In addition, we have already identified leads in the area, that we believe could be great fits for CargoStack, so we will work hard in convincing them to partner with us. GSC: How has the Wiremind Group performed in this fiscal year and what is the outlook for the remainder of the year? NDT: The Wiremind Group has had a double-digit growth in revenue every year since its inception, and this fiscal year was no exception. Wiremind Cargo is somewhat of a specific case, given the fact we are investing to launch new products, so our focus right now is on delivery.
dynamic pricing and overbooking forecast are typical areas where we offer things others do not. Fourthly, in connectivity. All our architecture is API-centric, which means every single data point belongs to a dedicated API. This allows to connect to any system more efficiently than in the past. GSC: How will airlines, freight forwarders and other stakeholders benefit from the adoption of this mechanism? NDT: I believe that working with a modern CMS is set to become a competitive advantage for airlines. They gain efficiency, and most importantly they become easier to work with. I believe that in the future, if you do not have a CMS that offers such advantages as those I described earlier, you will gradually lose market share. Of course, that is not to say that success relies solely on a good CMS. However, as the cornerstone system of Air Cargo operations, it certainly is a strong asset for airlines to achieve their targets.
56 JULY – AUGUST 2022
GSC: How well has the product been received since its launch? What feedback have you received? NDT: We have just launched the first version of CargoStack, which we unveiled at Air Cargo India in Mumbai. The response we are getting is encouraging, and we got some useful feedback as well as to how we can further improve the solution moving forward. GSC: Has any Middle Eastern Airline adopted or implemented this product suite thus far? NDT: As I was stating, we just launched the product. At this time, we have already established multi-pronged relationships with airlines, and we are confident we can secure contracts soon. GSC: What prospects do you foresee for CargoStack in the Middle East? NDT: The Middle East is a region that is important for us: it is very dynamic and home to some of the biggest airlines in our industry, and we have customers in that region.
GSC: What are the challenges confronting CargoStack in its rollout? NDT: The biggest one is definitely prioritization. We are aiming at making CargoStack the best system in the industry, so that comes with hard work, a lot of features to deploy and a very ambitious roadmap. It also means you have to find the balance between contradicting factors: keeping a fast pace while taking the time to regularly ask feedback from your partners and customers, covering a large scope of capabilities while making sure you keep your focus on the aspects that create more value for the customers. If you want to find that balance, you must apply fierce prioritization – a difficult but crucial process. GSC: Is CargoStack an upgrade or will it entail the replacement of legacy systems? NDT: CargoStack targets three types of clients: First, airlines that do not have any reservation system, and are looking to implement one. We provide consulting services for them as well. Second, airlines who do have a legacy system and are looking to transition to a modern SaaS system. Third, airlines who have a CMS but want to implement CargoStack modules, which can be acquired independently and plugged to any CMS. This is the case for example of our Revenue Management tool or our SkyPallet system.