The task of the excellent teacher is to stimulate “apparently ordinary” people to unusual effort. The tough problem is not in identifying winners: it is in making winners out of ordinary people. ~K. Patricia Cross
Calling all GISD Teachers!
Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment
May 2015
From the Desk of Mida Milligan, Ed.D, Director of Curriculum and Instruction
Calling all GISD teachers! Have you signed up for summer training yet? Summer is the best time for classroom teachers to focus on their own learning, with no papers to grade, no lessons to plan and no parent conferences or meetings to attend. Take advantage of the plethora of offerings from multiple departments this summer to hone your skills and add new ones to your instructional practice. The C&I department is excited to host SNL training (Schoolnet Learning) with both face-to-face classes and an online course. This is the first ever online staff development offered to GISD teachers, and we are eager to roll it out and get your feedback, if you choose to take the online course. Please note that some teachers in secondary science, math and social studies who will be getting new resources are encouraged to attend specific face-to-face sessions (see below) in order to receive training on new materials. Math, Science, Social Studies Resource SNL Sessions: July 27, July 28, or July 29 August 10, August 11, or August 12 To access the catalog for dates for SNL training and all that will be offered this summer, go to to check out the listings and get signed up. Remember that SNL counts for the Learn One, Earn Two that gives teachers a day at the campus during the week of August staff development and a day off on January 4, 2016. The Student-Centered Learning Tour is coming to your campus! To help prepare teachers for the format of the new curriculum, campus principals, the C&I department and the PD department are partnering to provide a student-centered mini-lesson experience at each building through the month of May. Our goal is to build a common vocabulary and understanding of what student-centered instruction looks like and feels like by providing an opportunity for teachers to participate in a short sample lesson. Be sure to attend the training at your building; you can check with your principal for your campus date. It’s fun and engaging; you won’t want to miss it! As we work through the last 6 weeks and make our way to the end of the 2014-15 school year, take some time to recognize the growth your students have made and your role in their progress. Celebrate their accomplishments and yours! What you do in your classroom every day can make a difference in your students’ lives; the goals you motivate and encourage them to reach make both you and your students winners.
 Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment
May 2015
Where will you be May 16th?
The May 16th STEAMposium is an interactive fun day for all students, staff and their families! While challenges are occurring in the arena area, the conference area will be buzzing with: Perot shows, hands-on booths, 3D printing and coding demonstrations, music and movement, maker corner, scientist corner, face painting, balloon animals, a caricature artist, and a green screen photo booth! Please note, that food concessions, some activities, and t-shirts will be made available for sale. During the event, points will be given to the winning engineering and maker creator designs, as well as the overall T-shirt design. The STEAMly Cup will be awarded during the award ceremony to the area that garners the most overall points. The current STEAMly Cup point breakdown:
There is still time to register Maker Creator submissions for showcase at the annual GISD STEAMposium:
4999 Naaman Forest Blvd Garland, TX 75040
Saturday, May 16, 2015 3D Printing
Interactive Booths
Door Prizes
Face Painting
Caricature Artist
Balloon Animals
SCHEDULE OF CHALLENGES - A R E N A Tower Challenge (PreK - 2nd) 10am - 11am Bridge Challenge (3rd & 4th) 12pm - 2pm Eggstreme Challenge (5th) 12pm - 2pm Roller Coaster Challenge (6th-8th) 3pm - 5pm Catapult Challenge (9th - 12th) 3pm - 5pm Points awarded to winning designs
Showcase Set Up 8am - 10am Showcases 10am - 6pm * Vex Robotics * Maker Creator
COUPONS $1 = 1 coupon t-shirts = 10 caricature = 5 face painting = 2 balloon art = 1
AWARDS CEREMONY Challenges & Showcase awards
6pm - 8pm Maker Creator Showcase 10am - 6pm
LIVE TWEET! using #gisdSTEAM
11am - 12pm, 2pm - 3pm
Keynote Speaker:
Dr. Cindy Moss
Discovery Education’s Director of Global STEM Initiatives Dr. Cindy Moss – known as the STEMboss – will also educate attendees during a keynote speech at 6 p.m. Participants will be exposed to data about the STEM pipeline in Texas and opportunities for students and adults entering the workforce.
Science Fair & Engineering Designs on Display - 10:00am - 6:00pm
SUPER HERO SCIENCE This interactive program explores topics such as energy, forces and motion, smart materials, magnetism, levitation and properties of light.
11:00am - 11:45pm 2:00pm - 2:45pm 5:00pm - 5:45pm
Science Corner 10:30am - 11:30am 12:00pm - 1:00pm 1:30pm - 2:30pm 3:00pm - 4:00pm
Music & Movement 10:00am - 11:00am 12:00pm - 1:00pm 3:00pm - 4:00pm
Green Screen Photobooth
Maker Corner Coding Corner
Science corner, green screen room, music and movement room, and the keynote speaker
Hel pusGoGr eenbyShar i ngt hi sI nf ogr aphi cDi gi t al l y -
August I nSer vi ce Week 2015 T eac her swho donotat t end dur i ngt hes ummer wi l l at t endSNLon t hei rdes i gnat ed i ns er v i c eday . ( Seechar t bel ow)
At t endSNL: Sc hool netLear ni ng t r ai ni ngi nper s on oronl i ne bet ween 6/ 9/ 15& 8/ 12/ 15
Ex c ept i ons : CTE,Fi neAr t s , Li br ar i ans ,PE,& I nt er v ent i onCampus es wi l l at t endt r ai ni ng ont hei rdes i gnat ed i ns er v i c eday s . ( Seechar t bel ow)
Li br ar y , CTE, PE
H. S.andM. S.Fi neAr t st eacher s wi l lt r ai nt oget heron819. Acompl et esummerl ear ni ng schedul ecomi ngsoon!
AVI DCampuses
I nt er vent i onCampuses
Bul l ock,Cal dwel l ,Cent er vi l l e, Hi l l si de,Ki mber l i n,Wal nutGl en, Wi l l i ams, Cl ubHi l l ,Daugher t y ,Davi s, Roach,Beaver ,Wat son,Davi s,Vi al , Gol denMeadows,Handl ey , Shugar t ,Nor t hl ake,Spr i ngCr eek, Mont cl ai r ,Tol er ,Weaver ,SHMS, Dor sey ,Keel ey ,Pear son,St eadham, GHS Abbet t ,Ar mst r ong,Sewel l
bi t . l y/ GI SDSLHel p
bi t . l y/ GI SD2For 1
Foral levent s,access t heecat al ogat : bi t . l y/ GI SDSummer Lear ni ng2015
Mod Design: Learn Java® with Minecraft® Camp
SUMMER CAMPS 3D Game Design Camp
Registration Opens:
May 11
We Create Creators
Garland ISD and Region 10 offer Youth Digital Camps with: Top-Notch Teachers:
Youth Digital teaches kids how to create with technology so they can learn to code, design, illustrate, animate, program and develop. We are a leading tech-education company that empowers kids by teaching them the essential technology skills that they’ll need to be successful in the digital world.
• Knowledgeable & Enthusiastic • Professionals in Their Field • Engaging & Personable High Quality Curriculum: • Polished, Up-to-Date Material • Project Oriented • Engaging & Effective Learning Engaged Students: • Projects from Start to Finish
Summer Camps Include: Mod Design: Learn Java® with Minecraft® Modify the Java code for Minecraft®, designing graphics & creating 3D items and characters! For students 8 to 14 years old
June 15 -18
• Real Technology Tools & Software • Amazing Final Projects
3D Game Design
Learn the fundamentals of game design and scripting while creating your own professional-looking video game.
Daugherty Elementary 500 W Miller Rd. Garland TX 75041
For students 10 to 14 years old
$400 per course
June 22-25
Register: See the Quick Link menu at:
Learn more about our camps & partner schools at:
Questions, registration details & other information:
Contact: Barbara Smith • • 972.348.1440
SEMESTER ASSESSMENT ANNOUNCEMENT The Curriculum and Instruction department provides semester assessments for core content courses. The data from our assessments helps inform decisions about district curriculum and provides data for summer school. Please NOTE: C&I semester assessments can be given any time during the last two weeks of school (in conjunction with campus/department schedules and administrator approval).
Attention Secondary Educators: This will allow you to also administer departmentcreated questions per campus/department/administrator approval.
Digital Learning Day Garland ISD campuses celebrated Digital Learning Day in March with many exciting activities! Digital Learning Day highlights how great teaching, combined with effective technology are positively impacting student learning. Digital Learning Day is not about technology. Rather, it is about learning! The campuses below really went above and beyond in making this a meaningful learning opportunity for students, parents, and teachers. •
Caldwell CC at Vial Couch Kimberlin Academy Park Crest Steadham Stephens Watson MST
In a world ruled by iPads, there is one conference that will unite them all.
iCon August 6th
August 6th Register Today
Are you an iPad hero in your classroom? Share at iCon.
Intervention Department Wondering what to do with MAP data? Check with an iTeam member at your campus. The intervention department partnered with RAAD to create a day for your iTeams to learn more about MAP reports. They are equipped with the knowledge to help you dive deep into your MAP reports and plan lessons based o the data.
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NWEA MAP - End of Year Spring Assessment May 1st - May 29th 5th and 8th grade STAAR Reading Re-test is on May 12th
Achieve 3000 LevelSet Post Assessment starts on May 12th
Year in Review
g at in r T IS on du ll, ed ta e a pb cus P d e. m o A dat a sf C M i p , e is ell ting m u n e w D ald rpre iTea C te l's in pri A
The Intervention Department has had a productive year supporting small group instruction at all levels in math and reading. We appreciate the efforts teachers have made to learn and embrace data-driven instruction to close learning gaps and help students accelerate learning. We look forward to providing summer learning opporutnities so we can hit the ground running in August. Enjoy your summer, Carra King
If your campus needs more training on understanding and using
MAP data for intervention & instruction please contact Carra King.
Contact Us Director of Intervention Carra King 972-487-3267
TEXAS CENTER FOR INQUIRY APPLICATION Fort Worth Museum of Science and History APPLICATION: Due May 22, 2015
Travel, Lodging, Meals and Registration Fee Participants’, districts or projects are responsible for 100% of all travel costs, lodging, meals and registration fee.
Introduction to Inquiry:
Teaching Science: Secondary
By Request. To schedule, contact
June 22-25, 2015 – $300.00
Teaching Science: Elementary
Professional Development Design: Secondary
June 15-18, 2015 – $300.00
June 26, 2015 – $50.00
Professional Development Design: Elementary
June 19, 2015 – $50.00 District Name: ________________________________________School Name: ____________________________________________ Participant Name: _____________________________________Title: __________________________Grade: ____________________ Work Address: _________________________________________City: ______________________State: __________Zip: ___________ Work Telephone: _______________________________________ FAX: ___________________________________________________ Email:________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Mail form, including payment or purchase order to: Cathy Barthelemy –Texas Center for Inquiry Fort Worth Museum of Science and History 1600 Gendy Street, Fort Worth, TX 76107 Phone: (817) 255-9416 or Fax: (817) 255-9519 or E-mail: Download application from our Web site: After receipt of application, you will be contacted by the Texas Center for Inquiry staff. Generous support for the Texas Center for Inquiry has been provided by:
1600 Gendy Street ● Fort Worth, Texas 76107 ● 817-255-9300 ●
Introduction to Inquiry: Professional Development Design By Request Teaching Science through Inquiry: Elementary June 15-18, 2015
Teaching Science through Inquiry: Secondary June 22-25, 2015
Professional Development Design: Elementary June 19, 2015
Professional Development Design: Secondary June 26, 2015
The Texas Center for Inquiry offers three different institutes to meet the specific needs of professional developers, science supervisors, teacher leaders and teachers.
The Texas Center for Inquiry provides science educators in-depth experiences in science inquiry through institutes, workshops, forums and follow-up coaching. The Center was formed through collaborations between the Fort Worth Museum of Science and History, The Charles A. Dana Center at the University of Texas, and the Exploratorium in San Francisco in 2001. The Center’s mission is to help professional developers and teacher leaders incorporate science inquiry into their science curricula in ways consistent with the visions outlined in the National Science Education Standards and the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills. The Center seeks to create a network of people and institutions by providing leadership in inquiry through inquiry. Center programs are designed to enable individuals, schools and districts to increase their capacity for providing quality science instruction within the context of district-wide reform efforts. The Fort Worth Museum of Science and History, Exxon Mobil Foundation, private corporations, and charitable foundations support the Texas Center for Center. The Texas Center for Inquiry offers three different institutes to professional developers, Science supervisors, teacher leaders and teachers to meet their specific needs. Each institute focuses on pedagogy, strategies and implementation.
Introduction to Inquiry: Professional Development Design $350.00 This institute will be held by request only with a minimum of 15 participants. Dates for the institute will be determined on availability and a mutually agreeable date between the Museum and the contracting institutions.
Teaching Science through Inquiry: Secondary - $300.00 This four-day workshop immerses classroom educators in the processes, pedagogies and implementation strategies that will enhance professional practice and build educators’ understanding of how inquirybased instruction benefits student learning. While inquiry-based teaching is central to the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills, many classroom educators hesitate to teach science through inquiry because they did not learn this approach as students or during their college preparation to become an educator. The workshop activities, designed for middle/high school classroom educators, include: • An exploration of the range of classroom science instructional strategies and process skills • Questioning strategies that support inquiry-based instruction • Apersonal inquiry investigation • Characteristics of inquiry investigations Participants will leave the workshop with specific tools and strategies to implement three different classroom investigations in life, earth and physical science.
Teaching Science through Inquiry: Elementary - $300.00 This four-day workshop immerses classroom educators in the processes, pedagogies and implementation strategies that will enhance professional practice and build educators’ understanding of how inquirybased instruction benefits student learning. While inquiry-based teaching is central to the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills, many classroom educators hesitate to teach science through inquiry because they did not learn this approach as students or during their college preparation to become an educator. The workshop activities, designed for elementary educators, include: • An exploration of the range of classroom science instructional strategies and process skills • Questioning strategies that support inquiry-based instruction • A personal inquiry investigation • Characteristics of inquiry investigations Participants will leave the workshop with specific tools and strategies to implement three different classroom investigations in life, earth and physical science.
Professional Development Design - $50.00
This five-day workshop provides participants with experiences and materials that will support their design and delivery of experiences in professional development settings for novice as well as veteran teachers. This institute is designed for teams of educators who play lead roles in professional development, who hold full-time district level positions, and whose primary responsibility is in designing, overseeing, or providing staff development, including lead and mentor teachers, science specialists, curriculum coordinators and administrators.
Participants must be enrolled in Teaching Science through Inquiry Elementary or Secondary Institutes to be eligible for this additional day.
This workshop explores questions that are fundamental to developing inquiry experiences including: • An exploration of the differences in hands-on approaches to learning • A variety of activities that examine process skills that serves as building blocks for inquiry • An exploration of the nature of questions and questioning and how they support inquiry investigations • First-hand experience with inquiry and small group investigations exploring the relationship between process skills and conceptual understanding • An examination of and reflection into the anatomy, structure, and facilitation of the inquiry experience and relationships to the professional development design process • Introduction to the Texas Center for Inquiry collegial alumni network
Who: For District Level Professional Developers, Science Specialists, teacher leaders, curriculum coordinators and administrators attending Teaching Science through Inquiry Elementary or Secondary Institutes. This day is set aside to provide examination of and reflection into the anatomy, structure and facilitation of the inquiry experience. Facilitation materials for the pedagogy and practice pieces of the Inquiry Institute will be provided.
The 21st Century Learning Academy will provide educators with in-depth experiences on integrating STEM education into their classroom. The pedagogy, practices and implementation strategies taught will enhance professional practice and help build educators’ understanding of how STEM based instruction can benefit student learning.
Educator’s Academy: July 27-31, 2015 • 8:30 am – 4:30 pm Limit 24 educators
Educators will participate in classroom instruction all day on Monday and Tuesday, in the morning Wednesday and Thursday. On Wednesday and Thursday afternoon and all day Friday educators will participate in the KIDS Camp. Educators will work with small groups of students to implement STEM strategies similar to what they would experience in their own classroom.
STEM Camp for Kids: July 29 & 30, 2015 • 1 pm – 4 pm July 31, 2015 • 9 am – 3 pm Limit 50 students, entering grade 3-8
21st Century Learning Showcase: July 31, 2015 • 3 – 4 pm Teams will present their camp project to family and friends and discuss what their experiences during the camp.
For additional information: Cathy Barthelemy 817.255.9416
Each team of students will work with two educators to choose a scenario to work with over the course of the camp. The scenarios will be divided into three categories: 1) meet a need 2) solve a problem 3) create a product STEM content and practice will be modeled throughout the week and each team will use the engineering design process to complete their project. Teams will be responsible for presentation of their work throughout the week.
Program Sponsors
Additional program support provided by:
1600 Gendy Street • Fort Worth, Texas 76107 • 817.255.9300
SPECIAL EDUCATION Classroom accommodation: The teacher provides the student with a specific supplemental aid (e.g., chart, table, graph, checklist, map, timeline, etc.) applicable to the question being posed, the assignment, or the task. Embedded STAAR A Accommodation: Pop-ups and Exhibit Window: Use of generic and questionspecific graphic organizers and checklists.
Providing students with specific supplemental aids… Mnemonic Devices:
Freebies that can help! “Math Law” Charts (example) Addition Charts: -laws-w21-to-w241.pdf
Free downloadable graphic organizers!
Blank timeline templates!
Kurzweil 3000 From the desktop computer - From the website – From an iPad (free Firefly app) – 0 d_Accountability/Testing/Student_Asses sment_Overview/Accommodation_Resou rces/2015_Accommodations_for_Stude nts_with_Disabilities_Taking_State_Asse ssments/
Please Post
It’s All About Engagement! Coming Soon…
Kagan Structures for Cooperative Learning & Active Engagement Day 1 Garland, TX • May 9, 2015 For K–12 Educators
Workshop Highlights H Pump up the fun, friendships, and desire for learning with Classbuilding and Teambuilding H Experience why group work simply doesn’t work for everyone, and why Kagan Structures do H Save valuable time and energy with easy-to-use structures that make lesson planning a snap H Keep students on task and effectively manage disruptions with engaging structures H Master the different types of pairs and teams, how to form them, and when to use them H Provide students the will to work together and the skills to do so successfully H Take away hot management tips that will make managing your cooperative class a snap H Fully understand and implement basic principles that spell success for your students H Create an environment where all students are accountable for complete engagement, everyday
Location Naaman Forest High School 4843 Naaman Forest Blvd Garland, TX 75040
Register in ORACLE 8:00 am Check-in 8:30 am–3:45 pm Workshop
Teachers Rave! “We learned many different structures for active engagement and classroom discipline—how to help kids stay on track by stimulating their young minds and molding them into successful and productive members of society.” —Katie Canar, 4th Grade Teacher “This is the best workshop I’ve ever been to. The practical application is overwhelming, and I love using it. It made my wallflowers bloom and my discipline problems flee.” —Kathy Pickell, ESE Teacher
WS #19898
The school year is almost over...
TNT would like to celebrate the end of your first year, join us When:Thursday, May 7th 5 pm-8 pm.
nz a g i n a n e h S 1290 E. I-30 5087 7 X T , l l a w Rock
Dear Beginning Teacher & Mentors, Thank you for a fantastic school year. I know there were times when you didn’t think you’d quite make it. There may have been days when you wanted to give up, but we are sure happy you decided to stay. Teaching is probably the most challenging, but yet rewarding career in our midst. I applaud you for staying the course, and continuing to make the lives of the students of GISD brighter! You are appreciated, you are valuable, and you hold the future in your hands. Thank you for choosing to be a teacher in GISD. All the best, Kishawna Wiggins, Ed.D. Mentoring & Induction Specialist
@region10socstud Region 10 Education Service Center
If you have any questions about this workshop contact Ben Reed (
Region 10 ESC - Social Studies
Google is so much more than a search. This workshop is designed especially for social studies teachers. All K-12 social studies teachers will find this workshop beneficial to their classroom instruction. Please bring your laptop and learn by doing.
Students are…..
Students are…..
learning about landforms in Kindergarten.
voting for “President” in First Grade.
Beaver Technology Center
Beaver Technology Center
Students are…..
Students are…..
discovering the reasons for the Civil War.
reviewing content for the EOC test.
Beaver Technology Center
North Garland High School
In Addition… High level instruction continues to take place as teachers are preparing students for the EOC and AP exams. And… Innovative and hard-working teachers are creating student-centered social studies curriculum for K-12.
CALLING ALL SCIENCE TEACHERS! JOIN A NETWORK OF TALENTED PEERS AND ENJOY FREE OPPORTUNIES TO BENEFIT YOU AND YOUR STUDENTS! Join a dynamic partnership and network of some of the most talented and well-supported science teachers throughout the state. The UT Dallas Regional Collaborative for Excellence in Science Teaching (UTD TRC), part of the network of Texas Regional Collaboratives (, is seeking new members to join our popular professional development community. Benefits for full members include classroom materials to implement program activities, opportunities for stipends, assistance with graduate tuition, conference attendance, and much more! Our focus areas for the 2015–2016 grant year are life sciences and Earth and space sciences, especially for middle grade levels and high school biology. However, program content is designed to serve all science teachers including those in elementary.
“I was taught the way I want to teach my students. I was encouraged to explore and take my learning as far as my interest.” “I got excited about physics which I sure never expected!” “This is absolutely the best professional development I have ever had!”-Past program participants The UTD TRC brings together area science teachers and UT Dallas STEM and STEM education faculty in a wide variety of professional development opportunities designed to meet the needs of science teachers at all levels. At the heart the Collaboratives is a philosophy that building partnerships to provide sustained, high-quality professional development, networking opportunities, and recognition of teachers as professionals and leaders is the way to support the incredibly important work that science teachers do. From field trips, to conferences, to relevant curricular strategies, participants have opportunities to grow and share their expertise as professionals. What Will it Cost Me? The only cost to teachers to join us is time. (Full members will also be expected to provide STAAR data for tested science subjects/grade levels where applicable.) The UT Dallas Collaborative is run by faculty from our Department of Science/Mathematics Education and Teacher Development Center. Working with teachers, K–12, is our business. We know that time is one of the most precious resources of busy teachers. In return for an investment of teacher time, the UTD TRC provides as many benefits to our members as we can. Some of these include: •
Registration for the annual Conference for the Advancement of Science Teaching (CAST) and the Metroplex Mini-CAST meeting. Selected members with a demonstrated commitment to the program will have the opportunity to attend the Summer 2016 Collaborative Annual Meeting in Austin.
Graduate tuition assistance for select classes in the Masters of Arts in Teaching Program. (Auditing support is also available, space permitting, for members who already hold Master’s degrees or don’t wish to take formal course work.)
Free (relevant) materials, technology, and resources for use in your classroom!
Opportunities to earn a $200 stipend by sharing what you learn, or your own expertise, with others. (Stipends double for 8th grade science teachers at Immersion Schools who commit to sharing what they learn with their 8th grade team members for 24 documented contact hours!)
In order to provide these benefits, full members (STMs) must agree to 100 total contact hours over a 15-month period. There is a Mandatory Summer Institute from July 13th – 24th for 60 contact hours feature WestEd’s Genes and Traits. Alternatives are available for summer conflicts. The remainder of the commitment can be met through Saturday sessions, graduate classes (for credit, or as an auditor), special summer, evening, and weekend meetings, as well as special opportunities such as conferences. Not sure you can commit to the full program? Cadre members (CMs) receive some benefits of membership with only 12 contact hours! Immersion schools involve at least one 8th grade STM participant and a commitment for the entire 8th grade science team to receive 24 documented contact hours. These hours may be completed during regular team meetings where mentoring takes place or UTD TRC training or materials are discussed or at other times convenient to the team and school. Immersion hours may also be earned directly through the UTD TRC. The UTD TRC is committed to making the experience of participation as fulfilling and practical for our members as possible. Don’t let having to miss a required session keep you from applying. While attendance is important (and minimum requirements must be met by all members) we also understand that teachers have other responsibilities. We’re happy to work with individual members on reasonable accommodations. Immersion schools have one guaranteed team member acceptance. All other applications must be received by May 15, 2015 for first consideration. Space is limited. Collaborative summer sessions start with Orientation on the evening of June 3th. For Questions Contact: Barbara Curry ( Senior Lecturer and Graduate Advisor Department of Science/Mathematics Education or Mary L. Urquhart, Ph.D. (, Project Director Associate Professor and Head, Department of Science/Mathematics Education Co-Director, UTeach Dallas University of Texas at Dallas 800 West Campbell Road Richardson, TX 75080
Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment
May 2015
“The art of teaching is the art of assisting discovery.” – Mark Van Doren