Summer 2013 Activities Guide

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Activities Guide Summer 2013

Fun Skills Wellness Friendship Relaxation Knowledge Entertainment

Glendale Parks, Recreation & Library Services FREE

no joining fees. no contracts.


@ foothills Foothills Family Swim Night June 22, 5:30-7:30 p.m. An evening for families to enjoy our mini water park. Open to first 400 paid participants. Residents $4/person, Non-residents $6/person. Price includes hot dog and lemonade. The concession stand will be open for additional purchases. Parents/ Guardians must be present. No ice chests, swim toys or floatation devices. For more information, call Darren at 623-930-4610. Silver Sneakers® location!

Enjoy an active lifestyle with a variety of offerings including a staffed fitness center, water aerobic classes, Silver Sneakers® land aerobic classes, indoor walking/jogging track, racquetball courts, full locker room facilities and fitness lap swimming. Call your health insurance provider and inquire about Silver Sneakers or stop at the Front Desk.

Foothills 360 Summer Program Looking for a program for your 5-11 year old to stay engaged during the summer break? This supervised program utilizes many of the program areas within the Foothills Center. Children will play games, enjoy guest speakers, swimming, arts ‘n crafts, theme weeks, the rock wall and physical activities. Choose from a 3-day or 5-day a week program. Space is limited and available on a first-registered, first-served basis. Call Darren at 623-930-4610 or Jackie at 623-930-4608 for more information. Swim Lessons

Summer swim lessons, group or private, are offered for all ages and ability levels. There are 4 summer sessions available. The fee for each session includes eight 30-minute lessons. The eight lessons are offered Monday-Thursday over a 2-week period. All lessons are taught by certified water safety instructors. Registration for Glendale residents begins May 6 and May 9 for non-residents. Lessons are available at the Foothills Recreation and Aquatics Center as well as the Rose Lane Aquatics Center. Visit parksandrecreation/aquatics.cfm for more information.

no contracts or joining fees... Foothills Recreation Pass options include the Day Pass, 15-Punch Pass, 1-Month Pass and Annual Pass – all at great rates! Included is use of the fitness center, rock wall, walking/jogging track, racquetball courts, activity room, locker room facilities, recreational basketball, badminton, volleyball, Wally Ball, basic land and water aerobic classes and scheduled fitness lap swimming. To purchase your Recreation Pass, just stop at the Foothills front desk.



Monday–Friday, 5:30 a.m.–9 p.m. Saturday, 7 a.m.–7 p.m. Sunday, 11 a.m.–4 p.m. Holidays as posted. Check out our great rentable facilities for your next party or meeting! For details, call 623-930-4605 or stop in.

. 5600 w. union hills dr. .

Activities Guide / Summer 2013

•••••••••• fitness •• classes •• fun ••••••••••

ONLY $35 for an adult resident monthly recreation pass

You are invited to

the Unveiling of

The grand opening of the 3,000-square-foot gallery will feature a sampling of Glendale's municipal art collection, working artists, art exhibits, interactive art, refreshments and live music courtesy of Westgate. For more information, visit or

Friday, May 17 6-9 p.m. Check out all the great classes that will be offered at the Gallery! Look for the “WESTGATE� location code on pages 5, 12-15 and 21.



Read . Play . Grow

Foothills Recreation & Aquatics Center


Adult Special Interest Activities Adult Softball Leagues

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Special Interest Activities Locator/Map


Youth & Teen Special Interest Activities 16-22 Sign Up Now


Before & After School Program


Adaptive Recreation Programs


Glendale Adult Center

Facility Rental Opportunities Activities Guide / Summer 2013

Aquatics Programs


Be a part of our GREAT activities! Glendale Parks,

Facilities, Libraries & Parks Directory

Recreation & Library Services activities are open

Glendale Libraries

to ALL Valley residents! (non-Glendale residents

Sahuaro Ranch Park Historic Area

pay non-resident rates if noted.)

26 27 28-29 30 31


Special Interest Activities Sports & Fitness .......................4-9 Dance ....................................... 9-10 Culinary Arts.........................10-11 Personal Development.....11-13 Music ............................................ 13 Cultural Arts ..................................4

Youth & Teen Directory Sports & Fitness ..................15-18 Dance ........................................... 19 Personal Development .......... 20 Music ............................................ 21 Advance sign up required. Activities locator map page 8. Sign up details page 16. For more information, call 623-930-4613. For information on the CITY OF GLENDALE YOUTH SCHOLARSHIP PROGRAM for City of Glendale youth, ages 17 and younger, visit www.GlendaleAZ. com/ParksandRecreation/ ScholarshipProgram.cfm, or call 623930-2820.


—————————————————— Description highlight of activity. Activity session length. Instructor. • Resident price (non-resident price)

Start......... Day(s) Time • Duration Location (#Sign up code) (M=Monday; TU=Tuesday; W=Wednesday; TH=Thursday; F=Friday; SA=Saturday; SU=Sunday)


Sports & Fitness

Ages 13+ unless noted otherwise.


———————————————————— Eskrima is a Filipino martial arts that is stick-based with empty hands work. Students learn the complete basic system of Eskrima Serrada with opportunity for advanced instruction for those who stay on. Student will learn stick and weapons defenses, empty hands, self-defense, flow fighting and more. Ages 13+ 1 hour. Instructor: ASHANTI. • $50 (non-resident $60) JUNE 11 TU 7:45 PM • 6 WEEKS FC-EXB (#243127-01) JULY 23 TU 7:45 PM • 6 WEEKS FC-EXB (#243127-02)


———————————————————— Get in the best shape of your life with our fat-blasting workouts. These workouts are designed to rev up your metabolism and keep you burning calories and fat for days after each workout. With each class you will get strength, core and cardiovascular training. All fitness levels are welcome, and you are encouraged to work at your own pace. Get leaner and stronger. 1 hour. Instructor: OLONA. $125 (nonresident $150) JUNE 3 M/W/TH 4:30 PM • 4 WEEKS FC-EXA (#243102-01) JULY 8 M/W/TH 4:30 PM • 4 WEEKS FC-EXA (#243102-02) AUG. 12 M/W/TH 4:30 PM • 4 WEEKS FC-EXA (#243102-03)


———————————————————— Get a jump start on your day with a workout that will challenge, motivate and change the way you feel! Whether new to fitness or looking for a break from your old routine, this class offers full-body workouts that will give you energy and help you reach your fitness goals. Take advantage of the special bonus workout days during the session. No class July 4. 1 hour. Instructor: DE LA MONTAIGNE. • $160 (non-resident $192) JUNE 24 M/W/F 5:35 AM • 6 WEEKS FC-GYM (#243120-01) AUG. 19 M/W/F 5:35 AM • 6 WEEKS FC-GYM (#243120-02)


———————————————————— Turbo Kick is a fat-blasting, ab-defining cardio workout that is sweeping the nation’s health clubs. Burn up to 1,000 calories an hour in this mix of kickboxing and simple dance grooves set to heart-pounding dance music! Enjoyed by any fitness level. No class July 4. 1 hour. Instructor: CIRAOLO. • $41 (non-resident $49) JUNE 13 TH 6:45 PM • 6 WEEKS FC-EXA (#243180-01) AUG. 1 TH 6:45 PM • 6 WEEKS FC-EXA (#243180-02)

Activities Guide / Summer 2013



———————————————————— Fitness program that offers instruction, nutrition counseling and motivational training, packed with fun and energizing activities designed to help you reach your fitness goals. Gain nutritional guidance, pre and post evaluations to monitor progress, dramatic improvements in your physical well-being and self confidence, increased strength and endurance, motivation and inspiration in an outdoor team environment. Shirt included. 1 hour. Instructor: OLONA. $197 (non-resident $236) JUNE 3 M/W/F 5:30 AM • 4 WEEKS WESTGATE (#143102-01) JUNE 3 M/W/F 9 AM • 4 WEEKS WESTGATE (#143102-02) JULY 8 M/W/F 5:30 AM • 4 WEEKS WESTGATE (#143102-03) JULY 8 M/W/F 9 AM • 4 WEEKS WESTGATE (#143102-04) AUG. 12 M/W/F 5:30 AM • 4 WEEKS WESTGATE (#143102-05) AUG. 12 M/W/F 9 AM • 4 WEEKS WESTGATE (#143102-06)


Activities Guide / Summer 2013

———————————————————— Fitness training with a martial arts flair. Transform your body, fitness level and frame of mind. Improve strength, aerobic fitness, flexibility, coordination and balance. No previous training required. Instructor will collect $16 for resistance band. Instructor: KEENE. M/W/F class, 1 hour, M/TU/TH class, 30 minutes • $45 (non-resident $54) JUNE 3 M/W/F 10 AM • 4 WEEKS KEENE’S (#143183-01) JUNE 3 M/TU/TH 7:35 PM • 4 WEEKS KEENE’S (#143183-04) JULY 1 M/W/F 10 AM • 4 WEEKS KEENE’S (#143183-02) JULY 1 M/TU/TH 7:35 PM • 4 WEEKS KEENE’S (#143183-05) AUG. 5 M/W/F 10 AM • 4 WEEKS KEENE’S (#143183-03) AUG. 5 M/TU/TH 7:35 PM • 4 WEEKS KEENE’S (#143183-06)


———————————————————— Extreme Conditioning is designed to push you to your limits and includes cardio conditioning, core strengthening, distance running and more! Expect to increase your endurance, strength, agility and speed, along with your self-esteem and wellbeing. Design your own schedule. To register, visit www. or call Kris at 623-329-7788. 1 hour. Instructors: OLESON/SIEGREST (Valley fitness instructors with 15+ years experience). Location: FC-GYM Class times… M: 9:30 AM or 5:30 PM TU: 6 AM • W: 9:30 AM or 5:30 PM TH: 6 AM • F: 9:30 AM • SA: 8 AM 1 MONTH - 1 CLASS PER WEEK • $50 1 MONTH - UNLIMITED CLASSES • $85 3 MONTHS - UNLIMITED CLASSES • $225


———————————————————— Students will learn basic kicks and strikes and practice them on workout bags to boost resistance and advance fitness. Class ends with a 25-minute workout to music. 1 hour, 10 minutes. Instructor: KEENE. • $64 (non-resident $77) JUNE 3 M/W 6:55 PM • 4 WEEKS KEENE’S (#143175-01) JUNE 4 TU/TH 6:55 PM • 4 WEEKS KEENE’S (#143175-02) JULY 1 M/W 6:55 PM • 4 WEEKS KEENE’S (#143175-03) JULY 2 TU/TH 6:55 PM • 4 WEEKS KEENE’S (#143175-04) AUG. 5 M/W 6:55 PM • 4 WEEKS KEENE’S (#143175-05) AUG. 6 TU/TH 6:55 PM • 4 WEEKS KEENE’S (#143175-06)


———————————————————— Be up and skating in 8 weeks. Rental skates included. Public session is FREE to all registered skaters on Saturdays 12:30-3:30 p.m. Ages 14+. 30 minutes. Instructor: PEORIA POLAR STAFF. • $85 (non-resident $102) JUNE 8 SA 9:45 AM • 8 WEEKS PP #143150-01

Sports & Fitness ROLLER SKATING (teens & adults)

———————————————————— Introduction to roller skating skills for beginners to intermediate levels. Class structure includes how to properly lace up skates, equipment knowledge, rink rules and safety skills. A 15-minute warm-up, 30 minutes of instruction and 15 minutes or skill routine practice will be conducted each week. Last class will showcase a 30-minute performance, set to music with skills learned, along with a Certificate of Completion and a visit by the Great Skate’s mascot to celebrate the students’ success. Skate rental included. Registration includes free admission into Open Skate on Mondays from 6-9 p.m. during scheduled class dates. 1 hour. Instructor: GREAT SKATE STAR PROGRAM INSTRUCTORS. • $40 (non-resident $48) JUNE 3 M 5 PM • 8 WEEKS GREAT (#143136-01)


———————————————————— Adult coed points-based leagues are offered on Monday and Wednesday evenings. Beginners/intermediate play on Mondays. Wednesdays are for advanced players. For more information, call 623-930-4610. 2 hours. Instructor: BLAINE. • $25 (non-resident $33) JUNE 3 M 6 PM • 8 WEEKS FC (#313103-01) JUNE 5 W 6 PM • 8 WEEKS FC (#313103-02) AUG. 5 M 6 PM • 8 WEEKS FC (#313103-03) AUG 7 W 6 PM • 8 WEEKS FC (#313103-04)


———————————————————— GOLF 101 is designed to teach everything you need to play golf in just a few lessons. PGA professionals will show you there are lots of ways to play by combining fun, friends and fitness. Classes held at the newly renovated Glen Lakes Golf Course. Ages 18+. 1 hour. Instructor: GRUCZA, PGA. • $50 (non-resident $60) JUNE 5 W 6 PM • 4 WEEKS GLMGC (#143181-01) JUNE 8 SA 12 PM • 4 WEEKS GLMGC (#143181-02) JULY 6 SA 12 PM • 4 WEEKS GLMGC (#143181-03) JULY 10 W 6 PM • 4 WEEKS GLMGC (#143181-04) AUG. 7 W 6 PM • 4 WEEKS GLMGC (#143181-05) AUG. 10 SA 12 PM • 4 WEEKS GLMGC (#143181-06)


———————————————————— TENNIS I: For those who have played little or no tennis. Learn the basic strokes to enjoy the game. TENNIS II: For those who have graduated from Tennis I or haven’t played for a while. Learn advanced strokes, scoring and playing strategies. Ages 19+. 1 hour. Instructor: PASEO RACQUET CENTER PROFESSIONALS. • $66 (non-resident $79) TENNIS I: JUNE 5 W 6:30 PM • 8 WEEKS PASEO (#143131-01) TENNIS II: JUNE 5 W 7:30 PM • 8 WEEKS) PASEO (#143135-01)


———————————————————— Learn basic judo postures and salutations, how to move on the mat, control your opponent and be thrown safely. Techniques of grappling, locking, choking, escaping and sequence combinations will also be demonstrated and taught. Ages 15+. 1-½ hours. Instructor: DR. MOORE. • $21 (nonresident $25) JUNE 3 M/W 7 PM • 1 MO. FC-EXB (#243112-01) JULY 1 M/W 7 PM • 1 MO. FC-EXB (#243112-02) AUG. 5 M/W 7 PM • 1 MO. FC-EXB (#243112-03)




———————————————————— Learn traditional Japanese-style karate basics, forms and sparring. Emphasis is placed on traditional manners and self-discipline. Beginning students will receive a Gi (karate uniform). Classes are available 5 days a week, 7 scheduled class times available. Students are suggested to train at least 3 days a week. 1 hour. Instructor: HYDER/STAFF. • $157 (non-resident $188) JUNE 3 M/TU/W/TH/SA * • 10 WEEKS AZSK (#143113-01) *Meets M/W 6 PM; TU/TH 10 AM & 7 PM; SA 10 AM


———————————————————— T’ai Chi movements, when practiced slowly, can have certain health benefits such as improved balance, flexibility and stress reduction. Investigate the first third of the 36 postures. No class July 4. 1-½ hours. Instructor: GILL. • $56 (non-resident $67) JUNE 13 TH 7 PM • 8 WEEKS FC-EXB (#243115-01)


———————————————————— Tai Chi style exercises done with a onefoot piece of wood between the hands (ruler). Gentle exercises work the entire body with emphasis on coordination. These beginning-level exercises can be done standing or seated. 45 minutes. Instructor: GILL. • $36 (non-resident $43) JUNE 12 W 10 AM • 6 WEEKS FC-EXB (#243187-01)


———————————————————— Experience the flow of new energy as you learn the principles and first third of T’ai Chi, Yang style form. Students gain improved balance, flexibility and stress management. No class July 4. 1 hour. Instructor: BURR. • $43 (non-resident $52) JUNE 13 TH 9 AM • 8 WEEKS FC-EXB (#243179-01)

———————————————————— Yoga provides an opportunity to gain flexibility and balance in both the body and mind. Focus on poses, breath-work and meditation. All levels welcome. Wear loose/stretchy, comfortable clothing. Bring yoga mat and water. 1 hour. Instructor: JUNEAU. 4 week class: $34 (non-resident $41) • 6 week class: $40 (non-resident $48) JUNE 12 W 6:45 PM • 4 WEEKS FC-EXA (#243188-01) JUNE 15 SA 8:30 AM • 6 WEEKS FC-EXB (#243188-02) JULY 10 W 6:45 PM • 4 WEEKS FC-EXA (#243188-03) JULY 27 SA 8:30 AM • 6 WEEKS FC-EXB (#243188-04) AUG. 14 W 6:45 PM • 4 WEEKS FC-EXA (#243188-05)


———————————————————— Yoga “calms the howling of the mind.” Instruction combines breathing with stretches and bodywork. Most of the class is done on the floor on a soft mat with variations for those who prefer to sit on a chair. Wear exercise clothes and bring a foam rubber exercise mat and towel. Ages 16+. 1-¼ hours. Instructor: CZUKOR. • $59 (non-resident $71) JUNE 17 M 11 AM • 10 WEEKS FC-EXB (#243124-01) JUNE 17 M 6 PM • 10 WEEKS FC-212 (#243124-02)


———————————————————— Yoga means union and Nidra means sleep. Yoga Nidra is a sleep-based meditation technique that brings one from a state of awake to one of deep relaxation. Learn to disengage from stress-producing thoughts and allow your body to naturally and deeply restore itself. Yoga Nidra can restore energy and health and address stressrelated issues. Optional supplies to bring: yoga mat, blanket, pillow, eye pillow and towel. Chairs available if preferred. 1 hour. Instructor: VALENTYN. • $47 (non-resident $56) JUNE 11 TU 10 AM • 6 WEEKS FC-210 (#243194-01) JULY 23 TU 10 AM • 6 WEEKS FC-210 (#243194-02)

Activities Guide / Summer 2013

GOLF 101

Adult Softball Leagues | 623-930-2841 LEAGUE SIGN UP TAKES PLACE AT THE GLENDALE PARKS & RECREATION OFFICE, LOCATED INSIDE THE GLENDALE ADULT CENTER, 5970 W. BROWN ST., 8 A.M. TO 5 P.M. MONDAY – FRIDAY. Glendale Parks & Recreation does not place individuals on teams, but individuals may be listed on a Free Agent List made available to teams short on players. If you would like to be placed on the Free Agent List or have any questions about the Adult Sports program, please contact Mike D. at 623-930-2841 or Adult Sports program participants must be age 18 or older. To receive Glendale resident rates, proof of residency must be provided. Proof must show address and be current within 60 days. Examples include driver’s license, water bill, etc. Teams will pay the maximum non-resident fee until proof of residency is verified, then a refund will be issued for the appropriate amount. Refunds take 7-10 business days. For more Adult sports options, check out the Exercise/Sports Special Interest Classes section starting on pages 4-9.

LEAGUE SIGN UP STARTS MONDAY, JUNE 10 (ORGANIZATIONAL MEETINGS) ORGANIZATIONAL MEETINGS: MONDAY, JUNE 10 at the Glendale Main Library Auditorium, 5959 W. Brown St. RETURNING TEAMS: 6 p.m • NEW TEAMS: 7 p.m. Teams represented by a manager or team player during the entire meeting will receive a $50 DISCOUNT for league sign up. Meeting topics will include league format, rule changes, sign up and lottery information. SIGN UP PACKETS will be available at the Glendale Parks & Recreation office, located inside the Glendale Adult Center, 5970 W. Brown St., beginning June 11. For more information, call 623-930-2841. ROSTER/TEMPORARY RECEIPT DEADLINE: RETURNING TEAMS roster and temporary receipt is due upon registration JUNE 11 – 14 at the Parks and Recreation office. 5970 W. Brown St. Glendale, AZ 85302 (weekdays only). NEW TEAM packets with rosters and temporary receipt are due THURSDAY, JUNE 13, by 5 p.m. NEW TEAM registration/lottery will be held after the 7 p.m. New Team Organizational Meeting in the auditorium June 10.


Men’s CL Men’s D Men’s D Coed C/D Men’s C Men’s D Coed C/D Coed B/C Coed B/C Coed C/D Coed C/D


Tuesday Tuesday Wednesday Wednesday Thursday Thursday Friday Friday Sunday Sunday Sunday



Start Date 7/02 7/02 7/03 7/03 7/11 7/11 6/28 6/28 6/30 6/30 6/30

CONFIRM RESIDENTS: New teams who choose to be a resident team may call 623-930-2841 on or after June 13 to confirm team resident status. FEES: Returning and Glendale resident teams: $505 • New Resident Teams (minimum number of 4 Glendale residents): $505 • New non-resident Teams: $595. (Includes double-header, 14-game regular season and a single elimination tournament; administrative fees; ASA registration fee; softballs; lights; awards for winning teams; officials and field staff). A $50 off coupon is available to teams who attend the organizational meeting. The above listed rates do NOT include the coupon discount. NUMBER OF TEAMS: Leagues are based on 8 maximum, 6 minimum. If leagues do not fill, teams will be placed in another league if space permits. FORMAT/DAYS/LOCATIONS: Teams play a doubleheader format one night a week at the times and locations in the box. (FSC = Foothills Sports Complex, 19070 N. 57th Ave. SRP = Sahuaro Ranch Sports Complex, 63rd Ave & Mountain View Rd.)

Special Interest Activities Locator Map

AC Glendale Adult Center, 5970 W. Brown St. ACOMA Acoma Park, 53rd Ave. and Acoma Rd. (between Greenway and Thunderbird rds.)


AZSK Arizona Shotokan Karate, 5815 W. Glendale Ave.


FC Foothills Recreation & Aquatics Center, 5600 W. Union Hills Dr.







GLMGC Glen Lakes Municipal Golf Course, 5450 W. Northern Ave. GREAT Great Skate, 10054 N. 43rd Ave.




KEENE’S Keene’s ATA Martial Arts, 6740 W. Deer Valley Rd., D-106 PASEO Paseo Racquet Center, 6268 W. Thunderbird Rd. PP Peoria Polar, 15829 N. 83rd Ave. TP-BFR Thunderbird Paseo (Retention Area), 59th Ave. south of Thunderbird Rd.

The City of Glendale strives to hire the most qualified instructors to teach our Special Interest Activities. Some instructors may have their own businesses which offer additional classes, sell products or services related to the class. At no time should the instructor promote his/her business, sell products or services unless it and the cost is clearly stated in this brochure and is directly related to and used in the class. If the participant chooses to continue any type of business relationship with the instructor or their related business outside the class, the City of Glendale cannot be held liable for any consequences. Nor will the instructor contact you outside of class for the purpose of soliciting your business unless you have granted the instructor permission to do so.


Activities Guide / Summer 2013

WESTGATE Gallery Glendale, 6770 N. Sunrise Blvd., D109


———————————————————— Pi Yo is a perfect fusion of strength building, rhythmic movement and power with a foundation in pilates and yoga that burns calories while transforming the body. It includes modifications so everyone can participate. 1 hour. Instructor: CIRAOLO. • $41 (non-resident $49) JUNE 14 F 6:45 PM • 6 WEEKS FC-EXA (#243106-01) AUG. 2 F 6:45 PM • 6 WEEKS FC-EXA (#243106-02)


———————————————————— A system of pilates and yoga that enhances core strength, balance and flexibility through breath and flow. Wear appropriate attire. 1 hour. Instructor: JUNEAU. • $55 (non-resident $66) JUNE 11 TU/TH 5:30 PM • 4 WEEKS FC-EXB (#243122-01) JULY 9 TU/TH 5:30 PM • 4 WEEKS FC-EXB (#243122-02) AUG. 13 TU/TH 5:30 PM • 4 WEEKS FC-EXB (#243122-03)


———————————————————— Through stretching, breathing techniques, body/brain exercises and meditation, bring your body and brain together and improve energy and wellbeing. Develop stronger concentration through basic energy meditation techniques and breath work. 1-½ hours. Instructor: GATHE. • $37 (non-resident $44) JUNE 11 TU 1 PM • 6 WEEKS FC-EXB (#243104-01) JULY 23 TU 1 PM • 6 WEEKS FC-EXB (#243104-02)


Sports & Fitness

———————————————————— Interested in the minimalist/barefoot running trend? Learn an easier more efficient way to run utilizing posture, a faster cadence and a relaxed midfoot landing. The difference between conventional running shoes and minimalist footwear, and how to safely transition from a different style of running will be explained. Additional aspects of minimalism that can make running simpler, less costly and more enjoyable will be explored. Class will consist of classroom instruction, simple exercise drills and some running on an indoor track. Class is suitable for all levels. Ages 16+. 1 hour. Instructor: HOPES. • $23 (non-resident $28) JUNE 12 W 6:30 PM • 2 WEEKS FC-210 (#243110-01) JULY 13 SA 1 PM • 2 WEEKS FC-210 (#243110-02)


———————————————————— Thinking about running a half marathon? This is a 16-week build-up to the Jan. 19, 2014, P.F. Chang’s Half Marathon. All running speeds/abilities welcome. Participants should be comfortable running a total of 10-15 miles/week at approximately 4 miles an outing without stopping. The half marathon training consists of 3 days of training; two “on your own” runs and one group run held on Sundays at 7 a.m. beginning Oct. 6. For more information contact Darren at 623-9304610. 1 hour. • $82 (non-resident $100) Fee does not include 1/2 Marathon entry fee. OCT. 6 SU 7 AM • 16 WEEKS FC-100 (#334114-01)


———————————————————— (Ages 8+) Go from couch to the 5K finish line with training that gradually increases your endurance and fitness level. Receive guidance every step of the way in a fun group setting. Most sessions starts with a 30-minute running related workshop followed by a group training run. On December 21, those interested in putting their skills to the test can meet at the Reach 11 Sports Complex for the Jingle Bell Run 5K (separate registration fee). Under 16 years old must have parent/ guardian registered for class. For more information contact Darren at 623-9304610. 1 hour. • $39 (non-resident $49) OCT. 5 SA 9 AM • 11 WEEKS FC-100 (#334456-01)

Activities Guide / Summer 2013

PARKS & RECREATION CANCELLATION AND REFUND POLICIES: Cancellation Policy: • All class cancellation requests must be submitted at least 7 calendar days in advance of the class start date. • All class registrations are subject to a $5 cancellation fee per class/ program per participant. • Refunds will not be given for classes that are missed. • Cancellation requests due to medical reasons that are not submitted 7 days in advance must provide documentation in order to receive a pro-rated refund. / Refund Policy: • If a refund is less than $25, a credit will be applied to the registrant’s household account and can be used for future classes or programs with Glendale Parks and Recreation. • Refunds $25 and over will be processed either by credit card or check depending on original payment method.


BREAD BAKING ———————————————————— Enjoy the wonderful experience of baking bread. Learn to make a cool rise wheat bread, jumbo cinnamon rolls and pizza dough. Recipes will be distributed at class. $5 supply fee collected at class. 2 hours. Instructor: STOKES (www. • $40 (non-resident $48) JUNE 16 SU 12:30 PM • 1 DAY FC-KIT (#203102-01) JULY 14 SU 12:30 PM • 1 DAY FC-KIT (#203102-02) AUG. 18 SU 12:30 PM • 1 DAY FC-KIT (#203102-03)

CHILES RELLENOS ————————————————————

Calling all chefs-to-be! Learn to use ingredients to create yummy dishes from scratch. You will learn to make a breakfast, lunch and dinner item, along with a dessert. Basic kitchen safety, safe food handling and proper use of kitchen tools will be taught. Also learn to make food for yourself when you are out on your own. Class may be repeated as the recipes change each session. $20 supply fee collected at the first class. Ages 13-19. No class July 6. 1 hour. Instructor: BARBOUR. • $59 (nonresident $71) JUNE 15 SA 12:30 PM • 4 WEEKS FC-KIT (#203222-01) JULY 20 SA 12:30 PM • 4 WEEKS FC-KIT (#203222-02) AUG. 17 SA 12:30 PM • 4 WEEKS FC-KIT (#203222-03)

CAKES BAKED IN A COFFEE MUG ————————————————————

Learn to make chiles rellenos with red sauce and Mexican rice. Impress your friends and family with this delicious dish made with poblano chiles stuffed with cheese. Participants will prepare a dinner to take home, so bring containers to take home food. $15 supply fee collected at class. Spanish on request. 4 hours. Instructor: FINAN. • $29 (non-resident $35) SU 11:30 AM • 1 DAY AUG. 4 FC-KIT (#203131-01) AUG. 25 SU 11:30 AM • 1 DAY FC-KIT (#203131-02)

Looking for unique gifts to make? Learn to bake and decorate a cake right in your favorite mugs. Cakes include the most delicious fillings and icing. These fun cakes are great for birthdays, Mother’s Day, Father’s Day and Christmas. Bring 6 oven safe coffee mugs to class. $15 supply fee collected at class. Spanish on request. 4 hours. Instructor: FINAN. • $22 (non-resident $26) JUNE 9 SU 11:30 AM • 1 DAY FC-KIT (#203119-01) JUNE 30 SU 11:30 AM • 1 DAY FC-KIT (#203119-02)

COOKING FOR SINGLES ————————————————————

CAKE DECORATING BASICS (COURSE 1) ————————————————————

Learn how to cook for one or two. Develop flavors and enhance your eating experience by learning how to cook delicious dishes from scratch. You will learn to make a breakfast, lunch and dinner item and a dessert. Make new friends and share the fun. $20 supply fee collected at the first class. No class July 6. Ages 18+. 1 hour. Instructor: BARBOUR. • $59 (non-resident $71) JUNE 15 SA 2 PM • 4 WEEKS FC-KIT (#203130-01) JULY 20 SA 2 PM • 4 WEEKS FC-KIT (#203130-02) AUG. 17 SA 2 PM • 4 WEEKS FC-KIT (#203130-03)


TEEN COOKING ————————————————————

Experience the excitement of successfully decorating your first cake in this class. Learn to decorate a cake, step by step. Bake a cake and make color icing. Practice the fundamentals of decorating cakes, cookies and cupcakes. Create icing drop flowers, rosettes, leaves, shaggy mums, ribbon rose and more. “Cake Decorating Basics Course 1” Wilson kit (approx. $34), available at craft stores, is required. Book will be provided at class. Spanish on request. 3 hours. Instructor: FINAN. • $69 (nonresident $83) JUNE 8 SA 1 PM • 4 WEEKS FC-KIT (#203110-01)

GOURMET COOKING ON A DIME ———————————————————— Calling all foodies!!! Rebecca Turrigiano of invites you to come and learn the joys of cooking no matter your skill level. What a great idea for couples or girls night out. Ages 16+. 2 hours. Instructor: REBECCA TURRIGIANO Homemade Pasta 101 and fresh herb and garlic sauce - Making fresh pasta is not as difficult as you might think! Learn how it’s made and how to make a simple garlic sauce that can have lots of uses. $10 supply fee collected at class. • $41 (non-resident $49) JUNE 13 TH 6 PM • 1 DAY FC-KIT (#203165-01) Pasta with Cream Sauce and Spaghetti Carbonara - Do you know that a simple cream sauce is one made with only a few key ingredients? Learn how easy a cream sauce is to prepare and also how to make a traditional northern Italian dish called Spaghetti Carbonara! $10 supply fee collected at class. • $41 (non-resident $49) JUNE 20 TH 6 PM • 1 DAY FC-KIT (#203166-01) Homemade Pizza - Can’t come up with an idea for dinner? Homemade pizza is your answer! In this class we will explore making homemade pizza from fresh pizza dough and also a quick and easy pita pizza. $10 supply fee collected at class. • $41 (non-resident $49) JUNE 27 TH 6 PM • 1 DAY FC-KIT (#203167-01) Appetizers for Dinner Parties and Events - Learn to make three wonderfully fresh and tasty appetizers that are sure to be a hit at any dinner or cocktail party! $10 supply fee collected at class. • $41 (non-resident $49) JULY 11 TH 6 PM • 1 DAY FC-KIT (#203168-01)

Activities Guide / Summer 2013

Culinary Arts

Ages 13+ unless noted otherwise.

Culinary Arts KENT COOKS! WITH YOU ————————————————————— Master a few basic cooking skills, learn a few tricks of the trade and start to enjoy cooking in your own kitchen. Register for one or all of the specialty cooking classes. Ages 16+. 3 hours. Instructor: KENT MCDONALD, Certified Personal Chef.

COOKING FOR DIABETICS - How to plan, shop and prepare one of the world’s healthiest diets. If you are a diabetic, if diabetes runs in your family or if you are a “serial dieter,” this is the class for you. $15 supply fee collected at class. • $60 (non-resident $72) JUNE 2 SU 12 PM • 1 DAY FC-KIT (#203192-01) JULY 21 SU 12 PM • 1 DAY FC-KIT (#203192-02) PIZZA NIGHT - Learn to make your own pizza and you will never do takeout again. From the classic dough to easy to make, great tasting sauces, everything you need to know about pizza. One of last season’s most popular classes. $10 supply fee collected at class. • $40 (non-resident $48) JUNE 7 F 5:30 PM • 1 DAY FC-KIT (#203195-01) AUG. 30 F 5:30 PM • 1 DAY FC-KIT (#203195-02) GIRL’S NIGHT IN! - It’s all about party food. Learn to plan, prepare, cook and enjoy yourself at your own party! $15 supply fee collected at class. • $50 (nonresident $60) JULY 9 TU 5:30 PM • 1 DAY FC-KIT (#203196-01) AUG. 11 SU 12 PM • 1 DAY FC-KIT (#203196-02)

Activities Guide / Summer 2013

HOW TO COOK FISH - We all know we are supposed to eat 2 to 3 fish meals a week. This course will take the mystery out of preparing great fish meals right at home. $20 supply fee collected at class. • $65 (non-resident $78) JULY 8 M 5:30 PM • 1 DAY FC-KIT (#203103-01) AUG. 22 TH 5:30 PM • 1 DAY FC-KIT (#203103-02)

FLOWERS AND CAKE DESIGN (COURSE 2) ———————————————————— Learn to create beautiful icing flowers such as pansies, lilies and the famous rose. Discover the secrets of arranging them in a beautifully balanced, caketop bouquet. “Flowers and Cake Design Course 2” Wilson kit (approx. $34), available at craft stores, is required. Book will be provided at class. Spanish on request. 3 hours. Instructor: FINAN. • $69 (non-resident $83) AUG. 3 SA 10 AM • 4 WEEKS FC-212 (#203138-01) COOKING FOR COUPLES - Cooking is perfect for unwinding at the end of the day. Learn how to work side by side, working with your strengths, learning new skills and sharing the preparation before sharing the meal. $20 supply fee collected at class. • $70 (non-resident $84) JULY 18 TH 5:30 PM • 1 DAY FC-KIT (#203197-01) AUG. 5 M 5:30 PM • 1 DAY FC-KIT (#203197-02) KITCHEN 101 - Prepare your kitchen and yourself for enjoyable cooking. Learn about basic kitchen equipment, how to stock your pantry and fridge and how to sauté like a pro. Can’t boil water? This hands-on class is for you. $10 supply fee collected at class. • $40 (non-resident $48) JUNE 17 M 5:30 PM • 1 DAY FC-KIT (#203198-01) AUG. 7 W 5:30 PM • 1 DAY FC-KIT (#203198-02) POOLSIDE PARTIES - From simple, easy-to-make dips and healthy salads to do-ahead sliders, wings and grilled pizzas. This class allows you to spend more time in the pool and less in the kitchen. $20 supply fee collected at class. • $45 (non-resident $54) JUNE 23 SU 12 PM • 1 DAY FC-KIT (#203199-01) JULY 16 TU 5:30 PM • 1 DAY FC-KIT (#203199-02)

HOW TO HOST A HIGH TEA ———————————————————— Learn the history and elegant charm of High Tea. Enjoy tea tasting with scones accompanied by whipped cream and award-winning preserves made from scratch. You will also receive recipes for a full tea. This delightful class will provide you with all the information needed to host your own afternoon tea event. Please bring your own tea cup. $5 supply fee collected at class. Ages 16+. 2 hours. Instructor: STOKES (www. • $45 (non-resident $54) JUNE 8 SA 9:30 AM • 1 DAY FC-KIT (#203181-01) SA 12:30 PM • 1 DAY JULY 6 FC-KIT (#203181-02)

Surviving the Summer Summer Safety Event June 21, 6:30-8:30 p.m. Westgate City Center Fountain Park 6770 N. Sunrise Blvd This free event features a variety of agencies/vendors to educate on water safety, sun safety and much more. For details, visit parksandrecreation



BELLY DANCE - LEVEL I ———————————————————— This dance style incorporates stretching and muscle movements that promote toning in arms, legs and core and is great for all abilities. Focus on basic moves and how to flow from one move to the next. Each session highlights a particular sub style of belly dance. Wear comfortable, form-fitting clothing in order to see and understand the moves. Ages 16+. 1 hour. Instructor: MURACA. • $59 (non-resident $71) JUNE 11 TU 7:10 PM • 8 WEEKS FC-EXA (#233111-01)

Ages 13+ unless noted otherwise.

SOCIAL DANCE ———————————————————— Experience ballroom, jazz and more! Highlights include an instruction session and dance performances. 2-½ hours. Instructor: BATES. • $7 at the door (non-resident $9) JULY 26 F 6:30 PM • 1 DAY FC-100 (NO REGISTRATION) F 6:30 PM • 1 DAY SEPT. 6 FC-100 (NO REGISTRATION)

JAZZ DANCE ————————————————————

Zumba fuses Latin rhythms and easyto-follow moves to create a dynamic fitness program. Class includes interval training sessions using fast and slow rhythms. Ages 15+. No class Aug. 3-5 and Sept. 2. 1 hour. Instructor THOMPSON. • 4 week class: $30 (nonresident $36) • 8 week class: $49 (nonresident $51) JUNE 10 M 6:45 PM • 8 WEEKS FC-EXA (#233139-01) JUNE 5 W 10 AM • 8 WEEKS FC-EXA (#233139-02) JUNE 15 SA 11 AM • 8 WEEKS FC-EXA (#233139-03) AUG. 12 M 6:45 PM • 4 WEEKS FC-EXA (#233139-04) AUG. 14 W 10 AM • 4 WEEKS FC-EXA (#233139-05) AUG. 17 SA 11 AM • 4 WEEKS FC-EXA (#233139-06)

ZUMBA ———————————————————— Are you ready to party yourself into shape? This Zumba class is an exhilarating, effective, easy-to-follow, Latin inspired, calorie-burning dance party that is moving millions of people toward joy and good health. No class July 26, 27 and Aug. 2 and 3. 1 hour. Instructor WALSH. • $5 drop in. $45 (non-resident $54) JUNE 14 F 6:30 PM • 10 WEEKS FC-100 (#233131-01) JUNE 15 SA 10:30 AM • 10 WEEKS WESTGATE (#133131-01)


HAWAIIAN/TAHITIAN DANCE ————————————————————

Learn the various types of Hawaiian dances, Hula Kahiko and Hula Auana, along with the different costumes used and basic foot and hand motions. Remember the theme song from Hawaii 5-O? The Dance of Tahiti is the most energetic of all the Polynesian dances. Emphasis is on hip isolation and will include strength and stamina training. Build self-esteem, improve social skills, overcome stage fright, improve coordination and burn more than 100 calories every 30 minutes of dancing. Class is appropriate for men and women, beginners to experienced dancers. 1 hour. Instructor: KUMU HULA KALENA. • $67 (non-resident $80) JUNE 29 SA 9 AM • 8 WEEKS FC (#233179-01)

SALSA DANCING ———————————————————— Find the rhythm to different Latin songs and the Cuban motion. You’ll be asked to rotate dance partners to get a better grasp on leading and following. Ages 15+. No class July 4. 50 minutes. Instructor: BATES. • $48 (non-resident $58) JUNE 13 TH 8 PM • 6 WEEKS FC-100 (#233150-01) AUG. 1 TH 8 PM • 6 WEEKS FC-100 (#233150-02)

Improve strength, flexibility and coordination and get a fantastic workout for long lean muscle development. Class will provide a high energy, full body/cardio workout to tone and lift. Combinations will incorporate a variety of turns and leaps, along with choreography. Wear comfortable, non-restrictive clothes (dance wear or fitness attire). You may bring jazz shoes or use bare feet. Ages 15+. 1 hour. Instructor: SOTO. • $56 (non-resident $67) JUNE 28 F 5:30 PM • 8 WEEKS FC-EXA (#233169-01)

MICHAEL JACKSON’S GREATEST HITS ———————————————————— From “Thriller” to “Beat It,” the King of Pop produced some of the best dance hits of all time. Join us as we dance to the choreography of Michael Jackson’s greatest hits. Ages 15+. No class July 4. 50 minutes. Instructor: BATES. • $48 (non-resident $58) JUNE 13 TH 7 PM • 6 WEEKS FC-102 (#233147-01) AUG. 1 TH 7 PM • 6 WEEKS FC-102 (#233147-02)

PERFORMANCE DANCE GROUP ———————————————————— A fun, exhilarating dance class to build confidence and enhance presence in front of groups. Ages 15+. 50 minutes. Instructor: BATES. • $48 (non-resident $58) JUNE 12 W 7 PM • 6 WEEKS FC-100 (#233188-01) JULY 31 W 7 PM • 6 WEEKS FC-100 (#233188-02)

Activities Guide / Summer 2013

ZUMBA ————————————————————

BALLET ———————————————————— Whether you are new to dance or you have been dancing for years, this class will give you a fabulous workout for lean muscle development. Improve strength, flexibility and coordination through a structured workout at the barre and center floor while focusing on technique, posture, positions and combinations. Wear comfortable, non-restrictive clothes (dance wear or fitness attire) and bring ballet shoes or socks. Ages 15+. 1 hour. Instructor: SOTO. • $56 (non-resident $67) JUNE 29 SA 9:30 AM • 8 WEEKS FC-EXA (#233168-01) JUNE 26 W 7:45 PM • 8 WEEKS FC-EXA (#233168-02)

BALLROOM ———————————————————— Learn to dance the Tango, Waltz and more. Learn posture, dance frame and footwork. Ages 15+. No class Sept. 2. 50 minutes. Instructor: BATES. • $48 (nonresident $58) BALLROOM 101: JUNE 10 M 7 PM • 6 WEEKS FC-EXA (#233149-01) JULY 29 M 7 PM • 6 WEEKS FC-EXA (#233149-02) BALLROOM 202: (Prerequisite Ballroom 101) JUNE 10 M 8 PM • 6 WEEKS FC-EXA (#233146-01) JULY 29 M 8 PM • 6 WEEKS FC-EXA (#233146-02)

DANCE LAB ———————————————————— Practice your ballroom, Latin and swing dance skills in a social environment simulating a dance party. 50 minutes. BATES. • $48 (non-resident $58) JUNE 11 TU 6:20 PM • 6 WEEKS FC-100 (#233178-01) JULY 30 TU 6:20 PM • 6 WEEKS FC-100 (#233178-02)

DANCE AEROBICS ———————————————————— Activities Guide / Summer 2013

With influences from Latin, hip hop, jazz, contemporary and ballroom, this dance aerobics class will have you smiling while you sweat. Ages 15+. 50 minutes. Instructor: BATES. • $48 (non-resident $58) JUNE 12 W 8 PM • 6 WEEKS FC-100 (#233167-01) JULY 31 W 8 PM • 6 WEEKS FC-100 (#233167-02)

Personal Development

Ages 13+ unless noted otherwise.

THEATRE FOR SENIOR ADULTS ———————————————————— How would you like to be a part of developing a theater program just for senior adults? Class will guide beginning and veteran actors through tried and true techniques to facilitate successful acting. Techniques will include stage presentation, movement, facial and voice expression and skills working with fellow actors. Each member of the class will have the opportunity to perform on stage at the end of the session. A play will follow. Ages 55+. 2 hours. Instructor: DR. J CLEMENS KIMBLE, Director of Indiana and Arizona plays for many years. • $25 (non-resident $30) JUNE 18 TU 1 PM • 6 WEEKS AC-104 (#153106-01)

Dance • Personal Development CPR AND FIRST AID TRAINING ———————————————————— Learn basic CPR and first aid, providing you the knowledge and skills necessary to administer emergency care in cases of injury or sudden illness. Successful completion cards will be distributed. Optional health care provider offered for an additional $5, payable at class. Ages 12+. 3 hours. Instructor: TUTRONE. • $37 (non-resident $44) JUNE 7 F 6 PM • 1 DAY WESTGATE (#153141-01) JUNE 12 W 6 PM • 1 DAY FC-212 (#253141-01) JUNE 20 TH 6 PM • 1 DAY WESTGATE (#153141-02) JULY 10 W 6 PM • 1 DAY FC-212 (#253141-02) AUG. 14 W 6 PM • 1 DAY FC-212 (#253141-03)

MAH JONGG ———————————————————— Experience an opportunity to exercise mental dexterity by learning the nuances of the seductive and challenging game of Mah Jongg American version. This game is rich in the history of the Chinese culture and has been played in America since the 1920’s. We will cover the three distinct parts of this skillful game, with the outcome of the participants becoming accomplished players. Instructor will collect $7 fee for an official National Mah Jongg standard rules card. 2 hours. Instructor: WEINER. • $75 (non-resident $90) JUNE 18 TU 1 PM • 6 WEEKS FC-204 (#253142-01)

BASIC ESTATE PLANNING AN INTRODUCTION ———————————————————— Establish or refine your financial and estate planning goals. Learn to avoid probate; the ins and outs of wills, trusts, living wills and powers of attorney; how to protect your assets and more. Ages 18+. 2 hours. Instructor: HARNDEN (CPA, CFP, PFS). • $20 per person/couple (nonresident $24) JULY 23 TU 6:30 PM • 1 DAY FC-210 (#253191-01)

PET CPR AND FIRST AID TRAINING ———————————————————— Discuss the immediate care and temporary assistance that can be given to an injured or suddenly ill pet until competent veterinary care is available. Properly applied first aid can save your pet’s life, reduce recovery time and be the difference between temporary and lifelong disability. In addition to basic emergency care, CPR and emergency choking, learn about common Illnesses and other problems that your pet may be exposed to. Receive a student handbook and certificate of completion. This program is endorsed by the ASPCA. 2 hours. Instructor: AMERICAN EMERGENCY RESPONSE TRAINING. • $42 (non-resident $50) JUNE 1 SA 9 AM • 1 DAY FC-208 (#253147-01) AUG. 17 SA 9 AM • 1 DAY FC-208 (#253147-02)


Train your dog using friendly, nonviolent techniques. Sit; stay; come; down; walking on a leash; behavior topics; solving problems such as chewing, barking, biting, jumping and more are covered. Bring your dog, leash, treats in small pieces, water bowl, water, your dog’s favorite toy and training equipment already in use. Manual and training aid included. Handlers ages 16 and under must be accompanied by an adult. Dogs must be at least five months old and have proof of shots. 1 hour, 15 minutes. Instructor: SPENCERSNIDER. • $59 (non-resident $71) TU 7 PM • 4 WEEKS JUNE 4 ACOMA (#153187-01)

CREATIVE WRITING ———————————————————— Staring at a blank page even though you know there is a story inside that needs to come out? Have you written a knockout novel but have no idea how to get to the next step? This class will focus on character development, word building, outlining stories and proper formatting for submissions. Primary focus is on novel or short story prose, but will also touch on script writing for stage, screen and graphic novel. Bring a pen and paper or laptop to class and be prepared for peer review sessions. 1 hour. Instructor: MURACA. • $65 (nonresident $78) JUNE 10 M 6:30 PM • 8 WEEKS FC-208 (#253104-01)

POINTS-BASED POKER LEAGUE ———————————————————— Fun, recreational and educational program for individuals 18+. For the avid poker fan or beginner looking for a relaxed environment to learn Texas Hold’Em. No prize money involved. Six regular-season games are followed by an end-of-season tournament. No prior experience needed. For more information, call 623-930-4610. 2-½ hours. • $17 (non-resident $21) Daily drop-in rate. • $5 (non-resident $6) JUNE 3 M 6:30 PM • 7 WEEKS FC (#313151-01) JULY 29 M 6:30 PM • 7 WEEKS FC (#313151-02)


Cultural Arts

Ages 13+ unless noted otherwise.

GLASS PENDANT MAKING ———————————————————— Create a set of jewels as unique as you with the guidance of a glass artist. Colored glass is layered and kiln fired to create several beautiful glass pendants to keep or to give as gifts. Glass cutting, design aesthetic for glass fusing is taught during this fun class. $20 supply fee will be collected at the first class. Ages 12+. 1-½ hours. Instructor: BARBOUR (former arts academy instructor). • $59 (non-resident $71) JUNE 6 TH 7 PM • 3 WEEKS FC-212 (#223105-01) JULY 11 TH 7 PM • 3 WEEKS FC-212 (#223105-02) AUG. 8 TH 7 PM • 3 WEEKS FC-212 (#223105-03)

OIL PAINTING ———————————————————— Paint along with the instructor while creating your own masterpiece. Learn the layered approach and explore the methods of the old masters of realism. Learn charcoal sketching, paint application and brush techniques. For supply list, call 602-938-2036 prior to the first class. No class July 4. 2-½ hours. Instructor: MARTIN. • $64 (non-resident $77) JUNE 13 TH 6 PM • 6 WEEKS FC-208 (#223142-01) TH 6 PM • 6 WEEKS AUG. 1 FC-208 (#223142-02)

OIL/ACRYLICS PAINTING ———————————————————— Color composition, brush strokes and more are highlighted. Expect lively class interaction in a relaxed atmosphere. Instructor will call with supply list or call 623-974-4699. 3 hours. Instructor: KIMBLE. • $66 (non-resident $79) JUNE 3 M 9 AM • 6 WEEKS AC-103 (#123141-01) JUNE 5 W 1 PM • 6 WEEKS FC-208 (#223141-01)

POTTERY WHEEL THROWING ———————————————————— INTRODUCTION TO DRAWING ———————————————————— Designed for beginners or advanced artists. Drawing is the foundation for all of the other art studio classes. It focuses on composition, skill building and critical thinking, while increasing the powers of observation. Explore a variety of drawing techniques including shading, blending, perspective and composition. Projects include drawing objects, still life, landscape, anatomy and more. This class offers a memorable opportunity for family members to enroll and draw together. Bring pencils, eraser, ruler, scissors, Bristol board and white glue to first class; materials list will be discussed. 2 hours, 45 minutes. Instructor: EISENBERG (award-winning instructor, nationally-exhibited fine artist and former university art and design professor). 6 week class: $65 (non-resident $78) JUNE 13 TH 6 PM • 6 WEEKS FC-210 (#223136-01)

Throw a lidded dish, large serving bowl and large vase in this pottery wheel throwing class. Class is limited to four students. Ages 16+. $25 supply fee will be collected at the first class. 2-¼ hours. Instructor: BARBOUR (former arts academy instructor). • $150 (nonresident $180) JUNE 7 F 12:30 PM • 3 WEEKS FC-208 (#223131-01) JULY 12 F 4:30 PM • 3 WEEKS FC-208 (#223131-02) AUG. 2 F 4:30 PM • 3 WEEKS FC-208 (#223131-03)

GLASS FUSION JEWELRY ———————————————————— Create a set of jewels as unique as you! Colored glass is layered and kiln fired to create a beautiful glass pendant and set of matching earrings. $20 supply fee will be collected at class. 1-½ hours. Instructor: BARBOUR (former arts academy instructor). • $59 (non-resident $71) JUNE 14 F 6:30 PM • 1 DAY WESTGATE (#122123-02)

Activities Guide / Summer 2013

DOG BEHAVIOR TRAINING ————————————————————

PAINT ALONG PARTY ———————————————————— Your instructor will guide you through the completion of a painting in this fun, interactive class. Instructor and students will paint the same image together. Join in the fun, even if you have no painting experience, but always wanted to paint. Just bring yourself. Paintings include Starry Nights, Sunflowers, or Picasso Woman. $20 supply fee collected at class. 1-½ hours. Instructor: BARBOUR (former arts academy instructor). • $50 (non-resident $60) STARRY NIGHTS: MAY 24 F 6:30 PM • 1 DAY WESTGATE (#122128-02) JUNE 13 TH 7 PM • 1 DAY FC-212 (#223106-01) JULY 18 TH 7 PM • 1 DAY FC-212 (#223106-02) SUNFLOWERS: JUNE 20 TH 7 PM • 1 DAY FC-212 (#223106-03) JULY 25 TH 7 PM • 1 DAY FC-212 (#223106-04) PICASSO WOMAN: JUNE 27 TH 7 PM • 1 DAY FC-212 (#223106-05) AUG. 1 TH 7 PM • 1 DAY FC-212 (#223106-06)

MULTIMEDIA ARTS ————————————————————

Activities Guide / Summer 2013

Explore a variety of mediums like clay, glass making and painting. Learn to express your unique artistic ability. Create a variety of art projects. Each class lesson will use a new medium to create a new art project. Projects change for each session so sign up for as many sessions as you like to learn additional skills. $20 supply fee collected at class. 1-½ hours. Instructor: BARBOUR (former arts academy instructor). • $59 (non-resident $71) JULY 12 F 6:45 PM • 3 WEEKS FC-212 (#223104-02) AUG. 2 F 6:45 PM • 3 WEEKS FC-212 (#223104-03)


Cultural Arts • Music

Ages 13+ unless noted otherwise.

ADULT SINGING ———————————————————— Learn voice technique, projection and presentation, and have the opportunity to perform as a soloist and in an ensemble. $8 supply fee collected at class. Ages 14+. 1 hour. Instructor: THE PHOENIX CONSERVATORY OF MUSIC. • $80 (non-resident $96) JUNE 12 W 7:30 PM 6 WEEKS FC-208 (#283130-01) JULY 24 W 7:30 PM 6 WEEKS FC-208 (#283130-02)

BEGINNING GUITAR ———————————————————— Bring your acoustic guitar and learn hand positions, basic theory and more. No experience necessary. Notebook/pencil suggested. $8 supply fee collected at class. Ages 14+. 1 hour. Instructor: THE PHOENIX CONSERVATORY OF MUSIC FACULTY. • $80 (non-resident $96) JUNE 13 TH 8 PM • 6 WEEKS FC-204 (#283122-01) JULY 25 TH 8 PM • 6 WEEKS FC-204 (#283122-02)

BEGINNING (ACOUSTIC) GUITAR ———————————————————— Bring your guitar and learn chords, how to read music and more! $7 book fee collected at the first class (Hal Leonard Guitar Method, Book 1, 2nd edition). Ages 12+. 2 hours. Instructor: MOORE. • $77 (non-resident $92) JUNE 15 SA 10:30 AM • 8 WEEKS FC-208 (#283121-01)

INSTANT GUITAR FOR HOPELESSLY BUSY PEOPLE ———————————————————— Want to learn the guitar but have difficulty finding the time? In just a few hours, you can learn enough about playing the guitar to give you years of musical enjoyment, and you won’t have to take private lessons to do it. This crash course teaches some basic chords and gets you playing along with your favorite songs right away. Topics include how to form the three main types of chords, tuning your guitar, basic strumming patterns, how to buy a good guitar and more. Bring your acoustic guitar. Instructor will collect $29 for workbook and practice DVD. 2-½ hours. Instructor: COFFMAN. • $35 (non-resident $42) JUNE 12 W 6 PM • 1 DAY FC-202 (#283104-01)

INSTANT PIANO FOR HOPELESSLY BUSY PEOPLE ———————————————————— Some music teachers may not want you to know this, but you don’t need years of weekly lessons to learn piano. In just a few hours, learn enough secrets to give you years of musical enjoyment. How do we do it? While regular piano teachers teach note reading, piano professionals use chords. Learn all the chords you need to play any song in this one session. Any song, any style, any key. If you can find middle C and know the meaning of Every Good Boy Does Fine, you already know enough to enroll in this workshop. Instructor will collect $29 for piano book and practice CD. Ages 18+. 2 hours, 45 minutes. Total beginners can request a free pamphlet by sending a SASE to Innovative Keyboard Instruction, 2841 S. Southwind Dr., Gilbert, AZ 85296. Instructor: COFFMAN. • $35 (nonresident $42) JUNE 5 W 6 PM • 1 DAY FC-210 (#283126-01)


Special Interest Activities Parents, unless noted otherwise, we ask that only youth and teen participants attend the activities. An open house will be held the last day of class.

Youth & Teen

Sports & Fitness

SHOTOKAN KARATE - JUNIORS ———————————————————— (Ages 7-12) Learn traditional Japanesestyle karate basics, forms and sparring. Emphasis is placed on traditional manners and self-discipline. Beginning students will receive a Gi (karate uniform). Classes are available 5 days a week, 7 scheduled class times. Students are suggested to train at least 3 days a week. 1 hour. Instructor: HYDER/STAFF. • $157 (non-resident $188) JUNE 3 M/T/W/TH/SA * • 10 WEEKS AZSK (#143213-01) * Meets M/T/W/TH 6 PM; T/TH/SA 10 AM

TINY TIGERS ———————————————————— (Ages 4-6) Tiny Tigers inspires selfdiscipline, courtesy and respect and is designed to improve motor skills, focus and listening skills. Free uniform for first-time students. 25 minutes. Instructor: KEENE. • $64 (non-resident $77) JUNE 3 M/W 4 PM • 4 WEEKS KEENE’S (#143286-01) JUNE 4 TU/TH 4 PM • 4 WEEKS KEENE’S (#143286-02) JULY 1 M/W 4 PM • 4 WEEKS KEENE’S (#143286-03) JULY 2 TU/TH 4 PM • 4 WEEKS KEENE’S (#143286-04) AUG. 5 M/W 4 PM • 4 WEEKS KEENE’S (#143286-05) AUG. 6 TU/TH 4 PM • 4 WEEKS KEENE’S (#143286-06)


(Ages 6-12) This program teaches Sansei Goju-Ryu Karate. Learn discipline, respect, self-defense and the traditional art of Karate. The correct form of kicks, punches, blocks, strikes and proper rolling and falling will be taught. 1 hour. Instructor: ASHANTI. • $50 (nonresident $60) JUNE 11 TU 6:45 PM • 6 WEEKS FC-EXB (#243227-01) JULY 23 TU 6:45 PM • 6 WEEKS FC-EXB (#243227-02)

KARATE FOR KIDS ———————————————————— (Ages 7-12) Instruction promotes self-confidence, coordination, balance, agility, poise and thinking instead of panicking in potentially serious situations. It’s fun and structured for beginners. Free uniform for first-time students. 30 minutes. Instructor: KEENE. • $64 (non-resident $77) JUNE 3 M/W * PM • 4 WEEKS KEENE’S (#143285-01) JUNE 4 T/TH * PM • 4 WEEKS KEENE’S (#143285-02) JULY 1 M/W * PM • 4 WEEKS KEENE’S (#143285-03) T/TH * PM • 4 WEEKS JULY 2 KEENE’S (#143285-04) AUG. 5 M/W * PM • 4 WEEKS KEENE’S (#143285-05) T/TH * PM • 4 WEEKS AUG. 6 KEENE’S (#143285-06) * Meets M 4:30 p.m.; W 4:35 p.m. * Meets T 4:35 p.m.; TH 4:35 p.m.


(Ages 6-15) Learn basic judo postures and salutations, how to move on the mat, control your opponent and be thrown safely. Techniques of grappling, locking, choking, escaping and sequence combinations will be taught. Great for beginners and veterans alike. 1 hour. Instructor: DR. MOORE. • $21 (nonresident $25) JUNE 3 M/W 6 PM • 1 MO. FC-EXB (#243212-01) JULY 1 M/W 6 PM • 1 MO. FC-EXB (#243212-02) AUG. 5 M/W 6 PM • 1 MO. FC-EXB (#243212-03)

LITTLE TIGERS - BEGINNING KARATE-SHOTOKAN ———————————————————— (Ages 4-6) Introduces the basics of Shotokan karate. Beginning students will receive a Gi (karate uniform). 30 minutes. Instructor: HYDER/STAFF. • $80 (non-resident $96) JUNE 4 T/TH 5:30 PM • 5 WEEKS AZSK (#143217-01) JULY 16 T/TH 5:30 PM • 5 WEEKS AZSK (#143217-02)

GOLF 101 ———————————————————— (Ages 7-17) GOLF 101 is a fun, interactive approach to growing junior participation in golf, with PGA professionals at the forefront of the experience. The objective is to develop core golfers who will continue to play socially or competitively, based on individual desires. Clubs provided if needed. Classes held at the newly renovated Glen Lakes Golf Course. 1 hour. Instructor: GRUCZA, PGA. • $50 (non-resident $60) JUNE 5 W 6 PM • 4 WEEKS GLMGC (#143281-01) JUNE 8 SA 12 PM • 4 WEEKS GLMGC (#143281-02) JULY 6 SA 12 PM • 4 WEEKS GLMGC (#143281-03) JULY 10 W 6 PM • 4 WEEKS GLMGC (#143281-04) AUG. 7 W 6 PM • 4 WEEKS GLMGC (#143281-05) AUG. 10 SA 12 PM • 4 WEEKS GLMGC (#143281-06)

JR. RACQUETBALL LEAGUE ———————————————————— (Ages 10-15) Learn the game of racquetball in a fun environment. Our racquetball pro will share rules, tips and teach you how to play against other players. Each day will build on the previous skills learned. Participants should come dressed in workout clothes with tennis shoes. Equipment will be provided. Final date for cancellation is one week prior to start of league. Call Jackie at 623-930-4608. 2 hours. Instructor: BLAINE. • $25 (nonresident $33) JUNE 11 TU/TH 11 AM • 3 WEEKS FC (#313205-01) JULY 9 TU/TH 11 AM • 3 WEEKS FC (#313205-02)

Activities Guide / Summer 2013

Youth & Teen

KARATE KIDS ————————————————————

Youth & Teen Sports & Fitness

SPORTBALL - T-BALL/BASEBALL ————————————————————

LIL’ SLUGGERS ———————————————————— (Ages 2-7) Introduce fielding, throwing, hitting, base recognition and overall motor skill development. Parental assistance is required. Please bring a baseball glove if you have one. All equipment is supplied. 45 minutes. Instructor: BEGINNERS EDGE SPORTS TRAINING STAFF. • $75 (non-resident $90) AGES 2: JUNE 15 SA 9 AM • 6 WEEKS TP-BFR (#143237-01) AGES 3-4: JUNE 15 SA 10 AM • 6 WEEKS TP-BFR (#143237-02) AGES 5-7: JUNE 15 SA 11 AM • 6 WEEKS TP-BFR (#143237-03)

(Ages 3-7) Certified Sportball coaches develop competence and confidence teaching the fundamental skills necessary to excel in T-ball/baseball. Skills include throwing, catching, correct batting form, running bases, fielding and positional play. Coaches are trained athletes who have a passion for sharing their love of baseball. Bring a baseball glove. A Sportball Jersey will be given to each youth participant (summer session only). No class July 5. 1 hour. Instructor: SPORTBALL STAFF • $73 (non-resident $88) Ages 3-5 (T-BALL) JUNE 7 F 1:30 PM • 6 WEEKS FC-GYM (#243296-01) JULY 26 F 1:30 PM • 6 WEEKS FC-GYM (#243296-02) JULY 27 SA 10 AM • 6 WEEKS FC-GYM (#243296-03) Ages 5-7 (BASEBALL) JULY 27 SA 11 AM • 6 WEEKS FC-GYM (#243296-04)

BASKETBALL CLINIC ———————————————————— (Ages 6-15) Learn and improve the basic fundamentals of shooting, ball handling, offense, defense and intramural games in this interactive basketball clinic. 1 hour. Instructor: LEE BRADLEY. • $40 (non-resident $48) AGES 6-7: JUNE 4 TU/TH 10:30 AM • 4 WEEKS FC-GYM (#243280-01) JULY 9 TU/TH 10:30 AM • 4 WEEKS FC-GYM (#243280-04) AGES 8-10: JUNE 4 TU/TH 11:45 AM • 4 WEEKS FC-GYM (#243280-02) JULY 9 TU/TH 11:45 AM • 4 WEEKS FC-GYM (#243280-05) AGES 11-15: JUNE 4 TU/TH 1 PM • 4 WEEKS FC-GYM (#243280-03) JULY 9 TU/TH 1 PM • 4 WEEKS FC-GYM (#243280-06)

Sign Up Now! . Sign up online, by phone, in person or by mail. After you sign up, you will receive a confirmation of your registered activity. Online you will receive a screen receipt that can be printed. If you do not receive confirmation prior to your class/activity start date, call 623-930-2820. Your confirmation will serve as notice for you to attend on the specified start date. You will not be able to attend if your name is not on the activity roster.

Activities Guide / Summer 2013

All activities are subject to change depending upon instructor availability, minimum/maximum enrollment and are subject to cancellation due to insufficient enrollment. In the event of a cancellation, you will be notified by phone and may request a transfer or refund. For cancellation / refund policy, see page 9. All information is subject to change without notice. Some fees do not include materials or supplies. Estimated cost of materials or supplies will vary with quality and quantity used.

For assistance, call 623-930-4600 or 623-930-2820.


. By Phone 623-930-2820 623-930-4600

M–F: 8 a.m.–5 p.m.

. In Person


M–F: 5:30 a.m.–8:30 p.m. SA: 7 a.m.–6:30 p.m. SU: 11 a.m.–3:30 p.m.

5970 W Brown St. Glendale Adult Center . M–F: 8 a.m.–5 p.m. 5600 W. Union Hills Dr. Foothills Recreation & Aquatics Center M–F: 5:30 a.m.–8:30 p.m. . SA: 7 a.m.–6:30 p.m. . SU: 11 a.m.–3:30 p.m.

. By Mail

Pay with check or money order payable to City of Glendale. Call 623-930-2820 to request a sign up form or print out the form found online at Send the completed form, along with your payment (check or money order) and a selfaddressed stamped envelope, to the location noted on the form.


(Ages 3-5 years) Certified Sportball coaches develop competence and confidence teaching the fundamental skills necessary to excel in basketball. Skills include shooting, ball handling, passing, defense, offense, footwork, teamwork and positional play. Coaches are trained athletes who have a passion for shairng their love of basketball. All equipment is provided and a Sportball Jersey will be given to each youth participant (summer session only). No class July 5. 1 hour. Instructor: SPORTBALL STAFF • $73 (non-resident $88) JUNE 7 F 12:30 PM • 6 WEEKS FC-GYM (#243295-01) JULY 26 F 12:30 PM • 6 WEEKS FC-GYM (#243295-02) JULY 27 SA 9 AM • 6 WEEKS FC-GYM (#243295-03)

BEGINNERS EDGE SOCCER TRAINING ———————————————————— (Ages 2–6) This indoor, skill building, non-league weekly soccer program will engage your kids in the world of soccer by presenting activities that are fun while learning. This is the B.E.S.T. way to introduce your little player to their first experience with the world of soccer. They will be exposed to the following skills: dribbling, kicking, throw-ins, headers, goalie skills, scrimmaging and more. Parent participation may be required for all ages. Please arrive on time and bring a #3 or #4 size soccer ball and water bottle. 45 minutes. Instructor: BEGINNERS EDGE SPORTS TRAINING STAFF. • $75 (non-resident $90) AGES 2: JUNE 15 SA 9:15 AM • 6 WEEKS FC-GYM (#243271-01) AGES 3: JUNE 15 SA 10:15 AM • 6 WEEKS FC-GYM (#243271-02) AGES 4-6: JUNE 15 SA 11:15 AM • 6 WEEKS FC-GYM (#243271-03)


SPORTBALL - MULTI-SPORT (INDOORS) ———————————————————— (Ages 16 mo.-5 years) Introduce, practice and refine your child’s understanding and skills involved in eight core sports using the Sportball methodology including hockey, soccer, tennis, baseball, basketball, volleyball, golf and football. Sportball reinforces the benefits of teamwork and skills development rather than the importance of winning, enabling children to gain the confidence and develop the social skills necessary to succeed in sport and life. All equipment is provided and a Sportball Jersey will be given to each youth participant (summer session only). No class July 5 and 6. 1 hour. Parent & Child classes meet for 45 minutes. Instructor: SPORTBALL STAFF • $73 (non-resident $88) Ages 16mo -2 yrs., (Parent & Child) JUNE 7 F 10:45 AM • 6 WEEKS FC-GYM (#243298-01) JULY 26 F 10:45 AM • 6 WEEKS FC-GYM (#243298-02) Ages 2-3 (Parent & Child) JUNE 8 SA 9:15 AM • 6 WEEKS FC-100 (#243298-03) JULY 27 SA 9:15 AM • 6 WEEKS FC-100 (#243298-04) Ages 3-5 JUNE 7 F 11:30 AM • 6 WEEKS FC-GYM (#243298-05) JUNE 8 SA 10 AM • 6 WEEKS FC-100 (#243298-06) JULY 26 F 11:30 AM • 6 WEEKS FC-GYM (#243298-07) JULY 27 SA 10 AM • 6 WEEKS FC-100 (#243298-08)

SPORTBALL - TENNIS (INDOORS) ———————————————————— (Ages 3-5 years) Certified Sportball coaches develop competence and confidence teaching the fundamental skills necessary to excel in tennis. Skills include serves, forehand, backhand, volley and more! All equipment is provided and a Sportball jersey will be given to each youth participant (summer session only). No class July 6. 1 hour. Instructor: SPORTBALL STAFF • $73 (non-resident $88) JUNE 8 SA 11 AM • 6 WEEKS FC-100 (#243297-01) JULY 27 SA 11 AM • 6 WEEKS FC-100 (#243297-02)

TENNIS ———————————————————— (Ages 11-18) Bring your racquet and enjoy professional instruction geared towards beginners. Basic skills, etiquette and rules are covered using drills and games. Loaner racquets available upon request. 1 hour. Instructor: PASEO RACQUET CENTER STAFF. • $60 (nonresident $72) JUNE 4 TU/TH 10 AM • 4 WEEKS PASEO (#143234-01) JULY 2 TU/TH 10 AM • 4 WEEKS PASEO (#143234-02)

TENNIS - 10 & UNDER ———————————————————— (Ages 4-10) Students will be trained under the new USTA “Quick Start” guidelines. Ages 4-8 will use smaller 36’ courts, smaller nets, smaller racquets and special balls. Play-based drills will be geared towards increasing enjoyment and skill development. Ages 9-10 will also use age-appropriate equipment to speed up the learning curve. Play will be on 60’ courts with slower moving balls to assist in developing tennis skills. Instructor: PASEO RACQUET CENTER STAFF. 4-8 years old: 30 minutes • $45 (nonresident $54); 9-10 years old: 1 hour • $60 (non-resident $72) AGES 4-8: JUNE 3 M/W 10 AM • 4 WEEKS PASEO (#143232-01) JULY 1 M/W 10 AM • 4 WEEKS PASEO (#143232-02) AGES 9-10: JUNE 4 TU/TH 10 AM • 4 WEEKS PASEO (#143233-01) JULY 2 TU/TH 10 AM • 4 WEEKS PASEO (#143233-02)

Activities Guide / Summer 2013

SPORTBALL - BASKETBALL (INDOORS) ————————————————————

ICE SKATING & ICE HOCKEY LESSONS ———————————————————— (Ages 3-13) Stresses fundamentals to new skaters. Curriculum based on the United States Figure Skating Association Basic Skills Program. Dress warmly and bring mittens or gloves. Rental skates included. 30 minutes. Public session is FREE to all registered skaters on Saturdays - 12:30-3:30 p.m. Instructor: PEORIA POLAR • $85 (nonresident $102)

TOT I: (Age 4-6) Teaches basic skills to children who have never had instruction. Learn sit and stand on and off ice, march in place and forward, twofoot glides and dipping in place. JUNE 7 F 4 PM • 8 WEEKS PP (#143253-01) JUNE 8 SA 9:45 AM • 8 WEEKS PP (#143253-02) BASIC I: (Age 7-13) Learn falling and standing up, forward marching, twofoot glides, dipping, rocking horses, forward swizzles, snowplow stops, twofoot hops and back wiggles. JUNE 7 F 4:30 PM • 8 WEEKS PP (#143256-01) JUNE 8 SA 9:45 AM • 8 WEEKS PP (#143256-02) PARENT & ME: (Ages 3-6) For children who have never had formal instruction. Basic skating skills taught while allowing the parent to participate on the ice with them. JUNE 8 SA 9:45 AM • 8 WEEKS PP (#143252-01) HOCKEY TOT: (Age 4-6) Learn basic hockey skating techniques. Includes skating fundamentals. JUNE 8 SA 9:45 AM • 8 WEEKS PP (#143254-01)

Activities Guide / Summer 2013

HOCKEY I: (Age 7+) Learn basic hockey skating techniques and the fundamentals of skating in a fun atmosphere. JUNE 8 SA 9:45 AM • 8 WEEKS PP (#143255-01)

ROLLER SKATING ———————————————————— (Ages 4-12 years) Introduction to roller skating skills for beginners to intermediate levels. Class includes how to properly lace up skates, equipment knowledge, rink rules and safety skills, A 15 minute warm-up, 30 minutes of instruction and 15 minutes of skill routine practice will be conducted each week. Last class will showcase a 30-minute performance, set to music, with skills learned, along with a Certificate of Completion and a visit by the Great Skate’s mascot to celebrate the students’ success. 1 hour. Registration includes free admission into Open Skate on Mondays from 6-9 p.m. during scheduled class dates. Instructor: GREAT SKATE STAR PROGRAM INSTRUCTORS• $40 (nonresident $48) AGES 4-6 JUNE 3 M 5 PM • 8 WEEKS GREAT (#143236-01) AGES 7-12 JUNE 3 M 5 PM • 8 WEEKS GREAT (#143236-02)

TODDLER/KIDS GYM ———————————————————— (Ages 3-12) A fun and exciting way to improve coordination, concentration and self-esteem. Learn basic tumbling moves like front rolls, handstands, cartwheels, backbends and more! Improve balance, strength and flexibility. No class July 6. Class for ages 3-5, 45 minutes. Class for ages 6-12, 1 hour. Instructor: NRG DANCE. • $55 (non-resident $66) AGES 3-5: JUNE 15 SA 10 AM • 6 WEEKS FC-EXB (#243267-01) AUG. 3 SA 10 AM • 6 WEEKS FC-EXB (#243267-03) AGES 6-12: JUNE 15 SA 11 AM • 6 WEEKS FC-EXB (#243267-02) AUG. 3 SA 11 AM • 6 WEEKS FC-EXB (#243267-04)

TUMBLING ———————————————————— (Ages 2-7) Learn tumbling skills such as forward rolls, backward rolls, bridges, backbends, cartwheels, handstands, back walkovers and more. Build strength, balance, coordination, flexibility and motor skills. Class for ages 2-4, 40 minutes. Class for ages 4-6, 45 minutes. Instructor: TAWNI MONK, AZ TUMBLE N DANCE COMPANY. • $53 (non-resident $64) AGES 2-4: JUNE 10 M 9:15 AM • 6 WEEKS FC-EXB (#243225-01) JULY 22 M 9:15 AM • 6 WEEKS FC-EXB (#243225-03) AGES 5-7: JUNE 10 M 9:45 AM • 6 WEEKS FC-EXB (#243225-02) JULY 22 M 9:45 AM • 6 WEEKS FC-EXB (#243225-04)

KIDS YOGA ———————————————————— (Ages 9-16) Learn basic yoga asanas (poses) and concepts including breathing techniques, asana instruction and meditation to assist students in developing confidence, improving body awareness, establishing balance, fostering mindfulness and creating strength. Mats provided but you may bring your own yoga mat. 1 hour. Instructor: DIETRICH • $45 (nonresident $54) JUNE 12 W 4:45 PM • 6 WEEKS FC-EXB (#243293-01) JULY 31 W 4:45 PM • 6 WEEKS FC-EXB (#243293-02)

FITNESS FOR TEENS ———————————————————— (Ages 13-14) A Certified Personal Trainer will walk your teen through a variety of skilled workouts including free weights, cardio, aerobics, agility as well as some fun workout activities. Choose one session only. Required: eat a good breakfast to fuel your workout, bring a personal water bottle, arrive in workout attire and closed-toe/heel tennis shoes. Questions, call Jackie at 623-930-4608. 2-½ hours each day for a total of 5 hours for the 2-day session • $39 (non-resident $49) JUNE 18 TU/W 10 AM • 2 DAYS FC (#333262-01) JULY 9 TU/W 10 AM • 2 DAYS FC (#333262-02)


Youth & Teen

MOVIE MAKERS ————————————————————

CLAYMATION CAMP ———————————————————— (Ages 8-19) Learn to make an original Claymation movie using stop animation techniques in this genuine multimedia camp. This camp will focus on a number of art disciplines including hand building clay, drawing, scenery construction, story board planning, script writing and more. Students will be guided through the process of creating a digital short that will be made into a DVD. A supply fee of $25 will be collected at the first class. 1-½ hours. Instructor: BARBOUR (former arts academy instructor). • $120 (nonresident $144) JUNE 5 W 4:30 PM • 6 WEEKS FC-212 (#253252-01) JULY 17 W 4:30 PM • 6 WEEKS FC-212 (#253252-02)


(Ages 9-18) Have you noticed that many of the skills that used to be taught in school have become obsolete? Our cooking class is geared to ensure that your children have the skills they need to confidently and safely learn basic cooking skills and simple dishes while having fun and making new friends. Some of the benefits include self-confidence and selfesteem, increased creativity, planning, awareness, budgeting, healthy eating habits and safety procedures. Gourmet Cooking II is for those who have taken a cooking class before or have some experience. $20 supply fee collected at class. No class July 5. 1 hour. Instructor: TURRIGIANO (www. • $59 (non-resident $71), Gourmet Cooking II meets for 2 hours: • $89 (non-resident $107) GOURMET COOKING: JUNE 21 F 12 PM • 4 WEEKS FC-KIT (#203263-01) GOURMET COOKING II: JUNE 21 F 2 PM • 4 WEEKS FC-KIT (#203263-02)


ART CAMP ———————————————————— (Ages 8-16) Taught by a professional artist, children will discover their artistic ability using several art mediums. Professional material will be used to help explore the artist inside the participants. Projects may include pottery making, oil painting on canvas, pastels, watercolors, drawing, sand painting, glass painting, glass fusion and more. A supply fee of $20 will be collected at the first class. 1-½ hours. Instructor: BARBOUR (former Arts Academy Instructor). • $50 (nonresident: $60) JUNE 5 W 2:30 PM • 4 WEEKS FC-212 (#223208-01) JUNE 6 TH 2:30 PM • 4 WEEKS FC-212 (#223208-02) TH 4:30 PM • 4 WEEKS JUNE 6 FC-212 (#223208-03) JULY 10 W 2:30 PM • 4 WEEKS FC-212 (#223208-04) JULY 11 TH 2:30 PM • 4 WEEKS FC-212 (#223208-05) JULY 11 TH 4:30 PM • 4 WEEKS FC-212 (#223208-06)

BEGINNING ACTING CLASS ———————————————————— (Ages 10-17) Ever watch a movie or TV show and said, “I would love to try acting!” Then sign up now! Let your imagination soar as you work on monologues, scenes and acting techniques. At the end of class, you’ll show off what you have accomplished! No experience needed. 1-½ hours. Instructor: LEIBOWITZ. • $65 (nonresident $79) JUNE 15 SA 10 AM • 8 WEEKS FC-202 (#253249-01)

(Ages 7-19) Students will work collaboratively and produce a video from beginning to end. Lessons include creating a story, producing story boards, acting, lighting, sound, camera work, editing and more. The finished product will be screened the last day. Instructor will collect a $20 supply fee at the first class. 1-½ hours. Instructor: BARBOUR (former Arts Academy Instructor). • $120 (non-resident $144) JUNE 5 W 6:30 PM • 6 WEEKS FC-204 (#253292-01) JULY 17 W 6:30 PM • 6 WEEKS FC-204 (#253292-02)

CHILD CARE & BABYSITTING WORKSHOP ———————————————————— (Ages 12-18) Get training on safe and fun ways to babysit and care for children. Class covers CPR, first aid, techniques for active children and how to have a successful babysitting adventure. Build confidence, selfesteem and skills necessary to care for infants and children on a daily basis and in emergency situations. Bring a sack lunch. 5 hours. Instructor: AMERICAN EMERGENCY RESPONSE TRAINING. • $65 (non-resident $78) JUNE 8 SA 9 AM • 1 DAY FC-208 (#253280-01) JULY 13 SA 9 AM • 1 DAY FC-204 (#253280-02) AUG. 10 SA 9 AM • 1 DAY FC-208 (#253280-03)

KIDS’ COOKING ———————————————————— (Ages 7-12) Learn to use ingredients to create yummy dishes from scratch. Learn to make a breakfast, lunch and dinner item, along with a dessert. Also learn basic kitchen safety, safe food handling and proper use of kitchen tools. Class may be repeated as the recipes change each session. $20 supply fee collected at the first class. No class July 6. 1 hour. Instructor: BARBOUR. • $59 (non-resident $71) JUNE 15 SA 11 AM • 4 WEEKS FC-KIT (#203221-01) JULY 20 SA 11 AM • 4 WEEKS FC-KIT (#203221-02) AUG. 17 SA 11 AM • 4 WEEKS FC-KIT (#203221-03)

Activities Guide / Summer 2013

Personal Development

POTTERY WHEEL THROWING YOUTH/TEEN ———————————————————— (Ages 8-16) Discover how to throw on a potter’s wheel the way a pro does. Throw a serving bowl and large vase. Items will be painted/glazed with food-safe glazes. A supply fee of $25 will be collected at the first class. 1-½ hours. Instructor: BARBOUR (former Arts Academy Instructor). • $79 (nonresident: $95) JUNE 7 F 2:30 PM • 3 WEEKS FC-208 (#223231-01) JULY 12 F 2:30 PM • 3 WEEKS FC-208 (#223231-02)

Youth & Teen


DANCE FITNESS ———————————————————— (Ages 9-15) Put fun and fitness into dance. From hip hop to Latin to Korean Pop and everything in between. Learn dance routines and how to create your own routine to your favorite music. This class is great for all skill levels. Bring out self-expression and a smile while sneaking in a workout. 45 minutes. Instructor: THOMPSON. • $41 (nonresident $49) JUNE 15 SA 12 PM • 6 WEEKS FC-EXA (#233239-01) AUG. 10 SA 12 PM • 6 WEEKS FC-EXA (#233239-02)

HIP HOP/CHEER COMBO ————————————————————

Activities Guide / Summer 2013

(Ages 6-12) In this high-energy class, your cheerleader will learn basics such as jumps, kicks, chants and tumbling skills that build coordination and strength, along with an introduction to hip hop basics. The skills learned will be combined into a fun routine. No class July 4. 55 minutes. Instructor: STEPPIN’ OUT PERFORMING ARTS, • $50 (non-resident $60) JUNE 13 TH 6:30 PM • 6 WEEKS FC-100 (#233263-01) AUG. 1 TH 6:30 PM • 6 WEEKS FC-100 (#233263-02) JUNE 15 SA 3 PM • 6 WEEKS FC-EXA (#233263-03) AUG. 3 SA 3 PM • 6 WEEKS FC-EXA (#233263-04)

HIP HOP ———————————————————— (Ages 3-12) Build strength, coordination, confidence and have fun while getting a workout in this high-energy class. Learn the latest hip hop dance moves and routines. Performance will be held on the last day of class. Great for boys and girls. 45 minutes. Instructor: TAWNI MONK, AZ TUMBLE N DANCE COMPANY. • $53 (non-resident $64) AGES 3-5 JUNE 12 W 3:45 PM • 6 WEEKS WESTGATE (#133285-01) JULY 31 W 3:45 PM • 6 WEEKS WESTGATE (#133285-03) AGES 6-12 JUNE 12 W 4:30 PM • 6 WEEKS WESTGATE (#133285-02) JULY 31 W 4:30 PM • 6 WEEKS WESTGATE (#133285-04)

BALLET/TAP COMBO I ———————————————————— (Ages 3-4) An introduction to ballet, tap, creative movement and some tumbling skills. Tap shoes required. No class July 4. 45 minutes. Instructor: STEPPIN’ OUT PERFORMING ARTS, • $50 (non-resident $60) JUNE 13 TH 4:30 PM • 6 WEEKS FC-100 (#233293-01) AUG. 1 TH 4:30 PM • 6 WEEKS FC-100 (#233293-02) JUNE 15 SA 1 PM • 6 WEEKS FC-EXA (#233293-03) AUG. 3 SA 1 PM • 6 WEEKS FC-EXA (#233293-04)

BALLET/TAP COMBO II ———————————————————— (Ages 5-7) Great for both boys and girls, this is an exciting introduction to ballet, jazz, tap, creative movement and tumbling basics. 45 minutes. Instructor: STEPPIN’ OUT PERFORMING ARTS, • $50 (non-resident $60) JUNE 13 TH 5:30 PM • 6 WEEKS FC-100 (#233294-01) AUG. 1 TH 5:30 PM • 6 WEEKS FC-100 (#233294-02) JUNE 15 SA 2 PM • 6 WEEKS FC-EXA (#233294-03) AUG. 3 SA 2 PM • 6 WEEKS FC-EXA (#233294-04)

Youth & Teen Personal Development • Dance CHEERLEADING ———————————————————— (Ages 6-12) Learn motions, jumps, kicks, basic stunts, chants and dance techniques. Focus on teamwork, motivation, coordination, strength and flexibility. Pom poms will be provided to use during class. Skills learned will be combined into a routine for a fun show at the last class. 45 minutes. Instructor: TAWNI MONK, AZ TUMBLE N DANCE COMPANY. • $53 (non-resident $64) JUNE 12 W 5:15 PM • 6 WEEKS WESTGATE (#143244-01) JULY 31 W 5:15 PM • 6 WEEKS WESTGATE (#143244-02)

Youth & Teen


BEGINNING PIANO/KEYBOARD ELEMENTS® MUSIC ———————————————————— (Ages 6-12) Your child will learn to play songs in the first few lessons – whether it’s Bach or Hannah Montana. Elements® is the largest provider of keyboard/ piano lessons in the Southwest, offering a method that teaches note reading, chords and counting, along with the basic skills needed to play ALL music. Join us for fun games, prizes, a year-end contest and a special judge from the “American Idol” music staff. Keyboards and headphones for classroom use provided. 1 hour. Instructor: ELEMENTS STAFF. • $97 (non-resident $117) JUNE 15 SA 9 AM • 6 WEEKS FC-206 (#283228-01) JULY 27 SA 9 AM • 6 WEEKS FC-206 (#283228-02)

BEGINNING (ACOUSTIC) GUITAR ———————————————————— (Ages 12+) Bring your guitar and learn basic chords, strums, how to read music and more! $7 book fee collected at the first class (Hal Leonard Guitar Method, Book 1, 2nd edition). 2 hours. Instructor: MOORE. • $77 (non-resident $92) JUNE 15 SA 10:30 PM • 8 WEEKS FC-208 (#283121-01)


BEGINNING YOUTH GUITAR ———————————————————— (Ages 9-14) Bring an acoustic guitar and make music. Learn hand positions, basic theory and more. No experience necessary. Notebook/pencil suggested. $8 supply fee collected at class. 1 hour. Instructor: THE PHOENIX CONSERVATORY OF MUSIC FACULTY. • $80 (non-resident $96) JUNE 13 TH 7 PM • 6 WEEKS FC-204 (#283222-01) JULY 25 TH 7 PM • 6 WEEKS FC-204 (#283222-02)

GUITAR FOR LITTLE HANDS ———————————————————— (Ages 4-8) Have your youngster bring a guitar and learn age-appropriate songs! Hand positions, note reading and more taught. Pencil/notebook recommended. 45 minutes. Instructor: THE PHOENIX CONSERVATORY OF MUSIC FACULTY. • $80 (non-resident $96) JUNE 13 TH 6 PM • 6 WEEKS FC-204 (#283223-01) JULY 25 TH 6 PM • 6 WEEKS FC-204 (#283223-02)

SINGING FOR LITTLE STARS ————————————————————

(Ages 4-8) A fun method for little ones to learn how to use their voices when singing and how to present themselves in front of an audience. They’ll have an opportunity to sing in an ensemble setting and as a soloist. 45 minutes. Instructor: THE PHOENIX CONSERVATORY OF MUSIC FACULTY. • $80 (non-resident $96) JUNE 12 W 5:30 PM • 6 WEEKS FC-208 (#283238-01) JULY 24 W 5:30 PM • 6 WEEKS FC-208 (#283238-02)

SUPER SINGERS ———————————————————— (Ages 9-14) Learn voice technique, song preparation and more! Get the opportunity to sing in an ensemble and soloist setting. No prior experience required. Notebook and pencil suggested. $8 supply fee collected at class. 1 hour. Instructor: THE PHOENIX CONSERVATORY OF MUSIC FACULTY. • $80 (non-resident $96) JUNE 12 W 6:30 PM • 6 WEEKS FC-208 (#283230-01) JULY 24 W 6:30 PM • 6 WEEKS FC-208 (#283230-02)

36th Annual

PUBLIC STAR PARTY Saturday, May 18, 2013 Thunderbird Conservation Park 67th Avenue & Patrick Lane Members of the Saguaro Astronomy Club will have telescopes large and small set up and available for public viewing from 7 to 9:30 p.m. (sunset 7:25 p.m.). They will show a variety of astronomical objects including the Moon, planets, stars and deep sky wonders. Members will be glad to answer questions you may have about the heavens and astronomy in general. Please join us for a night under the stars! Hosted by the the Saguaro Astronomy Club


Activities Guide / Summer 2013


summer youth recreation

Check out these FUN Glendale Parks, Recreation & Library Services Summer Recreation Programs for kids! To register or for more information, call 623-930-2820.

Drop-In Recreation Camps Arts • Crafts • Fun • Supervision • Games • Friends Marshall Ranch Drop-In G.R.A.S.P.

Marshall Ranch Elementary, 12995 N. Marshall Ranch June 3 - July 25, Monday – Thursday, 9:30 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. $150 Registration resident • $175 Registration non-resident 8 weeks • Registration Code #692554-11

Desert Mirage Drop-In G.R.A.S.P.

Desert Mirage Elementary, 8605 W. Maryland Ave. May 28 - August 2, Monday – Friday, 7:30 a.m.-5:30 p.m. $45 Weekly Fee resident • $55 Weekly Fee non-resident Registration Code: #642512


Youth Project Free youth and teen program Monday - Friday, 3:45 - 8 p.m. Glendale Community Center, 5401 W. Ocotillo Rd.

Activities Guide / Summer 2013

This free program includes mentoring/ tutoring, career exploration, life skills development, sports and arts and crafts. Participants can also joins sports leagues and represent themselves on a team. Currently offering football, volleyball and soccer. The Glendale Youth Project’s purpose isn’t to change our youth, but to invest in them to show them a better way and lead them into their future.

Summer Field Trips

$100 resident/$120 non-resident for trip package (includes all trips) Registration Code: #692507-11 June 12 SkyZone June 26 Great Skate (with 1 slice of pizza and drink) July 10 Wazzee’s World July 17 Bowling July 24 Rose Lane Aquatic Center/Fun Day with food

Sahuaro Ranch Licensed G.R.A.S.P.

Sahuaro Ranch Elementary, 10401 N 63rd Ave May 28 - August 6, Monday – Friday, 7 a.m. - 6 p.m. $30 Registration Fee resident • $40 Registration Fee non-resident $100 week resident • $125 week non-resident $25 daily resident • $30 daily non-resident $15 ½ day resident • $18 ½ day non-resident Registration Code: Code #612512


Adaptive Recreation Bowling Bonanza

Saturdays, 9–11 a.m. May 18 - July 13 Class Code: #453011-11 July 27 – September 14 Class Code #453011-21 (Ages 8+) Make new friends, improve your game and enjoy the support of other participants! Bowling ramps are available to registered bowlers. Instruction is not provided. Glenfair Lanes Bowling Alley, 6110 N. 59th Ave. • $23 (non-resident $30). Includes a bowling ball and shoes.


Bingo Extravaganza Night

Friday, June 21, 7-9 p.m. (Ages 10+) Get the family together (siblings and parents are welcome) and head to the Glendale Adult Center, 5970 W. Brown St., for an evening of bingo, prizes and fun. $5 per person at the door. For more information, call Anthony Garcia at 623930-4335.

Theatre Kidz

Thursdays, August 22 – November 7, 5:30–7 p.m. (Ages 10-22) Learn the joy of singing, acting and dancing, while also improving confidence and making new friends. The final class ends with a live performance on stage at the Adult Center . Limited to 25 participants. Held at the Glendale Adult Center, 5970 W. Brown St. $25 (non-resident $30). Sign up code #464112-11.

Activities Guide / Summer 2013

Special activities designed for individuals with physical, mental, emotional or social disabilities. For more information, contact Anthony Garcia at 623-930-4335 or agarcia@ Adaptive.cfm


adult center

5970 W. Brown St. . 623-930-4321 www.Glendaleazcom/AdultCenter 8 a.m. – 5 p.m, Monday - Friday Closed Saturday and Sunday

Whether you’re looking for a challenging activity, such as a fitness program, or just a friendly place to spend time, the Glendale Adult Center is the place for YOU! We offer aerobics, dance, cards and games, Wii bowling, bingo, a lunch program and much, much more! The Center is open to both Glendale residents and non-residents ages 18+. To ensure that participants enjoy quality facilities and programming, a center membership is collected. The $40 ($60 non-Glendale resident) fee covers fitness, billiards and helps off-set operations, staffing and programming expenses. To join us, just stop at the front desk. Get your FREE copy of our HORIZONS newsletter, at the Center or at

Stars and Stripes A Patriotic Celebration!

Wednesday, July 3, Palo Verde Room 10:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. Join us for this GREAT community celebration. Enjoy a patriotic show presented by accordion player Dale Matthies. You’ll only see one guy on stage, but your ears will hear an entire band! Bring your best “singing-in-theshower” voice because we’ll be singing a few of your favorite patriotic melodies. Enjoy a giant beef hot dog with all the trimmings. Door prizes generously provided by CAREMORE. Tickets are $6 member, $8 nonmember and must be purchased in ADVANCE at the Center by Friday, June 28. No refunds. For information, call 623-9304321.

Afternoon Delight

Enjoy entertainment plus a dessert! FREE! Sponsored by CAREMORE 1 p.m., Palo Verde Room May 29

Senior Fiesta Dancers – Mexican folk dance June 26 Sundance Wranglers – Patriotic line dance show July 31 GAC Variety Show – Get your applications from the front desk to perform Aug. 28 Short and Sweet Entertainment – Songs of Summer

Super Second Saturday! Activities Guide / Summer 2013

Second Saturday of every month May 11, June 8, July 13 • 7 - 9 p.m. $3 admission per person With Country Line Dance hosted by Terry and Rosemary Lutz and access to billiards, fitness center, the computer lab and the card and game room. Center hours and fees subject to change.

Morning Exercise Programs

Monday, Wednesday and Friday, Room 107 First come, first served. A video may replace instructor. • Body Fusion - 8:15 a.m. - Basic Step: cardio-step routines combining high intensity intervals using weights, bands and balls followed with stretch/balance. (60 min.) • Total Body - 9:30 a.m. Low impact aerobics/medium intensity followed by toning exercises using bands, balls, and hand weights. During the mat exercises, you may request alternative chair exercises that are just as effective. (45 min.) • Functionally Fit - 10:30 a.m. – Low to no impact with low/medium intensity using a chair, light weights, bands and balls. Every exercise is focused on building strength, flexibility, balance and stability to prevent injuries or recover from injuries/surgery and to continue to live functionally fit. (45 min.) • Chair Fitness for Beginners - 11:30 a.m. – Stretching and balance to help wake up tired and immoveable joints and to help prevent getting too sore during a more increased exercise regimen. (20 min.)

Fitness Center

Monday – Friday, 8 a.m. – 5 p.m. Affordable at just $10 quarter ($15 quarter non-residents) Centrally located, no contracts with a friendly environment.

The Glendale Adult Center — the perfect place to hold your special celebration. For room rental details, call 623-930-4327.


Glendale Public Libraries Main Library

Glendale Public Libraries offer a wide variety of FREE programming for ALL ages, from babies and children to teens and adults! We are so much more than just books!

5959 W. Brown Street 623-930-3530 Monday, Wednesday: 1-8 p.m. Tuesday, Thursday: 10 a.m. – 8 p.m. Friday: Closed Saturday: 12-5 p.m. Sunday: 1-5 p.m.

Storytimes • Crafts • Games Job Searching Assistance Musical Performances • Lectures E-Book Instruction • Book Discussions Author Appearances • Volunteer Opportunities • and more!

Foothills Library

For specific details on our GREAT program offerings, visit Library, or pick up the bimonthly Library Events Calendar at any library location.

19055 N. 57th Avenue 623-930-3830 Monday: 1-8 p.m. Tuesday, Wednesday: 10 a.m.–8 p.m. Thursday, Sunday: Closed Friday: 1-5 p.m. Saturday: 12-5 p.m.

A Library Card:

Your ticket to free books, movies, e-books, the internet and so much more! Get Your Card!

Velma Teague Library

Library cards are FREE to residents of Maricopa County. You can apply for a card at the checkout desks at all our libraries.

A library card is available to borrowers living outside of Maricopa County for a nonrefundable fee of $60 for 1 year, $30 for 6 months and $15 for 3 months. For more information about library cards, please call or visit your Glendale library.


Glendale Public Library meeting rooms are available for rental. For information, visit Library/Rental_Opportunities.cfm. Find us on Twitter, Facebook and Foursquare!

Activities Guide / Summer 2013

Valid photo identification and proof of address are required for all new library cards. Children 12 and under must have a parent or legal guardian present for application. Students 13-17 can apply without a parent or guardian present. Parents/guardians will receive notice by mail if their student receives a card. Library cards are assigned a 4-digit PIN to use for placing holds, renewing materials and accessing the Internet. This is usually the last 4 digits of the cardholder’s telephone number, but may be changed upon request.

7010 N. 58th Avenue 623-930-3430 Monday, Thursday: 1-8 p.m. Tuesday, Wednesday: 10 a.m.–5 p.m. Friday, Sunday: Closed Saturday: 1-5 p.m.

Summer Fun Aquatics

make a splash this summer!


. Aquatics 623-930-2838 Splashline 623-930-2041

hope you and your family will enjoy the fun, fitness and skill development offered through our wide variety of aquatic programs and opportunities. Featured are two aquatic centers offering recreation swim, swim and dive lessons, adult water aerobics classes, private swim lessons, Junior Lifeguard Training and party rentals. Rose Lane Aquatics Center and Foothills Recreation & Aquatics Center boast fun-filled slides, lap pools, play structures and more! What a FUN way to cool off this summer!

Recreation Swim ADMISSION Ages 2 & under..... FREE Ages 3–17............ $2.50 (non-resident $3.50) Ages 18–54.......... $5 (non-resident $6) Ages 55+.............. $3 (non-resident $5) Foothills Recreation & Aquatics Center, 5600 W. Union Hills Dr. • 623-930-4600 June 1 - Aug. 3 M-TH: 1–5 p.m. / F: 1–7 p.m. SA: 12–5 p.m. SU: 11:30 a.m.–3:30 p.m. Rose Lane Aquatics Center, 5003 W. Marlette Ave. • 623-930-7905 June 1 - Aug. 3 Everyday: 1–5 p.m. Activities Guide / Summer 2013

Splash Pad It’s FREE and open everyday 10 a.m. to 7 p.m., May 25 through Sept. 2. It’s at 83rd Ave. & Berridge Ln. (North of Bethany Home Rd).

You can find the complete summer aquatics schedule with detailed sign up information, lesson descriptions and days/times of lessons in the SPLASHBOOK. Get your copy of the the SPLASHBOOK at www., the Glendale libraries, Glendale Adult Center or at the Foothills Recreation & Aquatics Center.

Swim Lessons GROUP LESSONS for all ages and levels are $26 ($49 non-resident) for eight, 30-minute classes that meet Monday–Thursday over a two-week period. PRIVATE LESSONS are 30 minutes and scheduled as a package of 2 lessons. Lessons are available for ages 5 years to adult. Two 30-minute private lessons are $35 (non-residents $42). Swim lesson REGISTRATION DATES begin May 6 for Glendale residents and May 9 for both residents and non-residents. Registrations may be completed online, by phone or walk-in. For complete registration details, pick up your copy of the SPLASHBOOK or visit www. Poolside Patio Party Rentals Have your next party poolside! For details, see the SPLASHBOOK or call 623-930-2838.


The Parks Division in Glendale uses cross-training opportunities for staff to increase individual skills, abilities and pursue new interests in their work. Cross training allows for multiple layers of skill sets to create the most efficient team of staff. Examples include playground inspectors trained to pour, finish and repair concrete and arborists repairing sprinkler irrigation systems in park turf areas. Most recently, Park’s employees were trained to administer some Park Ranger duties. This allows the Parks Division to increase park rule enforcement and public relations in your parks. We are happy to provide this extra support in the Glendale parks for you and your families. PARTNERS N’ PARKS PROGRAM Individuals, families, schools, neighborhood groups and businesses can participate in the Partners N’ Parks program. This unique program provides opportunities for volunteer groups to volunteer time to improve their favorite park. Corporations and business can also participate through in-kind donations and sponsorship opportunities tailored to meet individual company goals and missions. Examples of this are park clean-up days, upgrades to picnic areas, caring for or planting roses or maintaining trails. To find the best project for your community group or business, contact Paul King at 623-930-4203 or DEDICATE-A-TREE PROGRAM Glendale lost several trees due to the rare freezing conditions in early 2013. The Lorax is working hard to help replace many of these shade trees in our parks, but he could use your help. Through the Dedicate-a-Tree program, you can help increase trees in your parks and recognize individuals, clubs and businesses. This program allows you to choose the type of tree and/or the park(s) that you would like the tree(s) planted. Your donation of $300 per tree will help bring shade to picnic areas, reduce carbon dioxide levels, improve home values, reduce the “heat island” effect and improve the park experience for you and your neighbors. Visit DedicateaTree.cfm or contact Paul King at 623-930-4203 or to get your tree planting project going today! The Lorax and the City of Glendale thank you! Some of the parks in Glendale utilize “flood irrigation” to keep the parks looking green from May to October. Once the parks are irrigated, it usually takes 2-3 days before they are useable again. To view the flood irrigation schedule for the 2013/14 season, go to parksandfacilities/documents/IrrigationSchedule.pdf To view the mowing schedule for your park, you may go to documents/Mowingschedule.pdf. This schedule is subject to change based on weather and turf conditions.


Facilities, Libraries & Parks Directory Facilities

Glendale Adult Center (C) 5970 W. Brown St. . 623-930-4321 M–F 8 a.m.–4 p.m.

Foothills Recreation & Aquatics Center (B) 5600 W. Union Hills Dr. / 623-930-4600 M–F 5:30 a.m.–9 p.m.; SA 7 a.m.–9 p.m.; SU 11 a.m.–4 p.m.

Libraries LIBRARY CARDS: To get a library card, just stop at the checkout desk at any library location, or visit us online. Library cards are free to all county residents. A non-resident fee applies to nonMaricopa County residents. COMPUTERS: Surf the internet, check e-mail or write a resume using one of our in-library use computers.

Main Library (C)

5959 W. Brown St. / 623-930-3530 M & W 1–8 p.m.; TU & TH 10 a.m.–8 p.m.; F Closed; SA 12–5 p.m.; SU 1–5 p.m.

Foothills Library (D)

19055 N. 57th Ave. / 623-930-3830 M 1–8 p.m.; TU, W 10 a.m.–8 p.m.; TH, SU Closed; F 1–5 p.m.; SA 12–5 p.m.

Velma Teague Library (N)

7010 N. 58th Ave. / 623-930-3430 M, TH 1–8 p.m.; TU, W. 10 a.m.–5 p.m.; F, SU Closed; SA 1–5 p.m.

Parks /ParksAndRecreation/ParksAmenities/

Activities Guide / Summer 2013

Did You Know?

City of Glendale

Pinnacle Peak Rd


Community Parks 1a..... Bonsall North, 59th Ave. & Bethany Home Rd. 1b.... Bonsall South, 59th Ave. & Bethany Home Rd. 2....... Chapparal, 57th Ave. & Greenbriar Dr. 3....... Hidden Meadows, 76th Ave. & St. John Ave. 4....... Northern Horizon, 63rd Ave. & Northern Ave. Dog Park Available 5....... O’Neil, 64th Ave. & Missouri Ave. 6....... Orangewood, 71st Ave. & Orangewood Ave. 7....... Paseo Racquet Center & Park, 63rd Ave. & Thunderbird Rd. 8....... Rose Lane Park, 51st Ave. & Marlette Ave.


Deer Valley Rd


Rose Garden


Beardsley Rd

rk Pa

3 9....... Foothills, 57th Ave. & Union Hills Dr. Dog Park Available 10..... Grand Canal Linear, 75th Ave. & Camelback 12 to Bethany Home & New River 11..... Sahuaro Ranch, 59th Ave. & Mountain View Rd. Dog Park Available 12..... Skunk Creek Linear, 51st Ave. & Utopia to 73rd Ave. & Greenway Rd. 13..... Thunderbird Paseo, 51st Ave. & Cactus to 72nd Ave. & Greenway Rd. 14..... Western Area Regional, 83rd Ave. & Bethany Home Rd.


ek k Cre kun

Union Hills Dr




Bell Rd



Bridle Path

Greenway Rd


Conservation Park



15..... Thunderbird, 59th Ave. & Pinnacle Peak Rd.




Small/Neighborhood Parks

Thunderbird Rd



For listings, visit cfm or call 623-930-2820 and request our Parks & Facilities brochure.






Assorted Facilities

Peoria Ave Mountain View

Olive Ave Butler

L....... Glen Lakes Municipal 5450 W. Northern Ave. M...... Desert Mirage 8710 W. Maryland Ave.


Aquatics (Seasonal) R

T 14 r Pa



Northern Ave Orangewood


Glendale Ave

F 8

1a 1b


Bethany Hm Rd Missouri

43rd Ave.

47th Ave

51st Ave.

55th Ave

59th Ave.

63rd Ave

67th Ave.

71st Ave

75th Ave.

79th Ave

83rd Ave.

e Av

87th Ave


91st Ave.

Camelback Rd ra

99th Ave.



Activities Guide / Summer 2013

Grand Canal Linear






C 11

Golf Courses


O Cactus Rd 13



N...... Glendale Amphitheater, 5850 W. Glendale Ave. O...... Bridle Path, 51st Ave. Cactus to Bell roads P....... Elsie McCarthy Sensory Garden, 55th Ave. & Morten Ave. Q...... Paseo Racquet Center, 6268 W. Thunderbird Rd. R....... Glendale Youth Sports Complex, 91st Ave. & Rovey Ave. S....... Myrtle Avenue Cultural Gateway, Myrtle Ave. & Grand Ave. T....... X-Court, 83rd Ave. & Bethany Home Rd. U...... Foothills SK8 Court, 57th Ave. & Union Hills Rd.

B....... Foothills Recreation & Aquatics Center 5600 W Union Hills Dr. F....... Rose Lane Aquatics Center 5003 W. Marlette Ave. T....... Splash Pad 83rd Ave. & Berridge Ln.



Regional Parks





City of Glendale

Parks, Recreation & Library Services

5970 W. Brown St. Glendale, AZ 85302 623-930-2820 Erik Strunk, Executive Director of Parks, Recreation & Library Services For advertising information, call 623-930-2824. Advertising contained herein does not constitute an endorsement by the City of Glendale or its staff. Information in the Glendale Parks, Recreation & Library Activities Guide is subject to change without notice. NOTICE: Participants should be aware that there is some risk involved in these activities and that all participants do so at their own risk. Medical insurance is not provided by the city of Glendale.

For special accommodations, please call in advance the phone number associated with the activity/program you will be attending. To access the TDD, call 623-930-2197 for Parks & Recreation activities/programs or 623-842-3760 for Library activities/programs.

rentals Glendale Parks, Recreation & Library Services Department offers a wide variety of facilities available for your next party, meeting or reception — all available at reasonable rates. For information on rates and availability, just contact any of the following facilities. They’ll be glad to assist you!

Glendale Adult Center 5970 W. Brown St. . 623-930-4327 The perfect place for your next event, meeting or reception featuring facilities for up to 300 guests, a stage and optional catering kitchen.

Foothills Recreation & Aquatics Center


5600 W. Union Hills Dr. 623-930-4605 The perfect environment for activities of all sizes. Host a birthday party, class, graduation party, business meeting, reception or wedding. An optional catering kitchen is also available for your gathering.

Sahuaro Ranch Park Historic Area 9802 N. 59th Ave. . 623-930-4202 Rental venues include the historic Fruit Packing Shed, Barnyard, Demonstration Area and Front Lawns. For rose garden weddings, we partner with the Glendale Historical Society. Wedding ceremony questions should be directed to the Glendale Historical Society at 623-435-0072 prior to contacting us for reception information. Some restrictions apply.

Glendale Libraries Main Library . 623-930-3561 | Foothills Branch . 623-930-3849 Glendale’s libraries offer a wide variety of rental opportunities both indoors and out. Plan your next birthday party, business seminar, meeting or outdoor concert. They can even host small gatherings, weddings or conferences.

Sports Fields (select fields) . 623-930-2820 Softball fields and multi-purpose fields available for reservation.


Activities Guide / Summer 2013

Park Ramadas (select parks) . 623-930-2820

Discover the

Showplace of the Valley Sahuaro Ranch Park Historic Area

Sahuaro Ranch Park Historic Area 9802 N. 59th Ave. 623-930-4200 At the Sahuaro Ranch Park Historic Area we preserve a historic site where the community participates in the ongoing development of educational and social experiences that connect Glendale residents and visitors to the past and to each other. The Historic Area is open daily 6 a.m. to sunset and entry is FREE. Glendale history online at...

Activities Guide / Summer 2013

The Sahuaro Ranch Park Historic Area is a 17-acre historic site with buildings built between 1887 and 1961 and a historic landscape of fruit trees. FREE ADMISSION!

ADVENTURES IN HISTORY, youth summer camp

June 10-13, Monday - Thursday, 9 a.m. to noon Youth, ages 6 to 10, can experience history through games, activities and crafts at the Adventures in History Camp. Activities take place inside the Ranch’s historic buildings and throughout the historic area. Daily themes include “Dirty Work,” “Movin’ & Grovin’” and “Old Time Technology.” $35 (non-resident $42). For more information, call 623930-4201. TO SIGN UP, SEE PAGE 17. (Sign up code #483111-02)


Visit the historic Main House (built between 1891-1898). Learn details about the house, its role at the Ranch and about the people who lived there. Through May 31, the house is open Wed. thru Sat., 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., and Sun., 1 to 4 p.m. The Main House is also open in June and July, Fri.–Sat., 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Closed in August. Main House tours will resume Sunday, September 1. Please call 623-930-4200 to schedule group tours with more than 10 people.


Sahuaro Ranch Park Historic Area, with its unique and historical features can be the perfect place to host your next event (some restrictions apply). With multiple venues, indoor and outdoor, your event will be impressive. Our customer-focused staff will make your experience truly memorable. Contact a rental coordinator at 623-930-4202 for more information or to reserve your special date!


EDUCATIONAL FIELD TRIPS for schools. For details, call 623-930-4201. BE A VOLUNTEER! - For details on how you can volunteer, call 623-930-4201.

Commercial photography permits are required in the Sahuaro Ranch Park Historic Area. Permits are $100 and are good for one year. Visit for details and to purchase permits.


City of Glendale Parks, Recreation & Library Services



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