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สุนทรียะแหงการพักผอน ที่เพียบพรอมกลางเมืองหัวหิน The Complete Aesthetic of Relaxation In the Heart of Huahin City

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The world of relaxation Huahin Center Condominium is a new concept condominium of quality urban living in the heart of the city surrounded by beautifully-created warm ambience and privacy. The place fits with those who love casual living, encircled by Huahinûs impressive natural atmosphere, dependable security system, and a full-fledged facility network. Every day is a refined leisure to you.

awaits you hereÇ. Huahin Center Condominium

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Convenience alongside Nature Located on a large plot of hand in the heart of the city, every means of commuting is convenient for you. Moreover, Huahin Center Condominium is next to Huahinûs famous all-night market, Chat Chai Market. Every night, you can be filled with delicious cuisine and the colorful dusk skyline, while enjoying the pleasant nature at beachside, which is a walking distance that you can reach as often as you wish.

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The Prestige of LifestyleÇthat Aspires Relaxing If you are one of those who love a posh relaxation, Huahin Center Condominium is ready to reflect prestige and dignity of residentûs lifestyle, such as yours. With a prime location and a flawless combination of design, you will be indulged by the relaxing atmosphere since the fist entering step. Such pristine elegance, full with fine taste, is ready for you to experience and make a reservation to mirror your way, today.

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Relaxing with Exclusivity In the Classic Atmosphere Because we care about beauty and coziness, Huahin Center Condominium is especially punctilious about its design, making it an utmost luxurious, yet cozy, condo and making you feel at ease at every glance.

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The Complete Aesthetic of Relaxation In the Heart of Huahin City For you to achieve a true sense of relaxation, Huahin Center Condominium is determined to allocate every square meter to precisely fit with life that is filled with fine taste by making every corner casual and stylish, yet offering abundant utility spaces, to answer every needs of condo living. It is also equipped with a swimming pool and a fitness center that is fully functioning to boost your good health.

Tel. 08-14-012345, 032-512-333

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รายปกษ : ทุกวันที่ 1 และ 16 ของเดือน | ปที่ 1 เลมที่ 11 : ปกษหลัง มีนาคม 2551

VOL.1 NO.11 |


16-31 MARCH 2008

VISIT OUR www.247freemag.com

Editorûs Note

I Love City Life 08


16 30

Shopping / Pop Eyeûs View Escape Asara Villa & Suite Hua Hin, Dusit Thani Hua Hin

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·≈– Hua Hin Hills Vineyard ·À≈àß∑àÕ߇∑’ˬ«·≈–∑’Ëæ—° ÿ¥À√Ÿ 33 Society ‡°Á∫µ°¢à“« —ߧ¡·≈–ª“√åµ’È¡—π åÊ

Trend & Taste 14

Beauty & Fashion

‰¡à«à“§ÿ≥®–‰ª√’·≈Á°´å°—∫°‘®°√√¡«—πÀ¬ÿ¥ æ√âÕ¡§π摇»…∑’ˉÀπ Õ¬à“≈◊¡æ°¢Õß„™â§Ÿà°“¬‡À≈à“π’ȉª‡µ‘¡‡µÁ¡§«“¡ ÿ¢„Àâ§ÿ≥¥â«¬ 17 Health ‡∑§π‘§°“√°‘πÕ¬à“߉√„ÀâÀà“ß¡–‡√Áß 21 Taste Hua Hin Hot Taste


Entertainment ∫—π‡∑‘ß√Õ∫µ—«∑’Ëπà“ π„® Àπ—ß-‡æ≈ß-Àπ—ß ◊Õ

Bangkok Rhapsody √Õ¬√—° √Õ¬ —° (µÕπ∑’Ë 2)

People 28


∫ÿ√‘π∑√å ∫ÿ≠«‘ ÿ∑∏‘Ï Godfather of Disco

Hilight : SCOOP :

Hot Spots for Summer !

9 ∂“π∑’Ë ÿ¥ŒÕµ√—∫´—¡‡¡Õ√å



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. 04

Editor’s note

Sea Sand Sun

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TOMORN Sookprecha EKASART Sappachang THANIMTIP Pattamavipart PESILP Pongvarapa PRATEEP Patchimtuck NUVEE Lertbunnapong PRECHA Sowattanachat ANRIYA Meeketkit LUCKKANA Thaweesuk



241 8008

PAKORN Pongvarapa PORNJITT Pongvarapa : Finance NIPHAN Kulprasoot : Editorial RITNARONG Kulprasoot : Marketing SUEBWONG Kaewthipharat


means that If a person finds an situation attractive, then he/ she/ it is considered enjoyable. ------------Text : iD11

England :

East Beach Cafe

∂“ªíµ¬°√√¡√Ÿª∑√ß·ª≈°µ“π’ȧ◊Õ‡√ ‡µÕ√Õßµå ÿ¥‡°ã√‘¡™“¬À“¥„π Littlehampton, West Sussex ª√–‡∑»Õ—ß°ƒ… ‡ªìπº≈ß“π°“√ÕÕ°·∫∫¢Õߥ’‰´‡πÕ√å§π‡°àß Thomas Heatherwick ∑’Ë¡’º≈ß“π √â“ß™◊ËÕ‰«âÕ¬à“ß¡“°¡“¬ ‰¡à«à“®–‡ªìπ«—¥∑’Ë≠’˪ÿÉπÀ√◊Õ√Ÿªªíôπ ∑’Ë Ÿß∂÷ß 56 ‡¡µ√ √Ÿª∑√ߢÕ߇√ ‡µÕ√Õßµå·Ààßπ’È∂Ÿ°ÕÕ°·∫∫§≈⓬ª≈“«“ᓇ°¬µ◊Èπ ∑’Ë√‘¡À“¥ Õ—π‡ªìπ‰Õ‡¥’¬¢Õ߇®â“¢Õß√â“π∑’˵âÕß°“√ √â“ߧ«“¡·µ°µà“߇æ◊ËÕ‡ªìπ∑’Ë®¥®” ¢ÕߺŸâæ∫‡ÀÁπ ®÷ß∑”„Àâ‡√ ‡µÕ√Õßµå·Ààßπ’È ∂Ÿ°®—¥„Àⵑ¥ 1 „π 30 ∑’Ë™‘§∑’Ë ¥ÿ „πÕ—ß°ƒ… ·≈–∂Ÿ°π”‡ πÕ™◊Ë Õ ‡¢â“ ™‘ ß √“ß«—≈ Brit Insurance Design Awards Õ’°¥â«¬ England : East Beach Cafe

Germany :

2 in 1

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This spectacular building is a restaurant, sits right on the beach in Littlehampton, West Sussex, England. It designed by Thomas Heatherwick, the great British design star of the last decade. It is said to look like a big whale on the beach. It is another hot contender for the Brit Insurance Design.

Germany : 2 in 1

Good news for diving lovers, there is a hi-tech diving mask with a built-in digital camera. Now, you can take photos without carrying a camera. It is very convenient. This hi-tech diving mask was first public at the CeBIT, computer fair in the northern German town of Hanover. It is a biggest technology fair in the world.

China :

National Grand Theatre

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This modern architecture is the National Grand Theatre. It was designed by French architect Paul Andreu. It is located in the center of Bejing, nears the Tiananmen Square. The exterior of the theater is a titanium accented glass dome that is completely surrounded by a man-made lake. It is said to look like an egg floating on water. It was designed as an iconic feature, something that would be immediately recognizable.

Hong Kong :

Futuristic Pavilion of HK

À≈“¬§π§ß®– ß —¬«à“µ÷°√Ÿª∑√ß·ª≈°µ“π’ȧ◊ÕÕ–‰√ π’ˇªìπµ÷°∑’Ë √â“߉«â ”À√—∫®—¥π‘∑√√»°“√ Chanelûs Mobile Art ∂Ÿ° √â“ߢ÷Èπ∫πµ÷°®Õ¥√∂ 3 ™—Èπ ¢Õß√—∞∫“≈ŒàÕß°ß ‡ªìπº≈ß“π¢Õß ∂“ªπ‘°™“«Õ—ß°ƒ…-Õ‘√—° Zaha Hadid ŒàÕß°ß∂◊Õ‡ªìπ‡¡◊Õß·√°„πÕ’°À°‡¡◊Õß„À≠àÊ ∑’Ë®—¥· ¥ß º≈ß“π¢Õß»‘≈ªîπ·π« Twenty International Contemporary Artists Hong Kong : Futuristic Pavilion of HK

This futuristic pavilion shaped like a spaceship created by British Iraqi deconstructive architect Zaha Hadid, venue for Chanelûs ùMobile Artû exhibition. It is built on a three-story government car park in Hong Kong. Hong Kong will become the first of six international cities to exhibit the works of twenty international contemporary artists.

Green Space

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Green Space *** ®“°©∫—∫∑’Ë·≈â« ¢Õ·°â‰¢¢âÕº‘¥æ≈“¥ : Birdûs Nest ®“° Mexico ‡ªìπ China ®÷ߢÕÕ¿—¬¡“ ≥ ∑’Ëπ’ȥ⫬


The idea to safe earth is now the hottest trend all over the world. Greece is also crazy about global warming problem. This is the reason why the big supermarkets in Athens have joined together to create a campaign ùreduce plastic bags to green environmentû. This campaign has intended people to use reusable plastic bag or canvas bag. It will test for first 2 months, start on April 14. n

What’s Hot

in l o o C Let’s

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â¹ µºØ ¤ Asus-Lamborghini Softworld Êͺ¶ÒÁÃÒ¤Òä´Œ·ÕèÌҹ ªÑé¹ 4 ⫹ Atrium â·Ã. 0-2¨Ò¡ 613-1671-3

Mac Book Air ¨Ò¡ iStudio by Copperwired Êͺ¶ÒÁÃÒ¤Òä´Œ·ÕèÌҹ ªÑé¹ 2 ⫹ Forum â·Ã. 0-2613-1540-2

¹Ò ¡Ò¢ŒÍÁ×Í Vabene Black Acrylic And Silver Metal Chronograph ÃØ‹¹ÅÔÁÔàµç´ ÃÒ¤Ò 12,90 ¨Ò¡ Vabene ªÑé¹ 2 ⫹ Central Court â·Ã. 0-264 0 ºÒ· 6-1583

ªØ´à¤Ã×èͧ»ÃдѺྪà Sweet Summer ¹éÓ˹ѡÃÇÁ 5.33 ¡ÐÃѵ ÃÒ¤ÒÊͺ¶ÒÁä´Œ·ÕèÌҹ ¨Ò¡ Ananta ªÑé¹ 2 ⫹ Dazzle â·Ã. 0-2613-1377-8

¹Ò ¡ÒµÑ駾×é¹ Clock Tower ¨Ò¡ NP Fabric ÃÒ¤ÒÊͺ¶ÒÁä´Œ·ÕèÌҹ ªÑé¹ 5 ⫹ Atrium â·Ã. 0-2255-9639-40

¡ÕµÒà ÃØ‹¹ John Meyer Signature ÃÒ¤Ò 52,500 ºÒ· ¨Ò¡ Music Concept ªÑé¹ 3 ⫹ Beacon â·Ã. 0-2255-6448-9

2 TM V8 MOTORAZRY EDITION R U X U L 10 ºÒ· ÃÒ¤Ò 20,6ola ªÑé¹ 4 r ¨Ò¡ MotoentralCourt ⫹ C 106-2633 â·Ã. 08-4

¹Ò ¡ÒÃØ‹¹ Men’s Minute Machine Diamond Dial Edition ÃÒ¤Ò 119,000 ºÒ· ¨Ò¡ Oakley ªÑé¹ 3 ⫹ Eden â·Ã.0-2646-1323

The ancient Babylonians had a lunisolar


of 12 lunar months of 30 days each.

------------Text : My Melody

Mar. 29, 2008 Love Maker by am : pm Live in Hua-Hin / PRIME NATURE VILLA À—«À‘π / 19.00 π. æ∫°—∫§Õπ‡ ‘√嵧ÿ≥¿“æ∑’Ë√«∫√«¡ »‘≈ªîπ‡æ≈ß√—°·∂«Àπâ“¢Õ߇¡◊Õ߉∑¬‰«â „πß“ππ’È °—∫ Love Maker by am : pm Live in Hua-Hin ∑’Ë®–™«π§ÿ≥ ®Ÿß¡◊Õ§π摇»…¡“øí߇æ≈ß√—°√‘¡À“¥ „π ∫√√¬“°“» ÿ¥‚√·¡πµ‘°¢Õß∑–‡≈À—«À‘π π”‚¥¬°≈ÿà¡»‘≈ªîπ Love Maker by am : pm / ‡®ππ‘‡øÕ√å §‘È¡ / øÕ√å¥ ∫™—¬ / ·À¡à¡ æ—™√‘¥“ / ACAPPELLA 7 / ¥—ß æ—π°√ æ√âÕ¡¥â«¬ ‡À≈à“»‘≈ªîπ‡æ≈ß√—°§ÿ≥¿“æÕ¬à“ß ‡∫‘√¥å °–Œ“√å∑ / «‘¬–¥“ ‚°¡“√°ÿ≈ ≥ π§√ / ‡∫π ™≈“∑‘» / ‚°â Mr.SAXMAN / ª“π ∏πæ√ / ETC ·≈– NUVO ‚¥¬®”Àπà“¬∫—µ√√“§“ 1,000 / 1,500 / 1,800 ∫“∑ ·≈–摇»…°—∫ VIP PACKAGE 7,500 ∫“∑ ”À√—∫ 2 ∑à“π æ√âÕ¡ÀâÕßæ—° 2 «—π 1 §◊π ∑’Ë ª√‘ßøî≈¥å «‘≈‡≈® °Õ≈åø ·Õπ¥å ª“ √“¬‰¥â à«πÀπ÷ËßÀ≈—ßÀ—°§à“„™â®à“¬ ¡Õ∫„Àâ ¡Ÿ≈π‘∏‘‡¥Á°‚√§À—«„®œ µ‘¥µ“¡√“¬≈–‡Õ’¬¥‡æ‘Ë¡‡µ‘¡‰¥â∑’˧≈◊Ëπ COOL 93 fahrenheit ∑ÿ°™à«ßæ’‡® À√◊Õ www.cool93.net

Mar. 29, 2008 Malang Rock Day / ¡Ÿπ µ“√å µŸ¥‘‚Õ / 14.00 π. GMM GRAMMY ®—¥„Àâ MALANG ROCK ‰¥â¡“‡®Õ°—π ¡“ÕÕ°ƒ∑∏‘Ï∑“ß ¥πµ√’√à«¡°—π ‚¥¬‰¡à®”°—¥ “¬æ—π∏ÿå„¥Ê ∑—Èß ‘Èπ „πß“π MALANG ROCK DAY ´÷Ëß®–®—¥¢÷Èπ∑ÿ°Ê ‡¥◊Õπ ‡√‘Ë¡µâπµ—Èß·µà ‡¥◊Õππ’È æ∫°—∫»‘≈ªîπ√ÁÕ§¡“°§«“¡ “¡“√∂Õ¬à“ß HANGMAN, ‚¥¡ NOLOGO, ZEAL, PLAYGROUND, ROCKCAMP ·≈– SUPERSUB ®Õß∫—µ√√à«¡√–‡∫‘¥§«“¡¡—π°—π‰¥â·≈â«∑’ˉ∑¬∑‘§‡°Áµ‡¡‡®Õ√å∑ÿ° “¢“

Mar. 22-30, 2008 ¥‘ π’¬å ÕÕπ ‰Õ´å ªï 2008 / Õ‘¡·æ§ Õ“√’πà“ ‡¡◊Õß∑Õß∏“π’ æ∫°—∫§«“¡ πÿ° π“π„πªî¥‡∑Õ¡π’È°—∫ Disney On Ice presents Mickey & Minnieûs Amazing Journey ®–擧ÿ≥ÀπŸÊ ·≈–§√Õ∫§√—«‰ªæ∫°—∫‡√◊ËÕß√“«°“√‡¥‘π∑“ߺ®≠¿—¬ ∑’ˇµÁ¡ ‰ª¥â«¬‡√◊ÕË ßµ◊πË ‡µâπ¢Õ߇À≈à“µ—«°“√åµπŸ ®“° 5 ‡√◊ÕË ß¥—ß ¢Õß«Õ≈∑å ¥‘ π’¬å ·≈–°“√¡“‡¬◊Õπ‡¡◊Õ߉∑¬ §√—ßÈ ·√°¢Õß Õ߇æ◊ÕË π´’È ≈’‚≈ ·Õπ¥å µ‘™, ‡®â“≈Ÿ°À¡“¥—≈‡¡‡™’¬≈ 101 ¥—≈‡¡‡™’¬≈ ·≈–π—°º®≠¿—¬ ‡À‘πøÑ“ ªï‡µÕ√å·æπ ´÷Ëß„π§√—Èßπ’ȇ®â“ÀπŸ¡‘°°’È-¡‘ππ’ËÕ“ “‡ªìπ‰°¥åæ“∑—«√å ®—∫®Õß∑’Ëπ—Ëߥ’Ê °àÕπ„§√ ‰¥â·≈â««—ππ’È∑’ˉ∑¬∑‘§‡°Áµ‡¡‡®Õ√å∑ÿ° “¢“ ·≈– “¡“√∂¥Ÿ√“¬≈–‡Õ’¬¥¢Õß√Õ∫°“√· ¥ß‰¥â∑’Ë www.thaiticketmajor.com

Mar. 27, 2008 Thailand: 9 Days in the Kingdom / √â“π«‘π¥—¡‰∑¬ ‡√ ‡µÕ√Õß§å ·Õπ¥å ∫“√å / Õ“§“√´Õ¡‡¡Õ√凴Á∑ ‡≈§ ‡√ ´‘‡¥π´å / ÿ¢ÿ¡«‘∑ 16 ‡™‘≠√à«¡™¡π‘∑√√»°“√¿“æ∂à“¬∑“ß«—≤π∏√√¡‚¥¬°“√√à«¡¡◊Õ°—∫Àπ—ß ◊Õ ùThailand : 9 Days in the Kingdomû ∑’√Ë “â π«‘π¥—¡‰∑¬ „π∫√√¬“°“»Õ∫Õÿπà ·≈–‡ªìπ°—π‡Õß ´÷ßË ®–¡’°“√®—¥· ¥ß º≈ß“π¢Õß»‘≈ªîπ∑à“πÕ◊ËπÊ ≈—∫À¡ÿπ‡«’¬π°—π‰ªµ≈Õ¥ªï 2551 ´÷Ëߧ√—Èß·√°‡ªìπ¿“æ∂à“¬Ωï¡◊Õ ¡“√嵑π √’ø å ™à“ß¿“æ¡◊ÕÕ“™’溟⠓¡“√∂∂à“¬∑Õ¥¿“æ∑‘«∑—»πå·≈–ºŸâ§π∑’ˉ¥âæ∫‡ÀÁπ √–À«à“ß°“√‡¥‘π∑“ß„π∑«’ª‡Õ‡™’¬°«à“ Õß»µ«√√… ºà“π∑“ßøî≈å¡Õ‘πø√“‡√¥¢“« ¥” ‰¥âÕ¬à“ß¡’‡Õ°≈—°…≥å Õ∫∂“¡√“¬≈–‡Õ’¬¥‡æ‘Ë¡‡µ‘¡∑’Ë 0-2258-1783 À√◊Õ www.wyndhamthai.com

Mar. 20-24, 2008 Symbol Stream Stone & First Photo Exhibition by S. Kunawong / Living Gallery / ™—Èπ 3 ¬“¡æ“√“°Õπ

Mar. 29-30, 2008 Kamlangjai Concert / ‚√ß¿“æ¬πµ√å ¬“¡¿“«≈—¬ / ¬“¡æ“√“°Õπ / 19.00 π. §Õπ‡ ‘√åµ°”≈—ß„®®“°ºŸâæ‘°“√∑’ˉ¡à‡§¬ ‘ÈπÀ«—ß ‡≈πà“ ¡“‡√’¬ π—°√âÕߧÿ≥¿“æ¡◊ÕÕ“™’æ ºŸâæ‘°“√¡“ ·µà°”‡π‘¥ ™“« «’‡¥π æ√âÕ¡√âÕ߇æ≈߇æ√“–Ê ·≈–‡≈à“ª√– ∫°“√≥å™’«‘µ∑’ËÀ≈“¬§πÕ“®¬—߉¡à√Ÿâ «à“‡∏ÕÕ¬Ÿà‰¥âÕ¬à“߉√„π ¿“æ∑’Ë√à“ß°“¬æ‘°“√ ·µàÀ—«„®¢Õ߇∏Õ‰¡à‡§¬æ‘°“√‡≈¬ ‚¥¬ß“π§Õπ‡ ‘√åµ §√—Èßπ’È®—¥¢÷Èπ ‡æ◊ËÕ à߇ √‘¡·≈–„Àâ°”≈—ß„®·°à§πæ‘°“√·≈–§π∑’ˉ¡àæ‘°“√∑—Ë«ª√–‡∑» „À⥔‡π‘π™’«‘µ Õ¬à“ß¡’§ÿ≥§à“∑—ÈßµàÕµπ‡Õß·≈–ºŸâÕ◊Ëπ ·≈– “¡“√∂∫√√≈ÿ§«“¡Ωíπ‰¥â ‚¥¬√“¬‰¥â à«πÀπ÷Ëß ¡∑∫∑ÿπ ¡Ÿ≈π‘∏‘§√‘ ‡µ’¬π‡æ◊ËÕ‡¥Á°æ‘°“√ ®Õß∫—µ√‰¥â·≈â«∑’ˉ∑¬∑‘§‡°Áµ‡¡‡®Õ√å∑ÿ° “¢“

Mar. 17, 2008 Harry Connick Jr. and his big band Live in Bangkok / ‡´Áπ∑√—≈‡«‘≈¥å / 20.30 π. §Õ‡æ≈ß·®ä´ ‡µ√’¬¡æ∫°—∫§Õπ‡ ‘√µå ‡µÁ¡√Ÿª·∫∫ ®“°·Œ√å√’Ë §Õπ𑧠®Ÿ‡π’¬√å (Harry Connick Jr.) °—∫‡ªï¬‚π·≈–«ß∫‘Í°·∫π¥å‡µÁ¡√Ÿª·∫∫ ´÷Ë߇µÁ¡ ‡ªïò¬¡‰ª¥â«¬°≈‘ËπÕ“¬¢Õ߇æ≈ß·®ä´ æ√âÕ¡∫∑‡æ≈ßÕ—π‰æ‡√“–®“°»‘≈ªîπºŸâ∑’ˇªìπ∑—Èßπ—°√âÕß·≈– π—°¥πµ√’ ¡“√à«¡·∫àߪí𧫓¡ ÿ¢ §«“¡¡’™’«‘µ™’«“ §«“¡‡ªìπ‡Õ°≈—°…≥å ·≈–®‘µ«‘≠≠“≥¢Õß ∫∑‡æ≈ß®“° New Orleans ·≈–‡æ≈ߌ‘µÕ◊ËπÊ Õ’°¡“°¡“¬Õ¬à“߇µÁ¡√Ÿª·∫∫ ®Õß∫—µ√‰¥â·≈â«∑’Ë ‰∑¬∑‘§‡°Áµ‡¡‡®Õ√å∑ÿ° “¢“

. 12

‡™‘≠™¡π‘∑√√»°“√ ùSymbol Stream Stone & First Photo Exhibition by S. Kunawongû ‚¥¬»‘≈ªîπ ‡ √‘¡§ÿ≥ §ÿ≥“«ß»å ª√–∏“π‡®â“Àπâ“∑’Ë∫√‘À“√ ∫√‘…—∑ ´’‡ÕÁ¡ ÕÕ√å°“‰π‡´Õ√å ®”°—¥ (¡À“™π) ´÷Ëß„™âª√– ∫°“√≥å°«à“ 20 ªï„π°“√∂à“¬¿“æ·≈–„™â§«“¡‡™’ˬ«™“≠„π ◊ËÕ ¡—≈µ‘¡’‡¥’¬ √â“ß √√§åπ‘∑√√»°“√¿“æ∂à“¬·≈– ◊ËÕº ¡∑’Ë¥’∑’Ë ÿ¥§√—Èß·√°„π™’«‘µ ®—¥· ¥ß∑—Èß §Õ≈‡≈°™—Ëπ„πªï 1990 ·≈–§Õ≈‡≈°™—Ëπªí®®ÿ∫—π Thailand : 9 Days in the Kingdom

Symbol Stream Stone & First Photo Exhibition by S. Kunawong

Mar. 15, 2008 Smirnoff Experience The ùTenû Takeover / Escudo ∑ÕßÀ≈àÕ / 3 ∑ÿà¡ ‡ªìπµâπ‰ª

√à«¡‡ªî¥¡ÿ¡¡Õß„À¡àÊ °—∫ª“√åµ’È Smirnoff Experience The ùTenû Takeover ´÷Ëß ‡¡Õ√åπÕø‰¥â®—¥·§¡‡ª≠π’È‚¥¬°“√√«¡ ¡“™‘°Àπÿà¡ “«√ÿàπ„À¡à‰ø·√ß®”π«π 10 §π®“°À≈“°À≈“¬ «ß°“√∑’Ë¡’§«“¡‡ªìπ Original „π·∫∫©∫—∫µ—«‡Õß ¡’¿“√°‘®§◊Õ °“√‡¥‘π∑“ß√Õ∫‚≈°‡æ◊ËÕ§âπÀ“¡ÿ¡¡Õß·≈–ª√– ∫°“√≥å„À¡àÊ µ≈Õ¥√–¬–‡«≈“ 1 ªï‡µÁ¡ ´÷ËßÀπ÷Ëß„ππ’È°Á¡’µ—«·∑π®“°ª√–‡∑» ‰∑¬ 1 §π ‰¥â·°à ¥’‡®‡∫π ‡∫≠®ƒ∑∏‘Ï π‘¡∫ÿ≠®“™ æ«°‡¢“ ‡À≈à“π’ȉ¥â¡“‡¬◊Õπ‡¡◊Õ߉∑¬„π∞“π–¢Õß Nightlife Expert ´÷Ëß ®–¡“√à«¡°—π®—¥ª“√åµ’È·∫∫ ÿ¥‡À«’Ë¬ß ‚¥¬„πß“ππ’È¡’ Hi-light §◊Õ DJ ™◊ÕË ¥—ß®“°Õ‡¡√‘°“ DJ Jus Ske ®–¡“∫√√‡≈߇ªî¥·ºàπ „À≥â¡π— °—π„π√Ÿª·∫∫∑’§Ë ≥ ÿ ‰¡à‡§¬æ∫∑’‰Ë Àπ¡“°àÕπ·πàπÕπ

Until Mar. 31, 2008 ‚ª√‚¡™—Ëπ„À¡à®“°«Õ≈≈å µ√’∑ / «Õ≈≈å µ√’∑ ∑ÿ° “¢“

‚√߇√’¬π Õπ¿“…“Õ—ß°ƒ…«Õ≈≈å µ√’∑©≈Õßπ—°‡√’¬π§√∫ 20,000 §π¥â«¬‚ª√‚¡™—Ëπ ÿ¥æ‘‡»… ‡æ’¬ß ¡—§√‡√’¬π¿“…“ Õ—ß°ƒ…«—ππ’È ‰¥â‡√’¬π¿“…“Õ—ß°ƒ…·∫∫‰¡à®”°—¥™—Ë«‚¡ß‡ªìπ‡«≈“ ‡æ‘Ë¡Õ’° 6 ‡¥◊Õπ πÕ°®“°π—Èπ¬—߉¥â —¡º— ∫√√¬“°“»°“√‡√’¬π∑’Ë ‡À¡◊ÕπÕ¬Ÿàµà“ߪ√–‡∑» ∑à“¡°≈“ߧ√ŸºŸâ Õπ™“«µà“ß™“µ‘ Õ∫∂“¡¢âÕ¡Ÿ≈‡æ‘Ë¡‡µ‘¡∑’Ë ‚∑√. 0-2660-3000 À√◊Õ www.wallstreet.in.th

Mar. 21-23, 2008 ¡À°√√¡§√∫‡§√◊ËÕ߇√◊ËÕßÕ“À“√·≈–Õÿª°√≥å / Õ“§“√ 2›3 / Õ‘¡·æ§ Õ“√’π“à ‡¡◊Õß∑Õß∏“π’ / 10.00›20.00 π.

‡™‘≠√à«¡ß“π· ¥ß ‘π§â“¥â“π∏ÿ√°‘®Õ“À“√ ‡§√◊ËÕߥ◊Ë¡ ‡§√◊ËÕß„™â ∑’ˇ°’ˬ«¢âÕß„π∏ÿ√°‘®Õ“À“√ ¿“¬„πß“π¡’°“√®—¥· ¥ßº≈‘µ¿—≥±å ®“°¡Ÿ≈π‘∏®‘ “°‚§√ß°“√À≈«ß “∏‘µ°“√ª√–°Õ∫Õ“À“√ Ÿµ√„À¡à √«¡∑—Èß°“√ —¡¡π“ ”À√—∫ºŸâ π„®∑”∏ÿ√°‘®·ø√π‰™ å ∏ÿ√°‘®¥â“π Õ“À“√ °“√§«∫§ÿ¡µâπ∑ÿ𠇪ìπµâπ

Mar. 14-23, 2008 ªÕ√åµ ‡«‘≈¥å ‡ÕÁ°´‚ª / Õ‘¡·æ§ Õ“√’πà“ ‡¡◊Õß∑Õß∏“π’ / Õ“§“√ 4

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Mar. 14-23, 2008 ‚Œ¡‚ª√ ‡ÕÁ°´‚ª 2008 / Õ‘¡·æ§ Õ“√’πà“ ‡¡◊Õß∑Õß∏“π’ / Õ“§“√ 5-8

Mar. 19–24, 2008 ùThe Glitzû The Luxury Lifestyle Week 2008 / √Õ¬—≈ æ“√“°Õπ ŒÕ≈≈å

√à«¡‡ªî¥ª√– ∫°“√≥å ‚´‰´µ’È√Ÿª·∫∫„À¡à°—∫ ß“π ùThe Glitzû The Luxury Lifestyle Week 2008 ”À√—∫ºŸâÀ≈ß„À≈ °“√„™â™’«‘µÕ¬à“ß¡’√ π‘¬¡ ‰¡à«à“®–‡ªì𠇧√◊ËÕß ª√–¥—∫‡æ™√ π“Ãî°“ ¥’‰´πå摇»…‰¡à´È”„§√ π«—µ°√√¡™—Èππ” Õ —ßÀ“√‘¡∑√—æ¬å ÿ¥À√Ÿ ·≈–√∂¬πµåπ”‡¢â“ √–¥—∫‡«‘≈¥å§≈“

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เพิ่มอรรถรสในการดื่มกาแฟ แกวโปรดของคุณกับสตารบัคส

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Mar. 29Apr. 6, 2008 Beauty, Spa & Health Fair / Õ‘¡·æ§ Õ“√’πà“ ‡¡◊Õß∑Õß∏“π’

æ∫°—∫ß“π· ¥ß ‘π§â“‡°’ˬ«°—∫§«“¡ß“¡ Beauty, Spa & Health Fair æ√âÕ¡º≈‘µ¿—≥±å„À¡àÊ ¢ÕߺŸâª√–°Õ∫°“√«ß°“√ ∏ÿ√°‘® ª“ º≈‘µ¿—≥±å ÿ¢¿“æ·≈–§«“¡ß“¡ ®“° ∂“∫—π‡æ◊ËÕ §«“¡ß“¡·≈– ÿ¢¿“æ æ√âÕ¡°‘®°√√¡µà“ßÊ ¡“°¡“¬¿“¬„πß“π

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Mar. 26, 2008 Fifa World Cup 2010 : Group B Thai Vs Oman / π“¡√“™¡—ߧ≈“°’Ó ∂“π / 19.00 π. TM

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. 13

Beauty&Fashion Beauty Fashion ------------Text : Pitchy

“ Fashion is Attitude a certain femininity of being Sexy” - Irene Marie-resa

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‡¢Á¡¢—¥Àπ—ß«—«·∑â Porsche Design

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°√–‡ªÜ“ –擬 ®“° ALDO

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. 14

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What’s hot

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list are known to be

used by Romans as one was discovered by Hadrian’s walldated back 75- 125 AD written for a soldier. -------------------------Text : Popaholic Photo : W.Ansirimongkol

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. 16

Pop’s - Eye View Text : ¿“ °√ ª√–¡Ÿ≈«ß»å ppramunwong@yahoo.com

Feminine TV ·µà‰Àπ·µà‰√ ‡ªìπ‡«≈“π“π¡“·≈⫧√—∫∑’ˇÀ≈à“∫√√¥“ ‘π§â“·≈–∫√‘°“√‰¥â∂Ÿ° ®”·π° ·∫àß √√ ªíπ à«π ‰ªµ“¡§“·√Á°‡µÕ√废ℙ⠧”«à“ ù≈Ÿ°§â“°≈ÿࡇªÑ“À¡“¬û ®÷ß ‡ªìπ‡ªÑ“„À≠à∑’Ëπ—°°“√µ≈“¥µâÕ߇≈Áß„Àâ¥’Ê ‡™àππ—Èπ‡Õß ¿“æ≈—°…≥å ‘π§â“, ’∑’Ë„™â, ·æÁ§‡°® √«¡‰ª∂÷ß¿“æ¬πµ√傶…≥“°ÁµâÕß¡ÕßÀ≈—°À¡ÿ¥π’ȇªìπÕ—π¥—∫·√° π—Ëπ®÷ßµ“¡ ¡“¥â«¬¿“æ™‘πµ“‚¶…≥“ ∫Ÿà-·™¡æŸ µ—«· ¥ßµâÕ߇ªìπÀ≠‘ß “«‡∑à“π—Èπ ·≈–µâÕß “∏‘µ °“√ √–„À⥟¥â«¬ (‰¡àß—Èπ‰¡à‡°‘¥ Need «à“ß—Èπ) √∂¬πµå®—∫°≈ÿࡧÿ≥ºŸâ™“¬ π—°· ¥ß „π‡√◊ËÕ߇≈¬µâÕßÕÕ°·π«·¡πÊ ç‰¡àµâÕߥŸÀπ—ß‚¶…≥“À√Õ° ¡—¬π’Èπ– Õ‘¡‡¡® ‘π§â“ ™—¥‡®π¡“µ—Èß·µà ’°≈àÕß·≈â«é °Ÿ√Ÿ¡“√凰Áµ‡∑’¬√å ∫àπ°√–ªÕ¥°√–·ª¥°àÕπ¢Õµ—«°≈—∫‰ª §‘¥¡ÿ¢¢“¬¢ÕßµàÕ §√—∫...¥â«¬ Ÿµ√ ”‡√Á®‡¥’¬«°—π ‘π§â“∑’ËŒ‘µ√–‡∫‘¥·¬àß à«π·∫àß°—πÀ—«ªï∑⓬ªï ¬‘Ëß∂Ⓡªìπ™à«ß‡∑»°“≈∫Õ≈‚≈°À√◊Õ‚Õ≈‘¡ªî° (Õ¬à“ß∑’Ë®–‡°‘¥„πªïπ’È) ‡®â“‚ª√¥—°∑å∑’Ë«à“ °Á¬‘Ëß∑«’§«“¡·√ß...º¡°”≈—ß查∂÷ß‚∑√∑—»πå «à“°—π«à“ ‚≈°¢ÕߺŸâ™“¬¡’¢ÕßÕ¬Ÿà¥â«¬°—π “¡Õ¬à“ß Àπ÷Ëß...‚´ø“µ—«‚ª√¥ Õß... ‡∫’¬√凬ÁπÊ „π¡◊Õ ·≈– “¡...∑’«’·®ã«Ê —°‡§√◊ËÕß Õ¬à“ßÀ≈—ß°”≈—ß∂Ÿ°∑â“∑“¬‚¥¬ ºŸâº≈‘µ§‘¥πÕ°°√Õ∫ Philips ª≈àÕ¬ Print Ad ™‘Èπ·√°¢Õß‚∑√∑—»πå√ÿàπ„À¡à ‚¥¬¡’ §“·√Á°‡µÕ√åÀ≠‘ß “«π”∑“ß·∂¡ª√—∫·µàß°√–∫«π°“√¥’‰´πå„À¡àÀ¡¥ æ«°‡¢“‡≈◊Õ° „™â ’‡©¥ÕàÕπ·∑π∑’Ë®–‡ªìπ·π«·¢ÁßÊ øíß°å™—π°“√„™âß“π°Á™‘≈Ê ‰¡àµâÕßÀ“ªÿÉ¡°¥„Àâ «ÿà𫓬 ¢âÕ ”§—≠...æ«°‡¢“∫√√®ßÀ¬Õ¥ Emotional ≈߉ª„π‚∑√∑—»πå ¡—π¡ÕߥŸ ‡À¡◊Õπ¢Õß„™â à«πµ—«∑’˧ÿ≥ºŸâÀ≠‘ß„°≈♑¥¡“µ—Èß·µà‡ªìπ‡¥Á° “« §√—∫...Philips Aurea „°≈⇧’¬ß°—∫°√–®°«‘‡»…¡“°°«à“∑’«’! Philips Aurea º≈‘µ¡“„Àâ‡≈◊Õ°‰´µå‡¥’¬«§◊Õ¢π“¥®Õ¿“æ 42 π‘È« (§√“«π’È™—¥) ∫“߇©’¬∫ ®π„™â§”«à“ Super Thin ¡’°“√π”‡∑§‚π‚≈¬’°“√ª√—∫ ’∫π®Õ¿“æ„π·∫∫ Ambilight ∑”„ÀâπÕ°‡Àπ◊Õ‰ª®“°§«“¡§¡™—¥¿“¬„µâ Perfect HD Pixel Engine ·≈⫬—ß¡’§«“¡πÿࡇπ’¬πµ“πà“™¡ π—Ëπ§◊ÕÀ¡—¥·√°, À¡—¥ Õߪ√–‡§πµ‘¥Ê ¥â«¬Àπ—ß‚¶…≥“ «¬Ê ™◊ÕË Thereûs Only One Sun ∑’‰Ë ¥â‰¥‡√Á°‡µÕ√å‡ø¡‘ππ’ ®ã“ Õ¬à“ß ùÀ«àÕß°“‰«û ¡“°”°—∫ ¥â«¬§«“¡¬“«∫Ⓡ≈◊Õ¥∂÷ß 9 π“∑’ (·µà‡«Õ√å™—ËπÕÕ°Õ“°“»§ß∂Ÿ° Cut Down „À⇪ìπ 15 «‘π“∑’ ·≈– 30 «‘π“∑’µ“¡¢π∫∑—Ë«‰ª) ‡¢“‡≈◊Õ°‡≈à“‡√◊ËÕߥ⫬‡æ≈ߢÕß §Õππ’ˬå ø√“π´‘ ‡ªìπÀπ—ß∑’Ë¡’ à«πº ¡‡¥’¬«°—π¿“æ¬πµ√å‡√◊ËÕß 2046 ·≈–‰¡àµÕâ ߇¥“µàÕ°ÁæÕ∑√“∫§√—∫ π—°· ¥ß„π‡√◊ÕË ßµ—«À≈—° ‡ªìπÀ≠‘ß “«Àß‘¡Ê ¢≥–∑’§Ë ·Ÿà ¢àß°”≈—ßß߇µä°‡ªî¥µ”√“√—∫¡◊Õ‰¡à∂°Ÿ Philips „™â·ºπ‡¥Á¥¢—ÈπµàÕ‰ª¥â«¬°“√‡ªî¥µ—« Aurea ‡ªìπ Window Display ‡µÁ¡Ê Àπâ“Àâ“ß·Œ√å√ÁÕ¥ ‡√’¬°«à“‡¢â“µ“§ÿ≥ºŸâÀ≠‘ßÕ¬à“ß®—ß Àπ”´È”¬—߉¥â´Ÿ‡ªÕ√å‚¡‡¥≈ ùÕ’«“ ‡ŒÕ√å´‘‚°«à“û ¬◊π‡§’¬ß¢â“ߥŸ‡¥àπ‡ªìπ ßà“ Aurea «“ß®”Àπà“¬‰ª·≈â«„πÀ≈“¬Ê ª√–‡∑» ªÑ“¬√“§“∫Õ°µ—«‡≈¢ Àπ÷Ëß· πª≈“¬Ê ∂“¡«à“·æ߉À¡? µÕ∫«à“ ‰¡à·æß ‡æ√“–∂â“ ù‡æ™√§◊Õ ‡æ◊ËÕπ·∑â¢ÕßÀ≠‘ß “«û µ“¡ ”π«π Diamonds Are a Girlûs best friend ¡—π®–·ª≈°Õ–‰√∂Ⓡ∏Õ®–¡’‡æ◊ËÕπ„À¡àÕ’° —°§π... Õߧπ Since forever, advertisement is centered on its ùtarget groupû -shampoo ads must include a girl watching her hair while car ads must portray a manly presentation. These underlying strategies apply even to the color scheme of the productûs packaging. At present, the advent of the Olympics emphasizes the truth of this trend as TVs are now taking the lead as one of the most popular products roaming the market. It is said that three things are significant to men : a comfortable sofa, cold beer in his hand, and a super cool TV. But Philips is challenging this tripartite concept and thinking outside the box with its introduction of Feminine TV. The soft-colored print ad reimagines the product as a girlûs favorite personal item : the 42 inch wide super thin Philips Aurea embodies a magical mirror from which crisp quality images shine through. The outrageously long original TV ad version features feminist director Wong Kar Wai who chooses to tell the story using Connie Francisûs music. The presenters are cool, calm and collected young women effortlessly operating the sleek TV. Aurea is already available in many countries with the price tag of 100,000 up. Is this expensive? Probably not. If diamonds are a girlûs best friend, whatûs wrong with her having two new best friends! n



comes from smiling mind --------------------------Text : iD11


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2 3


4 5

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1. You must clean the sieve thoroughly to get rid of carcinogen, the chemical substance which causes cancer. Scrape all burned meat that was left on the grill off completely and use the mixture of warm water and cleaning liquid, then rinse it with clean water. 2. Wipe the sieve, leaving it dry and clean. Then use tissue papers, soaked with vegetable oil, to paint over the sieve. This will prevent meat to get stuck on the surface. 3. When preparing meat, marinate them with herbs, spices, wine, fish sauce and lemon juice. Apart from adding some flavor and tenderness to the meat, the mixture will reduce Heterocyclic Amines (HCAs), which also causes cancer. The substance will be prevalent in grilled food. 4. Keep the marinated meat in the fridge to prevent bacteria in the air. Defrost it before grilling by move the meat to regular fridge temperature or use microwave, but never leave it in room temperature. 5. Warm the grill for 5-10 minutes to kill bacteria. If itûs a charcoal grill, observe the ash. If the ash turns white, you can start grilling then. 6. Cut down in the middle of the meat, so that when it is heated, it will be spread out like a butterflyûs wings. This will prevent the meatûs surface from getting burned before the inside is cooked. 7. When use a charcoal grill, donût let the meat touch the flame. Take out the fat part or place the meat on an aluminum foil sheet to reduce the amount of liquid dripping over the charcoal. If you spray the meat, let the water vaporize before grilling them. 8. Turn the meat over at least once so that it is cooked evenly. Meat with fat will take more time to cook. Use a thermometer to check if meatûs fully cooked.

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. 18

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Manly Beach À≈“¬ª√–‡∑»∑’Ë ¡’ ™à « ߃¥Ÿ À π“«∑’Ë Àƒ‚À¥ µâÕß°“√À“§«“¡ ¥„ ·≈– ‰ÕÕÿà π ®“°∑â Õ ß∑–‡≈ µâ Õ ß‰¡à æ ≈“¥ Manly Beach ∑’ËÕÕ ‡µ√‡≈’¬ ∑’Ë∑’Ë´÷Ëß ¡’ ° “√º ¡º “𧫓¡ß“¡√–À«à “ ß «—≤π∏√√¡∑âÕß∂‘Ëπ¢Õß¡À“π§√´‘¥π’¬å °— ∫ §«“¡ «¬ß“¡¢Õß™“¬À“¥∑’Ë Õ¬Ÿà Àà “ ߉ª‡æ’ ¬ ß·§à 7 ‰¡≈å ∑”„Àâ Manly Beach ·Àà ß π’È ¡’ ¡ πµå ‡ πà Àå Õ—π‡ªìπ‡Õ°≈—°…≥凩擖µ—« ®π¬“° ∑’Ë„§√Ê ®–ªØ‘‡ ∏

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Paradise Beach ∂â “ æ“√“‰¥´å À ¡“¬∂÷ ß ∂“π∑’Ë ∑’Ë ¡’ À“¥∑√“¬ ’∑Õßµ—¥°—∫πÈ”∑–‡≈ ’‡¢â¡ ¡’∫“√å√‘¡À“¥ ÿ¥‡°ã∑’Ë¡’ “«Ê πÿàß∫‘°‘π’ µ—«®‘«Î ‡µâπ¬—«Ë ¬«π À√◊Õ¡’°“√Õ“∫·¥¥·∫∫ Topless ≈–°Á ¢Õ∫Õ°«à“ Paradise Beach ∑’Ë Mykonos ª√–‡∑»°√’´·Ààßπ’È·À≈–§◊Õæ“√“‰¥´å ”À√—∫§ÿ≥ Enjoy: ”À√—∫„§√∑’Ë™Õ∫‡ ’¬ß‡æ≈ß·≈– ª“√åµ’È Paradise Beach ·Ààßπ’È√—∫√Õ߉¡à∑”„Àâ §ÿ≥º‘¥À«—ß ‡æ√“–¡’∑—Èß∫“√å·≈–§≈—∫¡“°¡“¬ „Àâ‡≈◊Õ°Õ¬à“ßÀ≈“°À≈“¬

Plage Malendure ‚¥¥‡¥àπ¥â«¬À“¥∑√“¬ ’¥” àÕߪ√–°“¬«‘∫«—∫Õ¬Ÿà √‘¡À“¥ À“¥·Ààßπ’ÈÕ¬Ÿàµ√ßµ’π¿Ÿ‡¢“‰ø∑’ˬ—߉¡à¥—∫ ∑’Ë™◊ËÕ La Soufriere ’¥”∑’ˇÀÁππ—Èπ‡ªìπº≈æ«ß¡“ ®“°°“√√–‡∫‘¥¢Õß¿Ÿ‡¢“‰ø„πªï 1976 ´÷Ëß∑‘Èß√àÕß√Õ¬¢Õß≈“«“‡À≈«∑’Ë¡’‡∂â“ ’¥”¡—π«“« àÕß· ߪ√–°“¬ «‘∫«—∫¬“¡µâÕß· ßÕ“∑‘µ¬å πÕ°®“°π’È Õà“«·Ààßπ’Ȭ—ß„™â‡ªìπ‡ âπ∑“ß„π°“√‰ª Jacques Cousteau

. 19

Underwater Park ·À≈àߥ”πÈ”∑’Ë «¬∑’Ë ÿ¥„π·∂∫·§√‘∫‡∫’¬π Õ’°¥â«¬ Enjoy: °‘®°√√¡∑’ˉ¡àπà“æ≈“¥¢Õß∑’Ëπ’˧◊Õ Snorkeling ·≈–¥”πÈ” ‡æ√“–‚≈°„µâπÈ”¢Õß∑’Ëπ’Ë «¬ß“¡ πà“ª√–∑—∫„® ÿ¥Ê ·µà ”À√—∫°‘®°√√¡∫π∫° °“√‡¥‘πªÉ“‰ª∑’Ë Parc National Guadeloupe (UNESCO Biosphere Reserve) °Áπà“ π„®‰¡à·æâ°—π ‡æ√“– ∂“π∑’Ë ·Ààßπ’È∂Ÿ°≈âÕ¡√Õ∫¥â«¬¿Ÿ‡¢“‰ø La Soufriere ·≈–¡’§«“¡ «¬ß“¡¢Õß∏√√¡™“µ‘À≈߇À≈◊Õ Õ¬Ÿà¡“° ‰¡à«à“®–‡ªì𧫓¡‡¢’¬«™Õÿà¡¢Õߪɓ Rainforest µâ π ‡øî √å π ∑’Ë ¡’ § «“¡ Ÿ ß °«à “ ‡øî √å π ∑—Ë « Ê ‰ª °≈â « ¬‰¡â ·≈–µâ π —∫ª–√¥

Cool Activities ¡“∑–‡≈°—π∑—Èß∑’¢“¥‰¥â‰ß°—∫°‘®°√√¡ πÿ°Ê ·∫∫π’È...

> Dive / Snorkel > Kayak

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> Skydive

Plage de Tahiti

À“°„§√™◊Ëπ™Õ∫°’Ó·π«‡ÕÁ°´åµ√’¡ ·≈–Õ¬“°À“ª√– ∫°“√≥å ∑’Ë©’°·π«ÕÕ°‰ª ≈Õß Skydive ¥Ÿ ‘ «—¥„®®“°∑’˧«“¡ Ÿßª√–¡“≥ 10,000›14,000 øïµ ª≈¥ª≈àÕ¬µ—«µπÕ¬à“߇µÁ¡∑’Ë æ√âÕ¡´÷¡´—∫ °—∫«‘«∑‘«∑—»πå¡ÿ¡ Ÿß∫πº◊π∑–‡≈

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> Parasailer ”À√—∫„§√∑’ˉ¡à°≈Ⓡ≈àπ Skydive ·µàÕ¬“°‡ÀÁπ«‘«∑‘«∑—»πå·∫∫ Bird Eye View ≈ÕßÀ—π¡“‡≈àπ Parasailer ¥Ÿ ‘ √—∫√Õ߉¡àÀ«“¥‡ ’¬« Õ¬à“ß·πàπÕπ ‡æ√“–®ÿ¥‡√‘Ë¡µâπ¢Õߧÿ≥Õ¬Ÿà∑’Ëæ◊Èπ∑–‡≈ ·≈–®– §àÕ¬Ê Ÿß¢÷Èπ¥â«¬·√ß≈“°®“° ªï¥‚∫äµ ™à«¬„Àâ§ÿ≥§àÕ¬Ê —¡º— °—∫∫√√¬“°“»Õ—π· πߥߓ¡¢Õß∑âÕß∑–‡≈„π¡ÿ¡ Ÿß 9 Hot Spots for Summer! The beach is very attractive spot for summer. 24-7 will update top 9 beautiful beaches of the world for you. Ready! Go! 1. Anse Source d’Argent

Most people believed that this beach is ùGarden of Edenû, the attractive features are fine pink sands, granite boulders, and giant, arching palm trees. Enjoy: Swimming, snorkeling, and scuba diving are ever-popular in these calm. The perfect time to visit is in May-September. 2. Grace Bay

Revered as one of the last frontiers of the Caribbean, Turks and Caicos is an oasis for those seeking to do little more than lounge on the beach. The fine white sand here is easily one of the finest swaths of beach weûve ever seen in the Caribbean. Enjoy: Snorkeling and scuba diving are very popular. Also check out for dolphin at JoJo island.

Trunk Bay

3. Ipanema

·¡â«à“‡°“– St. John ®–‡≈Á°∑’Ë ÿ¥„π∫√√¥“À¡Ÿà‡°“– U.S. Virgin Islands ·µà¡—π°Á‡ªìπ∑’˵—ÈߢÕß Trunk Bay ™“¬À“¥∑’Ë «¬ ÿ¥Ê ·≈– “¡“√∂ √â“ߧ«“¡ ª√–∑—∫„®‰¥â¡“°°«à“™“¬À“¥∫π‡°“–Õ◊ËπÊ ‡π◊ËÕß®“°À“¥·Ààßπ’È¡’«‘«∑‘«∑—»πå∑’Ëߥߓ¡ ®÷ß°≈“¬‡ªìπ∑’Ë‚ª√¥ª√“π¢Õß∫√√¥“™à“ß¿“æ¡◊ÕÕ“™’殓°∑—Ë«∑ÿ°¡ÿ¡‚≈° ‘Ëß∑’Ë¥÷ߥŸ¥ ”À√—∫™“¬À“¥·Ààßπ’ȧ◊Õ À“¥∑√“¬∑’Ëπÿà¡≈–‡Õ’¬¥√“«°—∫·ªÑß ’‡¢’¬« ¥Ê ¢Õßµâπª“≈å¡ ·≈–§«“¡ß“¡¢ÕßπÈ”∑–‡≈ ’‡∑Õ√姫լ´å∑’Ë àÕߪ√–°“¬√–¬‘∫√–¬—∫¬“¡µâÕß· ßÕ“∑‘µ¬å Enjoy: ∑’Ëπ’ˇÀ¡“–¡“°Ê ”À√—∫§π∑’ˇæ‘Ë߇√‘Ë¡À—¥ Snorkel

ùThe Girl from Ipanemaû, the famous song described about bathing beauty ladies who lounge and strut on this stunning stretch of sand in Rio de Janeiro. Even four decades after the songûs debut, trendsetting bikinis still set the standard here. Enjoy: Besides the Capoeira dancers, volleyball games and soccer, there is a scantily clad ùCariocasû (locals) command to attend. 4. Lanikai Beach

That Lanikai is considered the best swimming beach even by local Hawaiians should come as no surprise-after all, its name does mean ùheavenly sea.û Enjoy: A coral reef is offshore, making the surf relatively mild and ideal for splashing around as well as kayaking, sailing, canoeing, and windsurfing. Donût forget to discover the twin islands-Mokulua and Mokumanu, the most beautiful scenery of sunrise in the world. 5. Manly Beach

My Beaches,

เจน-ชมพูนุช ปยะภาณี (π“ß√⓬ ÿ¥‡´Á°´’Ë) ´—¡‡¡Õ√åπ’ȇ®πÕ¬“°‰ªÀ“¥‡©«ß ¡ÿ¬§à– ‡æ√“– «¬¥’ à«π¡“°°Á®–‰ªæ—°ºàÕπ‡ªìπ à«π„À≠à ·µà∂â“¡’‡®Áµ °’ „Àâ‡≈àπ °Á®–‡≈àπ§à– ‡æ√“–™Õ∫¡“° ·≈â«æÕµÕπ‡¬ÁπÊ ‡®π°Á ®–‡¥‘π‡≈àπ√‘¡À“¥‰ª‡√◊ËÕ¬Ê ™¡∑—»π’¬¿“æ¢ÕßÀ“¥∑√“¬·≈–¥◊Ë¡¥Ë”°—∫«‘∂’™’«‘µ¢Õߧπ∑âÕß∂‘Ë𠇮π«à“¡—ππà“ π„®¥’π–§– ·µà∂â“查∂÷ß∑–‡≈∑’˵à“ߪ√–‡∑» ‡®πÕ¬“°‰ª∑’Ë Gold Coast ÕÕ ‡µ√‡≈’¬§à– ‡æ√“–Õ¬“°≈Õ߉ª‡≈àπ‡´‘√åø∑’Ë‚πàπ¥Ÿ

My Style

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This beach is best for people who love both beautiful beach scenes and sophisticated city culture. Enjoy all of the cultural goodies that Sydney has to offer and one of the worldûs most alluring beaches, Manly. Enjoy: The most popular activity is surfing. It also provides surfing competitions, beach volleyball, festivals, and much more unfold every summer. 6. Paradise Beach

If paradise means rambling golden sands met by the deep-blue Aegean, beach bars bumping with Euro tunes, bikini-clad bodies dancing on tables, topless girls sprawled on the sand, Paradise Beach on the Greek isle of Mykonos is it. Enjoy: If you love music and party, then this beach doesnût let you down. 7. Plage Malendure

Our favorite black sands are found on the dazzling shores of Plage Malendure, at the base of steep jungle-covered mountains and the towering, still-active La Soufriere volcano on Basse-Terre, Guadeloupe. The result of a 1976 volcanic eruption, which saw molten lava leave pearly black ash in its wake that now sparkles under the sun. Enjoy: Snorkeling and diving exhibitions here visit an underwater world filled with abundant aquatic life and vivid coral and fauna. 8. Plage de Tahiti

The most famous of Plage de Tahiti is sunbathing because Hollywood celebrities like Brigitte Bardot and Beyonce love to come here every summer. Thatûs why is so crowded. Enjoy: The northern beaches along the Baie de Pampelonne, is one of the best spots to bask on golden Mediterranean shores. 9. Trunk Bay

St. John may be the smallest of the three U.S. Virgin Islands, but it is home to Trunk Bay an extraordinary beach thatûs sure to leave the biggest impression of any on the three U.S. islands. One of the most photographed-and photogenic-beaches in the world. Its attractive powdery sand offset by a verdant inland replete with palm trees and a turquoise shoreline drenched in the tropical sun. Enjoy: Here is a perfect place for beginning snorkelers.

Hot Beaches in Thailand! + หัวหิน

∂“π∑’Ëæ—°ºàÕπ∑’ˌյ ÿ¥Ê ¢Õß∑–‡≈‡¡◊Õ߉∑¬ Õ“®‡ªìπ‡æ√“–√–¬–∑“ß∑’ˉ¡à‰°≈®“° °√ÿ߇∑æœ ‡∑à“‰À√àπ—° ·≈–∑–‡≈¬—ߧߧ«“¡‡ªìπ∏√√¡™“µ‘∑’Ë «¬ß“¡Õ¬Ÿà ·∂¡¬—ß¡’∫√‘°“√µà“ßÊ ‰«â§Õ¬Õ”𫬧«“¡ –¥«°¡“°¡“¬ ‰¡à«à“®–‡ªìπ‚√ß·√¡ √’ Õ√åµ √â“πÕ“À“√ ∂“π∫—π‡∑‘ß ·≈–·À≈àß™âÕªªîôß ®π∑”„À⺟â∑’Ë¡“‡¬◊ÕπÀ—«À‘π Õ¥„®‰¡à‰À«µâÕß°≈—∫¡“‡¬◊Õπ°—πÕ’°§√—Èß 24-7 Recommend : Asara Villa & Suite Hua Hin À—«À‘π´Õ¬ 5 ‚∑√. 0-3254-7555, Letûs Sea ´Õ¬∑–‡≈ 12 ‚∑√. 0-3253-6888, The Rock Huahin µ‘¥™“¬À“¥‡¢“µ–‡°’¬∫ ‚∑√. 0-3253-7100 ‚√ß·√¡ Dusit Thani Hua Hin ™–Õ” ®.‡æ™√∫ÿ√’ ‚∑√. 0-3252-0009

+ เกาะเสม็ด

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. 20

Some books are to be


d. others to be swallowed, and some few to be chewed and digested. ------------Text : Udomsak Thimapan / Photo : W.Ansirimonkol

Hua Hin Hot Taste

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Kampu by Chice & Kampu by Design

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Kampu Goumet Menu : 1. ≈—¥Õ‘µ“‡≈’¬πæ“√å¡à“·Œ¡·≈–°ÿâß≈“¬‡ ◊Õ™‘¡√“¥∫—≈´—¡¡‘° 2. ª≈“°–æߢ“«¬à“߇ ‘√åøæ√âÕ¡ÀπàÕ‰¡âΩ√—Ëß°—∫≈ÁÕ∫ ‡µÕ√宑π‡®Õ√å´Õ 3. ´’Ë‚§√ß·°–¬à“ß À¡—° ¡ÿπ‰æ√ 4. ¢ÕßÀ«“π‚յ尟µŸ√å 5 ™π‘¥

Kampu By Chice & Kampu By Design / Asara Villa & Suite Hua Hin À—«À‘π´Õ¬ 5, ∂ππ‡æ™√‡°…¡, ®—ßÀ«—¥ª√–®«∫§’√’¢—π∏å ‚∑√. 0-3254-7555 ‡ªî¥∫√‘°“√∑ÿ°«—πµ—Èß·µà‡«≈“ °“√·µàß°“¬ : ∫“¬Ê n




Kampu By Chice & Kampu By Design

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Besides topping the list of Hua Hinûs hip resorts, Asara Villa & Suite also hosts beachside restaurants that offer romantic underthe-moonlight atmosphere for couples, Kampu By Chice and Kampu By Design, the spacious Colonial mansions. Try western menu, courtesy of French chefs, to savor both artsy food design and supreme taste. We recommend light menu such as Parma ham and tiger prawn salad, followed by Grilled white Sea bass served with asparagus and Ginger sauce lobster. End your meal with 5 Haute-couture dessert that will stun you with their beauty. Location: Kampu By Chice & Kampu By Design / Asara Villa & Suite Hua Hin, Soi Hua Hin 5, Petchkasem Road, Prachuab Kirikhant Tel. 0-3254-7555. Dress Code: Casual

. 21

Let’s Sea

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— ∏å n Letûs Sea ´Õ¬∑–‡≈ 12, ∂ππ‡¢“µ–‡°’¬∫-À—«À‘π, ®—ßÀ«—¥ª√–®«∫§’√¢’ π ‚∑√. 0-3253-6888 ‡ªî¥∫√‘°“√∑ÿ°«—πµ—ßÈ ·µà‡«≈“ 7.00-24.00 π. °“√·µàß°“¬ : ∫“¬Ê

Letûs Sea Trendy Menu

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Let’s Sea




Letûs Sea must definitely be on the list of Hua Hinûs finest atmosphere restaurants. Urbanites usually seek refuge here, making the place a cute hang-out amidst serene beachside view. Apart from the impressive surroundings, the restaurantûs food and homemade desserts are truly must-try. The 24-7 recommended romantic dinner set includes spicy banana flower-prawn salad, fried Larb, followed by main courses such as Seafood Spaghetti, Tiger Prawn Red Curry Sauce, Penne with mushroom sauce, and the original Ahi Tuna recipe from Hawaii. Location: Letûs Sea, Soi Talay 12, Khao Takieb-Hua Hin Road, Prachuab Kirikhant Tel. 0-3253-6888 Open from 7 a.m. - 12 p.m. Dress Code: Casual

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. 22

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Baan Klai Wang If cake is your favorite dessert, then 24-7 would like to introduce Baan Klai Wang, literally translated as a house by the palace. The cute eatery attracts visitors with its period style-decoration of a summer house, providing a perfect spot for you to slowly savor several types of homemade cakes by the sea. This can make somebodyûs weekends a great get-away from the cityûs bustles. Location: Baan Klai Wang, 11 Nab Kehas Road, Hua Hin District, Prachuab Kirikhant Tel. 0-3253-1260-1 Open everyday from 9 a.m. - 8 p.m.



Red Mango @ The 55 th Corner

Thirdplace ------------Text : Jutamard Kanjanasin

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NightLife ------------Text : Jutamard Kanjanasin

The 55 th Corner ¡ÿ¡À—«∂ππ ´Õ¬À—«À‘π 55 ‚∑√. 0-3251-2320 ‡ªî¥∫√‘°“√∑ÿ°«—πµ—Èß·µà‡«≈“ 10.00-22.00 π. ¬°‡«âπ«—π»ÿ°√å·≈–‡ “√凪î¥∫√‘°“√∂÷ß 23.00 π.

Live Music @ StoneHead Tavern „§√®–√Ÿ∫ â “â ß«à“À—«À‘π°Á¡·’ À≈àß∫—π‡∑‘߬“¡§Ë”§◊π ÿ¥Œ‘ª Õ’°∑’À Ë π÷ßË ´÷Ëß¡’∫√√¬“°“»‡ ¡◊Õπ√â“π‡À≈â“ ·∂∫™“π‡¡◊Õß„πÕ—ß°ƒ… Stonehead Tavern º—∫¬âÕπ¬ÿ§ ÕÕ°·∫∫„𠉵≈å Colonial ÿ¥‡∑à µ°·µàß√â“π¥â«¬‰¡â‚Õä°‡¢â¡ ·≈–ª√–¥—∫¥â«¬‚§¡‰ø ÿ¥§≈“ ‘° °”·æß √Õ∫¥â“π‡µÁ¡‰ª¥â«¬√Ÿª¿“æ„π§Õ≈‡≈°™—Ëπ∑’ËÀ≈“°À≈“¬ ¥Ÿ·≈â«¡’‡ πàÀåπà“À≈ß„À≈ °—∫∫√√¬“°“»∑’Ë¥ŸÕ∫Õÿàπ·≈– ‡ªìπ°—π‡Õß à«π§«“¡∫—π‡∑‘ߢÕß∑’Ëπ’ˬ—ß®—¥«ß¥πµ√’ ¥Ωï¡◊Õ §ÿ≥¿“殓°µà“ߪ√–‡∑»¡“ √â“ß ’ —𧫓¡ πÿ° ºàÕπ§≈“¬ ¥â«¬‡æ≈ß “°≈Õ¡µ–°—∫√–∫∫‡§√◊ËÕ߇ ’¬ß ÿ¥‡¬’ˬ¡ ·≈–¡’ ‡¡πŸÕ“À“√„Àâ§ÿ≥‰¥â‡≈◊Õ°∑“π ‡√‘Ë¡µ—Èß·µà ´ÿª ≈—¥ ®π∂÷ß ‡µä°®“π√âÕπ ∑’˪√ÿß摇»…®“°‡™ø√–¥—∫‚√ß·√¡ 5 ¥“« æ√âÕ¡‡ ‘√åø§Ÿà°—∫§ÁÕ°‡∑≈‡°ãÊ Ÿµ√‡©æ“–¢Õß∑“ß√â“π À√◊Õ®–‡ªìπ ‡∫’¬√å ¥™—Èπ‡¬’Ë¬¡®“°∑—Ë«∑ÿ°¡ÿ¡‚≈°‰«â∫√‘°“√

Live Music @ StoneHead Tavern n

StoneHead Tavern @ The 55 th Corner ¡ÿ¡À—«∂ππ ´Õ¬À—«À‘π 55 ‚∑√. 0-3251-2320 ªî¥∫√‘°“√∑ÿ°«—πµ—Èß·µà‡«≈“ 18.00-02.00 π.

Not many people know that Hua Hin does have a hip night entertainment venue that resembles suburban bars in England. StoneHead Tavern is a retro pub that is designed in a very cool Colonial style with dark oak and classic lamps decor. Along the wall, you will see a collage of photo collections that presents an alluring charm and cozy atmosphere. Many top-notched live foreign bands take center stage here to celebrate the pubûs finest quality sound system. You can also enjoy western menu, created by chefs from 5-star hotels, or opt for hip cocktails and draught beer from around the world. Location: StoneHead Tavern @ The 55 th Corner is located at the corner of Soi Hua Hin 55. Tel. 0-3251-2320 Open everyday from 6 p.m. - 2 a.m.

Red Mango @ The 55 th Corner Many of you may be familiar with Red Mango, the latest ice-cream franchise import from South Korea, by now. The popularity of the brand does not only rest in Bangkok, but also travels as far as Hua Hin. Recently, hip store, the 55th Corner, attracts locals and visitors with the outlet that offers a wide variety of yoghurt, non-fat ice-cream. One ùssû size cup only generates the same calorie amount as a banana, which can be easily burned off by a short walk around the Hua Hin market. Add freshness to the dish by topping the dessert with fresh fruits such as strawberry, mango, pineapple, banana, and many more. Location: The 55 th Corner is at the corner of Soi Hua Hin 55. Tel. 0-3251-2320. Open everyday from 10 a.m. - 10 p.m. Fridays and Saturdays closing hours is 11 p.m.

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“ The Rock Hua Hin“ Beach Resort & Spa

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Rap music originated in the mid- 1970s in the South Bronx area of New York City.

Album It won’t be soon before long: Limited Deluxe edition Artist Maroon 5 Label Universal Music

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. 28

“ I have met the enemy, and it is the eyes of other


’’ Benjamin Franklin

บุรินทร บุญวิสุทธิ์ Godfather of Disco

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Godfather of Disco Impish-looking Groove Rider lead singer Burin Boonvisut is known for his funky disco tune and cool acts in music videos. He holds a masterûs degree from Boston and an executive position at Toyota Mahanakorn. Seven years after the first album, DiscoVery with Bakery Music, Burin and his band makes a comeback with their latest record, The Lift. He says the band didnût expect such a huge feedback when they launched the album 7 years ago, because they just wanted to do what they love. So they became impressed when fans were able to sing their every single. The latest album also receives a positive welcome. In the latest work, the band wants to talk about their inspiration during the past 7 years, which include the support from their fans. Burin says it took a long time to compose and produce a song. More than 40 pieces of stringed instruments were performed in this album. Burin admits that most fans know the band from their live performance, even in pubs and bars, rather than via mass media. Because Groove Rider is with a small record label, their best means of promotion is to play live. He adds that every time the band perform live, they usually create a fun atmosphere, because he himself likes to party. Besides, thanks to the disco tune, people like to dance or sing along when they perform. Be it a big or small concert, fans can always participate. Talking about his marriage life, Burin admits heûs not a romantic person and barely buys his wife flower and never takes her to a candle-lit dinner. The most romantic act he ever did was writing a song for her as a wedding gift. And now that he is a father, Burin says he wants to be everything for his son, and at the same time, being a more disciplined person so that his son wonût get spoiled and grow up as a quality person. Despite a tight working schedule, Burin adjusts it so that he can spend more time with his family. To maintain his love as upbeat as disco, he says one must be happy, not to fake to be someone heûs not, and not to hold secrecy from each other. He says being honest will keep love alive for a long time without faking anything. More on the Godfather of Discoûs talk, click to www.247freemag.com. n

. 29

Love means to


from the lone liness which afflicts most men and women throughout the greater part of their lives. ------------Text : Udomsak Thimapan

Asara Villa & Suite Hua Hin . . .

Asara Details Õ— √“¡’∑’Ëæ—°·∫∫æŸ≈«‘≈≈à“∂÷ß 4 ·∫∫ §◊Õ ‡æ√ ‘‡¥π∑凙’¬≈ «‘≈≈à“ ¢π“¥ 400 µ√.¡. æ√âÕ¡™“¬À“¥ à«πµ—«, Õ— √“ «‘≈≈à“ ¢π“¥ 360 µ√.¡. æ√âÕ¡∑‘«∑—»πå·∫∫æ“πÕ√“¡“, ‡∫¥√Ÿ¡ æŸ≈«‘≈≈à“ 1 ¢π“¥ 200 µ√.¡. ·≈– ‡∫¥√Ÿ¡ æŸ≈«‘≈≈à“ 2 ¢π“¥ 150 µ√.¡. æ√âÕ¡ √–«à“¬πÈ” à«πµ—«∑ÿ°À≈—ß πÕ°®“°π—Èπ¬—ß¡’ÀâÕß «’∑®”π«π 44 ÀâÕß §◊Õ ≈“°Ÿπ «’∑ «‘∏ »“≈“ ·≈– æŸ≈‰´¥å «’∑ ∑’ˇπâ𧫓¡‚ª√àß ∫“¬√“¬≈âÕ¡ √–πÈ”¢π“¥„À≠à ∑’Ëπ’ˬ—ß¡’∫√‘°“√¢Õß Õ— √“ ª“ ·≈– ÀâÕß√—∫√Õß ‡¥Õ– ‰≈·∫√’Ë ”À√—∫ °“√π—Ë߇≈àπæ—°ºàÕπ®“°Àπ—ß ◊Õ, Õ‘π‡µÕ√å‡πÁµ ·≈–¥’«’¥’

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Asara Villa & Suite Hua Hin Asara Villa & Suite Hua Hin is a 24-7 recommended, because this miniature town of 50 pool villas and a suite that is designed with contemporary Thai architecture will offer you ultimate privacy. Reproducing the atmosphere of a riverside home that is filled with greenery, the resort is decorated with simple materials and colors. The hotel also has 3 hip restaurants with 3 different styles by the beach, providing a breezy private dining from morning till night. You can get splashed in the villaûs leisure pool or in the central pool near the beach, which is also equipped with the jet pool system and a bar. The place is perfect for couples who seek exclusivity to relax, forget about the world, and get romantic, thanks to its impressive view and tranquility. Location: Asara Villa & Suite Hua Hin, Soi Hua Hin 5, Petchkasem Road, Prachaub Kirikhant Tel. 0-2661-6800 extension 310-7 ∂“π∑’Ë : Asara Villa & Suite Hua Hin À—«À‘π´Õ¬ 5, ∂ππ‡æ™√‡°…¡, ®—ßÀ«—¥ª√–®«∫§’√’¢—π∏å ‚∑√. 0-2661-6800 µàÕ 310-7 n

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Dusit Thani

Hua Hin

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. . .

Dusit Special

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Dusit Thani Hua Hin The magical hotel at beachside offers a panoramic view on the 112 Rai of land that combines every concept of luxurious resort with classical decoration and regal hospitalization. The 300 rooms are decorated in Colonial style; each has a balcony where you can enjoy sea breeze at dawn and dusk. Donût forget to sit by fresh and salt-water pools and sip cool drinks or visit the fitness and get some tips from exercise guru. Fine gourmets are offered, be it European, Thai, Italian or seafood. Donût miss the fun activities such as wind-surfing, riding scooter jet or on the horse back. Here, you will be completely pampered like any celeb in every waking moment. Location: Dusit Thani Hotel, Petchkasem Road, Cha-am District, Petchburi Tel. 0-3252-0009 You can use the Dusit Thani Bangkokûs Dusit Sprinter, which will take you directly to Dusit Thani Hua Hin everyday. ∂“π∑’Ë : ‚√ß·√¡ Dusit Thani Hua Hin ∂ππ‡æ™√‡°…¡, Õ”‡¿Õ™–Õ”, ®—ßÀ«—¥‡æ™√∫ÿ√’ ‚∑√. 0-3252-0009 °“√‡¥‘π∑“ß : “¡“√∂„™â∫√‘°“√√∂¥ÿ ‘µª√‘Íπ‡µÕ√宓° ‚√ß·√¡¥ÿ µ‘ ∏“π’ °√ÿ߇∑æœ Ÿ‚à √ß·√¡¥ÿ µ‘ ∏“π’ À—«À‘𠉥â∑°ÿ «—π Õ∫∂“¡√“¬≈–‡Õ’¬¥‚∑√. 0-3252-0009 n

Hua Hin

Hills Vineyard

. . . .

Hua Hin Hills Vineyard Details

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Hua Hin Hills Vineyard Experience the romance offered in the first inclusive vineyard in Prachaub Kirikhant. The warm valley atmosphere is turned from an abandoned land into a breathe-taking vineyard view to promote local tourism as well as local wine industry. Hosted by Siam Winery, the place is 150 meter above sea-water level, and spreads across the 1,000 Rai of land, which is filled with various types of grapes. It also has a large restaurant which can accommodate 200 seats to welcome visitors. Guests may also take a ride on elephant or organize several activities, even a romantic wedding ceremony, here. Donût forget to taste a wide variety of the house wine and get some tips from wine experts. Location: Hua Hin Hills Vineyard. Call 0-25335600 for more information. ∂“π∑’Ë : Hua Hin Hills Vineyard Õ∫∂“¡√“¬≈–‡Õ’¬¥ ‚∑√. 0-2533-5600 n

. 32



------------Text : My Melody

for Ethical Culture, founded in 1876 in New York City by the German American reformer Felix Adler.


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Welcome to Canon Home : Be My Guest Party



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. 33

Another fact of life that will not have escaped you is that, the

24 Hours

------------Text : Rungvisa Rungtanapat Photo : W. Ansirimongkol

strike is like the twenty- four- hours flu. You have to reckon on it lasting at least five days. Frank Muir (1920- 1998 British writer and broadcaster)

À“°¬âÕπ‡«≈“°≈—∫‰ª ™◊ËÕ‡ ’¬ß¢Õ߇¢“„π∞“π– Marketing Supervisor ¢Õß UBC π—Èπ‚¥àߥ—߇Փ°“√ ‡æ√“–‡¢“ “¡“√∂∑”„ÀâÀ≈“¬§πµ‘¥ √“¬°“√ Academy Fantasia °—π§àÕπª√–‡∑» ·≈–µÕππ’ȇ¢“°”≈—ß ∑â“∑“¬µ—«‡Õß ÿ¥Ê °—∫∫∑∫“∑„À¡à¢Õß°“√‡ªìπºŸâÕ”π«¬°“√§≈◊Ëπ‡æ≈ß “°≈ MET107 æ√âÕ¡Ê °—∫°“√‡ªìπÀ—«Àπⓧ√Õ∫§√—« ·≈–§ÿ≥æàÕ¡◊Õ„À¡à „Àâ°—∫¿√√¬“§π‡°àß ùÀπ‘ß-»√—¬©—µ√û ·≈– ùπâÕ߇∫≈≈à“û ≈Ÿ° “« ÿ¥∑’Ë√—° ∑«à“«—πÀπ÷ËߢÕ߇¢“®–¬ÿàß¢π“¥‰Àπ ‡¢“®–·∫à߇«≈“„Àâ°—∫ß“π ·≈–§√Õ∫§√—«‰¥âÕ¬à“߉√ µ‘¥µ“¡‰¥â„π 24 Hours ¢Õ߇¢“°—π‰¥â‡≈¬ 07:15-09:30 º¡µ◊ËππÕπª√–¡“≥‡®Á¥‚¡ß ‘∫Àⓧ√—∫ ‡æ√“–µÕπ‡™â“ °àÕπÕÕ°¡“∑”ß“π º¡°—∫Àπ‘ß®–µâÕߙ૬°—πÕ“∫πÈ”„Àâ≈Ÿ° º¡®–§Õ¬Õÿâ¡≈Ÿ° ™à«¬¥Ÿ‰¡à„Àâ πÈ”‡¢â“ÀŸ à«πÀπ‘ß®–§Õ¬øÕ° ∫Ÿà ‡™Á¥µ—«‰ª ®“°π—πÈ ∂÷ß®–ÕÕ°®“°∫â“πª√–¡“≥·ª¥‚¡ßπ‘¥Ê ¡“∂÷ß∑’Ë∑”ß“π∑’˵÷°Õ ¡∑.°Áª√–¡“≥‡°â“‚¡ß§√÷Ëߧ√—∫ 09:30-10:00 «—ππ’È∑’Ë∑”ß“π¡’°“√µ√«® ÿ¢¿“æ ‡≈¬µâÕß√’∫¡“µ√«®ÀπàÕ¬

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Jamorn Jirapaet

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. 34

19:00-21:00 ‡¥‘π∑“ß°≈—∫∫â“π§√—∫ ‡æ√“–µÕππ’Èß“π∑ÿ°Õ¬à“ß°Á‡ √Á® ‘Èπ

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Jamorn Jirapaet Nowadays, his name was renowned in the position of Marketing Supervisor for UBC because he was able to make a lot of people addicted Academy fantasia and now he has been challenging himself with the new role of holding a position as the Station Director for MET107. Moreover, he is the head of his family for his wife, ùNhing -Saraichatû and a father for ùBellaû, his lovely daughter. However, is he busy a lot in one day? and how does he manage his time between the work and family? Now, letûs see his 24 Hours ! 07:15-09:30 : I usually wake up around 7.15 am because Nhing and I have to get my daughter to take a bath before leaving home. 09:30-10:00 : There is a Health Check-Up Program at my office today so, I havenût drunk and eaten anything yet since midnight. I would like to check it quickly because I am sohungry. 10:00-11:20 : In morning, Iûve a interview with an applicant who applies for an AE position Here. 11:20-13:00 : I have a meeting with my architecture to help me choosing the furniture at SB Design Square, Central World. 13:00-13:30 : I am down to earth so, I can eat any food. After this, I have to talk with my architecture again so, Central Food Hall at Central World is the most convenient because there are variety of food to choose. 13:30-14:30 : My favorite home decoration is vintage modern style. 14:30-16:00 : Back to the office because I have a meeting with an organizer team. After that, I have to go to Nai Lert Park hotel to be an M. C for the party of Star World True Visions. 16:00-19:00 : I have arrived at Syn Bar, Nai Lert Park Hotel and preparing myself to be an MC for The Star World Platinum night 2008 party. 19:00-21:00 : Go home because I have already done my work. From now It is the time for me and my family. Find out more about the feed back of MET107, what does he gossip his wife? and other interesting stories at www.247freemag.com n

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