Letter from Rolinda
Welcome to our joint edition of the Spark and Sisterhood publications. Share this edition within your family and community to help others learn how Girl Scouting impacts youth. This edition can be used when inviting others to join Girl Scouts so they can realize the opportunities available to them in addition to the fun, educational badges and higher awards happening at the Juliette, troop and service unit levels.
This membership year, we are celebrating the Girl Scouts of Kansas Heartland Council Centennial. During the membership year, our council will celebrate 100 years by engaging Girl Scouts of all ages from across the council in acts of community service, participation in Daisy Circle and more! I hope that you will join in the fun and the spirit of helping others while we celebrate our Girl Scout Sisterhood. See page 4 for more information.
You are invited to attend the Recognition Breakfast and Annual Meeting on Saturday, November 2, in Wichita. The council-wide celebration of volunteers and Gold Award Girl Scouts is a special time to recognize those who continue to positively impact Girl Scouting and their communities. The annual meeting is a time where Girl Scout members age 14 through adult share their voice as new volunteer members of Board Development Committee and Board of Directors are elected. See page 4 for more information on the Recognition Breakfast and Annual Meeting.
Need a fun thank you gift? The Girl Scouts of Kansas Heartland Council patch has been updated and is available through our shops in Hays and Wichita. The patch continues to honor tradition by incorporating components representing our legacy councils while incorporating new Girl Scouts of the USA branding plus the fun addition of an iconic Kansas yellow brick road.
Thank you for supporting Girl Scout experiences in so many ways!

Rolinda Sample, CEO

Thank you to our donors!
Individuals Foundations & Trusts
Brian Aikins
Sharon Allen
James Alvey
Sharon & Clark Bastian
Jennifer Bellinger-Sipes
Glenda Sue & George Berryman
Marc Brauer
Lisa & Jim Cech
Barbara Coats
Patricia Dengler
Renee Duxler
Kamie Etzler
Gloria Farha Flentje & Jack Focht
Lisa Hambelton
Dr. Elaine Harrington
Lesley Hazleton
Susan Houlik
Dr. Martha Housholder
Laura Ice
Jeff Janssen
Martha Johnson
Anita Jones
Carolyn Kaplan
Harry & Shirley Kembel
Chris Kubik
Shannon Lunsford
Jane McHugh
Brenda McKenney
Sheila Moore
Kara Mosley
Kelly Peters
Jan & Steven Randle
Elizabeth & Scott Redler
Brenda Reeve
Sandy Remsberg
Dee Rolph
Rolinda & Terry Sample
Sharon Self
Mimi Balazs Shellito
Sheryl Stanley
Dr. Donna Sweet
Patty Tenofsky
Dyan Thornton
Joan Wagner
Kathryn Webb
Linda Weir-Enegren
Helen Wimsatt
Karen Zeller
Kim Zinszer
Bonavia Foundation
Carl M. and Ruth L. Coonrod Family Foundation
Charles and Joanne McIlwaine Foundation
Emporia Community Foundation
Goebel Family Star
Charitable Foundation
Greater Kansas City Community Foundation
HCA Healthcare Foundation
Hannah Rouback Family Foundation, Inc.
Herman, Esther & Henry
Stallman Foundation
Hutchinson Community Foundation
Keith L. Anderson Charitable Trust
K.T. Wiedemann Foundation
Mosby Lincoln Foundation National Christian Foundation
The Frank & Marie Mildrexter Foundation Trust
The Robert and Gwen Tyler
Charitable Foundation
Verla Nesbitt Joscelyn Foundation
Western Kansas Community Foundation
Wichita Foundation
Area United Ways
Finney County United Way
Independence Area Community Chest
United Way of Central Kansas
United Way of Dodge City, Inc.
United Way of Reno County
United Way of the Flint Hills
United Way of the Plains
Our gratitude to our supporters!
Thank you for choosing to make a difference to Girl Scouting through your generosity. *(June 2023-2024 — $500 or more)
Corporate Business & Community Partners
3ten Architecture
Alert 360
Allen, Gibbs & Houlik, L.C.
American Mortgage Company
Arkalalah Festival Inc.
Assured Partners of Kansas, LLC
Bennington State Bank
Berry Material Handling
Blue Beacon International, Inc.
Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Kansas
Cargill, Inc.
Commerce Bank
Elevance Health
Emporia Lions Club
Fidelity Charitable Finney County Attorney's Office
First National Bank in Cimarron
Foulston Siefkin, LLP
Girl Scout Alumni & Friends
Great Plains Manufacturing, Inc.
Hanna Heating & Air
Conditioning Inc.
Haskell County Attorney's Office
Hays Lions Club
High Touch Technologies, Inc.
K Lane's & Co
Fashion Boutique
Kiwanis Club of Emporia Kansas, Inc.
Lee Media Group
Mel Hambelton Ford
Murdock Companies, Inc.
Naphtali Lodge No. 310
Oxford Lions Club
Rotary Club of Emporia
Rotary Club of Hutchinson
Rotary Club of Wichita
Rusty Eck Ford
Salina Airport Authority
Salina Regional Health Center
Smiles by Design
Soroptimist Club of Wichita Spirit AeroSystems, Inc.
Sunflower Bank
Textron Aviation
Textron Charitable
The Alley
Townsend Group Properties LLC
UBS Financial Services Inc.
Wichita Tractor Co. Wiese USA
Opportunities to partner with Girl Scouts of Kansas Heartland vary and can be customized to meet your needs. Join the distinguished community of those who are committed to supporting girls, or learn more about giving opportunities by contacting Kelly Peters, Director of Fund Development at kpeters@gskh.org or call (888) 686-6468.
*If you prefer to have your name, business, organization listed another way, please contact Kelly Leonard at kleonard@gskh.org.
The Girl Scouts of Kansas Heartland Council apologies if a donor was inadvertently omitted from this list or if a name was misspelled.
Recognition Breakfast & Annual Meeting
Saturday, November 2
9 a.m.
Wichita State University
Rhatigan Student Center
Beggs Ballrooms 1&2
Members 14 and older are invited Register by October 27
Members from across the council are invited to gather for the 2024 Recognition Breakfast & Annual Meeting. This year, attendees will have the option to attend the meeting online through Teams right from their own home/location or attend in person at the new location this year on the main Wichita State University campus. After the Annual Meeting portion is adjourned, we will begin our ceremony where we honor our valued volunteers who are receiving awards as well as our Bronze, Silver and Gold Award Girl Scouts.
Council Centennial
Since 1925, the Girl Scouts of Kansas Heartland Council, in conjunction with the legacy councils, has made history— and made our presence known—across the state. We are celebrating 100 years since the formation in 1925 of a nationally recognized council across our current council service area. Join us as we take this coming year to celebrate this milestone. We are honored to provide a space for girls to dream big, be themselves, and find adventure for the next 100 years.
Details concerning all of the upcoming celebrations will be announced at the Annual Meeting on Nov. 2, but read further to learn more about the 100 Acts of Service and 100 new Daisy Circle members.
100 Acts of Service
As part of our centennial celebration, 2025 also marks the 75th anniversary of the Festival of Giving. This annual tradition of giving back to our communities began in 1950 when Girl Scout troops dressed dolls and displayed them in a Doll Festival. The dolls were then distributed to local and overseas agencies for children who might not receive Christmas presents. In more recent years, the Festival of Giving is celebrated by troops and service units coming together to select an organization and fulfill a wish list of needs for that agency. In 2025, we want Girl Scouts to think even bigger! Join us in the Festival of Giving challenge, aiming to document 100 acts of service—that's 100 ways of giving back to our communities—completed by Girl Scouts in the
month of November. Members can participate as individuals, with their families, as a troop, or join forces with the troops in their service unit. Every Girl Scout youth who participates will receive a special Festival of Giving patch.
Check out the Festival of Giving website page for more information.
100 New Daisy Circle members
Embracing our past, celebrating the present and building a future for the next generation of girl leaders!
Help the Girl Scouts of Kansas Heartland Council to continue to empower leadership skills in young girls by becoming a member of the Daisy’s Circle.
We are seeking 100 new Daisy Circle members to give in celebration of our council centennial. It’s easy, quick and your consistent monthly gift will provide girls with opportunities to develop self-esteem, enduring friendships and life-changing leadership skills. Through activities in science and technology, business and economic literacy and outdoor and environmental awareness, Girl Scouts learn to be leaders of themselves and their communities.
Join Daisy’s Circle today by completing your secure donation at kansasgirlscouts.org or if you have additional questions or need help, please email us at kpeters@gskh.org
Council Centennial
Girl Scouts of Kansas Heartland
Kansas Heartland Scholars
Congratulations to four graduating Girl Scouts for being awarded scholarships to pursue their goals in higher education. Three Girl Scouts earned the Sandy Remsberg Education Scholarship. One Girl Scout earned the Council Gold Award Scholarship sponsored by Healthy Blue.

Gillian Hunt
Gillian has been an active Girl Scout for eight years. Starting as a Junior Girl Scout, Gillian found herself immersed in the world of STEM that Girl Scouts has to offer. She is a member of a specialty troop focusing on Robotics and STEM. Since 2018, her troop robo-team has earned many awards, including first place in Expert Notebook Documentation, first place in Expert Display and first place in Intermediate Interview. Additionally, she was Team Captain for the troop’s first LEGO Robotics competition.
“Being a part of the RoboTroop has taught me mechanical and technical skills as well as team building, leadership and speaking skills.”
Gillian is pursuing a degree in Aerospace Engineering at Wichita State University. After college graduation, she aspires to join an aerospace company in the hopes to make aircraft as reliable and versatile as possible with the use of technological advancements and to find unique solutions regarding the adaptability of air travel technology.

Lillian McLaughlin
Lillian has been an active Girl Scout for 13 years. Lillian has completed all three Highest Awards: The Bronze, Silver and Gold Awards.
For her Gold Award, Lillian created the mural
“You Are Not Alone” on the side of a local business. In the mural, there is a QR Code that viewers can scan which leads them to a webpage that has resources for LGBTQ+ teens including mental health crisis information, local organizations, medical information and more. She has also become a Four-Star Recipient of the P.R.A.Y. Awards. Lillian’s Girl Scout experience has culminated within her passions for community service, travel, the arts and advocacy.
“With my Gold Award project, I was able to have an effect on the community and to publicize the positive effect that Girl Scouting has on the lives of both members and those around us.”
Lillian is attending the University of Kansas to pursue a major in psychology and minors in dance and pottery.
She plans to complete her doctorate in psychology so she can have a larger impact on the mental health of those in the LGBTQ+ community.

Trinadee Fetters
Trinadee has been an active Girl Scout for 13 years. She has completed both the Bronze and Silver Awards and is currently working towards her Gold Award. As a Girl Scout since kindergarten, Trinadee has had a wellrounded Girl Scout experience from STEM, summer camp and getting outdoors, community service projects with her troop and making new friends. Her passion for community service has led her to work on all the Highest Awards so she can make a difference in her community and make the world a better place.
“Girl Scouts has taught me to never take anything for granted,” Trinadee said. “Doing community service and helping others has taught me that you never know what is happening to someone else.”
Trinadee wants to continue making the world a better place and serving others by becoming a veterinarian, specifically for large animals. She is attending Kansas State University and plans to pursue her doctorate.
Council Gold Award Scholarship Recipient

Kaley Mulligan
Kaley has been an active Girl Scout for 14 years. Kaley has completed all the highest Awards (Bronze, Silver and Gold Award) earned numerous badges, journeys, the Summit Award in most Girl Scout levels, the Mariner Pin, the Trailblazer Pin, the My Promise My Faith pin in every level and the Leader in Action Mentoring Award. Her passion for Girl Scouts lies in the opportunity to learn more while helping those and the world around her.
“Being a Girl Scout is not just something you dress up for and go do once in a while, but rather, it is a way of life.”
Kaley is pursuing a degree in nursing starting with earning her general education courses at Butler County Community College and transferring to The University of Kansas to complete her nursing degree. After earning her nursing degree, she would like to continue her education to become a Nurse Practitioner and join the military to use her nursing skills in the service.
Sandy Remsberg Scholarship Recipients
GSUSA Gold Award Scholar
Girl Scouts has always been an important part of Lillian McLaughlin’s life as she has been a member since kindergarten. Over the course of her 13 years as a Girl Scout, she’s encountered many opportunities including learning new skills, earning badges, traveling the nation and even becoming a Gold Award Girl Scout.
As an advocate for the LGBTQ+ community, Lillian knew she wanted her Gold Award project to focus on helping her peers that identify as LGBTQ+. Researching how she can serve her community, Lillian learned through The Trevor Project that LGBTQ+ teens are four times more likely to consider, plan and die by suicide than non-LGBTQ+ teens. She also learned that 48 percent of LGBTQ+ youth reported wanting counseling from a mental health professional, but were unable to receive it.
This knowledge led Lillian to create the mural “You are Not Alone” on the side of Hao Auto Repair near Wichita East High School. As she began her project, Lillian struggled to find a local business in the downtown-area that had open space for a mural. This led her to reach out to the Wichita City Council and (former) Mayor Brandon Whipple to help her find mural space.
Lillian presented to the city council and spoke during a media briefing about the plan for her project and the impact she was hoping it would have on the community. She then connected with local entrepreneur and business owner Andrew Gough who utilized his connections to help Lillian partner with Hao Auto Repair.
Lillian’s mural was created with the help of more than 80 volunteers, ages 5-85 years old. In the mural, there is a QR Code that viewers can scan which leads them to a webpage she created. The page is housed by Reverie Roasters, Andrew Gough’s business, and has resources for LGBTQ+ teens including mental health crisis information, local organizations, medical information and more.
“I knew I wanted to help a community that I’m part of and specifically help people my age get the resources they need,” Lillian said. “Ideally, the mural helps connect them to resources they may not have access to elsewhere and they can get the help they are needing or wanting.”
Lillian has wrapped up her years as a girl member and is excited to look forward to her future and reflects on how Girl Scouts has made an impact on her life.

“I don’t think I would’ve had the opportunities I’ve had over the years if I wasn’t a Girl Scout,” Lillian said. “I’m so grateful for being awarded the GSUSA Gold Award Scholarship because it’s going to significantly impact my college career and allow me to pursue my passions.”
Lillian is attending The University of Kansas this fall with a major in psychology. Her goal is to get a doctorate in psychology so she can become a therapist for those in the LGBTQ+ community with a focus on helping youth.
As she heads into her future, she has one piece of advice for her fellow Girl Scouts.
"The project was so fun for me,” Lillian said. “I was able to combine my art passion, LGBTQ+ passion and mental health passion and create a project that showcased who I am. The Gold Award is hard and it is a lot of work, but you just have to keep going. The end result is so amazing and worth it.”

Scholarship Applications
Let us help you achieve your dreams! Thanks to the generosity of donors, we have three scholarship opportunities available for Kansas Girl Scouts. Scholarship applications open mid-October and close January 21, 2025. Scholarship awards will be presented at the Annual Meeting in November 2025. To apply for either scholarship, visit our website kansasgirlscouts.org.
Council Gold Award Scholarship
The Gold Award Scholarship is $2,500. To apply, you must have earned the Gold Award prior to the application deadline.
Sandy Remsberg Education Scholarship

Kaitlin Robben, one
The Sandy Remsberg Education Scholarship is $3,000 for up to three girls and exists to help girls realize their dreams. Each year, applications will be considered for awards for one-year non-recurring college scholarships. One of our focus areas for this scholarship is to increase participation and support girls with financial need and in under-represented groups. All girls graduating in 2025 are eligible to apply.

Sandy Remsberg Destinations Experience Scholarship
The Sandy Remsberg Destinations Experience Scholarships exists to allow girls to have new life experiences through travel and destination trips. Each year, funding support will be considered for awards to assist Girl Scouts who have applied to participate in Girl Scouts Destinations. Amount awarded is determined by applications received.
If you are interested in assisting Girl Scouts further their education, please consider donating to the Sandy Remsberg Scholarship Fund. You can learn more information on our website www. kansasgirlscouts.org under "Support Us."
Highest Awards Project Fund
The Gold, Silver and Bronze Awards are the highest honors you can earn in Girl Scouts.
All three awards give you the chance to do big things while working on an issue you care about. Once you've completed your project, you'll have made a bold, sustainable impact on the world —and you'll have put in some serious work.
To assist in your journey towards earning your highest award, the council is offering troops and individuals working on their Highest Awards the opportunity to apply for funds towards their efforts. To qualify for funds, your Silver or Gold Award project proposal needs to have been submitted and approved by the committee. Bronze Awards do not need pre-approval. Applications for funds are open from August 1 to December 15. The first deadline to apply is September 30. From there, if additional funding is left, the second deadline is December 15. Fill out the application on our website at www.kansasgirlscouts.org/highestawards.
of three recipients of the Sandy Remsberg Education Scholarship, accepts scholarship award from Sandy Remsberg.

Cookie Recap

$1,000 Care & Share Donation Supports Kansas Military
Girl Scout Makenna H. has known the Quinn family for many years. During the 2024 cookie season, the Quinn family supported Makenna's cookie sale by purchasing 100 boxes of cookies that they shared with members of the military.
Through Makenna, the Quinn's purchased $1,000 in Care & Shares. Their donation went directly to McConnell Air Force Base.
"My parents have no personal military experience, but they have a deep appreciation for the sacrifice of those that serve our country," Kirby Quinn Jr., said. "They give generously to several outreaches and while the cookies are a small gift, they are a pleasure to provide."
2024-2025 Product Program
Meet this year’s mascots!
This year, Fall Product and the Cookie Program share their inspiration with "Embrace Possibility" featuring the Asian Elephant and the Panda!
Fall Program Dates
Program Begins: September 6
Girl/Troop Orders Due: October 2-7
Delivery Begins: October 23
Online Sales End: November8
Program Ends: November8

Troop Cookie Manager Training
Are you new to the role of Cookie Manager? Plan to attend one of the mandatory, in-person trainings for the 2025 Cookie Program season to be held in three different locations, on a Saturday, from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Lunch will be served and you must register to attend in Ultra Camp.
⏵ December 14, 2024: Lindsborg, KS
⏵ January 4, 2025: Wichita, KS
⏵ January 11, 2025: Great Bend, KS

Start Planning Now!

2023-24 Elite Entrepreneurs
Congratulations to all the Elite Entrepreneurs from the 2023-2024 Product Program year.
Fall Program Units
Jordyn Cook
Gracelynn Crocker
Jesah Monroy
Jasmine Stewart
Aubree Topper
Braelyn Urban
Naomi Allee
Peyton Clark
Jasmin Davis
Brooklyn Dvorak
Brinley Ellmore
Makenzie Herlan
Kimber Lubbers
Gracie Michel
Adeline Myers
Sutton Nellsch
Madison Plegge
Kaidance Reed
Cami Rice
Jaycie Richardson
Brooklyn Samakin
Ava Schreiner
Maddisen Scott
Lennox Stover
Kinley Thompson
Evangelia Twitchell
Ainsley Weinhold
Care & Share
Raylynn Baker
Madison Cook
Kenzie Crum
Harleigh Ehrlich
Olivia Garber
Adalynn Harroald
Destani Henderson
Emmalynn Hildebrand
Tandin Malchow
Karsyn Meyer
Ava Angleton
Zayleigh Butler
Alana Carlson
Brenna Conrade
Brylee Fry
Avangeline Hernandez
Jaylie Jackson
Kaylee Jacobs
Serinity Long
Chloe Panek
Courtney Reed
Hayden Ruiz
Gracie Smith
Molly Tatro
Alexis Tiedtke
Lyla Vopata
Gracie Welch

Raylynn Baker
Evelyn Borst
Peyton Clark
Jordyn Cook
Gracelynn Crocker
Liliana DeLaney
Arin Dickens
Lilah Geren
Makenna Hamilton
Kathryn Kuhlman
Jordan Landrum
Ashton Meyer
Guadalupe Moran
Natalie Nelson
Mackenzie Niemann
Emma Schmidt
Claire Scott
Kimber Searle
Aria Shackelford
Kylee Smith
Stormie Stevenson
Lennox Stover
Sydney Stromgren
Lillian Terrell
Aubree Topper
Ainsley Zies
Cookie Packages
Caitlyn Burgey
Aubree Cadoret
Jocelyn Chaney
Lennox Stover
Ava Grimes
Jozlynn Bowman
Zierra Easter
Ahnalynne Houghton
Gracie Michel
Torey Morace
Courtney Reed
Aubree Topper
Melissa Cheeley
Adaline Clowdis
Jordyn Cook
Claire Cutler
Liliana DeLaney
Haley Dieker
Sa'Riyah Dixon
Emilia Etzold
Kylie Graves
Rylee Hamby
Adalynn Harroald
Lucy House
Addie Johnston
Shoni Jones
Jordan Landrum
Aryanna Medrano
Shekinah Moore
Morgan Morris
Gabriela Northup
Joanna Ponce
Payton Schartz
Stormie Stevenson
Rylee Stewart
AnnaBeth Tanner
McKenna Taylor
Aisley Alexander
Violet Allen
Melanie Alliman
Trinity Allison
Raylynn Baker
Sophia Bandt
Cassidy Barnard
Jaylea Blades
Amelia Brady
Elizabeth Brady
Nessa Clark
Lily Coke
Mia Davis
Harley Decker
Arin Dickens
Olivia Diehl
Charlotte Dunigan
Esther Eddington
Izzy Farris
Joscelyn Faust
Caylee Garver
Lilly Gephart
Lillah Geren
Acadia Griffin
Autymn Halzle
Harper Harris
AmmahRye Haverfield
Jordan Holuska
Aubree Hughes
Amber Isbell
April Isbell
Eva Johannsen
Odessa Julian
Helene Kelting
Ashlyn Klaus
Tabitha Lamer
Lilyana Lobato
Kimber Lubbers
Hannah Markus
Madilyn Melzer
Jesah Monroy
Hadley Morton
Hannah Nichols
Clarity North
Raegan Paxton
Sarah Peck
Lila Petitjean
Aribella Ramsey
Kadriya Rasheed
Hazel Reed
Ashlynn Reynolds
Olivia Rhea
Brenlyn Richmond
Brylie Ritchie
Aliah Robles
Shanice Rogers
Braelyn Russell
Eleanor Savage
Emma Schmidt
Brooklin Schoonover
Aubrey Sekavec
Aria Shackelford
Jane Snethen
Lela Stein
Eleanor Stone
Alexis Tiedtke
Braelyn Urban
Journey Wagley
Caylonny Walker
Chanessa Walker
Chayanna Walker
Annabelle Weaver
Macy Weber
AdaMae Whited
Lily Williams
Olivia Young
Abigail Zerbe
Hayley Anderson
Angie Boyer
Marley Briley
Peyton Bustos
Quinn Byers
Alana Carlson
Mackenzie Chandler
Lizzy Chobad
Breklynn Clayson
Sydney Crees
Gracelynn Crocker
Maci Crumb
Molly Dehlinger
Alex DeVore
Josephine Dromey
Harper Dugan
Emily Ellis
Melody Ellis
Kayleen Farmer
Adelynne Flaming
Abigail George
Jolene Goodwin
LeAnn Goodwin
Londyn Grazer
Sophia Hanson
Emma Hay
Destani Henderson
Leighton Hodson
Faith Holmes
Elana Houze
Jesstine Hutchins
Abigail Hux
Maleia Johnson
Jocelyn Langley
Charlie Loffland
Lindsey Massey
Ashton Meyer
Emma Mobley
Helena Morrison
Natalie Nelson
Abigal Newkirk
Lorelei Newkirk
Nora Nolan
Emma Quezada
Addison Reed
Jahanna Rose
Harper Rush
Madilyn Scheuerman
Claire Scott
Kimber Searle
Kamree Shouse
Alexia Spicer
MaryAnn Spindler
Jocelyn Vincen
Adalynn Wilkie
Kailynn Zoeller
Jessyna Altman
Bakely Arnold
Paige Bailey
Audrina Barnes
Adelyn Barnes
Natalee Bernhard
LynD'an Blaylock
Brooklynn Boesker
Delilah Bonnell
Macy Boone
Evelyn Borst
Araceli Camino-Chavez
Alexis Cole
Arianna Collins
Brenna Conrade
Jasmin Davis
Ember Davis
Camila De La Rosa
Josie DeAndrea
Chesney Debo
Clara DeSelms
Laurel Drake
Lilian Entwisle
Chevelle Everett
Karyssa Farmer
Marlei Focke
Nova Foust
Ayrabella Galliart
Olivia Garber
McKenna Gardner
Joslyn Griggs
Ana Hadsell
Evelynn Hayes
Sophie Heck
Addyson Herd
Alexis Herrick
Emma Holuska
Morgan Horton
Jordyn Housman
Jessy Jackson
Paige Jacobs
Malea Jones
Irelynn Kidwell
Kathryn Kuhlman
Hai'lynn Lawrence
Isabella Lewellen
Olivia Lyon
Georgia Martin
Corrine McDonald
Kayla McReynolds
Liberty Miller
Kayah Monasmith
Miracle Navrat
Li-ying Norlin
Molly Norman
Adley Pearce
Adalena Peck
Rikki Pentz
Kenley Perrymroe
Olivia Proctor
Emma Pyatt
Arianna Randolph
Isadore Rhoads
Chloe Rhodenbaugh
Audrey Richardson
Kaitlynn Richey
Ensley Roberts
Natalie Rodriguez
Quinn Rourk
Aleeya Santander
Eislee Schwindt
Maddisen Scott
Makaila Sellers
Karmen Shaddix
Annaliese Stegman
Elizabeth Sutton
Madelyn Tate
Molly Tatro
Mackenzie Taylor
Lillian Terrell
Mercedes Thomburg
Brylee Truckenmiller
Tinsley Tuggle
Gwendolyn Turton
Evagelia Twitchell
Isabella Viner
Jaycee Vineyard
Lyla Vopata
Louise Wadle
Bryndle Walker
Samantha Walter
Kayla Warren
Ryelee Widener
Baylee Williams
Brynlie Williams
Felicity Williams
Skylar Winckler
Addyson Windholz
Harley Wright
Midnight Madness 2024

Summer Camp

Council programming is available in Outside the Guide

Collaborate with a council staff member to determine the best date, topic, and venue for your community, then we bring all the materials and lead the activities! The base event is described below, but can be customized to meet your needs. To schedule, email info@gskh.org.
What do you need?
▶ Be a member of one of the eligible Service units: SU70 through SU86.
▶ Know 15 or more girls interested in participating; age range can be K-12, K-8, or just a specific program level.
▶ Help to secure a venue in your community.
▶ You and enough chaperones commit to attend to meet girl-to-adult ratio.
▶ Sack lunches for each girl; SU can choose to provide or ask each girl to bring her own.
What do we provide?
▶ A 6-hour event with a suggested time frame of 10 a.m. – 4 p.m.
▶ Lesson plans facilitated by council staff with the assistance of event chaperones.
▶ Materials for all activities
▶ Badge or fun patch (depending on exact details of event topic).
Price: $35 per girl
Creation Station
[cre⬩a⬩tion] noun: the action or process of bringing something into existence
Your only limitation is your imagination for Creation Station! You can create a house for animals, a masterpiece for your wall, or something cool that your favorite adult will love! We’ll let our imaginations run wild to create whatever motivates us that day.
Bigfoot’s Playground
[play⬩ground] verb: a place where a particular group of people choose to enjoy themselves
We share the outdoors with many creatures: from cute and cuddly kittens to big, hairy things like Bigfoot! The world is full of mystery. Is Bigfoot real or legend? Join us for an exploration of the outdoors as we learn and practice the principles of Leave No Trace.
[in⬩spi⬩ra⬩tion] noun: the process of being stimulated to do something creative
Feel fresh, free, and FABULOUS as you reflect on your inner beauty. Experience a natural beauty spa that will leave you relaxed, renewed and ready to shine. Inspire creativity through crafts and teamwork activities and share a little sparkle where ever you go.
Lab Rats
[Lab·o·ra·to·ry] noun: a place for experimentation, observation or practicing; [lab rat] noun: an inquisitive Girl Scout ready to explore the mysteries of the world around her
Choose your own STEM adventure! Design a car and make something that lights up, get digital by practicing being a citizen scientist, make a field journal and map critters in your area, build earthquake resistant structures, or learn about how oil & water work together. You choose how to imagine and we will bring these interactive workshops to you.
[Ad·ven·cher] noun: an exciting or very experience; verb: to take the dare

Are you ready to step out of your comfort zone? Every Adventure event is a different combination of experiences that allows Girl Scouts to progress from newbie to master in the adventure activities available at the venue. Will we aim for a bulls-eye at the target range, blaze through the hiking trails, glide through the water on our kayaks, or test our outdoor survival skills? Whichever combination we choose; it's guaranteed to be exciting!

Volunteer Training 2024-2025
Heartland Essentials
This course prepares new troop leaders for the next step in their leadership experience. Through hands-on, cooperative learning activities, you’ll discover best practices for managing your troop and navigating the possibilities that are available for your Girl Scouts to experience. We will cover the policies, procedures, and guidelines that are specific to Girl Scouts of Kansas Heartland. Answer questions such as: How do I set up a checking account? How do I plan a field trip or trip for my troop? What are Program Credits and how do I use them?
It is required that you take this course within the first 3 months of taking on a leadership role. Heartland Essentials is a free course available monthly in-person or virtually. Pre-Requisite: gsLearn: 536 GSKH New Leader Onboarding.
Adult Cost: Free
Wichita Girl Scout Office
360 Lexington Road, Wichita
Date: 9/25 Time: 6:30 - 8 p.m.
Registration Deadline: 9/24 at midnight
Hays Girl Scout Office
2707 Vine St., Suite 8, Hays
Date: 10/20 Time: 1 - 2:30 p.m.
Registration Deadline: 10/19 at midnight
Wichita Girl Scout Office
360 Lexington Road, Wichita
Date: 10/23 Time: 6:30 - 8 p.m.
Registration Deadline: 10/22 at midnight
Camp Double E
794 Road 200, Emporia
Date: 10/26 Time: 10 - 11:30 a.m.
Registration Deadline: 10/25 at midnight
Wichita Girl Scout Office
360 Lexington Road, Wichita
Date: 11/20 Time: 6 - 7:30 p.m.
Registration Deadline: 11/19 at midnight
Camp Double E
794 Road 200, Emporia
Date: 1/25 Time: 10 - 11:30 a.m.
Registration Deadline: 1/24/25 at midnight
St. John's Lutheran Church
302 S. 7th St., Salina
Date: 2/1 Time: 10 - 11:30 a.m.
Registration Deadline: 1/31/25 at midnight
Hays Girl Scout Office
2707 Vine St., Suite 8, Hays
Date: 3/4 Time: 7 - 8:30 p.m.
Registration Deadline: 3/3/25 at midnight
Garden City Girl Scout Office
114 Grant Ave., Garden City
Date: 4/5 Time: 1 - 2:30p.m.
Registration Deadline: 4/4/25 at midnight
Wichita Girl Scout Office
360 Lexington Road, Wichita
Date: 4/30 Time: 6:30 - 8 p.m.
Registration Deadline: 4/29/25 at midnight
Wichita Girl Scout Office
360 Lexington Road, Wichita
Date: 5/21 Time: 6:30 - 8 p.m.
Registration Deadline: 5/20/25 at midnight
This American Safety & Health Institute course will provide you with an understanding into providing lifesaving first aid and CPR in an emergency. This blended course includes an athome study portion and then you will practice important skills during an in-person class with the assistance and supervision of an authorized HSI Instructor. If you demonstrate achievement of the required knowledge and hands-on skills you will receive an authentic HSI certification card valid for two years.
Approximately two weeks prior to your in-person course, you will receive an email with instruction for the at-home study portion. No refunds will be issued once that email is sent. Participants must be physically able to perform the basic skills required for CPR. Participants will not be allowed to enter the class if they arrive more than 15 minutes after the class begins.
Adult Cost: $25
Parsons Little House
2900 Frisco Ave., Parsons
Date: 10/12 Time: 1 - 3 p.m.
Registration Deadline: 9/30
Garden City Little House
108 Hackberry St., Garden City Date: 10/19 Time: 1 - 3 p.m.
Registration Deadline: 10/7
Wichita Girl Scout Office
360 Lexington Road, Wichita Date: 10/22 Time: 6 - 8 p.m.
Registration Deadline: 10/7
Wichita Girl Scout Office
360 Lexington Road, Wichita
Date: 1/14 Time: 6 - 8 p.m.
Registration Deadline: 12/30
Wichita Girl Scout Office
360 Lexington Road, Wichita
Date: 2/11 Time: 6 - 8 p.m.
Registration Deadline: 1/27
St. John's Lutheran Church
302 S. 7th St., Salina
Date: 3/11 Time: 6 - 8 p.m.
Registration Deadline: 2/24
Garden City Little House
108 Hackberry St., Garden City
Date: 3/22 Time: 1 - 3 p.m.
Registration Deadline: 3/10
First Christian Church
316 W. Laurel St., Independence Date: 4/5 Time: 1 - 3 p.m.
Registration Deadline: 3/24
Camp Double E
794 Road 200, Emporia Date: 4/12 Time: 1 - 3 p.m.
Registration Deadline: 3/31
Starwoods Girl Scout Center
7800 S. 103rd St. W., Clearwate r Date: 4/12 Time: 1 - 3 p.m.
Registration Deadline: 3/31
Wichita Girl Scout Office
360 Lexington Road, Wichita Date: 5/6 Time: 6 - 8 p.m.
Registration Deadline: 4/21
Starwoods Girl Scout Center
7800 S. 103rd. St. W., Clearwater
Date: 6/6 Time: 4 - 6 p.m.
Registration Deadline: 5/19
Youth Mental Health First Aid
Youth Mental Health First Aid teaches you how to identify, understand and respond to signs of mental health and substance use challenges among adolescents ages 12-18. You’ll build skills and confidence you need to reach out and provide initial support to young people who are struggling. You’ll also learn how to help connect them to the appropriate support. Lunch is not included.
Adult Cost: $30
Microsoft Teams
Date: 11/9 Time: 9 a.m. - 4 p.m.
Registration Deadline: 10/28
Microsoft Teams
Date: 1/4 Time: 9 a.m. - 4 p.m.
Registration Deadline: 12/23
Microsoft Teams
Date: 3/8 Time: 9 a.m. - 4 p.m.
Registration Deadline: 2/24
Wilderness First Aid
Wilderness first aid is the assessment of, and treatment given to an ill or injured person in a remote environment where definitive care of a physician and/or rapid transport is not readily available. Students will learn how to assess, treat and, when possible, prevent medical and traumatic emergencies within the scope of their training. Time is the essential element distinguishing wilderness first aid from standard first aid. When calling EMS is not an immediate option, or when help could be an hour or even days away, the task of managing the injured and the ill will challenge you beyond the principles of first aid you will learn in this course. Prerequisites for this course include Adult CPR and AED. Basic first aid and outdoor camping training is recommended.
Adults and Teens (grades 9-12) Cost: $30
Wichita Girl Scout Office
360 Lexington Road, Wichita
Date: 10/12 Time: 8 a.m. – 6 p.m.
Registration Deadline: 9/30
Wichita Girl Scout Office
360 Lexington Road, Wichita
Date: 4/26 Time: 8 a.m. – 6 p.m.
Registration Deadline: 4/14
Outdoor Camping
This overnight course combines the Cabin Camping course curriculum with a deeper knowledge of outdoor camping experiences. This is required for any camping experiences outside of a cabin/walled facility. After completing this course, volunteers will be able to take their girls on a camping trip. You'll learn about health and safety procedures, how to set up a campsite and the equipment needed, tent pitching, troop and individual packing, Kaper Charts, meal planning and preparation, multiple methods of cooking, dishwashing, starting a wood fire, compass and trail signs, Leave no Trace principles, and how to tie these experiences to a Girl Scout Leadership Experience. Ambassador Girl Scouts may also take this course. Prerequisite to this course is Outdoor Basics found in gsLearn.
Adult Cost: $25
Starwoods Girl Scout Center
7800 S. 103rd St. W., Clearwater
Date/Time: 10/5 at 4 p.m. – 10/6 at 12 p.m.
Registration Deadline: 9/23
Ellis Lakeside Campground
300 E. 8th St., Ellis
Date/Time: 10/5 at 4 p.m. – 10/6 at 12 p.m.
Registration Deadline: 9/23
Parsons Little House
2900 Frisco Ave, Parsons
Date/Time: 10/12 at 4 p.m. - 10/13 at 12 p.m.
Registration Deadline: 9/30
Garden City Little House
108 Hackberry St., Garden City
Date/Time: 10/19 at 4 p.m. – 10/20 at 12 p.m.
Registration Deadline: 10/7
Garden City Little House
108 Hackberry St., Garden City
Date/Time: 3/22 at 4 p.m. – 3/23 at 12 p.m.
Registration Deadline: 3/10
Elk City State Park
4825 Squaw Creek Road, Independence
Date/Time: 4/5 at 4 p.m. – 4/6 at 12 p.m.
Registration Deadline: 3/24
Camp Double E
794 Road 200, Emporia
Date/Time: 4/12 at 4 p.m. – 4/13 at 12 p.m.
Registration Deadline: 3/31
Starwoods Girl Scout Center
7800 S. 103rd St. W., Clearwater
Date/Time: 4/12 at 4 p.m. – 4/13 at 12 p.m.
Registration Deadline: 3/31

IGNITE: Touchdown!!
Learn the ultimate Girl Scout game plan with our weekend volunteer retreat. Join the huddle and let us coach you on what it means to be a Girl Scout volunteer with educational workshops! All while enjoying various camp activities such as swimming, archery, crafts, and even tackling your fears on the zipline! Don't fumble your opportunity to come be a part of an amazing team and take a page out of our playbook!
The cost of $50 will include five meals, snacks, workshops and more! You’ll want to pack a sack supper for Friday evening or eat before you arrive. T-Shirts will be available to purchase when you register. An email will be sent after the deadline date so you can choose your workshops and sleeping arrangements: cabin bunks, lodge (floor or air mattress), platform tents, or you can provide your own personal tent to camp. During this same weekend, we’ll also offer a First Aid/ CPR/AED course, USA Archery Level 1 Instructor certification, and a Small Craft Safety course. You’ll need to register for these items separately. Can't wait to reach the stars with you!
Adult Cost: $50
Starwoods Outdoor Center
7800 S. 103rd St. W., Clearwater
Date/Time: 6/6 at 6 p.m. to 6/8 at 12 p.m.
Registration Deadline: 5/19
USA Archery Level 1 Instructor
The USA Archery Level 1 Instructor certification course provides graduates the necessary tools to maintain a high level of safety both on and off the archery range for camps and beginner archery programs. To successfully complete the requirements for this certification, students must successfully pass the USA Archery Level 1 Instructor Certification online course, including the online exam. They will then register for and complete an "in-person" USA Archery Level 1 Instructor practical course. Upon completion, participant will receive a USA Archery Level 1 Instructor certificate. The USA Archery Level 1 Instructor will learn about range safety, range setup, the steps of shooting, equipment and repair, programs and lesson plans and is well prepared to teach beginner archery programs to people of all ages and abilities in a variety of disciplines. Approximately two weeks before the in-person course, you will receive information on how to acquire the online portion, pay the $40 fee directly to USA Archery and register for the in-person course.
Adult Cost: $10 paid to GSKH, plus $40 paid to USA Archery
Starwoods Girl Scout Center
7800 S. 103rd St. W., Clearwater Date: 11/2 Time: 1 - 5 p.m.
Registration Deadline: 10/28
Starwoods Girl Scout Center
7800 S. 103rd St. W., Clearwater Date: 6/8 Time: 1 - 5 p.m.
Registration Deadline: 5/19

Small Craft Safety
Small Craft Safety (Canoeing and Kayaking) is the current Safety Activity Checkpoints requirement to facilitate a canoeing or kayaking experience for girls. A pre-requisite course in gsLearn: GSUSA Small Craft Safety Training is required. In this course, you will learn skills for basic water rescue and small craft. During the 3 hour hands-on course, you will practice and demonstrate your skills. Note that this is a safety and rescue course, not a skills class; participants should be familiar with basic canoeing and kayaking skills before arrival. Participants must be able to pass a swim test and all rescue techniques.
Adult Cost: $35
Starwoods Girl Scout Center
7800 S. 103rd St. W., Clearwater
Date: 6/8 Time: 1 - 4 p.m.
Registration Deadline: 5/19
Team Building & Traverse Wall Instructor
The Team Building Course, located near Cedar Cabin at Starwoods Girl Scout Center, is the first step in Girl Scouts of Kansas Heartland's adventure progression. The Traverse Wall, located in the Sports Pavilion at Starwoods Girl Scout Center, is a horizontal climbing wall that introduces climbing skills to campers as young as Daisies. In this training course for adult volunteers, you'll learn about the adventure progression, the fundamentals of Your Challenge, Your Choice, team building games that you can play anywhere with commonly found supplies, as well as the safety and purpose of each team building element in the Starwoods course. At the Traverse Wall, you’ll practice communication, spotting, and climbing techniques to prepare your Girl Scouts for a successful climbing experience.
Adult Cost: $5
Starwoods Girl Scout Center
7800 S. 103rd St. W., Clearwater
Date: 11/2 Time: 5 – 6:30 p.m.
Registration Deadline: 10/21

School Year Events
Your Voice Counts: an activity guide
Digital Packet
Date: 10/1
Grade: K-12 Registration Deadline: 9/30
Youth Members Only
Youth Cost: Free Adult Cost: n/a
Complete the activities and games in this digital activity guide to celebrate the trailblazers that fought for voting equality, learn how to advocate for special issues, and then take action to make the world a better place. Learn why voting matters, explore how diversity makes us better, and party like a patriot. Earn steps toward Civic Engagement badge (not provided).
SU83 hosts All-Star Mother Daughter Camp (DB)
Camp Wood
1101 Camp Wood Road, Elmdale
Date/Time: 10/11 at 5:30 p.m. to 10/12 at 12 p.m.
Number of Overnights: 1
Grade: K-3 Registration Deadline: 9/30
Program Type: Youth with Required Chaperone
Youth Cost: $30 Adult Cost: $30
Hurry and hustle over, let’s get ready to play! Join us for an All-Star Mother Daughter Camp. You will go hiking, cast your line for that recordbreaking fish, and sing your heart out around the campfire. You won’t want to miss this opportunity to get to spend time together. We are sure to have a ball! Fun patch provided.
SU83 hosts All-Star Mother Daughter Camp (JCSA)
Camp Wood
1101 Camp Wood Road, Elmdale
Date/Time: 10/12 at 1 p.m. to 10/13 at 12 p.m.
Number of Overnights: 1
Grade: 4-12 Registration Deadline: 9/30
Program Type: Youth with Required Chaperone
Youth Cost: $30
Adult Cost: $30
Hurry and hustle over, let’s get ready to play! Join us for an All-Star Mother Daughter Camp. You will go hiking, cast your line for that record-breaking fish, and sing your heart out around the campfire. You won’t want to miss this opportunity to get to spend time together. We are sure to have a ball! Fun patch provided.
Haunted Stroll: Fairytale Trail, morning session
Starwoods Girl Scout Center
7800 S. 103rd St. W., Clearwater
Date: 10/12 Time: 9:30 a.m. to at 12 p.m.
Grade: age 3-grade 3Registration Deadline: 9/30
Program Type: Girl Scout Families
Youth Cost: $15
Adult Cost: $5
Stroll from cabin to cabin and experience crafts, story-telling, and light-hearted interactive Halloween scenes in this daytime, family-friendly event. Candy, pumpkins, and autumn amusement await. Costumes encouraged! Pre-registration is required for this event; there is no at-the-door pricing. Fun patch provided.

Haunted Stroll: Fairytale Trail,
afternoon session
Starwoods Girl Scout Center
7800 S. 103rd St. W., Clearwater
Date: 10/12 Time: 1 p.m. - 3:30 p.m.
Grade: age 3-grade 3 Registration Deadline: 9/30
Program Type: Girl Scout Families
Youth Cost: $15
Adult Cost: $5
Stroll from cabin to cabin and experience crafts, story-telling, and light-hearted interactive Halloween scenes in this daytime, family-friendly event. Candy, pumpkins, and autumn amusement await. Costumes encouraged! Pre-registration is required for this event; there is no at-the-door pricing. Fun patch provided.
Haunted Stroll: Pumpkin Hollow Trail
Starwoods Girl Scout Center
7800 S. 103rd St. W., Clearwater
Date: 10/12 Time: 6 p.m. - 8:30 p.m.
Grade: 2-7 Registration Deadline: 9/30
Program Type: Youth with Required Chaperone
Youth Cost: $15
Adult Cost: $5
Join us for the most epic Halloween party ever! Decorate a pumpkin and then watch it fly from the pumpkin catapult. Solve the mystery and crack the code to escape the haunted basement of the Starwoods Lodge. Then dance the night away with all of our favorite spooky music. This event is perfect for the Halloween-lover who is not quite ready for the seriously scary stroll through the Boo Bash Trail. Costumes encouraged!
Fun patch provided.
SU71 hosts Day at the Farm
Tami Moore's Home
6600 S. Westfork Road, Garden City
Date: 10/12 Time: 2 p.m. - 4 p.m.
Grade: K-12
Registration Deadline: 9/30
Program Type: Youth with Optional Chaperone
Youth Cost: $10
Adult Cost: Free
Have you ever wanted to spend an afternnon learning about life on a farm? Join SU71 in a great adventure learning all about what it’s like to live on a farm! You will have opportunities to pet and feed the animals, learn how to fix a fence and create a fun craft to commemorate your time at the farm! Don’t miss out on the fun! Fun patch provided.
Troop 47457 hosts A Bug Hike in the Park:
Brownie Badge Workshop
Pawnee Prairie Park
2625 S. Tyler Road, Wichita
Date: 10/13 Time: 12:30 p.m. - 3 p.m.
Grade: 2-3 Registration Deadline: 10/7
Program Type: Youth Members Only
Youth Cost: $20 Adult Cost: n/a
Did you know that bugs make up more than half of all living animals on earth!?! During this daytime adventure Brownie Girl Scouts will learn so much more about these little creatures that make the world go round! Brownies will spend the day in nature, hiking, creating crafts and making new friends. This will be a great day spent outdoors, learning about bugs, hiking safety and exploring Pawnee Prairie Park. Earn Bug and Hiker badge (provided).
Haunted Stroll: Boo Bash Trail
Starwoods Girl Scout Center
7800 S. 103rd St. W., Clearwater
Date: 10/19 Time: 7 p.m. - 9:30 p.m.
Grade: 4-12
Registration Deadline: 10/17
Program Type: Youth with Required Chaperone
Youth Cost: $15 Adult Cost: $15
Venture through Starwoods on the thrilling Boo Bash Trail where you'll encounter monsters and ghouls of all kinds, artfully decorated scare scenes, and frightening special effects; all created by Girl Scout Spookmasters! Snacks, hot drinks, and haunted amusement await your family. Recommended for 4th grade and up; it's seriously spooky. Costumes encouraged! Register by 10/17 for $15 or bring $20 cash to the door. Fun patch provided.

SU89 hosts He & She Halloween - Night of the Living Dead Dance 2024
Holy Spirit Catholic Church
18218 US 54
Goddard, KS 67052
Date: 11/2 Time: 6-8 p.m.
Grade: K-12
Registration Deadline: 10/28
Program Type: Girl Scout Families
Youth Cost: 15 Adult Cost: $15
Join us for an evening of Halloween fun, food and dancing. Taco bar buffet and dessert will be served 6:15-6:45 pm. followed by dancing with music provided by a DJ. A photographer will be on site to capture fun photos. Face painting will be available throughout the night. Each girl will receive a fun patch. Dinner included.
Going Gold: Think Like
a Citizen Scientist
Starwoods Girl Scout Center
7800 S. 103rd St. W., Clearwater
Date: 11/2 at 1 p.m. to 11/3 at 4 p.m.
Number of Overnights: 1
Grade: 8-12 Registration Deadline: 10/21
Program Type: Youth with Optional Chaperone
Youth Cost: $35
Adult Cost: Free Join the Gold Award Committee for an epic sleepover at Starwoods Girl Scout Center where you will earn your Think Like a Citizen Scientist journey and learn all about the next steps toward earning your Gold Award. Be inspired by recent Gold Award Girl Scouts as they share their stories of going Gold. Brainstorm project ideas and begin making community connections to prepare your Gold Award proposal. This overnight is packed with learning, fun, and inspiration as you start your path toward earning Girl Scouts highest award. Earn Think Like a Citizen Scientist badge (provided).
SU71 hosts Veteran's Day Parade
Finney County Fairgrounds
209 Lake Ave., Garden City
Date: 11/9
Time: 10 a.m. - 12 p.m.
Grade: K-12 Registration Deadline: 10/28
Program Type: Youth with Required Chaperone
Youth Cost: Free Adult Cost: Free Come and join Service Unit 71 as we show our appreciation and patriotism while participating in the Veteran's Day Parade to honor our military. Come dressed in your Girl Scout best, or red, white, and blue to show your Girl Scout and USA pride! Fun patch provided.

Creation Station: Parsons JCSA
Parsons Little House
221 S. 29th St., Parsons
Date: 11/9 Time: 10 a.m. - 4 p.m.
Grade: 4-12 Registration Deadline: 10/28
Program Type: Youth with Optional Chaperone
Youth Cost: $35 Adult Cost: Free [cre*a*tion] noun: the action or process of bringing something into existence. Your only limitation is your imagination for Creation Station! You can create a house for animals, a masterpiece for your wall, or something cool that your favorite adult will love! We'll let our imaginations run wild to create whatever motivates us that day. Fun patch provided.
SU83 hosts Cookies & Crafts
United Methodist Church
21 N. Mission St., Council Grove
Date: 11/9 Time: 2 p.m. - 4 p.m.
Grade: K-12 Registration Deadline: 11/4
Program Type: Youth with Required Chaperone
Youth Cost: Free Adult Cost: Free
Join us to decorate some festive and delicious Christmas cookies in preparation for the holiday season! We will also be making delightful Christmas crafts that girls can keep or give to loved ones on Christmas. This is a great way to get in the spirit of the season!
Creation Station: Parsons DB
Parsons Little House
221 S. 29th St., Parsons
Date: 11/10 Time: 10 a.m. - 4 p.m.
Grade: K-3
Registration Deadline: 10/28
Program Type: Youth with Optional Chaperone
Youth Cost: $35
Adult Cost: Free [cre*a*tion] noun: the action or process of bringing something into existence. Your only limitation is your imagination for Creation Station! You can create a house for animals, a masterpiece for your wall, or something cool that your favorite adult will love! We'll let our imaginations run wild to create whatever motivates us that day. Fun patch provided.
SU87 hosts Create Something Amazing!-
CSA Journey in a Day
Starwoods Girl Scout Center
7800 S. 103rd St. W., Clearwater
Date/Time: 11/15 at 6:30 p.m. to 11/17 at 12 p.m.
Number of Overnights: 2
Grade: 6-12 Registration Deadline: 10/14
Program Type: Sleepaway Camp: Youth Members Only
Youth Cost: $40
Adult Cost: n/a CSA’s will complete the Think Like an Engineer Journey. Girls will be formed into teams and take part in an engineering showdown. Brainstorm with your team and build prototypes for several projects. Can you build an elephant prosthetic, design a new camp cabin, or engineer a sculpture that moves in the Kansas wind? Will your invention be the best of the bunch? Spend the weekend dreaming big, building bigger and using your brain to create something Amazing! Fee includes all meals, supplies, event t-shirt, fun patch and Journey Award. Earn Think Like an Engineer badge (provided).
hosts Paint with Me
Alexander Artworks
120 W. Main St., Council Grove
Date: 11/16 Time: 2 p.m. - 4 p.m.
Grade: K-12 Registration Deadline: 11/4
Program Type: Youth with Optional Chaperone Youth Cost: Free Adult Cost: Free Come and paint with the president of the Council Grove Community, Mary Yoder! Each participant will paint a wonderful piece of artwork with the guidance of Mary. This event is free, but you must register to ensure that there are enough supplies. Come learn and experience the joy of painting.
SU71 hosts Spin & Twirl Ice Skating
United Wireless Arena
4100 W. Comanche St., Dodge City
Date: 11/16 Time: 11 a.m. - 1 p.m.
Grade: K-12 Registration Deadline: 11/4
Program Type: Girl Scout Families
Youth Cost: $14
Adult Cost: $14
Skate and Twirl while gliding across the ice rink! Bundle up and bring your friends and family to join in on this icy fun winter wonderland activity. Fun patch provided.

Meet the Panda: an activity guide
Digital Packet
Date: 12/1
Grade: K-12
Registration Deadline: 11/30
Program Type: Youth Members Only
Youth Cost: Free Adult Cost: n/a
Complete the activities and games in this digital activity guide to meet the Cookie Program critter: the Panda. While getting to know the panda, its habitat, and special skills, you'll also practice the five skills every great entrepreneur needs to have for a successful business. Earn steps toward Cookie Family Pin (not provided).
SU71 hosts Christmas Candy Making
Trinity Lutheran Church
1010 Fleming St., Garden City
Date: 12/7 Time: 10 a.m. - 12 p.m.
Grade: 4-12
Registration Deadline: 11/25
Program Type: Youth with Optional Chaperone
Youth Cost: $25 Adult Cost: Free
Cozy up with a nice warm cup of cocoa and learn how to make Christmas candy. Girls will make several different kinds of Christmas candies and will be able take some of each home with them! Yum! Join us for this fun and tasty activity! Fun patch provided.
SU71 hosts North Pole
Trinity Lutheran Church
1010 Fleming St., Garden City
Date: 12/7
Grade: K-3
Time: 10 a.m. - 12 p.m.
Registration Deadline: 11/25
Program Type: Youth with Optional Chaperone
Youth Cost: $5
Adult Cost: Free
Have you ever wanted to spend a morning at the North Pole?? Join SU71 as we host a North Pole extravaganza! Pop up to the North Pole to enjoy story time, make a wintery craft, sip on a nice hot cup of cocoa and snack on cookies. Fun patch provided.
Troop 41524 hosts Brownie Wonders of Water (WOW) Journey
Wichita Girl Scout Office
360 Lexington Road, Wichita
Date: 12/7 Time: 1 p.m. - 4 p.m.
Grade: 2-3
Registration Deadline: 11/25
Program Type: Youth with Optional Chaperone
Youth Cost: $30
Adult Cost: Free Brownies will be earning steps for their Wonder of Water Journey. Learn about ways to conserve water, what makes a rainbow, how rain forms, all while having fun with your fellow Girl Scouts! Earn steps towards the Wonders of Water Journey set (not provided).
SU83 hosts Grand Prix 2025
United Methodist Church
219 S. 6th St., Osage City
Date: 1/11 Time: 2 p.m. - 4 p.m.
Grade: K-12
Registration Deadline: 12/30
Program Type: Youth Members Only
Youth Cost: $10
Adult Cost: n/a
Get your engines running! Have fun building and decorating your car at home or with your troop; then come and watch your car soar down the track at the GS Grand Prix. Prizes will be award in the following categories: place in age group and best decorated cars. Hands on experience in engineering, aerodynamics, weight distribution and design. Bring the whole family to watch the fun as your car crosses the finish line! Fun patch provided.

SU71 hosts Cookie Kick Off
Florence Wilson Elementary School
1709 E. Labrador Blvd., Garden City
Date: 1/18
Time: 10 a.m. - 12 p.m.
Grade: K-12 Registration Deadline: 1/6
Program Type: Youth with Required Chaperone Youth Cost: Free Adult Cost: Free Join in some fun as we kick off cookie season in style. Fun patch provided.
Troop 40246 hosts My Promise, My Faith Workshop
Sharon Baptist Church
2221 S. Oliver St., Wichita
Date: 1/18 Time: 9 a.m. - 12 p.m.
Grade: K-12 Registration Deadline: 1/13
Program Type: Youth Members Only
Youth Cost: $20
Adult Cost: n/a
Girls of all age levels will engage in booths which will walk them through all of the steps to complete the My Promise, My Faith pin. The booths include crafts, inspirational quotes/verses, a fun games and interactive worksheets. There will be workbooks tailored for younger girls. The workshop includes a snack and girls will leave that day with their pin. Earn My Promise, My Faith Pin (provided)
ASHI Child and Babysitting Safety:
Wichita Girl Scout Office
360 Lexington Road, Wichita
Date: 1/18 Time: 12 p.m. - 4 p.m.
Grade: 6-12 Registration Deadline: 1/13
Program Type: Youth Members Only
Youth Cost: $30
Adult Cost: n/a
The American Health and Safety Institute will provide training for youth who are planning to provide babysitting services for young children and infants. The program includes instruction on the business of babysitting, proper supervision, basic caregiving skills, and guidelines on how to recognize and handle problems that may occur. The goal of this training is to help students develop the knowledge, skills, and confidence to effectively supervise and manage children in their care. Kansas law does not specify a minimum age for babysitters; the recommended age is 12-13, depending on readiness, maturity, and responsibility. Earn steps toward Babysitting badge (not provided).
SU87, 90 & 91 host 2025 Cookie Kick Off at the Movies: Friday Night Session
Derby Plaza Theaters
1300 N. Nelson Dr., Derby
Date: 1/24
Time: 6 p.m. - 9 p.m.
Grade: K-12 Registration Deadline: 1/13
Program Type: Youth with Required Chaperone
Youth Cost: $5
Adult Cost: $5
Kick off the cookie season with cookie trivia on the big screen and a movie at the Derby Theater (the movie will be announced closer to the date of the event). Doors open at 6:00 pm for you to check-in and purchase your own treats from the concession stand and the program starts at 6:30 pm. Can't attend this date/time? Check out the Saturday morning session. Same event, just 2 dates/times to choose from. Fun patch provided.
hosts Cookie Kickoff
Date: 1/25
Time: 2 p.m. - 4 p.m.
Grade: K-12 Registration Deadline: 1/13
Program Type: Youth with Required Chaperone Youth Cost: Free Adult Cost: Free Cookie Kickoff celebration- Hosted SU80 get your Girl Scout excited for cookie sales. Activities will incorporate the FIVE business skills and boost self esteem for new cookie sellers! Guess My Cookie Activity, Know The Dough Relay Race, Mock Sales Booth, Memory Game, crafts and light refreshments. Fun patch provided.

SU87, 90 & 91 host 2025 Cookie Kick Off at the Movies: Saturday Morning Session
Derby Plaza Theaters
1300 N. Nelson Dr., Derby
Date: 1/25 Time: 10 a.m. - 12 p.m.
Grade: K-12 Registration Deadline: 1/13
Program Type: Youth with Required Chaperone Youth Cost: $5
Adult Cost: $5
Kick off the cookie season with cookie trivia on the big screen and a movie at the Derby Theater (the movie will be announced closer to the date of the event). Doors open at 10:00 pm for you to check-in and purchase your own treats from the concession stand and the program starts at 10:30 pm. Fun patch provided.
I.C.E.: Hays
First United Methodist Church
305 W. 7th St., Hays
Date: 1/25 Time: 10 a.m. - 4 p.m.
Grade: K-12 Registration Deadline: 1/13
Program Type: Youth with Optional Chaperone
Youth Cost: $40
Adult Cost: Free
"I Crave Excitement!" Do you know that 10% of the earth is covered in ice? Or that ice reflects 90% of sunlight? Join us for icy-themed event where we will tie-dye winter gear, paint with ice cubes, and make our own ice cream! This day is filled with frosty fun. Fun patch provided.
Day Trip to Snow Creek
Snow Creek Ski Resort
1 Snow Creek Dr., Weston
Date: 1/25 Time: TBD
Grade: 7-12
Registration Deadline: 1/6
Program Type: Youth Members Only (limited chaperone opportunites)
Youth Cost: TBD Adult Cost: TBD
Save the date for a snow-filled adventure in Weston, Missouri. During this one day trip, you'll have the opportunity to ski, snowboard, or tube down the mountain at Snow Creek Ski Resort. Register in Ultracamp for an interest meeting on December 3 where we will finalize our plans and pricing for the January 25 day trip. Following the planning session, commitment and payment will be due January 6. Fun patch provided.
Girl Scout Traditions: an activity guide
Digital Packet
Date: 2/1
Grade: K-12
Registration Deadline: 1/31
Program Type: Youth Members Only
Youth Cost: Free Adult Cost: n/a
Complete the activities and games in this digital activity guide to learn about Girl Scout Traditions. World Thinking Day is celebrated on February 22. The 2025 theme is "Our Story: Reflecting the Symbolism and Values of Our Movement". The Girl Scout birthday is celebrated during the week surrounding March 12, with a daily challenge to complete and share with your Girl Scout sisters. Earn steps toward Girl Scout Way badge (not provided).
I.C.E.: Starwoods
Starwoods Girl Scout Center
7800 S. 103rd St. W., Clearwater
Date: 2/1
Time: 10 a.m. - 4 p.m.
Grade: K-12 Registration Deadline: 1/20
Program Type: Youth with Optional Chaperone Youth Cost: $40 Adult Cost: Free "I Crave Excitement!" Do you know that 10% of the earth is covered in ice? Or that ice reflects 90% of sunlight? Join us for icy-themed event where we will tie-dye winter gear, paint with ice cubes, and make our own ice cream! This day is filled with frosty fun. After the event, you can choose to extend the day with a trip to Wichita Ice Center to show off your ice skating skills. Fun patch provided.
SU91 hosts World Thinking Day 2025
Starwoods Girl Scout Center
7800 S. 103rd St. W., Clearwater
Date: 2/8 Time: 10 a.m. - 1 p.m.
Grade: K-12 Registration Deadline: 1/27
Program Type: Girl Scout Families
Youth Cost: $3
Adult Cost: $3
Troops will choose a country to learn more about and prove a display and/or presentation about their chosen country-including information about Girl Scouts/Girl Guides in that country. Troops can provide a craft/activity for the other participants to do, such as a traditional song or dance from their country. We would like troops to provide a food from their country for participants to sample. Troops can set up on 02/07 after 4:00 p.m. or on 02/08 prior to 10:00 a.m. Open to Juliettes to provide a display. Hot dogs and chips provided for lunch. Contact Kelly Snow at sunshinenrain98@gmail.com in regards to country selection. Fun patch provided.

ASHI First Aid/CPR/AED for Teens:
Wichita Girl Scout Office
360 Lexington Road, Wichita
Date: 2/22 Time: 12 p.m. - 2 p.m.
Grade: 6-12
Registration Deadline: 2/10
Program Type: Youth Members Only
Youth Cost: $30
Adult Cost: n/a
This American Safety & Health Institute course will provide you with an understanding into providing lifesaving first aid and CPR in an emergency. This blended course includes an at-home study portion and then you will practice important skills during an in-person class with the assistance and supervision of an authorized HSI Instructor. If you demonstrate achievement of the required knowledge and hands-on skills, you will receive an authentic HSI certification card valid for two years. Approximately two weeks prior to your in-person course, you will receive an email with instruction for the at-home study portion. No refunds will be issued once that email is sent. Participants must be physically able to perform the basic skills required for CPR. Participants will not be allowed to enter the class if they arrive more than 15 minutes after the class begins.
Alumni & Friends hosts Girl Scout Traditions: Brownies
Starwoods Girl Scout Center
7800 S. 103rd St. W., Clearwater
Date: 3/8 Time: 11 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.
Grade: 2-3 Registration Deadline: 2/24
Program Type: Youth with Required Chaperone
Youth Cost: $7
Adult Cost: Free Girl Scout Alumni & Friends invites Brownie Girl Scouts to visit the Historical Collection at Starwoods Girl Scout Center for a special event to kick off Girl Scout week. You will participate in Girl Scout traditions, make new friends, and receive a to-go snack. Earn Girl Scout Way badge (provided).

Alumni & Friends hosts Girl Scout
Traditions: Daisies
Starwoods Girl Scout Center
7800 S. 103rd St. W., Clearwater
Date: 3/8 Time: 1:30 p.m. - 3 p.m.
Grade: K-1 Registration Deadline: 2/24
Program Type: Youth with Required Chaperone
Youth Cost: $6 Adult Cost: Free Girl Scout Alumni & Friends invites Daisy Girl Scouts to visit the Historical Collection at Starwoods Girl Scout Center for a special event to kick off Girl Scout week. You will participate in Girl Scout traditions, make new friends, and receive a to-go snack. Earn the "Vi" petal (not provided). Fun patch provided.
Alumni & Friends hosts Girl Scout
Traditions: Juniors
Starwoods Girl Scout Center
7800 S. 103rd St. W., Clearwater
Date: 3/8
Time: 9 a.m. - 10:30 a.m.
Grade: 4-5 Registration Deadline: 2/24
Program Type: Youth with Required Chaperone
Youth Cost: $7 Adult Cost: Free Girl Scout Alumni & Friends invites Junior Girl Scouts to visit the Historical Collection at Starwoods Girl Scout Center for a special event to kick off Girl Scout week. You will participate in Girl Scout traditions, make new friends, and receive a to-go snack. Earn Girl Scout Way badge (provided).
An Enchanted Spring Break
Starwoods Girl Scout Center
7800 S. 103rd St. W., Clearwater
Date/Time: 3/17 to 3/20 at 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. daily
Grade: K-5 Registration Deadline: 2/17
Program Type: Youth Members Only
Youth Cost: $150 Adult Cost: n/a
Get ready for magical days of art, sisterhood, and fun as we explore the worlds of four enchanted princesses. You can join us for all four days or pick and choose the days that work around your Spring Break plans. Weave fairytale fabric art like Aurora, practice outdoor skills like Raya, create a leatherbound book like Belle, and plant a charming fairy pot garden like Thumbelina. Individual days for $40 per day or the full 4-day session for $150. Earn Craft and Tinker badge (provided).

Cadettes Take Flight
Starwoods Girl Scout Center
7800 S. 103rd St. W., Clearwater
Date: 3/21 Time: 9 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Grade: 5-8 Registration Deadline: 2/17
Program Type: Youth with Optional Chaperone
Youth Cost: $40
Adult Cost: Free Look, up in the sky... It's a bird! It's a plane! It's a Girl Scout Cadette! As a Cadette, the opportunities you have to soar with Girl Scouts are immense. You get to take on bigger leadership roles with your troop, younger Girl Scouts, and your community. During Cadettes Take Flight, you will explore the science of flight and how the anatomy of a bird influenced the design of airplanes. Be inspired to spread your wings with Girl Scouts. This event is open to fifth grade Juniors as well as current Cadettes. Fun patch provided.
ASHI Child and Babysitting Safety:
Hays Girl Scout Office
2707 Vine St., Suite 8, Hays
Date: 3/29
Time: 12 p.m. - 4 p.m.
Grade: 6-12 Registration Deadline: 3/17
Program Type: Youth Members Only
Youth Cost: $30
Adult Cost: n/a
The American Health and Safety Institute will provide training for youth who are planning to provide babysitting services for young children and infants. The program includes instruction on the business of babysitting, proper supervision, basic caregiving skills, and guidelines on how to recognize and handle problems that may occur. The goal of this training is to help students develop the knowledge, skills, and confidence to effectively
supervise and manage children in their care. Kansas law does not specify a minimum age for babysitters; the recommended age is 12-13, depending on readiness, maturity, and responsibility. Earn steps toward Babysitting badge (not provided).
SU73 hosts Girl Scout Grand Prix
Norton 4H Building
126 E. Park St., Norton
Date: 3/29 Time: 3 p.m. - 5 p.m.
Grade: K-12 Registration Deadline: 2/17
Program Type: Girl Scout Families
Youth Cost: $15
Adult Cost: $15
Start your engines and join us for our 5th annual Girl Scout Grand Prix! This is a family event and we will have open classes for siblings and adults to participate as well! Registered participants will need to build and decorate their car according to the included set of rules prior to the race. Awards will be handed out to the top 3 in each class and there will be an award for most creative car! Only racers must register, no costs for spectators. Fund patch for Girl Scouts, and light refreshments included in the registration fee. $20 with car kit or $15 without car kit. Fun patch provided.
Planet Protectors: an activity guide Digital Packet
Date: 4/1
Grade: K-12 Registration Deadline: 3/31
Program Type: Youth Members Only
Youth Cost: Free Adult Cost: n/a
Complete the activities and games in this digital activity guide to celebrate Earth Day and learn about your role in protecting our planet. Practice the skills of reduce, reuse, and recycle by making an upcycling craft. Give back to your community by completing an act of service in nature. Earn steps toward Ecology badge (not provided).
April Showers: Dillons + Kansas Food
Bank + Girl Scouts Food Drive
Dillons stores in Wichita, Derby, Hutchinson, or Garden City
Date: 4/5
Grade: K-12
Registration Deadline: TBA
Program Type: Youth with Required Chaperone
Youth Cost: Free Adult Cost: Free
This April, we're encouraging all Girl Scouts to shower their communities with acts of service! One way to give back is to participate in a food drive in collaboration with Dillons, benefiting the Kansas Food Bank. Troops will have the opportunity to sign up for a shift on April 5 at a Dillons location in Wichita, Derby, Hutchinson, or Garden City with the goal to collect 10,000 pounds of food. Whether you participate in this organized activity, or plan a different community service project, you'll be eligible to receive a special April Showers patch.
Day Trip to OKC Riversport
OKC Riversports
800 Riversport Dr., Oklahoma City
Date: 4/12 Time: TBD
Grade: 7-12 Registration Deadline: 3/31
Program Type: Youth Members Only (limited chaperones opportunities)
Youth Cost: TBD
Adult Cost: TBD
Save the date for a water-based adventure in Oklahoma City. During this one day trip, you'll have the opportunity to experience flatwater or whitewater sports at OKC Riversport, as well as the sky trail, zipline, or climbing wall . Register in Ultracamp for an interest meeting on February 25 where we will finalize our plans and pricing for the April 12 day trip. Following the planning session, commitment and payment will be due March 24. Fun patch provided.
SU71 hosts Girl Scout Grand Prix
Trinity Lutheran Church
1010 Fleming St., Garden City
Date: 4/12 Time: 1 p.m. - 3 p.m.
Grade: K-12 Registration Deadline: 3/31
Program Type: Girl Scout Families
Youth Cost: $5
Adult Cost: $5
Get ready to race. Start with your car block and design and shape your own race car. Then zoom it down the track, racing against your friends and family. Trophies will be awarded. Fun patch provided.
Adventure: DBJ Day at Starwoods
Starwoods Girl Scout Center
7800 S. 103rd St. W., Clearwater
Date: 4/26 Time: 9 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Grade: K-5 Registration Deadline: 4/14
Program Type: Youth with Optional Chaperone
Youth Cost: $35 Adult Cost: Free [ad-ven-cher] noun: an exciting or very unusual experience; verb: to take the chance; dare. Are you ready to step out of your comfort zone? Every Adventure program is a different combination of experiences that allows Girl Scouts to progress from newbie to master in the adventure activities available at Camp Starwoods. Will we aim for the bulls-eye with sling shots or archery bows? Or learn the basics of climbing at the horizontal, traversing wall? Whatever combination we choose, this introduction to adventure for Daisies, Brownies, and Juniors is guaranteed to be exciting! Limited adult chaperones needed; email info@gskh.org with interest. Earn steps toward Climbing Adventure badge (not provided).

Heartland Bridging Keeper of the Plains
339 Veterans Pkwy., Wichita
Date: 5/3
Grade: K-12
Time: 10 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.
Registration Deadline: 4/21
Program Type: Youth with Required Chaperone
Youth Cost: Free Adult Cost: Free Bridge to the next Girl Scout level in a big way, over the Arkansas River at the Keeper of the Plains! Celebrate the achievements of your troop and fellow Girl Scout sisters throughout Kansas Heartland at this free, council-wide ceremony. There will be plenty of fun for the whole troop and family: make a bridging SWAP to add to your collection and bring homemade SWAPs to exchange with fellow Girl Scouts in the Make New Friends area, try out our adventure zone, and more! Check in and activities begin at 10 a.m. The ceremony will begin at 11 a.m. Fun patch provided.
Troop 41524 hosts Junior Mechanical Badge Workshop
Wichita Girl Scout Office
360 Lexington Road, Wichita
Date: 5/3 Time: 9 a.m. - 12 p.m.
Grade: 3-5
Registration Deadline: 4/21
Program Type: Youth Members Only Youth Cost: $35 Adult Cost: n/a Workshop is a for 3rd grade Brownies bridging over to Juniors and all Juniors. Scouts will have a chance to earn steps towards 3 badges: Crane Design Challenge, Paddleboat Design Challenge, Car Design Challenge. Badges will be provided. We have ran this workshop the last three years. Earn Mechanical Engineering badge (provided).

Saturday, October 12 Events
For our younger members, join us on one of two Fairytail Trail sessions. Stroll from cabin to cabin and experience crafts, story-telling and lighthearted interactive Halloween scenes!
For: ages 3 through Third Grade
Youth Cost: $15
Adult Cost: $5
Morning Session: 9:30 a.m. to noon
Afternoon Session: 1-3:30 p.m.
Register for either session by September 30
New this year is the Pumpkin Hollow Trail! Join us to decorate a pumpkin and watch it fly from the pumpkin catapult, escape the haunted basement of the Starwoods Lodge and dance the night away with your Girl Scout friends!
For: Brownies-Cadettes
Youth Cost: $15
Adult Cost: $5
Time: 6-8:30 p.m.
Register by: September 30
October 19 Event
Boo Bash Trail: 7-9:30 p.m.
Venture the thrilling Boo Bash Trail where you'll encounter monsters and ghouls of all kinds, artfully decorated scare scenes and frightening special effects; all created by Girl Scout Spookmasters!
For: Juniors-Ambassadors
Youth Cost: $15
Adult Cost: $15
Register by: October 17*
*If not registered by October 17, you can bring $20 cash to the door per person.
Council Info
Council Offices
Wichita Office (888) 686-6468
360 Lexington Road
Wichita, KS 67218
Hays Office (888) 686-6468
2707 Vine St., Suite 8 Hays, KS 67601
Checkfront Property Reservations
Reserving a meeting space just got easier! We are utilizing the Checkfront Property Reservation system so troops and service units can book meetings and events. Spaces include all three camp properties as well as our Wichita Office, Augusta Little House, Garden City Little House and Newton Little House. Visit kansasgirlscouts.org for more information.
By appointment
Emporia (888) 686-6468
Location determined when requesting the meeting
Garden City (888) 686-6468 114 Grant Ave.
Garden City, KS 67846
Salina (888) 686-6468
St. John's Lutheran Church 302 S. 7th Street Salina, KS 67401
Council Camps
Camp Double E 794 Road 200 Emporia, KS 66801
Camp Four Winds 9236 SE Quivera Road Leon, KS 67074
Camp Starwoods 7800 S. 103rd St. West Clearwater, KS 67026
Council Little Houses
Augusta Little House 928 E. Kelly Ave. Augusta, KS 67010
Garden City Little House 108 Hackberry St. Garden City, KS 67846
Newton Little House 715 Washington Road Newton, KS 67114
Parsons Little House 221 S. 29th Parsons, KS 67357

Program Credits suspend on September 30 and expire on December 15 (If NOT renewed as a 2025 member).