Brand Twintec makes extensive inroads in the Middle East
Twintec reinforces its reputation for producing specialist concrete floor slabs Twintec premium flooring specialists offer exceptional professional expertise and the finest products that meet the most stringent industry and client demands
wintec provides a personal product through a total offer concept with a high level of performance, environmental sustainability and aesthetics worldwide,” affirms Ruth Waugh, General Manager & International Business Development Director, Twintec Middle East & VP Marketing & Communications, Twintec, in this contribution to Global Supply Chain.
“The supply chain and logistics industry changes rapidly …. but when it comes to your concrete floor slab don’t consider short term
48 MARCH 2022
gains or cost savings, focus on the long term,” she asserts. According to Ruth, the following are some of the questions and issues that clients have to grapple with regard to making key industry flooring decisions. These are ‘What will your needs be in 2, 5 or 10 years? ‘Will you be leasing to different clients over a 10-year period?’; ‘Are racking configurations likely to change’? Also, what about AGVs (Automated Guided Vehicles) as a future business strategy?
On future-proofing your concrete floor slab is a critical business success factor? The influence a specialist concrete flooring contractor can have during the design and specification stages of a scheme should not be underestimated as being of great value to all parties. Design concepts, materials, methods of construction and surface tolerance requirements are carefully considered with all parties without compromising functionality and the operational