There are many things to consider when attempting to optimize heating and cooling in different parts of a house, including forced air zoning.
By Ian McTeer60 PLUMBING
Steve Goldie re-joins the 30 Mechanical Minutes webinar series to share his insights into the history characteristics and solid market potential for the latest generation of heat pump water heaters.
A collection of some of the latest tools, fixtures and fittings to hit the plumbing market and incorporate into your jobs, residential or commerical.
Regular maintenance and cleaning are the keys to high performing ice production in the food service industry.
Are you prepared to deliver a total package of heating, cooling, DHW and optimized ventilation?
By John SiegenthalerMH14
Dealing with supply logistics and lowtemp heating in Canada’s north.
Turning to water from the bottom of Lake Ontario makes The Taylor a cool new build in Toronto’s downtown
By Treena HeinMH24
DISTRICT ENERGY FROM STEAM TO SUSTAINABLE Packaged transfer stations ease the switch at this district energy system.
By Jeff FlanneryMH28
Condensation is the radiant cooling killer that can be overcome.
By Curtis BennettMH30
Calculating the efficiency of heat pump water heaters.
By John SiegenthalerEven solo plumbers or HVAC technicians out there rely on the help of other trades, as well as the support of wholesalers and other suppliers to make their operations successful. Everyone works with a team.
The benefit of working with others is the ability to learn and build a better business and improve as a professional and a person. This past June the Canadian Institute of Plumbing and Heating (CIPH) hosted its annual business conference in St. John’s, Newfoundland and Labrador, where the association celebrated its 90th anniversary—a solid achievement for a group that’s built upon the necessity of competing firms getting together and collaborating for the benefit of the entire industry.
At this year’s conference, one of the session speakers was Newfoundland native Brad Gushue, a two-time Olympic medallist (Gold 2006, Bronze 2022) and five-time Brier champion—the winningest curler in Canadian history.
Gushue has done a lot of research into team building and has the experience to back it up. He outlined five pillars to building a successful team which included: assembling players capable of doing the job; having a strong leader; having a defined plan; having a positive attitude; and having clear and direct communication among the team members. His main emphasis was on that final pillar, stressing how clear, concise and constant communication is fundamental to building a strong culture for any team or business.
You can’t impose a culture on a team, it’s developed over time, and Gushue himself explained how he adapted his own leadership style. He went from showing he was the hardest working person and driving the others to excellence by following his example, to becoming more empathetic and vulnerable, showing his teammates that there was trust among team members and that they could all be very open with each other.
He explained that being vulnerable doesn’t mean being weak, it means showing openness and sharing, and the benefit is that by sharing personal and professional thoughts and emotions over time you learn exactly how your teammates are thinking and why. As a leader you gain much better insight into your co-workers’ strengths and areas for improvement.
Another important element to creating a strong culture includes keeping a sense of curiosity among the team. It’s essential to have everyone constantly learning, being adaptable and willing to change to improve themselves and the team or business. Building that culture of ‘vulnerability’ means allowing team members to try, fail and learn from mistakes. Learning and improving is all part of growing stronger and leading to more wins over the long term.
A lot of company leaders I’ve spoken with talk about the importance of having a family-like culture, the challenge is how you define a family dynamic. According to Gushue, it’s all about building trust and keeping those lines of communication open. Take it from a champion.
– Doug Picklyk, EditorReader Service
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In the world of potable water protection and backflow prevention, certified specialist testers and inspectors across Canada find cross connections that are controlled, and in many cases also find bad cross connections with no control.
In an effort to raise greater awareness of cross connections and to better educate water industry representatives in the field, the cross connection control (CCC) committee of the Western Canada Section of the American Water Works Association (WCS AWWA) launched its Bad and Ugly cross connections contest in 2014.
The contest has been going strong ever since, as testers and inspectors from across the country are invited to send in photos and explanations of bad cross connections they see.
This year’s winners of the Bad and Ugly contest were Joey Schuster of Edmonton, in the tester category, and a repeat winner in the inspector category was Tayte Southerland of EPCOR, also in Edmonton. (Southerland was also a winner in 2018).
“I went into the mechanical room to test the main line double check valve assembly (DCVA),” explained Schuster. “I immediately spotted the garden hose cross connection between the hot and the boiler. After testing the DCVA (it
Ontario construction sites are now required to have at least one women’s-only washroom. That update to jobsite regulations was one of several new requirements that came into effect on July 1.
The washroom regulations and access to properly fitting equipment such as uniforms, boots and safety harnesses for
passed) I removed the hose and called the building owner.
“I explained to them the dangers of a cross connection and gave them the option to build an auto fill that included a Watts RP [reduced pressure backflow prevention device]. They agreed to the fix on the phone, but I took the hose with me just in case.”
For Tayte Southerland, the bad connection in this building required some reworking.
“To correct this, the double check valve assembly (DCVA) must be relocated downstream of the by-pass and outside
women, were part of several initiatives introduced earlier this year.
One in 10 of the nearly 600,000 construction workers in Ontario are women, and these updated requirements by employers are aimed at making the skilled trades more accessible and more appealing to women.
When the measures were introduced, Andrew Regnerus, Ontario construction
of the meter setting,” says Southerland. “This relocation will provide proper isolation of the water supply.”
The WCS AWWA CCC committee sends a special thank you to Watts Canada for supplying the test kit this year and for many previous years since the contest has run.
The committee also thanks all of the testers and inspectors for submitting pictures into the contest, and to all of those who protect the water systems across the country.
For those interested in participating in next year’s contest, visit: wcsawwa.net
coordinator at CLAC, stated, “We applaud measures that make all job sites more accessible and safer for all, including women.”
Washrooms on sites need to be private and completely enclosed, have adequate lighting and hand sanitizer (where running water is not possible). The number of toilets required has also increased. ontario.ca
Headquartered in Ottawa, the Continental Automated Buildings Association (CABA), an international not-for-profit industry association dedicated to the advancement of the connected home and intelligent building technologies, has changed its name and isl now referred to as the Association for Smarter Homes & Buildings, ASHB (pronounced “ash-bee”).
“Our new name better reflects today’s smart home and intelligent building industries and our vision for the future,” says the association’s Board Chair, Brian Ensign from Superior Essex Communications, in a media release.
“It honours our history while building awareness that we have always represented and will continue to represent the industry and market for intelligent systems in both commercial and residential structures.”
Supporting the smart buildings and homes market since 1988, the association’s mandate remains unchanged: to empower connectivity among people, spaces, and technology to deliver a more livable, sustainable, and efficient connected world.
The group will continue to serve the smart buildings industry through research and collaboration among its over 350 member companies.
“As smart building features move from specialty to necessity, opportunities are opening up across the connected homes and intelligent buildings market,” says ASHB CEO, Greg Walker.
“Our Board and staff have worked hard to boost growth during this exciting time, which has included finding a name that better reflects our pivotal role in growing knowledge and thought leadership across the breadth of the industry.” ashb.com
The CIPHEX West 2023 trade show is taking place this Fall, October 18-19 at the BMO Centre, Stampede Park, in Calgary – and those interested in attending can skip the lines by registering now.
Contractors can register alone or as a group using the secure online registration system.
Those who sign up before September 24 will receive their badge in the mail before the show.
CIPHEX West takes place every two years in Western Canada and provides a one-stop expo for industry professionals looking for new products and technologies in the plumbing, hydronics, HVAC/R and water treatment industries. ciphexwest.ca
On August 1 the federal government announced the first round of categorybased selection within its Express Entry immigration program, placing a focus on skilled trades including plumbers, HVAC mechanics, welders and more.
To be eligible, applicants must have accumulated, within the past three years, at least six months of full-time, continuous work experience (or an equal amount of part-time work experience) in a single occupation within Canada or abroad.
Eligible occupations include: heating, refrigeration and air conditioning mechanics; plumbers; carpenters; welders and related machine operators; elevator constructors and mechanics; machine fitters; construction millwrights and industrial mechanics; electricians (except industrial and power system); contractors and supervisors, other construction trades, installers, repairers and servicers.
Changes to the Express Entry program through category-based selection was first announced by the Minister of Immigration on May 31st. The move to category-based selection was motivated by the need to attract global talent and help meet the need for tradespeople in construction.
“It’s absolutely critical to address the shortage of skilled trades workers in our country, and part of the solution is helping the construction sector find and maintain the workers it needs,” said Marc Miller,
Minister of Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship. “This round of categorybased selection recognizes these skilled trades workers as essential, and I look forward to welcoming more of these talented individuals to Canada.” canada.ca
The Manitoba government has announced that it will adopt the 2020 national model codes for plumbing, building, fire and energy as published by the National Research Council as of Jan. 1, 2024.
In a government news release, it was indicated that public consultations conducted last winter and again in June identified that industry professionals preferred to adopt the 2020 code sooner, bypassing the 2015 edition.
Labour and Immigration Minister Jon Reyes noted: Implementing the codes by Jan. 1, 2024, meets the Manitoba government’s commitment to have new codes in place by March 31, 2024, as per the Regulatory Reconciliation and Cooperation Table agreement under the Canada Free Trade Agreement.
Continued on p10
This summer, Skilled Trades Ontario, the government agency responsible for apprenticeship and skilled trades certification in the province, will begin issuing over 17,500 certificates of qualification and more than 200,000 wallet cards to apprentices and certified skilled trades workers across the province.
“Not only do certificates of qualification and wallet cards serve to validate credentials, they are a testament to the hard work, resilience and unwavering dedication behind every certified skilled trades professional,” said Melissa Young, CEO and registrar, Skilled Trades Ontario, at a media event held on July 24th.
Over the coming months, skilled trades professionals in compulsory and noncompulsory trades who received their certification after January 1, 2022, will begin receiving their certificates of qualification in the mail.
To obtain a certificate of qualification, individuals are required to have passed their certification exam and have met all requirements to practice their trade in Ontario.
Since launching last year, Skilled Trades Ontario has provided online verification of the status and license details of compulsory apprentices and journeypersons on its online public register. This service will continue to be publicly available and updated.
Certificates of qualification issued prior to January 1, 2022, will continue to be valid and recognized by Skilled Trades Ontario. skilledtradesontario.ca
ASHRAE has announced the approval for publication of its airborne infection risk mitigation standard for buildings. The ASHRAE Standard 241, Control of Infectious Aerosols establishes minimum
Canadian Apprenticeship Forum (CAF), a member supported non-profit organization that aims to connect Canada’s apprenticeship community, held its most recent Supporting Women in Trades (SWiT) Conference in Winnipeg, June 10-12, and announced that going forward the group will expand the conference to be more inclusive.
The SWiT initiative, led by CAF, is national in scope and was developed by employers, union groups, educators and equity representatives from multiple trades across the country to create a sustainable and measurable change for women, holding its first SWiT Conference in November 2018 in Halifax.
A stated goal of the initiative includes increasing the percentage of women apprentices and journeypersons among the trades to 15% by 2030, from about 5.3% in 2021. These numbers include trades in construction, manufacturing and transportation.
At the recent 2023 SWiT conference, France Daviault, CEO of CAF, shared news that the organization will expand the mandate of its biennial conference.
In a post-event media release from CAF, Daviault shared: “Differently abled, gender diverse and 2SLGBTQ+ individuals, Indigenous and racialized people who work in the skilled trades, will benefit from a collective voice. I believe that women in the skilled trades can now lend a hand up and create an inclusive community and network for all those who deserve equitable opportunities and better treatment.”
To include more skilled tradespeople in the national conversation around diversity, equity, and inclusion in workplaces, CAF will host its first Supporting Equity in the Trades Conference starting in 2025, with an event being held May 24-26 in Toronto. caf-fca.org
requirements to reduce the risk of disease transmission by exposure to infectious aerosols in new buildings, existing buildings, and major renovations.
The new standard would reduce exposure to SARSCOV-2 virus, which causes COVID-19, influenza viruses and other pathogens that cause major personal and economic damage every year.
Standard 241 provides requirements for many aspects of air system design, installation, operation, and maintenance.
Aspects of the standard include:
Infection Risk Management Mode –Requirements of Standard 241 apply during an infection risk management mode (IRMM) that applies during identified periods of elevated risk of disease
transmission. AHJs (Authorities Having Jurisdiction) can determine when the enhanced protections of Standard 241 will be required, but its use can also be at the discretion of the owner/ operator at other times, for example, during influenza season. This aspect of Standard 241 introduces the concept of resilience – ability to respond to extreme circumstances outside normal conditions – into the realm of indoor air quality control design and operation.
Requirements for Equivalent Clean Airflow Rate – Other indoor air quality standards, including ASHRAE Standards
62.1, 62.2, specify outdoor airflow rate and filtration requirements to control normal indoor air contaminants. Standard 241 sets requirements
for equivalent clean airflow rate, the flow rate of pathogen free air flow into occupied areas of a building that would have the same effect as the total of outdoor air, filtration of indoor air, and air disinfection by technologies such as germicidal ultraviolet light. This approach allows the user of the standard flexibility to select combinations of technologies to comply with the standard that best satisfy their economic constraints and energy use goals.
Requirements for Use of Filtration and Air Cleaning Technology – Dilution of indoor air contaminants by ventilation with outdoor air can be an energy intensive and expensive way to control indoor air quality. Standard 241 provides extensive requirements for use of filtration and air cleaning to effectively and safely achieve equivalent clean airflow requirements efficiently and cost effectively. These include testing requirements to establish performance and to demonstrate that operation does not degrade indoor air quality in other ways, for example by elevating ozone levels.
Planning and Commissioning
Standard 241 provides assessment and planning requirements culminating in the development of a building readiness plan, a concept carried over from the work of the ASHRAE Epidemic Task Force. It also describes procedures for commissioning systems to determine their installed performance.
While not an ANSI standard, the consensus process from project approval, development and final approval of this standard, including a public review, took six months from authorization to completion and only four months of development time dating from the first meeting of the project committee.
The Standard 241 committee will continue and work on improving sections of the standard adding additional requirements, clarifying requirements and developing tools to help the public use the standard. Industry and consumerfriendly resources such as courses, podcasts, factsheets and information events
will be introduced in the future.
Standard 241 is available now for presale in the ASHRAE bookstore. ashrae.org
In a continuing effort to roll up more HVAC service businesses under its banner, the Right Time Group of Companies has acquired Shines Energy Inc. of Dartmouth, Nova Scotia, and Knight Plumbing Heating & Air Conditioning of Calgary, marking the 19th and 20th acquisitions completed by Right Time.
Shines marks Right Time’s first location in Atlantic Canada. Since 2013, Shines has delivered residential heating, cooling and air quality to homeowners in the Halifax Regional Municipality area.
“Sandy Hines has done a fantastic job building a well-respected business in the Halifax area, and Right Time will continue to deliver the Shines brand promise
for years to come,” said Right Time CEO Craig Goettler in a company release.
Operating since 1970, Knight has been a family-owned business with the third generation now involved in the operation.
Knight was started by Tony Hinger as a commercial plumbing service, and over time the business expanded to residential plumbing and HVAC with Tony’s daughter Belinda and son-in-law Bernie Wandler taking active roles.
“Since 1970 we have provided quality customer service to Calgarians and neighbouring communities,” said Bernie Wandler in a media release. “After three generations of our family serving our community, Right Time was a fantastic choice to continue our legacy and take Knight to the next level for our team and customers.”
Right Time is majority-owned by San Francisco-based private equity firm, Gryphon Investors. right-time.ca
Adrian Steel ladder racks are designed to make loading and unloading ladders easier and more ergonomic, but their most important function is helping you make it safely home at the end of each day.
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There are many things to consider when attempting to optimize heating and cooling in different parts of a house.
BY IAN McTEERIn the 1989 movie Field of Dreams, the main character decided to build a baseball diamond in a cornfield after an inspiring ethereal voice came into his mind one night and captivated him with the now iconic phrase: “If You Build It, They Will Come.”
And, sure enough, the ghostly greats did come to play. Without completely confusing the point of this award-winning film, my mechanical analogy extends to the popular idea that if you build a duct in front of a fan, the comforting air will emerge in every space, all the time, in all the quantities needed. At least that is what ducts in an HVAC system are supposed to do, right?
Yes, is the right answer. Now, imagine a rectangular bungalow over a basement; the furnace is in the centre of the duct system; all the perimeter runs are straight runs to the floor boots; there is plenty of ducted return air; nearly perfect balance from startup.
If you built that system, we could make a movie called “Ductwork of Dreams,” although I suspect it would be a box office flop. In reality, some duct systems are more like a nightmarish pastiche of ducts, round pipe, elbows and flex pipe all serving to make the homeowner uncomfortable.
Post-war housing construction for the middle class (late 1040s, 1950s) typically involved smaller units, often architecturally unsophisticated square or rectangular bungalows with, as it turns out, reasonably efficient centralized forced warm air heating systems.
But alternative housing designs, attractive to those consumers looking for more room, saw the proliferation of twostorey models often constructed as side splits, back splits, multi-level, many with a room over a garage and oddly-shaped configurations with furnaces hidden under stairs and elsewhere, nowhere close to being the centre of the essential “central heating” system.
In Figure 1, I will not argue that running a duct under a steel beam then back up into an immediate short radius elbow was not designed to conduct a decent volume/velocity of air to designated areas of the house, however, will the conditioned air properly service the inhabitants of those rooms?
That trunk may be serving a north facing and a south facing
space at the same time, so how can comfort and efficiency be served in two such spaces at the same time?
To satisfy heating challenging spaces, some homebuilders in Ontario preferred to install electric baseboard heating systems, and with good reason, as their construction costs were reduced because of having no ductwork to conceal or an extra trade to employ.
And by dumb luck, each independently controlled baseboard offered an unanticipated zoning system allowing for different temperatures throughout the house as desired. Thus, the primary benefit of zoning is to supply customized heating and cooling control in different areas, or zones, of the house leading to better comfort and enhanced energy efficiency.
The majority of tract housing built in post-war Canada to date use a single-zone heating and cooling philosophy that, even professionally designed, installed, commissioned and maintained will keep the desired temperature only in the space that includes a thermostat.
Adjacent spaces often stay comfortable only because they share the conditioned air with the space controlled by the ther-
mostat. It is well known to frustrated homeowners that the desired temperature cannot be maintained in rooms or spaces isolated from the thermostat; you have too often heard the cooling system complaint that the second floor is too hot, the main floor is comfortable, but you can hang meat in the basement.
During the shoulder seasons, one or two rooms may need heat while others could use a bit of cooling. Conventional single-zone systems cannot supply simultaneous heating and cooling. Sometimes continuous blower operation will be able to mitigate room-to-room temperature variations, but continuous blower operation increases operating cost, increases noise level, and may increase room humidity as moisture evaporates from the evaporator coil and drain pain during compressor off cycles.
In most cases, a single-zone system cannot support a desired temperature for all the rooms in a dwelling or allow for differing temperatures when chosen in one room or another.
As shown in Figure 2, the classic baseboard electric heat multi-zone strategy can easily accommodate zoned comfort, as can the incorporation of ductless multi-head indoor sections (Figure 3) consisting of high wall air handlers, ceiling cassettes or floor mounted terminal units that could be connected to a cooling only or a cold climate heat pump outdoors.
Thus, zoning by equipment can be part of a new construction estimate or complete gut renovation project.
Ductless equipment manufacturers include low and high static space-saving air handlers in their catalogues meant to be incorporated in alcoves or other defined spaces providing zoned comfort throughout a building or areas that are hard-toreach with conventional ducting.
Allison Bailes, PhD., posted an informative article on his Energy Vanguard website in June 2020 entitled, “My Duct Systems on Low-Static Mini-Split Air Handlers” providing ad -
vice on how to incorporate a low static air hander into a zoning system, well worth the read.
Other zone-by-equipment products could include throughthe-wall (TTW ) units such as the inverter drive heat pump models from a company like Olimpia Splendid (Figure 4) — an inverter heat pump with 2kw of backup electric heat suitable for cold climate applications.
Zoning kits for add-ons to single-stage HVAC equipment have been around for decades. Too often improperly specified and installed, early adopters paid little attention to the problem of bypassing excess air.
In a 1000 cfm system divided into four zones of 250 cfm each, for example, when one zone calls, the excess 750 cfm was bypassed back into the furnace through a duct connected between the return air duct and the supply plenum with airflow controlled by a barometric damper mechanism.
Sometimes a “dump zone” would distribute some of the excess air into an allegedly innocuous area like the basement or a long hallway. Too often, excess bypass caused furnaces to overheat thus stressing the heat exchanger and evaporator coils to ice sending a ruinous stream of liquid refrigerant flooding back to the unsuspecting compressor.
Manufacturers such as Carrier and Trane offer a modern zoning strategy based on a dedicated duct system with smart thermostats, a controller panel, and powered open and closed zone dampers all communicating with high efficiency units.
Ideally, the indoor unit could be a premium gas furnace (or air handler) featuring capacity control such as two heating stages or heat modulation working in a close relationship with a variable speed blower motor.
The matching outdoor unit necessarily includes capacity controls such as an inverter drive, or two-stage compressor. This modern approach to fully ducted zoning does provide the
Continued on p14
best answer to the classic zoning conundrum of what to do with all the conditioned air produced when only one zone is calling.
When called for by a smart zone thermostat, the heating or cooling side will ramp to a stage most appropriate for the demand of the zone. With the equipment running to provide only the appropriate amount of conditioned air to the zone calling, any small amount of excess air is relieved through the rest of the zoning system.
Known as “relief,” the smart controller will open all the non-calling zone dampers just enough to pass the excess to other zones without affecting their temperature. Such systems can be retrofitted to existing applications when comfort and efficiency are the key system design parameters, not as a method to compensate for fundamental HVAC system or building design flaws.
“Contractors need to know, and be confident, they can zone any existing home that has a duct system,” says Dick Foster of ZoneFirst, a company focused on zoning since the 1950s. “It is only their lack of knowledge of/about zoning that holds them back. When the duct system is accessible, there is no reason not to include zoning.”
While I agree with him, there are important steps a contractor must take to ensure that an add-on zone system will be effective.
In my experience, some forced warm air duct systems are beyond modification and require a well-designed retrofit adding to the cost of a zoning system.
If the existing duct design required 240 cfm in the master bedroom and the current layout can only deliver 150 cfm to the bedroom, it must be determined beforehand how zoning can possibly fix the problem.
• An accurate load calculation is necessary and should not have intentional safety/fudge factors.
• Load calculations are meant to determine HVAC equipment sizing, thus excess capacity must be minimized. The specification of capacity-controlled products with variable speed blowers should be utilized with replacement jobs.
• Note that supply air performance at the floor registers depends on supply air cfm. When specifying variable speed blowers, note that equipment selection and sizing calculations become more complicated when supply airflow can vary.
• A zone system must manage excess air, so be sure to use control strategies that manage the operation of OEM heating and cooling equipment; the zoning system must not interfere with normal operation such as tripping furnace high limit switches or cooling system low pressure controls, for example.
• Each zone should have its own return air path as a large central return could affect the thermostat in an adjoining zone.
• System complexity increases with the number of zones, so be sure the zone design is compatible with the heating and cooling equipment designated for the job.
• Simultaneous heating and cooling are not possible when zoning with a conventional furnace and outdoor unit—typically only multi-split products with refrigerant management systems can do that. However, the zoning controller may be able to signal an independent source of zone heating or cooling such as a baseboard heater or TTW unit in applications where shoulder season comfort discrepancies demand heat in one zone while cooling is needed in another.
• A zoning system may not be compatible with an existing home automation system, be sure to identify any contraindications and agree on a course of action with the homeowner.
• ZoneFirst’s Dick Foster adds, “Once we know the total unit maximum cfm and the size of the ducts for each zone, we look at the smallest zone, and subtract the cfm of the smallest zone and that gives us how much cfm we have to manage for potential bypass.”
• There are several other manufacturers of zoning products available for Canadian contractors such as
Continued on p16
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Honeywell, Aprilaire, EWC Controls, Arzel Zoning Technology, and Jackson Systems. These vendors may have proprietary duct sizing rules, be sure to familiarize your team with the appropriate manuals related to specification, installation, commissioning and product maintenance.
• Multiple zone-by-equipment systems may require more indoor space, so access must be provided for maintenance and replacement of indoor parts or equipment when necessary.
• Include a no cost two-year maintenance program into every zoning quotation.
Once an HVAC salesperson has identified a potential client’s frustration with a perpetually underperforming and uncomfortable forced warm air heating system, it makes sense to propose superior comfort combined with the potential for improved system efficiency uniquely afforded by a zoning system.
It is also true that an experienced hand could identify and correct existing problems without going the zoning route, and it should be noted that making claims about energy savings and operating costs ought to take second place to the real value of zoning, that is, improved homeowner comfort.
For more information, be sure to visit the manufacturer’s websites or take local training on zoning systems when available live or online.
The Air Conditioning Contractors of America (ACCA) has published a rather comprehensive Residential Zoning Manual (Manual Zr) that is available for purchase from the association at: acca. org/standards/technical-manuals Happy zoning. <>
Ian McTeer is an HVAC consultant with over 35 years of experience in the industry. He was most recently a field rep for Trane Canada DSO. McTeer is a refrigeration mechanic and Class 1 Gas technician and is a regular contributor to HPAC magazine. He can be reached at: imcteer@outlook.com
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Are you prepared to deliver a total package of heating, cooling, DHW and optimized ventilation?
By John SiegenthalerDealing with supply logistics and low-temp heating in Canada’s north.
By Doug PicklykMH18 DISTRICT ENERGY Cooling on the cutting edge
Turning to water from the bottom of Lake Ontario makes The Taylor a cool new build in Toronto’s downtown
By Treena HeinPackaged energy transfer stations ease the transition for Sheridan College’s district energy system.
By Jeff FlanneryCondensation is the radiant cooling killer, but it can be overcome with proper controls.
By Curtis BennettGet influenced, as this year’s hydronics-focused event travels to Coquitlam, B.C. September 21.
Calculating the efficiency, or inefficiency, of using a heat pump water heater in a heat pump heated home.
By John SiegenthalerEDITOR
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Continued on MH8
DESIGN PACKAGES: Complete design, parts list, loop layout, and heat load calculation for your project.
Complete design, parts list, loop layout, and heat load calculation for your project.
Complete design, parts list, loop layout, and heat load calculation for your project.
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Building codes and energy conservation standards continue to evolve, and today many are requiring proof of high-quality air sealing for buildings, with measurements being done through blower door testing.
BY JOHN SIEGENTHALERTypically, the building envelope is depressurized using a flexible panel with a variable speed fan that’s temporarily in -
stalled in the opening of an exterior door. By measuring the speed of this fan and correlating it to the slight (but measurable) difference in air pressure between the inside and outside of the building, it’s possible to determine the air changes per hour air leakage rate.
A leaky house could test out at 15 to
Are you prepared to deliver a total package of heating, cooling, DHW and optimized ventilation?Figure 1. A complete system using an airto-water heat pump for heating, cooling and domestic hot water.
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20 air changes per hour at 50 Pascals (about 0.00725 psi) of air pressure differential. A well-sealed new house could have air leakage in the range of 1 to 4 air changes per hour at 50 Pascals pressure difference (ACH/50).
And a super-tight house, built to current Passive House standards, must not exceed an air leakage rate of 0.7 ACH/50.
Experience has shown that the “natural” air infiltration rates of buildings will be approximately 1/20 th of those established by blower door testing at 50 Pascals differential pressure. Thus, a house with 4 ACH/50 blower door test rating will have a natural air leakage in the range of 0.2 air changes per hour.
You won’t suffocate in such a house, but you’re unlikely to find the air quality provided by air leakage acceptable. Fry up some bacon on Monday, and you’ll still smell it on Wednesday. I could cite more examples of this air quality problem, based on other “facilities” in the house, but I’m confident you get the idea.
The contemporary approach to providing fresh air while at the same time not adding substantially to the home’s heating load, is to install a heat recovery ventilator (HRV), or in some cases an Energy Recovery Ventilator (ERV). Both of devices create two air flows: one brings outside air into the building, and the other exhausts “stale” inside air back outside. Both air streams are generated by small blowers within the ventilator.
During the heating season, the stream of incoming cool (or cold) outside air absorbs heat from the warmer exhaust air stream. This exchange takes place within the heat exchange “core” of the ventilator, through which both air streams simultaneously pass, but never mix.
Typical heat recovery efficiency is in the range of 70%. Thus, the fresh air requirement is met using about 70% less thermal energy that would otherwise be
needed if the air was simply blown into and out of the building with ventilation fans and no heat exchange.
During the cooling season, the outgoing stream of cool (but “stale”) inside air absorbs some heat from the incoming warm (but fresh) outside air. Again, the fresh air requirement of the building is met, but the energy penalty associated with fully cooling and dehumidifying the incoming air to desired indoor temperature and humidity is greatly reduced.
Energy recovery ventilators (ERVs) provide similar functions to heat recovery ventilators (HRVs). The difference is that ERVs can also exchange moisture (in vapour form) between the ingoing and outgoing air streams.
In winter, some of the moisture in the outgoing (higher absolute humidity) air stream is transferred to the incoming (low absolute humidity) air stream. And in summer, some of the moisture in the incoming (higher absolute humidity) air stream is transferred to the (lower absolute humidity) outgoing stream.
This moisture exchange helps maintain a comfortable (and healthy) indoor relative humidity in winter and it also reduces the latent cooling load in summer.
So, what does this have to do with hydronics?
Well, in combination with an air-to-water heat pump, or a geothermal water-towater heat pump, heat recovery ventilation becomes another part of the “total solution” package you can offer. That package includes heating, cooling, domestic hot water and ventilation.
For example, consider a relatively simple system that provides multiple zones of space heating using panel radiators, and “whole house” cooling using a ducted chilled water air handler.
It also provides domestic water heating using energy from both the heat pump and an electric resistance backup
heater. Figure 1 (on the opening page) shows one concept for such a system.
The heat pump maintains the buffer tank between some upper and lower temperature limits. Those limits could be set points or determined using outdoor reset control. Some air-to-water heat pumps have integrated controls that allow either.
The variable-speed pressure-regulated circulator operates continuously during the heating season. Warm water passes through any panel radiator with a partially-open or fully open thermostatic radiator valve. A system that is simple, elegant and even “wireless.”
The motorized diverter valve routes heated fluid from the heat pump to the buffer tank. This flow path is only open when the heat pump is operating.
The path between ports AB and A close as soon as the heat pump turns off, preventing reverse thermosiphoning from the tank.
This valve operation also prevents flow returning from the distribution system from passing through the heat pump when it’s off.
The large coils inside the buffer tank preheat domestic water. The temperature rise of the water depends on the fluid temperature maintained in the tank’s shell, the surface areas of the internal coils, and the rate at which domestic water flows through the coils.
If the tank shell temperature is maintained close to the desired domestic hot water delivery temperature it’s possible that over 90% of the total temperature rise can occur through the coils.
The remaining temperature rise is handled by a tank-type electric water heater, or a tankless electric water heater
If the buffer tank temperature is based on outdoor reset control, the auxiliary water heater will need to contribute more energy for domestic hot water during milder outdoor temperatures.
Continued on MH10
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In either case, the electric water heater provides a backup source of domestic hot water if the heat pump were down for service.
Cooling is provided by routing chilled water from the heat pump, through the diverter valve, to the coil of an air handler.
The variable speed compressor in the heat pump automatically adjusts to maintain a set chilled water delivery temperature - typically in the range of 45 to 55F (7 to 12C).
The chilled water flows through the coil of an air handler equipped with a condensate drip pan. Cooled and dehumidified air is delivered to the entire building through a ducting system.
The original system shown in Figure 1 cannot simultaneously heat the buffer tank and send chilled fluid to the air handler. One of these loads must take priority over the other.
If maintaining the temperature of the buffer tank is the priority, so as to maximize preheating of domestic water, the system controls would be configured to temporarily stop chilled fluid production and flow to the air handler coil while the temperature of the buffer tank is boosted, which typically only takes 5 to 10 minutes.
If cooling is the priority, heat input to
the buffer tank needs to be temporarily interrupted when the house thermostat calls for cooling. If the cooling call is sustained, the electric water heater can take over the DHW load until the cooling load is satisfied.
Since there’s going to be a ducting system for cooling, why not use it for ventilation?
Doing so would certainly reduce cost compared to installing another air distribution system solely for ventilation.
In fact, why not enhance the system by using the coil in the air handler for “boosting” the temperature of incoming ventilation air during cold winter operation, and thus eliminate possible cool air delivery to the house?
Figure 2 (above) shows one approach for connecting the HRV (or ERV) to the return trunk duct of the air handler, along with hydronic trim to provide that boost function.
The smaller ducts on the “house side” of the HRV connect to the return trunk leading into the air handler. The “stale” air is pulled from one or more bathrooms. The fresh outdoor air, after absorbing heat from the exhaust stream, is injected into the return air side of the air handler.
This configuration can operate in three different modes:
1. Ventilation-only mode
2. Cooling plus ventilation mode
3. Ventilation plus boost mode
For ventilation-only mode the blower in the air handler should provide an air flow rate just above that of the HRV. This ensures that all the incoming fresh air will be entrained in the air flow that’s headed for the diffusers in the house. It also reduces input power to the blower motor in the air handler. Most air handlers have blower motors with multiple speed tap wiring. Check with the air handler manufacturer regarding the best option to bring the air flow rate down to perhaps 100 to 150 cubic feet per minute (CFM). Some air handlers may not be able to reduce their blower speed to such a low value. That’s okay from the standpoint of distributing fresh air. It just means higher electrical power consumption by the blower.
During cooling mode the blower speed would be set to provide 350 to 400 CFM of air flow per ton of cooling capacity. Thus, for an air handler delivering 3 tons (36,000 Btu/h) of cooling, the air flow rate would be about 1050 to 1200 CFM. Again, this will require the system to use the appropriate speed tap on the blower motor.
The ventilation plus boost mode is intended for times when outdoor temperaContinued on MH12
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tures are cold. The intent is not to heat the house with the ventilation air, it’s to introduce air into living spaces at about the same temperature as those spaces.
For example, assume the outside temperature is -10F (-23C), and the HRV is recovering about 70% of the heat from the exhaust air stream that leaves the occupied space at 70F (21C).
This would make the fresh air temperature delivered from the HRV about 46F (8C). That’s going to feel pretty cool to occupants if it’s not carefully mixed with room air before reaching occupied areas.
If the boost function is used, this air could be introduced in occupied spaces at a neutral temperature and far less concern about creating uncomfortable conditions when it’s frigid outside.
Under these conditions it’s possible to pass heated fluid through the air handler’s coil to boost the temperature of the ventilation air prior to introducing it to occupied space. A modulating two-way valve is used to regulate the flow of warm fluid through the coil. The flow rate is controlled based on maintaining a set supply air temperature on the outlet side of the air handler.
A word of caution is in order. If the system is located where outdoor temperatures are well below freezing much of the winter, the coil in the air handler needs to be protected against freezing. That’s “automatic” with the monobloc air-to-water heat pump system shown in Figure 1 because the entire system operates with a 30% solution of propylene glycol.
If the system operated with water some type of failsafe control would be needed to automatically turn off the HRV if the coil in the air handler approaches a potential freezing condition.
Figure 3 shows the same system as Figure 1, but with the piping needed to supply water to the air handler coil.
The coil is supplied through a threeway diverting valve. When this valve is off, the coil is connected to the piping
path for cooling. When the valve is energized the coil is connected to the warm water circuit.
The pressure differential to drive the latter is supplied by the continuously operating distribution circulator. The modulating two-way valve regulates the flow rate through the coil based on maintaining a set air delivery temperature. This valve should be selected with an equal percentage characteristic.
The longstanding “stigma” that residential hydronic systems can’t provide cooling is slowly waning as air-to-water and geothermal water-to-water heat pumps gain market share against boilers. This
sets the stage for progressive hydronic professionals to offer heating, domestic hot water, and cooling.
Why not extend this even farther to include heat recovery ventilation (HRV)? The market for such total solutions is quickly developing.
Are you prepared to participate and profit? <>
John Siegenthaler, P.E., has over 40 years of experience designing modern hydronic heating systems and is the author of Modern Hydronic Heating (4th edition) and Heating with Renewable Energy (visit hydronicpros.com).
Sanikiluaq is Nunavut’s southern-most community, located about 150 km off the northwest border of Quebec among the Belcher Islands, an archipelago in the southeast section of Hudson Bay.
Among the newest buildings in Sanikiluaq is a roughly 5,000 sq. ft. multi-purpose research centre owned by the Arctic Eider Society, an Inuit not-forprofit organization dedicated to supporting Inuit-led stewardship and nature conservation in the area.
Positioned on a hill, the main floor brings visitors into the commercial space which includes offices, staff kitchenette, research labs, a large meeting room and a
visitor’s foyer. The second floor provides temporary residence for rotating researchers, with three bedrooms with ensuites, a shared living space and kitchen. The lower level is really a crawl space which accommodates the mechanical room.
This mixed-use complex aims to be the first net zero building in Nunavut.
The project was led by Jeff Armstrong, the managing director at Cold Climate Building, a specialist in designing and building energy efficient structures in Canada’s far north, including a project with Nunavut Housing Corp. where he introduced structural insulated panel (SIP) building systems to create well-insulated air-tight envelopes suited to net-zeroready structures.
The mechanical system in the building was designed by Cameron Haines, P.Eng., of Southface Engineering, who
was brought on board by the building’s design architect, Richard White.
The heating system is driven by three air-to-water heat pumps which are connected to two 70-gallon storage tanks with integrated electric boilers.
“I love this type of system because the buffer tanks act like a battery, and they offer flexibility with being able to tie them into any type of future energy source or backup source that they may need,” says Haines.
The selected air-to-water heat pumps are a split system with separate indoor and outdoor units. The outside section includes the air coil, fan, expansion valve, and outdoor temperature sensor. All other components, including compressor and electronics, are contained in the indoor units.
“The logic is really simple,” says Haines. “All the heat pumps have to do is
Continued on MH16
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keep the buffer tanks at the set point temperature (105F/41C).” Because it’s a really tight building, it allows for a low supply temperature. The heat loss calculation at design temperature of -30C was 128,000 Btu/h (37.5kW) for the building envelope, and Haines says their calculations show they could have gone as low as 95F (35C).
As designed, not all three heat pumps are operating at once, as Haines describes, they are set up so there is one master heat pump and then the other two are slaves, and that process rotates among the three.
The plumbing and mechanical systems were installed by Candor Plumbing and Heating of Ottawa. In operation for over 35 years, the company has a history of working with Armstrong at his previous Nunavut projects. Fortunately, the crew took lessons from that experience when planning for this job.
“We had to load everything in three shipping containers here in Ottawa— that includes every elbow, every valve—and it was all packed in a way that it could be removed in the order of installation,” says Trevor Johnson, who helps run Candor along with his father Kim and brother Cory.
Johnson recalls how this process was better than the last time when they found themselves cutting blocks of snow off of crates in the middle of the dark Arctic winter searching for the parts they needed.
Working on an island in the middle of Hudson Bay presents many challenges. Getting the crew on-site alone required flights connecting through either Winnipeg or Montreal, with the real prospect of cancellations and having to rebook days later.
In total the team took five trips, starting in January of 2022 when they were using a generator for temporary heating (because it was minus 30 inside) and watch-
ing a thermometer waiting for it to rise to where the glue for the ABS would cure.
“We also lost the power to the building where we were staying that January,” recalls Johnson. During a blizzard they needed to crane the generator from the worksite—that was keeping that building warm—to heat up their sleeping quarters, and then start all over again the next day.
“And then we all got COVID,” says Johnson, who adds that things only got better from there.
The primary loop from the heat pumps to the buffer tanks is all in 2-1/2-in. copper that was insulated. The Candor team prefers to use press tools wherever possible. The heating distribution system uses infloor heating on the upper two floors as well as heating coils in the air handling units of two ERV ventilation systems.
There isn’t any type of mechanical cooling the space, but the building is ducted to allow free cooling using outdoor air. “Duct work is not something I do every day, so I was leaning heavily on Jamey Mackenzie of Mack Metal, our subcontractor for installing the duct work,” notes Johnson.
Each room in the building is its own zone. When a thermostat calls, a zone
valve opens and a low-power variable speed ECM circulator near the buffer tanks recognizes the opening and sends heat to that zone. There is a pump for each floor, and a third installed for redundancy. Those tanks are piped in parallel using circuit balancing valves. There are also two totes of glycol in the system. “You take no chances when temperatures can dip to -40C,” says Johnson.
No concrete is used in this cold climate project, so the team used radiant panel flooring, a high-density polystyrene that comes with an aluminum heat transfer sheet on top and pre-set grooves for the PEX piping. The panels were secured on top of an additional layer of insulation board that was placed on top of the subfloor, which was made of a well-insulated SIP panel. “There’s no shortage of insulation,” confirms Johnson.
Vinyl flooring was used on top of the radiant panels. There are also three entry way force flows for heating as well as a unit heater in the mechanical space.
The heat pumps have a double-wall desuperheater which is used for pre-heating the domestic hot water. That system leads to a 50-gallon storage tank with integrated electric boiler that holds the preheated domestic water that runs
through a copper coil at 70F or greater, and then the domestic water goes through a second coil in another 50-gallon tank where it is brought up to a minimum of 140F.
As a back-up for the entire system, there is also an oilfired boiler in the mechanical space that ties into the DHW tank, and it is also piped-up to supply the heating distribution system if necessary.
Mechanically, the building was ready to go and operational last fall and has performed well over one winter. Currently, the electricity for the community is driven by diesel-fuelled generators. To offset some of that carbon-burning power the building has installed solar panels on the roof, and the owners anticipate tapping into a community wind turbine project on the island to get completely carbon free. “Their net zero capabilities are still a work in progress, but they shouldn’t have a problem getting there,” says Johnson.
And Haines agrees: “There’s a lot of wind up there, so that’s why the model was so positive towards net zero.” He adds that when looking to go net zero, everyone seems to be moving towards heat pumps and in-floor heating. “It’s one of the best
systems to use because of the size of the heating area so you need very low temperatures which allows the heat pumps to operate at a very high efficiency.”
Johnson hopes that by sharing this project with the industry others will find inspiration in the simple possibility of achieving net zero in an arctic region. <>
Looking at The Taylor, Tricon Residential’s 37-storey multi-use purpose-built rental building in downtown Toronto, you’d never know it was different from others of its type unless you had a sky-high vantage point to check out its mechanical penthouse, that is.
The penthouse is quite a bit smaller than one would expect for a building of its size, housing only some pumps and air handling equipment, but missing the chiller that would normally be used to provide cool air on hot summer days and nights or gas-fired boilers. That’s because The Taylor is cooled not through normal air conditioning but through the district heating/cooling system from Enwave that uses cold water from nearby Lake Ontario.
As industry efforts across the world aim to bring new buildings closer to carbon neutrality, The Taylor and numerous other buildings in Toronto’s downtown have tapped into the use of lake water and a series of heat exchangers for cooling its residents.
The innovative system involves district-energy operator Enwave sharing infrastructure with the City of Toronto’s water utility, providing comfort to residents while also cutting cooling-related electricity use by as much as 80% – performance that will help the city and its Climate Action Strategy to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
Like all Tricon’s occupied Canadian
multi-family buildings, The Taylor is built to LEED Gold standards, explains Tricon’s head of development, John English.
“Besides this being a purpose-built multi-use rental building, with groundlevel stores, upper offices and rental suites above, this project stands out in its emphasis on durability, quality and sustainability,” he explains. “The Enwave system is a big part of that. It has been functioning since October 2022 and the commissioning has gone well.”
Enwave calls its system Deep Lake Water Cooling, or DLWC for short. It’s the largest system of its kind, leveraging economies of scale with its connected infrastructure. First completed in 2004, the original DLWC system worked so well that it has been expanded in the years since and currently cools more than 100 downtown buildings, including hospitals, data centres, educational campuses, hotels, a brewery, and government, commercial and residential buildings in Toronto’s core. Notable users include City Hall and Scotiabank Arena, home to the Maple Leafs and Raptors.
Enwave owns and operates the DLWC system but shares infrastructure with the city’s water utility under an energy transfer agreement. As cool water circulates to the connected buildings by way of a series of pipes and heat exchangers, heat from the buildings recirculates back to the John Street Pumping Station
where the thermal energy is transferred to the treated potable water via heat exchangers that keep the two streams of water separated.
The increase in temperature of the drinking water is marginal, while the impact on the electricity use by the buildings is significant.
Moreover, treated water is also saved in the process, since traditional chillerbased HVAC systems would use significant amounts of evaporated water to expel heat, something that can be considerably inefficient on humid days. By using its DLWC system, Enwave e stimates that the Toronto system saves roughly 220 million gallons of water each year; the equivalent of 350 Olympic-sized swimming pools.
The process begins with cold water being drawn from intake pipes in Lake Ontario. The pipes are about five kilometres from shore at a depth of roughly 83 metres. Using relatively little energy, the water travels to the Island Filtration Plant operated by Toronto Water where it is treated to meet drinking water standards.
The water is then conveyed to the John Street pumping station and into the
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DLWC system, which operates via a series of water loops.
One loop moves the lake water, another moves water within the downtown area, and loops in each building interact with the system. Thermal energy is transferred where the loops meet, via heat exchangers, at each customer or building site, as well as where the lake water pipes meet the city pipes.
In the heat exchange system in the basement of The Taylor, water returning from the building’s cooling system transfers heat to cold lake water in other loops, and the cool air is circulated to all building spaces.
After the chilled water has circulated through the buildings, Enwave returns slightly heated water to the pumping station, where the cooler potable water absorbs heat energy, and the process repeats itself.
The model has been so successful in Toronto that the city plans to develop more low-carbon thermal energy networks to support and attract new development.
In 2019, Enwave announced plans for a $100 million system expansion with the federal government providing $10 million in funding from the Ministry of Environment and Climate Change’s Low Carbon Economy Challenge.
It is expected that by 2050, 30% of the city’s “floor space” will be connected to low-carbon heating and cooling systems, including Enwave’s DLWC structures.
The cooling system in The Taylor is not the only way that Tricon has reduced the building’s carbon footprint.
“The apartments have motion sensors to shut off lights when not in use; all the lights are LED; and there’s a master kill switch so that residents can turn off all lights when they leave their units,” says English. “The Taylor also features Enwave’s low-carbon heating system
that uses heat pumps.”
The building uses a four-pipe fan coils in each suite to provide HVAC flexibility.
“With Canada’s unpredictable spring and fall shoulder seasons, it’s critical to have separate systems because the temperature can fluctuate quite a bit,” he says.
Cost savings associated with sustainable heating and cooling systems like the ones deployed at The Taylor are significant but project-specific, says English, adding that his company is in discussions with Enwave about another project where it aims to use another Enwave district system for heating and cooling.
Construction management company Deltera was responsible for the physical construction of The Taylor, including its 37 storeys and 286 apartments, but those units were not the first that it had built to connect to the Enwave system.
“Deltera has been fortunate to have worked with Enwave in the past and completing our first project, The Element, 20 years ago, one of the first residential buildings connected to the Enwave DLWC system,” says the company’s senior vicepresident of construction management, Mario Cimicata. “Now we are working on our largest project yet, consisting of six
mixed-use towers at The Well, where we installed a concrete storage tank to facilitate Enwave’s initiatives to extend the DLWC capabilities west of the city core.”
The tank at The Well, which has a diameter of 50 ft. and a depth of 150 ft., sits at the bottom of the building’s sevenstorey underground garage.
Assessing the project at The Taylor, Cimicata says that the build was made a bit more complicated as a result of the location, site logistics and general conditions the industry faced over the past three years, but the success of the project was a result of the strong continual collaboration among Tricon, Deltera, and their subtrades and suppliers, and the end result will benefit the tenants who started to move into the building last September.
“Tenants are benefiting from the owner’s decisions to incorporate innovative, efficient technologies and equipment, resulting in reduced operating expenses and a reduced carbon footprint,” he says. “Deltera is highly motivated in these areas, and continues to initiate working relationships with innovative organizations, owners, suppliers and technologies like Enwave.” <>
Creating a sustainable energy system to heat, cool and power an entire college campus is no easy feat. In 2013, when Sheridan College in Oakville, Ont. launched its Energy and Climate Master Plan, with the goal of lowering campus energy and greenhouse gas emissions by half, they realized that they would need to transform their heating and cooling system.
The school looked to the Trias Energetica model, first developed in 1979, as a guide to developing a sustainable energy system, integrating heating and cooling functions and recovering energy that might otherwise be wasted.
“We wanted to position Sheridan as a role model on sustainability and follow best practices. This ties into our educational mission as well,” says Herbert Sinnock, Sheridan’s director of sustainability. After an evaluation of the HVAC infrastructure in existing campus buildings, the college realized that the most effective way to make its heating and cooling operations more efficient was to install an entirely new system, using a district energy model, starting with its Trafalgar Campus in Oakville.
Sheridan began constructing its thirdgeneration district energy system in the summer of 2016, burying 3.5 km of preinsulated pipes that carry pressurized hot water across the campus from a central plant to every building.
Sinnock notes that the pipe network is not installed very deep in the ground, which made it quick and easy to install. Modern pre-insulated pipe systems integrate leak detection, helping operations teams quickly identify any problems to ensure the system will continue to operate at peak efficiency.
Reciprocating heat and power engines, installed in 2017 and 2018, generate baseload heating for the system along with a modest amount of electric -
Packaged energy transfer stations ease the transition for Sheridan College’s district energy system.
ity. Supplemental boilers provide additional temperature lift on very cold days.
Centralized delivery uses less energy than a distributed system with separate boilers in each building. In the summer, the engines’ heat can be sent to an absorption chiller that feeds the chilled water network to several campus buildings.
At each building, heat is transferred from the system’s primary loop to each building’s secondary heating system through a Danfoss energy transfer station (ETS). The ETS is an interconnected system of heat exchangers, valves, pumps, programmable controller, metering and piping that draws heat from the primary loop of pipes outside each building to control and feed the building’s secondary heat network.
A pressure-independent control valve on the primary side of the ETS ensures the heat exchanger operates efficiently, using an outdoor temperature sensor to modulate the heat transfer process for each building while allowing each building’s heating system to operate independently.
The ETS is a key component of the district energy system because it contains automated controls which provide continuous digital metering and can monitor and adjust to the demands of the building, controlling temperatures and working to maximize the combined efficiency of the primary loop and the buildings.
“We wanted to acquire the product from a company with an established track record of installing these devices. We were aware that Danfoss had a rich history of selling ETS outside of North America,” said Sinnock. “We liked that the stations could be factory built, customized and programmed to match our facility, then delivered fully-assembled and ready to operate on day one.”
In 2019, Sheridan began a three-year project to decommission a nearly 50-year-old steam plant serving six of its Oakville buildings, replacing it with the new hot water district heating system capable of heating the entire campus.
A steam-to-hot-water conversion requires replacement of all steam-generating equipment with a completely new system. That means that the campus buildings would potentially be without heat during the installation period. Sinnock noted that while it was a challenge to coordinate both contractor schedules and the school’s academic calendar, the installation went smoothly.
Because each ETS arrives ready for start-up with factoryconfigured and pre-tested controls, they are able to control the heat exchange between the primary loop and the building upon
Continued on MH26
“It only took a couple of hours per unit to start up the system.”An energy transfer station (ETS) in each building draws heat from the primary loop outside to feed each building’s secondary heating loop.
first start. This meant that the period when buildings would be without heat could be minimized and multiple buildings could make the transition to the new district energy system in quick succession.
The ability to customize the pipe network on each ETS to facilitate connection to the unique conditions in each mechanical room minimized delays in connecting the new equipment. It also enabled quick movement of complete energy transfer stations into the tight spaces of the existing system.
“It only took a couple of hours per unit to start up the system,” said Sinnock. “The pre-programming and pre-testing helped make the transition seamless.”
Ultimately, the increased efficiency and decreased system operating temperature will lower the college’s carbon emissions, with the potential to contribute to decarbonization throughout the community.
Sheridan’s district heating system creates an energy network, where heat can not only be recovered and reused within campus buildings but can be recovered and supplied to buildings in the larger surrounding community.
At some point, Sinnock envisions connecting the college’s energy system to a larger municipal district energy network and sharing heat with multiple buildings in the community.
“We are excited to integrate and maximize our district energy architecture,” said Sinnock. For example, a local ice rink would be able to provide excess heat, as can the college’s glass-blowing studio.
“We wanted to be a community leader and educate others about district energy,” said Michelle McCollum, associate vice president of facilities and sustainable infrastructure at Sheridan.
“When people see a district energy
network in action, it becomes real. We are able to help make changes in community energy plans and embed a culture of sustainability. Our district energy system demonstrates that we live the words we are saying.”
She noted that a recent employee survey indicated that 95% of Sheridan employees were aware of the college’s efforts in sustainability and energy efficiency.
Sinnock admitted that reducing carbon emissions in heating is challenging, as is achieving a return on investment in system upgrades.
Fortunately, Sheridan’s leadership and
Board of Governors saw the value and supported the project. Prior to the switch to district energy, the college’s steam plant was losing about 65% of the heat it generated. Following the conversion to the more efficient hot water system, natural gas consumption was reduced by 20%, which equates to an annual carbon reduction of 530 metric tons.
“We expect to see even more reductions in energy use and costs as we attach more buildings to this system,” says Sinnock. <>
• Outdoor Capabilities
• 650-6000 BTU
• 316L Stainless steel coil ensures maximum corrosive resistance and durabiity
• Cabinet and heat exchanger design reduces repair and maintenance costs
• Coming Soon: Storm 8000
We provide the highest quality and most efficient products to our customers.
Well, it seems it’s happened again. I electrocuted myself just a little. How can you electrocute yourself a little bit? Well, I needed to put in a new ceiling fan, as the old one had a small tick, tick , tick and it was very annoying trying to fall asleep. Anyways, I purchased a new fan and was going to take out the old one and thought, the fan is off so there is no power going to it. There is no switch for it, it has a wireless control, so that is why I proceeded to start disconnecting it after taking it out of the ceiling.
I think you can see where this is going. Taking the marrettes (wire connectors) off and proceeding to touch the wires— that I thought were not live, of course they were.
Luckily, I have one common practice
when doing electrical work; I don’t grip any wires hard. I know that sounds stupid, but the more pressure you put on the wire the more contact it makes and the bigger the path it has to conduct with your body. So, because of this practice of mine, I just got a little bump. Enough to make me squeal and my family knew exactly what happened. I electrocuted myself … again. Now although I do make light of these situations, they are serious. I hope in my thoughtlessness you can learn a couple things to remember when working with electricity.
Ok so now to the topic at hand: cooling, specifically in-floor or radiant cooling.
I touched on this topic about a year ago in the pages of HPAC, and I just wanted to talk more about the subject. Radiant cooling has been around for a long time. The physics are the same as radiant heating. Have you ever taken something frozen out of the freezer. Dumb question, of course you have, but when you take it out you can “feel” that it is cold even when you are not touching it. Well, that roast or ice cube or whatever it is, is radiating coolness. Sounds like
something I used to say about myself—a different type of ‘cool,’ LOL.
Now, why is there not a lot more radiant cooling used in homes and buildings. I believe the reason is installation. You can radiant cool in the floor, but to get the convection moving a lot the cold needs to “fall” down , the exact opposite of heat rising.
When you use radiant heating in a floor, it does two things, it radiates heat, obviously, but it also starts some convection due to thermodynamics, heat rising.
Not a lot of convection like a furnace blower or fancoil moving air, this is natural convection. The problem with radiant cooling only in the floor is that cold air falls, if it’s already at the floor level the air has nowhere to fall to create convection. To get good cooling convection you need the radiator to be in the ceiling. So, this creates a new set of installation issues.
Now don’t get me wrong, I understand that radiation works and works well in providing comfort in a building. That is the main function of radiant cooling and heating. I am just saying that creating convection helps with the effect.
Condensation is the radiant cooling killer, but it can be overcome with proper controls.PHOTO: BLAKEDAVID TAYLOR/GETTY IMAGES
Back to taking things out of the freezer and feeling them—have you ever taken a pop out of the fridge on a hot day?
What happens to it?
It gets little droplets of water on it. That is the radiant cooling killer: condensation. This is the same thing that can happen in your radiant cooling applications without the proper controls. If you cool the floor or radiator down too much the water in the air will start to condense, and if it condenses enough it can actually cause damage. And it’s not just the emitters, any piping needs to be properly insulated.
Radiant cooling applications can pull a lot of water out of the air in the form of condensation. Remember that when you are using cooling, it’s usually hot outside, that’s the reason we are cooling. It’s that differential in temperature that causes the condensation.
The problem is made worse in areas with high humidity. This is the reason why a lot of radiant cooling applications have dehumidification. This helps to take the moisture out of the air so it will not condense on the floor.
Dehumidification is sometimes stage one in commercial cooling applications. We’ve all heard of humidex levels; it’s the temperature that you “feel” with humidity in the air. For example, if the outdoor temperature is 30C and the relative humidity is 50%, then the temperature actually feels like 36C. The temperature you get in the forecast is called a “dry bulb” temperature—not humidity affected. Anyways I veered off a little there.
The other way to not condense in radiant cooling is to calculate the cooling water temperature based on dew point. This needs to be done room by room, and if you have a central cooling location, the room with the highest dew point sets the temperature.
Dew point is defined as the temperature at which air becomes saturated with water. Now keep in mind there is some
relative pressure involved and some other physics, but basically the point at which air starts to push out its water molecules, and at that point those water molecules form on cold surfaces. This is why radiant cooling has condensation issues. The floor becomes the pop can you just took out of the fridge. It becomes the surface that the air pushes its water molecules onto.
Ok, so now on to some practical stuff. Heat pumps are taking the world by storm. I would say they are now becoming mainstream. Yes, they have been around a long time, but they now get a lot of press with “climate change” initiatives and subsidies for efficiency.
The reason for their popularity is not necessarily just because they are more efficient—and I would agree when installed correctly they are for sure—but they have become popular because they can produce heating and cooling from one device.
I had a friend that moved into a house that had a heat pump, and he was told by the previous utility company that looks after it that he gets “free” cooling because he had a heat pump. He didn’t like it when I laughed out loud.
Now, if the radiant cooling is installed incorrectly, or the proper precautions are not adhered to there can be dire consequences.
I was involved with a house where they had to replace the whole floor because of water damage. The house had radiant cooling in the floor, but they did not control the temperature based on dew point.
They also had wood flooring and it all buckled and shifted because of the water. It’s a slow process, but over time you end up with not only a wrecked floor, but you have the potential for mold build up which is very bad for our health.
Also, heating and cooling wood floors can make the wood expand and contract a lot because of the temperature differential created, just something to think about.
The other issue I have seen with radiant cooling is making sure to only push cold water to the radiant cooling and only hot water to the radiant heating.
Now if they are both in the floor then you don’t have a choice, but if you are designing using two different radiating emitters, then you need to make sure to separate the flows. By this I mean you lose efficiency by pushing warm water to your cooling radiators while waiting for the water to cool down. You are essentially warming them up only to cool them back down.
Now don’t get me wrong, I know it may not be a lot, but over time it does effect efficiency, and this can present an issue when you only have a single storage tank for both hot and cold water.
If the building needs heating and cooling at the same time, make sure there are two tanks. One for heating water and one for cooling water.
I have seen way too many times where the homeowner does not reap the benefits because of installation issues.
Well, I feel like I’ve said just enough to totally confuse you all. My thoughts on this topic get a little scrambled because there is so much that can be done when it comes to radiant cooling.
This I can say. We are getting more and more calls to do radiant cooling applications, not just locally in Canada but North America wide. Its coming, but it needs to be done correctly or watch out, you could make rain inside the house. Don’t guess, call an expert. <>
Curtis Bennett C.E.T is product development manager with HBX Control Systems Inc. in Calgary. He formed HBX Control Systems with Tom Hermann in 2002. Its control systems are designed, engineered and manufactured in Canada to accommodate a range of hydronic heating and cooling needs.
The seventh edition of the Summit travels to Vancouver as a one-day in-person event.
BY HPAC STAFFSince 2013 HPAC Magazine has been hosting a one-day Modern Hydronics Summit every two years in the fall with the event getting bigger and attracting larger crowds every time.
With the worldwide pandemic placing all live events on the sidelines, in 2021 the HPAC Team made a pivot to hold a virtual two-day Modern Hydronics Summit in March of 2021 attracting viewers from across Canada – drawing the largest attendance in the young event’s history.
Following a very successful 2022 Modern Hydronics Summit at the Universal EventSpace located in Vaughan, ON, just north of Toronto, the decision was made to host a Western Canada version of the Modern Hydronics Summit in 2023 – thus, on Thursday, September 21st, the Modern Hydronics Summit will be taking place at the Hard Rock Casino in Coquitlam, B.C.
While the virtual Modern Hydronics Summit in 2021 provided access to industry professionals from coast to coast, there is no replacing the value of personal interactions at our live hydronics events. Meeting up in person with colleagues who share a passion for this industry, whether it’s sharing a laugh with an old friend or meeting up with new contracting pros, making connections and networking is how this segment of me -
The 2023 Modern Hydronics Summit includes five educational sessions delivered by industry experts on topics that will set contractors up for success.
Location: Hard Rock Casino Coquitlam (2080 United Blvd., Coquitlam, B.C.)
Thursday, September 21
9:30 am - 10:30 am Registration and Trade Show Floor Open
10:30 am - 11:30 am Siggy and The Bean: Exergy and Hydronics for Net Zero Homes
– John Siegenthaler and Robert Bean (Sponsored by Uponor) 11:30 am -
& Trade Show
The Future of Fueling Mechanical Systems
– Panel moderated by Mark Evans (Sponsored by Fortis BC)
The Big Switch: Preparing for Dual Fuel Controls
– Cur tis Bennett
Regulatory Landscape: Where Are We Now
– Gar y Milligan (Sponsored by TECA)
– John
chanical business continues to grow.
The trade show portion of the Modern Hydronics Summit will feature over 50 exhibiting companies or brands, all specialists in the field featuring technology and services dedicated to this niche segment of the industry.
And of course the line-up of educational sessions will once again set up attendees for success. Our featured keynote speakers feature a reunion of
HPAC writers John Siegenthaler and Robert Bean (Siggy and The Bean). The two will be detailing all aspects of how hydronic heating and cooling are a perfect fit for modern Net Zero buildings.
Other presentations will include: a panel discussion moderated by industry veteran Mark Evans on the topic of what will be fueling hydronic heating systems in the years to come; HPAC contributor
• New control interface with express setup and intuitive alert system
• Maximum performance: 95% A.F.U.E.
• Full boiler capacity available for both DHW and space heating
• Built-in 4-zone pump control (4 zones + primary pump = 5 pumps)
• Easy to install and service with universal parts for all models
• Long vent lengths up to 170 ft.
• Built-in combi block for easy supply of DHW and easy servicing
• Built-in outdoor reset control of water temperature
• Unmatched safety features - same as a commercial boiler
Curtis Bennett will walks attendees through the future of hydronic system controls operating a hybrid gas and electric system; and Gary Milligan, president of the Thermal Environmental Comfort Association (TECA) will present on the current regulatory landscape in B.C. and how it will be changing in the years to come; and finally John Siegenthaler will return to share some practical design ideas for incorporating heat pumps into existing or newly-designed hydronic-heated homes.
And courtesy of the event’s tool sponsor, Kane Canada, attendees will be automatically entered into draws for useful tools after each session, and there will also be Vancouver Canucks tickets up for grabs over the course of the day as well courtesy of Lochinvar.
Along with a day filled with educational sessions, catching up with old friends and networking with new contacts, registration to the Summit also includes lunch and regular refreshment breaks throughout the event.
Platinum sponsor: Resideo.
Lunch sponsor: Fortis BC
Refreshment sponsor: Roth
Tool sponsor: Kane Canada
Ticket Giveaway sponsor: Lochinvar (AquaTech)
Plus over 50 brands on display at the trade show featuring all you need for your hydronics projects.
Last year’s Summit featured a collection of Instagram influencers working hard all day performing a series of boiler panel builds for all attendees to see. This year, HPAC is partnering with well-recognized industry social media influencer Terence Chan (@the__impetus) of Impetus Media who is organizing a hands-on educational program at this year’s event along with a team of other industry personalities including: Jessica Bannister (@hvacjess); George DeJesus (@georgetheplumber); Mike Flynn (@flynnstone1); Adam Gordon (@gordbotplumbing); and HVAC Tactical (@hvactactical).
Taking place in the lobby area, Chan is organizing three worktables where guests including apprentices, wholesaler counter associates and plumbers and contracting company owners looking to learn more about hydronics, will get hands-on guidance from the experts at each station.
This will be the first Summit to do hands-on training and net-
working like this during the event. The partnering sponsor for the this hands-on segment is Noble. Also on board to sponsor the educational panel building sessions are: Navien, Heat-flo, Xylem/Bell & Gossett and Webstone, along with Taco,
Centrotherm, Axiom and Viega. A number of other brands will also be supporting this unique interactive learning experience. The space is limited to 42 participants, so if you have interest in being part of this unique experince contact terence@impetus-media.com
In the Fall of 2020 HPAC magazine launched the first ever Sweet Heat contest, inviting hydronic contractors across Canada to get their cameras out and share their creativity, artistry and resourcefulness in delivering “Sweet Heat” to their customers.
The response was great with over 30 entries. In 2022 a generous sponsorship was attached to the contest, with winners (one commercial and one residential project) each be receiving a $3,000 spending spree courtesy of their local
EMCO location. This year the contest continues. The entry deadline was July 31st, and once again the winners will be announced at the close of the Modern Hydronics Summit.
Thanks again to EMCO for sponsoring the two $3,000 shopping spree prizes. And like last year, this year’s winners will be featured in the upcoming October edition of HPAC
The 2023 edition of the Modern Hydronics Summit wouldn’t be possible without the support of our sponsors and exhibitors. So we invite the entire mechanical industry in Western Canada to come visit and see the latest this industry has to offer.
Registration is $125 (plus tax & service charge, $141.72 incl.). For more information and to register today visit: modernhydronicssummit.com <>
U.S. Boiler Company introduced new Citadel and Citadel XL condensing boilers and volume water heaters. The Citadel come in five capacities (399 - 1000 MBH) and the Citadel XL in 1250 and 1500 MBH. Rated up to 97% thermal efficiency (98% for water heater), the Citadel is available in natural gas or propane. The boiler includes: 10:1 turndown and 300 GPM max. flow rate, low water cutoff and high and low gas pressure switch, a standard reinforced 3-in-1 vent connector allowing polypropylene, CPVC or stainless steel venting. usboiler.net
REHAU had expanded its Pro-Balance manifold adapter selection with BSPP to copper press adapters for 1 and 1-1/4 in. manifolds. The new adapters connect directly to the manifold supply/return header with a BSPP threaded connection and transition to copper distribution piping using a copper press or solder connection. The adapters are suitable for snow and ice melt applications with an onsite manifold vault separate from the boiler room.
The Uponor commercial stainless-steel manifold handles 48 gpm total flow with up to 4 gpm flow meters, 1½-in. distribution ball valves, and 1-in. loop isolation ball valves that reduce loop pressure drops without impact to pump head pressure. It meets the demands of large commercial hydronic distribution, radiant heating and cooling, snow and ice melting, permafrost prevention (cold storage), and radiant rollout mat systems. It’s available in loop configurations of 3-8, 10, and 12. The manifold features R25 connections for outlet fittings available in ⅝-in. and ¾-in. compression or ⅝-in., ¾-in., and 1-in. ProPEX. uponor.com
Weil-McLain added five sizes to its stainless vertical firetube (SVF) commercial boiler portfolio to now include 500, 600, 725, 850 and 1000 MBH models that join the existing 1500, 2000, 2500 and 3000 Btu configurations. The line-up features up to 98% efficiency, ease of installation and maintenance, and large colour touchscreen control systems. Quick cover-plate or hatch access to the burner and fire tubes allow for simple heat exchanger wash-down and inspection. Other features include: up to 12:1 turn down, 160 psi working pressure, natural gas or propane, Modbus communication with BACnet/Lonworks compatibility, and a full line of venting options. weil-mclain.com
Calefactio’s Cal-X-Tract series now includes a dir t separator, and an air and dirt separator, with magnet. Each product in the line includes a stainless-steel bristle coalescing media to catch micro-bubbles, air and dirt particles. The media allows air and micro-bubbles to fuse and then be evacuated. The dirt particles collide and fall to the bottom of the separator to be drained. Models with a magnet separate ferrous impurities. The units are offered in NPT, sweat or press connections (¾-in. to 2-in.).
Bell & Gossett has added new high-efficiency “X” plates to enhance its new gasketed plate and frame heat exchanger GPX P45, P55, P86 and P110. The X plate technology increases heat transfer thermal performance up to 20%, reduces surface area up to 20% and reduces materials up to 15%. Standard options include a variety of plate corrugations, material options of 304SS, 316SS or titanium plates, and nitrile or EPDM gaskets. GPX models have higher surface area to volume ratios than conventional shell and tube heat exchangers, and the new plate design generates high turbulence resulting in high heat transfer coefficients.
The new Danfoss Aveo line of thermostatic radiator valve (TRV) operators replace the RA2000 series. The new TRVs feature unique energy-saving gas bellow technology, and to help customers adjust room temperature more precisely, the Aveo also features tactile temperature setting, providing a subtle click feeling for every 1F (0.5C) change in temperature. Tamper- and theft-proof versions are available for commercial buildings, and building managers can limit room occupants from changing the thermostat temperature. The click-connection also enables a fast and toolfree installation. danfoss.com
Enertech introduced its hydronic air handler (EAH) and cased coil (EEH), both pairing up with the company’s air-to-water heat pump or its water-to-water heat pumps. The air handler features an 18-gauge sheet metal cabinet, an ECM blower motor, and an all-aluminum air coil. The design includes front-facing water connections, condensate drain openings, and closed cell insulation inside the cabinet. The EAH is available in four sizes, from 2 to 5 tons and is field convertible from the standard up-flow orientation to either down-flow or horizontal.
Ironworks Radiators offers Fondital’s Cool series of towel rail radiators in Canada. The towel radiators provide a balance between form and function, providing warmth with a modern design. The towers warm towels and garments while maintaining a safe and comfortable surface temperature. The units also maximize heat distribution and minimize energy consumption. Fondital’s Cool towel radiators are available in three sizes, gloss black and silver gray finishes, and styles to suit various interior designs and preferences.
Heat pumps are incredibly useful devices. They gather what would otherwise be unusable heat from low temperature sources such as outside air, soil, lakes, or water wells and “upgrade” the temperature of that heat to a condition where it can heat buildings, domestic water, swimming pools or other process loads.
As the global taste for fossil fuels continues to “sour,” electrically powered heat pumps will continue to gain market share as heat sources.
One of the areas in which this is already occurring is residential domestic water heating. Federal regulations that went into effect in the U.S. in 2015 require electrically powered storage water heaters having 12 KW or less of power input, and volumes over 55 gallons, to use heat pump technology.
This mandate spawned many products that, in essence, combine a small air to water heat pump assembly with an insulated DHW storage tank. Most commercially available products in this category mount the heat pump components on top of and attached to the thermal storage tank, as illustrated in Figure 1.
The heat pump assembly pulls room air across its evaporator coil, extracting heat from it, and in some cases condensing water vapour in the air. The cooler and drier air discharges into the surrounding space. Refrigerant flows from the evaporator coil to the compressor where its temperature and pressure are
increased. The hot refrigerant gas passes through condenser coils located in the tank or wrapped around the perimeter of the tank under the insulation. Heat moves from the condenser coils into the domestic water.
The refrigerant condenses back to a liquid as it gives up heat. It then flows to an expansion device where its temperature and pressure are lowered to a condition allowing the cycle to continue. This basic non-reversible refrigeration cycle is used in millions of devices like refrigerators, room air conditioners and water coolers.
Heat pump water heaters make a lot of sense when they can be located in areas that have a surplus of heat. Examples would include a garage in a southern climate, or a space filled with equipment that generates heat.
They can also keep a basement cool and drier during humid summer months. Most heat pump water heaters do not have sufficient cooling capacity or a means of air distribution to make them practical for whole house cooling.
One application that I’ve heard pro -
posed several times involves locating a heat pump water heater in a house that uses a separate heat pump for heating and possibly for cooling. This concept sets up some interesting thermodynamics.
The house heating heat pump would absorb free heat from its source (e.g., outside air, geothermal loop, etc.). Additional electrical energy is added to this absorbed heat in the process of increasing its temperature. The heat used to maintain comfort in the building is thus partially “free” heat and partially “paid for” heat. The higher the heat pump’s coefficient of performance (COP) the greater the ratio of total heat delivered divided by “paid for” heat.
When a heat pump water heater is in a space heated by another heat pump it absorbs some of this combined “free” plus “paid for” heat and adds more “paid for” heat (e.g., electricity) to push the temperature of the heat high enough to be absorbed into the domestic water.
The heat that makes it into the domestic water is therefore a combination of “free heat,” some “paid for” heat at the first heat pump, and more “paid for” heat at the heat pump water heater. Figure 2 illustrate s this concept.
So, what’s the net effect of this energy flowing through two cascading heat pumps?
It could be expressed as a “net” COP, which is the ratio of heat delivered into the domestic water divided by the total electrical energy used to make that happen.
I wanted to see if a relationship could be developed for this situation based on
the COPs of the two cascading heat pumps. After sketching out formulas based on the fundamental thermodynamic concepts, I reduced it down to Formula 1.
“Heat pump water heaters make sense in areas that have a surplus of heat.”
COPnet = the effective COP of the overall process based on the heat added to the domestic water and the total electrical energy needed to make that happen.
COP1 = the nominal COP of the space heating heat pump
COP2 = the nominal COP of the heat pump water heater.
Some of you are probably looking at this formula as being really complex. But look closer: the part of the formula shown in blue is the same in the top (numerator) and bottom (denominator). You only have to calculate it once. Then just subtract 1 from this calculation for the denominator.
Let’s run some numbers to see how this works. Consider an installation where the heat pump that supplies space heating is operating at a COP1 of 4.0. The heat pump water heater is operating at a COP 2 of 3.0. The net COP based on getting free heat into domestic water would be:
So, what would happen if both heat pumps had a very low COP of 1.01?
I’ll spare you the number crunch, but the result is a net COP of 1.000098, just a tiny bit better than full electric resistance heating, and certainly not worth the mechanical complexity of using two heat pumps.
These calculations assume that all the energy absorbed by the heat pump water heater came through the heat pump supplying space heating. There will definitely be times when this assumption doesn’t apply.
One would be heat from solar gains. Another would be internal heat gains from occupants, stoves, ovens, hair dryers, computers, lights, toasters, entertainment equipment, exercise equipment, etc. Yet another would be heat added to the building by conduction and air leakage during warm weather.
In such cases the “stand alone” COP of the heat pump water heater would apply.
An annual average COP for the heat pump water heater would have to combine the effect of heat added to the building by the space heating heat pump, and that added by all other internal heat gains.
This result can be interpreted as follows: For every two units of heat added to domestic water, one came in the form of “free” heat, and the other came in the form of “paid for” electrical energy.
Even though the net COP of 2.0 is quite a bit lower than the stated COP of the heat pump water heater (e.g., 3.0) the water is being heated using one half of the electrical energy that would be required by any type of conventional electric resistance heating device.
Let’s run another set of numbers assuming very high COP s for both heat pumps. Assume the space heating heat pump was operating at a COP1 of 5.0, and the heat pump water heater was operating at a COP 2 of 4.5.
Putting these numbers into the formula yields the following:
In all cases this would increase the net COP of the heat pump water heater in comparison to the numbers predicted by Formula 1, and the ratio of “free” heat to total heat predicted by formula 2.
Getting the bottom-line numbers would require a detailed simulation for a specific building, specific internal heat gain schedule, specific climate, specific heat pump(s) and specific domestic hot water usage.
That’s a lot of simultaneous variables. Such a simulation and its underlying models would probably make a good PhD thesis.
Still, based on the “net effect” discussed above, I think it’s likely that an air-to-water heat pump, supplying space heating and cooling and also integrated into a system that also allows it to provide most of the annual domestic water heating, could yield a comparable, if not higher net COP for water heating, relative to the combination of an air-to-air heat pump system combined with a heat pump water heater. <>
The net COP is going up, as it should, but it’s still substantially lower than the “stand alone” COP of the heat pump water heater (e.g., 4.5).
One mathematical caution is in order. Dividing by 0 is undefined. This implies that formula 1 is only valid when both COPs are greater than 1.0.
John Siegenthaler, P.E., has over 40 years of experience designing modern hydronic heating systems and is the author of Modern Hydronic Heating (4th edition) and Heating with Renewable Energy (visit hydronicpros.com).
Experience Viessmann reliability with the convenience of electric heating.
+ No combustion with only electric heating elements
+ Plug-and-play small appliances that can be installed practically anywhere
+ Fast and simple installation with no venting and gas connections required
+ Low maintenance with fewer moving parts than gas/oil boilers
+ Various output ranges & sizes (4 to 14.4 KW) make an ideal solution for energy-efficient homes
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electric heating solutions made easy
The Canadian Hydronics Council’s annual Award of Merit went to Lance MacNevin, P.Eng. Spending over 20 years with REHAU before joining the Plastics Pipe Institute in 2015, MacNevin serves on multiple technical standards and codes committees, writes for HPAC and industry journals and is a strong advocate for hydronics.
It was an emotional few days in St. John’s, Newfoundland and Labrador as members and guests of the Canadian Institute of Plumbing and Heating (CIPH) gathered to celebrate the organization’s 90th anniversary.
CIPH membership is made up of manufacturers, manufacturer’s agents, wholesalers, master distributors and others who make and sell the products used for plumbing and heating in Canada. This year’s Annual Business Conference in St. John’s, held June 18th to 20th, included networking events, educational sessions, entertainment, the annual general meeting (AGM) and a gala banquet. The theme throughout the event was ‘Rock Solid after 90 Years.’
At the AGM the CIPH welcomed David Hammond, vice president and general manager Canada with A.O. Smith, as its new National Chair for 2023-24.
In his opening statement, Hammond reflected on themes expressed by the earlier conference speakers (including curling champion, Brad Gushue; Newfoundland storyteller, Mark McCarthy; U of T Professor and global affairs expert, Janice Gross Stein; Indigenous business owner and mentor, Jennifer Ménard-Shand; and TV personality/comedian Mary Walsh), and he identified the common thread among the speakers talks of finding an opportunity in every challenge.
Hammond encouraged continuing to collaborate with allied
associations to present a strong unified front on government advocacy positions around the harmonization of standards and codes with the U.S. and across Canada, as well as providing guidance in the nation’s pursuit of Net Zero goals. “One voice can be lost in the wilderness, but together we provide scale and the ability to move governments.”
The final celebration honoured the coming end of a 35-year career at CIPH for president Ralph Suppa, who will be retiring at the end of 2023. The Board presented Suppa with the Honourary Life Member Award, along with other gifts.
“To all of our members from coast to coast to coast, thank you for your support and your investment in CIPH—without you CIPH does not exist,” said Suppa.
“I am so happy to have served you and continue to serve you. Some of you have been my friends since I began in 1988 … and I met some of you on Sunday for the first time, and you are all wonderful individuals and I hope our relationships will continue as I go forward.”
The next CIPH conference will take place in Kelowna, B.C., June 16-18, 2024. ciph.com
Celebrating 30 years in business in 2023, Noble hosted its annual customer appreciation BBQ at the company’s headquarters north of Toronto in late June. Customers, friends and dignitaries were on hand for the celebration.
Pictured above: (l-r) Wendel Clark (Leafs legend); Rita Woodley, Noble division manager – plumbing; Steven Del Duca, Mayor of Vaughan; and Stan Liberty, Noble division manager – HVAC. noble.ca
>> Visionary Sales is now representing Velocity Boiler Works in Ontario offering residential and commercial condensing boilers as well as stainless steel indirect water heaters and buffer tanks.
Bosch Home Comfort has launched PRO, and new online partner portal for HVAC contractors that improves upon the features offered by the company’s previous ABC dealer program. The new program offers three tiers of membership – silver, gold and platinum – and integrates the following resources: product registration incentives; dealer locator/ lead generation tool; extended warranty program; and more. bosch-homecomfort.com/ca/pro
Once again, Calgary-based Chemfax Products, the Canadian manufacturer of specialty chemicals for the plumbing and hydronics industry, invited friends, family and customers to its annual Chemfax Stampede BBQ and Open House on the opening day of the world famous C algary Stampede. This year’s event attracted close to 500 visitors and included a catered BBQ, live music and facility tours. chemfax.com
Viega plans to invest over US$70 million in the next two years to expand is U.S. manufacturing. Growing its capacity in McPherson, Kansas will include an increase the U.S. production of its ProPress products, with new equipment expected to be in operation by the end of Q3 2023, with additional investments to come. viega.us
Interpump Supply, an Ontario-based pump and water treatment distributor offering pump package manufacturing, engineering solutions for pump, water treatment and rainwater harvesting projects across Canada, has announced the launch of Pinnacle Water Treatment.
This new division assembles and distributes solutions for water softening, filtration, reverse osmosis, and purification. Services include testing, sizing and equipment selection to ensure customers have the right solution for problem water challenges such as iron, manga -
nese and hardness.
With a location in Fergus, Ont., and a Cambridge, Ont. facility opening in September, Pinnacle serves installers, engineering firms, contractors and developers.
Kent Tigert, a veteran of the water treatment industry, leads Pinnacle. pinnaclewater.ca
A-Gas, the UK-based supplier of refrigerants and refrigerant solutions for the HVAC/R industry with locations around the world, is expanding its operations in Canada with the building a refrigerant recovery and reclamation facility in Hamilton, Ont.
This new facility will be the fourth A-Gas refrigerant processing plant in North America and the first in Canada. The company plans to begin operations at the Hamilton plant in the fourth quarter of this year. agas.com
Wolseley Canada has appointed Alex Nahvi as general manager for Ontario. Nahvi has spent 21 years with Wolseley’s parent company, Ferguson, in the U.S., where he progressed through the organization, recently serving as branch area manager and also as director of residential trade and counter in the Upper Midwest region, followed by three years as director of branch management.
Weil McLain named Cyril Koval as regional sales manager, southwestern Ontario. With 18 years of experience, Koval has a background in the boiler industry, beginning his career as a business development manager at a manufacturer and distributor of industrial gas heaters, and has held various regional and national level sales positions with boiler companies.
MIFAB announced Len Hardy as Canadian national sales manager. Hardy brings years of experience selling specification drainage, trench drains, backflow preventers and plastic interceptors. Most recently he was eastern Canadian sales manager with Zurn.
Bardon Supplies announced the retirement of vice president and general manager Bob Pryor and has named Shawn Taylor as his replacement. After joining the firm in 1997 when Bardon acquired his family’s business, Pryor served as branch manager in Ajax, Ont., then eastern regional manager before taking on the VP/GM role in 2016. Taylor first joined the company in 1989 and has progressed through the firm, most recently serving as eastern region sales manager.
Independent Mechanical Supply has announced several recent personnel changes. Jesse Grant has taken on the role of sales operations manager, most recently he was Scarborough branch manager. Paul Lefebvre takes over as Scarborough branch manager. Dave Nakashima has joined Independent as a business process manager. And Matthew Nykamp has joined the team as a PVF product manager bringing over 20 years of industry experience to the role.
Steve Goldie re-joins the 30 Mechanical Minutes webinar series to share his insights into the history and current realities of heat pump water heaters.
Heat pump technology has been a viable solution for moving heat in households for years, and just now are consumers, along with plumbing and HVAC contractors, beginning to appreciate the potential of heat pump water heater systems.
In the latest edition of 30 Mechanical Minutes (HPAC magazine’s free webinar series), we sat down with our regular plumbing writer Steve Goldie to discuss his own history with heat pump water heaters and why he really thinks their time has finally arrived. The sponsor for this edition of 30 Mechanical Minutes was Bradford White.
In early 2019, Goldie wrote an article for HPAC entitled: Heat Pump Water Heater Potential Remains Unrealized. The article was actually a follow-up to another story he had written almost 10 years earlier where he described the many benefits of heat pump water heaters, based primarily on their energy efficiency.
In this webinar, Goldie recalls those articles and shares how he explains heat pumps to people. “When I do training sessions and we talk about heat pumps, whether it be heat pumps for heating and cooling your home or your water, I always ask people, ‘Does anyone have a heat pump in their house?’ And then I often get blank stares.
“Then I ask, ‘How do you keep your beer cold?’ And I explain that your refrigerator is a heat pump, using the refrigeration cycle to move (or pump) heat out of the fridge.
“With a heat pump water heater, we’re doing the same thing in reverse. We’re pumping, or moving, heat that we’re extracting from the ambient air of the room and we’re using it to heat the water in the tank.”
He notes that roughly 15 years ago there were only a handful of heat pump water heater options on the market, and today there are many more. “As with other areas where the move away from fossil fuels is driving the market, now every major manufacturer has a heat pump water heater.”
The basic design of heat pump water heaters positions a heat pump on the top with a tank below. Goldie also explains that heat pump water heaters are often also called “hybrid” electric water heaters, because some models can switch between heat pump mode and standard electric water heater mode.
Aside from the design difference, heat pump water heaters distinguish themselves from traditional gas and electric water heaters through their improved energy efficiency, which can be illustrated through the uniform energy
factor (UEF) rating given to water heating appliances. The higher the UEF rating for a device, the higher its energy efficiency will be.
As described by Goldie, on average a conventional gas or electric water heater will have a UEF rating of between 0.65 and 0.95. The UEF range for heat pump water heaters is between 2.3 and 4.
As Goldie explains, unlike with gas or straight electric heating where the energy used to heat water can approach 100% efficient, there will always be some loss. Some combustion heat from burning gas escapes through venting, or some electric resistance heat is lost in the energy transfer, but a heat pump uses electricity to drive refrigerant through a compressor and generates more heat from the ambient air providing more Btus per kW of energy used, exceeding 100% efficiency.
Goldie then addressed a series of questions about the technology that could be a source of concern for plumbing
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Continued from p60
contractors who are unfamiliar with the technology. The first question:
Because these units use the refrigeration cycle do plumbers installing these water heaters need refrigeration experience?
“Do you need a refrigeration ticket to plug a refrigerator in your house when you buy a new fridge? No. The refrigeration cycle is all self-contained and prebuilt in the factory. So as a plumber, you’re going to pipe it up as you would a conventional water heater, and you’re going to plug it in, and it’s going to run. It’s nothing to be afraid of.”
Because the units operate like a refrigerator in reverse, taking heat out of the air and pumping it into the water, the exhaust from the unit is cooled air (unlike the back of a refrigerator which lets off heat).
So as Goldie explains, in the winter
months the units are ‘stealing’ some of indoor heat from the space, but in the summer, they’re providing some cooling to the space.
As for the question: How hot can
these units heat up the water? “You can get as hot as any conventional water heater for the most part,” says Goldie.
He also addresses the question of noise. “I’m always careful when people ask, ‘How noisy is it?’ I never say it’s silent.
“A conventional electric water heater is pretty much silent because there are no moving parts, so compared to a conventional electric hot water tank, they are going to be noisier.
“But noise is a relative term. Go back to the refrigerator example. Is your fridge noisy? You’re going to have some mechanical noise, but they’re not particularly noisy.”
His advice: “Don’t ever tell the customer that they won’t hear it, because then they’ll hear it.”
What about maintenance for a heat pump water heater? “Well, there are more moving parts than a conventional electric water heater, and there’s not much to do in the way of service of those units—we should change the anode rod so they can last longer without rusting. Do people do that? Some do, most don’t.”
“In heat pumps you have compressors and you have fans, so more moving parts means more potential for breakdown. So yes, there’s potentially going to be a bit more service or maintenance on these.”
One of the largest barriers to adoption of heat pump water heaters has been the cost. How much more do heat pump waters cost relative to standard electric or gas water heaters?
“A residential, condensing gas water heater is going to be as expensive or more expensive upfront, while your conventional gas water heater is going to be a little bit less, but not a whole lot less nowadays,” says Goldie.
He adds that a conventional electric water heater is still the least expensive choice in the marketplace, and a heat pump water heater is going to be more than double that cost upfront.
“But again, you’re going to be running at two to three times more economically. And how much do we spend to heat hot water? The average family is probably spending anywhere from $650
saving two-thirds that’s potentially 600 bucks a year, maybe 400 bucks a year. It’s not insignificant.
“So that payback still makes sense in my mind. You’re looking at maybe a three- to five-year pay back.”
That topic led the discussion towards the many local utility and government incentive programs that can lower that upfront cost for heat pump water heaters. At the national level, the Greener Homes Grant lists over 300 different models from about 20 brands that are eligible for the funding if the homeowner qualifies.
The product eligibility lists are updated quarterly with information supplied by the manufacturers. The sizes listed are in the 40- to 80-gallon range.
For this program, the unit has to be installed by a licensed and trained professional, have an Energy Star number, and the grant amount is $1,000 for a
come down a great deal right there,” says Goldie.
Goldie admits he is now seeing evidence of the market for heat pump water heaters beginning to take off.
“When I wrote that article in 2019, we weren’t selling a whole lot of units, but that is turning around. We’re seeing a lot more interest, and that interest is translating into actual sales. I’m sure that’s in large part due to incentives and simply a heightened awareness and desire for this type of product.”
This edition of 30 Mechanical Minutes attracted a large audience from coast to coast, and Goldie went on to answer questions from viewers. To view the entire episode, visit hpacmag.com. To re-visit past editions of the series go to hpacmag.
Reliance Worldwide Corp. (RWC) offers HoldRite Outlet Boxes for washing machines and other fixtures. The outlet boxes eliminate the need for stub outs, brackets and clamps used in traditional plumbing methods, so two-thirds of the install is completed at rough-in. The washing machine box (pictured) is made of ABS (fire rated available) and supply valves can be installed upright or inverted. It uses PEX, copper and CPVC tail piece designs and it has contoured, white, paintable trim cover, with chrome valves and optional water hammer arrestors. holdrite.com
The 304 series Vacu-Stop vacuum relief valve (VRV) from Caleffi is a valve that automatically allows air into the piping system to prevent a vacuum which could siphon water from a system and damage water heater/tank equipment. Available in ½-in. and ¾-in. MNPT, the VacuStop is suitable for use in water and low-pressure steam services, and it is ideal for use in water heaters and supply tanks. It is compliant with IPC Section 504.2 governing safety devices and is also compliant for use in potable water environments. caleffi.us
The RIDGID K9-12 FlexShaft drain cleaning machine for residential use clears up to 30 feet of 1¼- to 2-in. pipe, breaking up grease, hair and other soft blockages, making it ideal for kitchen and bath sinks, as well as tubs and shower drains. Powered by an 1,800 to 2,500 RPM cordless drill, the machine’s chain knocker expands inside the pipe to clear the blockage. A flexible, protective sheath encapsulates the cable, keeping it fully enclosed for less mess and faster cleanup. The built-in clutch design also extends the cable life. ridgid.com
Grohe introduced the GrohSafe 3.0 pressure balance valve (PBV) with integrated diverter and matching two-handle trims. The valve system eliminates the need to install and align separate diverter and trims. The valves are convertible and use the same body for both two-way and three-way water applications, enabling control of body sprays, hand showers, and showerheads from a single two-handle trim. Its compact size fits in tight spaces and thin walls and enables back-toback installs for multi-family residences or apartments. grohe.ca
The new EZ Flush sensor retrofit kit from Zurn Elkay is chrome-plated, impact-resistant and deters vandalism. The unit is battery powered, infrared sensor operated and has a mechanical override button for on-demand flushing. It is gear-driven and has a toggle feature that allows for optional 24-hour line flushing. The sidemounted design allows for installation on either the right or left side of the flush valve, and its universal retrofit accommodates conversion of most existing urinals and water closets. zurn.com
Oatey now offers an assortment of supply lines under the Oatey brand, available at wholesalers across Canada. The Oatey Supply Lines are designed to connect the water supply quickly and easily to appliances and are available in multiple connection types and lengths. Built with corrosion-resistant, doublewalled PVC tube, the connectors bend freely and work with hot or cold water. Made of braided stainless steel, the supply lines are available for multiple applications including dishwashers, ice makers, faucets, washing machines and water heaters. oatey.ca
REHAU has added CPVC and copper press adapters to its EVERLOC+ compression-sleeve fitting system. The line extension includes 12 CPVC adapters with six socket and six spigot configurations and seven copper press male adapters, all available in 1/2-in. to 2-in. sizes. Designed for use with RAUPEX PEXa pipe in potable and non-potable applications, each PEX connection contains multiple sealing edges. Connections are made using the two-step expansion and compression process with battery-powered EVERLOC+ compression-sleeve tools.
Little Giant has expanded the company’s sump pump lineup to better equip professional plumbers and installers. The new products include builder grade sump pumps with 1/3-hp, ½-hp and ¼-hp options. New sump/effluent pumps include the 1/3-hp and ½-hp series. The is also a new ½-hp sewage pump and a battery backup system. This product expansion allows installers to provide homeowners products at various price points while also helping plumbing professionals streamline their ordering. All products feature a two-year warranty. littlegiant.com
The FinishLine shower pan drain from Sioux Chief allows for adjustment after setting a secondary mortar bed in tiled showers. The drains can be used with traditional fabric-bonded pan liners and liquid membranes, and the unique snap-in stainless steel rough-in cover prevents damage to the finish strainer during construction. It has a wide, integral flange for a solid installation and recessed mounting holes to prevent damaging the waterproofing. The base adapter is available in ABS or PVC, 2-in. Sch., 40 hub connection. siouxchief.com
SharkBite Max push-to-connect fittings feature new enhancements for stronger connections and easier installation. The original brass body of the SharkBite (1st gen) fitting now has a reinforced stainless-steel collar for added strength, allowing the fitting to handle up to double the burst pressure. In addition, the new Max fittings require half the insertion effort as the original fitting, allowing for quicker emergency repairs in wet lines, and the fittings are compatible with PEX, copper, CPVC, PE-RT and HDPE pipe. Plus, they no longer require a tube liner for PEX connections. sharkbite.com
Pressure monitoring capability is now standard on Watts large diameter (2-1/2-in. or larger) Series LF007 and LF709 backflow preventers with NRS gate valves for non-fire applications. The pressure monitoring can be activated on these valves with the purchase of add-on activation kits. After activating the pressure monitoring system, users (building owners and facility managers) can access live pressure data with their existing building management system (BMS). Live monitoring provides instantaneous assessment of system pressure and check differentials, giving users immediate feedback on the performance of their backflow preventer. watts.com
Bosch added to its electric tankless water heater line with the Tronic 4000 C for under-sink and the Tronic 6100 C for whole-house applications. The 4000 C comes in four options (3.5 kW, 6.5 kW, 8.5 kW and 10.5 kW), measures 8.5- x 13in. and weighs 4.4 lbs. The compact 6100 C uses modulating elements that ensure a constant output temperature. It measures 13-¼ x 20-¼-in. and comes with ¾-in. NPT fittings for both cold and hot water connections. It delivers 95% efficiency with no stand-by loss. bosch-homecomfort.com
New undercabinet instant hot water dispensers from Stiebel Eltron, the UltraHot Plus (residential) and UltraHot Premium (light commercial/ residential) provide near-boiling water at the tap for a variety of uses. The units are made with 316L stainless steel, and a patented system automatically determines altitude and sets the water temperature for that elevation. The Plus has a 750 watt element and dispenses 34 cups per hour, and the Premium has a 1440 watt element and dispenses 66 cups per hour. Both appliances plug into a standard 120-volt outlet. stiebel-eltron-usa.com
Intellihot has released telliSize, a six-dimension simulation software tool for correctly sizing commercial heat pump water heaters. Users select their property type, input postal code, fixture count, and desired outlet temperature, and the calculator uses data from similar properties and runs a dynamic mathematical model on cloud computers using parallel computing technology. The users are emailed configuration options within three business days. Three different sizing options are provided to meet varying needs: an option with the least upfront cost, one with the lowest operational expenses, and one that balances both. intellihot.com
Uponor is launching TotalFit, its engineered polymer (EP) push-to-connect fitting solution for plumbing repair, maintenance and renovation in residential projects. Designed for use with PEX, PE-RT, CPVC, and copper piping systems, TotalFit will include 33 push-to-connect fittings in sizes from ½-in. to 1-in. The solution suits potable hot-water and cold-water distribution piping systems. The complete offering is UPC and IPC approved for direct burial in soil or concrete (with 4 to 6 mil poly wrap) as well as behind walls without access panels. Availability in Canada is set for late 2023 and into 2024. go.uponor.info/totalfit
For those who experienced the high humidity pleasure of living in the Houston, Texas area in the 1990’s, they would be familiar with television personality Marvin Zindler’s “Rat and Roach” report. Zindler would chronicle some of the local restaurants that had been flagged by the health department for various infractions, including “rats and roaches”, meat stored at improper temperatures, and what became the tag line he was most known for … ”slime in the ice machine”.
While this proved to be a very entertaining segment on the local news, it also brought to light one of the major issues with ice machines.
There are many who think that once an ice machine is set up, and properly making ice, it needs no further attention. As with any expensive piece of machinery, this approach can certainly lead to problems, and expense.
In Canada and the U.S., ice intended for human consumption is regulated as a food. As such, the quality of the ice is under scrutiny. Freezing water does not kill bacteria nor inactivate viruses.
Without sufficient maintenance and cleaning, bacteria and mold can build up in an ice machine, contaminating the ice. This can lead to a poor health inspection score and possibly result in sick customers.
Depending on the ice machine manu -
facturer, recommendations for cleaning may vary from monthly to bi-yearly. For refrigeration professionals who service the food service industry, below is a typical step-by-step procedure for ice machine cleaning:
• Remove machine front panel
• Turn machine off
• Remove ice from storage bin
• Remove machine inner panel
• Remove water reservoir cover
• Shut off water supply valve
• Locate evaporator drain, unplug it, and drain evaporator
• Re-plug evaporator drain
• Mix a solution of ice machine cleaner and water
• Fill water reservoir with solution
• Put machine into clean mode and start
• Continue adding fluid to the water reservoir as ice is being made
• Turn machine off after clean mode is complete
• Remove drain plug from reservoir, drain solution, replace plug
• Melt any accumulated ice in ice bin
• Use a mixture of scale remover and water to wash reservoir cover, ice chutes, storage bin and covers.
• Mix a solution sanitizer and water.
• Pour solution into the reservoir, and let sit for 2 minutes.
• Open water supply valve.
• Start ice machine.
• Operate machine for at least 15 mins.
• Stop machine.
• Drain reservoir.
• Mix a solution of scale remover and water.
• Remove sensors from inner cover.
• Using a cotton swab, use solution to clean sensors.
• Rinse sensors with clean water.
• Reinstall sensors.
• Use scale/water solution to thoroughly clean bin surfaces.
• Rinse with clean water.
• Use sanitizer/water solution on all surfaces that will be in contact with ice.
• Rinse with clean water.
The machine is now clean, and ready to produce contaminant and bacteria-free ice for consumers.
On the refrigeration side, it is important to ensure that the condenser is clean. This will allow the condensing unit to operate at its most efficient level. A dirty condenser in the middle of the summer could greatly reduce the lbs/ day production of the machine.
If the machine utilizes an indoor condenser, and employs an air filter, this can be removed and cleaned. The condenser coil should also be inspected/ cleaned. If the machine utilizes a remote condenser, this should also be inspected/cleaned.
And then, there’s the water.
A good water distiller will remove 99.9% of dissolved inorganics, bacteria, and chemicals from water. So, in a perfect world, the ice machine would use 100% distilled water, producing the purest prettiest ice imaginable. Of course, this isn’t practical. But, good water filtration can produce amazing ice.
Sediments and other particulate matter is present in drinking water. In addition, chlorine is also present. While chlorine is important in delivering bacteria-free water, it does not make for good tasting ice. A good carbon filter will remove sediments and other particulate matter along with chlorine.
Commercial ice machines are continually circulating water over the cold
evaporator surface, freezing the purest water, and leaving the scaled water in circulation.
Ultimately, this water is flushed, but it is in circulation for a time…allowing the scale the opportunity to deposit on the surfaces it comes into contact with.
the end of the ice making cycle, along with the remaining water from that cycle.
There’s an old saying when communicating with equipment owners about the benefits of maintenance; you can either pay me a little now, or a lot later during an emergency breakdown.
There’s no question that a good water filter regimen has a cost attached to it. But the preventative nature of using filters, along with periodic cleaning, will not only produce better looking and tasting ice, but it will reduce breakdowns, ice shortages, and increase equipment life.
Slow-release polyphosphates, as an added filter component, will act as a descaler. This will prevent dissolved minerals in the circulating water from solidifying in the icemaker during the freezing process.
The polyphosphates dissolve very slowly, changing how certain minerals react in water. This will allow the mineral content to remain solvent, rather than become a deposit in the machine. This “in solution” content is then flushed at
And, it will eliminate slime in the ice machine. <>
Dave Demma holds a degree in refrigeration engineering and worked as a journeyman refrigeration technician before moving into the manufacturing sector where he regularly trains contractor and engineering groups. He can be reached at ddemma@uri.com
“It is important to ensure that the condenser is clean.”
September 11 – 13
This year marks the tenth consecutive ASHRAE modeling conference and it will be held at the Hyatt Regency Austin, in Austin, Texas. Industry professionals will address the practices of energy modeling and building performance simulation. ashrae.org
September 21
Following sold out events in Ontario since 2013, the 2023 version of the Modern Hydronics Summit will be visiting a new part of Canada, the Hard Rock Casino in Coquitlam, B.C. modernhydronicssummit.com
October 18 – 19
CIPHEX West 2023 brings a full plumbing and heating tradeshow and conference to the BMO Centre at Stampede Park in Calgary. ciphexwest.ca
December 5 – 7
The International Ground Source Heat Pump Association is holding its annual gathering in Las Vegas with the theme, Geothermal: The Genius Renewable. The three-day event has an extensive conference agenda with Canadian content. igshpa.org
September 12 – 15
AIM/R, the Association of Independent Manufacturers Representatives, will hold its 51st Annual Conference at the Sandestin Golf & Beach Resort in Miramar Beach, Florida. This year’s theme is “Future’s So Bright!” aimr.net
September 24 – 28
The International Association of Plumbing and Mechanical Officials (IAPMO) will hold its 94th annual Education and Business Conference in San Antonio, Texas. This group works with government and industry for the delivery of safe, sanitary plumbing and mechanical systems. iapmo.org
October 18 – 21
The Mechanical Contractors Association of Canada (MCAC) is heading to wine country this fall as it will be holding its Annual National Conference at the Silverado Resort in Napa Valley, California. mcac.ca
January 22 – 24
The Air conditioning, Heating, Refrigeration (AHR) Expo heads to Chicago’s McCormick Place Convention Center to showcase the latest in technology advancements for the industry. Co-sponsored by ASHRAE and AHRI, the expo/conference is held concurrently with ASHRAE’s winter conference. ahrexpo.com
September 17 – 19
The 2023 version of HRAI’s Annual Conference will take place in Montreal. Along with a series of topical panel discussion sessions, the event will also include a variety of social and networking events. hrai.ca
October 1 – 4
This is an annual conference bringing together people in industry, academia, government and the general public to consider all aspects of geothermal solutions. The event being held in Reno, Nevada, features an exhibit hall, technical panels and the opportunity to network. geothermal.org
November 29 –
December 1
Canada’s leading event for the broad construction industry returns to the Metro Toronto Convention Centre and incorporates a trade show and extensive conference program. thebuildingsshow.com
March 20 – 22
The Canadian Mechanical & Plumbing Expo is moving to the south building at the Metro Toronto Convention Centre in downtown Toronto. CMPX is Canada’s largest event for the plumbing and HVAC/R industry with over 500 exhibitors along with educational seminars and workshops. cmpxshow.com