Conference on global competences in education, august 2013

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Global Competences

in Education

Conference on Global Competences in Education August 29th 2013 Copenhagen


why Global High Schools invites teachers, principals, students and partners to attend our conference on global competences in education. Keynote address will be held by Veronica Boix-Mansilla, Principal Investigator Project Zero, Harvard Graduate School of Education, and author of the book Educating for Global Competence: Preparing our Youth to Engage. As the world becomes more interconnected and complex, the school is no longer just part of a local society, but also part of a networked global community. The role of the school is not just to prepare students to participate locally, but to support them in becoming active global citizens. Global High Schools is a cooperation between Danish high schools which identify understanding of global issues and the capacity and disposition to act as essential 21st century competences. At this conference Global High Schools has invited leading international expert on global competences in education, Veronica Boix-Mansilla. With departure in her research mapping and identifying global competencies within different disciplines she will discuss global competences and the opportunities for strengthening these through secondary school education.



August 29th 2013 from 9.30 till 16.15


Arrivals: Coffee, tea and croissant.





Global Competences w. Veronica Boix-Mansilla.

Festsalen, Københavns Åbne Gymnasium, Sjælør Boulevard 133, 2500 Valby

11.45-12.45: Why are global competences important today? w. Charlotte Rønhoff, DI and Marianne Ping Huang, AAU



Sign up here.


Working with global competences in practise. 3 examples from Global High Schools.


Workshops (incl. coffee and tea)


Summary and goodbye.

Participation is free.



Representatives from the Danish corporate sector and the higher education system will also discuss the importance of global competences in education. Finally Global High Schools will present examples of their work with global competences at the schools.

Deadline for signing up is 15th of August 2013

Conference on Global Competences in Education August 29th 2013 Global High Schools

Conference on Global Competences in Education August 29th 2013 Global High Schools



Veronica Boix-Mansilla works as Principal Investigator Project Zero, Harvard Graduate Shcool of Education and is the author of the book Educating for Global Competence: Preparing our Youth to Engage. Veronica serves as an educational advisor at a variety of institutions on matters of pedagogy, curriculum design, assessment and professional development

Charlotte Rønhof is Head of Research and Educational Policies at the Confederation of Danish Industry (DI). She work to direct primary schools, high schools and higher education to support the needs of companies. First and foremost by ensuring that the quality of education is high, but also to make sure that young people are interested in disciplines in technical and natural sciences.

Marianne Ping Huang is Vice Dean for Education, Faculty of Arts at Aarhus University. She works with the strategical development of the faculties programmes and has a great insight into and understanding of the tendencies and movements within the field of higher education. In her former position as Head of Institute for Art and Culture at Copenhagen University she focussed on how to develop the pedagogical approach by cooperating with external partners.

Conference on Global Competences in Education August 29th 2013 Global High Schools

Global High Schools is a network working to construct methodologies and strategies to support high schools to integrate a global perspective in the everyday teaching and school life. In the development of learning programmes Global High Schools works closely together with international schools, universities and organizations to secure a challenging and involving education to encourage the formation of young global citizens. The initiative Global High Schools is a close co-work between a group of 12 Danish high schools and a network of NGO’s and education developers. Our aim is to develop the global dimension as an integrated part of the curriculum and everyday practice in the high school system. We actively work together in Global High Schools to support and implement strategies strengthening the global dimension in every area of the high school life – pedagogy, teaching materials, exchange programs, projects and social activities to name some of the areas. We will place an important focus on the dialogue with students, teachers and organizations in other parts of the world both through exchange programs and the web. The aim is to contribute to the formation of young global citizens who are able to:

place themselves in an interconnected world enter in constructive dialogue deal with cultural differences connect knowledge and praxis use innovative ways in dealing with global challenges interact on local, national and global levels

Conference on Global Competences in Education August 29th 2013 Global High Schools

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