September 2010

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2010 Officers President Ann Collum 713-645-0241 Vice President Shannon McNair 713-847-6685 Recording Secretary Alsine Ryan 713-641-3670 Membership Secretary Norma Navarro 713-645-3409 Treasurer Vicky Schoppe 713-643-7643

Directors at Large

Jamie Oyler (NE) Roxanna Ramirez (NW) Saundra Hughes (SWI) Dolores Thacker (SWII) Gilbert Martinez (SE)

713-645-5936 713-644-5860 713-645-7617 713-645-1886 713-643-1735

Section Directors 1. Karen Guerrero 713-645-4625 2. Billimarie Gannon 713-644-8110 3. Robert Searcy 832-279-5332 4. Emma Valdes 713-644-0858 5. Larry Rucker 713-649-3535 6. Robert Searcy/Interim 832-279-5332 7. Allison Kennedy 281-501-9512 7X. Bob Johnston 713-644-4212 8. Karen Kemper 713-641-1469 9. Carrie O’Brien 713-880-3787 10. Karen Carpenter 713-640-1336 11. 12. Michael Smith 832-656-5665

Helpful Numbers Deed Restrictions Karen Carpenter 713-640-1336 Or Any Director Citizens-on Patrol 713-641-5373 HPD Broadway Storefront 713-847-4155 8751 Broadway Non-Emergency Police 713-884-3131 Heavy Trash Pick-up 2nd Thursday of each month Southeast - 713-928-4101

Neighborhood Protection/ Public Works 24 hour number - 311

Airport Noise 281-233-3900

Street light problems - 311 District Council Member James Rodriguez 832-393-3011 E-mail:

State Representative Dist. 147 Garnet Coleman 713-520-5355 E-mail

State Senator Dist. 6 Mario Gallegos 713-678-8600


Glenbrook Valley Civic Club

Glenbrook Valley Civic Club “Glenbrook Valley Is A Deed Restricted Neighborhood” September


Glenbrook Valley Civic Club Thursday, September 16th at 7 p.m.,

El Club cívico Glenbrook Valley Jueves, el 16 de septiembre a las 7 p.m.

Glenbrook Methodist Church, 8635 Glen Valley

Glenbrook Methodist Church 8635 Glen Valley

A representative form CRIME STOPPERS will join us for a presentation. We have also invited our new Southeast Command Captain, Jay Jones to come and meet our neighborhood. Mark your calendar and please join us.

Un representante de Crime Stoppers (Quite el crimen) se reunirá con nosotros para darnos una presentación. También hemos invitado a nuestro Capitán del mandato sudeste, Jay Jones, para que conozca a nuestra vecindad. Apúntelo en su calendario y por favor reúnase con nosotros.


Some Glenbrook Valley residents have received fliers on their doors encouraging them to rescind support for historic designation for Glenbrook Valley. The Civic Club encourages people to talk about historic designation, from all perspectives, but the information in these fliers is confusing and misleading. If you have concerns about the historic designation, or would like to sign the petition, please call any Civic Club board member. Let’s clear things up:

LA DESIGNACIÓN HISTÓRICA: MITOS Y HECHOS Por el Equipo histórico Glenbrook Valley

Algunos residentes de Glenbrook Valley han recibido boletines en sus puertas dando ánimo que rescindan apoyo para la designación histórica de Glenbrook Valley. El Club cívico anima a la gente que hablen acerca de la designación histórica de todas perspectivas, pero la información en estos boletines confunde y es engañosa. Si usted tiene preocupaciones acerca de la designación histórica, o si le gustaría firmar la petición, favor de llamar a cualquier miembro del consejo de administración del Club cívico.

Myth: These fliers are being handed out by concerned neighbors, who reflect the Aclaremos las cosas: concerns of many residents. Mito: Estos boletines se entregan por Fact: Three Glenbrook Valley residents vecinos preocupados, que reflejan las are involved in this effort. The rest are preocupaciones de muchos residentes. from outside of the neighborhood and Hecho: Tres residentes de Glenbrook represent special interest groups, not our Valley están involucrados es este esfuerneighborhood. One of the street names zo. Los demás vienen de afuera de la listed is not even in our neighborhood. vecindad y representan grupos de interés

Nearly 60% of Glenbrook Valley homeowners have signed petitions for historic designation. Many of you attended an open forum on August 5 at the fellowship hall of the Methodist Church. The hall was filled with Glenbrook Valley neighbors who asked questions, and an overwhelming majority voted in favor of historic designation. The webpage listed on the flier (as of this writing) does not mention Glenbrook Valley on the front page, and the group is not from Glenbrook Valley. The three real estate agents behind the movement have not sold or shown a single property in this neighborhood, and at least one of them, Billy Baldwin, actively uses the new historic designation as a selling point for houses on his ads. In a recent listing on Houston Association of Realtors web site, he promoted a house in the “Historic” Freeland District as a “soon to be Protected Historic District.” Myth: Fines of $500 a day, even for simple repairs.

One more important fact not mentioned in the flier is that if you make a major change to the house that is in accordance with the history of the neighborhood you may be eligible for a 15 year city property tax abatement. Myth: Rescinding your support will protest changes to the ordinance. Fact: Rescinding your support will have little to no effect on changes to the ordinance. Rescinding your support will divide the neighborhood and reduce the chance of all of Glenbrook Valley being designated a historic district. For the last year-and-a-half, over thirty of your neighbors from all four Glenbrook Valley quadrants have met with you, gone door-to-door, and collected over 750 signatures. Your city councilman, James Rodriguez, personally collected signatures for this effort. We will have far more influence with the city, and over historic district legislation, as a historic district than as just another neighborhood. Rescinding your support may also result in changes to the neighborhood boundaries. The Glenbrook Valley Historic team has always promoted the entire neighborhood. Right now, we are moving forward as a whole. We do not want to see our neighborhood divided.

Fact: Repairs such as fences, roofs, landscaping, other routine maintenance, and any emergency repair (such as after a hurricane) are not regulated by the historic designation. House colors are not regulated by historic designation. Changes to the interior of your house are not regulated by historic designation. Historic designation only affects major changes to the front of your house. To make ma- Myth: Historic designation will jor changes, you must get a city make it more difficult to sell your permit and comply with our deed house. restrictions, just as you must do now. City representatives were asked about this fine recently. We were told that since the historic neighborhood designation started in 1992, no one had EVER been fined. 713-644-1343 September, 2010

Fact: The historic designation effort in Glenbrook Valley has already dramatically increased the attention to the neighborhood. We are the first post-War historic district in Texas and the first outside of the loop. Glenbrook Valley has drawn the attention of NPR, The Houston Press, Great Day Houston, and Swamplot among others. The neighborhood is even one of two nominees in Houston for an international home tour. What other neighborhood near us has received this much good publicity? Also, a recent study of Texas home sales by economists at Rutgers University found that homes in historic districts sell for a higher price per square foot than those in other areas. If you would like to read the full ordinance, it is posted on the Glenbrook Valley Civic Club website, http:// www.glenbrookvalle Glenbrook_Valley/Home.html . Cont’d para p 1

particular, no de nuestra vecindad. Una de las calles listadas ni aun está en nuestra vecindad. Más que 60% de los dueños de casa de Glenbrook Valley han firmado peticiones para la designa-


Helen Guillory Real Estate Helping neighbors with homes in Glenbrook Valley since 1970

By Appointment 713-643-4611 or 713-825-7088 (cell) Page 2

ción histórica. Muchos de ustedes asistieron a un foro abierto el 5 de agosto en el salón comunitario de la Iglesia metodista. El salón se llenó de vecinos de Glenbrook Valley que hicieron preguntas, y una mayoría grande votó en favor de la designación histórica. El sitio Web listado en el boletín (a la hora de escribir esto) no menciona Glenbrook Valley en la primera página, y el grupo no es de Glenbrook Valley. Los tres agentes de bienes raíces detrás de este movimiento no han vendido ni mostrado ninguna propiedad en esta vecindad, y por lo menos uno de ellos, Billy Baldwin, usa activamente la designación histórica como un punto para vender en sus anuncios de casa. En un anuncio reciente en el sitio Web de la Houston Association of Realtors (La Asociación de agentes inmobiliarios de Houston), promovió una casa en el Distrito Freeland “histórico” como un “Distrito histórico que pronto será protegido”.

cambios al interior de su casa no se regulan por la designación histórica. La designación histórica solamente afecta cambios mayores a la parte delantera de su casa. Para hacer cambios mayores, hay que obtener un permiso de la ciudad y cumplir con todas las restricciones escritas, igual como necesita hacer ahora. Hicimos preguntas a las representantes de la ciudad acerca de esto últimamente. Nos dijeron que hasta cuando la designación histórica de las vecindades comenzó en 1992, NINGUNA persona había recibido una multa NUNCA. Otro hecho importante que no se mencionó en el boletín es que si usted hace un cambio mayor a la casa que está de acuerdo con la historia de la vecindad usted puede ser elegible por una reducción de su impuesto de propiedad a la ciudad por un periodo de 15 años. Mito: Rescindir su apoyo protestará cambios a la ordenanza.

Hecho: Rescindir su apoyo tendrá poco o ningún efecto a la ordenanza. Rescindir su apoyo dividirá la Hecho: Las reparaciones como para vecindad y reducirá la probabilicercas, techos, paisajismo, y otro dad de que toda la vecindad de mantenimiento rutinero, y cualquier Glenbrook Valley será designada reparación de emergencia (como un distrito histórico. Por el año y después de un huracán) no se regu- medio pasado, más que treinta de lan por la designación histórica. sus vecinos de todos los cuadranLos colores de casa no se regulan tes de Glenbrook Valley se han por la designación histórica. Los reunido con usted, han caminado de puerta en puerta y han coleccionado más que 750 firmas. Su concejal, James Rodriguez, personalmente coleccionó firmas para Mario N. Ramirez, este esfuerzo. LUTCF\Exclusive Agent Auto, Property, Life, Business Tendremos más influencia con la Allstate Insurance Company ciudad y sobre la legislación acer8876 Gulf Frwy., Suite 100 Houston, TX 77061 ca de distritos histórico como un Bus. (713)944-4990 FAX (713)944-5997 distrito histórico que la que tenE-mail— dríamos como solamente otra cindad. Rescindir su apoyo tam-

Mito: Multas de $500 diariamente, aun por reparaciones sencillas.

September, 2010

bién puede resultar en cambios a los límites de la vecindad. El equipo histórico Glenbrook Valley siempre ha promovido la vecindad entera. Ahora mismo, estamos moviendo para adelante como una vecindad entera. No queremos ver que nuestra vecindad sea dividida. Mito: La designación histórica hará más difícil la venta de su casa. Hecho: El esfuerzo para la designación histórica en Glenbrook Valley ya ha aumentado dramáticamente la atención a la vecindad. Somos el primer distrito histórico de después de la Guerra en Texas y el primero afuera de Loop 610. Glenbrook Valley ha atraído la atención de NPR, The Houston Press, Great Day Houston, y Swamplot entre otros. La vecindad aún es una de dos nominaciones en Houston para una gira de casas internacionales. ¿Cuál otra vecindad cerca de nosotros ha recibido tanta publicidad buena? También, un estudio reciente de las ventas de casa en Texas por economistas de la Universidad de Rutgers encontró que las casas en los distritos históricos se venden por un precio por pie cuadrado más alto que las en otras áreas. Si le gustaría leer la ordenanza completa, se ve en el sitio Web del Club cívico Glenbrook V a l l e y , h t t p : / / Glenbrook_Valley/Home.html

Recuerdo: Letreros en el jardín Las restricciones escritas que gobiernan todas las trece secciones de Glenbrook Valley prohíben la colocación de cualquier letrero en la propiedad residencial. Letreros que dicen "Para vender" son las únicas excepciones a esta restricción. Page 3

El Código de propiedad en Texas, Sección 202.009, permite letreros que anuncian un candidato político o algo para la votación. En este caso el derecho de presentar un letrero comienza 90 días antes de una elección, y hay que quitarlo dentro de 10 días después de la elección.

Reminder: Signs on Yards The governing deed restrictions of all thirteen sections in Glenbrook Valley prohibit the placement of any sign on residential property. "For Sale" signs for the home are the only exception to this restriction.

fully this won't happen again, but in Holiday Decorations case it does, check the calendar on It’s not too early to plan your yard the web site. decorations for the Christmas Season. In keeping with our 50 year Apuntes de la redactora tradition, the Civic Club will be presenting awards for yards Obviamente el boletín de agosto judged “Most Beautiful,” Most tenía los ganadores de Jardín del Original,” and “Honorable Menmes para agosto, ¡no julio! tion.” Disculpas por el horario incorrecto de los Desperdicios sólidos para agosto. Se espera que esto no volverá a pasar, pero en el caso de que si ocurra, compruebe el calendario e n e l s i t i o W e b Thursday, September 9

Community Calendar

Building Reminder

Any construction or changes to the exterior of your home, driveway, or sidewalk must first have the approval of the Architectural Review Board. Submit the plans and specifications; materials to be used; and dimensions to: Glenbrook Valley Architectural Review Board Editor's Notes P.O. Box 262164 Obviously the August newsletter Houston, TX 77207-2164 had the August Yard of the Month Recuerdo de la Winners, not JULY! The Texas Property Code Section 202.009 allows signs which advertise a political candidate or ballot item. In such instances, the right to present a sign starts 90 days prior to an election and must be removed within 10 days of the election.

Apologies for the incorrect Solid Waste Schedule for August. Hope-

Bruce A. Matson ___D.D.S.__ Your Neighborhood





September 2010

construcción Cualquier construcción o cambio al exterior de su casa, camino de entrada, o acera necesitará la aprobación anterior del Consejo de examen arquitectónico. Sometan planes y especificaciones, materiales que van a usar, y las dimensiones a: Glenbrook Valley Architectural Review Board P.O. Box 262164 Houston, TX 77207-2164 You are the eyes and ears of the neighborhood S t o p, L o o k Report Problems!

P.I.P. 7:00 p.m. 8300 Mykawa All residents welcome!

Thursday September 16 Glenbrook Valley Civic Club General Meeting 7 p.m. 8635 Glen Valley

Monday, September20 C.O.P. 6:30 P.M. Park Place Regional Library

Signature Selection Interior Design Update or redecorate within your budget!

Call for a FREE in home consultation! Call Angela or Saundra 832-851-7776 or 713-203-0585 website:

Page 4


by Hazel Carney GOOD NEWS! GOOD NEWS! It was reported earlier that pictures from a security camera in Gulf Freeway Oaks recorded a man vandalizing a vehicle. The picture was turned over to HPD. A suspect was identified and arrested. This may not stop all of the vandalism in our neighborhood, but at least there is one person going to pay for his crime. National Night Out is being observed on October 5th from 6PM9PM. So start planning your BLOCK PARTY with your neighbors. This is a good way and time to meet all of your neighbors. Neighbors working together is what helps make a neighborhood safe. Citizens on Patrol meets the third Monday of each month in the large Community Room of Park Place Regional Library, 8145 Park Place Blvd., from 6:30 PM to 7:30 PM. There are no dues, we survive on donations which you can mail to: Glenbrook Valley C.O.P., P.O. Box 262164, Houston, TX 77207-2164. To join our happy, dedicated group requires a little of your time and dedication to Glenbrook Valley. We all want to keep our neighborhood safe for our families. Believe it or not, it takes all of us to do this. Meetings are not mandatory, but we learn from each other and have a good time. We understand that you may have other time obligations, but please support our efforts with either your time or a tax deductible donation to keep this a safer neighborhood. Please September, 2010

neighborhood. Please join us for our next meeting we hope to see you there. Meet our new Southeast Command Captain Jay Jones at the Civic Club meeting Thursday, Sept. 16. We’ve also invited Lt. Upton to come and tell us about the tagging that has happened recently.

Yard Of the Month

September Yard of the Month Winners Northeast Felicitas Macias 7903 Glenview

Southeast Joel Morales 7934 Glenlea

Southwest I Rita & Mel Proctor 7515 Rockhill

Southwest II Liliana & Brigido Reyes 7703 Cayton

Northwest George Christy 8007 Erie

Labor Day Garbage Pick-up Monday, September 6 is Labor Day; No City services; no garbage collection. Tuesday, September 7 - Monday pick-up schedule will be followed. Wednesday, September 8 - Tuesday pick-up schedule will be followed. WEDNESDAY WILL BE GLENBROOK VALLEY'S GARBAGE PICK-UP DAY!!

La recolección de la basura en el Dia de los trabajadores (Labor Day) Lunes, el 6 de septiembre es el Dia de los trabajadores. No habrá servicios de la ciudad; no habrá recolección de la basura Martes, el 7 de septiembre - se seguirá el horario de la recolección para lunes Miércoles, el 8 de septiembre - se seguirá el horario de la recolección para martes

Curbside Recycle “Green” Cans Wednesday, Sept. 8 Tuesday, Sept. 21 Tuesday, Sept. 8

Second Thursday Tree WASTE

All residences are eligible to win the “Yard of the Month!”

¡Todas las residencias son elegibles para ganar "Jardín del Mes!"

September 9 TREE WASTE To report problems or Code Violations—311 Page 5

Bandit Signs By Shannon Mc Nair

Bandit signs, also called “litter on a stick”, are those lightweight advertising signs usually made from paper, cardboard or corrugated plastic. They are illegal when posted or placed on public property such as medians and along sidewalks. In addition to being illegal and creating visual blight, bandit signs decrease the perceived value of our neighborhood and create potential hazards for pedestrians traveling along rights of way. If you have placed one of these signs up, please remove it. Concerned citizens can also remove these signs from public property. It is also illegal to use the public utility poles for any sort of advertising. Let’s work to keep our neighborhood clean and inviting.

City Ordinance Violations may be reported to Neighborhood Protection by dialing 311, or on line @ Select “Welcome to…...on line web request.” Giving your name is still your option.

Crime Statistics for JUNE 2010 Murder:




Robbery 0 Assaults: 7900 Rockhill Burglary: 7600 Glenview 7900 Glenview Theft:

7700 Wynlea 7600 Glenview 7900 Glen Dell Ct. 7900 Montglen 7900 Pecan Villas 8700 Glen Loch

Auto Theft: 2 - 7900 Glen Vista 8500 Dover

Reinvest in your property! Invierta de Nuevo en su propiediad! Protect & support your neighborhood! Proteja y apoye su vecindario! Join the Civic Club! Júntese con el club cívicio! $35.00 per year! $35.00 el año! $25.00 for seniors $25.00 al año la gente de mayor edad ___________________________ Name as you want it to appear on the newsletter / Nombre

Narcotics: 0

___________________________ Address / Dirección




Statistics collected are for Glenbrook Valley residential only and exclude apartments, shopping centers and peripheral businesses. This data is reported as supplied by H.P.D. Crime Reports.

Telephone number / Teléfono número

Mail to : / Envie a : Glenbrook Valley Civic Club P.O. Box 262164 Houston, TX 77207-2164

George’s Pizzeria And

Hobby Area Estate Sale Service Phone/Fax: 713-649-9545

E.T. Unlimited No Job Too Big Free Estimates

281-332-4568 E.T. Baty, III, CraftsAugust, 2010

Italian Cuisine Buon Appetito!

Dr. Clay McCreary Bellfort Animal Hospital 6633 BELLFORT HOUSTON, TX 77087

Grooming & Boarding Clinic: 713-643-2626 Emergency:713-941-8460 M-F: 8-12:00am 2-5:30pm Sat.: 8am-1:00pm

7430 Park Place

Houston, TX 77087 713713-644644-3223



Page 6


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September septiembre Coupon Cupón Residentes de

Glenbrook Valley Residents

10% OFF Rebajo de 10%

Bonide products, Nitrophos September, 2010

Glenbrook Valley Newsletter



DATED MATERIAL! Deliver Promptly, Do not hold.


Civic Club Meeting Thursday, Sept. 16, 7 p.m. Glenbrook Methodist Church 8635 Glen Valley Support our neighborhood’s Historic Designation Efforts

Robert Searcy TEXAS REAL ESTATE & Co. 832-279-5332 direct


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