C&I May Newsletter

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The task of the excellent teacher is to stimulate “apparently ordinary” people to unusual effort. The tough problem is not in identifying winners: it is in making winners out of ordinary people. ~K. Patricia Cross

Calling all GISD Teachers!

Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment

May 2015

From the Desk of Mida Milligan, Ed.D, Director of Curriculum and Instruction

Calling all GISD teachers! Have you signed up for summer training yet? Summer is the best time for classroom teachers to focus on their own learning, with no papers to grade, no lessons to plan and no parent conferences or meetings to attend. Take advantage of the plethora of offerings from multiple departments this summer to hone your skills and add new ones to your instructional practice. The C&I department is excited to host SNL training (Schoolnet Learning) with both face-to-face classes and an online course. This is the first ever online staff development offered to GISD teachers, and we are eager to roll it out and get your feedback, if you choose to take the online course. Please note that some teachers in secondary science, math and social studies who will be getting new resources are encouraged to attend specific face-to-face sessions (see below) in order to receive training on new materials. Math, Science, Social Studies Resource SNL Sessions: July 27, July 28, or July 29 August 10, August 11, or August 12 To access the catalog for dates for SNL training and all that will be offered this summer, go to https://gisdprofessionallearning2015.sched.org/ to check out the listings and get signed up. Remember that SNL counts for the Learn One, Earn Two that gives teachers a day at the campus during the week of August staff development and a day off on January 4, 2016. The Student-Centered Learning Tour is coming to your campus! To help prepare teachers for the format of the new curriculum, campus principals, the C&I department and the PD department are partnering to provide a student-centered mini-lesson experience at each building through the month of May. Our goal is to build a common vocabulary and understanding of what student-centered instruction looks like and feels like by providing an opportunity for teachers to participate in a short sample lesson. Be sure to attend the training at your building; you can check with your principal for your campus date. It’s fun and engaging; you won’t want to miss it! As we work through the last 6 weeks and make our way to the end of the 2014-15 school year, take some time to recognize the growth your students have made and your role in their progress. Celebrate their accomplishments and yours! What you do in your classroom every day can make a difference in your students’ lives; the goals you motivate and encourage them to reach make both you and your students winners.

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