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Water Resource Services Solutions for effective water management. Human activities interact with our natural hydrologic environment in many ways. As water demand grows, the need for effective management and efficient use is greater. The CES approach to water resource management challenges is to use science and engineering to create solutions that leverage natural site features to reduce cost and improve water quality. Our services include:

Irrigation and Pumping System Design CES has designed irrigation projects focused on water conservation throughout the world. We have converted tens of thousands of acres from flood irrigation to many types of much more efficient mechanized irrigation, resulting in water conservation many times on the order of 50%. Our extensive experience with canal distribution systems, piping, and seepage issues has helped farmers get more of their water where they need it. Our focus is replacing surface water discharges with land-based systems to improve instream water quality and replacing surface withdrawals with other sources to increase instream flows.

Dam Repair and Removal CES takes pride in assessing and upgrading how our community infrastructure interacts with the natural environment. Our engineers and sub-consultants are experienced working with existing earthen or concrete dams and the design of new water control structures. CES’ engineering team is registered in nine states, and also provides geotechnical, hydraulic, environmental and project management services. Our approach focuses on whole-system, sustainable solutions, working with a site’s natural attributes, the local landowners and the needs of aquatic species, to achieve a lasting solution which meets regulatory requirements and is in balance with the natural environment.

Fish Screen Design and Permitting Irrigation diversions and road culverts often cause fish passage and screening problems. CES and its associates have been providing solutions to these problems for over 20 years. CES and its associates have extensive experience in design and installation of fish screening systems using pressure backwash, gang wipers, channel bottom flat plates or combinations of these. Our design and installation experience in fish passage systems include fish ladders such as Alaska Steeppass, Denil and pool and weir structures.

Water Supply and Treatment CES engineers, geologists, and hydrologists provide comprehensive water supply and drinking water services. Our professional geologists can design, permit and oversee your supply well installation to tap the best water bearing zones, considering quality and yield. Our civil and mechanical engineers offer extensive experience with water pumping, piping and delivery systems, and can certify your plans and document construction. If you need to improve or change water quality, our chemical engineers have the experience from arsenic to reverse osmosis to disinfection treatment systems. CES also offers complete design-build services for your water supply and drinking water needs.

Streambank Protection and Stabilization Rapid changes in watersheds are often due to a combination of many factors. These include increased runoff and sediment loading related to land use changes, differing stream alignment due to construction or someone else's stream stabilization, damaged riparian buffer zones, manipulation within the channel or a combination of these factors. Sound, effective stream restoration requires attention to engineering, biology and social concerns and issues. CES and its associates have designed and have overseen construction of over 10 miles of streambank restoration. These projects have involved restoration systems that use combinations of vegetation, wood and rock. These projects have been shown to withstand high-energy flows while providing shade, structure and other aquatic

Watershed Assessments CES has over 30 years of wetland mitigation experience, including restoration, creation and enhancement design. Human needs have become more and more intertwined and reliant on our natural watersheds over the years. This is a critical component in understanding a watershed and how conditions can be improved. Our work starts with watershed delineation and assessment. From there our team assists with projects involving upland water movement, openchannel flow, temperature assessment and reduction, lagoon design, watershed management and unsaturated zone water flow.

Water Rights CES can assist you with all aspects of surface and groundwater water rights. Water projects need

confirmed water rights

before project

design, property transfer or construction of new systems. CES has assisted private, municipal, industrial and watershed councils with water right services from dam removal to supply well installation to surface water withdrawals.

Wetland Delineations and Mitigation We offer cost-effective, timely services for identifying and delineating wetlands utilizing state and federal regulations. CES has constructed wetlands, lagoons and bioretention swales throughout the U.S. These features are often designed to treat wastewater or stormwater runoff prior to flowing into streams and rivers. We have worked closely with local, state and federal governments in conjunction with private entities to delineate, mitigate, design, permit and construct wetland systems. We have successfully worked with many stakeholders with different interests and views to reach a common goal.

We also offer: • Design-Build Systems • Permitting • Baseline Monitoring, Surface Water, Vandose Zone and Groundwater • Aquifer Characterization • Water Supply Planning and Evaluation • Soil Moisture and Solute Transport Modeling • Groundwater Flow and Contaminant Transport Modeling

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