Serving the Automotive Aftermarket Since 1931
2022 Executive Outlook What the distribution segment could look like this year
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CONTENTS January / February 2022 • Volume 90, No. 1
Executive Outlook
Leaders across the distribution segment of the automotive aftermarket share their thoughts on how business can remain strong in the upcoming year
Columns 14
Service Notes
Business Perspective
It’s not all negative
Meet the new year … same as the old year
Departments What’s Trending
Gathering up what experts expect to see as the top headwinds and tailwinds to come through the industry in 2022
Piston Ring
Getting to know the Alliance’s Canadian members
By the numbers
YPA Spotlight
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Brake Rotors and Drums Brake Pads and Shoes Brake Calipers Hub Bearings CV Axles Chassis Parts Complete Strut Assembly Shock Absorbers Strut mounts Radiators Water Pumps Steering Pumps and Racks and Pinions Steering Gears Starters and Alternators Batteries Oil Pans Fuel Pumps Wiper Blades Ignition Parts and Coils Fuel lines Exhaust Parts, Universal Converter, and Flex Pipes Misc Automotive Parts
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SERVICE NOTE FOUNDED 1931 Jobber News is Canada’s longest-established publication serving the distribution segment of the Canadian automotive aftermarket. It is specifically directed to warehouse distributors, wholesalers, machine shops, and national accounts. Publisher
| Peter Bulmer (416) 605-5346
Managing Editor
IT’S NOT ALL NEGATIVE Flipping the calendar usually brings us new hope, reasons for optimism and joy.
| Adam Malik
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nfortunately, not everyone is feeling good to start off the year. 2021 ended on a sour note in terms of the COVID-19 pandemic. The Omicron variant has set back hopes of a return to some sort of normal in the near future. If you’re in Ontario or Quebec, the year kicked off with a whole new set of restrictions on businesses of all kinds. These will likely have a negative effect on our industry. With office workers required to work from home if able, that means fewer are, again, getting behind the wheel. Having a capacity limit on retail means people may make fewer trips out, instead opting to finish their errands online. Industries like restaurants and fitness centres were also forced to close in most circumstances. That means layoffs. With fewer people at work and making money that means less available to be spent in the economy. It’s easy to let out a big sigh of frustration, especially after the positive momentum we saw through the summer and fall. This isn’t meant to be doom and gloom, however. There are plenty of positives to which we can look ahead. In our cover feature, we canvassed several leaders in the distribution segment of the automotive aftermarket. From association leaders to jobber executives, we wanted to know what’s ahead for the upcoming year. There are a number of great perspectives in there. One response that I particularly want to highlight was from Bill Hanvey, president and CEO of the Auto Care Association. The last portion of his insights goes through the various opportunities for growth that are in this area of the aftermarket. People are driving their cars again as shown by increased miles driven. The car parc is getting older. Automakers continue to have their challenges in supplying new cars. E-commerce growth. More consumers are engaging with the aftermarket. “Take your pick,” as Hanvey put it. Of course, you can’t ignore the challenges to the aftermarket. The supply chain has put a dent in things. Talent is an issue that doesn't look to be resolved any time soon. But there are enough opportunities to not only balance everything out, but bring good times to the aftermarket. Leaders in our industry can’t lose sight of those positive signs. It’s time to capitalize on them. How? That was another point Hanvey made — think outside the box. Perhaps it’s time to diversify your offerings. Many people are taking road trips and investing in boats and recreational vehicles. Are you offering what these consumers need? Maybe there are new partnerships out there that can help boost business. Happy New Year to all of you. Hope the holidays were safe and spent well. Let’s see what this year has in store for us. Adam Malik Managing Editor, Jobber News
Let me know what you think. You can reach me at
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We want to hear from you about anything you read in Jobber News magazine. Send your email to
EVs NEED TO BE LIGHTER, PROFS URGE This is a good example of why you should not ask economists for engineering advice. If their conclusions were valid, those passengers in buses, trains and planes had better have good insurance.
We didn’t shoot all our horses after Benz invented the automobile. It took another 75 years to convert. The hysteria about ‘climate change’ — which means weather — is based all on ‘computer projections’ but not on evidence. However, giving drivers the choice of propulsion is a good thing. Our fuel supply comes from offshore but not our electricity so the pricing should be a little more stable. Just shows how dumb we are — there is all the fuel we will ever need sitting in Alberta but most of Eastern Canada buys their fuel from the Saudis, sending them our cash instead of our fellow Canadians.
W. Morrison, reader
Blame car designers and engineers for pedestrian fatalities when we live in the best times of vehicle safety and performance? Really? Just “lighten” every pedestrian of their smartphones while they walk near traffic and pedestrian v.s. vehicle collision rates will plummet. Once more, society forcing design/policy/costs onto the majority to allow for the lowest common idiot.
Thomas Brown, reader
Rob Kiff, president, Kiff Auto
Companies like Microsoft and vehicle manufactures do not want legislation because that will not allow them a way out. We had an agreement many years ago when legislation was introduced, and about to be sanctioned, to allow technicians full access to manufacturer information and tooling. We all got excited about the manufacturers bowing to our requests but what they did was to stop the legislation that would have given us equal access. We still do not have access to many security features, even if we’ve been accepted by NASTF as VSPs. Information, tooling and programming remain prohibitively expensive for independents. I believe it’s time to introduce legislation and pass it to give independents equal footing in the repair market. If we don’t, it will only get worse. Just ask Tesla.
Larger organizations have started to create their own training internally, realizing the poaching is no longer a viable possibility. Independents like us will have a harder time as we go forward if we don’t start getting involved with our local schools and investing time with training our own as well.
Art French, owner, AML Auto Service
Brian Browning, Centre Point Automotive
Peter Foreman, Foreman Auto
Several things need to change: What we charge, what we pay are two at the top. Then the customer expectation that they can get it done cheaper. Then the do-it-yourself repairs need to come to an end. Until all this changes the industry will stay the same. Cynical attitude, I know but 45 years in the trenches kind of beats you up after a while.
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WINNER has changed ownership.
Parry Automotive is now part of the Ideal Supply family. The deal for Orillia, Ontariobased Parry Automotive closed on Dec. 10. It was owned by Steve Van Kessel and Sue Peacock. They had taken over the business from their father, Peter Van Kessel. Peter purchased the store in 1966. Parry Automotive, which won the Jobber of the Year Award in 2020, was started by husband-and-wife duo John and Edith Parry. They opened what was then an automotive machine shop in 1948. Peter joined the company in 1956 before buying the company. “We are very happy to welcome the talented, experienced team at Parry into the Ideal family under the continued leadership of Steve Van Kessel,” said Howie Pruden, vice president and general manager of Ideal Supply. “It was apparent very early in the discussions that Parry’s culture and values are in step with Ideal Supply.” He noted that the Parry Automotive name will stay and be marketed as a subsidiary of Ideal Supply.
CANADA’S MANUFACTURERS OUTLINE CONCERNS A COMPREHENSIVE PLAN to address major challenges facing manufacturers is being urged by the Canadian Manufacturers & Exporters (CME). “Manufacturers’ issues are Canada’s issues. Without urgent attention paid to the triple threat of supply chain disruptions, ‘Buy American’ and the labour shortage crisis, the strength of Canada’s economic rebound is in doubt,” Dennis Darby, CME President and CEO, said in a statement. Half of the companies reported supply chain challenges while almost two-thirds have seen an increase in raw material costs as a result, according to a CME study of Canadian manufacturers. Flooding in British Columbia and transportation challenges have only made things worse, the group noted. At the top of the list of challenges is talent. The CME reported 65,000 current job vacancies in the manufacturing sector.
is strong way to attract more to an industry in dire need of them. And shops should be paying them more by charging customers more, said Cecil Bullard, CEO of The Institute for Automotive Business Excellence, and Vik Tarasik, managing partner of Shop Owner Coach. The pair were speaking as part of the Shop Coach AMA (Ask Me Anything) panel at AAPEX 2021. “The whole industry, we’re short a couple hundred thousand technicians and we’re not attracting them,” said Bullard. “The top-performing shops have no problem charging what they’re worth because they value themselves,” Tarasik said. Shops can raise their rates $10-$20 an hour and few customers would notice. Even for those who do, it’s unlikely it would be enough for them to walk away from your shop, Bullard emphasized. The customer trusts you to do the work. That trust isn’t predicated on the dollar amount you charge, Tarasik added.
IN MEMORIAM: BRIAN HESJE THE INDUSTRY HAS SAID GOODBYE to another one of its giants. Brian Hesje, former chief executive officer and board chair of Fountain Tire, died on Dec. 5 surrounded by his family. Hesje joined Fountain Tire in 1984. He rose through the ranks to be vice president and president before taking over as CEO from 1992-2005. He followed that up as chair of the company’s board of directors from 2005-2014. The company’s announcement noted that one of Hesje’s career highlights was the key role he played in a deal that brought in Goodyear Canada as a minority owner in the company in 1988. w w w. a u t o s e r v i c e w o r l d . c o m
AMAZON A GROWING AFTERMARKET THREAT AMAZON IS THE MOST RELEVANT BRAND for Millennials because it appeals to them in a variety of ways. The aftermarket will be challenged to take them on, a recent report warned. Particularly, when it comes to product selection and speedy delivery, Amazon comes out ahead. This, according to research from Lang Marketing, is what the aftermarket is up against as Millennials — those born between 1981 and 1999 — make up the largest generational grouping. “For the next quarter-century, Millennials will be the key generation driving the economy, as Baby Boomers fade from the scene and Generation Zers gain traction,” the report Amazon Owns Millennials said. Amazon has its sights set on the auto parts sector as it expands. So the connection to Amazon for Millennials could have consequences for traditional aftermarket retailers. “Millennials already play a key role in DIY parts buying and are rapidly becoming a larger factor in the DIFM market through the growth of Millennial technicians and repair shop owners,” the report noted.
CANADIAN AUTO SHOWS CANCELLED THE SPREAD OF the COVID-19 Omicron variant has forced the cancellation of some of the country’s biggest automotive shows. Organizers of international auto shows in Toronto, Vancouver and Montreal have called off their events due to a combination of the virus’ spread and government restrictions in response. The Montreal International Auto Show was set to run Jan. 21-30. Toronto’s Canadian International AutoShow usually starts mid-February and runs for two weeks. Vancouver’s was to run in March. “We had been working hard in recent months for the AutoShow to return in a big way, but in light of the recent developments, and in consultation and agreement with our manufacturer and sponsor partners, we have agreed that it’s best to set 2022 plans aside to best support the health and safety of our community,” said Jason Campbell, general manager of the Canadian International AutoShow. 8
David Shepherd has joined the global team of Advantage Parts Solutions as a non-executive director. He will help guide the company’s long-term strategic business plan as part of the OEM parts supply chain. Assaf Bar-Menachem has been promoted to vice president of product management at Mevotech. He was most recently the company’s director of product management. Niall Davidson has assumed responsibility for Motorcar Parts of America’s entire automotive product lines across
Canada. The company also announced it was realigning its sales activities in the country.
MERCEDES-BENZ SETTLES CLASS ACTION MERCEDES-BENZ’S American and Canadian operations have agreed to a settlement on a diesel emissions class action lawsuit. The agreement affects about 83,000 BlueTEC diesel vehicles in Canada. The proposed settlement, announced by law firm Koskie Minsky LLP, will provide cash payments and other benefits to current and former owners and lessees. The cash value of the settlement comes in at about $243 million. The payments will cover model year 2009-2016 Mercedes-Benz and model year 2010-2016 Mercedes-Benz Sprinters with BlueTEC II emission control systems. Those affected will be able to receive: Cash payments of up to $2,925 to all who receive the emissions repair; cash payments of up to $835 for all former owners and lessees; additional cash payments ranging between $330.20 and $660.40 for various reasons including those relating to delays of the emissions repair, requirements to reclassify the emissions standard or reduced vehicle performance; a buyback option in some circumstances.
BMW TO USE BLACKBERRY SOFTWARE BLACKBERRY AND BMW have signed a multi-year agreement to collaborate and develop technology for the automotive manufacturer’s driver assistance systems. The Waterloo, Ontario-based software company will licence its QNX technology and have a team of engineers working to support developing SAE Level 2/2+ driving automation functions to be deployed across a number of BMW makes and models. The software works with a number of safety-related systems, such as ADAS, digital cockpits and secure data gateways.
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Stats that put the North American automotive aftermarket into perspective.
Twenty-one per cent
Model year 2020 vehicles are seeing more electrical repairs than 2019 versions in the first three years of ownership. Overall, 2020 vehicles are projected to see a 5 per cent increase in repair frequencies in the WePredict first three years of ownership compared to 2019 models.
Rising costs of battery metal could mean batteries could soon make up half the cost of an electric vehicle, compared to 25-30 per cent today. S&P Global Platts
The automotive industry is a top-10
Many manufacturers reported sales growth even with the back backdrop of a global supply chain shortage. They also reported an average of 19 per cent sales growth over the past 12 months. Specialty Equipment Market Association (SEMA)
target for ransomware, out of 35 industries analyzed. This is based on the number of ransomware attacks
Drivers are going four hours behind the wheel without taking a break. Furthermore, 13% said they’ve fallen asleep at least once while driving in their lifetime. Desjardins Group
detected. It was behind municipal services and the legal industry. NordLocker
128,419 units
The average employment count for the automotive industry was up 5.2% from 2020 but still 8.4% lower than in 2019.
The lowest mark for light vehicle sales in October since 2011 for the month. That’s a drop of 17.7 per cent compared to the same month last year.DesRosiers Automotive Consultants
DesRosiers Automotive Consultants
Used vehicles are setting record highs when it comes to how much of the original manufacturer’s suggested retail price after four years. The previous high was 61.5%, set in March 2021. Canadian Black Book
A conservative estimate as to how many Canadian truck drivers crossing the border who would leave the Canada-U.S. trade system should a vaccination mandate take effect in January. Canadian Trucking Alliance
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MEET THE NEW YEAR … SAME AS THE OLD YEAR Here are four trends that will shape the aftermarket for 2022 By Kumar Saha
éjà vu. That’s what January 2022 feels like — a mirror image of January 2021. Back in the fall, when industry observers like us get their crystal balls out and begin auguring trends for the year to come, I had a markedly different idea of how 2022 will unfold. But so did the COVID-19 virus. Based on the pre-Omicron scenario, I had expected supply chain disruptions to slowly ease off, vehicle sales to pick up and miles travelled to see a sharp rise. Those predictions now seem as certain as flight schedules these days. But 2022, in many ways, won’t be an exact repeat of 2021. Things may look gloomy now but there’s some hope. Canada will most likely have a well-boostered population by the end of Q1. If the early insights into Omicron’s relative mildness hold, we may be finally making our way into post-pandemic stability. The automotive aftermarket has weathered the COVID-19 storm better than
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other transportation sectors (e.g., new car sales). The industry can also expect more of the same from last year, but with some differences as we progress deeper into 2022. So here are my top predictions for the industry this year...
Another growth year
Let’s start with the good news. While there’s no reliable overall industry revenue data for Canada, 2021 was a great year for the aftermarket — despite all the supply chain woes. If we use the U.S. market as a proxy, then the Canadian market most likely saw revenue increases between five and 10 per cent in 2021. Uni-Select reported similar cumulative revenue growth between 2020 and 2021 for the first three quarters, to use a Canadian example. The growth can be attributed to a simple market rebound following a steep
2021. The increases were even higher for certain categories. Supply chain issues and high freight charges were largely to blame for the sector inflation, and costs were passed down the distribution chain. Many of these costs were initially absorbed at the top of the aftermarket chain (e.g., by suppliers) but analysis shows that they started to trickle down to shops and consumers in the second and third quarters of 2021. Even without Omicron, part prices would have continued to rise in the first half of 2022. The new pandemic surge, and the continuing supply chain issues, will only prolong that upward trajectory.
Labour shortage
decline in 2020. But there’s at least another factor driving the spurt. Vehicle sales remained low in 2021 because of the chip shortage. As both new and used cars were hard to find, people retained and repair their older vehicles, leading to higher demand for auto shop services. Vehicle sales will continue to be as anemic as 2021 — at least for the first half of the year. Scotiabank Economics has forecasted 1.77 million sales in 2022 (already a much lower figure than the 1.8-1.9 million units we have been hitting consistently in the past). Given the current Omicron threat, I doubt if sales will cross 1.75 million this year. Another year of low sales — with stable vehicle miles travelled — is very likely to translate to dollars for the aftermarket. Based on my calculations, I think the Canadian aftermarket will increase by 10-12 per cent in 2022.
Auto parts prices, supply to remain volatile
The double-digit growth prediction above might seem too optimistic to some. But hear me out: Most of that uptick will come from price increases, not volume. Eucon’s analysis of millions of pricing data points in North America shows hard parts prices went up by about 8-10% in
Hiring skilled technicians and counter people was a challenge even before the pandemic. Numerous studies and models have been predicting an acute shortage of labour — particularly for the aftermarket — for the next few years. COVID-19 has now both accelerated and exacerbated the problem. Statistics Canada reports that job vacancies are at an alltime high and wages have grown at the quickest pace in many years. For instance, average hourly wages in November were 5.2% higher compared to the same month in 2019. This trend will continue — in fact, it is likely to get worse in 2022. That can’t be good news for shops and part stores that are already saying that the situation is dire. Through my interactions in the industry, I have heard many stories of cars sitting in the bay or shops having to turn away customers because they don’t have enough technicians. Over the next few months, aftermarket businesses will have to brace themselves for higher costs of hiring. If payroll costs go up, shops and stores will have to pass them on to their customers or forfeit margins.
Digitization will continue to ramp up
2020 was a watershed year for online parts e-commerce. According to data from Lang Marketing Resources (as published in the 2022 AutoCare Factbook), online aftermarket sales in the U.S. jumped a whopping 37% in 2020. Although Canada is far less evolved than the U.S. when it comes to parts e-commerce, and reliable data is not available, I have observed very strong localized interest among industry players in positioning their products for B2C online channels. Even B2B platforms from the likes of Worldpac, Altrom and NAPA are being constantly beefed up with new tools and functionalities to make the ordering process more seamless for installers. Kumar Saha
is Toronto-based managing director of the Canadian operations of global aftermarket intelligence firm Eucon. He has been advising North American automotive industry for over a decade and is a frequent conference speaker and media commentator.
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The push
and the pull
Examining some of the headwinds and tailwinds for the automotive aftermarket in 2022 By Adam Malik
n normal times, there are plenty of both challenges and opportunities for the automotive aftermarket to handle. These days, however, there are all sorts of new tailwinds and headwinds. The last year has changed many things when it comes to the way the industry has handled business. For example, what were tried-and-true driver behaviours are no longer. That creates new challenges — but maybe some opportunities as well. Pricing and economic challenges will leave consumers wondering how and where to better spend their money. Carmakers are still struggling with component shortages, which is continued good news for the aftermarket.
One of the biggest challenges facing the industry will be upward pressure on prices. Not just on auto parts, but across many sectors. For example, Canada’s food price report predicted that the average family of four will pay nearly $1,000 more for food in 2022. Costs like this have consumers thinking about where their dollars need to be spent. According to a recent survey from, nearly six-in-10 (59 per cent) of Canadians reported that they’re concerned about rising costs due to inflation and expected increases in interest rates. Of course, auto repair is typically a grudge purchase. So when something needs to be fixed on their vehicle, the way the owner may approach a repair may change, noted Nathan Shipley, executive director at The NPD Group. “Trading down starts to become part of the discussion,” he said during his Retail and Aftermarket Outlook session at AAPEX 2021. “It's going to [mean pushing] off that brake job a little while 12
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longer, pushing that oil change out a little while longer.” Furthermore, the customer may choose to buy a cheaper part because they can’t afford to spend money on the better one. Stretching their dollar will be the name of the consumer game, noted a December Lang Report. “With consumers trying to stretch their purchase power in the face of rising prices, this could mean delaying some vehicle repairs or opting for ‘value’ as opposed to ‘premium’ auto parts,” it said. In a similar vein, gas prices will play a role in how consumers use their vehicles. Coming into 2022, gas prices were as high as they ever had been. History has shown that when gas prices go up, people decide to park their cars and change their spending habits. “So we're starting to creep up to that price point where consumer behaviour shifts,” Shipley said. A December survey from Hankook Tires found that 67 per cent of respondents said increased gas prices have had anywhere from a moderate to major impact on how they drive every day. And the evolution of everyday driving habits is another headwind for the industry. People may realize they don’t need that second or third car now. Working from home will have an impact on the industry, Shipley noted. And now the emergence of the Omicron variant could further impact how people commute to work. Just as employers were starting to welcome back employees to the office — be it full time or under a hybrid model — the newest strain of COVID-19 has pushed some people back home again. In Ontario and Quebec, employers were required to have staff who could work off-site to work remotely for a period of time. It was part of several restrictions and announcements aimed at curbing the threat from Omicron.
Such moves — especially if prolonged and followed by other jurisdictions — would have an impact on how vehicles are used. “This idea of working from home [is] a moving target,” Shipley noted.
The biggest tailwind will certainly be the increasingly higher number of older vehicles being driven. “There are more cars on the road now than ever. Scrappage rates are down. [Vehicles in operation] is up. The average age is trending older because of what's happening with new cars,” Shipley said. “All nice tailwinds for the aftermarket.” What’s happening with new cars is that not much is happening, relatively speaking. A shortage of chips for automakers means there are fewer new vehicles available. Estimates for new vehicles sales on both sides of the border are lower than recent-year averages. And there’s another delay possibly taking hold. “Now there's also a potential magnesium shortage that they're starting to deal with that could lead to an aluminum shortage that could further delay the supply chain,” said Todd Campau, global aftermarket solutions associate director with IHS Markit, during the 5 Trends in 5 Minutes session at AAPEX in November.
That means even more people could be turning to the used market if they need a new vehicle. That’s good news for the aftermarket, experts agree, because it keeps older vehicles on the road. There are also a couple of other smaller habits taking form around used vehicles that are aftermarket tailwinds. For instance, those who may have typically used public transit prepandemic are choosing to avoid being in closed, tight areas. They’re now purchasing a private vehicle to get around. And because of the price of a new car, they’re buying used. That means more people on the road driving vehicles. Indeed, the price of used vehicles has jumped thanks to the demand. Where this may help the aftermarket is in the fact the gap between buying a new used vehicle and getting their current vehicle repaired had turned into a gulf in some cases. “It extends the lifetime of those used vehicles that maybe people would have traded out to get a newer vehicle,” Campau said. And, he added, there’s more good news for the aftermarket since new vehicles aren’t entering the used-vehicle space at the traditional pace. “These are [older] vehicles that we already have parts for on the shelf, we already know how to repair [them] and we already have plenty in the supply chain to be able to take care of them.”
“You it”. got it”. we’ve got it, we’ve need it, “You need That’s know-how NAPA know-how That’s NAPA Over 500,000 vehicle parts and products in inventory, all ready Over 500,000 vehicle and products in inventory, for delivery: that’s overparts 500,000 good reasons to makeallusready your for delivery: that’s over 500,000 good reasons to make us your number one partner. number one partner.
w w w. a u t o s e r v i c e w o r l d . c o m
Jobber and Supply Chain Executive Outlook Challenges are not small in size or number but there are plenty of headwinds as the year progresses By Adam Malik THE GLOBAL COVID-19 PANDEMIC has impacted the automotive aftermarket perhaps faster than any other period of change. From the supply chain to changed consumer and driver behaviour to inflation, challenges have mounted up for the industry. Yet, those same challenges have presented new opportunities and driven industry growth. As restrictions eased early in 2021, a new trend emerged — people were not using their vehicles the same way as they did before. With working from home becoming a viable option for many office workers, vehicles stayed in driveways instead of travelling across highways. Yet, kilometres travelled were moving back towards pre-pandemic levels, even surpassing them. In the Automotive Industries Association of Canada's quarterly report National Vehicle Kilometres Traveled Metrics – 2019 To 2021, the third quarter of 2021 saw Canadian drive about 130 billion km. That blew past the previously-recorded high of 116 billion kilometres in the third quarter of 2019. According to industry experts, people were taking more road trips. With more free time thanks to reducing or eliminating their commute, the ability to work remotely and the hesitation to travel abroad, consumers were getting behind the wheel to travel around their local region. The fact that people are using their vehicles again, no matter how, is good news for the industry. Consumers were also taking on more hobbies and projects that involved the aftermarket. For example, people invested in boats, recreational vehicles and 14
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other outdoor motor-powered vehicles. Or they’ve finally decided to tackle that project car sitting in the backyard. Whatever it may be, more people are involved in the aftermarket these days than before. These customers not only helped buoy the automotive aftermarket, but they also pushed it to reach heights that were unexpected. Many jobbers have reported times are just as busy as ever, that they’re still turning profits despite doom and gloom in other sectors. But it’s not all roses and butterflies. There are real challenges. Talent, the supply chain and economic issues are top of mind for most, if not everyone, in the aftermarket. And there is little optimism that things will alleviate in the near future. Some experts pegged later this year that things will ease up but there will be plenty of a backlog that still needs to clear out. So sourcing product will continue to be something distributors and jobbers will need to tackle in the upcoming months. In light of the challenges, opportunities and changes facing the automotive aftermarket, we turned to those who know the industry best to gauge their thoughts. We reached out to a number of leaders and executives from the supply chain to jobber stores. We asked them to highlight how business will change in the year ahead, what the biggest challenge for the industry is moving forward and what they see as the top opportunity in 2022. In alphabetical order, here’s what they told us…
Want more insights? Scan the QR code to listen to the Jobber News Enhanced Media segment. w w w. a u t o s e r v i c e w o r l d . c o m
Shiva Bhardwaj
today to the automotive aftermarket are related to shortages in new vehicles (due to supply chain issues around silicon chips). This is causing the used vehicle market to inflate drastically. As a result, the repair and service of vehicles will increase as everyone will keep their vehicles on the road for longer periods of time. For example, rental car companies had 80 per cent of their fleet as new vehicles — that has now flipped to only 40 per cent because of this change. Getting access to components and parts may be limited because of the supply chain shortages that we are experiencing. It doesn't seem like these shortages will be alleviated quickly and so companies will need to be able to cope with high demand and low supply. Getting access to inventory on products you sell will be critical until things normalize which could take six months or longer. The biggest opportunity is preparing for electrification. Today, electric vehicle volumes are relatively low. However, every major OEM has announced a lineup of EVs that will hit the road in the coming years. Investing the time and resources in being EV-ready will enable jobbers to carve their niche in a new and developing market. The EV market will grow exponentially and could change the entire way you generate profits in 5 years.
Investing the time and resources in being EV-ready will enable jobbers to carve their niche in a new and developing market.”
Niall Black
VICE PRESIDENT | MOTORCADE INDUSTRIES I SEE THE AFTERMARKET continuing to change over the next 12 months due to various prevalent forces having a significant impact on day-to-day operations. Labour shortages, price increases, abnormal cost of living increases, and the challenges associated with inconsistent inventory availability, are all going to force change. The jobber will have to be more creative with existing personnel and when hiring new employees. They’re going to have to forecast inventories differently based on the market forces impacting supply, and they’re going to have to adjust buying and selling practices to ensure competitiveness while also maintaining profitability. There will certainly be numerous challenges facing jobbers in the year ahead but I feel inconsistent inventory supply will be the most challenging of all. With increased demand for aftermarket components, numerous supply chain issues and labour shortages regionally and globally, it’s the perfect storm contributing to inconsistent inventory availability. The current inventory availability issues are the worst we’ve encountered since the pandemic began. From everything we’re reading and hearing, there is minimal short-term relief. This will impact the aftermarket across all levels for the foreseeable future. I believe the biggest opportunity in the year ahead is clear and concise communication internally and externally, so staff and customers are well-versed on the status of key day-to-day scenarios. There are numerous fluid situations impacting everyone across all aspects of the aftermarket that information — be it an FYI, good or bad news — will help to temper uncertainty and frustration. Those that communicate and explain the factors impacting their business and the customer, will maintain and build trust and understanding. This will therefore enhance the jobber-client relationship.
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There are numerous fluid situations impacting everyone across all aspects of the aftermarket that information — be it an FYI, good or bad news — will help to temper uncertainty and frustration.”
J.F. Champagne
Will we have the right legislation to ensure consumers and shops still have access to aftermarket parts to fix their cars?
WE EXPECT TO CONTINUE to have turbulence caused by the ongoing pandemic, which is amplifying the challenges on the supply chain and labour front. We remain an essential service to Canadians and AIA Canada continues to advocate to governments to ensure support to help alleviate the strains on the supply chain and ensure investments in the industry for the retention of labour and upskilling. Sourcing of parts will remain the primary challenge for wholesalers and warehouse distributors. However, attracting and retaining employees is also an ongoing challenge. But right-to-repair has a more long term and profound impact for our industry. Will we have the right legislation to ensure consumers and shops still have access to aftermarket parts to fix their cars? Or is the future maintenance and repair of vehicle to be only OEM parts? We have proven to be a resilient industry that is providing essential services to Canadians by keeping 30 million cars safe and working on Canadian roads. We have the opportunity to engage with our local politicians to tell our story and get them to understand that the aftermarket is important to local economies. We need right-to-repair legislation that will ensure the aftermarket can continue to be effective and resilient.
Tony Del Vasto
VP MARKETING AND CORPORATE DEVELOPMENT | VAST-AUTO FOR THE NEXT 12 MONTHS, there will continue to be labour shortages that will affect the aftermarket. Parts supply and price pressures will continue to be issues. Electric vehicle penetration will start to accelerate in the marketplace. E-commerce will continue to cannibalize brick and mortar. Automation in distribution centres will become more of a consideration. Right to repair, otherwise known as access to data, will continue to be a topic of conversation. Finally, the evolution of assortments into cheaper products in certain categories will continue. Labour shortages and part supply issues will be negatives for the industry. These will be the biggest challenges going forward. Without parts or people, you can’t run a business. Electric vehicles will also be a negative, as they will take internal combustion engine vehicles out of the service bays. On the positive side, e-commerce and automation are opportunities for the aftermarket. Going forward, the aftermarket needs to learn to digitize the supply chain. From the manufacturer to the end consumer, there needs to be a digital trace of transactions and opportunity to work less based on human touch and more based on technology. We're already seeing some of that with all of the shops being connected to the stores, the stores being connected to the warehouse, and so on and so forth. The trend will continue.
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Labour shortages and part supply issues will be negatives for the industry. These will be the biggest challenges going forward. Without parts or people, you can’t run a business.”
Josh Gordon
Suppliers will need to invest strategically in new manufacturing capacity, and with raw material and labour supply challenged, suppliers must also adopt new ways to manage their production and inventory.”
CONTINUED GLOBAL SUPPLY CHAIN DISRUPTIONS in raw materials and microchips have prevented new vehicle manufacturing capacity from keeping pace with demand in the U.S. This situation points to an acceleration of current trends on vehicle age in the North American car parc. With the average vehicle age increasing faster over the next 12 months, expansion of the aftermarket and used car industry will accelerate with it. Providing service and repair parts for a thriving used car market will continue to be a huge opportunity. Onshoring is the natural response to the current supply chain issues. Transportation shortages from ocean containers to commercial drivers coupled with strong demand all make manufacturing in North American competitive and attractive again. Suppliers will need to invest strategically in new manufacturing capacity. Supply chain challenges have redefined value delivery in the aftermarket. Product availability is now of paramount importance to aftermarket customers and end-users. North American manufacturing is at the cusp of a rebirth. As the offshore industry is challenged through force majeure and macro impacts (pandemics, weather, natural disasters, regulations, etc.) to provide customers rapid delivery, customers are increasingly embracing North American supply strategies. This is the opportunity for North American manufacturers to seize back market share from Asia.
Bill Hanvey
of the automotive aftermarket continue to inspire and reassure. As supply chain issues continue, aftermarket companies anticipate raising their prices, if not already. They’re also making significant investments in inventory to support customer demands. Businesses will need to adjust pay scales, benefits and understand what their employees need to increase retention. Businesses are diversifying their supplier base and exploring new vertical integrations that are out of the box to reduce reliance on external factors. For the supply and distribution side, having the guts to think outside the box to find solutions can be a challenge for many. Supply chain logistics today present themselves as a puzzle — but there are options like diversification, vertical integration, new partnerships, acquisitions and mergers. Apathy is our greatest threat. Business is good. We are growing despite a pandemic. Parts supply can’t meet demand. What’s not to like? Well, if you look at the threats our industry is facing from both a regulatory and technological standpoint, we need to all become more activated in preserving our future. 2022 presents numerous growth opportunities. Miles driven are back up. Adverse weather events create opportunities for maintenance and repair. The average vehicle age increased to over 12 years. The longer consumers keep their cars, the more maintenance they need. Couple that with the supply chain challenges and chip shortages for new vehicles and the aftermarket is in prime position to experience continued growth. Delayed maintenance grew 20 per cent in 2020. Not to mention the explosion of e-commerce in our industry. Take your pick.
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For the supply and distribution side, having the guts to think outside the box to find solutions can be a challenge for many.”
Mark Krasicki
So, those who make investments in inventory, investments in technology and continued investments in relationships will determine the success of our aftermarket industry.”
AFTER THE LAST 20-PLUS MONTHS, our industry and many others have evolved and/or have experienced volatility and have been very unpredictable, at best. I believe the aftermarket industry will continue to experience supply chain challenges, which will make relationships with leading supply companies that much more critical, doing business going forward. Technology will also be a more and more important part of doing business in the future. With a huge reduction of new car sales, this will also boast well for the automotive aftermarket. The automotive aftermarket will be rated and judged by their ability to deliver to their customer on demand. So, those who make investments in inventory, investments in technology and continued investments in relationships will determine the success of our aftermarket industry. Our industry continues to deliver challenges, excitement, and rewards to those who participate. And those who meet these challenges with strategic planning, investments and marketing, should see positive results in 2022.
Sean Stokes
in the automotive aftermarket and supply chain disruptions will continue into 2022. I anticipate that total kilometres driven should climb back to 2019 levels by the end of the year, which will help drive maintenance categories like brakes, oil changes and tires. Inventory, for the right VPOP (vehicle population) in the market, will continue to dominate while the transformation of digital customer service will continue to accelerate. I think one of the differentiators in 2022 will be a jobber’s ability to attract and keep good talent in order to provide their customers with the best service. Rising costs (product, supply chain and personnel) will threaten the profitability of businesses if they have been a low-cost provider to the market. Demand for high-quality products will continue to grow even in the face of inflation. Installers don’t want to risk needing to reinstall a part again and denigrating profitability more. We have been focused on creative ways to mitigate cost pressures and keep commercial pricing as competitive as possible. With continued SKU proliferation in the market and supply disruptions, the importance of strong supply partnerships (with other jobbers or vendors) will be critical to driving customer satisfaction and overall gross margin return on investment for the jobber. I anticipate that aftermarket sales will grow in 2022 but it will continue to be a challenging environment. I think the biggest opportunity for jobbers will be to continue to invest for future growth.
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I think one of the differentiators in 2022 will be a jobber’s ability to attract and keep good talent in order to provide their customers with the best service.”
JC Washbish
We learned in the pandemic that real-time updates to hours of operation, images of your stores and inventory all influenced customers’ behaviour when it comes to where they decided to shop.”
THE NEXT 12 MONTHS should see a nice increase in demand, and business should be up through all levels of distribution — from the warehouse to the jobber to the shop. The average age of the car parc continues to increase and vehicle manufacturers continue to face headwinds as we kick-off 2022. Used vehicle demand remains at record levels. Those problems will continue to help the aftermarket. Jobbers and retailers will continue to see a squeeze for “face time” or “screen time” with the customer as their biggest challenge moving ahead. Now, more than ever, your digital presence is the ‘it’ factor when it comes to supporting your business. We learned in the pandemic that real-time updates to hours of operation, images of your stores and inventory all influenced customers’ behaviour when it comes to where they decided to shop. As for the biggest opportunity for automotive distributors and retailers, with the hopes that this awful pandemic winds down and we are able to emerge restriction-free, then we should see an excitement to be out and about. Canadians are ready to travel, to vacation and to get back on the road. There will be more demand to fix that vehicle that has been hibernating in the garage for too long.
Zara Wishloff
PRESIDENT, CEO | AUTOMOTIVE PARTS DISTRIBUTORS THE NEXT 12 MONTHS will be challenging to the aftermarket for several reasons. We’re at the tail end of a double whammy on supply. We are seeing high inflation combined with supply issues. Inflation is running higher than policymakers anticipated. They are pivoting from a temporary outlook and now conceding to higher inflation. The actions of printing money in response to the pandemic are causing raw materials to increase. Supply is also constrained. We all felt the results in 2021. It will be several months, if not years, before the backlog has caught up. This has also contributed to the inflation concerns and has challenged us with a very inconsistent supply chain. The opportunity is there when aligning with suppliers facing fewer issues. Some manufacture in countries less affected by shipping concerns. Some are locally manufactured. Others have a greater ability to use air rather than water to get their products to our markets. While there is a struggle to supply common items, some jobbers have the opportunity to gain market share by simply having the ability to fill orders. The inflationary environment also helps our aftermarket with economies of scale. For a used car worth $4,000, it might not have been prudent to spend $2,500 on a repair. However, with that same car now commanding $7,500 on the open market, the repair is much more justifiable — and consumers are more likely to proceed with the job. The risk associated with this strategy would be the end of inflation. If we hit a deflationary environment and the cost of these materials corrects to pre-pandemic levels, we could get caught with this inventory gamble and have a situation where replacement cost is less than the average cost of goods on the shelf.
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We’re at the tail end of a double whammy on supply. We are seeing high inflation combined with supply issues. Inflation is running higher than policymakers anticipated.”
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Piston Ring Service and Supply Getting to know Alliance’s Canadian members Officially incorporated in 2000, the Aftermarket Auto Parts Alliance now has six members in Canada, 13 in Latin America, and 24 in the United States. Composed of a network of independent warehouse distributors, it is the premier aftermarket distribution and marketing program group and continues to be a leading choice for quality parts and service, with thousands of parts stores and professional repair shops across North America, Mexico, Honduras, El Salvador, Columbia, Europe, and China. This is the fifth installment of a six-part series, featuring the Alliance’s Canadian members.
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Piston Ring’s newest store at 125 Fennel St. in Winnipeg
hat started as a machine shop has become one of the most recognizable names in the central Canadian automotive aftermarket. James Tennant Sr. started Piston Ring Service & Supply in 1953 as a twoman Machine Shop in Winnipeg, Manitoba. This gave birth to a long and proud history of constant evolution and aggressive attitude of change at Piston Ring. The company is currently owned and operated by Jim Tennant and Trevor Tennant (James Sr.’s son and grandson). It continues with their third generation, Melissa Tennant & Meredith Thoendel, also with lead roles at Piston Ring. Expansion and acquisitions have resulted in Piston Ring/Auto Value Parts stores across Manitoba, Saskatchewan, and northwestern Ontario. This growth has kept Piston Ring as one of the leading automotive aftermarket companies in its trading area. Piston Ring Service and Supply, as the name suggests, stands for the best in automotive aftermarket customer service and supply. “We believe our best resource for accomplishing this goal is our people,” Trevor says. “Sales and service are the lifeblood of our organization, and the success we derive from this affords us the ability to continue to improve and expand.” Piston Ring’s nearly 30-year membership in the Alliance group has been a perfect fit for the organization. The consistent participation in product, marketing, and information technology committees has helped both Piston Ring and the Alliance group evolve and navigate the ever-changing environment in each of those disciplines. Quality product offerings, national marketing initiatives and multiple digital programs have led the organizations to consistent growth and competitive advantages. “Much like the Alliance leadership, we believe people respond positively when they feel involved; are free to participate; have their opinions considered; and see the opportunity to develop,” Trevor says. “People must feel free to constructively expose problems and contribute to solutions. We want people who do their jobs well and who expect the same from those they work with.” In accommodating and driving change, Piston Ring — which will be celebrating its 70th birthday in 2023 — has always been a proponent of technology. Be it taking advantage of improved inventory management tools, online customer access or its selfdeveloped CRM and dispatch system, being driven by technology is part of the culture at Piston Ring. One cannot make use of technology and accommodate constant change without
ongoing training. Working with its valued suppliers, Piston Ring facilitates an abundance of both counter and professional installer training — in all its many changing forms. From on-demand online use of Alliance University courses to live virtual sessions, to in-person attended training, Piston Ring recognizes that all formats and access to ongoing training is key to both their and their customers success. “We know a professional, educated, diligent workforce is the answer to the future growth and development of the company, which in turn provides opportunities for employees to grow and develop personally,” Trevor says. “Our ultimate goal is to create a company of people who understand the constant need to adapt to changing environments.” Piston Ring is proud to support many local automotive enthusiast events, as well as many community and philanthropic events in their marketplaces. The company has been the annual title sponsor of Piston Ring’s World of Wheels, a top-notch car show, showcasing unique vehicles and allowing the opportunity for car enthusiasts to gather and share their love of cars. Student day is also a new addition to this event that is supportive of the next generation of automotive enthusiasts.
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Piston Ring’s support is often also in the background of many car rallies, show and shines and race events in their marketplace. Piston Ring can also be seen in the community with support of local sports tournaments, fundraisers and community events. “Additionally, many philanthropic events fill up Piston Ring’s calendar when we are selling auto parts,” Trevor says. “We support local sports teams such as Dauphin Kings, Virden Oil Caps, Selkirk Steelers, Steinbach Pistons, Neepawa Titans and Winkler Flyers in the Manitoba Junior Hockey League, as well as the Brandon Wheat Kings, The Winnipeg Goldeyes, the Valour Football Club and more.” Piston Ring also hosts an annual pro-am golf tournament in support of the community every year. Giving back to the community they are in, has always been a cornerstone for Piston Ring and the Tennant Family. You can also see its support in the arts community. The company and family are often behind anonymous donations as well. Piston Ring’s success and growth continues to present challenges and opportunities that has led it to redefine store space and infrastructure. The company’s newest location in Winnipeg is unlike any other typical aftermarket parts outlet. “We service the professional installer,” Trevor says. “And as a result, while we have a beautiful and modern store frontage, the retail space occupies a small footprint compared to the space dedicated to an optimized depth and breadth of parts inventory. “Service of course is key, and the dedicated dispatch area at this location ensures fast and accurate delivery to our customers.” Piston Ring Service currently has multiple professional installers signed up for the Certified Service Center (CSC) program, which grants access to one of the largest networks of independent part suppliers in North America. Outside of customers receiving the highest level of service and supply, they also benefit from a North American parts and 24
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labor warranty, enabling benefits to their customers that other shop owners without access to the platform wouldn’t be able to provide. With this and other unique programs, the Alliance enables these strong independent shop owners to truly feel part of a North American family of businesses. “The future looks bright,” Trevor says. “We are excited, and we welcome the challenges ahead and look to continued success alongside the Alliance group.”
How is Online Shopping Keeping Canadians on the Road?
Find out in AIA Canada’s latest report E-tailing: Online Shopping of Vehicle Parts & Fluids
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New dispense meters are now available from Graco. The company announced the launch of its PM8 and PM20 dispense meters, both of which are part of our new PM series of electric pre-set dispense meters. They are designed to withstand rough use and tough conditions. The meters are IP69K rated and encased in metal to provide heft and protection to survive the drops, bumps and beatings that might otherwise compromise performance. The products were designed for any shop, from a quick service to mobile lube trucks. They have pre-set functions engineered to deliver fast and precise performance. The meters can reach high flow rates of up to 20 gallons per minute (75.7 litres per minute). They have an ergonomic four-finger trigger for comfort of use with a long battery life with four replaceable AA batteries.
Mahle Motorsport has expanded its Ford EcoBoost shelf stock PowerPak kit to include the 1.6L. This is in addition to the 2.0L and 2.3L. The new kit can now be used as a replacement in the Ford Escape, Focus, Fusion, Fiesta ST and C-Max hybrid to support a boost in power and performance for grassroots rally racing or drifting. The kit is available in a 79mm bore size and has a slipper skirt style forging that is strong and lightweight. The pistons have a phosphate coating to prevent microwelding in the ring grooves and pin galling. Each piston features a hard anodized top ring groove ideal for extreme duty applications.
ZF Aftermarket has released the TRW Electric Blue brake pad line for electric and hybrid vehicles. The pad line is sustainable and commits to protecting the environment while meeting consumer needs. It reduces noise and vibration, and reduces dust and emissions. The increasing demand for electric vehicles in the market is what has driven the development of the Electric Blue brake pad. The line offers 79 SKUs. That covers 37 vehicle applications. It can be fitted on most electric/hybrid vehicles in the U.S. and Canada.
NRS Brakes recently expanded its line of premium galvanized brake pads designed to match the safety and the performance of the Mitsubishi Outlander plug-in hybrid electric SUV. The manufacturer’s new EV brake pads for the Outlander PHEV reduce moisture dissipation and corrosion risk that are typical of electric and hybrid vehicle brake pads. The pads for the Outlander feature advanced noise-cancelling piston cushions and shims, best-in-class friction, a patented mechanical attachment and fully galvanized steel backing plates, which prevent issues related to rust and improve performance in challenging weather conditions.
Purolator has released a new mobile catalogue app. The PurolatorPRO app allows professional installers, technicians, service writers and shop managers to access the newest cataloging information for all filters from Purolator, a division of Mann+Hummel. The app includes a fully integrated VIN decoder search option. Simply take a picture of the VIN with your phone, and the information is available instantly. Additional features of the app include cross-reference details, competitive interchange data and installation instruction sheets and videos.
A new line of Anco wipers has been introduced by Trico Products. The Anco Fleet blades have been created specifically for worksite vehicles. The company also announced the introduction of Anco Factory Spec Rear, Winter and Extreme Weather blades. The new specialty blades are engineered to deliver top-notch performance in all driving conditions. The Fleet blades have been created for light-to-medium-sized worksite vehicles at commercial job sites and other environments that require the removal of harsh debris from windshields. The Extreme Weather blade offers a step up from the classic style. The Winter blade is made for typical winter driving and features a rugged, protective rubber boot to prevent snow and ice buildup. The Factory Spec Rear blades are original-equipment replacement wiper blades designed to fit each vehicle’s specific wiper arm type.
Schaeffler announced the expansion of its lineup of automotive engine timing kits and components for customers in the United States and Canada with new INA Timing Chain Kits. The automotive aftermarket division of global automotive and industrial supplier’s engine timing product portfolio now covers more than 95 per cent of all American, Asian and European vehicles currently on the road in Canada and the United States. The company said it’s one of the most complete coverages of any supplier in the industry.
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NRS Brakes recently released new brake pads for the Ford Mustang Mach-E and Tesla Model 3. NRS-EV are premium galvanized brake pads engineered specifically for hybrid and electric vehicles. Using zinc-plating, patented NRS mechanical attachment technology and best-in-class friction, the pads are uniquely designed to eliminate the corrosive effects of reduced moisture dissipation that is common to regen vehicle brake pads.
Lumileds introduced a new line of LED lightbars designed for off-road use. The Philips Ultinon Drive 5000 series LED lightbars includes 3 single row lightbars and 2 double row lightbars, in widths of 10” (5001L, 5050L), 20” (5002L, 5003L), and 30” (5004L). The lightbars produce illumination patterns from 400 to 500 yards, depending on the model. Ultinon Drive optics combine spot and flood light beam patterns, to improve visibility both far and wide. The brilliant illumination, combined with a cool light color of up to 6500 K, improve driving safety while also reducing eye strain. The lightbars are built with single-piece assemblies to withstand weather and environmental conditions. They are tested to ensure they will hold up to aggressive off-roading, dust, high temperatures, and high-pressure water.
Mevotech released 358 new part numbers recently. These cover a wide range of domestic and import passenger vehicles, trucks and SUVs up to model year 2021. The Toronto-based company, which engineers, designs and manufactures aftermarket parts for the driveline, steering, suspension and wheel end, the company said the latest release expands both the premium Supreme and ultraengineered TTX programs with additional control arms, ball joints, inner and outer tie rod ends, stabilizer bar links and wheel hub assemblies.
CRP Automotive has developed a new service kit designed to perform a complete oil cooler leak repair on popular Mercedes-Benz models that feature a OM642 engine. The Rein Automotive Oil Cooler Replacement Kit features upgraded materials and all the necessary components needed to perform the service, ensuring a fast and simple repair. Coverage for the kit cover more than 275,000 vehicles in operation in the United States and Canada. The kit was created to address the issue of an unsuitable oil cooler seal material that was found in the OE application. This material would leak over time, leading to various stages of oil leaks deep within the engine and further problems like fault codes, oil stains, and insufficient oil levels. The kit also contains a Nissens oil cooler plus OE fit, form, and function gaskets, seals, and exhaust bolts. Two modelspecific exhaust manifold to turbocharger gaskets and Air Intake Duct to Turbocharger seals are also included.
Lumileds has created the new Philips GoPure GP5611 automotive air purifier. It’s engineered to clean air quickly and efficiently in most vehicle interiors and help reduce the risk of airborne transmission of viruses and bacteria. Designed to fit in most cup holders, it features three layers of defense: a Philips SaniFilter Plus filter, a powerful UVC light, and a HESAMax filtration cartridge. It can capture ultra-fine particles, including microbes, in just 10 minutes. The Philips UVC lighting module inside of the GoPure GP5611 is designed to kill bacteria and viruses trapped in the filter by exposing them to ultraviolet light.
The Tommy Rail enhancement from ProMaxx Tool is an accessory to the Tommy Wheel Bearing Puller. It was engineered to handle greater power and the enhancement helps to reach its potential. The tool is made from solid, hard-coated aluminum. It attaches to the outside of the lower push flange creating a powerful structural link like an automotive four-bar linkage setup. Tommy can remove wheel bearing hubs without damage to the CV or knuckle and without the need for an expensive alignment.
CRP Automotive has launched a new transmission fluid for vehicles with ZF/Porsche Double Clutch Transmissions. The Pentosin FFL-8 Transmission Fluid is the only approved first-fill double clutch transmission fluid (DCTF) for the ZF/Porsche Double Clutch Transmission that utilize a wet clutch. It provides coverage for Porsche Panamera model years 2017 and up. The fluid is offered in 1-litre (P/N 1090107), 5-liter (P/N 1090207), and 20-liter (P/N 1090208) sizes. Application coverage includes over 40,000 VIO in the United States and Canada.
Ringbrothers has introduced new G-Body Hood Hinge Kits. The hood hinges are direct bolt-on upgrades for 1978-1988 GMC G-Body platform cars. The hinges are a direct replacement. These require no modifications for vehicle installation. The strong yet lightweight aluminum hinges feature a gas-charged strut to provide a smoother action as compared to original mechanical spring hinges. The hinge kits allow G-Body hoods to open and close with ease in the same position every time, making proper panel gap and hood alignment easier. The kits work with both fiberglass and steel hoods and are available in two finishes: Natural and black anodized.
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The new line of Philips Xperion 6000 LED work lights designed for automotive service professionals has been released by Lumileds. All five lights have 6000 K color temperature and are resistant to impact, water, and solvents. Equipped with integrated magnets and 360° rotating hooks, these LED work lights can be attached to a metallic surface or suspended above the work area. The line includes two ‘Pillar’ lights that feature hinged light panels and boost, eco, and spotlight modes. The Xperion UV Pillar model has a UV diagnostic light for leak detection and CRI 95 rated LEDs for excellent color accuracy when matching automotive paint colors.
Rotomaster has a new logo and new packaging. Rotomaster has been a long-time heavy-duty, marine and power sports markets Tier One and aftermarket supplier. Now, the company is also focused on the gas-powered, light-duty vehicle market. The redesign of the logo represents synergy between the company’s history and the future. Rotomaster has also redesigned its website to offer a more user-friendly experience for its customers. The Vancouver-based turbocharger manufacturing company is an ADP Distributors brand, a subsidiary of Cardone Industries. 21_2582_Jobber News_JAN_FEB_CN Mod: November 29, 2021 2:32 PM
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A new transmission service kit from Rein Automotive addresses a common valve body conductor plate failure issue on a wide variety of vehicle makes and models. The Rein Transmission Service Kit (P/N TSK0023) was developed to include all the necessary components to complete the service with a single part number. The kit provides application coverage for Mercedes-Benz models from 1996-2018 that feature 722.6 transmissions. Coverage also extends to Chrysler, Dodge, Freightliner, Jaguar, Jeep, and Maybach models from 1998-2018. Coverage provided by the Rein Transmission Service Kit exceeds 1.4 million VIO in the United States and Canada. It includes everything needed to complete the service including a new OEM valve body conductor plate, oil pan gasket, suction filter, harness plug sleeve, dipstick tube cover locking pin and O-ring, and drain plug washer.
Dana Incorporated has set up a global part number (GPN) system for its Victor Reinz line of products. This smart part numbering format utilizes a fully numeric part-numbering system that aligns with Victor Reinz products globally. The GPN sequence is standardized to the gasket application, making it easy to find the right gasket for the job. The part number prefix defines the part type and the nine-digit numerical format eases gasket kit selection using the smart part numbering format. The numerical nomenclature also makes it easier to key in orders and optimize use of inventory on hand by matching the first seven numbers, recognizing material interchanges found in the last two digits.
ADVERTISER INDEX AIA Canada .... 25 Brake Parts Inc. – Raybestos 2 HotSpot ...... 4 NAPA ..... 13
NGK Spark Plugs . ............................ .... 32 NRS Brakes ..... 31 Plews ..... 21
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Peter Bulmer Young Professionals in the Aftermarket (YPA) is an organization with a mission to act as the voice and the resource for the young professionals in the automotive industry. To further its mandate of ensuring the future growth and prosperity of the industry, the YPA is pleased to introduce it’s YPA Spotlight Series where current members share their experiences, insights and industry outlooks.
Name: Peter Bulmer Company: Turnkey Media Solutions Title: Partner and Head of Sales Number of years in the aftermarket: 3
Did you know you wanted to work in the automotive aftermarket?
I had never considered the aftermarket is where I would end up in my journey. For a such a large and impactful industry, it isn’t well communicated as a viable option to our younger generations. I fell into it myself, coming from an upstream and midstream oil and gas publishing background before being recruited to work for my current titles.
Have you had an industry mentor? If so, who and why
There have been a number of people that have made an impact on me, but I can’t pin down one specifically. My job offers a unique position to have constant contact with people from a huge range of aftermarket jobs and appointments, and I’m fortunate to draw something from each of them.
What does your participation in the YPA mean to you? What would like to see us as a committee achieve in years to come?
I’ve always been a huge proponent and champion of avenues being available to the younger cohort of any industry to participate and come together. Part of what makes work enjoyable is having a sense of comradery not only among your own company, but also in the industry as a whole. I’d like to see continued events (once the world allows), and the sense of community among the younger among us being fostered.
What advice would you give someone either starting in the industry or looking to transition into the industry?
Immerse yourself into the industry. Find events to attend and friends in the industry in similar positions to you to help each other grow. A network helps more than you realize when you’re starting off.
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