! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !
! ! ! “What goes around comes around”. PM Justin Trudeau bet $270,602/year of public money on a very risky prospect — the appointment of highly controversial Governor General ( GG ). The unprecedented resignation of Julie Payette at the beginning of 2021 has marked the whole collapse of morality leadership by the Trudeau government— following the SNCLavalin scandal in 2019 and the We Charity scandal in 2020. In both cases, Justin Trudeau escaped both moral and legal charges with the connivance of the Queen’s vice-regal representatives (the governor general and lieutenant-governors). Now, the Prime Minister is scrambling for an anti-Christ approach to renew a“ GG+PM” leadership that is set to double abuse the system, and he sees the UN Pandemic Resolutions and WHO vaccination program as offering some hope.
This time may be different if the institution of GG would proceed without questioning a number of justifications that tended to undermine the moralizations of Trudeau’s or police’s offenses in such claims as reported in“Broken Lives, broken dreams: the Devastating Effects of Sexual Harassment On Women in the RCMP” (Michel Bastarache, 2020). Because the outbreak of novel coronavirus, referred to as “God’s wrath” in the Bible, has completely changed the legal/moral boundaries that set a limit for “such tolerance”.
In contrast to the legal context defined in peaceful times, the Constitutional Charter pertaining the Law of the Lord prevails in both Christian and non-Christian nations where: 1) neither a UN Pandemic Resolution nor a “United in Music/Science/ Family/Pope’s Inclusive Capitalism ”slogan has prevented further lockdowns and destruction— despite billions of dollars are sunk; 2) religious freedom cannot stand up to the test of the wrath of a Christian God during the COVID-191 and; 3) the Biblical way of salvation amounts to the emergency laws, which override other laws ( incl. The 1st or 2nd Amendments to the Constitution of The United States ) in time of a cataclysmic event.
The Law of The Lord established that “God’s wrath is said to be in perfect accord with God’s justice”. A divine moral source delivers absolute right from wrong when the men’s moral system has failed, as exemplified in Canada.
! 1Canada
is a country founded upon principles that recognize God’s supremacy.
The country’s Ethic Committee is in-effective in removing an abusive, sinful leadership. Beyond that, no legal authorities would defend the grassroots (Christian) woman’s claim against the police’s abuse of authority in Canada. See “case of example” published on GNOT iS, JAN 2020, which leads to an email warning“The new instrument” dated Jan 10, 2020 :
The Notice of Inadmissibility of Complaint by OPCC ( Jan 9, 2020) is taken as a sign that a liberal-led civil authority would rather risk 35-million Canadians to suffer God’s Wrath than punish the sinful ( Caucasian) justice abusers for a legislative change….The message is passed on to the media ( CBC News, Rebel and Global and Mail) for a public choice between “a life filled with destruction” or “a life filled with justice”— as pursued by Art For Virtue.
Thus, the wrath of God is a necessary and right reaction to such objective moral evils as the Canadian legal authorities sustained by GG and PM and their supporters and allies. Pursuant to Article 3, 7 & 18 of Universal Declaration of Human Rights (1946), those leaders who block people’s access to the Biblical account of COVID-19 origin and equal protection of the Law of the Lord shall be deemed having lost moral authority to govern and charged with “Crimes against Humanity (2002)” or “Intent to Kill” at the International Court of Justice.
Nevertheless, as always, a sinful one who abuses the laws at home is sure to abuse the laws at the international level — in the most appealing guise.
WHO’s pseudo-science One example of “double-abuse”of the laws is Canada’s endorsement with exchanging the truth of God for “environmental claims+ vaccines”at WHO/UN. Though, the moral guise, for which Canada paid over 1 billion, has been officially modified to “environmental claims+ capitalism” by the Vatican Pope who then used it to cover up his failure in religious efforts to end the pandemic since Mar 27, 2020 ( Table 1) . Shall we call it “Pope’s pseudo-religion”?
Ironically, the United Nations’ headquarter is built upon a Bible book when its bureaucracy wages a global war against God’s justice. As such, 7.8 billion people are unknowingly deprived of access to “S.T. Testimonies”2 (GNOT iS, SEP 2020 ) as the religious truth for COVID-19 origin both before and during the UN General Assembly, simply because it does not fit into the global interests of the US vaccine capitalists or the CCP. Thus, the Gates-funded WHO did not really set its Covax program on the Nobel moral principle3 that recognizes God’s justice, but on the anti-scientific capitalist and political interests that cut off safety protocols and human trials and sacrifice the integrity of all scientists ( namely, the Access to COVID Tools Accelerator or Trump’s Operation Warp Speed ).
Part I was sent on Feb 23, 2020 and Part II was sent on Sept 3, 2020 to the UN office, Melinda Gates, and UN member states. 2
“The more you criticize the Bible, the more eternal truths it contains will become apparent.”
Consequently, the Michael Kremer Model it relied on has defied not only the Law of the Lord , but also the Law of Human History —— as revealed in “Ms. Right vs. Mr. Wrong: a global hunt for Right Woman Judge (RWJ)”, GNOT iS, AUG 2018. Both laws, though invisible, are at play just like air to the human body, regardless of technology development. Never in history had environmental studies or economic model or medical research been able to replace the role of religion and philosophy-based social science in determining the human being’s moral choice for survival and leadership. It cannot and will not. After all, the most competitive humankind has survived over 5000 years without vaccines or modern medical supplies. In what way traditional wisdom plays a role in modern politics shall be decided by the observed
! ! ! ! !
In the 21st-
century case (where a medical
challenge has been previously presented as“ beyond the limit of human medical knowledge” in China 2003 SARS4), a riskfree Biblical way of salvation ( though,not the one claimed by the Vatican Pope or any other faith leader who has failed ) shall be prioritized. Especially in countries where delivery of vaccines is far from control. Because it saves people’s lives at a minimal cost. And it allows a moral update without warfare. 4
According to the 2020/1/23 testimony by “Asian hero” Joseph Jao-yi Sung and other research findings.
But, people are never allowed such an option. Instead, they are imposed on a failing vaccination program that proceeded in a brutal way of “killing” the Christian faith and turning all into the lab mice. Given the COVID-19 vaccine fatal risks in all ages, the malice of such an intent is amplified. If the WHOstyle vaccine approach can be justified without moral challenge, all the slaughters under the name of medical science in human history can be justified, as exemplified in “Civilization: the west and the rest” ( p.188) :
“The slaughter house of the Wester Front was like a vase and terrifying lab for medical science, producing significant advances in surgery, not to
mention psychiatry.”
Even for UN’s environmental rhetoric, a sinful one like the Trudeau government would raise the carbon tax on one hand while rebuild the trans-mountain pipeline to encourage more emissions on the other. Then, how could one discover the truth by “suppressing the truth” ?
Shamelessly, the WHO sought to be nominated for 2021 Nobel Peace Prize by offering the Covax program. Isn’t the program itself a new cause of national destruction ?
Further abuse at home The costly “WHO moral guise” certainly furthered the top’s abuse of the legal system at home due to no public pressure from the international community.
! In Canada, the govern general and lieutenant-governors ( who are all morally charged by God ) dare not to adopt a 10year S.T. moral study that delineated the rooted cause of systematic abuses and institutional failures from an all-in-one victim perspective ( informed Ethics Committee in Nov 2020 ). For example, pardon those who are maliciously charged and imprisoned by the police without evidence of CCTV footage and; those who are arrested or charged due to the COVID-19 protests ( to which the failing ruling class is accountable ) .5
Instead, they want the already-struggling Canadian taxpayers to pay for an overcharged GG refill whose constitutional responsibilities such as undertaking state and official visits abroad as well as receiving high-level visitors are all cancelled during the COVID-19 , and who played no role in eliminating the systemic legal abuses throughout top to bottom.
Isn’t their rigorous support for the PM to bet on the notorious“ WHO moral guise” ( rather than seeking repentance in both God and victims who are abused/ wronged ) that has made Canada the No.1 debt-hit country ( IIF,BIS,IMF, 2020 ) and the #2 vessel of wrath fitted to destruction — apart from day-to-day fear about the “killing” effect of vaccines, faked precepts, and politicians’ numerous lies? See Table 2.
! 5A
Christian or non-Christian civil authority must not block people’s access to God’s Hope prior to or in time of a cataclysmic event. “S.T. Testimony to COVID-19 Suffers and World Leaders”( Part I ) , page 4, Feb 23, 2020.
! On Behalf of All : replacing the GG with RWJ Independently, I examine how people and nations become subject to the greatest moral challenge of our time. It is a leading area where no research can compete with my findings ( which have been successfully tested during the COVID-19 emergencies). The research is initiated in response to: i) the leading scholars’ failure to alarm the system’s inconsistencies; ii) the leading scholars’ lack of abilities, independence, and artistic vision to steer a global crisis due to partisan or institutional affiliation. Thus, it plays a vital/irreplaceable role in directing all when to abandon a sinking boat and board a new one. Morally, I have already beat all by conducting this home-based research with the minimal living cost ( $740/ month social welfare ).
Both Michel Bastarache’s latest report 6and my moral study conclude that change cannot come from within the system (e.g. the RCMP ) but must be initiated from external sources.“It is not enough to simply revise policies or to repeat the mantra of ‘zero tolerance’”. (Marie Deschamps, 2015) I further conclude that a bottom-to-top approach is needed to correct the overall institutional failures. It is sinful to spread a “toxic” Canadian culture around the world.
Then, who is eligible to be “the leading external source”?
! ! 6
“Broken Lives, Broken Dreams: The Devastating Effects of Sexual Harassment On Women in the RCMP.” (2020)
! As analyzed, it can only be RWJ, the chosen one out of 7.8 billion world population. A new vessel of God’s mercy used in both Christian and non-Christian venues. A female victim who suffered the men’s moral systems of both east and west. A self-taught justice who obtained first -hand experience at different levels of jurisdiction, shelters, and poorest communities. And the smartest one who learned the extremes of the Aristotelian moral spectrum through a natural flow of life events and spiritual enlightenment that survive the most demanding moral tests set by the men and above throughout the biblical and modern times. If you do not understand why the above RWJ selection criteria must be met, you
do not qualify for this
! ! ! ! All have
witnessed the
God’s preparation of the RWJ role in both east and west. In the West, the global hunt for RWJ started around Aug 28, 2018 ( GNOT iS, AUG 2018 ) and ended on Feb 23, 2020. The leading US/UK/Canadian/Australia scholars failed to stage ( or respond to ) this hunt. The winner is confirmed throughout UN 75 Global Collaboration and Online Conversations ( GNOT iS, NOV 2020) and further confirmed through the “陳⺩⽒:⼥印“ project at CUHK/LKSF in Hong Kong between Jan- Oct 2021 ( GNOT iS, SEP 2021 ). For all
enquires about the role, pls open a new forum and send via the UN General Assembly. For the rich and powerful, “glory” may mean money, power, or reputation, if understood in a superficial way. But, for billions of the longsuffering (grassroots) victims, isn’t the biggest glory the Almighty’s destruction of the powerful justice abusers when all the legal authorities have failed?
Now, the government-funded lockdown has turned all into God’s prisoners ( or guinea pigs ), living on social welfare money. All are truly equal before crises and hardships. What Canada and the world need is not a sinful “GG+PM” leadership that repeatedly incurs destruction and sufferings, but one that can bring in a real hope and sea change. See “Ms. Right Crossing Out the Selection of Canadian Governor General and UN António Guterres during the COVID-19 Pandemic.”
! !
On behalf of 7.7 billion suffering victims, I must ask you to communicate the role of RWJ with the UN,the Congress, the Senate, the media, the city, and the community when : a) Employment programs like the Open Door Group are obligated to build access for the colorful/vulnerable immigrants. b) The city councilors, MPs, and advocates are obligated to eliminate poverty in communities. c) A group of non-profit organizations is obligated to support immigrants who once volunteered for them.
! Thus, it is unacceptable that the Canadian government would : i) add more honor and fortune to a corrupt GG refill rather than tap the talent of an unfulfilled, colorful immigrant RWJ; ii) divert strained public money to a white elephant rather than adopt to an innovative pitch to save all.
moral benchmark for all
“Man's law, Judge Roy S. Moore insists, is deeply rooted in God's law as revealed by the Holy Scriptures”. It amounts to 5000-year Oriental Wisdom in the east. Poor morality but respectful positions leads to endless disasters to its people. For example, the UN head office ought to know that “God keeps the wrath for his enemies”. Or, “the wages of sin is death”. When a sinful one is destructed, all its allies and supporters are destructed as well. But, the UN General Secretary Mr. Guterres and his bureaucracy kept inciting people to fight God and God’s justice through Genocideended vaccination mandate after being warned of the failure of WHO COVID-19 vaccine experiment in rich countries—— which amounts to killing people in both Christian and nonChristian nations.
The US, the #1 coronavirus -hit failed state, sets a perfect example for those who fight God’s justice with God’s wealth. A steward of God’s riches like Bill Gates, who earned billions in Canada, will not spend a penny in washing the Canadian grassroots women’s grievances nor rebuilt their broken lives. If they can be silent in Canada, they can be silent in any
country, at any time. And all the scientists, researchers, environmentalists, advocates, and the WHO bureaucracy who are funded by them can be silent as well. Then, if not God and God’s chosen one, who is to speak on behalf of billions of the long-suffering grassroots victims who continue to be frustrated by a broken legal and justice system at both national and international levels ? Which “god” is to bestow fortune and power on such “beasts in human clothing”?
! ! ! ! ! ! ! !
Apart from
in one’s holy moral/legal
obligation, the UN member states suffer extreme poverty as a result of lockdowns, store closure, unemployment, government and corporate loans, bankruptcy, and a series of cataclysmic events during the COVID-19 emergencies. Without addressing this deeply-rooted moral cause, it is almost impossible for these countries to survive the crises, let alone UN Global Goals to end poverty.
! ! ! ! !
In countries where the immigrants or poor population constitute a major part of the economy, poverty reduction strategies must be based on the morality of the leading external force RWJ representing billions of the long-suffering grassroots victims/immigrants in both east and west rather than on the hypothesis of the US Gates-funded Michael Kremer model that has never proved successful in coronavirus or human history.
It is too risky for the UN to spread a failed state’s “toxic “and “sinful” policies prior to being reviewed by RWJ. Behold, the home country of a Canadian ethnic group, who dare to silence/defy the holy scripture-based RWJ approach, is not exempted from such acts of God as “ the hottest place in the hell are reserved for those who, in a period of moral crisis, maintain their neutrality.” As exemplified in China and India where the latter suffer the worst destruction (over 400,000 virus cases/day) after its informed Indo-Canadian NDP leader Sigh Jigmeet has refused to disclose the dire consequences of fighting a Christian God to the public since Feb 2021. ( See Table 3 )
Thus, the WHO/UN is subject to RWJ ruling as long as it adopts a Nobel prize winner's vaccine development model and is funded by such stewards of God's riches as Bill Gates. And it is not right that a world leader continues to incite its people to fight God and God’s justice when they are obligated to make public the dire consequences of
such a fight.
! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! A global solution facing Canada and the world is not to fund a high-cost, sinful bureaucracy that is reinstated to fight the Constitution pertaining the Law of the Lord or the Law of Human History, but to surrender to the only truth of God’s justice —from which power is wielded to release all from the wrath. As concluded in “Destructed in Science: S.T. model beats the Michael Kremer model” ( GNOT iS, DEC 2020 ) :
To counter an overwhelming moral and physical crisis during the COVID-19 ( “男德不配位, 男智⼩⽽謀⼤“ ), the 193 UN pandemic signees are urged to align their policies with RWJ moral guidelines——
balance the moral equilibrium: i ) to judge what is righteousness and what is unrighteousness ; ii ) to justify all sinners and; iii) to lead all out of the crises and open a new era of AI and Smart Machines.
Table 1: Pope’s pseudo-religion Date
Religious Leader or Institution
Dire Consequences
The Vatican Pope Francis delivers special prayer for end to coronavirus pandemic
failed • the much quicker spread
Nov-Dec 2020
The Church of England prayed for the nation; the Vatican Pope prayed for the British/ French Prime Minister ( President )
failed • the UK’s ( France’s)
refusal to surrender
failed • a new round of fight
Mar 27 2020
of coronavirus • the highest daily count of coronavirus cases and death toll in the US • no healing but a series of cataclysmic events (incl. locust swarms, wildfire, drought, riots, famines, etc) national lockdown • the UK’s much quicker spread of the new variant • the UK’s further isolation from the world
• •
! ! ! ! ! ! ! !
against God and God’s new precept the much quicker spread of new variants and global disasters worldwide protest against vaccination. The more shots, the more cases. breakthrough infections and the COVID-19 case surge.
Canada is the #1 debt-hit country in the world. ( IMF 2020 ) The #2 vessel of wrath fitted to destruction
Table 2: The devastating effects of the WHO-style COVID-19 vaccine experiment in Canada: A List of Big Bankrupt Enterprises 2020 ( excl. small and medium- sized bankrupt enterprises and 24,000 retail firms at the risk of shuttering permanently) Serial # Date of Filing Bankruptcy
Name of Enterprise
La Chateau Inc.
Mountain Equipment Cooperative
Group Dynamite
Geox Canada Inc.
Ernest Enterprises Ltd.
SFP Canada Ltd. ( Papyrus, Carlton Cards, Paper destiny )
TA Hotel Management Ltd.( The owner of Vancouver
Trump Tower ) 8
Moorse the Suit People Corp.
Chico’s FAS Canada Co.
Laura’s Shoppe Inc.
Stokes Inc.
Ann Canada Inc ( Ann Taylor and LOFT)
Bo Bebe
Boutique Tristan and Iseut Inc.
Mendocino Clothing Company Ltd.
Davids Tea Inc.
Lucky Brand Dungarees Canada
Cirque Du Soliel Canada Inc.
GNC Holdings
Modasuite Inc. ( Frank and Oak )
Northern Pulp Nova Scotia Corp.
Coalision Inc.
Comark Holdings
Sali outdoors Inc.
Reitmans ( Canada) Ltd Co.( Penningtons, RW&Co, Addition Elle, Theyme Maternity )
Entrec Corp
Flighthub Group Inc.
Aldo Group Inc.
Cranbrook Glen Enterprises Ltd.
Foodora Inc.
Dominion Diamond Mines ULC
Marche Restaurants (Movenpick Cafe)
Delphi Energy Corp
CannTrust Holdings Inc.
Table 3: The COVID-19 hell model in India (disobedience-enabled)
S.T. Prof le Founder, Art For Virtue & Independent Researcher, Moral Philosopher
Grad Dropout at Univ. of Sydney Aug 2008- Feb 2009 ( major : International Studies); Grad Dropout at Geneva Business School 2002-04 (major: International Economics ). Short-term translation services to programs at United Nations ILO, Beijing, Dec 2007 & International Standardization Organization (ISO), Geneva, Switzerland, July 2000 Volunteered with: The International Downtown Association Conference 2014 The G8/G20 Research Group, U of T 2013 The Oliver Chow’s Office 2013 Toronto Youth Hostels 2013 Association of Municipalities Ontario 2012 Italian Consulate 2011 The Children’s Wish Foundation of Canada 2011 The Salvation Army 2010 St. John’s Anglican Church 2010 • Strong analytical, research and writing skills ( English and Mandarin); a creative thinker and writer. • A combination of education and experience in investment, marketing, business and art. • Flexible and adaptable with a demonstrated ability to work in a fast-paced environment and to manage multiple projects within tightly prescribed timetables. • Demonstrated organizational and entrepreneurial skills with excellent attention to detail and accuracy. • Demonstrated ability to effectively establish priorities, negotiate and problem solve. Proven experience working with volunteers and managing events and committees. • Results-driven, a self-starter, and highly motivated, with a demonstrated ability to build constructive and effective relationships with stakeholders. • Demonstrated ability to work in a PC environment, using MS Office, and client-server database software. • Typing: 70 w.p.m • Ability to work independently and represent the organization with minimal supervision.
March 20, 2013 Reference Letter
To whom it may concern, This is to confirm that Ms Qiu Ling CHEN has volunteered for Olivia Chow’s Toronto office for the past few months during which she excelled at a variety of office duties. With great attention to detail, Qiu Ling always followed through on assignments and effectively managed ongoing tasks. She contributed greatly to the success of various community events and projects. She also demonstrated a competence in drafting Word documents and Excel spreadsheets as well as filing digital and hardcopy files. As a dedicated team player, she communicated well with other office staff and maintained an orderly and supportive work environment. She would be an asset to any employer and we recommend her for any endeavor she chooses to pursue. Sincerely,
Olivia Chow, MP Trinity-Spadina
November 2008 To whom it may concern, Re: Reference for Ms Qiu Ling Chen I met Ms Chen towards the end of July, 2008 when she enrolled as a postgraduate international student in a course offered by the Department of Government and International Relations, School of Social and Political Science, University of Sydney. I am Lecturer and Course Coordinator for the unit “Australia in Diplomacy, Defence and Trade” in which Ms Chen is currently enrolled. As supervisor of this unit, I found Ms Chen to be a bright, industrious and courteous student who demonstrated her enthusiasm for the subject matter. During the teaching period this semester, for example, she was always attentive and often engaged the guest speakers in constructive discussions, as is encouraged during class time. Mc Chen also demonstrated research abilities in the major essay for the unit. For this task, she appeared to research the topic very thoroughly and engage in the entire learning process. Amongst other satisfactory pieces of assessment for the unit, she presented an essay which appeared original, well-structured and presented. It clearly illustrated to me a high degree of student productivity, particularly in the context of being required to write in a second language. Despite the language barrier that is present, I was sincerely impressed by Ms Chen's communication skills and great adaptability in the face of an unfamiliar, foreign academic environment and I noted her suitability for further advanced study or teamwork in a diverse international setting etc. In conclusion, I would like to wish Ms Chen every success in the future and I do not hesitate in recommending her for opportunities in future work or study that she may wish to pursue. Yours sincerely, Ro Mueller The course coordinator of Australia in Diplomacy ,Defence and Trade