Mandatory reading module 2

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Module #2 Jing: a tool to present contents

Contents Basic concepts ........................................................................................................ 2 Jing: ..................................................................................................................... 2 Screencast........................................................................................................... 2 Embed ................................................................................................................. 2 Folder................................................................................................................... 2 Inductive learning:................................................................................................ 2 Deductive leaning ................................................................................................ 2 Introduction.............................................................................................................. 3 Learning Objective .................................................................................................. 4 Deductive learning................................................................................................... 5 Inductive Learning ................................................................................................... 6 Technological tool: Jing ........................................................................................... 7 Usages of Jing in the teaching and learning process ........................................... 7 Tutorials ........................................................................................................... 7 Presentation of different contents..................................................................... 7 Giving feedback................................................................................................ 7 Communicative activities / assignments ........................................................... 8 Glossary ........................................................................................................... 8 Technological limitations of the tool ..................................................................... 8 Jing and screencast ................................................................................................ 9 Creating an account in Screencast ...................................................................... 9 Learn how to use Jing ........................................................................................... 14 Summary ............................................................................................................... 17 References ............................................................................................................ 18 Annexes ................................................................................................................ 19 Annex #1............................................................................................................ 19

Basic concepts Jing: It is a technological tool. Its main function is to capture pictures and videos. It also records audio. Screencast It is a website used to store videos, pictures and other documents to share them by URL links or embed codes. Embed Embedding content on a blog or a website allows it to display within the page without launching an external player or a new browser window. Folder A place to organize your content inside screencast. These folders have different private settings in order to choose who and how to share the contents inside. Inductive learning: An approach to teach language where students must analyze language input to figure out grammatical rules. Deductive leaning An approach where the teacher gives the content explicitly. It can be with an explanation face to face through a video or a tutorial. This type of learning is very conscious for the learner.


Introduction There are many methodologies when learning a foreign language. In this module, we will be focusing on two that are opposite: inductive learning and deductive learning. It is important to comprehend that both methodologies have proven to be effective. These two are very related to conscious and unconscious learning. In this sense, the cognitive part of students plays a very important role. Therefore, some recognized authors in the language learning field have established different theories. For instance, Krashen claims that language should not be learned. He sustains that people who are interested in learning a language must have exposure to the new language to acquire it instead of receiving formal instruction. In other words, he considers that language acquisition happens more unconsciously than consciously. Also, in this case the importance relies on meaning rather than form (Mohammed & Jaber, 2008). On the other hand, important authors in this field establish that learning is conscious process that requires formal instruction, explanation, practice, language production and evaluation. From this view, the language acquisition process is much more focused on form than meaning. In this sense, learning requires less mental effort due to the fact there is communication where the contents are given explicitly. This can result on a process with no frustration, less anxiety and more guidance. This instruction requires a teacher, that as professional plan the learning experience. In this lesson, we will not say one is better than the other one, as it was stated before, both theories have had effective results. As you keep reading you might be more familiarized with inductive or deductive learning. Nevertheless, the intention is to keep an open mind to comprehend other ways we can improve the students learning process (Prince & Felder, 2006).


Learning Objective The main goal in this module is to analyze both theories “inductive and deductive learning� to take advantage of them by making a balance when planning learning experiences for our learners. Also, one of the main purposes is to comprehend when it can be more convenient to choose one or the other. In other words, preparing ourselves to make the most beneficial decision for our learners. Sometimes as professionals we have the tendency of promoting more deductive than inductive or the other way around. The idea is to stop that tendency and make the choice with some valid criteria. It is very important to keep an open mind and be ready to go out of the comfort zone. After finishing this module, you will be able to: develop the pedagogical strategy: inductive and deductive learning using the tool JING to promote the English as a foreign language learning in your classes.


Deductive learning Deductive learning approach requires a teacher that explains topics from the general to the specific. This approach emphasizes the grammar structures a lot. For instance, the instructor explains a grammatical rule: how it works, when to use it, how it is composed etc. After this, the facilitator provides the students with several examples for them to fully understand the structure. Later, the students practice it orally, filling in the blanks or with specific situations. This learning approach has been very used throughout the years showing good results. In fact, many of us learned English in this way. In despite of this, the approach has been criticized with the argument that students play a passive role in their learning process. It is important to clarify that deductive learning approach can be very communicative. Students can share their thoughts about the new rule and they are also encouraged to use it in oral activities (Gavriel, 2015). According to the population, deductive learning can be very effective. Some students are already accustomed to more traditional methodologies and therefore they demand an explicit explanation otherwise they feel more anxiety and might start feeling lost. Also, if the students have a very low level they are going to have a hard time trying to deduce the rule by themselves. In this sense applying a deductive approach might seem easier for the teacher the problem is that it might also be less meaningful for the students. As a conclusion, deductive learning is a great approach and it works for many learners and teachers. Some institutions have in their curriculums the approach as a main part of their pedagogical model. The learning process is more conscious and it can be very communicative.


Inductive Learning The inductive approach is opposite to the deductive. This one requires more unconscious learning. Implementing this approach requires that students make analysis by themselves in order to figure out, as a group or individually the grammatical rule. Gavriel (2015)establishes that this approach can be difficult for weak students. However, when students make this analysis if the succeed in the comprehension of the rule learning is very meaningful making it much more useful for students in their daily life. Inductive learning is based on the fact, that humans are the only specie that is able to find patterns. The learning is more meaningful because students use their previous knowledge to discover the grammar rule, this cognitive process is very important. It helps the learner to retain the new knowledge. There are many pedagogical strategies that help teachers to apply inductive approach in the classroom. Haight, Herron and Cole (2007) explain one of them called “PACE� the first letter stands for presentation, then the second for attention and the last two for construction and extension activity. In other words, teachers provide some input that contains the grammar structure they intend to teach highlighting it somehow. Teacher drives students’ attention to it. After that, in groups students construct the rule by analyzing while answering some questions given by the teacher. Finally, the teacher guides a little their analysis to make sure everything they conclude is good. In the end students practice the structure in an extension activity. Inductive learning has proven to be a very good approach to teach grammar and language. It is part of many curriculums worldwide and help students to improve.


Technological tool: Jing The main function of this tool is to capture images or video from our computer screen. It is essential to mention that it records audio as well. Some years ago, people used to press the keyboard and paste the screenshot on paint and later edit it and use it. Jing allows us to save the image or video in a webpage called screencast. This website provides us with a URL link to send the video or image to anyone. Also, the tool offers an embed code. This code is very useful to display the video or image inside our website or blog. Usages of Jing in the teaching and learning process A tool that combines images, audio and text is highly useful in the foreign language classroom. Jing complies with that, for this reason it brings many benefits to the language learning process. Tutorials Since Jing allows to capture the computer screen and everything we do in it. It can be used to make a tutorial in order to show students how to access a website in the computer or show them how to use a tool. Presentation of different contents The most common tool to present contents is power point. Therefore, if we have the contents in a power point presentation and we can record it and explain orally while we write different important notes in the power point. We can also use an image instead of power point and create the video as well. Giving feedback When student send an assignment, we can make notes correcting the assignment and give oral comments while recording the video. In this way, the


feedback is “warmer” or more welcoming than just red crosses. Also, it is easier for students to understand corrections if they are given orally. They can feel the teacher closer (Harper & Green, 2012). Communicative activities / assignments We do not have to limit the tool usage to teachers we can for example ask students to capture a map and give orally a direction. Or any other task in which students require to talk and present an idea. It can be very useful to check their oral production. Glossary Since students are learning a new language we can use Jing as a glossary where we incorporate new words using pictures, definitions and examples.

Technological limitations of the tool The most important limitation of this tool relies on the fact that it is necessary to be online to watch the video or image. Since it is hosted in the website screencast is necessary to have an internet connection and an account in this website. The tool allows us to save the videos in our computer but the problem is that they can’t be saved in a regular format. Jing only let us save videos in a swf format, most computers can’t open these files. Other limitation of Jing is that the maximum length of the video is five minutes. Therefore, you must be careful with time and consider this factor when recording (Harper & Green, 2012).

Jing and screencast Screencast is the website used to upload videos, images or any other content created with Jing or not. The importance of having an account on screencast is that it allows you to share your captures made using Jing with other people. We will make a free account in Screencast therefore the space to upload files is limited to 2GB. The good thing is that you can delete old videos to make more space if it is necessary. Other important aspect, is that you when you are signing up you should not use your email from work. You must use a regular domain for example:,, etc. Creating an account in Screencast 1- Go to the website and click on “Sing up�. 2- There you will see the following page

3- It says account level. You should click free account. Otherwise you will have to pay and it is not necessary. Also, the password you choose must have minimum six characters.


4- The display name you choose must have between two and twenty characters. It does not include spaces or symbols. 5- After filling all this information an email will be automatically sent to you email account. Therefore, you must check your email and click the link screencast sent you to activate your account. Once you have your screencast account you can start organizing your contents by making new folders or uploading anything you like. The next images will show you how to manage your contents inside screen cast

Learn how to use Jing

The first step for downloading Jing is to go to the following website: Once you download the software in your computer the program will ask you for information. You must use the same information you previously used in your screencast account. Make sure you use the same email, password and everything so that the Jing gets linked to screencast. In this reading we will see how Jing works using at least the general functions. 1- You open the program. You will see a sun when the program is opened. It looks like this one:

2- You can look for the sun in your screen (in your computer desktop). As you can see in the image, you have three different options: capture, history and more. It is important to mention that you can either hide the sun or move it around according to what is more convenient for you. Also, you can have other programs opened and click the sun to record at all times.

2.1- Lets start talking about capture: this one is used to start recording the screen to make a video or an image. W hen you click it, you can drag the mouse around the screen to select the area where you want to record. See this picture

This shiny area is the one that will be recorded. This area is not going to be captured. \

After selecting the area, you will choose if you prefer to capture an image or a video.

Click here to restart the selection Click here to record a video Click here to capture a picture

After you finish recording the video you have two options. 1. You can save it in your computer in a Swf format (this is not convenient because the file is difficult to open it in other computers.)

2. You can share it using screencast. This is very recommendable to get a URL and share it or embed your video in a website.

Click here to share it in screencast

3. After this step, you have two options 1- Just go to your screencast account and look for your video inside the folder called “Jing” there you can get the URL or embed code. 2- Just open your browser and click “paste” the browser will open the video. When you share your video on screencast the URL is automatically copied in a clipboard that is why you can just paste the link anywhere without opening the screencast website. You can watch many tutorial videos to learn how to use Jing. The following website includes more than twenty-five tutorials to learn different functions of the tool

Summary Jing allows teachers to improve the learning and teaching process by using inductive or deductive approaches. Since, the tool records image and sound that the teacher choose the exact content they would like to teach. In this sense, teachers are not limited in any way. They can use the tool to teach any content their school curriculum has. We can also conclude that both deductive and inductive approaches are effective in the language classroom. The teacher must analyze the population and the contents in order to choose one of them. Ideally, the professional can make a balance in a way that students have the opportunity to analyze the language input to figure out a rule. And at the same time, teacher can guide the inductive process helping the students in their analysis. Also, in the end the professional can provide a deductive explanation of the topic to make it clear for those students who had a hard time coming up with the rule by themselves (Mohammed & Jaber, 2008). A study showed that students feel a more engaging with the learning process when receiving feedback through Jing because they can listen to their teachers voice instead of just looking at corrections in red. Likewise, they can pause, play and repeat anything as many times as they can. The study showed that students do not feel comfortable enough to ask the teacher to repeat in face to face (Harper & Green, 2012). As a conclusion, Jing is an excellent tool for foreign language teachers because it adapts to any course program and the teacher can promote the four language skills: reading, listening, writing and speaking. Also, the tool allows teachers to promote other subskills such as pronunciation or vocabulary. Teachers must promote that students learn the tool usage.

References Gavriel, J. (2015). Tips on inductive learning and building resilience. Education for Primary Care , 332–334. Haight, H. a. (2007). The Effects of Deductive and Guided Inductive Instructional approaches on learning on grammar in the learning of grammar in the elementary foreign language college classroom . Foreign Language Annals , 288- 310. Harper, F., & Green, H. a.-T. (2012). Evaluating the integration of Jing screencasts in feedback on written assignments . 5th International Conference on Interactive. Mohammed, A., & Jaber, H. (2008). The effects of deductive and inductive approaches of teaching on Jordanian university students' use of the active and passive voice in English. College Student Journal, 545-553. Prince, M., & F. R. (2006). Inductive Teaching and Learning Methods:. Journal of Engineering Education, 123-138.

Annexes Annex #1 This picture compares inductive and deductive learning.

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