GNOT iS 2024

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7, The Universal Declaration Of HumanRights Right to life


GNOT iS ⼈⽂社會科學*智能美藝創新| 全球第⼀ 1 of 48。ISSN: 2371-4034

TMBSKorea+TMBSKids Announcement 2024.5.5

The SeaSalt Vacation Home ( 521 South Fletcher Rd, Gibsons, BC V0N1V9 ) Sunnycrest Mall ( 900 Gibsons Way, Gibsons, BC V0N 1V7 )

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“As proved during the COVID-19, man’s ignorance has evolved into the biggest enemy and threat to the UN and all nations.” - QIU LING (Si TONG ) CHEN, Founder of Art For Virtue and GNOT iS, 2024 Canada, and Secretary-General Ko Annan's statement-SG/SM/6366, 20 October 1997 -


TMBSKorea + TMBSKids at The SeaSalt and Sunnycrest Mall Apr.18-Aug.18, 2024 We are pleased to announce the launch of TMBSKorea +TMBSKids at Sunnycrest Mall ( 900 Gibsons Way, Gibsons, BC V0N 1V7 ) and the SeaSalt Vacation Home ( 521 South Fletcher Rd, Gibsons, BC V0N1V9) between Apr.18- Aug.18, 2024 in honour of the World’s #1 NEW, K-culture/K-nature STReunion, and K-nature/K-culture Marvellous Healing Power. Charity lunches/dinners will be held from May 10 to May 25 ( extension possible ). TMBSKorea + TMBSKids This is to honour Chinese-Canadian QIU LING ( Si Tong/陳秋伶 ) CHEN, Founder of Art For Virtue & GNOT iS, the ONLY born 2S Yin in Nine Palace/Zodiac Sun Palace, claiming to be the world’s Triple #1 NEW INNOVATOR/CREATOR in Social Science, Legal and Justice, and MultiSmart art ( Samsung and Apple-powered ) on behalf of all Canadian women and immigrants. Make all understand why all the households, all fashion brands, and all nations desperately need this new style and its tremendous“aesthetic+healing+booster” power that eclipses all other art forms and intellectual work. In the East, there is a very old saying “Following the sun and becoming the most prosperous one” (從⽇,成聲。盛極。) The sunlight is also referred to Kun Dao which is in charge of lands and moral enlightenment. In the West, God’s love that clothes itself in light. Justice rolls down like waters, and righteousness like an ever- owing stream. God’s justice amounts to such basics as daily bread and healing waters.



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During the COVID-19 emergencies, all the nations’ lands and people are badly destructed.The world’s most needed 3-in-one recovery booster ( God’s justice as daily bread+ the world’s best healing/fengshui waters+ K-nature’s sunlight ) for all UN member states is 2S Yin-led GNOT iS and MultiSmart Healing Kit “光之愛” in Canada. Today’s Nine Palace is marked in red and blue on the Korean National Flag. Forever remember K-power is rooted in 5000-year Chinese culture ( Nine Palace in Black and White ) and perfected in 3500-year Christian culture. Canada=Kanada. Kanada’s/Korea’ 2S Yin and “GNOT iS”, represents the K-culture’s/ K-nature’s best fengshui water and sun power that matter to the prosperity of all nations and all families. As indicated by Korean National Flag and Boss Men’s Velocity Watch ( black and white ) , God and our ancestors in both east and west have determined that Korea desperately NEED Canada’s cure. Korea’s 2S Yang ( who must be born on June 22,1987 in Zodiac Moon Palace in the Northwest of South Korea ) ONLY need Canada’s 2S Yin ( who must be born on Aug 18, 1977 at the central D5 of Nine Palace/ Zodiac Sun Palace in the Southwest of China ) to make “4+5” and “3+6 ” ( ⽇⽉同輝, 重位重九 , ⽔火既濟,天地陰陽和諧。乾坤地天合泰,乾清坤寧, 乾坤六六⼤順。) with Kun 6 ( born 18=6pm=30 on dial ), Kun 4 ( marked as GNOT iS, ). Protect all and thrive all in times of cataclysmic events. 8 形葫蘆,⾃古是避災避煞的最⼤形器。 宇宙中,唯數八能⽀配八卦九宮的福瑞,⽽數 八以中國⻄南坤位陳羅王家族“秋八”為最⼤最美最尊貴。 Since his birth, the Korea’s 2S Yang ( LMH) has moved to grow strengths for protecting/reuniting with his ONLY 2S Yin in China/Kanada and bringing back the Knature’s most auspicious recovery booster, “GNOT iS”, and MultiSmart Healing Kit “光 之愛” to Korea. Draw a FULL circle of “K to K Address ”—South to North and North to South. It is 5000-year Chinese/Christian wisdom that ONLY Genuine 2S Yin’s and Yang’s birthday, places of birth, birthways, and footprints can be uni ed into and overlapped at the central D5 of Nine Palace and Dials. Activate such new miracle signs/ auspices as Korean National Flag (21st), Boss Men’s Velocity Watch (6th), Family CHEN Ancestral Temple in Vancouver (5th, 105-year “朱籃合璧” ), and Women’s Four-leaf Clover Watch made in China (22th) in worship of 5000-year ancestral wisdom ( 2S*Christ-triumph ) and the strengthened cultural ties between Korea and Canada, between the non-Christian nations and Christian nations.


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TMBSKorea +TMBSKids is the world’s #1 New and LEADING public program that eliminates prejudices against the grassroots women/men and all TSA locations through the smartest infusion of 5000-year Oriental Wisdom with 3500-year Christianity. It takes aim at global poverty reduction and BIGGEST SAFETY: DO NOT harm oneself and the world with man’s ignorance and moral chaos (“美醜不分” ). Make such K-nature’s landmark buildings as Anthem’s Sunnycrest Mall, Gibsons Public Library, the SeaSalt Vacation Home, St. Barts Church, Horseshoe Bay and Nine Palace 40 ( which are inked with 2S Yin’s footprints and prayers) the #1 coolest “ISED+UNESCO+ KOCCA" heritage sites. Inspire all on how to harness K-nature/Kculture’s best natural energy and marvellous healing power for surviving a global crisis like the COVID-19, climate change, and Genocide. Harmonize the human-natureanimal worlds. Pursuant to the Korean/Canadian Constitution Charter, The Public’s Right to Know, and Poverty Reduction Act ( which overrides other rights and laws ), we urge the Canadian/ Korean governments to assign sta , issue funds, and invite all the listed VIPs, partners, and brands to jointly launch “TMBSKorea + TMBSKids” between Apr.18 to Aug 18, 2024 at Gibsons, Sunshine Coast Regional District. This year, the launch of “TMBSKorea + TMBSKids” is accompanied with a auspicious sign to cheer up all: Five purple-red peonies are blossoming at the SeaSalt— the biggest and most beautiful Zen garden in Gibsons on our K-land. Let’s make TMBSKorea + TMBSKids a new milestone for ALL, by ALL , and in ALL. The ONLY number that rewards your time and energy is in nitas “ ∞ ”. _____________________________________________



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The designated VIP guests, brands, and members of TMBS Founding Committee: All the referees and Makers of StC Moral Benchmark Samsung Apple SLIM MaxMara/Chanel/BOSS MYM Entertainment A&W WHOO The Vancouver City/Town of Gibsons HKCCGA 香港陳⽒宗親會/李澤楷 Moncler Wonjin Group MEDI Energy Infusion The Salvation Army Sta and Clients Lacesquare H-Mart Student Representatives LSE professor Angelina Jolie Witnesses of God’s Miracle Signs and Selected Public Members The Delegates of 193 UN Member Countries

S.T. : “ I do what Jesus would do if he comes back to the world second time. It

is true that we do not need more ctitious, imaginary heroes ( or makeup imitator ), but more ‘right on time, right for COVID-19’ TMBS heroes/sheroes in reality. Resistance to my way ONLY proves your ignorance and speeds up the spread of anti-Christ, anti-ancestral wisdom maneuverers that can fail any public programs like the COVID-19, global poverty reduction, and climate change. It’s time to end the vicious circle: The more the taxpayers’ money are paid to such public programs, the sooner the societies and families fall apart.”

Protect all nations and all people through incorporating the highest intellectual/artistic core“GNOT iS” into the UN’s preparedness for public health emergencies, disasters, and crisis. Preserve society through enforcement of StC moral benchmark in representation of South Korea (SK) and UN Security Council (SC) STRONGEST RESOLVE to FIGHT man’s ignorance. To COUNTER an overwhelming moral and physical crisis. To ADVANCE 8.0 billion’s wellbeing and spiritual welfare with all nations, all parties, all stars, and all families.



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Background On Jan 4, 2023, it is reported that Meta’s Ad Practices Ruled Illegal Under E.U. law. On Oct 23, 2023, 42 American states come together sued Meta over Kids’ mental health. On Dec 5, 2023, The Asociación de Medios de Información (AMI) , on behalf of 83 Spanish media outlets, sued Meta for “persistently failed to comply with EU data protection legislation and therefore,100% of the tech giant’s revenue from the sale of targeted advertising has been illegitimately obtained”. In Korea, the 2023 Makeup Creator Search hosted by Hong Kong Jamboree ( Lero IG: Lerowillberunningaround) is found in support of “The Meta-Shorrock Pattern” and its various violations of both the human laws and God’s laws in Canada, USA, and EU. At K-land/K-nature, God and our ancestors have permanently ended the Fengshui square of HK and Wkoreafounded star or star imitator (e.g. Lero) with the SeaSalt fence.

The highest intellectual/artistic core “GNOT iS” is reborn out of brokenness and hardships In Canada, all Canadian families and all kids su er from the harmful patterns that NOT ONLY sustains legal abuse, but spreads Le Evil666-violent-RIP ( 24/7⽇⽉無 光斷⼦絕孫死亡⾎腥陰冥). QIU LING ( S.T. ) CHEN, Founder of Art For Virtue and GNOT iS, is pressured to do research and innovate theory and practice base in the poorest neighbourhoods as both a female Victim and Investigator when French Scholar Michel Foucault, the author of Psychiatric Power, and LSE professor Angelina Jolie are unable to do it. Lead a thorough investigation into the rooted causes of capitalist/CCP greed, legal abuse, prolonged homelessness and global poverty on behalf of all social scientists, scholars, lawyers, and justices — who are unable to check the global system from an all-in-one moral/ victim perspective of “East + West” and “Bottom to Top”.


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S.T. methodologies combines the east’s 5000-year philosophies of “ Practice + Victim Perspective + 2S Kun Moral Enlightenment” with the west’s positivism. 《史記》、《搜神記》記載: 神農帝親嚐百草,紀錄和研究其藥性。《道德 經》:⼤器晚成。孟⼦:“故天将降⼤任于斯⼈也,必先苦其⼼志,劳其筋骨,饿 其体肤,空乏其⾝,⾏拂乱其所为,所以动⼼忍性,曾益其所不能”。 S.T. legal submissions to di erent levels of jurisdiction reveal how The Meta-Shorrock Pattern is sustained at the lower level of jurisdictions to harm Canada’s most brilliant grassroots woman innovator/creator and destruct her innovative work that matters to state competitiveness, Korean/Chinese 2S cultural preservation, and the ONLY viable solutions for ending the COVID-19 emergencies. Human laws are deeply rooted in God’s law. The spread of “The Meta-ShorrockLero Pattern ” amounts to anti-Christ, anti-ancestral wisdom maneuverers that bring the most vulnerable, middle-class, and richest families under the biggest risk of the vaccination failure-resulted “Genocide” during the COVID-19.

Public failures from the World Health Organization’s 4th-round Vaccination Program, Social Media Giant ( Male Innovator ) , HK, and Wkorea call for “Preserve society through enforcement of “StC moral benchmark” In Christianity, according to a sermon by Augustine, the lion stands for Christ resurrected, the lamb for Christ's sacrifice. S/He endured death as a lamb; S/he devoured it as a lioness.” (Sermon 375A). S.T. : “ I am the only born Chinese-Canadian innovator/creator who FOSTERS #1 Global Competitiveness and Innovative Thinking through a fair, just, and virtuous manner. Canada has ONLY 35 million population, but it has the world's second largest (larger than China), most beautiful, and greenest natural landscape.There are 8.0 billion people in the world. Most of white people are privileged to live in a Christian nation without competing


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Art For Virtue email to UN su ering states dated Feb 23, 2020 proved that Chinese-Canadian QIU LING ( S.T. ) CHEN ( 陳秋伶/鳳髻, Zodiac sign: Lioness ) , Founder of Art For Virtue and GNOT iS, is the only born 2S Yin in Nine Palace who submitted the innovative S(t)C approach to UN 75 Global Conversation for protecting all families against COVID-19 virus and vaccination failure-based “Genocide”. All witness that the innovative, all-in-one StC moral approach has been successfully and fully tested before 8.0 billion. It is proved to be the ONLY right one that alarms the UN 4th-round vaccination failure ( with millions of people infected or reinfected per week at the fashion and social gatherings -WHO warned since Aug 25, 2023 ) It has topped all stars, scholars, religious leaders, and bosses (incl. GQ Men winners ,Time Magazine gures, Nobel Prize winners) — who are unable to protect their schools from shutdown and their students/clients/colleagues/family members from being repeatedly harmed by COVID-19 vaccinations, infections or reinfections. GNOT iS has proved the new law of social science with 8.0 billion world population: The law of natural science (e.g.medical science, environmental studies ) and the rule of the law are subjected to the new law of social science — preserve society though enforcement of StC moral benchmark and incorporate the highest intellectual/artistic core,“GNOT iS”, into the UN’s preparedness for public health emergencies, disasters, and crisis.

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with other ethnic groups. But, a Chinese immigrant like me who can settle in Canada must first defeat 1.4 billion Chinese population with a history of 5,000 years and then defeat another 6.6 billion world population. I proudly become a Canadian citizen with the most auspicious Citizenship Certificate numbers authorized by Canadian IRCC and British authority at my best age of 37 while HK film star Stephen Chow cannot make it until age of 61. Among the highly selected 35 million Canadians and immigration winners, I am the only born Chinese-Canadian ‘USYD Lioness’ who is blessed to submit ‘The #1 Innovative S(t)C Approach’ and ‘TMBS-based 2S lyrics’……….”

Loss of faith, culture, and traditions calls for “Preserve society through enforcement of StC moral benchmark” In the east, traditional moral values are being replaced by greed and materialism. In the west, Quebec boasted of 2,746 churches in 2003. But since then, 713 have been destroyed, closed or converted, according to the province's religious authorities. Canada set to lose 9000 churches, warned by National Trust For Canada. In both east and west, no scholar except the founder of Art For Virtue & GNOT iS is able to submit a “cultural+scienti c+artistic” approach for ending the COVID-19 emergencies and preserving societies.

GNOT iS provides #1 public good : nonexcludable and nonrival S.T. : “ Dear all, during the COVID-19 lockdown, all the kids and families are living with social welfare and COVID-19 relief. But, I am the ONLY CanadianChinese female victim/scholar who has checked the global system and addressed a moral and legal prejudice against the most vulnerable members (especially those who live on social welfare, disabilities, and COVID-19 relief ) on behalf of all the COVID-19 relief recipients/families/suffering victims ( incl. scholars, lawyers, stars, bosses, and justices ) from different cultures. So, my case, my testimonies, my legal submissions, and my research findings are strong enough to make changes to the laws and warrant legal reform, if any, in representation of all.” As proved, all families in 193 UN member states are NOT EXEMPTED FROM benefiting from GNOT iS all-in-one research and creative work in representation of 8.0 billion global public interest nor from being repeatedly HARMED by ‘ The Meta-Shorrock-Lero Pattern’. And all families, municipalities, governments, and nations bear costs of GNOT iS public programs that defend such basic human needs as moral righteousness, social justice, safety, and health. S.T.: “Pursuing the highest intellectual and artistic expression through embracing brokenness, hardships, and social justice in life.


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TMBSKorea and TMBSKids set new pathways for the grassroots female/male innovators to rise up through promoting originality, inspiring creation and innovation; for the kids to grow courage and innovate strategies to defend their cultural roots, traditions, and social justice in a globalized context. * The governments and TMBS Founding Committee award 68 million worth of prize money to QIU LING (S.T.) CHEN, Founder of Art For Virtue and GNOT iS, in recognition of Canadian ( Immigrant ) woman #1 in “Global Competitiveness” and “Cultural, Scienti c, and Artistic Innovation”. In preservation of the world’ endangered 2S Yin and Samsung and Apple technologies-powered MultiSmart Art. Lead all with virtuous, healthy diversity and lifestyles that are blessed by both God and 5000-year ancestral wisdom in global cultural integration. * GNOT iS-directed global public programs: Rebuild safe workplace, safe travel, safe fashion, safe lming, safe church, safe school, safe life. * Raise the founding purposes of ISED (Innovation,Science and Economic Development in Canada) /UNESCO (The United Nations Educational, Scienti c and Cultural Organization) and KOCCA to a new heigh. ( Sponsorship priority given to Canadian/Korean local brands e.g. Sunrype SLIM and Lego ) _____________________________

Art For Virtue * All ( awaiting for launch ) Univ. of Sydney in Australia, Geneva Business School in Switzerland @Sunshine Coast Regional District ( SCRD ), BC, Canada E: | C: 778 891 6022




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References for QIU LING ( Si TONG) CHEN and Makers of StC Moral Benchmark Reference From Celebrity Wang Ge Qing, Be ing, China 2001



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Reference From United Nations Staff , Geneva, 2002

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Reference from the Central D5 of Geneva, Switzerland 2003

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Reference From International Standardization Organization (ISO), Geneva, Switzerland 2006

19, CRETS De Champel, CH 1206 Geneva Switzerland Dear Sir or Madam, Re: Reference for Ms CHEN Qiuling I have known her for nearly 3 years ,and feel that my personal work experience of working as a translator in ISO headquarter in Geneva allows me to comment on her work ability in the field. As the person who supervised Ms CHEN Qiuling during her assignment , I can say her consolidated educational background ,wide knowledge and versatile character have been an asset in the work she carried out .Even for small administration jobs, I was astonished by her quick adaptability to complete this job ,including an almost instant adaptation to the use of rather complex databases .Ms CHEN Qiuling is an enterprising young lady who fits in such a dynamic work environment as the international community .Her good language skills are also an asset. She is good at organizing her job and allocating time to different assignments properly .When facing problems, she knows where to get the resources to solve them. Bearing a good communications skill ,she pursues a high-efficient work style. I have no hesitation in recommending her to provide services to you .Should you have any further questions, pls contact me on 0114122 3466094. Yours sincerely, Denys Crapon de Caprona

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Reference From International Labor Organization(ILO) , Beijing, China 2007

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Reference From MIDAS HOLDINGS INC. Beijing, China 2008

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Reference From BDL, Beijing, Britain 2008

BDL Media LTD. 507 10 Langjiayuan Jianguomenwai Beijing 100022 China


To Whom It May Concern, During the eighteen months that I have known CHEN Qiu Ling (DoB:August 18,1977), I have had the pleasure of coaching her for her academic English examinations. As a native English speaker and a professional writer I can say that I am very impressed with her use of English and her ability as a communicator. I have no hesitation in recommending for any employment in which spoken or written communication is a key element of the role. Should you wish confirmation of this or any other point please do not hesitate to contact me at the e-mail address below. Yours faithfully, Terence McManus Editor: China Hospitality News

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Reference From University Sydney, Sydney, Australia 2008

November 2008 To whom it may concern, Re: Reference for Ms Qiu Ling Chen I met Ms Chen towards the end of July, 2008 when she enrolled as a postgraduate international student in a course offered by the Department of Government and International Relations, School of Social and Political Science, University of Sydney. I am Lecturer and Course Coordinator for the XQLW ³Australia in Diplomacy, Defence and Trade´ LQ ZKLFK 0V &KHQ LV FXUUHQWO\ enrolled. As supervisor of this unit, I found Ms Chen to be a bright, industrious and courteous student who demonstrated her enthusiasm for the subject matter. During the teaching period this semester, for example, she was always attentive and often engaged the guest speakers in constructive discussions, as is encouraged during class time. Mc Chen also demonstrated research abilities in the major essay for the unit. For this task, she appeared to research the topic very thoroughly and engage in the entire learning process. Amongst other satisfactory pieces of assessment for the unit, she presented an essay which appeared original, well-structured and presented. It clearly illustrated to me a high degree of student productivity, particularly in the context of being required to write in a second language. Despite the language barrier that is present, I was sincerely impressed by Ms Chen's communication skills and great adaptability in the face of an unfamiliar, foreign academic environment and I noted her suitability for further advanced study or teamwork in a diverse international setting etc. In conclusion, I would like to wish Ms Chen every success in the future and I do not hesitate in recommending her for opportunities in future work or study that she may wish to pursue. Yours sincerely, Ro Mueller The course coordinator of Australia in Diplomacy ,Defence and Trade

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Reference From The Salvation Army (TSA) Vancouver, Canada 2010

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Reference From St. John’s Anglican Church, Vancouver, Canada 2010

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Reference From 1600 Beach Tower, Vancouver, Canada 2011

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Reference From David Carson Hill ( Manage at Princess Cruiser ) , Owner of Sizzle Venture, Vancouver, Canada 2011

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Reference From Chris Morisseau, West Vancouver , Canada 2011

A letter of Reference Date: 2011-6-26

Re: Ms Qiu Ling C, E͛Ɛ ŚĂƌĂĐƚĞƌ Θ ƉĞƌĨŽƌŵĂŶĐĞ in our project To whom it may concern, I have known Ms Qiu Ling CHEN (English name: Elisa) for nearly 11 months. To earn more valuable Canadian work experience, she accepts to help with my world-wide youth-hotel website project. The provision of her service has reached high level of satisfaction. From my eyes, she is a polite, cooperative, well-educated team player worth trust and support. She speaks very good English and pays a lot of attention to details. She also has proficiency in using different office applications. On top of that, she shows a strong tendency to achieve the highest result in performance. I have the pleasure to refer her high-level clerical services to those who are in need of administrative support and project management. I sincerely wish her every success in her future. Referee: Chris Morisseau President of MC Web Management Mobile: 1-778-848-2747 1181 esplanade Avenue West Vancouver, BC V7T 1G3 Canada

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Reference From 1211 Meville St., Vancouver, Canada 2011

June 1, 2011

To whom it may concern:

I hereby confirm that Ms Qiu Ling CHEN ( English name: Elisa) is renting a room from me at the following address: 905-1211 Melville St, Vancouver, BC V6E0A7. So far during her stay with me, I find that she is very respectful, clean, shows concern for others and pays the monthly rent on time. I also find her a very pleasant and quiet person. Should you require any further information please feel free to contact me. Yours truly,

Marie Jordan 604 221 2647

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Reference From Children’s Wish Foundation of Canada, Canada 2011

September 15, 2011 Qiu Ling Chen #1808, 1121 Bay St. Toronto, ON M5S3L9 Dear Qiu Ling: KŶ ďĞŚĂůĨ ŽĨ dŚĞ ŚŝůĚƌĞŶ͛Ɛ tŝƐŚ &ŽƵŶĚĂƚŝŽŶ ŽĨ ĂŶĂĚĂ͕ / ǁŽƵůĚ ůŝŬĞ ƚŽ ƚĂŬĞ ƚŚŝƐ ŽƉƉŽƌƚƵŶŝƚLJ ƚŽ ƚŚĂŶŬ LJŽƵ ĨŽƌ ǀŽůƵŶƚĞĞƌŝŶŐ ĨŽƌ ŚŝůĚƌĞŶ͛Ɛ tŝƐŚ ĚƵƌŝŶŐ ƚŚĞ 'tE ƌĂgon Boat Challenge, September 10 & 11, 2011, in Marilyn Bell Park in Toronto. Your support on Saturday and Sunday was tremendous. Nearly $40,000 was raised to support our work in wish granting. ŚŝůĚƌĞŶ͛Ɛ tŝƐŚ ŝƐ Ă ŐƌĂƐƐƌŽŽƚƐ ĐŚĂƌŝƚLJ ĚĞĚŝĐĂƚĞĚ ƚŽ ƉƌŽǀŝĚŝŶŐ a once-in-a-lifetime experience to children diagnosed with life-ƚŚƌĞĂƚĞŶŝŶŐ ŝůůŶĞƐƐĞƐ͘ ƐƚĂďůŝƐŚĞĚ ŝŶ ϭϵϴϰ ŽŶ ƚŚĞ ŬŝƚĐŚĞŶ ƚĂďůĞ ŽĨ ĂŶ ŝŶƐƉŝƌĞĚ ĂŶĚ ĐŽŵŵŝƚƚĞĚ ǀŽůƵŶƚĞĞƌ͕ ŚŝůĚƌĞŶ͛Ɛ Wish has grown into a national organization with chapters in every province. ŚŝůĚƌĞŶ͛Ɛ tŝƐŚ ŚĂƐ ŐƌĂŶƚĞĚ ŵŽƌĞ ƚŚĂŶ ϭϳ͕ϬϬϬ ǁŝƐŚĞƐ ĨŽƌ ĐŚŝůĚƌĞŶ ĂŶĚ ƚŚĞŝƌ ĨĂŵŝůŝĞƐ ĂŶĚ ĨƵůĨŝůůƐ ŵŽƌĞ ƚŚĂŶ ϵϱϬ ǁŝƐŚĞƐ annually. Each wish is an individual adventure, carefully structured to meet the needs of each particular child. For a child whose wish is about to be granted, the pain and discomfort of the illness, and often harsh treatment regimes, somehow become more bearable. For many, the excitement of planning and anticipating their dream has a dramatic effect on their healing. These courageous youngsters often experience a renewed sense of energy and hope as they see a different kind of light at the end of the tunnel. No eligible child has ever been denied a wish nor is there a waiting list. For more information, visit Thanks you once again for your support. Yours truly, 7+( &+,/'5(1¶6 :,6+ )281'$7,21 2) &$1$'$

Frances Makdessian Fundraising Coordinator - Ontario Chapter

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Reference from Lung Yu Huang 1211 Bay St., Toronto, Canada 2012

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Reference from Sweden Postdoctoral Fellowship Liu Xintao, Toronto, Canada 2012

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Reference From The City of Ottawa, Ontario, Canada 2012

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Reference From Shan Dong Normal University, Shan Dong Province, China 2012

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Reference from “Britain+ Canada”, Toronto, Canada 2012

Wednesday December 12th, 2012

Re: Address:

Ms. Qiu Ling Chen ² Reference Letter 218 Queens Quay West, Toronto, Ontario M5J2Y6

To Whom It May Concern I am pleased to have this opportunity to recommend Ms. Chen whom I have known for some months. During this time Ms. Chen has graciously volunteered to assist our organization and been forthcoming in providing useful insight into some of our programs. Her enthusiasm and clarity of thought is well presented and greatly appreciated. Her ideas and comments have always been respectful of the people around her. Should you have any additional questions, do not hesitate to contact me personally.

Yours Sincerely Thomas 7RP - 2· &DUUROO Vice President The British Canadian Chamber of Trade and Commerce c/o Director of Investigations Commissionaires Great Lakes 80 Church Street, Toronto, ON M5C 2G1 Canada Tel: 416-364-4496 Ext. 256 Mob: 416-525-9441 Fax: 905 891-5445

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Reference From RKO Consulting Group, Toronto, Canada 2012

Establishing Business Advantage

RKO Consulting Group Inc. 117 Elmhurst Avenue Toronto, Ontario M2N 1R7 +1 (416) 221-7393

May 5, 2012 Ms. Qiuling Chan 218 Queensquay Toronto, Ontario M5S 3L9 Dear Qiuling: I hereby have the pleasure of confirming Qiulingµs internship with RKO Consulting Group Inc. This activity is not remunerated and provides Qiuling Chen with valuable local Canadian insight into her project management work and an opportunity to formalise project management credentials leading to a rewarding career. As the owner and chief executive of the corporation, I am personally very satisfied with Qiuling¶s performance and would gladly consider a move towards a full-time remunerated position at the appropriate time. In order to achieve such a next step we are applauding Quiling¶s intent in pursuing the formal training portion in the Project Management Institute¶s program towards obtaining her PMP accreditation. I could not think of a more appropriate step in Quiling¶s career development and, on behalf of our company and myself personally, wish her success in this next step. She certainly is a valuable asset to any corporation. Sincerely,

Roland K. Orlie, P. Eng. CEO, RKO Consulting Group Inc.

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References by Young Travellers and Roommates From Britain 2013

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Reference From Kary & Kwan Law Firm, Toronto, Canada 2013

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Reference From Olivia Chow, The House of Common, Canada 2013

March 20, 2013 Reference Letter

To whom it may concern, This is to confirm that Ms Qiu Ling CHEN has volunteered for Olivi ǯ Toronto office for the past few months during which she excelled at a variety of office duties. With great attention to detail, Qiu Ling always followed through on assignments and effectively managed ongoing tasks. She contributed greatly to the success of various community events and projects. She also demonstrated a competence in drafting Word documents and Excel spreadsheets as well as filing digital and hardcopy files. As a dedicated team player, she communicated well with other office staff and maintained an orderly and supportive work environment. She would be an asset to any employer and we recommend her for any endeavor she chooses to pursue. Sincerely,

Olivia Chow, MP Trinity-Spadina

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Reference From Nancy Gordon at United Church, Toronto, Canada 2014

January 2,2014


To whom it may concem,

In reference to Qiu Ling (Alexandra) Chen:


I have her for almost two weeks, during which time she has been staying with us. During that time, she has been quiet and conside She does not smoke and she has tidied up the kitchen r meal preparation.




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Reference from G8/G20 Research Group, Munk School, Toronto, Canada 2014

February 13, 2014 To whom it may concern This letter confirms that Si Tong Chen (Qiu Ling Chen) volunteered as a researcher for the G8 Research Group and the G20 Research Group from June to December 2013, during which time she completed two research projects for us. Due to circumstances beyond her control, she was unable to complete any further projects.

Madeline Koch Managing Director G8 Research Group G20 Research Group Telephone: 416-588-3833 Email: •

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Reference From the Cathedral, Montreal, Quebec, Canada 2016

this is not about SJAG From Brenda Linn b_m_linn@yahoo.cahide details To artforvirtue

Hello Si I just wanted to let you know that I am sorry you have been hurt by things that were said at the Cathedral. It seems to happen often - we are so many, and we don't all agree, and sometimes people say unfair and unkind things. I'm just sad that it happened. I really appreciated what you offered the cathedral, and am glad to have met you. Don't let this thing, whatever if was, destroy your passion for social justice, or you faith. All the best, Brenda PS If you decide to make the Christmas cards you mentioned please let me know.

Cell: 438 993 5647

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Reference From McGill University, Montreal, Quebec, Canada 2016

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Reference From Pavillon Patricia Mackenzie Montreal, Quebec, Canada 2016

Scanned by CamScanner

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Reference from Sunshine Coast Regional District ( SCRD), Vancouver, Canada 2024

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God’s love that clothes itself in light. - Preached by United Church on Bloor Street, Toronto, 2013Be the rst to join/sponsor the launch event

TMBSKorea+TMBSKids Apr.18-Aug.18, 2024 The SeaSalt Vacation Home, Sunnycrest Mall

Sea to Sky Trail Find your way to map “GNOT iS Footprints” In celebration of K-culture/K-nature 2STReunion, the world’s #1 NEW, K-nature/K-culture marvellous healing power

@ Art For Virtue* All


Address 1: 521 South Fletcher Rd, Gibsons, BC V0N1V9 Address 2: 900 Gibsons Way, Gibsons, BC V0N 1V7 Gibsons Way, Gibsons, BC V0N 1V7


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《⽟堂春富貴 (國)》 2020花花世界,四季海棠敬母儀。 玉蘭華軒天喜迎鳳髻, 聖Barts三月串串金, 秋貴(桂)香伶818, 海景牡丹24吐祥瑞, 六合李陳(CHEN), 興安萬民,順乾坤。 慎言敏行,德鎬全球,愛愛愛。 愛我久我(五), 貴生ALL。。 含萬物而化光。 - 2S㡣鎬鳳髻 *GNOT iS* ( ) 48 of 48。ISSN: 2371-4034

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