Life to go enero-marzo

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Año 4 Número 21

Happy s ’ e n i t n e l Va Day!


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Photo: Alfredo Anzures

Nuevos retos Empezamos un año más y con éste vienen grandes retos y propósitos. En Harmon Hall valoramos tus esfuerzos y recompensamos tus logros. Te invitamos a ser parte del Reto Harmon Hall, sólo tienes que terminar 10 cursos, obtener las mejores calificaciones y ganar el reto. Para este primer trimestre del año te recomendamos algunos gadgets y apps que te pueden servir de apoyo para que continúes con el aprendizaje del inglés, así como algunos tips de finanzas personales si tienes planeado seguir creciendo en el ámbito profesional, reforzar o certificar tus habilidades. Y para empezar este 2017 con el pie derecho, te damos algunos consejos de cómo lograr tus propósitos de año nuevo. Deseamos seguir formando parte de tu vida en este 2017 y que todas tus metas se cumplan. Gracias por confiar en nosotros. Eduardo Soto Magaldi Harmon Hall

New year, new challenges We’re starting a new year that brings great challenges and goals to reach. At Harmon Hall we value your effort and reward your accomplishments. That’s why we want you to be part of the Harmon Hall Challenge. You only have to conclude 10 courses, get the best grades, and win the challenge. For the first quarter of the year, we’ll recommend some useful gadgets and apps you can rely on to continue learning English, as well as some tips for your personal finances if you’re planning to keep growing professionally, reinforce or certify your skills. And to get off on the right foot in 2017, we’ll give you some advice on how to achieve your New Year’s resolutions. We wish to continue being part of your life in 2017 and hope you will reach all your goals. Thanks for trusting in us.

Eduardo Soto Magaldi Harmon Hall


3 coffee talks Fun facts

Happy Valentine’s Day!

6 must go

Recommendation of events

7 must read & listen Books and music

8 must watch

The most expected movies

10 must wear women

Warm and wonderful

12 must wear men


Coordinación Valeria Loya Atención a cliente 01800-HABLA YA (01800 42252 92) DF y Área Metropolitana 5211 2020 Editor Responsable Dilma Claudia Piccoli Díaz Coeditor Daniel García Jiménez

Green rocks

14 must have

Apps and gadgets that you can't miss

16 personal finances

Certify Your Skills

18 happiness

How to Achieve Your Goals in 2017

22 traveller

Love Is in the Air

26 lifestyle

E-learning: A Perfect Tool for a More Effective Performance

30 cover

Paty Cantú: A Dreamer and a Warrior

34 career

Be the Best at your Job

36 success story

El cielo no es el límite: Miss Earth

38 news harmon hall

Reto Harmon Hall

40 who are you?

Andrés Palacios


Director General Elías González Rogel Dirección Editorial Verónica Aguirre Ávila Editor Elizabeth L. Monroy Hernández Editor Gráfico Albelia Gamboa y Vázquez Traducción Araceli Paola Salinas Gómez Ventas de Publicidad Perla De la Rosa Norma Rodríguez

El contenido de los artículos aquí publicados refleja única y exclusivamente la opinión de los autores y no la de los editores o Harmon Hall. Life to go es una publicación trimestral editada de manera independiente para Harmon Hall Holding S.A. de C.V. Reserva Exclusiva de Título del Instituto Nacional del Derecho de Autor, número 04-201508171 1255700-102. Certificado de Licitud de Título y Contenido de la Secretaría de Gobernación (Comisión Calificadora de Publicaciones y Revistas Ilustradas) No. 16588. Los editores y Harmon Hall no se hacen responsables del contenido de los anuncios y ofertas de los anunciantes, ni de las ideas, imágenes, materiales, diseño de las piezas presentadas por los colaboradores en esta y otras ediciones. Prohibida la reproducción total o parcial de esta obra, sin la autorización previa –por escrito– del autor. Preprensa digital e impresión: Editorial Esfuerzo s.a. de c.v. Esfuerzo No.16-A Col. Lázaro Cárdenas, Naucálpan de Juárez Teléfonos: (0155) 5358 5958 y 5359 4644. Tiraje: 23,800 ejemplares. Editora responsable: Dilma Claudia Piccoli Díaz.

Printed in Mexico Año 4 No 20, Enero-Marzo 2017


coffee talks Staff

Are these days before or after Christmas? They begin on the night of Christmas (December 25) and end on Epiphany (January 6). Twelfth Night is a holiday on January 5 that marks the 12th and final night of the Christmas season. In the Middle Ages, these days were for big celebrations. People ate a lot and had festivities that ended on Twelfth Night. Do you celebrate like in the Middle Ages?

Hiding the c

hild The history of Rosca de Reyes goes back to the Middle Ages. In Fran ce, families gathered to eat Galette des Rois in wh ich they hid a bean. This was a symbol of how Jose ph and Mary hid baby Jesus to save him from death. This tradition survive s in our Rosca de Reyes.


it afterward h it Did you ?

what to ‌ e do re t s

r family buy a na tural tree celebrate to Christma s ? Do you any idea have of what to do with it You can later? take it to a recyclin example. g center, Why don for ’t you driv goodbye e back to to the tre say e that brig house? A h te n e d your lso, you c an replan garden if t it in its roots your are alive. Another is using th idea e pine ne edles (lea to make ves) sachets (b ags) to ke the arom ep a of Chris tmas at home.

When to put Christmas ornaments away Many people think luck plays an important role. Some believe that it is bad luck to put away Christmas ornaments before January 5th when the Three Wise Men come. Others say you should keep these decorations until Candelaria (February 2nd), the day when people take baby Jesus to church. What do you think?


Chris t m a


coffee talks Staff

February f o h t n o m the love The legend behind Valentine’s Day dates back to 270 A.D. in times of Emperor Claudius II. He prohibited young soldiers to get married. A Christian priest whose name was Valentine was against it. He performed marriages for young lovers in secret. When the Emperor discovered Valentine’s actions, he ordered to kill the priest. People celebrate Valentine’s Day in Mexico, the US, Canada, the UK, France, Australia, Denmark, and Italy. However, this contagious celebration is getting to more and more places.

D id t h e Ja pa n e s e g e t t h is c e l e b ratio n wro n g ?

In Japan, only women give a present to their partners on Febr uary 14th. Don’t get surprised or upse t! This is because men must give their pa rtners a gift back on March 14th. W ould you like to do it this way?

Be my Valentine Did you know that ‘Be my Valentine’ means ‘Be my love’? Here’s a crossword where you can find words we use with special people on this special occasion. Can you find them all? Mejor amigo Buen amigo Compañero de clase Compañero de trabajo Conocido (Another word for) Amigo Novia Novio Esposa Esposo Hermano Hermana Mi amor Coquetear Estar loco por

Answers to crossword: best friend, close friend, classmate, workmate, acquaintance, pal, girlfriend, boyfriend, wife, husband, brother, sister, sweetheart, flirt, be crazy about


Lovely proverbs for lo

vely peop

le The word friend is us ed popular sayings and a lot in many ex you can tell the peopl pressions. Here are some e you love: - True friends are never apart; maybe in distance, but not in heart.

- Great friends are hard to find, difficult to leave, and impossible to forget.

- Good friends are like stars, you don’t always see them, but you know they are there.

- A good friend is like a four-leaf cl over hard to find and lucky to have.

A beautiful rose for a beautiful person

For February 14, Colombia exports 500 million roses -the equivalent of 30 jumbo planes- to many Latin American and European countries. What about the price? On this day, the price of roses skyrockets as any lover well knows.



must go

By Verónica Aguirre

Vive Latino is an Ibero-American music festival. El Vive is the place for well-known rock and alternative bands. It welcomes new and less commercial bands, too. At the beginning, only Latin American bands came. Now, singers and groups from all over the world join. Around 70,000 spectators attend every day. You can also visit the Intolerant Ten. In it, you can meet bands that are not very famous or commercial. They offer alternative music like jazz, progressive rock, and others. Vive Latino also offers a place for urban and graffiti art. You can also see new artistic expressions or performances during the event. Its 18th edition is bringing Babasónicos, Julieta Venegas and many more.

Vive Latino Foro Sol, Mexico City March 18-19 Foro Sol

Tennis Mexican Open

Zona Maco. México Arte Contemporáneo February 8-12, Centro Banamex, Mexico City

art fair. est contemporary tin America’s bigg La is the CO er MA ov NA all ZO come from ists, and galleries ial ec art. sp ll rs, se cto d lle an y Co le to bu gathers these peop ty Ci o was to xic als Me . go r rld he wo in 2002. One of ir fa is th d de un d Latin America Zélika García fo wanted Mexico an e Sh t. ar ry ra po d private and promote contem arket. Museums an m t ar e th in e or e is to to participate m ent. Their purpos are joining the ev public institutions gion. porary art in the re encourage contem


February 27-March 4 Hotel Princess Mundo Imperial, Acapulco This fantastic tournament will take place in Acapulco. It will give 500 points to the ATP winner. This year, five famous tennis players are coming. Four of them are in the world’s top ten. We´ll see 2016 AMT champion Dominic Thiem (9), Marin Cilic (5), Milos Raonic (10), Rafa Nadal (6) and Juan Martín del Potro (38). Last year brought big surprises, let’s see what 2017 has for us.

Tlayacapan Carnival February 25-28, Tlayacapan, Morelos

Don’t miss this representation of chinelos. They are dancers with a very special costume. It´s a mix of indigenous and European traditions. Tlayacapan holds this fascinating carnival in Morelos. Chinelos divide into three dance groups according to the town’s districts. These are “América”, “Unión” and “Azteca”. They have their own music band and they make everyone dance. It starts on Saturday with the famous “meat party”. This happens in the main square. Traditional chinelo jumping (brinco) takes place on Sunday. It continues until Monday and Tuesday. In the afternoon, chinelos gather in the center of town. It´s a big party that celebrates a Mexican tradition. Best of all, it is for the whole family.


must read & listen

By Elizabeth Monroy

The firts quarter of the year is here! These are the books and music that you can´t miss Book recommendation

The Four Loves

Top 5 Best Sellers

By C.S. Lewis

This masterpiece depicts the nature of love and divides it into four categories: Affection, Friendship, Eros, and Charity. In the first chapter, Lewis makes a distinction between two formal categories of human love. Gift-love longs to give and serve disinterestedly, while Need-love looks for gain or redemption that emerges from a lack or void inside a person. This book shows us a clear path we can follow for our own sake. It’s a path that humanity has chosen to avoid as we divert and feel attracted to a more physical way of living. This might be a reason why we’re experiencing a devastating crisis of values. It’s a crisis that is built on the struggles of humanity in a contemporary world full of tribulations and voids of faith. With his book, Lewis helps us realize what sheer love is meant to be.

1. Order To Kill, by Kyle Mills and Vince Flynn 2. Small Great Things, by Jodi Picoult 3. Two by Two, by Nicholas Sparks 4. Home, by Harlan Coben 5. Inferno, by Dan Brown

Top 5 Music (Billboard)

Foundation Progressive

Bob Dylan

1. Closer, The Chainsmokers featuring Halsey 2. Starboy, The Weeknd featuring Daft Punk 3. Heathens, Twenty One Pilots 4. Let Me Love You, DJ Snake featuring Justin Bieber 5. 24 K Magic, Bruno Mars Music recommendation There’s a big surprise for the world of literature and music. Sara Danius, Secretary of the Swedish Academy, announced the Nobel Prize in Literature 2016. The winner was US musician Bob Dylan (born in 1941 in Duluth, Minnesota). This is the first time in the history of this prize that it goes to a musician. Bob Dylan has been a music genius since the 20th century. He has changed traditional American music like no one else with his poetic expressions. This is one reason why he received this distinctive award. Do you know his music? Have a go and listen to him!


(The New York Times)



must watch

By Raúl Rodríguez Cota

Resident Evil: The Final Chapter

In movie theaters: January 27,2017

s that

These are the movies and serie you should not miss

Zombies refuse to die, even in motion pictures! And 2017 delights us with the last chapter of this sci-fi film. This time our heroine Alice comes back to Raccoon City. This is the place where the story began. There, she must fight the fearful Umbrella Corporation. She will fight the living dead and their growing appetite. Will she succeed in saving humankind? Don’t miss out!

in the first quarter of the year.

The Founder


In movie theaters: February 3, 2017

If you like fries, hamburgers, and soda, watch this movie. It tells the adventures of Ray Kroc. He’s the man that made McDonald’s a multibillion business. Michael Keaton stars this film. He might get his second Oscar nomination for this performance. Why not going for a Big Mac after watching it?

In movie theaters: February 24, 2017

S p l it

Do you remember Sixth Sense? The director of that movie has worked on a new production. The story will scare you. A man kidnaps three girls, keeping them in his house. But things become even more terrifying when the girls discover something. Their kidnapper has up to 23 different personalities! Will they survive such a crazy guy? Find out soon!


In movie theaters: March 3, 2017

TV SERIES A Series of Unfortunate Events Netflix’s next series will tell the story of three kids. They lose their parents and their uncle takes care of them. His name is Count Olaf, who is a wicked man. He will try to kill them for a greedy purpose. He wants to keep the kids’ inheritance. The first season comprises eight episodes. This story is originally a book series with the same name. There has been a film on this story, as well. Jim Carrey appeared on it, have you ever watched it?

Photo: EPK.TV, Walt Disney Pictures, Warner Bros.

Released: January 13, 2017

After X-Men: Days of Future Past, Logan decides to retire. He no longer wants to use his superpowers. But things go wrong when a new villain appears. Nathaniel Essex’s plan is to use mutants as weapons. Wolverine won’t let this happen under any circumstances. He will use his claws again if necessary. This movie comes from the comics saga Wolverine: Old Man Logan.



must wear women By Verรณnica Aguirre

A touch of retro

Bette Davies said she often thought a slightly exposed shoulder packed more sex than two naked bodies in bed. Seduce Mr. Right with one of these asymmetrical blouses and a shy glance.

Warm and wonderful Winter fashion is not just about keeping warm, it is all about looking great. Is your wardrobe up to the task?

Back in shape

Work hard to get that gorgeous silhouette back. But make sure to keep the style. Always wear a track suit that looks real hot.

Not cold: cool!

Varsity jackets are on the preppy side but nice never did any harm. You can add your own personal touch of naughty if the need arises.

The backpack

There is no need to look like a hillbilly or paratrooper. Here is the proof that a backpack can be classy.

Brrrrrr!! A good woolen coat is a must have, it will last a life time, keeps you warm, and never goes out of style. Buy the best quality you can afford, you will never regret it.

10 10

Do you think Swatch is only a watch?

There is a lot more to it. Have a look at their lovely jewelry.

One step ahead

This season, golden sets the pace. Shine and glow as you walk by.

Cozy and toasty indoors

Dare to dazzle

This season, pants will enhance women’s curves. Show off your fabulous figure.

This bag is cute and cuddly. It also makes a great makeup bag or pencil case.

Felt boots

Photo: Courtesy H&M, Tommy Hilfiger, Swatch, Ksny, Theory, Old Navy, Zara, Brunello Cucinelli, Coach.

Colorful happy nails

Yellow is here in all its hues and shades. Put a dab of sun on your fingertips.

Turn up the heat another notch when you take off your jacket to reveal this top.

A teddy bag

Keep you feet warm to cuddle and read. Venture to the kitchen for a glass of warm milk or trek to the cupboard to fetch a snack. These boots just fit the bill.

Kenzo is here

The acclaimed Japanese designer launched its whole collection in collaboration with H&M. Get to the store and take a look!

11 11


must wear men By Verónica Aguirre

Come fly with me…

Beckham style

David Beckham made a selection of garments for H&M. This sweater is part of it. Do you dare to give it a try?

Bomber jackets are a must this winter. Be warm, stand out and enjoy winter!

On time There’s something that women like about English men: they are always on time. Wear this watch to be always sharp.

Green rocks

Green is the trend to add some warmth to winter months. Choose a hue that suits your complexion or match your sweater with your eyes. There is a shade of green for everyone.

12 12

For everyone

If you are fashion conscious, you must own at least a pair: skinny jeans are all the rage. Do not go one more day without this essential item.

Add a detail

This winter, experts advise wearing printed shirts. Make . your outfit trendy and merry le. sty r you Add some charm to

See you soon!

Camo style on!

Photo: Courtesy H&M, Old Navy, Zara, Andrea,

Enjoy this season’s fashion wearing camouflage patterns. Forget about plain colors on t-shirts for now. This type of tops is super trendy these days.

r Keep youarm w thoughtsare back and

nies Thick bea u’ll no longer Yo on time! these cold days ring suffer du d nights. an

Say goodbye to your classic pants for a while. Stay away from black, grey and navy blue this season. Designers have decreed fun and casual is the mood to wear. Follow their advice and try something different.

Back to basics

No real man can go around without a proper belt. Wear one next time. You’ll feel the difference.

Today’s mood: versatile Formal, casual, or in between, Bostonians are the go to style of shoes for any occasion.

13 13


must have

By Raúl Rodríguez Cota

Studying at Harmon Hall is a great experience. It’s a chance to improve at school and work. You can also achieve other professional goals. We feel happy when you become better. We want to tell you about some tools.

Kids’ play - LeapPad 2 This gadget is for the youngest ones. And it’s exactly what they need. The tablet comes with various apps. They learn languages while having fun. It has a microphone, too. Kids can record their voice and play it. They listen to themselves speaking in another language!

gadgets and apps. These are very useful Give them a try and continue learning!

Kindle Paperwhite Let’s be honest. Reading is necessary for learning a language. This device can help you with that. It admits 1,100 books! Another good thing is its battery. It can last

for eight weeks. Let it be your perfect companion and enjoy reading.




It’s time you test your intelligence while playing. This app offers cognitive training. It has more than 30 mini games. It’s ideal to improve your memory. You can train agility and communication skills too. Want to know what the best part is? You can select specific areas to improve. This way, you can personalize your training.

Your own computer or cell phone

Time-teller – Verbarius Clock Learning numbers can take time, right? With this digital clock, it’ll be so simple. It tells you the hour using words only. Want an example? It says “four forty-five” instead of using numbers. It has 5 languages, including English and French. A great tool to practice your English!

It’s true! Make small set up changes. Change the language of the interface, browsers, etc. Use English while you use your devices! You already know to use them in Spanish. Now try something a little harder! This will increase your vocabulary for free.

Read away – Irispen Translator 6

This smart pen recognizes up to 128 languages. It’s an excellent learning tool. You will learn to use it fast. Just slide the gadget on printed information. It will translate the text instantly. You can use it with Word, Outlook or Acrobat.

Fit Brain Trainer

Train daily without getting bored! This app has more than 35 games. They come in different training groups. These games will help you improve some skills. Memory, concentration, and many more games are waiting for you! Try this app’s emotional intelligence games, too. Find out more and keep on training!


Train your brain like a secret agent. This app’s personalized spying missions are awesome. They will help you enhance brain functions. Boost your speed, memory, reasoning, and adaptability. The app will show your statistical progress, too. Sounds like an interesting choice, right? Become a virtual secret agent right now!


personal finances



Certify Your Skills and Become a Successful Professional Investing in education is a wise decision. Learning languages -starting with English- is by far the most important skill you can certify. But any certification is valuable. This preparation will help you achieve your maximum potential. It will allow you to build a better future. But is university the only path to follow? It isn’t these days. There are better educational alternatives now. Keep reading to find out how to invest in education. Studying university is no longer the only educational option. There are other ways to get certified. Certification programs are more flexible and personalized. They help you become better specialized and gain more experience. As a certified professional, your career options will multiply. What if you haven’t studied university? Perhaps you don’t see it as one of your goals. Does that mean the end of your future professional career? Of course not. Certifying your skills can be as good as studying university. In fact, it’s even better these days because: 1. Certifying your skills can take less time. University degrees take at least four years. Certification programs take less than that. You can choose from very short to very lenghty programs. You decide according to your needs. 2. You can have a blend of online and classroom courses. There are some certifications that require coursework.


Others are based on exams or a performance assessment. 3. You can choose what courses to take. You choose exactly what and for what purpose. You can learn something new and learn those skills. 4. It’s cheaper than a university degree. Entering a public university in Mexico isn’t for many. There aren’t seats available for all. Studying university abroad may not be an option, either. It means accommodation, travel, and of course high university fees! 5. Holding a certification proves you have practical experience. This is exactly what companies are looking for. They want someone who knows how to do things. Let’s face it. Many university programs teach you the theory only. The problem is you don’t put things into practice. 6. Most certifications are officially accredited. Associations, schools, institutes, and governmental institutions have recognized certification programs. Therefore, they’re valid and official.

Certifying your skills can be as good as studying university

You can also supplement your certifications with other courses. The result is you become better prepared in less time. Not only that, you’ll have a customized educational background. You decide according to your needs and goals. But how to decide on the right certifications? What if you choose something you don’t like later? In order to make a successful choice, here’s our advice.

a. Set objectives. Define what courses and certifications you want and why. Decide on what jobs you’d like to have. Are you sure about your choices? What certifications are necessary for those jobs?

b. Do research and evaluate your options. It’s never too early to do this! Get going now and study all the options available. Studying the pros and cons of each choice is essential. Don’t wait until you finish school to do this! The better informed you are, the easier the decision will be.

c. Make a budget. Calculate how much money you’ll need and how often. Do the math and be realistic. Remember some classroom and online courses offer discounts. You might want to apply for a loan as well. They can be a good option to get you started. Again, doing research is the first step.

d. Work on a timeline. How long will it take you to get prepared? How long to get your certification? Whatever the time, what will you do when you finish? Do you know where to start working after getting certified? You’ll make contacts during the certification process. They can be a good option to discover job opportunities. But do your own research as well.

e. Start saving now. "NOW" is always the best moment to save. Your education is a huge decision. Keep in mind that education is an investment for life. Spend wisely and think about your certification goals. Every single penny counts!

Start planning your future today. Certifying your skills and experience is a great option. Give it a try and make the most of it. You can start by certifying your English and other languages. Then, after taking our advice, certify your knowledge and experience. Our society needs certified and productive people like you!



Special Investigation

How to Achieve Your Goals in 2017


s we set for the al go e ar s on ti lu e New Year’s reso , we try to improv em th h it W n. gu e year that has be difficult to achiev ’s it , er ev ow H s. ve li stic something in our were so enthusia e w if en pp ha is this them. Why does th e resolutions for m so e ad m ve u’ about them? If yo tips to accomplish e es th ow ll Fo g. year, keep readin e of them. each and every on

Stage 1 Prepare your resolutions


Brainstorm – Think of what changes or n improvements you ca make. You may want to consider health, k relationships and wor e life. Perhaps, you’d lik in to make a difference e, the world. For exampl od keep your neighborho e cleaner than it was th year before.

e c resolutions – Decid ti is al re o tw or e on Choose als on the list are. go t an rt po im t os m e which th able they are. Can you on as re w ho of s rm te Think in are you fantasizing or ly al tic is al re em th achieve about them? g are a way of making bi s em st Sy – s em st sy t Create mething big, you mus so e ev hi ac To . er pl m goals si ke concluding your Ta . ns tio ac l al sm to in break it example. What small an as 17 20 in se ur co English d? You can listen to ee cc su u yo e ak m ill steps w d a dictionary. oa nl w do or s m ra og pr English

Stage 2 Start doing something about them

Make a plan for your resolutions – Write down what you’ll do every single day. You needn’t take long hours to do this. Remember that small but constant actions will take you there.

Follow your plan right away – Don’t wait for inspiration coming out of thin air. Start today rather than next week so you can see results.

planning. Write down what you’ll do and when. Do something towards your goals no matter how busy you are.

Report your performance – Meet the people you shared your resolutions with. Let them know how well you’re doing. This is a reminder of the commitment you made with yourself.

Focus on the process instead of the goals – You’ve already spared time on your resolutions and their planning. Now focus on what exactly you’re doing to achieve them. Take a step at a time and feel happy with your progress. Every

Always have your resolutions in mind – Get a calendar specifically for your

This acronym is very – s al go T AR SM s on : Make your resoluti lutions. Goals must be so re ur yo in ta at to e effectiv what you expect. of ea id r re ea cl h uc Specific: to have a m ogress you’re making. pr or s ge an ch t ha w em Measurable: to see How can you make th . tic is al re , ds or w r he Attainable: or in ot true? so a motivation behind al d an ed ne a s e’ er th Relevant: because you want a change. hy w on as re e th is is them. Th within a time frame. ss re og pr ur yo on k goals. Time-based: to chec e to accomplish your tim gh ou en lf se ur yo Remember to give

small step you take will get you closer. Make the atmosphere play for you, not against you – Get rid of habits that don’t help you achieve your goals. They might even interfere or frustrate every effort you make. You might even decide to give up. Don’t let this happen!

tions Print out your resolu and talk about them to others – Have your e to se resolutions on paper ss them every day. Discu your goals and say why with you set them. Do this rtable people you feel comfo you with. They might give insightful feedback. By so doing this, you can al support their goals.

Last but not least, don’t make or break resolutions when you’re angry. Losing your temper won’t let you think clearly. Also, time shouldn’t stress you. If you plan ahead and realistically, go with the flow. The key here is constancy and discipline to get started. We want you to shine and achieve all your resolutions! Go for them!




By Verónica Aguirre

Callejón del Beso (Guanajuato) February is the month of love. These 28 days make people happier. We smile more and want to fall in love, too. The best way to fall in love is to share new experiences. Take that special someone for the rst time to one to one of these fantastic places and fall in love.

Happy Valentine’s Day! 22

This alley is very famous in Guanajuato. It is the place of a love story. It’s our Mexican version of Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet. The legend is about Doña Carmen and Don Luis. They were two young people in love. But they couldn’t get married. Why? Carmen’s father was against it. Her room overlooked a narrow alley. So Don Luis bought the house in front. He wanted to talk to her lovely Carmen. They could even touch hands. But one day, Carmen’s father entered her room. He was furious and killed her with a knife. Since then, couples go there to celebrate love. You can kiss under the balconies without the fatal consequences.

Pont des Arts or Passerelle des Arts


Everyone knows Paris is the city of love. But even in Paris, there’s a special place to feel love. It’s a bridge called Pont des Arts or Passerelle des Arts. This emblematic bridge reopened to the public in 1984. Since then, people can walk over it. Until 2015, lovers could put locks on its sides. This was a symbol of eternal love. Nowadays, Parisian authorities don’t allow locks anymore. The bridge had around 700,000 love locks. This was too much weight for the bridge. However, couples keep going there to enjoy the view. Now they kiss even more to express their love. Just like Harrison Ford and Julia Ormond did in the film Sabrina.

A gondola ride (Venice)

No doubt Venice is an important honeymoon destination. Many lovers visit it every year. A gondola ride is one of Venice’s most romantic attractions. Imagine this: you two are alone watching the sunset. You’re listening to Italian music and drinking wine. Love is floating around you. You and your partner promise to share life forever. What an experience, right? Venice is pure love and romantic moments. The best time is spring, fall and winter. Start planning!



By Verónica Aguirre


When we think about Japan we imagine technology. But this country has one of the most romantic moments. Yes, it’s a moment that Mother Nature gives us. When March is over cherry trees bloom. Landscapes and views become pink. Mount Yoshino has around 30,000 cherry trees. All of them open at the same time! Many couples go there to enjoy this precious moment. They also promise love to each other forever. If you don’t have a partner, no problem! This is an experience of a lifetime for everyone. Would you enjoy being there?

Monte Yoshino


A man built a monument to his loved one. He wanted to swear eternal love to her. This mausoleum is an enormous complex. Muslim emperor Shan Jahan ordered its construction. He wanted to honor his favorite wife, Mumtaz Mahal. The construction started in 1631 and finished in 1648. Later, the emperor’s sons removed him from power. One of them let him live in Agra Fort. From his window he could see Taj Mahal. When he died, they buried him next to his wife. This place is especially and perfectly beautiful. Shalimar Gardens are another beauty in honor of Mumtaz Mahal. This romantic site is in Lahore. It’s one of the New Seven Wonders of the World. UNESCO declared it a World Heritage Site.


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Con información de María del Rocío Moro López


e-learni Rectora Fundadora del Instituto Universitario del Prado

A Perfect Tool for a More Effective Performance

Always bear in mind that learning is a personal process .


Education has seen a swift evolution in the past decades. Technological breakthroughs have brought new educational tools with them. This new tools open a universe of new possibilities. Nowadays, we can use cell phones, tablets, and the cloud as educational aids. Even social networks like Whatsapp and Facebook can serve learning purposes. Also, devices, apps, and educational platforms have helped us connect with people everywhere. Blending these technological advances with our classroom preparation brings together the best of two worlds. This combination is especially powerful for those who want to broaden their knowledge fast. Chat rooms, platforms, video calls, among other resources, enrich our personal and professional performance. Always bear in mind that learning is a personal process. In the classroom, we learn, assimilate, and practice new information. Online resources enable us to use that new knowledge to interact with the world, at our convenience, 24/7. Online technology is globally available to most people. In the 21st century, information has become more accessible than ever. We learn new things constantly and in short time new skills and competencies follow. Like information, learning never ends. That’s why we must rely on the continuous flow of the online realm to enhance our skills and efficiency. In addition, our hectic world demands of us to study and work better and faster. But it is true that we can be constrained by time as well. Commuting, traffic, over time, fierce competition all play against us. Take students, for example: many of them have to work halftime or even full time. Or full-fledged professionals, who must train, re-train, update and certify their new skills to remain competitive. Often, only those of them who make wise use of online tools can cope with such demanding realities. That is why innovative learning and the use of the most efficient teaching models are vital. An ideal model should integrate the best of classroom learning and online learning. The question is: is this possible? It surely is.




If you want to be one of the few who makes it to the top of your field, you must make the most out of the available resources. In a classroom environment: Interact as much as possible with the teacher and other students. Work on your social skills and build new relationships; Practice your teamwork and profit from collective learning; Feedback, questions, comments, and answers are communicative opportunities: seize them.

Use online learning to: Gain the maximum possible exposure to real language (or real material in other subject matters if you are learning something else). Make the best use of your time. Online learning is flexible. You can go online 24/7 and plan your study time better and every day. Take advantage of every opportunity; materials and strategies are at your fingertips no matter where you are. Set your own pace; you can go faster than other people or take your time to assimilate difficult things. Manage your personal and professional relationships efficiently. You don’t need to leave home, school, or work. Instead, you can engage people using online resources.

As you can see, both environments have valuable aspects to offer. Personalize a set of strategies for each environment to optimize your learning. You can develop personal values and abilities. Discipline, commitment, responsibility, and organization pay good dividends in a classroom but also online. This means you can achieve your goals faster and boost your performance. Use every resource within your reach to excel at whatever you do. The best part is that such a combination is now possible. So go to school and enjoy your time there with your classmates. Then, go online and talk to people around the world, watch breaking news, learn about the latest discoveries, acquire valuable skills, in short: practice, learn and enjoy. Sounds great, doesn’t it?



By Elizabeth Monroy


A Dreamer and a Warrior Nothing in the world is worth having or worth doing unless it means effort, pain, difficulty(.T.R.) Young artist Paty Cantú knows this well. The path she’s taken hasn’t been easy at all. But every step, small or not, has been a step towards success. She’s a very successful artist and her latest achievement is an MTV award. The MTV Europe Music Awards Rotterdam 2016 named her Best North American Artist. How did she start in music? She was four when she first dreamed of being a singer. Two years later, she wrote her first song. At 12 she was taking classes of various instruments. When she was 14 she had a musical group. Together they won several local contests.

Her musical journey Patricia Giovanna Cantú Velasco, is better known in the music world as Paty Cantú. During her teenage years, she discovered music was her passion. It made her feel


free and very happy. Her first offer from a record label came when she was 15. However, she didn’t take it for various reasons. “First, I felt I was not mature enough to do that. I wanted to finish high school at least. Besides, I was under 18 and would need to be away from my parents to work. That wasn’t something I wanted then. When I was 17, I had finished high school.


- Your mood is usually … Intense - Favorite place to compose… My woman’s cave, that’s the name I have to my study at home - What scares you is… Standing still in any direction, in love, in music, following the same routine forever - Your favorite hobby… ¡I have many! I love doing sports, yoga, cross fit, KungFu, dancing, reading, drawing, watching movies and traveling. - If you could have a superpower... I’d love to teleport. - Favorite poet… Jaime Sabines



Word Association Music - Freedom Love - Music Dreams (goals) – All the time Happiness – Capability I think happiness is the capability to stop for some seconds to see what you’ve accomplished and who is around you.


hieving a dream tells you reality "I have always moved forward. Ac and what’s going on in my life ve ha I at Wh n. tio fic nd yo be far is I had ever imagined. Yet. is far more wonderful than what ngs I’ll fight for.” I’m sure there are many other thi I had also written many songs and met Mario Sandoval. We were together in Lu, our former band. Mario and I wrote many songs because it was fun. Then a new offer came and we signed a contract. That was the moment when our journey started. It has hard at first because the owners of that record label changed. They weren’t familiar with our project.” Paty says there were many difficulties. Internal conflicts, lacks of supplies, and hunger were some of their problems. Later they learned to deal with success and start over. All this motivated her to become a solo artist. Also, she needed to prove herself she could handle it.

Constant growth “I had to prove myself many things as a woman, composer and artist. I wanted to show myself I could be on my own. I wanted to tell the world my story,” she says. Paty recognizes this journey has been full of knowledge and constant challenges. She hasn’t stopped studying and preparing herself. For the past 10 years, she’s been working on song writing. She now has a master’s in production. “I've been around people who have a longer career to learn from them. As an example, I composed with Leonel García. Nowadays, Alejandro Sanz, María José, and others sing songs I wrote,” says Paty with a big smile on her face.

We asked her what her key to success was. She said there is no formula in arts. She thinks in music as in other arts everything is relative. The important thing is going after opportunities. Like the world, music is constantly changing. She believes everyone should keep this in mind. “You can’t stand still and say ‘I’m fine here, I know everything I needed and I don’t need to change.’’’ That’s a formula for failure. We must think we’ll never know every single thing. However, we must always do our best to learn more. The challenge starts with ourselves. You’re not competing against the others. Ego is a very dangerous path to take.” Since September 2015, she has had a lot of success. A recent accomplishment is taking her music to other parts of the world. “There are places where I start from scratch again. To me, that’s fine because it’s an opportunity to fall in love with myself. I fall in love with the people there too. I’m glad about all that. There’s always a new opportunity behind doing your best. When people find out about your music and they like you.” In terms of composition, Paty says she’s writing for projects in English. She has been asked to have a duo or sing with Justin Bieber in Colombia. She has also participated in festivals, for example with Maroon 5. That’s why she recommends learning other languages. Her upcoming tour holds some of her challenges and dreams. “We want to have an international tour. I am very excited because big shows are coming, like the one in Germany next January. I’d like to go on tour to all those countries I’ve been visiting. And I’d love to sing in other languages too, not only Spanish and English. It would be great to sing in Japanese, for example. I am about to produce the first single of The Voice Ecuador winner. He was on my team. This might be a new field for me as a producer for other projects.



career Staff

Be the best at your job What we do today determines who we’ll be tomorrow. Invest in yourself, become a better you. Kiss goodbye old habits that don’t help you improve. Instead, adopt new ones that will make you stand out. Here you’ll find practical tips from OCC Mundial.

Visualize your future: Make a plan to grow and accomplish your goals. This includes getting updated and taking training and specialization courses. Networking is also an important thing to keep in mind. The right contacts can take you a step further.

Share what you know and never stop learning: Talk about your experiences to others. They’ll appreciate your sharing. They might even do something for you in return. If they give you some advice, take it for good. Remember that life is about constant learning.


Pay attention to your attitude: Attitude is the key to success. Your best attitude will take you wherever you want. Don’t get carried away by gossip and rumor. Be positive, enthusiastic and aim high. Look for professional challenges: Be proactive and propose ideas or projects in your workplace. People around you will see you’re eager to grow. Who knows what can happen later thanks to your input. What if your ideas take shape and you are chosen to make them happen?

Make workspace your own: You can be happy even if you work in an office. When you add your personal touch, energy flows better. Place your favorite plant and photos of people who inspire you. You can also use your own office supplies that reflect your personality. It’s all about feeling comfortable and work surrounded by the things that make you unique. Unleash the leader inside you: You can be an inspirational model for many. Dare to become the staff member who sets an example to the rest. Dress for the job you want: Your appearance speaks volumes before you do. Every detail is revealing; understand what your appearance says. Make the most of the technology you have: Take advantage of your computer, smartphone, tablet, smart TV, etc. All of them offer excellent tools and functionalities. They’ll become your allies if you use them wisely. They can boost your professional life and career development.


success story Staff

El cielo no es el límite

Miss Earth

Itzel Astudillo soñó con participar en un certamen de belleza desde que tenía aproximadamente 5 años, cuando se sentaba al lado de su papá a ver la televisión y a disfrutar de estos concursos. Ahora el anhelo de aquella pequeña es una realidad, aunque el camino ha sido largo y ha pasado por varios procesos para llegar a la cima. “La parte más difícil ha sido superar mis miedos y paradigmas, ya que aunque éste era uno de mis sueños aun así me faltaba creer en mi, me daba miedo no estar preparada o que no lo lograra. No es fácil salir de la zona de confort y ese es el principal freno del mundo”, señala Miss Earth 2016. Itzel recuerda que comenzó a prepararse para este tipo de certámenes desde los 12 años pero durante sus estudios de bachillerato tuvo que hacer una pausa de dos años debido al bullying del que fue víctima y decidió hacer a un lado sus sueños para dedicarse a “hacer algo normal”. “Una ocasión aprendí que las cigarras se enterraban durante 17 años y ese tiempo esperaban para salir a la luz, y alguien me dijo ‘Itzel, gracias a Dios tu no eres una cigarra, cuánto tiempo más vas a esperar para brillar', y fue cuando tomé la desicion de hacer otra vez lo que me apasionaba, por eso


entré a Miss Earth que, en mi opinión, es el mejor certamen de belleza. “Soy ambientalista de corazón y cuando veo que Miss Earth busca a una mujer comprometida con la madre Tierra eso me entusiasmó mucho, pues estaba haciendo al mismo tiempo dos cosas que me apasionan”, declara con una gran sonrisa que se le dibuja en su rosto. La joven chiapaneca de 21 años de edad destaca que uno de los factores que vieron los jueces en ella para ganar este premio es que siempre se mostró como es y puso el 100% de pasión y compromiso para poner en alto al bello estado que representa. “Creo firmemente que todo lo que hagas con actitud y de corazón dará resultados positivos”.

Nuevos horizontes

Al ganar Miss Earth México le dieron la noticia de que viajaría a Filipinas a representar a México. Itzel relata que se emocionó mucho y de inmediato supo que debía estar preparada en cuerpo y mente. Además de sus rutinas de ejercicio y proyectos ecológicos comenzó a estudiar inglés en Harmon Hall para poder comunicarse con las demás participantes del certamen. “Me fue de gran ayuda, ya que me facilitó la comunicación con los diferentes países y contribuyó a sumar puntos en mi desempeño”. Itzel considera que un diferenciador importante para lograr su crecimiento profesional sin duda ha sido el saber varios idiomas, ya que estos expanden tu visión a un nivel internacional y te dan la oportunidad de crecer a mayor velocidad, pues vivimos en un mundo globalizado. Aunque comenzó a estudiar inglés desde pequeña (escuela primaria), considera que el método de enseñanza no fue el adecuado, pues no lograba dominar del todo el idioma. “Sin embargo, a partir de que comencé a estudiar en Harmon Hall me fue mas fácil aprender el idioma, ya que el método de enseñanza era el que necesitaba, siendo

dinámico y vivencial, me ayudó a comprender de manera más efectiva y rápida el inglés”. “Me ha gustado mucho estudiar en Harmon Hall, primero por sus instalaciones que me hacen sentir cómoda al estudiar y por sus maestros que son amables y realmente dominan tanto el idioma como el método de enseñanza efectiva. Creo que Harmon Hall tiene el mejor sistema de enseñanza para que cualquiera, sin importar la edad, pueda aprender inglés”. Por ello, no duda en recomendar ampliamente a Harmon Hall, pues detalla que en lo personal el sistema de educación realmente la ayudó. Todos aquellos que quieran globalizarse y tener un plus al hacer frente a la competencia de hoy en día necesitan estudiar inglés con el mejor sistema, que es Harmon Hall. “El inglés sin duda me hizo crecer como persona y me ayudó a conseguir patrocinios y contratos con revistas extranjeras y marcas de otros países. Además, me ayudó a hacer amigos y a conseguir contratos en otras partes del mundo". "Mi meta principal fue desempeñarme de la mejor manera en Miss Earth internacional dando mi máximo y poniendo en alto el nombre de México, trayendo por primera vez tantos premios en la historia de Miss Earth. En lo sucesivo me seguirá ayudando para cumplir varias metas que tienen que ver con el desarrollo de la ecología a nivel nacional e internacional”. “Aunado al dominio del inglés, en lo personal considero como otro factor importante la actitud mental positiva y la proactividad, ya que éstas pueden hacer la diferencia para un acenso o expansión de un negocio”, concluye.

“Me considero una mujer empática con las personas, los animales y el medio ambiente, soy muy disciplinada, me gusta hacer las cosas con excelencia y soy competitiva conmigo misma”.


news harmon hall


Harmon Hall Año nuevo, vida nueva, dice el dicho. Con el inicio de un nuevo ciclo muchos de nosotros decidimos hacer algo importante: dejar de fumar, bajar de peso, graduarnos, conseguir nuestro primer trabajo formal, ser más puntuales, etcétera. Envía un email a challenge2017@ ormación de contacto. inf e ula tríc ma o, let mp co re mb no con tu atinos), ¡Termina 10 cursos (8 si asistes a sab obtén las mejores calificaciones y GANA EL RETO! ero de 2018 tu historia en de GO TO E LIF de 25 ro me nú En el ss Story. Una entrevista y una cce Su n ció sec la en a cad bli pu á ser mundo que tú sí consigues foto a página completa le dirán al lo que te propones.


¿Cuáles son tus propósitos para 2017?

¿Ahora sí, aprender inglés? Entonces ven a Harmon Hall.

Inscríbete en nuestro reto: Challenge Harmon Hall 2017.

Todos los participantes que completen 10 cursos exitosamente (8 si asistes a sabatino) recibirán un Certificado de Éxito.


Photo: Cortesía de Carlos Rodmar.

who are you?

What best describes your character? Making Jokes What is the quality you like the most in a man? Reliability What quality do you admire in a woman? Passion What’s your main defect? Impatience What’s your hobby? Gardening What’s your ideal of happiness? Family union What would be your greatest

Andrés Palacios Actor

misfortune? Extinction

If you weren’t an actor, what other occupation would you like to have? As a vet What country would you like to live in? Singapore What’s your favorite color? Blue What bird do you like? Cormorant Do you like poetry? Yes Who is your favorite poet? Juan Guzmán Cruchaga Who is your sci-fi hero? Deadpool Who is your heroine? Fenix


Who is your favorite co mposer? Mahler And your favorite paint er? Michele Del Campo

What gift of nature would you like to have? To manipulate the weather

Who do you admire in real life? Jacques-Yves Cousteau

How would you like to die? While sleeping

Who do you consider a hero in real life? Dustin Hoffman What habit can’t you sta nd? Indifference

Do you have a motto? A friendship that can end never really began Why do you think it’s important to command another language apart from Spanish? It’s important to have better opportunities personally and professionally.

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