AZPCA Going Places October 2017

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EDITOR Angela Manente 952.240.4292

SPONSORSHIP AND ADVERTISING MANAGER Bob Tomlin 480.201.3881 EDITORIAL ASSIS TANT Andy Logan 602.980.2306 PRINTING Communiform 401 East Loyola Drive Tempe, AZ 85282 480.517.1790

MAILING LIST MANAGER Jason Bunting Membership Chair 612.245.1858 CONTRIBUTORS Lyle Capstick Jason Bunting Bob Frith Kevin Gilchrist Nancy Gossard Bruce Herrington Gerald T. Mackulak Jan Mackulak Bill Phillips Eric Schmidt Dwane Stewart



15.............. Meet A Member 16 .............Cayman Rescue CF............. 62nd Porsche Parade in Spokane 20.............. 6th Annual Day at the Park 24.............. Duck Tales 26.............. 2018 Board of Directors Candidates 29.............. Flagstaff Day Tour 30.............. Book Reviews for Porschephiles IBC............ Porsches and Pancakes at the Haymaker


6............... 2017 Calendar of Events 9............... Region Events 10.............. Autocross 10.............. Drivers Education 11.............. Monthly Meetings 12.............. Porsches and Pancakes - The Thumb 13.............. Porsches and Pancakes - Anthem Country Club 14.............. Phoenix Flight 40 22.............. 2017 West Coast Series - PCA Club Racing 33.............. August 2017 Meeting Minutes BC............. Flight 40 Is Almost Here!


5............... President’s Corner 6............... Need to Order Name Badges? 8............... New Members and Anniversaries 9............... Social Media 12.............. From the Editor 31.............. Arizona Region Board 31.............. Executive Appointees 32.............. Zone 8 Staff and Websites 33.............. Goodie Store 34.............. Sponsor Index 34.............. Sponsorship Program

Cover: Independence Pass Aspen, CO Photo by Mark Manente

AZ.PCA.ORG Going Places is the official publication of the Porsche Club of America, Arizona Region and is published monthly. Written contributions and photographs are welcomed and can be emailed to the editor. Opinions expressed are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent the official position of the Porsche Club of America, Arizona Region, its officers or members. Permission is granted to reprint any material herein provided full credit is given to the author and to Going Places. PORSCHE®, the Porsche Crest®, CARRERA®, and TARGA® are trademarks of Porsche AG. The editor shall reserve the right to edit and publish only those articles felt to be in the best interest of the members of the Porsche Club of America. THE DEADLINE FOR ARTICLES AND ADVERTISEMENTS SUBMITTED FOR PUBLICATION IS THE 15TH OF THE MONTH TWO MONTHS PRIOR TO THE MONTH OF PUBLICATION. Commercial advertising rates can be found in the back of this publication.

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Eenie, Meenie, Miney


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President’s Corner Ly l e


t’s October already! Our fall events are in full swing. Have you thought about trying out an event that you have not participated in previously? The Porsche Club of America Region of the Year award was accomplished, in part, because of the variety of events offered by the Arizona Region. Being creatures of habit, we get comfortable with our routines. But we drive cars that offer excitement! Consider an Autocross or Drivers Education event. These are wonderful opportunities to experience how our cars perform in a controlled environment. We are fortunate to have a group of great organizers and instructors who will guide you safely through these events at the pace you are comfortable with. Our Sunday drives provide the chance to get out of our routine. Explore roads that we never knew existed. See new Arizona vistas. Try out a new lunch spot. Enjoy a relaxed drive over a preplanned route and visit with friends. The Monthly Meetings and Porsches and Pancakes breakfasts are an opportunity to try new eating establishments, catch up with acquaintances and stay up to date on current club activities and events. Try something different. Become involved in more of what the Arizona Region of the Porsche Club of America has to offer. The Monthly Meetings are held on the first Wednesday of each month. Over time, comments have been received about what content members would like to have. In response, you may have noticed a few changes. Mark Baker has been scheduling the meeting locations from 5 pm to 8 pm. The intention is to allow more social time at the beginning and end of the meeting, while holding the club business and activity updates to about 45 minutes. We are also striving to vary the presentation content month to month. This will allow more social time, limit the business and activity time, but also ensure that we are communicating business matters, activity information and other items of interest to the membership.

Capstic k

Within the responsibilities of your Board of Directors, you will notice some changes. Although the Executive had well defined responsibilities, the Directors at Large did not. In an effort to improve efficiency for the Board of Directors, the event Chairpersons and the membership, we have assigned specific areas of responsibility to our Directors at Large. These may change over time, but are intended to reflect key items of importance for the club at the current time. Alma Stewart and Nancy Gossard have done a wonderful job planning our Porsches and Pancakes breakfasts for the past couple of years. They have elected to step away from these responsibilities at the end of 2017 and we need a volunteer to become involved and continue in their footsteps. Perhaps a little background will help you understand what is required. Alma and Nancy have a great stable of locations identified that we have enjoyed in the past along with contact information. We have been scheduling 8 or 9 of these events annually during the past couple of years. Generally, no payments are collected because everyone orders from the menu and pays for their own meals. Occasionally, there is a preset menu which may require folks to pay on the MotorSportReg website. Information on the event is provided for publication in Going Places, on the website and on MotorSportReg. Please consider volunteering, either individually or with a partner to keep these social events going. Alma and Nancy, thank you very much for your work in the past to provide our members with a great Saturday morning social opportunity. Flight 40 is coming! Bob Frith and Jim Borowske have done an outstanding job changing up our weekend plan from previous Flights. They have planned a new and different venue as well as a special event. Mark your calendars for October 27th to 29th, clean up your car and watch for additional details in Going Places and on the Website. That’s all for this month. Enjoy your club’s activities. Get involved!


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2 0 17 C A L E N D A R O F E V E N T S OCTOBER 2017 4 We 7 Sa 14 Sa 15 Su 21 Sa 27-29 Fr-Su 30 Mo

Oktoberfest Celebration- Brat Haus Porsches and Pancakes & Rally Drivers Education AMP Going Places Deadline (Dec. ‘17) Autocross AMP Skidpad Phoenix Flight 40 Board of Directors Meeting

DECEMBER 2017 2 Sa 2-3 Sa-Su 3 Su 6 We 9 Sa 11 Mo 15 Fr

Autocross AMP Skidpad PCNA Tech Session Drivers Education WHP Monthly Membership Meeting Holiday Party Board of Directors Meeting Going Places Deadline (Jan ‘18)

NOVEMBER 2017 2 Th 4 Sa 11-12 Sa-Su 18 Sa 27 Mo

Monthly Membership Meeting Porsches and Pancakes SAR - Inde Driver Ed - Wilcox Autocross AMP Skidpad Board of Directors Meeting

Editor’s Note: The date, times and details of AZPCA events may change at anytime. Always check the website at for the latest event information.

Attention AZPCA Members! The Arizona Region is still in need of a Social Chair. This position can easily be split amongst a couple of individuals. The social chair fills an important role by selecting a mix of social events that are responsive to the needs and interests of the Region’s membership. Those activities are then coordinated with the Board of Directors. Please step up and fill this role by contacting any Board Member.

Need to Order New Name Badges? Send a personal check for $15 made payable to PCA Arizona Region per badge to: Betsy Andrade 2735 S. Spruce Mesa, AZ 85210 Include exact spelling with your order OR email Betsy the details: Badge orders are placed at the end of each month, and the engraver returns them in about two weeks. They will then be mailed to you. If you need your badge faster, this can be done for $20 per badge, following the same directions as above. Betsy can also be reached by text or voicemail at: 602-550-1212

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ARIZON A REGION MEMBERSHIP UPDATE 8 by Jason Bunting, Membership Chair




Ted and Bridget Bleimehl 2007 Carrera Coupe Des Moines IA Vince Boerbon 2014 Sapphire Blue Carrera 4S Coupe Gilbert, AZ Kyle and Linda Hart 2007 911 Turbo Coupe Phoenix, AZ Durrell and Gwen Hills 2017 Black Macon S SUV Paradise Valley, AZ

HAPPY AZPC A ANNIVERSARY! Arizona Region AZPCA Members Celebrating October 2017 Membership Anniversaries

40 Years Burkhard and Monica Franke 30 Years L. Robert Meier 22 Years John R. and Connie Hancock 20 Years William Perkins

Chris and Karen McCarthy 1999 Silver Carrera Coupe Mesa, AZ

18 Years Bob and Paula Hardison Gary and Karen Ward

Michael McEwan 1977 Metallic Burgundy 911 S Targa Glendale, AZ

11 Years Robert and Lisa Barrett

Ketan Patel 2015 Silver GT3 Coupe Scottsdale, AZ Greg and Deanne Ryan 2007 Artic Silver Carrera S Cabriolet Cave Creek, AZ Myron Todd Schiller and Laurel Charnas 1971 Blue 911 Targa Phoenix, AZ

M E M B E RSHIP by the numbers 570 AZPCA Members

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10 Years Steve and Tammy Caputi Kurt Skultin 8 Years Dale and Ruth Hafner 7 Years Lyle and Joanne Capstick Donald Thonger and Lyn Hendricks 6 Years Jan and Monyette Nyquist 4 Years Gregory and Sandra Herd Curt Weaver

3 Years Gene Aafanelli Kurt Capps Alex and Tina Curti Ray and Freida Hendricks Hal and Ellie Hong Bill and Kathy Petas Ron Williams and Alisa Mueller 2 Years Ray Dimuzio Dennis and Lisa Lines Michael and Sharon Minster David Whelan and Jennifer Hoeprich 1 Year

Ted and Bridget Bleimehl Vince Boerbon Kyle and Linda Hart Durrell and Gwen Hills Chris and Karen McCarthy Michael McEwan Ketan Patel Greg and Deanne Ryan Myron Todd Schiller and Laurel Charnas NOTE TO MEMBERSHIP Please notify the membership chair when your address, phone number, or email changes, even temporarily. We want to be sure you receive email blasts and Going Places. Going Places Newsletter can’t be forwarded. Thank you for your understanding and support. Jason Bunting, Membership Chairman 612.245.1858


2017 Membership Meetings October 4 - Oktoberfest Celebration at the Brat Haus November 2 - Porsche North Scottsdale (Thursday night) December 6 - Lou Mainati’s Pizzeria Please RSVP on the website at

Porsches and Pancakes ==========================

October 7 - Anthem Country Club November 4 - The Thumb

8 Social Media – 4th Quarter News! Jan Mackulak, Social Media Chair, Videos are everywhere and on every SM App! Come to the next monthly meeting and see first hand how you can get engaged! FACEBOOK has 825 “Likes” and 824 “Follows”! Check out the latest videos from Facebook Live! TWITTER has 246 “Followers” and “Following” 277. 497 tweets including Live Video Tweets!

INSTAGRAM has 325 “Followers” and “Following” 615 with 247 posts! Live videos and “Stories” now! PINTEREST has 77 “Followers” and “Following” 85. A new feature includes searching with a keyword or with the Pinterest camera! Snap a photo of your Porsche and see what you find! PERISCOPE has 24 “Followers” and “Following” 201. Turn on notifications so you can watch us when we are Live or watch 15 broadcasts that are saved! GOOGLE+ now at 15 “Followers” and “Following” 121. And the good news is now we have our very own url!

YOUTUBE has 45 subscribers and 40 videos – go see the latest from the Dbacks vs the Cubs and the Durango Tour!

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Saturday, October 21, 2017 AMP Skidpad Saturday, November 18, 2017 AMP Skidpad Saturday, December 2, 2017 AMP Skidpad REGISTER ONLINE at

DRIVERS EDUCATION EVENTS Saturday, October 14, 2017 Arizona Motorsport Park 8:00 am - 5:00 pm Sunday, December 3, 2017 Wild Horse Pass West Track 8:00 am - 5:00 pm REGISTER ONLINE at AZ.PCA.ORG | 10 |



Monthly Meeting

Oktoberfest Celebration Wednesday,October 4, 2017 5:00 pm - 8:00 pm Brat Haus 3622 N Scottsdale Rd Scottsdale, AZ 8525

This is an outdoor venue (it should be cool enough on Oct 4th) and has picnic tables and high top picnic tables similar to the Pera club.


The menu is as follows: · Green Salad with herb vinaigrette or kale salad Classic Bratwurst or BH mini brat sliders, bacon or falafel and humus or green chili brisket sliders · Belgian fries with assorted dipping sauces · Assorted cookie platters Remember to register on line at: no later than midnight Sunday, October 1st

AZPCA Membership and Annual Meeting November 2, 2017 (Thursday) 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm Porsche North Scottsdale

18000 N. Scottsdale Rd. Phoenix, AZ 85054 The November Monthly meeting will be hosted by Porsche North Scottsdale. Our friends at the dealership provide a great evening of food and beautiful Porsches for our perusal. The evening’s agenda will include the election of our 2018 Board of Directors, review of past events and previews of upcoming club activities. RSVP using the link on our website at Please park in the back lot off Princess Drive... G O I N G P L A C E S 810.2017

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From the



s I sit at my desk writing my editorial column, we are wrapping up the summer and rooting on our Arizona Diamondbacks to hang on to their # 1 wildcard spot. Big shout-out to Jan and Jer Mackulak for arranging the 6th Annual at the Park event. It was a great time! So bummed we had to cancel out of the Durango trip organized by Rook and Debbie. I heard it was awesome. Look for pictures and article in next month’s issue. We have some interesting articles this month; “Cayman Rescue”, “Duck Tales” and “62nd Porsche Parade”. It is also time to elect new club officers and board of directors. You will find the candidates bio’s and ballot for voting in this issue. The results will be announced at our November Monthly Membership meeting. Porsche North Scottsdale will be hosting the meeting.

Porsches and Pancakes Saturday, November 4, 2017 7:30am - 10:00am The Thumb (formerly known as Tom’s Thumb Campfire Bistro) 9393 East Bell Rd Scottsdale, Arizona 85260 (On the southwest corner of 94th Street and Bell Road, just east of the Ice Den in Scottsdale) 480.513.8186 Join us for breakfast at a gas station! Tom’s Thumb Campfire Bistro was featured on the Food Network’s show called Diners, Drive-Ins, and Dives (or as host Guy Fieri calls it… “Triple D!”). The episode still airs occasionally and is called Arizona All-Stars. Catch it if you can, as two of our AZPCA members appear in it! arizona-all-stars.html Our host Mike Lawson, The Thumb’s manager, has selected a number of breakfast entrees sure to please our group, including the Triple D-featured Pigs and Grits (Jer’s favorite: “I’ve had a lot of grits, but none like these!” and a Brisket Breakfast, Jan’s favorite: “I just can’t get enough!”). Order and pay from the main counter after you scope out a table, grab a coffee or latte at the coffee bar, maybe even a sweet treat or two to go, and wander around the market and be amazed at all the cool stuff. RSVP using the link on our website at

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A n g e l a

M a n e n t e

I want to acknowledge some of our loyal, long-time members celebrating AZPCA anniversaries for October: 40 Years Burkhard and Monica Franke; 30 Years - L. Robert Meier; 22 Years - John R. and Connie Hancock and 20 Years William Perkins. Your feedback and comments are always welcome. Just drop me an email at We have lots of events planned for October. Come on out and have some fun!


Porsches and Pancakes Ironwood Grille at Anthem Country Club

Brunch’a Little Saturday, October 7, 2017 On the heels of the three past years’ very successful events, we will again return to the elegant Ironwood Grille at the Anthem Country Club for another signature event, with both indoor and outdoor seating available at your option! Please save the date for this special event and plan to join us on Saturday, October 7th. Since we will likely exceed 55 Porsches and in excess of 100 enthusiasts, secure your spot now. Forget the red zones in front of the main entrance, this is a Porsche event, and we’ll have the cars lined up around the circular drive and let them overflow into the parking lot once again. Check-In opens at 8:30 AM, with food served at 9:00 AM There will be no onsite registration and you must register and pay online in advance. To entice those of you who missed this event last year or those that drive further, we thought you’d like to see what you missed, all for an all inclusive $24/person again this year (all-in, Fully Inclusive):

Healthy, Sweet, Savory Buffet 
 Fresh Sliced Fruit Display Crème Brule French Toast Asparagus, Mushroom and Gruyere Strudel

Egg Station 
Prepared to order with Peppers, Onions, Mushrooms, Spinach, Tomatoes, Ham, Bacon, Sausage, Cheddar, Salsa and Swiss and Feta Cheeses! Coffee, Decaffeinated Coffee, Tea, Grapefruit and Orange Juices Maria and I (Frank Grimmelmann) are excited by the prospect of welcoming you to experience the best of Anthem Country Club, please join us and reserve now at AZ.PCA.ORG/events Ironwood Grille at The Anthem Country Club, 41551 N Anthem Hills Drive Anthem, AZ 85086

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PHOENIX FLIGHT 40 IS HERE! 1977. The Dow Jones Industrial Average Index closed the year at 831. New York City was hit with a massive blackout lasting 25 hours, resulting in a baby boom nine months later! Apple released the Apple II personal computer. Jimmy Carter was elected President. Star Wars Episode IV dropped (wait, what happened to episodes I - III?) The King of Rock and Roll died from a heart attack, maybe too many peanut butter and banana sandwiches? And you could check out of the Hotel California any time you liked but you could never leave! And in Phoenix a small club of Porsche car owners held a concours event called The Phoenix Flight! Fast forward 40 years and a large club of Porsche car owners is preparing for a concours weekend called Phoenix Flight. Some things just never change! Join the celebration of 40 years of Phoenix Flight on October 27 - 29 Friday, Oct 27th - There will be a reception poolside at the McCormick Scottsdale Resort at 7401 N. Scottsdale Road. The reception will begin at 6 pm. Come visit with old friends and meet new friends during this 4 hour evening event. We will holding a silent auction to benefit this year’s charity “Guide Dogs for the Blind” ( So please bring an open wallet for a great cause! Book at room at the resort at a club's special rate and party all night! Saturday morning, the 28th - Come show your nicely cleaned and prepared Porsche in the Concours that will be held on the Streets of Scottsdale! The venue is N. Marshall Way near the Fashion Square Mall at Camelback Road and N. Marshall Way. The map is on the Arizona Region's Web site. Parking will begin at 6:30 am and judging will begin at 9:30. After judging wander around and enjoy the shops and galleries. But don't eat too much because the trophies will be awarded at 1:00 pm ,while everyone is enjoying tapas at the awards luncheon. The street has to be turned back to the City by 4 pm. If you aren’t entering your car, come down and join in the fun anyway, there will be a special area set aside in the adjacent parking garage for club members! Sunday, October 29th - Join in on a tour that will visit two fabulous private collections of automobiles! The proceeds from these tours will go to charity, RPM Foundation ( All PCA members can register for these tours You don't have to enter the concours to attend either the Friday reception or the Sunday tour. So even if you aren't into Q-tips and such you still can register for all the other events. So there is no excuse not to come out to celebrate Phoenix Flight 40 ! See the club Web site AZ.PCA.ORG for more information and to register for your choice of events!

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he AZPCA is made up of a wonderful group of members. As Going Places Editor, I would like to introduce this month’s feature member, Brian Preblich. 1. When did you join PCA? I joined in 1985, three years after buying my first Porsche. 2. What Porsche(s) have you owned? My first Porsche was a 68’ 912, bought that my senior year in high school with a bit of financial help from my grandfather, I was a couple dollars shy. Then I purchased a 1986 911, that was my baby, literally. Until my mom and dad came up with the notion that grandparents get the “grandkid” on weekends! Needless to say, that didn’t happen, and now you know how my daughter Erica came to be... 3. Where are you from? Canton, Michigan, it’s between Detroit and Ann Arbor. 4. Family? I have two children, Erica, who is 20 and a Junior at Michigan State, Ben ,who is 15 and lives with me and goes to Higley High School. I live with my girlfriend Holly, who has two boys, Saj 13, and Tej 10 both go to Basis Mesa, and a Labradoodle named Targa. 5. Work background or trade? Growing up in Michigan, I loved cars, so I was an automotive designer for almost 20 years. My fifteen minutes of fame was that I designed the powertrain cooling for Honda Indy cars. I moved into engineering sales, since I hated sitting behind a computer all day. When I moved to Arizona in 2005, I went back to a desk job working in purchasing, but now I am in Real Estate. (if your looking to buy or sell...)

8 6. What makes your car special? I spent two weeks under my 911 while I was rebuilding the transmission, cleaning it with mineral spirits, you could literally eat off the bottom. 7. Next upgrade? To own another one and treat it like my new baby... 8. Favorite memory with a car? Oh there a many wonderful driving memories. But when I purchased my Carrera, my mother told me to remember how I was as a child when I would look at Porsches, and how I would want the owners to treat me. So when any boy or girl would look at my car, I would always ask if they wanted to sit inside. The look on their faces was priceless. 9. Why did you buy your Porsche? I grew up going to SCCA races at Waterford Hills with my dad and loved the shape and sounds of the old 356’s and 911’s. Then as I got older and learned more about Porsche from an engineering stand point, my love grew deeper. One day I was driving home to my parents and saw my neighbor was selling his Porsche. Thus I dipped into my bank account... 10. Top 3 dream cars you would own? 2018- 911 Turbo S Lamborghini Aventador 1977 Trans Am (Smokey and the Bandit) guess that’s showing my age..

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Cayman Rescue by Kevin Gilchrist


aving really enjoyed my involvement with PCA in my classic air-cooled 911, I wanted to participate in more of the great events put on by our club and beyond. Although it is a fantastic true classic Porsche, I have learned that the driving comfort along with the desire to keep it in collectible condition, is not the most practical for my wife and I to always participate in events, such as longer drives.

Over my excitement of now owning a 2014 981 Cayman S, I saw that both ends or bumpers of the car were gone along with all the related hardware, lights, grills, etc. The drivers side front fender and headlight were smashed and some slight damage to the hood. I put my hydraulic jack under it and all I could see were some scrapes along the back drivers side wishbone and inside of the wheel, nothing else.

I am guilty of constantly reading the hype of reviews and articles, such as the amazing newer Caymans that are touted as super handling drivers cars, as well as browsing the various outlets that list Porsches for sale. I had recently sold a muscle car that resulted in an open garage space and a burning hole in my pocket. Browsing along one evening, I came across a 2014 Cayman S in stunning agate grey metallic that had some great options. Including PDK, 20� wheels, two tone leather, premium sound, navigation and so on. This car had a very, very low price, which is immediate suspicion for any smart consumer. But here was the catch, it was a salvage car totaled from the insurance company. Everybody reading this knows, if you're looking at any Porsche to

Starting the Cayman up, showed a bunch of faults about missing lights and turn signals, etc., but the most concerning was a transmission error as well as saying there could be issues with reverse. Driving it around my block, the PDK shifted very strange, going right up to 7th gear at about 15 miles an hour and constantly alerting of the error. It drove straight and true though at these slower speeds as I would not dare to take up to speed in this condition.

purchase, you get a PPI inspection and fully understand the little issues that the car has. You do not buy a totaled Porsche Cayman site unseen, on eBay, going by the sellers word, that it runs and drives. This brings up immediate red-flags and potential for a big loss, that I would not recommend to anyone. This seller apparently buys and sells very high-end totaled cars from insurance companies and re-sales them. He had very good feedback on some big money sales, but I know that does not justify anything, especially believing reviews on the internet. Did I listen? Well the car arrived on a transport truck from Sacramento to my house here in the valley, very early one morning. Amazingly driven off the truck down my street and up to my garage, actually running and sounding decent. Including a legit out of state salvage title, bill of sale, manuals and a key. Overlooking the complete missing front and rear end of the car, I was in awe. The most I got from a Carfax report said it was a two year leased car in Houston that got in a single car wreck with a guardrail and was totaled by the insurance company. What did that mean, what was hiding in the damage, that would total this car?

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What should be the first steps? I contacted a few independent shops and decided to have it put on a flatbed and taken down to one for a body shop estimate, while I thought I would start collecting and searching for parts. My new possession went to a very busy shop, who pretty much was surprised at the condition and asking why would it be totaled? On sound recommendation, they said I should have them look at the mechanical transmission issue, before thinking of investing in any body work, because I would be shocked at the price of replacing a PDK transmission. and asking why would it be totaled? A lot of time passed, like a two or three months, as I kept checking with the shop to get them to actually look at the car. Finally they got to the car and told me that the rear drivers side wishbone and wheel are a little scraped up and the abs sensor is broken off and the rear wheel bearing damaged, most likely from the guard rail. They felt replacing these and resetting the codes, could get us lucky. In suspense I waited for a call back as they got to work, which came back negative, it was still the same, shifting incorrectly and throwing faults. Their recommendation, which was looking out for my best interest, was to go ahead and sell the car, as the price of replacing a PDK transmission would be more than I paid for it. Was this why the car was totaled?

Not satisfied yet and a little bummed, I decided to try a different tactic, that may have been a little more expensive and a little out of the norm. I made a call to one of our Porsche dealers and made a service appointment for my wrecked Cayman. I felt they might have the computer equipment to really see what the issue might be, so I could make a final sound decision. A sort of shocked service advisor looked at my Cayman as it arrived on a flatbed truck and agreed that they would take two to three hours and diagnose it. In suspense again and the future of my risky challenge on the line, the answer came back only a day later. They said they found that my rear wheel bearing was installed backwards so the abs sensor could not pick it up and all the harnesses were unplugged at the wheel. They corrected those items, updated all the computer software in the car, reset the codes and it drove just like a new Cayman S with no issues! Amazing and some lessons learned. Very satisfied by the great result and service of the dealership, I asked if they worked with a body shop. Which of course they had a an off-site location that did body work for the dealer and more than happy to give me an estimate for my car. My plan was to find a lot of used parts on my own and get the major body work done, such as the smashed fender and minor hood damage. Well they came back with an estimate to put the car back together with all new parts, front and rear bumpers, fender, headlight and all the related little parts. Much to my surprise it was within what I was budgeting in my head. What to do? As to myself, I know how estimates go in any line of work, so I also needed to figure in some leeway. After weighing spending a little more and getting all new and original correct hardware and parts, I gave the go ahead to move it again on a flatbed truck to their affiliated body shop and get started.

I left the MVD with registration, and a license plate. I was actually driving a late model Cayman S back home and into my garage, with chills again! Now safe and sound since it arrived on that transport truck a long few months before. The 981 Cayman is amazing and I am still learning all about it, the multitude of functions, the way it drives and handles, and the sweet sound of the 3.4 liter six. The result came out just great, but there were a lot of risk and pitfalls along the way to get to the point of restoring it again to a great driving Porsche. I am not and am sure that most would not recommend doing what I did as this could have ended very badly, very expensive or a total loss. I did end up financially way ahead of the current value of the car, but it is a salvage title and that kills any resale. But I went through this process to own a car I can enjoy and drive, not as an investment. I hate to think of what it went through and how it met its fate with a guard rail. Just as bad, sitting out in the unthinkable conditions of a junk yard. I treat my cars with utmost respect and level of care and feel so satisfied to bring it back to it’s original glory. I survived a Cayman Rescue and now we own a part of the amazing modern Porsche technology and performance to complement our classic 911 that has been cherished in our family. Our Cayman will be well taken care of and bring great driving experiences for a long time to come, not to mention a great story.

The shop was very organized and came up with a detailed printed list of all the parts they needed to order to complete the work. Surprisingly most parts were available within a few days. That was the easier part, all the work and labor began which took weeks and much appreciated efforts. Finally after what seemed like a ages from the start of getting the Cayman, it was ready for me to actually pick up. The car only had a salvage title that I transferred and no registration, so I had to go pickup a three day temporary plate to have the car on the road for the first time. Upon arrival I was amazed at how well the work came out, the matching metallic paint flowed so nice with the actual lines of the car, and all the functioning lights, fog lights, etc., it looked like a brand new Cayman S out of the showroom. The car even still has that new car smell and did not have any signs of overspray, orange peel or any other crazy thing I was imagining. All the faults gone from the gauges, and the sound of the six with its correct operating PDK going through the gears was like music to my ears. I was actually driving a late model Cayman S back home and into my garage, an experience that brought chills! The next morning I was off bright and early to the MVD for what is referred to as a level III inspection, which a salvage title car has to pass to be approved as road worthy and able to be registered and licensed. I thought I would drive right up, as how many cars get this inspection daily? Well I arrived when they opened and there were fifteen already ahead of me, so after about an hour wait, I was told to drive my Cayman to a long garage in the back of the complex. There were four inspectors that guided me in and asked for standard stuff, like turn on the headlights, turn signals, brake lights, etc. One guy asked me to pop the hood to see the engine, I said it was a mid-engine car and he looked at me not amused, and said pop the hood. So I did, then he came around sort of annoyed and said pop the hatch. I did and he finally came back to the window and said where is the motor in this thing? Finally after some discussions they lightened up a little and said leave the keys in the center console and go inside and wait. So I never was able to see what they did on the rest of the inspection. But finally I was called back and told that the car passed with no problems. G O I N G P L A C E S 810.2017

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62nd Porsche Parade in Spokane by Dwane Stewart


e had a very nice time at Parade in Spokane. The Gossards, Overmires, and Stewarts started our adventure in Walla Walla, Washington to enjoy wine tasting of Washington wines before going to the Grand Coulee Dam on our way to Spokane. We experienced great weather for our entire trip. The temperatures were above normal everyplace we went. But it was not as hot as home! On our arrival in Spokane, we noticed Porsche Parade banners hanging from downtown lamp posts. The city was ready for our Parade. The week of events began with receiving our registration packet. Alma carried the pocket schedule with her because there were so many activities! Thirteen hundred people attended the Welcome Dinner. There were over 1000 cars and 2500 attendees with 112 concours entries.

by volunteers”. In addition to Earl and Nancy Gossard and Milt and Rosie Overmire, I did run into AZPCA members Bob and Kerry Biddle and Rook and Debbie Younger. As you would expect there were many outstanding Porsches in the Concours d’Elegance. The Biddles received a 1st place trophy with their beautiful RS.

At one of the dinners the new GT3 was unveiled which was very striking in red.

One outstanding Parade moment was the acceptance of the FERRY PORSCHE AWARD as NATIONAL REGION OF THE YEAR by Rook and Debbie Younger for the Arizona Region. The award was presented by Wolfgang Porsche. Congratulations to all those who volunteer! Without you this would not be possible. The six of us volunteered at Parade, volunteering at the concours and either the hospitality room or the welcome tent. We were easy to spot because the shirts were bright orange with the slogan “fueled

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We rode the chair lift to the restaurant for lunch and enjoyed panoramic views below. After the well attended Volunteer Luncheon on Saturday, Earl, Nancy, Alma and I departed for Seattle.

Driving Tours were offered. We decided to go on our own driving tour to Coeur d’Alene. We enjoyed a lake cruise, drinks at The Coeur d’Alene Golf and Spa Resort, shopping and concluded our day with dinner at the highly acclaimed Cedars Floating Restaurant before returning to Spokane. The offering of another self guided driving tour took us to Wallace, Idaho. It was like stepping back in time. This is a historic town known for silver mining. A fourth generation miner was our tour guide at Sierra Silver Mine. His tour was very informative especially regarding current mine safety measures. One evening we enjoyed a wine tasting at the Historic Davenport Hotel.

While there we visited the Chihuly glass exhibit near the Space Needle and Pikes Place Market (both on Alma’s bucket list).

Later in the week we joined a driving tour to Schweitzer Mountain. What a beautiful drive with the Porsche top down!

Then off we went to Victoria, British Columbia. We took the Ferry to and from BC. Our first destination upon arrival was the Buchart Gardens. Another one of Alma’s bucket list items checked off. The next day we spent time exploring the Inner Harbour area. On our way home we stopped in Napa and guess what we did. That’s correct! Some more wine tasting. Too bad the Porsche isn’t bigger or maybe it was a blessing! Our last stop was in Southern California to visit Alma’s family for a few hours. Then Home Sweet Home after traveling over 3,000 miles in 22 days in a very fully packed Porsche.

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6th Annual Day at the Park by Gerald T. Mackulak photos by Kathy Schneider and Jan Mackulak


n Saturday, August 12th, thirty-three AZPCA baseball fans gathered for our annual day at the ballpark and to watch our Arizona D-Backs take on the current World Champion Cubs.

memories? Actually, five people in our group were die hard Cub fans and came dressed in Cub shirts, so we didn’t mind appeasing their desires.

As Jan and I were driving to the park, I reminisced about a time long ago when I was about 8 years old and I attended my first professional baseball game. I grew up in Gary, Indiana, which was not noted for much other than vast steel mills and the birthplace of Michael Jackson, so if you wanted professional sports you headed to Chicago. My uncle Fred, was the biggest Cub fan I have ever known and loved that team through the good times and the not so good times. Fred used to take me to the Cubs games at Wrigley Field and I watched in awe as Ernie Banks, Ron Santo, Billy Williams and all the rest that followed did their best but never really got close to winning the big one; until last season. If you were from the “region” you were fans of the Bears, the Blackhawks, and the Cubs, so it was with mixed feelings that I was driving to Chase stadium to cheer for the D-BACKS to kick some Cubby butt. Thirty-three people joined together for this 6th iteration of the night at the ballpark. After picking up our tickets at will call, passing through security, and scoring our complementary AZ flag caps we all gathered for our tour guide. Our AZPCA past president Rook had retired as a D-Backs tour guide, so he turned us over to Molly, a 20 year tour guide who had actually trained Rook. Molly provided us with an introduction to the history of the team and stadium and then took us on a nearly hour long tour.

As we traversed the stadium Molly introduced us to different areas including some familiar places and some surprises. Up on the second level some of our group discovered that anyone could purchase drinks at the AUDI lounge, not just AUDI owners. Our tour ended behind home plate where we could watch batting practice and take a few photos but after a short rest Molly drifted us over behind the Cubs dugout. Wait a minute; was she channeling my childhood

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Our tour concluded at 3pm at which point the general public were allowed to enter so things started to really get exciting. All the vendors were now selling food and drinks and there were still lots of things to investigate. Some of our group went up to our seats in section 208, just above 1st base while others went exploring. Jan and I and a few others headed up to the Draft Room ,which is a bar/restaurant at the base of the second level in right field. The Draft Room has a

complete menu with snacks to meals and as expected, a nice selection of draft brews. We sat there enjoying lively discussions from cars to bars and all of us predicted a D-Backs win.

After about two hours we headed to our seats and nearly all 33 of us were anxiously awaiting the start of the game. The game itself turned out to be incredibly exciting and not just because the D-Backs beat the World Champion Cubs 6-2. For example, it looked to us from where we were sitting that at least half the stadium attendees were dressed in “World Champion Cub” colors. What???? This is the D-Backs stadium. Do you think we would see that at the Yankees stadium? Other than the incorrect colored shirts we did see some other AZPCA firsts.

In conclusion, we watched an exciting game and the D-BACKS beat the Cubs all while we enjoyed the company of fellow AZPCA members, including a few dressed in the wrong team uniforms. And to my uncle Fred, who left this world many, many years ago I must say I am sorry for rooting against the Cubs this past Saturday evening, and I only hope somehow he knows his Cubs finally did it.

The club saw our first inside the park home run, which I must admit is much more exciting in person than on TV. We also had the “kiss cam” focus on a couple in our group. When the “kiss cam” selects a couple they are supposed to enjoy a long sexy kiss while the rest of the stadium watches on the jumbo-tron. Proudly our AZPCA members obliged.

Another “first” occurred when late in the game Jim Roberts date Diane had a screaming hot foul ball hit right at her. She bravely took a shot from the ball on her forearm and chest before Jim then bravely stepped in and picked the ball up from the ground. In Jim’s defense the ball came at them so fast it was difficult to react before it was there and we all hope Diane is fine. (I do hope Jim gave Diane the ball.) G O I N G P L A C E S 810.2017

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22415 N.18th Drive Phoenix, AZ 85027 480-483-4682 We provide Service for Porsche, Lotus and many other European Marques

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Protecting Families, Ensuring Safe Communities, Making Things Right No one wants bad things to happen. But sometimes our ability to self-determine our own lives is unexpectedly taken away by rule-breakers. When that occurs, we hold rule breakers accountable, for full and fair compensation for the harms caused. Attorney Robert J. Hommel has over 30 years experience dealing with injury claims and insurance denials of benefits you paid for. PCA member 480-778-0123 ArizonaInjuryAndInsurance.Law

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Duck Tales by Eric Schmidt


’ve never been one to keep a car completely stock. The purist mentality just doesn’t reside in my DNA. While I love the iconic shape of the 911 throughout all its generations and some might seek to preserve their cars as factory numbered originals, I see cars as a canvas to personalize in order to stand out tastefully from the rest of the crowd.

The next decision was, “Who will paint it?” Being a DIY type, I decided to prep and paint it myself. I have used spray guns in the past but was a little apprehensive about attempting to spray something that is going to be very visible, very shiny, and needs to be perfect. My friend Travis, a fellow PCA member and knowledgeable automotive painter, offered to assist.

Wheels are an easy first choice and I fitted mine with black 10-spoke OZ Ultraleggeras with a wide offset. Black rims on a black car can be monotone so I accent the tires with bold white lettering for contrast. To give the car an aggressive stance I installed H&R sport springs lowering the car about an inch. My exhausts are custom-made stainless steel muffler delete tailpipes I had welded and cut myself. The two straight pipes sticking out from the rear bumper are inspired by early 70’s 911 RSs. They’re loud and demand attention but they make the car more fun and engaging and with the added safety benefit of announcing my presence next to other motorists on the road. This led me to my next retro inspired piece…a ducktail.

The first step was to prep the tail for primer. Getty’s primer service in no way means it is ready to paint. They merely sand the fiberglass relatively smooth and apply a coat of primer. There were still some imperfections to smooth out and pinholes to fill. So I took 200-grit sandpaper and blocked the tail to get it as smooth as I could and used glazing putty to fill any pinholes. Time to spray more primer.

I’ve been wanting a ducktail for a long time and my trip to Luftgekuhlt in Los Angeles this past May really inspired me. There were so many awesome examples of early 70’s 911s with ducktails that it motivated me to finally get one. As soon as I got back to Phoenix, I called Getty Design to place my order. Getty Design is not like most online companies where you find the part you want, click, and enter your credit card. You have to actually call on the phone and place your order with another human being. I spoke to a chatty fellow named Mike, who took my order and confirmed my vehicle model information and ensured me that their manufacturing processes were the best in the business. I ordered the 997 Ducktail Sport which has a 3rd brake light in the top of the spoiler. I also opted for the additional wire harness and primer service. A week later my ducktail arrived. The first thing to do is assemble the spoiler on the car and ensure everything fits before you paint it. 911 engine lids are easy to remove and replace since they are only attached by two bolts on each hinge. I ran the electrical harness, installed the cooling fan and brake light, and fitted the spoiler on the car. Most everything fit perfectly. The harness on the other hand, did not. The connector for the engine bay light did not pass through the second grommet as it should have. Hard to visualize in words but trust me, it just doesn’t fit on the car that way. I had to cut the connector off, pass the wires through the grommet, then reinstall the connector. Luckily I had spare electrical contacts in my toolbox and I could crimp everything back together. Time to take it all apart again and get it ready for paint.

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I took the tail to Travis and his home garage paint shop. Travis mixed 2K high build primer and coached me on how to operate the spray gun, how far away from the part I should position the nozzle, and techniques on spraying. He got everything setup and then handed me the spray gun. Time to pull the trigger. I quickly got into the rhythm and didn’t do too bad for the first time. I didn’t have any runs and the primer laid down very well. I was feeling pretty confident at this point. Travis said primer was the easy part. Aw man! I took the tail home and this time I had to wet sand it with 600grit and block it as smooth as possible. This was going to be the surface that the base coat and clear coat were going to be sprayed on so it had to be perfect. Any imperfections on the surface will show through the paint and clear coat. I toiled at it all day to get a smooth finish. Finally it was ready for paint.

We met up the next morning and went to Automotive Refinish Supply in Chandler to purchase the PPG paint and clear coat. I had my Porsche Black paint code 909205 L041 and also brought my original engine lid to compare colors. Luckily there are only two variants of L041 black so we took the paint swatches and compared them to the original paint and decided to use 041A, which oddly enough has a bit of yellower in it. It was a perfect match. Not all paints are created equal so I decided to use Deltron paint. It’s higher in cost but also higher in quality. There are cheaper paints available but they can potentially fade after a few years. Deltron is supposed to last up to 10-15 years. Nothing but the best for a 911, right?

Since it was a garage paint job there is inevitable dust nibs that get into the clear coat. My job now was to wet sand and polish the tail and remove the dust nibs. After a couple days of cure time, I wet sanded the clear coat nice and smooth using 1500 and 2000-grit sandpaper being careful not to burn all the way through the clear coat. I then followed up with a Porter Cable dual-action polisher, various buffing pads, and Meguiar’s M105

We went back to the garage and started prepping everything for the paint process. Plastic sheets were laid out over everything, fans were turned on to ventilate the fumes, lights placed to prevent shadows on the ducktail while spraying. Travis mixed the paint and when the mixture was good, it was go time. I was quite nervous but confident at this stage. More coaching and advice and I was ready to pull the trigger. I sprayed a couple of test passes on a piece of plastic and I was ready. I got into my rhythm and sprayed two good coats of base color. No runs so far.

and M205 compounds polishing the ducktail to a shiny finish. A coat of wax and final assembly and the ducktail was complete. It was a lot of work and a lot of sanding and polishing but the attention to detail paid off in the end and at a fraction of the cost. I couldn’t be happier with the results and I have the added satisfaction that, with the help of my friend Travis, I did the work myself. So what’s next on the mod list?

Next was the clear coat. This is the make or break stage. If I screwed this up then it will mean more sanding and respraying. That wasn’t going to happen. Travis expertly mixed the clear coat and handed me the gun. More coaching and advice and I was ready. The first coat went down like glass. After the second coat it looked amazing. OEM uses two coats of clear and I was satisfied with the results. We decided not to spray a third coat so it would more closely match the finish on the car. After several hours of drying time the ducktail was safe enough to handle.

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2018 Board of Directors Candidates PRESIDENT Bob Woodwell I am interested in serving as President of the Board of Directors, Arizona Region, Porsche Club of America. Ever since my first Porsche driving experience in a 1970’s 914, I have become a Porsche enthusiast. We purchased our first Porsche in 2010 and my wife, Cheryl, and I joined the club shortly afterwards. It has been a pleasure for us to make new friends and participate in the many activities the club has to offer. We like the people, events and cars that make up the club, but most of all, we like the energy of the club members and enjoy watching everyone having a good time in a hobby we all love. Over the past several years, I have been a very active club member. I have participated in autocross, driver’s education, social events, weekend drives, Flights, have written multiple articles for Going Places and have attended most of the monthly club meetings. I became a Board member three years ago and have served as Treasurer for the past two years. I have attended most of the BOD meetings missing only when that pesky work has gotten in the way. Additionally, Cheryl and I planned and executed the past three annual Las Vegas Fun Run trips and I was chairperson for Flight 38 in 2015. During my lifetime, I have had some great volunteer experiences that, in addition to my involvement with PCA, have helped prepare me for President. I am on the Board of the Summit Park Condominiums Home Owners Association in Flagstaff and have served as Treasurer for the past four years. Prior to that, I was as an officer in the Civil Air Patrol, an official auxiliary of the U.S. Air Force, where I was the Treasurer and Deputy Commander of Civil Air Patrol Squadron 310. I have worked for thirty-six years in the aerospace business in Florida and Arizona and am currently employed by a national laboratory located in Cambridge, MA and work remotely from my home in Scottsdale. Throughout my career, I have held many positions including engineer, engineering manager, program manager, engineering black belt and presently, staff scientist. My work, however, will not get in my way of being President as I plan to retire at the end of 2017. I have had the opportunity to lead and participate on many teams and have received several performance, teaming and leadership awards. I consider myself a good leader and team player and believe the skills I have learned will help me be successful in the role as President of the Arizona Region, PCA. I look forward to working with all of the other board and club members who care as much as I do in continuing to maintain the high standards this club has established for itself and for the PCA. It is my goal to help this organization be the best it can be. When I take on a task or responsibility, I give it my all and if elected, I will treat this position with the same work ethic. It would be my privilege to serve on the Board of Directors of the Arizona Region of the PCA as President in 2018 and would appreciate your support in helping me meet this objective.

VICE PRESIDENT Jerry Gambino Carol and I have lived in Gold Canyon since 2005, having previously lived in Tempe from 1993-2000. I am a retired mathematics educator, having served thirty-eight years as an instructor, curriculum specialist, conference speaker, board member, director, and supervisor in Pennsylvania, Virginia, and Arizona. My previous community activities include serving as chairperson of the finance committee and as a board member of our local community association. Currently, I do the accounting and advertisement for my wife’s skin care business and for our rental property. I joined the AZPCA in 2011, participating in Sunday drives, monthly meetings, extended stay driving events, Driver Education, and Parade (2014) in Monterey, CA. My interest in cars dates back to my teenage years. My first Porsche was a 2012 Boxster. Last year I traded my 2012 Boxster for a 718 Boxster (What an awesome car!). AZPCA is unique in the quantity and quality of the events it provides for its members. As Vice President, I would like to continue that tradition by working with the board and volunteers. Your support in that effort is sincerely appreciated.

SECRETARY Debbie Younger I am enthusiastic about the opportunity to serve the AZPCA as Secretary. I have been a club member for 6+ years. Going on drives in our Porsches, enjoying various social events, and attending national PCA events — these are just a few of the activities I have enjoyed as a PCA member. I have assisted in planning Sunday Drives and multi-day tour events, and have been active as a volunteer for events such as Phoenix Flight, the annual Holiday Party, Oktoberfest, and numerous other AZPCA social events. I also enjoy the camaraderie with club members at Driver Education events, where the car talk and social interaction with drivers and observers make for interesting times in the paddock. My working career consisted of 27 years as an event planner, including 20 years working in the Special Events Department with the City of Phoenix, where I teamed with a group responsible for planning and managing major events such as the annual 4th of July Celebration, Electric Light Parade, and Sunday on Central street festival. For seven years I was office manager for a private event production company, where my duties included human resources, facilities management, and staff travel planning. I currently serve as president of my community Homeowners Association. I appreciate your consideration of my candidacy for AZPCA Secretary.

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TREASURER Kelly Parker

I’ve been into cars since I was a kid. Learning about them, working on them and owning almost sixty of various types to date. I even lived in Detroit for 11 years designing cars for GM, Ford and others.

Hi, my name is Kelly Parker and I want to be your PCA Treasurer. My fiancé, Jeff, and I joined the club last year because of our passion for Porsches. My love started when Jeff inherited his father’s 1963-356 in 2012. Our collection grew to two when we purchased a 1967-912 in 2015.

The PCA is a great organization that I want to be involved with while supporting others in the club. I am eager to learn more about the cars and the community through this experience.

For the past four and a half years, I have worked in the accounting department for an international law firm, acting as a billing administrator and payroll specialist for over 200 employees. I hope to use these skills to bring to success to the club. It would be my honor to serve as your Arizona Region PCA Treasurer for the upcoming term. I look forward to getting to know you all!


My name is Jason Bunting and I am running for Director at Large. I have recent experience our membership chair this past year.

Minneasota APICS chapter.

I also have experience as president and various board member positions of the professional organization known as the America Production and Inventory Control Society (APICS) Central

I was a member of PCA region of Nord Stern for nine years and have owned several Porsches during that time. I thank you for your vote.

David Fisher

It is my pleasure to be selected as a candidate for the Board of Directors of the Porsche Club of America, Arizona region. Although, I have been a PCA and AZPCA member only since February 2009 my first Porsche experience was a 1957 Porsche Speedster, that I purchased very used in 1966. It was my first teenage automotive love! From time to time I buy Porsches that seem to need a friend and those of you who know me will agree, I am quicker to buy than to sell. I have no particular agenda with regards to running for a board position but I am keenly interested in nearly every facet of racing and high performance driving. Let’s go drive something!

Mike Labowitch

I am a retired pharmacist from Detroit/Midland, Michigan, where I owned and ran a community pharmacy for 13 years, before moving to Arizona in 1995. I worked as a staff-pharmacist for Fry’s in Phoenix/Scottsdale for 16 years until my retirement. I was graduated from Wayne State University in Detroit, in 1961. During my years at WSU, I was secretary of the university Freshman Board and the vice-president of the Sophomore and Junior Boards. I also served as president of the Alpha Zeta Omega Pharmaceutical Fraternity, and for 2 years, chaired the WSU annual ski trip to northern Michigan. In my impetuous youth, I raced a 1959 Austin Healey Sprite for about 6 years. While practicing my profession in Auburn, Michigan, I was elected to serve as president of the Auburn Area Chamber of Commerce for a year. Having joined AZPCA in 1996, after purchasing my first Porsche, 1984-911 Porsche Carrera cabriolet. I have served in several positions, including registrar for Phoenix Flight one year, and also registrar for the 50-year anniversary celebration of AZPCA. I was also the club liaison to the national club magazine, Panorama. I am currently driving a 1992 911 C2 cabriolet. I am pleased to be running for a Board of Directors position, as I would like to pay back the club for the fun and enjoyment the club has provided me and my wife, Dee, over the past 20-plus years.

Greg Mannion

I have been an AZPCA member for the past five years and have actively attended club meetings, socials and contributed to Going Places magazine. I attended the PCA judging school. I have participated in AZPCA Autocross and Driver Education events. I served on the Ferrari Club of America – Desert Region Board of Directors for eight years with two years as president. I ask for your vote and I look forward to being a contributing member of the AZPCA Board of Directors for the next two years.

Shad Hardy

My name is Shad Hardy. I am running for Board Member at Large. I’ve held a board position with the Arizona chapter of the Industrial Designer’s Society of America, as well as run large conferences through corporate sponsorship and community outreach.

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Ballot for 2018 AZPCA Board of Directors

The AZPCA Board and Nominating Committee offers the following slate of candidates to be voted on at the Membership meeting on Thursday, November 2, 2017, hosted by Porsche North Scottsdale. Both Members and Affiliate Members may vote on this ballot by marking the lines left of the candidate’s name.

President ____




Bob Woodwell __________________ (write-in)

Vice President ____ ____

Jerry Gambino

____ ____

___________________ (write-in)

Secretary ____ ____

Debbie Younger

____ ____

___________________ (write-in)

Treasurer ____ ____

Kelly Parker

____ ____

___________________ (write-in)

Director (vote for no more than four) ____ ____

Jason Bunting

____ ____

Mike Labowitch

____ ____

David Fisher

____ ____

Greg Mannion

____ ____

Shad Hardy

____ ____

_______________________ (write-in)

VOTERS’ SIGNATURES (required): ______________________________________________ _____________________, 2017 Member’s Signature


______________________________________________ _____________________, 2017 Affiliate Member’s Signature


VOTING OPTIONS: 1. Mail this ballot (original or copy) by October 23, 2017 to Gary Solem, Secretary, 33550 N Dove Lakes Dr #2001, Cave Creek, AZ 85331, or 2. Attend the general membership meeting on November 2, 2017, at Porsche North Scottsdale. Copies of ballot will be provided.

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Flagstaff Day Tour by Bill Phillips


joined the Flagstaff Day Tour on Saturday, July 29. Thanks once again to Rook and Debbie for their effort in planning and leading this event. The weather report was sketchy, and a number of fair-weather members elected not to appear. Although the report impacted my choice of vehicle, I sure as heck was not going to miss out on the opportunity. Fourteen cars appeared Saturday morning ready to go near the intersection of Interstate 17 and the Carefree Highway. Since our club is about the people AND the cars, allow me to cover the equipment. Not a single air -cooled car participated, and I will accept personal responsibility for that. Of the 14, one was a nimble little four door. The oldest was a 2001 Boxster S and the newest was a '15 Carrera. A couple handfuls of fun cars...all with interesting stories. Despite the weather report, we all gathered in the sunshine while enjoying relatively moderate temperatures. With the driver meeting business behind us, we headed north on Interstate 17, 62 miles to the exit for McGuireville. We then headed northwest towards Cornville and stopped at the corner of SR 30 and Page Camp Springs Road (quick pit stop @ the Grasshopper Grill). Following this short break, we turned onto Page Springs. Page Springs Road is a marvelous two lane with good road surface and a ton of tight turns. My first experience and hopefully not my last. We then turned northeast on State Route 89, traveling 6 miles to the Red Rock Loop. Once again, I had not previously been on this road. It’s an absolutely wonderful route, with emerging red rocks of Sedona in the distance and then later rather close. The road itself was quite delicious, but with the beautiful rocks constituting a major distraction. Again, a 7 mile stretch I look forward to repeating before long. The weather remained very nice, with temperatures allowing for “window down” driving.

Once we emerged from Red Rock Loop, it was only a few miles into Sedona where the summer Saturday morning hustle bustle was underway. We safely moved through the traffic and traffic circles, turning south onto SR 179. This is a route I’d had prior experience with, but the rocks in the morning provided a view to savor. I just never tire of this display. The group reassembled at the I-17 on-ramp, and then headed back up the interstate and into Flagstaff. Rook chose this route due to the construction project (widening) going on above Oak Creek Canyon on SR 89 between the Canyon Outlook and I-17. It was a good choice as there are significant stretches of rough dirt road through the construction area and the route is not recommended, even on the weekend with no active construction underway. We a r r i v e d a t t h e Horseman Lodge almost simultaneously with a rainstorm that would've impressed people from Seattle. Several members residing in Flagstaff joined us for lunch in a semi-private room at the back of the restaurant where we conducted our activities with impunity. The staff at the lodge could not have been more hospitable. They not only provided good service and food, but offered information regarding the decades of history involving this steakhouse/lodge on SR 89 just north of Flagstaff. Fran & Ken Steele graciously invited the group to spend the afternoon on their deck in South Flagstaff. For several hours after lunch, a smaller group enjoyed beverages and camaraderie with some pleasant outdoor temperatures. Thanks for the cake, Fran. All in all, just one more day trip executed nicely by the Youngers. Now, onwards toward Durango and the Million Dollar Highway / San Juan Skyway.

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BOOK REVIEWS FOR PORSCHEPHILES by Bruce Herrington, Orange Coast Region

BOBBY’S GOT A BRAND-NEW CAR Bobby's got a brand-new car, by Zidrou, artwork by Sebastian Chebret, published 9/26/17, by words and pictures, Lake Forest, CA.


t must be admitted, up front, that this book has no Porsche content. It is not a book for Porschephiles to own and read, but it could have an important place in the perpetuation of the 'car hobby'. Many marque clubs today report declining membership. Where once teenagers bought cars before they were old enough to apply for drivers licenses, and showed up at the DMV on the very day of their eligibility, it is now reported that many teenagers wait years beyond their eligibility, to apply for driver's licenses. It has even been postulated that due to Uber and Lyft, total car ownership in 2020 will be less than in 2015. And it has been reported that Google/Alphabet already has 'numerous' self-driving cars zooming employees from building to building amongst its Silicon Valley operations. Modern cars, even the non-self-driving ones, tend to be self-propelled computerson-wheels. Where once a few wrenches and a screw driver or two would put a mechanic in business, now it takes a computer, and a specialized one at that. The 'shade tree mechanic' of the John Muir How to Keep your Volkswagen Alive (argueably the first of the 'complete idiot' books) is now the guy with [only] a home computer. Many current TV commercials for cars tout their sound systems, their driver-support sensor systems, systems to relieve drivers from the effort of parking the car, etc., but say nothing about driveability, performance, and absolutely nothing about maintainability or, perish the thought, hop-up ability.

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What is there in all of the above to generate interest in the car hobby, to promote the mystique of certain marques (i.e. Porsche), to preserve the value of 'collector cars', or even acknowledge the joy of driving? Many, cultural/political movements have recognized/ promoted the need to inculcate adherence to their principles in its youth at very tender ages, in order to preserve and promote their cause. Why should the car hobby, and the Porsche Club in particular, not adopt a similar philosophy and start today, to germinate and nurture the Phorschephiles of tomorrow? Bobby is a book not for Porschephiles to read and enjoy, but to gift to their progeny in hopes of developing Porschephiles for the future. The story takes Bobby (a 10? year old) from his decision to buy a car “that goes VAROOM! for real”, to cruising through town and chauffeuring his parents (who are ordered to wear seat belts), home from their respective jobs. Bobby purchases everything “with his magic card (the one that pays for everything)”. Bobby enjoys the drive, but the book says nothing about the satisfactions of DIY maintenance/ repair, the thrill of competition, or the social interaction of showing a car. Bobby's got a brand-new car is hardbound with 32, 9x10 inch, highly graphic pages (e.g. the cover). With large type and short sentences it is intended for readers of 5-8 years old. As I remember, at that and slightly more advanced age, I loved getting books for Christmas. I have mixed emotions about endorsing this book as a means of motivating a new generation of car enthusiasts.. I support the message that cars are nice, but cannot condone the sloppy English used in the title. By the time you read this, the book should be available for $17.95 from your favorite bookseller (ask for it) or from


Lyle Capstick 612.991.9780


Bob Tomlin


Gary Solem 707.849.6077


Bob Woodwell 480.659.2297


Rook Younger 480.428.5451


Chuck Brasille 602.741.5338

Jason Bunting 612.245.1858

Mike Labowitch

EXECUTIVE APPOINTEES AUTOCROSS Rick Althouse 480.314.0532 Kim Kemper 480.231.9315 CHIEF CONCOURS JUDGE Jack Aman 602.938.1317 CHIEF DRIVING INSTRUCTOR Scott Mcilvain

MEMBERSHIP Jason Bunting 612.245.1858


M O N T H LY M E E T I N G COORDINATOR Mark Baker NAME BADGES Betsy Andrade 602.550.1212 NEWSLETTER Angela Manente 952.240.4292

COMPETITION/ DRIVER EDUC ATION Mathias Arrfelt PANORAMA LIAISON Diane Collier c303.378.9109 DRIVING TOUR h623.544.5965 CHAIR Rook Younger 480-428-5451 SAFETY Eric Schmidt EDITORIAL ASSISTANT Andy Logan 602.980.2306 EQUIPMENT Dave Fisher 602.763.2996 GOODIE STORE Betsy Andrade 602.550.1212 HISTORIAN Loretta Aman 602.938.1317 INSURANCE Chuck Brasile 602.741.5338 SOCIAL COMMIT TEE Vacant SOCIAL MEDIA Jan Mackulak 602.750.2145 SPONSORSHIP AND ADVERTISING Bob Tomlin 480.201.3881 TECHNICAL Scott Mcilvain 480.968.2858 WEBMASTER Kevin Gilchrist WEBSITE ASSISTANTS Craig Harland Eddy Newkirk

G O I N G P L A C E S 810.2017

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David Witteried TREASURER

Linda Cobarrubias 310.453.9602 CONCOURS

Brett Mohr Betsy Wadman


Vince Knauf 619.287.4334 WEBMASTER













David Hockett


Skip Carter



Scott Mann

Tom Brown

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Russell Shon S A N T A B A R B A R A



A u g u s t 2 017 M E E T I N G M I N U T E S


8 by Bob Tomlin


ifty-two AZPCA club members and guests attended our Monthly Meeting at Lucille’s Barbecue Restaurant in Tempe Marketplace. Socializing commenced at 5pm. Many members anxious to see the PCA Region of the Year award brought back from the Parade by Rook and Debbie Younger. At 6pm, serving began and hungry diners were soon helping themselves to the wonderful platters of barbecued pork and beef ribs, chicken and bratwurst, baked beans, salad, mashed potatoes, coleslaw and muffins delivered to each table. We appreciated the fine food and service arranged by our organizer Mark Baker. No one went home hungry!

New AZPCA member Michael McEwan, 1977 911 Targa introduced himself. Mike Pyska announced he is awaiting delivery of a 2016 Cayman GTS, he has recently acquired from Florida. Treasurer Bob Woodwell assured us that we are solvent. Member Kelly Parker announced her intention to offer her candidacy for Treasurer in the 2018 Board of Directors election. Flight organizer Bob Frith reported that preparations for the October Flight Concours are well in hand and encouraged everyone to participate.

In the unavoidable absence of our President, Lyle Capstick, Rook Younger took over the formal meeting at 6.50pm, thanking attendees and our hosts and proudly describing the award that collectively all of our region’s members have won. It was a memorable moment.

Rook concluded the meeting with a reminder of the many varied events the Arizona Region is offering its members in the coming weeks.

Treasurer Bob Woodwell expressed the appreciation we all have for Past President Rook and Debbie’s leadership in gaining this outstanding achievement.

Respectfully submitted: Bob Tomlin for Secretary Jan Nyquist.

Rook welcomed guests. Hugh Starkey introduced his daughter Kristy Crockwell and Cynthia Giacchetti introduced returning AZPCA member Carol Ward.

Meeting adjourned at 7.25pm

Note: My apologies for any omissions or incorrect information. The noise level was high and my hearing is not so good! Thank you.

Visit Your AzPCA Goodie Store Today! Order AzPCA apparel, gift items, and name badges.

Just type in the website in your browser. For more information or for special requests, please contact Betsy Andrade, your Merchandise Manager. Email: Cell: 602-550-1212

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SPONSORSHIP PROGRAM The sponsorship programs were designed to allow our current and new advertisers and sponsors a simple way to choose a program that will include internet exposure, print ads, and sponsorship opportunities all for one simple investment. The sponsorship program has six tiers: Starter - $250 Includes one small website banner on the Events and the Going Places digital magazine page of our website, rotating with other sponsors, and one black & white business card ad in the Going Places publication. Bronze - $500 Includes one medium-sized website banner on the Events and Going Places digital magazine page of our website, rotating with other sponsors, and one quarter-page black & white ad in the Going Places publication. Silver - $1000 Includes one medium-sized website ad on the main page of our website rotating with other sponsors, and one half-page black & white ad in the Going Places publication. Gold – $2000 Includes one large vertical ad on the front page of our website rotating with other sponsors and one full-page black & white ad in the Going Places publication. Platinum - $5000 Includes one large static front-page ad on our website, one full-color half-page ad in our Going Places publication, and other promotional and sponsorship benefits. Diamond -$10,000 Includes one large static ad on the front page of the website, an embedded video, one full-color, full-page inside cover ad in our Going Places publication, prime sponsor position with banner for Flight, and other promotional benefits and speaking opportunities. It is the responsibility for each sponsor to develop and design their unique promotional ads. Sponsors must submit their own artwork electronically for ads in gif, pdf, jpeg or swf (for website ads) formats. New sponsorships will run yearly, and investment will be pro-rated for any new sponsor who commits mid-year. All website ads will be viewed only by Arizona Porsche Club members and therefore will not be accessed until the member logs into the website. The acceptance and display of advertising in this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the advertiser or product by the Porsche Club of America, Arizona Region. AZPCA reserves the right to refuse to print any ad it deems inappropriate. Sponsorships must be prepaid. Staff reserves the right to change rates upon notice at any time. Contacts: Bob Tomlin -- Sponsorship Requests and Tier Details Sponsorships and Advertising Manager Phone: 480.201.3881 E-mail:




20th Street Auto Parts.............................. 7 Anderson, Steve; WCI Brokers Central....... 7 Andrade, Betsy; Andrade Promotions........22 APEX Motor Club...................................... 22 Beyer, Russ; Hagerty Porsche Insurance.... 7 Bookspan, Richard; Attorney-at-Law..........23 Brasile, Charles & Denise; Real Estate...... 23 Brighton Motorsports............................... 22 Bulldog Detailing..................................... 32 Capstick, Lyle; First Financial................... 22 Communiform......................................... 34 Don Jackson Enterprises........................... 22 Exotic Motorwerks................................... 4 Finishing Touch....................................... 23 Hommel, Robert J.,P.C.; Attorney-at-Law... 23 iAutohaus................................................ 23 Lewis, Steven K.; Wells Fargo................... 7 McIlvain Motors....................................... IBC Patrick Motorsports.................................. 7 Porsche North Scottsdale and Porsche Chandler..................................... IFC

Bob Woodwell – Sponsorship Billing AZPCA Treasurer Phone: 480.659.2297 E-mail:

Angela Manente – Going Places Deadlines Going Places Editor Phone: 952.240.4292 E-mail:

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