RTN South Edition 706

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Your English Newspaper

SOUTH EDITION roundtownnews.com

Issue 706

26 APR - 2 MAY 2013

Health matters by Jack Troughton

Our latest rescue

Sancho Panza was found abandoned

A LITTLE donkey named Sancho Panza was found abandoned and in a terrible state until Sandra Gelbke and Kate Cammish came to the rescue. Sancho was in need of a new home and EHRC were happy to help out. We always need volunteers - seven days a week, 365 day a year. Every day at EHCRC is a working day, we always need help with mucking out stables, field clearance, even just washing feeding buckets as we have over fifty every day to wash. If you would like to volunteer, call Sue on 652021980 or email info@easyhorsecare.net

STRICT RULES over accessing Spanish healthcare for British residents and visitors are being clearly explained in key question and answer sessions. THE NEW European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) Outreach Campaign is a unique partnership between the Department of Health team based at the British Consulate in Alicante and Spanish Colleagues at the Valencia Health authority. And the campaign is aimed at outlining the correct use of EHIC for visitors – while encouraging those who live mainly in Spain to register for healthcare in other ways to insure they are fully protected.The campaign, which is partly funded with EU cash, rolled into Javea on Tuesday where a third of the population is British – with 9,000 Brits registered with the town hall and an estimate 10,000 more resident in the town but yet to sign the Padron. Martyn Standing, of the Department of Health team, said the phenomenon of “people who live here but don’t live here” was repeated across Spain. And he said of EHIC. “We have ‘swallows’, people who spend part of the year here quite legitimately and people who live here – if you live here and use this card, it is not the correct way to access health care.” RUMOUR He said it was rumoured that the UK did not pay Spain for British citizens receiving healthcare but in 2011/12 the British Government had paid Spain 237 million euros for its commitments

to fund the EHIC scheme and those entitled to care funded by the UK. “It paid 4,267€ for every pensioner who is registered for healthcare, regardless of how much the healthcare costs – you may not have seen a doctor or received hundreds of thousands of euros worth of treatment.” He told the meeting an EHIC was for people on a temporary stay in Spain and entitled people to all the medical treatment necessary during that time. Martyn explained what was “medically necessary” was decided by a doctor and would be given on the same basis as a person paying contributions in Spain He added: “It can include routine treatment or the monitoring of an ongoing condition and can also include oxygen and dialysis but we recommend you plan this is advance.” He said pensioners living in Spain were issued a UK EHIC for healthcare when they were outside Spain. PENSIONERS The UK Government pays for the healthcare of pensioners and people on long-term sickness benefit living in Spain and also paid for early retirees for a short period, usually 30 months depending on National Insurance contributions. Martyn said last year Spanish healthcare was reformed and its management taken from individual anonymous governments to the central INSS, the National Institute of Social Security. Continued on page 7


26 APR - 2 MAY 2013

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26 APR - 2 MAY 2013

Aroca Sequire to be taken to the British Courts

+34 966 785 910 (3 lines)

by Keith Nicol GOING TO court in Spain can be a daunting task. Apart from most expat’s limited knowledge of the Spanish language and comprehension of the law, expectation levels for any case to go to court can be anything from two to four years and to receive a judgement, probably nothing short of four years! However, if the person or business that you wish to take to court happens to have an office or links in the UK, then the floodgates are about to open to take your case to small claims or even the high court, to state your case in months, not years. The first Spanish law firm to find themselves up against the British judicial system, is Torrevieja based Aroca Sequire. Aroca Sequire were the ‘recommended Independent lawyers’ for clients of Atlas International. Atlas mainly held weekend exhibitions in hotels all over the British Isles. Free and discounted trips to sunny Spain were on offer, to look at dream properties along the Costas, and the standard four-day subsidised inspection trip was born. Although Atlas have thousands of satisfied customers, many of those who were shown round developments and purchased off plan through Atlas on sites named Bosque 3, Bosque 16, Bosque 28, Lo Crispin and Triana 2, do not fall into that ‘satisfied customer’ category! They paid the first 75% of the funds to Atlas over a period of time but now, almost a decade later, many people still do not have the correct papers for what they thought, was going to be their dream home in Spain! In their publicity brochure, Atlas recommend the services of the law firm Aroca Sequire, while carefully not mentioning any connections between the companies! Naturally all clients appointed Aroca on this recommendation. At the final stage of purchase, Aroca produced completion statements advising clients to pay the remainder of the funds direct to the builder, rather than Atlas, and collect their keys so that they could move in and that they, Aroca Sequire, would complete the transaction at the public notary later. However, during the next six or seven years, Aroca ran a stream of useless and expensive


WHAT OUR CUSTOMERS SAY! Enjoyed Cordoba last week, superb trip” AH Nov 2012 ALCALA DEL JUCAR CAVE VILLAGE



court proceedings for these clients, apparently to facilitate the obtaining of deeds but in reality to run clients out of time, to bring criminal claims! This group have letters from Aroca going back many years, all giving future completion timelines but, to date, they still don’t have them! The sting in the tail is that none of the clients knew they were in any trouble until repossession proceedings from the bank arrived in their post box and at that point CPC Holdings stepped in to see what course of action would be best; the answer; take them to court in the UK! The former Cam Bank, or now Banco Sabadell, who hold the mortgages, will not assist; the builder is in liquidation; Atlas the estate agent has done nothing and the lawyers have further cheated the clients by charging them property taxes for six years on properties they don’t even own! From their website; www.arocaseiquer.com, they state, “Every client using AROCA SEIQUER & ASOCIADOS’ services is certain that theirs is our cause and that we will be unstinting in our efforts to ensure a satisfactory result.” However, not long ago, their main office was conveniently located on the next floor above the Atlas International offices on Ramon Gallud, Torrevieja and coincidently, there are family ties between the two companies! Independent? Working on behalf of ‘their’ clients! You, and the High Court can be the judge of that!

The Guardia Civil intensifies surveillance in cherry orchards

A MEETING held on 19th April in Alicante to arrange extra police patrols in cherry orchards in anticipation of large scale theft ahead of the cherry season was attended by Lieutenant Colonel of the Guardia Civil, Ezequiel Romero; the provincial secretary of Alicante Young Farmers (BDA), Ramon Espinosa, and the local mayor and provincial deputy, Francisco Javier Sendra. The corroboration between police and the farming community is to include the routine inspection of shops, markets and roadside fruit vendors. Colonel Romero advises any farmer or resident in the area noting anything suspicious such as unfamiliar vehicles near farms to contact the Civil Guard by calling 062. He emphasised that there was no obligation to leave a name when making a report.

































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26 apr - 2 may 2013

Assets on the agenda by Jack Troughton SPAIN’S CONTROVERSIAL asset declaration law and its “discrimination” against expats will be discussed by a Costa Blanca council. The independent CIBE party of Benissa is calling for the government in Madrid to rethink the rules because of the “unsettling effect” it is having on non-Spanish residents. And although the meeting will be after the 30th April reporting deadline, the initiative has been welcomed by the Valencia-based protest group Concerned European Citizens. A spokesman for the group said: “It is an effort that could and should be replicated to good effect in other towns on the Mediterranean coast and inland where there are large percentages in the local population of nonSpanish, especially EU residents. “It might encourage other local politicians to present similar motions to their town councils. Benissa may be more vulnerable to a sudden egress of non-Spanish residents. According to a recent report published by the Spanish National Institute for Statistics, Benissa already has the fourth highest percentage, 44%, of empty houses in all of Spain.” He said Alvaro Mendoza, leader of CIBE, was a lawyer dealing with non-Spanish residents who could testify to the “anxiety” of many expats being compelled to provide sensitive personal information with no guarantees the data would be protected against misuse or unauthorised disclosure. Under the declaration rules, Spanish na-

tionals and expats who are tax residents in Spain must disclose assets of more than 50,000€ - or face prohibitive penalties. PETITION The Concerned European Residents group has already sent a petition to Brussels alleging the declaration broke EU laws and discriminated against non-Spanish residents. The group is also fearful of a ‘tax grab’ in the future under a law that is designed to clamp down on money flowing out of Spain and concerns of tax evasion and money laundering. And the protest has won the backing of the powerful and influential European Citizen Action Service in Brussels, which has submitted its own complaint to the European Commission over the “failure to comply with EU law by the Kingdom of Spain”. It is signed by ECAS’s legal supervisor Anthony Valcke, as is a similar petition to the European Parliament. Concerned European Citizens says it is grateful for the “well-founded” ECAS interventions and for its “understanding and assistance”. The spokesman added: “What is key is that this gets to the Finance minister in Madrid without delay if there is any hope of his introducing a degree of flexibility for those who stand to suffer from the asset declaration process and what may follow.” He believes many Spanish citizens “as before” simply ignore their government’s demands. “It is the expat community which is in peril now.”

Spanish youngsters look for work abroad AS THE economic crisis has forced many young Spaniards to seek employment abroad, the local Development Agency in the city of San Vicente is now providing a course of instruction to help young people construct a good personal profile and CV and show them how to fill out job applications in English-speaking countries. Teacher Juana María Sánchez Campos explained that the sessions provide students with a range of knowledge to assist their job search outside Spain: “It is a tool to learn how to present personal information, discuss interests, fill out forms, look at job postings or take part in an oral interview.”

Bullfighter Ortega Cano sentenced RETIRED BULLFIGHTER Jose Ortega Cano was sentenced on Wednesday to two-and-a-half years in prison for the traffic accident he caused that resulted in the death of another driver in Seville on 28th May 2011. Prosecutors had asked for a four year sentence for 59-year-old Ortega Cano on a number of charges that included negligent homicide. The case hinged on the prosecution being able to prove Cano was three times over the allowed level of blood/alcohol when he drove his Mercedes at 125kph in a 90 zone. However, this evidence was thrown out on the grounds that his blood sample had not been sufficiently secured at the hospital where he was admitted following the accident. The bullfighter is also required to pay compensation of more than 150,000€ to the other driver’s family. Defence attorney Enrique Trebolle announced after the trial that his client will appeal the sentence.

Keeping it in the family by Keith Nicol LIKE HIM, loath him or love him, Pedro Mancebo is not going away when it comes to highlighting some of the issues that get under his skin, when it comes to the mistreatment of Orihuela Costa residents. His latest outburst was about a newspaper article about the son of Socialist boss Antonia Moreno who boasted on his twitter account that he again has a guaranteed job for this summer, supposedly as a lifeguard on Orihuela Costa’s beaches, even though her government has not yet publicly awarded the contract. Pedro remarked “Some would turn a blind eye to a summer job for the son of the woman who controls the Mayor but there are more sinister goings on with jobs for the boys, that involves the mismanagement of public finances.” Apparently a company was contracted by the PP of Monica Lorente in May 2011 to carry out the maintenance works for public areas in Orihuela Costa. Councillor Pedro Mancebo of CLR was very dissatisfied with this company as they were not fulfilling the conditions of the contract and their level of service was inadequate, most Costa residents would agree with him on this issue, indeed many concerned residents voiced their opinion that the service needed to be upgraded and be more efficient. On investigation Mancebo found that this company did not even supply the correct number of staff stipulated in the contract for the service, which was required according to the terms of the contract, so the town hall was being billed for a service that the coast was not receiving.

26 apr - 2 may 2013

In order to protect the public interests of the residents, Pedro Mancebo started to initiate the required legal process which is necessary to cancel the contract with this company. When it was clear that they were not complying with the terms of the contract, Mancebo, finally decided to cancel the contract in January. Then unexpectedly, on 31 January Pedro Mancebo was sacked from his responsibility as councillor for the coast, the very position that had the power to cancel this contract. Within days, the socialist leader Antonia Moreno took over this contract and she authorised the payment of all the pending bills for this company without taking into account the verification that Mancebo had demanded. Strangely enough, one month later in March, at least ten people associated with the socialist party were employed by this company, including a cousin of Antonia Moreno, also a well known socialist pedaneo (an appointed representative of the mayor in a village), the husband of another socialist pedanea, the son of another socialist pedaneo and brother in law of yet another socialist pedaneo as well as other socialist supporters. A CLR spokesperson continued “It is now clear that CLR’s removal from the government by the Socialists and the Greens was because they were an obstacle to the real intentions of these parties who wanted to favour the Socialist leader Antonia Moreno’s family of and as many members of the socialist party as possible instead of looking after the public interests of the citizens and the correct development Antonia Moreno of contracts. It’s against the public interest to turn a blind meets eye to a company that does not carry out the right service the just because it employs friends, family and supporters.” press

Fire destroys house in Torrevieja centre AT LEAST eight people have been treated for smoke inhalation at the Hospital of Torrevieja ‘Dr. Manuel Garcia Gea’. At about 00.30 am on Thursday, and for reasons that are being investigated, there was a spectacular fire on the third floor of a building located on Calle San Pascual, Torrevieja. Fire and emergency crews immediately rushed to the scene while Guardia Civil and Policia Local evacuated residents and established a security cordon. The flames completely destroyed the third floor of the building. The fire generated a lot of smoke in the building and at least eight people, including several children, had to be treated for smoke inhalation in Torrevieja Hospital emergency ‘Dr. Manuel Garcia Gea’.

Operation waiting times double in one year

THE WAITING time for hospital operations has escalated alarmingly over the past year. At the Alicante Hospital, according to information provided by CC OO, the average waiting time for surgery was 48 days, affecting under 400 patients: now the figure is 98 days, affecting more than 2,500 people. 620 patients wait on average more than 180 days for a scheduled operation. The increase is being blamed on the removal last year of the so-called Health Emergency Plan which referred patients to private clinics and reduced waiting lists.


26 APR - 2 MAY 2013

C.L.A.R.O.leads the way in protesting against discrimination of the Coast ON APRIL 23, 2013, on the occasion of celebrations marking the inauguration of Orihuela’s second public library, C.L.A.R.O. led a protest against the discriminatory policies of the successive three-party (PSOE, Greens and CLR) and two-party (PSOE and Greens) governments towards Orihuela Costa. The demonstration was not against Orihuela’s second library, although the Orihuela Costa does not have one, but against the failure of these successive governments in the last two years to tackle the imbalance in cultural, social and educational facilities and budgetary means in favour of Orihuela and against the coast when the city and the coast now have equal populations of some 33,000 residents. The daily announcement of the amounts spent on books for the new library and the cost of upgrading and wid-

ening the pedestrian access to it provoked a wave of criticism and hostility in Orihuela Costa, which C.L.A.R.O. considered imperative to express in Orihuela. The decision to hold the demonstration was confirmed on Friday, 19 April when the first meeting of the Town Hall’s Committee for Orihuela Costa took place. Having twice, in writing, opposed the holding of the meeting, the Councillor for the Coast did not attend. The government systematically refused to present any written information to the meeting in relation to the items on the agenda which included Investments, Staffing including Political Advisers, Functioning of Contracts and Cala Mosca. Government representatives at the meeting systematically refused to answer questions and supply information.

Instagram, revolutionizes social networks

By Keith Nicol ONE OF the latest crazes in the world of social networking is the ability to take a quick photo on your mobile phone and update your Facebook or Social site page, seconds later. Tonight at 9.00pm the Photographic Association of Torrevieja,

will screen a documentary at Palace of Music, about the Instagram application development in social networks. The skilled artisan Gabriel Hernandez Samper, will make a brief exposition of the spectacular effects of this fun activity and its impact on social networking.

The government’s attitude towards this official organ of control in relation to Orihuela Costa infringes the rules of procedure of the local Orihuela government. C.L.A.R.O. spokesperson said “The ultra minority government’s lack of transparency and unwillingness to allow an official committee to carry out its works of holding the government to account in relation to Orihuela Costa, as well as other areas of government, brings the conduct of the government to a new low point. Government should be in the interest of all residents not just groups of the electorate. The present government show no concern for Protestors the wellbeing of residents of Orihuela Costa demonstrate whereas it finds the means to continue to against do favours for its electorate in Orihuela and discrimination surrounding villages.” on the Coast

Alicante pedestrians force re-design of Plaza de Luceros

THE ARCHITECT who designed the Plaza de Luceros in Alicante says he is ready to “explore solutions” to prevent falls. Javier Garcia-Solera designed the blocks that are part of the design of the square during a redevelopment project completed in 2011. However, so many complaints have been received from pedestrians that fall over the blocks featured in the design, Garcia-Solera is ‘willing to consider’ an alternative arrangement despite the area not being designated for pedestrian use. He has not yet specified how the blocks will be changed.

26 APR - 2 MAY 2013


Chase the dream...carefully by Jack Troughton PEOPLE HOPING to buy a dream home in the Spanish sunshine have been urged to do careful research before parting with their money. The financial crunch may have cast a shadow over moves abroad but new figures show Brits are still purchasing property in Spain. And Alicante-based Consul Paul Rodwell joined British Consular staff at the London overseas property show ‘A Place in the Sun’ to advise and guide potential purchasers. They were part of a Foreign Office team passing on impartial advice – asking would-be buyers to consider matters such as healthcare, obtaining independent property advice, and learning the language before making a move. Mr Rodwell said: “We offered clear advice that helps people to think more carefully about planning their move. PITFALLS “We made them aware of potential pitfalls when buying property overseas – as well as thinking about other Continued from front page HE SAID people entitled to Spanish healthcare were those working and paying contributions; those in receipt of Spanish benefits or a pension; people who previously worked in Spain; those who qualify for healthcare funded by the UK; and the dependants of these groups. “If you are not covered but you held a residency certificate issued before 24th April 2012, you can qualify for healthcare as a resident and do not need to have paid anything into the social security system,” added Martyn. “It is on condition you are not covered by any other means.”

important issues such as access to healthcare and how they are going to integrate into local life by learning the Spanish language.” Mr Rodwell was at the exhibition as part of the continuing drive to insure British citizens considering emigrating or buying a holiday home have all the information they need before they make any lasting commitment. Six out of 10 people speaking to Foreign Office representatives at the show were considering Spain as their own place in the sun – proving it continues to be the most popular destination for Brits seeking foreign shores, Official statistics reveal that in 2012 around 4,148 Spanish homes were bought by British nationals an increase of 3.5% on the previous year = although the market is still in the doldrums when compared to a peak of more than 17,000 British people taking the plunge and buying Spanish homes in 2007. Help and information is available on the UK Government’s new website www.gov.uk and specific advice regarding property in Spain can be found at www.gov.uk/how-to-buy-property-in-spain

Rubalcaba proposes the removal of the 500€ note

(from left) Martyn Standing, Javea Deputy Mayor Oscar Anton, and Anabel Estarlich of the Valencia Health Department

And the audience was told that any problems using an EHIC card within Europe should be reported to Brussels to the European Commission. “They take EHIC refusal very seriously; they don’t like it at

all. If you have been refused treatment you should write to Brussels.” Expats resident in Spain can visit website healthcareinspain.eu to find out how to register correctly.

THE SECRETARY General of the PSOE Alfredo Perez Rubalcaba has proposed that the 500€ note be removed from circulation. He claims the de-commission of the 500€ denomination will force undesirables to exchange the notes, helping to “flush out” money launderers and cash used in organised crime and to reduce tax fraud. He added that the proceeds recovered by the IRS could then be devoted to the support of social programmes in the fight against poverty. Shops have been alerted that black money 500€ notes are often exchanged for smaller denominations near the end of the day when tills are full.


26 APR - 2 MAY 2013

President of Unilever arrested IN BARCELONA the president of the multinational corporation Unilever Spain, Jaime Aguilera, was among thirty people arrested on Wednesday in Operation Pitiusa.

by Jan Gamm AGUILERA IS accused of authorising a hacker to investigate a small group of workers in direct breach of data protection laws. Aguilera appeared at the National Police station

accompanied by his lawyer, where he was read his rights: he was later released pending subpoena. Aguilera gave a statement from his office later on Wednesday afternoon, saying he had “…given evidence to the police in relation to the alleged

You’re nicked!

Pastor u-turns over refusing communion for a disabled child in Monforte del Cid

EARLIER THIS week the pastor of Monforte del Cid, Father Damien Luis Abad, refused to allow a seven-year-old girl suffering from a major mental disability to attend catechism classes prior to first communion. His refusal, he said, was on the grounds that the child would be unable to understand the meaning of the sacrament of the Eucharist. His decision, which was said to have the approval of the Diocese of Orihuela-Alicante, outraged the child’s parents and their local supporters leading to a successful petition appealing to overturn the pastor’s decision. The girl’s mother, Mari Carmen, said: “I’m from Monforte. I was baptized in the church of Monforte and was confirmed and married here. I want the same for my daughter - although my poor little girl can no longer talk, she would be thrilled to take her first communion in our village with her classmates.” Arrangements for the little girl’s first communion are now in hand.

involvement of a worker from the company.” Unilever’s multi-million-euro holdings include brands such as Flora, Knorr, Rexona, Axe, Tulip, Skip and Calvé. Its turnover last year topped €630 million.

A DRUNK hit and run driver fled through the narrow streets of Alboraya in an Audi A6 after hitting a pizza delivery motorcyclist on Sunday afternoon. He was pursued through the streets by local police officers whose job was made considerably easier when the driver got lost and ended up on the steps of the local police HQ! Two passengers in the car fled but were later apprehended - the pizza delivery boy was hospitalised with minor injuries. The driver and both passengers were from the Ukraine.

Local mums furious that the child was excluded



26 APR - 2 MAY 2013

talk to us

Email letters to rtnmail@roundtownnews.com with your full name and address

letter of the week

Double check

I SHOULD like to warn your readers that they should urgently check all Direct Debit payments if they deal with Sabadell (formally the CAM bank). Yesterday, my wife and I visited our insurance brokers in Novelda as we had discovered the annual premium for our house insurance had not been paid. We were therefore concerned about our car insurance too. Our brokers checked our accounts on-screen with the insurers and told us (wonderful things computers) that Sabadell had “refused to pay” our house insurance and our car insurance (due in August) was queried. Settlement of the premium due was then initiated by transfer. I went to visit our local branch of Sabadell in La Romana where the staff were unable to inform me as to why an annual premium had not been paid (and another queried) although the usual monthly ones for electricity, the telephone etc. had been paid normally. Furthermore a neighbour of ours has informed us that she has also had Direct Debits left unpaid by Sabadell in La Romana: in her case it was her Orange telephone account and also – much more worryingly – her quarterly nursing fees to practice in Spain (including inclusive professional insurance cover). G Ellis

Sudoku-philia PLEASE CAN anyone help me? I am suffering from that dreaded disease Sudoku-philia. I cannot pick up a newspaper or magazine without scrabbling feverishly through every page, desperately searching for the fiendish little boxes. And the pain and anguish I feel when I sometimes make a mistake and have to abandon that particular puzzle… I’ve tried all the obvious cures – diets, meditation, cold showers – but nothing seems to work. Is there anyone out there who knows a cure for my compulsion? Michael White, Torrevieja

Why are some people so cruel?

MANY PEOPLE have stopped me to enquire what has happened to the cats I feed underneath Johnson’s Supermarket in Ciudad Quesada: this letter tells the sad story. Over three years ago a tortoiseshell cat was abandoned and found taking refuge through a hole in the wall under Johnson’s supermarket. I fed and watered her before trapping her to take to the vet for a check-up, spaying and then returning her to her refuge. Some months later another tortoiseshell cat was dumped there, which I trapped and took to the vet for a check-up and spaying: I called her Popeye and the other one Beauty. About seven months ago a kitten was dumped there and all lived quite happily together – no harm to anyone. Then about the last week in March some exceedingly cruel, despicable person poisoned them, leaving them to die a slow agonizing death under Johnson’s where I was unable to do anything to ease their suffering. Why are some people so cruel? Why are they unable to live and let live and enjoy the wonderment and beauty of nature? Joe (The Cat Man)

Well done Oscar!

A little to late I HAD a meeting with Pedro Mancebo and Denise Wasserling last August at the Town Hall at Play Flamenca, regarding the problems in Cabo Roig and rubbish littering the streets, fly posters on every lamp post, graffiti on the walls and the broken safety rail leading down to the

PLEASE COULD you give coverage in your next publication of the news below? So often in your newspaper the credit for achievements in Javea is not given to the councillor who actually deserves it - readers need to know who these people are. Congratulations to Javea Councillor for Finance, Oscar Anton (Deputy Mayor) on reducing the town debt by 11.3% in these difficult times. This is the highest debt reduction in the municipality. The indebted average in the municipalities has increased by 27.8%. The people of Javea are privileged to have Oscar Anton on their council. Well done Oscar! Many thanks, Marie Smith

underpass for the N332. To date the hand rail has just been replaced and the streets are much cleaner: this I think is thanks to the new administration. As for Pedro Mancebo trying to clear the air regarding Cabo Roig, I think it is a little late - he had his chance and did nothing. David Lord

26 apr - 2 may 2013

All together now…! THE PHONE lines in one family were certainly hot when three sisters, Mari (64), Pepi (58) and Rosi (56) all became grandmothers on the same day, 15th April. by Jan Gamm The extraordinary coincidence of the three births all occurring on the same day caused quite a stir in the University Hospital in Puerta Real, Cadiz. The three babies, Antonio, Noa and Reuben, were all natural

births. The respective mothers are very close friends and announced their pregnancies on the same day amid much family rejoicing, never dreaming they would all produce their babies on the same day. The three proud ‘abuelas’ (grandmothers) are delighted, saying: “It’s like winning the lottery!”

Minimum age to marry in Spain raised to 16 THE MINIMUM age to marry in Spain, previously among the world’s lowest, has been raised from 14 years to 16. Social services minister Ana Mato has confirmed that the age of sexual consent, currently just 13, will also be raised in line with other EU nations. Although the official age of consensual marriage in Spain was 18, a couple could seek the courts’ permission to marry at 14 under ‘certain circumstances’ such as religious beliefs. The reforms, with a budget estimated at €5.2 billion over a five year period, are part of government plans to prevent the abuse of minors.


Would you be prepared to die for vanity? The reason I ask that question is because after 25 years in practice and having seen well over 55,000 + clients, people would still say to me that the reason they haven’t stopped smoking in the past by themselves, is simply because they were scared of putting on weight. By Alan Gilchrist I will never forget the client who came to see me at one of my Clinics in Northern Ireland in Newry about 23 years ago. The woman was extremely thin, reeked of stale tobacco smoke, and had come to me to give up smoking. When I asked her how many cigarettes a day she smoked I thought she said 60 a day, which in itself is quite a lot but in actual fact it was 160 per day. (To date this is still the heaviest smokier that I have had to help quit). When she told me it was 160 I just couldn’t believe it, but what she said next was even worse. She said she was using the cigarettes to keep the weight off, and warned me that if she put on even an ounce of weight she would go straight back on the cigarettes. When I asked her why she was there to see me, she replied she had a condition called leukoplakia, a pre cancerous condition of the mouth ( small white dots on the inside of the mouth). She really was prepared to die for vanity. I would ask a client at times who has a catastrophic illness, having been told to give up by their doctor or else face the consequences, why do they need me and my services?. Surely they have been given a warning to stop

and that should be sufficient motivation for them to quit on their own. But in actual fact the reverse usually happens and they increase their smoking habit even more, as they put it “ Its like a friend to them in times of stress”. Well their “little friend “ is doing them no good at all and is killing them !. As a consequence of thousands of people coming to see me, with all their medical conditions, and with both my father, mother and brother all dying of lung cancer due to smoking I would never dream of starting to smoke. Indeed if a person where so sit in my office for one day listening to all the terrible stories about cigarette smoking, they would not need hypnosis to stop – they would do it themselves! People wrongly think that through hypnosis that I can force a person to quit, even if they don’t want to. Another occasion springs to mind of the person who was sitting in my waiting room hooked up to a portable oxygen machine and in between having to take the mask off to talk to me, he told me that he was on 80 cigarettes a day, but he didn’t want to give up. He was only there because of his wife was constantly nagging him to go to see me. What could I do – nothing, but send him on his way still a smoker.

One the most heartbreaking sessions I ever had to help with was a lady, who was in the City Hospital right beside my Office in Belfast. She rang and booked an appointment to stop smoking. With the time and date agreed she turned up in an ambulance and helped into my office. The reason she wanted to quit now was because she had terminal cancer and told that if she quit the cigarettes now she would maybe have an extra 3 months to live. The other reason was because of her son, who was mentally retarded and she wanted to celebrate his 18th birthday with him and also to make sure he was going to be cared for. She did. It’s often said that human beings are creatures of habit. Even if they know a habit is bad for them, such as smoking, and against all the good advice they are given, they still continue to do it anyway. Millions of people throughout the world have successfully stopped smoking using standard Hypnosis. Results included 48 studies of hypnosis covering 6000 smokers, were published in the Journal of Applied Psychology which clearly showed that hypnosis was three times more effective than nicotine replacement therapy . However, by using this unique method of Fast Track Hypnosis & Laser Therapy the already

high success rate can be increased even more to quit permanently, and all this is completed in a simple 30 minute session. A CD is also provided at the end of the session to help reinforce all the positive suggestions given while under hypnosis. It is also designed to aid further relaxation, and to avoid putting on excess weight (symptom substitution). My advice to any smoker is to stop now while you have time to stop ! Alan and Jonathan hold their Fast Track Hypnosis sessions in Cabo Roig, Guardarmar, Benidorm. Alan is also the Creator of the Stop Smoking in under 30 minutes Fast Track System as featured and proven on TV. Jonathan’s sessions are in Spanish as well as English. For an appointment, Brochure, or free of charge initial consultation, contact Alan Gilchrist on 659 229 408. Jonathan plus Spanish on 691 784 954 Visit his web sites www.alangilchristinspain.com www.hypnosiscostablanca.com www.thegastroband.com

26 apr - 2 may 2013

Harlequin bring in the Administrators by Keith Nicol

HARLEQUIN IS running for cover and have brought in the Administrators to protect them from class action law suits as of this week. Having highlighted the state of affairs in RTN last month about their unfinished projects in Barbados, a surprising number of Costa Blanca based clients of Harlequin came forward and added themselves to the list of class action clients, being represented by CPC Holdings. After being full of bravado a few weeks back and talking of settling out of court with some dissatisfied clients, seeking Administrative protection seems to be a complete turn around and not good news for thousands of investors. As per their own minutes, the Harlequin Investor Group met with David Ames, Harlequin MD on 22 April 2013. Attending the meeting with David Ames were three investors and two Directors from Regulatory Legal. HIG said “There is no doubt in the minds of those attending on behalf of investors that Harlequin is cash starved and requires new investment. The lack of cash in the business is a key issue as without liquidity the busi-

ness will continue to struggle. The business has a significant number of non-completed contracts, many of which have completion dates, which are overdue. In simple terms, the various companies are obligated to repay investors their money back plus 10%. The ‘repayment overhang’.” While the meeting might have been cordial, there was a signal and very important fact that David Ames did not mention before the meeting started; that four hours earlier he had stopped at a lawyer’s office and signed papers to protect his assets, by applying for administration! Thus, many of the conclusions and the direction, which the meeting took, was without this knowledge, which would have obviously changed proceedings. During the meeting, the discussion revolved around the fact that the business needs to source new monies, which will come from either; Investment into the equity of the business; Completions on properties (eg the balancing 70%) or New investor monies. HIG requested answers to their 34 questions given to Mr. Ames, to be replied to by the latest on 23 May 2013 by Harlequin. For the moment, it’s unclear how applying for Administration will aid the investment group in

any way, although obviously it stops investors demanding payment or putting embargos on assets of Harlequin. HIG stated “We would urge all going to the investor meetings to give the Harlequin representatives a fair hearing. The company faces significant short-term challenges that it is in the interest of investors to assist. That said, we would suggest investors to proceed with caution unless and until the detail of any restructuring / re-launch plan is made available.” A word of warning given by HIG! However, a word of warning given without the knowledge that Mr. Ames had already protected his assets and was in no mood to hand them over to anyone!


Spanish Councillor goes topless SHE’S AT it again! Olvido Hormigos, a PSOE councillor in Los Yébenes, Toledo, who resigned from her public duties when a privately filmed video of her pleasuring herself went viral has now posed topless for the front cover of Interviú Magazine. At the time the councillor tearfully insisted that the movie had been submitted to YouTube without her knowledge or permission and was a vicious attack on her…erm…privacy... Now she says her decision to pose in a pair of transparent knickers and high heels for Interviú was a move to ‘shut up her critics’, although her latest stunt is more likely to have the opposite effect. 42-yearold Hormigos has two children and is a primary school teacher. (Now, children, turn to Page 3 please…)

Traders Associations of Vega Baja oppose trade schedules in the region

EIGHT TRADE associations gathered in Torrevieja this week to put together a plan of action regarding opening hours and their opposition against the complete liberalisation of them. The representatives of trade associations came from Torrevieja, Orihuela, Orihuela Costa, Guardamar del Segura, Pilar de la Horadada, Almoradi, Dolores and Rojales, met in the Apymeco facilities to address issues pertaining to opening hours, which differ throughout different municipalities in the county. They are requesting the liberalization of trading hours for the whole year, because in times of crisis, the survival of small businesses is at stake. The meeting decided to create a manifesto explaining the strong economic


Habaneras Mall Family Fair

By Keith Nicol A FUN day for the whole family can be had at Habaneras Commercial Centre this Saturday that includes a great paella and children’s activities, all for free! The day also features Bailes Sevillanas and group performances, along with a flamenco costume contest. If you wish to dress up, there is a contest with a 50€ prize, for those who come dressed in their costume Flamenco. The festivities start on Saturday April 27 at 1.30pm when all the magic and fun of Seville’s most famous party moves to Torrevieja. During just a single day, visitors to the centre can enjoy a freshly made giant paella (up to 3,000 servings), rides and activities for children with bouncy castles, face painting, trampolines and balloon twisting. All this is provided free of charge and accompanied by a typically the Spanish guitar sound of Andalusian. For every woman who comes wearing her flamingo may participate in the competition for the best costume and win a 50€ gift card to spend at the Mall. A fun day for one and all at Habaneras, to welcome in the new month and the May Fair in Torrevieja.

These 90 hours per week that we can open, we “believe it is more than enough to meet the needs of consumers and tourists who visit us.

and social impact all businesses suffer in addition to organizing a schedule of joint and individual efforts to inform and solicit support of social groups, organizations, media, trade unions and political parties. The importance of small businesses in towns and cities is vital in areas such as employment creation and maintenance of stable, economically reversed almost all of it invested by them in your area, many providing light and security to the residents and are also managed familiarly and know and care about their customers. In the large tourist areas of Orihuela and Torrevieja, businesses have the freedom to open for 16 days at Easter

by Keith Nicol

26 apr - 2 may 2013

and the three summer months, in addition to the eleven Sundays and public holidays and Christmas. The group noted “These 90 hours per week that we can open, we believe it is more than enough to meet the needs of consumers and tourists who visit us.” Such actions have also confirmed their support and participation as ASUCOVA organizations, supermarkets association Valencia Community representing Mercadona, Consum, More and More, Super Valu, Dialprix. FACPYME, Alicante Federation of Commerce of SMEs with more than 60 trade associations and COVACO, Valencian Confederation of Commerce.

Music and Dance International Charity Show By Keith Nicol TOMORROW, SATURDAY 27 April, at 8:30pm in the Capitol Theatre of Rojales, there is an evening of Music and Dance, as part of an International Charity Show in aid of Caritas. Tickets are just 8.00€ and available from Rojales Town Hall and in Benijófar c/ Ramón y Cajal 13, at the door or by reserving your tickets by calling Constance 645 315 683 or Paquita 639 871 123.


26 apr - 02 may 2013

Well done Grandma! THE PROMPT actions of a plucky grandmother and two police officers saved the life of a 17-dayold baby boy in Novelda this week. by Jan Gamm When the little boy stopped breathing his mother did the right thing and called emergency services. Grandma, however, could see that the child was suffocating so scooped him up and ran out into the street shouting for help. Agents Rafael Sarrió and Desiderio Esteban, two local police officers on routine patrol, bundled them into the back of their patrol car and raced them with sirens screeching to the local hospital. In the couple of minutes it took to get there one of the officers radioed the hospital to have a paediatrician standing by. The little boy, rushed

into the emergency room in cardiac arrest, is now in full recovery thanks to Grandma and her two heroes. “Together we managed to save his life,” said Rafael Sarrió, “and that’s the greatest thing I have experienced in the 24 years I have been on the force.” “It was a very happy outcome,” added officer Desiderio, “and the truth is that although the frightened mother called 112 to ask for urgent help, the decision of the grandmother to run out into the street and scream for help saved the life of her grandson.” Novelda’s councillor for Public Safety Gonzalo Maluenda and local Police Chief Juan Carlos Escolano have commended both officers for their services.

Grandma with her heroes

Fancy flying high?

EMIRATES AIRLINES is interviewing for cabin staff to accommodate its fleet expansion. Open recruitment seminars are being held throughout the month of May in Valencia on the 4th, Palma de Mallorca on the 9th and in Barcelona on the 18th. The airline is seeking to take on 3,800 crew members this year with open recruitment days already held in Madrid and Seville. The company is inviting suitable candidates aged above 21 years with a “committed, open-minded, helpful and friendly manner.” Emirates’ fleet presently consists of 16,000 from 120 countries. For more information visit /www.emiratesgroupcareers.com/english/

Changeable weather over next few days ACCORDING TO the Meteorological Agency Aemet, the weather along coastal areas will change toward the weekend with rain and storms expected. Temperatures dropped slightly during the week with cloudy intervals. Looks like it is time to pack away the barbecue for a few days!

26 Apr - 02 may 2013


Open road, open mind by Jack Troughton ‘Philosophers on the Road’ is a story about a young man who uses the freedom of his motorbike to escape the daily grind of his life. Penned by chiropractor and Advanced Motorcycle Rider Johan Nilsson, the book is also ‘journey from road skills to life skills’ as the biker meets an older man who takes him on a rites of passage journey, teaching him that motorcycling is more than a weekend distraction. The book was launched at the Heartbreak Hotel Rock Bar in Albir, where Johan explained: “I started to write this book after a summer of highs and lows in my life. I realised after a friend and colleague’s early death that I had better start to live my life to the fullest because tomorrow may never come. “I had both passion and knowledge about two things outside work. One was human behaviour and, secondly, riding a motorcycle. I realised I should share these with people who rode motorcycles that I came into contact with.” He added: “The purpose of my book is to join the

Lions swell the Pride By Keith Nicol THREE NEWS members joined the ranks of Torrevieja Costa Lions Club at the April Business meeting held in Hotel Cabo Cervera. New members Jaimy Gubbels, Mervyn Evans and Josie Evans having shown great interest in the work of the Lions in Torrevieja and having completed a few simple Lions pre membership qualifications, have all become Lion Members and have been

registered as such with Lions Clubs International. Since January of 2013 the Lions Pride has swollen with the induction of seven new members which bodes well for the future of the Club. The Club continually strives to attract new high quality members, who bring with them new ideas, new enthusiasm and new initiatives. If you would like to find out more about your local Lions Club go to www.

torreviejacostalions.org or contact the Lion Membership Director Dave on davedanie@gmail.com Alternatively you are welcome to attend any Club business meeting which takes place at 7.30pm on the second Thursday of every month in Hotel Cabo Cervera, La Mata. You will also be able to meet the Lions at the Homes and Gardens Lions club Exhibition to be held in La Finca welcomes Golf Hotel on the 29 and 30 May three new 2013, so come along and say hello. members

two parts together, namely riding the road on a motorcycle to the fullest and living life to the fullest.” INSPIRE

Johan said the purpose of the book was to entertain people and possibly to inspire them to improve either their road skills or their life skills. He set the book in the world of bikers because they formed “an ageless, classless group” and it did not matter if they had been riding for a year or 60 years. And he said there were lessons to be learned both on and off a motorbike in what he described as the school of hard knocks. “I know too many bikers that have mishaps or crashes on the road or on the road of life in general, and they do not know what to do except repeat their mistakes over and over again.” Johan said in his profession and after 30 years of riding bikes all over the world he believed he could help people with both their road and life skills. Philosophers on the Road is available through Amazon by visiting www.amazon.co.uk/Philosophers-Road-Journey-Skills-Life/dp/1482381761/

26 apr - 2 may 2013

Watts In Britain By

Paul Watts


The Jobsworths are alive and well and wanderin’ around Walsall THE SUN is out; there’s a thin veil of green indicating summer is waiting in the wings; the daffodils have burst into belated glory and the air is sweet. Saturday looks like it’s going to be a great day. However, for one chap (who we’ll call Clipboard Charlie) all that is about to change. Enter the Walsall Borough bullies: aka the Traffic Jobsworths... I have just pulled into Walsall Station car park to pick up a workmate who wanted to avoid the dreaded weekend ‘rail replacement service’ when I first notice Clipboard Charlie (the names have been changed to protect the innocent). His high-viz indicates he is the co-ordinator of the train-to-bus operation so I approach him to ask the arrival time of my colleague’s train. He is helping an old lady with a Zimmer to board the rail-replacement bus. As I walk up to him so does a Walsall Borough Bully (aka a Traffic Jobsworth). The conversation that ensues boarders on lunacy – believe me Catch 22 has nothing on it! “You can’t park ere, it’s a disabled bay,” says the traffic Jobsworth. “But,” says Chas genially, “this is a rail replacement service,” adding for the Jobsworth’s enlightenment, “the trains are off today and this lady needs to get to Brum.” “Has the bus got a blue badge?” asks the Jobsworth. Chas sighs, “No, it hasn’t - it’s a rail replacement bus.” “Then it needs to go NOW,” barks Job-

by, “it shouldn’t be parked here.” Chas indicates that his passenger has a Zimmer and is clearly disabled. He tries to explain the bus is over a disabled bay because he needs a higher curb for the lady to gain entry. This explanation counts not a jot to Jobby, who produces his little ticket book and licks his finger. Chas quickly asks the little old lady, “Have you got a blue badge?” She shakes her head, “Oh no me duck; I can’t even drive.” Chas shrugs his shoulders, helps her on board and, fearing a hefty fine, dispatches the bus ahead of schedule. Amidst a plume of diesel smoke Chas growls, “We’re supposed to running a timetabled service for the rail passengers here - people need transport.” “Well, you can’t park anything here, they are disabled bays,” Jobby monotones and walks away, “and you can’t park anything there…” He indicates the turning area of the station car park where the buses have been picking up passengers. “Friend of yours?” I ask Chas. He grimaces, “They gave me a £70 ticket a month back for parking my relief coach on those bays.” This was despite plenty of other disabled bays opposite being empty all day. Hmmm, I said I wondered how one is supposed to pick one’s passengers then. “Me too,” bemoans Chas. I head off to get some coffee. When I re-

Walsall welcomes you...

turn, no less than two Traffic Jobsworths are wrangling with Clipboard Charlie. They are refusing to let the buses stop long enough to pick up punters. I can see Chas is red faced and approaching something of a meltdown. “Okay,” he shouts to crowd, “the buses are no longer able to stop because if they do these gentlemen will give them a ticket. I’ll get the drivers to slow down a bit and you can all throw yourselves forward and try to jump on!” Jobsworth no 2 tells Chas that he does not like his attitude; at which point the poor exasperated sod has a complete sense-of-humour failure and throws his clipboard, with timetables and pen, into the road. The two bully boys quickly radio for the services of a boil-in-the-bag policeman. It really was like watching a Norman Wisdom film. Picture the scene: two traffic wardens and a CSPO trying to stop our brave hero from carrying out

his law-abiding work. Meanwhile an ever growing army of irate passengers can’t understand or believe what’s going on: passengers who’d paid for a train but couldn’t even get on a replacement bus. Sadly, I don’t know how the story ends as my colleague arrived and we departed the scene. However, I did phone both London Midland Trains and Walsall Council the following Monday. London Midland, strangely, had no one available to give a sanitised sound bite and all I got from the council was their party-line: “Vehicles can’t park there, blah, blah, blah - our wardens were only doing their job...” Yeah, heard that before; I suppose they were just obeying orders. I wonder if Chas ever did get his passengers away? Watts in Walsall, marvelling at the madness…


26 apr - 2 may 2013

The new Bushwacka ready to party THE BUSHWACKA, Cabo Roig’s original Australian Pub and party headquarters, is now bigger than ever, has more room to party and dance and to their new look includes a new layout, a brand new kitchen plus a new menu; basically new everything! The Bushwacka opened on the Cabo Roig strip on December 17, 2004 and over the years has tripled in size. The Bushwacka’s revamp brings it up to and beyond the standards set for new Health and Safety Regulations and complies with all local and regional licensing policies. They have been working closely with the Councillor for the Coast and the Orihuela Costa Town Hall to ensure that everything in their new look conforms with all the new legislations. Their central bar evokes the feel of an original American Diner, allows up to ten serving staff to be at your beck and call at any one time, offering you a fast, efficient and professional service. They are open from noon until 3.30am, seven days a week, offering live entertainment every night along with their ever popular ‘One Euro Monday’ drinks night and a fun ‘Stockbrokers’ night’ on Thursdays!

The Bushwacka has a brand new menu with offers a variety of freshly cooked items rather than using frozen stock. The menu has been influenced by classic American Diner choices plus a few International favourites and includes a variety of burgers, chips, pizza, kids meals, all freshly coked and to your specifications and revolving around secret recipes, herbs and spices, which gives their menu that little something extra. Food is served from noon until 9.00pm The new bar has a full licence and offers a complete variety of everything from soft drinks and coffee to a choice of wine, Champaign, cava, twenty whiskies from Ireland, Scotland, Japan and the USA, 17 varieties of Gin and Tonic with ten beers on tap and more variety behind the bar. When it comes to entertainment, this summer they will be bringing in a variety of artists from the UK, around Europe, Benidorm, Ibiza and Southern Spain,

to offer artists that you won’t be seeing performing anywhere else in the region. Their new look also incorporates a Wi-Fi zone and Internet Stations, nine satellite feeds serving their than 20 TV screens, both inside and out on the Terrace, showing live sports and special events and a very special VIP Zone, with a dedicated waitress and a special drinks, perfect for a birthday party, hen or stag night, office night out or just for fun. You can find out more about what’s happening and who is coming to entertain at the Bushwacka on www.facebook.com/bushwacka

and within the RTN. You can also contact them by email; bushwacka@facebook.com or follow them at twitter.com/thebushwacka. Their new look will add to their attraction as a brilliant lively Bar with regular live bands and events for all tastes and ages. As they say themselves “The Bushwacka...often imitated, never duplicated!” Don’t miss the Bushwacka on the Cabo Roig strip.

APAH fun dog show By Keith Nicol TOMORROW, SATURDAY 27 April, A.P.A.H. will once again,

hold the first of its two annual Fun Dog Shows & Barbeque at El Rancho, on the outskirts

of Los Montesinos. Registration for the show begins at 1.00pm and the Judging is due to start at 2.30pm. It’s a fun event and great day out for dog lovers everywhere.

26 apr - 2 may 2013


Retrorihuela touch of Americana

What a Hullabaloo by Keith Nicol

THE WEEKEND of the 11th- 14th April saw the annual convention of ‘The Spanish Association of Barbershop Singers’ held once again on the Costa del Sol in Benalmadena. ‘Hullabaloo’ a local Quartet from the Torrevieja, area were amongst the winners, picking up the cups for the ‘Best Senior Quartet’ and the closely contested ‘Best Novice Quartet’. Steve Harper, Dudley Jones, Kevin Drury and Mike Treanor are all members of The Torrevieja Barbershop Harmonisers and all the members of TBH congratulate them for their amazing achievement competing against the best throughout Spain and Portugal. It should be noted that one of the four is into his eighties, which really proves that you are never too old! ‘Fourmidables’ another local Quartet, also from Torrevieja were the overall Grand Champion Gold medallists in the ‘Male Quartet’ competition, another splendid result following closely on from their success in the European Championships.

You can hear both these quartets together with ‘The Torrevieja Barbershop Harmonisers’ and ‘The Velvetones’ in ‘An Evening of Close Harmony’ to be held in The Escuela de Musica y Cultura in Los Montesinos on Sunday 28 April 8.00pm. Tickets are only 4€ and an be bought on the door, or you can reserve your seat by TEL:96 671 3342. The evening has been oganised to raise funds for the AFECANCER support group and all proceeds will go to them. The Harmonisers always welcome new recruits and any men who enjoy singing, even if only in the shower, will receive a very warm but not a wet, welcome! Join them any Tuesday afternoon at Los Rosales Restaurante (Lemon Tree road nr petrol station), or come to their Open Day at Los Rosales on the 7 May, followed by our ‘Learn to Sing in Harmony’ course to be held over three Tuesdays on the 14th the 21st and the 28th May. Or just phone 96 671 3342 for more details. Even if you don’t think you can sing, they can teach you, and singing in harmony is a wonderful hobby you will never regret taking up.

By Keith Nicol THIS SATURDAY April 27 at Meliá Palacio de Tudemir, Orihuela, more than 50 American Classic and Custom Cars will be showing of their chrome in all their glory at ‘Retrorihuela’. It’s a full evening of festivities and a wonderful way to transport yourself back in time, in the ancient city. A genuine day of American Culture, albeit minus the accent , with a full program of activities including: from 5:30pm, an exhibition of classic cars in Marques de Rafal, featuring a variety of fantastic cars from yesteryear, especially those decked out in chrome from the 50-60 and 70’s including Cadillacs, Buicks, Mustang and more. At 8.00pm there will be a Parade of models around the Terrace Tudemir and for those that wish to emerse themselves further, at 9.30pm, an American themed dinner featuring a typical Menu from the 1950’s. At 11.00pm, when the kids have all gone to bed, there will be a Pin Ups Parade and contest in the prestigious Secret Garden followed by a Rock’n’Roll concert with the Trouper Swing Band featuring demonstrations and a dance contest with students from the Arts Ecuela Murcia. As if that’s not enough, from 1.30am, the music continues with a Retro Party disco, until, who knows when! So get on your drainpipes and your poodle skirts, comb your toupee, put on the blue suede shoes and head over to Orihuela for a great night of Retro Americana at the Retrorihuela.

The Ballet Folklorico de Cuba to perform at the Palau Altea this Saturday

THE BALLET Folklorico de Cuba celebrates its 50th anniversary with the show ‘Okún’, purported to portray the finest and most representative of Cuban and Latin American choreography. The show is vibrant, rhythmic and features many costume changes. Saturday 27th April’s performance at the Palau Altea curtains at 8.30pm. Tickets at 20€ may be purchased through SabadellCAM or on the day at the theatre two hours before the show. For more information visit www.palaualtea.com

26 apr - 2 may 2013


Jazz lunch at Casa Ventura

By Keith Nicol ANYONE INTERESTED in live music, can enjoy a Jazz Lunch this afternoon, at Casa Ventura in Torrevieja. The live music is provided by `Swingtet` a small big band featuring eight of the best musicians in the area playing great arrangements of evergreen standards and Jazz numbers. The event takes place between 2.00-4.00pm and a raffle will held for HELP during the lunch.

St. George’s Day in Playa Flamenca

Lions walk on the wild side by Jack Troughton

RAISING MUCH-NEEDED cash to support families affected by the economic crisis, Teulada-Moraira Lions Club is staging its 16th annual Sponsored Walk on Sunday 12th May. The ever popular event begins with registration at Moraira Castle at 10.15am with the 5km walk starting at 11am. It is a ‘gentle’ walk suitable for all ages.

And there is no entry fee to take part but the club hopes walkers will have raised sponsorship money from family, friends and neighbours. Sponsorship and registration forms can be downloaded from the Teulada-Moraira Lions club website at www.teuladamorairalions.org at the ‘calendar’ page. During the Sunday afternoon from 3pm the Lions Club is also presenting a free concert on the seafront with

Gatecrash supported by teenage band The Hoaxx – during the show club members will pass through the crowd to collect donations. Over the past few years TeuladaMoraira Lions Club has helped feed and clothe an increasing number of local families in financial difficulties because of the recession. The club liaises with Teulada and Benitachell town halls and church charity CARITAS to identify people in need.

By Keith Nicol THE SUN shone and the crowds came out for St. George’s Day in Playa Flamenca. This was show was organised by RBL Orihuela Branch and chock full of entertainment, all provided and supported by Nigel Weekes from Night out Productions. Unfortunately, the parade from the Town Hall had to be cancelled, but the day started with the Royal British Legion entering the area accompanied by the ver popular Torrevieja Pipes and Drums. For the next five hours, a host of entertainers took to the stage which included Nick Gold, Celine Deans, MC for the day Jeff Hyde, Cathy Carson, Richie Alexander, Dan Davy and Paul Michaels. Local NGO’s and charities where on hand for advice and a few buckets where in place to catch to falling fiver, and on the day, more than one thousand euros was raised, which was spilt between the Royal British Legions and the chosen charity of Night out Promotions, the Elche Children’s Home.

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26 apr - 2 may 2013


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Looking at the Big Picture

INITIAL RESPONSE to the new Energy Efficiency Certificate (aka EPC) being introduced by law into Spain on 1st June 2013 has been much as expected and mostly critical. Is it just another excuse for a government tax? Why are the certificates more expensive in Spain than the UK? Would we be better off using the certificates for wall insulation to help save energy? Cynicism aside let’s consider the bigger picture as to what it is all about. Let us be perfectly clear, the EPC is not being introduced to help property owners save money on utility bills, the reason is to cut carbon dioxide (CO²) emissions from buildings. Former Prime Minister José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero pledged to cut Spain’s greenhouse gases by 20% by 2020 (compared to 1990 levels). Houses in Spain consume 17% of all the energy in the country. The emission of greenhouse gases caused by buildings has grown over 20% since 1990. 38% of the Spanish are

not satisfied with insulation against heat and cold from their homes, and 42% also state dissatisfaction with the sound insulation. Moreover, about 60% of Spanish homes have been raised ‘with no minimum energy efficiency standards’ (the first being in 1979). In national terms, Spain used to be one of the worst offenders in terms of CO² emissions, with a whopping 200% rise between 1971 and 2007. In the first half of 2009, emissions in Spain fell by 17% due to industrial slowdown and increased renewable power - an unexpected upside to the current economic crisis. According to the latest data published by the United Nations, Spain is currently number 20 in a list of countries by CO² emissions, producing 1.1% of emissions worldwide.

The origin of the certificate was instigated at a United Nations conference held in 1992, which became known as the Earth Summit. The parties negotiated an international environmental treaty with the objective to “stabilize greenhouse gas concentrations in the atmosphere at a level that would prevent dangerous anthropogenic interference with the climate system.” In 1997 the Kyoto Protocol set binding obligations on industrialised countries to reduce emissions of greenhouse gases. The Directive on the energy performance of buildings was published by the European Parliament in 2002 and came into force on 4th January 2006, which required member states to adopt the

Energy Performance Certificate. The certificate assesses the buildings energy rating, plus gives recommendations on how to cut CO² emissions. From 1st June vendors and renters are obligated to make that information available to prospective

buyers and tenants. This new legislation forces us all to consider the effect of CO² emissions in our homes. For questions and further information email: info@sparksinspain.es or visit eecinspain.blogspot.com.es

Home & Garden

Brought to you by spanishhomefinder.com

26 APR - 2 MAY 2013


The benefits of no frost THIS YEAR many inland spring gardens are at their best for ten years since a series of nine winters with heavier than previously normal frosts started with the worst of all the 2004 and 2005 frosts which froze our ponds. by

Clodagh & Dick Handscombe Holistic gardeners and authors gardening in Spain for 25 years

SINCE THEN the frosts were fewer and shorter but sufficiently below zero frost factor wise, with strong winds to blacken bougainvilleas hibiscus succulents and salvias. But this past winter there was no frost in our sheltered garden so the rockery looks great and salvias and ground cover purple lantanas have flowered all winter, plus spring bulbs have been early. The only winter damage experienced was the indentation of some succulent leaves by a heavy hail storm. This has been a pleasant surprise as it has been for other gardens including the Marnes Iris Garden high up and overlooking the Bernia mountain range where there will be a special day next Wednesday 1st May. MARNES IRIS GARDEN 1ST MAY FIESTA OF FLOWERS MUSIC AND POETRY Christine and Nick who run the Iris garden have organised a very special day for Wednesday 1st May. The garden will open as normal from 9am until 7pm but at various times of the day there will be

live guitar music and poetry readings. Also under the shade of trees you will find stalls for some interesting hand-made pottery; native Spanish plants for dry gardens; irises and roses in pots and Dick with a selection of our gardening and lifestyle books. There will also be tea, coffee and cakes available to refresh you after your drive and wander around the terraced garden enjoying the wonderful displays of thousands of irises, other spring bulbs, roses and salvias etc... The gardens have expanded incredibly since the start point of the iris labyrinth garden a decade or more ago. To reach the Iris Garden take the road sign posted to Jalon/Xalo on the N332 just south of Benissa. At the first junction turn right and immediately left onto the CV 749 Pinos/Bernia road. After a little over seven kilometres turn right just after a blue painted bridge onto the tarmac road to Marnes and the Iris Garden. The car park is on the left after two kilometres. OTHER SPRING GARDENS TO VISIT Later in May interesting days out are visits to Elche including the Curates Garden best known for the collection of palms, the L’Abarda Mediterranean garden on the La Sella Urbanisation near Pedreguer (only open on Saturday mornings with tours at 10am and 12pm, and Valencia for the Botanical Garden, Royal Garden, river bed gardens and a little to the west of the city the 10 kilometre trail of the new Turia Valley Garden. Hope you find these places of interest and of course hope to chat with some of our readers at the Iris Garden on Wednesday 1st May.

‘Clodagh and Dick Handscombe’s gardening books make good presents. They can be obtained from high street and internet bookshops including Amazon UK and Spain. Thanks to readers the Kindle E-book Making waterless gardens a practical reality world wide is starting to sell well.’ © Clodagh and Dick Handscombe www.gardenspain.com

Purple Lantana



26 apr - 2 may 2013

New Opportunity Winning Express - USA Bound IT MAY not have been front-page news but there were interesting developments in America last month that could have positive implications for Milton Express and its Winning Express members. Three states, namely Nevada, New Jersey and Delaware have lifted gambling restrictions for its citizens. Director John Murray is already planning a business trip to source potential premises. “Naturally, we’re making no commitment at this stage”, said Mr Murray, “but we would be negligent if we underestimated the potential that would exist in America if, as seems likely, other states follow suit.” “In America”, he continued, “there is a far more openminded attitude towards multi - level marketing. Whereas the British are deliberately conditioned to have low earnings

expectations, a wholly different philosophy exists in the USA. People are encouraged to be ambitious which is why so many millionaires are created; it’s reckoned that every ten years around 100,000 people in America become millionaires thanks to network or multi-level marketing” Murray believes firmly that the Winning Express mission statement and earnings opportunity will appeal to American entrepreneurs. “Obviously, we’re going there with an open mind” he said, “but certainly finding suitable premises will be high on the agenda. If we are serious about opening up the Winning Express opportunity then we would need a USA base because Americans wouldn’t want their administration carried out in the UK or Europe, they’re extremely parochial” It is the potential for existing Winning Express members that excites Murray particularly. “If, and I stress nothing is certain yet, we do open in the USA then existing UK/Spanish members will have unrestricted access to promote the concept over there either by contacts they already have or by spreading the word via advertising in various USA mediums”

Milton Express moved into its La Zenia offices in late summer last year, although the bulk of administrative duties are carried out at its Sheffield base in the UK, where they have resided since 2010. For further information on our services and how to join Winning Express and the arbitrage trading facility contact the Milton Express Office, La Zenia on 96 599 4815. Or call into our offices located on 1st floor, Edif. 2 Centro Zenia, Avda. De Villamartin s/n Urb. La Zenia, Orihuela Costa. Find us off the N332 at La Zenia roundabout, above Alejandros Restaurant. Come along and the meet the team at Castillo de Conesa, San Miguel de Salinas on Tues 30th April and Wed 1st May, consultants will be available offering information on all the services. Alternatively appointments can be arranged at our office, your own home or a venue to suit.



26 APR - 2 MAY 2013

EHICs, SIPs and TSEs by

Suzanne O’Connell Customer Care at Ábaco

DON’T YOU just love acronyms. The frequency with which we use initial letters to shorten phrases has grown over the years. Acronyms can allow you entry into a secret society. One where only other teachers/ doctors/ tax specialists understand the mysterious language you’re using. It can make writing easier but could be described as a sloppy or lazy way of cutting your word count. So what mysterious language have we conjured up for this article this week? To nip any confusion in the bud, let’s give them their full titles: EHIC = European Health Insurance Card TSE = Tarjeta Sanitaria Europea SIP = Sistema de Información poblacional You should be familiar at least with the first one – the EHIC is the health card which you would use as a nonresident in Spain if you needed emergency medical treatment here. If you hadn’t heard of it before you should have by now, as the foreign office has been publicising its proper use over the past couple of months. This comes from a concern that some people who are residents have been relying on their EHIC for medical care. However, you could be forgiven, particularly if you are a non-resident, for being unaware of the TSE and SIP.

To begin with the TSE is, in fact, the Spanish version of the EHIC. It is the card you will need if you are a resident in Spain, travel to another European country and need emergency medical care whilst you’re there. Finally, the SIP. This little card, has over recent months been the subject of a great deal of controversy. People have had theirs checked/ taken away or haven’t been able to get one in the first place. We’ve put together some tips for how to obtain one if you are a resident in Spain: If you are employed or self-employed – register the contract of employment or autonomous worker registration with Social Security. The Treasury will then issue a Certificate of Registration to Social Security and provide a document for the Health Centre. You can then obtain a SIP card with this, your NIE, passport and resident certificate at the appropriate Health Centre. Pensioners – you need the document S1 (formerly E121) which you can obtain from the pension service in your own country. For pensioners from the UK it is ‘The Pension Service’ in Newcastle (00 44 1912037010). With this, your residency certificate, passport and padron you can register with Social Security and they will issue a Certificate of Registration that you can take to the Health Centre. Residents prior to 16th April 2012 – If you are an EU citizen who obtained your residency before the 16th April 2012 you are entitled to a SIP card. You need a

certificate from the Social Security in the UK stating that you are not eligible to receive health care there. Once you have that, take it along with your passport and NIE to the Health Centre to obtain your SIP. I ought to point out that pensioners with a UK state pension, will in fact have a slightly different combination of health cards. They have an EHIC and SIP. The EHIC continues to be issued by the NHS in the UK rather than using a TSE. Although pensioners have access to the full health service in Spain, this is subsidised by the NHS as they do not pay directly into the social security system here. So, three acronyms explained. Even better, three acronyms from two different languages. Now, all that remains is for you to make sure you have the right card for the right health service for the medical care you need.

Ábaco provide fiscal representation to non-resident and resident Spanish property owners. You can contact us for free advice and information by calling our helpline 96 670 3748 or visiting our website www.abacoadvisers.com


26 APR - 2 MAY 2013


Spanish Resident Wealth Declaration- have you submitted yours in time for the 30th April…? AS HIGHLY publicised recently in Spain the Spanish authorities have been inspecting people not paying tax. by

Mark Roach

Company Director and Spanish Tax Consultant

UNDER A new law which introduced the Resident Wealth Tax Declaration, all Spanish residents and Spanish companies are obliged to report all bank accounts and assets situated outside of Spain as at 31st December each year. This declaration must be filed before the end of March each year, starting in 2013. Exceptionally for 2013, the deadline is extended until the 30th of April. This annual declaration is for informative purposes and does not involve paying any tax. However, having given the tax office all of this information they may then check that income and wealth has been declared. Fines for not filing or failing to disclose an asset start at the rate of €10,000, so it is imperative to check if this applies to you! WHO DOES IT APPLY TO? This disclosure is not just for simple ownership of foreign assets but also for persons or companies who are beneficial owners, or have €50,000 or more in foreign assets. This is clearly meant to catch beneficiaries or settlors of trusts and other legal

structures. All shareholders of foreign companies must supply certificates of residence showing their tax paying status, if not supplied the company will be charged tax as an offshore company at 3% of the value of its assets, if the owner is offshore then the control will be considered to be in an offshore environment and taxed accordingly. OBLIGATIONS TO DECLARE1. Accounts within financial entities. 2. Shares, rights, Investment plans, Endowment policies and bonds that were deposited, managed or obtained in any foreign country other than Spain. 3. Property and rights on properties in foreign countries apart from Spain * The limit of €50.000,00 is applicable to each of the above categories. WORST POSSIBLE SCENARIO Should the tax office discover that a Spanish tax resident owns an undeclared foreign asset it could presume that the whole asset value represents undeclared taxable income. The tax office would

Wincham Consultants Limited, Wincham House, Greenfield Farm Trading Estate, Congleton, Cheshire, CW12 4TR, England. (Wincham Consultants also have offices located on the Costa Blanca and the Costa del Sol) UK Tel: +44 (0)1260 299 700 | Spain Tel: +34 965 830 991 | Email: iht.info@wincham.com | Web: www.wincham.com

regard the asset cost as general income generated in the oldest of tax years (e.g. four years ago). Tax rates vary between 24% and 56% in Spain (15/30% corporation tax), including potential fines of 150% of the unpaid tax, late payment interest plus the fines for failing to disclose, the total payment to the tax office would almost certainly be substantially more than the value of the hidden asset. Please contact Wincham to discuss your Wealth and Tax Declarations, we can submit both the 2012 Wealth Declaration and 2012 Resident Income Tax return for a fixed fee of £250 including VAT per person. Visit www.wincham.com or contact our offices directly on 0034 965 830 991 Spain or UK +44 (0)1260 299 700.



26 APR - 2 MAY 2013


Christina Brady

Regional Manager of Blacktower Costa Blanca

Top tips for making your money work for you PENSIONS LOTS OF people have various pensions from different employers, usually frozen as you have left the UK. Individually they may not have large values but when added together you may be surprised how much they are worth. Wouldn’t it be nice if you could combine all these into one and invest the money to suit your needs? Well you can, this is where QROPS comes into its own, it allows you to do the following (plus more): • Consolidate pensions into one investment pot • Gives you and your chosen independent financial advisor the opportunity to control the funds you invest in to suit your individual needs • Offers significant inheritance tax savings • 30% lump sum and income drawdown available at 50 years old if you have been out of the UK for 5 years or more. • Significant savings on income tax payable.

INVESTMENTS Most people have finally realised you cannot trust the Banks to safeguard your money and there is no such thing as 100% capital protected and would rather invest their money outside the banking system. Well there are many products out there that can do this for you, in addition if they are tax compliant they are also tax efficient. These products are offer by well established Life Insurance companies and offer: • Gross roll up: this means that unlike a bank savings account your interest/growth is not taxed each year but allowed to grow tax free. • Income taken, especially within the first few years is taxed significantly lower than with normal earned income. • The tax is automatically deducted and paid to the relevant tax authority so there is no need to incorporate these on your annual tax return. • Very flexible investment choice. • Inheritance tax efficient. • Can be tailored to meet your requirements.

REGULAR SAVINGS Most of us still working don´t have pensions that will enable us to continue with the same standard of living when we retire. So if you are working and have surplus income you must (there should be no hesitation) put some aside each month towards your retirement goals. This is very easy to do via a regular savings plan. These are: • Flexible, allow payment holidays, increases and reductions after initial period. • Tax efficient • Take advantage of bear investment markets • Cost effective • Monthly premiums start from just 150 If you feel you would like help making YOUR MONEY work for you please contact me on 658 892 330 or email christina.brady@blacktowerfm.com for a free consultation.

The above information was correct at the time of preparation and does not constitute investment advice and you should seek advice from a professional adviser before embarking on any financial planning activity. Blacktower Financial Management Ltd is licenced by the UK by the Financial Services Authority and is registered with both the DGS and CNMV. Blacktower Financial Management (Int) Ltd is licenced in Gibraltar by the Financial Services Commission (FSC) Licence No: 00805B and registered with the DGS in Spain.

As a company we have over 25 years of experience in the Financial Services Industry and have been doing pension transfers since inception in April 2006. We are now in a position to offer Expats and UK residents our services due to a new product launch. We understand that times are tough in the UK and overseas, and that people need cash NOW to sort out their personal lives. We are told every time we speak to clients “I would rather have my money now rather than wait until I retire” we completely sympathize and understand your feelings. We now have several options to help our clients release money NOW from the pension fund. It is a very simple process and takes only a short time to release your cash. No matter how small or large your pension fund is even the smallest amount of money now could help in these difficult times.

To find out if you qualify to release money now call 951 206 138 or email admin@kennedyfinancialservices.com or visit www.kennedyfinancialservices.com and complete the free assessment form.



Carlos Baos

of White & Baos Abogados

English & Spanish Solicitors

26 APR - 2 MAY 2013

Business affairs and Company – commercial Law in Spain The transfer and sale of shares in a SL (Limited Spanish Company) The share purchase between shareholders. DEAR SIRS, I own part of an SL company in Javea (Alicante). The total capital of the company is distributed as follows: I have 40% of the shares, Ms X has 30% shares and Mr Y has the rest 30%. Ms X wants to buy me out and we have agreed a price for my shares. The problem it is that the other shareholder, Mr. Y with whom we have problems, does not accept the sale and has informed us that legally he has also a right to buy them. Could you assist us, and please confirm what we should do in this situation and legally how we need to proceed? Thank you for your consultation. Yes, we confirm that we are able to assist you. Spanish SL ( limited companies), are regulated from 2010 by the Law 1/2010 of capital companies ( Ley de sociedades

de capital), this law substituted the previous laws for Limited companies, anonymous companies, etc. The general rule for the limited companies is that the share transfers are not free and the shareholders have a preference to buy them. In the case of sales to a third party, this law regulates the process to do it, as share holders trying to sell must inform the directors of the company informing about the share to be sold, number of them, price, buyer, etc., and the company must agree with the sale, giving the rest of the shareholders the possibility to buy for the same conditions, etc. But in your case, as you want to sell your shares to another shareholder, as per the article 107 of the mentioned Law 1/2010 this transfer is free and allowed, being the voluntary transfer of shares between shareholders, similar to the sale done in favor of the shareholder’s spouse,

ascendant or descendent or in favor of a company belonging to the same group. Therefore as per this article 107 you will not need the agreement of the directors of the company or the rest of the shareholders in the case you are selling your 40% to another shareholder. In order to prepare properly the transfer, the statutes and articles of the company need to be checked, in case of any limitation or special rule for share transfers, in which case they must be fulfilled. The transfer must be done in front of a public notary. About the taxes, if company or assets are not formed mainly by real estate properties, there should not be transfer tax to pay, you will only need to pay Capital Gains Tax in your Income Tax declaration, in case you have gained on the sale, that means generally that your selling price is more than the acquisition costs.

Carlos Baos (Lawyer) © White & Baos Abogados 2012 - All rights reserved. C/Diana 19, 2º-D, 03700 Dénia (located 1 minute away from the La Via underground car park). Tel: 966 426 185. Send your questions to spanishlawyer@roundtownnews.com or info@white-baos.com. This article is available in English and Spanish at www.white-baos.com. The information provided in this article is not intended to be legal advice, but merely conveys general information related to legal issues. Visit our blog at http://www.white-baos.com/blog/ and Facebook (White-Baos-Abogados-Solicitors)


Dodgy shoe imports under investigation AN OPERATION conducted by the Economic Crime Unit and (UDEF) and the Tax Office in collaboration with the National Police of Elche in the industrial area of Carrús aims to dismantle an alleged money laundering operation that ships Asian shoes and leather. Local businesses have suffered due to ‘unfair competition’ in the sector where prices on Asian shoes allegedly undercut those of legitimate traders. It is also alleged that there have been ‘irregular practices’ concerning shoe imports with declarations made far below actual cost to escape import duties and VAT. There has been another question raised as to the standard of materials used in the manufacture of Asian shoes, many of which are claimed to be made with fake skins and others of genuine skins sourced illegally.

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Positive thinking THERE IS a lot to be said for positive thinking, even though there are of course times when each of us must feel that something might not be worthwhile. The frustrations of recent developments within the realty market (virtually worldwide) have meant that some potential vendors are hesitant about listing their properties for sale. ‘Sponsored’ feature by Melanie Savill from Spanish Coast Villas WHILST THERE are home owners who have a real and urgent need to sell as soon as possible, others have the luxury of wanting to sell but without any urgency. It is a difficult choice. Do I list my property immediately at a recommended sales price, predominately dictated by: Recent sales of similar properties Decorative and structural condition of the home General market conditions (Naturally, location and added benefits such as views, neighbourhoods, amenities, upgrades etc., will all add or subtract value to any property). Or do I sit on my property for a while in the hope that the market will improve and prices will rise? There is no simple answer to this all important question. Nobody can predict precise changes in any economy, but at Spanish Coast Villas we can offer these suggestions... No matter what your reason for selling your property, or whether you have a personal urgency to finalise a sale or not, you should consider one important fact: no realtor knows, from one moment to the next, who is going to contact them in their search for a property. Through our international marketing we have learned that potential buyers reach us through media advertising, internet promotions, telephone and email communication by our experienced staff – or from seeing a suitable property in our

window or our wide portfolio at the office. If you have considered listing your property, there will be a direct benefit in contacting us for a cost free appraisal and an informal chat. Whether or not we have clients currently seeking properties exactly like yours is irrelevant. We will spend time and effort making contact with many other organisations here and abroad, and will immediately market your home to as wide an audience as we are able. Who knows? The ideal purchaser may be just around the corner, or already registered! Our company goal has always been to provide the best possible service to every vendor and buyer, and experience has shown that our honest yet wide ranging knowledge of all facets of real estate in this area has shown results we are proud of. Buying and selling real estate is one of the biggest most important financial decisions of our lives. We would not fly with a pilot who had not flown before, nor entrust our health to an inexperienced doctor. So don’t entrust your realty transaction with somebody who has not personally bought and sold homes, experienced the motions of moving home, and actually lived through the emotional experience from start to finish. Contact Melanie on 965 741 748 for a private meeting to discuss listing your property, or buying the home of your dreams in Moraira and surrounding towns and areas.

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Featured Properties

FOR SALE MORAIRA €149,000 SC1361

PERFECT GROUND FLOOR APARTMENT WITH BEAUTIFUL VIEWS. Lovely position on El Alcazarcommunity 2.5 km from centre of Moraira. xcellent condition, new kitchen,3 bedrooms.20 m2 private storage.Stunning community swimming pool, gardens and views. Call 965 741 748 & ask for Melanie or Sandy.

Holiday rentals with

FOR SALE MORAIRA €119,500 SC1358

TOP FLOOR SPACIOUS APARTMENT. WITH LARGE PRIVATE TERRACE, BEAUTIFUL WEST FACING SUNNY VIEWS. Monte Cala development on Cumbredel Sol. Two beautiful community swimming pools with wonderful lounge areas and restaurant. Spacious apartment, modern kitchen, dining area, lounge, A/C.2 double bedrooms &modern bathroom. Call 965 741 748 & ask for Melanie

or Sandy.

FOR SALE JAVEA €545.000 REF. AVS 1817


This 5 bed, 4 bath detached villa situated on a flat, sunny plot in the exclusive La Lluca residential area of Javea, is perfect as a family home or as an investment or holiday property. Refurbished to a high standard, the villa retains many traditional Spanish features eg open fireplace, beamed ceilings and tosca arches. The outside space is perfect, offering a mature Mediterranean garden with ample terraces and lawns from which to enjoy the wonderful Spanish weather. The recent price reduction means that an early viewing is recommended. 965 796 311 - 622 354 907 - info@altavillas.com

Spotlight: Property

WHAT A great summer we can look forward to on the Costa Blanca: endless sunshine and great temperatures, warm seas and miles and miles of sandy beaches. Have you booked your holidays yet? PMR PROPERTY Management & Rental are specialists in holiday rental with good quality properties available all around the area from Alicante to Calpe. Isabel and Tracy in the busy ‘holidays department’ told us that this year has been their best yet for bookings, breaking all previous records. Although many people still seek the beaches, they have seen an increase this year in holiday guests who prefer a quieter style of holiday and the inland towns of Callosa and Relleu are proving popular. Bookings are already being taken for 2014 so they are hopeful that next year, Spain and the Costa Blanca, will be just as popular. PMR can arrange everything for the holiday guest from car hire, bicycles, trips and excursions. They can even arrange for a chef to come and cook a special meal for you. Cleaning and laundry is all taken care of and if you require, they can provide a daily or weekly maid service. Don´t fancy making your first stop a shopping trip? Don’t worry, PMR can even get your groceries for you and they provide lovely breakfast packs or goodies for your first day; ideal if you have a late arrival or prefer not to hire a car. This year PMR are also promoting their ‘Something Special’ range and can provide welcoming flowers, champagne or cava for a special occasion, chocolates and even a wonderful selection of Spanish meats and cheeses. Once the busy summer season is over, they will be busy preparing

for winter guests that often stay for many months over the cooler months. Although you can still book winter sunshine holiday properties on a week by week basis, many people choose to stay all through the winter and PMR have great offers on many appealing, comfortable and affordable properties if you want to escape the colder weather of your own country. PMR have been arranging holidays for the last six years and PMR Director Lisa Turner says that their growth is mainly due to their reputation which, has been achieved by offering quality service, great prices and clean, comfortable, well equipped accommodation. PMR are always on the look out for new properties to add to their portfolio so if you are thinking of renting your property get in touch. Everything is always easy to arrange with PMR and they have lots of information available on their website www.pmrspain.com or just pop down to their offices in Alfaz del Pi: you will always get a friendly welcome from the staff. Don’t forget that PMR are also able to offer long term rental properties and have an extensive range of apartments, houses and private villas. So, contact PMR to book your next holiday, winter sunshine break or your long term rental. Telephone on 96 626 0877 within Spain or 0203 411 7758 from the UK: You can also email pmr@pmrspain.com and visit www.pmrspain.com: they even have a Facebook page too!

HiFX: Going from strength to strength HiFX, THE leading UK Foreign exchange company, has opened its latest office in the Costa Blanca in Villamartin, Orihuela Costa. It is equipped with an internet suite to allow clients to come in and try our services for themselves under the watchful eye of ever attentive staff. Over a decade ago, HiFX’s founding partners realised that by minimising unnecessary banking overheads and investing in technology, they could offer companies and private individuals significantly better exchange rates and provide an exceptional foreign exchange service with no hidden fees. Chris Wakeling, Regional Sales Manager explains: “HiFX’s move into Spain is moving fast. Less than a year ago our office opened in Marbella with great success, leading to this new office being opened not only do we recognise that there is a strong need to provide clients with an alternative to their current means of transferring funds, we also need to get the message out there just how simple our service is to use - and just how much money can be saved through our services. “We regularly save clients as much as 4% when buying or selling a property, achieved by avoiding all the Spanish banking fees, great exchange rates and using the knowledge of market experts to get you the best deal. “Our success is also built on knowing that for many people, transferring funds is a daunting task, normally sending a lifetime’s investment and, in some circumstances, all they have. To this end, to have someone that they are able to contact seven days a week, there to meet them and help them through the whole process, brings great peace of mind.” The HiFX team in the Costa Blanca office has a wealth of foreign exchange experience. More importantly, Julia Hardy -Business Development Manager; Natasha Bennett – Client Support

Executive; and Chris Wakeling, have all lived on the coast for more than nine years and understand the Spanish banking system intimately and also the best ways for their clients to save money. Natasha Bennett adds: “We’re often asked who can benefit from our service. The answer is simple: everyone - regardless of the amounts they’re sending or regularity of the payments they’re making! In fact anyone who needs to transfer money from one currency to another can save through HiFX. We are here to help everyone. We deal with all the world’s major currencies and have clients from many different nationalities, including Brits, Swedes, Danes and Norwegians, proving that we are truly a global company providing a service and product which benefits the entire international community.” “At HiFX we understand that reputations cannot be bought but are hard earned over time. Our experience shows that if we service our clients well, success will follow. Whether you’re making transfers online or over the phone, we’re large enough to undertake the biggest transfers, yet small enough to care about each and every transaction that our customers undertake. It’s this proactive and personal service that we believe underpins our success. “As all expats know, it’s always worth taking the time to see whether or not you can save money on the day to day stuff such as insurance, energy bills etc.: international money transfers are no exception. After all, we all hate letting the banks cash in on our hard earned savings! For further information about HiFX Spain and to see how they can help you with your international transactions, please call 96 597 8952, email spain@hifx.co.uk quoting RTN in the subject line, or visit our new office in Avenida De Las Brisas 5, Villamartin, Orihuela Costa, Alicante where you can meet the team.

Featured Properties FOR RENT ALFAZ DEL PI

350� per month. Originally a 2 bed, now a very spacious, unfurnished 1 bed, this apartment would suit a couple or single person working nearby.

Tel: 0034 966 260877

info@pmrspain.com www.pmrspain.com


350� per month. 3 bedroom fully refurbished spanish style casa de pueblo. Large and comfortable plus large under build. Tel: 0034 966 260877 info@pmrspain.com www.pmrspain.com

FOR SALE JAVEA €545.000 REF. AVS 3029

965 796 311 - 622 354 907 info@altavillas.com

VERSATILE LIVING SPACE WITH SEA VIEWS TOO! This beautifully constructed 4 bed, 3 bath property comes with a separate annex suitable for grannies and other family members. Situated in a tranquil location in the Adsubia area of Javea, the property offers stunning sea and Montgo views. Must be seen to be appreciated.

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Life Maria and her

Pink Ladies say “thanks” MARIA AND The Pink Ladies recently received over 1,600€ on behalf of Spanish cancer charity AECC from a number of events.

Some of the cakes for sale

By Keith Nicol TWELVE YEAR-old Tamara, the daughter of Gabriella from GT’s bar in Los Dolses and her friends raised 125€ for AECC by baking cakes, then selling them at the bar and at the Los Dolses Commercial Centre. This is the second time that Tamara has raised funds for AECC in this way and thanks go to her and her friends again. Dave, the owner of the Friendly Bar held a race night and then celebrated the bar’s first anniversary a few nights later, raising 493€ for AECC between the two events. Amanda Skinner recently organised a fund-raising event for AECC at Bar Molino, La Zenia, in memory of Dave Drake.

The event raised 855€ and Amanda had this to say about the event: “The evening came about as a chance for us to pay our respects to a man who has been part of the darts circuit for at least six or seven years. Lee Squires and I run the Monday Night Darts League from The Rendezvous Bar in Pueblo Principe. The league was set up five years ago as a fun darts league to provide a good night out for people that enjoy their darts and to provide revenue for the bars involved. Dave Drake who sadly passed away last year has played for Molino Bar and Gogarty’s Bar during this time. The teams all wanted to have a fun night and to raise some money in Dave’s name and with Dave’s personality

being one of fun we thought that a fancy dress double competition would be perfect! Sadly, we also lost Tony King who played for Moores Bar in Cabo Roig and Nigel Waldron who played for Whispers Bar in San Miguel a year ago within a few months of each other and the league set up The Knockout Trophy Cup to honour their memories which is played for every season in this league. it didn’t seem appropriate to incorporate the memory of Dave with this cup that is why with the help of Kevin Prockter and Elaine we decided on the fancy dress night.” Special thanks go to Amanda, Tamara and Dave plus all the customers and friends that helped to raise those funds.

Forthcoming Events in April at Haweli Indian Restaurant Denia from sunday 14th saturday 27th 60’s all the way to the Lee. So why not join us april onwards from 8-11pm present day, includiong here at Indian Haweli Special Sunday Live Music by Encore Adele, Ollie Murs, Nancy Restaurant Denia BOOKINGS RECOMMENDED FOR Buffet… Delicious! just Encore! Are the hottest Sinatra, and Peggy ALL EVENTS 12.90€ duo on the Costa Blanca. Including all you can eat Come along and listen to from the Extensive Menu their smooth renditions of of jazz, easy listening succulent Lamb, and swing classics from Beef, Chicken, Ella Fitzgerald, Eva Vegetarian dishes, Cassidy, Katie Melua. Delicious rices & Then dance the night Encore! Fresh special breads. away with hits from the For Full Menu, see our website www.hawelispain.com *NEW* RESTAURANT DINERS CAN ENJOY FREE TRANSPORT HOME *NEW* CATERING SERVICE OFFERED (MIN 20 PERSONS)

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26 APR - 2 MAY 2013

Life tech

with Aunty Virus

Email auntyvirus@roundtownnews.com

Struggling with Ebay HELLO AUNTY: Few husbands would complain about this problem, but when my wife is in eBay. co.uk, and tries to search ‘women’s fashion’, especially a particular ‘Per Una’ range, within a few seconds IE9 advises it has encountered a problem and has to close the programme. It happens every time yet this does not occur on other searches on the eBay site and I am mystified as to the reason for this. Can you help at all? It is a Dell Inspiron 1525 laptop, running Vista Home Premium. (This does not happen on my old Sony laptop)

Aunty says: IE9 crashing can be caused by a number of things such as an old or ‘bad’ installation of an addon - like Adobe, or a unwanted toolbar, or a failed update for IE. To solve, you can make sure your adobe players are up to date, you are not running any unwanted addons, totally uninstall IE9 and reinstall it, or use another browser - like Chrome or Firefox. I too had issues with IE9 crashing at times, but I have since upgraded to IE10, and so far, touch wood, no problems. Unfortunately, IE10 is not available for Vista, onlyW&W8. Response: Thank you for your prompt reply and advice. I have followed all your suggestions to determine where the problem lies, but for some strange reason I have been unable to uninstall IE9! (Was also unsuccessful uninstalling Firefox about 2 years ago so I then moved to IE). Your advice to move to Chrome has been successful and works fine. Many, many thanks.

Switch defender on HI AUNTY: I am using laptop vista basic. I have been getting bogies 20 to 30 daily and clearing them with super anti spyware registry mechanic Windows essential. But having so many daily I checked my protection and found Windows Defender switched off and though I have tried all I know and following the help suggestions I can’t get into the program to switch it on. Regards Bill (Silver Surfer) Aunty says: If you are using Microsoft Security Essentials, then this already has the functionality of Defender built in, and so it will not allow you to run Defender separately, as the two will be in conflict with each other. Also, many of the other antivirus system also have the same functionality, and so Defender is automatically switched off.

Microsoft has ‘improved’ to Outlook. HOLA AUNTY: As you probably know Microsoft has recently ‘improved’ Hotmail to Outlook. As a result of these ‘improvements’ I can no longer forward messages and my list of contacts which used to appear when I started to compose an e-mail no longer appears. I have written to Microsoft but have had no reply, not even an automated acknowledgement. Am I just being thick or can you suggest a simple solution to my problem? Regards, Allen. Aunty says: The new layout for Outlook has confused many. If you are reading an email, the Forward option is now under the ‘reply’ menu. Click the down arrow next to ‘Reply’ and ‘Forward’ will be in the list, along with ‘Reply’ and ‘Reply All’. The Contacts list is now in the ‘People’ section. Click on the ‘Down arrow’, normally to the right of the word Outlook, and you will see ‘People’. Click on this and you will see all the People in your contacts list. You can then select one all or many in this list, and from the options you can then send an email to those selected. Response: Thank you.

Gadget Inspector Investigates:

Hanns Widescreen LED Monitor

26 apr - 2 may 2013



THIS WEEK the Inspector takes a look at the Hanns G HL190APB 18.5 inch Widescreen LED Monitor. Do you have one of those fantastic old cathode ray tube VDUs cluttering up your home office/study? Or fancy a second monitor to monitor all your trades? Well, it’s time to send it to the Leafy Glades VDU Retirement Home where it can sit in the corner glowing gently and muttering about how nobody appreciates classic

engineering anymore. Instead let’s see what the slimline Hanns G HL190APB 18.5 inch Widescreen LED Monitor has to offer. Okay, as the name suggests it measures 18.5 inches across the diagonal and has a widescreen format (16:9 ratio – old VDUs/TVs where 4:3…). The Hanns supports a maximum resolution of 1366x768 pixels, perfectly adequate considering its size. But what about the picture quality? Well, these days LED/ LCD monitors are classified by their contrast ratio and display brightness. The Hanns certainly scores with a contrast ratio of 30,000,000:1, a display brightness of 200 cd/m² and response time of 5ms. And don’t think all this tech is going to be sending your electricity bill through the roof – the Hanns G HL190APB has been designed with energy saving in mind. With an Energy Star 5.0 rating it only uses 18 watts when in use and a miserly 0.5

watts in standby mode. Connection is easy too: the Hanns is fitted with a D-Sub (VGA) connector. Although there is no DVI/HDMI output, even the most modern PCs still have this type of connector. But more importantly, if your PC is a few years older this will most definitely be the type of connection you need. And just to top things off the Hanns G HL190APB even has two speakers squeezed into the case. The Inspectors Verdict: Why strain your eyes with that prehistoric VDU when you can marvel at the brightness and clarity of this lovely little number. And think of all the spare space on your desk you can fill up with other clutter instead! Please note the following is for information and is not intended as an advertisement - visit www.gadget-hound.co.uk/hannsmonitor/ to purchase the Hanns G HL190APB 18.5 inch Widescreen LED Monitor for 85€. Price quoted includes free delivery to Spain and is subject to availability (Euro cost subject to exchange rate at time of purchase).

WE ALL love our smartphones but I don’t think that anyone out there hasn’t grumbled about the battery running out very quickly which is always very frustrating. This app which has been downloaded over 7,000,000 times which already proves it’s worth and is a powerful yet easy to use power manager app specifically designed to extend the battery life of your Android device. Packed with smart functions, it automatically and transparently manages the most battery draining components, like 3G/4G connectivity and WiFi. The preset modes are the perfect way to gain precious hours of battery life and it allows complete customisation and once configured it just runs in the background. With JuiceDefender - Battery Saver you can easily manage Mobile Data, WiFi and CPU speed, you can keep power consumption under control by disabling connectivity when the battery runs low, schedule regular Synchronization events, enable or disable connectivity for specific apps, auto-toggle WiFi depending on your location, and much more. Available to download for free from Google Play on all Android devices.


26 APR - 2 MAY 2013

Life Showbiz Goss


Peter Taylor

Writer and Broadcaster

Badly Made in Chelsea! Gimme DON’T YOU just love it when these half-baked individuals who get called stars from reality TV shows start to go off at each other? Generally it’s some pathetic scam to boost ratings, but the story I have for you today is well real … and then some! For reasons that only E4 know, Made in Chelsea was given a 5th outing that began four weeks ago, and boringly we are yet again being treated to a cast of ‘born with a silver spoon in their mouths’ male and female toffs showing us how their lives unfold in smart eateries and nightclubs etc., where they bang on about how she said this and he said that, and all the while looking like they are being followed about by top coiffures and clothes designers. Last week polo-playing entrepreneur Francis Boulle talked to Star Magazine and when quizzed about Eton-educated Spencer Mathew’s relationship with Louise Thompson said he was “spiteful and a bit tragic.” This bitchy statement made its way into the mainstream press, and when it is was then reported that the same Spencer got into a public spat with heiress to the Quality Street fortune Millie Mackintosh, I got to thinking … who the hell cares? Who is interested in all this pitiful drivel? And who are the sad journalists who get up in the morning with an appointment in his or her diary to find out about it? But trouble ye not as I have got the perfect solution: if we all stop watching these awful shows and let these clowns fight it out in the press, and let the journalists with no life report about it in their pathetic little nit-picking columns, they will surely disappear forever. It is seriously hard work trying to find programmes on TV that are worth switching on for, and Made in Chelsea is certainly not one of them.

some skin!

GETTING NAKED is something actors and actresses need to do from time to time, and such was the case last year when Anna Friel was shooting a scene for ‘The Look of Love’, a film that charts the illustrious career of 60’s porn baron Paul Raymond. Whilst talking to The Daily Express last week Anna mentioned one of the scenes in the movie where she and a few other women were on the set in the buffski and how she noticed that most of the crew members were male. “It was a mostly male crew and the women were naked and the men were very, very much dressed, so I proposed that it would be fun if all the men got naked as well,”… Hey, hey! … nice one Anna! The ‘Pushing Daisies’ star went on to say that unfortunately her offer was rejected, but you’ve got to admire her pluck have you not!

Sounds good about being bad MOST OF you will be familiar with Emer Kenny, a young lady who played Zsa Zsa Carter in both Eastenders and spin off show Eastenders E20, and who is currently playing Danielle Reeves in BBC 3’s Pramface, a sitcom that’s gathering quite a bit of attention. Emer starting working in television in 2007 when she was part of the cast of a BBC1 drama called ‘Coming Down The Mountain’, and now she has been given the female lead in a brand new sitcom for the BBC called ‘Badults’, so called as the theme of the show is to do with young people who are bad at being adults ... get it … Badults! Emer will play opposite Jack Docherty who rose to fame in 1997 as Britain’s first ever 5-nights-a-week chat show host in Ch5’s ‘The Jack Docherty Show’, and even better for ‘Badults’ the BBC has contracted the services of a three man comedy team called ‘Pappy’s Boys’ whom, as I speak, are blowing audiences away at London’s Soho Theatre with what is described as their ‘throwback style of humour’. ‘Pappy’s Boys’ Ben, Matthew and Tom, who will be writing the show said: “We wanted to create a programme that transformed our live stage work as Pappy’s into a sitcom with very much the same silly, old school studio sitcom style, and we are thrilled to be working with the comedy team at the BBC who got our sense of humour straight away.”Sounds like fun to me Tommy, and I look forward to the summer when it pops up on BBC 3.

Life TV

26 APR - 2 MAY 2013


26th April - 2nd May

FRIDAY 26th April BBC1







07:00 Breakfast 10:15 Heir Hunters 11:00 Homes Under the Hammer 12:00 Don’t Get Done, Get Dom 12:45 Crime Scene Rescue 13:15 Bargain Hunt 14:00 BBC News 14:45 Doctors 15:15 Escape to the Country 16:00 Perfection 16:45 Chefs: Put Your Menu Where Your Mouth Is 17:30 Antiques Road Trip 18:15 Pointless 19:00 BBC News 20:00 The One Show 20:30 A Question of Sport 21:00 EastEnders 21:30 MasterChef 22:30 Have I Got News for You 23:00 BBC News 23:35 Graham Norton Show 24:20 The Wright Way 24:50 Metro

07:00 Homes Under the Hammer 08:00 Don’t Get Done, Get Dom 08:45 Crime Scene Rescue 09:15 Saints and Scroungers 10:00 Countryfile 11:00 Snooker: The World Championship 13:00 Daily Politics 14:00 Snooker: The World Championship 19:00 Eggheads 19:30 Flog It! 20:00 Hairy Bikers’ Best of British 21:00 Nature’s Microworlds 21:30 Gardeners’ World 22:00 The Genius of Turner: Painting the Industrial Revolution 23:00 QI 23:30 Newsnight 24:05 Later with Jools Holland

07:00 Daybreak 09:30 Lorraine 10:25 Jeremy Kyle Show 11:30 This Morning 13:30 Loose Women 14:30 ITV News 15:00 Rory Bremner’s Great British Views 16:00 Dickinson’s Real Deal 16:59 ITV Central Weather 17:00 Tipping Point 18:00 The Chase 19:00 ITV News 20:00 Emmerdale 20:30 Coronation Street 21:00 The Martin Lewis Money Show 21:30 Coronation Street 22:00 The Ice Cream Girls 23:00 ITV News 23:35 2 Fast 2 Furious

07:10 The Hoobs 07:35 The Hoobs 08:05 According to Jim 08:30 Everybody Loves Raymond 08:55 Everybody Loves Raymond 09:25 Frasier 09:55 Frasier 10:30 Frasier 11:00 The Secret Millionaire 12:00 Location, Location, Location 13:00 Channel 4 News 13:05 Come Dine with Me 13:35 What’s Cooking? 14:30 Channel 4 Racing 16:30 1001 Things You Should Know 17:00 Deal or No Deal 18:00 Five Minutes to a Fortune 19:00 The Simpsons 19:30 Hollyoaks 20:00 Channel 4 News 20:30 Unreported World 20:55 4thought.tv 21:00 Big Fat Gypsy Weddings 22:00 Ben Earl: Trick Artist 23:00 Alan Carr: Chatty Man 24:05 10 O’Clock Live

07:00 Childrens TV 09:15 Peppa Pig 09:35 Roary the Racing Car 09:45 Bananas in Pyjamas 10:00 Tickety Toc 10:15 The Wright Stuff 12:10 Trisha 13:00 Looney Tunes 13:05 5 News 13:15 Royal Navy: Submarine Mission 14:15 Home and Away 14:45 Neighbours 15:15 CSI: NY 16:15 Disney Shorts: Mickey’s Trailer 16:20 Lies and Deception 18:00 5 News 18:30 Neighbours 19:00 Home and Away 19:30 5 News 20:00 Air Crash Investigation 21:00 Iceland: Ash Cloud Apocalypse 22:00 The Mentalist 23:00 CSI 24:50 Inside Hollywood

07:00 Emmerdale 07:55 The Planet’s Funniest Animals 08:25 The Jeremy Kyle Show 09:10 You’ve Been Framed! 09:40 Judge Judy 10:05 The Only Way Is Essex 10:50 The Only Way Is Essex 11:35 The Real Housewives of Atlanta 12:35 Millionaire Matchmaker 13:30 Emmerdale 14:30 Judge Judy 15:00 The Jeremy Kyle Show 16:05 The Jeremy Kyle Show 17:10 The Real Housewives of Atlanta 18:05 Millionaire Matchmaker 19:00 The Jeremy Kyle Show 20:00 You’ve Been Framed! 20:30 You’ve Been Framed! 21:00 You’ve Been Framed! 22:00 Shaun of the Dead 24:00 Body of Lies

07:00 Switched 07:20 90210 08:05 Ugly Betty 08:50 Desperate Housewives 09:40 Scrubs 10:10 Rules of Engagement 10:40 Charmed 11:35 90210 12:30 Ugly Betty 13:30 Hollyoaks 14:00 How I Met Your Mother 15:00 Scrubs 15:30 Scrubs 16:00 Charmed 17:00 Rules of Engagement 18:00 How I Met Your Mother 19:00 The Big Bang Theory 19:30 The Big Bang Theory 20:00 Hollyoaks 20:30 How I Met Your Mother 21:00 The Big Bang Theory 21:30 Youngers 22:00 Rush Hour 3 23:45 The Body Shocking Show 24:15 The Big Bang Theory 24:45 The Big Bang Theory




SATURDAY 27th April BBC1

07:00 Breakfast 11:00 Saturday Kitchen Live 12:30 Nigel Slater’s Simple Suppers 13:00 BBC News 13:15 Football Focus 14:00 Triathlon 15:00 Snooker: The World Championship 17:30 Final Score 18:20 Pointless Celebrities 19:10 BBC News 19:30 Doctor Who 20:15 The National Lottery: Who Dares Wins 21:05 The Voice UK 22:25 Casualty 23:15 BBC News 23:30 Match of the Day


07:00 This Is BBC Two 07:40 Station West 09:10 Spellbound 11:00 Snooker: The World Championship 13:00 Paul Hollywood’s Bread 13:30 Just a Minute 14:00 University Challenge 14:30 Talking Pictures 15:05 Notorious 16:45 Coast 17:30 Snooker: The World Championship 18:30 Great British Sewing Bee 19:30 Flog It! 20:00 Snooker: The World Championship 21:00 Dad’s Army 21:30 QI 22:00 Young Margaret: Life, Love & Letters 23:30 The United States of Television: America in Primetime 24:30 Blackpool: Big Night Out

SUNDAY 28th April BBC1

07:00 Breakfast 08:25 Match of the Day 10:00 Andrew Marr Show 11:00 The Big Questions 12:00 Sunday Politics 13:20 Bargain Hunt 14:20 Homes Under the Hammer 15:20 Flog It! 15:45 Points of View 16:00 Escape to the Country 17:00 Songs of Praise 17:35 Great Bear Stakeout 18:35 The Diamond Queen 19:35 BBC News 20:00 Countryfile 21:00 Antiques Roadshow 22:00 The Village 23:00 BBC News 23:25 Match of the Day 2 24:40 Late Kick Off


07:00 This Is BBC Two 07:45 Never a Dull Moment 09:15 Gardeners’ World 09:45 The A to Z of TV Gardening 10:30 The Beechgrove Garden 11:00 Snooker: The World Championship 12:00 Saturday Kitchen Best Bites 13:30 EastEnders 15:20 Snooker: The World Championship 19:00 Coast 20:00 Snooker: The World Championship 21:00 Bill Bailey’s Jungle Hero 22:00 Rupert Murdoch: Battle with Britain 23:00 Mock the Week 23:30 It’s Kevin 24:00 Snooker: The World Championship 24:50 Snooker: World Championships Extra

ITV1 07:00 Jungle Junction 07:25 The Hive 07:40 Dino Dan 08:05 Canimals 08:20 Almost Naked Animals 08:35 Ultimate Spider-Man 09:00 Jessie 09:25 Saturday Farm 10:25 The Jeremy Kyle Show 11:20 My Tasty Travels with Lynda Bellingham 12:20 Murder, She Wrote 13:20 ITV News 13:35 Midsomer Murders 15:35 The Chase 16:35 Uncle Buck 18:30 ITV News 19:00 New You’ve Been Framed! 20:00 Britain’s Got Talent 21:20 The Cube 22:20 Jonathan Ross Show 23:20 ITV News 23:35 Commando

ITV1 07:00 Special Agent Oso 07:25 The Hive 07:40 Dino Dan 08:05 Canimals 08:20 Almost Naked Animals 08:30 Teenage Ninja Turtles 09:00 Sonny with a Chance 09:25 ITV News 09:30 Country House Sunday 10:25 The Jeremy Kyle Show 11:20 Dickinson’s Real Deal 12:20 ITV News 12:35 Columbo: a Friend in Deed 14:35 You’ve Been Framed! 15:05 Britain’s Got Talent 16:20 Food Glorious Food 17:25 Free Willy 2: the Adventure Home 19:15 ITV News 19:45 Catchphrase 20:30 Off Their Rockers 21:00 Endeavour 23:00 ITV News 23:15 The Olivier Awards 2013 24:45 The Unforgettable

07:05 Kirstie’s Homemade Home 07:10 The Hoobs 07:35 The Hoobs 08:05 British Rallycross 08:30 The Grid 09:00 The Morning Line 10:00 Everybody Loves Raymond 10:35 Everybody Loves Raymond 11:05 Frasier 11:35 Frasier 12:10 The Big Bang Theory 12:40 The Big Bang Theory 13:10 The Simpsons 13:40 The Secret Millionaire 14:40 Channel 4 Racing 17:10 Come Dine with Me 19:40 Channel 4 News 20:00 Sarah Beeny’s Selling Houses 21:00 Grand Designs 22:00 Season of the Witch 23:45 Derren Brown Investigates 24:50 The Libertine

07:00 Childrens TV 09:25 Angelina Ballerina 09:45 Rupert Bear 10:00 Ben and Holly’s Little Kingdom 10:15 Toby’s Travelling Circus 10:25 Roary the Racing Car 10:40 Jelly Jamm 11:00 Power Rangers: Super Samurai 11:35 Batman: The Brave and the Bold 12:00 Ben Fogle: New Lives in the Wild 13:00 Royal Navy: Submarine Mission 14:00 Up Periscope 16:15 Run Silent Run Deep 18:00 The Caine Mutiny 20:20 5 News Weekend 20:25 NCIS 22:15 Law & Order: Criminal Intent

07:00 Planet’s Funniest Animals 07:25 Coronation Street 09:50 Emmerdale 12:50 Britain’s Got More Talent 13:50 You’ve Been Framed! 14:20 You’ve Been Framed! 14:50 You’ve Been Framed! 15:20 Toy Story 17:10 Toy Story 2 19:00 The Flintstones in Viva Rock Vegas 20:50 Totally Bonkers Guinness World Records 21:20 Britain’s Got More Talent 22:20 Totally You’ve Been Framed! 23:20 Celebrity Juice 24:10 Plebs 24:40 Britain’s Got Talent


07:00 Heartland 07:45 Greek 08:30 Gok’s Clothes Roadshow 09:35 Make It or Break It 10:35 Ugly Betty 11:35 Scrubs 12:05 Scrubs 12:35 Scrubs 13:05 Glee 14:05 Charmed 15:00 Made in Chelsea 16:05 Rules of Engagement 18:30 The Mindy Project 19:00 The Big Bang Theory 19:30 The Big Bang Theory 20:00 Youngers 20:30 How I Met Your Mother 21:00 How I Met Your Mother 21:30 2 Broke Girls 22:00 John Tucker Must Die 23:45 The Big Bang Theory 24:15 The Big Bang Theory 24:45 The Cleveland Show





07:05 The Treacle People 07:15 The Hoobs 07:40 Blancpain Endurance Series 08:35 Everybody Loves Raymond 09:00 Everybody Loves Raymond 09:30 Frasier 10:00 Frasier 10:30 Sunday Brunch 13:00 The Big Bang Theory 13:30 The Big Bang Theory 13:55 The Simpsons 14:20 The Simpsons 14:50 The Phantom 16:45 Deal or No Deal 17:45 Five Minutes to a Fortune 18:50 Marmaduke 20:30 Channel 4 News 21:00 The Secret Millions 22:00 Love & Other Drugs 24:10 Dangerous Minds

07:00 Childrens TV 09:15 Mio Mao 09:25 Angelina Ballerina 09:45 Rupert Bear 10:00 Ben and Holly’s Little Kingdom 10:15 Toby’s Travelling Circus 10:30 Roary the Racing Car 10:45 Jelly Jamm 11:00 The Mr Men Show 11:15 Bert and Ernie 11:20 Power Rangers: Super Samurai 11:55 Batman: The Brave and the Bold 12:20 Cowboy Builders 13:20 The Fifth Element 15:45 Cheaper by the Dozen 2 17:35 Zathura: a Space Adventure 19:25 5 News Weekend 19:30 Along Came Polly 21:00 Once Upon a Time 22:00 The Truth About Travellers 23:00 Harry Brown

07:00 Emmerdale 09:50 Coronation Street 12:20 King Ralph 14:20 The Mummy: Tomb of the Dragon Emperor 16:35 You’ve Been Framed! 17:05 The Hot Desk 17:20 Britain’s Got Talent 18:40 Britain’s Got More Talent 19:40 Twister 22:00 Hot Fuzz 24:20 Celebrity Juice

07:00 Gok’s Clothes Roadshow 07:55 Make It or Break It 08:45 Ugly Betty 09:40 Scrubs 10:10 Scrubs 10:35 Hollyoaks 13:10 Youngers 13:40 Made in Chelsea 14:45 Glee 15:45 Charmed 16:40 How I Met Your Mother 17:10 How I Met Your Mother 17:40 Revenge 18:35 New Girl 19:00 The Mindy Project 19:30 Failure to Launch 21:30 The Big Bang Theory 22:00 The Big Bang Theory 22:30 The Big Bang Theory 23:00 Derren Brown: Evening of Wonders 24:40 2 Broke Girls


26 APR - 2 MAY 2013

Life TV

26th April - 2nd May

MONDAY 29th April






07:00 Breakfast 10:15 Fake Britain 11:00 Homes Under the Hammer 12:00 Don’t Get Done, Get Dom 12:45 Animal Frontline 13:15 Bargain Hunt 14:00 BBC News 14:45 Doctors 15:15 Escape to the Country 16:00 Perfection 16:45 The Hairy Bikers’ Food Tour of Britain 17:30 Antiques Road Trip 18:15 Pointless 19:00 BBC News 19:55 Party Election Broadcast 20:00 The One Show 20:30 Bang Goes the Theory 21:00 EastEnders 21:30 Panorama 22:00 Crimewatch 23:00 BBC News 23:35 Crimewatch Update 23:40 Have I Got a Bit More News for You 24:25 BBC News: The Editors 24:55 The Graham Norton Show

07:00 This Is BBC Two 07:05 Homes Under the Hammer 08:05 Don’t Get Done, Get Dom 08:50 Crime Scene Rescue 09:20 Saints and Scroungers 10:05 Great British Menu 11:05 British Railway Journeys 11:35 Click 12:00 BBC News 13:00 Daily Politics 14:00 Snooker: The World Championship 18:55 Party Election Broadcast 19:00 Eggheads 19:30 Flog It! 20:00 Snooker: The World Championship 21:00 University Challenge 21:30 Only Connect 22:00 Dave Allen: God’s Own Comedian 23:00 Never Mind the Buzzcocks 23:30 Newsnight 24:20 Snooker: The World Championship

07:00 Daybreak 09:30 Lorraine 10:25 The Jeremy Kyle Show 11:30 This Morning 13:30 Loose Women 14:30 ITV News 15:00 Rory Bremner’s Great British Views 16:00 Dickinson’s Real Deal 16:59 ITV Central Weather 17:00 Tipping Point 18:00 The Chase 19:00 ITV News 19:25 Party Election Broadcast 19:30 ITV News 20:00 Emmerdale 20:30 Coronation Street 21:00 James Nesbitt’s Ireland 21:30 Coronation Street 22:00 Vicious 22:30 The Job Lot 23:00 ITV News 23:35 Jonathan Ross Show 24:40 Monk

07:10 The Hoobs 07:35 The Hoobs 08:05 According to Jim 08:30 Everybody Loves Raymond 09:25 Frasier 10:00 Frasier 10:30 Frasier 11:00 The Secret Millionaire 12:00 Location, Location, Location 13:00 Channel 4 News 13:05 Come Dine with Me 13:35 What’s Cooking? 14:45 Four Rooms 15:45 Countdown 16:30 1001 Things You Should Know 17:00 Deal or No Deal 18:00 Five Minutes to a Fortune 19:00 The Simpsons 19:30 Hollyoaks 20:00 Channel 4 News 20:55 4thought.tv 21:00 Dispatches 21:30 SuperScrimpers 22:00 The Hoarder Next Door 23:00 Ramsay’s Kitchen Nightmares USA 24:05 Alan Carr: Chatty Man

07:00 Childrens TV 09:15 Peppa Pig 09:30 Castle Farm 09:35 Roary the Racing Car 09:50 Bananas in Pyjamas 10:00 Tickety Toc 10:15 The Wright Stuff 12:10 Trauma Doctors 13:10 5 News Lunchtime 13:15 Extraordinary People: Britain’s Tiniest Toddlers 14:15 Home and Away 14:45 Neighbours 15:15 NCIS 16:15 The Trail to Hope Rose 18:00 5 News 18:30 Neighbours 19:00 Home and Away 19:30 5 News 20:00 Giant Pythons of the Everglades: Austin Stevens’ Adventures 21:00 Nature Shock 22:00 Ben Fogle: New Lives in the Wild 23:00 The Invasion

07:00 Emmerdale 07:25 Coronation Street 07:55 Coronation Street 08:25 The Jeremy Kyle Show 09:10 You’ve Been Framed! 09:40 Judge Judy 10:00 The Only Way Is Essex 10:40 The Only Way Is Essex 11:35 The Real Housewives of Atlanta 12:35 Millionaire Matchmaker 13:30 Emmerdale 14:00 Coronation Street 14:30 Coronation Street 15:00 The Jeremy Kyle Show 16:05 The Jeremy Kyle Show 17:10 The Real Housewives of Atlanta 18:05 Millionaire Matchmaker 19:00 The Jeremy Kyle Show 20:00 You’ve Been Framed! 20:45 Britain’s Got Talent 22:00 Van Helsing 24:35 The Invention of Lying






07:00 Daybreak 09:30 Lorraine 10:25 The Jeremy Kyle Show 11:30 This Morning 13:30 Loose Women 14:30 ITV News 15:00 Rory Bremner’s Great British Views 16:00 Dickinson’s Real Deal 16:59 ITV Central Weather 17:00 Tipping Point 18:00 The Chase 19:00 ITV News 19:25 Party Election Broadcast 19:30 ITV News and Weather 20:00 Emmerdale 20:30 Live UEFA Champions League 23:00 ITV News 23:35 The Big Quiz - Benidorm v Essex 24:35 In Plain Sight

07:10 The Hoobs 07:35 The Hoobs 08:05 According to Jim 08:30 Everybody Loves Raymond 09:25 Frasier 11:00 The Secret Millionaire 12:00 Location, Location, Location 13:00 Channel 4 News 13:05 Come Dine with Me 13:35 What’s Cooking? 14:45 Four Rooms 15:45 Countdown 16:30 1001 Things You Should Know 17:00 Deal or No Deal 18:00 Five Minutes to a Fortune 19:00 The Simpsons 19:30 Hollyoaks 20:00 Channel 4 News 20:55 4thought.tv 21:00 Embarrassing Bodies: Live from the Clinic 22:00 Cutting Edge 23:00 Shameless 24:05 Ben Earl: Trick Artist

07:00 Childrens TV 09:10 Mio Mao 09:30 Castle Farm 09:35 Roary the Racing Car 09:50 Bananas in Pyjamas 10:00 Tickety Toc 10:15 The Wright Stuff 12:10 Emergency Bikers 13:10 5 News Lunchtime 13:15 Cowboy Builders 14:15 Home and Away 14:45 Neighbours 15:15 NCIS 16:15 McBride: It’s Murder, Madam 18:00 5 News 18:30 Neighbours 19:00 Home and Away 19:30 5 News 20:00 Extraordinary People 21:00 Big Body Squad 22:00 CSI 23:00 Body of Proof 23:55 Dallas 24:55 CSI: NY

07:00 Emmerdale 07:25 Coronation Street 07:55 Coronation Street 08:25 The Jeremy Kyle Show 09:10 You’ve Been Framed! 09:40 Judge Judy 10:05 The Only Way Is Essex 11:35 The Real Housewives of Atlanta 12:35 Millionaire Matchmaker 13:30 Emmerdale 14:00 Coronation Street 14:30 Coronation Street 15:00 The Jeremy Kyle Show 16:05 The Jeremy Kyle Show 17:10 The Real Housewives of Atlanta 18:35 Millionaire Matchmaker 19:30 You’ve Been Framed! 21:00 Peter Andre: My Life 22:00 The Vampire Diaries 23:00 666 Park Avenue 24:00 Celebrity Juice 24:45 Totally Bonkers Guinness World Records

07:00 Switched 07:25 90210 08:05 Ugly Betty 08:50 Desperate Housewives 09:40 Scrubs 10:10 Rules of Engagement 10:40 Charmed 11:35 90210 12:30 Ugly Betty 13:30 Hollyoaks 14:00 How I Met Your Mother 15:00 Scrubs 15:30 Scrubs 16:00 Charmed 17:00 Rules of Engagement 18:00 How I Met Your Mother 19:00 The Big Bang Theory 20:00 Hollyoaks 20:30 How I Met Your Mother 21:30 The Big Bang Theory 22:00 New Girl 22:30 The Mindy Project 23:00 The Cleveland Show 23:30 The Inbetweeners 24:00 Rude Tube

TUESDAY 30th April


07:00 Breakfast 10:15 Fake Britain 11:00 Homes Under the Hammer 12:00 Don’t Get Done, Get Dom 12:45 Animal Frontline 13:15 Bargain Hunt 14:00 BBC News; Weather 14:45 Doctors 15:15 Escape to the Country 16:00 Perfection 16:45 The Hairy Bikers’ Food Tour of Britain 17:30 Antiques Road Trip 18:15 Pointless 19:00 BBC News 19:55 Party Election Broadcast 20:00 The One Show 20:30 EastEnders 21:00 Holby City 22:00 MasterChef 23:00 BBC News 23:35 The Wright Way 24:05 The Aviator


07:00 Homes Under the Hammer 08:00 Don’t Get Done, Get Dom 08:45 Animal Frontline 09:15 Saints and Scroungers 10:00 Great British Menu 11:00 Snooker: The World Championship 13:00 Daily Politics 14:00 Snooker: The World Championship 18:55 Party Election Broadcast 19:00 Eggheads 19:30 Flog It! 20:00 Snooker: The World Championship 21:00 Alex Polizzi: The Fixer 22:00 Keeping Britain Alive: The NHS in a Day 23:00 Later Live with Jools Holland 23:30 Newsnight 24:20 Snooker: The World Championship




07:00 Switched 07:20 90210 08:05 Ugly Betty 08:50 Desperate Housewives 09:45 Scrubs 10:10 Rules of Engagement 10:40 Charmed 11:35 90210 12:30 Ugly Betty 13:30 Hollyoaks 14:00 How I Met Your Mother 14:30 How I Met Your Mother 15:00 Scrubs 15:30 Scrubs 16:00 Charmed 17:00 Rules of Engagement 18:00 How I Met Your Mother 18:25 How I Met Your Mother 19:00 The Big Bang Theory 20:00 Hollyoaks 20:30 How I Met Your Mother 21:00 New Girl 21:30 The Mindy Project 22:00 Revenge 23:00 Made in Chelsea 24:05 The Inbetweeners 24:40 8 Out of 10 Cats








07:00 Breakfast 10:15 Fake Britain 11:00 Homes Under the Hammer 12:00 Don’t Get Done, Get Dom 12:45 Animal Frontline 13:15 Bargain Hunt 14:00 BBC News 14:45 Doctors 15:15 Escape to the Country 16:00 Perfection 16:45 The Hairy Bikers’ Food Tour of Britain 17:30 Antiques Road Trip 18:15 Pointless 19:00 BBC News 20:00 The One Show 21:00 Watchdog 22:00 MasterChef 23:00 BBC News 23:35 A Question of Sport 24:05 Michael Clayton

07:00 This Is BBC Two 07:15 Homes Under the Hammer 08:15 Don’t Get Done, Get Dom 09:00 Animal Frontline 09:30 Great British Menu 10:30 See Hear 11:00 Snooker: The World Championship 12:30 Daily Politics 14:00 Snooker: The World Championship 19:00 Eggheads 19:30 Flog It! 20:00 Snooker: The World Championship 21:00 Coast 22:00 This World 23:00 Celebrity Mastermind 23:30 Newsnight 24:20 Snooker: The World Championship

07:00 Daybreak 09:30 Lorraine 10:25 The Jeremy Kyle Show 11:30 This Morning 13:30 Loose Women 14:30 ITV News 15:00 Rory Bremner’s Great British Views 16:00 Dickinson’s Real Deal 16:59 ITV Central Weather 17:00 Tipping Point 18:00 The Chase 19:00 ITV News 20:00 Emmerdale 20:30 Coronation Street 21:00 All Star Mr & Mrs 22:00 Scott & Bailey 23:00 ITV News 23:35 We Love the Monkees 24:35 The Dales

07:10 The Hoobs 07:35 The Hoobs 08:05 According to Jim 08:30 Everybody Loves Raymond 09:25 Frasier 11:00 The Secret Millionaire 12:00 Location, Location, Location 13:00 Channel 4 News 13:05 Come Dine with Me 13:35 What’s Cooking? 14:45 Four Rooms 15:45 Countdown 16:30 1001 Things You Should Know 17:00 Deal or No Deal 18:00 Five Minutes to a Fortune 19:00 The Simpsons 19:30 Hollyoaks 20:00 Channel 4 News 20:55 4thought.tv 21:00 Phil Spencer: Secret Agent 22:00 24 Hours in A&E 23:00 10 O’Clock Live 23:55 Random Acts 24:00 The Hoarder Next Door

07:00 Childrens TV 09:10 Mio Mao 09:15 Peppa Pig 09:30 Castle Farm 09:35 Roary the Racing Car 09:50 Bananas in Pyjamas 10:00 Tickety Toc 10:15 The Wright Stuff 12:10 Ben Fogle: New Lives in the Wild 13:10 5 News 13:15 Rolf’s Animal Clinic 14:15 Home and Away 14:45 Neighbours 15:15 NCIS 16:15 Soldier Love Story 18:00 5 News 18:30 Neighbours 19:00 Home and Away 19:30 5 News 20:00 Frontline Police 21:00 Emergency Bikers 22:00 NCIS 23:00 Law & Order 23:55 CSI 24:55 Poker

07:00 Emmerdale 07:25 Britain’s Got More Talent 08:25 The Jeremy Kyle Show 09:10 You’ve Been Framed! 09:40 The Only Way Is Essex 10:25 The Only Way Is Essex 11:05 The Real Housewives of Atlanta 12:35 Millionaire Matchmaker 13:30 Emmerdale 14:00 Britain’s Got More Talent 15:00 The Jeremy Kyle Show 16:05 The Jeremy Kyle Show 17:10 The Real Housewives of Atlanta 18:05 Millionaire Matchmaker 19:00 The Jeremy Kyle Show 20:00 You’ve Been Framed! 20:30 You’ve Been Framed! 21:00 Totally Bonkers Guinness World Records 21:30 Totally Bonkers Guinness World Records 22:00 Benidorm 23:00 The Grudge 24:55 Totally Bonkers Guinness World Records

07:00 Switched 07:20 90210 08:05 Ugly Betty 08:50 Desperate Housewives 09:45 Scrubs 10:10 Rules of Engagement 10:40 Charmed 11:35 90210 12:30 Ugly Betty 13:30 Hollyoaks 14:00 How I Met Your Mother 14:30 How I Met Your Mother 15:00 Scrubs 15:30 Scrubs 16:00 Charmed 17:00 Rules of Engagement 18:00 How I Met Your Mother 19:00 The Big Bang Theory 20:00 Hollyoaks 20:30 Youngers 21:00 Journey to the Center of the Earth 23:00 Rude Tube 24:05 Made in Chelsea

26 apr - 2 may 2013








07:00 Breakfast 10:15 Fake Britain 11:00 Homes Under the Hammer 12:00 Don’t Get Done, Get Dom 12:45 Animal Frontline 13:15 Bargain Hunt 14:00 BBC News 14:45 Doctors 15:15 Escape to the Country 16:00 Perfection 16:45 The Hairy Bikers’ Food Tour of Britain 17:30 Antiques Road Trip 18:15 Pointless 19:00 BBC News 20:00 The One Show 20:30 EastEnders 21:00 Waterloo Road 22:00 MasterChef 23:00 BBC News 23:35 Question Time 24:35 This Week

07:00 This Is BBC Two 07:05 Homes Under the Hammer 08:05 Don’t Get Done, Get Dom 08:50 Animal Frontline 09:20 Saints and Scroungers 10:05 Great British Menu 11:05 British Railway Journeys 11:35 HARDtalk 12:00 BBC News 13:00 Daily Politics 14:00 Snooker: The World Championship 19:00 Eggheads 19:30 Flog It! 20:00 Snooker: The World Championship 22:00 The Politician’s Husband 23:00 Watson & Oliver 23:30 Newsnight 24:20 Snooker: The World Championship

07:00 Daybreak 09:30 Lorraine 10:25 The Jeremy Kyle Show 11:30 This Morning 13:30 Loose Women 14:30 ITV News 15:00 Rory Bremner’s Great British Views 16:00 Dickinson’s Real Deal 16:59 ITV Central Weather 17:00 Tipping Point 18:00 The Chase 19:00 ITV News 19:45 Emmerdale 20:45 Live UEFA Europa League Football 23:10 ITV News 23:45 Vicious 24:15 The Job Lot 24:45 All Star Family Fortunes

07:10 The Hoobs 07:35 The Hoobs 08:05 According to Jim 08:30 Everybody Loves Raymond 09:25 Frasier 09:55 Frasier 10:30 Frasier 11:00 The Secret Millionaire 12:00 Location, Location, Location 13:00 Channel 4 News 13:05 Come Dine with Me 13:35 What’s Cooking? 14:45 Four Rooms 15:45 Countdown 16:30 1001 Things You Should Know 17:00 Deal or No Deal 18:00 Five Minutes to a Fortune 19:00 The Simpsons 19:30 Hollyoaks 20:00 Channel 4 News 20:55 4thought.tv 21:00 Secret Eaters 22:00 The Repo Man 23:00 12 Year Old Lifer: True Stories 24:15 24 Hours in A&E

07:00 Childrens TV 09:15 Peppa Pig 09:20 Peppa Pig 09:25 Peppa Pig 09:35 Roary the Racing Car 09:45 Milkshake! Show Songs 09:50 Bananas in Pyjamas 10:00 Tickety Toc 10:15 The Wright Stuff 12:10 Big Body Squad 13:10 5 News 13:15 The Hotel Inspector 14:15 Home and Away 14:45 Neighbours 15:15 The Mentalist 16:15 Deadly Visions 18:00 5 News 18:30 Neighbours 19:00 Home and Away 19:30 5 News 20:00 The Hotel Inspector 21:00 Born to Kill 22:00 Trauma Doctors 23:00 On Deadly Ground

07:00 Emmerdale 07:25 Coronation Street 07:55 Planet’s Funniest Animals 08:25 The Jeremy Kyle Show 09:10 You’ve Been Framed! 09:40 Judge Judy 10:05 The Only Way Is Essex 10:50 The Only Way Is Essex 11:35 The Real Housewives of Atlanta 12:35 Millionaire Matchmaker 13:30 Emmerdale 14:00 Coronation Street 14:30 Judge Judy 15:00 The Jeremy Kyle Show 16:05 The Jeremy Kyle Show 17:10 The Real Housewives of Atlanta 18:05 Millionaire Matchmaker 19:00 The Jeremy Kyle Show 20:00 You’ve Been Framed! 20:30 You’ve Been Framed! 21:00 Dinner Date: Australia 22:00 Peter Andre: My Life 23:00 Celebrity Juice 23:50 Harold & Kumar Get the Munchies

CROSSWORD SOLUTIONS 705 Cryptic Solutions Across: 1 Verge; 4 Doodles; 8 Nippers; 9 Elgar; 10 Tide; 11 Practice; 13 Upas; 14 Rate; 16 Bachelor; 17 Spur; 20 Ideal; 21 Opening; 22 Derides; 23 First. Down: 1 Venetian blind; 2 Rapid; 3 Eyes; 4 Desire; 5 Overcoat; 6 Lignite; 7 Serves us right; 12 Labelled; 13 Unclear; 15 Porous; 18 Prior; 19 Reef.

Quick solutions Across: 1 Amass; 4 Stipend; 8 Gladden; 9 Press; 10 Open; 11 Headland; 13 Elan; 14 Ante; 16 Accuracy; 17 Pert; 20 Inapt 21 Undoing; 22 Natural; 23 Tress. Down: 1 Agglomeration; 2 Adage; 3 Side; 4 Singer; 5 Impudent; 6 Elevate; 7 Disadvantages; 12 Narrator; 13 Enchant; 15 Actual; 18 Exile; 19 Edit.

E4 07:00 Switched 07:20 90210 08:05 Ugly Betty 08:50 Desperate Housewives 09:40 Scrubs 10:10 Rules of Engagement 10:40 Charmed 11:35 90210 12:30 Ugly Betty 13:30 Hollyoaks 14:00 How I Met Your Mother 15:00 Scrubs 15:30 Scrubs 16:00 Charmed 17:00 Rules of Engagement 17:25 Rules of Engagement 18:00 How I Met Your Mother 19:00 The Big Bang Theory 20:00 Hollyoaks 20:30 How I Met Your Mother 21:00 The Big Bang Theory 21:30 How I Met Your Mother 22:00 The New Normal 22:30 2 Broke Girls 23:00 The Body Shocking Show 23:35 Rude Tube 24:05 Fresh Meat

What’s on Viva TV this week VIVA TV broadcasts on the Torresat Networks every day from 2.00pm until 10pm. And you can watch all our programmes and find our full listings at www.vivatv.es Friday 26th April An Evening With... Two of the best local Irish musicians for an evening of folk music from back home. 19.00 Saturday 27th April Celebrity Archive – Simon talks to Robson Green – actor, singer/songwriter & TV presenter. 18.00 Sunday 28th April Host Your Own(series) The Costa Blanca’s answer to “Come Dine With Me” – Ep. 6 Caroline Brennan hosts a delightfully ‘fruity’ evening. 19.30 Monday 29th April Let’s Talk – Simon Baldock is with Emma Busson, a young local model with an impressive international

modelling pedigree. 19.30 Tuesday 30th April Dave & Andy’s Excellent Adventures (series) – the boys navigate their way down a canyon through raging torrents, over rocks, waterfalls and down cliffs. 18.30 Wednesday 1st May Speekee (NEW series) A fun way to learn Spanish for younger viewers. See more at www.speekee.co.uk 18.05 Thursday 2nd May Soltails – Sean McSeveney goes in search of the elusive double figure carp at the beautiful Embalse d’Amadario near Benidorm. 19.30

26 APR - 2 MAY 2013

Life recipe

Pear and Kiwi Cheesecake A RIOT of colour and flavour. How else could you describe this outrageously simple desert?

FOR THE KIWI COULIS • 4 ripe kiwi fruit • 50g icing sugar 1. Crush the digestive biscuits in a bowl

Catral Paella Fiesta

By Keith Nicol MAY FIRST is a Red Day and Catral will be hosting a Paella Fiesta on Wednesday, which will take place from 10:00am in the Parque de la Palmera. But, get on the ball because it’s a popular event and you must reserve your table and chairs today 26th April, at the latest, in the Catral Joven on Calle Músico Miralles Quinto, beside the Casa de Cultura . There will be free wood and beer as well a bouncy castle for the children and music provided by various DJ’s.

Novelda Tapas Route

IT REQUIRES no cooking and you can prepare it in advance. You will need a 3inch metal pastry cutter, about 2 inches tall, and a blowtorch to help loosen the cheesecakes. FOR THE CHEESECAKE • 4 pears, peeled, cored and cut into small cubes • 500g mascarpone cheese (whipped cream would be just as nice) • 6-8 digestive biscuits • 50g soft brown sugar • 25g melted butter


and mix with the brown sugar and melted butter. 2. In a separate bowl, mix together the mascarpone and pear pieces. 3. Place a 3-inch metal pastry cutter in the middle of a serving plate and spoon in a quarter of the crumb mixture. Add a quarter of the mascarpone and pear mixture and press down firmly with a spoon or pallet knife. Using a blowtorch, gently heat the outside of the pastry cutter for no more than a few seconds, then slide off. Repeat for the remaining

three cheesecakes and chill. 4. Make the coulis. Cut the tops and bottoms from the kiwis and pare off the outer skin. Reserve 4 slices and place on top of the cheesecakes. Mash the remaining kiwis with a fork (you could use a blender) and add the icing sugar. Pass the mashed fruit through a fine sieve, discarding the black pips. Drizzle the coulis around the cheesecakes just before serving. Serves: 4 Preparation time: 20 minutes

If you have a recipe you would like to share with RTN Readers, email your recipe and if possible a photo to rtnmail@roundtownnews.com

By Keith Nicol TAPAS ROUTES are all the rage these days, led locally by Torrevieja where you can enjoy a tapa and a drink for just 2€ in any of the 78 participating cafes, bars and restaurants through Sunday. A little further inland, Novelda will be hosting its sixth Tapas Route from the 22 April to the 12 May 2013, featuring 28 local bars, cafes and restaurants, offering a their own, traditional tapa for 2€. The Tapas Route will be followed by a Dessert Route from the 13 May to the 2 June and then A Cocktail Route from the 3 to 30 June! Once you’ve collected 10 tickets, one for each tapa, dessert or cocktail, you can enter into a prize draw to win a voucher to use in any of the participating establishments for 10€ or possibly win a trip to Cádiz!


26 APR - 2 MAY 2013

Life health Get on yer bike

Monthly cycling tips, advice and routes CYCLOGICAL: CYCLE ROUTE 14: CYCLING AROUND THE SIERRA ESPUNA AREA WE LEFT Quesada on a Saturday afternoon: only six of us in 2 two cars with bikes on board and headed towards Murcia. We passed Murcia and took the Almeria road turning off at Alhama de Murcia. In the town centre we turned right following the signs for Mula and Pliego, driving for approximately 15 minutes along this road which is the start of the nature / reserve park of Sierra Espuna. We arrived at the Hotel La Mariposa and were staying and were met by Mark, Sam and Tom, mine hosts. After checking into our rooms we had a walk round the hotel, gardens, pool area etc. a quick drink at the well stocked bar then went for a small walk up in the hills directly opposite the hotel where the views were stunning. There are a

few walks around the hotel; they are all marked out and easy to follow. We walked for about 3kms then returned to the hotel for a refreshing dip in the pool before supper. First thing in the morning we were up early for breakfast, bikes out of the secure storage that Mark provided and started cycling towards Pliego. It took us about an hour on beautifully quiet roads. Enjoying the breath-taking scenery, we cycled downhill for about 3kms right through the town of Pliego and straight on toward Mula, where we cycled up a very steep hill to the castle to take some photographs and to see the city from above. The town square was alive with people so we stopped there for a coffee before our steep climb back up through Pliego. Once back at the top of the Espuna we headed toward

the hotel, this time taking a loop road through the picturesque village of El Berro, passing the large campsite and enjoying the gorgeous scenery. We arrived back at the hotel about 4pm where we loaded the bikes, had a swim and a shower and headed to Lorca for our supper. This was a brilliant trip and we will start to use this area more as there are so many roads and places to see. Mark, Sam and their family have excellent facilities at The Mariposa Hotel, with activities for everyone and they go out of their way to make guests feel at home. So if you fancy a few days away then this is the place for you. Total cycling time : 6 hours Total distance: 50kms Summary: Very hilly some very steep and challenging but we were rewarded by the views

All routes are now available from our website: www.cyclogicalcostablanca.com and from our newly published book “ Cycling tips and Advice” with 20 cycle routes around the Costa Blanca. Gary and Lynn are available at Cyclogical in Quesada Monday to Friday from 9.30am till 5.30pm and from 10am till 2pm on Saturdays to assist and advise you on all you’re cycling requirements.

Dr Xavier Dutey-Harispe D.C Clinica Quiropractica Algorfa Carretera Almoradi, No.18 Bajo 03169, Algorfa Tel: 965 071 898 / 618 337 616 (out of clinic hours)

SCIATICA - NO NEED TO SUFFER Have you ever had pain down the back of your leg? Pain in the bottom? That pain could be Sciatica, caused by pressure on the sciatic nerve. Impingement of the sciatic nerve results in the severe symptoms of sciatica. Many people have low back pain before they experience sciatica, but some people only have the leg pain. The sciatic nerve is the longest nerve in the body, pressure can be placed on it at many locations. Disc bulges or a misalignment in the lumbar vertebra of the lower back or spinal degeneration from long standing back problems can be the cause of sciatica. Dr Dutey-Harispe will be able to fully assess your problem and accurately determine where the pressure on the sciatic nerve is coming from and then treat it. We can help with this, or any one of the following problems. * All back & neck related * High blood pressure

* Joint pain * Sports related injuries


* Vertigo

The clinic has also treated patients with acupuncture for: * Stress * Stopping smoking * Insomnia

Please view our website or call us, we are happy to help. Hours of opening: Tuesday & Wednesday: Thursday:


9.00 - 14.00 16.00 - 21.00


WANT TO join a nonprofit organisation which is thriving on the Costa Blanca and committed to supporting charitable causes and bringing people together? There are Freemasons lodges throughout the Costa Blanca who meet on a weekly basis and welcome new members. For more information please contact Harry Palmer by email at palmers. quesada@yahoo.co.uk or 96 671 2326.

Our patients are a testimony to the success of the treatment of osteoarthritis Contrary to popular belief, osteoarthritis is not due to age-related ‘wear and tear’ on your joints. It tends to be more common as you get older – affecting around 80% of people over the age of 50 to some degree – but it is not a normal part of ageing. Osteoarthritis develops in a joint when changes occur in the cartilage; the soft tissue that protects the surface of a bone and allows the joint to move freely. These changes may be due to damage that occurred many years before any symptoms appear.

Shockwave therapy offers an exciting addition to the treatment options for osteoarthritis, with little to no risk of adverse side effects.  Shockwave therapy can help significantly reduce the inflammation of the joint.  The therapy helps to slow the progression of osteoarthritis and it can actually alter the process of cartilage degradation.  The shockwaves stimulate certain components within the body, so the body is able to heal. Shockwave therapy is able to accomplish this even in chronic cases.  Shockwave therapy seems to have a direct effect on nerves, diminishing pain.  The treatment vastly increases movement. We find that many patients get an initial degree of improvement almost immediately following treatment. Our patients are able to resume normal lives free of the inhibitions that they previously experienced. Please refer to our website for more information and if you are a patient that has benefitted from our treatments, please send us your testimony via the website.

Life people

Sofaland and Bedland just got bigger 500€ Part Exchange Allowance on all sofas IF YOU are looking to buy a new sofa or bed, a visit to Sofaland International is a MUST! The family owned business is run by Managing Director, Mark, and he told RTN about the history of the business. “Last Monday we moved our Sofaland warehouse from Los Montesinos, to a much bigger location just outside of Quesada, on the main road to Torrevieja, off the CV905. It’s just off the roundabout close to Consum and Lidl. We’ve been open for more than ten years and in that time we have built up a good reputation with our customers, with seven out of ten coming as a direct result of customer recommendation.” The family have been in business in the UK since 1972, with shops and warehouses in London and Essex. Mark continued: “As we are a family run business, we have a philosophy which is simple; we buy good quality sofas and beds in bulk and pass on the discounts direct to our customers.” QUALITY RTN went to visit their very large warehouse between Quesada and Torrevieja during their opening week. Mark added: “As well as supplying our customers with a great new sofa, we also offer a 500€ part exchange allowance

for your old suite.” They also offer free storage of your new sofa or bed if needed and there is a huge selection of sofas in stock with new styles and designs arriving on a monthly basis. You can also choose whether or not you want leather or fabric, reclining sofas or chairs, spectacular chaise longues and corner units; all of which come in an array of colours and different combinations. So, before you purchase your new sofa or bed, call into Sofaland and Bedland: you will be pleased you did! Mark concluded: “We pride ourselves on quality at the best possible price and a level of service that is second to none.” They are open Monday thru Friday from 9.00am until 5.00pm and from 9.00am until 1.00pm on Saturday. They don’t take a siesta, so you can nip in at lunchtime too. They offer a free local delivery service, divan bed fixing, up to 300€ extra discount on stock sofas, plus fantastic selections on beds, which are available in both Spanish and British sizes. Plus, as their thank you gift to you, anyone spending 1,000€ or more will receive a dozen bottles of wine, while stocks last. For more information on Sofaland and Bedland offers, call 966 843 916 or email sofalandinternational@yahoo.co.uk.

26 APR - 2 MAY 2013



26 APR - 2 MAY 2013

Life horoscopes Mars and Saturn ply their trade with a wilful Scorpio, bent on revenge and putting the World to rights. It is hard to imagine that much could be achieved by this corner, but Saturn, in infinite wisdom, does take on an embittered Scorpio and a tortured Mars; and the result is something rather wonderful and inspiring after all.

Mars moves in on Taurus bringing negativity and doubt into the equation and uncertainty and discord to follow. This will prove to be a testing time, but you are seen to respond with your usual good humour, and endless hope that you can work through the situation and put your stamp on the good result just around the corner.


I HAVE always loved working with Angels, ever since I took the time to find out more about them. It was fascinating to learn about the different roles that they play as the messengers that they are. To find out that they have a Police force to ensure they toe the line, and that they cover the entire World; and that some just surround the throne of God Actions do speak louder than words this week as things with purpose to illuminate it, makes them so special. come to a head and solution and compassion is needed. In blissful ignorance I thought that the minor angels Mercury makes an appearance at the end of the week served the Earth, but it is certainly not so; the most frequent bringing closure and setting the record finally straight. There visitors to the Earth plane are the Archangels. It is very is much to be learned by what has happened, but so much important that we put things into perspective since no Angel that needs to be just simply forgotten. ever lives on Earth, but they rely on being invited by us, The Moon’s phase illuminates some solution and ensues usually I feel as the result of being needed in an emergency. that someone gets their just desserts. In hindsight so much In such a panic when you need a result and you need it now, should have been made clear from the beginning, but if and we have all been there, you can call on any Angel and anyone could have handled all this it is you, and you can they have a duty of care to respond, find the appropriate congratulate yourself on a job well done and a great result all around, under the circumstances. Angel needed, or their substitute. Don’t forget however to A great chance to show those who have doubted you, as of invite them to Earth, without an invitation they can’t come. Also say goodbye and thank you too. late, just what you are really made of, and to make a clear cut statement that you are not to be messed with. It is very There have been many sightings of Angels through the important to maintain this level of operation, since actions ages. Just before the Battle of the Somme, Angels with with Mercury in early May give you a good opportunity to golden hair and blue eyes rode through the battlefield on put everything into practise. the backs of white horses. Many soldiers saw them, and The secret of your success is lying within as you get to grips the report of their presence was made by both sides of with the inner you. Do not make it difficult on yourself, but the warring factions at the time. The greatest ever number explore your specific wants and needs to unleash all that of Angels seen here on Earth was viewed by a Methodist pent up emotion and indecisive energy. You have never Temperance Sunday School outing in the West Country in let your heart rule your head, but your emotions shouldn’t the 1940s. Angels appeared to be clamouring down a hill to have to be worn on your sleeve either. make contact, and one thing’s for sure, none of the surprised Both Mars and Mercury take on your sister planet, and witnesses were on the gin at the time. bring each their own version of what’s best for you. Voicing your opinion and gathering strengths from your own self confidence means that you no longer have to hide, unless you really want to. There is unfinished business and work to be done, what are you waiting for?

Kennys diary

Saturn, op[posed by Mars, stands serene and tall and awaits the divulgence of a guilty secret from you. There are some things that have to be well hidden and others that are awaiting the right time and the right place. Now is the time to make your choices and make your move as a harmonious Saturn directs you safely on. It is very important that you get the answers that you need, right now, as you cannot support someone who doesn’t seem to want to help themselves. In your great capacity as a friend and advisor you should not be scared as to where to tread nor should you have to think of anyone biting the hand that is currently feeding them. Securely ensconced in Pluto you must be aware that there is a sweeping climate of change and that there is a need to know just where you really stand in the current scheme of things. Unafraid and undaunted by whatever it takes to make things right, tune into your deeply psychic inner energies to see what’s needed. A test of your loyalty comes into play and you are being asked to take sides, which really goes against what you stand for. Staying at a distance isn’t sitting on the hedge, it is a need to wait and see who best needs your help in a vain attempt that someone will come to their senses. Blame reactions on Uranus taking on Aries in opposition. A financial transaction may not bring you what you had hoped for but it is the start of minor compensations that are due to you just now. The past few weeks have seen some minor niggling and irritating problems surfacing, but you have kept a lid on it and better times are on the way as the Cosmos makes an attempt to make things right again.

Albir Readings: The End of the Mayan Calendar has brought the Maya Bistro in Albir a brand new name. In future it will be known as SOMETHING ELSE. Readings are available on Monday April 29th and Wednesday 1st May from 17.00. Call for bookings for mini readings on: 966 868 213. DNA: A Spring Workshop: A one day workshop that helps you to charge your own unique Spiritual DNA. An intensive workshop, open to all, that intensifies, accelerates and inspires Spiritual progress and indicates the clear way ahead. Dates in April/May, or can travel to your own group or organisation. For details please call Kenny directly on 686 361 594 or leave a message on: 96 587 8424. Meditation Workshop: Working with your Sanctuary is a half day workshop in Meditation technique. No previous experience necessary and all welcome as we explore our hidden depths. May dates. Call for info.

If it’s your birthday this week

Kenny corris www.kennycorris.net

Much has happened to the make up of what is an Angel. They have been promoted as fluffy individuals with feathers, made into jewellery and candles, carved in crystal, painted in oils and watercolours, and elevated annually to the top of the very best dressed Christmas trees. We each have an idea of an Angel, I won’t trivialise or spoil your own concept! The four main Archangels of the Covenant are the very best four Angels to get to know. In meditation or deep thought imagine that Michael, King of Angels is there by your right hand side, and call him in. The left side will reveal Gabriel the messenger Archangel with bugle; as ever prepared to pass messages on including, as he did, the prediction of the birth of Christ, and the writing of the Koran, because Mohammed was illiterate. Archangel Raphael always goes ahead to be able to look back at you, viewing your graces and bidding changes if you want to make them. The fourth Archangel stands firmly behind you to guard you and keep you safe, he is Uriel, a heavenly bouncer, with the biggest wings of all! When life gets you down, when you need a boost, when all seems lost or you want to help someone bring these wonderful Archangels together, simply by inviting them in. They will work with you whether you believe in them or not, but if you do then something rather wonderful happens. Call when you like, and when you need to. These faithful four will be there to do what they can any which way. They are unafraid of the World we live in and that’s just as well considering……..!

Love & Light... Kenny Corris


Email your letters to me at: kennycorris@roundtownnews.com

KENNY, WHAT does retrograde mean in the horoscopes? Benny K. Astrology looks heavenward from the Earth. This Earth and other Planets all travel in space as they continue each their own orbit around the Sun. However some Planets move faster then others and may overtake the Earth, just as we may subsequently overtake any slower moving Planet. In either case this makes some Planets appear to move backwards in the sky, although this is an optical illusion. Mercury and Venus travel faster than the Earth since they are nearer the Sun and have a lesser trajectory. Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto have orbits outside of the Earth, move more slowly and will be overtaken from time to time in retrograde periods. The biggest caution is that the initialling Planet hosting the retrograde suffers a little for 24 hours or more on the onset. Retrograde points are not the best time to make long term plans or to sign anything…….. unless you really have to; better to wait if you can!

You really need to know what you are working towards as confusing messages are having a negative effect on future plans and schemes. With your inimitable style uncompromised, and a close twist of fate nearing, take every advantage as it comes.


Cryptic Crossword ACROSS 7. Lovers’ suit, perhaps (6) 8. Ten among the nonclerical people show slackness (6) 10. 14 in a royal way (7) 11. It’s a bit exceptional, a tiny boy using such language (5) 12. Cultivate a moneyholder (4) 13. Debar what isn’t there after a close shave (5) 17. It comes from the bright lights put out when 2 and 10 are curtailed (5) 18. Just a periodical market (4) 22. A team taken apart (5) 23. Assert it’s hot from the printing-machine? (7) 24. Write your name again - and give up work! (6) 25. Game bird evokes grumble (6)

Word Ladders


26 APR - 2 MAY 2013

DOWN 1. Benevolence, but cautious about it (7) 2. 10 in great measure (7) 3. Not moving yet (5) 4. 2 where works of art may be shown (7) 5. Catalogues of combat (5) 6. Land that’s marshy enables animal to hide in it (5) 9. Gradually advancing through academic awards (2,7) 14. Abnormal reaction of 4 (7) 15. Cautious addition of fuel mixture to vehicle (7) 16. Bit of furniture in the robing-room? (7) 19. Henry will give one a vexing time (5) 20. Before a second has passed (5) 21. Wine from the South used in merry-making (5)

The key rule is that you must only change one letter at a time as you move from one rung to another, and the word you make must be a proper word! Therefore you may move from BATH --> BATS but not from BATH --> CASH because that changes two letters in one go which is not allowed.

Quick Crossword

ACROSS 7. Choice (6) 8. Amenable (6) 10. Puzzle (7) 11. Harmony (5) 12. Revolve (4) 13. Cut (5) 17. Abode (5) 18. Solitary (4) 22. Skill (5) 23. Tramp (7) 24. Pressing (6) 25. Winner (6)

DOWN 1. Liken (7) 2. Surprise (7) 3. Jovial (5) 4. Intricate (7) 5. Last (5) 6. At no time (5) 9. Dear (9) 14. Satisfied (7) 15. Fidelity (7) 16. Speculation (7) 19. Scour (5) 20. Scope (5) 21. Once more (5)

Euromillions Draw Friday 19th April 2013


8 42 46 48





No ticket won

Tuesday 23rd April 2013

Last weeks crossword answers can be found on on page 47.

1 4 7 10 50

No ticket won


26 APR - 2 MAY 2013

Life spanish

Basic Spanish for everyday needs by Jane Cronin

Step by Step Spanish - 29 SOMETHING LESS taxing that the present subjunctive was promised for this week so please take a deep breath and relax, as I do keep my promises! I did struggle a little to think of something that I haven’t written about before. I MEAN, I have written in the region of 300 articles about the Spanish language, and sometimes I accidentally write the same one twice. Anyway, inspiration came to me earlier on in the shower – I’ve never written about colours! I presume you know the basic ones – “rojo”, “azul”, “amarillo”, “verde”. Some people are surprised by the word for brown – “marrón” as they assume it means “maroon”. “Marrón” is also used colloquially to mean “a mess” or “a pain” (the mental association, for me any way, is “a heap of ..” something). “Blanco” obviously means “white” but it also means “blank”. “Tener la mente en blanco” means to have a blank mind, or “to go blank”. Next time this happens when you’re speaking Spanish, maybe you could remember to say “tengo la mente en blanco” – except that then it would be true – never mind! In English we say “black and white” but the Spanish put the words in the opposite order “blanco y negro”, abbreviated to B/N when discussing photos and adverts. In between those two we have “gris” which has a pronunciation closer to the English word “grease” that the first half of the word “gris-tle”. Orange is the same word as the fruit “naranja” and pink is the same word as the flower “rosa”. Both of these colours, along with “crema” end in the letter “a”. Remember that colours are adjectives and as such change their endings to agree with the nouns they describe. This

means that those which end in “o” change four times – “libro negro, silla negra, libros negros, sillas negras”. Those that don’t end in “o” can only change twice – “libro verde, silla verde, libros verdes, sillas verdes”. Also, remember that if the adjective ends in a consonant (e.g. azul) we add “es” to make the plural, as in “ojos azules”. Anyway, going back to “rosa”, “naranja” and “crema” these also only change twice – that is, they retain the “a” ending for both masculine and feminine singular “vestido rosa” “papel naranja” but add the “s” as usual for plurals. The word for purple varies according to shade. “Morado” is dark purple and there is also “violeta”, “lila” and “malva”. Amongst the reds is a popular colour called “granate”. We actually don’t have a common single word in English to describe this colour but I think the closest equivalents are “burgundy” or “claret”. I find that when I get students to describe their furnishings they very quickly find the need for the word “beige”. Interestingly the Spanish have had to import this word and until recently have retained the spelling “beige” but pronounced it “beis”. However, it is now increasingly spelt “beis” as well. Here’s one more thing about colours – how do we say “-ish”? Well, “bluish” is “azulado”, “greenish” is “verdoso” “reddish” is “rojizo” and “yellowish” is “amarillento” –good for those more imprecise moments.

Thoughts UberFacts @UberFacts : 1 in 3 people say they would rather give up sex than give up their smartphone. Neil Sean @neilsean1: JLS split but where is the helpline ? no thought for fans #jls #xfactor #split #gays Boston Bomber Charged Bill Callaghan @BillyBeefeater: Just heard @BBCr4today #BostonBomber will be charged with using #WMD. It wasn’t nuke, bio or chemical, it’s not WMD. #Rabid #policing Alan Manshon @AlanManshon: boston bomber accused charged with WMD for a home-made device yet the US couldn’t find 1 WMD in Iraq. has the definition of a WMD changed? Kwame Rashe Gouveia @kwamethechosen : #BOSTONBOMBER charged I’m no judge but I’m glad who did it was caught its one thing with Boston you might do something but you get caught Britains Got Talent Simon Cowell @SimonCowell: I love the panel on bgt even though David is realllllly annoying at times. And we have the best presenters in the world. Ant and dec. Jordan OKeefe @jordyokeefe : I waited 4 years for that moment, watching other people go on the show and wishing it was me. Dreams come true. WOOOOOOO Retweeted by Britain’s Got Talent

Life books

Danny Collins - copy@dannyjpcollins.com

Delia’s Gift THE COPYRIGHT of this book was granted in 2009 but it isn’t held by the named writer, lauded on the cover as ‘the international bestselling author’. I find that rather surprising, as Virginia Cleo Andrews died of breast cancer in 1986. So successful were her books that her family formed the Vandela General Partnership and her books have been written since her death 29 years ago by novelist Andrew Neiderman. Frankly, I find such arrangements appalling and I must say the same for the book. A novel by Virginia Andrews, who was wheelchair-bound throughout her life, touched on the gothic with a family’s hidden secrets, usually derived from a forbidden liaison in which consensual incest occasionally reared its duplicitous head. I believe this darkness of the mind, which so enthralled her readers, stemmed from the tragic circumstances of her life. Since 1989 that has not been so for Mr Neiderman, whose prose comes across like Mark Twain attempting to imitate Barbara Cartland. Surprisingly, in his own right, Neiderman is a good writer – he wrote The Devil’s Advocate, for example. As for his cloying attempts to follow in the footsteps of Virginia Andrews, forget it. Delia’s Gift is pedantic and gooey. My gift to you is this advice: to read something else. Gil Gatoff at Librería Europa has plenty of readable books on the shelf. Do yourself a favour and steer around this one. Perhaps a last word here: the arrangement that sees Neiderman plaigerising Andrew’s name and reputation is a glaring example of all that’s wrong in publishing today, where the name on the cover, regardless of the trash inside, is all that matters profit wise. Most published authors get where they are through the ‘who you know’ system. I did so myself so this is not sour grapes. It’s just that Neiderman’s Andrews stinks. Author: named as Virginia C Andrews Publisher: Simon & Schuster Price: 9.45€ ISBN: 978 1 84739 474 3

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26 APR - 2 MAY 2013

Life cars

Brian Deller Author of Motoring in Spain

Motoring questions and Answers – Part 2 The screen washers must always contain a screen cleaning agent. Answer: i.e.water? Not a law but again the vehicle operators’ handbooks recommend what should be in the washer bottles and the water/fluid mixture should contain a low temperature agent to stop the cleaning fluid from freezing if the ambient conditions dictate this as well as a detergent. And of course there should always be fluid in the bottle. If the driver wears spectacles he or she must carry a spare pair. Answer: Correct. And the driver may be asked to show them at the roadside. Most cars have a plastic cubby-hole with easy access for the driver especially for spectacles. The new driving licences have a code that shows what restrictions the holder has, one being the need for glasses or contact lenses. Another is auto gear change only if applicable. Drivers must be fully dressed at all times Answer: Of course. In Valencia and even Barcelona swim suits are considered to be ‘undressed’ now. Driving/walking naked in public is absolutely forbidden unless you need somewhere to stay for the night. A fluorescent vest must be readily available for the driver and there must be a vest available for each of the maximum number of passengers you are allowed to carry. Answer: In the event of a breakdown or stopping

on a hard shoulder on a road outside of a welllit urban area with a speed limit over 50 kph no one may leave the car without first putting on an approved fluorescent vest. Be careful when renting a vehicle to ensure that it has vests and triangles. Do not accept it without these as you will be the one fined. CYCLISTS A helmet should be worn at all times. Answer: Correct and it must be CE approved as well as being securely fastened, as with motorcycle helmets. Lights should be fitted to the cycle and in a working condition. Answer: After dusk yes, or if needed so the road users can see the bicycle safely: a case for survival. A device should be fitted to warn others of your presence i.e. bell, horn, etc. Answer: Correct and vehicle horns must only be used to prevent an accident, not indiscriminately. You can be fined for that offence and some pueblos have ‘no Klaxon blowing at any time’ signs. You must be fully dressed at all times. Answer: Local laws apply as far as swimming costumes are concerned but I have always considered pretty girls riding bikes dressed only in a bikini as being extreme hazards for most men. If a cycle track is provided you should use this

and not the normal carriageway. Answer: Correct: again common sense. But children need to be taught this fact. Cyclists have priority at all junctions. Answer: Cyclists, like pedestrians and the rest of us, are road-users and are subject to obeying the same rules as drivers. So they must stop at traffic lights. They are not allowed to ride on pedestrian pathways or ride over Zebra crossings etc. However, other road users in motor vehicles should always be very wary when driving near cyclists as in the event of an accident, especially on roundabouts and junctions, the cyclist has a far better chance of being judged the innocent party unless you have solid witness statements to the contrary. I always give cyclists a wide berth even when changing lanes on main highways. But then I was a cyclist until the age of 17. On a weekend ride from London to Brighton up to 10 years after WW2 there were so few cars and masses of cyclists so knocking a cyclist over was a very risky thing to do. Dear readers please remember that most rules/ laws are made based on actual accident statistics and common sense. If everyone was sensible and intelligent enough to reason this, the rules would be unnecessary. Be safe out there. Brian Deller. Malaga: www.spainvia.com

There is much more detailed information on all motoring subjects in my book. Brian Juan (John) Deller, Malaga, author, ‘Motoring in Spain’ www.spainvia.com. Tel: 666 888 870 Brian Deller, author, book Motoring in Spain, ISBN No 978 84 611 9278 6. Shops’ addresses in my web site at: www.spainvia.com/bookshopslist.htm




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* AUTO *

* AUTO *

* AUTO *

SEAT IBIZA 1.9 SDI STELLA “2005” 4995 €

OPEL ASTRA 1.7 CDTi ENJOY “2008” 8995 € * EX DEMO *

PEUGEOT 508 1.6HDi ACTIVE CMP EX DEMO “2011” 19995 €

OPEL ASTRA EST 1.6i AUTO MTA ENJOY “2009” 8995 €

OPEL CORSA 1.3CDTi ENJOY “2008 7995 €


HYUNDAI GETZ 1.1i GLS “2004” 3995 €

PEUGEOT 308 1.6i 16v CONFORT “2010” 10995 €

PEUGEOT 207 1.4 HDi BUSINESS LINE “2011” 9995 €

MAZDA “6” 2.0i ACTIVE - NEW SHAPE “2008” 10995 €

SEAT IBIZA 1.4i 16v COOL “2007 5995 €

OPEL CORSA 1.3CDTi ENJOY “2008” 7995 €

* Cabrio *

* AS NEW * HYUNDAI I20 1.2i CLASSIC “2011” 8995 €

* 1 OWNER * CITROEN C5 1.6 HDI PREMIER “2010” 11995€

OPEL ASTRA 1.7CDTi ENJOY “2008 8995 €

CITROEN XSARA PICASSO 1.8i SX “2005” 5200 €

HYUNDAI MATRIX 1.5CRDi GLS PEUGEOT 307 C.C CABRIO 1.6i “2006” 5995 € 66Tkms “2005”.............7500 €

* AUTO *

* AUTO *

* AUTO * PEUGEOT 207 SW 1.6 HDi CONFORT “2010” 8995 €


PEUGEOT 207 CC CABRIO 1.6i AUTO - LEATHER “2008” 10995 €

* AUTO * FORD FOCUS 1.6i 16v AUTO TREND+ “2010” 9995 €


FORD FOCUS EST 1.6TDCi TREND + “2006”..................6995 €

OPEL NEW ASTRA 1.7 CDTi ENJOY “2010” 11995 €

TOYOTA YARIS 1.4 D4D LUNA “2006” 4995 €

* AUTO *

* AUTO *

CITROEN C5 2.0 HDi AUTO EXCLUSIVE “2009” 13500 €

MAZDA 3 1.6i ACTIVE “2008” 8995 €

VW GOLF VI 1.9 TDi DSG AUTO “2005” 6995 €

CITROEN C3 1.1i FURIO “2009 6300 €

OPEL CORSA 1.3 CDTi “2004” 4500 €

* 7 SEATS *

OPEL ZAFIRA 1.9 CDTi ENJOY 7 SEATS “2005” 7995 €

FORD NEW FIESTA 1.3i TREND “2010” 7995 €

FORD FOCUS 1.6i TREND “2005” 5995 €

CITROEN C3 1.1i FURIO+ “2010 6995 €

RENAULT GRAN SCENIC 1.5 DCI 69TKMS “2007” 8995 €

CITROEN NEW C3 1.4i LX “2010” 8995 €


CITROEN C4 PICASSO 1.6HDI SX “12/2007” 8995 €


AUDI TT ROADSTER 1.8T CABRIO 163BHP “2006” 11995 €

* AUTO *


* 1 OWNER*




FIAT BRAVO 1.6 JTD ACTIVE “2009” 8995 €


SKODA FABIA 1.2i YOUNG “2010” 7995 €

PEUGEOT 3008 1.6HDi ACTIVE - EX DEMO “2012” 18995 €


26 APR - 2 MAY 2013

Does it matter? NOEL’S WORLD OF GOLF By Noel Eastwell Teaching Professional Alicante Golf 639 730 891

EARLIER THIS week, I had the chance to spend some time with a member of the English Golf Union. This is the body that controls the handicaps of all golfers in England and the one we are most familiar with; the other home nations have identical organisations doing the same job. The conversation, as one would expect, came around to competition golf and I asked why golfers who do most of their training in Spain fail to compete at a higher level when they go to play in the top amateur competitions in England. He raised several good points that I am sure some of us have overlooked in the past in the search for the question of how handicaps are calculated. In mainland Europe, along with the majority of the rest of the golfing world, we see the slope system applied to practically all competitions. In the UK there is a system applied for the competitions that golfers play but it is not so generous in allowing for higher scores when playing conditions are more difficult. We also have the pick and place rule in place in the majority of competitions until just recently when the RFEG decided to change this. Without doubt these factors contribute largely to how scores are easier to come by. The vast majority of golfers here in Spain from

the expatriate community are retired: they play their golf for fun so does it really matter to them how handicaps are calculated? Well it does when they play competitive golf in local leagues and RFEG competitions as many do. The handicap system was introduced to produce a system whereby golfers of all abilities could compete with one another on a relatively level playing field; okay scratch golfers play a different format but they are in a very small minority and accept they play a different game. The real problems occur when we consider that most golf handicaps here are calculated from golf with societies that all seem to have different methods of calculating handicaps for their players. This obviously only affects those playing in local leagues and not RFEG events where handicaps are calculated using the approved system of the European Golf association; this in turn leads to even more complications as we see and hear people playing off single figures with their societies and maybe seven or eight or more shots higher with the Federation and resentment and accusations of cheating are then doing the rounds in whispers. This is an unavoidable situation whilst

we have several different systems of assessing one’s playing ability. Until such time as golfers here are in the main club golfers similar to those back in the United Kingdom I cannot see this situation ever changing so we will continue for some considerable time with the huge discrepancies in accurate handicap calculations seemingly forever. WIN A DOZEN SRIXON GOLF BALLS COURTESY OF GOLF MED Answer the question below correctly to have a chance to win. The winner of this fantastic prize will be picked at random at the end of each month. Send your entries by email to golf@roundtownnews.com The decision of the editor of RTN will be final in making the winning selection. QUESTION FOR 26TH APRIL 2013 Who won last week’s Open de Española at El Saler? All answers must be received no later than 5pm on 29th April to be entered into April’s draw, which will be made on 29th April 2013. The winner will be announced in RTN on 3rd May 2013. To collect your prize you will have to come along to an RTN Golf Club day and meet with Noel Eastwell.

Any questions you have for Noel should be sent to golf@roundtownnews.com - Free golf lesson for all new RTN Golf members! Sign up now, limited offer

The RTN Club Scene ALICANTE GOLF once again showed its competitive edge when we played our weekly RTN society meeting. With a number of low handicap golfers competing it was surprising that none played to their handicaps. This if we are to believe the members of RTN Golf Club was down to some really tricky pin positions that were set for a group from Germany who were playing their annual club championship. With tricky pin positions it was unlikely that we were going to see a winner of our twos competition and so it turned out even though one player hit his tee shot to within three feet on hole three and left with a four, his embarrassment was compounded when his playing partners informed the other players in the bar afterwards. Alex Jacobsen from Sweden was the lowest handicap golfer to play and it was no real surprise that he returned the best score of the day with 34 Stableford points to win by two from Wayne McDonnell. We will try to get the better of Alicante Golf again next Tuesday and all members and their guest are welcome to join in the fun. Email your entry to golf@roundtownnews.com and we will confirm your tee time over the weekend. DEMO DAYS FOR RTN GOLF CLUB MEMBERS In May and June we will be once again holding demonstration days of golf equipment for RTN Golf Club members who will be given the chance to test the new equipment from the leading golf club manufacturers and exclusive discounted prices on their purchase on the day. May 10th we will have Titleist join us for the day and over the weekend of 7th and 8th we will be joined by Callaway. Both manufacturers will have their full ranges of equipment available for our members to put through their paces and having spent some time with both companies last week I can assure you that the technology they have to offer is staggering, more about that in next week’s RTN. DATES FOR YOUR DIARY 25th April TaylorMade Demo Day at Alicante Golf - please reserve your spot to ensure you receive your free gift: call 965 152 043 30th April RTN Golf League meeting at Alicante Golf 7th May RTN Weekly golf meeting at Alicante Golf NOEL EASTWELL GOLF ACADEMY Quality group lesson available at Alicante Golf from just 10€ per person: contact Noel on 639 730 891 for more information.

26 apr - 2 may 2013


andrew james... The man in the middle Sponsored by “The Three Lions” (Carrer de Manuel de Falla, Albir) The Best Footy Bar on the Costa Blanca; Showing Every Game, Every Week!

They think it’s all over. It’s not yet! Yes the title race may be over, but there’s still plenty to play for as the race for Champions League places hots up and the battle to beat the drop intensifies. Regular readers will know that, back in January, I offered my predictions on which clubs would be playing in Europe’s premier competition next season and, likewise, which clubs will be playing in The Championship. Man United – C – Predicted: 1st Man City – 2nd – Predicted: 2nd Arsenal – 3rd – Predicted: 4th Chelsea – 4th – Predicted: 3rd Man United were only five points clear of City at the half way stage but the signs that the Etihad outfit were struggling to defend their title were there for all to see so I can’t take much credit for this one! City meanwhile are five points clear in second with a game in hand so only an alarming collapse would mean them having to go through the qualifying stages to enter next season’s Champions League. Down south, The Gunners have played a game more than their nearest rivals but are only a point clear in third so I still believe fourth is the best they can hope for. Chelsea on the other hand, play Spurs and Everton at

home and Man United away in their run-in so if they do finish in the top four they’ll certainly deserve to. The clash with Spurs at Stamford Bridge will surely decide the final Champions League place - and I still think they’ll do it. Wigan – 18th – Predicted: 17th QPR – 19th – Predicted: 18th Southampton – 12th – Predicted: 19th Reading – 20th – Predicted: 20th Wigan sit three points from safety with a game in hand so they still have hope but their run-in is as hard as it gets. Their fate will surely be decided by Aston Villa at home on the final day (if they can survive that long). QPR and Reading however are all-but buried. The two actually meet in the Sunday lunchtime kick-off and while a victory surely

only delays the inevitable, defeat means the end of the Premier League road. As for Southampton, I owe you an apology! I got this one spectacularly wrong. Nigel Adkins wasn’t doing a bad job back in January but his replacement Mauricio Pochettino has taken the team to a whole new level. The Saints’ recent form means Aston Villa, Newcastle, Stoke and Sunderland are now right in the relegation mix but I think they’ll all be ok because I just can’t see Wigan pulling off another Houdini-like escape again this year. Djok-ed off his perch? Last Monday, at the Monte Carlo Masters, Novak Djokovic showed great courage and resilience to bring Rafa Nadal’s dominance of the tournament to an end but talk of a shift in power is, for me, premature. Don’t get me

wrong, the Serbian’s World Nº1 ranking is thoroughly deserved but, in my eyes, Nadal is still ‘The King of Clay’. The Spaniard had previously won the tournament eight consecutive times since 2005 and swept aside Djokovic in the 2012 final 6-3 6-1 so, although Novak deserves great credit for his victory, he has a long way to go before he can be truly considered as clay’s top dog. This Week in “The Lions”: Sat 27th Apr: Man City v West Ham (1.45pm) Wigan v Spurs (4pm) Newcastle v Liverpool (6.30pm) Sun 28th Apr: Reading v QPR (2.30pm) Chelsea v Swansea (4pm) Arsenal v Man United (5pm) 30th / 1st / 2nd: All Champions / Europa League Fixtures

Fishing Maggots End Victory in Villena for Supermoto Ace by

Mat Ford - Dunn, Race 1 Villena LOCAL SUPERMOTOLAND team are doing us proud when it comes to motorbike racing. Sunday 14 April saw Spain’s best Supermoto racers descend upon the Chicharra Kart racing circuit at Villena in Alicante for round two of the Spanish Supermoto championship. It was Britain’s Mat Ford-Dunn from Bullas in Murcia who put on a superb display of riding in both of the SM Master 35 races to clinch the overall victory. With a large crowd watching the day’s racing Mat qualified his Supermotoland SML 450 race bike on the front row of the grid for the first of his two races. With a good start and a strong pace Mat was in a comfortable second position before a small crash in the dirt section allowed the third placed rider to catch him. But once underway again, Mat opened a gap and held it to the line to take second position. The Supermotoland race team briefed Mat on the grid for the second of his two races and he knew exactly who he had to beat to gain the overall win. Mat’s start was not so good this time and he was locked in a four-rider battle for the lead throughout the whole race and despite many overtaking attempts he was unable to pass the two riders in front without risking a crash, and finished a close third. But Mat knew that was enough for the overall victory and made sure that he didn’t make any mistakes that might cost him the win. Once the chequered flag dropped Mat was confirmed as the overall winner and took to the top step of the podium for the first time this year. Mat’s sponsors, Advance Moves International removals and Stratton Motorsports were delighted with the result and the many expat race fans that turned up to watch a great days racing. Mat is next in action at Oliva in Denia on the 5 May for the second round of the Valencian championship. Further details, race reports and videos can be found at the team’s website www.supermotoland.com

David Hoare 968 199 279

THIS WEEK’S competition was the 3rd round of the Summer Championship, the venue again being the Embalse de Pedrera as the rivers are still unfishable. Water is still being pumped in at an incredible rate. The match yesterday and on our match today, the water level rose at least 2-3 inches and overnight by some 6 inches. Considering that the lake is an inverted pyramid, it therefore needs a greater amount of water to keep filling it up. My personal view is that they will fill the embalse back to the level it was last year thus eliminating fishing from this area. The pegs we fished this week will be underwater in a fortnight. In saying all that and with a greater amount of area to fish the weights are getting better as can be seen from Terry´s report and this one.

TOP RODS ON THE DAY 1st Dave (Yours Truly) Hoare fishing the feeder using maggot with 32.40 kilos 2nd Stan (The Man) Roberts fishing the pole using maggot with 12.85 kilos 3rd Jim (The Chairman) Rouse fishing the waggler using maggot with 9.65 kilos

AFTER 3 ROUNDS THE ACCUMULATIVE POINTS ARE AS FOLLOWS 1st Dave Hoare with 5 points 2nd Clive Cleghorn with 17 points 3rd Terry Screen with 21 points PLEASE NOTE The club has some vacancies at present: if you are interested in joining please contact Derek Swann on 96 672 9293 or 603 535 771. ABBEY ANGLING RESULTS Supplied by Terry Screen The 4th round of the Spring Series was once again fished at the Embalsa de Pedrera on 16th April due to the other venues still being flooded. The lower access to Barbel bay and Barbel point is now underwater with the water still rising. The work has ceased at present where the water runs into the lake and it is no longer running down the concrete gulley but down the natural bank which has eroded a deep gulley, depositing silt which is washing into the lake and colouring the water. The fish are still taking hemp and tares along with other baits and the weights

FC Torry news TORRY PLAYED 5th placed La Nucia at the Nelson Mandela stadium on yet another windy late Sunday afternoon. Torry mastered the conditions much better than they have done of late and played their best football for some time and won 2-1 to ease the threat of relegation. The game could have produced more goals with Torry hitting the post and La Nucia the crossbar. Torry took the lead in the first half through a

continue to improve. 1st Stan (The Man) Roberts with 17.680kg fishing the waggler using hemp and maggot 2nd Ian (The Wizard) Dalzell with 16.920kg fishing the feeder using hemp 3rd Andy (The Web Man) Stevenson with15.160kg fishing the feeder using sweet corn All details are available on our web site www.abbeyangling.com or from the Match Secretary Terry Screen on 96 532 8368. Anglers Together THE OBJECTIVE of Anglers Together was to introduce anglers to each other, who otherwise had no one to fish with or didn’t know where to fish. It was successful in bringing together many anglers who established friendships and which continue to this day. No meetings are held now but information is still available through our email address; anglerstogether@hotmail.co.uk.

powerful strike from Gasch after being played in by a sliderule pass by Koeman.. La Nucia equalised from a penalty from ex-Torry favourite Petu early in the second-half. Koeman, who could have bagged a hat-trick, scored the vital winner for Torry in the 80th minute after being played in by Luis Carlos. It was a great all-round team performance by Torry with the Torry faithful going home with smiles on their faces. Torry now move up to 13th place in the table, 6 points clear of the relegation zone. This weekend Torry make the long trip to Borriol and hopefully will win again to make it three wins out of three and move into the upper half of the table.

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STRICTLY SOCIAL CLUB Why not come and join us for an afternoon of entertainment, fun, quizzes and games. We also have speakers, and arrange meals out and coach outings. We meet on the top floor at The New Asturias Restaurant, Punta Prima between 2.30 p.m. and 5.00 p.m. on the 2nd and 4th Wednesday of each Month. Open to all agegroups. For more info call

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26 apr - 2 may 2013

PERSONAL AND PROFESSIONAL CLEANING SERVICE for your home or business at a fair price. References available. (Altea area) Tel: 965843781 or 622514980

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