CCE September/October 2024

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04 | Comment

The Canadian Consulting Engineering Awards are moving full speed ahead, with another increase in submission numbers this year.


05 | ACEC Review


2024 Canadian Consulting Engineering Awards

September/October 2024

Volume 65 | ISSUE 5

30 | Arthur J.E. Child Comprehensive Cancer Centre

32 | Place Banque Nationale

34 | Stoney Trail Twinning

36 | MRT Double Arch Replacement and Rehabilitation

38 | Highway 5 Reinstatement

ON THE COVER The deconstruction of Montreal’s original Champlain Bridge, which required meticulous planning and adherence to environmental, site and community constraints, earned this year’s Schreyer Award. See profile on p. 12.


Overview, jury and chair’s comments.


12 | Schreyer Award

Champlain Bridge Deconstruction

16 | Engineering a Better Canada Award

Haida Nation Solar Array and Microgrid

Meet this year’s winners of ACECCanada’s Beaubien Award for lifetime achievement and Allen D. Williams Scholarship for youthful leadership. 12

18 | Breton Environmental Award (tie)

SmartWhales DSS

20 | Breton Environmental Award (tie)

PEPSC Groundwater Pumping and Treatment

22 | Ambassador Award

Quebrada El Leon Flood Control


26 | University of Ottawa Faculty of Health Sciences

28 | L’École du Zénith

40 | A. Murray MacKay Bridge Deck

Panel Replacement

42 | Highway 29 Realignment

46 | Rankin Inlet Utilidor Replacement

48 | LNG Canada MOF

50 | Modular Multi-unit Housing Design

52 | Calgary Valuation of Natural Assets

54 | BC Housing CRAF Tool

56 | Structures Decarbonization Practice 60

Aligning Building Codes with Sustainability

Canadian codes have not been keeping pace with consulting engineering firms' responsibilities to environmental sustainability in their projects.


Full speed ahead!

For more evidence of how Canadian consulting engineering firms’ multidisciplinary project work is continuing to recover from the COVID-19 pandemic, full speed ahead, look no further than our annual Canadian Consulting Engineering Awards program. The momentum we had seen in recent years continued in 2024 with 78 eligible submissions, up from approximately 70 in 2023 and 50 in 2022.

It was a significant and fortunate number of entries to share among our jury’s three teams of specialized professionals, particularly as it was evenly divisible among them—i.e. 26 projects per team— for the first round of judging, which involved both assigning scores and shortlisting projects. We had also already helped prepare the members of the jury to review the higher number of projects by developing a new online portal for more convenient access to and browsing of all the submissions.

There will be some changes to the awards program next year.

That’s not to say it was easy for the jury to (a) jointly select the 20 winners of Awards of Excellence and (b) determine which, if any, of those projects were also worth of Special Awards. Members gathered at Canadian Consulting Engineer’s offices in Toronto in early June for the final, in-person stage of deliberations, where both quantitative ( i.e. score-based) and qualitative discussions ensued, before the list could be finalized.

Geographically speaking, this year’s Awards of Excellence were dominated by projects in Quebec (seven), followed by British Columbia (five), Alberta (three), Ontario (two), Nova Scotia and Nunavut (one each), along with one international winner.

That said, it’s worth noting one of the Quebec projects’ scope was focused on the East Coast, while one of the Ontario projects was truly nationwide. It was great to see such a degree of representation.

As for the program’s five Special Awards, in the end, it turned out not all of them were applicable. None of the winning projects was well-suited to the Outreach Award, for example, which celebrates the donation of a firm’s time and/or services for the benefit of a community or group. The Breton Environmental Award, however, was awarded twice, as there was a tie between two projects. (Hence, one might say there were still five Special Awards this year, after all.)

Now, following those decisions by the jury, the winners have finally been announced at ACEC-Canada’s ceremony in Ottawa. As always, we’ve tried to ensure this special awards issue reaches you as soon as possible thereafter, whether in print or online.

In the following pages, you will find indepth profiles of all 20 winning projects. If you are interested in finding out more about the full diversity of this year’s eligible entries, including the many projects that did not win awards, please keep an eye out this fall for our updated Showcase of Entries, which can be found under the Awards tab at

We congratulate all of this year’s winners and thank everyone who entered, across all categories. There will be some changes to the awards program next year, so if you have any feedback, please do reach out to me at the email address listed below. This is a great opportunity to have your voice heard.


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I’m incredibly honoured to begin my new role as Chair of ACEC-Canada’s Board of Directors. As I take on this important responsibility, I can’t help but reflect on the future of our organization, of our industry, and of our entire country.

While Canada certainly faces many challenges, the opportunities ahead of us are endless. It’s up to us to decide what we want our country to look like for this and future generations. Now is the time to be ambitious— we should be laying the groundwork for transformative progress and lasting prosperity.

Our members are at the forefront of this progress, addressing some of the greatest challenges of our time— and that deserves to be recognized. That’s why the Canadian Consulting Engineering Awards, a collaborative initiative of ACEC-Canada and Canadian Consulting Engineer, have been such a key celebration for our industry. Created over 50 years ago, these Awards have been an amazing opportunity to feature talented firms, showcase their innovative projects, and highlight their work that strengthens our communities.

At this year’s CCE Awards on October 24, twenty awardwinning projects were honoured for their exceptional engineering accomplishments contributing to safety, sustainability, and economic growth. Many of the winners were praised for their creative solutions and innovations in the field of climate resilience—this is essential as we build a stronger future for this country. I was particularly impressed with the five Special Achievement Award winners who went above and beyond to achieve outstanding feats that demonstrate technical excellence, promote Canadian engineering internationally, benefit the environment, enhance quality of life, and serve the community.

The evening was also a chance to honour two individuals for their personal contributions to the industry. Claude Décary was recognized as this year’s Beaubien Award recipient thanks to a distinguished career. As well, the Allen D. Williams Scholarship was presented to Negin Tousi, whose exemplary leadership and commitment to a thriving, diverse consulting engineering industry have set her apart from her peers.

I’d like to personally congratulate each and every award recipient at this year’s CCE Awards. Your work has a lasting and immeasurable impact on communities across Canada and around the world. A sincere thanks to the judges as well, who always have a difficult task of going through so many incredible submissions to select the final winners. I’d also like to recognize everyone who submitted projects for consideration—our industry and all Canadians are better off thanks to your work.

In the pages that follow, you’ll be able to learn all about the winners and their remarkable stories. As well, please stay tuned for ACEC’s upcoming #20DaysofExcellence campaign— a chance for us to showcase each of the winning projects on social media.

It’s up to us to decide what we want our country to look like for this and future generations.

With a federal election likely around the corner, it will be more crucial than ever to ensure Canadians understand the invaluable contributions our members make everyday in their communities. I look forward to the upcoming year as Chair so that I can continue to promote our industry and its vital role in building a better, more prosperous Canada that benefits everyone.


At this year’s Canadian Consulting Engineering Awards on October 24, Claude Décary received the 2024 Beaubien Award for a lifetime of achievements in the consulting engineering industry.

Throughout his impressive career spanning over 4 decades, Claude has stood out for his unfailing work ethic and excellent judgment. Early on, he made a name for himself as a pioneer in energy efficiency and sustainable development in Quebec. He led initiatives in this increasingly important area in response to the first oil shocks in the 1980s and was responsible for one of the first efficient lighting programs in the province. He also conducted an ambitious energy analysis program for thousands of commercial and industrial buildings across Quebec so that efficiencies could be found and implemented.

During the 90s, Claude managed several iconic projects in Quebec and Ontario, including the Canadian Museum of Civilization, the Biosphere, and the Biodome—all of which demonstrated his expertise in environmentally-friendly innovations. Claude is also known for his eighteen years as CEO of Bouthillette Parizeau from 2002-2020. By prioritizing quality service and finding efficiencies to best serve his clients’ needs, he skillfully managed this firm and ensured its continued growth—taking it from a team of 80 to 500 employees.

In addition to being an exceptional leader, Claude has always been wholeheartedly invested in the success of the industry. His 20-year service to the Association des firmes de génie-conseil (AFG)-Québec—including two terms as chairman—was pivotal and is reflected in AFG’s status as a well-respected and vibrant organization. At the Canadian level, he was also a Director for Quebec on the ACECCanada Board for four years.

Claude’s passion for consulting engineering and sustainable development has also led him to devote himself to several other organizations doing good work in the building sector, such as the Association québécoise pour la maîtrise de l’Énergie (AQME), BOMA Québec, and the Chamber of Commerce of Metropolitan Montréal. His leadership with these groups has allowed him to promote the value of consulting engineers to property owners and managers.

Despite his busy schedule, Claude consistently makes time to support causes he believes in. He volunteers with many charities that promote health, education, a more equitable society, and the next generation of engineers. He has been an active participant for fundraising campaigns and initiatives for Centraide, Chu Ste-Justine Foundation, Tel-jeunes, as well as dozens of hospitals and school boards. With such a strong focus on giving back to his community, Claude brings the human dimension of engineering to the forefront—a quality that is deeply appreciated by his peers.

The positive impact of Claude’s work hasn’t gone unnoticed. His charity work, expert perspective, and business success have been regularly recognized in the news over the years. He has also led various award-winning projects, and in 2012, AQME honoured him for helping to “improve the lives of people in Quebec and Canada through his innovation, creativity, passion and commitment to his profession.”

Claude’s generous spirit, strong dedication to sustainable development, and enthusiasm for the industry throughout his 40-year career made him the clear choice for the 2024 Beaubien Award.

Visit to check out a video about this year’s winner.


On October 24, during the Canadian Consulting Engineering Awards celebration, the Association of Consulting Engineering Companies-Canada (ACEC) announced Negin Tousi EIT, ENV SP, as winner of the 2025 Allen D. Williams Scholarship.

An exceptional young leader in the consulting engineering industry, Negin has proven time and again that her ability to take projects over the finish line is truly exemplary. With over seven years of experience in water and wastewater treatment, as well as in conveyance for rural, urban, and Indigenous communities across Canada, Negin is known for implementing innovative solutions that address complex challenges. Her inclusive approach and ability to foster positive collaboration among a wide range of diverse stakeholders is widely praised by her peers. Negin’s focus on community engagement and safety, as well as her deep understanding of what’s needed for the water sector and the future of the industry, makes her a strategic leader in her field.

Negin began her engineering practice as a member of WSP’s BC infrastructure team, and she’s now a Project Manager with David Nairne & Associates (DNA) in North Vancouver. Her drive to join the industry was rooted in a passion for making a positive difference in the lives of others. That’s why she focuses on sustainability and community impact for each project she works on, particularly in Indigenous communities across British Columbia. She does all this while also advocating for diversity, equity, and inclusion in her workplace and beyond.

With the goal of advancing values she believes in, Negin has volunteered with many industry organizations throughout her career, including ACEC-BC, the BC Water and Wastewater Association, and the American Waterworks Association. Through this work, she pushes for better industry standards and community-focused policies by engaging directly with local municipalities, lawmakers, and key decision-makers.

With such a clear commitment to the consulting engineering industry, it’s no wonder that Negin is enthusiastic about inspiring the next generation of professionals. As a mentor in various programs, including Scientists and Innovators in Schools, Women in Science and Engineering, and UBC Applied Science, Negin has worked to guide and empower young people on their journeys to becoming consulting engineers.

Negin is a strategic innovator, community leader, and industry champion—all core attributes that make her a natural choice for the Allen D. Williams Scholarship. As this year’s award winner, Negin will certainly continue to make valuable contributions to her province and the country over the years to come.

Every year, ACEC awards a young engineer with a scholarship to recognize their leadership within the industry and to commemorate Allen D. Williams, past ACEC Chair and founder of Williams Engineering Inc. The scholarship provides the recipient with funding to cover registration, airfare and accommodations to attend the annual conference of the International Federation of Consulting Engineers (FIDIC). Please visit to view the recipient’s award video and learn more.


This year marks the 56th annual edition of the Canadian Consulting Engineering Awards, a program that has been produced jointly by Canadian Consulting Engineer magazine and the Association of Consulting Engineering Companies – Canada (ACEC-Canada).

The awards are the longest-running and most important national mark of recognition for consulting engineers in Canada. The following pages present this year’s 20 Award of Excellence winners, selected from 78 qualifying entries from across the country.

From these top 20 selections, the competition’s esteemed jury singled out five projects for Special Awards.

The Schreyer Award , the top prize presented to the project that best demonstrates technical excellence and innovation, went to Harbourside Engineering Consultants and gbi for the careful deconstruction of Montreal’s original Champlain Bridge. (Attentive readers may well recall that its replacement, the Samuel De Champlain Bridge Corridor, also won the Schreyer, back in 2020!)

The Engineering a Better Canada Award, which honours the project that best showcases how engineering enhances the social, economic or cultural quality of life of Canadians, was presented to Hedgehog Technologies in Burnaby, B.C., for the Haida Nation Solar Array and Microgrid on Haida Gwaii. The jury praised the project’s social benefits, especially the transfer of technology to the community.

There was a tie this year for the Breton Environmental Award , which recognizes outstanding en-

vironmental stewardship, and both projects happened to share a watercourse. AtkinsRéalis was honoured for the environmental remediation of Montreal’s Pointe-Saint-Charles Business Park (PEPSC) to prevent contamination of the St. Lawrence River. Further east, meanwhile, WSP won for its role in developing a decision support system (DSS) to improve conservation of the North Atlantic Right Whale (NARW) in the Gulf of St. Lawrence.

Finally, the Ambassador Award , which honours projects constructed or executed outside Canada that best showcase Canadian engineering expertise, went to Hatch for designing and engineering Peru’s Quebrada El Leon flood control project, which the jury praised for not only protecting locals, but also building their skills and transferring knowledge by hiring them as part of the team.

The 56th annual Canadian Consulting Engineering Awards were presented in-person at a special celebration in Ottawa on Oct. 24. Congratulations to all of this year’s winners!

Portfolios of all this year’s and previous years’ entries will be showcased at

Also, for more details about the awards’ history and purpose, visit

Champlain Bridge Deconstruction
Haida Nation Solar Array and Microgrid
PEPSC Groundwater Pumping and Treatment
SmartWhales DSS
Quebrada El Leon Flood Control

We are proud to be recognized with four CCE Awards of Excellence for these projects that offer new opportunities:

y Arthur JE Child Comprehensive Cancer Centre (with DIALOG and S+A), Calgary, Alberta

y BC Housing Climate Risk Assessment Framework Tool (Morrison Hershfield now Stantec), British Columbia

y LNG Canada Material Offloading Facility, Kitimat, British Columbia

y Twinning of Stoney Trail over the Bow River in NW Calgary, Calgary, Alberta

Stantec is thrilled to welcome Morrison Hershfield to our team.

Canadian Consulting Engineering Awards Jury

This year’s jury of industry experts convened at Canadian Consulting Engineer ’s Toronto offices in June to discuss and vote on the candidates in the final round of award selections. The following are the esteemed members of the 2024 jury:


Louise Millette, Eng., Ch.O.M., FIC, Ph.D.

Louise Millette, a civil engineering graduate from Polytechnique Montreal, became in 2002 the first woman to hold the position of department chair in that institution. She led its department of civil, geological and mining engineering, proposed its first environmental policy, created its sustainable development office and is currently a professor in the same department, continuing to integrate principles of sustainability into the training of tomorrow’s engineers.


This was my eighth year participating in the awards’ selection process. Over the years, I have seen how invested and serious the jury members are, bringing a wealth of perspectives and competencies. Having chaired before, I know how rewarding it is to help consensus emerge from the discussions. I thank all of the judges for their time and rigour.

Every year, discovering the entries is a pleasure. Learning

Ahmad Al-Ali, P.Eng, M.Eng.

Ahmad Al-Ali is director of hydro business development at Ontario Power Generation (OPG), leading efforts in developing untapped hydroelectric potential in Northern Ontario, including greenfields and existing generating station upgrades. He has more than 18 years’ experience leading strategic and major projects in renewables, electrification, the energy transition, business development, asset management, plant operations and maintenance.

Arjan Arenja, P.Eng., MBA, ICD.D

Currently president of Spectrum Business Development, which focuses on real estate investment, Arjan Arenja has a broad range of experience in engineering, construction, electrical generation and safety and corporate governance. He holds a degree in civil engineering from University of Waterloo and an executive MBA from University of Western Ontario’s Ivey School of Business. He has held senior management roles with EXP, Royal Group Technologies and Bruce Power.

Jim Burpee, P.Eng, ICD.D, F.CAE

Jim Burpee has more than 40 years’ experience in the electricity and climate change field, most of it with Ontario Hydro and its successor, Ontario Power Generation (OPG), managing a nuclear site and more than 17,000 MW of non-nuclear generation. He spent three years as president and CEO of the Canadian Electricity Association (CEA), now known as Electricity Canada, and is currently chair of the board of directors for Atomic Energy of Canada Ltd. (AECL).

about so many accomplishments in a wide variety of fields and an incredible array of circumstances is fascinating.

The projects submitted for the awards never fail to be impressive but, over time, I have noticed some changes. Engineering prowess, innovation and complexity were typically the aspects best presented in the entry forms. In recent years, however, other dimensions—such as social, environmental and economic impacts

and benefits to the client and the community—have made gains in depth and conviction. This leads me to believe engineers are rising to the challenge of building a more sustainable future, in all its complexity. Engineering will shape the world of tomorrow. It is our responsibility to make it a better place for all.

I thank all the firms that submitted projects this year, demonstrating technical excellence and a commitment to

sustainable development. They went off the beaten path, convincing stakeholders and clients to adopt innovative, appropriate solutions, respectful of the limits of our planet.

The quality of the applications made the work of the jury both more difficult and more enjoyable. Personally, learning of these accomplishments reminded me that choosing a career in engineering was one of the best decisions of my life! — Louise Millette, Jury Chair

Patrick C.W. Cheung, P.Eng.

As a senior engineer at Toronto Water responsible for approvals, partnerships and water infrastructure, Patrick Cheung has contributed to municipal guidelines for managing wet-weather flow, ‘greening’ surface parking lots and designing mid-rise buildings, among others. He has also been a member of Canadian Standards Association (CSA) Group technical committees and volunteers for Toronto Metropolitan University’s (TMU’s) urban water research consortium.

Steve Panciuk, P.Eng.

Steve Panciuk is senior vice-president (SVP) and national engineering professional lead for Marsh Canada’s construction practice, specializing in developing national strategies for large firms and single project errors and omissions and managing relationships with engineering associations. His professional background includes a civil engineering degree from Queen’s University and five years’ experience in the heavy civil construction industry.

Sameer Dhalla, P.Eng.

Sameer Dhalla is a professional engineer with more than 26 years’ experience in the private and public sector. He is currently director of development and engineering services at Toronto and Region Conservation Authority (TRCA), where he leads an integrated team of planners, engineers and scientists and oversees flood and stormwater management, green infrastructure, watershed planning and monitoring projects, large-scale flood remediation initiatives.

Ysni Semsedini, P.Eng., ICD.D

Ysni Semsedini has more than 20 years’ experience in the electricity distribution, telecommunications, manufacturing and health-care industries. He was president and CEO of NT Power for four years (including his time on this year’s awards jury) before accepting an opportunity in August as CEO of London Hydro. He holds a B.ESc in electrical engineering and M.ESc in power systems from Western University and an MBA from Wilfrid Laurier University.

Bryan Leach, B.Sc., M.Sc., M.C.E., P. Eng. (AB), C. Eng. (UK), M.I.C.E.

Bryan Leach, owner and operator of Imparando Consulting, is a retired former principal with Golder Associates (now part of WSP). He has more than 40 years of geotechnical and environmental science experience in Canada, the U.K., Hong Kong and Italy. His projects have included heavy foundations, landfills, slope stability studies, contaminated site remediations and environmental impact assessments for mines, petrochemical plants and an industrial rail line.

Adriana Shu-Yin

Adriana Shu-Yin is an environment and climate change project manager at the Canadian Standards Association (CSA) Group, where she helps develop standards that prioritize resource recovery, the circular economy and sustainable consumption patterns. She has a degree in environmental science from the University of Toronto (U of T) and four years’ experience in the sustainable transit sector, where she actively supported electrification.

Guy Mailhot, Eng., M.Eng., FSCE, FEIC

Guy Mailhot worked for 15 years for consulting firms in Vancouver and Montreal before joining The Jacques Cartier and Champlain Bridges Inc. in 1999 as principal director of engineering. Under a federal government exchange program, he has been on loan to Infrastructure Canada since 2012 as chief engineer for the Samuel De Champlain Bridge Corridor (note: given this conflict of interest, Guy did not help select Champlain Bridge Deconstruction Engineering for any awards this year).

Clive N. Thurston, Cert. Arb. Mediator, CBCO, AATO, GSPM

Clive Thurston, president of Thurston Consulting Services, has more than 40 years’ experience in construction as a superintendent, chief building official, owner/operator of a construction company and, for 20 years, president of the Ontario General Contractors Association (OGCA), where he provided contract advice, promoted education and represented the industry at the Construction and Design Alliance of Ontario (CDAO).

Schreyer Award and Award of Excellence

Champlain Bridge Deconstruction

Harbourside Engineering Consultants and gbi

The original Champlain Bridge joining Montreal and Brossard, Que., was one of Canada’s busiest vehicular crossings until its closure in 2019. Nouvel Horizon Saint-Laurent (NHSL), as the contractor designated to deconstruct the structure, engaged Harbourside Engineering Consultants to serve as the project’s deconstruction engineer.

Under this arrangement, Harbourside and subconsultant gbi were responsible for all phasing, sequencing, temporary works, means and methods for the bridge’s deconstruction, which required meticulous planning and adherence to environmental, site and community constraints.

The project team’s ideas and methods for the deconstruction process helped minimize environmental impacts and ensure this historic and high-profile project’s success.

The decision to replace Operating from 1962 to 2019, the original Champlain Bridge was a 3.4km long, six-lane structure. Situated over the Saint Lawrence Seaway, it faced issues with ongoing structural deterioration, which eventually rendered its maintenance economically unfeasible.

Consequently, Jacques Cartier and Champlain Bridges Incorporated

(JCCBI), a federal Crown corporation, opted to replace the aging structure with the new, cable-stayed Samuel De Champlain Bridge. The corporation selected NHSL, a partnership between construction company Pomerleau and demolition contractor Delsan AIM, for this undertaking.

The project was divided into three zones:

• Section 5, including the concrete approach spans west of the steel structure to the abutment on Nun’s Island.

• Section 6, comprising the steel superstructure (i.e. trusses) located near and above the Saint Lawrence Seaway.

• Section 7, including the concrete approach spans east of the steel structure to the abutment on the Brossard side of the river.

Tools for the job

The process required both innovative thinking and detailed knowledge of existing deconstruction methods and structural engineering theory, so as to ensure an efficient process and uphold the project’s objectives. The project team incorporated sophisticated jacks in the lifting and lowering of concrete spans, as well as real-time monitoring of load distribution and barge deflection, move -

“An incredibly skilful operation and a teaching tool for structural engineers.”
– Jury

ment and rotations, using a variety of sensors that allowed for a high level of control throughout critical operations.

The suspended span deconstruction—being located over the economically vital Saint Lawrence Seaway, where disruptions were not permissible—required exceptionally careful planning. The work was completed in January, under the most difficult environmental conditions during the seaway’s yearly closure. The span was lowered as a single segment with six strand jacks to a pair of barges.

Detailed jacking and piece-bypiece dismantling procedures for the truss cantilever and anchor arm spans facilitated the safe and efficient deconstruction of the steel superstructure. Harbourside’s contributions enabled this process to be completed safely and effectively.

The well-controlled and meticulous nature through which the deconstruction was completed helped to advance the image of the engineering profession in the eyes of the public. Further, the successful execu-

tion of the methods that were developed during this project will allow for similar methods to be considered for future projects.

Challenges countered

This was a unique, high-risk engineering project with many challenges, in part due to the structure’s degraded condition. The means, methods and temporary works design had to ensure the safety of workers and the public, protect the environment and mitigate site constraints.

One of the main challenges was practically and economically removing elements of the bridge without compromising the structural integrity of the remaining structure. The suspended span lowering process and the anchor arm’s deconstruction, by way of example, called for the ability to control the load between trusses, to prevent elements in the system from becoming overloaded and to ensure the remaining truss members remained stable.

Other specific challenges included:

• protecting the new, adjacent Sam-

uel de Champlain Bridge, which opened in 2019.

• the inability to disrupt Saint Lawrence Seaway vessel traffic, which meant contingency plans were required to mitigate risks (such as mechanical equipment failure) and major operations had to be timed to occur during the seaway’s winter closure.

• allowing within the deconstruction sequencing for the safe and complete removal of specific elements of the bridge designated for R&D or reuse.

• accounting for and accommodating differential deflections and rotations for the removal of spans via barge.

• the restriction of equipment mobility by the relatively narrow jetties that could be built out into the river to access Section 6’s steel spans.

Taking all of these challenges into consideration, Harbourside’s methods significantly reduced costs and scheduling, reduced impacts on the public and the surrounding environ-

ment and minimized risk for the contractors tasked with deconstructing the bridge.

Visible benefits

This deconstruction project not only provided a rare opportunity for residents and passersby to witness an engineering mega-project in action, but also brought substantial social and economic benefits to the region. With an estimated value of $400 million, the project generated employment opportunities for local contractors, suppliers and tradespeople, including equipment operators and ironworkers.

Moreover, the involvement of Harbourside’s engineers and drafters from Prince Edward Island and Nova Scotia underscored the project’s broader regional impact, demonstrating the collaborative nature of large-scale engineering endeavours and the opportunities they can create across provincial boundaries.

The project’s emphasis on research and development (R&D) has contributed to advancing knowledge of structural behaviour and deterior-

ation. By leveraging insights gained from the deconstruction process, engineers and researchers can continue to refine methodologies and practices, ultimately enhancing the resilience and longevity of other infrastructure.

Also, recognizing the rich history and significance of the original Champlain Bridge to the local community, one of the concrete piers that supported its main steel spans was preserved and will remain on display to commemorate the historic structure.

Mitigating environmental impact

The deconstruction of the Champlain Bridge also prioritized environmental sustainability through various measures aimed at minimizing its ecological footprint and mitigating potential impacts.

One of the project’s key targets was to recover at least 90% of all deconstructed materials for recycling, demonstrating a commitment to waste reduction and resource conservation. This repurposing minimized landfill-bound materials, promoting environmental stewardship and the ‘circular economy.’

As mentioned, some of the specific bridge elements were designated for research and reuse. The deconstruction sequence ensured the safe removal of these elements, facilitating the extraction of valuable materials for future projects and contributing to ongoing efforts in sustainable infrastructure practices.

Proactive measures were implemented to address air and water quality concerns. A dust management system with water misters on the main barge helped minimize ambient dust during demolition. Captured water was treated before release.

Through collaboration with contractors and jacking specialists, efficient optimization of procedures cut the turnaround time for positioning, lifting, repositioning, lowering and deconstructing individual spans

from an anticipated three or four weeks per span to about one week, minimizing disruptive activities and their associated environmental impacts.

Multifaceted goals

JCCBI’s goals for the deconstruction of the Champlain Bridge were multifaceted, encompassing cost-effectiveness, schedule adherence, public safety, minimization of disruption to the surrounding community and environmental sustainability. Working collaboratively with NHSL, Harbourside and gbi successfully met these objectives through a combination of innovative methods, meticulous planning and effective collaboration with stakeholders. These methods significantly reduced costs and streamlined the deconstruction process, optimizing efficiency without compromising safety or quality. By minimizing downtime and accelerating the timeline for each phase of the deconstruction, the project was completed within budget and schedule.

Proactive measures were imple-

mented to minimize risks and impacts on the navigational channel and infrastructure. Through meticulous planning and real-time monitoring of operations, hazards were effectively managed and disruptions were kept to a minimum, enhancing safety and community satisfaction.

As mentioned, careful deconstruction techniques ensured many materials were repurposed for future projects, thus contributing to the circular economy and environmental stewardship.

Through collaborative efforts and strategic planning, the deconstruction of the Champlain Bridge was executed efficiently, responsibly and with care for both the client’s priorities and the surrounding environment and community. In meeting JCCBI’s project goals, Harbourside, gbi and NHSL demonstrated a commitment to excellence and innovation in engineering.

Award-winning firms (deconstruction engineers): Harbourside Engineering Consultants, Dartmouth, N.S., and gbi, Montreal (Greg MacDonald, P.Eng., ing.; Wade Pottie, P.Eng., ing., PE; Calvin MacAulay, P.Eng.; Marc Tarling, P.Eng., ing.; Sarah Foster, M.Sc., P.Eng.; Todd Menzies, M.A.Sc., P.Eng.; David Mousseau, ing.).

Owner: Jacques Cartier and Champlain Bridges Incorporated (JCCBI).

Other key players: Nouvel Horizon Saint-Laurent (contractor).

Champlain Bridge Deconstruction, Montreal
Top: Concrete span deconstruction was accomplished over water using a jackup on a barge.
Bottom: The anchor arm was deconstructed from land.

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1 Statistics Canada, “Survey of Household Spending in Canada,” 2022.

2, “How much money does it take to raise a child in Canada?” July 2022.

3, “A guide to disability insurance,” 2021.

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Engineering A Better Canada Award and Award of Excellence

Haida Nation Solar Array and Microgrid

Hedgehog Technologies

Haida Gwaii is an archipelago that serves as the home of the Haida Nation, an Indigenous group with a culture deeply rooted in the land and sea. Hedgehog Technologies partnered with the Haida Nation to design, build and facilitate training for a 2-MW solar array and microgrid near Masset Airport. The construction phase connected technology with ancient cultural roots, empowering community members with essential skills for self-determination.

Off-grid storage and control

In collaboration with BC Hydro, Hedgehog designed a customized off-grid battery energy storage system for the solar array to support an isolated network. This system delivers a reliable, uninterrupted power supply, even in the absence of sunlight or during peak energy demand.

Named ‘Nimba,’ Hedgehog’s system integrates lithium-ion battery technology with intelligent energy management algorithms to optimize energy use and reduce reliance on traditional power sources, resulting in a substantial decrease in greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and enhancing the airport’s overall energy resilience.

Training and procurement

Embracing a non-traditional approach to procurement, focused on community and project sustainability, this initiative championed local

hiring and empowering the Haida people.

By compelling contractors to engage Haida individuals, Hedgehog sought approval from community chiefs and leadership, while highlighting the potential risks involved. Their resounding endorsement demonstrated a shift in procurement toward prioritizing societal values.

Contractors were assessed based on their commitment to training and capacity building. This approach not

“Working with the local community, this is what engineering should be about!” – Jury

only ensured the project’s successful completion, but also played a key role in fostering the community’s self-determination.

While this strategy emphasized sustainability, training and employment over short-term financial considerations, it is believed to have reduced overall life-cycle costs, particularly by ensuring the project has local support.

Airport study

One of the primary concerns of building a solar array at an active airport is the potential for glare to affect landing planes all year round. To address this issue, Hedgehog conducted an extensive reflectivity study to analyze the surfaces of different panel orientations and materials. The firm was able to determine the optimal positioning of the panels to minimize glare and ensure the safety of aircraft operations. Moreover, to implement a solar

There were regulatory challenges in building a solar array at an airport.

array at a site zoned for air traffic only, Hedgehog encountered a host of challenges with strict Transport Canada regulations.

Airports are typically designated solely for aviation-related activities and any deviation from this norm requires tremendous planning, careful code compliance and co-ordination with regulatory bodies. Achieving approval required significant effort, including the training of personnel, the persuasion of transportation and navigation authorities and the adjustment of land titles to comply with regulations, so as to support a revenue-generating solar farm.

Ecological and

logistical challenges

The solar array is situated in an ecologically challenging region, surrounded by muskegs, pristine shorelines and old-growth forests. It is home to rare and endangered species, such as the Northern goshawk, Sitka blacktailed deer and Haida Gwaii slug.

Mitigating ecological impact required a groundbreaking partnership among three Indigenous communities— Skidegate, Masset and the Council of Haida Nation—and regulatory approvals from such stakeholders as Transport Canada, Nav Canada, BC Hydro, the Municipality of Masset, BC Hydro and the provincial government, along with a change in land zoning.

By strategically avoiding the clearance of 11 acres of oldgrowth forest and instead placing the solar farm on the cleared airport, the project safeguards habitats crucial for the Haida Gwaii’s native species.

Further, by displacing more

than 600,000 L of diesel fuel, the solar array will significantly curtail GHG emissions by more than 33,000 tonnes over 20 years, mitigating air pollution and reducing dependence on non-renewable energy sources.

There were also logistical hurdles. Relying on the Prince Rupert Ferry Terminal for material deliveries required meticulous planning, given limited space and adverse weather conditions.

Successfully navigating environmental, regulatory and logistical obstacles underscored the importance of strategic partnerships and careful planning when completing a solar project for a remote community.

Local ownership

With a focus on 100% Haida ownership through an energy corporation, operations and economic activity, this initiative has fostered long-term project sustainability by providing skills training opportunities, reducing the total life-cycle costs and empowering the Haida people to move closer toward total energy sovereignty.

The solar array has acted as a catalyst for economic activity in the region by providing job opportunities during the construction phase and then in ongoing operations and maintenance (O&M). The employment generated by the project has enhanced the livelihoods of community members and contributed to the overall prosperity of Haida Gwaii.

It has also created a ripple effect in the community, fostering a sense of empowerment, self-sufficiency and economic resilience. By actively involving the Haida people and recognizing their contributions, Hedgehog has set a precedent for so -

cially responsible business practices and demonstrated the transformative potential of sustainable energy initiatives.

Establishing a flexible work schedule that aligned with major community events, such as totem pole raising and funerals, demonstrated respect for the cultural fabric of the Haida

people, which further nurtured the sense of ownership by integrating the solar farm into the community’s identity.

The Haida Nation not only constructed a solar farm, but also empowered itself with knowledge and skills for maintenance and, in the future, expansion up to 4 MW.

Haida Nation Solar Array and Microgrid, Masset, B.C.

Award-winning firm (prime consultant): Hedgehog Technology, Burnaby, B.C. (Michael Wrinch, P.Eng.; Younes Rashidi, P.Eng.; Amreen Grewal, P.Eng.; Matthew Keeler, P.Eng.; Charles Lewthwaite; Aileen Maynard; Erin Keating, P. Eng.; Andreas Huster, P.Eng.; Lucas Hall; Daryoush Hassani, P.Eng.).

Owner: Tll Yahda Energy.

Other key players: Old Massett Village Council (construction and heavy equipment services), Gwai Engineering (civil engineering), Council of Haida Nations (cultural monitoring), Masset Services (equipment rental), Masset Airport, Determination Drilling (pile installation), Westrek Geotechnical Services (geological engineering), PRI Engineering (foundation design and engineering and pile installation supervision), Solvest (solar installation), TEBurns Engineering (pole design), AltaPro (electrical installation), Prime Engineering (switchgear design), Tetra Tech (airport compliance consulting), McElhanney (site survey), Polar Racking (racking supplier), Solis (inverter supplier), LONGi (solar panel supplier).


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Breton Environmental Award and Award of Excellence

SmartWhales DSS

The endangered North Atlantic Right Whale (NARW) has been at risk since 1970, mainly due to entanglements with commercial fishing gear and collisions with vessels. To improve conservation efforts, the Canadian Space Agency, Fisheries and Oceans Canada and Transport Canada recently launched the SmartWhales initiative, using Earth observation technologies. WSP led one of the consortiums to develop a decision support system (DSS) that provides near real-time predictions of NARW movements in the Gulf of St. Lawrence.

Innovative modelling

Specifically, WSP's is one of five consortiums to participate in SmartWhales, a three-year program that uses satellite data and other information to help detect and monitor the presence of NARWs and predict their movements. The firm collaborated with DHI Water Environment to help users make decisions that will ensure the species’ preservation. Other members of the same consortium include the Canadian Whale Institute (CWI), Halifax’s Dalhousie University and l’Institut des Sciences de la Mer de Rimouski (ISMER) de l'Université du Québec à Rimouski (UQAR).

The DSS features a web-based, interactive map interface that provides visuals of the forecasting models’ results, which are required for the spatiotemporal assessment of risks of collision and entanglement. The

predictions, which cover a 12-hour span, are based on vessels’ automatic identification system (AIS) data and other sources.

The application and integration of predictive ecological models with a complex real-time data management system mark a significant breakthrough in conservation science. The system is based on both academic and commercial models, with technology tested on the basis of historical data.

The consortium’s efforts have led to innovations in hydrodynamic models (i.e. for ocean currents, water temperatures, etc.), dynamic habitat models, agent-based models (i.e. for the whales), marine traffic forecasting models and ecological risk models. Combining all of them helped produce collision and entanglement risk models.

The complexity of the DSS lay in co-ordination between various partners and experts in different fields.

To accurately predict the whales’ movements and risks, the ambitious project required professionals familiar with up-to-date technologies in marine ecology, oceanography, artificial intelligence (AI) and modelling and had to take into consideration many behavioral, environmental and ocean-related factors.

The tool’s development required co-ordination between experts in very different fields.

The team analyzed data from in situ stations, atmospheric forcing and ocean conditions to help produce a baseline for hydrodynamic modelling. It also analyzed literature supported by CWI recommendations to determine parameters and

thresholds for the model simulating NARW movements and behaviours.

These efforts helped develop advanced retrospective forecasting models to reconstruct the whales’ dynamic habitats and provide information in near real time on their expected presence and potential for contact with vessels.

A species on the move

The DSS uses advanced models to predict and monitor hospitable habitats for the NARW, a species whose conservation is challenged by climate change affecting their movement. Warmer water temperatures can effect phenological changes in the marine habitat. In the Gulf of Maine, for example, warmer temperatures have negatively impacted the availability of a particular species of zooplankton, Calanus finmarchicus, the primary prey of the NAWR. This has caused a shift in the NAWR’s feeding area in the Gulf of St. Lawrence.

By identifying potential new habitats through in situ observations, the DSS supports both existing conservation efforts and the exploration of new areas where NARWs are migrat-

ing. This approach adapts to changing marine environments, ensuring effective management and mitigation of environmental impacts during project implementation.

A whale’s worth

The project also offers economic benefits. If predicting NARW movements can prevent collisions with vessels, commercial stakeholders can better plan their activities. Their ability to navigate the Gulf of St. Lawrence and reach their destinations will be improved, which will be beneficial to their bottom lines.

The conservation effort will be profitable for ecotourism and even for the fishing industry, as cetaceans contribute to the improvement of fish stock in the ocean food chain, not to mention the benefits of reducing the risk of collisions with fishing vessels.

The entire research community will also benefit from this study, as it will foster parallel research on Earth observation sciences and ecology modelling.

Further, the conservation of marine biodiversity supports the reduction of greenhouse gases (GHGs).

Whales play a key role in nutrient transfer by increasing the production of phytoplankton, which is vital to the ocean food chain and the absorption of atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) and is a major contributor to the Earth’s oxygen supply.

WSP was called upon to provide analysis with respect to the Application Readiness Level (ARL) system, a scale for the Canadian Space Agency’s smartEarth initiative applications, ranging from from one (exploratory and conceptual level) to nine (product ready for the market).

The team’s efforts stood out. By the end, the project had reached a readiness level between six and nine, indicating (a) it was possible to predict the risk of collisions between whales and vessels and (b) the platform would be operational and ready to be tested and validated.

“A timely, multidisciplinary solution, taking care of the environment for the future.” – Jury

The DSS could initially be considered a supplemental conservation tool. With continuous investments in control analyses and system refinements, the platform can be continuously improved.

This tool could also offer new opportunities to improve conservation efforts in other fields. Offshore wind power initiatives, for example, could benefit from a similar approach to ensure key marine habitats and migratory paths are adequately considered.

SmartWhales DSS, Montreal.

Award-winning firm (lead consultant):

WSP, Montreal (Patrick Lafrance, B.Sc. Bio., M.Sc. eau/water; Michèle Laflamme, M.Sc., PMP; Joëlle Voglimacci-Stephanopoli; Felix-Antoine Audet, B.Sc., M.Sc.; Reinier Tromp, M.Sc, PMP, P.Eng, ir.; Guillaume Clouette-Gauthier; Éric Dulong; Jordan Matthieu; Audrey Rémillard-Mercier).

Owner: Canadian Space Agency.

Other key players: DHI Water Environment (main collaborator), Canadian Whale Institute (secondary collaborator), Dalhousie University (secondary collaborator), l’Institut des Sciences de la Mer de Rimouski (ISMER) de l'Université du Québec à Rimouski (UQAR) (secondary collaborator).

Breton Environmental Award and Award of Excellence

PEPSC Groundwater Pumping and Treatment Environmental Remediation

Montreal’s PointeSaint-Charles Business Park (PEPSC) comprises embankments directly on the bed of the St. Lawrence River. After being used as a dumping ground for more than 100 years, it contained contaminated soil and all types of waste. The city engaged AtkinsRéalis as prime consultant to carry out engineering, construction management and commissioning to pump and treat contaminated groundwater—and to prevent contamination of the river.

An uncommon process

The project involved constructing an underground bentonite cement barrier along Carrie-Derick Street, spanning 2 km, to prevent the migration of floating phase hydrocarbons (FPHs) and contaminated groundwater to the St. Lawrence River, which contains ammoniacal nitrogen (NH3) and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons/polychlorinated biphenyls (PAHs/PCBs).

The groundwater is pumped from 23 wells, each with individual force mains leading to a treatment plant. The treated water is subsequently discharged into the municipal sanitary sewer.

The decision to keep each of the 23 effluents separate, rather than combining them into a single collector,

was made to avoid the need for larger, more expensive treatment lines and to minimize the amount of sludge generated. By treating each effluent individually, the capacity of the treatment lines could be optimized, reducing operating costs.

Ammoniacal nitrogen is removed from the water using a physicochemical treatment method, which involves precipitating the nitrogen as struvite by adding phosphoric acid and magnesium salts. This uncommon process effectively recovers phosphorus and nitrogen from the wastewater while reducing ammonia levels.

PAHs and PCBs are removed

“An innovative treatment process at an impressive scale.” – Jury

through adsorption on granular activated carbon (GAC) filters, a well-established method for removing organic contaminants from water. Additionally, the project includes a sludge dehydration system and air treatment to manage the byproducts of the treatment process and ensure environmental compliance.

Despite the complexity of managing 23 separate effluents, the approach has proven beneficial in reducing treatment line capacities, optimizing costs and sometimes even yielding compliant water flow rates exceeding 50% of the total pumped flow.


Managing various challenges

Designing a flexible system to manage the varying groundwater characteristics and volumes from 23 wells posed several challenges. Each effluent needed to be directed to specific treatment lines (e.g. PAH/ PCB or NH3) or to the homogenization basin based on its composition. The treatment system also had to be automatically controllable to allow optimization for each line, ensuring the final mix met sewer discharge requirements.

Further, maintaining water levels below building foundations while keeping the groundwater table consistent with the river level and preventing over-pumping required careful management of the well pumps equipped with variable-frequency drives (VFDs).

Safety considerations were paramount, given the presence of hydrocarbons and volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in the water, necessitating an explosion-proof design for all components of the project, including the well pumps, treatment system and buildings.

The construction of the 2-km long, 18-m deep and 1.3-m wide bentonite cement barrier generated substantial contaminated soil, exceeding 60,000 m3. An on-site sorting facility was established to analyze, sort and dispose of the soil appropriately, according to its contamination category, with a disposal capacity of 4,000 m3 per day.

Constructing the barrier in an urban environment presented additional challenges, including the unpredictable presence of large rock blocks that were difficult to extract with standard excavation equipment. Specialized techniques and equipment were needed.

Holistic sustainability

The project addressed multiple environmental and sustainability issues. The construction of the ben-

tonite cement barrier effectively stopped the migration of hydrocarbons and contaminated groundwater into the St. Lawrence River. The project protected the river’s ecosystem and preserved the health of related flora and fauna.

With the barrier in place, the quality of water in downstream beaches and water intakes along the river is improved, benefiting the aquatic environment and recreational users who enjoy these areas.

The production of struvite as a byproduct of the project was also valuable. Struvite is rich in phosphorus and nitrogen and, when properly processed and applied, is an excellent fertilizer that provides essential nutrients to crops and plants, promoting healthy growth and improving soil fertility.

The groundwater treatment building was designed to achieve Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) certification. By reducing energy consumption and using sustainable materials and systems, the project aimed to ensure a low-carbon footprint throughout its life cycle.

Overall, the project demonstrated a holistic approach to environmental stewardship, addressing contamina-

tion issues, improving water quality, conserving energy and materials and mitigating environmental impacts throughout its implementation.

Meeting goals

The client’s main project goals were to prevent contamination of the St. Lawrence River by hydrocarbons and contaminated groundwater; improve water quality; and protect the river’s flora and fauna. Additionally, the client sought an optimal groundwater collection and treatment system that would be flexible, cost-effective and energy-efficient, while minimizing sludge production.

To meet these goals, AtkinsRéalis implemented a comprehensive solution, including the 2-km bentonite cement barrier; the flexible groundwater collection and treatment system, with 23 wells equipped with individual force mains to direct effluents to specific treatment lines; a physicochemical treatment for ammoniacal nitrogen removal and GAC filters for PAH/PCB removal, optimizing chemical and energy consumption while reducing sludge production.

Further, rigorous cost and schedule control measures were implemented throughout the construction phase to ensure adherence to the original budget and timeline.

The successful implementation of the project resulted in high satisfaction from the client and multiple provincial and national awards, establishing it as a reference in the field.

PEPSC Groundwater Pumping and Treatment, Montreal

Award-winning firm (prime consultant): AtkinsRéalis, Montreal (AbdelMajid Benabess, ing.; André Binette, ing.,; Fabienne Macé, ing.,; Benoit Mathieu, ing; Patrick Ruette, ing.; Paul Williams, ing.; Sylvain Huard, Tech.; Sylvain Tanguay, Tech.; Ana Esquivel, ing.,; Josée Thibault, ing.)

Owner: City of Montreal.

Other key players: Atelier SENS (architecture for processing plant building), Veolia (decanters and GAC filters), Goulds Water Technology (well pumps), Alfa Laval (sludge centrifuge), Chem Action (chemical dosing systems).

A struvite reactor turns waste into fertilizer.

Award and Award of Excellence

Quebrada El Leon Flood Control

The Quebrada El Leon flood control project was part of a Peruvian government program to reduce recurring risks and damages. Canadian firm Hatch was engaged to develop the project’s conceptual design, cost-benefit analyses, environmental permitting and detailed engineering for construction.

The project was completed on schedule and on budget. The team successfully navigated a fast-tracked schedule and a challenging setting, accounting for climate-change impacts,

public safety, flash floods and high seismicity.

The Quebrada El Leon flood control project comprised:

• headworks consisting of a 1,200-m long basin to collect flows and accumulate sediments, with two intake canals, two dikes and a concrete overflow spillway structure.

• a 20-km-long canal to collect and transfer flows from the headworks to the ocean.

• outlet works, including a stepped canal dissipation structure with stilling basin and a concrete discharge overflow crest at the coast.

The completion of this project not only brings economic benefits to the region by avoiding recurring flood events and the resulting damages in this important Peruvian area, but also ensures a secure environment to the local population and allows for better land development in surrounding sectors.

Precedent-setting success

The success of this project was due to a judicious combination of Canadian expertise in flood control project design and local Peruvian engineering support to deliver a chal-

lenging mandate.

During the design phase, Hatch hired local engineers, specialists and subconsultants to leverage Peruvian knowledge of standards and processes, such as environmental permitting, architecture, archeology, road design and building information modelling (BIM). The project’s major scale provided valuable opportunities for the local engineering community to build further skills and be trained to international design standards.

As Hatch provided services under an engineering, procure-

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Mount Royal Tunnel-Double Arch Replacement & Rehabilitation, Montreal
Quebrada El Leon Flood Control Project, Peru

ment and construction management (EPCM) fast-track contract, it was necessary to build a strong engineering and construction management team that would work closely together to deliver the project while meeting its strict budget and schedule targets.

Engineering was prepared in parallel with other activities, which allowed the client, Consorcio Besalco-Stracon, to improve its procurement and construction strategy and processes. Hatch and the client’s team developed a strong relationship from the start of the project, which has continued even after the end of Hatch’s specific mandate.

The design proposed for the project was unique in Peru and has now set a precedent for other similar projects. By way of example, following the success of this project, Hatch was awarded another EPCM contract, for the Chavimochic irrigation project, in the same region.

Taking care

The project design included notable features with a focus on environmental protection and sustainability, along with social benefits.

All structures were designed to account for climate change to ensure the safety and sustainability of the designed system. The design hydrology, for example, was adjusted based on future climate scenarios.

Flash floods in Peru generally carry large volumes of sediments, mud and debris into urban areas, causing significant damage. Hatch

proposed flood control structures with headworks designed to capture most of the sediments and debris carried with the flows, leaving cleaner water to be confined in the canal and released to the ocean on the seacoast.

Under current conditions (and as per the concept originally proposed at feasibility stage), the flood flows to the sea in a tourist area. Hatch’s proposed design instead deviates the flows to the north, in a quieter area with less environmental impact.

Erosion protection for most of the structures was designed using local materials, such as stones found in large quantities at the construction site. Cyclopean concrete was also recommended for several structures where possible. All of these measures aimed to reduce the overall carbon footprint of the structures’ construction process.

As Peru has a rich cultural heritage, a local expert was hired as part of Hatch’s team to help identify archeologically significant grounds and to avoid any impact on these sensitive areas in the design.

Local populations were consulted in all areas affected by the project. In the end, regional communities and industry expressed strong support for the project.

Exceeding expectations

The expectations of the project owner—Autoridad par Reconstrucción con Cambios (ARCC)—and the client were for Hatch to deliver a design that would be safe for the local population and environmentally

Construction deviated for the canal crossing of the national highway.

“This project hit every button and covered all the bases.” – Jury

friendly while meeting the cost-benefit target and the fast-track schedule for construction, i.e. to be functional in time for the next flood season.

The terms of reference included a concept for flood control works that had been developed at the feasibility stage. Hatch proposed a completely different concept that, although initially received with skepticism due to lack of precedent in the region, proved to be a major success.

Through the value engineering proposed by Hatch, the design proved to exceed all expectations:

• Safety: The passive design does not require human intervention during operations, the 20-km long canal avoids industrial, residential and agricultural areas and maintenance requirements are low.

• Environment: Structures are positioned to avoid environmentally and archeologically sensitive areas.

• Cost: The design was optimized for efficient use of local materials. In fact, Hatch’s design was half the cost of an alternative design developed at a previous stage.

• Fast-track schedule: By focusing on simple structures, local materials and constructability, the project was delivered successfully on the fast-track schedule, with ARCC having approved a Hatch design that was considered unconventional for Peru.

The project was commissioned in March 2024, becoming the first ARCC flood control measure to be completed for the current flood season.

Quebrada El Leon Flood Control, Trujillo, Peru

Award-winning firm (engineering prime consultant): Hatch, Montreal (Jim Sarvinis, P. Eng.; Marie-Helene Briand, P.Eng. Ph.D.; Alvaro Ceballos, P.Eng., M.Eng.; Oscar Ardila, P.Eng.; Daniel Sanchez, P.Eng., Ph.D.; Juliana Romero, P.Eng.; Jorge Quispe, Eng.; Leonardo Sischini, Tech.).

Owner: Autoridad par Reconstrucción con Cambios (ARCC).

Other key players: Consorcio Besalco-Stracon (client), ConeTec (subcontractor for geotechnical investigations).


19, 2025

The Advance: Women in Engineering virtual summit will be held on June 19, 2025, strategically timed to lead directly into International Women in Engineering Day on June 23. This is a key opportunity to promote greater gender diversity in one of Canada’s most celebrated areas of expertise, as consulting engineering firms seek to recruit and retain more women for roles at all levels of seniority.

Our goal is to spotlight the accomplishments of successful female professional engineers, encourage more women to join the industry/community and raise awareness of organizations that are already taking a leading role in this effort.

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z Recognize the careers of successful women in the industry

z Build your reputation as an industry leader in diversity

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z Position your organization as progressive

z Increase exposure to key audiences across multiple media platforms, including email; website; social media; and the live virtual event.

University of Ottawa Faculty of Health Sciences

The University of Ottawa (uOttawa) wanted to transform a formerly industrial brownfield site into the new home for its faculty of health sciences building. As the prime engineering consultant for the project, WSP revitalized the site and designed a high-performance building using sustainable materials.

The new facility, which is set to achieve Platinum certification from the Canada Green Building Council’s (CaGBC’s) Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) Building Design and Construction (BD+C) program, uses 57.2% less energy and produces 57.8% less greenhouse gases (GHGs) than typical institutional buildings, with a thermal energy demand intensity (TEDI) of 37.6 kWh/m2

Optimizing strategy

For many years, uOttawa owned a 6.6-hectare parcel of land in downtown Ottawa, on the banks of the Rideau River, that was underdeveloped and contained contaminated soil, due to its history as an industrial rail line. To transform the site into a vibrant, sustainable community space, the university engaged WSP for a full suite of consulting engineering services to the builder, PCL Constructors Canada, and to design the 23,500-m 2 health sci-

ences building.

Parametric design tools were used to optimize the footprint and orientation of the building to minimize solar heat gain while maximizing access and views to natural light. This early analysis aided the space planning to ensure that the collaboration spaces benefited from a high degree of transparency and connectivity. A life-cycle analysis was performed to help optimize the selection of cladding materials and concrete mix, so as to reduce the building’s embodied carbon footprint by 10% com-

pared to a reference building. The timber used to construct the feature areas of the building was purchased from Forestry Stewardship Council (FSC) certified woodlands and sawmills in Ontario.

Advanced energy modelling software was also used for analysis and to develop a mechanical system strategy to meet the project’s ambitious energy goals. This software influenced the inclusion of a 55-kW rooftop solar-panel array.

One of the most important differentiators of this project was its ad-

vancement of structural engineering concepts. As an example, the structural connection between timber support, steel extension and concrete columns, previously undocumented in the industry, required detailed analysis of buckling behaviour by the technical team. Research and development (R&D) credits were used to field-test the stiffness and settlement performance of 12-m long cast-in-pace concrete slabs to ensure they were fit for purpose before their application.

Addressing site contamination

The project faced major challenges relating to the site, where contaminated soil from rail activities was left behind after the Second World War, which set WSP’s efforts apart from typical construction endeavours. During the early design stages, in fact, the project was at risk of being cancelled because it proved cost-prohibitive to remediate all of the contaminated soils on-site.

The structural engineering design team proposed an elegant, cost-effective solution, which involved supporting the building with bored concrete caissons and driven steel pipe piles. This approach reduced the amount of excavation required to build the foundation and, in turn, reduced disturbance to the contaminated soil.

Strategic volumes of contaminated soil closest to the surface were remediated. As contaminated soils were removed during the project, the site was transformed into a healthier space. The building’s ‘Level 1’ floor was elevated 1.5 m above the existing on-site grade.

While this design solution did not remediate all low-lying contaminated soils on the project site, it was effective at providing a healthy growing layer for trees and landscaping, while also respecting the owner’s budget.

Environmental stewardship

The project exemplified a holistic

approach to environmental stewardship. The design team used an integrated process to explore opportunities for improvements, e.g. analyzing the building envelope using BC Hydro’s thermal bridging methodology. This process was critical to achieve the overall TEDI of 37.6 kWh/m2, making the facility one of the most energy-efficient research-focused institutional buildings in Canada.

Sustainable materials played crucial roles in reducing the project’s environmental footprint. Materials with low embodied carbon and high recycled content were prioritized, such as the FSC-certified wood and recycled steel. Low-flow plumbing fixtures were installed throughout the building, resulting in a 42% reduction in the use of potable water, compared to baseline standards.

Environmental impacts during construction were managed in a variety of ways, with comprehensive construction waste management, indoor air quality (IAQ), erosion, sediment and control plans developed, implemented and enforced throughout the work. More than 90% of all demolition and construction waste was diverted from landfills and sent to recycling facilities.

Functioning within constraints

The owner’s project goals focused on sustainability, functionality, adherence to budget and timeline constraints. These goals were met through a comprehensive approach that prioritized collaboration, innovation and efficiency.

Functionality was addressed by designing flexible and adaptable spaces that would cater to the diverse

“Innovative life-cycle analysis for material selection.” – Jury

needs of students, faculty and researchers. The design team sought to create a future-ready building that could serve the university’s needs not only today, but also tomorrow.

In terms of the timeline, the university wanted the building to be ready for the fall 2023 semester. The design-build contract was only executed in July 2021, but the project reached substantial completion by June 2023, i.e. it was completed in less than two years.

Such speed of construction, nearly unheard of in the industry, was achieved through rigorous design planning and proactive risk mitigation strategies.

While there were some procurement delays and cost escalations, the team remained committed to delivering the project within the established budget. The construction value was initially $116,500,000 and the final cost was $118,379,900, with the variance due to owner-requested changes that increased the overall contract value by 1.6%—and maintained the owner’s overall budget, including contingency.

University of Ottawa Faculty of Health Sciences, Ottawa Award-winning firm (prime consultant): WSP, Ottawa (Ammar Salameh, P.Eng.; Tom LeRoy, P.Eng.; David Badaoui, P.Eng.; Jonathan Osborne, P.Eng.; Josh Brouillard, P.Eng.; Jen Chaijan, P.Eng.; Scott Funnell, P.Eng.; Ross Taylor, PSP; Ishaque Jafferjee, P. Eng.; Alison Lumby, OALA; Alain Brierley, Tech.; Scott Armstrong, CET; Nadia De Santi, MCIP; Kana Ganesh, P.Eng.).

Owner: University of Ottawa.

Other key players: PCL Constructors Canada (client), Architecture|49 (lead architect), Isotherm Commissioning (commissioning agent), Paterson Group (geotechnical), Tempeff (air handlers), Cook (fans), Haakon (air handlers), Viessmann (boilers), Bell & Gossett (pumps), HTS Ottawa (mechanical manufacturer representative), Eaton (electrical equipment), BDA (lighting).

The facility was built on previously contaminated land on the banks of the Rideau River.

Award of Excellence

L'École du Zénith


L'École du Zénith, also known as Lab-école Shefford, sets a new standard for schools in Quebec. Constructed almost entirely of wood, this building is the result of an architectural competition and of a collaborative effort between engineers, architects and researchers. While the structure is simple and repetitive, it is also a complex and unique design, with its wooden elements punctuated by steel and concrete.

As part of Quebec’s non-profit Lab-École initiative, the new lowrise elementary school is located at the edge of a small forest in the Eastern Townships, opening onto fields with a veiew of Mount Shefford. Its layout includes separate pavilions for each year of study, surrounding a central courtyard, with a main pavilion and a gymnasium shared by all students.

Inside, classrooms feature high ceilings and an exposed wooden structure. Double-height collaborative areas are shared by classrooms, featuring open spaces for group activities and a quiet mezzanine where students can focus on individual tasks.

A technological showcase

Latéral's structural work to create a building almost entirely in wood, including light-frame and large architecturally exposed timber, was supported by a $1-million grant from the provincial ministry of forests, wildlife and parks through a technological showcase program.

To secure the grant, Latéral

worked with Alexander Salenicovich’s research team at l'Université Laval to develop a composite floor system that combines cross-laminated timber (CLT) slabs and glue-laminated (glulam) beams—the first of its kind in North America. Theoretical and laboratory studies demonstrated this system could significantly reduce the volume of wood required for the project.

To ensure a light, consistent appearance despite varying loads (such as snow, wind and seismic

“They met the client’s needs so well, it become a popular option for other schools.” – Jury

forces), the design relied on a bridging system made of steel rods, the careful specification of wood grades and the use of monumental trusses in the gymnasium.

The original concept for the rural building was to use wood for its biophilic qualities to help contribute to students’ academic success. A light timber frame system was developed to be both economical and quick to construct, where possible. The use of light-frame timber shear walls enabled the creation of a seismic system with sufficient capacity to dissipate the energy of an earthquake.

In the school’s architecturally exposed areas, it was essential to use an exposed glulam wood structure with uniform dimensions. This meant developing a concept that could be repeated throughout the building. To accommodate varying spans and loading conditions, Latéral developed unique architectural bridging systems and, in certain areas, chose a higher grade of wood to address specific challenges.

The spacing of the exposed wooden joists was carefully calibrated to accommodate 28-mm exposed plywood, a first for an institutional building. The steel structures, which were necessary for fire resistance and code compliance in some instances, were carefully co-ordinated to integrate seamlessly with the wood structure. Additionally, a reinforced raft anchored to the bedrock allowed the gymnasium to be embedded into the ground, despite the presence of a high water table.

A model for others

Thanks to the Lab-École initiative, the township municipality of Shefford now has its long-awaited elementary school, designed at a child’s scale and optimized for student success.

Already, some families are choosing to move to Shefford to enrol their children in the school. It is serving as a model of construction not only for le Centre de Services Scolaire (CSS) du Val-des-Cerfs and the local community, but also for the design of

other schools across Quebec and around the world.

Despite the technical challenges the project encountered along the way, Latéral was able to successfully achieve a unique and refreshing structure in an architectural context where the vast majority of wooden buildings follow a typical beam-column-joist model.

As it is predominantly made of wood, l'École du Zénith also stands as a model for sustainable development. In line with the province’s


The gymnasium is one of the school’s shared pavilions.

technological showcase grant, Latéral conducted a greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions study for the project. The results showed the school’s carbon footprint is significantly lower than that of a conventional building.

Specifically, the completed project represents a reduction in GHG emissions, attributable to the manufacturing of structural material, equivalent to 527,323 kg of CO2or 122 kg of CO 2 /m2 of total floor area. This is a reduction of 39% compared to a conventional building.

The difference was primarily due to the type of structure used, with a hybrid combination of mass and light-frame timber compared to a predominantly steel structure in the reference scenario.

L'École du Zénith, Shefford, Que.

Award-winning firm (structural engineer): Latéral, Montreal (Thibaut Lefort, ing.; Alexandra Andronescu, ing.; Anna Ciari, ing.; Marc-André Parson's, Tech.).

Owner: Le Centre de Services Scolaire (CSS) du Val-des-Cerfs.

Other key players: Pelletier de Fontenay and Leclerc Architectes (architects), BPA (electromechanical engineer), Gravitaire (civil engineer), Agence Relief Design and Stantec (landscape architects), Englobe (geotechnical engineer), Les Construction Binet (general contractor), Ambiance Bois (mass-timber supplier).

The low-rise elementary
opens onto fields and a view of Mount Shefford.

Arthur J.E. Child Comprehensive Cancer Centre

Calgary’s Arthur J.E. Child Comprehensive Cancer Centre, set to open this fall, will be Canada’s largest—and North America’s second-largest—cancer treatment and research facility. Designed and built by a PCL, Dialog and Stantec team, the facility integrates treatment, education and research and showcases advances in health-care engineering and public infrastructure.

Dialog provided structural, mechanical and electrical engineering, architecture, interior design and landscape architecture services. Stantec provided civil, structural, mechanical and electrical Engineering, architecture and interior design. Smith + Andersen also contributed mechanical engineering.

Addressing challenges

The project team introduced several innovations to address specific challenges, within the constraints of the site, schedule, surrounding medical campus and community, and to contribute to operational efficiency and sustainability:

• To provide natural lighting and maximize views of outdoors, the team incorporated high-efficiency glazing above-grade, space planning that reduced typical floor plate depths and lightwells for

below-grade radiation vault reception spaces.

• The team also integrated electrochromic tinting in the exterior glazing with the building automation system (BAS), allowing transmitted light levels to be adjusted for individual occupants’ comfort, reducing energy consumption and even reducing the space required for heating, ventilation and air-conditioning (HVAC) equipment.

• Borrowing from high-rise office towers, destination dispatch was included in the facility’s elevator system, so as to optimize use by grouping passengers with similar destinations into the same cab. The technology is also integrated with wayfinding kiosks and mobile apps to provide detailed directions to patients and visitors.

• To ensuring uninterrupted service during power outages, four generators were integrated with the main power supply, located belowgrade portion to address site constraints and supported by an isolated slab to minimize noise and vibration transfer to the surrounding medical campus.

• Another important measure to address site constraints was implementing a combination of structural steel and cast-in-place concrete to cantilever the outer bays

of levels 7 to 13, which helped minimize the building’s groundlevel footprint.

Addressing site constraints, the team implemented structural steel and cast-in-place concrete to cantilever the outer bays of levels 7 to 13, which helped minimize the ground-level footprint.

The site selection within the northeast corner of Foothills Medical Campus presented the project’s most significant complexity, as it was remote from the main building and directly fronted onto adjacent retail and residential areas.

Connection to the rest of the campus was achieved by means of a two-storey, elevated and enclosed


pedway, extending more than 200 m. Multiple hubs connected to existing buildings.

The pedway was designed to accommodate electric trolleys to assist in moving people and equipment efficiently between buildings. A new underground duct bank was also implemented from the basement level of the main building to the basement level of the cancer centre, provisioned with dual-chamber pull boxes intermittently spaced along its run, to accommodate cable installation and to access spare ducts in the future.

The design of a large building along the perimeter of the medical campus required careful consideration of its effects on adjacent spaces and buildings extending beyond the property line. As mentioned, the emergency generators were housed on isolation slabs below-grade to mitigate noise and vibration, while the building’s form minimized its ground-level footprint. Also, situating the radiation treatment vaults below-grade allowed for public tranquility gardens along the perimeter of the building while meeting safe radiation shielding requirements.

Sustainably designed

The project team embraced sustainable design to benefit the facility throughout its useful life, conceiving

The facility integrates treatment, education and research..

a high-performance, environmentally responsible, efficient and comfortable building to promote wellness.

In alignment with the team’s goals, the centre achieved Leadership in Environmental and Energy Design (LEED) Gold Certification under the Version 4 health-care rating system. As well, the team of PCL, Dialog and Stantec implemented an integrated design process—beginning early in the request for proposals (RFP) stage and continuing through design development and into construction— that encouraged a cross-pollination of ideas for the optimization of sustainable design.

In terms of sustainability objectives, the centre also complies with American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE) 90.1-2010, ‘Energy Standard for Sites and Buildings Except Low-Rise Residential Buildings,’ and technical design requirements for Alberta Infrastructure facilities.


The Arthur J.E. Child Comprehensive Cancer Centre was designed not only to provide world-class cancer treatment, education and research upon its opening, but also be adaptable over the lifetime of the facility, incorporating continual change and improvements in care and research.

“Thoughtful design with staff and patients in mind, seamlessly integrated with the existing hospital.” – Jury

The project team designed and constructed the facility with that core requirement in mind and delivered beyond the owner’s statement of requirements (which, for example, only required the facility to achieve LEED Silver). The firms worked closely with Alberta Health Services and Alberta Infrastructure to incorporate the latest treatment and research equipment throughout the building, to consider programming adjacencies carefully (to maximize efficiency of operations) and to include redundancy and spare capacity throughout the building’s systems to accommodate future growth.

Floor plates and services throughout the building, for example, have been designed to accommodate the replacement of equipment over the lifetime of the building with minimal disruption, with allowances for major new equipment to be fully installed prior to the removal of existing equipment.

Delivered on-time and on-budget, the project represents a major achievement in the design and delivery of health-care facilities.

Arthur J.E. Child Comprehensive Cancer Centre, Calgary Award-winning firms (prime consultant and partners): Dialog |Stantec Smith + Andersen, Alberta (Henry Doornberg, P.Eng.; Ralph Hildenbrandt, P.Eng.; Mark Wallace, P.Eng. (deceased); Grant Kidd, P.Eng.; Jim Montgomery, P.Eng.; Dean Kardall, P.Eng.; Rory Smith, P.Eng.; Greg Trypuc, P.Eng).

Owner: Alberta Health Services.

Other key players: Alberta Infrastructure (client), Building Science Engineering (building envelope), Footprint (energy modelling), Senez Consulting (code consultant), RWDI (acoustics, vibration and microclimate consultant), Spalding Hardware (security), Lerch Bates (elevators), KJA (vertical transportation), Cygnus Group (wayfinding and signage), Kaizen Foodservice Planning & Design (food services).


Place Banque Nationale

WSP was mandated to support National Bank of Canada’s (NBC’s) project team in the design and production of structural plans and specifications for its new head office in Montreal, a 40-storey reinforced-concrete building reaching a height of 206.1 m from the upper parapet, with a 22-storey inclined structure. The design had to address the challenges of wind, concrete creep and seismic calculations.

The project commenced in May 2018 and was completed in June 2023. With a total floor area of 132,553 m2, NBC’s new head office is the third-largest commercial tower in Montreal. It features:

• 7,000 workstations, to accommodate 12,000 employees in hybrid work mode, and two collaboration areas.

• a gymnasium and meeting rooms on the top floors, offering a panoramic view of the city centre, thanks to a glass screen wall more than 12 m high.

• a banking branch, art exhibition area, auditorium, cafeteria and daycare.

• five levels of underground parking, with 581 vehicle spaces and bicycle parking.

• a link to Montreal’s Underground City.

The wind forces on the tower and swirl effects in the space between the new tower and its surrounding

environment were the subjects of analysis through wind tunnel modelling. The designers took the tests’ results into account in the design of the lateral system, to mitigate the effects of wind on the movements of the tower.

The overall weight of the building was also a challenge. Given the significance of seismic forces, the design team optimized the weight of all architectural elements. Further, by increasing the depth of excavation, the building was supported by conventional foundations directly on rock, thus improving its seismic location category as indicated in the geotechnical report, with significantly reduced lateral forces.

The main branch space was of particularly significant height and span. Basement construction occurred 11 m below the water table.

With the inclined façade of the curtain wall on the first 22 floors, the shape of the building was architecturally unusual, requiring collaboration with the contractor to execute required rotations during construction.

Revit building information modelling (BIM) software was also used in three-dimensional (3-D) design work to support interdisciplinary co-ordination and construction of complex geometries. And in a first for Montreal, the building incorporated double-decker elevators.

Measuring forces

The greater Montreal region has

been recognized—along with the western U.S.—as the area with the highest seismicity in North America. While movements at the top of the building are governed by wind forces, the base of the massive building required rigorous seismic analysis due to earthquake loads.

“A large, complex project that was developed and delivered very well.” – Jury

These factors were considered in the design of the tower’s lateral force resistance systems. WSP’s high-rise experts carried out dynamic analyses, taking into account complex interactions between the ground and the structure.

The inclined façade of the tower brought additional complexity in terms of predicting creep forces and related displacements. A laboratory and the University of Sherbrooke undertook creep studies of different concrete mix designs to better evaluate and understand their behaviour over time, to predict movements with greater precision.

The team also had to ensure close co-ordination of the diaphragm wall ties, so as not to interfere with the nearby entrance to the Ville-Marie highway tunnel.

After the work was paused for 33

days due to the pandemic, an acceleration plan was developed and implemented to offset the delay and meet the initial schedule.

Taking care

The principles of sustainable development and green construction were also essential elements of this project, which has achieved the Canadian Green Building Council’s (CaGBC’s) Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) v4 gold certification. It is also aiming for the International WELL Building Institute’s (IWBI’s) WELL v2 silver, a standard of comfort for the health and well-being of occupants.

With respect to the selection of building materials, a binary compound cement with silica fume was used to create high-performance concrete, which helped reduce the project’s potential carbon footprint. The building also includes:

• a roof terrace on the 40 th floor with 12.5-m tree planting containers.

• additional green areas on roofs to reduce the effects of heat islands.

• integrated bicycle parking spaces.

• a 4,000-m 2 outdoor green park, between the project’s two buildings.

The project required the excavation and elimination of 59,000 tonnes of contaminated soil, residual materials, buried concrete and asphalt, which were sent to sites recognized and certified by the ministry of the environment for decontamination.

The client’s objective

NBC’s primary objective was to construct a distinctive, AAA-category building in the historic district of Montreal’s (and, indeed, Canada’s) first banks to bring together its various premises and services. The signature project offers high visibility for the bank’s new head office while symbolizing its profitability, dynamism and modernity, all accommodated within an established budget.

WSP managed to meet the client’s objectives despite multiple challenges during the project. After pausing work during the pandemic for 33 days, the project team demonstrated agility, innovation and efficiency to execute a new plan and keep on time.

Close monitoring of the design throughout the project made it possible to respect the planned budget. WSP’s team was open and transparent with the client, which the client appreciated.

While there were 164 minor

changes, mainly concerning the evolution of the design, the project generally did not experience any major changes. This reflected the team’s collaboration, careful planning and milestone checks, including a detailed plan review at the 15% design issuance.

In turn, the project has offered benefits for the region, including economic spinoffs estimated to be worth $1.2 bil-

Place Banque Nationale, Montreal, Que.

lion. The underground connection encourages and facilitates the use of public transportation.

The new building will continue to contribute to the development of Montreal and its downtown core by revitalizing the business centre where it was constructed, helping to restore the area’s pre-pandemic vitality with an influx of employees.

Award-winning firm (prime consultant, structural engineering): WSP, Montreal (Luc Gagnon, eng.; Daniel Ménard, eng.; Philippe Beaudoin, eng.; Renaud Cardinal-Prévost, eng.; Maryse Vachon, eng.; Gordon Li, eng.; Jean Bellefleur, tech.; Francis Lagacé, tech.).

Owner: National Bank of Canada (NBC).

Other key players: Menkès Shooner Dagenais LeTourneux Architectes (architecture), Broccolini (general contractor), Pomerleau (specialized contractor), AtkinsRéalis (materials engineering), Béton Provincial (concrete supplier), Acier AGF (steel supplier), Santco (concrete formwork and placement), Ciment Sorel Tracy (concrete finishing).

The project started in May 2018 and was completed in June 2023.

Stoney Trail Twinning

Completing Calgary’s ring road for Alberta’s ministry of transportation and economic corridors involved twinning the first Stoney Trail bridge over the Bow River. Stantec designed a new 470-m long five-span bridge over the river, directly west of the existing bridge. The new bridge was segmentally cast-inplace using a balanced cantilever method that allowed for construction in a small working area.

The provincial ministry and Calgary’s municipal government began planning the ring road in the 1970s to accommodate a growing population. Today, with the bridge’s twinning completing the northwest segment, it provides a 101-km freeway around the city, improving access to major arteries and helping reduce congestion.

The project also connected the community on each side of Stoney Trail with enhanced pathways and improved access to Bowness Park.

An innovative approach

The project involved two components:

• A collector-distributor road and bridge between Crowchild Trail NW and Scenic Acres Link NW.

• The new bridge over the Bow River.

The main innovation was the segmentally cast in place construction process, where segments of the bridge were cantilevered out from

each pier and joined mid-span to create the superstructure. Over a two-year construction period, 98 superstructure segments were cast.

This approach required the bridge design and construction method to be preplanned by engineers in a way that would normally be left to the contractor. The project also required in-river work, to build the foundations for two of the bridge’s piers, and detours to Calgary’s pathway network, to facilitate pier and abutment construction.

In addition to planning, designing and constructing the bridge, Stantec provided hydrotechnical, geotechnical (with Thurber Engineering) and environmental support throughout the project. Bridge construction took place over 4.5 years, with Stantec supporting a Flatiron Aecon joint venture (JV) and the provincial ministry to ensure the project would open to four lanes on both bridges in November 2023.

Incorporating 24-hour operations to suit Alberta’s short construction season, the team spent more than 750,000 hours without a lost-time incident, maintaining high quality standards with no significant impacts to the travelling public.

A rare method

Though rarely used, the balanced-cantilever construction method is optimal for the construction of multiple 100-m (or larger) span bridges, especially when precast options are not economical.

A circular secant pile cofferdam virtually eliminated dewatering for the second pier’s foundation construction.

For this project, the concrete superstructure segments were cast in a balanced sequence over each pier, with each ‘uncast’ segment supported by a form-traveller formwork system launched after the previous segment was cured and post-tensioned. This process was repeated until each opposing segment was joined at mid-span. Daily surveys were conducted to ensure the joined segments were well-aligned.

A monolithic pour of 100 m3 of


55-MPa concrete was implemented for each of the 98 segments. Temperatures were monitored remotely for cold weather and mass-concrete pours. The water used for masspoured concrete was cooled in ponds on-site before draining to the river.

Hydraulic modelling was used for bridge pier placement with consideration of flood and ice events. A set of test piles was used to justify a reduction in the number and size of piles in the final design. A circular secant pile cofferdam virtually eliminated dewatering for the second pier’s foundation construction, while construction of a permanent tangent pile retaining wall reduced slope stability loading on the first pier.

Designed for durability

Stantec was able to design for the durability and expected service life of the bridge for a 100-year period, using high-performance concrete and post-tensioning to support current and future load-carrying capacities. This approach optimizes the functionality of reinforced concrete and reduces corrosion, such that rehabilitation will be limited to replacing the bridge deck asphalt wearing surface, reducing future disruptions.

One of the biggest challenges was the complexity of the site. The publicly accessible location is in one of Calgary’s most environmentally delicate areas.

To prevent disruption to the local ecosystem, the design prevents roadway water from draining directly into the river from the new bridge, while the existing bridge has been modified to remove deck drains. Instead, water from both bridges flows into a stormwater pond, which allows grit to settle and salts to dissipate before then draining into the river.

The balanced cantilever construction method also minimized impacts to the river ecosystem and provided a reduced construction footprint, so less ecological restoration was required after construction was completed. To compensate for the loss of fish habitat from the in-stream temporary construction berms, an existing snye (backwater) was improved to promote fish activity and breeding.

Other challenges

The ministry’s objective of a twinned bridge posed considerable challenges in matching the existing structure’s esthetics while adhering to current code criteria. The design

“An impressive construction approach and an ambitious use of concrete cantilever design.” – Jury

was to emulate pier spacing, minimize impacts on river hydraulics and create a larger trapezoidal girder section, without deviating visually from the original bridge. Despite these challenges, the twinned bridge so closely resembles the original, a first-time visitor may well assume they were constructed simultaneously.

The project faced other formidable hurdles along the way. For example, a TransCanada Highway interchange project south of the Bow River Bridge started in 2020. Stantec’s design and construction team adapted to this change and ensured a comprehensive roadway connection to the revised roadways from the adjacent project.


Simply put, this project took a long time to design and build. The cast-in-place balanced cantilever superstructure was particularly complicated to design and even more challenging to implement. Despite the challenges, construction was substantially completed nine years after the ministry started the process, with four lanes of traffic flowing in each direction, meeting the needs of the client and Calgarians alike.

Award-winning firms (prime consultant): Stantec, Calgary (Andrew Boucher, P.Eng.; Myles Lewis, P.Eng.; Russ Martin, P.Eng.; Chris Krahn, P.Eng.; Alex Potvin, E.I.T.; Eric Tromposch, P.Eng.; Kris Karvinen, P.Eng.; David Thatcher, P.Eng.).

Owner: Alberta Transportation and Economic Corridors.

Other key players: Thurber Engineering (geotechnical), TDM Engineering (resident engineering), FlatIron-Aecon joint venture (constructor), Freyssinet, Harris/Nucor.

Stoney Trail Twinning, Calgary
bridge opened in fall 2023.

MRT Double Arch Replacement and Rehabilitation

The Mount Royal Tunnel (MRT) double arch replacement and rehabilitation project involved a critical 540-m upgrade of a 5-km tunnel in Montreal for Caisse de Dépôt et Placement du Québec (CDPQ) Infra as part of the Réseau Express Métropolitain (REM), Quebec’s largest public-transit project in the last 50 years. This new automated light rail transit (LRT) network is set to open in phases from 2024 to 2027, with 26 stations and 67 km of new tracks.

While the REM’s viability relied on the successful rehabilitation and/ or replacement of the MRT, including for the addition of a new underground station, there were significant constraints on alignment, station design and surface footprint. Only one section of the network goes through an existing tunnel. Opened in 1918, the MRT needed repairs and upgrades to meet current safety standards and adapt to the REM system

Both ‘repair’ and ‘replace’ options were considered, given its double arch section sits directly beneath McGill Avenue, with shallow soil cover. A comparative analysis highlighted the pros and cons of each option, which helped the client make decisions, plan ahead and develop an appropriate schedule and budget for the project.

“A complex, impressive rehabilitation of old infrastructure.”
– Jury

The demolition, replacement and rehabilitation project addressed concerns in the southernmost section of the tunnel. Hatch’s design, executed through a joint venture (JV) with CIMA+, included canopy spile replacement for 92 m and observational repairs for 240 m. This complex, completely underground work was pivotal in eliminating concerns from the Réseau Express Métropolitain (REM) transit pro -

ject's critical path.

Sequential demolition

The method involved a unique sequence of successive advances, including canopy spile arch ground support, double arch demolition and installation of a new single arch structure, all on a fast-track schedule. Collectively, the process was called the ‘sequential demolition method.’


The replacement method required 12 sequences, each comprising seven rib advances. These advances involved demolishing existing double arches and erecting single arch structural steel ribs, with shotcrete infill in between. Dolenco drainage mesh was used for the first time in Canada, to minimize water ingress and grouting works before spray application of waterproofing membranes.

Challenges included establishing appropriate steel rib bedrock bearing, avoiding unexploded ‘boot legs’ from the original construction, installing waterproofing layers, protecting utilities protection and predicting and monitoring settlement. Continuous progress was ensured with a designer on-site on a 24-7 basis and permanent technical support from senior engineers. As a result, the demolition portion of the work at the south section was achieved 102 days ahead of schedule!

The decision to internally replace a section of the tunnel with a sprayed concrete lining (SCL) was based on cost-effectiveness, adherence to the schedule, flexibility, durability and compatibility with the contractor’s preferred methods.


The project involved a flexible observational rehabilitation approach, which could be modified in response to structural conditions once exposed. In taking time to assess the steel and concrete’s existing condition, it became clear the pipe arch canopy initially considered for the north section did not need to be applied.

The rehabilitation work included three stages:

• initial works, including preliminary inspection, cementitious and chemical grouting for groundwater control.

• condition assessments.

• escalating repair level selections and modifications, based on observed conditions.

Given the project’s tight schedule and position along the REM’s path, expediting the production of drawings became paramount. To minimize adverse impacts on the schedule, the design team considered worst-case scenarios. The resulting drawings served as a versatile toolbox for on-site implementation.

The application of this method resulted in a smaller scope of work for the north section, as the centre wall was re-evaluated as in good condition. Replacing the north section’s entire centre wall was considered, but capacity analysis and site validation showed all the steel elements of the wall were in acceptable condition. Instead, an updated design was proposed, using welded nelson studs, mesh and shotcrete.

A process of discovery

Tunnelling under city infrastructure with shallow soil cover required close co-ordination and a tight monitoring plan, so as to meet the schedule and minimize soil loss and surface settlement. The unexpected discovery of explosive material—a remnant of the MRT's original construction— affected design.

To minimize rock excavation, the steel rib posts were shortened to rest on rock benches. Drilling and demolition in risk areas were completed using precise, remote equipment.

Among the unforeseen challenges that

arose during the COVID pandemic were procurement delays. Strategic decisions were made to mitigate the impact. The tubes required for the canopy, for example, were selected early in the design phase, so they would arrive prior to construction. Risk analysis and communication with adjacent stakeholders, such as the city of Montreal, also facilitated changes, in injection materials, to avoid lengthy procurement delays.

MRT Double Arch Replacement and Rehabilitation, Montreal

Award-winning firms (design engineer and construction technical support): Hatch, Montreal (Jean Habimana, Ing., P.Eng.; Gary Kramer, P.Eng.; Anne Tremblay-Laforce, Ing.; Mohammed Naimi, Ing.; Pier-Olivier Hotte-Rene, Ing.; Kevin Hollingshead, Ing., P.Eng.; Giovanni Osellame, Geol.).

Owner: CDPQ Infra.

Other key players: CIMA+ (member of the joint venture for the owner’s engineer), Eco Grouting Specialist (permeation grouting), Dolenco Tunnel Systems (waterproofing), Normet (spray-applied waterproofing).

BY ALWAYS AIMING HIGHER, we continue to cultivate excellence and success.
Mount Royal Tunnel
Double Arch Replacement & Rehabilitation for REM project, Montréal, QC CCE 2024 Award of Excellence Winner in collaboration with Hatch
Photo: CDPQ Infra

Highway 5 Reinstatement

In response to severe damage caused by an ‘atmospheric river’ event in southern British Columbia, the province’s ministry of transportation and infrastructure (MoTI) launched a highway reinstatement program. Through an alliance contract model—a collaborative approach sharing risks and incentives, which had never previously been used on a transportation project in B.C.—the project team developed an innovative design process that allowed construction to begin and complete two months ahead of an aggressive baseline schedule.

The project involved highway reconstruction and the design and construction of eight bridge structures to accommodate a 200-year return period and enhance resilience to climate change.

Expediting deliverables

In November 2021, an atmospheric river—i.e. a long, narrow band of intense precipitation—caused significant damage to B.C. highways. MoTI launched a provincial highway reinstatement program through the Coquihalla Alliance Team, comprising MoTI itself, Kiewit as designer and the KEA5 Partnership of both Kiewit and Emil Anderson Construction as constructor.

The project involved constructing six new permanent bridge crossings, two temporary bridges and 4.5 km of highway. To expedite project deliverables, the team established disci-

pline-specific task forces comprising design, construction, estimating, procurement and MoTI staff. They were able to streamline the review process, accelerate the release of designs for construction, engage key vendors early to incorporate readily available materials into the designs and avoid long lead times.

Custom riprap gradations were developed, which reduced the maximum rock size within each class, simplified transportation and placement, lowered costs and shortened the schedule. The riprap revetments used self-launching aprons to reduce excavation depth, allow construction to occur offset from the river, minimize ecological impacts, limit dewatering needs during construction and mitigate future flooding.

Traffic control planning was complicated by simultaneous and overlapping projects along the corridor. Extreme snowfalls affected traffic control equipment selection and necessitated co-ordination with the maintenance contractor.

Nevertheless, continuous traffic flow was maintained during construction through staging schemes that maximized the workspace in the narrow corridor while minimizing disruptions. These included the two temporary and one of the permanent bridges.

The temporary Jessica Bridge was constructed between two permanent bridge alignments to provide north and southbound detours. The design of the approaches minimized waste-

ful construction and limited impacts on the alignments.

The modular temporary Bottletop Bridge was erected parallel to the existing highway alignments to avoid interfering with ongoing construction activities for the permanent bridges.

The permanent Juliet Bridge was built in the median between two existing bridge alignments, capitalizing on their lateral separation to provide a detour while the remaining existing bridge was demolished. This eliminated the need for temporary structures to maintain four lanes of traffic, while also facilitating the construction of a new bridge on the original alignment.

Ahead of schedule


MoTI’s ambitious schedule targeted the reinstatement of four traffic

Jessica Bridge following the atmospheric

lanes before the Christmas holidays, just seven months after the contract was awarded in May 2022, and the completion of all highway reconstruction by December 2023.

At the time of award, given to early-involvement collaborative model, there was no reference design concept, design basis, definition of project requirements, stakeholder consultation, construction contract, governance plans or other foundational elements traditionally established before projects are awarded for construction. The owner, contractor, designer and local Indigenous groups collaborated extensively to develop these elements in parallel with the work’s execution.

In December 2022, all design was complete and the aforementioned bridges (two temporary, one permanent) were constructed, restoring four lanes between Hope and Merritt, B.C.

In October 2023, two months ahead of schedule, all bridge work was complete, including the construction of six permanent bridges, the construction and removal of two temporary bridges and the demolition of six damaged bridges.

Achieving goals

The alliance team also set goals for community participation and local

input, which led to such economic and social benefits as:

• procuring more than $27.8 million in locally sourced material and contracts, including with Indigenous businesses and partners.

• incorporating Indigenous communities’ input for improving creek channels with fish habitat features and wildlife crossings with additional plants to help restore the area to its natural conditions.

• planting approximately 4,500 native plants at the bridge locations to help return the environment to its natural landscape, provide habitat for wildlife, encourage the use of the bridges as wildlife underpasses and enhance fish habitat through shoreline shading.

• more than 28,777 hours of labour from local and Indigenous workers.

Kiewit also incorporated MoTI’s goals for climate change resiliency into the designs. Replacement bridges were longer than the original structures, supporting MoTI’s ‘build back better’ initiative for resilient flood planning. These increased bridge lengths accommodate 200year return period river flows, allowing for wider waterway openings that better match both upstream and

downstream river geometry.

The original bridges reduced the river width through openings, altering erosion and deposition rates, which could lead to migration of the river, avulsions and landslides. Matching the river’s geometry allows for more natural design through the opening, with a low-flow channel to improve the aquatic ecosystem and an overbank to convey larger floods.

The riprap was set back and buried to allow for plantings and wildlife passage along the waterway while protecting the bridge structure in extreme flood conditions. The revetments were designed to withstand maximum scour depths and water levels that could result from increased peak flows, due to climate change, and the riprap was sized to provide stable protection against velocities and turbulence associated with these high-flow events.

“With a ‘build back better’ mantra, the benefits to the community are immense.” – Jury

Another example of the ‘build back better’ approach was the use of corrosion-resistant stainless-steel reinforcement in the superstructures to improve service life and reduce operations and maintenance (O&M) costs.

With the increasing frequency of extreme weather events and, consequently, emergency projects across the country, the success of the Highway 5 reinstatement demonstrates how the alliance delivery model can successfully respond to unexpected needs in the transportation sector. The collaborative model was key to completing the entire project scope ahead of schedule (specifically, within 17 months) and achieving goals that conventional design-build delivery could not.

Highway 5 Reinstatement, Hope to Merritt, B.C.

Award-winning firms (prime consultant and lead designer): Kiewit, Burnaby, B.C. (Chris Scollard, P.Eng.; Victor Wang, P.Eng.; Jack Tarrell, P.Eng.; Jonathan Ho, P.Eng.; Gurpreet Bala, P.Eng.; Helen Chin, P.Eng.; Mindy Steckmest, P.E.).

Owner: BC Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure.

Other key players: Peter Kiewit Sons, Emil Anderson Construction (contractor), Basis Engineering (design subcontractor), Rock Solid Industries, Nucor Rebar Fabrication (division of Nucor Steel, aka Harris Rebar).

A. Murray MacKay Bridge Deck Panel Replacement

along the bridge with detailed connections, including oversized and slotted holes, allowing for prefabrication prior to knowing where they are required.

The A. Murray MacKay Suspension Bridge, which opened in 1970, is a critical four-lane arterial that carries 65,000 vehicles daily over the Halifax Harbour, between Halifax and Dartmouth, N.S. Recently, Halifax Harbour Bridges (HHB) engaged COWI to design modular replacement orthotropic steel plate deck (OSPD) panels, for installation during weekend bridge closures, to extend the bridge’s life, improve safety and prevent future long-term bridge closures, which could otherwise cause unprecedented disruption to the city.

Based on the complexity of replacing sections of the deck, COWI recommended HHB proactively prefabricate such panels to keep onhand and to establish erection procedures for their installation.

In-kind replacement

COWI’s project scope included but was not limited to project management, detailed design, deck inspection during repaving, structural analysis of the bridge during erection and design services during construction.

The firm’s overall design approach was to replace each panel ‘in kind’ by matching its geometry and details for constructability and to prevent any additional weight for a structure al-

ready near its capacity limits.

COWI undertook an erection sequencing analysis before providing its suggested procedure and worked closely with the contractor to ensure successful panel removal and installation.

The exact dimensions of existing panels vary along the bridge. COWI designed and detailed the new ones to be modular, capable of replacing most of the older ones.

Each new OSPD panel is approximately 9.6 m long and 5.5 m wide and weighs 10,000 kg. The full construction project included fabrication of and corrosion protection for two such panels, the removal of two existing panels (and more than 2,000 bolts) and, finally, the installation of the two new panels.

The modular panels can be fabricated and installed at any location

Addressing challenges

Replacing the deck panels of a suspension bridge is rare—and there were many challenges to doing so for this particular bridge, which the application of engineering principles needed to address:

1. Unknown location of the repairs

Modular design allows HHB to prefabricate replacement panels in advance and then install them in virtually any location, providing maximum agility in risk management.

2. Public use below bridge

As people use roadways, waterways and buildings below the bridge, an erection method was selected involving crane lifting from deck level with a below-deck access platform and protective measures.

3. Timing constraints

Work occurred during weekend bridge closures, from 7 pm. on Friday to 5:30 a.m. on Monday, i.e. 58.5 hours. The deadline pressed the need for hour-by-hour planning and extensive contingency assessments to ensure the bridge would be safe for use by the public upon reopening.

4. Extreme, unpredictable weather

Suspension bridges are vulnerable to wind, especially during rehabilitaWork was done at

night and on weekends to mitigate disruptions to weekday commutes.

tion, so structural integrity during construction was paramount in the design and in ensuring public safety throughout the project.

5. Atypical loading

To prepare for the potential of the bridge being open during a panel replacement, the suspended structure was assessed under live loads with an OSPD panel removed. Composite with the stiffening truss system, the OSPD transfers shear between the trusses as part of the lateral load resisting system.

A vital link

The MacKay Bridge is a vital link joining Dartmouth and Halifax. It provides more than $120 million of economic benefits to the Nova Scotia economy annually by enabling $73 million in employment income, supporting 1,145 jobs. The only other vehicular harbour crossing is the Macdonald Bridge, which cannot by itself accommodate all daytime traffic or heavy vehicles (excluding buses).

The project was executed with consideration to its impacts on Halifax Regional Municipality (HRM) stakeholders and events, including the Halifax Port Authority (regarding commercial and recreational shipping traffic that passes under the bridge), Halifax Transit (updating bus and shuttle routes) and the 2023 Parade of Lights. Local partners were major participants throughout the project and invaluable to its successful completion.

Further, HHB wanted to share the

necessity and the engineering complexity of the project through the media to assist the public’s understanding. Photos, clips and dedicated social media posts helped achieve this objective by providing ample public notice and showing the work taking place on-site.

The most sustainable solution

For engineers and owners alike, the opportunity to extend the life of infrastructure assets should be top of mind when attempting to increase or restore capacity, prior to any consideration for a replacement and new design. There is a shared responsibility to mitigate carbon-intensive new construction.

The process of extending the capacity of an existing bridge will depend on its type, but the most sustainable solution is always to reuse the existing structure, making use of monitoring, inspection and testing. The ingenuity of engineers can develop schemes with a difference.

In the case of this project, an ambitious and rare scheme was performed to extend the life of an existing structure. Further, if the MacKay Bridge were ever closed for any period beyond a weekend, its associated carbon footprint would be significant, due to traffic idling and longer commutes.

Keeping ahead

Although the bridge was and remains in a safe and serviceable condition, the timely rectification of observed cracking has allowed HHB to reallocate resources to other maintenance

“An adaptable and modular engineering solution, easily adjusted to fit future situations.” – Jury

matters. Eliminating the need for unexpected emergency repairs and sudden bridge closures has a far-reaching, positive impact on the residents of Halifax and Dartmouth.

Understanding the bridge was showing signs of its age, HRM residents adapted to the occasional nighttime and weekend closures for necessary maintenance, to stay ahead of the natural process of deterioration and to act promptly before it could become too severe.

While more full bridge closures will still likely be required for future work, HHB is continuing to improve the structure’s safety through careful planning and execution of rehabilitation programs, with COWI remaining a trusted advisor for these efforts.

The project has succeeded in extending the useful service life of the MacKay Bridge and validating a panel replacement program that HHB can resume at a future date as maintenance needs arise. And even though the work was performed on an in-service bridge, the impact on the public was minimized—and the project was completed on schedule.

A. Murray MacKay Bridge Deck Panel Replacement, Halifax and Dartmouth, N.S.

Award-winning firm (prime consultant, lead structural engineer and engineer of record): COWI, Halifax (Dillon Betts, PhD, P.Eng.; Jorge Perez Armino, P.Eng.; Claus Frederiksen, P.E.; Aaron Ferguson, P.Eng., Justin Thomas, EIT; Alex MacPherson; Sabine Wilkie, MASc, P.Eng.; Lily Xu, P.Eng.).

Owner: Halifax Harbour Bridges.

Other key players: Dexter Construction – Part of The Municipal Group of Companies (main contractor, asphalt resurfacing), Cherubini Metal Works (principal subcontractor, steel fabrication and erection), SOFiSTiK (construction software).

Highway 29 Realignment

The creation of a reservoir for the Site C hydroelectric dam near Fort St. John, B.C., will widen the Peace River by two to three times, significantly inundating sections of Highway 29. BC Hydro partnered with the provincial ministry of transportation and infrastructure (MoTI) and retained WSP to design five replacement bridges, spanning 150 to 1,042 m, for the crucial link connecting Hudson’s Hope with the Alaska Highway and Fort St. John.

Adapting the design

As part of the Site C Clean Energy Project, BC Hydro collaborated with MoTI to realign segments of Highway 29. This projet's scope would involve designing and constructing 30 km of highway, including the five bridges at Cache Creek (590 m long and 43 m high), Halfway River (1,042 m long and 45 m high), Farrell Creek (411 m long and 30 m high), Dry Creek (160 m long and 23 m high) and Lynx Creek (150 m long and 17 m high).

Ensuring this project’s timely completion was paramount in aligning with Site C milestones, such as the start of reservoir filling in September 2023.

Each of the bridge crossings faced different site conditions, but had to be completed by a given end date in the Site C project timeline. WSP’s main innovation in this context was to create a design that was adaptable to the five unique sites, consistent in

esthetics and performance, cost-effective and time-efficient for construction, sustainable for climate change and resilient to natural hazards.

Additionally, the use of precast concrete components improved quality by shifting on-site construction to shop fabrication, i.e. in a controlled environment.

Specific innovations implemented in the final design include:

• non-uniform circular pier columns supported on octagon-shaped concrete caps with drilled large-diameter steel pipe piles socked to shale bedrock and placed in an axisymmetric formation, to withstand large ice loads and impacts from landslide-generated waves (LGWs) while addressing the directional uncertainty of both those loads.

• a fixed set (three lines) of steel plate girders designed with a constant depth and as one continuous structure from abutment to abutment, to greatly simplify fabrication and erection.

• large finger expansion joints only at abutments, to significantly enhance the bridges’ structural durability and minimize future deck maintenance.

• special spherical bearings with purposely designed low-friction sliding interfaces, installed on selected tall piers to accommodate large thermal movements up to 1 m.

• provision of environmental en-

hancements wherever feasible for fish, snakes and amphibians, along with safety features for cyclists and motorcycles.

Conditions on the ground

“They accounted for noncode-specific criteria, such

as landslides, waves, ice and earthquakes.” – Jury

Highway 29 is situated in an area with poor ground conditions, subject to debris flows and slides and exposed to significant shifts in local climate, wind and hydrology (both before and after the reservoir’s formation). As such, the bridge designs had to overcome many technical challenges.

Four of the bridges are susceptible to catastrophic landslide events, which could cause large volumes of material (potentially more than 10 million m3) to slide into the reservoir, generating tsunami-intensity (up to 18-m high) waves and impinging large dynamic forces (close to 6,000 kN per column) to pier columns. With no design codes and criteria available, the traditional approach (uniform hazards) was cost-prohibitive. So, a risk-based approach was adopted, whereby higher-risk

ments (including pier columns and foundations) were designed for a high hazard level (1:10,000 years) and high-performance level (minimum damage), while lower-risk elements (including abutments and superstructure) were designed for a low hazard level (1:2,500 years) and low-performance level (repairable damage).

The Peace River Valley is known for both hot summers (30 C) and cold winters (-50 C). This extremely broad temperature range, coupled with the spans of the three longest bridges, resulted in large thermal movements from 600 mm to 1 m for deck joints at abutments.

Before reservoir formation, the bridges were subjected to streamflow scenarios, including freshet floods, resulting in significant scour protection for their piers.

After reservoir formation, submerged piers will be exposed

to large ice loads by ice floes on open water during spring breakups of ice sheets.

Highway 29 is also located within the Treaty 8 First Nations’ traditional territories, encompassing distinct cultures and histories deeply connected to the Peace River. From the beginning of the project, the design team aimed to reduce impact on local communities and to value Indigenous contributions.

The alignments of the highway and bridges avoided all cultural and historical sites identified through consultations with communities and interest groups in the planning phase. Later, one of the bridges was ‘moved’ twice to avoid a site of cultural significance that was identified after detailed design commenced.

Benefit agreements were reached with several Treaty 8 First Nations impacted by the project’s construction and oper-

ations. These agreements ensure communities benefit from the project via employment and business opportunities.

The safety of users was enhanced by increasing the shoulder width of the highway and bridges, introducing climbing

lanes on steep vertical grades and allowing for ample sightlines along the straight sections of the highway to facilitate safer passing.

To support future recreational use of the reservoir, the bridges were designed with adequate vertical clearance to accommodate leisure vessels and provided with clear navigational signage on bridge piers.

Protecting a valuable environment

The Peace Valley is rich in fertile agricultural lands. To protect these regional assets, sustainability was a key consideration.

In preparation for the Site C

project, BC Hydro conducted years of comprehensive studies to understand effects and potential mitigation measures, leading to an environmental impact statement, which was then used in an environmental assessment.

The project team adopted environmental programs to protect wildlife, fish, vegetation, air, water, the aquatic environment, heritage and archaeology, working closely with Indigenous groups for their knowledge and understanding.

Valuable habitats at each site were protected and preserved during and after construction by avoiding permanent and temporary works in the watercourse and any sensitive areas and by using diversion channels, temporary culverts and bridges as required. The bridge design incorporated enhancements for fish, snakes and amphibians. The team also focused on using locally available materials and construction methods.

Throughout the construction period, BC Hydro continued to conduct environmental and engineering fieldwork on and around the Peace River, between the Williston Reservoir and the Alberta border, to inform plans, mitigation and monitoring.

Highway 29 Realignment, Fort St. John, B.C.

Award-winning firms (lead bridge and geotechnical consultant and engineer of record): WSP, Vancouver (Jianping Jiang, P.Eng.; Sean O’Hagan, P. Eng.; Jacek Doniec, P.Eng.; Gurpreet Sohal, P.Eng.; Rashedul Kabir, P.Eng.; Tom Nott, P.Eng.; Nicolas Polysou, P.Eng.; Dixie Ann Simons, P.Eng.; Craig Banks, P. Eng.; James Davies).

Owner: BC Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure.

Other key players: BC Hydro (client), R.F. Binnie & Associates (prime consultant, civil and highway designer), Northwest Hydraulic Consultants (hydrotechnical designer), Tetra Tech (owner’s engineers), McElhanney (construction administration), Klohn Crippen Berger (Dry Creek Bridge designer), Rapid-Span, Marcon Metal, All-Span Engineering and Construction, Capitol Steel, Eiffage in Canada, Harris Rebar, Kingston Construction, Thompson Construction Group, Flatiron Constructors Canada, Doka Canada, Maurer, Mageba North America, RWDI.

The bridges were designed for a 75-year service life with minimum maintenance needs


Prefabricated Construction!

Highway 29 Realignment – New Bridges (BC) – BC Hydro Site C Reservoir CCE Award of

Precast Concrete Deck Slabs and Jersey Barriers

• CONSISTENT QUALITY: Proven strength, durability and dimensional accuracy

• CUSTOM FIT: Segment thickness and length designed for specific requirements

• ASSURED SUPPLY: Prefabricated to eliminate construction delays

• CERTIFIED PRODUCT QUALITY: Canadian Precast Concrete Quality Assurance (CPCQA)

CPCI members Congratulate WSP Canada Inc. on its award-winning project, Highway 29 Realignment – New Bridges (BC).

CPCI also Congratulates our CPCI members Rapid-Span Structures and Grosso Precast as the precast concrete product suppliers on this award-winning project.

Water Resources

Award of Excellence

Rankin Inlet Utilidor Replacement

Rankin Inlet is an isolated Nunavut community, located on the west coast of Hudson Bay, with a rare Arctic water and sewer system. Built in the 1970s, this utility corridor (utilidor) has faced age-related and environmental deterioration.

The government of Nunavut engaged Dillon Consulting to design system-wide upgrades to mitigate contamination risks, improve reliability and increase capacity. These upgrades leveraged Arctic design principles and remote capture technology in a challenging environment.

Dillon’s mandate encompassed capital planning, risk management, design, construction administration and advisory services to resolve critical water and wastewater infrastructure issues.

Addressing risks

The utilidor is a network of buried water and sewer mains with associated pumping facilities to serve an isolated community situated 300 km north of Churchill, Man. The system has been expanded over time, but many of its original components have remained in use. Operations are complicated by permafrost, necessitating continuous recirculation and heating to prevent freezing. Robust components, such as insulated steel manholes, present unique operation-

al and maintenance (O&M) challenges.

As the utilidor deteriorated, the community faced several problems, including groundwater infiltration of wet wells, cross-contamination risks within combined manholes, insufficient fire flow and water pressure due to tuberculation and overcapacity in pumping systems.

Dillon undertook a comprehensive evaluation and risk assessment of the infrastructure, identifying upgrades to address both short-term failures and long-term expansion requirements. This assessment entailed extensive financial projections and life-cycle analyses to determine optimal timelines and to account for risks associated with a restricted contractor base, exorbitant material transport expenses and unique stakeholder considerations in the remote Inuit community.

Next, Dillon devised a series of expedited work packages to address the major risks. Given Rankin Inlet’s isolated location, accessible only by air and limited sealifts, the project’s execution was complicated by logistical challenges, a short four-month construction window and a scarcity of skilled labour, equipment and accommodations.

Another key issue was the presence of permafrost around the buried water/sewer mains, which introdu-

ces freezing risks, necessitating the continual heating of the potable water. Mains and associated steel manholes face challenges from differential settlement over time, exacerbated by the melting permafrost.

“There was innovation in adapting to challenges on-thefly and catering to community needs.”

– Jury

To mitigate these issues, Dillon enhanced insulation standards for all buried piping, aiming to minimize heat loss and reduce demand on boilers. And the team adopted flexible restraint couplings for junctions with steel manholes, to accommodate differential settlement, thereby decreasing the likelihood of leaks and breaks in the system.

Data-based engineering

Technology was harnessed throughout the project lifecycle to maximize limited access to the site. Dillon used 360-degree scans to create immersive digital walkthroughs of facilities, allowing for live collaboration across a Canada-wide client and design team. Community-wide scans, using drone-based light detection and ranging (LIDAR) and photogrammetry, expedited the design process and compensated for a lack of accurate records.

The engineering for the project


• below-grade pump/wet well replacement with an at-grade system within the existing footprint, while tying into an obsolete programmable logic controller (PLC) system and aged pipes.

• partitioned water/sewer manholes to prevent cross-contamination.

• water main improvements to mitigate tuberculation, heat loss and dynamic settlement.

• implementation of in-situ steel manhole refurbishment, as opposed to typical replacement, for greater cost efficiencies and waste reduction.

Addressing the vulnerability of below-grade potable-water wet wells to groundwater infiltration and spills from adjacent fuel tanks involved developing at-grade alternatives and constructing containment berms around fuel tanks with enhanced spill response measures, aligning with the latest Environment and Climate Change Canada standards.

Infrastructure constraints

Executing projects in Nunavut comes with difficulties not only from geographical constraints, but also from risks associated with aging infrastructure. This was particularly evident in the scope to replace the potable-water wet wells and pumps within the treatment plant constructed in the 1970s.

The team successfully navigated multiple obstacles, including the absence of reliable drawings or detailed condition information, which necessitated the thorough site reviews; the obsolete PLC that required new stand-alone controls and careful integration into a supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) system; and structural limitations that meant large pipes could not be supported, necessitating the installation of ground-level supports in constrained spaces.

Further complications emerged during the construction phase, including unexpected asbestos requir-

ing immediate abatement, continuous breakages from old piping necessitating shutdowns for repairs and a need for additional structural reinforcement. Dillon and the contractor worked closely to address these issues in a co-ordinated manner, ensuring safety and on-time completion.

Expanded scope

Initially focusing on only two phases of the utilidor replacement, i.e. upgrading a single lift station and sewer trunkline in 2021, the scope expanded as Dillon’s insights into additional community risks were welcomed by O&M staff.

The Iqaluit Water Crisis underscored the urgency to address risks, propelling Dillon to conduct an exhaustive system review and risk assessment. This led to a new accelerated project phase focused on the most critical risks, including overcapacity, contamination, fire flow and water pressure.

Dillon expedited design in 2022 to deliver commissioned systems in the four-month 2023 construction season. Despite challenges like obsolete controls, asbestos and structural issues, construction concluded on time and within a narrow 8% variance from the original order of magnitude estimate.

Poised for growth

As the major commercial hub of Nunavut’s Kivalliq region and the territory’s second-largest settlement, Rankin Inlet is poised for significant growth. Robust infrastructure is needed to support the development of a new airport, mining/heavy equipment training centre and residential subdivisions.

The utilidor replacement project aligns with the Nunavut 3000 plan, which calls for the construction of 3,000 housing units across the territory, supported by a $2.6-billion investment. Of these, 310 units are expected to be built in Rankin Inlet.

One key strategy is prioritizing local labour, ensuring the benefits of

development are felt directly within the community, building a sense of ownership and pride among residents and fostering local empowerment. Nunavut Tunngavik Incorporated (NTI), in partnership with the Government of Nunavut, established the Nunavummi Nangminiqaqtunik Ikajuuti (NNI) regulations that informed the project procurement strategy and contracts by favouring Inuit-owned firms, local businesses and contractors that hire locally or from within Nunavut, to support economic growth.

This new break tank served as an above-grade wet well replacement.

By adhering to NNI regulations, the Rankin Inlet project ensured approximately 25% to 38% of the labour costs per phase would be directed locally, channelling more than $500,000 into local hands. This investment promotes skill development, generates employment opportunities and strengthens community resilience.

Owner: Government of Nunavut.

Other key players: Adaptive Baseline Geotechnical (geotechnical engineering subconsultant), Mosher Engineering (general and civil contractor, access vaults), Natik Projects (electrical and mechanical subcontractor), Atlas Automation (instrumentation and controls subcontractor), GF Piping Systems, Berlie-Falco (access vaults), BI Pure Water (access vaults and potable water tank), Grundfos Canada (distribution pumps), ISCO-AH McElroy (piping and couplers), Victaulic (valves and fittings).

Rankin Inlet Utilidor Replacement, Rankin Inlet, Nunavut Award-winning firm (prime consultant): Dillon Consulting, Toronto (Alex Williams, P.Eng.; Isaac Venneman, P.Eng.; Harley Westman, P.Eng.; Justin Doiron, P.Eng.; Kevin Jackman, P.L.Eng.; James Margaris, P.Eng.).


LNG Canada MOF


The $96-million LNG Canada material offloading facility (MOF) stands as the largest steel sheet pile bulkhead in British Columbia, designed to withstand extreme marine conditions and seismic activity. This 550-m long wharf, located in Kitimat, is designed to facilitate the construction of a $14-billion export terminal, the largest private capital investment project in Canadian history. Stantec designed the wharf to be capable of handling the import of massive liquefied natural gas (LNG) plant modules to facilitate the terminal’s construction.

A significant stride

The MOF is a landmark project representing a significant stride in Canada’s infrastructure development. Its primary function is to receive heavy-lift marine transport of construction materials and prefabricated modules, weighing up to 8,000 tonnes and towering more than 10 storeys high. Its seamless operation is the most critical component in the construction and completion of the export terminal.

Facing hard time constraints, due to the shipping schedule of the LNG modules, Stantec’s integrated design team used a 100% local, multidisciplinary team of structural, geotechnical, coastal, civil and electrical engineers. Working collaboratively, the team conceptualized time-saving strategies in design, such as anticipating material sourcing and/or fab-

rication times, utilizing Fast Lagrangian Analysis of Continua (FLAC) modelling software to avoid costly ground improvements and designing for early procurement.

The team designed the MOF to be resilient against tsunamis, seismic activity, strong waves, local tides up to 7 m high and other environmental conditions. The wharf can handle heavy self-propelled modular transporter (SPMT) train loading, concentrated strip loads from offloading ramps and a 100-kPa uniform surcharge. It was structurally designed with 25-year durability to allow for flexibility in future plant expansion phases, exceeding an originally prescribed 10-year lifespan.

The MOF is not only British Columbia’s largest steel sheet pile combi-wall bulkhead, but also the first project in Canada to be delivered in accordance with the guidelines in CSA EXP276.1-2015, Design require-

ments for marine structures associated with LNG facilities (DRMS). Further, the project’s engineer of record wrote and published a paper about sheet pile combi-wall reinforcement plates, advancing the state of practice and other engineers’ skills.

A compressed schedule

Stantec’s team overcame design-build project time constraints through value engineering. Bulkhead pipe piles were designed with reinforcing plates in high moment zones, to allow time to finalize the pile design even after material stock ordering. Design changes after procurement could be mitigated by adjusting the reinforcing plate size without affecting the pipe size. This approach allowed for the efficient use of steel and reduced costs by decoupling procurement and design. Concrete cope beams used the front face of the bulkhead as formwork by cutting off a portion at the

The team installed infill sheet piles for the combi-wall on the south end of the west side of the MOF.

top of the pipe piles, which allowed the beams to be cast directly behind the bulkhead face, saving time and money.

With extremely heavy LNG module loads on the MOF, the static liquefaction of river sediments and potential seismic activity were also significant challenges. Stantec’s geotechnical team used FLAC software and detailed numerical modelling to provide a structural solution. This in-house analysis enabled innovative engineering to avoid costly and time-consuming ground improvement.

Local benefits

The construction of the LNG MOF brought significant social and economic benefits to the local Kitimat community. The export terminal’s future operation will continue to provide long-term employment opportunities to the region, as well as additional revenue to regional,

provincial and federal governments. (In fact, over the life of the project, the facility is projected to generate approximately $23 billion in new government revenue.)

The local labour force was employed to build the MOF, fostering skills development and economic growth within the community. Where possible, construction materials were sourced from local suppliers. All of the project’s sand, gravel and other granular material, for example, came from a quarry a few kilometres from the site. All concrete was delivered by a local, provincially certified supplier.

As a spin-off benefit, the use of local resources and labour minimized the project’s environmental impact associated with long-distance transportation.

The MOF’s design and construction also took into account the protection of local ecosystems. The geotechnical team implemented a

drilling program to understand soil conditions without excessively disturbing the underwater environment, using engineering to address soft soil and tidal action, promote stability and minimize disturbances to the natural setting.

Meeting goals

“Impressively delivered in a tight timeline with challenging geotechnical conditions.” – Jury

The project’s main goal was to design a temporary port facility capable of offloading, staging and storing 8,000-tonne modules and construction materials. The team aimed to provide a cost-effective marine structure within a tight design schedule that could accommodate significant seismic loading, targeting substantial completion in time for scheduled module shipments, all while complying with environmental and regulatory approvals.

Stantec met these goals through an integrated, multidisciplinary approach, leveraging local expertise in structural, geotechnical, civil and electrical engineering, prioritizing safety, durability and strength in the design and working closely with client teams to make decisions that would save time, such as the early procurement of long lead items.

The project was an economical success, achieving an actual cost at completion in alignment with initial budget estimates. The schedule was a key driver because the LNG modules had already been ordered and were en route at project commencement. The clients’ expectations of the design schedule were met, with all Phase 1 plant LNG modules and construction materials offloaded on time.

Owner: LNG Canada.

Other key players: BAM/JJM Construction/Manson Construction (BJM) Joint Venture (client), ArcelorMittal (sheet piles, pipe piles), Anker Schroeder ASDO (tie rods), Trelleborg (bollards), ShibataFenderTeam (fender assemblies), Sandhill Materials (aggregate supply), Kentron Construction (concrete).

LNG Canada MOF, Kitimat, B.C.
Award-winning firm (prime consultant): Stantec, Burnaby, B.C. (Chuck Rosner, P.Eng.; Nigel Denby, P.Eng.).

Modular Multi-unit Housing Design

The design of modular multi-unit housing for Les Industries Bonneville will make it possible to reduce construction time by 50% compared to traditional methods, in response to the current housing shortage crisis. The engineers of gbi have developed a sustainable, replicable, high-quality and environmentally friendly structural design model.

An atypical approach

The design was undertaken as a lab project to demonstrate lower-cost, modular housing construction for the client. The project includes 36 modular units with a wooden structure, for a total of 24 housing suites on four floors, assembled over an underground parking lot.

Each module was built independently in a factory, where a high level of detail and finishing was possible, then assembled rapidly on-site. This is how the project reduced construction time while still ensuring high quality and precision.

Module-to-module and module-to-foundation assembly techniques were a central focus of the project, to resist shear and overturning forces caused by wind and earthquakes. Attaching the modules to each other and to the foundations was challenging, however, in that some faces of each module were only accessible momentarily until the next module was installed.

Co-ordination of the construction and installation sequences for a

residential building is usually not studied (or is studied only very little) at the design stage, but for this project, the installation sequence was a very important aspect of the design process, as it had a direct impact on the assembly methods to be carried out.

A ‘stepped’ installation sequence was chosen that allowed access to the maximum number of module faces for as long as possible during assembly. This sequence required special attention, however, to ensure the path of lateral wind and earthquake forces was continuous from the roof to the foundations.

In a conventional building, lateral loads accumulate from the top to the bottom of the building. To accommodate this project’s assembly sequence, an alternative load path was proposed, bringing the lateral loads up one floor before bringing them back

“Innovative in the way it tied prefabrication together.” – Jury

down and allowing modules to be delivered with no temporary opening from the interior of the housing to connect them to each other.

While there were differences between the modules, standardized connections were used throughout the project to maximize efficiency and safety on-site.

Indeed, co-ordination was crucial between various stakeholders and engineering disciplines. Structural, mechanical, electrical and civil engineers at gbi worked together to ensure consistency and compatibility of every aspect of the project. The collaborative process was demanding because the design plans had to be produced in parallel with the shop drawings, which imposed an atypical schedule to meet the deadline for production, as established at the beginning of the mandate.

Particular attention was paid to

calculations and analysis of the impact of the modules on each other. The engineers had to account for flexibility and material compaction during assembly, requiring 2 in. of leeway between modules for adequate mechanical and electrical connections, while ensuring the structural integrity of the assembly.

Careful attention was also paid to calculation of the building’s vertical movement—a phenomenon that is amplified in modular construction, due to the the double structure at each floor or ceiling. Shrinkage, creep and elastic shortening of the wood structure were taken into account and limited to ensure all non-structural components could accommodate vertical movements without being damaged.

The structural load calculations were strategic, based on the modular nature of the building. Unlike a traditional building, its loads are concentrated differently and varied throughout the assembly process, calling for careful analysis to ensure stability and safety.

Savings on many levels

Significant savings were possible on many levels through the optimal use of materials and efficient processes.

From this project’s first phase, particular attention was paid to reducing material waste. Using a robotic saw to sort and cut pieces of wood, for example, helped maximize the use of the resource. A standardized size was established for the length of the project’s wooden joists. The engineers had to adapt their designs to meet this constraint, demonstrating their commitment to more sustainable construction practices. All wooden materials up to 3 in. were re-

covered for the project, with the excess recycled into sawdust.

Another example of material optimization in this project was using sheet metal as both a firebreak and a structural connector, which was possible thanks to the collaborative approach between structural, mechanical and electrical engineers. By reusing components in versatile ways, the team not only saved material, time and costs for the client, but also pushed the traditional boundaries of this type of construction.

Compared to traditional methods, modular construction requires less time on-site. This increased efficiency can reduce indirect costs and the delivery delays.

On a traditional construction site for a project of this scale, approximately 24 waste containers would have been needed. Only one was needed for this project—a testament to the effectiveness of modular construction.

This multi-unit dwelling offers durability equivalent to that of a traditional building. A focus was placed on Quebec-based suppliers to promote the local economy and limit the project’s environmental impact.

One of the team’s major innovations was the proposal of a lightweight wooden composition for the floor, imitating the acoustic behavior of a concrete topping while reducing the project’s carbon footprint. This was possible using an intermediate layer of DensGlass fibreglass mat-faced gypsum sheathing confined between two wooden structural panels for the subfloor assembly.

A replicable model

This project—which incorporates cohabitation, units de -

signed for teleworking and some reserved for foreign workers, for a varied range of types within the same building—presents a replicable model in response to the challenges of Canada’s housing shortage. In particular, it can help enable the supply of affordable housing within a short time frame.

The lab project will not only support the testing of a combination of different housing models, but also enable Bonneville to be present at all phases of the

development of a building, which will be advantageous to the evolution and optimization of its Cohab ‘multi-housing’ product line.

The project involved five weeks in the factory, 4.5 days of assembly and a few weeks of finishing on-site, whereas a comparable traditional project would take an average of nine months to complete. The building welcomed its first tenants in April 2024, including workers employed at Bonneville’s own factory.

Modular Multi-unit Housing Design, Beloeil, Que.

Award-winning firm (principal consultant): gbi, Montreal (Andrew Crossley, ing.; Pierre-Samuel Beaudoin, ing.; Nicholas Drouin, ing.; Francis Brien, ing., Associé écologique LEED; Émile Gaudet, ing.; Sahar Benalem, ing.; Marie-Ève Bernard-O'Breham, CPI).

Owner: Les Industries Bonneville.

Other key players: Georgia-Pacific Products (DensGlass), LVL Global, Pacific WoodTech (PWT), Tolko Industries, West Fraser, LP Building Solutions, Resolu, Groupe Lebel, Arbec Forest Products, Weston Forest.

From a starting idea to building reality: Together we create Award of Excellence Winning Project

Calgary Valuation of Natural Assets

Calgary commissioned a study to better understand the value of its natural assets, such as forests, grasslands, agricultural land, trees, shrubland, riparian areas and bodies of water, and the services they supply. This transformational project provided information to support decision-making and planning for land use, protecting the environment and mitigating the effects of climate change. It has paved the way for the integration of built and natural asset management, serving as a model for other communities.

Determining values

The municipal government retained Associated Engineering and Green Analytics for this project.

Associated’s team inventoried natural assets, identified the ‘priority services’ they provide to Calgarians and conducted a financial valuation of those services and the assets’ replacement costs. Working with city staff from across many departments, the following services were prioritized:

• Recreation.

• Amenity and enjoyment.

• Habitat.

• Water retention.

• Urban heat reduction.

• Carbon storage.

Using data sets from the municipal and provincial governments, the in-

ventory combined relevant spatial data layers into a geographic information system (GIS) through a hierarchical process and workflow. The spatial data layers depicted land cover and use within the area.

To facilitate its data analysis, Associated created an online dashboard for viewing various aspects of the inventory by community, land use class, riparian management zone and source watershed vulnerability.

The team developed a new method for water retention valuation. As natural assets retain water in natural depressions, Associated leveraged depression mapping to quantify the available volume of surface ponding storage, then compared it to the typical costs for constructed stormwater storage infrastructure. The evaluation showed Calgary’s natural

depressions can store 1,200 m3/ha, compared to only 600 to 800 m3/ha for typical stormwater management design. This method determined a water retention value of $1.2 billion per year, reflecting the role of natural depressions in reducing the need for conventional stormwater ponds.

Overall, the study valued Calgary’s natural infrastructure’s replacement cost at $6.9 billion and service value at $2.5 billion per year. If it were its own service line, it would rank fifth out of 19 in the city’s asset management portfolio.

The social benefits were valued at $899 million per year in recreation and $50 million per year in amenity and enjoyment. The environmental benefits totalled $33.7 million per year for habitat, including Calgary’s open spaces (i.e. forest, wetland,

grassland and shrubland).

A team effort

considered the value derived from the benefits of the services, not the services themselves.

• Habitat: $33.7 million per year.

• Water retention: $1.2 billion per year.

Yielding returns

Many specific benefits of natural assets were identified. Trees and other natural assets were estimated, for example, to reduce heat-related deaths by 18 to 28 per year.

Associated’s team brought together the city’s subject matter experts in a participatory process to identify their priority services and criteria for valuation. These experts represented many departments, including parks, water, planning, environmental management, safety, resilience and corporate asset management.

The experts defined four goals for natural asset management to accomplish:

• Healthy environment.

• Healthy public.

• Economic sustainability.

• Improved resilience.

They also identified clean water and air and biodiversity as foundational outcomes of functioning natural infrastructure.

Natural assets are part of an interconnected system, with overlapping services, which made it difficult to segregate them for valuation. They can provide multiple services and are renewable, with performance increasing—and maintenance typically decreasing—with age. To estimate the value of each asset, the study

Natural assets provide carbon storage and sequestration to mitigate climate change. The study estimated this value to be $1.8 million to $7.6 million per year.

The study confirmed investments in natural infrastructure can yield significant economic returns, reduce the city’s reliance on costly built infrastructure and improve its livability by providing spaces for community connection and recreation.

The study also calculated replacement values for wetlands, riparian, forests, grasslands and street trees. The team’s analysis showed significant benefit to conserving and restoring such assets, since their performance increases with age, while their replacement would typically not provide like-for-like value.

Environmental benefits

While natural assets provide multiple benefits in terms of both sustainability and climate resilience, their full value and the significance of their services have often been overlooked in municipal financial planning and reporting.

Not only can natural infrastructure mitigate climate change by absorbing and storing carbon, but it also provides capacity for rainfall to pond in low-lying areas, for example, reducing the risk of flooding. Healthy vegetation and root systems, including riparian areas along bodies of water, reduce sedimentation and erosion, protecting the integrity of riverbanks and improving water quality. And natural assets can selfadapt to a changing climate.

Calgary’s study quantified the value of its natural infrastructure as follows:

• Carbon storage: $381 million per year.

• Urban heat reduction: $1.8 million per year.

The city’s path

Like most levels of government across Canada, asset management in Calgary has historically focused on man-made assets that receive support through significant public funding. By instead demonstrating the value of natural infrastructure, this project fundamentally changed the conversation about what constitutes an asset.


explains the true value of nature.” – Jury

The study provides the city with supporting information to adequately fund the life-cycle needs of natural assets and will impact future decision-making and planning for land use, asset management and operations.

The municipal government is using the study to build awareness and understanding of natural assets across its departments, city council and external stakeholders. The information will be used to align policy to support the protection and retention of natural assets. And the city plans to build a business case for improved protection of valuable land by managing natural assets in a similar manner to other municipal assets, to enhance accounting and financial reporting practices.

The study offers an opportunity to use natural assets accounting on a city-wide basis to inform the value proposition of restoring disturbed areas and to restore ecological and hydrological functions and services that have been lost due to urbanization.

Calgary Valuation of Natural Assets, Calgary, Alta.

Award-winning firm (lead consultant): Associated Engineering, Calgary (Twyla Kowalczyk, M.Sc., P.Eng., IRP; Owen James, M.Sc., ENV.SP, CWEM, MIAM; Jaimie Sokalski, P.Eng.; Andrew Wiens, P. Eng.; Andrew Rushworth, P.Eng.).

Owner: City of Calgary.

Other key players: Green Analytics (environmental consulting).

BC Housing CRAF Tool

Morrison Hershfield (now Stantec) developed a portfolio-scale climate risk assessment framework (CRAF) tool to enable BC Housing to apply a standardized approach to integrating climate risk and resilience for its assets across the province. This firstof-its-kind tool can be used to assess site viability for new developments, ‘score’ proposals across sites and prioritize and budget risk mitigation strategies, with the potential for future expansion to additional climate risks and communities.

Addressing the climate crisis

In the last five years, British Columbia has experienced increasingly extreme effects of climate change, including heat domes, flooding, intense cold and record-breaking wildfire seasons, which have resulted

in billions of dollars of property damage, relocation of entire communities, regional economic impacts and hundreds of lost lives.

Vulnerable populations are often the most severely affected. Of the 619 deaths attributed to the 2021 heat dome, for example, 99% occurred in residences and 70% were seniors.

Addressing the climate crisis is therefore one of BC Housing’s strategic priorities. The CRAF tool streamlines the risk assessment process by evaluating the potential consequences of the most material future hazards on buildings, sites and people.

In support of BC Housing’s mission, the scoring of consequences is weighted toward health, safety, social benefits and programming. Risk scores are adjusted to account for emergency service accessibility and

remoteness, vulnerability of residents, provision of areas of refuge, moisture and mould resistance. Outcomes and benefits of the tool include improving resident health and safety, reducing long-term operations and management (O&M) costs, maintaining standards of service and guiding the direction of BC Housing’s policies and priority actions. There is also an opportunity to customize the tool to the needs and values of specific populations and communities.

An unmet need

The rapid acceleration of the climate crisis highlights the urgent need to address the highest risks and prioritize vulnerable populations, but integrating climate considerations into asset planning and budgeting across portfolios can be complex. It requires an understanding of site-specific

risks, which often necessitates costly and lengthy assessments on a property-by-property basis.

BC Housing partnered with Morrison Hershfield to support a consistent approach to prioritization and decision-making. The CRAF tool addresses a previously unmet need for portfolio-level screening to assess risks to the client’s existing properties, new development sites and potential acquisitions.

Specifically, the tool was developed to identify the highest climate risks at a selected site within each of eight defined regions across the province. It aligns with the PIEVC Protocol, developed by Engineers Canada with support from Natural Resources Canada, and the Strategic Climate Risk Assessment Framework for British Columbia, developed by the provincial government.

The CRAF tool focuses on six priority categories projected into the 2050s and 2080s: extreme heat events; extreme rainfall and flooding; emergency power; wildfire risk; wildfire smoke; and general air quality.

Using a regional archetype approach, with user-defined site-specific customization, the tool evaluates the likelihood and consequences of

hazards across four weighted categories: properties and assets; site and environment; social and programming; and health and safety. It facilitates sensitivity analysis of the effect of implementing different climate risk mitigation measures at a specific site.

Today, the tool is in its first iteration and is being piloted on BC Housing projects to identify optimization opportunities.

Simplifying assessments

The CRAF tool was developed as a user-friendly Excel-based workbook that enables consideration of climate-associated risks in planning, acquisition and development projects in more than 160 locations across the province. It simplifies assessments by providing clear guidance for a four-step process: location; consequence scores; site attributes; and risk mitigation measures.

At each step, a simple set of required or optional user inputs are identified. These are used to augment prepopulated data for site-specific customization. The resulting risk scores can be used to inform the selection of mitigation strategies from a set of prioritized actions provided for each climate hazard, by building feature and pro-

“A futurefocused project with proactive thinking about climate change.” – Jury

ject type. Asset managers and project teams can compare climate risk scores across properties and calculate the effect of implementing recommended mitigation measures for the highest risks.

By way of example, extreme rainfall events could result in site-level flooding and stormwater runoff to the local environment. With insight and planning supported by the CRAF tool, negative impacts could be mitigated through contamination prevention and on-site stormwater management systems.

Nature-based solutions are a core resiliency strategy incorporated into the CRAF tool. Sample measures include low-impact development and landscaping to minimize stormwater runoff; limiting stress on nearby waterways by designing for future climate conditions; using permeable paving materials to improve rainwater infiltration capacity; planting deciduous trees at south and west sides of buildings for shade; and managing vegetation with non-invasive, native, drought-tolerant plants.

Wildfires threatened Peachland, B.C., last summer, among other parts of the province.

In implementing this tool, BC Housing will benefit by improving residents’ health and safety, reducing long-term O&M costs, maintaining standards of service and guiding the direction of policies and actions. BC Housing is supportive of sharing the tool with other government agencies, as part of a collaborative approach to addressing province-wide strategic climate adaptation.

BC Housing CRAF Tool, Burnaby, B.C. Award-winning firm (prime consultant): Morrison Hershfield (now Stantec), Victoria (Lexy Relph, P.Eng., MBA, LEED AP; Matthew Pittana, B.Sc., MCC, CEEM; Alex Chang, P.Eng., Architect AIBC AAA OAA, PMP, LEED AP BD+C; Kalum Galle, B.Arch. S, LEED AP BD+C, O+M; Andrew Harkness, P.Eng., IRP; Don McCallum, P. Eng.).

Owner: BC Housing.

Other key players: Dr. Guy Félio, P.Eng. (independent advisor).

Award of Excellence

Structures Decarbonization Practice

WSP’s structural decarbonization practice is an in-house initiative driven by a dedicated team of structural engineers taking a holistic approach in evolving their design practice toward a new normal. Their journey began with establishing embodied carbon benchmarks for their own structural designs before continuing with foundational training material for Canadian structural engineers to understand core decarbonization issues, developing an industry-first embodied carbon ‘optioneering’ web app and, finally, collaborating with their industry peers to challenge current construction practices.

Areas of focus

The practice’s efforts have centred on the following five key areas:

1. Benchmarking and measuring

Recognizing the critical role of benchmarking as the first step in decarbonization, the team embarked on an extensive effort to establish realistic carbon baselines for different structural typologies.

A custom Revit plug-in for WSP-specific models was created to streamline carbon takeoffs. As a result, embodied carbon measurements are done in a matter of minutes—and are now mandated for all projects, ensuring accountability for the engineering firm’s embodied carbon performance year-after-year.

2. Developing knowledge

Another key step toward decarbonizing the structural practice was ensuring engineers understand core issues in the context of their own work. To do this, the team developed a series of one-pagers to distill everything from foundational decarbonization knowledge (e.g. what is a life-cycle analysis?) to highly technical inhouse case studies (e.g. what is the carbon impact of optimizing different metal deck configurations?).

3. Leveraging digital innovation

The practice drove a marriage of digital and technical innovation through the development of WSP Dahlia, an industry-first web application for ‘optioneering’ structural configurations. This app is designed to take preliminary design input (e.g. building sector, typical loading, bay sizes, etc.) and generate optimized embodied carbon results for different structural framing configurations.

Having such key metrics at their fingertips when workshopping early

“A positive initiative with good potential that benefits the company and its employees.” – Jury

design stage framing options with clients will allow WSP’s engineers to influence a project’s carbon from the start, when it’s the easiest to change.

4. Changing construction practices

To help bring decarbonization strategies to life, efforts were made to redevelop WSP’s contract documents that form construction requirements.

Specifically, the team redeveloped material specifications to allow for more innovative decarbonization strategies, such as low-carbon concrete and sustainable timber. Many of these specification changes were based on WSP’s recent project experiences that had positively challenged the industry status quo.

5. Material circularity

Promoting material circularity, starting with the reuse of steel, has set WSP apart as an industry leader. The firm has engaged stakeholders across the supply chain and leveraged its project experiences in the ‘circular economy’ to drive change.



Yielding results

The key purpose of this practice initiative is to enable WSP to reach its decarbonization goal of net-zero by 2040. The benefits will include increasing efficiencies, winning meaningful and profitable work, raising environmental, social and governance (ESG) profits sought by investors, retaining talent and elevating the firm’s reputation.

Being able to leverage WSP’s embodied carbon benchmark data has allowed a broader team to be able to inform clients, based on their sector and building typology, about realistic embodied carbon targets for their projects. This data is also invaluable for winning advisory work with municipalities and policymakers. And thanks to the in-house carbon takeoff Revit plug-in, generating such data for current and future projects only takes minutes.

Ensuring WSP’s structural engineers are properly informed about how they can help clients meet their own decarbonization targets is significantly beneficial to winning both meaningful and profitable work. Not only is the firm upskilling its engineers, but external partners have also

approached it to publish decarbonization materials for the broader public.

The new carbon optioneering web app is a groundbreaking tool with many benefits. Not only does it increase WSP’s internal efficiencies for workshopping schematic design options with clients, but it also demonstrates how the firm is an innovator, benefiting its brand reputation both locally and globally.

Being able to put structural decarbonization strategies into practice by revising construction documents will have a lasting impact on the firm and the industry. Taking lessons learned from other projects and ingraining them in standard templates not only provides an efficiency gain for future projects, but also provides a stepping stone for future innovation.

A passionate initiative

The talent retention and professional development aspects of this inhouse initiative should not be understated. The project’s development has been flanked by a passionate team of structural engineers who are highly motivated in driving positive change.


Other key players: n/a.

Decarbonization in itself is a broad topic and has a significant overlap with other key interests, including technical expertise, operational excellence and digital ingenuity. Allowing structural engineers to marry one or more of their passions with positive change for the environment has already proven deeply rewarding for the team.

Indeed, this initiative drove the team to question the way WSP has been designing structures in the past, to connect with like-minded peers locally and globally and to identify how change is possible if they act together.

The structural decarbonization practice exemplifies the firm’s core values and guiding principles through exceptional contributions to environmental stewardship. Its leadership, innovative thinking and collaborative approach have laid the foundation for a more sustainable future.

The team developed engineering studies on how to improve the carbon performance of various structural systems, addressing such construction materials as steel, timber and concrete.
Structures Decarbonization Practice, Toronto
Award-winning firm (structural engineer): WSP, Toronto (Sarah Zakaib, P.Eng.; Lucy Yan, P.Eng.).

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Aligning Building Codes with Sustainabilit y

Current codes limit alternative solutions that could cut carbon.

In 2016, Engineers Canada issued the ‘National guideline on sustainable development and environmental stewardship for professional engineers’ to provide guidance to the industry beyond the previous, narrow, discipline-specific activity of ‘protection of the environment.’ In Canada, as well as globally, pressing challenges were being felt due to the adverse effects of—and damage from—pollution and the depletion of resources. The future availability of energy, water and non-renewable resources was at risk, despite past efforts at protection. The planet’s ‘carrying capacity’ was being overloaded in several ways.

As the International Federation of Consulting Engineers (FIDIC) put it in 2013, “These changes are beginning to fundamentally shift the way engineering project performance is judged. They add invisible design criteria that will ultimately affect every engineering project, whether for products, processes, facilities or infrastructure. The effect of sustain-

able development will be to bring broad resources, ecological and social issues into the mainstream of engineering design. It has become critically important that engineers understand issues and look for ways to incorporate these considerations in all that they do.”

Pillars of sustainability

The impacts of climate change are very broad.

Other regulators have followed Engineers Canada’s lead. In 2023, for example, Engineers and Geoscientists British Columbia (EGBC) put forward a professional practice guideline pertaining to sustainability, to help professional engineers meet their professional and ethical obligations under their province’s Professional Governance Act (PGA) and EGBC’s own bylaws, by incorporating sustainable elements into their practice.

The guideline notes “sustainability has three pillars, which must be considered and integrated in a balanced way.” They are as follow:

1. Environmental—To stay within the biophysical carrying capacity

of our region, country or planet by minimizing resource use, reducing waste and protecting nature from degradation.

2. Social—To maintain and protect social equity, quality of life and the values we aspire to live by.

3. Economic—To ensure long-term access, opportunities and economic participation for all members of society.

While climate change and associated risk management are often seen as falling under the ‘environmental’ pillar, they are not exclusively environmental issues. The impacts of climate change, from the physical effects of heat waves and other extreme weather events to the transition toward lower-carbon and renewable energy, are very broad.

Local, regional, provincial and national governments are taking steps to reduce emissions through incentives, funding, policies and regulations, including emissions-trading programs, carbon taxes and offsets and new standards

for energy efficiency and emissions reduction.

The work of professional engineers is impacted by— and has the potential to impact—climate change. Firms and individual practitioners must monitor and evaluate developments in science, technology and policy relating to climate change if they are to manage risk in their professional practice, maintain competitiveness and remain relevant to clients.

Building codes, however, have not aligned with engineers’ professional and ethical responsibilities with regard to environmental sustainability. This is a matter both of how they are written and of how authorities having jurisdiction (AHJs) interpret and apply their requirements.

Reforming overprescription

In general, Division B of the National Building Code (NBC) outlines the prescribed ‘acceptable solutions’ one needs to follow to ensure compliance with code’s objectives and functional statements. There are issues, however, with these solutions and the rigid nature of the code.

Many of the acceptable solutions in the current edition of the NBC are outdated or otherwise not aligned with current international best practices. In many cases, the reasoning for an acceptable solution is not available

or is not based on any technical merit.

Further, there is significant overprescription of acceptable solutions, specifically with regard to fire and life safety, which can increase a project’s embodied carbon footprint and economic cost, going against the intents of sustainability guidelines. By way of example, the NBC sets structural fire resistance rating requirements for buildings. These were originally based on surveys to ascertain the amount of combustible material within buildings of similar uses, independent of their size or height. The surveys found each major occupancy generally had a certain amount of combustible fuel per unit area of floor space. The amount of available fuel was correlated to an appropriate structural fire resistance.

In today’s NBC, on the other hand, as a building grows in either area or height, the requirements for structural fire resistance increase, suggesting the amount of fuel per unit area of floor space increases. This is not the case, however, as actually it generally stays constant. The prescribed need to increase fire resistance based on building size adds unnecessary construction costs and carbon into the building, while adding little extra in terms of life safety. Similarly, today’s NBC requires different major occupancies within the same building to be physically

separated from each other by fire-rated construction, the purpose of which is to reduce the probability of a fire spreading from one major occupancy to another with a different degree of fire risk (i.e. amount of fuel per unit area of floor space). While this seems a reasonable goal on the surface, each storey of a building that contains a group of different major occupancies is already required to be designed for the most ‘onerous’ major occupancy in the group (i.e. that with the highest amount of fuel).

The major occupancy separations can increase fire resistance beyond that required for the building structure. Indeed, adding major occupancies with less combustible content and subsequently increasing the level of fire protection does not add significant value to a construction project’s level of occupant safety. It only further adds construction costs and increases the overall carbon footprint of the building.

These two examples of overprescription are, more often than not, both required to be applied to building projects at the same time, exacerbating the issue of sustainability with higher levels of embodied carbon. The issue is further complicated when dealing with alterations to existing buildings, which face unique challenges and constraints for applying life safety measures, to

the point where it can be more cost-effective to demolish a building and build new than to alter an existing building. This approach does little to help advance sustainable construction, as existing embodied carbon is lost with demolition and new embodied carbon is added with construction.

Alternative solutions, meanwhile, could reduce a construction project’s carbon footprint and development cost while still aiming to meet the NBC’s objectives, functional statements and intent.

There has been some progress in reform to reduce embodied carbon.

The current language of the code, however, sets quantitative performance targets and acceptance criteria for alternative solutions in relation to the strict wording of the acceptable solutions, which in many cases are not well-defined or understood. Further, when proposing an alternative solution, engineers are typically required to include mitigating features, which usually are subjective, as insisted upon by local AHJs, and undo the benefits originally promised by an alternative solution, adding carbon back into the project. There has been some progress made in reform for NBC to reduce embodied carbon, generally revolving around high-performance, energy-efficient buildings. Yet, 93% of carbon emissions associated with these buildings are a result of the construction itself, rather than from energy-efficiency measures.

Without substantial reform to code’s acceptable solutions or changes to how performance benchmarks are established (i.e. not using the acceptable solution as the quantitative performance target), engineers and consultants will continue to fail in their professional and ethical responsibilities to promote sustainable development and construction practices.

Stefan Germann, P.Eng., is a senior consultant with Celerity Engineering in Vancouver. For more information, contact him at

In today’s National Building Code, as a building grows in area, requirements for structural fire resistance increase.

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