Curriculum & Instruction “Words and pictures can work together to communicate more powerfully than either alone.” ~William Albert Allard
June 2014
What’s new from the Curriculum & Instruction Department?
Understandings Curriculum writers will begin working this summer to ENHANCE current curriculum documents. GISD Online Curriculum is not going away! #Misunderstanding
An effective curriculum includes multiple resources and layers of instruction. One resource does not make a curriculum!
for Underst and
Understanding by Design Grant Wiggins & Jay McTighe
Understanding by Design refers to what we Teach = Enduring Understandings for Learners What will students know and be able to do? Authentic Education – A framework for improving student achievement
McTighe, J. & Wiggins, G. (2013). Essential Questions: Opening doors to student understanding. Alexandria, VA: ASCD McTighe, J. & Wiggins, G. (2013). Understanding by design. Alexandria, VA: ASCD
Things to Know…
There’s an
Curriculum and instruction documents will continue to be housed in the current Online Curriculum Planner.
Teachers will begin working collaboratively this summer with content coordinators to develop new curricula and instructional materials.
PROFESSIONAL BOOKS FOR GARLAND ISD The district has 2 types of ebooks: ASCD and FollettShelf. Many times, an ASCD book is also available on FollettShelf. ASCD EBOOKS Instructional Resource Center ASCD eBooks – in box (Multi-user access can download) Login: garlandisd PASSWORD: gisd
FOLLETT EBOOKS Download the reader: Follett Enlight. Input your school’s code: [wbb18708 – for district users]. If at a school, use the campus code. You will see the code at your school’s online library: LOGIN: your Novell login PASSWORD: library Click on the leaning books icon - top left. View books. Click on the book's image to have the option to check out or read online, etc. *Single-User access. Read online, checkout and download. IRC Physical hard copies can be accessed through the Instructional Resource Center. – choose Instructional Resource Center (bottom right). Catalog provides a search of the titles. Email IRC-district for a title to be sent to you or go to the IRC at the Professional Development Center, 870 W Buckingham. SCHOOL LIBRARY To see all in your school’s library: – choose your school LOGIN: your Novell login PASSWORD: library
For that… Record voice-over to create teacher or student produced interactive lessons.
Corkulous is an idea board. Record, collect, organize, and share ideas.
ThingLink brings your pictures to life! Attach music, text, video, etc.… What story will you tell?
Engaging Minds “A n intelligence is the abil ity to solve problem s, or to cr eate produc ts , that are val ue d within one or m ore cultura l settings. ” ~H oward Gardner 1 983 Gardner attests educators can improve educational practices by addressing multiple intelligences, which all possess in varying amounts. Tap into different areas in the brain to activate and empower active learning – “Constructivism as a paradigm for teaching and learning.”
The KEY to successful teaching & learning…
Got New TEKS?
Secondary ELAR: Ø
Grades 6-12 ELA courses will be using Writing Coach textbooks and consumables next year. Please make sure these books are on your campus, not stored away at the warehouse.
ELA courses should not be considered “writing-only” courses. English Language Arts courses must adhere to all ELAR TEKS, whereas Reading courses require adherence to another group of state-mandated TEKS and therefore supplement English Language Arts courses. ( 110/index.html)
Writing instruction and Short Answer Question instruction will span all secondary ELAR courses beginning in the 2014-2015 school year.
Secondary Math: Ø
Middle school has new math TEKS and new instructional resources. Many concepts will be taught in lower grades, but K-8 will still focus on Algebra readiness. STAAR will cover the new TEKS, and graphing calculators will be required for the 8th grade test, therefore requiring regular use in the classroom. High school, including Algebra 1, will have new TEKS and resources next year (2015 – 2016)
Elementary Math: Look at the Information and Resources Unit to find the following TEA documents to help understand the new math TEKS that are being implemented next school year. Ø Ø Ø Ø Ø Ø Ø
STAAR Eligible TEKS for Grades 3-5 Region 20 STAAR Quick Reference Sheet for Grades 3-5 Lead4ward TEKS Snapshot for Grades K-5 TEA Side-by-Side TEKS Comparison for Grades K-5 TEA TEKS Vertical Alignment for Grades K-6 STAAR TEA Blueprint for Grades 3-5 STAAR Mathematics Resource Materials for Grades 3-5
Primary ELAR Ø Ø Ø
Pre-K – K Vertical Alignment Complete 1st grade spelling realignment Begin 2nd grade spelling realignment
Intermediate ELAR Ø
Begin the process of aligning novel studies district wide to ensure continuity of the TEKS for each grade level
Focus on creating more in-depth grammar lessons at grades 3, 4, and 5
Elementary Science Ø Check out Discovery Education TechBook Trial Login: TX_GARLAND_T Password: texas Ø
All “old” science textbooks are now out of adoption - GISD does not have copyright permission to continue use.
All new Kindergarten curricula and instructional materials have been loaded in the online curriculum planner.
The elementary science online curriculum is layered with resources to support effective instruction; curriculum teams will continue to use FOSS as well as originally created materials to develop new instructional pieces.
Secondary Science Ø Instructional Material Selected: Grades 6-8 —Pearson Interactive Science, Biology — Pearson’s Biology, Chemistry – Houghton Mifflin Harcourt’s Modern Chemistry, Physics – McGraw-Hill Physics and IPC – CPO Physical Science. No instructional material has been selected for the elective sciences. Ø
AP Physics 1 will replace Pre AP Physics. Pearson’s College Physics – Knight, Jones, Field was selected as the textbook. A reminder that all teachers of this course should attend an AP Physics 1 summer institute.
6th Grade, 7th Grade and IPC curriculum writing will take place this summer. 8th Grade and Biology will begin in Jan 2015. Chemistry and on-level Physics will begin in the spring of 2015. All curriculum documents for core courses will be finished prior to August 2015.
All of the Science Resource Center (SRC) order forms have been loaded on the intranet for easy retrieval.
! t h g i l Spo t Ø
Northlake Elementary
August In-service will include sessions on using the new instructional material as well some pieces of the new curriculum documents.
Students at Northlake engaged in not one but two STEM challenge days this year - one in the fall and spring! “Every classroom I went into was fully engaged! Each and every team had a plan and was working together to complete their challenge. The schedule of events documented not only the challenges, but also the engineering design phase each grade level, Pre K – 5th grades, were working in at any given time during the day. The teachers and students at Northlake out did themselves!! Every student I spoke to could tell me what their team was doing and how it fit into their plan. Kudos to everyone at Northlake!!” ~Mary Huschle; Professional Development Science Specialist
Brand new Technology Integration website:
iPad Conference – July 24, 2014 at North Garland High School Limited to 100 teachers, First Come – First Served! 4
Tweetable Chinese comes to Garland ISD next year!! #globalbusiness
Secondary Languages Other Then English (LOTE) Ø Ø Ø
A new LOTE Coordinator will be coming to GISD in mid-July. That person will be in charge of K-12 LOTE. Welcome this person warmly and encourage them in their new endeavor. Curriculum writers for Spanish 1-2, Latin 1-2, and German 1-2 will be using UBD to update and revise Scope and Sequence as well as 3-5 day learning plans. Chinese will begin at secondary level next year at Sellers and NFHS.
Also welcome our Chinese Instructional Specialist, Fang Wang, who is a new addition to the Curriculum and Instruction team Secondary Social Studies Ø Ø Ø Ø
A new Social Studies Coordinator will be on board in GISD by mid-July. That person will be in charge of K12 social studies. Please make him/her feel welcome! Curriculum writers for 6th World Cultures and 8th US History will begin revisions/rewrites in June. Finished products will be posted through the Online Curriculum Planner as they are completed. Curriculum revisions/rewrites for other courses will be ongoing throughout 2014-2015. New instructional resources will be in place for the following courses: AP Human Geography, AP and DC US History, AP and DC Economics. During the 2014-2015 school year, teacher committees for other courses will review instructional resources approved by the state. Those new resources are expected to be in classrooms in August 2015. TEA will release the 2014 spring administration of STAAR 8th Social Studies and EOC US History in late summer this year. Check the following link to access copies of these assessments:
The Curriculum and Instruction Department would like to welcome Nelson Orta, Director of Professional Development, to the GISD C&I Team! “Professional growth comes from stepping outside known boundaries, implementing new ideas, then reflecting, in order to step outside the new known boundaries”
#GISDdesign @ortagisd
School News! New Math and Science Instructional Materials Adopted for the 20142015 School Year
Proclamation 2013-2014 6th–8th Grades; Pearson Interactive Science
Biology; Pearson Biology
Kindergarten – 5th Grades; Discovery Education TechBook
Chemistry; Houghton Mifflin Harcourt’s Modern Chemistry
Physics; McGraw-Hill Physics
IPC; CPO Physical Science
New Tech App s textbo o ks w il l be a v ail ab le for: HS Computer Science I – TeenCoder: Java Programing – CampuScholar, Inc. HS Computer Science II – Java Methods – Skylight Publishing HS Digital Video & Audio Design – Television Production & Broadcast Journalism – The Goodheart-Willcox Company, Inc.
Kindergarten -5th Grades; Pearson enVision 2.0 Click on Sign In To My Demo Account Username: gisdmath Password: m@thisfun!
6th-8th Grades; McGraw-Hill
Tweetable GIS D Tea chers co ll abo ra te to design effectiv e i nstruction to enga ge a nd emp ow er pu rpo sef ul lea rni ng! #Rel eva ntLearn ing
Special thanks to our Curriculum Writers and Administrators
Mindy Ayers Anyela Ariza
Cari Bergstrom Kari Bandurski Aaron Ballinger Mary Bowen Julio Lisa Cummings Christine Brewer Julie Boudreaux Don Kelly Deanna Donaho Sharron Bland Danyelle Cole Cheryl Jacobs Janet Dale Cherea Davis Alison Darnell Melissa Mainse
Vicki Mason Foederer Tammy McDonald Darcie Midkiff Amy Miller Kathy Miller Sue Moisan Leah Morgan Vanessa Morgan Teri Steeger Becky Orsini Sheryl Price Sabrina Smith
Joshua Dunn
Kathryn McAliney
Kai Epps
Cara Nanez
Andrea Ellis
Brenda Hass
Jennipher Eisenstein
Kati Shantz
Brandyn Dowers
Jamie Luellen
Julie-‐Erin Anderson
Patricia Rymer
Niki Handy
Tara Walker
Emily Gathman
Lynette Varrassi
April Rosier
Barbara Springs
Phil Gilbreath
Diane Tardif
Deborah Haley
Ashley Shine
Janet Fudge
Cheryl Taylor
Melanie Gilson
Angie Mitchell
Kelly Hartmann
Toshma Thomas Carter
Lacey Harris
Jenny Thomason
Jennifer Dimsdle
Anjelica Turner
Marie Heath
Katelyn Turner Vashunda Warren
Laura Valdez
Jeannine Mason
Carrie McCullough
Kimberley Nixon
Cynthia Dorough
Ryan Baumgardner
Alicia Marshall
Lakita Graham Bunnie Light Kyndra Tyler Carolina Dennis
Brittney B rown
Leta Vaughn
Melinda Crook Jennifer Jones Patrick Hughes Alesha Love Melanie Love Kevin Massey Ashley Lewis Diane Loyd Ingrid Fleury Guzman
Melissa Luna Karen Nethaway
Lisa Sinkule Michelle Prince
Cathy Leonard
Heidi Munnerlyn
Ashley Long
Stephanie Green
John Fishpaw
Zurie Tafciu
Millie Glenn
LaBotta Taylor
Raquel Alvarez
Jennifer Fowler
Mylinda Wilcut Deb Tietjen Adriana Torres Rhonda Davis
LaTaisha Stinnette Eric Haggard Courtney Hawkins
Stacy Thomas
Kelli Harmon Kimberley Nixon
Lisa Worswick
Francheryl Harris
Deba Douglas
Teena Zihlman Janet McDade Mida Miligan
Jason Mood
Adam Verassi
Sherri LaBarbera
Sharon Moore
Amber Ausberry
Carolyn Lee
Monti McKeen
Joan Desosa
Sheri Taylor
Jennifer Hood
Alejandra Roman Farias
Michele Warren
Bobby West
Lori Evans
Stephanie Kelly
Anne R ojas
Sharon Hogue
Kyle Kimrey
Lisa Dao
Kristina Weeks
Jaclyn Hoey
Donna Jones
Kimi Riley
Kathleen Taylor
Kristina R eyna
Fang Wang
Julia Scott Amy Simpson Jamie Luellen Natasha Shaw
Lavina Minor
Elizabeth Ramos
Nancy Warren
James Seller George Jones
Kathryn McAliney Cheryl Beard
What’s in your learning plan?
NMSI Summer Institute June 17-20, 2014
SpringBoard Initial Institute High School Expansion ELA & Math August 6-8, 2014 Year 2-Advanced Teacher Workshop August 11,2014
AVID Summer Institute June 23-25, 2014
Browse a list of learning opportunities at:
TAHPERD Region 5&6 Area Workshop/ Arlington, TX / June 13, 2014 TAHPERD Summer Conference/ Frisco / July 13-15, 2014 Fitnessgram 10 Texas Tour—Free In Person Training in 12 Locations
time? Need flex ON: C O M I N G S O e s s io n a l prof 2 0 1 4 - 2 0 1 5 p o r t u n it ie s ! p le a r n in g o