GJIA - 6.2 Beyond the Ballot Box

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Georgetown Journal

GeorgetownJournal of

International Affairs

of International Affairs

beyond the


ballot box

VO L U M E V I , N U M B E R 2

also in this issue

Reconsidering Battlefield Contractors

contributions by

UPC Symbol here

Joseph Siegle Chris Fomunyoh George C. Thomas Matthijs Bogaards Diana Rodriguez Kim Campbell & Sean C. Carroll

Doug Brooks

Reality Check: The Danger of Small Arms Proliferation

Rachel Stohl

Working from Within: Nigerian Women & Conflict Resolution

Gwendolyn Mikell

Edmund A. Walsh School of Foreign Service

Summer/Fall 2005 • $7.95 usa

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GJIA - 6.2 Beyond the Ballot Box by GJIA (Georgetown Journal of International Affairs) - Issuu