OUT DOORS////////// Tubing at Dry Hill
Snow Adventure
DATE: 2/18/20 TIME: 5:00 p.m.-10:00 p.m. REGISTER BY: 2/12/20 LEVEL: All COST: $12 Girl/$12 Adult REGION: I BADGE/PATCH/JOURNEY: No LOCATION: Dry Hill Ski Area, 18160 Alpine Ridge Rd., Watertown, NY 13601
DATE: 2/22/20 TIME: 1:00 p.m.-4:00 p.m. REGISTER BY: 2/16/20 LEVEL: All COST: $12 Girl/$4 Adult REGION: I BADGE/PATCH/JOURNEY: No LOCATION: Trefoil Adventure Center
It’s February school break, spend some time tubing! Put on your winter gear and head to Dry Hill. Cost includes tubing, fee will be collected on-site. Reduced fee is for registered Girl Scouts only. Additional non-registered family members pay the regular rate. This program can be used as one of the activities for the Daisy Snow or Climbing Adventure badges.
Frost & Fire DATE: 2/22/20 TIME: 10:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m. REGISTER BY: 2/13/20 LEVEL: D, B, J, Adults COST: $20 Girl/$10 Adult REGION: III BADGE/PATCH/JOURNEY: No LOCATION: Amahami Adventure Center Frost is in the air, and fire is fueling our day. Keep warm by snowshoeing the trails to find signs of animals and play tracking games in the snow. While on our adventures, we’ll have hot chocolate on the trail! Then we’ll head inside to have lunch. Venture back outside to finish the day by a warm campfire toasting the perfect marshmallow for your s’more. Our craft for the day will be making an ice candle. *Please pack a lunch, water bottle and be sure to dress for the weather. We’ll be going outside throughout the day. Not ready to go home? Spend the night at camp for an additional $10 per person. Dinner and breakfast will be included. Enjoy more outdoor fun before departing at 11 a.m. on Sunday.
Enjoy the winter season with an afternoon at Trefoil! Snowshoe and cross country ski our trails, go sledding, make a craft and create a big snow girl in the field. Adults within ratio required. Snack provided. Program meets some requirements for the Daisy and Brownie Snow Adventure badges.
Maple Weekend DATE: 3/21/20-3/22/20 TIME: 10:00 a.m.-2:00 p.m. REGISTER BY: 3/13/20 LEVEL: All COST: Free Girl/Free Adult REGION: I BADGE/PATCH/JOURNEY: No LOCATION: Trefoil Adventure Center DATE: 3/28/20-3/29/20 TIME: 10:00 a.m.-2:00 p.m. REGISTER BY: 3/20/20 LEVEL: All COST: Free Girl/Free Adult
Come check out Trefoil’s new sugar shack during New York State’s Maple Weekend. Learn about the maple syrup making process and get a taste of our syrup as you see our sugar shack in action.
Starry Nights DATE: 4/24/20 TIME: 6:00 p.m.-9:00 p.m. REGISTER BY: 4/10/20 LEVEL: C, S COST: $15 Girl/$5 Adult REGION: II BADGE/PATCH/JOURNEY: No LOCATION: Comstock Adventure Center Complete some badge work with the help of the night sky! Start the evening with a buffet dinner. Create a glow-inthe-dark craft before heading off into camp for night hiking. Explore the night sky, listen for night sounds in the camp woods and identify and learn about different constellations present in our night sky this time of year. Cadettes will complete steps 2&4 of the Night Owl badge. Seniors will complete steps 1&5 of the Sky badge. Rain date: May 1
Questions about a program? 1.855.213.8555 or program@gsnypenn.org