The art of storytelling An useful strategy in our classroom
How can we take advantage of storytelling? 1. Telling a story using your own voice 2. Asking your students to create their story 3. Personalizing the story (students’ interests, vocabulary‌) 4. Emphasizing critical thinking skills 5. Promoting collaborative learning
Critical thinking dimensions 1. Recognition of assumptions 2. Induction 3. Deduction 4. Interpretation 5. Evaluation of arguments
There is more‌ 1. Motivation 2. Social constructivism
3. Negotiation of meaning 4. Comprehensible input
5. Affective filter
Storybird adventure Google Storybird and click sign up for free.
Creating the your storybird account Click on educator/ teacher
Create a username and a password.
Write your email address
Creating your account Create a name for your class and choose the level you teach.
Click on create to start making your story
• Storybird gives you a lot of different artwork you can use. • You just select one by clicking on the small thunder
Once you select the art the you must choose among: making a longform book, a picture book or a poem.
Now you can just drag images and start writing‌
Pay attention below the story…
Here you can add a “student” to help you with the story and create it in pairs.
You use + to incorporate a new slide in the story
Use this arrows to move from one page to the other
To create the story in pairs 1. Both people must sign up and create an account. (one as a teacher and the other as student)
2. After that, the “teacher” adds the other as a student in his or her class 2.1. Click on “Studio” and then click on “Students”
The person who signs up as a student clicks join a class and uses the class code the teacher provides.
When you finish‌ One you added all the: 1. Slides 2. Images 3. Written information You should click save and exit
After that…
1-You select privately 2- Write a short description or keywords 3- Click on Publish
Once the story is published you have many options
Also you can share your story
Send the link
Incorporate it on your Moodle platform, your personal website etc.
Post it on social networks
I hope you can enjoy using Storybird and the storytelling strategy with your students
We continue talking about this in the forums‌. See you later!