My Community - Winter 2011

Page 1

WINTER EDITION / Dec. ’10 – Mar. ’11

my community the City of Glendale Community Services Group Magazine

Parks & Recreation Inside

library and arts

– page 25



! – page 3


Recreation nside! i s e s s a l c t – page 13 special interes

Code Compliance

– page 40

Community Action Program

– page 41

Community Partnerships

– page 42

get into


– page 3

Winter 2011 / My Community 1 visit us at...

welcome Welcome to

my community,

a magazine just for you! Published quarterly by the City of Glendale Community Services Group (CSG), it’s free and highlights information on Parks and Recreation, Library and Arts, Community Partnerships, Code Compliance and Community Action Program. Our goal is to keep you informed and in touch with programs that will make a difference in your life. To subscribe to my

community, call 623-930-2822 or visit

ParksandRecreation/magazine.cfm. If you currently have a Glendale Parks and Recreation Magazine subscription, you will now be receiving my

community magazine instead.

Make a difference in your community! Volunteer for one of the Community Services Group departments. For details, visit us online at

The City of Glendale Community Service Group complies with the Americans with Disabilities Act. If you need special accommodations, please call the phone numbers noted under this magazine’s department headings. Hearing impaired may call the TDD line at 623-930-2197.

Party, Meeting or Reception? Think Glendale Parks & Recreation.

GREAT Facilities! GREAT Rates! For details, call 623-930-4327

or visit ParksandRecreation/RecreationRentals.cfm


My Community / Winter 2011

parks and recreation

= Heart-Healthy Activity

get into



5850 W. Glendale Ave.


a new year... a new YOU !

ake your New Year’s fitness resolution happen with the help of Glendale Parks and Recreation! Take the first step to getting into

shape in 2011... by getting a Recreation Pass at the Foothills Recreation & Aquatics Center and workout at the fantastic Fitness Center

(page 7)... or sign up for one of our great Exercise/Sports Special Interest Classes (page 13) or Adult Sports programs (page 11)... or just keep reading for more great fitness options waiting


M–F 8 a.m.–5 p.m.



Facility Rentals ................................ 2 Just for Youth & Teens .................... 4 Youth & Teen Sports/Exercise... 5, 20 Glendale Community Center . ......... 5 YWCA Senior Program ................... 5 Adaptive Recreation . ...................... 6 Foothills Recreation & Aquatics Center ......................... 7 Aquatics .......................................... 8 Glendale Adult Center ................... 10 Adult Sports/Exercise ..............11, 13 SIGN UP NOW! ............................12 Special Interest Classes... 13 Sign Up........................................12 Exercise/Sports........................... 13 Class Locations/Legend ............. 14 Dance.......................................... 16 Culinary Arts................................ 16 Personal Development................ 17 Cultural Arts................................. 18 Music...........................................19 Languages................................... 19 Computer..................................... 19 Youth/Teen...................................20

for YOU at your Glendale

Parks and Recreation Cancellation and Refund Policy ....................... 14

Parks and Recreation!

Youth Scholarship Fund ................ 24 Parks & Facilities Map . ............38-39 Sahuaro Ranch Park Historic Area ...........................41, 43

Discover us on FACEBOOK at & TWITTER at

Glendale Parks and Recreation classes and activities are open to ALL Valley residents! (Non Glendale residents pay non-resident rates.)


Our mission... “Engage residents and visitors in diverse opportunities to live, invest and play in the community.” Winter 2011 / My Community


just for youth & teens Check out the youth/teen special interest classes starting on page 20 and the Small Stars Youth Sports Clinic on page 5.

Before/After School Licensed Recreation Program The “AM/PM” and “PM ONLY” programs are licensed recreation programs providing a variety of activities for children ages 5 to 13. Featured are arts and crafts, recreation activities, guest speakers and much more! The program’s goal is the total well-being and safety of each and every child. Educational activities, snacks, arts and crafts, guest speakers and homework time are offered by caring, adult staff members. The programs are regulated by the Arizona Department of Health Services and can accept DES qualifying families (contact your caseworker for information on DES). PRE-REGISTRATION IS REQUIRED, including a non-refundable registration fee for the school year. Registration must be completed at least 2 business days prior to program site attendance. As part of your registration, each family will select one of the programs on the right. Registration booklets with more information are available at each site or at the Glendale Parks and Recreation office at 5850 W. Glendale Ave. For more details, contact Eric at efields@ or 623-930-2832 or Austin at 623-930-2018.


(Program starts 1/3/11. Closed national holidays or when campus is closed. Open early release days.)

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Desert Mirage Elem., 8605 W. Maryland Ave. Sahuaro Ranch Elem., 10401 N. 63rd Ave Canyon Elem., 5490 W. Paradise Ln. Kachina Elem., 5304 W. Crocus Dr.



AM/PM / Canyon or Sahuaro Ranch Elementary ONLY. FULL PROGRAMS Part-Time........................................$42........................ $51 Full-Time . ......................................$65........................ $78 Early Release Fee (single day only).$15........................ $15 PM ONLY / ALL locations. 1st hour, K-2nd - Desert Mirage ONLY. Part-Time........................................$15........................ $18 Full-Time.........................................$25........................ $30 Release–6 p.m. Part-Time........................................$36........................ $43 Full-Time.........................................$55........................ $66 Early Release Fee (single day only). .$15........................ $15 INTERCESSION / SELECT locations. (Open at dismissal time for early release and parent-teacher conference days). 7 a.m.–6 p.m...................................$20........................ $25 ADDITIONAL FEES JAN. 3-14 SPECIAL: 1st time 2010-11 registrants NO registration fee.

Registration (all programs).............$30........................ $36 Late Payment (past Thurs.)................. $5/day per child Late Pick Up (past close)...................$5 every 5 minutes Early Release Day (PM attendees)................ $5 Early Release Day (AM attendees)............... $15

Glendale Recreation After School Program

G.R.A.S.P., is a supervised, drop-in recreation program for Glendale youth, grades 1st through 8th. Professional staff provides a variety of fun and educational programs including study time, indoor/outdoor activities, clubs, games, mini tournaments and guest speakers. Participants can register at the G.R.A.S.P. sites, noted at the right, during the first two weeks of school. When registering, proof of residency, such as a utility bill, vehicle registration or drivers license must be provided; otherwise, the non-resident supply fee will apply. After the initial two-week registration period, registrations must be completed at the Glendale Parks and Recreation office at 5850 W. Glendale Ave., Mon.-Fri., 8 a.m.–5 p.m. Supply fee per semester: $35 (Non-resident $45). For more information, call 623-930-4700.


My Community / Winter 2011

Resident Non-Resident

AM ONLY / Canyon or Sahuaro Ranch Elementary ONLY. 6:30 a.m.–School Start Part Time (1-3 days / week)............$18........................ $22 Full-Time (4-5 days / week)........... $30........................ $36

G.R.A.S.P. Sites

Program starts 1/3/11 Early dismissal schedules vary. Mon.–Fri.: Dismissal–6 p.m.

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Glendale Community Center, 5401 W. Ocotillo Rd. O’Neil Recreation Center, 6448 W. Missouri Ave. Rose Lane Recreation Center, 5003 W. Marlette Ave.

Barcelona Elem. School (Grades 4-8 only) 4432 W. Maryland Ave.

Sma ll Stars

Youth Sports Clinic

Basketball, Recreation as an introduction to Presented by Glendale Parks and . and girls ages 4 to 7 (as of 1/25/11) Baseball and Soccer for boys ants ticip par so Clinic focuses on fundamentals This 6-week, 12-date Youth Sports warm up/ clinic includes practice skill drills, can move on to league play. The s are Tuesdays date ic short scrimmage games. Clin conditioning, review of rules and p.m. . 3. Choose either, Session I: 5:30-6:30 and Thursdays, JAN. 25–Mar . and Paseo Sports Complex, 63rd Ave or Session II: 6:45-7:45 p.m. at the te of ifica cert nt $70). Includes clinic t-shirt, Thunderbird Rd. $60 (Non-reside gym shoes al/ribbon. Participants must wear completion and participation med sent during es). Parent/guardian must be pre (NO sandals, boots or open toe sho tion, call 623-930-2834. the entire clinic. For more informa 8 ($10 added late an. 7, Late Sign Up BEGINS Jan. Sign Up Dec. 6–J . 623-930-2820 OR SEE PAGE 12 sign up fee). TO SIGN UP, CALL 6-01; Session II: #721106-02.

Sign Up Codes - Session I: #72110

Glendale Community Center “We make dreams a reality.” Serving residents “in the heart of Glendale,” the Glendale Community Center offers great programs for Youth, Teens and Seniors. For more information in English, call 623-930-4700 or in Spanish, call 623-930-4703. Si tiene preguntas o no habla inglés, por favor llame al 623-930-4703 y hable con Pauline. Gracias.

YWCA Senior Program FREE! Activities include bingo, health and beauty, field trips and more! Senior program hours are M-F, 8 a.m.-2 p.m. The YWCA Senior Lunch Program offers hot meals for age 60+, M-F., 12-12:30 p.m. ($2 suggested contribution or whatever you can afford.) Call 623-930-4700, 24 hours in advance.

Youth Program (1st-8th Grade)

Featuring G.R.A.S.P. - the Glendale Recreation After School Program. For details, see page 4.

Teen Program (9th-12th Grade)

For details on the great teen program, call 623-930-4700.

5401 W. Ocotillo Rd. • 623-930-4700 Winter 2011 / My Community


adaptive recreation Adaptive Recreation offers specially designed activities for individuals with physical, mental, emotional or social disabilities. For more information about this program, please contact Katherine at 623-930-4333 or (Refund requests must be made one week in advance of the activity.)


* With the goal of enhancing programs for citizens with disabilities, the City of Glendale partners with the City of Peoria in the Glendale/Peoria Special Recreation Alliance program, which offers cooperative programs between the two cities.

Wednesdays, FEB. 2–23 • 5:30–6:30 p.m. (Ages 8+) Want a fun and creative way to display your photographs? Join us as we learn basic scrapbooking techniques such as layout, matting and embellishing. You will come away with a beautiful scrapbook full of good memories. Please bring lots of pictures you want to include in your scrapbook. No experience necessary. Glendale Adult Center, 5970 W. Brown Street, Room 105. • $16 (Non-Resident $19). All supplies, including scrapbook are included. TO SIGN UP, SEE PAGE 12. Code #461122-11


Challenger Little League*

The No-Bake Cooking Class

Mondays, JAN. 3–31 (No Class Jan. 17) • 5:30–6:30 p.m. (Ages 8+) Students will stay busy and safe while they prepare delicious meals that don’t require an oven. They’ll be delighted with the meals they prepare and eat! Glendale Adult Center Dining Room Area, 5970 W. Brown St. • $28 (Non-Resident $34). TO SIGN UP, SEE PAGE 12. Code #464121-11

Theatre Kidz

Thursdays, JAN. 6–MARCH 24 • 5:30–7 p.m. (Ages 8-23) If you enjoy singing, dancing and acting, this is for you! Learn the basics of musical theatre in this fun class. The finale is YOU performing on stage with friends and family in the audience! For more information, call 623930-4333. Glendale Adult Center Stage, 5970 W. Brown St. • $20 (Non-resident $24). TO SIGN UP, SEE PAGE 12. Code #464112-11

Winter Bowling Bonanza

Saturdays, JAN. 8–FEB. 26 • 9–11 a.m. (Ages 8+) Make new friends, improve your game and enjoy the support of other participants! Parents, guardians and care givers are asked to assist those with special needs to make this a rewarding experience. Bowling ramps are available to registered bowlers. Instruction is not provided. Questions? Call 623930-4333. Glenfair Lanes Bowling Alley, 6110 N. 59th Ave. • $18 (Non-resident $21). Includes the use of a bowling ball and shoes. TO SIGN UP, SEE PAGE 12. Code #451011-11


My Community / Winter 2011

Saturdays, FEB. 5–APR. 23 • 8:30–10:30 a.m. (Ages 7-21) Dust off that baseball glove and join us for practices and games! This league features two divisions – Instructional or Competitive – and meets at Clarence B. Hayes Memorial Park, 9845 N.75th Drive. This program is provided in cooperation with the cities of Glendale and Peoria and The Rio Vista Little League. SIGN UP BY JAN. 28 at the Peoria Community Center, 8335 W. Jefferson. Volunteer coaches and “buddies” are needed. Call Paula at 623-773-7923 for details. • $25 per person.

Bingo Extravaganza Night*

Friday, MAR. 25 • 7–9 p.m. (Ages 10+) Get the family together (siblings and parents are welcome) and head to the Peoria Community Center, 8525 W. Jefferson, for an evening of bingo, dinner, prizes and lots of family fun • $5 per person. Preregistration is required. Call 623-773-7436. ———————————————————————————————

Glendale Adaptive Advisory Committee

Help us plan and organize programs or share a special talent and volunteer! Our Committee’s goal is to expand the Glendale Parks and Recreation Department’s adaptive program to include more opportunities for children and youth of all abilities. We meet the second Thursday of every month at the Glendale Adult Center, 5970 W. Brown, from 4:30-5:30 p.m. For more information, contact Katherine O’Connor at 623-930-4333 or


Day Passes Available NEW... FREE WI-FI

Foothills Recreation Pass NO contracts, NO joining fees. A Recreation Pass includes basic aerobic classes, scheduled fitness lap swimming, recreational basketball, badminton, volleyball, Wally Ball, as well as use of the fitness center, rock wall, walking/jogging track, racquetball courts, activity room, lounge area and locker facilities. Purchase your pass at the Center by using Visa, MasterCard, American Express, check or cash. Renew you pass with a credit card by calling 623-930-4600.

Foothills Recreation Pass Rates Residency is based on physical address and zip code on the City of Glendale boundary map. Proof of residency will be required, such as a Glendale water bill, along with picture identification. Recreation punch passes are valid for one-year from the date of purchase. Stop at the Foothills front desk to complete required paperwork, make your payment and get your facility ID. 15-Punch 30-Punch Daily Monthly Annual Pass Pass Pass


Glendale Resident...... $35.......... $350.......... $60.......... $120...........$5 Non-Resident............. $42.......... $420.......... $72.......... $144...........$6


5600 W. Union Hills Dr. 623-930-4600




Hours: M-F: 5:30 a.m.-10 p.m. SA: 7 a.m.-8 p.m. SU: 11 a.m.-5 p.m. Holidays as posted Stop in for a free guided tour of our facility! FREE community areas available 7-days a week include the Lobby and Activity Room.

Turtle Club – While you enjoy the amenities of the Foothills Center, the Turtle Club child care center provides a fun, supervised environment for your children ages 2 to 9. For rates and hours of operation, just stop at the front desk.

CHECK OUT OUR GREAT RENTAL FACILITIES – perfect for your next party, event or meeting! For details, call Susan at 623-930-4327. Our year-round heated pool is also available for rental. For information, call Zach at 623-930-2838. Volunteer Opportunities – Call 623-930-4609. Special Interest Classes – A variety of classes are held at the Foothills Center. For details, see page 13.

Non Prime Time – Mon.-Fri.. 9-11 a.m. and 2-4 p.m.

Glendale Resident...... $25.......... $250............ –............... –..............$4 Non-Resident ............ $30.......... $300............ –............... –..............$5

2 Person – Any two people residing at the same address.

Glendale Resident ..... $55.......... $550............ –............... –................– Non-Resident ............ $66.......... $660............ –............... –................–

Family – Two related persons plus unlimited, unmarried, related

children residing at the same address, 20 years of age or younger. Glendale Resident...... $65.......... $650............ –............... –................– Non-Resident............. $78.......... $780............ –............... –................–

Student (Ages 13-19)

Glendale Resident...... $20.......... $200........ $37.50........ $75............$3 Non-Resident ............ $24 ......... $240.......... $45........... $90............$4

Youth (Ages 5-12)

Glendale Resident ..... $15.......... $150.......... $30........... $60.......$2.50 Non-Resident............. $18.......... $180.......... $36........... $72............$3

Senior (Ages 55+)

Glendale Resident...... $20.......... $200.......... $30........... $60............$4 Non-Resident............. $24.......... $240.......... $36........... $72............$5

Group/Corporate – Maximum of 20 people, ages 9+. Group must include 51% Glendale residents with proof of residency OR payment must be in the form of a company check from a Glendale business (with proof that the business pays taxes to the City of Glendale). Group must submit one form of payment for a monthly or annual pass when registering. Passes are nontransferable and may not be sold. No individual pass refunds or transfers allowed. Glendale Resident..... $350........ $3500........... –............... –................–

Foothills Fitness

Foothills Recreation Pass required. Get your Recreation Pass and enjoy the Foothills Fitness Center — a great place to improve overall health and well-being. It features strength training, cardio, free weights, a warm-up/stretching area and an indoor track. For an added fee, certified personal trainers and a nutritionist are also available. Questions? Call 623-930-4624. The Rock Wall isn’t just for kids. Test your upper body strength and climbing abilities on this great indoor wall with a variety of different levels of climbing available. For scheduled hours of operation, inquire at the front desk. Open Gym Basketball, Badminton AND Volleyball - Looking for a spot to shoot some hoops? Open basketball is available throughout the week. Schedules are available at the front desk. Basketballs are provided. Open badminton and volleyball are both available on Sundays: badminton from 11 a.m.-1:45 p.m. and volleyball from 2-4:45 p.m. on half the court. Contact the front desk at 623-930-4600 to verify availability. Winter 2011 / My Community


Foothills Aquatics

Foothills Happenings

Fitness Lap Swimming – Offered year round at select times. Monthly schedules are available at the Foothills front desk or at www. (Recreation Pass required. Details on page 7.) Get healthy this New Year and join THE BIG SWIM lap swimming participation program to win prizes simply for swimming laps! For more information, call 623-930-4600.

Santa CHASE 5K Family Fun Run Sat., Dec. 18, STARTS 9 A.m. Join Santa for this 5K run along Skunk Creek Trail. There will be prizes for division winners! (Non-chipped timing.) $20 prior to Dec. 17. $25 on run day. Includes event t-shirt and $5 Dicks Sporting Goods coupon. Questions? Call 623-930-4609 or 623-930-4610. SIGN UP DETAILS, PAGE 12. Code #351457-01

Deep Water Aerobic Classes – Held in the lap pool or diving well. Aqua belts, kickboards and noodles are provided. Begins Jan. 10. For sign up information and times, stop at the Foothills front desk or visit FoothillsCenter. American Red Cross Lifeguard Training and CPR/AED for the Professional Rescuer Classes – (Age 15+) Participants must be strong swimmers with Red Cross Level 4 swimming skills or equivalent. $125 (Non-resident $150) includes required books and pocket mask. Sessions start Dec. 18, Feb. 19, Mar. 12 and 19. Get complete details and sign up information at OnlineRegistration.cfm or pick up a flyer at the Foothills Front Desk. Note: Certification does not guarantee employment in the City of Glendale aquatics program. For more information, call 623-930-4600. American Red Cross Water Safety Instructor Certification Course – (Age 16+) Participants must have basic knowledge of, and ability to correctly demonstrate swimming freestyle, backstroke, breaststroke, butterfly, elementary backstroke and side stroke. $125 (Non-resident $150) includes required books. Sessions start Apr. 2 and 16. Get complete details and sign up information at www. cfm or pick up a flyer at the Foothills Front Desk. Note: Certification does not guarantee employment in the City of Glendale aquatics program. For more information, call 623-930-4600.


Youth New Years Eve Lock-In Fri., Dec. 31, 8 p.m.–Sat., Jan. 1, 8 a.m. (Ages 5-12) Under adult supervision, children will have a GREAT time rock climbing, playing basketball/volleyball and participating in other specially-planned activities. Participants should wear gym attire/tennis shoes and bring sleeping bag/ pillow and pajamas. $40/per person (Non-resident $50/per person) includes snacks and breakfast. Advance sign Up required on a first-come, first-served basis and will be accepted until Dec. 29. Emergency/Authorization form must be completed by Dec. 29. SIGN UP DETAILS, PAGE 12. Code #351258-01 (No refunds) FREE! Foothills HEALTH FAIR Sat., Jan. 29, 10 a.m.–1 p.m. Join us as a variety of exhibitors help you start off to a healthier new year! Exhibits will feature information for both youth and adults. For more information, call 623-930-4608. Luck of the Draw Middle School 3-on-3 Coed Basketball Tourney Sat., Jan. 22, 3 p.m. (6th–8th grade) Come and show off your skills! One player on each team must be above a pre-determined height, with remaining players added to the team based on a random drawing. Winners get a t-shirt and Dick’s Sporting Goods $5 certificate. $3 (Non-resident $5). Sign up by Jan. 20. SIGN UP DETAILS, PAGE 12. Questions? Call 623-9304610. Code #311257-01

Sat., Dec. 11, 10 a.m.–Noon

4th Annual Santa’s Workshop — Kids of all ages are invited to this event

where holiday gifts can be purchased (everything is $1) for family, friends and even pets! Arrive early for best gift selections. Santa’s elves will be on site to wrap selections in holiday wrapping paper. Pictures with Santa will be available for $3. Questions? Call 623-930-4610.


My Community / Winter 2011

FREE! Foothills Food Fair

Sat., Feb. 5, 11 a.m.–2 p.M. Experience an explosion of flavors! Sample culinary delights from a variety of dining establishments. Learn to spice up your family meals! Select discount dining coupons will be available. Questions? call 623-930-4609 or 623-930-4612. (For information on exhibiting, call Carren at 623-930-4609.)

4th Annual Foothills After Hours for Families Sat., Mar. 5, 8:30 p.m.–10:30 p.m.

Join us as we provide a variety of FUN and healthy activities. Participate in the Foothills Treasure Hunt, Wii tournament, corn toss and more! Please wear gym shoes and gym attire. Light refreshments served. $20/family. For more information, call 623-930-4610.

Foothills Activities Adult Points-Based Poker League Mon. 6:30 p.m., beginning Jan. 10 (Ages 18+) This recreational 9-week league includes eight regular-season games and an end-of-the-year tournament. $15 (Non-Resident $19) includes cards, chips and miscellaneous supplies. Questions? Call 623-930-4610. SIGN UP DETAILS, PAGE 12. Code #311151-01

points-based Racquetball Leagues Mon. 6-8 p.m., Dec. 6–Jan. 31 (no play Jan. 17) Advanced: Wed. 6-8 p.m., Dec. 8–Jan. 26.

For a challenging and energetic game of racquetball, join one of our points-based leagues supervised by our racquetball pro. $24 (Non-resident $30). For more information, call 623-930-4608. SIGN UP DETAILS, PAGE 12. Codes: Mon. #311103-01; Wed. #311103--02 Couch Potato to 5K Beginning Running for Adults Sat. 9 a.m. for 8 weeks BEGINNING Jan.8 (Ages 18+) Go from the couch to the 5K finish line with training that gradually increases your endurance and fitness level. Receive guidance every step of the way in a fun group setting. Each session starts with a 30-minute running-related workshop followed by a group training run. On Mar. 5, those interested in putting their skills to the test can meet at Westgate City Center and run the 6th Annual Kids’ Chance of Arizona 5K (separate registration fee). $25 (Non-resident $30). SIGN UP DETAILS, PAGE 12. Code #331156-01

FREE! Game Nights at the Rec

Every Mon. & Fri. (exc. holidays) 6:30 pm Join us for games and tournaments ranging from ping pong to Wii tournaments. No pre-registration required. For more information, call 623-930-4610.

Give the gift of health! Holiday Gift Cards


Give a Recreation Pass, personal training or nutrition session or special interest class as a gift. To purchase, just stop at the Foothills front desk.


Active Adult Programs For more information, call 623-930-4609.

FREE! COFFEE TALK & CARDS Every Tue. & THUR., 8–11 a.m. Enjoy a card game and camaraderie of fellow participants. All skill levels/ages welcome. Play bridge on Thursdays. (Party/duplicate bridge available for beginners.) Foothills Center Lobby. BEGINNER RACQUETBALL FOR WOMEN Every Thur., 11 a.m–Noon. Available to Foothills Recreation Pass holders. Receive free coaching, learn new skills, rules and tips! Foothills Center Racquetball Courts. Sign up at the Foothills fitness desk. Silver & Fit Level 2 Fitness Classes Tue. 10–11 a.m. & Thur. 8–9 a.m. Available to Foothills Recreation Pass holders, this class is for moderately active older adults who exercise at least one to two days per week. FREE! WALKING GROUP 1st and 3rd Fri., 8 a.m. Get an aerobic workout by simply putting one foot in front of the other, while enjoying the scenic Skunk Creek Trail. Leashed pets welcome. Winter 2011 / My Community


glendale adult center 5970 W. Brown St. • 623-930-4321 • M–F: 8 a.m.–7 p.m. SA: 9 a.m.–1 p.m. & 7–9:30 p.m. • Closed Sunday


hether you’re looking for a challenging activity, such as a fitness program, or just a friendly place to spend some time, the Glendale Adult Center is the place for you! Serving Glendale residents for over 25 years, we offer ages 18 years and over activities and programs for all abilities and participation levels. Activities you can enjoy include working out in the fitness center, aerobics, pinochle, bingo, bridge, baseball darts, shuffleboard, billiards, ping pong, music, Wii interactive sports games, weekly movies, Saturday night dances, a lunch program and more! Stop in and let us show you around. We’re located at 5970 W. Brown St., and while you’re here, pick up your FREE copy of our HORIZONS newsletter, detailing Center activities. We hope to see you soon! You may also check us out online at

..................................................................... The Glendale Adult Center is open to both Glendale residents and non-residents. To ensure that Glendale Adult Center participants enjoy quality facilities and programming, an annual facility use fee is collected. The $10 resident and $15 non-resident fee (activity fees are additional) covers the cost of issuing participant ID badges and helps off-set facility and programming expenses. To join us, just stop at the front desk and a helpful staff member will assist you in becoming an active Glendale Adult Center participant.

................................. Saturday Night Dances

@ the Adult Center

Join us on the following Satudays, 7–9:30 p.m., for a night of dancing and refreshments in an alcohol and smoke-free environment! $3 per person (in addition to $10 resident; $15 Non-resident; OR $2 Daily Use Pass Facility User Fee) • Room 107 December 11......................... Country Line Dance December. 18........................ Country Line Dance January 8............................... Country Line Dance January 15............................. Country Line Dance January 22............................. Ballroom Dance January 29............................. Country Line Dance February 5............................. Ballroom Dance February 12........................... Country Line Dance February 19........................... Country Line Dance February 26........................... Ballroom Dance


My Community / Winter 2011

Craft Time

@ the Adult Center

Faceting Tue./Wed./Thur. • Lab 1–5 p.m. Learn the basics of precision cutting/ grinding of gems and precious stones. $25 for class and $3 each lab time for 12 sessions. Open Lab is $4 per session.

Ceramics Tue. • 8 a.m.–Noon • Room 105 No sign up necessary. Small firing fee charged.

Lapidary Workshop Tue./Wed./Thur. • 8 a.m.–Noon; Tue./Thur. • 4–7 p.m.; Sat. • 9 a.m.–1 p.m. • Room 110 Learn to cut and polish stones for jewelry. Great for all skill levels. $4 per session.

– –

Silversmithing Mondays • 9 a.m.–1 p.m. • Room 110 Fridays • 2–6 p.m. • Room 110 Fix-It Shop Fridays • 8 a.m.–Noon • Room 110 The fix-it guys repair small household appliances (no TVs, VCRs or computers). Donations accepted.



(Sewing experience required) Wednesdays • 9 a.m.–Noon • Room 103 Make items to be donated to nursing homes, child care centers, etc. Donations of clean cotton material and yarn are appreciated. (Knitting experience required) Wednesdays • 1–3 p.m. • Room 103 Join us for an afternoon of knitting. Make items to donate to cancer patients. Bring your own needles and supplies, yarn is provided.

adult sports LEAGUE SIGN UP TAKES PLACE ON THE DATES NOTED UNDER EACH SPORT at the Parks & Recreation office, 5850 W. Glendale Ave., 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Glendale Parks & Recreation does not place individuals on teams, but individuals may be listed on a Free Agent List made available to teams short on players. If you would like to be placed on the Free Agent List or if you have any questions about Adult Sports, please contact Mike D. at 623930-2841 or Adult Sports program participants must be age 18 or older. To receive Glendale resident rates, proof of residency must be provided and must show address and be current within 60 days. Examples include driver’s license, water bill, etc. (Teams will pay the maximum non-resident fee until proof of residency is verified, then a refund will be issued for the appropriate amount. Refunds take 7-10 business days.)


Adult COED SOFTBALL Leagues REGISTER DECEMBER 7–15 (weekdays only, 8 a.m.-5 p.m.) at the Glendale Parks & Recreation office, 5850 W. Glendale Ave. Pick up a Sign Up Packet and return the completed packet during these dates. Returning teams and new teams roster and temporary receipt will be due at time of registration. For more information, call 623-930-2841. LEAGUE BEGINS: FRIDAY, JANUARY 7 ORGANIZATIONAL MEETING: MONDAY, DECEMBER 6, City Council Chambers, 5850 W. Glendale Ave. Meeting topics will include league format, rule changes, sign up and lottery information. (Teams represented by a manager or team player during the entire meeting will receive a $50 OFF COUPON for league sign up.) RETURNING TEAMS Meet 6 p.m. Returning teams will lottery for available team spots. Due to minimal playing fields at this time, any returning team that does not obtain a spot to play in the 2011 winter season will still have returning team status for the 2011 spring season (starting March 25). NEW TEAMS meet 7 p.m. New team lottery will be Saturday, December 18.

RATES: Returning and Glendale Resident Teams: $475 • Non-resident Teams: $565. Includes double-header, 14-game regular season; single-elimination tournament; administrative fees; softballs; lights; awards for winning teams; officials and field staff. (These rates do NOT include the organizational meeting $50 off coupon discount.) New teams who choose to be a resident team may call 623-9302841 on or after Dec. 16 to confirm team’s resident status. NUMBER OF TEAMS: Leagues are based on 8 maximum, 6 minimum. If leagues do not fill, teams will be placed in another league if space permits. FORMAT/DAYS/LOCATIONS: Teams play a double-header format one night a week on the following days and locations. (PSC = Paseo Sports Complex, 63rd Ave & Thunderbird Rd., FSC = Foothills Sports Complex, 57th Ave & Union Hills Dr.) Friday Night League Park Starts Coed C/D............FSC........ 1/07 Coed B/C........... PSC........ 1/07

Sunday Night League Park Starts Coed B/C.......... PSC.......... 1/09 Coed C/D.......... FSC.......... 1/09

Questions? Call 623-930-2841.


Adult 4 MAN FLAG FOOTBALL Leagues REGISTER: FEBRUARY 7–11 LEAGUE BEGINS: SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 27 MANDATORY MANAGERS MEETING: Thursday, February 24, 6 p.m. at City Hall, 5850 W. Glendale Ave., in room B-2. Teams are required to have one representative at this meeting. Any team not represented will forfeit their first scheduled game. RATES: Glendale Resident Teams (Minimum 2 Glendale residents): $265 • Non-Resident Teams: $320. Includes 10 regular-season games, single-elimination tournament, administrative fees, equipment, lights, awards for winning teams, officials and site staff. DAY/LOCATION: Sundays at the Sahuaro Ranch Park main soccer field, 9802 N. 59th Ave. NUMBER OF TEAMS: 16 maximum, 8 minimum. Questions? Call 623-930-2841.

Need a venue for your next sports event? Glendale Parks & Recreation offers a variety of sports fields rental options. For details, call 623-930-2820.

Winter 2011 / My Community




In Person


www. parksandrecreation

623-930-2820 M–F: 8 a.m.–5 p.m.

Glendale Parks & Recreation 5850 W. Glendale Ave. M–F: 8 a.m.–5 p.m.

Complete the Sign Up Form below and send it with your payment, along with a selfaddressed stamped envelope, to one of the locations noted on the form.

– just follow the easy to use, online instructions! NEW! Set up your account online.

623-930-4600 M–F: 7 a.m.–9 p.m. SA: 8 a.m.–7 p.m. SU: 11 a.m.–4 p.m.

Foothills Recreation & Aquatics Center 5600 W. Union Hills Dr. M–F: 7 a.m.–9 p.m. SA: 8 a.m.–7 p.m. SU: 11 a.m.–4 p.m.

– have class/activity information ready.

Pay with Visa, MasterCard or American Express.

Pay with Visa, MasterCard or American Express.

Pay with VISA, MasterCard, American Express, cash, check or money order payable to City of Glendale.

Pay with check or money order payable to City of Glendale.

After you sign up, you will receive a printed confirmation of your class/activity. Online you will receive a screen receipt that can be printed. If you do not receive confirmation prior to your class/activity start date, call 623-930-2820. Your confirmation will serve as notice for you to attend on the specified start date. You will not be able to attend if your name is not on the class/activity roster. All classes and activities are subject to change depending upon instructor availability and minimum/ maximum enrollment and are subject to cancellation due to insufficient enrollment. In the event of a cancellation, you will be notified by phone and may request a transfer or refund. For CURRENT cancellation / refund policy, see page 12. All information is subject to change without notice. Some fees do not include materials or supplies. Estimated cost of the materials or supplies will vary with quality and quantity used. For assistance, call 623-930-4600 or 623-930-2820. For Class Legend and Locations, see page 14.

For special accommodations, call 623-930-4613. Hearing impaired can call the TDD at 623-930-2197.

Sign Up Form

Make check or money order payable to: City of Glendale.





New address? Check box HOME PHONE







MAIL or BRING to one of these locations: – Glendale Parks & Recreation 5850 W. Glendale Ave., Glendale, AZ 85301 – Foothills Recreation & Aquatics Center 5600 W. Union Hills Dr., Glendale, AZ 85308

DATE OF BIRTH (For Children)




TOTAL Notification is given regarding sign up status at time of receipt. If received through mail, notification is mailed.

NOTICE: Participants should be aware that there is some risk involved in these activities and that all participants do so at their own risk. Medical insurance is not provided by the city of Glendale.


My Community / Winter 2011

parks and recreation

special interest classes Advance sign up is required.

See page 12 to SIGN


Special Interest Class question? Call Lori at 623-930-4613. Keep track of the classes you want to take by marking your selections — then see page 12 to sign up!



ages 13 and over unless otherwise noted.


BOOT CAMP-GET IN SHAPE A certified fitness trainer leads you through resistance and cardiovascular training, abdominal workouts and nutritional guidance. Join other boot campers in this motivational, encouraging and fun environment. Don’t let the name scare you! No matter what your fitness level, this will be a great workout for you. 1 hour. Instructor: OLONA. • $105

(Non-resident $126) JAN. 10 M/W/TH 4:30 PM (4 WEEKS) FC-EXA #241102-01 FEB. 14 M/W/TH 4:30 PM (4 WEEKS) FC-EXA #241102-02 MAR. 21 M/W/TH 4:30 PM (4 WEEKS) FC-EXA #241102-03


AEROBICS-LOW/HIGH COMBO Have fun while getting fit! Workout at your own pace to choreographed music. Focus on warm-up/stretching, monitored cardio respiratory training, kick boxing, floor work, muscle toning of problem areas and cool down/relaxation. Wear aerobic workout shoes, bring a mat and water. Free weights may be used if desired. Ages 18+. No class Feb. 21. 1 hour. Instructor: BOONE (Aerobics and CPR-certified instructor). • $54 (Non-resident $65) JAN. 24 M/W 6 PM (10 WEEKS)




EXTREME CONDITIONING This class is designed to push you to your limits. Includes cardio conditioning, muscular and core strengthening, distance running and more! Expect to increase your endurance, strength, agility and speed, along with your self esteem and well being. Design your own workout schedule. 1 hour. Instructors: OLESON / SIEGREST (Valley fitness instructors with 15+ years experience). • 1 CLASS PER WEEK $55 (Non-resident $66) • 2 CLASSES PER WEEK $100 (Non-resident $120) • 3 CLASSES PER WEEK $150 (Non-resident $180) • UNLIMITED CLASSES PER WEEK $200 (Non-resident $240) Start time... M: 9:30 AM or 5:30 PM TU: 6 AM W: 8:30, 9:30 AM or 5:30 PM TH: 6 AM F: 9:30 AM. SA: 8 AM






#241150-01 #241150-02 #241150-03 #241150-04


#241150-05 #241150-06 #241150-07 #241150-08



INDOOR CYCLING For all levels. Adjust the cycles and simulate riding hills, sprints, jumps, flats and more. The more wheel tension you add, the more difficult the “ride.” Bring a water bottle and towel. 50 minutes. Instructors: OLESON / SIEGREST (Valley fitness instructors with 15+ years experience). • $30 (Non-resident $36) JAN. 10 JAN. 11 JAN. 11 JAN. 12 JAN. 14 JAN. 15 FEB. 21 FEB. 22 FEB. 22 FEB. 23 FEB. 25 FEB. 26

M 8:30 AM (6 WEEKS) T 9 AM (6 WEEKS) T 5 PM (6 WEEKS) W 6 AM (6 WEEKS) F 4:30 PM (6 WEEKS) SA 9:10 AM (6 WEEKS) M 8:30 AM (6 WEEKS) T 9 AM (6 WEEKS) T 5 PM (6 WEEKS) W 6 AM (6 WEEKS) F 4:30 PM (6 WEEKS) SA 9:10 AM (6 WEEKS)


#241199-01 #241199-02 #241199-03 #241199-04 #241199-05 #241199-06 #241199-07 #241199-08 #241199-09 #241199-10 #241199-11 #241199-12


WARRIOR X-FIT Fitness training with a martial arts flair. Transform your body, fitness level and frame of mind. Improve strength, aerobic fitness, flexibility, coordination and balance while adding excitement to your exercise routine. Expect amazing results. No previous training required. Instructor will collect $14.50 for resistance band. 1 hour. Instructor: KEENE. • $79

(Non-resident $95) JAN. 3 M/W/F 10 AM (4 WEEKS) KEENE’S #141183-01 JAN. 4 T/TH ** PM (4 WEEKS) KEENE’S #141183-02 FEB. 2 M/W/F 10 AM (4 WEEKS) KEENE’S #141183-03 FEB. 1 T/TH ** PM (4 WEEKS) KEENE’S #141183-04 MAR. 2 M/W/F 10 AM (4 WEEKS) KEENE’S #141183-05 MAR. 1 T/TH ** PM (4 WEEKS) KEENE’S #141183-06 ** T/TH class meets on Tues. at 6:50 p.m. & Thur. at 6:10 p.m.


JUMP START FITNESS This early workout will give you the energy you need to make it through the day. It’s great for every fitness level. Take advantage of special bonus workout days throughout the session. 1 hour. Instructor: DE LA MONTAIGNE. • $160 (Non-resident $192) JAN. 3 FEB. 14 MAR. 28

M/W/F 5:35 AM (6 WEEKS) FC-GYM #241120-01 M/W/F 5:35 AM (6 WEEKS) FC-GYM #241120-02 M/W/F 5:35 AM (6 WEEKS) FC-GYM #241120-03


ICE SKATING LESSONS/TEEN-ADULT BEGINNER For those who wished they would have started skating sooner. You will be up and skating in 8 weeks. Rental skates included. Ages 14+. 30 minutes. Instructor: PEORIA POLAR STAFF. • $84 (Non-resident $101) JAN. 12 JAN. 15

W 6:15 PM (8 WEEKS) SA 9:45 AM (8 WEEKS)


#141150-01 #141150-02


Winter 2011 / My Community


Special Interest Classes Locator Map AC

Glendale Adult Center, 5970 W. Brown St.



SIGN UP details page 12.

Acoma Park, 53rd Ave. & Acoma Rd.


Arizona Shotokan Karate, 5815 W. Glendale Ave.


Community Center North, 14075 N. 59th Ave.



Desert Mirage Golf Course, 8710 W. Maryland


Foothills Recreation and Aquatics Center, 5600 W. Union Hills Dr.



Glen Lakes Municipal Golf Course, 5450 W. Northern Ave.



Keene’s ATA Martial Arts, 6740 W. Deer Valley Rd., D-106

Find your class location on this easy to use map!


Leap of Faith Performance Arts Center, 10820 N. 43rd Ave.





Northern Horizon Park, 63rd & Northern Avenues.




O’Neil Building, 6448 W. Missouri


On Stage Dance Academy, 6666 W. Peoria Ave. #116


Paseo Racquet Center, 6268 W. Thunderbird Rd.



Peoria Polar, 15829 N. 83rd Ave.




Thunderbird Paseo Park, 67th Ave. just south of Greenway Rd.


Thunderbird Paseo (Retention Area), 59th Ave. south of Thunderbird Rd.



Special Interest Classes Legend A

SEP 24 TU 6 PM (6 WEEKS)









A: Check Box: Keep track of the classes you want to take by checking the box. B: Start date of class C: Day(s) class is held TU=Tuesday W=Wednesday F=Friday SA=Saturday

M=Monday TH=Thursday SU=Sunday

D: Start time of class (class description notes length) E: Duration of course F: Class location (location map directory above) G: Class Code: Use this number when signing up for the class

Denotes a heart-healthy activity


My Community / Winter 2011

Glendale Parks & Recreation... Cancellation Policy • All class cancellation requests must be submitted at least 7 calendar days in advance of the class start date. • All class registrations are subject to a $5 cancellation fee per class/ program per participant. • Refunds will not be given for classes that are missed. • Cancellation requests due to medical reasons that are not submitted 7 days in advance must provide documentation in order to receive a pro-rated refund. • Youth sports cancellations will be responsible for equipment fees in addition to the $5 cancellation fee if the request is submitted less than two weeks prior to the start of the season. Refund Policy • If a refund is less than $25, a credit will be applied to the registrant’s household account and can be used for future classes or programs with Glendale Parks and Recreation. • Refunds $25 and over will be processed either by credit card or check depending on original payment method.


GROUP FITNESS Looking to improve your strength, endurance and well-being? Group Fitness is offered in a setting with 1 to 4 people. Must be a Foothills Recreation Pass holder (page 7). Schedule time with trainer, Kris at 623-329-7788, before registering. 1 hour. Instructor: SIEGREST (15+ yrs experience). • $25/hour JANUARY TH 8:30 AM–12:30 PM FEBRUARY TH 8:30 AM–12:30 PM MARCH TH 8:30 AM–12:30 PM


#241194 #241195 #241196


HEALTHY HABITS: LIFESTYLE AND WEIGHT MANAGEMENT Learn how to incorporate healthy habits into your daily life through diet and exercise. This class features cardiovascular and strength training workouts for all levels and covers topics such as setting goals, food journaling, balancing calories, overcoming obstacles, eating out, cooking up healthy meals, healthy shopping strategies and more. Bring an exercise mat, two dumbbells (5-8 lbs.) and water. 1 hour. Instructor: CORCORAN. • $199 (Non-resident $239) JAN. 18





AIKIDO This unique martial art lets you defend yourself without fighting. Control your opponent by blending with their motion and energy, not by kicking or punching. Great for students of all sizes and abilities, beginners welcome. This is an on-going, monthly class. Continuing students will be eligible for belt advancement. Ages 14+. 1-½ hours. Instructor: FLEEGLE. • $50 (Non-resident $60) JAN. 5 W/SA ** PM (1 MONTH) CCN FEB. 2 W/SA ** PM (1 MONTH) CCN MAR. 2 W/SA ** PM (1 MONTH) CCN ** W/SA class meets on Wed. at 6 p.m. & Sat. at 11 a.m.

#141111-01 #141111-02 #141111-03


TENNIS TENNIS I: For those who have played little or no tennis. Learn the basic strokes to enjoy the game. TENNIS II: For those who have graduated from the beginner’s course or haven’t played for a while. Learn advanced strokes, scoring and playing strategies. Ages 19+. 1 hour. Instructor: PASEO RACQUET CENTER PROFESSIONALS. • $66 (Non-resident: $79)


BEGINNING KARATE (SHOTOKAN) Learn traditional Japanese-style karate basics (kihon), forms (kata) and sparring (kumite). Emphasis is placed on traditional manners and self-discipline. At the end of the course, students will be eligible to test for their first rank (9th KYU Exam). Beginning students will receive a Gi (karate uniform). 1 hour. Instructor: HYDER. • $115 (Non-resident $138)

JAN. 3 M/W 6 PM; SA 10 AM (10 WEEKS) AZSK #141113-01 JAN. 4 TU/TH/SA 10 AM (10 WEEKS) AZSK #141113-02 JAN. 4 TU/TH 7PM; SA 10 AM (10 WEEKS) AZSK #141113-03


KARATE Learn traditional Shotokan Karate. Practice is divided into basic kicks, punches, forms and self-defense training. No grading fees. Beginners welcome. Ages 7+. 1 hour. Instructor: SCHROPP. • $54 (Non-resident $65) JAN. 4




JAPANESE JUDO Learn basic judo postures and salutations, how to move on the mat, control your opponent and be thrown safely. Also techniques of grappling, locking, choking, escaping and sequence combinations will be demonstrated and taught. Ages 11+. No class Jan. 17 and Feb. 21. 1-½ hours. Instructor: DR. MOORE. • $18 (Non-resident $22) JAN. 5 FEB. 2 MAR. 2

M/W 7 PM (1 MONTH) M/W 7 PM (1 MONTH) M/W 7 PM (1 MONTH)


#241112-01 #241112-02 #241112-03


T’AI CHI (YANG STYLE) Derived from an ancient Chinese martial art, Tai Chi movements, when practiced slowly, can have certain health benefits such as improved balance, flexibility and stress reduction. Investigate the first third of the 36 posture Yang style form. 1-½ hours. Instructor: GILL. • $53 (Non-resident $64) JAN. 13





W 6:30 PM (8 WEEKS)



T’AI CHI Experience the flow of new energy as you learn the principles and beginning movements of T’ai Chi (Yang form). Better balance, flexibility and stress management are health benefits gained from the study of this ancient Chinese martial arts. 1 hour. Instructor: BURR. • $41 (Non-resident $49)

W 7:30 PM (8 WEEKS)





GOLF 101 Looking for the golfer that wants to get started or has been playing but needs to sharpen their skills. Learn the FUNdamentals including grip, swing, chipping, putting, short game, rules, confidence, etiquette and more. Ages 18+. 1-½ hours. Instructor: SWARTZ. • $108 (Non-resident $129) JAN. 18 FEB. 3 FEB. 12 MAR. 6 MAR. 9


T 6 PM (4 WEEKS) TH 6 PM (4 WEEKS) SA 10:30 AM (4 WEEKS) SU 12 PM (4 WEEKS) W 6 PM (4 WEEKS)


#141181-01 #141181-02 #141181-03 #141181-04 #141181-05


PILATES Great class for beginners or those needing a more challenging workout. It’s mat pilates with the addition of rings, small medicine balls, exercise bands, weighted balls and big medicine balls. Ages 16+. 1 hour. Instructor: JUNEAU. • $36 (Non-resident $43) JAN. 12 W 6:45 PM (4 WEEKS) FEB. 9 W 6:45 PM (4 WEEKS) MAR. 9 W 6:45 PM (4 WEEKS)

FC-EXA #241121-01 FC-EXA #241121-02 FC-EXA #241121-03

JAN. 13


FC-EXB #241179-01

MARTIAL ARTS - TAE KWON DO Learn martial arts in a positive and encouraging atmosphere. Learn self-defense while getting a workout and building a “Yes I Can” attitude for life. (Optional uniform may be purchased for $30). Ages 9+. 1 hour. Instructor: TEMPLEMAN. • $38 (Non-resident $46) JAN. 7 F 7 PM (5 WEEKS) FEB. 18 F 7 PM (5 WEEKS)

FC-EXB #241175-01 FC-EXB #241175-02


GENTLE YOGA Yoga “calms the howling of the mind” restoring balance and inner peace. Instruction combines kundalini breathing (pranayama) with stretches and bodywork (asana). Most of the class is done on the floor on a soft mat with variations offered for those who prefer to sit on a chair. Wear exercise clothes and bring a foam rubber exercise mat and towel. No class Jan. 17 and Feb. 21. Ages 16+. 1-½ hours. Instructor: CZUKOR. • $65 (Non-resident $78) JAN. 10 M 11 AM (10 WEEKS) JAN. 10 M 5:30 PM (10 WEEKS) JAN. 14 F 11 AM (10 WEEKS)

FC-EXB #241124-01 AC-PV #141124-02 FC-EXB #241124-03



Winter 2011 / My Community



SIGN UP details page 12.

HATHA YOGA Yoga provides an opportunity to gain flexibility and balance in both the body and mind. Class will focus on poses, using breath work and meditation. All levels welcome. Dress appropriately by wearing loose/stretchy, comfortable clothing. Bring a yoga mat and water. 1 hour. Instructor: JUNEAU. • $39 (Non-resident $47) JAN. 22 MAR. 19

SA 8:30 AM (8 WEEKS) SA 8:30 AM (8 WEEKS)

FC-EXB #241188-01 FC-EXB #241188-02


YOGALATES A system of pilates and yoga that enhances core strength, balance and flexibility through breath and flow. Yoga brings about peace to the mind, body and spirit. Pilates strengthens abs, back and legs. Wear appropriate attire. 1 hour. Instructor: JUNEAU. • $50 (Non-resident $60) JAN. 11 FEB. 8 MAR. 8

TU/TH 5:30 PM (4 WEEKS) FC-EXB #241122-01 TU/TH 5:30 PM (4 WEEKS) FC-EXB #241122-02 TU/TH 5:30 PM (4 WEEKS) FC-EXB #241122-03



ages 13 and over unless otherwise noted.

ZUMBA Zumba fuses hypnotic Latin rhythms and easy-to-follow moves to create a dynamic fitness program. Class includes interval training sessions using fast and slow rhythms. Ages 15+. 1 hour. No class Jan. 17. Instructor: GUEST. • $39 (Non-resident $47) M 6:45 PM (6 WEEKS) SA 11 AM (6 WEEKS) M 6:45 PM (6 WEEKS) SA 11 AM (6 WEEKS)


#231140-01 #231140-02 #231140-03 #231140-04


HULA Get a taste of Hawaii. A great course to learn Hula basics. Bring something to wrap around your hips or a pa’u skirt. Ages 13+. 1 hour. Instructor: SEGURITAN. • $35 (Non-resident $42) JAN. 11


FC-EXB #231181-01


PERFORMANCE DANCE An exhilarating and fun class designed to build confidence and enhance presence in front of groups. Skills learned in dance can be applied to all types of presentations. Ages 18+. 50 minutes. Instructor: BATES. • $48 (Non-resident $58) JAN. 9 FEB. 27


FC-EXA #231188-01 FC-EXA #231188-02


RHYTHM & MOVEMENT Learn the fundamentals of rhythm and music applied to jazz and hip hop. See how fun and easy it is to learn dance. 50 minutes. Instructor: BATES. • $48 (Non-resident $58) JAN. 9 FEB. 27


FC-EXA #231187-01 FC-EXA #231187-02


THRILLER Michael Jackson, the “King of Pop,” captivated audiences with his style and dance moves. Learn to dance to one of the best known music videos of all time, Thriller. No partner needed. Ages 15+. No class Jan. 17. 50 minutes. Instructor: BATES. • $48 (Non-resident $58) JAN. 3 FEB. 28

M 6:30 PM (6 WEEKS) M 6:30 PM (6 WEEKS)

FC-100 FC-100

#231147-01 #231147-02


INTERMEDIATE LINE DANCE Learn the Rio, Bosa Nova, and more! 1 hour. Instructor: TERRY and ROSEMARY LUTZ. • $23 (Non-resident $28) FEB. 3

TH 8:30 AM (8 WEEKS)





BALLROOM Learn to dance the Tango, Waltz and more. Learn correct posture, dance frame and footwork with poise and grace. Ages 15+. 50 minutes. Instructor: BATES. • $48 (Non-resident $58)

BALLROOM 101 JAN. 6 TH 7 PM (6 WEEKS) FC-100 FEB. 24 TH 7 PM (6 WEEKS) FC-100 BALLROOM 202 (must have taken Ballroom 101) JAN. 3 M 7:30 PM (6 WEEKS) FC-100 FEB. 28 M 7:30 PM (6 WEEKS) FC-100 BALLROOM 303 (must have taken Ballroom 202) JAN. 5 W 8:30 PM (6 WEEKS) FC-100 FEB. 23 W 8:30 PM (6 WEEKS) FC-100

#231149-01 #231149-02 #231146-01 #231146-02 #231145-01 #231145-02


LATIN TONE & TECHNIQUE Learn the movements and technique of the Samba, Rumba and more. Come dressed to sweat. Wear sneakers or Latin dance shoes. No partner needed. Ages 15+. 50 minutes. Instructor: BATES. • $48 (Non-resident $58) JAN. 6 FEB. 24


FC-100 FC-100

#231148-01 #231148-02



JAN. 3 JAN. 8 FEB. 28 FEB. 26


My Community / Winter 2011


A fun class that provides the basics of jazz dance with emphasis on jazz moves, placement, alignment control and technique. 1 hour. Instructor: FRANE. • $45 (Non-resident $54) JAN. 26 W 8 PM (8 WEEKS) FC-EXA #231138-01 JAN. 29 SA 2 PM (8 WEEKS) FC-EXA #231138-02


SWING DANCE (BALLROOM DANCE) Have fun learning the most popular steps in swing and add to steps you already know. Singles/couples welcome. 1 hour. Instructor: ROMANI (17+ years teaching experience). • $48

(Non-resident $58) SWING I JAN. 11 TU 7:15 PM MAR. 1 TU 7:15 PM SWING II JAN. 11 TU 8:15 PM MAR. 1 TU 8:15 PM


FC-100 FC-100

#231171-01 #231171-02


FC-100 FC-100

#231172-01 #231172-02


BEGINNING SALSA DANCING Learn to find the rhythm to different Latin songs and the Cuban Motion (movement of your hips). You’ll be asked to rotate dance partners to get a better grasp on leading and following. Ages 15+. 50 minutes. Instructor: BATES. • $48 (Non-resident $58) JAN. 5 FEB. 23

W 7:30 PM (6 WEEKS) W 7:30 PM (6 WEEKS)

FC-100 FC-100

#231150-01 #231150-02


culinary arts

ages 13 and over unless otherwise noted.


GOURMET COOKING ON A DIME Need a bit of inspiration for your meals? Determined to give your family a delicious, quality meal? Tight budget? Rebecca Turrigiano of “Gourmet Cooking on a Dime,” invites you to discover the joys of cooking. Italian cuisine: Topics feature marinara and bolognese sauce, pasta with cream sauce, spaghetti, pizza and more! INTERNATIONAL Cuisine: Highlights English/British, Indian, Filipino cuisine and more! $20 supply fee will be collected. 2-½ hours. Instructor: TURRIGIANO ( • $85 (Non-resident $102) ITALIAN CUISINE (No class Jan. 18) JAN. 11 TU 6:30 PM (4 WEEKS) INTERNATIONAL CUISINE: FEB. 15 TU 6:30 PM (4 WEEKS)







SIMPLE STIR-FRY Learn basic stir-fry techniques. Impress friends and family with popular stir fry dishes such as Kung Pao, house fried rice and chow mein. $10 supply fee will be collected at class. 3 hours. Instructor: READY SET COOK. • $43 (Non-resident $52) JAN. 16 FEB. 5 MAR. 12 MAR. 20

SU 11:30 AM (1 DAY) SA 5 PM (1 DAY) SA 5 PM (1 DAY) SU 11:30 AM (1 DAY)


#201148-01 #201148-02 #201148-03 #201148-04


LET’S MAKE PASTA Learn to make a variety of homemade pastas, such as sauté shrimp pasta with creamy sun dried tomato sauce. Focus will be on making pastas from scratch, garlic to spinach, and also gnocchi. It’s fun, easy and fresh pasta is out of this world! $10 supply fee collected at class. 3 hours. Instructor: READY SET COOK. • $43 (Non-resident $52) JAN. 15 FEB. 6 MAR. 6

SA 5 PM (1 DAY) SU 11:30 AM (1 DAY) SU 11:30 AM (1 DAY)


#201149-01 #201149-02 #201149-03


BASIC COOKING TECHNIQUES Learn basic cooking techniques such as portioning, reduction, thickening agents, floured meats and sauces while learning to prepare a variety of dishes. $10 supply fee will be collected. 3 hours. Instructor: READY SET COOK. • $43 (Non-resident $52) JAN. 9 FEB. 19 MAR 27

SU 11:30 PM (1 DAY) SA 5 PM (1 DAY) SU 11:30 PM (1 DAY)


#201152-01 #201152-02 #201152-03


CAKE DECORATING BASICS Learn the right way to decorate a cake and how to bake a great cake! Learn how to create icing drop and pom pom flowers, rosettes, shells, leaves, shaggy mums and more. “Method Decorating Basics” kit, available at craft stores, is required. Kit costs approximately $34. Supply list provided at class. Spanish on request. 3 hours. Instructor: FINAN. • $65 (Non-resident $78) JAN. 15





BASIC FLOWERS AND CAKE DESIGN Learn new techniques to make beautiful pansies, lilies and the famous rose. Take home your completed cakes. “Flowers and Cake Design” kit, available at craft stores, is required. Kit costs approximately $34. Supply list provided at class. Spanish on request. 3 hours. Instructor: FINAN. • $65 (Non-resident $78) FEB. 12





GUM PASTE AND FONDANT Discover the exciting world of cake decorating using gum paste and fondant. Learn to create hand-shaped flowers, bows, mums, roses, carnations, embellished borders and more! “Gum Paste and Fondant” kit, available at craft stores, is required. Kit costs approximately $34. Supply list provided at class. Spanish on request. 3 hours. Instructor: FINAN. • $65 (Non-resident $78) MAR. 12





PETIT FOURS Discover the techniques of melting chocolate and using molds to create beautiful Petit Fours, the hit of any party. $20 supply fee will be collected at class. Spanish on request. 4 hours. Instructor: FINAN. • $31 (Non-resident $37) MAR. 7

SU 1 PM (1 DAY)




DELICIOUS DESSERT SQUARES Learn to make a variety of dessert squares including pineapple, crispy crunch and more. You’ll get to take home your treats. $20 supply fee will be collected at class. Spanish on request. 5 hours. Instructor: FINAN. • $35 (Non-resident $42) FEB. 6

SU 1 PM (1 DAY)





AMAZING MARINADES Ever wonder how meats from some restaurants are so tender and tasty? Marinade is the secret! Learn the basics of marinating and brining and bring marinade to a whole new level. $10 supply fee collected at class. 3 hours. Instructor: READY SET COOK. • $43 (Non-resident $52) JAN. 22 FEB. 20 MAR. 13

SA 5 PM (1 DAY) SU 11:30 AM (1 DAY) SU 11:30 AM (1 DAY)


#201151-01 #201151-02 #201151-03


SALAD-VINAIGRETTE Tired of salad dressing from the store? Discover new dressings and learn the major components that make up a vinaigrette. $10 supply fee collected at class. 3 hours. Instructor: READY SET COOK. • $43 (Non-resident $52) JAN 29 FEB. 26 MAR. 19

SA 5 PM (1 DAY) SA 5 PM (1 DAY) SA 5 PM (1 DAY)


#201154-01 #201154-02 #201154-03


ROULADE Roulade came from the French word “Rouler” which means “to roll.” A roulade is elegant and provides a beautiful plate presentation. The skills that you’ll acquire in this class will bring your culinary skill to the next level! $10 supply fee collected at class. 3 hours. Instructor: READY SET COOK. • $43 (Non-resident $52) JAN. 23 MAR, 18

SU 11:30 AM (1 DAY) F 6 PM (1 DAY)


#201155-01 #201155-02


CREATE FABULOUS BREAKFASTS Throw a little twist into your Sunday breakfast routine. We’ll explore great Sunday brunch items liked shirred eggs, frittata and quiche. $10 supply fee collected at class. 3 hours. Instructor: READY SET COOK. • $43 (Non-resident $52) JAN. 8 FEB. 12 MAR. 5 MAR. 14

SA 5 PM (1 DAY) SA 5 PM (1 DAY) SA 5 PM (1 DAY) M 6 PM (1 DAY)


#201156-01 #201156-02 #201156-03 #201156-04


personal development

ages 13 and over unless otherwise noted.


BEGINNING ACTING CLASS Ever watch a movie or TV show and said, “I would love to try acting.” Then this class is for you! Let your imagination soar as you work on monologues, scenes and acting techniques. At the end of class, you’ll show off what you have accomplished! No experience needed. 1-½ hours. Instructor: Leibowitz. • $75 (Non-resident $90) JAN. 11

T 9:30 AM (8 WEEKS)




ORGANIC GARDENING Enjoy delicious, healthy, home-grown fruits and vegetables freshly picked from your garden. Learn to prepare soil, make compost and use organic fertilizers and soil amendments. 4 hours. Instructor: SCHILLER. • $34 (Non-resident $41) FEB. 8

T 2 PM (1 DAY)




DIGITAL PHOTOGRAPHY Learn basic and advanced features of digital cameras in a hands-on, easy-to-understand approach. We’ll discuss the principles behind the symbols on the camera. Bring a digital camera (with the ability to be manually set) along with the owner’s manual. A comprehensive booklet will be provided. 4 hours. Instructor: SCHILLER. • $49 (Non-resident $59) MAR. 23

W 5:30 PM (2 WEEKS)




Winter 2011 / My Community


SIGN UP details page 12.


DIGITAL PHOTOGRAPHY BASICS Designed for those who have just purchased a point-andshoot or DSLR digital camera or looking to purchase one. This beginner class covers basic functions, terms, assessing the camera and what features are best suited for your needs. Discuss and compare differences between a point-and-shoot and DSLR as well as choices of lenses. A handy, comprehensive booklet will be provided. 4 hours. Instructor: SCHILLER. • $37 (Non-resident $44) FEB. 8

TU 9:30 AM (1 DAY)




DIGITAL PHOTOGRAPHY & PHOTO-ENHANCING Learn basic and advanced features of digital cameras in an easy, hands-on approach with tips, one-on-one help and details about photo-enhancing software. Discuss the camera symbols and their functions as it relates to improving photography skills. Time will be allotted in class for picture taking. Bring a digital camera (must have ability to be manually set) with the owner’s manual. A comprehensive booklet will be provided. 4 hours. Instructor: SCHILLER. • $65 (Non-resident $78) FEB. 15

TU 9:30 AM (3 WEEKS)




DOG BEHAVIOR TRAINING Train your dog using friendly, nonviolent techniques. Sit; stay; come; down; walking on a leash; behavior topics (yours and the dog’s); solving problems such as chewing, barking, biting, jumping, digging; “separation anxiety” and more are covered. Bring your dog, leash, treats in small pieces, water bowl, water, your dog’s favorite toy and any training equipment already in use. Manual and training aid included. Handlers 16 and under must be accompanied by an adult. Dogs must be at least five months old and have proof of shots. 1-½ hours. Instructor: SPENCER-SNIDER. • $59 (Non-resident $71)

JAN. 18 TU 7 PM (4 WEEKS) ACOMA #151187-01 JAN. 22 SA 9 AM (4 WEEKS) T-BIRD #151187-02 FEB. 15 TU 7:30 PM (4 WEEKS) ACOMA #151187-03 FEB. 19 SA 9 AM (4 WEEKS) NHORIZ #151187-04 Completed the class, but would like to continue? Have questions or problems? “Come when you can.” Call 602-861-9256 for information on times and fees. Class size is limited. ———————————————————————————————————————————————

CPR AND FIRST AID TRAINING Be prepared in an emergency! Learn basic CPR and first aid, providing you the knowledge and skills necessary to administer emergency care in cases of injury or sudden illness. Successful completion cards will be distributed. Optional health care provider offered for an additional $5, payable at class. Ages 12+. 3 hours. Instructor: TUTRONE. • $37 (Non-resident $44) JAN. 20 FEB. 10 MAR. 10

TH 6 PM (1 DAY) TH 6 PM (1 DAY) TH 6 PM (1 DAY)

FC-206 FC-206 FC-206

#251141-01 #251141-02 #251141-03


PLAN FOR THE FUTURE: HOW AN ESTATE PLAN PUTS YOU IN CONTROL Establish or refine your financial and estate planning goals. Learn to avoid probate; the ins and outs of wills, trusts, living wills and powers of attorney; how to protect your assets and more. Ages 18+. 2-½ hours. Instructor: HARNDEN (CPA, CFP, PFS). • $18 per person/couple (Non-resident $22) FEB. 16

W 6:30 PM (1 DAY)




MYSTERY SHOPPING Looking for extra income? Imagine eating at a restaurant or going to the movies and getting paid to do it. Learn what mystery shopping is, how to get started, get assignments and evaluate places such as restaurants, movie theaters, etc. Class is based on instructor’s 15 years experience in the field. Ages 18+. 4 hours. Instructor: SCHILLER. • $31 (Non-resident $37) FEB. 15

T 2 PM (1 DAY)





My Community / Winter 2011


INTRODUCTION TO VOICEOVERS Ever wanted to be the voice everyone hears on commercials and documentaries? This fun, interactive class covers details of the industry, the importance of marketing and of a demo tape. You’ll be coached and recorded for a personal evaluation. Be warned, many who have taken this class have gone on to become real, bona-fide professional voice actors! Ages 18+. 2 hours. Instructor: A professional voice actor from VOICES FOR ALL STAFF. • 38 (Non-resident $46) MAR. 22

T 7 PM (1 DAY)

FC-BOB #251127-01


cultural arts

ages 13 and over unless otherwise noted.


DRAWING - SPECIALIZING IN PORTRAITS Learn to draw portraits in pencil with easy-to-follow instructions. If you really want to, you can, with a hands-on instructor. For class supply list, call 623-972-5570. No class Feb. 21. 2 hours. Instructor: FRANCIS. • $62 (Non-resident $74) JAN. 24

M 10 AM (8 WEEKS)




SCULPTING & HAND BUILDING WITH CLAY Learn to create a sculpture with the guidance of a professional artist. Create ceramic pieces using hand building techniques. $20 supply fee will be collected at the first class. No class Mar. 18. 1-½ hours. Instructor: BARBOUR (former arts academy instructor). • $68 (Non-resident $82) JAN. 14 MAR. 4

F 1 PM (3 WEEKS) F 1 PM (3 WEEKS)

AC-105 AC-105

#121134-01 #121134-02


GLASS FUSION JEWELRY Create a set of jewels as unique as you! Colored glass is layered and kiln fired to create a beautiful glass pendant and set of matching earrings. $20 supply fee will be collected at the first class. 1-½ hours. Instructor: BARBOUR (former arts academy instructor). • $48 (Non-resident $58) JAN. 28 FEB. 25 MAR.25

F 7 PM (1 DAY) F 7 PM (1 DAY) F 7 PM (1 DAY)

FC-212 FC-212 FC-212

#221124-01 #221124-02 #221124-03


INTRODUCTION TO DRAWING Explore a variety of drawing techniques including shading, blending, perspective and composition. Projects include drawing objects, still life, landscape, anatomy and more. Bring pencil/ paper, ruler, eraser, scotch tape, white glue and scissors to the first class; materials list will be discussed. 3 hours. Instructor: EISENBERG. • $65 (Non-resident $78) JAN. 13

TH 6:45 PM (6 WEEKS)




PORTRAIT/LANDSCAPE PAINTING In this introductory class, you’ll create lively and brilliant colored landscapes and/or portraits. Learn value, tone and art principles in painting. For supply list, call 623-878-5932 prior to first class. 2-½ hours. Instructor: KIMBLE. • $59 (Non-resident $71) JAN. 12 MAR. 2

W 6 PM (6 WEEKS) W 6 PM (6 WEEKS)

FC-208 FC-208

#221140-01 #221140-02


OIL PAINTING Paint along with the instructor while creating your own masterpiece. Learn the layered approach and explore the methods of the old masters of realism. Learn charcoal sketching, paint application and brush techniques. Bring your paints, brushes and canvas to the first class. Instructor will call prior to first class with supply list or call 602-938-2036. 2-½ hours. Instructor: MARTIN. • $60 (Non-resident $72) JAN. 13






OIL/ACRYLICS PAINTING Color composition, brush strokes and more are highlighted in this class. Expect lively class interaction in a relaxed atmosphere. Instructor will call with supply list or call 623-8785932. 3 hours. Instructor: KIMBLE. • $60 (Non-resident $72) JAN. 11 MAR. 1


FC-208 FC-208

#221141-01 #221141-02


POTTERY WHEEL THROWING Throw a lidded dish, large serving bowl and large vase in this pottery wheel throwing class. Class is limited to 4 students. Ages 16+. $20 supply fee will be collected at the first class. No class Feb. 19 and March 19. 2-½ hours. Instructor: BARBOUR (former arts academy instructor). • $118 (Non-resident $142) JAN. 15 FEB. 5 MAR. 5

SA 9:15 AM (3 WEEKS) SA 9:15 AM (3 WEEKS) SA 9:15 AM (3 WEEKS)

AC-105 AC-105 AC-105

#121131-01 #121131-02 #121131-03



ages 13 and over unless otherwise noted.


SINGING FOR ADULTS Enjoy learning voice technique, projection, presentation, posture and more, and have the opportunity to perform as a soloist and in an ensemble. Ages 14+. 1 hour. Instructor: THE PHOENIX CONSERVATORY OF MUSIC. Class #281130-01 • $68 (Non-resident $82); #281130-02 • $58 (Non-resident $70) JAN. 12 MAR. 2

W 7:30 PM (6 WEEKS) W 7:30 PM (5 WEEKS)

FC-204 FC-204

#281130-01 #281130-02


BEGINNING GUITAR Bring your acoustic guitar and make music! Learn hand positions, basic theory and more. No experience necessary. Notebook/pencil suggested. Ages 15+. No class Nov. 11 and 25. 1 hour. Instructor: THE PHOENIX CONSERVATORY OF MUSIC FACULTY. Class #281122-01 • $68 (Non-resident $82); Class #281122-02 • $58 (Non-resident $70) JAN. 13 MAR. 3

TH 7:30 PM (6 WEEKS) TH 7:30 PM (5 WEEKS)

FC-204 FC-204

#281122-01 #281122-02


BEGINNING (ACOUSTIC) GUITAR Bring your guitar, and learn basic chords, strums, how to read music and more! $7 book fee collected at the first class (Hal Leonard Guitar Method, Book 1, 2nd edition). Ages 12+. 2 hours. Instructor: MOORE. • $71 (Non-resident $85) JAN. 22 JAN. 22

SA 10:30 AM (8 WEEKS) SA 1:30 PM (8 WEEKS)

AC-102 FC-204

#181121-01 #281121-02


ELEMENTS® AMAZING ELECTRONIC PIANO-KEYBOARD / ADULT LEVEL 1 From the Beatles to Bach, from Broadway hits to movie themes, this award-winning method teaches keyboard skills on real songs you know and love. This program uses brilliantly conceived visual tools that show students how music works. Keyboards and all materials are provided for classroom use. For more information, call 480 325-2684. 1 hour. Instructor: ELEMENTS STAFF. • $97 (Non-resident $117) JAN. 18

TU 6:30 PM (6 WEEKS)





ages 13 and over unless otherwise noted.


FUN WITH FRENCH Expand your knowledge of French through a variety of activities including French scrabble, vocabulary bingo, card games and songs. Prerequisite: French for Fun and Travel, Speak Easy or some knowledge of the language. 1-½ hours. Instructor: KLEIN. • $67 (Non-resident $80) JAN. 14

F 10 AM (6 WEEKS)




ITALIAN BEGINNING: Start speaking Italian from the first lesson. Learn conversational Italian for immediate, effective results. Whether you want to learn Italian for your next vacation or for personal enrichment, this class will get you started. CONTINUING: For those who have competed beginning Italian or already know some of the basics. Ages 14+. $50 collected at the first class for textbook/CD. 1 hour, 20 minutes. No class Feb. 21. Instructor: TOFANI (native Italian instructor). • $54 (Non-resident $65)








SPANISH I: Learn greetings, days of the week and more. Emphasizes basic sounds of the alphabet, vowels and phrases. Verb usage and grammar introduced. SPANISH II: For those who have taken Spanish I or have prior Spanish instruction. Ages 14+. 1-½ hours. Instructor: DAVIS. • $57 (Non-resident $68) SPANISH I JAN. 13 TH 5:30 PM (8 WEEKS) SPANISH II JAN. 13 TH 7 PM (8 WEEKS)







ages 13 and over unless otherwise noted.


UNDERSTANDING E-MAIL Open your own e-mail account. Learn to send messages, set up an address book, reply and forward messages and send attachments. 2 hours. Instructor: LABATE. • $29 (Non-resident $35) JAN. 25 T 5 PM (1 DAY) FEB. 1 T 9 AM (1 DAY) MAR. 1 T 5 PM (1 DAY)

AC-100 AC-100 AC-100

#111112-01 #111112-02 #111112-03


INTERNET Learn the basics of the internet, the terminology, opening links, changing the homepage and more. 3 hours. Instructor: LABATE. • $34 (Non-resident $41) JAN. 11 FEB. 8

T 9 AM (1 DAY) T 3 PM (1 DAY)

AC-100 AC-100

#111101-01 #111101-02

—————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— The City of Glendale strives to hire the most qualified instructors to teach our Special Interest Classes. Some instructors may have their own businesses which offer additional classes, sell products or services related to the class. At no time should the instructor promote his/her business, sell products or services unless it and the cost is clearly stated in the brochure and is directly related to and used in the class. If the participant chooses to continue any type of business relationship with the instructor or their related business outside the class, the City of Glendale cannot be held liable for any consequences. Nor will the instructor contact you outside of class for the purpose of soliciting your business unless you have granted the instructor permission to do so.

—————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— Winter 2011 / My Community



SCANNING AND EDITING MADE EASY Learn scanning techniques, how to import images into other programs and how to save images and documents for print and internet. Please bring documents or photos to be scanned. Ages 18+. 2 hours. Instructor: SCHILLER. • $28 (Non-resident $34) FEB. 22

T 2 PM (1 DAY)



SIGN UP details page 12.


MICROSOFT WORD Basic Word 2007. Information covers keyboard, mouse, screen, tabs, ribbons, working with a disk, saving documents and printing. 3 hours. Instructor: LABATE. • $34 (Non-resident $41) FEB. 14 MAR. 14

M 9 AM (1 DAY) M 3 PM (1 DAY)

AC-100 AC-100

#111109-01 #111109-02


MICROSOFT WORD II Intermediate Word 2007. Learn about menus, tabs, ribbons, file folders, paint program and “card 101.” 3 hours. Instructor: LABATE. • $34 (Non-resident $41) FEB. 15 MAR. 15

TU 9 AM (1 DAY) TU 3 PM (1 DAY)

AC-100 AC-100

#111114-01 #111114-02



Parents, unless noted otherwise, we ask that only youth and teen participants attend class. An open house will be held the last day of class for observation.


youth/teen exercise / sports


TUMBLING FOR TOTS (Ages 3-5) Learn basic tumbling moves like front and back rolls, cartwheels, bridges and more. No class Feb. 21. 45 minutes. Instructor: RONCO. • $53 (Non-resident $64) JAN. 24 JAN. 29

M 4 PM (6 WEEKS) SA 10 AM (6 WEEKS)

FC-EXB #241246-01 FC-EXB #241246-02


TUMBLING (Ages 6-12) A fun and exciting way to improve coordination, concentration and self-esteem. Learn basic tumbling moves like handstands, backbends and more! No class Feb. 21. 1 hour. Instructor: RONCO. • $53 (Non-resident $64) JAN. 24 JAN. 29

M 5 PM (6 WEEKS) SA 11 AM (6 WEEKS)

FC-EXB #241241-01 FC-EXB #241241-02


TUMBLING (Ages 3-7) Mat tumbling, such as rolls, cartwheels and back handsprings, is taught to develop skills to be later incorporated in dance and performances. No class Feb. 21. 45 minutes. Instructor: LEAP OF FAITH STAFF. • $62 (Non-resident $75) AGES 3-5 JAN. 29 SA 9:15 AM (6 WEEKS) AGES 5-7 JAN. 24 M 4 PM (6 WEEKS)







My Community / Winter 2011

TUMBLING (Ages 3-11) Learn tumbling basics. Build strength, coordination and flexibility as well as hand/eye and foot/eye coordination. 1 hour. Instructor: ON STAGE DANCE ACADEMY. • $43 (Non-resident $52) AGES 3-5 JAN. 7 F 3 PM FEB. 4 F 3 PM MAR. 4 F 3 PM AGES 6-11 JAN. 5 W 4 PM FEB. 2 W 4 PM MAR.2 W 4 PM



#141268-02 #141268-04 #141268-06



#141268-01 #141268-03 #141268-05


LIL’ SLUGGERS BASEBALL (PARENT/CHILD) (Ages 2-6) Introduces fielding, throwing, hitting, base recognition and motor skill development. A glove is recommended; all other equipment is provided. PARENT ASSISTANCE IS REQUIRED! Please arrive on time and bring a water bottle. 45 minutes. Instructor: BEGINNERS EDGE SPORTS TRAINING STAFF. • $69 (Non-resident $83) AGE 2 JAN. 8 FEB. 19 AGE 3 JAN. 8 FEB. 19 AGES 4-6 JAN. 8 FEB. 19

SA 10 AM (6 WEEKS) SA 10 AM (6 WEEKS)

TP-BFR1 #141237-02 TP-BFR1 #141237-05


TP-BFR1 #141237-01 TP-BFR1 #141237-04

SA 11 AM (6 WEEKS) SA 11 AM (6 WEEKS)

TP-BFR1 #141237-03 TP-BFR1 #141237-06


special interest classes


JUNIORS GOLF SCHOOL AT GLEN LAKES (Ages 7-17) Learn the game of a lifetime. Self-confidence and self-discipline will grow with each class. Topics include full swing, chipping, putting, sand shots, etiquette and rules. Clubs provided if needed. 1 hour. Instructor: SWARTZ. • $48 (Non-resident $58) JAN. 15 SA 12 PM (4 WEEKS) JAN. 29 SA 1 PM (4 WEEKS) FEB. 19 SA 12 PM (4 WEEKS) MAR. 12 SA 1 PM (4 WEEKS)


#141281-01 #141281-02 #141281-03 #141281-04


SOCCERTOTS ARIZONA (Ages 1½-5) SoccerTots Arizona is a nationally-recognized, professionally-designed soccer program for kids. Our noncompetitive approach allows children to learn the basics while having fun. All equipment (except a ball) is provided. PARENT INVOLVEMENT IS ENCOURAGED! Please arrive on time and bring a water bottle and #2 or #3 ball. 45 minutes. Instructor: BEGINNERS EDGE SPORTS TRAINING STAFF. • $69 (Non-resident $83) AGE 2 JAN. 8 FEB. 19 AGE 3 JAN. 8 FEB. 19 AGES 4-5 JAN. 8 FEB. 19

SA 10 AM (6 WEEKS) SA 10 AM (6 WEEKS)

FC-GYM #241271-02 FC-GYM #241271-05


FC-GYM #241271-01 FC-GYM #241271-04

SA 11 AM (6 WEEKS) SA 11 AM (6 WEEKS)

FC-GYM #241271-03 FC-GYM #241271-06


LITTLE TENNIS (Ages 4-6) Directed towards the youngest players, this class helps develop motor skills while teaching tennis strokes with a mix of coordination exercises and games. Racquets not required; loaners are available. 30 minutes. Instructor: PASEO RACQUET CENTER STAFF. • $45 (Non-resident $54) JAN. 10 FEB. 7

M/W 5 PM (4 WEEKS) M/W 5 PM (4 WEEKS)


#141232-01 #141232-02



TENNIS (Ages 7-18) Bring your racquet and enjoy professional instruction geared towards beginners. Basic skills, etiquette and rules are covered using drills and games. Loaner racquets are available upon request. 1 hour. Instructor: PASEO RACQUET CENTER STAFF. • $60 (Non-resident $82) AGES 7-12 JAN. 10 FEB. 7 AGES 13-18 JAN. 10 FEB. 7

M/W 5:30 PM (4 WEEKS) M/W 5:30 PM (4 WEEKS)


#141233-01 #141233-02

M/W 5:30 PM (4 WEEKS) M/W 5:30 PM (4 WEEKS)


#141234-01 #141234-02


AIKIDO (Ages 7-13) Aikido is a unique martial art in which you learn how to defend yourself without fighting. Control your opponent by blending with their motion and energy, not by kicking or punching. Great for students of all sizes and abilities; beginners welcome. This is an on-going, monthly class. Continuing students will be eligible for belt advancement. 1 hour. Instructor: FLEEGLE. • $50 (Non-resident $60)

JAN. 5 W/SA ** PM (1 MONTH) CCN #141211-01 FEB. 2 W/SA ** PM (1 MONTH) CCN #141211-02 MAR. 2 W/SA ** PM (1 MONTH) CCN #141211-03 ** W/SA class meets on Wed. at 5 p.m. and Sat. at 10 a.m.


KARATE FOR KIDS (Ages 7-12) Help your child be their best! In Taekwondo every kid is a winner. Instruction promotes self-confidence, coordination, balance, agility, poise and to think instead of panic in potentially serious situations. It’s fun, disciplined and structured just right for beginners. A free uniform is included for first time students. 30 minutes. Instructor: KEENE. • $64

(Non-resident $77) JAN. 3 M/W * PM (4 WEEKS) KEENE’S #141285-01 JAN. 4 T/TH ** PM (4 WEEKS) KEENE’S #141285-02 FEB. 2 M/W * PM (4 WEEKS) KEENE’S #141285-03 FEB. 1 T/TH ** PM (4 WEEKS) KEENE’S #141285-04 MAR. 2 M/W * PM (4 WEEKS) KEENE’S #141285-05 MAR. 1 T/TH ** PM (4 WEEKS) KEENE’S #141285-06 * M/W classes meet Mon. at 4:25 p.m. and Wed. at 4:35 p.m. ** T/TH classes meet Tue. at 5:25 p.m. and Thur. at 4:40 p.m.


KARATE (Ages 7+) This class teaches traditional Shotokan karate. Practice is divided into basic kicks, punches, forms and selfdefense training. No grading fees. 1 hour. Instructor: SCHROPP. • $54 (Non-resident: $65) JAN. 4




BEGINNING KARATE-SHOTOKAN (Ages 7-12) Learn traditional Japanese-style karate including karate basics (kihon), forms (kata), sparring (kumite), traditional manners and self-discipline. At course end, you will be eligible to test for first rank promotion (9th KYU Exam). Beginning students receive a Gi (karate uniform). 1 hour. Instructor: HYDER/STAFF. • $115 (Non-resident $138) JAN. 4

TU/TH 6 PM; SA 10 AM (10 WKS) AZSK #141213-01


JAPANESE JUDO-BEGINNER/JUNIOR (Ages 6-10) Learn basic judo postures and salutations, how to move on the mat, control your opponent and be thrown safely. Techniques of grappling, locking, choking, escaping and sequence combinations will be demonstrated and taught. Great for beginners and veterans alike. No class Jan. 17 and Feb. 21. 1 hour. Instructor: DR. MOORE. • $18 (Non-resident $22) JAN. 5 FEB. 2 MAR. 2

M/W 6 PM (1 MONTH) M/W 6 PM (1 MONTH) M/W 6 PM (1 MONTH)

FC-EXB #241212-01 FC-EXB #241212-02 FC-EXB #241212-03




(Ages 3-8) Experience this fun way to release energy while learning self discipline, respect, concentration and focus in a positive environment. (Optional uniform may be purchased for $30). 30 minutes. Instructor: TEMPLEMAN. • $38 (Non-resident $46) AGES 3-5 JAN. 7 F 6 PM (5 WEEKS) FEB. 18 F 6 PM (5 WEEKS) AGES 6-8 JAN. 7 F 6:30 PM (5 WEEKS) FEB. 18 F 6:30 PM (5 WEEKS)

FC-EXB #241275-01 FC-EXB #241275-02 FC-EXB #244276-01 FC-EXB #244276-02


TINY TIGERS (Ages 4-6) Tiny Tigers inspires self-discipline, courtesy and respect and is designed to improve motor skills, focus and listening skills. Free uniform included for first-time students. 25 minutes. Instructor: KEENE. • $64 (Non-resident $77) JAN. 4 FEB. 1 MAR. 1


KEENE’S #141286-01 KEENE’S #141286-02 KEENE’S #141286-03


LITTLE TIGERS-BEGINNING KARATE-SHOTOKAN (Ages 3-8) This special class for beginners introduces the basics of Shotokan karate. Beginning students will receive a Gi (karate uniform). 30 minutes. Instructor: HYDER/STAFF. • $80 (Non-resident $96) JAN. 4 FEB. 8


#141217-01 #141217-02


ICE SKATING & ICE HOCKEY LESSONS (Ages 2-13) Designed for child/parent participation, these lessons stress ice skating fundamentals to new skaters. Curriculum is based on the United States Figure Skating Association Basic Skills Program. Dress warm and bring mittens or gloves. Rental skates are included. 30 minutes. PEORIA POLAR, 15829 N. 83rd Ave. • $84 (Non-resident $101)

PARENT & ME (Ages 2-6) Designed for children who have never had formal instruction. Basic skating skills taught while allowing the parent to participate on the ice with them. JAN. 12 W 6:15 PM (8 WEEKS) PP #141252-01 JAN. 15 SA 9:45 AM (8 WEEKS) PP #141252-02 TOT I (Age 4-6) Teaches basic skills to children who have never had instruction. They’ll learn sit and stand on and off ice, march in place and forward, two-foot glides and dipping in place. JAN. 14 F 4 PM (8 WEEKS) PP #141253-01 JAN. 15 SA 9:45 AM (8 WEEKS) PP #141253-02 HOCKEY TOT (Age 4-6) Learn basic hockey skating techniques. Instruction includes the fundamentals of skating in a fun atmosphere. JAN. 12 W 6:15 PM (8 WEEKS) PP #141254-01 JAN. 15 SA 9:45 AM (8 WEEKS) PP #141254-02 HOCKEY I (Age 7+) Learn basic hockey skating techniques and the fundamentals of skating in a fun atmosphere. JAN. 12 W 5:45 PM (8 WEEKS) PP #141255-01 JAN. 15 SA 9:45 AM (8 WEEKS) PP #141255-02 BASIC I (Age 7-13) Learn falling and standing up, forward marching, two-foot glides, dipping, rocking horses, forward swizzles, snowplow stops, two foot hops and back wiggles. JAN. 12 W 6:15 PM (8 WEEKS) PP #141256-01 JAN. 14 F 4:30 PM (8 WEEKS) PP #141256-02 JAN. 15 SA 9:45 AM (8 WEEKS) PP #141256-03

——————————————————————————————————————————————— Winter 2011 / My Community



youth/teen dance

SIGN UP details page 12.


ZUMBATOMIC® (Ages 4-12) Zumbatomic® is fitness program for kids. It is a fast-forward fusion of the Zumba program that includes salsa, cumbia, reggaeton, hip-hop and more. It’s a safe and effective class that includes fun and fitness at the same time. 45 minutes. No class Jan. 17. Instructor: GUEST. • $39 (Non-resident $47) AGES 4-7 JAN. 3 FEB. 28 AGES 8-12 JAN. 3 FEB. 28

M 4:50 PM (6 WEEKS) M 4:50 PM (6 WEEKS)

FC-102 FC-102

#241282-01 #241282-03

M 5:45 PM (6 WEEKS) M 5:45 PM (6 WEEKS)

FC-102 FC-102

#241282-02 #241282-04


HIP HOP/JAZZ (Ages 7-16) Combines the rhythm emphasized by hip hop with the technique and style created in jazz. 45 minutes. Instructor: BATES. • $48 (Non-resident $58) AGES 7-11 JAN. 4 FEB. 22 AGES 12-16 JAN. 4 FEB. 22

T 4:15 PM (6 WEEKS) T 4:15 PM (6 WEEKS)


#131283-01 #131283-02

T 5 PM (6 WEEKS) T 5 PM (6 WEEKS)


#131283-03 #131283-04


BALLET/TAP COMBO (Ages 3-6) Dancers will learn beginning ballet and tap skills in this preschool movement education class. 1 hour. Instructor: ON STAGE DANCE ACADEMY. • $43 (Non-resident $52) JAN. 6 JAN. 8 FEB. 3 FEB. 5 MAR. 3 MAR. 5




#131259-01 #131259-02 #131259-03 #131259-04 #131259-05 #131259-06


HIP HOP (Ages 5-8) This high-energy dance form incorporates all forms of dance. Concentrating on style, attitude, funk and self expression, it’s for all skill levels. 1 hour. Instructor: ON STAGE DANCE ACADEMY. • $43 (Non-resident $52) JAN. 8 FEB. 5 MAR. 5

SA 10 AM (4 WEEKS) SA 10 AM (4 WEEKS) SA 10 AM (4 WEEKS)


#131254-01 #131254-02 #131254-03



BALLET/TAP DANCE COMBO II (Ages 5-6) Great for both boys and girls, this is an exciting introduction to ballet, jazz, tap, creative movement and tumbling basics. Tap shoes required. 45 minutes. Instructor: STEPPIN’ OUT PERFORMING ARTS. • $50 (Non-resident $60) JAN. 27





HIP HOP/TAP DANCE COMBO (Ages 3-5) For both boys and girls, this is a fun and exciting introduction to hip hop, tap, jazz and tumbling basics. A dance combining learned techniques will be featured at the final class. 45 minutes. Instructor: STEPPIN’ OUT PERFORMING ARTS. • $50 (Non-resident $60) JAN. 25

TU 10 AM (8 WEEKS)




CHEER AND HIP HOP (Ages 6-12) In this energized class, learn cheerleading basics such as arm movements, jumps and stunts as well as the newest hip hop styles. They’ll be incorporated into dances that will be showcased at the final class. 1 hour. Instructor: STEPPING OUT PERFORMING ARTS. • $50 (Non-resident $60) JAN. 27





JAZZ (Ages 5-7) Jazz is the dance form most commonly used in Broadway musicals. Learn basic jazz dance skills and physical fitness to upbeat music. 1 hour. Instructor: LEAP OF FAITH. • $62 (Non-resident $75) JAN. 25

T 4 PM (6 WEEKS)




RHYTHM & MOVEMENT (Ages 3-5) A great class for kids that love to groove to the music as well as those who want to learn to dance. Combines the rhythm emphasized by hip hop with the technique and style created in jazz. Instructor: BATES. • $48 (Non-resident $58) AGES 3-6 (40-minute class) JAN. 6 TH 4:30 PM FEB. 24 TH 4:30 PM AGES 7-12 (50-minute class) JAN. 6 TH 5:15 PM FEB. 24 TH 5:15 PM


FC-100 FC-100

#231287-01 #231287-03


FC-100 FC-100

#231287-02 #231287-04


POM & CHEER (Ages 10+) A perfect introduction to high-energy pom and cheer. Learn skills such as jumps, arm movements and tumbling. 1 hour. Instructor: LEAP OF FAITH.• $62 (Non-resident $75) JAN. 26

W 7 PM (6 WEEKS)




BALLET/JAZZ COMBO (Ages 3-5) Ballet, jazz and tumbling skills are taught through stories, games and fun music. 45 minutes. Instructor: STEPPIN’ OUT PERFORMING ARTS. • $50 (Non-resident $60)

CHEER KIDS (Ages 5-7) Learn basic cheer skills such as jumps, arm movements and tumbling. 1 hour. Instructor: LEAP OF FAITH.• $62 (Non-resident $75)



JAN. 25

TU 11 AM (6 WEEKS)



JAN. 26

W 4 PM (6 WEEKS)



BALLET/TAP/TUMBLE (Ages 3-5) This is a great introduction to dance. Ballet develops posture/balance; tap enhances rhythm/coordination; tumbling builds strength. Ballet and tap shoes required. 1 hour. Instructor: LEAP OF FAITH. • $62 (Non-resident $75)

CHEERLEADING (Ages 3-5) Kids love this high-energy class where they’ll learn different cheers and chants as well as improve technique and coordination. Pom poms will be supplied during class. A learned cheer will be presented at the final class. 1 hour. Instructor: RONCO. • $53 (Non-resident $64)



JAN. 26 JAN. 28

W 10 AM (6 WEEKS) F 10 AM (6 WEEKS)


#131297-01 #131297-02

BALLET/TAP DANCE COMBO (Ages 3-4) An exciting introduction to ballet, tap, creative movement and tumbling basics focusing on fun and a positive introduction to dance. Tap shoes required. 45 minutes. Instructor: STEPPIN’ OUT PERFORMING ARTS. • $50 (Non-

resident $60) JAN. 27






My Community / Winter 2011

JAN. 29

SA 12 PM (6 WEEKS)

FC-EXB #241261-01

CHEER & TUMBLE COMBO (Ages 3-5) In this high-energy class, your little cheerleader will learn basics such as jumps, kicks, chants and tumbling skills that build coordination and strength. The skills learned will be combined into a fun routine. 45 minutes. Instructor: STEPPIN’ OUT PERFORMING ARTS. • $50 (Non-resident $60) JAN. 25






youth/teen personal



MAKE AND TAKE IT HOME (Ages 6-11) Discover how amazing science is. Make and take home an assortment of items designed to teach science concepts in a hands-on way. Grow and take home a crystal tree. Build a working motor. Make your own sharpie pen t-shirt. Make glowing goo and much more! Bring a 100% cotton t-shirt to class. 3 hours. Instructor: SCIENSATIONAL STAFF. • $145 (Non-resident $175) MAR 14

M-F 9 AM (5 DAYS)




KIDS’ COOKING (Ages 7-16) Learn fun things you can make in the kitchen. Read a recipe, measure ingredients and enjoy the things you make! $20 supply fee collected at the first class. 1 hour. No class Feb. 19. Instructor: BARBOUR. • $58 (Non-resident $70) JAN. 15 FEB. 12



#201221-01 #201221-02


DRAMA (Ages 6-16) Learn all about acting including proper stage presence, working on plays, commercials, skits, articulation, concentration, monologues, memorization, voice work and more! 1 hour. Instructor: ON STAGE DANCE ACADEMY. • $43 (Non-resident $52) AGES 6-10 JAN. 3 M 5 PM FEB. 7 M 5 PM MAR 7 M 5 PM AGES 11-16 JAN. 3 M 6 PM FEB. 7 M 6 PM MAR 7 M 6 PM



#151296-01 #151296-03 #151296-05



#151296-02 #151296-04 #151296-06


CHILD CARE & BABYSITTING WORKSHOP (Ages 12-18) Get training on safe and fun ways to babysit and care for children. Class covers CPR, first aid, techniques for active children and how to have a successful babysitting adventure. Build confidence, self-esteem and skills necessary to care for infants and children on a daily basis and in emergency situations. Bring a sack lunch. 6 hours. Instructor: EMERGENCY RESPONSE TRAINING. • $63 (Non-resident $76) JAN. 22 FEB. 19 MAR. 19

SA 9 AM (1 DAY) SA 9 AM (1 DAY) SA 9 AM (1 DAY)

FC-208 FC-208 FC-208

#251280-01 #251280-02 #251280-03


I CAN BE SAFE! (Ages 4-8) Help your kids be safer. There is more to it than just “stranger danger.” This class highlights methods used by unsafe individuals and those that want to exploit them, along with tricks played on kids and strategies if they are lost or approached. Practice skills and choices discussed in a fun and age-appropriate manner without fear! Parents are encouraged to attend. 1 hour. Instructor: ANGELO. • $37 (Non-resident $44) JAN. 23 MAR. 6

SU 1 PM (1 DAY) SU 1 PM (1 DAY)

FC-210 FC-210

#251243-01 #251243-02


THE MOUSE - THE WALL HUGGING ROBOT (Ages 6-11) The Mouse is sleek, smart and amazing. It has two motors, a three-speed gearbox, feels its way around corners, and WOW it can go fast. Take this amazing Mouse home and make a maze for it to go through. Learn about gears, sensors, electronic components, circuit boards and more. Design and build robots and learn about robotic technology. 3 hours. Instructor: SCIENSATIONAL STAFF. • $145 (Non-resident $175) MAR. 14

M-F 12:45 PM (5 DAYS)





TIC-TALK SPANISH This Total Immersion Language Acquisition Program will give your young one the opportunity to hear, engage and experience the Spanish language and culture through music and movement. Designed to gradually incorporate new words and expressions through customized music collections, take-home material and interactive lessons. $25 will be collected for take-home materials, CD, activity workbook and flash cards. 45 minutes. Instructor: TIC-TALK STAFF. • $85 (Non-resident $102) PARENT & ME, AGES 18 mo.-6 yrs. JAN. 11 TU 4 PM (8 WEEKS)




youth/teen cultural



STORYBOOK ART (Ages 3-5) Toddler and adult, join us for themed craft projects based on storytime books, and take home the craft projects! 30 minutes. Instructor: SHINDLER (former parks/recreation coordinator). • $25 (Non-resident $30) JAN. 20 MAR. 3

TH 10:00 AM (4 WEEKS) TH 10:00 AM (4 WEEKS)

FC-208 FC-208

#221266-01 #221266-02


CREATIVE KIDS (Ages 5-12) Create special treasures and discover varied art mediums including clay, paints and more under the direction of an experienced artist. $15 supply fee collected at the first class. No class Feb. 18, Mar. 17 and Mar. 18. 1-½ hours. Instructor: BARBOUR (former Arts Academy Instructor). • $48 (Non-resident $58) JAN. 13 TH 4 PM (4 WEEKS) JAN. 14 F 4:30 PM (4 WEEKS) FEB. 3 TH 4 PM (4 WEEKS) FEB. 4 F 4:30 PM (4 WEEKS) MAR. 3 TH 4 PM (4 WEEKS) MAR. 4 F 4:30 PM (4 WEEKS)

AC-105 FC-212 AC-105 FC-212 AC-105 FC-212

#121203-01 #221203-02 #121203-03 #221203-04 #121203-05 #221203-06


CREATIVE CARTOONING (Ages 8-12) Calling all cartoonists! Learn to draw people and animal cartoons step-by-step. Imaginations will flow by putting our own characters in comic strips, greeting cards and more! Supply list will be handed out at the first class. 1 hour. Instructor: WAGENBACH. • $46 (Non-resident $55) JAN. 22 SA 9 AM (8 WEEKS) FC-212 CONT. CARTOONING (Must have taken a previous cartooning class) JAN. 22 SA 10 AM (8 WEEKS) FC-212

#221233-01 #221233-02


POTTERY WHEEL THROWING (YOUTH/TEEN) (Ages 8-16) Discover how to throw on a potter’s wheel the way a pro does. You will throw a serving bowl and a large vase. Each item will be painted and glazed with food-safe glazes. $20 supply fee collected at first class. No class Feb. 18 and Mar. 18. 1-½ hours. Instructor: BARBOUR (former Arts Academy Instructor). • $68 (Non-resident $82) JAN. 14 FEB. 4 MAR. 4

F 4 PM (3 WEEKS) F 4 PM (3 WEEKS) F 4 PM (3 WEEKS)

AC-105 AC-105 AC-105

#121231-01 #121231-02 #121231-03


ART (MULTI-CULTURAL) - KIDS (Ages 6-12) Create masterpieces using clay, paint and more. Learn about multi-cultural artists and art from around the world. $10 supply fee collected at first class. 1-½ hours. Instructor: LEE (former art instructor). • $43 (Non-resident $52) JAN. 11

T 4:30 PM (5 WEEKS)



——————————————————————————————————————————————— Winter 2011 / My Community



youth/teen music

SIGN UP details page 12.


SINGING FOR LITTLE STARS (Ages 4-8) A fun method of teaching little ones how to use their voices when singing, the art of presenting themselves in front of an audience and more. They’ll have an opportunity to sing in an ensemble setting and as a soloist. 1 hour. Instructor: THE PHOENIX CONSERVATORY OF MUSIC FACULTY. • Class #281221-01 $68 (Non-resident $82) • Class #281221-02 $58 (Non-resident $70) JAN. 12 MAR. 2

W 5:30 PM (6 WEEKS) W 5:30 PM (5 WEEKS)

FC-204 FC-204

#281221-01 #281221-02


SUPER SINGING! (Ages 8-14) Calling all singers! Enjoy learning voice technique, song preparation, performance/audience skills and more! You’ll have an opportunity to sing in an ensemble and soloist setting. Performances critiqued in a way that promotes artistic growth and development. Class size limited to 15. No prior experience required. Notebook and pencil suggested. 1 hour. Instructor: THE PHOENIX CONSERVATORY OF MUSIC FACULTY. • Class #281230-01 $68 (Non-resident $82) • Class #281230-02 $58 (Non-resident $70) JAN. 12 MAR. 2

W 6:30 PM (6 WEEKS) W 6:30 PM (5 WEEKS)

FC-204 FC-204

#281230-01 #281230-02



GUITAR FOR LITTLE HANDS (Ages 4-7) Have your youngster bring a guitar and learn to play popular age-appropriate songs! Hand positions, note reading and more taught. Pencil and notebook recommended. 1 hour. Instructor: THE PHOENIX CONSERVATORY OF MUSIC FACULTY. • Class #281223-01 $68 (Non-resident $82) • Class #281223-02 $58 (Non-resident $70) JAN. 13 MAR. 3

TH 5:30 PM (6 WEEKS) TH 5:30 PM (5 WEEKS)

FC-204 FC-204

For details on advertising in

#281223-01 #281223-02


call 623-930-2822.

BEGINNING (ACOUSTIC) GUITAR (Ages 12+) Bring your guitar and learn basic chords, strums, how to read music and more! $7 book fee collected at the first class (Hal Leonard Guitar Method, Book 1, 2nd edition). 2 hours. Instructor: MOORE. • $71 (Non-resident $85) JAN. 22 JAN. 22

SA 10:30 AM (8 WEEKS) SA 1:30 PM (8 WEEKS)

AC-102 FC-204

#181121-01 #281121-02


BEGINNING YOUTH GUITAR (Ages 8-14) Bring your acoustic guitar and make music. Learn hand positions, basic theory and more. No experience necessary. Notebook/pencil suggested. 1 hour. Instructor: THE PHOENIX CONSERVATORY OF MUSIC FACULTY. • Class #281222-01 $68 (Non-resident $82) • Class #281222-02 $58 (Non-resident $70) JAN. 13 MAR. 3

TH 6:30 PM (6 WEEKS) TH 6:30 PM (5 WEEKS)

FC-204 FC-204

Glendale Parks & RecreAtion

Youth Scholarship Fund To help Glendale youth who do not have the financial means to participate in city of Glendale recreation programs, the

#281222-01 #281222-02


ELEMENTS® AMAZING ELECTRONIC PIANO-KEYBOARD (Ages 6-12) Your child will learn to play songs in the first few lessons – whether it’s Bach or Hanna Montana. Elements is the largest provider of keyboard/piano lessons in the Southwest, offering a method that teaches note reading, chords and counting, along with the basic skills needed to play ALL music. Join us for fun games, prizes, a year-end contest and a special judge from the “American Idol” music staff. Keyboards and headphones for classroom use provided. 4 levels offered. Beginners should start with Level 1. For those with some keyboard experience, please call Elements at 480-325-2684 to determine the appropriate level. 1 hour. Instructor: ELEMENTS STAFF. • $97 (Non-resident $117) LEVEL 1 JAN. 22 LEVELS 2-4 JAN. 22




SA 10:10 AM (6 WEEKS)




Donations to the Youth Scholarship Fund are always appreciated. If you, your business or organization would like to make a donation, please call 623-930-2820


My Community / Winter 2011

Glendale Parks and Recreation Department offers a scholarship fund. The scholarship fund is made possible through donations from businesses and individuals throughout the Valley. Scholarships are offered to residents of Glendale, ages 17 or under, and are available for designated programs offered by Glendale Parks and Recreation. Approval of the scholarship application is made on an individual basis. Scholarship applications should be submitted well in advance of the registration date for the program the scholarship is being requested for. For an application or more information, call 623-930-2820, or online visit ParksandRecreation/ ScholarshipProgram.cfm.

library and arts . .

For more library information... 623-930-3530 For more arts information... 623-930-3557

Free to you…

C O N T E N T S Programs for Adults .....................26 @ the Main Library .....................26 @ the Foothills Branch ................28 @ the Velma Teague Branch ......29 Programs for Teens .....................29 @ the Main Library .....................29 @ the Foothills Branch ................30 @ the Velma Teague Branch ......31 Programs for Children .................31 @ the Main Library .....................31 @ the Foothills Branch ................33 @ the Velma Teague Branch ......34 Children’s Storytimes...................35 ———————————————————————


our Glendale Public Libraries and Glendale Public Arts offer programs, events and festivals, free of charge, year-round. Take advantage

of educational, cultural, business and arts activities carefully selected for you and every member of your family. We are here to serve our community with the highest quality programs and services possible!

Glendale Main Library 5959 West Brown Street Glendale, AZ 85302 Monday: 1 pm-8 pm; Tuesday: 10 am-8 pm; Wednesday: 1 pm-8 pm; Thursday: 10 am-8 pm; Friday: Closed; Saturday: 12 pm-5 pm; Sunday: 1 pm-5 pm

Foothills Branch Library 19055 North 57th Avenue Glendale, AZ 85308 Monday: 1 pm-8 pm; Tuesday: 10 am-8 pm; Wednesday: 10 am-8 pm; Thursday: Closed; Friday: 1 pm-5 pm; Saturday: 12 pm-5 pm; Sunday: Closed

Velma Teague Branch Library 7010 North 58th Avenue Glendale, AZ 85301 Monday: 1 pm-8 pm; Tuesday: 10 am-5 pm; Wednesday: 10 am-5 pm; Thursday: 1 pm8 pm; Friday: Closed; Saturday: 1 pm-5 pm; Sunday: Closed

Winter 2011 / My Community


Programs for Adults

@ the Main Library

LET’S TALK ENGLISH LARGE MEETING ROOM. Practice your English by discussing topics common to everyday life in America. Call Roberta at 623-931-4276 for information. On the following Wednesdays: December 1 & 8: 1:30 PM January 5, 12, 19, 26: 9:00 AM February 2, 9, 16, 23: 9:00 AM March 2 & 9: 9:00 AM

JOB SEARCHING LABS LARGE MEETING ROOM. Need help with job searching, creating a résumé, or applying online? Steve Schrade, president of SupHRmarket Services, a human resources consulting firm, and Estrella Mountain Community College instructor, will be available to offer job coaching assistance. This open lab is available strictly for online job searching, résumé writing and other job-related activities. Thursday, December 2: 10:00 AM - 1:00 PM Tuesday, December 7: 1:00 PM - 4:00 PM Thursday, December 9: 10:00 AM - 1:00 PM Tuesday, December 14: 1:00 PM - 4:00 PM Thursday, December 16: 10:00 AM - 1:00 PM Tuesday, December 21: 1:00 PM - 4:00 PM

LIVE AT THE LIBRARY: GRACE LUTHERAN HANDBELL CHOIR Thursday, December 2 6:30 PM. AUDITORIUM. This uniquely talented group will offer favorite holiday tunes rung with their multi-sized brass bells. Call 623-930-3573 for more information. WALK-IN COUNSELING WITH SCORE Saturdays, December 4; February 5; March 5 12:15 PM. SMALL MEETING ROOM. Receive free business counseling from SCORE (Counselors for America’s Small Business). SCORE can advise on all areas of business, from start-up information to marketing and accounting concerns. No appointments are necessary. Call 602-745-7250 for more information.


My Community / Winter 2011

CAREER PATH SERIES #4: FOLLOW UP AND EVALUATE YOUR PROGRESS Monday, December 6 6:00 PM. BOARDROOM. Sales professionals know that 80% of sales are made after the 5th follow up call. Project Managers will tell you, if you can’t measure it, you can’t improve it. During this 90-minute workshop session, Katreena Hayes-Wood of Career Network Services, LLC., will teach you the strategies necessary to connect with decision makers as well as the tools needed to measure and monitor your career search strategy. Please bring a three-ring binder for this fourweek workshop series. Call 623-930-3546 to register or register through the Library’s event calendar. SOCRATES CAFÉ: A PHILOSOPHICAL DISCUSSION GROUP Thursdays, December 9; January 13; February 10; Thursday, March 10 6:00 PM. SMALL MEETING ROOM. Gather with people from different backgrounds and beliefs to exchange thoughtful ideas and experiences. This group will be facilitated by Douglas Groves. Please call 623-930-3573 for more information. MYSTERY READERS GROUP 11:00 AM. SMALL MEETING ROOM. Join us for talks about mysteries on a certain subject. For more info, please call 623-930-3530, then press “5” and “1”. December 14: Christmas mysteries, annual award winners January 11: Metropolitan mysteries: Los Angeles February 8: Metropolitan mysteries: Boston March 8: Metropolitan mysteries: Seattle

AFTERNOON BOOK DISCUSSION 2:00 PM. LARGE MEETING ROOM. Join us for an afternoon of literary discussion. For more information, please call 623-930-3530, then press “5” and “1”. December 16: The Uncommon Reader by Alan Bennett February 1: Whiter than Snow by Sandra Dallas

MAIN LIBRARY COFFEEHOUSE 6:30 PM. AUDITORIUM. Join us for acoustic music the third Thursday evening of every month. For more information, call 623-930-3573. December 16: Members of the Glendale Public Library’s Acoustic Jam Session play holiday favorites January 20: Forrest Smith - blues, rock, and bluegrass; Mike Krzyston - fingerstyle guitar February 17: Tom Whitlock - folk; Desert City Ramblers - folk and country March 17: Sparky Robinson - originals; Rocky Road - Peter, Paul and Mary

KITABU READING LOOM Tuesdays, December 21; January 18; February 15; March 15 7:00 PM. SMALL MEETING ROOM. The Kitabu Reading Loom is dedicated to reading and reviewing literature by and/or about people of African descent. For more information, please call 623-930-3566. ACOUSTIC JAM Wednesdays, December 29, January 26, February 23, March 30 6:00 PM. LARGE MEETING ROOM. Bring your acoustic instrument and play round-robin style. Audience welcome. For more information, please call 623-930-3844. THE BUSINESS FORUM 5:30 PM. LARGE MEETING ROOM. The Business Forum: A Free Networking Business Development group. Bring plenty of business cards. Meet new business contacts -- new friends, men and women. Tell your story in 30 seconds. Share information and learn! For information & reservations, please call Joan at 602-725-3246. On the following Wednesdays: January 5: “How You Can Profit From Today’s Top 3 Economic Trends,” by Kimberly Amadeo February 2: TBA March 2: TBA

ARIZONA DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE (ADOR) Thursday, January 6 6:00 PM. SMALL MEETING ROOM. Topic TBA. WOMEN BUSINESS BUILDERS Saturdays, January 8; February 12; March 12 2:00 PM. Topic TBA. REAL TO REEL BOOK DISCUSSION 1:00 PM. LARGE MEETING ROOM. Join us for this discussion of a book made into a movie. Read the book or see the movie or do both! January 10: A Painted House by John Grisham March 14: Revolutionary Road by Richard Yates

AZ YOU LIKE IT: EXPLORING ARIZONA BOOK DISCUSSION Thursday, January 13 2:00 PM. LARGE MEETING ROOM. Join us as we discuss Martha Summerhayes’ Vanished Arizona: Recollections of the Army Life of a New England Woman. For a complete list of titles and availability call Valerie at 623-930-3527.

15TH ANNUAL ARIZONA SONGWRITERS GATHERING Saturday, January 22 10:00 AM - 4:30 PM. Join us for this FREE event that includes live music performances throughout the day; workshops on crafting songs, getting songs into film and TV, using social media to further your music career, and inspiration; and song critique sessions. For more information, call 623-930-3573. LIVE AT THE LIBRARY: R. CARLOS NAKAI & WILL CLIPMAN Thursday, January 27 6:30 PM. AUDITORIUM. Join R. Carlos Nakai, Native American Flutist and Will Clipman, Master Percussionist for a spectacular evening of musical entertainment. This free event is expected to exceed capacity; tickets will be available at the Welcome Desk 24 hours prior to the concert. Please call 623-930-3573 for more information. LIVE AT THE LIBRARY: NUANCE JAZZ TRIO Thursday, February 24 6:30 PM. AUDITORIUM. The Nuance Jazz Trio is one of the most diverse ensembles in the southwestern United States. Their unique instrumentation and ability to perform jazz, classical, country and pop music has won the group critical acclaim. Their instrumentation of violin, trumpet, guitar and bass distinguishes them from the typical jazz format. Please call 623-930-3573 for more information. LIVE AT THE LIBRARY: SHAY VENO AND JANE HILTON Thursday, March 24 6:30 PM. AUDITORIUM. Join this talented duo for an evening of heart-lifting Celtic tunes. Call 623-930-3573 for more information. Winter 2011 / My Community


Programs for Adults

@ the Foothills Branch Library

GENTLE READS BOOK DISCUSSION GROUP 10:00 AM. HUMMINGBIRD ROOM Join us on the first Wednesday of every month to discuss emotionally uplifting and inspirational fiction. Please call Sarah at 623-930-3844 for a list of discussion titles and more information. December 1: A Christmas Blizzard by Garrison Keillor January 5: Remarkable Creatures by Tracy Chevalier February 2: Love Walked In by Marisa de los Santos Wednesday, March 2: March by Geraldine Brooks

FLUTASIA: A MUSICAL QUARTET Saturday, December 4 3:00 PM. ROADRUNNER ROOM. Join us for a holiday concert featuring classical and contemporary favorites your whole family will enjoy! Presented by flutists Karen Thomasson, Nora Welsh, Criscell Roberts, and Rebekah Lowe. For more information, call 623-930-3844. JOB SEARCHING LABS Tuesdays, December 7, 14, 21 10:00 AM – 12:00 PM. HUMMINGBIRD ROOM. Need help with job searching, creating a résumé, or applying online? Get the one-on-one assistance you need at this lab facilitated by job search teacher Phyllis Gundreau. This open lab is available strictly for online job searching, résumé writing and other job-related activities. For more information, call 623-930-3844. FOOTHILLS COFFEEHOUSE 6:30 PM. ROADRUNNER ROOM. Join us for acoustic music the first Wednesday evening of every month. For more information, call 623-930-3844. December 1: Red Rock Crossing - bluegrass with a twist; The Artichoke Sisters - swing tunes, folk, harmonies

HOLIDAY STRESS AND THE BLUES Tuesday, December 7 6:30 PM. ROADRUNNER ROOM. Presented by Melissa Delgado Flint, Psy.D. of Midwestern University. The holiday season can bring unique challenges to any of us, related to finances, depression, and anxiety. Dr. Flint will share ideas for creating a stress-free holiday season by using good communication skills and setting adequate boundaries. For more info, call 623-930-3868. HIGH STRUNG: HOLIDAY DULCIMER CONCERT Wednesday, December 8 6:30 PM. ROADRUNNER ROOM. Join High Strung dulcimer group for a festive performance of folk renditions of your holiday favorites. For more information, call 623-930-3844. GET A LIFE: MEMOIR BOOK DISCUSSION GROUP 7:00 PM. HUMMINGBIRD ROOM. Join us the second Wednesday of every other month to discuss a diverse selection of personal memoirs. For more information, please call Karen at 623-930-3853. December 8: Mennonite in a Little Black Dress by Rhoda Janzen February 9: Love Junkie by Rachel Resnick

ACOUSTIC JAM Tuesdays, December 14, January 11, February 8, March 8 6:00 PM. ROADRUNNER ROOM. Bring your acoustic instrument and play round-robin style. Audience welcome. For more information, please call 623-930-3844. A NOVEL APPROACH: GENERAL FICTION BOOK DISCUSSION 7:00 PM. HUMMINGBIRD ROOM. Join us on the third Wednesday of every month to discuss engaging and thought-provoking popular fiction. Please call Sarah at 623-930-3844 for a list of discussion titles.

January 5: Homespun - instrumental country; Ken and Wilma Allen - fiddle tunes and old-time country

December 15: Love Walked In by Marisa de los Santos

February 2: Tom Conner - fingerstyle guitar; Sharon and Andyfolk and rock songs

February 16: The True Story of Hansel and Gretel by Louise Murphy

March 2: Close Enough - String Band

January 19: Love in Idleness by Amanda Craig

March 16: Crow Lake by Mary Lawson

EXPLORE ARIZONA LECTURE SERIES March - June Join us for a series of monthly lectures highlighting the unique people, places, customs, and history of Arizona. Please call 623-930-3844 for details and a complete program schedule.


My Community / Winter 2011

SWINGIN’ WITH DEAN: AMERICAN HITS OF THE ‘40S -‘60S Wednesday, January 12 6:30 PM. ROADRUNNER ROOM. Jazz musician Dean Ratzman will perform an entertaining variety of swing, jazz, blues, and rock hits from the 1940s through 1960s on keyboard, trumpet, and trombone. For more information, call 623-930-3844. TEACHING YOUR KIDS HOW TO DEAL WITH BULLIES Tuesday, January 18 6:30 PM. ROADRUNNER ROOM. Presented by Shefali Gandhi, Psy.D. of Midwestern University. Can you recognize signs that your child may be a victim of social bullying? Join Dr. Gandhi to learn how to help your children deal with bullies and the emotional stress of being a victim of bullying. For more info, call 623-930-3858. COMMUNITY HEALTH LECTURE SERIES Tuesdays, February 15 & March 15 6:30 PM. ROADRUNNER ROOM. The Community Health Lecture series offers monthly lectures on health and medicine presented by Midwestern University faculty. For more information, call 623-930-3868. BAD CACTUS BRASS BAND Wednesday, February 23 6:30 PM. ROADRUNNER ROOM. Are you ready for Mardi Gras? Join us for an exciting evening with this New Orleans-style jazz band, whose repertoire ranges from funky street beats to traditional Dixieland and swing, powered by tuba, drums, saxophones, and trumpets. For more information, call 623-930-3844.

Programs for Adults

@ the Velma Teague Branch Library

58TH AVENUE BOOK CLUB 10:15 AM. STORYTIME ROOM. Join us on the third Tuesday of the month for coffee and donuts! Book club selections are available for loan at the Velma Teague Branch reference desk. For more information, please call 623-930-3431, then press “5” and “3”. December 21: The Christmas Clock by Kat Martin, or your favorite holiday story January 18: Girl in Translation by Jean Kwok February 15: Major Pettigrew’s Last Stand by Helen Simonson March 15: Half Broke Horses: A True-Life Novel by Jeannette Walls

LESA’S BROWN BAG BOOKTALK Wednesday, February 9 11:30 AM. MANAGER’S OFFICE. You bring your lunch -- we bring the coffee and some fresh-brewed book recommendations! Lesa selects about fifteen fiction and non-fiction titles in a variety of genres for her book talks. If you’re looking for some new books to read, this program is for you. No registration required. For info, call 623-930-3431, then press “5” and “3”. AUTHORS @ THE TEAGUE 2:00 PM. Authors discuss and sign their books. The program is free. Books will be available for purchase and signing. For more information, please call 623-930-3431, then press “5” and “3”. Saturday, February 26: Donis Casey - Crying Blood Thursday, March 10: Cara Black - Murder in Passy; Libby Hellmann - Set the Night on Fire Wednesday, March 30: Vicki Delany - Negative Image

Programs for Teens

@ the Main Library

Programs are for ages 12-18 and require registration unless otherwise stated. For information or registration, please call 623-930-3537 and press “7” and “1” or register online at

GHOSTS OF CHRISTMAS Thursday, December 2 4:00 PM - 5:30 PM. LARGE MEETING ROOM. Explore paranormal research of the past, present and future with The Arizona Paranormal Research Society (T.Az.P.R.S.). Learn about the skills, equipment and training used to run paranormal investigations. MIDDLE SCHOOL HOMEWORK LAB Mondays, December 6; January 3, 10, 24, 31; February 7, 14, 28; March 7 4:00 PM – 5:30 PM. LARGE MEETING ROOM. Students in 6th, 7th and 8th grade can drop in and take advantage of the library’s homework help resources and receive guidance from professional teachers. GET CREATIVE! GET ORGANIZED! Thursday, January 20 6:00 PM. LARGE MEETING ROOM. Start the New Year off right by getting your brain in gear and your gear in order. Learn about ways to keep yourself organized and in control, and make some great crafts to help you keep it together! Registration begins 1/6. Winter 2011 / My Community


KEARSTEN’S BOOK CLUB Mondays, January 24, February 28, March 28 6:30 PM. STORYTIME ROOM. Join other teens, ages 12-18, on the fourth Monday of every month to snack, chat and discuss a variety of titles for teens (or of teen interest). You do have to read to attend, so call ahead to register and reserve a copy of this month’s book! For more information or to register, email Kearsten at

TEEN IRON CHEF CHALLENGE Tuesday, January 11 4:00 PM. HUMMINGBIRD ROOM. Get crazy in the kitchen in this “Iron Chef” competition just for teens. What curious culinary concoction can you make given a variety of ingredients and a limited amount of time? See if your creation can win a prize. All ingredients will be supplied by the library. Just bring an apron and your creativity. Registration is required and begins 12/21.

THE SWEETEST PROGRAM...EVER! Thursday, February 17 6:00 PM. LARGE MEETING ROOM. Valentine’s Day may be over, but that’s no reason to give up on the candy! Come and play chocolate related games, make some sweet treats and test your candy knowledge. All things sugary are celebrated! Registration begins 2/3.

DARE TO PREPARE Monday, February 7 6:30 PM. ROADRUNNER ROOM. A 90-minute presentation for parents and teens that provides critical information teens need to know before they take the wheel. This presentation walks attendees through the steps necessary to obtain a permit and a driver’s license, and offers useful tools to help parents and teens through the learning-to-drive process. Presented by AAA Arizona. Registration is requested.

ULTIMATE GAMER TOURNAMENT Saturday, March 12 6:00 PM. Are you the Ultimate Gamer? Care to prove it? Come to the library and put up your best fight in Super Smash Bros. Brawl, Mario Kart, Guitar Hero and more! No outside controllers will be allowed. Age limits are strictly enforced. Registration begins 2/26.

Programs for Teens

@ the Foothills Branch Library

Programs are for ages 12–18 and require registration unless otherwise stated. For information or registration, please call 623-930-3837 and press “7” and “2” or register online at

GINGERBREAD HOUSE DECORATING Tuesday, December 7 4:00 PM. HUMMINGBIRD ROOM. Celebrate the season by decorating gingerbread houses. Teens will pair up for this festive house activity. Registration is required and begins on 11/16. ANI-MANGA CLUB Tuesdays, December 14, January 25, February 22, March 29 4:00 PM. HUMMINGBIRD ROOM. Teens interested in anime (Japanese animation) or manga (Japanese comics) are invited to this club to watch, discuss, and do activities around manga and anime. For more information, call 623-930-3840.


My Community / Winter 2011

CHOCOLATE TASTE TEST Tuesday, February 8 4:00 PM. HUMMINGBIRD ROOM. Does Hershey have the upper hand? What about Ghirardelli? Get your taste buds ready because you decide which chocolate reigns supreme in a blind taste test. We’ll have an assortment of chocolate to devour in this sweet event for teen chocoholics. Registration is required and begins 1/18. DIY TEEN: FLORAL HAIR ACCESSORIES Tuesday, March 15 2:00 PM. ROADRUNNER ROOM. Flowers in your hair! Make and decorate your own floral hair clip or headband at the library. Silk flowers and a little sparkle can turn a regular clip into a thing of beauty. All supplies will be provided. Registration is required and begins 2/22.

Programs for Teens

take place on Thursday, February 24 at 6:30 PM. Ages 13-19. Teens may register by calling 480-967-1480 or online at

Programs are for ages 12–18 and require registration unless otherwise stated. For information or registration, please call 623-930-3430 and press “7” and “3” or or register online at

SAT STRATEGY SESSION Thursday, February 24 6:30 PM. After taking the practice test on Saturday, February 19, teens and their parents are invited to learn more about the SAT, test-taking strategies, and tools for researching college and financial aid options. This free event will be presented in conjunction with The Princeton Review of Arizona. Ages 13-19. Teens may register by calling 480-967-1480 or online at

@ the Velma Teague Branch Library

PIXEL ART DESIGN FOR TEENS! Thursday, December 9 6:00 PM. Learn how to create old school video game characters or other cool designs of your choice using plastic fuse beads and an iron. Add a keychain, magnet, or ornament hook to your finished product, and you’ll have the perfect gift for that person on your list who has everything. TEEN LIBRARY COUNCIL MEETING Thursdays, December 16, January 20, February 17, March 17 6:30 PM. Earn volunteer service hours, have fun, and meet new people all while helping us make the library a better place for teens. The Velma Teague Branch Library is currently recruiting teens to provide input on the selection of books and music for the library’s teen collection, and to participate in the planning and presentation of library events. Call Greg at 623-930-3441 for more information and to register. “GET GRAPHIC!” TEEN BOOK CLUB Thursdays, December 23, January 27, February 24, March 24 6:30 PM. Manga and comic book fans will not want to miss this monthly opportunity to talk with other teens about their favorite graphic reads! Upcoming movies and video games will also be discussed. Bring along a graphic novel or comic book of your choice. Snacks will be provided. DREAM INTERPRETATION FOR TEENS Monday, January 24 6:30 PM. STORYTIME ROOM. Learn how to remember and interpret the signs and symbols you receive in your dreams. This interactive workshop for teens will be presented by intuitive Lauralee Green. SAT PRACTICE TEST Saturday, February 19 1:00 PM. Experience the SAT under true-to-life testing conditions for free! A follow-up strategy session will

Programs for Children

@ the Main Library

Registration is required for some programs. Call 623-930-3537 and press “6” and “1” or register online at

ITTY BITTY READERS - FOR BABIES! Itty Bitty Readers is a reading incentive program for infants, newborn-2 1/2 years. It is an early literacy skills program and prizes can be won as the program is completed. Pick up a gameboard at your library and start reading with your baby today! BOOK BINGO READING PROGRAM Stop by the youth desk to participate in this month’s reading game! Read or listen to books and get prizes! For ages newborn-14 years. WACKY WEDNESDAYS! Wednesdays, December 1, 8, 15, 22, 29; January 5, 12, 19; February 2, 9, 16; March 2, 9, 16, 23 6:30 PM. STORYTIME ROOM. Crafts, games and more. Something different every week! This program is open to all ages but is geared to ages 7-11. No registration required. MY KIDS IN SIGN PERFORMANCE: CATCH THE CHRISTMAS SPIRIT! Saturday, December 4 1:00 PM & 3:00 PM. AUDITORIUM. Everyone is welcome to enjoy this special performance including sign language and song.

Winter 2011 / My Community


MATH WITH MARILYN Sundays, December 5, 12; January 9, 16, 23, 30; February 6, 13, 20, 27; March 6, 27 3:00 PM – 5:00 PM. Elementary, middle school, and high school students are welcome to get mathematics tutoring with Marilyn Wong. She is in the youth room ready to help. Just bring along your textbook or samples of what is giving you trouble! Sign up for 30-minute sessions. Call 623-930-3537 and press “6” and “1” or sign up at the youth desk to register. CRAFTY KIDS Wednesdays, December 8, January 12, February 9, March 9 3:30 PM - 5:00 PM. STORYTIME ROOM. Children 3-11 years old are invited to attend a drop-in craft program the second Wednesday of each month. This is a first-come-first-served program with limited space. HANUKKAH STORYTIME Tuesday, December 7 7:00 PM. STORYTIME ROOM. Celebrate the festival of lights with a special storytime! Storytime is geared for children aged 3-6. Children of all ages are welcome to attend, but those under 3 must be accompanied by an adult. CAN’T CATCH ME... I’M THE GINGERBREAD MAN! STORYTIME ROOM. Come hear a story or two about the gingerbread man and decorate your own cookie. Then...yummmmmm! For ages 2 and up. No registration required. Tuesday, December 14: 10:45 AM & 7:00 PM Thursday, December 16: 10:45 AM Saturday, December 18: 2:00 PM

CHRISTMAS ORNAMENT CRAFT Wednesday, December 15 4:00 PM. LARGE MEETING ROOM. Members of the Glendale Junior Women’s Club will assist youngsters 3 and up in making a craft. Register by calling 623-930-3537, then press “6” and “1”. YU-GI-OH! Sundays, December 19, January 16, February 20, March 20 1:30 PM - 4:00 PM. MAIN STORYTIME ROOM. Yu-Gi-Oh! is a one-on-one dueling game. Playing the game helps to enhance math skills and encourages thinking strategies. Please bring your own cards. Ages 8-12.


My Community / Winter 2011

SANTA STORIES Tuesday, December 21 7:00 PM. STORYTIME ROOM. Hear all about that Jolly Old Elf in a special storytime, with a visit from a mystery guest! Bring your camera! CHRISTMAS STORYTIME Thursday, December 23 7:00 PM. MAIN STORYTIME ROOM. Celebrate the traditions of Christmas in this special holiday storytime featuring stories such as The Little Drummer Boy and Amahl and the Night Visitors. Storytime is geared for children aged 3-6. Children of all ages are welcome to attend, but those under 3 must be accompanied by an adult. KWANZAA STORYTIME Thursday, December 30 7:00 PM. STORYTIME ROOM. Come and learn more about this holiday that honors the ancient African culture! Storytime is geared for children aged 3-6. Children of all ages are welcome to attend, but those under 3 must be accompanied by an adult. WHAT ELSE KALEIDOSCOPES Wednesday, January 26 6:30 PM. YOUTH CRAFT ROOM. Enjoy a rainbow of color by making your own kaleidoscope. Two-person family teams (parent/child, grandparent/ child, teen/ younger sibling, etc.) are invited to participate. For ages 6-11, with an adult. Registration begins 1/12.

FLOWER BOUQUET CRAFT Wednesday, February 16 4:00 PM. LARGE MEETING ROOM. Members of the Glendale Junior Women’s Club will assist youngsters 3 and up in making a craft. Register by calling 623-9303537, then press “6” and “1”. WHAT ELSE - WIRE SCULPTURE Wednesday, February 23 6:30 PM. STORYTIME ROOM. Fold and stitch a contemporary wire container; then decorate with metal texting symbols, beads or other metal shapes. Twoperson family teams (parent/child, grandparent/child, teen/younger sibling, etc.) are invited to participate. For ages 8-11, with an adult. Registration begins 2/9. MOBILE CRAFT Wednesday, March 16 4:00 PM. LARGE MEETING ROOM. Members of the Glendale Junior Women’s Club will assist youngsters 3 and up in making a craft. Register by calling 623-9303537, then press “6” and “1”. WHAT ELSE - HYDRAULIC BUTTERFLY Wednesday, March 30 6:30 PM. STORYTIME ROOM. Build a mechanical model of this graceful insect. Two-person family teams (parent/child, grandparent/child, teen/younger sibling, etc.) are invited to participate. For ages 8-11, with an adult. Registration begins 3/16.

Programs for Children

@ the Foothills Branch Library

Registration is required for some programs. Call 623-930-3837 and press “6” and “2” or register online at

YOUNG CRAFTERS Wednesdays, December 1, January 5, February 2, March 2 11:00 AM & 4:00 PM. ROADRUNNER ROOM. Monthly craft program emphasizes remnants and recycled materials for projects that give as much pleasure in the making as in the finished project. Thanks to PurTone Hearing Centers for sponsoring this program. Registration begins September 27. Register online or call 623-930-3837, then press “6” and “2”.

MINI MOVERS Mondays, December 6 & 13; January 3, 10, 24, 31; February 7, 14, 28; March 7, 21, 28 2:00 PM. ROADRUNNER ROOM. A lively weekly aerobics/dance exercise program for 3-5 year-olds. Attendees should dress for an informal workout to music. Space is limited. Pick up a ticket at the youth desk beginning at 1:00 PM. Child must be present to pick up ticket. BOOK BUDDIES Monday, December 6 4:00 PM. STORYTIME ROOM. Children are matched with a teen volunteer for a one-to-one reading experience. Call 623-930-3837 and press “6” and “2” up to one week in advance to sign up for your child’s 30-minute session. YOU WOULDN’T WANT TO BE A POLAR EXPLORER! Wednesday, December 8 4:00 PM. HUMMINGBIRD ROOM. These guys aren’t looking for Santa, but flying reindeer would have come in handy. Come join the search for the North and South Poles with these brave and determined explorers. Will they be the first and claim fame for their nation or will they fail and freeze to death on the way home? Pack your parka, harness your dogs, and come learn why... You Wouldn’t Want to Be a Polar Explorer! For ages 8-13. Registration begins 11/23. FROSTY FRAMES Tuesday, December 28 2:00 PM. Drop in to put together this colorful magnet frame featuring everyone’s favorite snowman. Add your favorite photo and you’re all set for winter! Ages 3-12. YOU WOULDN’T WANT TO BE AN ASSYRIAN SOLDIER! Wednesday, January 12 4:00 PM. HUMMINGBIRD ROOM. These guys were mean, lean, fighting machines. They were also pretty miserable. Having guts is all well and good until they are all spilled out on the ground. And this isn’t exactly a volunteer army, so no one asked you. March or die, fight or die... well, let’s face it; you’ll probably just die. Come learn why... You Wouldn’t Want to Be an Assyrian Soldier! For ages 8-13. Registration begins 12/29.

Winter 2011 / My Community


THE IMAGINATORS BY CHILDSPLAY ROADRUNNER ROOM. This original Childsplay production follows the adventures of neighborhood newcomers, Tim and his sister, Anne. When they meet their wildly imaginative neighbor Nina, their ordinary garage is transformed into a place of mystery and high adventure. For children in Kindergarten through 6th grade. Monday, January 31: 6:00 PM Monday, March 14: 2:00 PM

YOU WOULDN’T WANT TO BE ON A 19TH CENTURY WHALING SHIP! Wednesday, February 9 4:00 PM. HUMMINGBIRD ROOM. Killing whales for a living isn’t very nice. It’s also dirty, disgusting, and very, very dangerous. Storms, shipwrecks, seasickness, and slippery decks aside... well, there are always rampaging whales to worry about. The true story behind Moby Dick is even more grisly than fiction. It has cannibals! Sign on with the whaling ship Essex and learn why... You Wouldn’t Want to Be on a 19th Century Whaling Ship! For ages 8-13. Registration begins 1/29. YOU WOULDN’T WANT TO LIVE IN A MEDIEVAL CASTLE! Wednesday, March 9 4:00 PM. HUMMINGBIRD ROOM. Castles were dank, dark, dirty, drafty, dreary, dismal places to live. They were also infested with lice and stunk to high heaven. I don’t think living in castles was much fun, even for the lords and ladies of the manor. You, on the other hand, are the kid who sweeps the rushes and dumps the chamber pots... Come learn why You Wouldn’t Want to Live in a Medieval Castle! For ages 8-13. Registration begins 2/23.

Programs for Children

@ the Velma Teague Branch Library

PUPPET SHOW STORYTIME ROOM. The Velma Teague Puppeteers are back (by demand!) once again. The fun includes several short (and age appropriate) puppet shows the kids are sure to enjoy. Tuesday, December 7: 10:30 AM Wednesday, December 8: 10:30 AM Thursday, December 9: 6:30 PM


My Community / Winter 2011

“P” PICNIC Tuesday, February 15 10:30 AM. Perfect for preschoolers, our “P” Picnic celebrates things started with the letter “P.” Prepare for a pleasant pastime! “P” snacks, such as pretzels, popcorn, and punch politely presented to partake of for all picnic patrons. SPRING “FLINGO BINGO!” Monday, March 14 6:00 PM. Prizes and fun abound at our special Bingo event for kids! All prizes earned are age appropriate for children. SPRING FLING WEEK CRAFT Tuesday, March 15 2:00 PM. STORYTIME ROOM. A 30-minute session on a first-come, first-served basis. Simple assemblingtype crafts are featured. Children five and under must be accompanied by a caregiver. Call 623-930-3437 for more information. LEGO BUILDING BLOCKS Wednesday, March 16 2:00 PM. STORYTIME ROOM. We’ve been collecting LOTS of blocks in anticipation of our special Lego Building event. Kids will be encouraged to work in age appropriate groups, 6yrs-8yrs and 9yrs-11yrs, on Lego projects of their choosing. BOARD GAME AFTERNOON Thursday, March 17 2:00 PM. STORYTIME ROOM. Board games are a blast! Join us as we pull out some of our favorite board games for an afternoon of fun and gaming at the library.

BABYTIME - A 20-minute program for parent/caregiver and baby, newborn-18 months, designed to be an introduction to books, fingerplays, action rhymes and puppets. No registration required. Main Library: Thursdays, December 2, 9, 16, 23, 30; January 6, 13, 20, 27; February 3, 10, 17, 24; March 3, 10, 17, 24, 31 at 10:15 AM. Foothills Branch Library: Tuesdays, December 7, 14; January 4, 11, 18, 25; February 1, 8, 15, 22; March 1, 8, 15, 22, 29 at 6:30 PM. Velma Teague Branch Library: Wednesdays, December 1; January 5, 12, 19, 26; February 2, 9, 16, 23; March 2, 9, 16, 23, 30 at 11:00 AM.

BABY RHYME & PLAYTIME - A 45-minute early literacy program for parent/caregiver and baby, newborn-18 months. This weekly program includes stories, rhymes, songs and movement with time to engage in guided play. No registration required. Foothills Branch Library: Tuesdays, December 7, 14; January 4, 11, 18, 25; February 1, 8, 15, 22; March 1, 8, 15, 22, 29 at 10:15 AM.

TODDLERTIME - A 20-minute toddler and parent/ caregiver program for children 18 months-3 years old. An adult must accompany. Programs include stories, fingerplays, and songs. No registration required. Main Library: Thursdays, December 2, 9, 23, 30; January 6, 13, 20, 27; February 3, 10, 17, 24; March 3, 10, 17, 24, 31 at 10:45 AM.

Foothills Branch Library: Tuesdays, December 7, 14; January 4, 11, 18, 25; February 1, 8, 15, 22; March 1, 8, 15, 22, 29 at 11:30 AM. Velma Teague Branch Library: Wednesdays, December 1; January 5, 12, 19, 26; February 2, 9, 16, 23; March 2, 9, 16, 23, 30 at 10:00 AM.

FAMILY STORYTIME - A 30-minute program for children of all ages and their parents. Programs include stories, songs, fingerplays and more. No registration required. Foothills Branch Library: Tuesdays, December 7, 14; January 4, 11, 18, 25; February 1, 8, 15, 22; March 1, 8, 15, 22, 29 at 7:00 PM; Saturdays, December 4, 11; January 8, 15, 22, 29; February 5, 12, 19, 26; March 5, 12, 19, 26 at 1:00 PM. Velma Teague Branch Library: Thursdays, December 2; January 6, 13, 20, 27; February 3, 10, 17, 24; March 3, 10, 17, 24, 31 at 6:30 PM.

STORYTIME STATION - All aboard for early literacy activities and stories. A 20-minute program for parent/ caregiver and children, newborn-36 months. No registration required. Main Library: Tuesdays, December 7, 14, 21, 28; January 4, 11, 18, 25; February 1, 8, 15, 22; March 1, 8, 15, 22, 29 at 10:15 AM.

Foothills Branch Library: Tuesdays, December 7, 14; January 4, 11, 18, 25; February 1, 8, 15, 22; March 1, 8, 15, 22, 29 at 11:00 AM.

A-B-C! READ WITH ME - A 30-minute baby, toddler and parent/caregiver program for children newborn-36 months ONLY. Listen to stories, sing songs, and engage in guided play with your child to enhance early literacy skills. Register beginning at 6:00 PM.

Velma Teague Branch Library: Wednesdays, December 1; January 5, 12, 19, 26; February 2, 9, 16, 23; March 2, 9, 16, 23, 30 at 10:30 AM.

Main Library: Tuesdays, December 7, 14, 21, 28 at 6:30 PM; January 4, 11, 18, 25; February 1, 8, 15, 22; March 1, 8, 15, 22, 29 at 6:20 PM.

STORYTIME - A 30-minute program geared to children ages 3-6. Children of all ages are welcome to attend, but an adult must accompany those under 3. Programs include stories, songs, fingerplays, and short movies or puppet shows. No registration required. Main Library: Tuesdays, December 7, 21, 28; January 4, 11, 18, 25; February 1, 8, 15, 22; March 1, 8, 15, 22, 29 at 10:45 AM and 7:00 PM; Thursdays, December 2, 9, 16; January 6, 13, 20, 27; February 3, 10, 17, 24; March 3,10,17, 24, 31 at 7:00 PM; Saturdays, December 4, 11; January 8, 15, 22, 29; February 5, 12, 19, 26; March 5, 12, 19, 26 at 2:00 PM. Winter 2011 / My Community


Join us for the 2011 Glendale Plein Air Painting Event in beautiful and historic downtown Glendale, Arizona Saturday, February 5, 2011 8:00 a.m. - 5:30 p.m. The event is open to any artist (18 years of age & older) who paints using the Plein Air technique in oil, watercolor, acrylic, or pastel. Plein Air (open air) paintings are executed outdoors. All artists must bring their own materials and easels and register prior to any work being done. Registration will be set up from 8:00 a.m. until 10:30 a.m. at the Promenade on Palmaire in downtown Glendale at 5835 W. Palmaire Avenue, Glendale, AZ 85301. Judging will occur at the end of the day. Award categories are purchase awards and will be accessioned into the city’s permanent art collection. Best of Show • one $1,000 award Portraiture • one $500 award Landscape/Cityscape • one $500 award Architecture • one $500 award Anima/Fauna • one $500 award Abstract • one $500 award This event is hosted by the City of Glendale Arts Commission in conjunction with City of Glendale Special Events and the Annual Glendale Chocolate Affaire, which takes place from February 4-6, 2011. For Plein Air 2011 Event rules and requirements, please email or, or visit

Linda Dellandre, 2010 Best of Show

Glendale Plein Air Painting Event 2.5.2011

Glendale Green Festival

March 26, 2011

Don’t miss the 4th annual Glendale Green Festival on Saturday, March 26. The city of Glendale, SRP, and Radio Disney team up to present a day of free activities, giveaways, displays and workshops. A family zone with interactive “green” activities for children, and a green zone with displays and free information on local green programs and products; fun for the whole family! The event takes place at the Glendale Public Library/Xeriscape Demonstration Garden (5959 W. Brown Street) from noon to 4:00. Check for more details at after January 15.


My Community / Winter 2011

Did you know… there are bargain bookstores inside your Glendale Public Libraries?

Did you know that when you visit any Glendale library, you are not limited to borrowing books, movies, magazines, CDs and DVDs—you can also buy them at deeply discounted prices! Each of Glendale’s libraries contains a book sale area where gently used, donated items are available for purchase. At Brown Street Books—the bookstore within the Main Library—prices range from 25 cents to $3.00, with 95 percent of the items priced at $2.00 or less! All proceeds benefit the Library, and donations are tax deductible. All of our bookstores are open during regular library hours of operation. So next time you visit the library, while you’re checking out your books, check out our bookstore! If you have any questions about the bookstores or donating items, please visit our website at or call us at 623-930-3530.

Winter 2011 / My Community


City of Glendale

Mayor & Council Mayor

Elaine M. Scruggs

Councilmembers Vice Mayor Steven Frate (Sahuaro District) David Goulet (Ocotillo District) Joyce Clark (Yucca District) Phil Lieberman (Cactus District)

——————————— Community Services Group

5850 W. Glendale Ave. Glendale, Arizona 85301

Our mission...

“Connecting People Through the Power of Community.” Cathy Gorham Community Services Group Deputy City Manager

Bonsall North, 59th Ave. & Bethany Home Rd. Bonsall South, 59th Ave. & Bethany Home Rd. Chapparal, 57th Ave. & Greenbriar Dr. Hidden Meadows, 76th Ave. & St. John Ave. Northern Horizon, 63rd Ave. & Northern Ave. O’Neil, 64th Ave. & Missouri Ave. Orangewood, 71st Ave. & Orangewood Ave. Paseo Racquet Center & Park, 63rd Ave. & Thunderbird Rd. Rose Lane Park, 51st Ave. & Marlette Ave. Foothills, 57th Ave. & Union Hills Dr. Grand Canal Linear, 75th Ave. & Camelback to Bethany Home & New River Sahuaro Ranch, 59th Ave. & Mountain View Rd. Skunk Creek Linear, 51st Ave. & Utopia to 73rd Ave. & Greenway Rd. Thunderbird Paseo, 51st Ave. & Cactus to 72nd Ave. & Greenway Rd. Western Area Regional, 83rd Ave. & Bethany Home Rd.

Conservation Parks

Becky Benná

15 Thunderbird, 59th Ave. & Pinnacle Peak Rd.

Parks & Recreation Director

Sue Komernicky

Recreation Centers

Library Director


Erik Strunk

Community Partnerships Director

Samuel McAllen

Code Compliance Director

Rebecca Daniel

Community Action Program Administrator

—————————————— NOTE: Advertising contained herein does not constitute an endorsement by the City of Glendale or its staff. 10236PR 11/11

My Community / Winter 2011


9 10 11 12 13 14

Manny Martinez (Cholla District)


Assorted Facilities

1a 1b 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Regional Parks

Yvonne Knaack (Barrel District)

All Information is subject to change without notice.

Community Parks

Community Center North, 14075 N. 59th Ave. Foothills Recreation & Aquatics Center, 5600 W. Union Hills Dr. Glendale Adult Center, 5970 W. Brown St. Glendale Community Center, 5401 W. Ocotillo Rd. O’Neil Building, 6448 W. Missouri Ave. Rose Lane Building, 5003 W. Marlette Ave.

Glendale Amphitheater, 5850 W. Glendale Ave. Bridle Path, 51st Ave., Cactus to Bell roads Elsie McCarthy Sensory Garden, 55th Ave. & Morten Ave. Paseo Racquet Center, 6268 W. Thunderbird Rd. Glendale Youth Sports Complex, 91st Ave. & Rovey Ave. Myrtle Avenue Cultural Gateway, Myrtle Ave. & Grand Ave. X-Court, 83rd Ave. & Bethany Home Rd. Foothills SK8 Court, 57th Ave. & Union Hills Rd.

Golf Courses L M

Glen Lakes Municipal, 5450 W. Northern Ave. Desert Mirage, 8710 W. Maryland Ave.

Aquatics (seasonal) B F T

Foothills Recreation & Aquatics Center, 5600 W Union Hills Dr. Rose Lane Aquatics Center, 5003 W. Marlette Ave. Splash Pad, 83rd Ave. & Berridge Ln.

Libraries C B N

Main Library, 5959 W. Brown St. Foothills Library, 19055 N. 57th Ave. Velma Teague Library, 7010 N. 58th Ave.

Community Services Group (CSG) Office Locations N C V N W

Parks & Recreation, 5850 W. Glendale Ave. Libraries & Arts, 5959 W. Brown St. Community Partnerships, 6829 N. 58th Dr. Code Compliance, 5850 W. Glendale Ave., #SB42 Community Action Program, at the Las Brisas Center 5949 W. Northern Ave., #205

Pinnacle Peak Rd

Small and Neighborhood Parks


Glendale Parks & Recreation offers Glendale residents 55 small and neighborhood parks. To find a park near you, just visit ParksAndRecreation or call 623-930-2820 and request our Parks & Facilities brochure.


Deer Valley Rd


Rose Garden


Beardsley Rd Utopia

9 UB

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Union Hills Dr



Park Ramadas


For information on park ramada locations, reservations and rates, call 623-930-2820.


ek k Cre kun



Bell Rd




Bridle Path

Greenway Rd




parks, libraries & facilities







Thunderbird Rd





O Cactus Rd 13




Peoria Ave

C 11

Mountain View

Olive Ave





M 10


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Grand Canal Linear


T 14 E 5


Northern Ave Orangewood

Glendale Ave



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1a 2b

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43rd Ave.

47th Ave

51st Ave.

55th Ave

59th Ave.

63rd Ave

67th Ave.

71st Ave

75th Ave.

79th Ave

83rd Ave.

e Av

87th Ave


91st Ave.

Camelback Rd ra G

99th Ave.


Winter 2011 / My Community


code compliance .

For more information...


he Code Compliance Department is responsible for ensuring compliance with city codes and ordinances. These regulations are local laws adopted by the Glendale City Council and represent community standards.


Complaint-generated cases are the first priority. When a code inspector inspects a property based on a complaint the inspection may be expanded to all properties on the block. Any city code violations that are visible from the public street or sidewalk are dealt with.

These community standards have been established to promote health and safety, protect the community from blight and deterioration and enhance the livability of Glendale.

Staff-generated cases are the result of proactive inspections initiated by code inspectors or other city staff. These types of inspections can occur throughout the city.

Code Compliance has primary enforcement responsibility for numerous city codes but also works in partnership with various departments to ensure both residents and businesses are in compliance with city code regulations.

Community Outreach

Code Compliance ensures compliance with codes that generally pertain to vacant land and existing structures. The codes include regulations that apply to building fire, general nuisance, health and safety, property maintenance, rental property and zoning. The codes are organized into four primary service areas... General Nuisance, Property Maintenance, Residential Rental Property and Zoning.

Case Generation An active case can be generated by a call-in or written complaint, or it can be staff-initiated. In all instances the city becomes the complainant.

In an effort to increase public awareness of established community standards, Code Compliance staff actively works with citizens and neighborhood groups to provide public education on city code requirements. The City encourages citizen involvement in identifying and reporting code violations. By doing so, conditions that contribute to blight and deterioration are eliminated. The result is a clean, safe community and desirable place to live.

The Process For details on the compliance process, to report a code violation or for information on other interesting code compliance topics, visit us online at

Our Code Compliance Mission To maintain established community standards that preserve and promote the health, safety and living environment of our community and neighborhoods.


My Community / Winter 2011

community action program . For more information...



lendale Community Action Program (CAP) helps citizens become self-sufficient while they are experiencing a financial hardship or crisis. The Program provides various types of assistance to prevent homelessness such as case management, information and referral to local social service agencies. For households that are eligible, CAP provides direct financial assistance such as Utility payment Utility deposit Mortgage payment to prevent eviction or foreclosure First month’s rent payment for those who are homeless Home weatherization and repair or replacement of utility-related appliances Rental deposit payment for those who are homeless Rent payment to prevent eviction.






. .

Basic program requirements are... Glendale resident, proof of gross income for the past 30 days, social security cards for each member of the household, proof of birth for primary applicant and meet Federal Poverty Income Guidelines for direct financial programs. For an appointment and information on utility, rent and mortgage assistance, please call 623-930-2460. For all other programs, call 623-930-2854. (For special accommodations, call 623-930-2854 or TDD at 623-930-2197.)

& 20 MARCH 159p.m.

Promote your business

10 a.m. to

with an ad in...

ONLY $175 for a 1/4 page black & white inside ad... the same size as this ad!



to reserve your space or for more information.


Folk & Hertiage Festival reation Parks & Rec

anch Sahuaro R ric Area Park Histo th Ave. 9802 N. 59 0 20 (623) 930-4


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Winter 2011 / My Community


community partnerships .

For more information...


Community Partnerships is a partnership of employees and community members working together to enhance the quality of life through civic education, housing assistance, housing rehabilitation, community volunteerism, affordable housing, neighborhood services, conflict resolution and neighborhood revitalization.

Community Revitalization (Phone: 623-930-3670) Programs include... Infill Housing (Habitat for Humanity),

Minor and Major Home Repair Program, Roof Repair Program, Replacement Housing Program, Referrals to Non-Profit Agencies, Housing Tax Credit Review and Homeless Prevention Funding. For Foreclosure Assistance and Information visit online.

Community Housing (Phone: 623-930-2180) Programs featured include... Public Housing, Section 8 Rental Assistance Program and Financial Self-Sufficiency Programs.

Neighborhood Partnership Office (Phone: 623-930-2868) Some of the programs offered include...

Community Mediation & Conflict Resolution, Community Volunteer and Neighborhood Connection events, HOA Training Academy and Glendale University 101.

Register now for Glendale University (GU) “101”

This educational program is FREE and available to Glendale residents age 15 and older who want to learn more about the operations of municipal government. Spring 2011 semester classes are held Mondays, 6–9 p.m. TO REGISTER or for more information, visit CivicEducation.cfm or call 623-930-2868.

In partnership with

Class 1.......... March 7 AN EVENING WITH YOUR MAYOR & COUNCIL / Glendale Adult Center Class 2.......... March 14 MANAGING A PUBLIC ORGANIZATION / Glendale Adult Center Class 3.......... March 21 INTERNAL BUSINESS SERVICES / Glendale Adult Center Class 4.......... March 28 CITY COURT / Glendale Adult Center Class 5.......... April 4 BUILDING A GREAT GLENDALE / Glendale Adult Center Class 6.......... April 11 PUBLIC WORKS / Glendale Adult Center Class 7.......... April 18 CREATING COMMUNITY THROUGH PEOPLE POWER / Foothills Branch Library Class 8.......... April 25 PUBLIC SAFETY SERVICES – Law Enforcement / Glendale Police Department Class 9.......... May 2 PUBLIC SAFETY SERVICES - Fire / Fire Station 158 Class 10........ May 9 COMMUNITY VOLUNTEERISM & G.U. GRADUATION / Location TBA


My Community / Winter 2011

Discover History the

Sahuaro Ranch Park Historic Area


9802 N. 59th Ave. 623.930.4200


Discover Glendale history online at...

Our mission... At the Sahuaro Ranch Park Historic Area we preserve a historic site where the community participates in the ongoing development of educational and social experiences that connect Glendale residents and visitors to the past and to each other.

Tours FREE! Enjoy a trip back in time with a HISTORIC 1895 MAIN HOUSE TOUR, Wed.–Sat., 10 a.m.–2 p.m., and Sun., 1–4 p.m. ADOBE HOUSE AND 1898 GUEST HOUSE TOUR is offered Sun., 1–4 p.m., by the Glendale Historical Society. Our RANCH SITE TOUR highlights the barnyard, various buildings, historic trees and groves. 11 a.m. on Fri. and Sat., Dec. 10 and 11, Jan. 8 and 14, and Mar. 11 and 12 (wear comfortable shoes and meet on the Main House front porch).

Events COMMUNITY CITRUS PICKING DAY Sat., JANUARY 22, 9 a.m.–12 p.m. FREE ADMISSION! Celebrate citrus! Come out and pick your own citrus to take home. Learn about growing and caring for your own citrus from organizations such as the University of Arizona’s Master Gardener program and the City of Glendale Water Conservation Department. Kids will enjoy special citrus-themed crafts, games and activities just for them! A City of Glendale Parks & Recreation facility

21ST ANNUAL WINTER ANTIQUE TRACTOR & ENGINE SHOW Sat. & Sun., FEBRUARY 12 & 13, 9 a.m.–4 p.m. Presented by: Arizona Early Day Gas Engine & Tractor Association Enjoy tractor pulls, displays and more! Adults $5; ages 12 and under free. GLENDALE FOLK & HERITAGE FESTIVAL Sat. & Sun. MARCH 19 & 20, 10 a.m.–5 p.m. FREE ADMISSION! Come out and enjoy over 200 performers featuring everything from folk and bluegrass music to cowboy poetry and storytelling. Highlights include historic site tours, blacksmith demonstrations, children’s stage and activity area and workshops led by accomplished entertainers. Admission and most activities are free. Refreshments will be available for purchase.

Exhibits GLENDALE ARTS COUNCIL JURIED FINE ARTS EXHIBITION FREE ADMISSION! JANUARY 22–FEBRUARY. 20, Wed. thru Fri., 10 a.m.–2 p.m., Sat., 10 a.m.–4 p.m., Sun., 12–4 p.m. This unique exhibit features art by Arizona artists.

Opportunities FIELD TRIPS for schools. For details, call 623-930-4206. FACILITY RENTALS We’re the perfect place for receptions or any occasion. For details, call 623-930-4202. Some restrictions apply. BE A VOLUNTEER! - Volunteer Open House, Jan. 7 and 8, 9-11 a.m., in the Fruit Packing Shed (refreshments served) or call us at 623-930-4206.

Winter 2011 / My Community


City of Glendale Community Services Group


My Community / Winter 2011



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