GNOT iS|*JAN 2022

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! An Open Letter to the Academia and Nobel Prize Committee: “The


is doomed to destruction"1

It is shocking that the Bill Gates-funded WHO/UN kept peddling“ vaccination mandate ” or “vaccine passport” to poor countries when:

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was proposed to revoke 2019 Nobel Prize For Economics awarded to American scholar Michael Kremer whose studies is being used by the Gates-funded WHO coalition to fight the Nobel Spirit in alignment with God’s justice during the COVID-19.


• The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation has been warned that the laws of natural science ( e.g.medicine or environmental studies ) cannot override . For example, environmental studies shall be able to provide supporting rather than dismantling facts to the COVID-19 origin when examined from the perspective of humanities and social science.


• The WHO-style vaccine experiment, which has been challenged by and has proved a huge failure in rich countries ( European countries, Israel, America, and Canada) for the past 24 months. Breakthrough infections occurred in two/three/four doses of COVID-19 vaccine receivers whilst the (lethal) side effects of COVID-19 vaccines are completely ignored by health officials who carelessly push for more shots. And the more shots, the more infection cases.




See “Timeline for the failure of the WHO-style COVID-19 vaccine experiment 2020-2021 (24 months)”.


During the COVID-19, neither the social scientists nor the natural scientists shall be encouraged to fight Nobel Prize Founder’s motto,”The more you criticize the Bible, the more eternal truths it contains will become apparent.”


“If the WHO-style vaccine approach can be justified without moral challenge, all the slaughters under the name of medical science in human history can be justified, as exemplified in ‘Civilization: the west and the rest’ ( p.188) : The slaughter house of the Wester Front was like a vase and terrifying lab for medical science, producing significant advances in surgery, not to mention psychiatry.” (GNOT iS, May 2021)

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In face of Gates-style “effrontery” and “genocide through COVID-19 vaccine experiments in all nations”, all the social scientists are urgently called to immediately STOP “vaccine passport” and defend the dominant position of social sciences in re-directing the COVID-19 policies:


• "Vaccination mandatory " or "vaccine passport" has defied both the Constitutional Charter and Universal Declaration of Human Rights, which stipulate that everyone has the right to life, freedom, development, and the Biblical way of salvation in time of a cataclysmic event, and cannot be deprived by such means as a vaccine.

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• “Vaccination mandate” or “vaccine passport” has cost worldwide



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protests and billions of dollar sunk in various countries. Such COVID-19 protests, as demonstrated in the US and Europe, are often turned into a riot that threatens the personal and property safety of government officials, heads of government, business owners, commoners, and their family members.

• It’s brutal for any country/region to copy the COVID-19 vaccine

failure in the US ( over 1 million COVID-19 cases/day), Canada or European countries and start a new round of WHO-style vaccination destruction.

What the Bill Gates’s coalition incite people to do is to use 7.8 billion as guinea pigs and conduct unverified “hypothetical” experiments one after another. Thus, it is advised that such medical researchers and vaccine development researchers as funded by the Gates and Melinda Foundation shall be permanently excluded from the selection of the Nobel Prize Winner.

! ! 聯合國衛生組織 COVID-19疫苗實驗 失敗時間表 Timeline for the failure of the WHO-style COVID-19 vaccine experiment (24 months,2020-2021) 時間







Harmful Consequences

Source of info


The COVID-19 Vaccinefailed countries 2019.122020.3

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2020.9.9- 2021.6.18

中共政府 被質疑刪 除“新冠病 毒起源中 國武漢的 證據。”


Research evidence in support of COVID-19 origin in Wu Han, China was deleted by the Chinese government.

• 英國牛津 疫苗實驗 爆造假和 嚴重副作



Oxford vaccine trials’ “mistakes” reported in Britain

張⽂宏關於新冠起源中 國的⾔論被刪除。管轶 投訴新冠起源地證據被 刪除。


• Zhang Wen Hong, Director of the Party Branch of the Department Infectious Diseases at Huashan Hospital,recommended that it would violate epidemiological principles, if the first COVID-19 infection case was not identified in Wu Han, China. His remarks were soon deleted. • HK Virologist Guan Yi also warned of false data transferred from China due to deletion of evidence at Wu Han Live Market.

• 繼續研發並出售多國, 最終導致血栓、失聲、 手 痲痹、半癱、甚至 死亡等致命案例。


Astrazeneca's vaccines continue to develop and sell to many countries, eventually leading to fatal cases such as blood clots, loss of voice, numbness of hands and feet, semiparalysis, and even death.

⾃媒體:加拿 ⼤社區網


• 疫苗開發 被控發國 難財

• 輝瑞/莫納德疫苗開發 被控發國難財


媒體: 創業 周刊

Pfizer CEO sold 5.6 million in stock the day he announced promising vaccine news. 2020-2021

• 中國陷 瘋 狂強制接 種潮

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the failure of COVID-19 vaccine experiment in China

• 南京/西安等地出現兩劑 疫苗接種者突破性感 染。全國超過15個省份 因疫情(包括北京)被封 鎖隔離長達數月。

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期刊:生物探 索


In Nanjing/Xi'an and other places, breakthrough infections occurred in two doses of vaccine vaccinators. More than 15 provinces across the country (including Beijing) have been locked in isolation for several months due to the spread of new variants.


Dr. Robert Malone/Dr. Geert Vanden Bossche 爆疫苗副作 用遠超想 像。

媒體:圖說加 拿大、悉尼生 活咨詢


The side effects of the COVID-19 vaccine are far beyond imagination.

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2020.12.19 -2021.8.30

以色列全民 接種率高達 84.4%,卻 經歷最高感 染率。

• 2021.7月疫情反彈至

the failure of COVID-19 vaccine experiment in Israel (84.4%)



2021. 11.2

• 疫苗實驗 和生產被 爆嚴重問 題。


Problems with Pfizer vaccine and manufacture rs


歐洲多國實 施 強制接種 +疫苗護照

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the failure of COVID-19 vaccine experiment in European countries

今,百萬人單日新增確 診病例達到1013.81, 居全世界第一。打過三 針也被新冠感染。 • 是以色列接種的潰 敗,也是全世界最具希 望的接種思路潰敗。

媒體:南風窗 《以色列,大 潰敗》

The Israel epidemic rebounded since July 2021: the number of newly diagnosed cases per million people reached 1013.81 in a single day, ranking first in the world. People are also infected after three shots.This is the defeat of Israeli vaccination and the most hopeful vaccination idea in the world. • 輝瑞疫苗被爆實驗數據 造假,有效率 29%。舉報Ventavia Jackson被解 。 • 疫苗工廠被爆嚴重生產 問題


學術刊物: British Medical Journal 媒體:天天楓 葉國

Pfizer vaccine was exposed to falsified experimental data and the whistle blower, Ventavia Jackson, was fired. A vaccine factory was reported with serious production problems.

• 歐洲疫情嚴重反彈,引


發大批國民暴動,要求 停止封鎖,停止疫苗護 照。

The European epidemic has rebounded severely, triggering a large number of national riots, demanding that the blockade be stopped and vaccine passports stopped.

媒體:加拿大 蒙特利尓蒙城 匯

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the remarkable failure of COVID-19 vaccine experiment in France, Italy, and Belgium.

the number of newly diagnosed cases surged in France, Italy , Belgium after nationwide vaccination.




the failure of COVID-19 vaccine experiment in Holland (85%).


打完疫苗,⽇增破紀錄 16000。疫情之重超過去 年打疫苗前的記錄。 After nation-wide vaccination in Holland, the daily increase broke the record of 16,000. The severity of the epidemic exceeded the record before the vaccination last year. 病例每天暴增超過 2500%.

the failure of COVID-19 vaccine experiment in Gibraltar (99%).

The number of COVID-19 cases surges by more than 2500% every day after nation-wide vaccination.

南⾮ Africa Health Research Institute in South Africa.


the failure of COVID-19 vaccine experiment in South Africa.

媒體:加拿⼤ 加新網


直布羅陀接 種率近 99%。




法國、義⼤ 利、⽐利時

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研究確認:Omicron變種 可以避開兩劑疫苗接種後 產生的抗體防線。


Research confirms that the Omicron variant can avoid the line of defense produced after two/ three/four doses of vaccination.

媒體:高度見 聞

媒體:加拿大 加新網



• 兩劑疫苗接種仍遭大量



the failure of COVID-19 vaccine experiment in America.


• 加拿大8月 投資建疫 苗工廠。9 月出台最 嚴 強制接 種+疫苗 護照 令, 強 聯邦 雇員接 種。


the failure of COVID-19 vaccine experiment in Canada


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加拿大民 亂。

突破性感染,打過3 劑、4劑也確診。 • 單日新增破紀錄超過 100萬。


媒體:加拿大 加新網


Breakthrough infections occurred in two/three/ four doses of vaccine vaccinators. More than 1 million newly diagnosed cases in a single day are reported in America. • 12月疫情高調反彈,創 11個月新高,魁省日增 破10000大關),多名 高官確診,引發暴亂, 開啓新一輪的封城鎖 國。

媒體:加國新 聞


In December, Canada’s epidemic rebounded in a high profile: all provinces hitting a new 11-month high, and Quebec’s daily increase exceeded the 10,000 mark. Several senior officials in the Trudeau’s government were diagnosed, triggering riots and a new round of lockdown of the city and the country.

強烈抗議 疫苗護照 ,十省暴

媒體:她鄉 Weekly

A nation-wide protest against “vaccine passport” in Canada.

疫苗突破感 染典型案例 Typical cases of breakthrough infections

• 身體健壯的運動員林書豪接種後突破感 染。 • 加拿大魁北克首個接種養老院爆發疫情 Saint-Antoine/Lakeshore General Hospital 2劑接種感染。 • 香港乘客接種2劑新冠疫苗,乘飛機突 破性感染。 • 加拿大聚會,15人群體感染全部接種2 針疫苗。


媒體:路探 社、加國創業 ⽣活、華⼈瞰 世界

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• 學校接種學生/豪華郵輪乘客突破感染 • 5個月大的嬰兒感染新冠 • 打過三劑、四劑也確診。加拿大勞工部 長打三劑也確診。 • 美國CDC研究顯示,麻省74%的感染 者已經完全接種,指單劑強生,雙劑輝 瑞或莫納德。感染數據表明,接種人群 和未接種人群的病毒載量沒有區別。


Breakthrough infections occurred in two/ three/four does of COVID-19 vaccine receivers ( e.g. health athletes, hospital staff, HK flight/luxury cruise passengers, partiers, students, police, servicemen, 5month infants, government officials) Infection data show that there is no difference in viral load between vaccinated and unvaccinated people.

Sequelas of COVID-19 vaccination

新冠疫苗包括 以下三種疾病 基因序列: HIV艾滋病, 瘋⽜病,狂⽝ 病

接種死亡可 能性

接種後因個⼈原因導致的死亡率在10%, 最壞情況為50%。!


Possibility of death from vaccination

媒體:⾼度新 聞、護苗計劃

The COVID-19 vaccine includes the following three disease gene sequences: HIV AIDS, mad cow disease, and rabies.


The death rate due to personal reasons after vaccination is 10%, and the worst case is 50%.

接種猝死案 例

• 以色列老人接種輝瑞猝死。

Typical cases of sudden deaths in relation to COVID-19 vaccination


Elderly man in Israel died suddenly after being vaccinated with Pfizer • 台灣高端疫苗猝死144例。 144 cases of sudden death from Taiwan's high-end vaccines


• 抗擊非典華人名醫接種後猝死。

自媒體:高度 見聞、史蒂夫 智庫、創業周 刊

自媒體:加拿 大加新網,史 蒂夫智庫,夢 城匯、北美報 告,高度見聞

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in Israel, Taiwan, and European countries


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• 抗擊非典華人名醫接種後猝死。 Sudden death after vaccination of a famous Chinese doctor in the fight against SARS


• 奧地利醫護接種後去世。 Sudden death of a Austrian medical nurse after being vaccinated


• 德國、英國均發現接種後因血凝去世的 案例。 Both Germany and the United Kingdom have found cases of death due to blood clotting after vaccination.


• 截止2021年5月18日, 例接種死亡。


As of May 18, 2021, 155 vaccination-caused deaths have been reported in Norway.

! 疫苗接 種引發 的訴訟 Lawsuits in relation to COVID-19 vaccination

• 加拿大阿爾伯特醫生起訴 • 美國Siri &Glimstad LLP呼


Canadian doctors in Albert sues provincial health orders;the US Siri & Glimstad LLP calls for the public’s attention to COVID-19 vaccine-caused medical damage; individual vaccine victims sue the federal gov for COVID-19 vaccine-caused medical damage.

自媒體:加拿 大加新網、人 在海外

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! UN/WHO回應 新冠疫苗無效 UN/WHO’s response to the failure of COVID-19 vaccine experiment: continue to incite people to receive more shots by deleting the bad facts about vaccination.


WHO官僚無視疫苗已被多國證明無效、 對人體造成傷害以及引發民怨民憤,發表 自相矛盾的論斷和虛假不實的推測信息, 比如 新冠將於2022年7月結束 ,蒙 教 唆 人(尤其是窮國民 )接種送命,等 同 注射行刑 和 謀財害命 。


Ignoring the fact that the COVID-19 vaccine has been proven ineffective in many countries, caused harm to the human body, and triggered public outrage, WHO bureaucrats continue to use contradictory statements and baseless speculation information, such as "The COVID-19 pandemic will end in July 2022", to fool people (especially those in poor countries) to get harmed or killed by vaccination. Their actions amounts to "injection execution”.

!! 2021.12.28

聯合國秘書長無視打過3劑、4劑疫苗也確 診感染的科學事實,通過刪除Facebook 疫苗副作用討論群等手段,發表新年賀 詞,繼續慫恿民 和窮國接種送命,激化 社會矛盾,令政府首腦及其家人24小時生 活在被暴民打死的極大風險中。


The Secretary-General of the United Nations ignored the scientific fact that the breakthrough infection was confirmed after 3 or 4 doses of the vaccine. By using such means as deleting Vaccine Side Effects Group on Facebook, he conveyed a New Year message to continue inciting people in the poor countries to risk their lives by getting vaccinated — despite it will intensify these countries’ social conflicts and put heads of government and their family members in 24 -hour danger of being killed by the angry public members.


! ! 結論 (Conclusion) 結論(一) Conclusion

人類歷史上從未有COVID−19疫苗終止新冠大流行的成功 經驗,WHO 強制接種實驗"在全球持續24個月,遭到人 文社會科學規律嚴峻挑戰,於2021年12月4日徹底宣告失 敗: 1)新變種Omicron 突破二劑、三劑、四劑疫苗接種 產生的抗體,造成全球大範圍快速傳播和死亡病例;2) 接 種輝瑞疫苗比未接種者更容易感染變種,危險8倍;3)美 國、加拿大、歐洲多國實施 強制接種+疫苗護照 後,疫 情嚴重反彈,超過未打疫苗前,引發大規模民 抗議暴 亂;4)越打疫苗,病例越多,美國日增確診病例創新高 100萬+。


It is true that the Gates-funded Michael Kremer Model has never proved successful in human or coronavirus history. The 24-month “WHO-led COVID-19 vaccine experiment”, which was severely challenged by the laws of humanities and social science, declared a complete failure in December, 2021 with confirmation of below facts: 1)The new variant Omicron breaks through the antibodies produced by the second, third, and fourth doses of vaccination, causing rapid global spread and death; 2) People who are vaccinated with Pfizer are more likely to be infected with the variant than those who have not been vaccinated, and the risk is 8 times; 3) After the United States, Canada and European countries implemented the “vaccine mandate” or “vaccine passport", the epidemic rebounded severely, surpassing the pre-vaccination period, and triggering worldwide public protests and riots; 4) Other countries who have copied these policies often end up in the vicious circle of “The more vaccinated, the more cases”. And the United States, the maker of such an “anti-Christ + anti-scientific” concept, is suffering record-breaking daily count of over 1 million COVID-19 cases in a single day.

媒體:奮語、真理報 信人

WHO第N針 魔性套路


The WHO’s N-Shot Devil Trap




刑式殺人+自殘(殺)+引發長期持續的災害和暴動 。在 法理和事實上剝奪了公民生命權和自由權,引發全球民 抗議(e.g. Walkout,加拿大十省暴亂,歐洲11月暴亂) The WHO/UN’s concealment of the vaccine’s harm to the human body and children and pregnant women deceives and compels the people to a devil pattern of “lethal injection-style killing + self-harm (killing) + long-lasting disasters and riots”. It deprived of the civilians’ legal rights of life and freedom and in fact, triggering global protests (e.g. Walkout, Riots in the ten provinces of Canada, riots in November in Europe)

結論(⼆)! Conclusion



未經驗證的 假設性 實驗。當 新冠疫苗實驗 在多國證實失敗,UN/WHO官僚既無科學精神認敗,也不願意讓民 獲取符合東西傳統智慧的人文社會科學救贖方案,所以,




It is unjust that the UN/WHO use 7.8 billion as guinea pigs and conduct unverified “hypothetical” experiments one after another when the biblical way of salvation is available since the very beginning. Therefore, Vaccine Mandate / Vaccine Passport = Genocide 建議 The COVID-19 Policy Advice

為著民 及政府首腦自身的健康及安危著想,請: 1)醫學界向體制外社會學獨立研究同行行謙卑,在研究工作中,始終遵循 自然科學規律不能僭越人文社會科學 規律 。 2)立刻停止 強制接種+疫苗護照 , 停止向窮國輸出連美國自己都救不了的美國疫苗。 3)民 (包括警察和軍隊)當採用一切手段自救,勸服黨領遵守基督國憲章 上帝救贖至高無上 。


Thus, it is advised that : • Immediately STOP vaccine passport/ vaccine mandate in all nations. • Pursuant to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the Constitutional Charter pertaining to the Law of the Lord, the UN Pandemic Resolution Signees are urged to align their COVID-19 emergencies policies with RWJ moral guidelines. ( GNOT iS, 2020-2021 ) • A joint effort with the police and military to pressure the government to act ASAP.

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! ! ! *2021 RWJ 代表78億訓政中國/聯合


! ! ! 委託項目:X城市/X國 災情承受力自我評估 問卷調查 Assigned Project to X University: Selfassessment of disaster tolerance during the COVID-19

! 問:人類歷史上從未有疫苗終止新冠大流行的成功經驗,新變種突破 疫苗抗體,聯合國/WHO 歷時24個月的疫苗實驗宣告失敗,多國疫 情迅速反彈,X城市/X國家的中小企業主、財團、家庭和個人能

久?( 例如,強推疫苗接種的美國總統亦不能避免自家的TRUMP TOWER 於2020年8月17日破產倒閉。)

! It is true that the Gates-funded Michael Kremer Model has never proved successful human or coronavirus history. The big, small, and medium-sized enterprises, families, and individuals are invited to make a thorough self-evaluation: How long will people survive on the failure of the UN/WHO-style COVID-19 vaccination and long-term lockdown?

! 項目發起人 Who start

陳王氏:女印 項目東方唯一中選者 The search for a leading external force (RWJ) in the east !




《消除貧困法案》等 學術依據: 加拿大法官Michael Bastarache 關於RCMP性侵醜聞報告 (2020);加拿大法官Marie Deschamps 關於司法系統紊亂的評論 
 (2015);加拿大S.T.獨立研究調查報告 爛政 事實:2021澳洲國會性醜聞,2019加拿大蘭萬靈醜聞,加拿 大軍隊/警隊性侵醜聞, 影視界爛片成災 (此處



選時長:10個月( 2021.1-2021.10)香港中文大學,李嘉誠基金會

自述: It is not enough to simply revise policies or to repeat the mantra of ’zero tolerance’ (Marie Deschamps, 2015). ’Change cannot come from within the system (e.g. the RCMP ) but must be initiated from external sources.’ ( Michel Bastarache, 2020 )


我的結論是,在一個 有毒自毀 的文化環境裡,已經不可能從內部實現變 革,必須尋求一個主宰性的外部力量引領變革。為應對今日頂層的 ,我兩次dropout shcool (澳洲Univ.of Sydney+瑞士GBS, 超越 只退學一次的Apple創始人喬幫主)只為:1)擺脫學制和體制的雙重 束縛;2)遊學東西建最大的思考範式;3)尋求最適合自己的研究方 式;4)創新人文社科理論/實踐與智能藝術兩個領域。每天閱讀思考 工作13-14小時是常事,早間必定第一個到圖書館或開冷氣配網絡的 醫院大廳搶 冷板


把厚厚的史書讀完。從不花時間追明星或進聲色犬馬娛樂場所(禁婚 未育至今),因被迫接收手機推送的娛樂新聞,已选择關閉微信媒體 網絡。熬著各種難以忍受的苦與痛,體制內的男女博導們畢生求而不 得的學術自由和思考自由,我在過去22年已全部實現。一路謹遵 (清)唐彪訓誡 必先讀盡天下書,方可放筆為文 ,業求極致。作為女 人,我登頂的努力,數倍於男人。


(參考:《廈大王諾博導宣布退出學術界:對中國學術體制已經完全 望》、《我为何对中国学术幻滅》等文 )̶ 創美創始人

反者,道之動。 (̶《道德經》)


* 創美和道 人文社科會科學創新成果發揚東西傳統智慧


The innovative S.T. Approach represents the smartest fusion of leading technological ( Samsung and Apple), philosophical, and aesthetic concepts of both east and west. It combines the Biblical way of salvation with the Oriental wisdom,virtuous in both means and ends. It constitutes both the scientific methodologies ( positivism in social science“实证”) and the nonscientific methodologies ( void and unpredictability in art “虚空” ), which make it the biggest framework to encompass all human relations. From it, the highest level of healing purpose is exercised at its largest scale by virtue of innovating the theory and practice base.





Who preside 資金支持

Who fund


項目依據 Why start

• 暫定三千倆百⼀⼗三萬(3213萬)。如中⼤無資⾦⽴項,請X慈善基⾦代為籌措。! X Foundation is assigned to search for funding if the university failed to provide for its ground-breaking running.

• 通告科學院:自然科學(e.g.醫學和環保)不能僭越人文社會科學規律。例如,現代 環保科學必能提供充足的證據支持符合傳統智慧的人文社科規律。古老的規律如何在 現代社會起作用,應以觀察到的事實為依據。 The laws of natural science ( e.g.medicine or environmental protection) cannot override the laws of humanities and social sciences. For example, environmental studies shall be able to provide supporting rather than dismantling facts COVID-19 origin when examined from the laws of humanities and social sciences.How well ancient laws/traditional wisdom work in the modern society shall be based on observed facts. • 東西學術和文治雙重敗,科研精神匱乏,學界淪為政黨利用的工具:1)網刪大量底 層批評、基督團體信息和負面數據,只得出政黨/資助方需要的結論,已經沒有真相 可言。 例如,Facebook / 油管禁止 反疫苗團體 發聲。輝瑞疫苗被曝數據造假。 台灣基督徒網刊 黑門 等被微信關閉。2)得出大量 反常識 的結論。比如,疫苗已被 證明無效及有強大副作用,連加拿大總理自己都保護不了,繼續施打的理由是什麼? Easter and wester academics and state governance have both failed,lacking scientific research spirit. The academic circle has become a tool used by political parties: 1) a large number of lowprofile criticism, Christian information, and negative data have been deleted from the internet, and only the conclusions needed by the political party or funding party is reached. There is no truth at all. For example, Facebook and Your tube banned “anti-vaccine groups” from speaking out. Pfizer vaccine was exposed to falsified data and so on. 2) Draw a lot of conclusions against common sense.

• 沒有東西方學者能像一樣,同時從藝者/證道者兩個角度評估國家文化競爭力。與大 量 澀、枯燥、沒人讀的學術語言相反的是,沒有學者能像創美一樣,用造美的心 境,藝術的語言,和富有創造力的文體 審判 爛政。(

世的好文章處於無意。 −

胡蘭成) No scholar from the East and West can evaluate the competitiveness of a country’s culture from the perspectives of art and sermons at the same time as 創美. In contrast to a large number of obscure, boring, and unpopular academic articles, no scholar can judge the bad facts in politics with a beautiful mood, artistic approach, and creative style like 創美.

• 聯合國環保學說被COVID-19挑戰,不經過RWJ重申,無法使用。 • 氣候變化 是聯合國丐幫學說的一種,在實踐中,無法提供任何確實可行的途徑防 災、控災以及應對COVID−19民生緊急情況。比如,面臨洪災和破產的企業根本不 可能有心思



化和操作。 • 聯合國 氣候變化 策略並無任何歷史成功經驗或數據顯示,能為地球降溫、停災或拯 救任何一家因災情倒閉的企業。說白了,比爾蓋 之流慫恿民 的,是浪費納稅人 錢財,把78億當小白鼠,進行一場接一場未經驗證的 假設性 實驗,阻撓整改頂層爛 政。 Climate change is a kind of the doctrine of the UN beggar countries. In practice, it cannot provide any feasible way to prevent, control, and response to the COVID-19 emergencies. For example, it is impossible for a company/family facing bankruptcy and flooding to devote itself to environmental policies. There is no way to quantify, predict, and operate on how environmental protection measures must be implemented so as to avoid disasters. The UN’s “ climate change” strategy does not have any historical successful experience or date showing that it can cool the planet , stop disasters, or save any company that goes bankrupt during the pandemic. To put it bluntly, what Bill Gates’s coalition incite people to engage in is to use 7.8 billion as guinea pigs and conduct unverified “hypothetical” experiments one after another. That is , during the COVID-19, all UN environmental policies/studies are being challenged and subject to RWJ review and judgment.


• 聯合國/WHO強制接種失敗24個月,引發民怨民憤,消耗各國數百億美元。中國十 幾億底層民不聊生,越過越慘。中國和世界何去何從,必須由災民生計和觀察到的事 實決定。 Forced vaccination has cost worldwide protests and billions of dollar sunk in various countries for 24 months. China’s billions of bottomlevel victims have not survived, and they have become more and more miserable. The UN’s/China’s course of action must be determined by the livelihoods of the victims and facts observed ( by the leading external force)

• 聯合國/WHO強制接種失敗22個月,慫恿民 向上帝發怨言,任何人和團體均可依 據觀察到的 中國/聯合國治理爛事實 ,反思評估 資本+極權 敗政導致今日及未來 之困局

境。 The UN/WHO forced vaccination strategy have failed for 22 months. People are incited to fight a Christian God. Anyone or society can reflect upon the observed bad facts of China/UN governance and evaluate the “capital+ totalitarian”defeat that has lead to the dilemma today and in the future.

• 中國文治敗,(香港)政協委員無停災提案。過去七個月,創美一直在敦促香港電影 人回答:在一種 有毒自毀的文化模式裏 造美的意義是什麼?辛苦半生,一輩子,難 道只為(政黨政治/金錢)毀一次?或者,毀別人一次? Hong Kong CPPCC members have no proposal to stop the disaster. What is the meaning of filming and creating virtuous/heroes models in a “toxic+self-destructive” cultural environment in which such models are set to be politically or greedily dismantled one after another ? • 所有宗教首領對大災束手無策。 All the religious leaders ( incl. the Pope) failed to respond to the COVID-19 emergencies. “ For no word from God will ever fail”. ( Luke 1:37)

人一同見證上帝恩典的預備。如有任何疑問,請到聯合國創建平台,通過聯合國大 會發函。) All have witnessed the God’s preparation of the RWJ role in both east and west. The global hunt for RWJ ended on Feb 23, 2020. The winner is confirmed throughout UN 75 Global Collaboration and Online Conversations and further confirmed at CUHK in 2021. For all enquires about the role, pls open a new forum and send via the UN General Assembly.

問卷要求 Requirement

資本大佬支持 Support from the suffering victims

• 要求發送給每一個人填寫,誠實評估,不准任何人代勞。 The questionnaire is required to be sent to each individual to fill out in person, honestly evaluate living conditions. No one is allowed to do it with act of deceit. • 請受災受損資本大 帶頭自我評估。 Pls urge capital tycoons who are badly damaged by the disasters to take the lead in self-assessment.

法律依據 Legality

• 《聯合國人權憲章》規定人人有生命權、自由權、發展權,不能被(如疫苗)剝奪。 • 基督國憲法默認 上帝預備救贖方案 的唯一性和不可替代性。 • 憲法規定,所有政府(包括聯合國)必須聽取底層災民對COVID-19政策的反饋。 • 公 有知情權。 The individual’s right to life, freedom and development is guaranteed. In particular, the Constitutional Charter pertaining the Law of the Lord prevails in both Christian and non-Christian nations during the COVID emergencies. In accordance with the Public’s Right to Know, all levels of governments are obliged to hear feedback about COVID-19 polices from the bottom-level victims.

問責 Accountability

• 人人生死關頭,早無頂底之分,共盼一根救命稻草。依據《聯合國人權憲章》,748 萬港人有責任將 路的政黨/機構/部門移交國際法庭以 反人類罪 論處 。 Everyone is deeply suffering COVID-19 and all hope for a life-saving straw. According to the Charter, 7.48 million Hong Kong people are obliged to transfer political parties or security departments that stand in their way to the International Court of Justice for “Crimes against Humanity”.


• 根據《聯合國人權宣言》和基督國憲法規定, 大災年(尤其在災情長期無法控制的 情況下),各國黨領、學界、全球災民和資本大


(Stewards of God’s Riches), 均

應感恩順服創美緊急 換道 的文化救贖策略,有義務一致聯名推舉其 監理頂層爛 政+集體閉門整改+保護/引领文化传承 。 According to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the Constitutional Charter pertaining the Law of the Lord, all are urged to unite in RWJ — a universal moral discourse to rectify, to lead, and to justify all sinners. (e.g.RWJ-led closed-door legal reforms and


global cultural integration)

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