Spring 2010

Page 1





FREE Copy!

Recreation M aga z in e

Discover Historic Sahuaro Ranch! FREE ADMISSION! – inside back cover

Special Interest Classes

Eggventure “Hoppening” April 3rd

from $15 — page 21

— page 5


“SPRING” INTO ACTION! March–May 2010


Sports & Fitness — pages 7,13,14

flex your muscles...

at the

Foothills Recreation & aquatics center Get your Recreation Pass Today! Day Passes Available.

.. .. . .

fitness center aquatics center rock climbing wall party rental space meeting facilities perfetto de cafĂŠ


5600 W. Union Hills Dr. Glendale 623-930-4600 or see page 14. A City of Glendale Parks & Recreation facility.

sports & fitness

Youth/Teen Sports..................... 6,7

Adult Sports..................12,13

Foothills Fitness Center....................... 14

Foothills Recreation & Aquatics Center..................14,15

Youth Scholarship Fund...................... 33

special interest classes

SIGN UP NOW!..................... 20

Cultural Arts...................... 21

Music...................... 22

Languages...................... 22

Class Locations and Legend...................... 23

Computer...................... 24

Personal Development...................... 24

Culinary Arts...................... 26

Dance..................... 26

Exercise/Sports...................... 27

Youth/Teen...................... 29

and more!

Facility Rentals......................... 4

Events......................... 5

Before/After School Programs..................... 8,9

Adaptive Recreation....................... 10

Aquatics / Lifeguard Training....................... 11

Glendale Community Center....................... 16

YWCA Senior Program....................... 16

Glendale Adult Center....................... 17

Parks & Facilities..................18,19

SIGN UP NOW! .................... 20

Youth Scholarship Fund...................... 33

Volunteer Opportunities ..................... 34

Cancellation/Refund Policy ..................... 34

Sahuaro Ranch Park Historic Area .. inside back cover

visit us online at...

s ring into action

Your Glendale Parks & Recreation is proudly one of only 88 agencies nationally to have received accreditation from CAPRA (the Commission for Accreditation of Park and Recreation Agencies), signifying a measure of overall quality of operation, management and service to the community.


Glendale Parks & Recreation classes and activities are open to ALL Valley residents! (Glendale residents use Resident rates, other Valley residents use Non-resident rates.)

Glendale Parks and Recreation complies with the Americans with Disabilities Act. If you need special accommodations, please call 623-930-2820. Hearing impaired may call the TDD line at 623-930-2197.




“A Kids At Hope” City

Glendale Parks & Recreation

Glendale Parks & Recreation offers a wide variety of facilities available for your next party, meeting or reception — all available at reasonable rates. For information on rates and availability, just contact any of the following facilities. They’ll be glad to assist you!

Director: Becky Bennà

5850 W. Glendale Ave. Glendale, Arizona 85301 M–F 8 a.m.–5 p.m. 623-930-2820 Fax 623-931-9651 glendaleaz.com/ parksandrecreation

Glendale Adult Center


5970 W. Brown St. 623-930-4327 glendaleaz.com/adultcenter/AdultCenterRentals.cfm The perfect place for your next event, meeting or reception featuring facilities for up to 300 guests, a stage and optional catering kitchen.

City of Glendale

Mayor & Council

Foothills Recreation & Aquatics Center



5600 W. Union Hills Dr. 623-930-4609 glendaleaz.com/foothillscenter/FoothillsRentalinformation.cfm

Elaine M. Scruggs


With its bold appearance and exceptional amenities, it’s the perfect environment for a variety of activities. Options include classrooms for small gatherings and multi-purpose rooms for your larger functions.

Vice Mayor Manny Martinez (Cholla District) David Goulet (Ocotillo District)

Sahuaro Ranch Park Historic Area


Joyce Clark (Yucca District)

9802 N. 59th Ave. 623-930-4202 glendaleaz.com/SRPHA

Phil Lieberman (Cactus District)

Rental venues include the historic Fruit Packing Shed, Barnyard, Demonstration Area and Front Lawns. For rose garden weddings, we partner with the Glendale Historical Society. Wedding ceremony questions should be directed to the Glendale Historical Society at 623-435-0072 prior to contacting us for reception information. Some restrictions apply.

Yvonne Knaack (Barrel District) Steven Frate (Sahuaro District)

Our Glendale Parks & Recreation mission...

Glendale Community Center


5401 W. Ocotillo Rd. 623-930-4701 glendaleaz.com/ParksandRecreation/Centers/ GlendaleCommunityCenter.cfm

“Engage residents and visitors in diverse opportunities to live, invest and play in the community.”

Park Ramadas (select parks)

623-930-2820 glendaleaz.com/ParksandRecreation/ RamadaReservations.cfm

for your FREE subscription...

Sports Fields

Call 623-930-2822 or visit glendaleaz.com/ parksandrecreation.


Softball fields and multi-purpose fields available for reservation.

to advertise...

call 623-930-2822.

All Information is subject to change without notice.

10000PR 1/10

= Heart Healthy Activity

The city of Glendale Parks and Recreation Department prohibits discrimination on the basis of race, color, sex, national origin, and/ or disabling conditions, such as, but not limited to, Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) or Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (A DS) in its programs and activities. Discrimination complaints may be filed with either the Glendale Parks and Recreation Department or the Director of Equal Opportunity Program, National Park Service, P.O. Box 37127, Washington, D.C. 20013-7127.


mark your calendar!

-Eggventure April 3


The City of Glendale Parks and Recreation Department, Glendale Office of Tourism and Historic Downtown business community proudly present the Eggventure in Historic Downtown Glendale on Saturday, April 3, 9:30-11:30 a.m. Enjoy a nostalgic hometown atmosphere as as you search for over 20,000 candy-filled eggs left by Mr. and Mrs. Bunny along tree-lined brick sidewalks that lead to quaint shops and charming bungalows. Some participating partners will be offering unique activities and craft projects for a nominal fee. For more information on this fun-filled event, visit glendaleaz. com/parksandrecreation, or contact Jen at 623-930-2042 or jgodbehere@glendaleaz. com. Don’t miss this unique Eggventure in Arizona’s Best Kept Secret - Historic Downtown Glendale.



March 20 & 21


Folk & Heritage Festival

FREE ADMISSION! Enjoy over 150 performers featuring

everything from folk and bluegrass music to cowboy poetry and storytelling. Other highlights include historic site tours, blacksmith demonstrations, children’s stage/ activity area and workshops by accomplished entertainers. It happens Saturday and Sunday, March 20-21, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., at the Sahuaro Ranch Park Historic Area, 9802 N. 59th Ave. Admission and most activities are free. Refreshments will be available for purchase. For more information, call 623-930-4200.



Family Building Block Challenge


Join us at the Foothills Recreation & Aquatics Center, 5600 W. Union Hills Dr., from 10 a.m. to 12:30 p.m., Saturday, April 17, for the 3rd Annual Building Block Challenge, where families are given a tub of Lego’s to make an amazing creation! Families will have 1-½ hours to design and build their creation before it is judged. $30 per family (includes a 280-piece Lego set to take home for each family). Sign up BEFORE APRIL 10 by calling 623-930-4600. Questions? Call 623-930-4610. Code #352452-01

May 14

Watermill Express

Toddler Water Day

...Splish, Splash, Tropical Bash

FREE ADMISSION! It’s time to hit the water! Join us from

10 a.m. to 12 p.m., Friday, May 14, at Sahuaro Ranch Park, 63rd Ave. & Mountain View Rd., for a morning of fun water activities. Children should be dressed to get wet! There will be a variety of water games that will definitely leave them soaked. Children must be accompanied by an adult or guardian and are required to wear shoes or sandals; no bare feet allowed. Don’t forget the SUNSCREEN. Snacks and refreshments will be available for purchase. For more information, contact Krystal at 623-930-2038 or klolson@glendaleaz. com. Watch ALL children around water.


Hook-a-Kid on Golf Clinics Register by MAY 14 Sign-up before May 14 FORE Hook-a-Kid on Golf (HAKOG), a national skill development program that gives youngsters, ages 8-15, a complete introduction to golf. Participants will receive a week of instruction, a starter set of golf clubs, golf polo, cap, learning materials and a golf outing. HAKOG provides a unique atmosphere that allows participants to develop self-esteem and confidence. Glendale resident: $200 / Non-Resident: $240. For information on applying for special scholarships or for more information, call 623-930-2042. The following HAKOG Clinics are held Monday through Friday, 8 to 11 a.m. To sign up, just turn to page 20. #1: June 14-18 - Glen Lake Golf Course, 5450 W. Northern Ave. (Code #433111-11) #2: June 28-July 2 - Desert Mirage Golf Course, 8755 W. Maryland (Code #433111-21) #3: July 12-16 - Glen Lakes Golf Course, 5450 W. Northern Ave. (Code #433111-31) #4: July 19-23 - Desert Mirage Golf Course, 8755 W. Maryland Ave. (Code #433111-41)

Why Choose Glendale Parks

& Recreation Youth/Teen Sports Program for your child?

A proud tradition for over 30 years, the City of Glendale has kept the best interests of children, parents, officials and volunteer coaches in mind while offering quality, award-winning youth/teen sports programs. Glendale was the first recreation department in Arizona to certify, educate and fingerprint youth sport coaches for the safety, protection and development of the young athlete. Glendale emphasizes maximum participation, fun, sportsmanship, social interaction, rules knowledge and teamwork in all of its youth activities. Our Glendale Parks & Recreation youth/ teen sports motto is “THE OUTCOME OF THE CHILD IS MORE IMPORTANT THAN THE OUTCOME OF THE GAME.” It is our goal to continue offering a quality youth sports experience for everyone involved.

Aquafina Pitch, Hit & Run

Major League Baseball National Program March 27 / Register by March 25 Aquafina Major League Baseball Pitch, Hit & Run is a free skills competition that provides boys and girls, ages 7 to 14 (as of July 17, 2010), the opportunity to showcase their abilities. Registered participants will compete in one of four age divisions and will challenge their baseball skills in three categories: hitting, pitching and running. The Glendale competition is at 5 p.m., March 27, at the Paseo Racquet Center ball fields, 6228 W. Thunderbird Rd. Check in is at 4 p.m. (Note: No metal cleats allowed.) Participants must complete a signed registration/waiver form, available at Glendale Parks & Recreation, 5850 W. Glendale Ave., or at www.glendaleaz.com/parksandrecreation/youthsports. cfm, and submit it by March 25 with a copy of their birth certificate. For more information, contact Mike D. at 623-930-2841 or Mike G. at 623-930-2834 or mgrono@glendaleaz.com.


HERSHEY’S Track & Field Games April 16

/ Register by April 9

For boys and girls ages 7 to 14 (as of December 31, 2010). Our local Track & Field Games feature events such as softball toss; standing long jump; 50, 100, 200 and 400 meter dash; 800 and 1600 meter run and 4 x 100 meter relay (team only). Participants can compete in up to two events. The games are at 6 p.m., April 16, at Sunrise Mountain High School, 21200 N. 83rd Ave., in Peoria. Check-in is at 5 p.m. Top finishers may get the opportunity to advance to the West Valley District Games. (Note: Only tennis shoes are to be worn for all events.) Participants must complete a signed registration/ waiver form available at Glendale Parks & Recreation, 5850 W. Glendale Ave., or at www.glendaleaz.com/ parksandrecreation/youthsports.cfm, and submit it by April 9 with a copy of their birth certificate. For more information, call Mike D. at 623-930-2841.

Check out the Hook-a-Kid on Golf Clinics above and for more youth/teen sports/exercise options, see page 32




Questions? Contact Mike Grono at mgrono@glendaleaz.com or 623-930-2834.

TO SIGN UP, call 623-930-2820 or 623-930-4600 and use Visa, MasterCard or American Express OR use the form on page 20 and mail or take it to a location noted on the form OR sign up online at www.glendaleaz.com/parksandrecreation. (Note: NO refunds after May 21.) SIGN UP DATES ARE NOTED UNDER EACH SPORT. (After the sign up deadline, teams often need additional players. Those still wishing to sign up will be put on a waiting list and placed on teams if space permits).

SPONSORS NEEDED! Merchants, companies and organizations — sponsor a team and receive your business name printed on a team’s shirts, recognition throughout the summer program, your own team shirt and a sponsor’s plaque. Sponsorship is $175 per team. For more information, contact Mike Grono at 623-930-2834 or mgrono@glendaleaz.com.

BASEBALL, SOFTBALL & T-BALL SIGN UP: MARCH 15–APRIL 2 (Late sign up April 3–9 until 5 p.m. Late fee is $10). These fun programs emphasize physical fitness, equal participation and social and skill development. Baseball and softball are offered to ages 6-16 (as of 07/30/10). T-ball is offered for children ages 4-6 (as of 7/30/10). GAMES START JUNE 7 and will be held select weekday evenings between 6–9 p.m. Baseball is played at Paseo Sports Complex, 6228 W. Thunderbird Rd., and Softball is played at Foothills Sports Complex, 19070 N. 57th Ave. Players must sign up for the division of play in which they are eligible. Glendale resident: $50 • Non-resident: $60 (Includes team t-shirt, baseball cap and up to 10 games). No refunds will be issued after May 21. Participants will be selected for teams by closest public school and geographic location after the sign up deadline. Volunteer/parent coaches will contact participants after May 10. Questions? Contact Mike Grono at mgrono@ glendaleaz.com or 623-930-2834. BASEBALL / T-BALL Age as of 7/30/10 Code T-ball (coed).....................................4-6............. 713121-01 Pee-wee (coach pitch)......................6-8............. 713122-01 Rookies (machine pitch)..................8-10............ 713123-01 Minor (kid pitch)...............................9-11............ 713124-01 Major (kid pitch)..............................11-13........... 713125-01 Junior (kid pitch).............................13-16........... 713126-01 SOFTBALL-SLOW PITCH Age as of 7/30/10 Code Ponytail & Cholla (coach pitch)........6-8............. 713101-01 Ocotillo (kid pitch)............................8-10............ 713103-01 Cactus (kid pitch)............................10-12........... 713104-01 Saguaro (kid pitch).........................13-16........... 713105-01

When are practices? Practices should begin the week of May 10 if enough parents/volunteers have shown an interest in coaching. The volunteer coach determines the practice location, day(s) and time(s). If you have a busy schedule, you may want to consider being a coach since you can structure your own practice schedule. Generally, practices will be in close proximity to the coach’s neighborhood or at fields where the games will be played and most coaches will practice any day between Monday and Saturday and the hours of 5:30 to 8:30 p.m.


in our award-winning youth sports program! Indicate your desire to coach when signing up your child. (Note: This does not guarantee a coaching position.) Those who do not have children in the league are also welcome to apply! For more information, call 623-930-2834. Qualifications 1. Be at least 18 years old. 2. Complete a coach’s application and submit it to the Park & Recreation office, 5850 W. Glendale Ave., by Friday, April 9, 2010. 3. Be fingerprinted and have an FBI background check. 4. Attend a mandatory coaches meeting on Wednesday, May 5. 5. Attend the National Youth Sports Coaches Association Certification program (2 classes). 6. Adhere to the City of Glendale’s Coach’s Code of Conduct and department philosophy “The outcome of the child is more important than the outcome of the game.”


before/after school


Before/After School

Licensed Recreation Programs


The “AM/PM” and “PM ONLY” programs are licensed recreation programs providing a variety of activities for children ages 5 to 13. The program’s goal is the total well-being and safety of each and every child. Educational activities, snacks, arts and crafts, guest speakers and homework time are offered by caring, adult staff members. The programs are regulated by the Arizona Department of Health Services and can accept DES qualifying families (contact your caseworker for information on DES). Pre-registration is required, including a non-refundable registration fee for the school year. Registration must be completed at least 2 business days prior to program site attendance. As part of your registration, each family will select one of the programs below. Registration booklets with more detailed information are available at each site or at the Glendale Parks and Recreation office at 5850 W. Glendale Ave. For more information, contact efields@glendaleaz.com, or call 623-930-2832 or 623-930-2018.

Licensed Recreation Programs Sites

.. ..

(Open early release days, but closed on national holidays or when the school campus is closed.)

Sahuaro Ranch Elementary, 10401 N. 63rd Ave Canyon Elementary, 5490 W. Paradise Ln. Desert Mirage Elementary, 8605 W. Maryland Ave. Kachina Elementary, 5304 W. Crocus Dr.






AM ONLY – Canyon or Sahuaro Ranch Elementary ONLY. 6:30 a.m.–School Start $18......................... $22

$30 ........................$36

AM/PM – Canyon or Sahuaro Ranch Elementary ONLY. Full Program $42......................... $51


PM ONLY – All locations. (*1st hour, K-2nd available at Desert Mirage ONLY.) *1st hour, K-2nd $15......................... $18 Release–6 p.m. $36......................... $43

$25.........................$30 $55.........................$66

Intercession – Select locations. (Open at dismissal time for early release and parent-teacher conference days). 7 a.m.–6 p.m. $20......................... $25 N/A......................... N/A Additional Fees Registration (all programs) $30......................... $36 Late Payment (past Thurs.) $5/day per child......$5/day per child Late Pick Up (past close) $5 every 5 min....... $5 every 5 min. Early Release Day $5........................... $5

$30.........................$36 $5/day per child...... $5/day per child $5 every 5 min........$5 every 5 min. $5...........................$5

———————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— You can find Youth/Teen Sports on page 7 and Youth/Teen Special Interest Classes on page 29.


Spring Break

Spring Break Intersession

Chase off those spring break blues and join us for fun activities including arts and crafts, movies, computer games and more for grades kindergarten through 8th! Bring a sack lunch; morning and afternoon snacks will be provided. Sign up by March 11. For details, contact Eric at 623-930-2832 (efields@glendaleaz.com) or Austin at 623-930-2018.

The Spring Break interession program will feature fun recreation activities, arts and crafts, guest speakers and enrichment activities for grades 1st-8th. Held 7:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m., Monday through Friday, March 15-19 at the O’Neil Recreation Center, 6448 W. Missouri Ave. Glendale resident: $5 per day; Nonresident: $8 per day. Registration can be completed on-site during the Intersession Program at the O’Neil Recreation Center, or you can preregister at the Glendale Parks & Recreation office at 5850 W. Glendale Ave. (basement level). For additional information please contact Carren or Pauline at 623930-4700.

Licensed Child Care

. .

Sahuaro Ranch Elem. School, .10401 N. 63rd Ave. March 15-19, 6:30 a.m.–6 p.m. Glendale resident: $20 per day Non-resident: $25 per day

Desert Mirage Elem. School, .8605 W. Maryland Ave. March 15-19, 7 a.m.–6 p.m. Glendale resident: $20 per day Non-resident: $25 per day


Glendale Recreation After School Program A Drop-In Recreation Program

G.R.A.S.P., is a supervised, drop-in recreation program for Glendale youth, grades 1st through 8th. Trained staff provides a variety of fun and educational programs including study time, indoor/outdoor activities, clubs, games, mini tournaments and guest speakers. Participants can register at the G.R.A.S.P. sites noted below during the first two weeks of school. When registering, proof of residency, such as a utility bill, vehicle registration or drivers license must be provided; otherwise, the non-resident supply fee will apply. After the initial two-week registration period, all registrations must be completed at the Glendale Parks and Recreation office at 5850 W. Glendale Ave., Mon.-Fri., 8 a.m.–5 p.m. Per Semester Supply Fee – Glendale resident, $35 Non-resident, $45. For more information, please call 623-930-4700.


. . . .

G.R.A.S.P. Site Monday to Friday Hours ————————————————————————————————————————————————

GLENDALE COMMUNITY CENTER 5401 W. Ocotillo Rd..................... Dismissal–6 p.m.

O’NEIL RECREATION CENTER 6448 W. Missouri Ave.................. Dismissal–6 p.m.

ROSE LANE RECREATION CENTER 5003 W. Marlette Ave. ................ Dismissal–6 p.m.

BARCELONA ELEMENTARY SCHOOL (Grades 4-8 only) 4432 W. Maryland Ave................. Dismissal–6 p.m.

Drop-In Program


adaptive recreation

The Adaptive Recreation program offers specially designed activities for individuals with physical, mental, emotional or social disabilities. For complete details, contact Katherine at 623-930-4333 or koconnor@ glendaleaz.com. (Note: Program refund requests must be made one week in advance of the activity.)

Spring Bowling Bonanza

Saturdays, MARCH 6–APRIL 24 • 9–11 a.m. • Ages 8+ Meet your friends on Saturdays for bowling fun! Ball and shoe rental included. Glenfair Lanes, 6110 N. 59th Ave. Glendale Resident: $18 • Non-resident: $21. TO SIGN UP, SEE PAGE 20. Code #452011-11

Meet and Greet Night *

Wednesday, MARCH 10 • 7–8 p.m. FREE! Come and learn about all the activities that the cities of Peoria and Glendale have to offer in Adaptive Recreation! Light refreshments will be served. Peoria Community Center, 8335 W. Jefferson St. For more information, call 623-773-7436.

Bingo Extravaganza Night *

Friday, MARCH 26 • 7–9 p.m. • Ages 10+ Get the family together, siblings and parents are welcome, and head to the Peoria Community Center, 8525 W. Jefferson, for an evening of bingo, dinner, prizes and lots of family fun! $5 per person. Pre-registration is required. Call 623-773-7436.

Theatre Kidz

Thursdays, APRIL 22–JULY 8 • 5:30–7 p.m. • Ages 8-23 If you enjoy singing, dancing and acting, then this is for YOU! Learn the basics of musical theatre, while developing motor and social skills. Questions? Call 623-930-4333. Held at the Glendale Adult Center stage, 5970 W. Brown St. Glendale resident, $20 • Non-resident, $24. TO SIGN UP, SEE PAGE 20. Code #462112-11

Glendale Adaptive Advisory Committee

2nd Thursday of every month Help us plan and organize programs or share a special talent and volunteer! Our committee’s goal is to expand the Glendale Parks and Recreation Department’s adaptive program to include more opportunities for children and youth of all abilities. We meet the 2nd Thursday of every month at the Glendale Adult Center, 5970 W. Brown, from 4:30-5:30 p.m. For more information, contact David Seid at 623-930-4334 or dseid@glendaleaz.com.

* With the goal of enhancing programs for citizens with disabilities, the City of Glendale partners with the City of Peoria in the Glendale/Peoria Special Recreation Alliance program, which offers cooperative programs between the two cities.



aquatics / lifeguard training

he City of Glendale offers the following classes that will meet certification requirements for most Valley aquatics positions. NOTE: HAVING APPROPRIATE CERTIFICATION DOES NOT GUARANTEE EMPLOYMENT. TO SIGN UP by phone using Visa, MasterCard or American Express, call 623-9302820. To sign up with check, money order or cash, visit the Glendale Parks and Recreation office at 5850 W. Glendale Ave. (Refunds/ credits are available ONLY for a cancelled class or participants not able to pass the Pre-test and who request the refund on the same day as the Pre-test, by calling 623930-2838 (leave message). Otherwise NO refunds/credits are given). PARTICIPANTS MUST ATTEND EVERY SCHEDULED DATE AND TIME TO PASS. NO REFUNDS/ MAKE UPS CAN BE GIVEN FOR MISSED CLASSES. Books and pocket masks, if required, are included. Classes are held at Foothills Recreation & Aquatic Center, 5600 W. Union Hills Dr. SPACE IS LIMITED, SO SIGN UP EARLY! For more information, call 623-930-2838.

Lifeguard/CPR*/AED** for the Professional Rescuer Classes (American Red Cross) — Glendale

resident $125; Non-resident $150. Minimum age: 15 years old by the last day of your class. Pre-Test/Prerequisite: Red Cross level 4 swimming proficiency or equivalent. Pre-test will consist of swimming 300 yards continuously (100 freestyle, 100 breaststroke and 100 freestyle or breaststroke). Participants must also swim 20 yards from wall, retrieve a 10-pound brick from 7 feet of water and swim with the brick 20 yards back to the side of the pool within 1 minute 45 seconds. Class 4 - Spring Break Lifeguard/CPR/AED Code #536561-24 (Max 20 Participants) Bring your lunch for lunch break! Mar 13 (SA) Pre-test.................... 10 a.m.-12 p.m. Mar 15-19 (M-F).............................. 9 a.m.-4 p.m. Class 5 - Lifeguard/CPR/AED Code #536561-25 (Max 20 Participants) Mar 20 (SA) Pre-test.................... 10 a.m.-12 p.m. Mar 22-26 (M-F)............................ 6:30-9:30 p.m. Mar 29-Apr 2 (M-F)........................ 6:30-9:30 p.m.


* Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation ** Automated External Defibrillator

Water Safety Instructor (WSI) Training Class

(American Red Cross) — Glendale resident $125; Nonresident $150. Minimum age: 16 years old by the last day of class. Pre-Test/Prerequisite: Participants must have basic knowledge of and be able to properly demonstrate freestyle, backstroke, butterfly, elementary backstroke and sidestroke. FIT is Fundamental Instructor Training. Class 1 - WSI Code #536562-21 (Max 30 Participants) Apr 3 (SA) Pre-test & FIT................ 10 a.m-6 p.m. Apr 5, 7, 8 (M/W/TH)...................... 6:30-9:30p.m. Apr 10 (SA).................................... 9 a.m.-12 p.m. Apr 12,14,15 (M/W/TH)................. 6:30-9:30 p.m. Apr 19,21 (M/W)............................ 6:30-9:30 p.m. Class 2 - WSI Code #536562-22 (Max 30 Participants) Apr 17 (SA) Pre-test & FIT............. 10 a.m.-6 p.m. Apr 20,22,23 (T/TH/F)................... 6:30-9:30 p.m. Apr 24 (SA).................................... 9 a.m.-12 p.m. Apr 26-29 (M/T/W/TH)................... 6:30-9:30 p.m. May 1 (SA)..................................... 9 a.m.-12 p.m.


Attention: Adult Softball Players....

Social Adult SOFTBALL The West Valley Cancer Connections invites you to a

Celebration of Hope With and Beyond Cancer

Saturday, April 24th 9 a.m. – 1 p.m. Foothills Recreation & Aquatics Center 5600 W. Union Hills Dr. Help raise awareness, feel good, get better and remain healthier through specialized programs and complementary therapies that make sense for you. Take a leisurely walk 8-10 a.m. and stay for the door prize, silent auction, raffles and health, healing and wellness demos. Join the festivities, bring friends and family and celebrate with us. WVCC is a volunteer organization connecting people impacted by cancer with providers of complementary therapies.

Sign up to Walk, Sponsor or Volunteer at www.mywvcc.org or email wvcancerconnections@gmail.com. For information, call Catherine Keedy, 602-620-2060 or Cathy Guerriero, 845-304-9572.



Adult drop-in softball is being offered by Glendale Parks & Recreation, 8 to 10 p.m. every Wednesday through April 28 at the Paseo Sports Complex, 6228 W. Thunderbird Rd. (Closed April 18 for maintenance). Drop on over by yourself, with a friend or a group of friends. It’s FREE and open to all men and women ages 18 and older. For more information, call Mike D. at 623930-2841.

Adult Summer Coed 4-Person Sand VOLLEYBALL Leagues SIGN UP: MAY 10–14 LEAGUE STARTS FRIDAY, JUNE 11 Resident Teams (Minimum of 2 Glendale residents): $75 • Nonresident Teams: $90. (Includes 21 regular-season games, tournament, administrative fees, sand courts with lights, awards and site supervision). MANDATORY MANAGERS MEETING: Wednesday, May 26, at 6 p.m. in room B-2 of the City Hall complex, 5850 W. Glendale Ave. All registered teams will be required to have one representative at this meeting. Any team not represented at this meeting will forfeit their first scheduled game. DAY/LOCATION/FORMAT: Friday evenings at Sahuaro Ranch Park, 59th Ave. and Mountain View Rd. It features round-robin play, with a seasonending tournament. Awards are based on the number of teams registered.

Adult Summer Men’s Recreational BASKETBALL League SIGN UP: MAY 10–14 LEAGUE STARTS TUESDAY, JUNE 8 Resident Teams (Minimum of 2 Glendale residents): $295 • Non-resident Teams: $355. (Includes eight regular-season games and a single-elimination tournament, administrative fees, equipment, lights, gym facility, awards for winning teams, two officials and site staff). MANDATORY MANAGERS MEETING: Wednesday, May 26, at 6:45 p.m. in room B-2 of the City Hall Complex, 5850 W. Glendale Ave. All registered teams will be required to have one team representative at this meeting. Any team not represented at this meeting will forfeit their first two scheduled games. DAY/LOCATION/FORMAT: Tuesdays and Thursdays at a gym location in Glendale (based on availability). The league is limited to 6 teams.




Questions? Contact Mike Davis at mdavis@glendaleaz.com or 623-930-2841.

LEAGUE SIGN UP takes place at the GLENDALE Parks & Recreation office, 5850 W. Glendale Ave., 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. on the dates noted under each sport. Glendale Parks & Recreation does not place individuals on teams, but individuals may be listed on a Free Agent List made available to teams short on players. If you would like to be placed on the Free Agent List or have any questions about the Adult Sports program, please contact Mike D. at 623-930-2841 or mdavis@glendaleaz.com. Adult Sports program participants must be age 18 or older. To receive Glendale resident rates, proof of residency must be provided. Proof must show address and be current within 60 days. Examples include driver’s license, water bill, etc. Teams will pay the maximum non-resident fee until proof of residency is verified, then a refund will be issued for the appropriate amount. Refunds take 7-10 business days.

For more adult sports/exercise options, turn to page 27.

Adult Summer SOFTBALL Leagues SIGN UP STARTS: MAY 3 (Organizational meetings) ORGANIZATIONAL MEETINGS: MONDAY, MAY 3, at the City Council Chambers, 5850 W. Glendale Ave. RETURNING TEAMS: 6 p.m. NEW TEAMS: 7 p.m. Teams represented by a manager or team player during the entire meeting will receive a $50 off coupon for league sign up. Meeting topics will include league format, rule changes, sign up and lottery information. SIGN UP PACKETS will be available at the Glendale Parks & Recreation office, 5850 W. Glendale Ave., beginning May 4. For more information, call 623-930-2841. ROSTER/TEMPORARY RECEIPT DEADLINE: RETURNING TEAMS roster and temporary receipt is due upon registration May 4-12 in the Parks and Recreation office. 5850 W. Glendale Ave. Glendale, AZ 85301 (weekdays only). NEW TEAM packets with rosters and temporary receipt are due Wednesday, May 12, by 5 p.m. NEW TEAM registration/lottery will be held Saturday, May 15. CONFIRM RESIDENTS: New teams who choose to be a resident team may call 623-930-2841 on or after May 13 to confirm team resident status. Returning and Glendale resident teams: $415 • New Resident Teams (minimum number of 4 Glendale residents): $415 • New Non-resident Teams: $490. (Includes double-header, 14-game regular season; administrative fees; softballs; lights; awards for winning teams; officials and field staff). A $50 off coupon is available to teams who attend the organizational meeting. The above listed rates do NOT include the coupon discount. Number of Teams: Leagues are based on 8 maximum, 6 minimum. If leagues do not fill, teams will be placed in another league if space permits. Format/Days/Locations: Teams play a double-header format one night a week at the following times and locations. (FSC = Foothills Sports Complex, 19070 N. 57th Ave. PSC = Paseo Sports Complex, 6228 W. Thunderbird Rd. League








Coed C/D............ SUNDAY............. PSC................. 6/6

Coed B/C............SUNDAY................FSC................. 6/6

Coed C/D.............FRIDAY.............. PSC................. 6/4

Coed B/C.............FRIDAY................FSC................. 6/4


5600 W. Union Hills Dr. 623-930-4600 www.glendaleaz.com/ foothillscenter Recreation CENTER Hours M-F: 5:30 a.m.-10 p.m. SA: 7 a.m.-8 p.m. SU: 11 a.m.-5 p.m. Holidays as posted Check us out... Tours are available 7 days a week. FREE community areas include the lobby and Activity Room. Check out Perfetto de Café in the lobby – offering daily food specials, healthy snacks and coffee drinks.

Volunteers Needed Opportunities are available for individuals ages 16 to adults. For information, stop at the Front Desk and complete a volunteer application or call Manny at 623-930-4609. _________________________________________________________________________

CHECK OUT OUR GREAT RENTAL FACILITIES! Hosting a party, meeting or special event? Check us out! Foothill’s offers rentable facilities from 450 to 3,000 sq. ft. featuring audio visual and network capabilities. A catering kitchen is also available for your food serving needs. Call Manny at 623-930-4609 for details.

Foothills Fitness

Recreation Pass required. Details on page 15. The Fitness Center is a great place to relieve stress or improve your overall health and well-being. A wide variety of strength and cardio equipment is available as well as free weights ranging from 5 to 100 lbs. Certified personal trainers and a certified nutritionist are available at an hourly rate. For more information, call the Fitness Center desk at 623-930-4624 or Jackie at 623-930-4608. Our indoor Rock Wall isn’t just for kids. Come try out our new rope system and test your upper body strength and climbing abilities. For hours of availability, just check at the front desk. Watch for new upcoming and exciting Rock Wall programs.

Looking for a spot to shoot some hoops and get some good exercise? Open basketball is available throughout the week including before and after work and during lunch time. Basketballs are provided. Open Badminton & Volleyball are both available on Sundays, badminton from 11 a.m. to 1:45 p.m. and volleyball from 2 to 4:45 p.m. on half the court. For availability, check at the front desk or call 623-930-4600. If racquetball is your sport, come in and enjoy a challenging and energetic game. Points-based, coed leagues are offered throughout the year on Monday and Wednesday evenings from 6 to 8 p.m. For league or racquetball orientation information, call Jackie at 623-930-4608. Basic Monday through Friday drop-in aerobic classes are included with all Recreation Pass purchases. Stop at the front desk for a schedule. Fitness Lap Swimming is available. For monthly schedules, stop by the front desk visit or visit www.glendaleaz.com/foothillscenter.

Foothills Aquatics Work all your muscle groups in a low-impact setting in our Water aerobics classes for all skill levels. For details, just stop at the Font Desk. For information on our teen or adult semi-private swim lessons, call Zach at 623-930-2838. Fitness Lap Swimming - See Fitness information above. Rent the private pool DECK space for up to 30 guests for dates during the summer swim season starting May 31. To make your reservation, call Manny at 623-930-4609 after April 1.

Turtle Club – While you enjoy the Foothills Center, the Turtle Club child care center can provide a fun, supervised environment for your children ages 2 to 9 at reasonable half hour or hourly rates. For complete details, call 623-930-4608.


Family Phoenix Children’s Hospital presents Foothills After Hours – MARCH 13, 8:30–

Purchase your Foothills Recreation Pass today!

Family 3rd Annual Family Building Block Challenge – April 17, 10 a.m.–12:30 p.m. Join us

Purchase your pass at the Center by using Visa, MasterCard or American Express OR call 623-930-4600. No contracts. NO joining fees. A Recreation Pass features basic aerobic classes, scheduled fitness lap swimming, recreational basketball, badminton, volleyball, Wally Ball as well as use of the fitness center, rock wall, walking/jogging track, racquetball courts, activity room, lounge area and locker facilities. Stop in for a tour!

Foothills Happenings 10:30 p.m. Come out for an evening of fun including the Kenducky Derby, Foothills Treasure Hunt (winner receives Foothills month pass), Wii Tournament, youth dunk contest and 3-point contest and use of the Activity Room, Gymnasium and Rock Wall. Please wear gym shoes and gym attire. Participants age 15 and under must have a parent or guardian in attendance. $2 Glendale resident; $3 non-resident. Light refreshments will be served. For more information, call Darren at 623-930-4610.

again for our Building Block Challenge, where families will be given a tub of Lego’s to build an amazing creation. Families will have 1-½ hours to design and build before their creation is judged. $30 per family (includes a 280-piece Lego set to take home for each family.) Sign up before April 10 by calling 623-9304600. Questions? Call 623-930-4610.

Code #352452-01

Youth Physical Education for the Home Schooled Student – Begins March 22.

This 8-week program provides home schooled students the opportunity to participate in a group class geared toward physical education activities. Different sport activities and lessons will be provided each week. Grade levels K-2 and 3-5 will be offered Mondays & Wednesdays, and grade levels 6-8 and 9-12 on Tuesdays & Thursdays. Glendale resident: $40; Non-resident: $48. For more information, please call Manny at 623-930-4609.

Youth Foothills 360 Summer Program – Registration

begins April 2. Program begins May 24. It’s the time of year to start looking for a fun, safe program for your child to enjoy for the summer. This popular supervised program features recreational, educational and fitness activities for youth ages 5 to 11, split into age-appropriate groups. It is available Monday through Friday, 7 a.m. to 6 p.m., May 24 through August 6 (excluding Monday, May 31). Parents can choose between a 3-day or 5-day program. For rate and registration information, call Jackie at 623-930-4608.

NOTE: Following payment and registration, stop by the front desk on your first visit and complete the required paperwork and request to have your picture taken for your facility ID.

Foothills Recreation Pass Rates Residency is based on physical address and a current City of Glendale water bill. Picture identification will be required. Recreation passes are valid for 1-year from the date of purchase.

15-Punch 30-Punch Daily Monthly Annual Pass Pass Pass


Glendale Resident...... $35.......... $350.......... $60.......... $120...........$5 Non-Resident............. $42.......... $420.......... $72.......... $144...........$6

Non Prime Time (9-11 a.m. / 2-4 p.m )

Glendale Resident...... $25.......... $250...........N/A........... N/A............$4 Non-Resident ............ $30.......... $300...........N/A........... N/A............$5

2 Person (Any two people residing at the same address)

Glendale Resident ..... $55.......... $550...........N/A........... N/A..........N/A Non-Resident ............ $66.......... $660...........N/A........... N/A..........N/A

Family (Two related persons plus unlimited, unmarried, related children

residing at the same address, 20 years of age or younger) Glendale Resident...... $65.......... $650...........N/A........... N/A..........N/A Non-Resident............. $78.......... $780...........N/A........... N/A..........N/A

Student (Ages 13-19)

Glendale Resident...... $20.......... $200........ $37.50........ $75............$3 Non-Resident ............ $24 ......... $240.......... $45........... $90............$4

Youth (Ages 5-12)

Glendale Resident ..... $15.......... $150.......... $30........... $60.......$2.50 Non-Resident............. $18.......... $180.......... $36........... $72............$3

Senior (Ages 55+)

Glendale Resident...... $20.......... $200.......... $30........... $60............$4 Non-Resident............. $24.......... $240.......... $36........... $72............$5

Group/Corporate (Includes a maximum of 20 people, age 9 or older. The group will submit one form of payment for a monthly or annual pass when registering. Group/Corporate passes are non-transferable and may not be sold. No individual pass refunds or transfers allowed. Group/ Corporate pass holders must include 51% Glendale residents with proof of residency OR payment must be in the form of a company check from a Glendale business. This Glendale business must pay their taxes to the City of Glendale. Proof is required ) Glendale Resident..... $300........ $3000..........N/A........... N/A..........N/A



community center In the heart of Glendale...

“We make dreams a reality.”

Youth & Teen Programs

For details on signing up for these great supervised youth and teen “drop-in” programs, parents or guardians can just stop in at the Center at 5401 W. Ocotillo Rd., Monday through Friday. Questions? Call 623-930-4700.

Youth Program / 1st–8th Grade Mon.–Fri., 3:45–6 p.m. ....featuring break dancing, foosball, Girl Scouts, billiards, arts and crafts, sports and more! Snack provided daily compliments of St. Mary’s/Westside Food Bank Alliance. For more information, see the G.R.A.S.P. information on page 9.

Teen Program / 9th–12th Grade Mon.–Fri., 5–8 p.m. ...featuring break dancing, hip hop, computer use, girl’s group and Teen Council, just to name a few.


GED Classes

Facilitated through Arizona Call-a-Teen Youth Resources, these classes take place Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, 8 a.m. to noon. Arizona Call-a-Teen Youth Resources also provides free career exploration workshops that include resume writing, mock interviewing and post secondary education/training with tuition assistance.

To register, call 602-252-6721.

YWCA SENIOR PROGRAM @ the Glendale Community Center ...features FREE activities including arts ‘n’ crafts, sewing, health and beauty, bingo, billiards, field trips and more! The YWCA Senior Lunch Program offers hot meals for adults age 60+, Monday through Friday, 12-12:30 p.m. (Suggested contribution is $2 or whatever you can afford.) Please call 623-930-4700, 24 hours in advance.

YWCA Senior program hours are Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 3:30 p.m., and we’re located at 5401 W. Ocotillo Rd. For more information, call 623-930-4700.

SENIOR SPECIAL eventS March 17

St. Patrick’s Day Celebration April 2

Easter Party May 7

Mother’s Day Party

5401 W. Ocotillo Rd. • 623-930-4700 • GlendaleAZ.com/ParksAndRecreation/Centers



adult center

5970 W. Brown St. • M-F: 8 a.m.-8 p.m • SA: 9 a.m.-1 p.m. and 7-9:30 p.m. (Closed Sunday) 623-930-4321 • GlendaleAZ.com/AdultCenter Check out the...

Gifts Plus Shop

Mon.–Fri., 9 a.m.– 2 p.m. ...in the Glendale Adult Center lobby. A unique shop where members place their crafts for sale. It’s the perfect place to find that special gift!


Craft Time Activities

(for ages 18 and older)


Bring your own needles and supplies and make items to donate to cancer patients. Yarn will be provided. Room 103. Wed., 1 to 3 p.m.


Create items that will be donated to nursing homes, etc. Room 103, Wed., 9 a.m. to Noon.

Lapidary Workshop

Learn to cut and polish stones to create beautiful jewelry. $4 per session. Room 110. 8 a.m. to noon on Tues., Wed. and Thurs. and 5 -7:30 p.m. on Tues. and Thurs.


Learn about ceramics in a relaxed setting. Small firing fee charged. Room 105, Tues., 8 a.m.–Noon.


Learn to cut/grind gems/precious stones. Room 110. $25 for class, $3 each lab time for 12 sessions. Open lab $4 per session. Tues., Wed. and Thurs., 1 to 5 p.m.


hether you’re looking for a challenging activity, such as a fitness program, or just a friendly place to spend some time, the Glendale Adult Center is the place for you! Serving Glendale residents for over 25 years, we offer ages 18 years and over activities and programs for all abilities and participation levels – from dance classes to billiards, from card games to special events. Stop in and let us show you around. We’re located at 5970 W. Brown St., and while you’re here, pick up your FREE copy of our HORIZONS newsletter, detailing Center activities. We hope to see you soon! You may also check us out online at GlendaleAZ.com/AdultCenter. The Glendale Adult Center is open to both Glendale residents and non-residents. To ensure that Glendale Adult Center participants enjoy quality facilities and programming, an annual facility use fee is collected. The $10 resident and $15 nonresident fee (activity fees are additional), covers the cost of issuing participant ID badges and helps off-set facility and programming expenses. To join us, just stop at the front desk and a helpful staff member will assist you in becoming an active Glendale Adult Center participant.


Sundance Wranglers Rehearsal Dance Class

Join us 6:30 to 8 p.m., Fridays, March 5April 30, for intermediate-advanced line dance with the Sundance Wranglers (who perform throughout the Valley). Room 107. Ages 18+. Resident: $15 • Non-resident: $18. TO SIGN UP, SEE PAGE 20. Code #462016-11

Glendale Adult Center activities you can enjoy include working out in the fitness center, aerobics, pinochle, bingo, bridge, baseball darts, shuffleboard, billiards, ping pong, music, Wii interactive sports games, weekly movies, Saturday night dances, a lunch program and more!



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43rd Ave.

47th Ave

51st Ave.

55th Ave

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67th Ave.


71st Ave

Camelback Rd


75th Ave.



63rd Ave



Mountain View

Olive Ave




79th Ave

Cactus Rd

Peoria Ave




83rd Ave.




38 87th Ave



D16 7

Grand Canal Linear

91st Ave.



Thunderbird Rd



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Greenway Rd








Bell Rd




Select ramadas are available city wide on a reservation basis. For information on locations and rates, call 623-930-2820.









Union Hills Dr

12 19

N 33




k ar



lendale nG w 42 to

Beardsley Rd

Bridle Path

Glendale’s award-winning tennis facility.




Check out the Paseo Raquet Center!

ORose Garden


tion facilities... a e r c e 5 great parks & r 36 53 15

Tennis Anyone?

Reserve a ramada for your next party or event!


59th Ave.


Pinnacle Peak Rd

parks and facilities


....visit us at GlendaleAz.com/ParksandRecreation/ParksAndFacilities/

Small & Neighborhood Parks 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55

Acoma, 53rd Ave. & Acoma Rd. Arrowhead Lakes, 56th Ave. & Mohawk Ln. Bicentennial, 71st Ave. & Missouri Ave. Butler, 57th Ave. & Alice Ave. Carmel, 52nd Dr. & Ora bi Dr. Cholla, 53rd Ave. & Cholla St. Clavelito, 53rd Ave. & Ocotillo Rd. Country Gables, 52nd Ave. & Country Gables Dr. Delicias, 48th Ave. & Orangewood Ave. Desert Garden, 71st Ave. & Ocotillo Rd. Desert Mirage, 87th Ave. & Maryland Ave. Desert Rose, 63rd Ave. & Kings Ave. Desert Valley, 61st Ave. & Sweetwater Ave. Discovery, 79th Ave. & Maryland Ave. Dos Lagos, 63rd Ave. & Utopia Rd. El Barrio, 54th Ave. & Ocotillo Rd. Gardenwood, 53rd Ave. & Orangewood Ave. Greenbriar, 69th Ave. & Greenbriar Dr. Greenway Granada, 73rd Ave. & Greenway Rd. Heritage, 55th Ave. & Mountain View Rd. Hillcrest, 71st Ave. & Hillcrest Blvd. Horizon, 47th Ave. & Diana Ave. Kings, 53rd Ave. & Kings Ave. Lawrence, 62nd Ave. & Lawrence Rd. Lions, 63rd Ave. & Frier Dr. Manistee Ranch, 52nd Ave. & Northern Ave. Maryland Lakes, 47th Ave. & Maryland Ave. Mary Silva, 45th Ave. & Marshall Ave. Memmingen, 49th Ave. & Cholla St. Mission, 47th Ave. & Sunnyslope Ln. Mondo, 57th Ave. & Hatcher Rd. Montara, 64th Ave. & Becker Ln. Murphy, 58th Ave. & Glendale Ave. Myrtle, 55th Ave. & Myrtle Ave. New World, 48th Dr. & Golden Ln. Oasis, 79th Ave. and Utopia Rd. Ocotillo Rose, 61st Ave. & Keim Rd. Pasadena, 87th Ave. & Pasadena Ave. Paseo Neighborhood, 14025 N. 63rd Ave. Plaza Rosa, 61st Ave. & Maryland Ave. Rovey, 47th Ave. & Rovey Ave. Sands, 55th Ave. & Orangewood Ave. Sierra Verde, 71st Ave. & Rose Garden Ln. Sonorita, 59th Ave. & Market St. Sunnyside, 63rd Ave. & Cholla St. Sunset, 45th Ave. and Mountain View Rd. Sunset Palms, 54th Ave. & Sweetwater Ave. Sunset Ridge, 87th Ave. & Missouri Ave. Sunset Vista, 64th Ave. & Villa Rita Dr. Sycamore Grove, 86th Ln. & Emil Rovey Pkwy. Tarrington Ranch, 63rd Ave. & Butler Dr. Tierra Buena, 57th Ave. & Tierra Buena Ln. Utopia, 72nd Ave. & Utopia Rd. Windsor, 63rd Ave. & Windsor Blvd. Unnamed, 79th Ave. & Orangewood Ave.

Community Parks

56a Bonsall North, 59th Ave. & Bethany Home Rd. 56b Bonsall South, 59th Ave. & Bethany Home Rd. 57 Chapparal, 57th Ave. & Greenbriar Dr. 58 Hidden Meadows, 76th Ave. & St. John Ave. 59 Northern Horizon, 63rd Ave. & Northern Ave. 60 O’Neil, 64th Ave. & Missouri Ave. 61 Orangewood, 71st Ave. & Orangewood Ave. 62 Paseo Racquet Center & Park, 63rd Ave. & Thunderbird Rd. 63 Rose Lane Park, 51st Ave. & Marlette Ave.

Regional Parks 64 65 66 67 68 69

Foothills, 57th Ave. & Union Hills Dr. Grand Canal Linear, 75th Ave. & Camelback to Bethany Home & New River Sahuaro Ranch, 59th Ave. & Mountain View Rd. Skunk Creek Linear, 51st Ave. & Utopia to 73rd Ave. & Greenway Rd. Thunderbird Paseo, 51st Ave. & Cactus to 72nd Ave. & Greenway Rd. Western Area Regional, 83rd Ave. & Bethany Home Rd.

Conservation Parks

70 Thunderbird, 59th Ave. & Pinnacle Peak Rd.

Recreation Centers A B C D E F

Community Center North, 14075 N. 59th Ave. Foothills Recreation & Aquatics Center, 5600 W. Union Hills Dr. Glendale Adult Center, 5970 W. Brown St. Glendale Community Center, 5401 W. Ocotillo Rd. O’Neil Building, 6448 W. Missouri Ave. Rose Lane Building, 5003 W. Marlette Ave.

Aquatics (seasonal) B E F J K T

Foothills Recreation & Aquatics Center, 5600 W Union Hills Dr. O’Neil, 6448 W. Missouri Ave. Rose Lane Aquatics Center, 5003 W. Marlette Ave. Ironwood - at Ironwood H.S., 12603 N. 61st Ave. Cactus - at Cactus H.S., 15500 N. 63rd Ave. Splash Pad - 83rd Ave. & Berridge Ln.

Golf Courses

L Glen Lakes Municipal, 5450 W. Northern Ave. M Desert Mirage, 8710 W. Maryland Ave.

Other Facilities N O P Q R S T U

Glendale Amphitheater, 5850 W. Glendale Ave. Bridle Path, 51st Ave., Cactus to Bell roads Elsie McCarthy Sensory Garden, 55th Ave. & Morten Ave. Paseo Racquet Center, 6268 W. Thunderbird Rd. Glendale Youth Sports Complex, 91st Ave. & Rovey Ave. Myrtle Avenue Cultural Gateway, Myrtle Ave. & Grand Ave. X-Court, 83rd Ave. & Bethany Home Rd. Foothills SK8 Court, 57th Ave. & Union Hills Rd.


sign up now! It’s fast. It’s easy. Online


In Person


www. glendaleaz.com/ parksandrecreation

623-930-2820 M–F: 8 a.m.–5 p.m.

Glendale Parks & Recreation 5850 W. Glendale Ave. M–F: 8 a.m.–5 p.m.

Complete the Sign Up Form below and send it with your payment, along with a selfaddressed stamped envelope, to one of the locations noted on the form.

623-930-4600 M–F: 7 a.m.–9 p.m. SA: 8 a.m.–7 p.m. SU: 11 a.m.–4 p.m.

– just follow the easy to use, online instructions! To set up your online account, call 623-930-2820.

– have class/activity information ready. Pay with Visa, MasterCard or American Express.

Pay with Visa, MasterCard or American Express.

Foothills Recreation & Aquatics Center 5600 W. Union Hills Dr. M–F: 7 a.m.–9 p.m. SA: 8 a.m.–7 p.m. SU: 11 a.m.–4 p.m. Pay with VISA, MasterCard, American Express, cash, check or money order payable to City of Glendale.

Pay with check or money order payable to City of Glendale.

After you sign up, you will receive a printed confirmation of your class/activity. Online you will receive a screen receipt that can be printed. If you do not receive confirmation prior to your class/activity start date, call 623-930-2820. Your confirmation will serve as notice for you to attend on the specified start date. You will not be able to attend if your name is not on the class/activity roster. All classes and activities are subject to change depending upon instructor availability and minimum/ maximum enrollment and are subject to cancellation due to insufficient enrollment. In the event of a cancellation, you will be notified by phone and may request a transfer or refund. For CURRENT cancellation / refund policy, see page 34. All information is subject to change without notice. Some fees do not include materials or supplies. Estimated cost of the materials or supplies will vary with quality and quantity used. For assistance, call 623-930-4600 or 623-930-2820. For Class Legend and Locations, see page 23.

For special accommodations, call 623-930-4613. Hearing impaired can call the TDD at 623-930-2197.

Sign Up Form

Make check or money order payable to: City of Glendale.




New address? Check box HOME PHONE








MAIL or BRING to one of these locations: – Glendale Parks & Recreation 5850 W. Glendale Ave., Glendale, AZ 85301 – Foothills Recreation & Aquatics Center 5600 W. Union Hills Dr., Glendale, AZ 85308

DATE OF BIRTH (For Children)




he ci y of Glendale Parks and Recrea ion Depar men prohibi s discrimina ion on he basis of race color sex na ional origin and/or disabling condi ions such as bu no limi ed o human immunodeficiency virus or acquired immunodeficiency syndrome in i s programs and ac ivi ies Complain s alleging discrimina ion may be filed wi h ei her he Glendale Parks and Recrea ion Depar men or he Direc or of Equal Oppor uni y Program Na ional Park Service P O Box 37127 Washing on D C 20013-7127

TOTAL Notification is given regarding sign up status at time of receipt. If received through mail, notification is mailed. NOTICE: Participants should be aware that there is some risk involved in these activities and that all participants do so at their own risk Medical insurance is not provided by the city of Glendale

For Youth & Teen Sports: Closest Public School: _____________________________________________________ Interested in Coaching? Yes



special interest classes SIGN UP NOW... See page 20. Advance sign up is required. For locations and legend, see page 23. Questions? Call Lori Palmer at 623-930-4613.

with select classes starting as low as $15.

Digital photography classes, page 24.

Keep track of the classes you want to take by marking your selections — then see page 20 to sign up!

cultural arts

– ages 13 and over unless otherwise noted.

ART DISCOVERY Explore your creative side using a variety of mediums — pottery, painting, glass art, mosaics, drawing and more! $20 supply fee will be collected at the first class. 1-½ hours. Instructor: BARBOUR (former arts academy instructor). Resident: $45 • Non-resident: $54. APRIL 6 APRIL 22 MAY 11

TU 7 PM (4 WEEKS) TH 6:30 PM (4 WEEKS) TU 7 PM (4 WEEKS)

FC-208 AC-105 FC-208

#222101-01 #122101-02 #222101-03

CREATIVE CARTOONING Calling all cartoonists! Learn how to draw people and animal cartoons step-by-step. Imaginations will flow by putting our own characters in comic strips, greeting cards and more! Supply list will be handed out at first class. 1 hour. Instructor: WAGENBACH. Resident: $40 • Non-resident: $48. APRIL 10

SA 10 AM (8 WEEKS)



GLASS FUSION JEWELRY Create a set of jewels as unique as you! Colored glass is layered and kiln fired to create a beautiful glass pendant and set of matching earrings. $20 supply fee will be collected at the first class. 1-½ hours. Instructor: BARBOUR (former arts academy instructor). Resident: $45 • Non-resident: $54. APRIL 27 MAY 4

TU 8 PM (1 DAY) TU 8 PM (1 DAY)

FC-212 FC-212

#222123-01 #222123-02

DRAWING - SPECIALIZING IN PORTRAITS Learn to draw portraits in pencil with easy-to-follow instructions. If you really want to, you can — with a hands-on instructor. For class supply list, call 623-972-5570. Ages 18+. 2 hours. Instructor: FRANCIS. Resident: $59 • Non-resident: $71. APRIL 5

M 10 AM (8 WEEKS)



INTRODUCTION TO DRAWING Explore a variety of drawing techniques including shading, blending, perspective and composition. Projects include drawing objects, still life, landscape, anatomy and more. Bring pencil/ paper to the first class; materials list will be discussed. 3 hours. Instructor: EISENBERG. Resident: $82 • Non-resident: $98. APRIL 8

TH 6:45 PM (10 WEEKS)



LANDSCAPE/PORTRAIT PAINTING In this introductory class, you’ll create lively and brilliant colored landscapes and/or portraits. Learn value, tone and art principles involved in painting. For supply list, call 623-878-5932 prior to first class. 2-½ hours. Instructor: KIMBLE. Resident: $55 • Non-resident: $66. APRIL 7

W 6 PM (6 WEEKS)



OIL/ACRYLICS PAINTING Color composition, control of values, brush strokes and more are highlighted in this class. Expect lively class interaction in a relaxed atmosphere. Instructor will call prior to first class with supply list or call 623-878-5932. 3 hours. Instructor: KIMBLE. Resident: $55 • Non-resident: $66. APRIL 6




OIL PAINTING Paint along with the instructor while creating your own masterpiece. Learn the layered approach and explore the methods of the old masters of realism. Learn charcoal sketching, paint application and brush techniques. Bring your paints, brushes and canvas to the first class. 2-½ hours. Instructor: MARTIN. Resident: $55 • Non-resident: $66. APRIL 8





POTTERY WHEEL THROWING Discover the steps to successful pottery wheel throwing. Throw a lidded dish, large serving bowl and large vase. Class is limited to 4 students. Ages 16+. $20 supply fee will be collected at the first class. 2-½ hours. Instructor: BARBOUR (former arts academy instructor). Resident: $115 • Non-resident: $138. APRIL 10 MAY 1


AC-105 AC-105

#122131-01 #122131-02

TOLE PAINTING ‘N’ MORE Learn decorative painting techniques while making hand painted ornaments. All skill levels, ages 16+. $35 for wood/pictures/ copies will be collected. Supply list of paint and brushes needed, will be handed out at the first class. No class April 19. 2 hours. Instructor: JOHNSON. Resident: $59 • Non-resident: $71. APRIL 5 M 6:30 PM (6 WEEKS) CONTINUING TOLE: APRIL 9 F 6:30 PM (6 WEEKS)






INSTANT PIANO FOR HOPELESSLY BUSY PEOPLE Regular piano teachers teach note reading, piano professionals use chords. In this lecture/demonstration class, you can learn all the chords you’ll need to play any song, any style, any key. If you can find middle C and know the meaning of Every Good Boy Does Fine, you know enough. Topics include how chords work, time signatures and more. Workbook and practice CD or cassette included. Ages 18+. 3 hours. Beginners can request a free pamphlet by sending a SASE to Innovative Keyboard Instruction, 2841 S. Southwind Dr., Gilbert, AZ 85295. Instructor: COFFMAN. Resident: $57 • Non-resident: $68. APRIL 19

M 6:30 PM (1 DAY)



ELEMENTS® AMAZING ELECTRONIC PIANO-KEYBOARD / ADULT LEVEL 1 From the Beatles to Bach, from Broadway hits like Cats to movie themes from Titanic. This unique, award-winning method teaches keyboard skills on real songs you know and love. This program uses brilliantly conceived visual tools that show students how music works. Keyboards and all materials are provided for classroom use. 1 hour. Instructor: ELEMENTS STAFF. Resident: $99 • Non-resident: $119. APRIL 6

TU 6:30 PM (6 WEEKS)



SINGING FOR ADULTS Enjoy learning voice technique, projection, posture, presentation, song interpretation, note reading and the opportunity to perform as a soloist and in an ensemble. Ages 15+. 1 hour. Instructor: THE PHOENIX CONSERVATORY OF MUSIC. Resident: $65 • Non-resident: $78. APRIL 7

W 7:30 PM (6 WEEKS)



BEGINNING GUITAR Bring your acoustic guitar and make music! Learn hand positions, basic theory and more. No experience necessary. Notebook/pencil suggested. Ages 15+. 1 hour. Instructor: THE PHOENIX CONSERVATORY OF MUSIC FACULTY. Resident: $65 • Non-resident: $78. APRIL 8


SA 10:30 AM (8 WEEKS) SA 1:30 PM (8 WEEKS)

AC-102 FC-210

#182121-01 #282121-02

JUST ONCE GUITAR FOR BUSY PEOPLE Ever wanted to learn the guitar but found it difficult to find the time? Bring your guitar, and in a few hours learn enough to give you years of musical enjoyment! This crash course teaches basic chords and gets you playing along with your favorite songs. Workbook and practice DVD included. Class limited to 15 students. Ages 13+. 2-½ hours. Instructor: COFFMAN. Resident: $57 • Non-resident: $68. MAY 24

M 6:30 PM (1 DAY)




– ages 13 and over unless otherwise noted.

– ages 13 and over unless otherwise noted.

BEGINNING (ACOUSTIC) GUITAR Bring your guitar and learn basic chords, strums, how to read music and more! $7 book fee collected at the first class. Ages 12+. 2 hours. Instructor: MOORE. Resident: $68 • Nonresident: $82.

TH 6:30 PM (6 WEEKS)



ITALIAN BEGINNING: Start speaking Italian from the very first lesson. Learn conversational Italian for immediate application and effective results. Whether you want to learn Italian for your next vacation or for personal enrichment, this class will get you started. CONTINUING: For those who have completed beginning Italian or already know some of the basics. Ages 14+. $50 collected at the first class for textbook/CD. Beginning: 1 hour, 20 minutes; Continuing: 1-½ hours. Instructor: TOFANI (native Italian instructor). Resident: $54 • Non-resident: $64. BEGINNING ITALIAN: APRIL 5 M 6 PM (8 WEEKS) CONTINUING ITALIAN: APRIL 5 M 7:30 PM (8 WEEKS)





CONVERSATIONAL GERMAN Learn essential German vocabulary for use in everyday life, including correct pronunciation and idiom usage. Bring notetaking materials and the textbook, Communicating In German (novice/elementary level), by Lois M. Feuerle and Conrad J. Schmitt (ISBN-13: 9780070569348), to the first class. 1-½ hours. Instructor: GUNNERY. Resident: $54 • Non-resident: $65. APRIL 19

M/W 6:30 PM (4 WEEKS)



SPANISH I & II SPANISH I: Learn greetings, days of the week and more. Emphasizes basic sounds of the alphabet, vowels and phrases. Verb usage and grammar will be introduced. SPANISH II: For those who have taken Spanish I or have prior Spanish instruction. Ages 14+. 1-½ hours. Instructor: DAVIS. Resident: $46 • Non-resident: $55.





TH 7:30 PM (8 WEEKS)



FRENCH FOR FUN AND TRAVEL II Learn French from day one. Class will cover basic greetings and expressions, numbers, colors, clothing, family members, food and more. Proper pronunciation will be stressed along with useful vocabulary, songs and insights into the French culture. 1-½ hours. Instructor: KLEIN. Resident: $64 • Non-resident: $77. APRIL 1

TH 10 AM (6 WEEKS)




special interest classes locations AC

Glendale Adult Center, 5970 W. Brown St.



Acoma Park, 53rd Ave. & Acoma Rd.


The Academy of Martial Arts, 4740 W. Glendale Ave.


Arizona Shotokan Karate, 5815 W. Glendale Ave.



Community Center North, 14075 N. 59th Ave.


Foothills Recreation and Aquatics Center, 5600 W. Union Hills Dr.




Glen Lakes Municipal Golf Course, 5450 W. Northern Ave.





Keene’s ATA Martial Arts, 6740 W. Deer Valley Rd., D-106




Leap of Faith Performance Arts Center, 10820 N. 43rd Ave.


On Stage Dance Academy, 6666 W. Peoria Ave. #116


Paseo Racquet Center, 6268 W. Thunderbird Rd.





Peoria Polar, 15829 N. 83rd Ave. (formerly Desert Schools Coyotes Center/Polar Ice)


Thunderbird Paseo Park, 67th Ave. just south of Greenway Rd.


Thunderbird Paseo (Retention Area), 59th Ave. south of Thunderbird Rd.

legend A

SEP 24 TU 6 PM (6 WEEKS)









A: Check Box: Keep track of the classes you want to take by checking the box. B: Start date of class The City of Glendale strives to hire the most qualified instructors to teach our Special Interest Classes. Some instructors may have their own businesses which offer additional classes, sell products or services related to the class. At no time, should he instructor promote his/her business, sell products or services unless it and the cost is clearly stated in the brochure and is directly related to and used in he class. If he participant chooses to continue any type of business relationship with the instructor or heir related business outside he class, he City of Glendale cannot be held liable for any consequences. Nor will the instructor contact you outside of class for he purpose of solici ing your business unless you have granted the instructor permission to do so.

C: Day(s) class is held TU=Tuesday W=Wednesday F=Friday SA=Saturday

M=Monday TH=Thursday SU=Sunday

D: Start time of class (class description notes length) E: Duration of course F: Class location (location map directory above) G: Class Code: Use this number when signing up for the class Denotes a heart-healthy activity


personal development


– ages 13 and over unless otherwise noted.

– ages 13 and over unless otherwise noted.

Sign up details on page 20.

INTRO TO COMPUTERS Learn through hands-on application and get answers to your questions about basic computer operations, applications and basic internet. Improve computer skills and knowledge and learn new tricks and short cuts. 2 hours. Instructor: SMITH. Resident: $30 • Non-resident: $36.


T/TH 6 PM (2 DAYS) M/W 6 PM (2 DAYS) M/W 6 PM (2 DAYS)

AC-100 AC-100 AC-100

#112105-01 #112105-02 #112105-03

INTRO TO COMPUTERS 2: GETTING TO KNOW WINDOWS Designed around your questions, while providing hands-on answers about Word, Excel, Access, PowerPoint and other Windows applications. Learn new tricks and short cuts. 2 hours. Instructor: SMITH. Resident: $30 • Non-resident: $36. APRIL 27

T/TH 6 PM (2 DAYS)



INTERNET & E-MAIL This class is based on your questions about the internet and e-mail. Learn about links, homepages, cookies, how to be safe on the web, how to setup and use an e-mail account, send documents, download pictures and more. 2-½ hours. Instructor: SMITH. Resident: $25 • Non-resident: $30. APRIL 20 MAY 3

T 9 AM (1 DAY) M 5:30 PM (1 DAY)

AC-100 AC-100

#112101-01 #112101-02

COMPUTER SCANNING AND EDITING Learn to scan images and documents, about editing techniques, how to import images into other programs and how to save images and documents in print and internet formats. Please bring documents or photos to be scanned. Ages 18+. 2 hours. Instructor: SCHILLER. Resident: $25 • Non-resident: $30. APRIL 27

T 2:30 PM (1 DAY)



POWERPOINT Learn PowerPoint start to finish. Create slide backgrounds, designs and slide transitions. Import clip art, pictures, charts and/or existing slides from other sources. Start from scratch or modify existing presentations, view the presentation and rearrange the slide order if necessary. 2-½ hours. Instructor: SMITH. Resident: $25 • Non-resident: $30. APRIL 14 MAY 4

W 5:30 PM (1 DAY) T 9 AM (1 DAY)

AC-100 AC-100

#112115-01 #112115-02


M 5:30 PM (1 DAY) T 9 AM (1 DAY)

AC-100 AC-100

#112109-01 #112109-02

MICROSOFT WORD Have your questions answered. Learn to use menus and toolbars, format letters/labels, save and print your documents, import pictures, use the Paint program and more! 2-½ hours. Instructor: SMITH. Resident: $25 • Non-resident: $30.

EXCEL Have your questions answered. Learn to set up a spreadsheet, enter data and formulas, format text and values, create graphs and charts, save and print your spreadsheet and more! 2-½ hours. Instructor: SMITH. Resident: $25 • Non-resident: $30.


TU 9 AM (1 DAY) W 5:30 PM (1 DAY)

AC-100 AC-100

#112108-01 #112108-02

DIGITAL PHOTOGRAPHY BASICS Designed for those who have just purchased a point-and-shoot or DSLR digital camera or looking to purchase one in the near future. Covers basic functions, terms, assessing the camera and what features are best suited for your needs. Discuss and compare differences between a point-and-shoot and DSLR as well as choices of lenses. A handy, comprehensive booklet will be provided. 3-½ hours. Instructor: SCHILLER. Resident: $30 • Non-resident: $36. APRIL 27

TU 5:30 PM (1 DAY)




Learn basic and advanced features of digital cameras in a hands-on, easy-to-understand approach. We’ll discuss the principles behind the symbols in the camera and their functions as it relates to picture taking. Please bring a digital camera (with the ability to be manually set) along with the owner’s manual. A handy, comprehensive booklet will be provided. 4 hours. Instructor: SCHILLER. Resident: $46 • Non-resident: $55. MAY 4 T 5:30 PM (2 WEEKS) FC-210 #212104-01

DIGITAL PHOTOGRAPHY & PHOTO ENHANCING Learn basic and advanced features of digital cameras in a hands-on, easy-to-understand approach with helpful tips, one-on-one help and details about photo enhancing software. Please bring a digital camera with the owner’s manual. A handy, comprehensive booklet will be provided. 4 hours. Instructor: SCHILLER. Resident: $62 • Non-resident: $74.


TU 10 AM (3 WEEKS)



CONVERT VINYL RECORDS AND CASSETTES TO CD Using a method of turntable, plus Deck hardware (internal PC cassette deck) and a desktop PC computer, learn to convert vinyl records and music cassette tapes into digital files that play on your computer or transfer to an ipod or mp3 player. Other methods to be demonstrated use the latest USB technology and new stand-alone units, not requiring a PC, that record directly to a CD, flash drive or secure digital (SD) media card. Please bring a vinyl record and/or music cassette tape, blank CD, flash drive and/or secure digital media card. 4 hours. Instructor: SCHILLER Resident: $28 • Non-resident: $34. MAY 11

TU 1 PM (1 DAY)



MYSTERY SHOPPING Looking for some extra income? Learn what mystery shopping is, how to get started and how to get assignments and evaluate places such as restaurants, drug stores, gas stations, etc. Class is based on the experience of the instructor, who has been in the field for over 10 years. Ages 18+. 4 hours. Instructor: SCHILLER. Resident: $28 • Non-resident: $34. MAY 4

T 1 PM (1 DAY)



THE TRUTH ABOUT TRUSTS, WILLS & PROBATE Establish or refine your financial and estate planning goals. Learn to avoid probate; the ins and outs of wills, trusts, living wills and powers of attorney; dangers of joint ownership; power and risks of community property; how to protect your assets and more. Ages 18+. 2-½ hours. Instructor: HARNDEN (CPA, CFP, PFS). Resident: $15 • Non-resident: $18.


W 6:30 PM (1 DAY)



LIFE PLANNING 101 Your life is a journey that you can plan. Join us as we discover how to create your personal life plan. You will have a detailed plan that is designed to guide you. Instructor will collect $5 for materials at the first class. 1-½ hours. Instructor: BARBOUR. Resident: $45 • Non-resident: $54. APRIL 27 MAY 13

TU 6:30 PM (2 WEEKS) TH 6:30 PM (2 WEEKS)

FC-208 AC-104

#252128-01 #152128-02

WHAT EVERYONE NEEDS TO KNOW ABOUT SOCIAL SECURITY When should I take my Social Security benefits? Should I continue to work while collecting Social Security? How is my benefit amount determined? How do I minimize the tax on Social Security? Get the answers and discuss strategies to position yourself for YOUR Social Security benefits. Ages 18+. 1-½ hours. Instructor: URBANOWICZ (EA, CCPS). Resident: $15 • Non-resident: $18. APRIL 8

TH 6:30 PM (1 DAY)



BLACKJACK TRAINER This training class will include 4 weeks of the basic strategy of blackjack, along with 4 weeks of card counting using the simple plus/minus point count system. This fun class will simulate casino play while learning these techniques. Participants receive “Basic Strategy” cards, Nevada casino playing cards and more. Ages 21+. 1 hour. Instructor: RENNER (former casino junkets representative and professional blackjack trainer). Resident: $21 • Non-resident: $25. APRIL 15




EMOTIONAL FREEDOM TECHNIQUE (EFT) FOR STRESS REDUCTION EFT is a holistic tool — tap, touch or rub on acupressure points to relieve stress. As you move through your life, you recognize stress is unavoidable; however, your perception and reaction to stress can be shifted into positive avenues. EFT allows you to manage your personal and business schedules from a healthy viewpoint. This holistic technique can be a valuable tool to work through discomfort and stress. The instructor is a Holistic Practitioner, combining hypnotherapy and EFT for health and well-being. Ages 18+. 2 hours. Instructor: LOVE. Resident: $35 • Non-resident: $42. MAY 17

M 6:30 PM (1 DAY)



UNDERSTANDING YOUR SEVEN (MAIN) ENERGY CENTERS Learn to work with your energy centers, also known as Chakras, by taking your awareness to an expanded perception, allowing your lifestyle to embrace health and well-being, in body, mind, and spirit. Class will include a guided meditation for the health of your energy centers. Please bring a mat and pillow for meditation. The instructor is a Holistic Practitioner, combining hypnotherapy and EFT for health and well-being. Ages 18+. 2 hours. Instructor: LOVE (Certified Hypnotherapist). Resident: $35 • Non-resident: $42. APRIL 26

M 6:30 PM (1 DAY)



AROMATHERAPY FOR COUPLES Learn the essential oils that can bring people closer and reduce stress. Each person will massage their partner using pure, plantbased aromatic oils. A relaxing, soothing exercise will also be experienced. Receive a booklet containing information on the oils covered. Wear comfortable clothing, bring a mat and towel. Each paid participant may bring a partner. 4 hours. Instructor: SCHILLER. Resident: $28 • Non-resident: $34. MAY 10

M 5:30 PM (1 DAY)




FABULOUS FAUX FOR BORING WALLS Save thousands of dollars and create professional looking walls, even if you are a beginner. Learn this fast and easy approach along with tricks of the trade to make your walls look like suede/leather, stone or old-world plaster. Faux kit will be provided. Wear clothes to paint in. 2-½ hours. Instructor: COFFMAN. Resident: $58 • Non-resident: $70. APRIL 19

M 6:30 PM (1 DAY)



DOG BEHAVIOR TRAINING / PUPPY CLASS Train your dog using friendly, nonviolent techniques. Sit, stay, come, down, walking on a leash, behavior topics (yours and the dog’s), solving problems such as chewing, barking, biting, jumping, digging, “separation anxiety” and more are covered. Bring your dog, leash, treats in small pieces, water bowl, water, your dog’s favorite toy and any training equipment already in use. Comprehensive class manual and training aid included. Handlers 16 and under must be accompanied by an adult. PUPPY CLASS meets AKC requirements for therapy or work dogs in training guidelines. Instructor: SPENCER-SNIDER. Dog Behavior Training - Resident: $63 • Non-resident: $76. Puppy Class - Resident: $90 • Non-resident: $108.

DOG BEHAVIOR CLASSES (1-¼ hours): Dogs must be at least five months old and have proof of shots. APRIL 6 TU 8 PM (4 WEEKS) ACOMA #152187-01 APRIL 10 SA 9:30 AM (4 WEEKS) T-BIRD #152187-02 PUPPY CLASS (1 hour): Puppy must be 3 to 6 months old. APRIL 10 SA 8 AM (6 WEEKS) T-BIRD #152186-01 Completed the class, but would like to continue? Have questions or problems? “Come when you can.” Call 602-861-9256 for information on times and fees. Class size is limited.

CPR AND FIRST AID TRAINING Be prepared in an emergency! Learn basic CPR and first aid, providing you the knowledge and skills necessary to administer emergency care in cases of injury or sudden illness. Successful completion cards will be distributed. Optional health care provider is offered for an additional $5, payable at class. Ages 12+. 3 hours. Instructor: TUTRONE. Resident: $34 • Nonresident: $41. APRIL 14 MAY 19

W 6 PM (1 DAY) W 6 PM (1 DAY)

FC-206 FC-206

#252141-01 #252141-02

ORGANIC GARDENING BASICS Enjoy delicious, healthy, home-grown fruits and vegetables freshly picked from your garden. Learn to prepare the soil, make compost and use organic fertilizers and soil amendments. Ages 18+. 4 hours. Instructor: SCHILLER. Resident: $30 • Nonresident: $36. APRIL 20

TU 2:30 PM (1 DAY)



BABY SIGN LANGUAGE Did you know that simple gestures such as waving bye-bye are a form of American Sign Language? These gestures can be exercised as early as 8 months of age. Learn simple signs that will help you communicate with your child. Understanding your child’s needs will help lessen your frustrations and increase the bond between the two of you. Babies are welcome! No class April 24. 1-½ hours. Instructor: WALES. Resident: $48 • Nonresident: $58. APRIL 10

SA 11 AM (6 WEEKS)


Remember to see page 20 for Special Interest Class sign up information.



culinary arts

– ages 13 and over unless otherwise noted.

CHILES RELLENOS Learn to make chiles rellenos with red sauce and Mexican rice. Impress your friends and family with this delicious dish made with poblano chiles and stuffed with monster cheese. Participants will prepare a dinner for four, so bring two big containers with you. $15 supply fee will be collected. 4 hours. Instructor: FINAN. Resident: $31 • Non-resident: $37. MAY 16

SU 11:30 AM (1 DAY)



CAKE DECORATING Learn about icing, leveling, torting and making beautiful icing roses. “The Wilton Method of Cake Decorating” Student Kit Course I, available at craft stores, is required. Spanish is available on request. No class April 24. 3 hours. Instructor: FINAN. Resident: $62 • Non-resident: $74. APRIL 3




CAKE DECORATING II Learn to make elegant borders featuring rosettes, reverse shells and rope designs. Create lovely flowers including rosebuds, daisies, daffodils, mums and more. Flower basket cake using the interwoven basket weave technique will also be taught. “The Wilton Method of Cake Decorating” Student Kit Course II, available at craft stores, is required. Spanish on request. 3 hours. Instructor: FINAN. Resident: $62 • Non-resident: $74. MAY 8




SIMPLE STIR-FRY Learn basic stir-fry techniques to impress friends and family with popular stir fry dishes such as Kung Pao, house, curry chicken and chow mein. Never order to-go Chinese food again! $10 supply fee will be collected. 3 hours. Instructor: READY SET COOK. Resident: $40 • Non-resident: $48. APRIL 30

F 6 PM (1 DAY)



LET’S MAKE PASTA Learn how to make a variety of homemade pastas such as spinach and tomato. We’ll be preparing sauté shrimp pasta and roasted chicken with olive oil tossed pasta. It’s a lot of fun, easy to do and fresh pasta is out of this world! $10 supply fee will be collected. 3 hours. Instructor: READY SET COOK. Resident: $40 • Non-resident: $48. APRIL 16 MAY 9

F 6 PM (1 DAY) SU 1 PM (1 DAY)


#202149-01 #202149-02

SEAFOOD 101 Having trouble preparing seafood dishes? Learn to identify and prepare popular fish dishes. With a little showing and a lot of doing, anybody can prepare fish like a restaurant chef. $10 supply fee will be collected. 3 hours. Instructor: READY SET COOK. Resident: $40 • Non-resident: $48. APRIL 23

F 6 PM (1 DAY)



AMAZING MARINADES Ever wonder how meats from some restaurants are so tender and tasty? Marinade is the secret! Learn the basics of marinating and brining and bring marinade to a whole new level. $10 supply fee will be collected at class. 3 hours. Instructor: READY SET COOK. Resident: $40 • Non-resident: $48. APRIL 9

F 6 PM (1 DAY)



AMERICAN SAMPLER This course takes you on a trail of American cultural cooking. First, study basic knife skills and measuring. Then, cover soups, salads and sauces from American classics. Review cultural cooking styles and how they were influenced by region, people and availability of food in the area. $50 supply fee will be collected. 3 hours. Instructor: STREET. Resident: $47 • Nonresident: $56. APRIL 8

TH 6:30 PM (4 WEEKS)



CLASSICAL COOKING Learn fundamental techniques to prepare a meal for less than the price of fast food. Discover Italian basics like tomato sauces, side salads, breakfast alternatives, pilaf, risotto, meatballs, chicken parmesan and breading. A supply list will be handed out at the first class. $10 supply fee will be collected. 3 hours. Instructor: LONG. Resident: $72 • Non-resident: $86. APRIL 19

M 6:30 PM (6 WEEKS)




Learn to make chocolate and mocha truffles, chocolate balls and more! They make great gifts for Mother’s Day and other occasions. Learn techniques for melting chocolate, preparing fillings and how to assemble different truffles. Recipes will be provided and you will have chocolate truffles to take home. Just bring an apron and have fun! $20 supply fee will be collected. 4 hours. Instructor: FINAN. Resident: $31 • Non-resident: $37. MAY 2 SU 12 PM (1 DAY) FC-KIT #202134-01


– ages 13 and over unless otherwise noted.


Michael Jackson, the “King of Pop,” captivated audiences with his style and dance moves. Learn the moves danced by the King himself. Learn the dance to one of the best known music videos of all time, Thriller. No partner needed. Ages 15+. 50 minutes. Instructor: BATES. Resident: $45 • Non-resident: $54. APRIL 19 M 6:30 PM (6 WEEKS) FC-100 #232147-01


Experience it! Zumba is a Latin based, fast-paced, cardio dance fitness workout that’s fun, easy and effective for everyone! No dance background required. Ages 15+. No class April 24. 1 hour. Instructor: SOWA. Resident: $39 • Non-resident: $48. APRIL 12 M 7 PM (6 WEEKS) FC-EXA #232140-01 APRIL 17 SA 11 AM (6 WEEKS) FC-EXA #232140-02

HULA Aloha! Get a taste of Hawaii in the desert HULA: A great course to learn Hula basics. CONTINUING HULA: For those who have the basics and want to learn more. Bring something to wrap around your hips or a pa’u skirt. Ages 12+. 50 minutes. Instructor: SEGURITAN. Resident: $35 • Non-resident: $42. HULA: APRIL 6 TU 7 PM (6 WEEKS) CONTINUING HULA: APRIL 6 TU 8:10 PM (6 WEEKS)

FC-EXB #232181-01 FC-EXB #232182-01

BEGINNING HIP HOP Get basic knowledge of hip hop styles of the past, present and future. Enjoy a positive, fun atmosphere while learning simple dance combinations. Ages 17+. No class April 24. 1 hour. Instructor: FRANE. Resident: $42 • Non-resident: $50. APRIL 10

SA 12 PM (8 WEEKS)

FC-EXA #232137-01

BALLROOM 101 Learn to dance the classics such as the Tango, Waltz, Foxtrot and more. Learn correct posture, dance frame and footwork with poise and grace. 50 minutes. Instructor: BATES. Resident: $45 • Non-resident: $54.

BALLROOM 101: APRIL 15 TH 7:10 PM (6 WEEKS) FC-100 #232149-01 CONTINUING BALLROOM (must have already taken Ballroom 101): APRIL 19 M 7:30 PM (6 WEEKS) FC-100 #232146-01

INTERMEDIATE LINE DANCE Learn the Rio, Bosa Nova, and more! 1 hour. Instructor: TERRY & ROSEMARY LUTZ. Resident: $20 • Non-resident: $24. APRIL 8

TH 8:30 AM (8 WEEKS)



LATIN TONE & TECHNIQUE Learn the movements and technique of the Samba, Rumba and more. Come dressed to sweat. Sneaker or Latin dance shoes will work. No partner needed. Ages 15+. 50 minutes. Instructor: BATES. Resident: $45 • Non-resident: $54. APRIL 15





A fun class that provides the basics of jazz dance, with emphasis on jazz moves, placement, alignment control and technique. No class April 24. 1 hour. Instructor: FRANE. Resident: $42 • Non-resident: $50. APRIL 10 SA 1 PM (8 WEEKS) FC-EXA #232138-01

BELLY DANCE This dance form helps improve posture and flexibility, is low impact and appropriate for all ages and fitness levels. Bring a scarf to tie around your hips and any type of dance wear to allow free movement. Pantyhose, socks or ballet slippers are suggested. Monthly performance opportunities available. No class April 24. 1 hour. Instructor: GERHARDT-NAKARAT. Resident: $55 • Non-resident: $66. APRIL 10

SA 10 AM (8 WEEKS)



SWING DANCE (BALLROOM DANCE) Have fun learning the most popular steps in swing and add to steps you already know. Singles/couples welcome. 1 hour. Instructor: ROMANI (10+ years teaching experience). Resident: $35 • Non-resident: $42. SWING I: APRIL 6 SWING II: APRIL 6

TU 7:15 PM (6 WEEKS)



TU 8:15 PM (6 WEEKS)



BEGINNING SALSA DANCING Learn to find the rhythm to different Latin songs and the Cuban Motion (movement of your hips). You’ll be asked to rotate dance partners to get a better grasp on leading and following. Ages 15+. 50 minutes. Instructor: BATES. Resident: $45 • Nonresident: $54. SALSA I: APRIL 14 W 7:30 PM (6 WEEKS) SALSA II (Must have taken Salsa I): APRIL 14 W 8:30 PM (6 WEEKS)





To sign up, just turn to page 20.

exercise /sports


– ages 13 and over unless otherwise noted.


Warrior X-Fit is fitness training with a martial arts flair. This program will transform your body, fitness level and frame of mind. Improve strength, aerobic fitness, flexibility, coordination and balance while adding excitement to your ho-hum exercise routine. Expect amazing results. No previous training is required. Instructor will collect $14.50 for personal resistance band. 1 hour. Instructor: Keene. Resident: $99 • Non-resident: $114. APRIL 2 M/W/F 10 AM (4 WEEKS) KEENE’S #142183-01 MAY 3 M/W/F 10 AM (4 WEEKS) KEENE’S #142183-02

EXTREME CONDITIONING This class is designed to push you to your limits. Includes cardio conditioning, muscular and core strengthening, distance running and more. Expect to increase your endurance, strength, agility and speed, along with your self esteem and well being. Design your own workout schedule. 1 hour. Instructors: OLESON / SIEGREST (Valley fitness instructors with 15+ years experience). 1 class per week – Resident: $55 • Nonresident: $66. 2 classes per week – Resident: $100 • Non-resident: $120. 3 classes per week – Resident: $150 • Non-resident: $180. Unlimited classes per week – Resident: $200 • Non-resident: $240. APRIL 19–MAY 29. Select your start time... M: 9:30 AM / TU: 6 AM or 5:30 PM / W: 8:30 or 9:30 AM / TH: 6 AM / F: 9:30 AM or 5:30 PM / SA: 8 AM 1 CLASS PER WEEK 2 CLASSES PER WEEK 3 CLASSES PER WEEK UNLIMITED CLASSES PER WEEK


#242150-01 #242150-02 #242150-03 #242150-04

EXTREME CYCLING This indoor cycling class simulates riding hills, sprints, jumps and more. The more tension you add on the wheel the harder the class is. Please bring a water bottle and towel. 50 minutes. Instructors: OLESON / SIEGREST (Valley fitness instructors with 15+ years experience). Resident: $35 • Non-resident: $42. APRIL 19 M 8:30 AM (6 WEEKS) APRIL 20 T 9 AM (6 WEEKS) APRIL 20 T 4:30 PM (6 WEEKS) APRIL 22 TH 9 AM (6 WEEKS) APRIL 23 F 4:30 PM (6 WEEKS) Silver Cycling (A lighter side class.): APRIL 21 W 10:30 AM (6 WEEKS)


#242199-01 #242199-02 #242199-03 #242199-05 #242199-06

FC-EXA #242199-04

JUMP START FITNESS Start your day the healthy way! This early morning workout will give you the energy you need to make it through the day. Designed to meet every fitness level, you will see improvements in cardiovascular fitness, muscle strength and endurance. You may also take advantage of special bonus workout days throughout the session. No class May 31. 1 hour. Instructor: DE LA MONTAIGNE. Resident: $160 • Non-resident: $192.

MARCH 29 M/W/F 5:35 AM (6 WEEKS) FC-GYM #242120-01 MAY 10 M/W/F 5:35 AM (6 WEEKS) FC-GYM #242120-02

ICE SKATING LESSONS –TEEN/ADULT BEGINNER This class is for adults who wished they would have started skating sooner. You will be up and skating in 8 weeks. Forward and backwards, stopping, swizzles, dips and even a two-foot spin are taught. Rental skates are included. Ages 16+. 30 minutes. Instructor: PEORIA POLAR STAFF. Resident: $80 • Non-resident: $96. APRIL 7 APRIL 10

W 6:15 PM (8 WEEKS) SA 11:45 AM (8 WEEKS)


#142150-01 #142150-02


TENNIS TENNIS I: For those who have played little or no tennis. Learn the basic strokes to enjoy the game. TENNIS II: For those who have graduated from the beginner’s course or haven’t played for a while and need a refresher. Learn advanced strokes, scoring and playing strategies. Ages 19+. 1 hour. Instructor: PASEO RACQUET CENTER PROFESSIONALS. Resident: $61 • Non-resident: $73.

Sign up details on page 20.


W 6:30 PM (8 WEEKS)



W 7:30 PM (8 WEEKS)



BOOT CAMP – GET IN SHAPE A certified fitness trainer leads you through resistance and cardiovascular training, abdominal workouts and nutritional guidance. Join other boot campers in this motivational, encouraging and fun environment. Don’t let the name scare you! No matter what your fitness level, this will be an effective workout for you. 1 hour. Instructor: OLONA. Resident: $100 • Non-resident: $120. MAR 22 APRIL 26

M/W/TH 4:30 PM (4 WEEKS) FC-EXA #241102-03 M/W/TH 4:30 PM (4 WEEKS) FC-EXA #242102-01

AEROBICS-LOW/HIGH COMBO Have fun while getting fit! Workout at your own pace to choreographed music. Focus on warm-up/stretching, monitored cardio respiratory training, kick boxing, floor work, muscle toning of problem areas and cool down/relaxation. Wear aerobic workout shoes, bring a mat and water. Free weights may be used if desired. Ages 18+. No class May 31. 1 hour. Instructor: BOONE (Aerobics and CPR-certified instructor). Resident: $42 • Non-resident: $50. APRIL 5

M/W 6:30 PM (10 WEEKS) AC-107


PILATES Great class for beginners or those needing a more challenging workout. It’s mat pilates with the addition of rings, small medicine balls, exercise bands, weighted balls and, of course, big medicine balls. Ages 16+. 1 hour. Instructor: JUNEAU. Resident: $35 • Non-resident: $42. APRIL 7 MAY 5

W 6:45 PM (4 WEEKS) W 6:45 PM (4 WEEKS)

FC-EXA #242121-01 FC-EXA #242121-02


Learn martial arts in a positive and encouraging atmosphere. Learn self-defense while getting a workout and building a “Yes I Can” attitude for life. Ages 9+. 1 hour. Instructor: TEMPLEMAN. Resident: $25 • Non-resident: $30. APRIL 9 F 7 PM (4 WEEKS) FC-EXB #242175-01 MAY 7 F 7 PM (4 WEEKS) FC-EXB #242175-02

WOMEN’S MA-fit (MARTIAL ARTS FITNESS ) This MA-fit body shaping program incorporates strength training, core ab training, stretching, martial arts leg exercises and cadio presented in a fun, energetic, learning environment. Each class is like a personal training session consisting of cardio warm up, stretching and flexibility exercises, leg development and strengthening exercises, upper body toning, abdominal training and concludes with breathing exercises and meditation. Work out at your own pace. Appropriate for beginner to advanced fitness levels. Bring an exercise mat, 3 lb. dumbbells, water bottle and towel. 45 minutes. Instructor: TORREZ. Resident: $95 • Non-resident: $114. APRIL 6



GOLF 101 It‘s never too late to learn the game you can play the rest of your life. Learn the FUNdamentals of all phases of the game including grip, swing, chipping, putting, balance, posture, short game, sand game, rules and etiquette. Ages 18+. 1-½ hours. Instructor: SWARTZ. Resident: $105 • Non-resident: $126. APRIL 7 APRIL 10 APRIL 20 MAY 6 MAY 8

W 6 PM (4 WEEKS) SA 9:30 AM (4 WEEKS) T 7:30 PM (4 WEEKS) TH 6 PM (4 WEEKS) SA 8 AM (4 WEEKS)


#142181-01 #142181-02 #142181-03 #142181-04 #142181-05

BEGINNING KARATE (SHOTOKAN) Learn traditional Japanese-style karate basics (kihon), forms (kata) and sparring (kumite). Emphasis is placed on traditional manners and self-discipline. At the end of the course, students will be eligible to test for their first rank (9th KYU Exam). Beginning students will receive a Gi (karate uniform). 1 hour. Instructor: HYDER. Resident: $110 • Non-resident: $132.

MAR 29 M/W 6 PM; SA 10 AM (10 WEEKS) AZSK #142113-01 MAR 30 TU/TH/SA 10 AM (10 WEEKS) AZSK #142113-02 MAR 30 TU/TH 7PM; SA 10 AM (10 WEEKS) AZSK #142113-03

KARATE Learn traditional karate. Practice is divided into basic kicks, punches, forms and self-defense training. No grading fees. Beginners welcome. Ages 17+. 1 hour. Instructor: SCHROPP. Resident: $45 • Non-resident: $54. APRIL 6

TU/TH 8 PM (3 MONTHS) FC-EXA #242114-01

JAPANESE JUDO Learn basic judo postures and salutations, how to move on the mat, control your opponent and be thrown safely. Also techniques of grappling, locking, choking, escaping and sequence combinations will be demonstrated and taught. Ages 11+. No class May 31. 1-½ hours. Instructor: DR. MOORE. Resident: $15 • Non-resident: $18. APRIL 5 MAY 3

M/W 7 PM (1 MONTH) M/W 7 PM (1 MONTH)

FC-EXB #242112-01 FC-EXB #242112-02


Derived from an ancient Chinese martial art, Tai Chi movements, when practiced slowly, can have certain health benefits such as improved balance, flexibility and stress reduction. Investigate the first third of the 36 posture Yang style form. Instructor: BURR (long-time, Yang style practitioner). 1-½ hours. Resident: $48 • Non-resident: $58. APRIL 8 TH 7 PM (8 WEEKS) FC-EXB #242115-01

GENTLE YOGA Yoga “calms the howling of the mind” restoring balance and inner peace. Instruction combines kundalini breathing (pranayama) with stretches and bodywork (asana). Most of the class is done on the floor on a soft mat with variations offered for those who prefer to sit on a chair. Wear exercise clothes and bring a foam rubber exercise mat and towel. Ages 16+. 1-½ hours. Instructor: CZUKOR. Resident: $48 • Non-resident: $58. APRIL 5 APRIL 5 APRIL 9

M 11 AM (8 WEEKS) M 6:30 PM (8 WEEKS) F 11 AM (8 WEEKS)

FC-EXB #242124-01 AC-PV #142124-02 FC-EXB #242124-03

YOGALATES An integrated system of pilates and yoga that enhances core strength, balance and flexibility through breath and flow. Yoga brings about peace to the mind, body and spirit. Pilates strengthens abs, back and legs. Wear appropriate attire. 1 hour. Instructor: JUNEAU. Resident: $47 • Non-resident: $56. APRIL 6 MAY 4

TU/TH 5:30 PM (4 WEEKS) FC-EXB #242122-01 TU/TH 5:30 PM (4 WEEKS) FC-EXB #242122-02



special interest classes

Parents, unless noted otherwise, we ask that only youth and teen participants attend class. An open house will be held the last day of class for observation.


cultural arts PAINTING FOR KIDS (Ages 6-12) Explore different styles of the masters. Students will learn to paint on various materials and take home masterpieces to impress friends and family. $10 supply fee will be collected at the first class. 1 hour. Instructor: LEE (former art instructor). Resident: $40 • Non-resident: $48. APRIL 6

T 4:30 PM (5 WEEKS)



CREATIVE CARTOONING (Ages 8-12) Calling all cartoonists! Learn how to draw people and animal cartoons step-by-step. Imaginations will flow by putting our own characters in comic strips, greeting cards and more! Supply list will be handed out at the first class. 1 hour. Instructor: WAGENBACH. Resident: $40 • Nonresident: $48. APRIL 10


M 12:15 PM (4 WEEKS) M 1:15 PM (4 WEEKS) W 3 PM (4 WEEKS) M 12:15 PM (4 WEEKS) M 1:15 PM (4 WEEKS) W 3 PM (4 WEEKS)

FC-212 FC-212 FC-212 FC-212 FC-212 FC-212

#222299-01 #222299-02 #222299-03 #222299-04 #222299-05 #222299-06

OUR FIRST CRAFT CLASS (Ages 1-2) First time artists welcome! Parent and child will engage in art work with different colors, shapes and textures. Each week will be a theme using an array of art materials! $6 supply fee will be collected at the first class. 45 minutes. Instructor: VANTVILE. Resident: $29 • Non-resident: $35. APRIL 5 MAY 3

M 9:15 AM (4 WEEKS) M 9:15 AM (4 WEEKS)

FC-212 FC-212

#222297-01 #222297-02

ARTSY TOTS (Ages 2-6) Parents and tots will enjoy this creative time together. Through a variety of safe mediums, tots will explore textures, shapes and scents while creating their first masterpieces. 45 minutes. Instructor: BARBOUR (former Arts Academy Instructor). Resident: $40 • Non-resident: $48. APRIL 6 MAY 4

TU 10:45 AM (3 WEEKS) TU 10:45 AM (3 WEEKS)

FC-212 FC-212

#222202-01 #222202-02

CREATIVE KIDS (Ages 5-12) Create special treasures and discover a variety of art mediums including clay, paints and more under the direction of an experienced artist. $15 supply fee will be collected at the first class. 1-½ hours. Instructor: BARBOUR (former Arts Academy Instructor). Resident: $45 • Non-resident: $54. APRIL 6 APRIL 8 MAY 4 MAY 6

TU 4:30PM TH 4:30PM TU 4:30PM TH 4:30PM


FC-212 AC-105 FC-212 AC-105

#222203-01 #122203-02 #222203-03 #122203-04



POTTERY WHEEL THROWING (YOUTH/TEEN) (Ages 8-16) Discover how to throw on a potter’s wheel the way a pro does. You will throw a serving bowl and a large vase. Each item will be painted and glazed with food-safe glazes. $20 supply fee will be collected at the first class. 1-½ hours. Instructor: BARBOUR (former Arts Academy Instructor). Resident: $55 • Non-resident: $66. APRIL 1

TH 6:15 PM (3 WEEKS)



ART- KIDS (Ages 6-12) Cultivate the artist within. Create masterpieces using clay, paint and more in these “all new lessons.” Discover art history and a “featured artist” every week. $10 supply fee will be collected at the first class. 1 hour. Instructor: LEE (former art instructor). Resident: $40 • Non-resident: $48. APRIL 8

TODDLER ART TIME (Ages 3-5) Through painting, drawing, collage and crafts, introduce your child to new and important physical/cognitive/ language skills. Parent involvement required. $6 supply fee will be collected at the first class. 45 minutes. Instructor: VANTVILE. Resident: $29 • Non-resident: $35.


TH 4:30 PM (5 WEEKS)



ART SMART (Ages 2-4) Discover your child’s creativity by exploring literacy through art. Each class will introduce a book reading with a coordinating art project, allowing your child to create a first book. Parent involvement is required. $6 supply fee will be collected at the first class. 45 minutes. Instructor: VANTVILE. Resident: $29 • Non-resident: $35. APRIL 5 APRIL 7 MAY 3 MAY 5

M 10:30 AM (4 WEEKS) W 2 PM (4 WEEKS) M 10:30 AM (4 WEEKS) W 2 PM (4 WEEKS)

FC-212 FC-212 FC-212 FC-212

#222298-01 #222298-02 #222298-03 #222298-04



ELEMENTS® AMAZING ELECTRONIC PIANO-KEYBOARD (Ages 6-12) Your child will learn to play songs in the first few lessons – whether it’s Bach or Hanna Montana. Elements is the largest provider of keyboard/piano lessons in the Southwest, offering a method that teaches note reading, chords and counting, along with the basic skills needed to play ALL music. Join us for fun games, prizes, a year-end contest and a special judge from the “American Idol” music staff. Keyboards and headphones for classroom use are provided. We offer 4 levels. Beginners should start with Level 1. For those with some keyboard experience, please call Elements at 623-933-0681 to determine the appropriate level. 1 hour. Instructor: ELEMENTS STAFF. Resident: $99 • Non-resident: $119. LEVEL 1: APRIL 10 LEVELS 2-4: APRIL 10




SA 10:10 AM (6 WEEKS)



BEGINNING (ACOUSTIC) GUITAR (Ages 12+) Learn basic chords and strums, how to read music, tab and tune a guitar. A great class to take to see if you would like to continue with guitar lessons. Must bring guitar to class. $7 book fee will be collected at the first class. 2 hours. Instructor: MOORE. Resident: $68 • Non-resident: $82. APRIL 10 APRIL 10

SA 10:30 AM (8 WEEKS) SA 1:30 PM (8 WEEKS)

AC-102 FC-210

#182121-01 #282121-02


BEGINNING YOUTH GUITAR (Ages 8-14) Bring your acoustic guitar and make music. Learn hand positions, basic theory and more. No experience necessary. Notebook/pencil suggested. 1 hour. Instructor: THE PHOENIX CONSERVATORY OF MUSIC FACULTY. Resident: $65 • Non-resident: $78. APRIL 8

TH 5:30 PM (6 WEEKS)



DRUMMING (Ages 5-8) For the child that beats on everything, turn that banging into rhythm. Learn rhythm patterns through games and drum beat on a real tot drum set. Sticks/pads provided for use in class or may be purchased from instructor. 45 minutes. Instructor: LIGGINS. Resident: $53 • Non-resident: $64. APRIL 22

TH 5:30 PM (6 WEEKS)



DRUMLINE I (Ages 8-14) Learn the core rudiments: stroke rolls, paradiddle, flam, buzz and more. Learn some cool cadences and experience the drumline sound. Drum sticks and pads are provided for use in class or may be purchased from instructor. 1 hour. Instructor: LIGGINS. Resident: $53 • Non-resident: $64. APRIL 20 APRIL 22

T 5:30 PM (6 WEEKS) TH 6:30 PM (6 WEEKS)

AC-106 FC-204

#182232-01 #282232-02

SUPER SINGING! (Ages 8-14) Enjoy learning voice technique, song preparation, performance/audience skills and more. You’ll have an opportunity to sing in an ensemble and soloist setting. Performances critiqued in a way that promotes artistic growth and development. Class size is limited to 15. No prior experience required. Notebook and pencil suggested. 1 hour. Instructor: THE PHOENIX CONSERVATORY OF MUSIC FACULTY. Resident: $65 • Non-resident: $78. APRIL 7

W 6:30 PM (6 WEEKS)



personal development I CAN BE SAFE! (Ages 4-8) There is no better way to show your child that you care. You will love the fun, empowering message of safety and your child is guaranteed to learn specific tips to grasp the general concept of safety for future learning! There is more to it than just “stranger danger”. Children of all ages need appropriate safety education. This class teaches methods used by unsafe individuals and those that want to exploit them, along with tricks played on kids and strategies if they are lost or approached. Practice skills and choices are discussed in a fun and age-appropriate manner without fear! Parents are encouraged to attend. 1 hour. Instructor: ANGELO. Resident: $34 • Non-resident: $41. SU 1 PM (1 DAY) SA 1 PM (1 DAY)

FC-210 FC-204

#252243-01 #252243-02

KIDS’ COOKING (Ages 7-16) Learn fun things you can make in the kitchen. Read a recipe, measure ingredients and enjoy the things you make! $20 supply fee will be collected at the first class. No class May 29. 1 hour. Instructor: BARBOUR. Resident: $65 • Nonresident: $78. APRIL 3 MAY 1







SIGN LANGUAGE FOR KIDS (Ages 5-17) Learn to communicate using basic American Sign Language through this theme-based class. Each session will have a fun theme that will lead up to the final session where learned interactive skills will be showcased. No class April 24. 1 hour. Instructor: WALES. Resident: $37 • Non-resident: $44. BEGINNING (Ages 5-17): APRIL 10 SA 9 AM (6 WEEKS) CONTINUING (Ages 8-17): APRIL 10 SA 10 AM (6 WEEKS)





CHILD CARE & BABYSITTING WORKSHOP (Ages 11+) Get training on safe and fun ways to babysit and care for children. This class covers CPR, first aid, techniques for active children and what to do to have a successful babysitting adventure. Build confidence, self-esteem and skills necessary to care for infants and children on a daily basis and in emergency situations. Bring a sack lunch. 6 hours. Instructor: EMERGENCY RESPONSE TRAINING. Resident: $52 • Non-resident: $62. APRIL 17 MAY 15

SA 9 AM (1 DAY) SA 9 AM (1 DAY)

FC-212 FC-212

#252280-01 #252280-02




TIC-TALK SPANISH Tic-Talk Spanish is a Total Immersion Language Acquisition program that will provide your young ones the opportunity to hear, engage and experience the Spanish language and culture through music and movement. The curriculum is carefully sequenced to gradually incorporate new words and expressions through our customized music collections, take-home material and interactive lessons. Curriculum emphasizes auditory comprehension and oral expression! $25 will be collected for take-home materials, CD, educational activity workbook and flash cards. New activities every session using same materials. 45 minutes. Instructor: TIC-TALK STAFF. Resident: $85 • Nonresident: $102.


#202221-01 #202221-02

dance BALLET/TUMBLING/TAP COMBO (Ages 3-6) This preschool movement education class is designed to teach essentials such as depth perception, hand/ eye, foot/eye, inverted orientation and medial/lateral awareness. Dancers will learn beginning ballet, tap and tumbling skills. 1 hour. Instructor: ON STAGE DANCE ACADEMY. Resident: $40 • Non-resident: $48. APRIL 7 MAY 5

W 12:30 PM (4 WEEKS) W 12:30 PM (4 WEEKS)


#132208-01 #132208-02

BALLET/JAZZ COMBO (Ages 3-4) Ballet, jazz and tumbling skills are taught through stories, games and fun music. 45 minutes. Instructor: STEPPIN’ OUT PERFORMING ARTS. Resident: $58 • Non-resident: $70. APRIL 6

TU 11 AM (6 WEEKS)




(Ages 3-4) An exciting introduction to ballet, tap, creative movement and tumbling basics, focusing on fun and creating a positive introduction to dance. Tap shoes required. Students are invited to attend an optional Spring Recital (approximate cost $35). 45 minutes. Instructor: STEPPIN’ OUT PERFORMING ARTS. Resident: $58 • Non-resident: $70. APRIL 8 TH 3 PM (8 WEEKS) CCN-3 #132293-01

BALLET/TAP/TUMBLE (Ages 3-5) This is a great introduction to dance. Ballet develops posture and balance, tap develops rhythm and coordination, while tumbling develops overall strength. Class incorporates active listening, creativity and lots of fun! Ballet and tap shoes are required. 1 hour. Instructor: LEAP OF FAITH. Resident: $59 • Non-resident: $71. APRIL 5 APRIL 7 APRIL 9

M 10 AM (6 WEEKS) W 10 AM (6 WEEKS) F 10 AM (6 WEEKS)


#132297-01 #132297-02 #132297-03

BALLET/TAP (Ages 5-7) An introduction to the art of dance. Develop balance, discipline, strength, rhythm, counting and coordination skills. Movement combinations put together as “dances” help to develop memory skills. Ballet and tap shoes are required. Ballet/Tap II students must have completed Ballet/Tap prior to registering.1 hour. Instructor: LEAP OF FAITH. Resident: $59 • Non-resident: $71. APRIL 6 TU 3 PM (6 WEEKS) BALLET/TAP II: APRIL 9 F 4 PM (6 WEEKS)





BALLET/TAP DANCE COMBO II (Ages 5-6) An exciting introduction to ballet, jazz, tap, creative movement and tumbling basics. Great for both boys and girls! Tap shoes are required. Students are invited to attend an optional Spring Recital (approximate cost $35). 45 minutes. Instructor: STEPPIN’ OUT PERFORMING ARTS. Resident: $58 • Non-resident: $70. APRIL 8




BALLET/TAP COMBO (Ages 3-5) This preschool movement education class is designed to teach essentials such as depth perception, hand/ eye, foot/eye, inverted orientation and medial/lateral awareness. Dancers will learn beginning ballet and tap skills. 1 hour. Instructor: ON STAGE DANCE ACADEMY. Resident: $40 • Non-resident: $48. APRIL 3 APRIL 8 MAY 1 MAY 6




#132254-01 #132254-02 #132254-03 #132254-04

BALLET (Ages 5-8) All dance styles begin with ballet. In this fun intro to dance, students will learn basic ballet technique, stretching and balance. Ballet develops creativity, strength, discipline and posture. Ballet shoes required. 1 hour. Instructor: LEAP OF FAITH STAFF. Resident: $59 • Non-resident: $71. APRIL 7

W 4 PM (6 WEEKS)



HIP HOP (Ages 5-9) A perfect intro to the high-energy world of dance. Learn current hip-hop styles and basic dance skills to upbeat music. 1 hour. Instructor: LEAP OF FAITH STAFF. Resident: $59 • Non-resident: $71. AGES 5-7: APRIL 8 AGES 7-9: APRIL 9




F 6 PM (6 WEEKS)



To sign up, just turn to page 20.


HIP HOP (Ages 6-15) This high-energy dance form incorporates all forms of dance. Concentrating on style, attitude, funk and self expression, it allows the student to have fun and “let loose” in a creative way. It’s for both the experienced and beginner dancer. 1 hour. Instructor: ON STAGE DANCE ACADEMY. Resident: $40 • Non-resident: $48. AGES 8-15: APRIL 7 MAY 5 AGES 6-10: APRIL 3 MAY 1

W 5:30 PM (4 WEEKS) W 5:30 PM (4 WEEKS)


#132259-02 #132259-04

SA 10 AM (4 WEEKS) SA 10 AM (4 WEEKS)


#132259-01 #132259-03

JAZZ / HIP HOP COMBO (Ages 5-8) This high-energy dance form incorporates jazz and hip hop. Concentrating on style, attitude, funk and self expression, it allows the student to have fun and “let loose” in a creative way. It’s for both the experienced and beginner dancer. 1 hour. Instructor: ON STAGE DANCE ACADEMY. Resident: $40 • Non-resident: $48. APRIL 8 MAY 6

TH 4:00 PM (4 WEEKS) TH 4:00 PM (4 WEEKS)


#132209-01 #132209-02


(Ages 9+) Learn the latest hip hop and jazz moves to ageappropriate music. A great way to get involved in dance! Wear comfortable clothes and be ready to move. 1 hour. Instructor: LEAP OF FAITH. Resident: $59 • Non-resident: $71. APRIL 9 F 8 PM (6 WEEKS) LEAP #132224-01


(Ages 3-6) For both boys and girls, this is a fun and exciting introduction to hip hop, tap, jazz and tumbling basics. A dance combining learned techniques will be featured at the final class. Students are invited to attend an optional Spring Recital (approximate cost $35). 45 minutes. Instructor: STEPPIN’ OUT PERFORMING ARTS. Resident: $58 • Non-resident: $70. APRIL 6 TU 10 AM (8 WEEKS) CCN-1 #132223-01

RHYTHM & MOVEMENT (Ages 3-12) A great class for kids that love to groove to the music as well as those who want to learn to dance. Combines the rhythm emphasized by hip hop with the technique and style created in jazz. Instructor: BATES. Resident: $45 • Nonresident: $54. AGES 3-6 (40 minute class): APRIL 15 TH 4:30 PM (6 WEEKS) AGES 7-12 (50 minute class): APRIL 15 TH 5:15 PM (6 WEEKS)





KIDS BALLROOM (Ages 3-12) Learn the foundations of ballroom dancing and the major styles — from flowing dances such as the waltz, to highenergy rhythmic/Latin dances like the Cha-Cha. No class April 24. Instructor: BATES. Resident: $45 • Non-resident: $54. AGES 3-6 (40 minute class): APRIL 17 SA 2 PM (6 WEEKS) AGES 7-12 (50 minute class): APRIL 17 SA 2:45 PM (6 WEEKS)

FC-EXA #232249-01 FC-EXA #232249-02

CHEER AND HIP HOP (Ages 7-12) In this energized class, learn cheerleading basics such as arm movements, jumps and stunts as well as the newest hip hop styles. They will be incorporated into dances that will be showcased at the final class. Students are invited to attend an optional Spring Recital (approximate cost $35). 1 hour. Instructor: STEPPING OUT PERFORMING ARTS. Resident: $58 • Non-resident: $70. APRIL 8





CHEERLEADING (Ages 4-6) Kids love this high-energy class. Learn different cheers and chants. Improve technique and coordination. Pom poms will be supplied during class. A learned cheer will be presented at the final class. 1 hour. Instructor: RONCO. Resident: $50 • Non-resident: $60. APRIL 10

SA 12 PM (6 WEEKS)

FC-EXB #242261-01


(Ages 3-5) In this high energy class, your little cheerleader will learn basics such as arms, jumps, kicks and chants. They will also learn tumbling skills that build coordination and strength. The skills learned will be combined into a fun routine. 45 minutes. Instructor: STEPPIN’ OUT PERFORMING ARTS. Resident: $58 • Non-resident: $70. APRIL 6 TU 9 AM (8 WEEKS) CCN-3 #142266-01

LIL’ SLUGGERS BASEBALL (Parent/Child) (Ages 3-6) Introduces fielding, throwing, hitting, base recognition and overall motor skill development. A glove is recommended, all other equipment is provided including a t-shirt. Parent assistance is required! Please arrive on time and bring a water bottle. 45 minutes. Instructor: BEGINNERS EDGE SPORTS TRAINING STAFF. Resident: $66 • Non-resident: $79.





SA 10 AM (6 WEEKS)



SA 11 AM (6 WEEKS)




exercise/sports LITTLE TENNIS (Ages 4-6) Directed towards the youngest players, this class helps develop motor skills, while teaching tennis strokes with a mix of coordination exercises/games. Racquets are not required, loaners are available. 30 minutes. Instructor: PASEO RACQUET CENTER STAFF. Resident: $40 • Non-resident: $48. APRIL 5 MAY 3

M/W 5 PM (4 WEEKS) M/W 5 PM (4 WEEKS)


#142232-01 #142232-02

TENNIS (Ages 7-18) Bring your racquet and enjoy professional instruction geared towards beginners. Basic skills, etiquette and rules are covered using drills and games. Loaner racquets are available upon request. 1 hour. Instructor: PASEO RACQUET CENTER STAFF. Resident: $55 • Non-resident: $66. AGES 7-12: APRIL 5 MAY 3 AGES 13-18: APRIL 5 MAY 3

M/W 5:30 PM (4 WEEKS) M/W 5:30 PM (4 WEEKS)


#142233-01 #142233-02

M/W 5:30 PM (4 WEEKS) M/W 5:30 PM (4 WEEKS)


#142234-01 #142234-02

WIGGLE & GIGGLE WITH ME! (Ages 3-5) A fitness class designed for mom and tots incorporating a warm-up, alternating levels of hi/low impact cardio and strength training using your toddler as resistance. Your tot will benefit by learning the basics of listening, following directions, body movement and socializing, all accomplished in a fun and energetic atmosphere. Wiggling and giggling is mandatory! 40 minutes. Instructor: Keene. Resident: $76 • Nonresident: $91. APRIL 6 MAY 4

T/TH 9:30 AM (4 WEEKS) T/TH 9:30 AM (4 WEEKS)

KEENE’S #142284-01 KEENE’S #142284-02

TINY TIGERS (Ages 4-6) This program offers children self-discipline and a strong foundation in essential character qualities such as courtesy and respect. In addition, the program is designed to improve motor skills, focus and listening skills. A free uniform is included for first time students. 25 minutes. Instructor: Keene. Resident: $59 • Non-resident: $71. APRIL 6 MAY 4


KEENE’S #142286-01 KEENE’S #142286-02

B.E.S.T. SOCCER, BASEBALL AND BASKETBALL SPORTS CLINIC (Ages 2- 6) This fun program introduces your child to the world of sports through a tour of SoccerTots, Lil Sluggers and SlamDunkerz Basketball. Some parent participation is required! Please arrive on time and bring a water bottle, soccer ball and basketball. 45 minutes. Instructor: BEGINNERS EDGE SPORTS TRAINING STAFF. Resident: $66 • Non-resident: $79. AGE 2: APRIL 10 AGE 3: APRIL 10 AGES 4-6: APRIL 10


FC-GYM #242277-01

SA 10 AM (6 WEEKS)

FC-GYM #242277-02

SA 11 AM (6 WEEKS)

FC-GYM #242277-03

KARATE FOR KIDS (Ages 7-12) Help your child be their best! In Taekwondo every kid is a winner. Program benefits include improved selfconfidence, coordination, balance agility and poise. Students learn to think instead of panic in potentially serious situations, as well as how to react to threats from other kids. Class is fun, disciplined and structured, and is paced just right for beginners. A free uniform is included for first time students. 30 minutes. (Mon/Wed classes meet Mondays at 4:25 p.m. and Wednesdays at 4:35 p.m. Tue/Thur classes meet Tuesdays at 5:25 p.m. and Thursdays at 4:40 p.m.) Instructor: KEENE. Resident: $59 • Non-resident: $71. APRIL 5 APRIL 6 MAY 3 MAY 4

M/W 4:25 PM T/TH 5:25 PM M/W 4:25 PM T/TH 5:25 PM


KEENE’S #142285-01 KEENE’S #142285-02 KEENE’S #142285-03 KEENE’S #142285-04


(Ages 7-16) This advanced beginning class teaches traditional karate. Practice is divided into basic kicks, punches, forms and self-defense training. No grading fees. Participants must have taken a previous karate class. 1 hour. Instructor: SCHROPP. Resident: $45 • Non-resident: $54. APRIL 6 TU/TH 7 PM (3 MONTHS) FC-EXA #242214-02

KOREAN KARATE (Ages 8-12) An introduction to the basics of the Korean martial arts of Tae Kwon Do/Hapkido. Class includes stretching techniques, warm-up exercises, self-defense and kicking techniques and rolling and tumbling skills. Proper training uniform (Gi) is required. 50 minutes. Instructor: TORREZ. Resident: $35 • Non-resident: $42.


M/TU/W/TH 5:30 PM and SA 10 AM (10 WEEKS) AKMA


MARTIAL ARTS/TAE KWON DO / TIGER PROGRAM (Ages 3-8) Experience this fun way to release energy while learning self discipline, respect, concentration and focus in a positive environment. 30 minutes. Instructor: TEMPLEMAN. Resident: $25 • Non-resident: $30. AGES 3-5: APRIL 9 MAY 7 AGES 6-8: APRIL 9 MAY 7

F 6 PM (4 WEEKS) F 6 PM (4 WEEKS)

FC-EXB #242275-01 FC-EXB #242275-02

F 6:30 PM (4 WEEKS) F 6:30 PM (4 WEEKS)

FC-EXB #242276-01 FC-EXB #242276-02

BEGINNING KARATE-SHOTOKAN (Ages 7-12) Learn traditional Japanese-style karate including karate basics (kihon), forms (kata), sparring (kumite), traditional manners and self-discipline. At course end, you will be eligible to test for first rank promotion (9th KYU Exam). Beginning students receive a Gi (karate uniform). 1 hour. Instructor: HYDER/STAFF. Resident: $110 • Non-resident: $132. MARCH 30 TU/TH 6 PM; SA 10 AM (10 WKS) AZSK #142213-01

JAPANESE JUDO (Ages 6-10) Learn basic judo postures and salutations, how to move on the mat, control your opponent and be thrown safely. Also techniques of grappling, locking, choking, escaping and sequence combinations will be demonstrated and taught. Great class for beginners and veterans alike. No class May 31. 1 hour. Instructor: DR. MOORE. Resident: $15 • Non-resident: $18. APRIL 5 MAY 3

M/W 6 PM (1 MONTH) M/W 6 PM (1 MONTH)

FC-EXB #242212-01 FC-EXB #242212-02


#142217-01 #142217-02

GYMNASTICS (Ages 6-10) A fun and exciting way to improve coordination, heighten concentration and build self-esteem. Learn basic tumbling moves like handstands, backbends, cartwheels, back walkovers and more. 1 hour. Instructor: RONCO. Resident: $50 • Non-resident: $60. APRIL 5 APRIL 10

M 5 PM (6 WEEKS) SA 11 AM (6 WEEKS)

FC-EXB #242241-01 FC-EXB #242241-02

TUMBLING (Ages 5-8) Learn tumbling basics that build strength, coordination and flexibility. This class is designed to teach essentials such as depth perception, hand/eye and foot/eye coordination. 1 hour. Instructor: ON STAGE DANCE ACADEMY. Resident: $40 • Non-resident: $48. APRIL 3 MAY 1

SA 10 AM (4 WEEKS) SA 10 AM (4 WEEKS)


M 4 PM (6 WEEKS) SA 10 AM (6 WEEKS)

FC-EXB #242246-01 FC-EXB #242246-02

PARENT & TOT TUMBLING (Ages 2-5) Learn to teach your tiny tot to do tumbling basics that build strength, coordination and flexibility. It’s a fun way to spend quality time with your child and make new friends! Only one adult per child. 45 minutes. Instructor: STEPPIN’ OUT PERFORMING ARTS. Resident: $45 • Non-resident: $54. APRIL 20

TU 10 AM (6 WEEKS)


Youth Scholarship Fund To help Glendale youth who do not have the financial means to participate in city of Glendale recreation programs, the Glendale Parks and Recreation Department offers a scholarship fund. The scholarship fund is made possible through donations from businesses and individuals throughout the Valley. Scholarships are offered to residents of Glendale, ages 17 or under, and are available for designated programs offered by Glendale Parks and Recreation. Approval of the scholarship application is made on an individual basis. Scholarship applications should be submitted well in advance of the registration date for the program the scholarship is being requested for. For more information or to receive an application, please call the Glendale Parks and Recreation office at 623-930-2820. Donations to the Youth Scholarship Fund are always appreciated. If you, your business or organization would like to make a donation, please call 623-930-2820.

TUMBLING (Ages 3-7) Mat tumbling, such as rolls, cartwheels, walkovers and back handsprings, are taught to develop skills to be later incorporated in dance and performances. Ages 3-5: 45 minutes. Ages 5-7: 1 hour. Instructor: LEAP OF FAITH STAFF. Resident: $59 • Non-resident: $71. AGES 3-5: APRIL 6 APRIL 8 APRIL 10 AGES 5-7: APRIL 7 APRIL 10

TU 10 AM (6 WEEKS) TH 10 AM (6 WEEKS) SA 9:15 AM (6 WEEKS)


#142244-01 #142244-03 #142244-04

W 3 PM (6 WEEKS) SA 2 PM (6 WEEKS)


#142244-02 #142244-05

JUNIORS GOLF SCHOOL AT GLEN LAKES (Ages 7-17) Learn the game of a lifetime. Self confidence and self discipline will grow with each class. Topics include full swing, chipping, putting, sand shots, etiquette and rules. Clubs provided if needed. 1 hour. Instructor: SWARTZ. Resident: $45 • Non-resident: $54. APRIL 10 APRIL 13 APRIL 17

SA 12 PM (4 WEEKS) TU 4:30 PM (4 WEEKS) SA 1 PM (4 WEEKS)

GLMGC #142281-01 GLMGC #142281-02 GLMGC #142281-03

#142268-01 #142268-02

TUMBLING FOR TOTS (Ages 3-5) Learn basic tumbling moves like front and back rolls, cartwheels, bridges and more. 45 minutes. Instructor: RONCO. Resident: $50 • Non-resident: $60. APRIL 5 APRIL 10



SOCCERTOTS ARIZONA (Ages 3-7) SoccerTots Arizona is a nationally-recognized, professionally-designed soccer program for kids. Our noncompetitive approach allows children to learn the basics while having fun. All equipment (except a ball) is provided including a t-shirt. Parent involvement is encouraged! Please arrive on time and bring a water bottle and a #2 or #3 ball. 45 minutes. Instructor: BEGINNERS EDGE SPORTS TRAINING STAFF. Resident: $66 • Non-resident: $79. AGES 3-4: APRIL 5 AGES 5-7: APRIL 5

M 4 PM (6 WEEKS)

FC-GYM #242271-01

M 5 PM (6 WEEKS)

FC-GYM #242271-02

Reminder: See page 20 for sign up information.

LITTLE TIGERS - BEGINNING KARATE-SHOTOKAN (Ages 3-8) This special class for beginners introduces the basics of Shotokan Karate. Beginning students will receive a Gi (karate uniform). 30 minutes. Instructor: HYDER/STAFF. Resident: $75 • Non-resident: $90.

Glendale Parks & Recreation



ice skating & ice hockey

See page 20 to sign up.

ICE SKATING & ICE HOCKEY LESSONS Designed for child/parent participation, these lessons stress ice skating fundamentals to new skaters. Curriculum is based on the United States Figure Skating Association Basic Skills Program. Dress warm and bring mittens or gloves. Rental skates are included. 30 minutes. PEORIA POLAR, 15829 N. 83rd Ave. Resident: $80 • Non-resident: $96.

PARENT & ME (Ages 2-6) – Designed for children who have never had formal instruction. Basic skating skills taught while allowing the parent to participate on the ice with them. APRIL 7 W 6:15 PM (8 WEEKS) PP #142252-01 APRIL 10 SA 9:45 AM (8 WEEKS) PP #142252-02 TOT I (Age 4-6) – Teaches basic skills to children who have never had instruction. Children will learn sit and stand on and off ice, march in place and forward, two-foot glides and dipping in place. APRIL 9 F 4 PM (8 WEEKS) PP #142253-02 APRIL 10 SA 9:45 AM (8 WEEKS) PP #142253-03 HOCKEY TOT (Age 4-6) – Learn basic hockey skating techniques. Instruction will include the fundamentals of skating in a fun atmosphere. APRIL 7 W 6:15 PM (8 WEEKS) PP #142254-01 APRIL 10 SA 10:15 AM (8 WEEKS) PP #142254-02 HOCKEY I (Age 7+) – Learn basic hockey skating techniques and the fundamentals of skating in a fun atmosphere. APRIL 7 W 5:45 PM (8 WEEKS) PP #142255-01 APRIL 10 SA 9:45 AM (8 WEEKS) PP #142255-02 BASIC I (Age 7-13) – Learn falling and standing up, forward marching, two-foot glides, dipping, rocking horses, forward swizzles, snowplow stops, two foot hops and back wiggles. APRIL 7 W 6:15 PM (8 WEEKS) PP #142256-02 APRIL 9 F 4:30 PM (8 WEEKS) PP #142256-03 APRIL 10 SA 10:15 AM (8 WEEKS) PP #142256-04

G lendale Parks and R ecreation

Volunteer Opportunities Facility Volunteer Volunteer at one of our great Glendale Parks & Recreation facilities! For details, just call the phone number noted by any of the following facilities: Foothills Recreation & Aquatics Center (623-930-4609), Sahuaro Ranch Park Historic Area (623-930-4206), Glendale Adult Center (623-930-4335).

Volunteer Coach Glendale Parks and Recreation is always looking for volunteer coaches for the Youth Sports Program. No experience is necessary and we provide all necessary equipment. To sign up, or learn more about this volunteer opportunity, call 623-930-2820.

Adopt-A-Trail Heard about the Adopt-a-Trail program? You can become actively involved in conserving and maintaining the tremendous natural wealth and beauty of nearly 50 miles of multi-use trails in Glendale. Volunteers are needed to help improve and maintain the trails. Individuals or groups will receive training on the proper techniques. Adopters will be asked to keep the trail maintained and litter-free at least twice a year. If your organization is interested, please call 623-930-2820.

Glendale Parks & Recreation

cancellation & refund policy cancellation policy

• All class cancellation requests must be submitted at least

• Youth sports cancellations will be responsible for

equipment fees in addition to the $5 cancellation fee if the request is submitted less than two weeks prior to the start of the season.

7 calendar days in advance of the class start date.

refund policy

fee per class/program per participant.

• If a refund is less than $25, a credit will be applied to the

• All class registrations are subject to a $5 cancellation • Refunds will not be given for classes that are missed. • Cancellation requests due to medical reasons that are not submitted 7 days in advance must provide documentation in order to receive a pro-rated refund.

registrant’s household account and can be used for future classes or programs with Glendale Parks and Recreation.

• Refunds $25 and over will be processed either by

credit card or check depending on original payment method.

Sahuaro Ranch Park Historic Area


9802 N. 59th Ave. (59th Ave. at Mountain View Rd.) 623.930.4200 www.GlendaleAZ.com/SRPHA

Cover Feature



FUN way to experience history... Listed on the National Register of Historical Places, Sahuaro Ranch is one of the Valley’s oldest and most magnificent ranches. The Sahuaro Ranch Park Historic Area offers you the opportunity to see its historic buildings, barnyard, orchards and gardens, as well as participate in activities and guided tours.


Enjoy a trip back in time with a FREE Historic 1895 Main House Tour! Wed. thru Sat., 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., and Sun., 1 to 4 p.m., through May 30. Learn the history of the Ranch with our FREE Ranch Site Tour, highlighting the Ranch’s various buildings, barnyard, historic trees and groves. 11 a.m. Friday and Saturday, March 12 & 13, April 9 & 10 and May 7 & 8. Meet on the Main House front porch.


30th Annual Arizona Agriculture Day – Saturday, March 6, 9 a.m.-3 p.m. Animal displays, exhibits, kids crafts, hayrides, a petting zoo, horses

and cows, tractor displays and more featured! Ages 12 and under: Free. Ages 13+: $2 or 3 cans of food for the local food bank. Lunch will be served for just $1, from 11 a.m.-1:30 p.m. while supplies last. For more information, visit www.azagday.com. Glendale Folk & Heritage Festival – Sat. and Sun, March 20 & 21, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. See page 5 for details. Sahuaro Ranch Chuck Wagon Family Campout – Friday, April 30, starting at 4 p.m. Experience an evening sleeping under the stars at the Ranch. Loaner tents are available. Each registered child (age 15 and under) will receive a free sleeping bag and goody bag presented by the Wonderful Outdoor World (W.O.W.) educational program. Activities include astronomy, wildlife conservation, map/compassing, kids camp crafts and more! Your dinner and breakfast will be served from a real chuck wagon featuring a gourmet Dutch oven meal. Reserve your SPACE today! Resident: $29; Non-resident: $34. Ages 3 and under FREE. For sign up details, turn to page 20. Sign Up Code #442311-11.


Rose Society of Glendale “Roses at the Ranch” – FREE. Saturday, April 3, 1 to 4 p.m. Fruit Packing Shed Gallery. Enjoy a display of roses of all sizes, shapes and colors grown by local gardeners. A rose education seminar will be held 2-3 p.m. Glendale Arts Council Youth Art Exhibit – FREE. April 21–May 9, Wed. thru Fri., 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., Sat., 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., Sun., Noon to 4 p.m. Fruit Packing Shed Gallery. Don’t miss this exhibition, which showcases student art from Glendale area schools.


Educational field trips for schools. For details, call 623-930-4206. Facility rental opportunities – We’re the perfect place for reunions, meetings, receptions or just about any occasion. For details, call 623-930-4203. (Some restrictions apply). Be a volunteer! For details on how you can volunteer, call 623-930-4206.

City of Glendale

36 Parks and Recreation



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