C&I June2014

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Curriculum & Instruction “Words and pictures can work together to communicate more powerfully than either alone.” ~William Albert Allard

June 2014

What’s new from the Curriculum & Instruction Department?

Understandings Curriculum writers will begin working this summer to ENHANCE current curriculum documents. GISD Online Curriculum is not going away! #Misunderstanding

An effective curriculum includes multiple resources and layers of instruction. One resource does not make a curriculum!



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Understanding by Design Grant Wiggins & Jay McTighe

Understanding by Design refers to what we Teach = Enduring Understandings for Learners What will students know and be able to do? Authentic Education – A framework for improving student achievement

McTighe, J. & Wiggins, G. (2013). Essential Questions: Opening doors to student understanding. Alexandria, VA: ASCD McTighe, J. & Wiggins, G. (2013). Understanding by design. Alexandria, VA: ASCD

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