Report of Giving 2019-2020

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The Power of Community Report of Giving: July 1, 2019 - June 30, 2020

Thank you!

In gratitude for the wonderful support of the GUS community.

It was an exceptional year 2019-2020. Thanks to the dedication and generosity of every person and each family listed in this honor roll of donors - parents, trustees, grandparents, alumni parents, alumni, former faculty, former staff, and friends - we were able to navigate unprecedented and challenging times together. “Trust and Go Forward” has never been a truer statement. Thank you, thank you, thank you for all you do to support our students and our teachers! THE GUS FUND Founders Circle

A salute to the school’s founding innovative and thoughtful educators, this giving circle supports the school with gifts of $25,000 or more. Carl Graves and Julia Mahoney-Graves P’19’20

Urquhart Circle

A nod to the Highland Scottish clan “Urquhart” which translated from Gaelic means “fort on the knoll” – this giving circle recognizes the leadership of those individuals who have gifted $10,000 or more.

The Bornhorst Family Tim and Emily Collins P’14’17 Charles and Caroline Esdaile P’25’26 Phil, TR, and Donna Furse P’16’17’18’20 Kenny Grant, TR, and Carol Paczkowska P’13’20 Francee Healy P’90 Mark and Patricia, TR, Landgren P’17’24 Richard and Donna Tadler P’05’09 Tonneson + Co. Wrightson Ramsing Foundation

Highland Circle

This giving circle supports the school with gifts of $2,500 or more.

George, TR, and Paulette Balich P’92’96 G’22’25 Antonio Bertone and Alexandra Drane P’21 David Cancel and Lise, TR, Carrigg P’19 Bob and Brooke Carroll P’17’20 Douglas Drane G’21 Marc and Heather Hazel P’20’22 Joan and Steve Rosenthal P’12

Martin and Nancy Benchoff P’21 Dan and Krisie Brown P’19’22’26 Eric and Melanie,TR, D’Orio P’20 Goldman Sachs Bill and Lynne Gonzalez G’24’27 Craig and Heidi Gorton P’19’22 Nick ‘91 and Lisa, TR, Kent P’23’26 Jeffrey and Sheara Brand Seigal P’00’03’05 Alen Yen, TR, and Cheryl Tivey P’22

Sustainers Circle

Tartan Circle

This giving society recognizes the commitment of individuals who maintain the well being of the school at $5,000 or more. Anonymous Arthur and Paula Blume P’23’25 Benevity

The familiar Scottish pattern: “Clan Urquhart” has its own tartan. This giving circle recognizes gifts of $1,000 or more. Mark and Christine Barry P’22 Jake, TR, ‘87 and Ellen Bartlett P’27 Michael and Clare Byrne P’09’10’15 Louis Culot and Chelsea Mack P’25’27

Doug and Shay DeAngelis P’20 Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund Jake ‘91 and Madeline Fiumara P’28 Kirk and Gretchen, FA, Forsyth P’25’27 Brian and Sherri Garvey P’15’18 Grantham, Mayo, Van Otterloo & Co. Brehon and Kathryn Griswold Paul and Lauren Gudonis P’01 Sandra and Christian Klee P’20 Kristian and Katrina Kristensen P’18’22 Charlie Dunne and Elizabeth Lenart P’15 Guy and Leslie Marchesseault P’91’97 Eric McCollom and Kristie, ST, Gonzalez P’24’27 William Phippen and Susan Belock-Phippen P‘96’05’07 Greg and Sallie Pottle P’15’19 Evan and Penny Randolph, FF Don and Lisa, FA, Romanelli P’13’19 Jeb and Jennifer Rumbough P’98’01 Val and Evelyn Somers G‘22’22 Louis, TR, ‘88 and Ann Somma P’23 Davis and Louise Van Winkle G’19’22 Jay Wallace and Lisa McGovern P’04’06’07 Whitehall Foundation

Friends Circle

Everyone needs friends, and so too does GUS, this group of donors support the school with gifts up to $999. Courtney Anastasia-Murphy, FA Hawley Appleton ‘85 Harry and Marcia Aptt P’20’22

Todd and Sarah, FA, Bailes P’25 Tom Bernardi and Christine Baxter P’22’24 Ed and Laura Bell ‘07 Jonathan Bennett and Marika Whitaker P’20’22 Britton Bistrian ‘92 Bruce and Eleanor Bistrian P’86’92 G’28’29 Frederick Regan and Jordan ’86 Bistrian Regan P’28’29 Mary John Boylan P’02 Tom and Karianna, FA, Brace P’22’24 Sean and Kathleen Bracken P’11’13 Clinton and Judy Brown G’18’20 Steve and Whitney, ST, Buckley P’29 Rick and Martha Burnham P’16 Elaine Byrne P’98’00 Karen Cady P’03 Ware Cady ‘03 Ryan Carrigg and Veronica Wu P’29 Lindsay Calef, ST, ‘99 Nicholas Carter ‘83 Shaun and Sydney, FA, Clarke P’18’20 Susan Coolidge P’90, FF Holly Curtis P’16 Christine Davidson Michael and Martha, ST, Delay P’19’22 Chris and Tamara DeOrio P’26’28 Elizabeth DiGirolamo P’89 Tim and Ellie Dorr P’12 Chris Draper, FA Lucas and Nichole Edwards P’28’29 Julie Finn, ST Rocky and Jane Forsyth G’20 Rob and Victoria Fortune P’15’21 Mary Ellen Frechette, ST Dennis and Sarah Garriepy P’21’23 Bob and Judy Gore G’22’24 Nat and Jodi Gorton G’19’22 Caleb Grant ‘13 Dennis and Deborah Grubbs G’20’22 Emily Hobkirk, FA Tom and Melinda Huff P’25 Marie Jezequel G’25’26 Annalee Johnson, FF, P’88 Daniel Kacyvenski and Miranda Winthrop P’23’25 Courtney Rumbough Kelly, FF, ‘01 Stephen and Jenny Kelley P’23 Oliver and Jodi Klein P’19 Kenneth Krall and Marisa

Rivera-Krall P’03’09 Frank and Anne Marie Liseno G’22 Peter and Babette Loring P’92’94’97 Bram and Lori Lutton P’22 Jamie and Tori Macmillan P’06’09 Roderick and Karen MacNeil G’25 Alison Cady Martin Alex Marks and Kim Tompkins P’20 Tim Malarkey and Stephanie Morgan P’11 Peter Mason, TR Andrew and Anne Mauck P’11 Liam and Caroline McCarthy P’25 Bill and Karen McCollom G’24’27 Edmund Meeker and Dianne Butman Meeker Merlin and Carlotta Miller P’85 Richard Morgan and Cheri Sperr P’06’09 James and Susan Nelson P’93 Perry Nelson and Kristen Grubbs P’20’21 Lucy Noyes P’21 Dan and Dianna Patterson P’12’14’16 Alex and Jessica Paul P’23 Tom Peckham and Ellen Petersen ‘15 Dan Platt ‘88 Adam Portnoy ‘86 Carson Pottle ‘15 Lincoln Proops ‘17 Bill Quigley and Leslie Cargill P’00’06 Marian Quin P’17 Nicholas Richon and Carol Hong-Richon P’19’25 Jason and Erin Russell P’24’27’29 Daniel and Laura Rutledge P’11 Chris and Holly Shepherd P’21’24’26 Tom Shirley and Sarah Kaull P’03’06’09 Gardner and Susan Sisk G’25’27 Christopher and Kathy Smith P’18 Stan and Jody Smith P’90 Robert Somma P’86’89 G’23 Willamain Somma ‘87 Zara-Marie Spooner, TR Dianne Stephan P’20 Adin Murray and Elizabeth Winthrop P’26 Margaurita Spear, FA Dianne Stephan ‘20 Peter and Carol Stewart P’04’09 Peter and Susan Stokes P’97 Karen Swanson P’20 Greg and Lisa Sweatt P’25 Barbara Sweeney P’02

Rick Talkov and Susan Davies G’21 Peter and Sandra Walor P’19’23 Alec and Anne White P’89’92 Kelly Zaval, FA


Hawley Appleton ’85 Jake Bartlett ’87 Britton Bistrian ’92 Jordan Bistrian Regan ’86 Ware Cady ’03 Lindsay Calef ’99 Elizabeth DiGirolamo ’89 Jake Fiumara ’91 Caleb Grant ’13 Courtney Rumough Kelly ’01 Nick Kent ’91 Dan Platt ’88 Carson Pottle ’15 Adam Portnoy ’86 Lincoln Proops ’17 Louis Somma ’88 Willy Somma ’87

Wild Boar Circle

Gifts from graduates of the Class of 2000 and younger. Ware Cady ’03 Caleb Grant ’13 Courtney Rumough Kelly ’01 Carson Pottle ’15 Lincoln Proops ’17

Alumni Parents

Elaine Byrne P’98’00 Holly Curtis P’16 Charlie Dunne and Elizabeth Lenart P’15 Brian and Sherri Garvey P’15’18 Francee Healy, FF, P’90 Guy and Leslie Marchesseault P’91’97 Andrew and Anne Mauck P’11 Merlin and Carlotta Miller P’85 James and Susan Nelson P’93 Dan and Dianna Patterson P’12’14’16 Tom Peckham and Ellen Petersen P’15 Marian Quin P’17 Jeb and Jennifer Rumbough P’98’01 Daniel and Laura Rutledge P’11 Jeffrey and Sheara Brand Seigal P’00’03’05 Tom Shirley and Sarah Kaull P’03’06’09 Christopher and Kathy Smith P’18 Robert Somma P’86’89 Peter Stewart P’04’09 Peter and Suan Stokes Barbara Sweeney ‘02

Former Trustees

Laura Bell P’07 Martha Burnham P’16 Clare Byrne P’09’10’15 Karen Cady ’03 Emily Collins P’14’17 Susan Coolidge P’90 Tim Dorr P’12 Carl Graves P’19’20 Brehon Griswold Annalee Johnson P’88 Jodi Llacera Klein P’19 Peter and Babette Loring P’92’94’97 Sallie Pottle P’15’19 Bill Quigley P’00’06 Lisa Romanelli, FA, P’13’19 Joan Rosenthal P’12 Stan and Jody Smith P’90 Richard Tadler P’05’09 Jay Wallace P’04’06’07


Harry and Marcia Aptt G’20’22 George, TR, and Paulette Balich G’22’25 Clinton and Judy Brown G’18’20 Douglas Drane G’21 Bruce and Jane Forsyth G’20’27 Peter and Joan Fortune G’13’21 Bill and Lynn Gonzalez G’24’27 Bob and Judy Gore G’22’24 Nat and Jodi Gorton G’19’22 Dennis and Deborah Grubbs G’20’21 Marie Jezequel G’25’26 Frank and Ann Marie Liseno G’22 Roderick and Karen MacNeil G’25 Bill and Karen McCollom G’24’27 Edmund Meeker and Diana Butman Meeker Gardner and Susan Sisk G’25’27 Val and Evelyn Somers G‘22’22 Rick Talkov and Susan Davies G’21 Davis and Louise Van Winkle G’19’22


The Balich Family Buckley Tree Care The Byrne Family The Esdaile Family Craig and Lindsay Calef Shaun and Sydney Clarke The Patio Company Corliss Brothers Garden Center


Restricted gifts are made by donor/s for a specific or special purpose. GUS uses these gifts wisely and carefully in keeping with donor/s intentions. Anyone within the wider GUS community may add to any of these restricted gifts at any time.

The Tadler Grant

Thanks to the initiative, foresight, and generosity of former trustee Richard Tadler and his wife, Donna, one or two GUS teachers are selected each year to participate in extraordinary professional development opportunities. Recipients choose activities they are passionate about and then return to GUS to share their experiences with the GUS community. Richard and Donna Tadler P’05’09

GAIN@GUS Summer Program Fund

With special thanks to the following individuals, foundations, and corporations for making possible a summer academic and experiential enrichment like no other. GAIN@GUS, serving children from the cities of Beverly, Lynn, and surrounding areas, provides skills in math, language arts, personal devel-

opment through classroom and outdoor experiences, swim lessons, and off-campus day trips in the Greater Boston area each summer at no cost to their families. Tim and Emily Collins P’14’17 The Pequot Foundation Kyle Marchesseault ‘91 and Marisa Howe GUS Faculty + Staff William Lundregan P’82’84 Catherine Lundregan Oatway ‘82 Guy and Leslie Marchesseault P’91’97 Reiser & Co., Inc. Steve and Joan Rosenthal P’12 Salem Five Bank Steve, TR, and Linda Todd P’20’24

Leslie Marchesseault Scholarship Fund for Access + Inclusion

Created in 2018 by a group of thoughtful and generous donors vested in honoring Leslie Marchesseault for her 30+ years of service to GUS! The purpose of this scholarship is to help continue to advance the school’s commitment to socioeconomic diversity. Preference is given to eligible GAIN@GUS students who seek enrollment at GUS. Peter and Chrysa DaCosta P’12 Peter and Babette Loring P’92’94’97 Andrew Marchesseault ‘97 Guy and Leslie Marchesseault P’91’97 Kyle Marchesseault ’91 and Marisa Howe Steve and Joan Rosenthal P’12

Carol Stewart Memorial Fund

In January 2020, the GUS community mourned the loss of Carol Stewart, a much beloved, respected and dedicated educator, colleague, and friend. Throughout her remarkable thirty plus years as a first grade teacher and academic support coordinator, Carol skillfully and lovingly guided generations of young hearts and minds. We are grateful to the legacy Carol created at Glen Urquhart School. Donations from the following community members were made to GUS in memory of Carol to provide financial assistance to families, enabling greater access to families who seek a GUS education. Emily Hayden Walt Meibaum George Bottger Amy Annable JD Boitano John and Martha Bowden Elaine Brocenos Rick and Martha Burnham Chris Draper and Jan Lindholm Kaleigh Dunn Accord Food Pantry Kirk and Gretchen Forsyth Alexander Frank B. Gellerman Sherry Haber Elaine Hambelton Kenneth and Jean Jones Rondi Kilham Wendy Lement Margaret McCamant Jodi Montes Combined Jewish Philanthropies Julie Preston Ogla Prince Anna Pryjma

Daniel and Roseanne Roe Deborah Rosser Dotty Ryan Albert Scott Norm and Donna Staller Morgan Stanley Gift Fund Peter Stewart Charles Stewart Glen Stewart Janie Stewart Heidi Stowe Lucy Strasburg Katherine Swibold Lise Uhl Daniel Szostek and Lynne Warren Elizabeth Winthrop


GUS Endowment, a perpetual source of support, is essential in sustaining the school’s mission. Each year a portion of the endowment is paid out as an annual distribution to support the school’s budget, while any appreciation is retained in the endowment so it can grow and bolster the school in all kinds of economic weather.

The Raymond Nance Fund

The Raymond Nance Fund was established in honor of Raymond C. Nance and his fifteen years of service to Glen Urquhart School as head of school. The fund is dedicated to strengthening the faculty and expanding the program so that GUS remains a leader in educational innovation. Michael and Clare Byrne P’09’10’15 Hurdle Hill Foundation Will and Sandy Phippen P’96’05’07

The Northrup-Warren Nature Fund

Named after founding students Molly Northrup ’86 and Lisl Warren ’86, this fund endows the study, interpretation, and preservation of the natural resources located on the Glen Urquhart campus.

Wild Boar Classic Committee

Eric D’Orio P’20 Carl Graves P’19’20, Chair Kirk Forsyth P’25’26 Holly and Chris Shepherd P’21’24’26

The Augustus P. Loring Library Fund

Peter and Babette Loring P’92’94’97

The Kelly Stotz Wycke Fund for Science

Established in 1999, this fund is dedicated to the memory of a loving parent who expressed a strong desire and commitment to enhance science education for GUS students.

Krisie Brown P’19’22’26, President Lyn Towne Smith P’22, Vice President Caroline Esdaile P’25’26, Treasurer Emily Reulet, P’19’21’22’25, Secretary


The Loring Fund was established in 1986 to honor past grandparent Augustus P. Loring. Mr. Loring’s firm belief that the strength of an educational institution is reflected in its library led to the establishment of this fund to strengthen our school and to pay tribute to his lifetime dedication to education. The income from this fund is used to acquire books for the GUS library.

Parents Association Officers

The Thistle Society recognizes the deep loyalty within the GUS community. Named after the national flower of Scotland, this society celebrates donors who make annual, unrestricted, gifts for 10 or more consecutive years. The Bornhorst Family Brehon and Kathryn Griswold Don and Lisa, FA, Romanelli P’13’19 Tim and Emily Collins P’14’17 Rick and Martha Burnham P’16 Bob and Brooke, TR, Carroll P’17’20 Sydney, FA, and Shaun Clarke P’18’20 Phil, TR, and Donna Furse P’16’17’18’20

Carl Graves and Julia Mahoney Graves P’19’20 James and Susan Nelson P’93 Tom Peckham and Ellen Petersen P’15 Kenny, TR, Grant and Carol Paczkowska P’13’20 Greg and Sallie Pottle P’15’19 Steve and Joan Rosenthal P’12 Jeffrey and Sheara Brand Seigal P’00’03’05 Peter Stewart P’04’09


Special thanks to the cadre of enthusiastic volunteers who supported the school this past fiscal year. GUS is a stronger and more vibrant place thanks to the optimism and dedication of the following:

Advancement Committee

George Balich P’92’96 G’22’25 Jake Bartlett ‘87, P’27 Krisie Brown P’19’22’26 Lise Carrigg P’19, Co-Chair Tamah French P’17’20’26 Lisa Kent P’23’26 Sallie Pottle P’15’19 Joan Rosenthal P’12 Louis Somma ‘88 P’23 Alen Yen P’22, Co-Chair

GIVING REPORT KEY AL = Alumni FA = Faculty

FF = Former Faculty G = Grandparent

P = Parent ST = Staff

TR = Trustee

Dollar amounts in the 2019-2020 Honor Roll reflect cash giving, including matching gifts, received July 1, 2019 – June 30, 2020. The Advancement Office takes great care to ensure the information contained herein is accurate and complete. Despite efforts to avoid errors or omissions, they do occasionally occur. If you believe your name has been omitted or listed incorrectly, please contact Martha Delay, Director of Advancement at (978) 927-1064 or Some of our donors have requested that their names not appear in this report. We respect their desire to remain anonymous and thank them for their generosity.

The effects of COVID-19 on the financial well-being of GUS and GUS families was not insignificant. Our response to meeting challenges created by covid-19 within our community was to create the GUS Together Fund. In keeping with our school’s desire to maintain a healthy, socio-economically diverse student body, the goal of this fund is to help retain current students whose families have been impacted by the pandemic, and to help the school manage unexpected change in the wake of this crisis. We were buoyed by the incredible generosity of the GUS community in response to the need. Thank you! Courtney Anastasia-Murphy, FA Stephen and Jessica Bagley P’20’27 Mark and Christine Barry P’22 Jared Bartok and Rebecca Hayes P’23’25 Tom Bernardi and Christine Baxter P’22’24 Martin and Nancy Benchoff P’21 Joe and Kathy Bertagna P’10’12’15 Antonio Bertone and Alexandra Drane P’21 Frederick Regan and Jordan ‘86 Bistrian Regan ‘28’29 Arthur and Paula Blume P’23’25 Katie Blynn, FA Mike and Rollyn Bornhorst P’19’21’24 Clinton and Judy Brown G’18’20 Dan and Krisie Brown P’19’22’26 Kenneth and Polly Ann Brown G’19’22’26 Steve and Whitney, ST, Buckley P’29 Rick and Martha Burnham P’16 Ware Cady ‘03 Craig and Lindsay ‘99, ST, Calef David Cancel and Lise, TR, Carrigg P’19 Bob and Brooke, TR, Carroll P’17’20 Sydney, FA, and Shaun Clarke P’18’20 Tim and Emily Collins P’14’17 Kathy Corneau ‘20’22 Jo Crawford G’21 Holly Curtis P’16 Eric and Melanie, TR, D’Orio P’20 Mark and Shawna Daoust P’26’26’28 Doug and Shay DeAngelis P’20 Mike and Martha, ST, Delay P’19’21 Chris Draper, FA, and Jan Lindholm Charlie Dunne and Elizabeth Lenart P’15 Lucas and Nichole Edwards P’28’29 Bruce Emerson, FA, P’04’06 Charles and Caroline Esdaile P’25’26 John and Ellyn Feerick P’23’28 Jake ‘91 and Madeline Fiumara P’28 Bruce and Jane Forsyth G’20 Kirk and Gretchen, FA, Forsyth P’25’27 Robert and Victoria Fortune P’13’21

Simon Glass and Susannah Ketchum Glass P’17’20’29 Chandlee Gore P’22’24 Craig and Heidi Gorton P’19’22 Nat and Jodi Gorton G’19’22 Kenneth, TR, Grant and Carol Paczkowska P’13’20 Edith Gregory P’04’06 Owen and Allison Hall P’29 Nancy Hartmann, FA Marc and Heather Hazel P’20’22 Tom and Mollie Hoopes P’05’08’14 Tom and Melinda Huff P’25 Keith and Kathleen Hughes P’06 Oliva Hull ‘05 Kitty Hunt, FA Marie Jezequel G’25’26 Thomas Moriarty and Kathleen Johnson P’20 Robert Johnston and Wendy Rubin P’98 Daniel Kacyvenski and Rosie Winthrop P’23’25 Nick ‘91 and Lisa, TR, Kent ‘23’26 Thomas Gschwendtner and Stephanie Kermes P’20 Christian and Sandra Klee P’21 Timothy Kniker and Kara Peters P’21’21 Patricia, TR, and Mark Landgren P’17’24 David and Julia Long P’20 Jonathan and Lucy Loring P’20’22’25 Bram and Lori Lutton P’22 Guy and Leslie Marchesseault P’91’97 Dan and Jennifer Mayer P’19 Liam and Caroline McCarthy P’24 Brian, TR, and Nikki Miller P’21’23 Elizabeth Winthrop and Adin Murray P’26 Raymond Nance P’99, Former Head of School Perry Nelson and Kristen Grubbs P’20’21 Lucy Noyes P’21 Sean and Roberta O’Connor P’17’21

Tanya O’Malley P’22 Anastacia Pathiakis P’19’21 Steve and Molly Prinn P’21 Grant Proops and Tamah, TR, French P’17’20’26 Bill Quigley and Leslie Cargill P’00’06 Marian Quin P’17 David and Laura Quirk P’13’17’17 Paul Lurrie and Naomi RabinowitzBuchanan G’26’29 Nicholas Richon and Carol Hong Richon P’19’25 Walter and Lois Riley P’02’05 Don and Lisa, FA, Romanelli P’13’19 Steve and Joan Rosenthal P’12 Jason and Erin Russell P’24’27 Goldman Sachs Matching Gifts George and Coreen Scharfe G’25’27 Buzz and Lorraine Schulte G’29 Ralph and Deborah Sevinor G’27 Vaughan Sherrill ‘99 Tom Shirley and Sarah Kaull P’03’06’09 Louis ’88, TR, and Ann Somma P’23 Dianne Stephan P’20 Evy Stewart G‘19’25 Lisa and Gregory Sweatt P’25 Steve, TR, and Linda Todd P’20’24 Alex Marks and Kim Tompkins P’20’29 Daniel and Andrea Toulouse P’24 Maureen Troubetaris Darren and Maureen, FA, Twombly P’19’21 Kate Ventimiglia ’01 David and Tara Walor P’19’23 Alen Yen, TR, and Cheryl Tivey P’22 Janelle Young, FA Kelly Zaval, FA Charles and Martha Zoubek G’19’21’24

Thank you.

All this is possible because of your generosity.

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