C&I June Newsletter

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Curriculum & Instruction

June 2015

School’s Out For Summer “Like a welcome summer rain, humor may suddenly cleanse and cool the Earth, the air and you.” ~ Langston Hughes

Beach or Pool – when not at school…. You need a book! Download the free BryteWave app to your device. Login with your Novell, password: library Input your Follett Shelf URL code (from your Library) at the url field. Browse and read! Are you interested in attending the online SNL course? Sign up under the June 8th option, but online course participants can work on the course any time from anywhere over the summer.

Live from GISD, it’s Schoolnet Learning! Will you take the online SNL course or the face-toface course? Learners in the online course have the opportunity to work and learn at their own pace, replay videos and instructions as often as needed, and still be able to collaborate in a forum with other learners. Whether in the online course or during a face-toface session, core content, LOTE, ESL, and Tech Apps teachers will enjoy a few laughs while exploring our new curriculum system. Please register for one of the learning sessions at: http://gisdprofessionallearning2015.sched.org/

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