairs are furious with Pete for gazumping them at the bookstands. Do yourselves a favour folks, start reading Stieg Larrson’s brilliant Millennium trilogy about the girl with the dragon tattoo this summer and leave well alone the nonsense and verbiage that is both The Journey and The Third Man. To me The Third Man will always be the superb 1949 British film-noir directed by Carol Reed that starred Trevor Howard and Orson Welles; not a third rate political biog. The proper Third Man was written by Graham Greene, a proper writer. Do you remember its memorable musical score by composer Anton Karas that was played on a zith-

The Dark Prince of Jackanory

er? Here’s a ‘factoid’ for Vince Tracy’s radio show - that music topped the international music charts in 1950. Probably, around about the time Mandy’s granddad was dreaming up that first London Dome. I don’t mean to be nasty folks, but I really hope Mandy’s efforts end up like Alan Partridge’s book, Bouncing Back. That is, in the pulp machine being turned, as Alan sadly says “into book porridge”. Watts in Brighton, reading Peter James not Peter Mandelson

23 - 29 JULY 2010



23 - 29 july 2010

The Drainbusters… don’t miss this! HAVE YOU heard of The Drainbusters? Seen their eye catching toilet humor vans? Well let us tell you they’re a company based in the heart of the Costa Blanca, offering a complete Drain & Locksmith emergency call out service amongst many other services. The unusual thing is, not only do they offer a complete 24 hour call out service to handle

anything from a blocked drain, DIY accident or even being locked out of your premises, but they also offer these services at incredibly low prices! You don’t have to take our word for it, you can find out for yourself; their prices are shown on their website and they are also happy to give you any information required

The eye catching toilet humour van

over the phone! We love finding companies this transparent!! What we especially like about this company is the fact that there is nothing hidden from the customer: they don’t charge a call out fee and they guarantee to have one of their technicians on your doorstep within 2 hours! They show you exactly what the problem is with no obligation to have any work carried out. We think this company is worth a mention as this industry has quite a reputation for being pricey and taking advantage of customers when they are most vulnerable. Fear no more as that’s not the case with the Drainbusters! Having your drains unblocked or a burst pipe fixed is something that can´t wait, therefore all companies offering to fix these problems charge excessively high rates and you never know what the bill is going to be until they’re done, leaving you no option but to pay. Well not anymore! All of us on the Costa Blanca have something to celebrate! The Drainbusters have been born! Drainbusters offer very low prices together with top quality service and no call out fees at all. They’ll travel to you wherever you are on the entire Costa Blanca and inland for FREE, without any obligation to have any services rendered. Incredible isn’t it? Well it´s true! They are happy to give quotes for

most things on the phone, and if they can´t, then they´ll come to you, assess the job and give you a quote with no ties at all. Their main services are 24 Hr Drain Clearance & Locksmiths but they also offer non emergency services such as water heater replacement, root removal from drains, drain repairs, drain maintenance packages for businesses and communities, CCTV drain inspections and surveys, industrial power cleaning, ideal for patios, builders cleans etc, graffiti removal, change of locks and much more. The Drainbusters are a completely legal, taxpaying company in Spain, so all customers receive a complete guarantee for any services performed. The Drainbusters promise to beat any other quote as their motto is “We will not be beaten on service or price! And we keep our promises!” Their price structure is fixed, meaning all jobs will cost the same whether called for at 14.00 or 04.00! Visit their website at www.thedrainbusters.com for more details on all the services provided, and feel free to email their enquiry team to resolve any queries you may have at: thedrainbusters@hotmail.com. Or call 966 115 903/627 724 744. Hope this info helps you all out when you are next in your hour of need!

23 - 29 JULY 2010




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23 - 29 JULY 2010

Getting a divorce in Spain by

Marc White & Carlos Baos

English & Spanish Solicitors

I AM seriously considering getting divorced in Spain. I am English and my husband is Spanish. We got married in Spain. We have one 19 year old son in common, who is studying with good academic results. He does not have any income and lives with me. My husband left our home 18 months ago and lives in our apartment in Javea. Could we get divorced in Spain under Spanish law or will English law apply? What do I need to prove to be able to get divorced in Spain? If we are not able to come into an agreement and achieve divorce by consent, could I claim for maintenance in favour of my son against my husband even if my son is over 18? Dear reader, thank you for email: As said in all our previous articles, we must remind you that without studying your case in detail we can not give you legal advice specific to your circumstances. Regarding the situation you mentioned, we understand that the spouses have no common nationality (being one Spanish and the other English) and being resident at the time of the marriage and now at the time of the divorce in Spain it is

Spanish Law that will apply. Therefore it would be Spanish Law that governs the effects of the marriage (economic implications and consequences of the marriage, marriage regime, etc) and also for the divorce itself. The first thing that we should remind you is that under the Spanish Law the only requirement to be able to get divorced is to be married for at least 3 months. This makes the process of divorce much easier, if you compare it with the English Law. As you may know, as per the Matrimonial English Causes Act 1973 in order to get divorced you must show to the court that the marriage has irretrievably broken down, this being the only ground for divorce. This must then be proved by means of 5 facts: Adultery, unreasonable behaviour, 2 years separation if both parties consent, 2 years desertion or 5 years separation. The other question concerns the rights of your son, who is 19 years old, therefore of legal age, to claim or get some maintenance from your husband. This is a problematic issue in the divorce or separation of a marriage and also in the situation of an unmarried couple with children. A while ago it was debated whether this could be possible. The court precedents understood that it was possible for the parent living with the children over legal age to claim for maintenance in the children’s favour. After the Law 11/1990, and its modification of the article 93-2 paragraph of the Spanish Civil Code, it is clear now that it IS POSSIBLE. This article states that:

‘If in the family home are living children above legal age who have no independent means, the court in the same Court Order will fix compensation in their favour, as per the article 142 and following ones of this Code’. Therefore, in answer to your question, we do not see any problem for you to claim maintenance for your 19-year-old son, if he is living with you and if he does not have an income himself. These circumstances must be properly proved to the court. We also recommend that you should show the court that your son is doing well at studies and is not at home not working, not studying, and simply hoping to be maintained by the father. If the circumstances were different, i.e. if your son of legal age was not living with you, we understand that the court would understand that you are not entitled to act on his behalf and they will not allow you to claim for a maintenance for him in the divorce process. Nevertheless, we understand that in the scenario where a child of above legal age is not living with any of the parents, that child is able to claim for maintenance (in Spanish PENSION DE ALIMENTOS) directly, through another court case, not on the divorce one. Should this be your case or the case of someone you know, we will be more than pleased to assist you. Please see our “W & B” ad in following pages. *The information provided on this article is not intended to be legal advice, but merely conveys general information related to legal issues.

Send your questions to spanishlawyer@roundtownnews.com or info@white-baos.com Marc White LL.B. & Carlos Baos (English & Spanish Solicitors) © White & Baos Abogados 2010 - All rights reserved. C/Diana 19, 2º-D, 03700 Dénia (located close to the Glorieta Square at the end of Marques de Campo). Tel: 966 426 185.

Government considers entry toll for Gibraltar THE MAYOR of La Linea, Alejandro Sánchez, is calling for a toll to be charged to people crossing the border between La Linea and Gibraltar. Sánchez says that the government has forgotten about La Linea, which currently has 10,000 unemployed, and that Gibraltar is favoured by the Spanish Foreign Ministry. A study is being carried out into the legality of introducing a toll, and meanwhile Sánchez says that he plans to march 20km to the government offices in Algeciras to demand a solution for his town’s economic difficulties. He also argues that millions of people pass through La Linea in order to enter Gibraltar, but his town isn’t benefiting.

Sex ads banned from papers but prostitution still legal ZAPATERO HAS announced a plan to ban all sex ads from Spanish newspapers. Explicit ads are worth €40 million a year to the newspaper industry in Spain, which is already struggling. Zapatero has justified his decision by saying that it is part of a strategy to fight the sexual exploitation that is rife in Spain. The Association of Spanish Newspaper Editors argues that the way to prevent sexual exploitation would be to make prostitution illegal.


23 - 29 JULY 2010


Loans and mortgages in hard times IN THESE times of recession when banks may be reluctant to lend, many people are looking to raise finance from secondary sources such as brokers that specialise in arranging mortgages secured on property and also unsecured loans. In Spain, mortgages or “Hipotecas” are regulated by a series of laws passed since 1946, and Law 2 of by 2009 which regulates the activities of brokers who arrange both mortgages and unsecured loans. If you are looking to raise finance in this way always remember that these organisations are not Solicitor, Link Point Legal charities and are in business to make money by and Business Services raising money for you. A frequent complaint by clients who come to us after arranging loans in this way is that they have not received as much money as they thought they were getting, but are paying interest on a much larger amount, which is the full amount stated in the agreement. They find that they have been charged large fees and commissions by the brokers which have been deducted from the loan. Borrowers with ‘bad credit’ or who need money in a hurry may have to accept this situation, but by the time you have completed your loan or mortgage and it has been registered against your property it is usually too late to complain.

Michael Olmer

AS A MINIMUM YOU SHOULD RECEIVE A WRITTEN STATEMENT SETTING OUT: • The total amount of the loan • The term of the loan

• The initial Interest rate expressed as the “TAE” (known to British readers as the APR) • Whether the interest rate is fixed or variable • The minimum and maximum interest rate • If there is a discount off the initial interest rate, for how long the discount will apply • The cost of paying off the loan early before it has run its full term • The broker’s costs and fees for arranging the loan or mortgage • The taxes, Notary fees, and Land Registry fees • The actual amount you will be receiving when you complete your loan. If you fall into arrears, contact your lender immediately, but they are not obliged to come to terms with you either to reduce your payments or extend the term. For economic reasons they may want to do so to avoid repossessing property which they then cannot sell on, but some lenders can be particularly hard-nosed. Never simply send the keys to your lender if you cannot afford to continue paying your mortgage. This may provide you with some short term relief, but you will be storing up trouble which may come back to haunt you in the future. One feature of Spanish mortgages which is often abused is the right of the lender under the Ley de Enjuiciamento Civil (Civil Procedure Law) to repossess and sell off property for only 50% of its valuation, leaving the borrower still liable for the

balance to which can be added additional costs, penalties and fees. There is a proposal to increase the minimum amount for which a lender can dispose of property to 70% of its value but this has not yet become law. So long as the lender realises 50% or more of the value it can look to the borrower for the remainder. Often many years later a borrower who has had their property repossessed will receive a demand for the shortfall with years of extra interest and penalties. If you are thinking of borrowing money from any source, whether from a bank or other source, and especially through a broker, always make sure that you take independent advice on the terms of a loan before signing the mortgage deed or loan agreement.

Link Point Legal and Business Services www.linkpointlegal.com - michaelolmer@linkpointlegal.com


23 - 29 july 2010


Organic Care System


Hair colouring and treatments at Panache Hair & Beauty Studio

PANACHE HAS been established since 1998 and has always been very aware of new developments happening in the hair and beauty business. But things have really changed with a whole new concept in hair products. Angie, the owner of Panache, worked with ‘Redken’ for many years in UK analyzing hair for the company back in the 70s. At that time it was an innovation, trying to make people understand PH balance on hair and beauty products. Now that’s not the case. HAIR’S NATURAL PH IS BETWEEN 4.5 AND 5.5 Good quality products that are of a low Ph value make all the difference to the hair structure, enhancing the look and feel, by not being too acid or too alkaline. We need to understand the natural stretch and return of our hair. This is done on wet hair. The strand of hair is tested for elasticity. Hair which stretches but doesn`t return to its previous length is weak in protein. Hair which doesn`t stretch is low in moisture. Hair needs to be opened naturally, without damaging the hair, unlike peroxide which opens the cuticle very quickly.

FEATURES AND BENEFITS • NO Ammonia or Ammonia substitutes • NO Damage to the hair and maintains the hairs natural moisture and protein balance • NO Ammonia gasses to be inhaled • Reduces irritation on the scalp • Little or no staining on the skin • Reduces burning sensation on the scalp and on the hair Panache salon is now working with a new organic hair colours, shampoo, conditioner and treatments. Major companies are also going for the same market. As we are all aware, today more than ever about the benefits of Organic foods, now they are also making Organic hair colours; permanent wave; etc. L`Oreal, Schwarzkopt and Wella are all to be introducing products in the near future. The application is slightly different than the normal way, a little time longer in the Salon is needed, but the difference in condition and lustre are well worth the wait. The benefit is also that shampoos, conditioners and treatments are all available to take home, and are not expensive.

The Salons stylist will be on hand for any advice you will need. Also new to Panache are wigs, ponytails and hair extensions. All beauty services are available Monday – Saturday. For nails, a simple manicure or minx toes, ring for full details. Chiropody Tuesdays and Thursdays, Semi-permanent make-up and Restylane injections are available. PANACHE: EVERYTHING UNDER ONE ROOF Calle Juan XXIII bajo 9 Moraira Alicante. Tel: 965 745 357 for more information or consultation.

Do you know if you Pure-Col FOR MANY years now I have been promoting natural & organic products, all of which I use myself. One of my most succesful products is 100% Pure-Col enhanced amino acid Collagen, the key to beautiful skin and a beautiful body from within and which redefines the look good & feel good factors. SOME OF THE MANY BENEFITS REPORTED BY CUSTOMERS USING PURE-COL COLLAGEN ARE: • Smooths fine lines & wrinkles • Replaces lost elasticity • Strengthens nails • Improves body’s joint mobility • Eases arthritis pain • Taken orally so no need for injections This very unique high quality collagen capsule uses an amino acid lock procedure to ensure maximum absorption into the body. The manufacturers have been working with Collagen for over 20 years and Pure-Col has become the finest of all collagen products available today with the big advantage of a long term track record. It is used by many famous athletes and celebrities who praise its benefits. LATER THIS YEAR A PURE-COL COLLAGEN SERUM WILL BE AVAILABLE FOR DIRECT APPLICATION TO THE SKIN, WOW! I CAN’T WAIT FOR THIS!


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MARINA CABALLÉ Specialist in internal medicine

Our goal is to help people whose health is at risk due to excessive body weight.

THERE ARE people with a healthy weight who think that they are overweight, and the reverse, others who clearly weigh too much but aren’t conscious of the risk involved. Most likely, the disproportionate increase in the prevalence of obesity is the result of lifestyle changes: highly calorific diets, easy access to food and a sedentary lifestyle. Who doesn’t want to park the car right in front of their work, the supermarket, the cinema, or even paradoxically, the gym? The supermarket, with its shelves of appealing food, can be a difficult place. Especially for those who have problems controlling their impulses, like children – not to mention if food shopping is done on an empty stomach. Excessive rations and hyper-calorific meals are part of our lifestyle, both in restaurants and at home; it’s not socially acceptable to be hungry, and it’s unforgivable to let a child skip a meal. All this, plus the habit of finishing everything on the plate, means that, little by little, we can eat more calories than we need, and over the years we put on extra kilos. You should watch out for calories that usually go uncounted: in alcohol and other drinks, oil, dried fruit, calories consumed when eating snacks, etc. Everyone has their own metabolism, some people need more calories, and some need less, depending on your genetic make-up, age, level of physical activity, etc. CALCULATE YOUR BODY MASS INDEX (BMI) It’s easy to calculate your BMI and it tells you if

your body weight is healthy. Divide your weight (in kilos) by your height (in metres) squared (weight/height2). Underweight – below 18.5 BMI Normal – between 18.5 and 24.9 BMI Overweight – between 25 and 29.9 BMI Obese – over 30 BMI

THE TENDENCY TO ACCUMULATE FAT IN THE ABDOMEN, THE ‘BEER BELLY’, IS DANGEROUS. We’re here to help. The Hospital Clínica Benidorm (HCB) is one of the medical centres of reference for the quality of its professionals and the modern technology available. THE MEDICAL SURGICAL INSTITUTE OF OBESITY (IMEQO) Born of the philosophy of delivery and innovation of the Hospital Clínica Benidorm. In the IMEQO, patients will find a specialised centre for obesity problems. Aside from an initial FREE comprehensive study, we value the treatment that is most suited to your needs. A multidisciplinary diagnostic team treats and follows individual cases, offering a personalised plan for each patient. OBESITY SURGERY (BARIATRIC) This is the only method that has proven useful for controlling long-term obesity. With the surgery the patient obtains important benefits in all aspects of life that were altered by obesity.

‘Up to 5 times the risk of a brain tumour’

These are headlines that appeared in the Daily Mail on 15th June 2010.

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With a Quantam you can HELP PROTECT YOUR CHILDREN AND YOURSELF for just €10 for 1 or €25 for 3! All mobiles, cordless phones and computers emit varying levels of harmful Electro Magnetic Radiation (EMR). Fit a Quantum to any of these and reduce the harmful effects of EMR. A simple demonstration will show you how it works.

New Product

The Spanish have known about it for years - “Baba de Caracol” is a smooth & silky cream that is known to help reduce ageing wrinkles, stretch marks & scars and deeply moisturise the epidermis. It also fights the bacteria that cause acne. It’s not just a face cream - but can be used on all parts of the body. It can soften and heal the rough patches on your feet & elbows. This cream is a unique formula created by combining all the great healing ingredients of Aloe Vera, Collagen, Elastin, Vitamin E & enriched with 100% natural Snail Slime.

For further information about Pure-Col, Quantum, Baba de Caracol and the other natural health products I sell, including Bioflow Magnetic Therapy products for people & animals, Organic Flax Seed, Chemical Free Skincare, Please contact me: Carol Lockhart in Lliber, 96 573 2607, Mob 616 103 167, Email: carol@eternalhealth.es, Website: www.eternalhealth.es

Spotlight: Health&Beauty



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With laparoscopic surgery the risk is minimal. The abdomen isn’t cut open; only small incisions are made.


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Patients require adequate information to help them decide if they want our help or not.

INDULGE YOUR senses and be pampered from head to toe at Saphia’s Beauty Treatments. Based in Hotel El Corazon, Rojales, Saphia’s beautifully designed salon is an oasis of calm and offers a wide range of high-quality beauty treatments to rejuvenate body and soul. Treatments include facials, massages and body wraps, spray tanning, detox sessions and much more. For more information, contact Saphia on 673 070 547 or email zglegg@btinternet.com

Sale season at Looking Good

FATIMA JÚDEZ MARTÍ Human nutrition and diet specialist

The important thing about a slimming diet is that it’s adapted to the individual.


Endocrinology and nutrition specialist

Miracle diets and weight-loss pills don’t exist, and neither do diets that help you lose weight without effort.

SALE SEASON is here and to launch our best ever Summer Sale Looking Good Boutique are holding an informal fashion show instore on Saturday 24th July at 11am highlighting our huge price reductions and previewing what is coming in for the Autumn season. CC Zenia Golf, Villamartin roundabout N332. Call 96 676 0479

Acupuncture to stop smoking Let Acupuncture help you stop smoking


Robert Vandevelede

Ex-president Australian Acupuncture & Chinese medicine Association

WHILE IT may not seem like it right now, by just deciding that you’re going to stop smoking, you’ve won half the battle; a strong will gets you through the other half. Many people have tried many times to give up without much success. Do not despair. In order to stay motivated, remind yourself that about half of the people who don’t give up will die of smoking related health issues. Smoking is a compulsive addiction and can be as powerful as alcohol or narcotic drug abuse. As you are probably aware, by smoking you are providing your body with regular doses of nicotine. The reason why quitting smoking is so difficult is because your body becomes dependent on this nicotine. There are receptors in your brain with which nicotine reacts that results in the release of a neurotransmitter called dopamine. This is what causes that positive feeling that you experience when you light up and take a deep drag. When you stop smoking, deprived of nicotine, your brain receptors stop producing as much dopamine as it used to before. This slowing down of dopamine being released is what causes the typical withdrawal symptoms associated with smoking cessation such as anxiety; irritability; restlessness; difficulty in concentration; drowsiness; headache and sometimes even anger.

ACUPUNCTURE TO STOP SMOKING Can Acupuncture make you stop smoking? No, but it will definitely help you once you’ve decided to stop! Acupuncture, as a part of traditional Chinese medicine is known to provide relief for a very wide range of conditions. It is also very effective at relieving stress. The use of Acupuncture for smoking and other addictions was popularised in the mid 1970’s, after a patient’s opium withdrawal symptoms disappeared after receiving electro acupuncture. It is definitely the treatment of choice for handling the above mentioned withdrawal symptoms. The advantage of this treatment is that it helps you get through the quitting phase, without relying on chemicals or nicotine replacement therapy. While the points used on each patient may differ, all treatments will include points in the ear and some points on the arms and legs. The number of treatments again differs but usually no more than 6 treatments are required. For those people still scared of needles, I can use laser, or a combination of laser and needles. Apart from your resolve and the acupuncture, you need to go about it systematically, using strategies that will help you to succeed. Behavioural modification must form a part of your stop smoking strategy. Behavioural modification involves changing the patterns of habit that act as cues to light up a cigarette: a cup of coffee; making a phone call and lighting up; stressful situations etc. You have to make a conscious effort to avoid these patterns. Decide on a date to stop and stick to it. No excuses. Tell your family and friends you are quitting, they will help you through the rough spots. Get rid of cigarettes, ashtrays and lighters. And take it hour by hour... day by day... Together we will make you succeed!

Written by Robert Vandevelde Former President Australian Acupuncture and Chinese medicine Association, Contact him on 660 032 862 Write to me at robertvdvelde@telefonica.net

How healthy is your diet? DO YOU COOK MEALS FROM SCRATCH? a. Yes, every meal b. A few times a week c. Hardly ever, ready meals are easier

HOW MANY PORTIONS OF FRUIT AND VEGETABLES DO YOU EAT EVERY DAY? a. At least five portions b. Three or four c. Less than two


a. I avoid deep fried foods and use olive oil when I cook b. I do eat some fatty foods but mainly stick to low fat options c. I love doughnuts and can not live without having the occasional packet of crisps

HOW MUCH WATER DO YOU DRINK EACH DAY? a. 6 to 8 glasses b. I try to drink water but prefer fruit juices c. A glass or two, plus lots of tea and coffee


a. Grilled meat or fish with vegetables or salad and brown rice

Spotlight: Health&Beauty

b. Pasta with sauce c. Cheeseburger and chips


Your diet sounds great, keep up the good work. You should be bursting with energy so capitalise on it by getting some exercise.


You are on the right track. Try to choose wholegrains, snack on fruit and vegetables between meals to keep up your energy levels and increase your five a day quota.


Your diet could do with a bit of an overhaul. You probably feel tired and lethargic a lot of the time but the good news is that, with a few changes you could feel healthier and more energetic. Come along to our Just Plain Slim on Fridays at The Fountain Bar in Dolores at 09.30 or our Aquacise on Wednesdays in an indoor salt water pool in Dolores at 11.00. Ring or email us for more details.

Tel: 693 596 533: www.jpsfitness.net

Featured Advertorial


23 - 29 JULY2010 2010 15-21 JANUARY

Fears and Phobias gems by

Mark Phoenix Murphy Dhp MIAPH MNRAH

STANDING OVER the River Styx, Thetis, the mother of Greek hero Achilles, dipped her son into the awesome torrent. Her intent was to make her son invulnerable, and to a point, she succeeded. However, his sole weakness, which eventually led to his death, was his heel. The act of bathing him in the water created his one vulnerability. This awesome hero was felled by an arrow that shot into that weakness and since that day, we refer to Achilles’ heel as our one principle failing. Unless you live beside the mythological River Styx and can frequently bathe in it, you have a weakness; a fear that in some way affects your life. Be it fear of flying, heights, the darkness, water... small or large, it resonates in some way in your mind. Now, you might say I’m being pessimistic, but it’s the truth. No person, fat or thin, musclebound or lanky, tall or small is infallible. The sooner we all realise that, the better we’ll all feel. Having a weakness isn’t a crime, but if it’s detrimental to your life; or is stopping you from participating to the full, then you need to take control of it and actively seek help. Hypnotherapy can help if your fear of flying is stopping you from going on holiday, or a fear of public-speaking is making you palpitate at the thought of an upcoming speech at work. Whether it’s pervasive or your phobia revolves around an upcoming event, hypnotherapy can really offer you an alternative path: one, that really works and fast. For that speech, a course of hypnotherapy allows you to ‘compartmentalise’ that fear and take control of the situation. You can step back, feeling calm and controlled, and work through your fear. Suggestion hypnotherapy can boost your self-confidence and self-esteem, whilst relaxing and reducing your stress levels. If your phobia is causing you daily continual strife, then a more intensive course of therapy is recommended. Pure HypnoAnalysis will seek out the root cause of your phobia and deal with

With Hypnotherapy it is possible to overcome your fear of flying

it accordingly. Whilst providing you with all the benefits of hypnotherapy, it will get down to the nitty-gritty and will finally enable you to live your life to the full without your fears getting you down. Usually a phobia can be resolved within eight to twelve sessions, in which you’ll face your fear in a calm, controlled and most importantly, safe environment. I am the only registered consultant Hypnotherapist, Psychotherapist, Pure HypnoAnalyst and HypnoBand Practitioner and the sole IAPH member on the Costa Blanca and Costa Calida. If you’re suffering with a phobia that is affecting your life, then you can visit me at The English Medical Clinic in Albir (nr Benidorm); International Clinica Moraira, Moraira; Consultas Medicas ICA, Camposol and The Physical Therapy Clinic, Villamartin (Torrevieja).

For your free initial consultation please feel free to call Mark Phoenix Murphy directly on 654 202 996 or visit his websites www.HypnosisSpain.com or www.HypnoSpain.com for more details


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23 - 29 july 2010

The last kingdom

The Alhambra Palace in Granada

GRANADA was the last kingdom of the mighty Muslim dynasties which ruled for over 700 years and left the indelible mark of a nation that is still so different within Europe. During the first week of August, Coachtrips SL will host an amazing excursion to this wonderful region; a fascinating journey to the home of the Nasrites; a highly educated and sophisticated people who ruled with fairness and tolerance but were capable of horrific cruelty and internal power struggles. TRADITIONAL 21st C Granada is a thriving, bustling modern university city built on the banks of two rivers, the

Genil and the Darro, a narrow strip cutting through the lush green valley upon which old Granada was built. On one side of this valley, you have the Albaicin district, made up of traditional, whitewashed Spanish houses on twisting narrow streets, suddenly opening out into cobbled squares. The uniquely soulful sounds of traditional Andalucian singing accompanied by the deep throb of the ever present Spanish guitar fill the air. MAGNIFICENT The Alhambra Palace gives the impression of a powerful fortress, but nothing can prepare the unacquainted visitor for the

marvellous experience of entering between strong powerful outer walls, giving way to beautifully sculptured walls and ceilings, every room more ornate, more skilfully sculpted than the last. Cooling pools and tinkling fountains fill ornamental squares and flower filled gardens. Coachtrips SL is offering the chance to see this magnificent city at the fabulous price of just €89, to include air conditioned coach travel and one night Bed and Breakfast in a quality four star city centre hotel. Pick up points are in and around Torrevieja. The excursion takes place on 3rd /4th August. See details of this and other excursions on page 3 of RTN, or at www.coachtripsonline.com

Quesada Fiestas By Louise Clarke THE CUIDAD Quesada Fiestas start this weekend and this year, the Town Hall of Rojales has promised that they will be bigger and better than ever before. The timetable of events starts this coming Sunday, 25th July, with a huge Paella in the Plaza Blanca, which is free for everyone. Next Friday, 30th July, again at the Plaza Blanca, there will be a performance by talented soloist Maria Gracia, followed by a disco into the early hours. On Saturday 31st July, at 23:00, there will be a multicoloured parade and fiesta followed again by a disco with the DJ playing tunes until the sun comes up. Finally, on Sunday, 1st August, at 10:00 there will be a musical performance

The fireworks will be fantastic

by the ‘Agrupación Musical Los Solfamidas’. This performance will be followed by a procession through the centre of Quesada and a musical tribute by the group ‘Tronio’ will take place in the Plaza Blanca. Later that day at 20:30, there will be a concert by the Santa Cecilia of Rojales Musical Union, again in the Plaza Blanca and this will be followed at 22:00 by an exhibition of Hip-Hop and street dance. To round off the fiesta events, at midnight there will be a fantastic firework show, with more music and dancing courtesy of the DJ, who will be playing his tunes in the Plaza Blanca again until the wee small hours. It promises to be a great fiesta, so make sure you go along and enjoy it!

tv Friday

23 - 29 july 2010

07:00 Breakfast 10:15 Heir Hunters 11:00 Escape to the Country 12:00 Homes Under the Hammer 12:30 Cash in the Attic 13:15 Bargain Hunt 14:00 BBC News 14:30 Regional News 14:45 Doctors 15:15 Murder, She Wrote 16:00 BBC News 16:05 ZingZillas 16:25 Funky Fables 16:40 Mortified 17:05 Trapped 17:35 Hounded 18:00 Newsround 18:15 The Weakest Link 19:00 BBC News at Six 19:30 Regional News 20:00 The One Show 20:30 DIY SOS 21:00 EastEnders 21:30 Celebrity MasterChef 22:00 My Family 22:30 The Old Guys 23:00 BBC News at Ten 23:25 Regional News 23:35 Would I Lie to You? 00:05 The National Lottery

08:00 Childrens TV 11:00 Copycats 11:30 Deadly 60 12:00 Sam and Mark’s Guide to Dodging Disaster 12:10 The Flintstones 12:35 The Flintstones 13:00 The Daily Politics 13:30 Working Lunch 14:00 The World at War 14:50 Hands on Nature 15:00 Wanted Down Under 16:00 Diagnosis Murder 16:45 Flog It! 17:30 Ben Fogle’s Escape in Time 18:15 The Hairy Bikers’ Food Tour of Britain 19:00 Eggheads 19:30 Antiques Road Trip 20:00 Victorian Pharmacy 21:00 RHS Show Tatton Park 21:30 Gardeners’ World 22:00 Monsoon Railway 22:55 Coast 23:00 How Not to Live Your Life 23:30 Newsnight 00:05 Mock the Week 00:35 Shooting Stars

07:00 GMTV 10:25 The Jeremy Kyle Show 11:30 This Morning 12:25 ITV News 12:30 This Morning 13:30 Loose Women 14:30 ITV News & Weather 15:00 Dickinson’s Real Deal 16:00 60 Minute Makeover 17:00 Midsomer Murders 18:00 The Chase 19:00 Granada Reports 19:30 ITV News & Weather 20:00 Emmerdale 20:30 Coronation Street 21:00 Dickinson’s Real Deal 21:30 Coronation Street 22:00 Doc Martin 23:00 ITV News at Ten & Weather 23:35 Midnight Run

08:05 Big Brother 09:15 Frasier 09:45 Fern Britton’s 5 O’Clock Show 10:45 Deal or No Deal 11:30 Everybody Loves Raymond 11:55 Friends 12:30 Friends 13:00 Channel 4 News Summary 13:05 Jason Derulo’s Postcard from T4 On The Beach 13:20 Jamie at Home 13:50 Come Dine with Me 16:25 Countdown 17:10 Deal or No Deal 18:00 Fern Britton’s 5 O’Clock Show 19:00 The Simpsons 19:30 Hollyoaks 20:00 Channel 4 News 20:25 4thought.tv 20:30 Love, Virtually 21:00 A Place in the Sun: Home or Away 22:00 Big Brother 23:00 The IT Crowd 23:30 Big Brother

08:00 Childrens TV 10:00 Bert and Ernie’s Great Adventures 10:05 Milkshake Monkey 10:10 Castle Farm 10:20 The Adventures of Bottle Top Bill and His Best Friend Corky 10:30 Igam Ogam 10:45 Don’t Stop Believing 11:45 Trisha Goddard 12:45 CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 13:40 Five News 13:50 House 14:45 Neighbours 15:15 Home and Away 15:50 Don’t Stop Believers 15:55 County Secrets 16:05 Gracie’s Choice 18:00 Five News 18:30 Neighbours 19:00 Home and Away 19:25 Don’t Stop Believers 19:30 Live From Studio Five 20:30 Zoo Days 21:00 Nature Shock 22:00 The Mentalist 23:00 CSI: NY 23:55 Don’t Stop Believers

07:00 Breakfast

08:00 Childrens TV

11:00 Saturday Kitchen

23:45 Catch Me If You Can

11:00 Horrible Histories 11:30 Deadly 60 12:00 Richard Hammond’s Blast Lab 12:30 Evacuation to the Manor House 13:00 Degrassi: The Next Generation 13:25 The Cut 13:50 Scene Stealers 14:20 The 5.19 Show 14:35 The Almost Perfect Guide to Life 15:00 Revealed 15:15 Cat Ballou 16:45 Flog It! 17:30 Sacred Music 18:30 Dad’s Army 19:00 Monsoon Railway 19:50 Coast 20:00 BBC Proms 2010 22:00 Have I Got a Bit More News for You 22:45 All New Mock the Week 23:15 Little Voice 00:45 O

07:00 Jim Jam and Sunny 07:15 Boblins 07:25 Engie Benjy 07:40 Odd-Jobbers 07:50 Fireman Sam 08:00 Dora the Explorer 08:25 Chop Socky Chooks 08:50 Ben 10 09:15 Horrid Henry 09:30 SpongeBob SquarePants 10:00 Aaron Stone 10:25 The Crocodile Hunter Diaries 11:25 Children’s Hospital 11:55 Monk 12:55 ITV News & Weather 13:10 This Morning: Saturday 14:10 Arthur 2: On the Rocks 16:20 Hulk 18:55 Creature Comforts 19:10 Granada News and Weather 19:25 ITV News & Weather 19:45 You’ve Been Framed! 20:15 Odd One In 21:00 Magic Numbers 22:00 30 Years of An Audience With... 23:00 ITV News & Weather 23:15 Inside Man

08:00 World Sport 08:30 Mobil 1 The Grid 09:00 The Morning Line 09:55 Friends 10:30 Under The Skin: Kylie 11:00 Alexandra Burke’s Postcard From T4 on the Beach 11:15 Friends 11:50 Big Brother 12:55 Big Brother 13:25 Hollyoaks Music Show 13:55 Scrubs 14:55 Channel 4 Racing 16:55 Come Dine with Me 19:00 Channel 4 News 19:25 4thought.tv 19:30 David Starkey’s Monarchy: The Windsors 21:00 The Queen 22:00 Big Brother 23:00 The Misfits 24:05 Star Trek VI: the Undiscovered Country

08:00 Elmo’s World 08:15 Pocoyo 08:30 Harry and His Bucket Full of Dinosaurs 08:45 Noddy in Toyland 09:00 Mist: Sheepdog Tales 09:15 Little Princess 09:25 The Adventures of Bottle Top Bill and His Best Friend Corky 09:45 Igam Ogam 10:00 Olivia 10:15 The Mr. Men Show 10:30 Gerald McBoing Boing 11:00 BUPA Great North 10k 2010 12:00 Fifth Gear 12:30 Building the Super Tower: Megastructures 13:30 Don’t Stop Believers 13:40 None but the Brave 15:45 Ocean’s Eleven 18:15 Five News 18:20 The Green Berets 20:50 Don’t Stop Believers 20:55 NCIS 21:55 CSI: Miami 22:50 CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 23:50 CSI: NY

07:00 Breakfast 10:00 The Andrew Marr Show 11:00 Sunday Morning Live 12:00 Country Tracks 13:00 BBC News 13:05 Formula 1 16:15 EastEnders 18:35 Lifeline 18:45 Songs of Praise 19:20 BBC News 19:35 Regional News and Weather 19:45 Antiques Roadshow 20:30 Last of the Summer Wine 21:00 Countryfile 22:00 Sherlock 23:30 BBC News 23:45 Regional News and Weather 23:55 The Impressions Show with Culshaw and Stephenson 00:25 City by the Sea

07:00 Harry and Toto 07:10 Bob the Builder: Project Build It 07:20 Postman Pat: SDS 07:35 Guess with Jess 08:00 Everything’s Rosie 08:10 dirtgirlworld 08:25 Muddle Earth 08:35 Bear Behaving Badly 09:00 Wingin’ It 09:20 Sam and Mark’s Guide to Dodging Disaster 09:30 Planet Ajay 10:00 OOglies 10:15 OOglies 10:30 Sorry, I’ve Got No Head 11:00 Something for the Weekend 12:30 Monk 13:15 Pal Joey 15:00 Escape to the Country 16:00 Triathlon: World Championship Series 19:00 Wild Wales 20:00 Dragons’ Den 21:00 Top Gear 22:00 Coast 23:00 MotoGP 2010 00:00 The Deadliest Crash: the Le Mans 1955 Disaster

07:25 Engie Benjy 07:40 Odd-Jobbers 07:50 Fluffy Gardens 08:00 My Friends Tigger & Pooh 08:25 Supernormal 08:55 Ben 10 09:15 Horrid Henry 09:30 Shaggy and Scooby Doo Get a Clue 10:00 Phineas and Ferb 10:25 Coronation Street Omnibus 13:10 ITV News & Weather 13:20 This Morning: Sunday 14:20 House Gift 15:20 Columbo 16:55 Agatha Christie’s Poirot 19:00 Ladies of Letters 19:25 Granada News and Weather 19:40 ITV News & Weather 20:00 All the Queen’s Men with Alan Titchmarsh 21:00 Heartbeat 22:00 Taggart 23:00 ITV News & Weather 23:15 The Nutty Professor

07:20 The Hoobs 07:45 The Hoobs 08:10 Catching the Impossible 09:05 British F3 International Series 09:30 The Brain Cell 10:00 Hollyoaks Omnibus 12:30 Big Brother’s Little Brother 13:35 Friends 14:05 Being N-Dubz 14:40 The Simpsons 15:10 The Simpsons 15:40 Never Been Kissed 17:40 Deal or No Deal 18:30 River Cottage: Gone Fishing 19:30 Channel 4 News 19:55 4thought.tv 20:00 Orchestra United 21:00 The Amish: World’s Squarest Teenagers 22:00 Big Brother 23:00 Alan Carr: Chatty Man 23:50 The IT Crowd

09:00 Childrens TV 09:00 Mist: Sheepdog Tales 09:15 Little Princess 09:25 Hana’s Helpline 09:35 The Adventures of Bottle Top Bill and His Best Friend Corky 09:50 Igam Ogam 10:05 Olivia 10:20 The Mr. Men Show 10:35 Gerald McBoing Boing 11:00 iCarly 11:35 True Jackson, VP 12:10 Michaela’s Wild Challenge 12:40 Zoo Days 13:00 The Hotel Inspector 14:00 Don’t Stop Believing 15:00 Seven Brides for Seven Brothers 17:00 Five News 17:05 Oliver! 20:00 Don’t Stop Believing 21:30 The Mask 23:35 Police Academy 3: Back in Training

tv Saturday

Best Bites 12:30 What To Eat Now 13:00 BBC News 13:05 Regional News 13:10 Formula 1 15:20 Racing from Ascot: The King George 17:50 BBC News 18:00 Regional News 18:10 The Incredibles 20:00 101 Ways to Leave a Gameshow 21:00 Tonight’s the Night 21:50 The National Lottery Saturday Night Draws 22:00 Casualty 22:50 John Bishop’s Britain 23:20 BBC News

tv Sunday

08:00 Guinness World Records Smashed! 09:00 Brainiac: Science Abuse 10:00 Oops TV 10:30 Oops TV 11:00 Got to Dance 12:00 Don’t Forget the Lyrics 13:00 Sell Me the Answer 14:00 The Real A & E 15:00 A Town Called Eureka 16:00 Stargate SG-1 17:00 Stargate SG-1 18:00 WWE: Superstars 19:00 Oops TV 19:30 The Simpsons 20:00 The Simpsons 20:30 The Simpsons 21:00 Missing Children: Lorraine Kelly Investigates 22:00 Top 50 Celebrity Meltdowns 24:00 Lie to Me

08:30 UEFA U19 Championship 09:15 UEFA U19 Championship 10:15 Cycling 11:10 Planet Armstrong 11:15 Football 12:15 Cycling 14:10 Planet Armstrong 14:15 Live Cycling 17:30 UEFA U19 Championship 18:00 Live Football 18:45 Eurogoals Flash 18:55 Live Football 20:00 Football 20:30 Live Football 22:30 Cycling 23:20 Planet Armstrong 23:30 Bowling 24:30 Cycling


09:00 The Jerry Springer Show 10:00 America’s Next Top Model 11:00 RSPCA Animal Rescue 12:00 Maury 12:55 Celebs 24/7 13:00 60 Minute Makeover 14:00 Celebrity Four Weddings 15:00 Nothing to Declare 16:00 CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 17:00 Charmed 19:00 America’s Next Top Model 20:00 Celebrity Four Weddings 21:00 Passport Patrol 22:00 Medium 23:00 CSI: Miami

Watch Eastenders for Free with Europa call 902 050 999

08:30 Malcolm in the Middle 09:00 Project Runway 10:00 Bite Size Brainiac 10:20 Got to Dance 11:30 Got to Dance 13:00 Pineapple Dance Studios 14:00 Malcolm in the Middle 14:30 Malcolm in the Middle 15:00 Best of Oops TV 16:00 Inception Special 16:10 The Librarian: Quest for the Spear 18:00 Liza and Huey’s Pet Nation 19:00 My Pet Shame 20:00 The Simpsons 20:30 Glenn Martin, DDS 21:00 The Simpsons 21:30 Glenn Martin, DDS 22:00 Ocean’s Eleven 24:15 Classic Albums

08:30 Football 10:00 Cycling 11:25 Planet Armstrong 11:30 Live FIFA U20 Women’s Football 13:30 Cycling 14:10 Planet Armstrong 14:15 Live Cycling 17:30 FIFA U20 Women’s Football 18:00 Live FIFA U20 Women’s Football 20:00 UEFA U19 Championship 20:45 Show Jumping 22:00 Cycling 22:55 Planet Armstrong 23:00 Fight Club

09:00 Maury 09:55 Maury 10:50 Celebs 24/7 11:00 The Fresh Prince of Bel Air 12:00 Will and Grace 12:30 Will and Grace 13:00 Dating in the Dark 14:00 Britain’s Next Top Model 15:00 Celebrity Four Weddings 17:00 Four Weddings 17:30 Bulging Brides 18:00 Extreme 19:00 Nothing to Declare 22:00 Four Weddings 23:00 Cougar Town 00:00 Criminal Minds

The Incredibles BBC 1, 18.10

09:00 Malcolm in the Middle 09:30 Malcolm in the Middle 10:00 Glenn Martin, DDS 10:30 Glenn Martin, DDS 11:00 WWE: Superstars 12:00 WWE: Experience 13:00 A-Team Special 13:30 Futurama 15:15 Futurama 17:00 Futurama 17:30 Futurama 18:00 Futurama 18:30 Futurama 19:00 The Simpsons 19:30 The Simpsons 20:00 Pineapple Dance Studios 21:00 The Librarian: Return to King Solomon’s Mines 22:50 Best of Oops TV 23:50 House 00:50 House

08:30 FIFA U20 Women’s Football 10:00 Cycling 10:55 Planet Armstrong 11:00 WATTS 11:15 Live Touring Cars: ETC Cup 11:45 Live Porsche Supercup 12:30 Cycling 14:00 WATTS 14:15 Live Cycling 18:00 FIFA U20 Women’s Football 18:30 Live FIFA U20 Women’s Football 20:30 FIFA U20 Women’s Football 21:45 WATTS 22:00 Cycling 22:55 Planet Armstrong 23:00 Motorsports Weekend 23:15 FIFA U20 Women’s Football 00:15 Cycling Slumdog MillionaireCottage: River Channel 4, Gone Fishing 10.00pm

C4, 18.30

09:00 Maury 09:55 Celebs 24/7 10:00 Four Weddings 12:30 Bulging Brides 13:00 Britain’s Next Top Model 14:00 Britain’s Next Top Model 16:00 RSPCA Animal Rescue 17:00 Passport Patrol 17:30 Passport Patrol 18:00 16 and Pregnant 19:00 Dating in the Dark 20:00 Four Weddings US 21:00 Ghost Whisperer 22:00 Criminal Minds 23:00 CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 00:00 CSI: Miami

tv Monday

48 38

23Feb - 2926 july 2010 4 2010 - March

09:00 Brainiac: Science Abuse 10:00 Bite Size Brainiac 10:20 Oops TV 10:50 Got to Dance 12:00 Don’t Forget the Lyrics 13:00 Sell Me the Answer 14:00 Best of Oops TV 15:00 A Town Called Eureka 16:00 Stargate SG-1 17:00 Stargate SG-1 18:00 Malcolm in the Middle 18:30 Malcolm in the Middle 19:00 Oops TV 19:30 The Simpsons 20:00 The Simpsons 20:30 The Simpsons 21:00 The Biggest Loser USA 23:00 Law & Order

07:00 Breakfast 10:15 Heir Hunters 11:00 Escape to the Country 12:00 Homes Under the Hammer 12:30 Cash in the Attic 13:15 Bargain Hunt 14:00 BBC News at One 14:30 Regional News 14:45 Doctors 15:15 Murder, She Wrote 16:00 BBC News 16:05 ZingZillas 16:25 Funky Fables 16:40 Mortified 17:05 Mission: 2110 17:35 The Legend of Dick and Dom 18:15 The Weakest Link 19:00 BBC News at Six 19:30 Regional News 20:00 The One Show 20:30 Fake Britain 21:00 EastEnders 21:30 Panorama 22:00 Who Do You Think You Are? 23:00 BBC News 23:25 Regional News 23:35 The Armstrong and Miller Show

08:00 Childrens TV 11:00 Copycats 11:30 Deadly 60 12:00 Animal Park 13:00 The Daily Politics 13:30 Working Lunch 14:00 The World at War 14:50 Hands on Nature 15:00 Wanted Down Under 16:00 Diagnosis Murder 16:45 Flog It! 17:30 Ben Fogle’s Escape in Time 18:15 The Hairy Bikers’ Food Tour of Britain 19:00 Eggheads 19:30 Antiques Road Trip 20:00 Top Gear 21:00 University Challenge 21:30 Antiques Master 22:00 Dragons’ Den 23:00 Rev 23:30 Newsnight 24:20 Hammond Meets Moss

07:00 GMTV 09:30 GMTV with Lorraine 10:25 The Jeremy Kyle Show 11:30 This Morning 12:25 ITV News 12:30 This Morning 13:30 Loose Women 14:30 ITV News & Weather 15:00 Dickinson’s Real Deal 16:00 60 Minute Makeover 17:00 Midsomer Murders 18:00 Ten Mile Menu 19:00 Granada Reports 19:30 ITV News & Weather 20:00 Emmerdale 20:30 Coronation Street 21:00 Countrywise 21:30 Coronation Street 22:00 Identity 23:00 ITV News at Ten & Weather 23:35 Out for Justice

07:00 Sali Mali 07:05 Yo Gabba Gabba 07:30 The Hoobs 07:55 The Hoobs 08:20 Big Brother’s Little Brother 09:20 Big Brother 10:20 P. Diddy’s Starmaker 12:15 Friends 12:45 Professor Green’s Postcard from T4 on the Beach 13:00 Channel 4 News Summary 13:05 The TV Book Club 13:35 My Eden 13:45 Jamie at Home 14:15 Up Periscope 16:25 Countdown 17:10 Deal or No Deal 18:00 Celebrity Come Dine with Me 19:00 The Simpsons 19:30 Hollyoaks 20:00 Channel 4 News 20:55 4thought.tv 21:00 Dispatches 22:00 The Hospital 23:00 Big Brother 00:10 Being N-Dubz

08:00 Childrens TV 10:05 The Adventures of Bottle Top Bill and His Best Friend Corky 10:20 Igam Ogam 10:30 Olivia 10:45 Michaela’s Animal Road Trip 11:45 Trisha Goddard 12:45 CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 13:40 Five News 13:45 House 14:45 Neighbours 15:15 Home and Away 15:45 Don’t Stop Believers 15:50 I Own Britain’s Best Home: Flying Visit 16:10 Devil Winds 18:00 Five News 18:30 Neighbours 19:00 Home and Away 19:25 Don’t Stop Believers 19:30 Live From Studio Five 20:30 How Do They Do It? 21:00 Police Interceptors 22:00 Ronin 24:25 Don’t Stop Believers 24:30 Black Point

07:00 Breakfast 10:15 Heir Hunters 11:00 Escape to the Country 12:00 Homes Under the Hammer 12:30 Cash in the Attic 13:15 Bargain Hunt 14:00 BBC News at One 14:30 Regional News 14:45 Doctors 15:15 London 2012 - Two Years to Go 16:00 BBC News 16:05 ZingZillas 16:25 Funky Fables 16:40 Mortified 17:05 Mission: 2110 17:35 Horrible Histories 18:00 Newsround 18:15 The Weakest Link 19:00 BBC News at Six 19:30 Regional News 20:00 The One Show 20:30 EastEnders 21:00 Holby City 22:00 New Tricks 23:00 BBC News at Ten 23:25 Regional News 23:35 The Bionic Vet 00:05 The Mothman Prophecies

08:00 Everything’s Rosie 08:10 dirtgirlworld 08:25 LazyTown 08:50 Charlie and Lola 09:00 Barney’s Latin America 09:30 Ed and Oucho’s Excellent Inventions 10:00 Roar 10:30 Athletics 13:00 The Daily Politics 13:30 Working Lunch 14:00 The World at War 14:50 Hands on Nature 15:00 Wanted Down Under 16:00 Diagnosis Murder 16:45 Flog It! 17:30 Ben Fogle’s Escape in Time 18:15 The Hairy Bikers’ Food Tour of Britain 19:00 Athletics 22:00 That Mitchell and Webb Look 22:30 Shooting Stars 23:00 Miranda 23:30 Newsnight 00:20 Victorian Pharmacy

07:00 GMTV 09:30 GMTV with Lorraine 10:25 The Jeremy Kyle Show 11:30 This Morning 12:25 ITV News 12:30 This Morning 13:30 Loose Women 14:30 ITV News & Weather 15:00 Dickinson’s Real Deal 16:00 60 Minute Makeover 17:00 Midsomer Murders 18:00 Ten Mile Menu 19:00 Granada Reports 19:30 ITV News & Weather 20:00 Emmerdale 20:30 Children’s Hospital 21:00 Piers Morgan on Hollywood 22:00 The Bill 23:00 ITV News at Ten & Weather 23:35 Ladette to Lady 00:35 October Road

07:00 The Hoobs 07:25 The Hoobs 07:50 Big Brother’s Little Brother 08:20 Big Brother 09:30 Frasier 09:55 Smallville: Superman the Early Years 10:50 P. Diddy’s Starmaker 11:45 Friends 12:15 Friends 12:45 Louie Spence’s Postcard from T4 on the Beach 13:00 Channel 4 News Summary 13:05 Gaslight 14:45 Channel 4 Racing 17:10 Deal or No Deal 18:00 Come Dine with Me 19:00 The Simpsons 19:30 Hollyoaks 20:00 Channel 4 News 20:55 4thought.tv 21:00 The Ugly Face of Beauty 22:00 The Fairy Jobmother 23:00 Big Brother

08:00 Childrens TV 10:30 Olivia 10:45 Michaela’s Animal Road Trip 11:45 Trisha Goddard 12:45 CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 13:40 Five News 13:45 House 14:45 Neighbours 15:15 Home and Away 15:45 Don’t Stop Believers 15:50 Chances Are 18:00 Five News 18:30 Neighbours 19:00 Home and Away 19:25 Don’t Stop Believers 19:30 Live From Studio Five 20:30 Michaela’s Zoo Babies 21:00 Ship Rescue: The Devon Disaster 22:00 CSI: Miami 23:00 CSI: NY 23:55 Don’t Stop Believers 00:00 CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 00:55 The FBI Files

09:00 Bite Size Brainiac

07:00 Breakfast 10:15 Heir Hunters 11:00 Escape to the Country 12:00 Homes Under the Hammer 12:30 Cash in the Attic 13:15 Bargain Hunt 14:00 BBC News at One 14:30 Regional News 14:45 Doctors 15:15 Murder, She Wrote 16:00 BBC News 16:05 ZingZillas 16:25 Funky Fables 16:40 Mortified 17:05 Mission: 2110 17:35 Little Howard’s Big Question 18:00 Newsround 18:15 The Weakest Link 19:00 BBC News at Six 19:30 Regional News 20:00 The One Show 20:30 Penguin Island 21:00 Celebrity MasterChef 22:00 Traffic Cops 23:00 BBC News at Ten 23:25 Regional News 23:35 The National Lottery 23:45 Man of the Year

07:00 Harry and Toto 07:10 Bob the Builder: Project Build It 07:20 Postman Pat: SDS 07:35 Guess with Jess 07:50 Pingu 08:00 Everything’s Rosie 08:10 dirtgirlworld 08:25 LazyTown 08:50 Charlie and Lola 09:00 Barney’s Latin America 09:30 Ed and Oucho’s Excellent Inventions 10:00 Roar 10:30 Gimme a Break 11:00 Athletics 12:30 The Daily Politics 14:00 Animal Park 14:30 Working Lunch 15:00 Wanted Down Under 16:00 Diagnosis Murder 16:45 Flog It! 17:30 Bargain Hunt Famous Finds 18:00 Athletics 22:00 Coast 23:00 QI 23:30 Newsnight

07:00 GMTV 09:30 GMTV with Lorraine 10:25 The Jeremy Kyle Show 11:30 This Morning 12:25 ITV News 12:30 This Morning 13:30 Loose Women 14:30 ITV News & Weather 15:00 Dickinson’s Real Deal 16:00 60 Minute Makeover 17:00 Midsomer Murders 18:00 Ten Mile Menu 19:00 Granada Reports 19:30 ITV News & Weaather 20:00 Emmerdale 20:30 Lion Country 21:00 Midsomer Murders 23:00 ITV News at Ten & Weather 23:35 TV’s Naughtiest Blunders 24:35 iTunes Festival Highlights 2010

07:20 The Hoobs 07:50 Big Brother’s Little Brother 08:15 Big Brother 09:25 Frasier 09:50 Smallville: Superman the Early Years 10:45 P. Diddy’s Starmaker 11:40 Friends 12:10 Friends 12:45 Kelis’s Postcard from T4 on the Beach 13:00 Channel 4 News Summary 13:05 My Eden 13:10 Challenge to Lassie 14:45 Channel 4 Racing 17:10 Deal or No Deal 18:00 Come Dine with Me 19:00 The Simpsons 19:30 Hollyoaks 20:00 Channel 4 News 20:55 4thought.tv 21:00 How to Look Good Naked 22:00 The Men Who Jump Off Buildings 23:00 Big Brother 00:15 The Big Bang Theory 00:40 My Name Is Earl

08:00 Childrens TV 10:20 Igam Ogam 10:30 Olivia 10:45 Michaela’s Animal Road Trip 11:45 Trisha Goddard 12:45 CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 13:40 Five News 13:45 House 14:45 Neighbours 15:15 Home and Away 15:45 Don’t Stop Believers 15:50 I Own Britain’s Best Home: Flying Visit 16:05 Bound by a Secret 18:00 Five News 18:30 Neighbours 19:00 Home and Away 19:25 Don’t Stop Believers 19:30 Live From Studio Five 20:30 Escape from... 21:00 Emergency Bikers 22:00 NCIS 23:00 Law & Order: Criminal Intent 23:55 Don’t Stop Believers 00:00 K-Ville

09:00 Brainiac: Science Abuse 10:00 Best of Oops TV 10:30 Got to Dance 12:00 Don’t Forget the Lyrics 13:00 Sell Me the Answer 14:00 Malcolm in the Middle 14:30 Malcolm in the Middle 15:00 A Town Called Eureka 16:00 Stargate SG-1 17:00 Stargate SG-1 18:00 Malcolm in the Middle 18:30 Malcolm in the Middle 19:00 Oops TV 19:30 The Simpsons 20:00 The Simpsons 20:30 The Simpsons 21:00 My Pet Shame 22:00 Ocean’s Eleven 24:15 Deadly Waters

tv Tuesday

tv Wednesday

08:45 Cycling 10:15 FIFA U20 Women’s Football 12:00 FIFA U20 Women’s Football 13:00 Cycling 14:00 WATTS 14:15 FIFA U20 Women’s Football 16:00 FIFA U20 Women’s Football 17:00 Cycling 18:00 WATTS 18:15 Eurogoals Flash 18:25 FIFA U20 Women’s Football 19:45 FIFA U20 Women’s Football 20:50 WATTS 21:00 Pro Wrestling 21:30 Pro Wrestling 22:25 All Sports 22:35 UEFA U19 Championship

09:00 The Jerry Springer Show 09:30 The Jerry Springer Show 10:00 America’s Next Top Model 11:00 RSPCA Animal Rescue 12:00 Maury 12:55 Celebs 24/7 13:00 60 Minute Makeover 14:00 Four Weddings 15:00 Bulging Brides 16:00 CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 17:00 Charmed 19:00 America’s Next Top Model 20:00 Bulging Brides 21:00 Dating in the Dark 22:00 Britain’s Next Top Model 23:00 Four Weddings US 00:00 Criminal Minds

Watch Coronation Street for Free with Europa call 902 050 999

09:20 Brainiac: Best of Science Abuse 10:20 Oops TV 10:50 Got to Dance 12:00 Don’t Forget the Lyrics 13:00 Sell Me the Answer 14:00 Malcolm in the Middle 14:30 Malcolm in the Middle 15:00 A Town Called Eureka 16:00 Stargate SG-1 17:00 Stargate SG-1 18:00 Malcolm in the Middle 18:30 Malcolm in the Middle 19:00 Oops TV 19:30 The Simpsons 20:00 The Simpsons 20:30 The Simpsons 21:00 Ouch! Sextuplets 22:00 Fat Pets 23:00 House 24:00 House

08:00 Live Athletics European Champs 14:30 UEFA U19 Championship 16:00 Live UEFA U19 Championship 16:45 Eurogoals Flash 16:55 Live UEFA U19 Championship 18:00 Athletics European Championships 18:45 Live Athletics European Champs 21:45 Athletics 22:15 UEFA U19 Championship 00:00 Athletics European Championships

Holby City BBC1, 21.00

08:00 Live Athletics European Championships 13:15 Athletics European Championships 14:30 UEFA U19 Championship 15:30 UEFA U19 Championship 16:20 Eurogoals Flash 16:30 Athletics European Championships 18:00 Athletics European Championships 22:15 Athletics 22:45 UEFA U19 Championship 00:00 Athletics European Championships

Ocean’s Eleven Sky 1, 22.00

09:00 The Jerry Springer Show 10:00 America’s Next Top Model 11:00 RSPCA Animal Rescue 12:00 Maury 12:55 Celebs 24/7 13:00 60 Minute Makeover 14:00 Four Weddings 15:00 Bulging Brides 16:00 CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 17:00 Charmed 19:00 America’s Next Top Model 20:00 Bulging Brides 21:00 Britain’s Next Top Model 22:00 Dating in the Dark 23:00 16 and Pregnant 24:00 Criminal Minds

09:00 The Jerry Springer Show 10:00 America’s Next Top Model 11:00 RSPCA Animal Rescue 11:30 RSPCA Animal Rescue 12:00 Maury 12:55 Celebs 24/7 13:00 60 Minute Makeover 14:00 Four Weddings 14:30 Four Weddings 15:00 Bulging Brides 15:30 Bulging Brides 16:00 CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 17:00 Charmed 18:00 Charmed 19:00 America’s Next Top Model 20:00 Bulging Brides 20:30 Bulging Brides 21:00 Four Weddings US 22:00 Ghost Whisperer 23:00 Medium 24:00 Criminal Minds

23 - 29 july 2010

Got a story? 902 118 999



tv Thursday 23 - 29 july 2010 2010 15-21 JANUARY


07:00 Breakfast 10:15 Heir Hunters 11:00 Escape to the Country 12:00 Homes Under the Hammer 12:30 Cash in the Attic 13:15 Bargain Hunt 14:00 BBC News at One 14:30 Regional News and Weather 14:45 Doctors 15:15 Murder, She Wrote 16:00 BBC News 16:05 ZingZillas 16:25 Funky Fables 16:40 Mortified 17:05 Animals at Work 17:35 Deadly 60 18:00 Newsround 18:15 The Weakest Link 19:00 BBC News at Six 19:30 Regional News and Weather 20:00 The One Show 20:30 EastEnders 21:00 Celebrity MasterChef 22:00 The Secret Tourist 23:00 BBC News at Ten 23:25 Regional News and Weather 23:35 Stealing Shakespeare 00:25 Three Fugitives

07:00 Harry and Toto 07:10 Bob the Builder: Project Build It 07:20 Postman Pat: SDS 07:35 Guess with Jess 07:50 Pingu 08:00 Everything’s Rosie 08:10 dirtgirlworld 08:25 LazyTown 08:50 Charlie and Lola 09:00 Barney’s Latin America 09:30 Ed and Oucho’s Excellent Inventions 10:00 Roar 10:30 Gimme a Break 11:00 Athletics 13:00 Animal Park 13:30 Working Lunch 14:00 The World at War 14:50 Lifeline 15:00 Golf 18:30 Athletics 22:00 Five Days that Changed Britain 23:00 All New Mock the Week 23:30 Newsnight 00:20 Imagine...

07:00 GMTV 09:30 GMTV with Lorraine 10:25 The Jeremy Kyle Show 11:30 This Morning 12:25 ITV News 12:30 This Morning 13:30 Loose Women 14:30 ITV News & Weather 15:00 Dickinson’s Real Deal 16:00 60 Minute Makeover 17:00 Midsomer Murders 18:00 Ten Mile Menu 19:00 Granada Reports 19:30 ITV News & Weather 20:00 Emmerdale 20:30 Tonight 21:00 Emmerdale 21:30 Coronation Street 22:00 Police, Camera, Action! 23:00 ITV News at Ten & Weather 23:35 Lethal Weapon

07:25 The Hoobs 07:50 Big Brother’s Little Brother 08:20 Big Brother 09:30 Frasier 09:55 Smallville: Superman the Early Years 10:50 P. Diddy’s Starmaker 11:45 Friends 12:20 Friends 12:45 Postcard from T4 on the Beach: Backstage 13:00 Channel 4 News Summary 13:05 British Made 13:15 Captain Scarlett 14:45 Channel 4 Racing 17:10 Deal or No Deal 18:00 Come Dine with Me 19:00 The Simpsons 19:30 Hollyoaks 20:00 Channel 4 News 20:55 4thought.tv 21:00 Location, Location, Location 22:00 Undercover Boss 23:00 Big Brother 00:10 Skins

08:00 Childrens TV 10:45 Michaela’s Animal Road Trip 11:45 Trisha Goddard 12:45 CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 13:40 Five News 13:45 House 14:45 Neighbours 15:15 Home and Away 15:45 Don’t Stop Believers 15:50 I Own Britain’s Best Home: Flying Visit 16:10 Mystery Woman 18:00 Five News 18:30 Neighbours 19:00 Home and Away 19:25 Don’t Stop Believers 19:30 Live From Studio Five 20:15 Cricket on Five 21:00 The Man Who Moves Buildings 22:00 The Hotel Inspector 23:00 Edison 00:55 Don’t Stop Believers

09:00 Brainiac: Science Abuse 10:00 Oops TV 10:30 Oops TV 11:00 Got to Dance 12:00 Don’t Forget the Lyrics 13:00 Sell Me the Answer 14:00 Malcolm in the Middle 14:30 Malcolm in the Middle 15:00 A Town Called Eureka 16:00 Stargate SG-1 17:00 Stargate SG-1 18:00 Malcolm in the Middle 18:30 Malcolm in the Middle 19:00 Oops TV 19:30 The Simpsons 20:00 The Simpsons 20:30 The Simpsons 21:00 The Real A & E 21:30 Real Filth Fighters 22:00 Lie to Me 23:00 A League of Their Own 23:30 Modern Family 24:00 NCIS: LA

08:30 Athletics European Championships 10:00 Live Athletics European Champs 15:30 Live FIFA U20 Women’s Football 16:15 Eurogoals Flash 16:25 Live FIFA U20 Women’s Football 17:30 Live Athletics European Championships 22:00 Athletics 22:30 Pro Wrestling 23:30 Pro Wrestling 24:00 Athletics European Championships

09:00 The Jerry Springer Show 10:00 America’s Next Top Model 11:00 RSPCA Animal Rescue 11:30 RSPCA Animal Rescue 12:00 Maury 12:55 Celebs 24/7 13:00 60 Minute Makeover 14:00 Four Weddings 15:00 Bulging Brides 16:00 CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 17:00 Charmed 18:00 Charmed 19:00 America’s Next Top Model 20:00 Bulging Brides 20:30 Bulging Brides 21:00 Cougar Town 21:30 Cougar Town 22:00 Criminal Minds 23:00 Private Practice 00:00 Criminal Minds

Suduko Answer

Crossword Answers 561 CRYPTIC SOLUTIONS Across: 7 In so many words; 8 Cogitate; 9 Shed; 10 Knight; 12 Intern; 14 Manful; 16 Drills; 18 Levi; 20 Vivacity; 22 Set his teeth on. Down: 1 Insomnia; 2 Boring; 3 Gala; 4 Lyre-bird; 5 Posset; 6 Edge; 11 Televise; 13 Relation; 15 Flight; 17 Incite; 19 Eyes; 21 View. QUICK SOLUTIONS Across: 7 Reprehensible; 8 Nonsense; 9 Oust; 10 Hinder; 12 Verify; 14 Infant; 16 Lessen; 18 Chic; 20 Rigorous; 22 Uninteresting. Down: 1 Devotion; 2 Prised; 3 Shun; 4 Interval; 5 Vigour; 6 Alas; 11 Retarded; 13 Frequent; 15 Accent; 17 Sprite; 19 Hunt; 21 Glee.

Stinker of the year The TV Round Up by

Alex Trelinski

Broadcaster and freelance journalist

ONE OF the vilest and tackiest programmes to hit British TV screens this year snuck on last Saturday night, in a truly excruciating hour that forced me to look up the number for the Swiss-based suicide clinic ‘Dignitas’. If you had the misfortune to tune into ‘Magic Numbers’ on ITV1, you’ll know what I’m talking about. Sixty minutes of nausea, lifted only by the commercial breaks, had C-list presenter Steven Mulhern linking into a painful set of contrived games to come up with some digits that might match some UK telephone numbers. Holly Willoughby, clearly fulfilling an ITV contractual obligation, was involved in most of these tasks, including trying to predict whether the audience believed certain people were sexier than Michael Buble. I confidently predict that the Canadian’s agent has already made contact with the producers, asking why his client’s name was linked to this apology for entertainment. It all got worse, though, as Mulhern killed time talking to audience members who were clearly on a day release from Broadmoor judging by the way they laughed and applauded at anything. The hapless host then performed some basic magic tricks that an intoxicated Tommy Cooper would have bettered on a bad night. All this was going on as deluded viewers bolstered ITV’s coffers by ringing in at one pound per minute with their matched numbers, in the ridiculous hope that they might win a quarter of a million pounds. The poor lady chosen for the final task, and who actually sounded quite sane, had monumental odds stacked against her in winning anything, and when she duly got nothing (which was the likely outcome), Mulhern gave her the ultimate booby prize of inviting her to the next programme as his guest! It’s the TV entertainment stinker of the year, and ITV should be ashamed of

What’s Shrek the playing final chapter local Cinemas COLCI Benidorm

Steven Mulhern

themselves for letting this garbage loose anywhere near their transmitter and satellite chain. Though Mulhern was out his depth, not even the late great Bob Monkhouse could have got anything out of this massive pile of dung if it had been dumped right in front of him! By comparison, it was like a sweetsmelling night at the Royal Opera House at the same time on BBC1, as John Barrowman returned with a new run of ‘Tonight’s the Night’. Barrowman by the way looked amazingly well, having recently been blown to smithereens in a car-bomb in Desperate Housewives. The show is all about making entertainment dreams come true for the good old general British public, and despite an excessive sugar level that would knock most people out within a couple of seconds, it made for an enjoyable watch. Incidentally, I’m still trying to work out whether Barrowman’s rendition of the classic Nat King Cole song, ‘Unforgettable’, as a surprise for a seventy year old lady, brought her tears of joy or tears of relief over what she was missing over on ITV1 at the same time.

Av. Zamora, Rincón de Loix T: 965 853 859 Dorian Gray - 6.30pm – 8.45pm Weekends and holidays only 6.30pm

IMF Torrevieja

Another summer, another “Shrek.” This time Shrek (Mike Myers) is unhappy with the monotony of marriage and fatherhood and goes to Rumpelstiltskin (Walt Dohrn), who promises to magically give Shrek a day in his old ogre lifestyle if Shrek willingly gives up a day in his childhood.

Dorian Gray

Pol San Jose S/10, T: 965 705 414 Shrek 4 – 5- 7 – 9 - 11 Nightmare on Elm street 5 – 7 – 9 - 11 5 pm only on weekends and holidays

IMF Ondara CC Portal de La Marina, T: 966 477 464 Same as IMF Torrevieja 5 pm only on weekends and holidays

Dorian Gray is an extraordinarily beautiful and rather sweet young man who moves to London when he inherits his cruel grandfather’s estate. Possessing both looks and money, he soon comes to the attention of London society, in particular Lord Henry Wotton) and painter Basil Hallward. Basil, who has a bit of a crush on Dorian, offers to paint him, thus preserving his beauty forever; Lord Henry, as much to annoy Basil as anything, takes Dorian under his wing and sets out to corrupt him, taking him to East End gin palaces and encouraging him in the pursuit of pleasure and sensation above all.

“V.O.S” = Original Subtitled Version - “VO” = Original Version (Works With headphones)

Bad Benson is back Vibes From The Costas by

Tony Poole

from www.vibesfromthecostas. blogspot.com

THIS SUNDAY the Costas welcomes jazz guitar master and love God George ‘Bad’ Benson for a triumphant return to Jazz San Javier. The tentime Grammy award winning singer-guitarist, whose biggest hits include ‘Give Me The Night’, ‘Turn Your Love Around’, ‘In Your Eyes’ and ‘Love X Love’, returns for what promises to be a third spectacular performance following his appearances at the VI edition in 2003 and together with Al Jarreau at the X edition in 2007. Bad George is currently on the Spanish leg of his 2010 world tour, having last week played two concerts in France, then on to Gerona on Friday (tonight), San Sebastian on Saturday, hot footing it down to San Javier this Sunday before jetting off the Italy and Angola. After that, it’s back to the States before heading to Holland and Australia later in the year, proving that at 67 he obviously hasn’t lost any of his enthusiasm for touring and performing live. Benson inherited the mantle of love god following the deaths of Barry White and Luther Vandross, “Love songs are one of the great essences of life,” explains George, “the only thing that’s lasting. Barry White spiced up the scene with an approach to music that was quite different to anyone else’s, but I’m a little more sober. Luther and I would joke about how many children the two of us were partly responsible for in this world, but I’ll always draw the line if someone writes something too sexually suggestive for me, I just don’t feel I have to do that. Lionel Ritchie sang three songs about a lady and they were all smashes.” His greatest hits album Classic Love Songs is out now. Forty Six years after releasing his debut album The New Boss Guitar, he is still going strong with his latest studio album Songs And Stories released last August. It’s a tribute to some great songwriters and composers from one of the all time great jazz instrumentalists and vocalists, as well as being a reflection on his longevity in the music industry. The tracks on the album are a mix of re-interpretations of some classic tunes, such as Christopher Cross’ “Sailing”, James Taylor’s “Don’t Let Me Be Lonely Tonight,” and Tony Joe White’s “Rainy Night In Georgia” alongside new songs written by some of the music industry’s greatest songsmiths. The track “Family Reunion” was penned by Ron Templeton, who wrote Benson’s worldwide hit “Give Me The Night”. Songwriter Bill Withers came out of retirement to write the track “A Telephone Call Away,” which is one of the album’s finest lyrical and instrumental moments. Other songwriters who made contributions to the album include Smokey Robinson, Lamont Dozier and the late Donny Hathaway. The album which was produced by John Burr and

23 - 29 JULY 2010


Quiz night for Easy Horse Care Rescue George Benson

Marcus Miller will be presented at Jazz San Javier alongside his greatest hits. The evening promises to be an unforgettable concert. George Benson is appearing at the San Javier International Jazz Festival on Sunday 25th July. Doors open at 21:30. Tickets are €30 each, be sure to check availability rather than just turning up by contacting the San Javier Festivals Office on 968 19 15 88 or 968 19 15 68. More info www.jazz.sanjavier.es Congratulations to Peter Hemming and Steve Hibbard who both won a pair of tickets to see the Women of Chicago Blues and the James Carter Quintet, correctly answering 1998 was the first edition of the festival.

Full details www.vibesfromthecostas.blogspot.com plus you can find me on Facebook at www.facebook.com/tony.poole. Email news and views to vibes@roundtownnews.com Keep the ViBES ALiVE!

EASY HORSE Care Rescue Centre, Rojales, is holding its next monthly fun quiz night on Thursday 29th July, from 19.30. There is a suggested dontation of five euros for entry to the quiz. All proceeds go to the running of the centre and its ongoing rescue work. Quiz nights are held on the last Thursday of every month. For directions visit www.easyhorsecare.net, or call Sue on 652 021 980.

Big Band Concert in Pilar NEXT TUESDAY, 27th July at 12:30, there will be a Big Band concert at the Pilar de la Horadada Casa de Cultura. The Big Band del Conservatorio Profesional de Música Mariana Baches de Pilar de la Horadada, conducted by Rafael Lozano Prior, who is also

the Musical Director of Coral Horadada, will be performing for free. The concert programme consists of Big Band and Jazz music from the likes of Mancini, Parker, Capocci, Prima and Glenn Miller. Places are limited, so get there early.


23 - 29 july 2010

More people words Spanish lessons by

Jane Cronin

A weekly ‘cut out and keep’ feature helping you to learn basic Spanish for everyday needs

Lesson 117

WE OPENED up the whole new subject of “people words” last week and I have to say that ever since then I have come across more and more of them in everyday situations. We started with people words ending in “dor” and “dora”, and to extend the subject I thought we could look at ones that end in the suffix “-ante” or “-ente”. Again, these are usually formed from verbs. For example, the verb “cooperar” unsurprisingly means to “cooperate”. The person word that comes from it “cooperante” has a very specific meaning, which is “aid worker”. There have been some rather nasty instances in the news recently of “cooperantes” being kidnapped or suffering accidents. A very famous Spanish “cooperante” in India, Vicente Ferrer , died last year and there has been much publicity about his life and work. Similar in a way is the word “ayudante” which means “helper” from the verb “ayudar”. Sometimes you might see an advertisement for an “ayudante de cocina” – a kitchen assistant. Formed in the same way, but with a different ending is the word “oyente”. We are “oyentes”

when we listen to the radio, as we are people who listen or “hear” from the verb “oír”. Also with the “ente” ending is “creyente” “a believer”, from the verb “to believe” - “creer”. These endings do not differentiate between masculine and feminine, but we would change the article (el, la, un, una) to mark the difference. Another typical person ending is “ero” or the feminine form “era”. Someone who travels (viajar) is a “viajero” or “viajera”. Here’s one that has been taken from English and preserves the typical English spelling “rockero” “rockera” a rock singer or rock star. Somehow these days the word goes with “viejo” “old rocker” which is rather sad, I think! “Viejo rockero” is also the title of a rather ironic song about this much loved and familiar character. This takes me rather neatly on to a related topic, which is how we can turn adjectives into nouns that describe people. “Viejo” for example is an adjective as we have just seen in “viejo rockero”. We can also say “viejo amigo” which is different incidentally from “amigo viejo”. “Viejo amigo” is someone who has

Helston School Jazz Orchestra chooses Torrevieja for Summer Concert Tour ONE OF the UK’s most accomplished youth jazz bands, the Helston School Jazz Orchestra, chose Torrevieja for their annual concert tour and will perform during the first week in August. Comprising of students, aged between 14 and 19 years, the orchestra was originally formed in 1989 and has since entertained enthusiastic audiences throughout the UK and abroad, picking up a number of prestigious awards. Their latest recording on compact disc offers ‘big-band’ favourites and features

talented solo singers. The youngsters will perform open air concerts along the seafront promenades as well as a special charity concert in the town’s prestigious ‘Teatro Municipal’. PERFORMANCES Sat 31st July (approx. 19.30) in the Jardin de las Naciones (as part of the ‘Baile de las Naciones’ event) Sun 1st August 21.00, in the Teatro Municipal: Admission €3 in aid of the Alzeimers

Association, AFA (tickets available at the door) Mon 2nd August 22.30, along the seafront promenade ‘Juan Aparicio’ (artificial swimming pools) Wed 4th August 22.30, in the Plaza de Embarcadero, La Mata (just off the main square) For more information see: www.hsjo.co.uk (Advance tickets via the municipal ticket office or ‘at the door’ if still available).

been your friend for a long time, whilst “amigo viejo” is a friend who is old. Anyway, back to the point, we can also use the word “viejo” on its own as a noun. “El viejo” therefore means the “old man” and “la vieja” the old woman. “La vieja” is not the most flattering thing to call someone – much more polite is “la señora mayor”. The same system works for “joven” (young). “El joven” is “the young man” and “la joven” “the young woman.” Another example which comes to mind for some reason is the comedy pair Laurel and Hardy (yes, I really am that old as well). In Spanish they are called “El Gordo y El Flaco” (the fat one and the skinny one) which rather speaks for itself. And finally, also connected to the world of cinema, that wonderful film entitled “El bueno, el malo y el feo”, which when you translate it back to English shows that we occasionally do the same thing our language as well. Google has just told me that that film was released in the US in 1967. ¡Cómo vuela el tiempo!

The Lions help the Heroes

LAST SATURDAY, the Lions Club of Mazarrón Bahia braved the heat to run a stall at the ‘Help for Heroes’ Fun Day on the Commercial Centre of Camposol A, Mazarrón. Thanks to the generosity of the people who attended the event, over €250 was raised and will be distributed amongst various charities. As well as attending fund-raising events, the Lions also run a number of trips to visit places near and far. If you would like to know more about these trips, phone Diane on 968 43 15 21 or John on 600 32 71 26. Or if you would like to know about joining The Lions, please send an e-mail to mazarronbahialions@gmail.com

Lioness Paula plying her wares

23 - 29 july 2010 Win a meal for 2 at the Inn Plaice in torrevieja (Mon-Thu) or at La Pista Restaurante In Jalon (Mon-sat Lunchtimes Only) by answering the Cryptic Crossword correctly. Answers by email to: office@roundtownnews.com or Fax: 96 570 5328.

Euromillions Draw Friday 16th juLY

38 39 45 46 49 7


One French ticket won the 42,218,532 Euros (£35,767,540) jackpot prize


Answers & Winner Last week’s Crossword and Suduko answers found on page 40. Crossword winner for issue 561: Stella Leban of San Luis

Quick Crossword

Cryptic Crossword



6. Of no religion (7)

1. Criminal (5)

Across 6. How overweight associate came to his end? (7) 7. Thomas loses article to funny insect (5) 9. Observed a cutting tool (3) 10. Didn’t make a will, but had a meal during trial (9) 12. Why the songbird couldn’t sleep? (11) 15. In favour of calling - something to make one angry (11) 17. The very best directors are right (9) 19. Bashful, but will have a fling (3) 21. The French worker rested (5) 22. Sympathy strike at harbour (7)


7. Circular (5) 9. Court (3) 10. Constable (9)

2. Pig-pen (3) 3. Nothing (4) 4. Anticipation (9) 5. Heighten (7)

12. Upkeep (11)

8. Long and very narrow (6)

15. Resound (11)

11. Brazen (4-5)

17. About (9) 19. Colliery (3) 21. Arbour (5) 22. Wreath (7)

13. Nonentity (6) 14. Unfold (7) 16. Titan (5) 18. Close (4) 20. Moose (3)

Down 1. Up in London a gaping heathen (5) 2. Was prostrate in narrative poem (3) 3. Plot to put fifty in the pot (4) 4. I cannot go because of infection (9) 5. Pare while the abstainer is inside (7) 8. Oppose because is amongst the others (6) 11. Evil grins indicate coating with precious metal (9) 13. He must be a bully! (6) 14. Be perplexed about right relation (7) 16. Part of a plough no single person can own? (5) 18. Bring up the tail (4) 20. See a secret agent (3)

44 40

music scene

23 - 2926 JULY 2010 4 2010 FEB - MARCH

96.7 (TKO GOLD) - 91.9 - 87.7 - 87.5 • STUDIO SMS: 667 287 588 • STUDIO@TKOFM.COM


Music venues or acts that wish to be featured in this column should email music@tkofm.com with details and photo...


Texas Ted - the voice 89.9FM of country music What’s all this about then? TED IS fast becoming a sought after entertainer, here on the Costa Blanca, as he puts on a fantastic show. His aim is to give country and western fans an evening to remember, singing the songs that have given pleasure to millions over the years. He has been singing country songs for around 30 years and as a young man learned his craft by singing in the pubs and clubs of South West London, singing Sinatra, Bennet and other great singers from that era. Before moving to Spain, Ted was entertaining crowds in and around Wiltshire, where he appeared on local radio shows, including the BBC. He also fulfilled a lifetime ambition to sing in the bars of Nashville and the Texas Honky Tonks and made recordings in USA, England and Spain. Now he is here on the Costa Blanca and aims to continue entertaining people with his wide repertoire and excellent voice. Texas Ted will be appearing with Q4, close harmony quartet at Los Arcos Restaurant on Friday 30th July, at the Los Arcos Bar and Restaurant, Torrevieja. It will be the first time the two acts have organised an event together and hope that the very different styles of music will attract a sellout evening, in aid of the AECC Charity. Raymond Jay will finish off the evening with his 60`s disco music. Tickets are only €5, available from the Los Arcos Restaurant on 965 710 289 or from Ray on 966 712 987. They are also on sale at Quesada Fish & Chips and the Card Shop Quesada.

Keyword Pop Quiz

Find the keyword and win win two tickets to Aqua Natura. Just listen to Davy Jones between 14.00 – 17.00 on TKO FM on Monday to enter.

Don´t forget: any Groups with ‘The’ as the first word will be the main name only... (i.e. The Rolling Stones will be Rolling Stones). First names will be used for answers (i.e. Billy Idol).

1. Which Welsh superstar’s new album is titled ‘Praise And Blame?’ 2. Which late Canadian female singer had her biggest hit (UK) with ‘Snowbird’, in 1970? 3. Who sang about ‘Running Up That Hill’ and ‘Wuthering Heights?’ 4. Which rocker had a hit with ‘Summertime Blues?’ 5. Which children’s TV presenter had a hit with ‘Itsy Bitsty Teeny Weeny...?’ 6. Who had hits with ‘Like To Get To Know You Well’ (1984) and ‘What Is Love’ (1983)? 7. She had a massive hit this year with ‘Empire State Of Mind Part II’. Name the lady. 8. Who had a big hit with ‘Mickey’ back in 1982?

Listen to Davy Jones on TKO FM, Monday between 14.00 and 17.00. Davy will ask you to text in the keyword. The winner and this week’s answers will then be announced.

King and country A UNIQUE Country music tour is set to hit the Costa Blanca, combining three fantastic acts. Special guest star ‘Red Strokes’, a top UK Garth Brooks tribute, will perform great Country hits supported by the unusual ‘Elvis Country!’ Also Fiona Mclean, a big hit in the UK with a fantastic range of this kind of Country music. “Most resident music lovers here just

love Country music. We are very excited about offering this very special event,” said Peter Day. TOUR DATES ARE: Fri 13th Aug Los Arcos in Torrevieja: 20.30 Tickets: €6 at the venue Sun 15th Aug The Rendezvous, Campoamor: 20.30 Tickets: €8 (FREE BUFFET) at the venue

Wed 15th Sept Rocajuna, Punta Prima: 20.30: Tickets: €6 at the venue Fri 17th Sept Casa Ventura, San Luis: 20.30 Tickets: €6 at the venue Fri 24th Sept The Club, Quesada: 20.30 Tickets: €6 at the venueickets numbers are limited so book early. Call 695 135 134 to arrange bookings.

MANY OF you will be familiar with our attempts to make sure everyone can enjoy the most listened to English speaking radio station, TKO FM, from Alicante, La Marina and down as far as La Manga. We also reach inland to Elche, Crevillente, Catral, Orihuela and beyond on a selection of frequencies. 91.9FM has always been our primary broadcast frequency. However, if you do experience any kind of interference then help is at hand! We back this up with the mighty 89.9FM, which is incredibly strong, clear and far reaching. If you are tuned in to 91.9 why not skip down to 89.9 and you may well find a much clearer signal. You will enjoy your favourite Fun In The Sun Station on either of these frequencies or, if you are in the most southern part of the Costa Blanca we

have 87.5FM and inland on 87.7FM too! So there is no reason why TKO FM can’t be enjoyed by the whole of the southern Costa Blanca! TKO FM was established in 2003 and broadcasts on the FM band on 89.9, 87.5, 87.7, 91.9 and on-line at www.tkofm.com If you prefer to listen to the classic golden hits from the 60s through to the 90s (and some classics from today) you can enjoy our TKO Gold service. Our experienced presenters take you through the whole day and back in time with those golden memories, information and plenty of fun. It’s a great place to hear a gentler sound with all the music of your life. TKO Gold was established in 2007 and broadcasts on the FM band on 96.7FM and on-line at www.tkogold.com

Fun and Fashion at the Nautical Club Torrevieja

THE ROYAL Nautical Club, Torrevieja is to hold an evening Fashion Show with entertainment on Friday, 23rd July at 18.00, in support of AFA Torrevieja (Asociación Alzheimer de Familiares y Amigos de Torrevieja). Tickets at €5 are available on the door or from the AFA Shop or Centre where quality clothes may be purchased at bargain prices: doors are open to bargain hunters from 17.00. An exciting line up includes: Tatiana (Singer); Jeff Hyde (Singer); Jill Hyde; Michelle Crocutt (dancer); Shani (Singer); Willie Hume (Bagpipes player) and The Beatles (singers). All are welcome.

- 29 july 2010 Feb 26 -23 March 4 2010

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23 - 2926 JULY 2010 4 2010 FEB - MARCH

The hottest weeks by

Clodagh & Dick Handscombe Practical gardeners and authors

YOU ARE now experiencing the hottest weeks of the summer and all along the coast thunderstorms to cool off gardens for a day or two and replenish the water table have been rare. Luckily apartment owners can shade plants during the hottest hours with blinds and awnings but that is not feasible in villa gardens, although the shade from trees and gazeboes is now invaluable for helping tender plants survive both in the ground and in pots. This is the time when irrigation systems need running for longer periods and those with four or five centimetre diameter water tubing sunk in the ground around young trees and with Terra-Cottem soil improver mixed into flower beds and containers will be reaping the benefit. Do walk around gardens and terraces at least every other day to identify plants that are starting to suffer. Give these an extra evening watering with a watering can or hose and ensure the moisture gets down to the soil around the deepest roots. If not, root balls can die from the bottom up. If you are not sure, dig a hole alongside affected plants and refill after watering.

Naturally the above applies in the vegetable as well as flower gardens and fruit orchards. But recognise that some early leaf fall on almond trees and trees that fruited earlier is normal at this time of year. This is not the prime time for buying most plants except drought resistant ones to brighten up terraces during your summer residence – see part four of ‘Apartment Gardening Mediterranean Style’ for the safest options. But it is a good time to plan for autumn colour and vegetable growing. Indeed brassicas seeds need sowing now unless you intend to buy plantlets in the autumn for Christmas Brussels sprouts and broccoli. Check the extent of your garden colour over the next four weeks. If lacking, make a note to plant up more lantanas, hibiscus, plumbagos, bignonias and bougainvillea before next summer. If you have gluts in the vegetable garden of courgettes, peppers, tomatoes and aubergines make up some tasty chutneys and relishes for the winter months. As well as watering don’t forget to dust your tomatoes, peppers, aubergines, melons, courgettes and squash with yellow sulphur powder against mildew once a week late evening. SUMMER BOOKSIGNING FOR APARTMENT OWNERS On Friday 6th August Clodagh and Dick Handscombe will be doing a book signing for their latest book ‘Apartment Gardening

Make up some tasty chutneys and relishes for the winter months with your peppers Mediterranean Style’ at the Bookworld shop in Javea shop which is opposite the town Mercadona and parking. This book is written to help you create colourful, interesting and productive apartment and town house terraces, balconies and windowsills. They will be in the shop from 11.00 to 14.00 to autograph books, solve your gardening problems and present the following demonstrations: 11.15 Designing interesting window boxes

12.15 Growing fruit and vegetables in small spaces 13.15 The redesign of your terraces and balconies Their earlier books ‘Your Garden in Spain’; ‘Growing healthy fruit in Spain’ and ‘Growing healthy vegetables in Spain’ will also be on sale. A great opportunity for autographed books for your own use or for gifts. Some free eco products and plants will be presented to purchasers. More information from Beverley on 610 006 175.

Clodagh and Dick’s books collate their twenty five years of gardening in Spain to help newcomers to Spain, whether experienced or beginner gardeners living in houses or apartments. Found in bookshops, they are available by mail order from internet bookshops including Bookworld, Amazon and Santana Books. If you are interested in stocking them in your shop, contact Gertrud or Alan Roberts on 952 485 838. © Clodagh and Dick Handscombe www.gardeninginspain.com

Band of Brothers

Race for Life

Book Review by

Danny Collins



Author: Stephen E Ambrose Publisher: Pocket Books (paperback) Price: 10.80 ISBN: 978 0 7434 2990 0 NO ONE will doubt Stephen E Ambrose’s ability to write a good war story – the author has written 24 books covering every aspect of modern warfare and its commanders. This latest, Band of Brothers, follows the creation of E Company of 101st Airborne – the Screaming Eagles – of 506 Regiment at the onset of the USA’s entrance into the World War II European theatre. E or ‘Easy’ Company was forged from steel tempered by the martinet figure of Captain Herbert Sobel and the gentler, inspiring leadership of Lt Richard (Dick) Winters. The book follows the gruelling training schedule of the newly designated paratroopers at Tocooa, Georgia, in July 1942 and tells the tales of how they were hammered into shape before recounting their bravery, deaths, and fearsome injuries as they fought in every campaign in the European war, from Normandy to Holland, from Bastogne in the Ardennes to Hitler’s Eagle’s Nest in Berchtesgaden. It’s an inspiring story and, more to the point, the heroes are real. The book was used as the basis for the BBC series produced by Tom Hanks and Steven Spielberg and the video series fairly honestly follows the narrative but after viewing the entire series I think the book tells the story better. They were rough, tough, men and I’m glad they were on our side. This book is a piece of contemporary history that should be preserved for posterity in order for future generations to see at what price Europe was delivered from Fascism and, perhaps, to take note of the price that has since been paid. An inspiring giant of a humble paperback that made me proud that I exist in a World that gave birth to such giants of men... copy@dannyjpcollins.com

All the featured books are available off the shelf or by mail order from Librería Europa, Calle Oscar Esplá 2, 03710 Calpe. Tel: 96 583 58 24; e-mail: libreria.europa.calpe@ gmail.com Take along or send this review for a discount of 5% on your purchases.

ON SUNDAY 11th July, along with thousands of other ladies, girls and dogs, Sammy (19) girlfriend of Daniel, grandson of Lota and Rob Baxter, who have lived in Altea for the past 11 years, did the ‘Race for

Life’ run on Southampton Common. Sammy was accompanied by the family pet dog, Maisie. Unknown to Lota, Sammy had written on the back of her pink official tee-shirt: ‘Lota beat it twice’. Sammy wanted to show the example that there is a ‘Life after Cancer’ - Lota first had cancer in 1984 and again 9 years later, and is now 26 years on, enjoying good health and living it up in sunny Spain. Sammy raised £325.00 from Daniel’s family and her good friends and work colleagues, and Maisie £22.50 from her doggy friends.

23 - 29 JULY 2010 FEB 26 - MARCH 4 2010

Discover the Costa Blanca

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Derek Workman continues his series of excursions from his book ‘Inland Trips From the Costa Blanca’ which features 22 detailed trips that lead you to spots you’d never find by yourself.

Castle in the sky

Xativa Castle

THERE’S NO shortage of castles in Spain – practically every one-horse village has one in various states of disintegration. There is still plenty to see in Valencia’s country towns. Xativa castle, with its 30 towers and four fortified gateways, must rate as one of the loveliest in the Valencian Community. A great deal of thought and work has gone into its restoration and surroundings. Standing on the high tower at either end of the long, thin castle, you become aware of just how massive an undertaking it was to build such a structure in such an inaccessible place. The grand structure you see these days standing watch over the town is a mixture of Iberian, Roman and Moorish influences and later Christian fortifications. The town below the castle walls is equally steeped in history; the birthplace of two popes of the Borgia clan. It was the first town in Europe to manufacture paper, during the time of the Moorish occupation, and even today in Morocco paper is still known as ‘xativi’.

Not to be missed are the Royal Fountain of the Twenty Five Spouts, built in the late 18th Century, and the Mueseu de L’Almodi, where the portrait of King Philip the Fifth is hung upside down in retribution for his sacking of the city in 1707. The streets are like a splendid public gallery, requiring no entrance fee. Mounted high on almost every wall of the old town, family names linger on in tiled plaques celebrating the lives of the saints. For the apotheosis of ceramic art, you must saunter around the corner to Calle Noguera. The Botica Central on Calle Noguera was once a pharmacy, and some wise person has retained the beautiful Victorian woodwork and glass cupboards full of ornately lettered dispensing bottles. Nowadays it serves as the office for OMIC, the Consumer Protection Office. Seek out the Plaça del Mercat, a square at the cusp of moving from semi-tumbledown to modern and suffused with a cockeyed, cobbled Disneyesque charm. Set back in a

corner and in the shadow of the Iglesia Colegial is the Posada del Pescado, its name spelled out in intricate shell-like patterning with a fat fish dangling from a chain clenched in a lion’s mouth. For years it stood empty and neglected but is now being faithfully restored. Pick up a guide book or leaflet from the tourist office and you will be informed about the city’s wealth of historic monuments. Every twist of the cobbled streets of the casc antic reveals eat-your-heart out casas and palacios, just crying out for benign restoration. To discover more about Spain, visit www.derekworkman-journalist. com and http://derekworkman. wordpress.com. http://valpaparazzi. wordpress.com are random notes about life in Spain. Derek Workman’s books, Inland Trips from the Costa Blanca and Small Hotels and Inns of Eastern Spain are available from most good books shops or direct from the publisher, Santana Books, www.santanabooks. com or Tel. 952 485 838.

To discover more about Spain, visit www.derekworkman-journalist.com and http://derekworkman.wordpress.com. http://valpaparazzi.wordpress.com are random notes about life in Spain. Derek Workman’s books, Inland Trips from the Costa Blanca and Small Hotels and Inns of Eastern Spain are available from most good books shops or direct from the publisher, Santana Books, www.santanabooks.com or Tel. 952 485 838.


23 - 29 JANUARY JULY 2010 2010 8-14

A smile or two A WONDERFUL energy can be found when Spiritual people meet together and each works in their own unique way. When skills of divination such as tarot runes and crystals mix with clairvoyance and mediumship, something rather special is the result. When you add a healthy dose of spiritual healing and some expert spiritual guidance and holistic therapy and advice, you create an enabling, working environment with which to face your public. Hey Presto! You have got yourself a Spiritual Fair! Such fairs appear throughout the year and attract a wide range of people. Whether they come in for a chat or a coffee, everyone entering is catered for with such a wide variety. No experience is necessary, but you are going to enter a dedicated arena with concerned professionals working together with you to help you get the right answers, the right reading, and the hands on healing that you really deserve. Fairs like this appeal to all ages, and to people from all walks of life. Very often they can be the very first step that you take along the spiritual pathway of your life. But if you have begun your journey, there will be a chance to review where you are and what’s next. There is nothing to fear and the friendly and relaxed atmosphere is conducive to your own wants and needs. You get to meet some really in tuned and inspired people with the expertise and ability to work with you on all levels. The setting for this weekend’s Spiritual Fair at the Bistro Maya in Albir is a superb one. For several years this wonderful Restaurant and Bar has served the public delicious and beautifully presented Mexican and International food, and a selection of drinks and snacks under the direction of Els and her hardworking

team. However, Monday and Wednesday afternoons are devoted to the Maya Spiritual Café; a popular meeting place for anyone concerned with spiritual matters. The atmosphere is relaxed and happy, so a cup of coffee and a chat may be what you want, and there are always to be found demonstrations, a development circle, mini readings or a ‘round the table’ topic of discussion. On Sunday 25th July, the Bistro Maya welcomes you to experience all the fun of the Spiritual Fair, and promises a bumper line up of Spiritual Workers to boot. With a hand-picked line up of Therapists, Mediums, Clairvoyants, and Tarot readers, the doors open around 14.00. There will be a fine selection of crystals and esoteric gifts, and plenty of opportunity to have a reading, or two! I shall be offering mini readings, which may be pre-booked, please call or email for information. A donation will be sent to local charities, so we can try to bring a little happiness just when and where it is needed. Come along and support this Spiritual Event. Food, snacks and drinks will be available, and there is free parking close by, 400 metres away. Feel free to come and meet me, together with a host of people, who may just put you in touch with that spiritual solution. And we can share a smile or two...

BISTRO MAYA is situated in Avenida del Albir, close to the beach, and next door to the BBVA Bank in Albir, just across the road from the Post Office. For any further information please call: 966 868 213.

Love & Light... Kenny Corris

Postbag Email your letters to me at: kennycorris@roundtownnews.com KENNY, I was so brought up to fear anything that was ‘ungodly’, so I have a problem with believing anything spiritual, because my family would think it wasn’t holy. Yet I do feel that there are some good spirits and that they could help me. A.M. Hunt. Well, there certainly are some very good spirits, and I work with the best. If what I did was ungodly then why have I been given a gift that I share with love and light with all those who seek me? If you need help on a spiritual level then maybe you had better forget what your family say, and form your own opinions. Failing this, maybe your family could help you through; it is after all a very godly thing for them to do, surely? My door is open to you if you need me, for sure.

Kenny’s Diary SUMMER WORKSHOPS in Finestrat: July 29th: Sanctuary Half Day Meditation. August 1st: 2012: The Truth. Contact info on this page. Readings at: Bistro Maya: 26th and 28th of July from 16.30 to 19.00. Please call or email for info. Monthly Séance: Now booking for August 26th at 18.30. Limited spaces, No experience necessary!

contact kenny Appointments: 96 587 8424 Mobile: 686 361 594 Web: www.kennycorris.net Forum: www.kennycorris.net/forum Email: kennycorris@hotmail.com Please contact me for inclusion in my healing list!

horoscopes by Kenny Corris The Jupiter retrograde warns you to hold back on all matters financial, and to be on your guard if anything currently demands your consent or your signature. Retrograde until mid November, Jupiter exits in your third house, and brings new light to old matters, and things best left in the past. Be very careful about splashing out, and conserve energy for when it is really needed. Actions with Mercury warn that a message has been misconstrued, possibly on purpose, and there is a chance that you can re send it at a later date. Things have become complicated through no fault of your own, but you are implicated, and obliged to see things through and clear your space, so hold your tongue, and help those who seem not to be able to sort things for themselves. Energies of Mars and Mercury urge you to close a door that has opened up recently. You are very much in control of a situation that allows others to see you in a very different light. Your dedication and your energy will inspire and direct, paving the way for a promotion and new and vital responsibilities. Don’t look back, you have to maintain everything right now and conservation will be your security. Just sit tight and say nothing that could jeopardise a situation that could go in either way. Making choices right now will be pointless since there is a revelation ahead, and all this will sort itself out very nicely, if you just let it go. People have been so very judgmental of late, but not only have you negotiated your escape route you have made decisions that had to be made for all concerned. Mercury is resident, and actions with Neptune bring an Aquarian balance to what must be a rather wonderful chance that is being offered to you. If you see it as moving on and not running away then you can prove the positive that this will bring you. Pride may play on your conscious, but you have to do what you have to do right now, so why wait? Everything is coming together for you at last. Mercury and Mars vie for your attention in a double whammy involving an inconjunction with both Uranus, and Chiron. Resident in your first house, Mercury makes plans, opens up situations and whispers in your ear that you are far more than you think that you are. With hindsight the last backward move wasn’t the right thing to do, but you are charged up and ready to prove everyone wrong! Saturn enters midweek to bring you wisdom and strength to take pole position for a change. Stop thinking of others and focus on yourself; it’s self preserving and you need a boost to your energies right now. An emotional separation is for the best, and especially as it heralds something romantically whirlwind and unexpected. Love yourself and you will find someone is about to get closer to you. Hard work never hurt anyone, but it has worn you out. If ever there was a time to take a break and put those feet up then that is now. Pamper yourself and indulge in some healthy rest and relaxation now that the time is right. Take what you heard recently with a pinch of salt; someone close to you is withh Jupiter brings Arian energies into play, and you will find some conflict this week that needs to be nipped well and truly in the bud. Someone will get hurt in the next stages, but although this isn’t what you wanted, maybe it has to be for the best, and it certainly won’t be you, this time. Take a long look at alternatives to ensure that you get the very best deal and don’t give in: you have to play to win. Pluto issues a stern warning to those who would try to take you over right now. Your individuality and your own stubborn energies are the very best combination to show others just where you are right now, and they assist you greatly in motivating and supporting your next moves. There is something you have overlooked, and just maybe it will help you to make a quick decision this week! Chiron is supportive and empowering, and there is a massive stimulus to your inner self this week. Expect changes, and last minute plans may have to be scuppered as you start a new project; something at last to get your teeth well and truly into. Your creative energies are sparking and it is exciting to think just where all this will take you, and what happy changes you will make in the process. Uranus in Aries, and Neptune in Aquarius heralds a new way forward and a comfort to you in times of stress. So much negativity has been encountered that you are even thinking of a side step. Don’t think of it! The only way to prove your point is to rest now, so you can continue when you are better prepared and the going looks rather better than as of late. Ask for exactly what you want and need to help you.

If it’s your birthday this week... Conserve energies and secure plans, keeping things much closer to your chest. Have an alternative, and watch as this year flies by for you!

23 - 29 JULY 2010 8-14 JANUARY 2010


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23 - 2926JULY 2010 4 2010 FEB - MARCH


Spam, spam, spam!

James via email asks: Hi Aunty, can you help please? I am getting 10-15 messages in my spam every day, mostly from pharmacies and car dealers. After the 30 days they are still there so I then delete them myself. I am on Google’s Gmail so should I change my email address

completely and use another supplier? Google does not delete these after 30 days as stated; well not in my case. Aunty Says: Hi James. I make a point of looking in my spam folder every couple of days as I quite often find emails in

Word has encountered a problem...

Got a story? 902 118 999

Maureen via email asks: Hi Aunty, I have had a problem now for the last 3 days which is driving me nuts and I am unsure how to rectify it. When going into Word to type my letters everything is fine until I come to ‘file’ and ‘save’. Up pops a message saying that “Word has encountered a problem and needs to close”. Then another message comes up saying “Word automatically saved changes to the normal document template, do you want to load it?” I answer No because it warns you of further problems if your answer is Yes. Once I press No the screen turns blue and then comes up with a blank “Document 1” page and to the right of the screen there is a column headed “Office Online”. I go to the X at the top right of the screen to get out of the programme. Sometimes it lets

with aunty virus

there that aren’t actually spam, and whilst there you have a ‘delete all spam messages now’ option which takes about 3 seconds. I don’t think changing your email address or supplier is necessary as they all seem to be targeted indiscriminately these days.

me get out of the programme and other times it just says “Programme not responding, End Now”. Aunty Says: Probably the easiest option Maureen is to repair or reinstall Word from the Office installation CD. If you don’t have access to this then maybe try out the wonderful free Open Office suite from http://www.openoffice.org which can read and save documents in Word format. I would also strongly recommend checking your computer with the latest AVG, Malwarebytes and Superantispyware from www.download. com as I have encountered many virus that target MS Office system files.

Playing a DVD Azza via email asks: Dear Aunty, my E-Systems laptop says I have a DVD/CD drive that can play both CDs and DVDs. It can play CDs but cannot play any DVDs. I think the problem seems to be with the DVD decoders. Is there any websites you know where I can find any of these for free? Or do you feel it could be another problem. Thank you for your assistance. Aunty Says: If it is a codec problem then I have found the Media Player Codec pack (or Windows 7 Codec pack) from download.com have sorted this out. If either of these fail to resolve the problem, let me know.

That’s all for this week, email me on auntyvirus@roundtownnews.com and I will do my best to sort you out

Web cam and windows live messenger not working Phil via email asks: HI AUNTY, I recently bought a new laptop with windows 7 and I have 2 problems: I have a 2 year old HP Photosmart c4280 all in one scanner printer. On trying to install the drivers from the disc that came with the printer I found that the disc had only XP and Vista drivers and the laptop didn’t want to install these. I searched the internet and downloaded drivers from HP’s home page, however, on installation found it was installed in Spanish and I couldn’t find a way to change the utilities to English so I went to hp.co.uk, downloaded again, installed again, still in Spanish - can you help please? The second problem is we use Windows live messenger to keep in touch with family in the UK - our 7 year old grandson loves this way of contact because he can play games with his grand mum online. When we try to launch a video call live messenger does not start our webcam; we can see and hear other side and other side can hear us. I installed Skype and tried Skype to a friend and this works fine video and voice Aunty Says: The first problem Phil is because HP is using your Control Panel Regional Settings to decide which language of the drivers to download. This can be easily changed to the UK and switched back after the drivers have installed. Regarding the Live Messenger webcam problem, this could be a number of things so try the easiest first. Make sure you have the very latest version of Live Messenger from www.messenger. live.com and the latest drivers for your webcam from the manufacturers’ website. There is also a webcam option in Live Messenger under ‘tools’ ‘audio and video settings’ which can sometimes give you an idea where the problem is. Try these and let me know how you get on.

- 29 JULY 2010 FEB 26 23 - MARCH 4 2010

51 45

Building ‘free’ into your business model by

Karla Darocas

Information Technology & Communications

TO ANY consumer there is a big difference between ‘cheap’ and ‘free’. In today’s struggling economy, business models that incorporate ‘free’ into their marketing psychology are powerful players. The ‘free’ market economy has been at play in the media world for eons and is built around a three party system; a third party pays to participate in a market created by a free exchange between the first two parties. This newspaper, for example, is free because it is not in the business of selling papers to readers; it is selling readers to advertisers. Hence, the more readers, the greater value to the advertiser. The rise of ‘freeconomics’ is what drives the Internet and that is because the underlying technologies behind the web have become so micro that a unit of processing power, bandwidth and storage all point in the same direction: to zero. The Web is all about scale: finding ways to attract the most users for centralized resources,

spreading those costs over larger and larger audiences as the technology gets more and more capable. That is why modern web companies don’t charge their users for anything. Yahoo, for example, offers unlimited email storage space; Google has an entire suite of user friendly services that consumers can use for free from Blogger to Gmail to Picassa and more. But just because web companies can offer free services and tools doesn’t mean that they are not making mountains of money. Google’s pay-per-click text ads were a revolutionary idea that has generated millions. Because Google is a ‘cyber business’, they can be everywhere. The same as a newspaper, they charge the advertiser a fee to place a text advert on their free services that appear to their readers. However, Google also encourages independent websites and blogs to put these adverts on their sites as well. Google pays a percentage of their revenue to their affiliate websites, hence spreading their audience or ‘eyeballs’ or ‘traffic’, as they call it in the cyber business lingo, to all corners of the universe. Aside from web companies, the free economy business model has proven successful for music groups who offer their music tracks for free on sites like MySpace because they understand that by giving their songs away they are building their audience. Then, when they have a live show, they can sell tickets and merchandise to make their money. Many companies are now rethinking their business models in order to capitalise on the infinite marketing power of the Internet and looking for ways to incorporate ‘free’ into their marketing psychology.

Karla Darocas * Business Communications Software Training & Computer Repairs *Helping You to Help Yourself 965 973 234

23 july 20102010 14- -2920 may

61 52

BMW M3 turns 25 IN AUGUST 1985, German automobile magazines fired readers’ expectations for the fastest 3 Series BMW of all time. The BMW M3 became the most successful touring car in motor-sport history. The M3 project was launched just a few months earlier. Production of the M1 mid-engine sports car had already been discontinued for

some time and BMW CEO Eberhard Kuenheim commissioned a design for a successor, almost as an aside, according to legend. After one of his regular visits to Motorsport GmbH in Munich’sPreußenstraße he said, almost as he was leaving: “Mr. Rosche, we need a sporty engine for the 3 Series.” Managing director of technical

The BMW M3 became the most successful touring car in motorsport history

Tel: 966 723 718 Sales Rojales & San Miguel For more information visit www.AutosDirect.es

03 Suzuki Jimny


06 Suzuki Ignis

04 Tigra Cabriolet


05 Smart Fortwo



07 Ford Fiesta

06 Remault Megane



The BMW M3 will be turning 25 in August

development Paul Rosche had demonstrated its expertise with the legendary 5 Series saloons driven by M engines, as well as developing the Formula 1 turbo engine that powered Brazilian Nelson Piquet to win the World Championship in the Brabham BMW in 1983. The new 3 Series engine had something in common with this: the crankcase. It originated from volume production and actually formed the basis for the two-litre engine with four cylinders. Four cylinders meant less weight and high torque. The series four-cylinder engine was too tame for a sports engine. BMW design engineers increased the displacement to 2.3 litres and applied a successful formulation: four-valve engineering. The other reason for the decision to opt for a four-cylinder engine and not adopt the sixcylinder engine introduced in the BMW 3 Series was the longer crankshaft started to vibrate earlier than the shorter four-cylinder shaft. Therefore the crankshaft drive of the BMW

04 Hyundai Atos

03 Chrysler PT

06 Ford KA




08 Ford Fiesta

06 Seat Leon

08 Ford Fusion

M3 was designed with sufficient stability to achieve 10,000 revolutions a minute and more. This represented an increase of more than 60 percent. The BMW M3 road version rated speed was still significantly below the critical range, offering scope for further developments. Paul Rosche recalls: “We started work immediately. One advantage was that the big six-cylinder engine originally had the same cylinder gap as the four-cylinder engine. We therefore cut two combustion chambers off the four-cylinder head of the M88 and bolted a panel over the hole on the rear side.” Paul Rosche: “Whether you believe it or not – we had created an outstanding four-cylinder engine for the 3 Series within two weeks. Under the development name S14, this engine was to generate headlines in sport and in volume production over the years to come. One Sunday, I drove to von Kuenheim’s flat and gave him the car for a test drive. When he came back he said: ‘Good, I like it.’ “And that’s how the M3 came into being.”





07 Ford Focus

03 Astra Cabriolet

04 Honda HR-V



SOLD 99 Audi TT Coupe

08 Ford Fiesta



04 Ford Focus CMAX


06 Ford Focus Estate


06´ Opel Tigra Cabrio €10,995

99 Mercedes E300TD

08 Opel Corsa CDTi €9,995

07 Seat Leon



01 Megane Cabriolet RHD €2,995

07 Mazda 6 MPS


00 Citroen Xantia Estate


01 Fiat Ducato Eurotop €21,995


23 - 29 JULY 2010


Foreign Driving Licences in Spain MY WIFE and I were enjoying a day on the beach, watching the lovely unencumbered (topless) women playing ball (well, I was) and the happy, well behaved Spanish children splashing in the soft surf safely with their relatives, when my mobile phone rang and voice by asked me a question that, like most of the others I receive, is covered in my book but in this case as the man told me was just out of jail here in Spain, perhaps Author of Motoring in Spain he could be excused, so I helped him as far as I could. He told me that he was from Kenya and had been arrested for driving a car in Spain without a valid driving licence. He further told me he only has a Kenyan licence which he thought would be okay here, but as the police had already told him and the lawyer he has engaged, it is not permissible as he is resident here now: that is the big crunch. He may think he is resident but is he legally so? He could drive as a visitor with an International Driving Licence which must be used alongside his original driving licence (both to be presented together and not separately as many seem to believe) so he was really driving without a licence technically and legally which meant that he was uninsured as well, hence the possible reason for being

Brian Deller

Kenyan driving license

transported to jail as he may also have been here in Spain illegally. So I confirmed what he already had been told, and wished him luck. One of the big problems now about drivers’ licences issued in many African countries are the high rates of corruption where a driving licence and many other legal documents can be

purchased quite cheaply. This is why Spain will not accept UK and other EU driving licences for exchange to a Spanish one where the driving test is shown as being taken in certain African and other, known to be dodgy in this respect, Third World countries. The caller’s only way out was to pass the Spanish driving test; not a cheap option,

but at least his new licence would be perfectly acceptable in most countries. Sun and surfs up. Be safe out there and watch out for those who drink excessively and drive, who speed while driving incompetently and who do not look after their vehicles, but most of all the criminals who are out to rob us all.

There is much more detailed information on all motoring subjects in my book. Brian Juan (John) Deller, Malaga, author, ‘Motoring in Spain’ www.spainvia.com


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23 - 29 july 2010

DRIVING TO THE UK? English owned B&B in France close to the Spanish border. Peaceful location, ideal for your stopovers. Please ring for details: 0033-562-33-19-62 or visit website: www.millefleursbb.co.uk

SERVICE AIR David Higton: (Tel) 966-865883 (Mob) 629-308-505 (Email) cool@serviceair.biz

PEDIGREE LHASA APSO PUPPIES K.C Reg ready in 6 weeks, 3 girls & 1 boy. CHIPPED & INOCULATED. Ring 634-108-686/ 683 for price to view or book REGISTERED SPANISH HORSE FOR SALE Stallion, 4 years old. Beautiful horse with a great temperament. Blacky/ grey, full registered Spanish papers. Well ridden. 1,63 metre, 16.1HH. Travels well in box, shoes well. Competed in in-hand shows. Call Olivia for more information 605-778-559 SMALL FRIENDLY BRITISH KENNELS individual runs, large excercise area. 25 mins Alicante airport. www.parkbark. co.uk 628-244-712

SMALL DOGS CARED FOR IN OUR OWN HOME so if you need to go away on holiday but don’t want your dog to go into kennels then we will look after them. References available on request. Call Diane and Trish: 965843781 or 622514980 (Altea Area)

DRAGON REFORMS PROPERTY RENOVATIONS & MAINTENANCE. Tel 966807-098. Mob 639-917-798. Property Renovations/Shop/ Bar Refits. New extentions, patios, underbuilds, tiling. Complete new Kitchens/ Bathrooms refits, all electrical, plumbing, carpentary work undertaken. References given, free quotes, work guaranteed. Benidorm and Surrounding areas. www.dragonreforms.com

ZOCO MARKET Permanent market stall for sale currently trading as a Butchers. 6m x 4m shed. To include 2 x chiller cabinets, 1 x fridge freezer plus 2 x additional chest freezers . Owner returning to the UK. Tel Dave on 620028038. ZOCO MARKET Permanent market stall for sale currently trading as a British food store. 3m x 4m shed. Owner returning to the UK. Tel Dave on 620028038. ANGEL SOAP. Handmade Soap Business For Sale, all stock plus moulds, fragrances etc Full Instruction given, good home business Tel 966784403 or 663408023 MOBILE ECO CAR VALETING Ready to go with state of the art Steam machine for inside and out of vehicles amazing results no mess uses approx 5 litres water. Sale includes Van all tools products and training. 11,500€ Call Andy 619-559-005 for details. 25 PRINGLE VENDING MACHINES With Locations. All cash, 500€ net per week. 8

hours work per week.14,900€ 965-326-442/659-696-455 FOR SALE HAIRDRESSING SALON WITH OTHER INCOMES Large Salon 10 Stations plus Beauty Room. For details Call 966-784-403 or 663-408-023. 663-408-023 EARN MONEY Tax Free. See Employment Column. LEISURE PRODUCTS BUSINESS established 10 years, rental and sales income, top Google ranking, future expansion plans in place, if required. Price 150,000€ which represents approx. one years profit and stock of around 50,000€. Currently run from home. Low Overheads. Please E-mail leec697@gmail.com BAR BISTRO FOR SALE on popular lemon tree market. Excellent potencial. 88 cover. Sale due to ill health. Tel: 966180-168/ 655-479-753 CASHKING TORREVIEJA Pawnshop for sale. Highly profitable Pawnshop with licence to Pawn, Buy, Sell Gold, Watches, Consumer Electronics, ect. For first contact and more. Information admin@cashking.es or Tel. 965-703-774 DUE TO RETIRMENT: Very popular profitable magazine business for sale. Now in its 6th year. Alicante area. Worked part time, minimal overheads. includes all equipment Tel 690-222-273

MOBILE/ PARK HOMES From 15.000€ TV, A/C, TEL, some with conservatories, permanent site, pool, tennis, new lounge bar, supermarket, 5 mins walk San Javier, all amenities, 3KM beach & hospital. 7 mins Murcia airport by car. Carol 968-192-425/ 626055-622. Email: haydn47@ hotmail.com Web: www. mobilehomesmarmenorspain. com

ONLINE E-BUSINESS SUPPORT SERVICES INCLUDES: Promotional website marketing slideshows, banners, videos, audio files, graphics, logos, photo retouching, e-business consulting & training. Monthly fee covers hourly support and training services by email or telephone. Contact: Karla Darocas - info@Darocas.com or 648 156 066

WE ARE LOOKING FOR ANYONE either a male or female who is interested to earn extra income appart from his or her daily income which it would not disturb his or her daily activities and he or she will be working and earn about 400GBpounds a week.Anyone interested should email Frank at frankyfulton@hotmail.com for more information SELF EMPLOYED AGENT Millie Munro Services require Experienced Sales Agents to work from home on a self employed basis. You must have a proven track record in Sales, be smart in appearance and a Non-Smoker. The successful applicant will have full use of our San Miguel Office facilities including telephone, PC and Internet. You must be computer

23 - 29 JULY 2010 literate, have own car as well as internet and telephone. You will be selling our range of Insurances and Pre-Paid Funeral Plans. Excellent Commissions to be earned and leads will be provided based on performance. If you have all of the above then please call Simon on 966 493 082 Previous Applicants need not apply SAN MIGUEL OFFICE Due to expansion Millie Munro Services require and experienced Telesales person to work mornings 9-30 to 1-30 from our new office in San Miguel making quality appointments for our team of agents. There will be a fee paid for each appointment made and commission once a sale has been closed. If you are a Non-Smoker, smart in appearance with an excellent telephone manner and a proven track record in generating appointments please contact Simon on 966 493 082 WE REQUIRE DISTRIBUTORS and advertising Sales Agents for established Magazine. Good Rates paid for both Distribution and Advert Sales. Call 965 720 817 or 616 493 487”

EARN MONEY Tax Free, Legally. 250+€ P/Week. Work Self Employed from Home, PM, with a Computor & ADSL in Sportsworld activities. E Mail: horces@gmail.com for Details. FEMALES AND COUPLES 18 to 65 required for adult internet photo and video modeling. Excellent rates. 697-697-842.

NEED A WEBSITE? Websites start 395euros, free domain name, free hosting. www. websitedesignscostablanca. com Tlf:-966-182-275 ANY REFORMS, MAINTENANCE, GENERAL REPAIRS. No job to big or small. Pices cannot be beaten. Free estimates. Call Hrista 667-339-588/ 965-709-203

GARDEN SERVICES private or community gardens CUT COSTS not Quality 619 336 762 PALM & TREE TRIMMING/ REMOVAL All Garden Maintenance Call 619336762

rates. In the comfort of your own home or mine. Calpe, Jalon, Moraira & Javea areas. Tel Gill:-618508649 QUIRO-MASSAGE & REFLEXOLOGY Relax and let yourself be carried away by a professional in massage. You will feel really great! Come to a professional qualified in Quiro-massage & Reflexology! Appointments by consultation! 639-439-890. Denia. PRESTIGE NURSING offers Legal, Registered and Professional Home Care on the Costa Blanca. All your home nursing care service needs can be undertaken by our highly trained nursing/ domiciliary team. Call Prestige Nursing on 687-015-517 JODIE’S GELS Nail technician: Gel nail extensions, gel nail overlays, gel toenails.

Finishes: French, colour, glitter. Repairs. Tel: 622-244-613. CREATIVE NAILS Creative acrilic nails. You come to me (Alfaz Del Pi) or I’ll come to you (Altea - Villajoyosa). Fully qualified, 15 years experience. Tel: 669-126-281.

4 WHEEL MOBILITY SCOOTER Like NEW. 30Km range. 599€ - HOIST with sling, hydrolic, electric, 499€. 600-866-506. WHEELCHAIR Light, foldable, hardly used, LIKE NEW. 150.00€. Tel: 627-019-403. 4 STURDY WHITE SUN LOUNGERS With Full Length Cushioning. Very Comfortable. as New 200€. Calpe. Tlf:-965-


837-286 BLUE CANE THREE PIECE SUITE 3 Seater settee plus 2 singles. Good Condition. 100€ Calpe. Tlf:-965-837-286 TWO BICKERTON FOLDING BICUCLES For Sale old but in good condition, 60€. the pair. Tlf:-965-745-324 2 ORANGE SOFAS GC 190€ tall Fridge freezer 150€, heavy cast table Lamp 35€, Washing machine 150€, Dining table 4 chairs 75€, long wooden Coffee table 35€, free standing Parasol 35€, TV 37 FLAT 300€ 637909080 BREAKFAST TABLE, TALL, ROUND chrome/glass with 2 chrome stools hardly used 85€. Job lot. 2x boxes of books on antiques cost a fortune. 30€ Linguaphone English/Spanish. complete 12cd/book set. cost £279. 50€ Steve 646686448

PERSONAL TRAINER Exworld kickboxing champion. All martial arts taught, weight loss, all ages, private gym. 965-326442/ 659-696-455 HAIRDRESSER, EXPERIENCED IN LADIES & MEN’S HAIR Competitive


for long established agency in Moraira. Must be forward thinking, ambitious and be able to work on own initiative. This is a unique opportunity for a highly motivated, experienced property professional looking to earn a high income. Remuneration is by way of substantial profit share. Must be computer literate as we are highly computerized and we have 1,000 sales enquiries for the right person. This is an exceptional business opportunity for the right candidate. Tel: 615-331-445 or email: info@mpsbspain.com

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23 - 29 july 2010

BOOKS FOR SALE In English:Quest for AdventureChris Bonnington 1982, Coastwise Navigation-GG Watkins, 1962, Navigation for Yachtsment-Mary Blewit 1973, The Sailing Manual-Bob Bond 1973,Cruising Under Sail-Eric Chiswick 1965, Man O´War-The Fighting Ship In History-Richard Hough 1979. 6 Hardback books for 25euros. In Spanish: Set of 20 Non Fiction new books (still wrapped) Assorted authors suit student. 35euros the lot. Tlf:691-202-307 LA MARINA FURNITURE All Furniture Bought & Sold At Unbeatable Prices. Now Also In Shop, New Linen, Lingerie, Jewellery & JML Products. Also Cars Bought For Cash. Come and visit La Marina Furniture shop on the main street through La Marina. Call Allan on 966-443-370 or 625-985-491 FOR SALE Beautiful old convertible snooker/dining table with original ivory balls. Slate base. Gd con. 2.00m x 1.10m. 750€ono. Call Andy 630949883. ALADDIN’S For quality furniture and second hand household goods at prices that won’t dent your wallet telephone 966-457-291

ALADDIN’S Disappointed with offers elsewhere on Jewellery etc? Telephone 966-457-291

BALLROOM/LATIN/ SEQUENCE DANCING with LA BAMBA’s. Los Arcos Restaurant, Avenida Balaeres, Torrevieja, SOCIAL DANCE: Saturday 7pm-10pm; ALSO Starting 20th July SOCIAL DANCE: Tuesday 8pm10.30pm [except second Tuesday of the month] : Classes now finished, restart 1st September 2010. Tel: Andrea 616 478 157 WEIGHT WATCHERS Call our Free English call centre now to find your nearest meeting. 900-818-794 ZUMBA & GIRLY BITZ Fun, easy to follow, calorie burning Salsa, merengue,samba,flamenco and more.A dance fitness class that feels like a party!Beginners classes too!Javea,Benitachell & Benissa.Call kimberley 696746091 or e mail info@ zumbacostablanca.com. www.zumbacostablanca.com

of chrome. Purchased new in Alicante 1998.Superb condition, a real head turner.€ 13,000. Tel. 96 571 9939.

DATEMED.ES Great new online dating site for English speaking people on the Costa Blanca. Free memberships - Join Now! www.datemed.es

MINI SMOOTH DACHSHUND PUPS for sale mini smooth dachshund pups.top pedigree. lovely temperament.ideal pets. tel 965975470 or go to www.minimeades.com PINE FURNITURE SALE Top quality furniture. Flat pack or constructed. The stock includes:- Kingsize Beds, Double Beds, Single Begs, Treble Robes, Double Robes, Bedside Cabs, Chests of Drawers, Computer Desks, Sideboards, Welsh Dressers, Bookcases, Tallboys, Mirrors, Wine Tables, Display Cabinets. Tlf:628-499-448. POOL, SNOOKER TABLES will beat any price. Tel: 666-933-726 KARAOKE MEDIA PLAYER “Brand New” 500GB. 70,000songs, software, songbooks, bar/home use. 275euros Tlf:-654-925-679 LA MARINA FURNITURE All Furniture Bought & Sold At Unbeatable Prices. Now Also In Shop, New Linen, Lingerie, Jewellery & JML Products. Also Cars Bought For Cash. Come and visit La Marina Furniture shop on the main street through La Marina. Call Allan on 966-443-370 or 625-985-491 FLYING FLOWERS beautiful bouquets to any UK address. Order by credit or debit card. Call Kelly’s 965-761-595/ 966-425-713

PEUGEOT 206 ESTATE 2002 2LDI 86000 milesRHD UK Tax/MOT Cheap tax/insurance VGC 2500e ONO 600899096 OPEL ZAFIRA 1.8 MPV 7 seater (enjoy model) 10/2006 1 owner only 26.000 kms FSH Stunning condition arriving this week and priced to sell. Be quick!! 600726221 / / 965687976 CARS BOUGHT FOR CASH! www.fwreurocars.com Car for sale from 1,200 Tel Frank, 600726221 GOING HOME? RETURNING TO THE U.K? Fwr has a good selection of RHD vehicles for sale or exchange call frank 600726221 / 965687976 (Nice c-max in stock) www.fwreurocars.com LOOKING FOR A CABRIOLET? Mercedes, Bmw, Peugeot, Renault from 4.000 Euros - 25.000 Euros Look no further call frank 600726281 / 965687976 www.fwreurocars.com FORD FOCUS 1.8 TDCI SPORT new shape 10/2008 3 door , 1 owner 39.000 km FSH 17” sport alloys , climate , cruise control , Sony 6 cd sound system , rear spoiler voice/phone system stunning car finished in met black 12.450 Euros BOX TRAILER Lynton Load Lugger 120L, Internal Dimensions: L 1850, x W 1400 x H 1500. Full Beam Rubber Suspension, Roller Door, Low Loading Height, Braking System. Phone: 96 574 8199 / 659 921 875. Price: 650 Euros VAN FOR SALE volkswagon LT 35 diesel van in good condition with english plates offers in region of 2000euros. Tlf:-966-897-635 CHEVROLET MATIZ 2005 white LHD 5 door 70,000kms ITV Feb 2011 excellent condition 3200 EUROS Tel 649 205 255 VOLKSWAGON BEETLE. LHD UK registered. 60,000 miles service history. All Electrics. Immaculate. 3500€. 966 77 2153 or 627 463 523. LDV MAXSUS LWB XHR 2007 VAN. 15,000 miles, Can be imported. UK reg. 9000 euros NO VAT call Barry 96 213 57 49 Mob 689 925 522 FORD TOURNEO CONECT Combi 1.8 TDDi May 2006 Met Silver SH R/Privacy Glass Sony CD Air Con, 106k kms 5,550€ Andy 619-559-005 ROVER 75 DIESEL automatic diesel saloon, 2001, metallic gold, biege interior,excellent condition throughout, full electric pack, itv, suma paid, bargain 3750 euros, transfer included, 649806579 CARS WANTED accident damage, tech. problems from year 2002. Tel 661-362-005 RENAULT BOX VAN 2.5 diesel, white 2007. Full Service


FOR SALE ELECTRIC SCOOTER Beauty 50km autonomy, silver, completely new, shop price 1860euros, but you can get it for only 900euros Tel:- 966-850-252 HARLEY DAVIDSON HERITAGE SOFTAIL LIMITED EDITION Colour pale turquoise, cream, lots

History, New Condition, 67,000kms. Tlf: 628-499-448 OPEL CORSA 1.5 YEAR 1995 Ideal as a first car for a new driver, well maintained and cared for. 3 new tyres, MOT to Jan 2011, DVD player etc. 995€ tlf 691-202-307. Altea area (close to Benidorm) WE BUY AND SELL quality late vans, cars and combis. For an instant decision phone 605-669-388/ 680-665-583

PAINTERS AND DECORATORS Interior painting. 1 bedroom property from 135€. 2 bed prop from 200€. 3 bed prop from 265€. Fast and reliable service. Will quote for exterior painting. No job too small. For more info tel: 634-793-984.

GENERIC VIAGRA safe effective 100mg blue pills 24 for 50€. Also Kamagra oral jellies, effective in 15 minutes and generic Cialis, effective for 36 hours. Confidential postal or collection service. Call Ron at TT Marketing 966-499-204 BEAUTIFUL GIRLS AGE 20-35 WANTED FOR NEW LUXURY VILLA. EXCELLENT RATE OF PAY. FREE ACCOMODATION. 608 944 242 NEW LUXURY VILLA. FREE PARKING, SEXY LATINA GIRLS. COME FOR A GREAT TIME. CALL 616 834 874 LADY OFFERS PROFESSIONAL Massage and other services, Calle Maria Parodi. Tlf:-695-042-381

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23 - 29 JULY 2010

The final whistle

Cole and Gerrard lack ambition With Andy Kay

Joe Cole JOE COLE has joined Liverpool and Steven Gerrard says he’s staying there. Personally, I find both decisions puzzling. Cole, it’s reported, could have linked up with either Spurs or Arsenal. Both London clubs would have offered the England midfielder Champions League football and, based on last year’s results, a better chance of winning trophies. Cole instead opted for Liverpool. Jamie Carragher insists that signing Cole shows that Liverpool means business. I fear not Jamie. The only business on show here has been done by Cole and his agent who have managed to get Liverpool to agree to his £90,000 a week wage demands and a hefty signing on fee. Meanwhile Steven Gerrard, who played brilliantly for England for the first four minutes of their opening World Cup match against the USA before going AWOL for the rest of the tournament, has given the clearest indication yet that he’s staying at Anfield. He may be excited to line up against Cole and obviously loves his home town club but Gerrard surely has to move on. Playing at a higher level week in, week out could see Gerrard blossom in to the player he has always threatened to be. And for more than four minutes to boot. SEMENYA AND DOBRISKEY Athletics is a sport I love. Much of my working life has been spent in track and field and I am fiercely supportive of it. But it has problems and two such recent examples involve Caster Semenya and Lisa Dobriskey. Semanya is back on the track and winning races after an 11 month exile during which she underwent gender testing following her 800m winning performance at the World Championships in Berlin. The whole affair was horribly handled by the IAAF who haven’t helped themselves by refusing to release details of the tests. Of course, I completely respect the privacy of the individual but after such a high-profile case, you would have expected the authorities to at least explain why they have cleared Semenya to run. Without that reasoning, doubts will remain and Semenya will always be looked on as ‘different’. And that’s not fair on her. Meanwhile Britain’s Dobriskey will line up at the European Championships in Barcelona next week wondering if she’s on a level playing field with some of her rivals. At a recent race in Paris, Dobriskey was beaten in to fourth place by Anna Alminova. It was the Russian’s first international race since completing a three-month ban after testing positive for pseudoephedrine. Her winning time of 3 min 57.65 sec was not only the fastest in the world this year by almost two seconds but was the quickest by a female athlete since 2006. Dobriskey was also beaten by Frenchwoman Hind Dehiba, a convicted drug cheat who ran the fastest 1500m of her life to set a French record. Athletics is in a tough place. It tests much more than other sports and therefore gets more positive results. As such, it needs to lead the way and I for one would like to see a return to four year bans. In the case of Dehiba, she was arrested at a French airport after her luggage was found to contain vials of growth hormone and other performance enhancing drugs. She also tested positive for EPO. And for that, she got two years. Anyone else feel that she got off lightly?

Cup adventure ends By Jack Troughton PROUD YOUNG footballers tasted Costa Blanca Cup glory before being knocked out by stronger teams heading for the finals. The under 12 ‘Alevine’ and under 10 ‘Benjamine’ sides of FC Amigos de Javea both qualified through group stages of this international competition before going down fighting against bigger club and academy opposition. More than 250 teams from around the world compete in the annual festival of football and the Amigos youngsters are keen to be back next year. Terry Denty, one of the coaches, told RTN the under 12 team lost 6-0 to the eventual runners up from Guadalajara after qualifying from a “group of death” – containing sides from Madrid, Russia and Venezuela. And he said the under 10 team played four games in 36 hours to reach the semi-final only to lose 4-1 to eventual winners UD Canals – finishing with just seven players from an 11 strong squad and eliminating two of the favourites from Madrid and Valencia. “Considering we are a Sunday league team from a small community unaffiliated to any Spanish FA or academy side, both teams punched well above their weight,” said Terry.

The team

SQUAD “Both the teams went to the competition with small squads of 11 players – all the academy teams we were playing had squads of 20 plus players - and after injuries, fatigue, and the affects of playing in the high temperatures, it would be fair to say we were all exhausted.” He added: “The standard of our boys and the quality of coaching was outstanding and along with the support and passion of our small army of supporters with their vuvuzelas and horns, I’m sure next year we will give it another go.” Terry said all the coaches were unpaid volunteers and the club depended on

Transfer whispers

parents paying subs, the support of local businesses – such as Webster Asesores and BusyBee Car Servicing – and contributions from the Amigos veterans for financial support. And he said it would be impossible but for the hard work of founders Andy and Sylvie Barnish and the dedicated coaches developing boys – most of the Cup youngsters had been with the club more than five years – into the “great players we have just seen competing at the highest standard.” Terry added: “An example of this was Jordan Knight, an ex-Amigo, who has just lifted the under 16s Costa Blanca Cup with his current team Benidorm.”

With Danny lad

• MANCHESTER CITY’S transfer spree shows no sign of ending as manager Roberto Mancini revealed the club are looking at Landon Donovan and Mario Balotelli. However, Alex Ferguson is confident of pinching Balotelli from under the noses of his “noisy neighbours” • Chelsea hope to beat off competition from Barcelona, Real Madrid & Bayern Munich by tabling a £20m bid for Brazil and Benfica defensive midfielder Ramires. • New Liverpool boss Roy Hodgson is set to turn his attentions to signing Manchester City defender Wayne Bridge. • Real Madrid striker Raul is being lined up for a move to Spurs with the Spaniard available on a free transfer. • Arsenal boss Arsene Wenger is trying to persuade defender Sol Campbell to reject any offers from Newcastle, Sunderland and Celtic and stay with the Gunners for the coming season. • Former Hull City captian, George Boateng, has started training with West Bromich Albion. • Celtic manager Neil Lennon has promised a summer signing blitz once the team returns home from the USA. Scunthorpe striker Gary Hooper is said to be top of the list. • Wigan are lining up a £2m move for PSV defender Carlos Salcido as a replacement for Maynor Figueroa, who has been linked with Liverpool. • Darius Vassel is refusing to sign for Blackpool on the terms offered – he is insisting that the requirement for a substantially reduced wage out of season is removed which conflicts with the clubs existing policy. • Manchester United could offer midfielder Anderson as part of a player + cash deal for Ajax striker Luis Suarez. • Leeds are trying to sign Arsenal youngster Jay Simpson on a permanent deal, there have been loan offers from 3 other Championship clubs, most likely QPR, Derby & Watford. • Tamas Priskin, Ipswich’s Hungarian striker is interesting fellow Championship side Swansea. • Steve Bruce has joined the race to sign David James, who is also a target for Scottish club Celtic. • The Manchester United hierachy are ready to smash the theory that they are in finiancial trouble by tabling a 42 million pound bid for Chelsea midfield enforcer, Michael Essien. Journeyman, Francis Jeffers, is set to pen a one year deal with Blackpool making it the strikers 23rd club of his career.

Gossip Manchester United’s new signing Javier Hernandez will have the name Chicharito - which means little pea - adorn his shirt next season.

ANYONE FOR FOOTBALL? Aged between 20 to 40 ? Torrevieja area Call Doug on 628 789 335

23 - 29 JULY 2010

Lack of ideas Maggots end Fishing

MY HEARTY congratulations go out to Louis Oosthuizen for winning the 139th Open Championship at St Andrews. There is no doubt that By Noel Eastwell Professional coach the best golfer over the week won and RTN golf expert despite what some say about him 639 730 891 getting the lucky half of the draw with the weather. Anyone who has won any competition knows that you always have to have a certain amount of luck. The skill and patience he showed over the course of the week makes him a deserved champion. The old lady of St Andrews, as The Old Course is sometimes known, certainly got the better of most of the golfers over the week. One of the disappointing things to see was the lack of invention amongst the very best golfers in The World. Yes, Friday was particularly tough but take that out of the equation and how many in the field still tried to play links golf through the air? Far too many is the answer. Links golf always has been and always will be a game to play low and running shots to avoid the vagaries of the winds. I have no doubt that many of the players struggled with the ball flight because of modern equipment that is made to get the ball airborne as quickly as possible. The modern golf ball also contributed because it is made in a way that it resists spin put on it by a less than perfect strike. So who is to blame: the equipment manufacturers or the players? Well both are to blame really because the demand to hit the ball longer and higher has got to such a level that a lot of players now only think about how far they can hit the ball. I often wonder how many golfers who qualify for The Open actually practice the low running shot under the wind. Remember a few years ago with the old ball that had a softer cover; it was very easy to get the ball air-

Noel’s world of golf


Costa Blanca round-up


David Hoare

968 199 279

Louis Oosthuizen borne without a perfect strike and it would take sidespin far more so just why are modern greats struggling to control the ball flight? Is it a lack of skill or because they just don’t practice these shots enough? I think it is the latter which is a pity because it is not just links courses that demand a low shot when the wind blows. I would dearly love to see some more shotmaking come into golf; some imagination; some invention instead of the ‘hit it hard and go after it’ brigade that seems to dominate the game nowadays. Tiger Woods can play the shots as can some of the other players in The World’s elite; however far too many cannot. Let’s get the skill back on show and see how good the modern greats really are. THE PROFESSIONAL TOURS This weekend we see The Oldies try to emulate what the youngsters did last week; The Senior British Open at Carnoustie will see a good turnout of past champions compete over one of the finest links in The World. Next week we then see the ladies follow with the Ladies British Open at Royal Birkdale. Having been starved of links golf we now get a glut of it; an interesting period for the purists of the game.

WIN A ROUND OF GOLF FOR 2 INCLUDING BUGGY AT THE BEAUTIFUL EL PLANTIO RESORT IN ALICANTE To enter this competition, simply answer the question below correctly. Every correct answer will be entered into a draw at the end of the month and the winner of this fantastic prize worth over €180 will be picked at random at the end of each month. Send your entries by email to golf@ roundtownnews.com. The decision of the editor of RTN will be final in making the winning selection. QUESTION FOR 23RD JULY 2010: WHO WON THE US WOMEN’S OPEN 2010? A.Michelle Wie B.Paula Creamer C.Natalie Gulbis All answers must be received no later than 17.00 on 31st July 2010 to be entered into July’s draw, to be made on 1st August 2010. The winner will be announced in RTN August 7th 2010. QUALITY GOLF LESSONS To enjoy golf lesson with a coach recommended as one of The World’s Top 100 call Noel on 639 730 891.

Any questions you have for Noel should be sent to golf@roundtownnews.com


RODS AND REELS THIS WEEK’S match was the Annual Memorial match, dedicated to Tony Cawthorne, who sadly died of cancer 2 years ago. The match was held at the Embalse de Argos, one of Tony´s favourite venues. The day was red hot, with all but the brave fishing under ‘brollies’. It was stated by quite a few anglers that they were catching small size carp and barbell; this I hope is a good sign and in the seasons to come the weights may go back up to where we were a couple of years ago! Prize of the day must go to Tony Price, who foul hooked a barbel in the tail and when he landed it he found that the fish had its head stuck in a can. (Presumably some person at the end of the day threw the can in the water with some corn still in it). This sort of thing, along with the rubbish left on the bank at Argos, not only makes the place look like a tip, but gives all anglers a bad name… TOP RODS ON THE DAY 1st Ian (Irish Wizard) Dalzell, fishing the pole using pellet with 33.460 kilos 2nd Paul (Poco Loco) Baxter, fishing the pole using pellet with 26.500 kilos 3rd Doug (Welsh Goldminer) Hornblow, fishing the pole using hemp and pellet with 24.780 kilos ANGLERS TOGETHER ANGLERS TOGETHER continues to grow, with firm friendships being formed since the group started 4 years ago. Many members fish together regularly and say they are happy to have taken up a sport to replace golf and the like which have become so expensive. We have the occasional organised outing but the main aim is to introduce members to find fishing companions and to assist in finding the venues. It costs €10 to join for the first year and €5 per annum for each year after. If you are interested in joining or finding out more about Anglers Together, either come along to one of the meetings or contact Alan: email: anglerstogether@gonuts4free.com or telephone Alan Roscoe: 968 570 876. Meetings are generally held on the first Friday and Saturday of each month, depending on other public holidays and local fiestas. Anyone with an interest in fishing (sea or freshwater) is welcome to come along to a meeting to see what we’re about. NOTE: There is no meeting in August. The next meetings will be held on Friday 10th September at 12.00 at Mary’s Bar in Campoverde (north of Pilar de la Horadada) and on Saturday 11th September at 12.00 at Los Galayos Bar, opposite the beach front, at Puerto de Mazarron. There has been another visit conducted by Alan to take anglers around the various venues in the region. These trips are every 4-6 months and are part of the club’s aim to help anglers get the best out of fishing. Tight Lines, Dave Hoare

Carp-R-Us News THE RTN Golf Club is free to join and members are entitled to a generous ‘two for one’ offer to ensure the sport is affordable for everyone – making sure golfers are out enjoying themselves rather than worrying about the cost of a game. The club is open to every resident – all that is needed to qualify is an NIE number – and a round of golf, including a buggy, will cost no more than €50 per head – slashing the current club average green fee of €80. Go to www.roundtownnews.co.uk and tap in a few details – or inquire at golf clubs taking part in this exciting new venture! Well? What are you waiting for!

THIS WEEK saw the Clubs Pairs Match held on the Embalse de Argos at Calasparra in the Province of Murcia. The winners were, with a combined weight of 58.040 kilos, Ian Dalzell and Nigel Mourant; in 2nd place was the pairing of Paul Baxter and John Brightling with 43.680 kilos; in 3rd place Barry Homer and Mick Hill with 30.840 kilos; and in 4th place Dennis Pick and Derek King with 27.760 kilos. Congratulations to all that took part in this very keenly fought contest. The Club’s next Quiz night

will be on Tuesday 27th July, 19.00 for 19.30. €1 each person and a finger buffet is provided: please remember this Quiz night will be held outside. The Club’s next meeting is on Sunday 1st August: the Committee meeting at 10.00 with the general meeting at 11.00. The Club’s home is at the Bar El Alto La Dolores where all these functions take place. It can be found just off the new roundabout on the N332 between Guardamar and La Mata. Anyone interested in the Club can contact the President John Brightling on 966 717 923 or visit www.carprus.net

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