Report of Giving 2020-2021

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The Power of Community Report of Giving: July 1, 2020 - June 30, 2021

How can we adequately express our true gratitude for all the GUS community achieved together in what was a challenging yet innovative year? On behalf of our teachers, students, staff, and families, THANK YOU. Our path forward feels exciting, hopeful, and brimming with potential. With the support of so many parents, alumni, and friends, GUS continues to provide an environment where our students are nurtured to become the best versions of themselves; confident, curious, and caring. And with a growing alumni body carrying Mean well, Speak well, Do well out into the world, we all benefit. Thank you again for making such a positive impact on the quality of a GUS experience for our students and teachers, and for being part of our caring and inclusive community. THE GUS FUND Founders Circle

Highland Circle $2,500 - $4,999

Jared Bartok and Rebecca Hayes P’23’25 Antonio Bertone and Alexandra Drane P’21 Bob and Brooke, TR, Carroll P’17’20 Eric and Melanie D’Orio P’20 Douglas Drane G’21 Marc and Heather Hazel P’20’22 Joan and Steve Rosenthal P’12 Coreen and George Scharfe G’21’25’27’31

Essex Community Foundation Jake ‘87, TR, and Ellen Bartlett P’27 Daniel and Kristin Brown P’19’22’26 Jacob ‘91 and Madeline Fiumara P’28’30 Kenneth Grant, TR, and Carol Paczkowska P’13’20 Nick ‘91 and Lisa, TR, Kent P’23’26 Brian, TR, and Nikki Miller P’21’23 Grant Proops and Tamah French, TR, P’17’20’26 Penny, FF, and Evan Randolph Christopher and Holly Shepherd P’21’24’26 Louis ‘88, TR, and Ann Somma P’23 Steve and Joyce Tadler P’09 Alen Yen, TR, and Cheryl Tivey P’22 Tonneson + Co

Sustainers Circle

Tartan Circle

Anonymous Nancy and James Benchoff P’21 Arthur and Paula Blume P’23’25 Benevity The Bornhorst Family Tim and Emily Collins P’14’17 Charles and Caroline Esdaile P’25’26 Julia Mahoney-Graves and Carl Graves P’19’20 Mark and Patricia, TR, Landgren P’17’24 Goldman Sachs Richard and Donna Tadler P’05’09

Whitehall Foundation Grantham, Mayo, Van Otterloo & Co., LLC Kenneth and Polly Ann Brown G’19’22’25 Susan Coolidge P’90 Josh and Christy Doxsee P’22’25 Kirk and Gretchen Forsyth P’25’27 Peter and Joan Fortune P’15’21 Phil and Donna Furse P’16’17’18’20 Brian and Sherri Garvey P’15’18 Simon Glass and Susannah Ketchum Glass P’17’20’29 Craig and Heidi Gorton P’19’22

$25,000 and above George, TR, and Paulette Balich P’92’96 G’22’25

Urquhart Circle

$10,000 - $24,999

$5,000 - $9,999

$1,000 - $2,499

Brehon and Katherine Griswold Paul and Lauren Gudonis P’01 Tom and Mollie Hoopes P’05’08’14 Christian and Sandra Klee P’21 John Lerner and Karen Russo P’27 Liam and Caroline McCarthy P’25 Roger and Joanne Mercaldi P’23’26 Reiser Don and Lisa Romanelli P’13’19 Jeb and Jennifer Rumbough P’98’01 Buzz and Lorainne Schulte G’32 Davis and Louise Van Winkle G’19’22 Jay Wallace and Lisa McGovern P’04’06’07 Grant and Hope Winthrop G’23’25’26 Peter and Michele Wyckoff P’28

Friends Circle Gifts up to $999

Courtney Anastasia-Murphy, FA Hawley Appleton ‘85 Cheryl Arsenault, ST Todd and Sarah, FA, Bailes P’25’30 Jeffrey Bartsch, FA Laura and Ed Bell P’07 Jonathan Bennett and Marika Whitaker P’20’22 Tom Bernardi and Christine Baxter P’22’24 Grace Bertagna ‘15 Peter Bevan and Jaimie Sugar-Butter P’29’32 Amy Billings, FA Steve and Whitney, ST, Buckley P’32’32 Michael Buensuceso, TR Rick and Martha Burnham P’16

Katie Blynn, FA Mary John Boylan P’02’06 Tom and Karianna, FF, Brace P’22’24 Jamie and Bre, FA, Brandt P’32 Andrew Brown and Anita Meyer P’21 Elliott Buck, FA Elaine Byrne P’98’00 Michael and Clare Byrne P’09’10’15 Alison Cady Martin P’03 Lindsay Calef ‘99 Tom and Vanessa Campbell P’24 Alana Catalfamo, FA Ann-Marie Ciaraldi, FA Maggie Clark, FA Patty Clark, FA Sydney Clarke, FA Peter and Abigail Considine P’29 Joanna Crawford G’21 Dawn Curtis, ST Holly Curtis P’16 Emilie Cushing, FA Mark and Shawna Daoust P’26’26’28 Fred and Bonnie Delay G’19’21 Michael and Martha, ST, Delay P’19’21 Leo DesBois, FF Elizabeth DiGirolamo ‘89 Marshall and Tara Dodge P’31 Katherine Doherty ‘14 Tim and Ellie Dorr P’12 Chris, FA, and Laura, FA, Doyle P’27’29 Charlie Dunne and Elizabeth Lenart P’15 Chris Draper, FA Lucas and Nicole Edwards P’28’31 Bruce Emerson, FA, P’04’06 Julie Finn, ST Richard and Caroline Fitzpatrick P’10’14 Larry Flynn ‘09 Rocky and Jane Forsyth G’20’27 Mary Ellen Frechette, ST Jim Gardner and Lesley Mottla-Gardner P’16 Rafer Gardner ‘16 Martha Garvin ‘09 Anthony and Erica Gates P’28 James and Christine Georgoulakos P’95’97’02 Brooks and Lisa Glahn P’23’26 Chandlee Gore P’22 Michael and Emily Grimes P’29 Dennis and Deborah Grubbs G’20’21 Nancy Hartmann, ST Bob Hayes G’23’25 JP Hitesman ‘98

Emily Hobkirk, FF Thomas and Melinda Huff P’25 Hurdle Hill Foundation Lara Jardullo, ST Stephen and Jenny Kelley P’23 Ed and Amy Kurja P’22 Alex Levin ‘03, FA David and Julia Long P’20’23 Peter Loughman and Brianne Cobb P’22 Bram and Lori Lutton P’22 Jamie and Tori Macmillan P’06’09 Roderick and Karen MacNeil G’25 Jesser and Melgie Mantilla P’25 Alex Marks and Kim Tompkins P’20’29 Peter Mason, TR Pam McCoy, FA Dan and Jennifer Mayer P’19 Cheryl Mazer P’89’94 Merlin and Caroltta Miller ‘85 Adin Murray and Elizabeth Winthrop P’26 Raymond Nance, Former Head of School, P’99 Perry Nelson and Kristen Grubbs P’20’21 Scott Nelson and Jennifer Lucas P’28’30 North Shore Friends Lucy Noyes P’21 Sean and Roberta O’Connor P’17’21 David, TR, and Deirdre Patch P’16’19’23 Stacia Pathiakis P’19’21 Alex and Jessica Paul P’23 Tom Peckham and Ellen Petersen P’15 Polly Pfau, FA Will and Sandy Phippen P’96’05’07 Adam Portnoy ‘86 Steve and Molly Prinn P’21 Lincoln Proops ‘17 Morgan Proops ‘20 Bill Quigley and Leslie Cargill P’00’06 Marian Quin P’17 Daniel Ramirez and Eliza Bobek P’24’28 Brendon and Kim Randall P’30’32 James and Jennifer Ready P’22’23 Linda Ready G’22’23 John Reeder and Jill Foley P’27’29 Nicholas Richon and Carol Hong-Richon P’19’25 Beth Riley, ST, P’01

Cori Russo, FA Daniel and Laura Rutledge P’11 Ralph and Deborah Sevinor G’27’29 Tom Shirley and Sarah Kaull P’03’06’09 Gardner and Susan Sisk G’25’27 Stan and Jody Smith P’90 Anna Solomon-Greenbaum ‘90 Nick Soodik and Emily RabinowitzBuchanan, ST, P’26’29 Willy Somma ‘87 John Soursourian and Judy Klein P’95’00’04 Dawn Southworth, FA, P’04 Zara-Marie Spooner, TR Dianne Stephan P’20 Andrew and Anne Stevens P’03’05 Drew Stevens and Lynn Young P’24 Emlyn Stokes ‘99 Marcia Strouss P’04’08 Steve and Joanna Suomi P’23’26 Greg and Lisa Sweatt P’25 Steve and Meaghan Taylor P’22’22 Sandra Thaxter P’87’88 G’23 Sandy Thoms, FA Cara Tomassino, FA Dan and Andrea, TR, Toulouse P’24 Nathan and Lyn Towne-Smith P’22’25 Darren and Maureen, FA, Twombly P’19’21 Anthony Walton and Deborah Murphy P’26 Paul and Alison Weingartner P’13 Alec and Anne White P’89’92 Julie Whitlow and Olga Merchan P’17 Miranda Winthrop P’23’25 Kelly Zaval, FA

Louis Somma ’88 Willy Somma ’87 Emlyn Stokes ’99


Former Trustees

Hawley Appleton ’85 Jake Bartlett ’87 Lindsay Calef ’99 Leo DesBois ’03 Martha Garvin ’09 Elizabeth DiGirolamo ’89 Katherine Doherty ’14 Jake Fiumara ’91 Larry Flynn ’09 Rafer Gardner ’16 Nick Kent ’91 JP Hitesman ’98 Adam Portnoy ’86 Lincoln Proops ’17 Morgan Proops ’20 Anna Solomon-Greenbaum ’90

Wild Boar Circle

Celebrating gifts from the class of 2000 and younger. Katherine Doherty ’14 Leo DesBois ’03 Martha Garvin ’09 Larry Flynn ’09 Rafer Gardner ’16 Lincoln Proops ’17 Morgan Proops ’20

Alumni Parents

Mary John Boylan P’02’06 Elaine Byrne P’98’00 Holly Curtis P’16 Charlie Dunne and Elizabeth Lenart P’15 Jim Gardner and Lesley Mottla-Gardner P’16 Brian and Sherri Garvey P’15’18 James and Christine Georgoulakos P’95’97’02 Dan and Jennifer Mayer P’19 Cheryl Mazer P’89’94 Merlin and Carlotta Miller P’85 Raymond Nance P’99 Tom Peckham and Ellen Petersen P’15 Marian Quin P’17 Jeb and Jennifer Rumbough P’98’01 Daniel and Laura Rutledge P’11 Tom Shirley and Sarah Kaull P’03’06’09 Dianne Stephan P’20 Andrew and Anne Stevens P’03’05 Paul and Alison Weingartner P’13 Alec and Anne White P’89’92 Julie Whitlow and Olga Merchan P’17 Laura Bell P’07 Martha Burnham P’16 Clare Byrne P’09’10’15 Emily Collins P’14’17 Susan Coolidge P’90 Tim Dorr P’12 Richard Fitzpatrick P’10’14 Phil Furse P’16’17’18’20 Carl Graves P’19’20 Brehon Griswold Lauren Gudonis P’01 Mollie Hoopes P’05’08’14 Tom Hoopes P’05’08’14 Judy Klein P’95’00’04 Peter and Babette Loring P’92’94’97

Tori Macmillan P’06’09 Will Phippen P’95’06’07 Bill Quigley P’00’06 Joan Rosenthal P’12 Jody Smith P’90 Stan Smith P’90 Marcia Strouss P’04’08 Joyce Tadler P’09 Richard Tadler P’05’09 Jay Wallace P’04’06’07


Kenneth and Polly Ann Brown G’19’22’25 Joanna Crawford G’21 Fred and Bonnie Delay G’19’21 Douglas Drane G’21 Rocky and Jane Forsyth G’20’27 Peter and Joan Fortune G’15’21 Bob Hayes G’23’25 Roderick and Karen MacNeil G’25 Linda Ready G’22’23 Coreen and George Scharfe G’21’25’27’31 Buzz and Lorainne Schulte G’32 Ralph and Deborah Sevinor G’27’29 Gardner and Susan Sisk G’25’27 Sandra Thaxter G’23 Davis and Louise Van Winkle G’19’22 Grant and Hope Winthrop G’23’25’26

Faculty + Staff

Celebrating 100% participation! Courtney Anastasia-Murphy Cheryl Arsenault Sarah Bailes Annie Barton Jeffrey Bartsch Amy Billings Katie Blynn Karianna Brace Bre Brandt Elliott Buck Whitney Buckley Lindsay Calef Alana Catalfamo Ann-Marie Ciaraldi Maggie Clark Patty Clark Sydney Clarke Dawn Curtis Emilie Cushing Martha Delay Chris Doyle Laura Doyle Christine Doxsee Chris Draper Bruce Emerson Julie Finn Gretchen Forsyth Mary Ellen Frechette Nancy Hartmann Kitty Hunt Lara Jardullo

Alex Levin Pam McCoy Ray Novack Katelyn O’Donnell Polly Pfau Beth Riley Emily Rabinowitz-Buchanan Lisa Romanelli Cori Russo Holly Shepherd Dawn Southworth Sandy Thoms Cara Tomassino Maureen Twombly Julie Wyman Janelle Young Kelly Zaval


Gretchen Forsyth (Bill Quigley P’00’06) Raymond Nance (Bill Quigley P’00’06)


Restricted gifts are made by donor/s for a specific or special purpose. GUS uses these gifts wisely and carefully in keeping with donor/s intentions. Anyone within the wider GUS community may add to any of these restricted gifts at any time.

The Tadler Grant

Thanks to the initiative, foresight, and generosity of former trustee Richard Tadler and his wife, Donna, one or two GUS teachers are selected each year to participate in extraordinary professional development opportunities. Recipients choose activities they are passionate about and then return to GUS to share their experiences with the GUS community. Richard and Donna Tadler P’05’09

GAIN@GUS Summer Program Fund

With special thanks to the following individuals, foundations, and corporations for making possible a summer academic and experiential enrichment like no other. Tim and Emily Collins P’14’17 Ryan Delay ‘19 The Pequot Foundation Kyle Marchesseault ‘91 and Marisa Howe Anders Langren ‘17 William Lundregan P’82’84 Catherine Lundregan Oatway ‘82 Guy and Leslie Marchesseault P’91’97 Pam McCoy Reiser & Co., Inc. Grace Romanelli ‘19 Steve and Joan Rosenthal P’12

Salem Five Bank Mattea Whitlow ‘17

Leslie Marchesseault Scholarship Fund for Access + Inclusion

Created in 2018 by a group of thoughtful and generous donors vested in honoring Leslie Marchesseault for her 30+ years of service to GUS! The purpose of this scholarship is to help continue to advance the school’s commitment to socioeconomic diversity. Preference is given to eligible GAIN@GUS students who seek enrollment at GUS. Raymond Nance P’99 Steve and Joan Rosenthal P’12

Carol Stewart Memorial Fund

Created in 2020 in memory of Carol Stewart, a much beloved and dedicated GUS educator, colleague, and friend. Donations from the following community members were made to GUS in memory of Carol to provide financial assistance to families, enabling greater access to families who seek a GUS education. Robert Giannino Emily Hayden Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bunn Tracy Lutz The Bunn Siblings


GUS Endowment, a perpetual source of support, is essential in sustaining the school’s mission. Each year a portion of the endowment is paid out as an annual distribution to support the school’s budget, while any appreciation is retained in the endowment so it can grow and bolster the school in all kinds of economic weather.

The Raymond Nance Fund

The Raymond Nance Fund was established in honor of Raymond C. Nance and his fifteen years of service to Glen Urquhart School as head of school. The fund is dedicated to strengthening the faculty and expanding the program so that GUS remains a leader in educational innovation. Joan and Steve Rosenthal P’12

The Northrup-Warren Nature Fund

Named after founding students Molly Northrup ’86 and Lisl Warren ’86, this fund endows the study, interpretation, and preservation of the natural resources located on the Glen Urquhart campus.

The Augustus P. Loring Library Fund

The Loring Fund was established in 1986 to honor past grandparent Augustus P. Loring. Mr. Loring’s firm belief that the strength of an educational institution is reflected in its library led to the establishment of this fund to strengthen our school and to pay tribute to his lifetime dedication to education. The income from this fund is used to acquire books for the GUS library. Peter and Babette Loring P’92’94’97

The Kelly Stotz Wycke Fund for Science

Established in 1999, this fund is dedicated to the memory of a loving parent who expressed a strong desire and commitment to enhance science education for GUS students.


Special thanks to the cadre of enthusiastic volunteers who supported the school this past fiscal year. GUS is a stronger and more vibrant place thanks to the optimism and dedication of the following:

Advancement Committee

George Balich P’92’96 G’22’25 Jake Bartlett ‘87, P’27 Tamah French P’17’20’26 Joan Rosenthal P’12 Louis Somma ‘88 P’23 Andrea Toulouse P’24

Parents Association Officers

Lyn Towne-Smith P’22’25, President Andrea Toulouse P’24, Vice President Caroline Esdaile P’25’26, Treasurer Emily Reulet, P’19’21’22’25, Secretary

Wild Boar Classic Committee Ryan Carrigg P’29’32 Eric D’Orio P’20 Carl Graves P’19’20, Chair Kirk Forsyth P’25’26 Holly and Chris Shepherd P’21’24’26

Wild Boar Classic Sponsors

Bay State Financial Rufus Clark The Clean Team Corliss Brothers Crowley & McCarthy, P.C. East Boston Savings Bank Gardner Mattress The Graves Family The Hall Family JBS Home Inspections

John A. Penney Company, Inc. Jonathan Mosse Jones Street Investment Partners Leahy Landscaping One Equity Partners People’s United Bank R. B. Wood Contracting Rizing, LLC RSM, LLP The Shepherd-Grimes Family Val & Evelyn Somers Spearhead Capital Advisors, LLC Sullco, Inc. The Todd Family Winokur Dechert, LLP

Dollar amounts in the 2020-2021 Honor Roll reflect cash giving, including matching gifts, received July 1, 2020 – June 30, 2021. The Advancement Office takes great care to ensure the information contained herein is accurate and complete. Despite efforts to avoid errors or omissions, they do occasionally occur. If you believe your name has been omitted or listed incorrectly, please contact Martha Delay, Director of Advancement at (978) 927-1064 or Some of our donors have requested that their names not appear in this report. We respect their desire to remain anonymous and thank them for their generosity.

GIVING REPORT KEY AL = Alumni FA = Faculty FF = Former Faculty G = Grandparent

P = Parent ST = Staff TR = Trustee

THE THISTLE SOCIETY The Thistle Society recognizes the deep loyalty within the GUS community. Named after the national flower of Scotland, this society celebrates donors who make annual, unrestricted, gifts for 10 or more consecutive years. Mike and Rollyn Bornhorst P’19’21’24 Brehon and Kathryn Griswold Don and Lisa Romanelli P’13’19 Tim and Emily Collins P’14’17 Susan Coolidge P’90 Rick and Martha Burnham P’16 Bob and Brooke Carroll P’17’20 Sydney and Shaun Clarke P’18’20 Eric and Melanie D’Orio P’20 Chris Draper, FA Phil and Donna Furse P’16’17’18’20 Brian and Sherri Garvey P’15’18

Carl Graves and Julia Mahoney Graves P’19’20 Nick ‘91 and Lisa Kent P’23’26 Peter and Babette Loring P’92’94’97 Tom Peckham and Ellen Petersen P’15 Kenny Grant and Carol Paczkowska P’13’20 Nicholas Richon and Carol Hong-Richon P’19’25 Steve and Joan Rosenthal P’12

return to

STARRY NIGHT campus art walk + auction The 2021 Return to Starry Night event was incredible! Once one of the most beloved Glen Urquhart School events, we wanted to bring it back in a safe and engaging way - so we got creative.

The event focused on uplifting artists and the importance of artistic expression in our lives. We welcomed 108 contributions from artists in our midst, and the event saw over 108 guests in happy attendance. All told, we raised $30,000 in support of Glen Urquhart School’s financial aid program. We are incredibly grateful to all of the artists who dedicated their time and talent in order to provide a wonderful evening for all of us working together to help make a GUS education more accessible to more families. It was truly a wonderful night.


Molly Arnio Cheryl Arsenault, ST Cambria Barry Kim Bartlett P’84’87 Bill Barton Christine Bobek G’24’28 Lindsay Calef ‘99, ST Erin Clark Charlotte Collins ‘14 Susan Coolidge P’90 Kathy Corneau P’20’22 Amy Holland Crafton P’21’23 Tamara DeOrio P’26’28 Tina Doherty P’22 Deborah Ellington Catherine Emmons Julie Finn, ST Rocky Forsyth G’20’27 Barbara French G’17’20’26 Will French G’17’20’26 Pavlina Gilson/Priemlov Nina Goodick P’04’06 Caleb Grant ‘13 Kate Griswold Maret Hensick Hillary Holmes Tom Hoopes P’05’08’14 Annalee Johnson P’88

Lily Keller Paul Lancisi Susan Sister Locke G’17 Lori Lutton P’22 Nan Macmillan ‘09 Luca Malde Pradip Malde Rachel Malde Chrissa Markos P’24 Ralph Mocxey P’83 Adin Murray P’26 Irina Okula Jack O’Malley G’22 Raymond Nance P’99 Robert Osborne Diane Oxton David Oxton Stacia Pathiakis P’19’21 Sandy Phippen P’96’05’07 Mallie Pratt P’31 Courtney Reid Chris Robinson John Rogers Jen Romans Leah Rutledge Ellen Schiller P’18 Anna Solomon ‘90 Willy Somma ‘87 Dawn Southworth P’04, ST Peter Stewart P’04’09

Belle Struck Alison Taylor ‘87 Sandra Thaxter G’87’88 David and Helen Tory Virginia Townsend/ Coastal Arts Joanne Twombly G’19’21 We Dream in Color Marika Whitaker P’20’22 Muffy White P’20’23 Elizabeth Winthrop Rosie Winthrop P’23’25 Alisa Zalosh P’21

Judy Klein P’95’00’04 Trish Landgren P’17’24 Peter and Babette Loring P’92’94’97 Jonathan and Lucy Loring P’00’22’25 Joan Rosenthal P’12 Anna SolomonGreenbaum ’90 Willy Somma ‘87 Andre Toulouse P’26 Norm and Donna Staller Peter and Gail Tarr G’32



Mark and Christine Barry Ellen Bartlett P’27 The Bubble Factory Kathy Bertanga P’10’12’15 Martha Burnham P’16 Clare Byrne P’09’10’15 Bob Carroll P’17’20 Cabot Cinema Tara Dodge P’31 Josh Doxsee P’22’25 Grant Proops and Tamah French, TR, P’17’20’26 Marc and Heather Hazel P’20’22

Luka Bornhorst ‘21 Gabriel Klein ‘19 Anders Landgren ‘17 Claire Lewis ‘20 Eliza Loring ‘20 Ava Meyer ‘21 Claire Patch ‘19 Emily Prinn ‘21 Morgan Proops ‘20 Nina Zalosh ‘21

Thank you.

All this is possible because of your generosity.

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