GNOT iS|*SEP 2020

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ISSN: 2371-4034

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! testimony to China 2019 Novel Coronavirus suffers


and world governments : a new textbook lesson [ Part I ] His love in action against the fraud culture. ( E: __________________________________________ This is a personal testimony about the religious cause of China 2019 Novel Coronavirus when the scientists/epidemiologists have failed to offer an explanation.


Many compare it to SARS, which is believed to have disappeared in a mysterious way that violated both epidemiological and scientific principles. On Jan 23, 2020, Mr. Joseph Jao-yi Sung (沈祖尧), an Asian “hero” known for his role in fighting 2003 SARS , shared a testimony on a WeChat subscription“⿊⻔” about God’s power in healing SARS patients when no medical solution can be found. But the article, together with my warning messages sent via a WeChat group, is soon deleted as China turns up state hero-making machine in bid to shift narrative around the outbreak.


Amid an overwhelming sentiment of “loss of faith” ( Niall Ferguson, 2011), how many of us still believe in Mr. Sung’s testimony and attribute our luck of surviving the SARS pandemic to God’s mercy? I would. I stand up to bolster God’s love in action against men’s wickedness and sin.


The past 3 years have seen how desperate it is for me to fight a Montreal-based fraudulent scheme that victimized over 300 public members since Oct 2016. The fraud predator, Qi Tian Communications Inc., is a Chinese government-funded media based in Canada, being repeatedly accused of unethical services during the past 10 years. Instead of making a public apology and compensating the victims, the media group led a sweeping propaganda to spread bad report about it and cut off all support to my fight in the Chinese community. My last attempt to fight the fraud collusion failed on Oct.10 2019 — just two weeks before the deadline to file a damage claim in court.

! The failure itself is not unusual in a broken Canadian legal and justice system. But, the defrauded 300 healing bookmarks, made out of my Samsung selfie [covered with a Halloween face mask], is extremely unusual. Its sample happened to be displayed as a sacrifice to God on the Altar of the Cathedral in Sept 2016 .


How come a Christian nation’s civil authority ( or “the Crown” in Canada) has failed to stop a Chinese fraud predator from interrupting a Christian sowing good seeds in the community? How come no Canadian or Chinese holds awe in God’s Wrath?


“God’s Wrath is his love in action against sin”. ( — Joseph Scheumann ) "What if God, willing to show His wrath, and to make His power known, endured with much longsuffering the vessels of wrath fitted to destruction; And that He might make known the riches of His glory on the vessels of mercy, which He had before prepared unto glory”. ( Romans 9:22)


“These men who were responsible for spreading a bad report about it were struck down and died of a plague before the Lord.” ( Numbers 14:36-37)


If I am used as a new vessel in both Christian and non-Christian venues, the scriptures must be fulfilled. Then came a series of cataclysmic events in Canada between 2016-19 and the sudden outbreak of 2019 Novel Coronavirus in China — whose extreme conditions have delineated a much stronger link to a religious causation than a scientific one.


First, like SARS, it is impossible to identify the 2019 Novel Coronavirus’ epidemiological cause and pathway— though, its religious causation is clearly defined in this testimony.


Second, it cannot be a coincidence that 2019 Novel Coronavirus, possibly evolved from SARS, suddenly revived in China ( where a dishonest and blasphemous manner against God is exemplified ) —rather than in Indonesia (where people also eat a large number of wild animals like bats).


Third, Chinese people have long been accused of eating wild animals such as bats ( an alleged host of 2019 Novel Coronavirus). It cannot be a coincidence that

the earliest case of infection was found in November— right after my last attempt to fight the fraud collusion failed—rather than in any other consecutive year, say 2012 or 2018.


Fourth, 2019 Novel Coronavirus did break out in the city of Wu Han where: 1)

[ Peng Jing Tao, Chinese Consul General to Montreal, is a Wuhanese who sustained Qi Tian’s fraudulent schemes between 2016-20181] ; 2) last fall, one of my alumni, supposedly the richest one from Zhongnan Univ. of Economics and Law, turned a deaf ear to my warning messages sent via a 130-member WeChat Group (集众创美群) full of overseas and Mainland Chinese. They have driven me into a desperate state — a vulnerable victim cannot initiate a successful legal and public action against the Chinese-based fraud collusion that would otherwise spread like coronavirus. Dante once said: “the hottest places in the hell are reserved for those who, in a period of moral crisis, maintain their neutrality. ”



2 ]

My religious experiences support that God is willing to shown His wrath, endured with much longsuffering the vessels of wrath fitted to destruction, China and Canada. And the biggest threat to the survival of all human beings is the fastspreading of man’s sinful acts as a result of: i) loss of faith; ii) a civil authority’s failure to punish the justice abusers. We haven't updated our thinking about morality to purge it of the baggage that came with [

and the rigid

cultural conformity of the past ( See GNOT iS, Aug 2018). To save all, a new guide ( incomplete), characteristic of a feminist psyche, is presented as below:

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We must admit man’s ignorance and hold awe in God’s Wrath in all human crises that cannot be fully explained by the scientists, epidemiologists, and physicians. “Just as God is our Father, so God is also our Mother.” (- Julian of Norwich, 14c) She is sent as one who harmonizes both east and west. She is sent as one who exercises the virtuous manners of both east and west : Beauty (美善) + Justice (公义).


“Please be humble and find me to be God’s Hope, for my footstep is the cure” ( S.T.) One must not give upon “the real last hope” from above when all other means have failed ( or are sinned )— for Her way is cleaned and free of demonic danger (such as men’s abuse of legal system and misuse of faked herbal medication ).

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A supporting fact added to the testimony in March, 2020.

A Christian or non-Christian civil authority must not block people’s access to God’s Hope prior to or in time of the cataclysmic event. It is sinful that a Christian civil authority would rather risk its people to suffer destruction than seek Her in repentance. Repentance, in action and truth, comes before salvation. It is sinful that a non-Christian civil authority would rather risk its people to suffer destruction than use her precepts for good.



____________________________________ Respectfully submitted on Feb 20 & 23 , 2020 Former Grad at Univ. of Sydney Aug 2008- Feb 2009 ( major : International Studies) Former Grad at Geneva Business School 2002-04 ( major: International Economics ) Short-term translation services to programs at United Nations ILO, Beijing, in Dec 2007 
 & International Standardization Organization (ISO), Geneva, Switzerland in July 2004 Volunteer with: St. Andrew’s Church 2015 The International Downtown Association Conference 2014 G20/G8 Research Group, U of T, 2013 Association of Municipalities Ontario 2012 Italian Consulate 2011 The Children’s Wish Foundation of Canada 2011 The Salvation Army 2010 St. John’s Anglican Church 2010 (Word: 1,206) (Note: This is an updated version with minor mistakes in the email corrected. )

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Suffering God’s Wrath Lamentations 2 March/April 2005 David M. Levy

Fwd: Beyond COVID-2019: another worldwide Sino-ripoff!



Sun, Feb 23, 2020 9:21 am! Si Tong artforvirtue@aol.comHide! To:,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,! Cc:,,,,! S.T. testimony to China 2019 N...pdf (1.5 MB)!

! Dear suffering states in EU/US and elsewhere, ! Re: Beyond COVID-2019: another worldwide Sino-ripoff !

Amid fear of 2019 Novel Coronavirus, I stand out because China sought international support— especially that from Israel Rabbinical Community and the Israel branch of the US Orthodox Union— prior to disclosing its blasphemous manner against God both at home and overseas.

! See attached. !

Misled public effort will result in failure to tackle a series of cataclysmic events beyond the control of scientific researchers — and more importantly, put all people at risk of defying the new precepts and suffering continuously.

! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !




Testimony to COVID-19 Suffers and World Leaders: a new textbook lesson [


! Released are those who are humble to a female savior. ( E:


Is the Judgement in my testimony ( Part I ) dated Feb 23, 20202 fully executed?


The US and suffering states’ coronavirus cases have surged following WHO’s Emergency Coronavirus Press Conference dated Feb 25, 2020. If I was over the microphone, I would question the non-Chinese speaking male experts: “Sir , how can you trust the translated information or evidence handed over by the Chinese authorities who are being morally challenged?“


But, they would not give me that opportunity to challenge how dangerous a scientific/ medical approach could do to the humankind if the morality is absent: all the first-hand coronavirus evidence at the Wu Han live market was wiped out prior to the WHO team’s visit ( according to Guan Yi, a well-known HongKong virologist, who was interviewed on 2020/01/23 WeChat “财新⺴” ). And, all the following researches stemmed from such misleading information could be wrong.


The same as they [the top men] ignored my way to bid for a leading position in resetting the morality of a broken cultural context as an independent woman researcher/ artist. See my emails sent between Aug 28, 2018 and Sept 6, 2019 to the US Trump Campaign and leading US/UK/Australian academics, alarming the global search for Right Woman Judge (RWJ) to counter an overwhelming moral and physical crisis 3 . [ Aug Issue 2018, GONT iS,] 2A

group email shared withThe US Trump campaign, Fox news and the embassies of Poland, Sweden, the Czech Republic, Switzerland, the Netherlands, ROMANIA,Denmark,Portugal,Spain,Croatia,Ukraine, Australia,Belgium,Cambodia,Italy, Egypt, Germany,Vietnam, Japan,Lebanon,Malaysia,Nepal ,The Philippines,Thailand,Singapore, Sri Lanka, etc. 3

See the last warning email sent to Dept. Chair Jingdong Yuan at Univ. of Sydney on Sept 6, 2019 and

S.T. Proposal to Univ. of Cambridge on Jan 15, 2020.

! A way that is appropriate to my inner truths: creative, minimalist, and persistent in seeking maximum freedom in reading, writing and thinking.


Propelled by Smart and AI technologies, we are undergoing a paradigm shift from “materialistic” to “virtual”— being “FLAT” both on the screen and within the structure. ( S.T., OCT ISSUE 2018 , GNOT iS) 
 For I know social science has a role to deduce the law of evolution and crisis of human societies — only the part that is allowed to be discovered by the smartest human beings ( with the unknown part kept in the hand of God who might or might not deliver it ) . Will my pieces be the new precepts — unify all under a universal moral discourse ?


The leading scholars/politicians/ natural scientists/WHO experts cannot answer when they are constrained in their ability to steer amid a series of crises due to partisan and institutional affiliations and lack of artistic vision ( or sensibility ). But foremost, they lack the courage to accept a FEMALE savior even if God has acted upon so — in the form of a centurial wildfire or plague.


To uphold the sinful moral principles of a masculine psyche, they would rather risk all people to suffer destruction than being humble to the new vessel of (God’s) mercy rising from the grassroots. They would rather risk all people to suffer destruction than cleanse up the sins, as stated in Part I of my testimony.

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The facts speak Between March and Aug, WHO/US/China led a global war against Coronavirus i.e. God’s Wrath. And the government-funded lockdown has in effect turned all civilians ( incl. the failing ruling class themselves) into God’s prisoners when they are seduced into fighting God.


Meanwhile, the WHO relied solely on a scientific/medical approach — which has failed for the past 17 years and will continue to fail. There is no moral challenge to these heavily- funded research programs ( often taxpayers’ billions of dollars are sunk ) when:



! 2)

A global pandemic is combined with a series of catastrophic events4 that threaten the survival of all human beings. The leading UK/US/Australian social scientists have failed to present a holistic perspective to address these crises on behalf of all suffering victims for solution

! 3)

and direction. The US, the global leader in technology & science and research abilities, suffers most during the COVID-19.

! 4)

Declaring coronavirus as “terrorist” ( WHO, Feb11) has resulted in those who are contracted the virus being targeted as the #1 public enemy of the humankind and

! 5)


suffering the worst discrimination, as showcased in China and elsewhere. In Mar 2020, the UN Secretary General admitted that there is a serious lack of woman’s voice at high-level crisis management meetings and conferences.

On May 17, 2020, one of these Chinese men [Du Wei, Chinese Ambassador to Israel ]“who were responsible for spreading a bad report about it were struck down and died of a plague before the Lord”.


The Scriptures are discrepantly fulfilled perhaps because the Bible has not yet defined what is going to happen to “these women” — Ms. Yin Ling, Chief Executive Officer of the Qi Tian media, her daughter and involved female staff —- who were responsible for spreading a bad report about my case ? After all, all the scriptures are written by the men, but not the women. An S.T. update is needed.


However, Canada’s lockdown date “March 18, 2020” does correspond to the date Ms. Yin spread the bad report on the newspaper around “Mar 16, 2017”. 4

For example, (China’s record-breaking) flooding, locust swarms, wildfire, drought, riots, etc.

And Quebec ( or Montreal ) certainly becomes the Canada’s worst vessel of coronavirus -spreading. Again, the date Apr 29, 2020 on which the Quebec government initiated a legal action against Brossard fraud predators over a face mask purchase ( a loss of $45million) does correspond to Apr.29, 2019 when Quebec Ombudsman refused to investigate the premier office’s failure to fight the two frauds by Qi Tian ( Sept Days ) and ICONE Condominium.


Until the WHO General Meeting in May, none of the informed world leaders has pressed the Crown in Canada or the Chinese government to cleanse up the sins as stated in my Testimony ( Part I ). Nor, the Christian nations, possibly led by the US, have done so. Rather, they continue to block people’s access to God’s Hope5 prior to their seeking out.


As a result, the US vice president Pence’s praying on Facebook, publicly defying my role and Judgement , only made the country a worse vessel for destruction, as spelled out in the Bible.


No wonder their attempts to seek out all get failed. Locked in water and viruses, China and the east are suffering the worst ever flooding compounded with other disasters. Locked in riots and second ( or third ) -wave, the west is suffering the biggest ever challenge to authority, governance, and public safety. I regret that the crises go as I say in the previous email [ Feb 23, 2020], which states :


Misled public effort will result in failure to tackle a series of cataclysmic events beyond the control of scientific researchers — and more importantly, put all


people at risk of defying the new precepts and suffering continuously.

Under such circumstance, I was truly shocked when Trump says “ US topping world virus cases ( over 5 millions) is ‘badge of honor.’ ” - BBC


It is I, rather than he, who have exercised “For no word from God will ever fail.” ( Luke:

! 5


See Issue AUG 2018, GNOT iS.

1) The sinful ruler and his supporters/ allies. 2) The sinful ruler who defied the law ( new precepts ) of the Lord.

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! ! ! [ * 2020/08/31 RWJ JUDGMENT ]

S.T. Access To release WHO ? ( Unappealable )

! The Feminist ( RWJ ) Version of Morality over Science & Technology


The innovative S.T. Approach is the Biblical way of salvation, virtuous in means and ends. It represents the smartest fusion of leading technological (Samsung and Apple), philosophical, and aesthetic concepts of both east and west. It constitutes both the scientific methodologies ( social science positivism“实证”) and the nonscientific methodologies ( void and unpredictability in art “虚空” ), which make it the biggest framework to encompass all human relations. From it, the highest level of healing purpose is exercised at its largest scale by virtue of innovating the theory and practice base.


And I say: Jesus is daily bread. Jesus is justice, to love is to be just. ( - The Salvation Army) So, justice = daily bread. Without “justice” being daily bread, how can one live a healthy life?


S.T. Access6 is enabled to re-deliver “daily bread” to those who are deprived of prior access to HER before and during the emergencies and; to release those who seek repentance in HER from the wrath. A global hunt for Right Woman Judge is completed on Feb 23, 2020. But, the ensuing UN response sought to extend it at cost of millions’ life. 6

timacy of S.T. Approach According to the Bible, the COVID-19 is a global crisis triggered by men’s wickedness and sin, rather than by a political tension. The S.T. approach to surviving the crises amounts to the emergency laws in all nation states, which override other laws ( incl. The 1st or 2nd Amendments to the Constitution of The United States ) in


time of a cataclysmic event. All the Christian nations are founded upon the principles that recognize God’s supremacy. The rule of law must be aligned with “Godly Justice”. So does the search for the cure during the COVID-19 emergencies — must be aligned with the scriptures in the Bible. “ Blessed are they who follow the law of the Lord ( Psalm 119:1)”.“Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness ( Matthew 5:6) “. If not, the ruler shall be deemed having lost the moral authority to govern.


All the non-Christian nations ( China being “the #1 vessel of wrath”) are subjected to the impact of God’s Wrath and the Christian nations’ search for the cure —-when shared technologies, medical supplies, donations and the like have connected all for cross infection if the sins aren’t cleaned up.


Pursuant to Article 7 & Article 18 of Universal Declaration of Human Rights (1946) , all the peoples in the Christian nations are entitled to equal protection of the law [ of the Lord ] , as explained in my testimonies dated Feb 23, 2020 and Aug 31, 2020, to which all the non-Christian nations are subjected during the COVID-19 emergencies. The Christian or non-Christian leader, who refuses to surrender to the Biblical way of salvation during the COVID-19 emergencies, shall be charged with “Crime against Humanity” or “ intent to kill the people” and permanently isolated from the world system.


Article 3 further states that a civil authority / a political leader / the UN General Secretary must not deny people’s access to such equal protection for right to life before or during the emergencies. If blocked, the leaders shall be charged with “Crimes against Humanity“( 2002) at the International Court of Justice.


These articles ensure that a global citizen or a group of people, regardless of origin, nationality, belief, race, gender, age, skin color and social status, can initiate a legal/ public action against a failing ruler for above crimes during a global emergency.

The wages of sin is death. (Romans 6:23) The #1 & 2 vessels of wrath fitted to destruction, China and Canada, must surrender to God, with “Chinese communism” contained/eradicated as a threat to the survival of all human beings in the new cultural context, and the Crown’s legal structure being reformed in alignment with S.T. moral guidelines.


To survive, other UN/G8/G20/G77 member states must sign a S.T. pact and adopt to “The Feminist ( RWJ) Version of Morality” for the sins to be cleansed up and blessed again. Details will be published on a monthly or annually basis until the sins are fully washed off.


The leader(s) of a UN member state who refuses to sign the S.T. Pact, but continue to follow suit or sustain sinful acts as exemplified by the failing civil authorities in China or Canada shall be charged with “Crime against Humanity”.


All in all, it is sinful (and discriminatory) if the UN/WHO or any government would downplay the S.T. approach while publicly advocating the Chinese herbal treatment which has been known since biblical times.


The world cannot and should not be “restarted” without S.T. making this alignment on behalf of all suffering victims who seek repentance in HER.

! “Knelling” before the living victims, for aliveness is the biggest human right.” !


S.T. RIGHT WOMAN JUDGE (RWJ) Licensed by God _______________________________________ Respectfully submitted on Aug 31, 2020

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( Word: 2,576)


“S.T. Letter to Canadian Congress Men and Women : Release or not ?” dated June 9, 2020.

! Si Tong artforvirtue@aol.comHide! Je, 3 Sep 2020 6:20 pm!

Si Tong (,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,!,!

! ! Dear the media and world leaders, !

S.T. Testimony to 2019 Novel ...pdf (1.5 MB)! S.T. Testimony to COVID-19 Suf...pdf (3.2 MB)!

Due to the urgency of the matter, I seek your help to forward below letter and attached testimonies to the United Nations:

! Letter to the Office of UN Secretary General !

There is no much difference between the Medieval suffering victims of God’s Wrath and those who prayed to God for rain during 2019 Australian Centurial Wildfire.


All the people in the Christian nations deserve a Biblical account of the COVID-19 origin and equal protection of the law of the Lord.


Pursuant to Article 3, 7 & 18 of Universal Declaration of Human Rights (1946), your office is pressed to make public the attached “ S.T. Testimony to 2019/2020 COVID-19 Suffers and World Governments: a new textbook lesson ( Part I & Part II) to all nation states and WHO for direction ASAP.


Failure to do so will result in the UN/WHO leaders being charged with “Crime against Humanity” or “Intent to kill the people”. S.T.



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