4th Grade Mystic Seaport Trip: $4,500
Your support enhances academic growth + achievement.
The Everyday Extraordinary Report of Giving: July 1, 2018 - June 30, 2019
Annual Dramatic + Musical Productions: $7,000
Annual Athletic Travel: $3,600
On behalf of the Glen Urquhart School Family, it is with gratitude and appreciation that we present the 2018-2019 Report of Giving. Your continued financial generosity has significantly contributed to the quality of our learning environment and the on-going success of our graduates. From a trustee’s point of view, Glen Urquhart has benefited much from a dedicated core of parents, alumni, faculty, staff, grandparents, and board members. As a parent of two GUS graduates and now the grandparent of two future graduates, it has been a great honor and pleasure to serve with all of you in making our school a very special learning experience. As we continue working to achieve the fiscal year 2020 goals underway, I can tell you that there is exponential power among the “many fans of GUS” working together to achieve a common goal. Thanks to growing charitable support, this past fiscal year we successfully met our goal for the GUS Fund, received a 5-figure gift to create a new naturescape for preK-1, expanded the growing Leslie Marchesseault Fund for Access + Inclusion, provided another wonderful summer academic enrichment program for GAIN@GUS students, and much more. These are all significant accomplishments for a small and mighty school like GUS. By virtue of increased philanthropic support, we were able to make capital improvements to the campus including a new roof and two newly updated lower school classrooms. Come summer 2020, GUS will see a remodeled library thanks to the generosity of an alumni parent family. This Giving Report is a celebration of philanthropy: each gift represents a commitment to the people and to the programs that make GUS distinct. On the following pages we recognize alumni, parents, grandparents, trustees, faculty/staff, alumni parents, former trustees, former faculty/staff, and friends who have tangibly demonstrated confidence in our school and in our mission. I’m honored to be working with my fellow trustees, Head of School Gretchen Forsyth, and faculty and staff to ensure that the school we all know and respect continues to be well supported and well managed into the future. On behalf of the Board of Trustees, thank you once again for your generosity and for impacting our school community in many important and meaningful ways. With gratitude,
George T. Balich, Ed.D. P’92’06, G’22’25 President, Board of Trustees
Thank you!
Thanks to your support, GUS is thriving. We are grateful for the many ways families and individuals have participated in and enriched the life of the school. From engaging in volunteer opportunities both on and off campus, to supporting our kids and programs, your efforts and generosity are always inspiring!
THE GUS FUND Urquhart Circle
A nod to the Highland Scottish clan “Urquhart” which translated from Gaelic means “fort on the knoll” – this giving circle recognizes the leadership of those individuals who have gifted $10,000 or more. George and Abigail Albrecht P’19 George, TR, and Paulette Balich P’92’96 David Cancel and Lise Carrigg TR, P’19’27 Bob and Brooke, TR, Carroll P’17’20 Carl Graves, TR, and Julia Mahoney-Graves P’19’20 Marc and Heather Hazel P’20’22 Steve and Joan Rosenthal P’12 Sustainers Circle This giving society recognizes the commitment of individuals who maintain the well being of the school at $5,000 or more. Arthur and Paula Blume P’23’25 Fiduciary Trust Stephen and Jody King P’11’13 Benevity Mike and Rollyn Bornhorst P’19’21’24 Tim and Emily Collins P’14’17
Charles and Caroline Esdaile P’25’26 Phil, TR, and Donna Furse P’16’17’18’20 Bill and Lynn Gonzalez G’24’27 Peter and Babette Loring P’92’94’97 Richard and Donna Tadler P’05’09 Wrightson Ramsing Foundation
Founders Circle
A salute to the school’s founding innovative and thoughtful educators, this giving circle supports the school with gifts of $2,500 or more. Anonymous Eric and Melanie, TR, D’Orio P’20 Craig and Heidi Gorton P’19’22 Kenneth Grant, TR, and Carolyn Paczkowska P’13’20 Grantham, Mayo, Van Otterloo & Co, LLC. Oliver Klein and Jodi, TR, Llacera Klein, P’19 Jason Kopcak P’16 Mark and Trish, TR, Landgren P’17’24 Greg and Sallie Pottle P’15’19 Grant Proops and Tamah French, TR, P’17’20’26 Don and Lisa Romanelli, TR, P’13’19 Jeffrey and Sheara Brand Seigal P’00’03’05 Richard and Bonnie Sullivan Alen Yen, TR, and Cheryl Tivey P’22
Tartan Circle The familiar Scottish pattern: “Clan Urquhart” has its own tartan. This giving circle recognizes gifts of $1,000 or more. Mark and Christine Barry P’22 Jared Bartok and Rebecca Hayes P’23’25 Daryl Colden, TR, and Kristin Tallman P’17’19 Douglas DeAngelis and Shay Cajolet P’20 Josh and Christie Doxsee, FA, P’22’25 Charlie Dunne and Elizabeth Lenart P’15 Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund Peter and Joan Fortune G’15’21 Brian and Sherri Garvey P’15’18 Brehon and Kathryn Griswold Tom and Mollie Hoopes P’05’08’14 Nick ’91 and Lisa, TR, Kent P’23’26 Sandra and Christian Klee P’20 Dan and Leslie LeVan P’13’15’16 Liam and Caroline McCarthy P’25 Eric McCollom and Kristie ST Gonzalez P’24’27 David, TR, and Deirdre Patch P’16’19’23 William Phippen and Susan Belock-Phippen P‘96’05’07 Evan and Penny Randolph FF Jeb and Jennifer Rumbough P’98’01
Jackie Swansburg Paulino, TR, ’98 Tonneson + Co Davis and Louise Van Winkle G’19’22 Jay Wallace and Lisa McGovern P’04’06’07 Grant and Hope Winthrop G’23’25’26
Friends Circle
Everyone needs friends, and so too does GUS, this group of donors support the school with gifts
up to $999.
Courtney Anastasia-Murphy Hawley Appleton ’85 Cheryl Arsenault ST Todd and Sarah Bailes P’25 Jake ’87, TR. and Ellen Bartlett P’27 Kim Bartlett P’87, G’27 Annie Barton, ST Jeffrey Bartsch, FA Tom Bernardi and Christine Baxter P’22’24 Jordan Lee Becker ’02 Ed and Laura Bell ’07 Jonathan Bennett and Marika Whitaker P’20’22 Britton Bistrian ’92 Bruce and Eleanor Bistrian P’86’92 G’28’29 Emily Bloom, FA Mary John Boylan P’02 Tom and Karianna FA Brace P’22’24 Sean and Kathleen Bracken P’11’13 Bre-Anne Brandt, FA
Clinton and Judy Brown G’18’20 Dan and Krisie Brown P’19’22’26 Steve and Whitney Buckley P’29, FA Rick and Martha Burnham P’16 Michael and Clare Byrne P’09’10’15 Alison Cady Martin P’03 Ware Cady ’03 Lindsay Calef ’99, ST Nicholas Carter ’83 Ann-Marie Ciaraldi P’22, FA Patty Clark, FA Shaun and Sydney FA Clarke P’18’20 Susan Coolidge P’90 Kathy Corneau P’20’22 Louis Culot and Chelsea Mack P’25’27 Emilie Cushing FA Fred and Bonnie Delay G’19’21 Michael and Martha ST Delay P’19’21 Katherine Dermody P’26 Leo DesBois ‘03 Katherine Doherty ‘14 Chris and Laura Doyle P’27, FA Chris Draper, FA Philip Dunn and Pat Baker P’07’15 Jessica Duryea, FA Bruce Emerson P’04’06, FA Cory Emerson ’04 Maryann Esdaile G’25’26 John and Ellyn Feerick P’23’28 Julie Finn, ST Matt and Kim Fogelgren P’16’20 Rocky and Jane Forsyth G’20 Kirk and Gretchen FA Forsyth P’25’27 Rob and Victoria Fortune P’15’21 MaryEllen Frechette, ST Ryan Frere and Katrina Frere P’22 Jonquil Furse G’16’17’18’20
Chris and Charlotte Gibson P’19 Bob and Judy Gore G’22’24 Chandlee Gore P’22’24 Nat and Jodi Gorton G’19’22 Dennis and Deborah Grubbs G’18’20’21 Thea Gudonis ’01 Tenzing Haegglund and Yeshe Tungkhar ’93 P’29 Nancy Hartmann, ST Herb and Lauren Harvey P’14’15 Patrick Healy and Marty Johnson P’27 Melissa Hines ’03 JP Hitesman ’98 Lisa Hoopes ’05 Olivia Hull ’05 Kitty Hunt, ST Marie Jezequel G’25’26 Robert Johnston and Wendy Rubin P’98 Daniel Kacyvenski and Miranda Winthrop P’23’25 Iwo and Meah Kadziela P’24’27 James and Laurie Kean P’02 Meghan Kearney ’89 Courtney Rumbough Kelly ‘01 Stephen Kent and Nancy Sullivan P’91’98 G’23’26 Stephen and Mary Koop P’01’02 Tom ST and Sarah Kotwicki P’18’21 Kenneth Krall and Marisa Rivera-Krall P’03’09 David Lane and Candace Reynolds P’06 Jonathan Leavitt ‘84 P’20’21 Jonathan and Katherine Leavitt P’84‘88 G’20’21 Rachel Levin ’05 Bruce and Jessica Lewis P’20 David Liebmann Frank Liseno and Ann Marie Liseno G’22 David and Julia Long P’20
Peter and Babette Loring P’92’94’97 Donald and Gretchen MacKilligan P’19 Roderick and Karen MacNeil G’25 Jennifer Mallette ’87, FA Kyle Marchesseault ’91 and Marisa Howe Guy and Leslie Marchesseault P’91’97 Tim Moreland and Lisa Marciano P’16’17 Peter Mason, TR Cheryl Mazer P’89’94 Katie McCarthy, FA Pam McCoy, FA James and Jennie Meyer P’19 Max and Olga Milendorf P’19 Merlin and Carlotta Miller P’85 Sean and Ana Monahan P’19 George Moses G’19’20 Nicole Moses P’19’20 Joanna Murphy Scott Adin Murray and Elizabeth Winthrop P’26 Raymond Nance P’99 James and Susan Nelson P’93 Perry Nelson and Kristen Grubbs P’20’21 Network for Good Michael and Susanna Noon P’26’29 Raymond Novak, FA Lucy Noyes P’20 Maya O’Connor ’17 Sean and Roberta O’Connor P’17’21 Salvatore and Molly Parisi P’20 Tom Peckham and Ellen Petersen ’15 Adam Portnoy ’88 Bill Quigley and Leslie Cargill P’00’06 Marian Quin P’17 Travis Reese and Becca Newhall Nicholas Richon and Carol Hong-Richon P’19’25 Sarah Romanelli ’13 Cori Russo, FA
Jeremy and Ellen Schiller P’18’23 Adam Seigal ’00 Ralph and Deborah Sevinor G’27’29 Tom Shirley and Sarah Kaull P’03’06’09 Gardner and Susan Sisk G’25’27 Carline Smith Simms ’88 Stanley and Jody Smith P’90 Louis TR ’88 and Ann Somma Willamain Somma ’87 Nicholas Soodik and Emily Rabinowitz-Buchanan P’26’29, FA Dawn Southworth P’04, FA Margaurita Spear, FA Zara-Marie Spooner, TR Dianne Stephan ’20 Peter and Carol Stewart P’04’09 Peter and Susan Stokes P’97 David Strouss P’04’08 Marcia Strouss P’04’08 Ed Sullivan P’04’07’09 Karen Swanson P’20 Greg and Lisa Sweatt P’25 Barbara Sweeney P’02 Tableau Richard and Elaine Tarbox G’20’24 Sandy FA and Bill Thoms P’94’98 Adam Tobin and Amy Connors P’22’24’29 Daniel and Andrea Toulouse P’24 Joanne Twombly P’19’21 Darren and Maureen Twombly P’19’21, FA Emily (Rubin-Johnson) Unger ‘98 Walter and Darah Van Buskirk Kate Ventimiglia ’01 Kristin Weber P’16’19 Don and Christine Westerman P’19 Alec and Anne White P’89’92 Cindy White ’89 William Wilson and Irene Tsirozidou P’29
Julie Wyman, FA Kelly Zaval, FA
Adam Seigal ’00 Kate Ventimiglia ’01
Alumni Parents Bruce and Eleanor Bistrian P’86’92 Mary John Boylan P’02 Philip Dunn and Pat Baker P’07’15 Shaun and Sydney FA Clarke P’18 Bruce Emerson P’04’06, FA Charlie Dunne and Elizabeth Lenart P’15 Brian and Sherri Garvey P’15’18 Herb and Lauren Harvey P’14’15 James and Laurie Kean P’02 Stephen and Mary Koop P’01’02 Jason Kopcak P’16 Kenneth Krall and Marisa Rivera-Krall P’03’09 David Lane and Candace Reynolds P’06 Guy and Leslie Marchesseault P’91’97 Tim Moreland and Lisa Marciano P’16’17 Cheryl Mazer P’89’94 Merlin and Carlotta Miller P’85 Raymond Nance P’99 James and Susan Nelson P’93 Tom Peckham and Ellen Petersen P’15 Marian Quin P’17 Jeffrey Seigal and Sheara Brand Seigal P’00’03’05 Tom Shirley and Sarah Kaull P’03’06’09 Dawn Southworth P’04, FA Peter and Carol Stewart, FF P’04’09 Peter and Susan Stokes P’95 David Strouss P’04’08 Barbara Sweeney P’02 Beth Riley P’01, FA Alec and Anne White P’89’92
Hawley Appleton ’85 Jake Bartlett ’87 P’27, TR Jordan Lee Becker ’02 Britton Bistrian ’92 Jordan Bistrian Regan ’86, P’28’29 Ware Cady ’03 Lindsay Calef ’99, ST Nicholas Carter ’83 Leo DesBois ’03 Katherine Doherty ’14 Cory Emerson ’04 Thea Gudonis ’01 Melissa Hines ’03 JP Hitesman ’98 Lisa Hoopes ’05 Olivia Hull ’05 Meghan Kearney ’89 Courtney Rumbough Kelly ’01 Nick Kent ’91 Jonathan Leavitt ’84, P’20’21 Rachel Levin ’05 Jen Mallette ’87, FA Kyle Marchesseault ’91 Alyssa Moreland ’17 Duncan Moreland ’16 Maya O’Connor ’17 Adam Portnoy ’86 Sarah Romanelli ’13 Louis Somma ’88, P’23, TR Adam Seigal ’00 Caroline Smith Simms ’88 Willamain Somma ’87 Yeshe Tungkhar ’93 Emily Unger ’98 Kate Ventimiglia ’01 Cynthia White ’89
Wild Boar Circle
Celebrating gifts from graduates of the Class of 2000 and younger Jordan Lee Becker ’02 Ware Cady ’03 Leo DesBois ’03 Katherine Doherty ’14 Cory Emerson ’04 Thea Gudonis ’01 Melissa Hines ’03 Lisa Hoopes ’05 Olivia Hull ’05 Courtney Rumbough Kelly ’01 Rachel Levin ’05 Alyssa Moreland ’17 Duncan Moreland ’16 Maya O’Connor ’17 Sarah Romanelli ’13
Former Trustees
Laura Bell P’07 Martha Burnham P’16 Clare Byrne P’09’10’15 Bob Carroll P’17’20 Daryl Colden P’17’19 Emily Collins P’14’17 Susan Coolidge P’90 Susan Esty P’18 Lauren Gudonis P’01 Tom and Mollie Hoopes P’05’08’14
Dan LeVan P’13’15’16 Peter and Babette Loring P’92’94’97 Sallie Pottle P’15’19 Bill Quigley P’00’06 Joan Rosenthal P’12 Wendy Rubin P’98 Stan and Jody Smith P’90 Marcia Strouss P’04’08 Ed Sullivan P’04’07’09 Joyce Tadler P’09 Richard Tadler P’05’09 Jay Wallace P’04’06’07 Grandparents George and Paulette Balich Kim Bartlett Clinton and Judy Brown Fred and Bonnie Delay Katherine Dermody Maryann Esdaile Rocky and Jane Forsyth Peter and Joan Fortune Jonquil Furse Bill and Lynn Gonzalez Bob and Judy Gore Nat and Jodi Gorton Dennis and Deborah Grubbs Marie Jezequel Stephen Kent and Nancy Sullivan Jonathan and Katherine Leavitt Frank and Ann Marie Liseno Roderick and Karen MacNeil George Moses George and Coreen Scharfe Ralph and Deborah Sevinor Gardner and Susan Sisk Richard and Elaine Tarbox Joanne Twombly Davis and Louise Van Winkle Grant and Hope Winthrop
Faculty + Staff
Courtney Anastasia-Murphy Cheryl Arsenault Sarah Bailes Annie Barton Jeffrey Bartsch Amy Billings Emily Bloom Katie Blynn Karianna Brace Bre-Anne Brandt Elliott Buck Whitney Buckley Lindsay Calef Ann-Marie Ciaraldi Patty Clark Sydney Clarke Emilie Cushing Martha Delay
Christine Doxsee, FA Chris Doyle Laura Doyle Chris Draper Jessica Duryea Bruce Emerson Julie Finn Gretchen Forsyth Mary Ellen Frechette Kristie Gonzalez Nancy Hartmann Kitty Hunt Tom Kotwicki Jennifer Mallette Katie McCarthy Pam McCoy Joanna Murphy Scott Raymond Novack Emily Rabinowitz-Buchanan Cori Russo Margaurita Spear Sandy Thoms Cara Tomassino Maureen Twombly Julie Wyman Janelle Young Kelly Zaval
Additional gifts were made in support of our sensational new playground. We thank the following individuals and companies for their incredible generosity of spirit with respect to supporting costs and providing skilled labor associated with construction. Anonymous The Bagel Shop George and Paulette Balich P’92’96 G’22’25 Benevento Companies Tom Bernardi and Christine Baxter P’22’24 Bobcat of Boston Harold Burnham Andrew Brown and Anita Meyer P’21 Corliss Brothers Garden Center Steve Falvey, Regional Council Representative New England Carpenters Union Henry’s Market Ted Hoague Excavation Nick ‘91 and Lisa Kent P’23’26, TR Jim Ketchopulos & Sons Excavating Contractors, LLC Dan and Jennifer Mayer P’19
Upper School Retreat Transportation: $2,400 Mayer Tree Loren Morgan and MaryAnne Benevento P’14’15 New England Carpenters Union Local 339 Play by Design PR Russell Salem Plumbing Supply Jason and Shelly Sevinor P’27’29 John and Joanne Sheridan P’21 Super Subs Beverly Timberline Waters + Brown
Megan Lagasse ‘99 Lark Fine Foods Straightwharf Restaurant Waters and Brown
Thanks to the initiative, foresight, and generosity of former trustee Richard Tadler and his wife, Donna, one or two GUS teachers are selected each year to participate in extraordinary professional development opportunities. Recipients choose activities they are passionate about and then return to GUS to share their experiences with the GUS community.
Thanks to a very generous gift from a GUS family, we fully realized the vision to create a “naturescape” play space, outside the lower school classrooms, to serve the clever imaginations and spirited play of our youngest students in Pre- K, kindergarten, and first grade. This inviting outdoor play area features natural elements and diverse opportunities for connection with nature. This wonderful gift supports the Glen Urquhart School mission of excelling at child-centered, developmentally appropriate, experiential learning. Anonymous
Gifts in Kind
Boston Yacht Haven Craig and Lindsay Calef ‘99 FA Shaun and Sydney Clarke P’18’20, FA Tim and Emily Collins P’14’17 Corliss Brothers Garden Center Gabriel Frasca Carl Graves, TR, and Julia Mahoney-Graves P’19’20
Restricted gifts are made by donor/s for a specific or special purpose. GUS uses these gifts wisely and carefully in keeping with donor/s intentions. Anyone within the wider GUS community may add to any of these restricted gifts at any time.
The Tadler Grant
Richard and Donna Tadler P’05’09
GAIN@GUS Summer Program Fund
With special thanks to the following individuals, foundations, and corporations for making possible a summer academic and experiential enrichment like no other. GAIN@GUS, serving children from the cities of Beverly, Lynn, and surrounding areas, provides skills in math, language arts, personal development through classroom and outdoor experiences, swim lessons, and off-campus day trips in the Greater Boston area each summer at no cost to their families.
Tim and Emily Collins P’14’17 East Boston Savings Bank Foundation Highland Street Foundation George and Coreen Scharfe G’25’27 Reiser & Co., Inc. Steve and Joan Rosenthal P’12
Leslie Marchesseault Scholarship Fund for Access + Inclusion
Created in 2018 by a group of thoughtful and generous donors vested in honoring Leslie Marchesseault for her 30+ years of service to GUS! The purpose of this scholarship is to help continue to advance the school’s commitment to socioeconomic diversity. Preference is given to eligible GAIN@GUS students who seek enrollment at GUS. Michael and Clare Byrne P’09’10’15 David Cancel and Lise Carrigg P’19’27 Holly Curtis P’16 Thomas and JoAnne Doherty P’14 Simon Glass and Susannah Ketchum Glass P’17’20 Peter and Babette Loring P’92’94’97 Guy and Leslie Marchesseault P’91’97 Kyle Marchesseault ’91 and Marisa Howe Sandy and Mary McGrath P’12’15 Raymond Nance P’99 Sean and Roberta O’Connor P’17’21 Steve and Joan Rosenthal P’12 Merelyn Smith, FF
GUS Endowment, a perpetual source of support, is essential in sustaining the school’s mission. Each year a portion of the endowment is paid out as an annual distribution to support the school’s budget, while any appreciation is retained in the endowment so it can grow and bolster the school in all kinds of economic weather.
The Raymond Nance Fund
The Raymond Nance Fund was established in honor of Raymond C. Nance and his fifteen years of service to Glen Urquhart School as head of school. The fund is dedicated to strengthening the faculty and expanding the program so that GUS remains a leader in educational innovation. Michael and Clare Byrne P’09’10’15 Paul and Lauren Gudonis P’01 Hurdle Hill Foundation Jamie and Tori Macmillan P’06’09 Raymond Nance P’99 Will and Sandy Phippen P’96’05’07 Joan and Steve Rosenthal P’12
The Northrup-Warren Nature Fund
Named after founding students Molly Northrup ’86 and Lisl Warren ’86, this fund endows the study, interpretation, and preservation of the natural resources located on the Glen Urquhart campus.
The Augustus P. Loring Library Fund The Loring Fund was established in 1986 to honor past grandparent Augustus P. Loring.
Mr. Loring’s firm belief that the strength of an educational institution is reflected in its library led to the establishment of this fund to strengthen our school and to pay tribute to his lifetime dedication to education. The income from this fund is used to acquire books for the GUS library. Peter and Babette Loring P’92’94’97
The Kelly Stotz Wycke Fund for Science
Established in 1999, this fund is dedicated to the memory of a loving parent who expressed a strong desire and commitment to enhance science education for GUS students.
Special thanks to the cadre of enthusiastic volunteers who supported the school this past fiscal year. GUS is a stronger and more vibrant place thanks to the optimism and dedication of the following:
Advancement Committee
George Balich P’92’96, G’22’25 Lise Carrigg P’19’26, Co-Chair Melanie D’Orio P’20 Tamah French P’17’20’26 Carl Graves P’19’20 Jodi Llacera Klein P’19 David Patch P’16’19’23, Co-Chair Jackie Swansburg Paulino ’98 Sallie Pottle P’15’19 Joan Rosenthal P’12 Alen Yen P’22
Wild Boar Classic Committee
Eric D’Orio P’20 Carl Graves, Chair, TR, P’19’20 Kirk Forsyth P’25’26 Brian Kelley P’19 Tayna Osterfield P’22 Jackie Swansburg Paulino, TR, ’98 Holly and Chris Shepherd P’21’24’26
Parents Association Officers
Deirdre Patch P’16’19’23, President Krisie Brown P’19’22’26, Vice President Tamah French P’17’20’26, Secretary Lucy Loring P’20’22’24, Treasurer
THE THISTLE SOCIETY The Thistle Society recognizes the deep loyalty within the GUS community. Named after the national flower of Scotland, this society celebrates donors who make annual, unrestricted, gifts for 10 or more consecutive years. Annie Barton, ST Rick and Martha Burnham P’16 Bob and Brooke Carroll P’17’20 Patty Clark, FA Tim and Emily Collins P’14’17 Phil and Donna Furse P’16’17’18’20 Kenneth Grant and Carolyn Paczkowska P’13’20 Carl Graves, TR, and Julia Mahoney-Graves P’19’20 Brehon and Kathryn Griswold Tom and Mollie Hoopes P’05’08’14 Peter and Babette Loring P’92’94’97 Guy and Leslie Marchesseault P’91’97
AL = Alumni FA = Faculty
FF = Former Faculty G = Grandparent
Cheryl Mazer P’94 James and Susan Nelson P’93 Raymond Nance P’99 Dave and Deirdre Patch P’16’19’23 Tom Peckham and Ellen Petersen P’15 Greg and Sallie Pottle P’15’19 Beth Riley P’01, FA Don and Lisa Romanelli, TR, P’13’19 Steve and Joan Rosenthal P’12 Jeffrey and Sheara Brand Seigal P’00’03’05 Michael and Candace Wheeler P’93’98
P = Parent ST = Staff
TR = Trustee
Dollar amounts in the 2018-2019 Honor Roll reflect cash giving, including matching gifts, received July 1, 2018 – June 30, 2019. The Advancement Office takes great care to ensure the information contained herein is accurate and complete. Despite efforts to avoid errors or omissions, they do occasionally occur. If you believe your name has been omitted or listed incorrectly, please contact Martha Delay, Director of Advancement at (978) 927-1064 or mdelay@gus.org
Environmental Science Outdoor Initiatives: $13,250
Thank you.
All this is made possible by your generosity.
Chromebooks for 5th grade: $6,000
Annual Art Supplies: $10,000