Service Experts celebrates the 100th anniversary of Bryant Heating & Cooling with gift to Make-A-Wish Canada.
BRYANT HEATING & COOLING OF WINDSOR CELEBRATES 100TH ANNIVERSARY On Monday, April 4, Bryant Heating & Cooling Service Experts announced a $75,000 gift to Make-A-Wish Foundation Canada in celebration of Bryant’s 100 years in business in Windsor, Ontario. Bryant became affiliated with Service Experts in 1998. RIGHT TIME GROUP CONTINUES TO GROW AND EVOLVE Right Time Group of Companies continues its growth across Canada with three recent acquisitions, two on Vancouver Island (360 Super Techs and The Comfort Group) and one in Sault Ste. Marie, Ont. (Wardlaw Heating and Cooling). These acquisitions give the home services group 21 total locations across Ontario, Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Alberta, and B.C. with over 1,000 employees. Founded in 2014 and headquartered in St. Catharines, Ont., Right Time is majority-owned by Gryphon Investors, a San Francisco-based private equity firm. Gryphon acquired Right Time in December 2020 from Clairvest Group when Right Time had 10 brands and 11 locations. Last October Gryphon also acquired Southern HVAC, a collection of 15 HVAC brands across Florida, Georgia, Missouri, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Texas with over 650 employees. At that time is was announced that Southern HVAC and Right Time would be rolled under the umbrella of NAEHS (North American Essential Home Services). The two entities continue to operate independently, retaining their existing brands and management teams, while leveraging the combined scale and scope of the two businesses. At the same time Ian McKeen was named CEO of NAEHS. McKeen, a dual Canadian and U.S. citizen, was previously president/COO of Service Experts (owned by Enercare). HPACMAG.COM
B.C. RAISES TAX ON FOSSIL FUEL APPLIANCES, CUTS TAX ON HEAT PUMPS On February 22 the provincial government in B.C. announced changes to its tax laws with direct effects on the heating and cooling industry. Effective April 1, 2022, the provincial sales tax (PST) rate on the purchase or lease price of fossil fuel combustion systems was set to increase from 7% to 12%, while heat pumps are now be exempt from PST. The PST rate increase applies to fossil fuel combustion systems that heat or cool indoor spaces or water including: boilers, central forced air furnaces, unit heaters, storage water heaters, instantaneous water heaters, air conditioners and fireplaces HRAI and CIPH both expressed concern over the taxation changes, which ultimatley led to greater clarity and alterations to the original notice with respect to how additional parts and components used in fossil fuel systems are taxed. HRAI TO OFFER IGSHPA RESIDENTIAL TRAINING The Heating Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Institute of Canada (HRAI) and the International Ground Source Heat Pump Association (IGSHPA) have established a training agreement that will make HRAI the exclusive delivery partner in Canada for all of IGSHPA’s residential geothermal courses. “In light of the growing number of government programs and policies aiming to de-carbonize heating in Canada, the HVAC/R industry is looking to broaden its offerings to include low-carbon technologies such as geo-exchange and, as that segment of the market grows, there will be increasing demand for quality training,” said Sandy MacLeod, HRAI president/CEO. INTERNATIONAL NETWORK FOR WOMEN IN COOLING LAUNCHED ASHRAE and Women in HVAC&R (North America) are among a group of international organizations involved in the launch of the International Network for Women in Cooling (INWIC) to advance engagement, promote career opportunities and increase participation of women in the cooling sector, including refrigeration, air-conditioning and heat pumps (RACHP). The initiative is led by the World Refrigeration Day Secretariat and the United Nations Environment Program OzonAction. Continued on p10 MAY 2022 | HPAC