Glass Hat Mag Oct 2012

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Glass Hat

Oct 2012, Issue #4

The Fairy Ball

Facing Adversity

Life Changing Experience

Painting w/Emotions

Cameron Shivers

Agencies Part 3 Special Appearance BAD KITTY PROMOTIONS



Always looking for pretty faces! Contact us now to get recognized!



Glass Hat Editor Nickoli Jean

Contributing Writers Nathaniel Goodwin ( Michael Franks ( Janette LaValle McCrary (

Contributing Photographers Allan Cich ( Larry Jacobs ( Matt Bradford ( Cory Hughes ( Michael Franks ( Janettee Lavalle McCrary (

Sales & Marketing Larry Jacobs ( Matt Bradford ( Janettee McCrary (


Model: Ashley Dongog Photographer: Subtle Shades Photography MUA/HS: Ashley Location: Capt. Norm’s Dockside Bar LLP


Features 8. How to Make Blood Nickoli Jean 10. Lure to the Dark Michael Franks 14. Cameron Shivers - Nickoli Jean Painting with Emotions 22. Pushing Back Adversity 30. Jamie Bell- Life Changing Experience 38. Exclusive vs, Non- Nathaniel Goodwin exclusive Contracts 40. Sparkle Injection Lip Nickoli Jean Color 44. The Fair Ball on the Paseo Janette McCrary 52. Upcoming Events Janette McCrary




Glass Hat

How to Make Fake Blood (Cheap, Easy, and All the Ingredients Are in Your Kitchen)


By Nickoli Jean

This wonderful, non-toxic mix can be used on costumes, decorations, even

faces and bodies (and is perfect for children), since it won’t harm anyone if it gets in their mouth! But be careful, it will stain clothing!

What you need:

Water Corn syrup Red food coloring Blue and green food coloring (optional) Flour, corn starch or maple syrup

What to do:

1) After deciding how much fake blood you will need, measure out two parts corn syrup and one part water. Gently mix together.

2) Slowly, add drops of red food coloring, gently mixing it together. Don’t over

do it, though. It is always easier to add more food coloring if it is too light, than to dilute it down!


For a more realistic look Once the mixture is the red you desire, add a few drops of green and blue. Not ALL blood is bright red. Blood from the arteries is bright red, while blood from the veins is a deep maroon. So if you are wanting a more venous, or even older blood look, you will want to add just a hint of green and blue.

3) Sift a small amount of flour, corn starch, or maple syrup to the mixture to thicken it up. Carefully mix the thickener into the blood until it is smooth. You don’t want any dried clumps!

4) Fine tune the color. If your blood isn’t the perfect shade, it’s easy to fix!

If your blood is too orange or too pink, just add a few drops of red. If it’s too runny or translucent, add more thickener. Be very, very careful when adding blue to darken it. Add any blue one drop at a time, and thoroughly mix it between drops to ensure it isn’t turning purple. If it seems too purple, you will have to start all over again. Too purple cannot be fixed with more red.

5) Let sit for fifteen minutes to thicken even more. 6) Enjoy!


Lure to the Dark

What is this fascination with an

aspect of our inner natures and the world around us that is often hidden from us and is borne from our fears of the unknown? What is it that tempts us to explore those primal urges through our arts, birthed solely out of superstition and ignorance? The answers to these questions are numerous, but the art that is created from these forays into darkness may play a role in allowing us to express an emotional release that our modern lives cannot abide, and permit us to explore ideas far from society’s norms.

I n science, we are taught that for

every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. The opposite of “of f ” would be “on”, as the opposite for “light” is “darkness”, so our


By Michael Franks

curiosity is drawn to both ends of the spectrum. From the sculptor to the painter, our ability to create art that can elicit a strong reaction from the viewer is the ultimate goal, and darkness will always be a medium for exploration and fascination for both artist and art appreciator.

The fact that we allow ourselves to

dive into a concept such as dark art says a lot about our propensity for acts of both good and evil. That we allow ourselves to immerse into what is considered ‘evil’ shows the duality of our souls and this split in our psyches shows that these memes associated with dark arts are too tempting to ignore as a medium for artistic expression.




Glass Hat



Cameron Shivers

Painting with Emotions

By Nickoli Jean


Drawn to Create

My name is Cameron Shivers. I’m an

Oklahoma artist. I started painting when I was four, but didn’t take it up again until last year when my high school art teacher encouraged me to paint again. When I started painting again, it was during the time my grandfather died, and I couldn’t help but keep painting my emotions. My experiences from high school and from life have brought me to portray my emotions on canvas. Some responses to my experiences I have painted would be loneliness, frustration, and heartache. It’s hard for me to articulate my feelings, so I found an outlet through my paintings.




“ was during the time my grandfather died, and I couldn’t help but keep painting my emotions.”


Artwork By: Shannon Lynch





Glass Hat

Model: Pamela Harjo Photographer: Subtle Shades Photography MUA/HS: Pamela Location: Capt. Norm’s Dockside Bar LLP


Pushing Back Against Adversity


Wendy enjoys being in front

of the camera. Her unique style, love of bright colors and fun fashion had her dreaming of being a model. Her aspirations of modeling came to reality when she participated in the Exquisite Fitness Fashion Show in July 2012, hosted by Darrell Terrell at Dan O’Briens pub in Oklahoma City. The Fashion show benefited the Oklahoma Childhood Obesity Foundation. This opportunity to benefit the children of Oklahoma was something that endeared Wendy; she has been a longtime Autism advocate and is involved in educating the community to increase the awareness of the disorder.

Her dreams of modeling

means more given her somewhat shy personality! She is a survivor of a childhood trauma, involving a house fire where she was burned. Her scars are a constant reminder that pursuing her dreams is an important part of growing! From her past, she believes this event has strengthened her character throughout her life. This determination has given her the desire for others to achieve their dreams in the face of adversity.

Model: Wendy Teague MUA/HS: Model Photographer: Subtle Shades Photography


“survivor of a childhood trauma... where she was burned!�


Model: Wendy Teague MUA/HS: Model Pants/white blouse: Gretta Sloane Photographer: Subtle Shades Photography



Model: Wendy Teague MUA/HS: Model Outfit: Victoria Beckham Photographer: Subtle Shades Photography


Model: Crystal Clark Photographer: Subtle Shades Photography MUA/HS: Crystal Location: Capt. Norm’s Dockside Bar LLP





Glass Hat

Jamie Bell

Fitness Model: Jamie Bell Fitness Trainer: Darrell Terrell Photographer: Subtle Shades Photography


Life Changing



My name is Jamie Bell Fitness

Model/NPC Competitor. My journey began as an overweight child that followed me through my teen and adulthood years. This is what had me completely change my life around...

I attended college where I studied

Kinesiology (Exercise Science) achieving my Bachelors Degree. Not too long after that a co-worker of mine told me about her trainer and insisted I try it out with her. She then brought in a magazine with his picture and an entire article on him. Skeptical about it, I still agreed to take her offer. The very next day is when I met top NPC Body Builder Competitor and Muscle Magazine fitness model Darrell Terrell. This would be the first day of a life changing experience.

Darrell introduced me to several

competitors he was training at the time. I remember telling him, “I want to look like that.” Starting at 50 lbs over weight he said, “Okay Jamie, lets focus on bringing the weight down and we will go from there.” One year later and 60 lbs lighter I competed in my first 2011 NPC Battle of the Bodies Competition placing 2nd in the figure short division. From there I continued as a figure competitor until as of this year, I am now an NPC Bikini Competitor where I placed 5th at the 2012 NPC Branch Warren Classic.


My very first photo shoot was

in 2010. Darrell had it set up to help build my confidence and selfesteem going into competing for my first show. Since then I have done numerous photo shoots and have improved tremendously. I

now absolutely love it! The photo shoots have helped me gain much exposure as a fitness model and NPC Competitor, which now has led me to land the amazing opportunity for my very first sponsorship with ROC Supplements!


Contest history: 2011

: 2nd Place NPC Battle of the Bodies Competition

2012 : 5th Place NPC Bikini Competitor NPC Branch Warren Classic

“I want to look like that...One year later...I competed in my first 2011 NPC Battle of the Bodies Competition placing 2nd.�


Fitness Model: Jamie Bell Photographer: Subtle Shades Photography 2003 Corvette Owner: Len & Maryjean Cofer


“I am now an NPC Bikini Competitor where I placed 5th”

Quote from the Trainer: “Jamie has worked hard and trained her butt off to get to where she has gotten today. She is definitely an inspiration for many ladies struggling to reach their Physique Perfection...” Darrell Terrel is is a NPC Body Builder Competitor.


Fitness Model: Jamie Bell NPC Competitor Trainer: Darrell Terrell NPC Body Builder Competitor/ Photographer: Subtle Shades Photography



??? Non-Exclusimve Contracts vs. Exclusive Contracts Part 3 of a 4-Part Series on Modeling with an Agency This article seeks to explain the differences between a non-exclusive contract and an exclusive contract. The relationship a model has with an agency can be an advantage or disadvantage that can be monitored if a model has knowledge of how the modeling industry operates. A new model must be able to identify the pros and the cons of both a nonexclusive contract and an exclusive contract. Non-exclusive modeling contracts are an agreement between a model and an agency that will allow a model to sign with multiple modeling agencies. Most models that sign non-exclusive contracts are considered ‘freelance models’, because they are free to roam and take any type of modeling assignment to gain exposure and make money. One strength of a non-exclusive contract is that a model is allowed to generate an income on an individual basis and does not have to pay an agency a commission


fee (usually 10% to 20%) for any modeling jobs they booked on their own. A model that decides to sign a non-exclusive contract should provide personalized composition cards and personalized business cards to the agency. The agency will then decide if they want to use the model’s current composition cards/business cards for clients, or create new cards for the model. The downside of non-exclusive modeling contracts is that an agency is not going to put their entire focus on a non-exclusive model, because most of the agency’s time will be allocated to exclusive models. Models need to understand that a non-exclusive contract means that they are going to have more hands on-involvement with modeling assignments. A great way to picture a non-exclusive contract is to imagine the hard work that is required for a person to run a successful small business. The person that runs a small business must be organized, selfefficient, people orientated, and

must have outstanding critical thinking abilities. Models that are successful with a non-exclusive contract are people that put forward large amount of effort into the modeling industry. An exclusive modeling contract is an agreement between a model and an agency that the model agrees to only work with that agency. The agency will groom a model to become marketable for future clients. Usually, an agency will make composition cards and business cards for the model, so that the model can be prepared when the agent books a job for the model. One thing to remember about exclusive contracts is that it is possible for a model to sign multiply exclusive contracts that are in different cities, countries, or markets. Exclusive contracts can also have special clauses written in the contract allowing a model to work with other agencies. Smart models will set a standard for the agency and negotiate terms that will be beneficial for both parties involved

in the contract. It is a good idea to add a clause to the contract stating that if you are not happy with the agency, you can end the contract at any time. Models should never allow an agency to set the standards of a contract, forcing them to stay idle in a contract with no hope of getting out. Most models that sign exclusive contracts trust the agency and feel that the agency will be able to find work for them. One major strength of the exclusive contract is that the model can sit back and wait for the agency to generate work for them. This can often be preferable when compared to a model that is signed nonexclusively and needs to work harder to generate work on their own. Though, one weakness of the exclusive contract is that if the agency is not actively seeking work for the model, the model is stuck with the contract. The contracts can range anywhere from 1 year to 3 years, depending on the experience of the model.

Continue page 58

Nathaniel Goodwin Model

& Writer


Sparkle Injection Lip Color

By Nickoli Jean

Some situations simply call for a bold makeup statement. What better way to wow your friends and show off one of your best features than by having the glitteriest, sparkliest lips of them all? This look is perfect for costume parties, Halloween themed events, photo shoots, and if you are daring, your regular day-to-day makeup needs!

Due to the high shine, it is not recommended for affairs where there will be much lip-contact. So if you will be eating, or planning on greeting everyone with a kiss on the cheek, this look may not be right for you. It will leave smudged color on other people, glasses, and will rub off on food. But, if you are careful (and don’t care about the cups you are drinking from), you can easily drink and not ruin the color!


What you will need:

Liquid foundation of your choice Setting powder (I used Ben Nye’s Neutral Set, however any un-colored powder will do) Lipstick of choice Eye- or lip-liner pencil that matches the lipstick (at least somewhat) Glitter! (I used a pressed teal sparkle eyeshadow that broke. Loose glitter is your best bet, eyeshadow or not, however a highly concentrated pressed glitter would also work.) Large, fluffy brush Vaseline

What to do:

Do not rub your lips together at any point of this process! Do not lick them to wet them! It is going to feel weird and gross to many, but the drier your lips are, the better the color will stick.

1) Apply liquid foundation all over lips. Let the foundation dry. 2) With the brush, apply a copious amount of setting powder to your lips. 3) Line your lips with the eyeliner or lip liner pencil. Give yourself a nice, thick line to work with, defining the shape of your mouth.

4) Fill in lips with lipstick. Go a bit heavy on the application, you want to have plenty for the glitter to stick to.

5) Apply the glitter! Press your fingertip into the glitter, and press the glitter against your lip. Start with the middle of your bottom lip, gently (but firmly) dab outward. Do not smear the glitter! Add more glitter as needed to cover the bottom lip. Repeat with the top, starting with the center below the peak, working up to the peak on either side, and around.

6) Using your finger, apply a pea sized glob of vaseline to your lower lip.

Gently smear it across the entire bottom lip. Repeat with the top. Any smudges can easily be cleaned up with a q-tip at any point. Personally, I wait until the end because sometimes it isn’t noticable. (But sometimes it is!) A quick swipe of a clean q-tip is all it takes.

7) Enjoy your eye-catching, jaw-dropping, sparkle-tastic lips!


Model: Laura Scott Photographer: Subtle Shades Photography MUA/HS: Laura Location: Capt. Norm’s Dockside Bar LLP





Glass Hat

Photographer: Story’s Ink

The Fairy Ball on Paseo

The Fairy Ball on Paseo, an all

ages dress-up event filled with make believe, music, and dance, took place on Saturday, September 15th. The event, which is organized by nonprofit dance company Theatre Upon a Star-Dance Swan, is free to the public and is supported by the Kirkpatrick Family Fund and Paseo Art Association. Donations are accepted to help offset the expenses of the event. For more information, please call the Paseo Arts Association at 525-2688, or visit

Originally established as an

artistic celebration of midsummer,


By Janettee McCrary

the Fairy Ball has been moved to late summer because of record August temperatures. The shift had an added benefit; fall leaves are also available for participants to embellish their costumes. This year the event, which drew hundreds of participants, was held inside due to the possibility of rain, but there were still plenty of enchanted creatures roaming the streets of the Paseo District. Local businesses hosted portions of the event, with the flower crown making area being hosted inside Paseo Pottery and Rainbow Fleet, and the face painting, music, and dancing hosted inside Theatre Upon a Star-Dance Swan and the Paseo Arts Association.

Luckily, the rain was nowhere to

be seen as fairies, elves, bugs, and other enchanted creatures wandered inside to complete their costumes and get their faces painted before enjoying the original music by Oklahoma City composer/multiinstrumentalist Steve McLinn of OJAS, and the performance by the dancers of Star-Dance Swan, which were truly enchanting and helped add to the awe and wonder of the evening.

The Fairy Ball is a one-of-a-kind

event, and one of the many ways this is displayed is the way the children really lead their own participation. Children are enabled to be truly creative, and not required to follow certain guidelines or standards in their costume decisions. The costumes had very differing looks, and appeared to have a variety of inspirations that included traditional fairy lore, insects, fire, fall, the Day of the Dead, and even movies and Disney characters. Participants of all ages dressed up in costume, and included adulsts as well as children.

Photographer: Story’s Ink


Photographer: Story’s Ink

Photographer: Matt Bradford


Photographer: Story’s Ink



Photographer: Matt Bradford



Photographer: LAJStudios


Upcoming Events By Janettee McCrary

OK Kids Korral Championship October 1-6 1025 E. Indian Hills Road in Norman A golf Championship to fund construction of a home for families whose children are receiving treatment for cancer in Oklahoma. For more information, including schedule, please visit “”

Kellogg’s Tour of Gymnastics Champions October 4 at 7 PM Chesapeake Energy Arena in Oklahoma City


A rare chance to see the USA’s top gymnasts. For more information, please visit “” Life in Color: World’s Largest Paint Party October 5 at 8 PM Cox Convention Center (One Myriad Gardens) in Oklahoma City A spectacular show that fuses highenergy music, art, dance, and PAINT into one mind blowing combination. For more information, please visit “” Help Us Take a Stand: Stand for the Silent October 5-6

9102 S. Walker in Oklahoma City A Tattoo Marathon and Raffle to benefit Stand for the Silent, an organization doing their part to end bullying. For more information, including schedule, please visit “” PAWS-OK 2012 Fall Yard Sale October 5-7 Warwick Estates (NW 122nd & Macarthur) in Oklahoma City A yard sale to raise funds for Pet Adoption and Welfare Services (PAWS-OK) so they can continue their work of rescuing and finding new homes for abandoned and homeless felines in the Oklahoma City area. For more information, including schedule, please visit “ PawsOk2012FallYardSale” Halloween Festival Starting October 5 3400 West Fern Mountain Road in Muskogee Includes ten spectacular events, from not scary to REALLY scary, for the entire family! For more information and a full list of dates, please visit “”

Terror on 10th Street Haunted House Starting October 5 2005 NW 10th St. in Oklahoma City A guided tour of a haunted house, where you will be invited to participate in the theatrical performance while learning the ghostly history behind it. $7/person. For more information and a full list of dates, please visit “ terroron10thstreet/info” Czech Festival October 6 from 9 AM - 7 PM Downtown Yukon Includes a pageant, parade, crafts, baked goods, and authentic Czech dinners. For more information, please visit “” Heels For Hope 5K Race/1M Walk/25 yd High Heel & Feather Boa Dash October 6 at 9 AM Chesapeake Boat House Trail An annual run/walk event to benefit local Oklahoma cancer treatment facilities. For more information, please visit “”

FrightFest Starting October 5 Frontier City (11501 NE Expressway) in Oklahoma City An annual terror-filled Halloween event. For more information and a full list of dates, please visit “”

Dirty 30 Race “Zombie Edition” October 6 from 9 AM - 12 PM Near Sugar Creek Canyon Golf Course (200 Sugar Creek Dr.) in Hinton


A challenging 5k during which participants will be chased by brainhungry zombies while making their way over and through an amazing course of both natural terrain and challenging man-made obstacles. Proceeds will benefit OK Foster Wishes and Water Is Life. For more information, please visit “”

Zombie Bolt 5K October 6 at 4:30 PM HWY 77 & W. Grant Ave. in Guthrie A 5k during which participants will be chased by brain-hungry zombies

through the streets of Guthrie. Proceeds will benefit Children’s Hospital Foundation. For more information, please visit “” Pet Health Fair October 6 from 10 AM - 2 PM Pet Medical Center of Edmond (1001 W. 15th St.) in Edmond A FREE community event with vendor booths, rescue organizations, Edmond K-9 demonstration, client education seminar, food and fun for the kids. Proceeds will go to Paws for Life. For more information, please visit “” Global Oklahoma - A Festival of Cultures October 6 from 9:45 AM - 5 PM 6420 SE 15th Street in Midwest City An event featuring exhibits, entertainment, and food from Haiti. Admission is free. For more information, please visit “” Canterbury Faire October 6 from 9 AM - 2 PM 14700 N. May Ave. in Oklahoma City A fall festival with a medieval twist — featuring art, entertainment, children’s activities, food and more for all ages! For more information, please visit “”


Bricktown Haunted Warehouse Starting October 7 Coca Cola Bricktown Events Center in Oklahoma City A 20,000 square feet event of pure terror. For more information and a full list of dates, please visit “” Boo Boo Dash October 7 at 1:30 PM Regatta Park (725 S. Lincoln Blvd) in Oklahoma City A 5k / 1 mile fun run to fund patient programs at OU Children’s Hospital. For more information, please visit “”

more information and a full list of dates, please visit “” A Parade of Pets: Fantastic Felines October 13 from 11 AM - 3 PM Animal Resource Center (7949 S I-35 Service Rd) in Oklahoma City Includes free pet seminars and services and the opportunity to adopt animals in need of homes. Each adopter will receive a gift bag with valuable coupons, goodies, and information. For more information please visit “”

Midnight Mayhem October 12 at 7 PM

Breath of Life Gala October 19 at 6 PM

Wildhorse Park in Mustang A one-of-a-kind fun run and costume contest featuring music, black light zones, glow paint, strobe lights, haunted forest, and a glowing fun zone. Proceeds will benefit the CVFC scholarship program. For more information, please visit “”

1700 NE 63rd St in Oklahoma City A fundraiser to benefit the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation. Guests will enjoy one-of-a-kind entertainment and will have a chance to bid on live and silent auction items from area retailers, artisans and designers. For more information, please visit “”

Haunt the River Cruise Starting October 12 Regatta Park (701 S Lincoln Blvd.) in Oklahoma City An adults-only, after-dark voyage during which guests will be treated to ghoulish hors d’oeuvres, a cash bar, costume prizes and frightful fun. Tickets are $35/person. For

Frankenstein Starting October 19 OKC Theatre Company (201 N. Walker) in Oklahoma City A new adaptation of the chilling masterpiece. For more information and a full list of dates, please visit “”


Mud Factor October 20 at 9 AM Reynard Raceway (940163 US HWY 177) in Wellston A hardcore 5K obstacle mud run. Participants can expect an endorphin-releasing full-fitness workout leveraging agility, stamina, and strength against punishing mud bogs, daring vertical water slide drops, demanding ropes courses, and ridiculous obstacle challenges. The action packed day includes live music, DJ’s, food, beer, mud, and camaraderie. For more information, please visit “”

Party in Pink Zumbathon October 20 from 2 PM - 4 PM 6400 North Pennsylvania Avenue in Oklahoma City A dance event to raise awareness and funds for breast cancer research and community outreach programs. For more information, please visit “”

Soul Train 70’s Costume Party October 20 from 8 PM - 1 AM Photo Art Studios (1738 NW 16 St.) in Oklahoma City Promises to be “the hippest trip in America”, as the legendary Don Cornelius would say. There will be a costume party (so break out those bell bottoms, afros, and platforms!), Celebrity Look-A-Like Contest, and 70’s Music (including R&B, Old School, & Disco). There will also be special performances by Nita Fruit as Chaka Khan, Jeremy Jackson


as David Ruffin, Cooki Turner as Gladys Knight, Austyn King as Marvin Gaye, and your host David Threatt as Lionel Richie. Must be 21+ to enter, and there will be a cash bar. Ticket donations are $30, and are available at The Hair Cafe (1120 N. Walker) or It’s gonna be Groovy Baby! For more information, please call (405) 921- 8559.

Ghost Runners 5K Dog Run October 21 from 12 PM - 4 PM Stars & Stripes Park (NW Portland & Lake Hefner Dr.) in Oklahoma City Includes a race and a post race party with food, drinks, music, animal rescue and vendor booths, an awards ceremony, and a Halloween Costume Contest. For more information, please visit “”

Storybook Forest Starting October 23 Spring Creek Park (7200 E. 15th St.) in Edmond A family-friendly event that includes a walk through the not-so-scary Storybook Forest, a hayride, game area and campfire for roasting marshmallows or warming up with hot chocolate while listening to children’s books being read. For more information and a full list of dates, please visit “”

Haunt the Harn October 25 from 6 PM - 9 PM

Bone Bash October 26 at 6:30 PM

Harn Homestead Museum in Oklahoma City A family-friendly event that includes games like cupcake walk and pumpkin bowling, crafts, face-painting, sweets, a hayride around the ten-acre property and marshmallow roasting. For more information, please visit “”

1700 Northeast 63rd Street in Oklahoma City An annual costume party and premiere gala to raise funds for the Arthritis Foundation. For more information, please visit “”

Bright Night of Not-So-Frightening Fun of Harry Potter October 26 at 6 PM Science Museum in Oklahoma City An overnight event that will include a haunted museum with Harry Potter-themed activities and costumes, and a laboratory where kids can conduct some of the scariest experiments around, including making slime, turning water to blood and many more – only to find out, with science, it’s not so frightening! For more information, please visit “”

Haunt the Zoo Starting October 26 Oklahoma City Zoo (2101 NE 50 St.) in Oklahoma City Provides a safe and fun atmosphere for trick-or-treaters. For more information and a full list of dates, please visit “”

Masquerade Ball for Dreamcatchers for Abused Children October 26 from 7 PM - 12 AM Remington Park (One Remington Place) in Oklahoma City A formal ball and dinner to benefit Dreamcatchers for Abused Children, an organization to prevent child abuse & neglect. For more information, please visit “”

The Flaming Lips Freak Night October 26 at 7:30 PM Oklahoma City Zoo Amphitheatre (2101 NE 50) in Oklahoma City A concert and costume party which will feature performer The Flaming Lips. Doors open at 5:30 PM and admission is FREE until all the seats are full. For more information, please visit “”

Hallowe’en Silent Film October 26 at 8 PM Paul F. Sharp Concert Hall (500 West Boyd St.) in Norman


A presentation of the film The Cat and the Canary. For more information, please visit “”

Haunt Old Town October 27 from 4 PM - 7 PM Moore Community Center (SW 4th and I-35) in Moore Filled with fun family activities, trick or treating, and a costume contest. For more information, please visit “” Trick-Orr-Treating and Costume Contest October 27 from 10 AM - 9 PM The Orr Family Farm (14400 S Western) in Oklahoma City A non-scary Halloween event with trick-or-treating and a costume contest. For more information, please visit “” Spooksville October 27 from 1:30 PM - 6 PM Yukon Community Center (2200 Holly Ave.) in Yukon A Halloween festival that includes a dog costume contest, kids costume contest, a haunted house, and a carnival area with games, clowns, magicians, and lots of candy. For more information please visit “”


Pumpkin Palooza October 27 from 5 PM - 8 PM Mitch Park (1501 West Covell Rd.) in Edmond Include arts and crafts, as well as pumpkin-themed activities, such as carving and catapulting. For more information, please visit “” Fall Festival October 27 from 1 PM - 4 PM Ralph Ellison Library (2000 NE 23 St.) in Oklahoma City Will include a variety of fun family activities, such as a petting zoo, costume contest, dance, crafts, face painting, and lots of tasty treats! For more information, please visit “” Trick-or-Treat City October 27 from 2 PM - 4:30 PM Joe B. Barnes Regional Park in Midwest City Includes a carnival with trick-ortreating and inflatables. For more information, please visit “” Ghouls Gone Wild October 27 at 7 PM Downtown Oklahoma City A nighttime Halloween parade that celebrates Oklahoma’s creativity, talent, artistry and innovation. For more information, including parade route, please visit “”

Race for the Cure October 27 from 7 AM - 12 PM

Trick-or-Treat on the Street October 31 from 5 PM - 7 PM

Chickasaw Ball Park (2 South Mickey Mantle Dr.) in Oklahoma City An annual race to benefit the Susan G. Komen Foundation. For more information, please visit “”

Downtown Edmond An annual trick-or-treat event. For more information, please visit

Phil’s Monster Mash October 28 at 2 PM Civic Center Music Hall (201 North Walker Ave.) in Oklahoma City An afternoon of costumes, Halloween theme music and treats for kids of all ages. For more information and to purchase tickets, please visit “ discovery” Barktoberfest October 28 from 12 PM - 5 PM Mann’s Best Friend (10600 S Penn Ave. Ste 12) in Oklahoma City A costume contest, doggie trick-ortreat and adoption event. For more information, please visit “ mannsbestfriend” Trail of Fears October 30 from 7:30 PM - 10:30 PM Little River Park (700 SW 4 St.) in Moore Features 1/3 mile winding haunted trail designed for adults and children ages 12 and older. For more information, please visit “”


Exclusive vs. Non-exclusinve Contracts Non-exclusive contracts and exclusive contracts both have advantages and disadvantages and should be examined extensively by new models. Remember, it is your career, so be prepared, work hard, work smart and follow through.


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Glass Hat

Model: Kayla Hickelheim Photographer: Subtle Shades Photography MUA/HS: Kayla Location: Capt. Norm’s Dockside Bar LLP


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