Porsche Club of America-Arizona Region-Going Places-July 2023

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Volume 53 Issue 7


Gregg & Alison Bull gpeditor@az.pca.org


Rick Althouse

Danielle Badler

Dan Bouet

Ken Bryant

Alison Scott Bull

Gregg Bull

Jim Bultema

Bruce Herrington

Kim Kemper

Scott McILvain

Mark Manente

Kenneth Mitchell

Arnold Moreno

Moe Scharhon

Bill Stubbs

David K. Whitlock

Rook Younger

Going Places is the official publication of the Porsche Club of America, Arizona Region and is published electronically monthly.

Written contributions and photographs are welcomed and can be emailed to the editor. Opinions expressed are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent the official position of the Porsche Club of America, Arizona Region, its officers or members. Permission is granted to reprint any material herein provided full credit is given to the author and to Going Places. PORSCHE®, the Porsche Crest®, CARRERA®, and TARGA® are trademarks of Porsche AG. The editor shall reserve the right to edit and publish only those articles felt to be in the best interest of the members of the Porsche Club of America. THE DEADLINE FOR

Commercial advertising rates can be found in the back of this publication.

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ON THE COVER Porsche Parade Concours Photo courtesy of PCA Parade IN THIS
AZ.PCA.ORG FEATURES 8.............Calling all AZPCA Members 17.............Meet A Member-Arnold Moreno 22 ........... Drive Review, 3 Lakes Fun Run 31.............Book Reviews for Porschephiles 40.............Story - I can’t hear you 44 ............AZPCA - Autocross 2022/23 Recap 46 ............TechTime 47.............Stuttgart Market Letter


| 4 | NEWS & EVENTS 5.. ............ 2023 Calendar of Events 10 Future Porsches & Pancakes 11..............Future Monthly Membership Meeting 12..............Future Monthly Membership Meeting 13..............Night out at the Ballpark 14 ............. 2023/2024 HP Drivers Education Schedule 15 ............. 2022/2023 Autocross Schedule 19..............Driving Tour/Wine tasting - Cottonwood 20..............Driving Tour - Prescott 21..............10th Annual PnP at Anthem 24..............AZPCA 2023 Holiday Party 27 ............. Volunteers Needed 38..............PCA-Southern AZ Viking cruise 42..............Treffen at Sea IN EVERY ISSUE 4 ............. Arizona Region Board 6 ............. President’s Note 7 ............. From the Editors 17 ............ Meet a Member 28 ............ Awards & Accolades 30............. Social Media 32 New Members 33 ............. Happy PCA Members’ Anniversaries 34 ............. Executive Appointees 35 ............. Zone 8 Staff and Websites 37 ............. Goodie Store 37 ............. Sponsorship Program SPONSORS INDEX 18..............APEX Realty Services 26..............AZ Euros 16 ............. Barbara, Alpio: Redwood General Tires 6 ............ Bayntree Wealth Advisors 30..............Brasile, Chuck & Denise; Real Estate 5 Hamra Fine Jewelry & Timepieces 35 McIlvain Motors BC,30 ....... Porsche Chandler IFC,36.. .... Porsche North Scottsdale 29 ............. Protective Film Solutions 34 ............. Trackside Motorsports CLASSIFIEDS https://az.pca.org/classifieds/ PRESIDENT Mark Manente president@az.pca.org VICE PRESIDENT Dan Bouet vicepresident@az.pca.org
Gregg Bull secretary@az.pca.org
Marty Ercoline treasurer@az.pca.org
PRESIDENT Mark Baker pastpresident@az.pca.org DIRECTORS AT LARGE Andy Cole AndyCole@az.pca.org Frank Grimmelmann FrankGrimmelmann@az.pca.org Kenneth Mitchell kenmitchell@az.pca.org Rook Younger RookYounger@az.pca.org

Editor’s Note: The dates, times and details of AZPCA events are subject to change. CLICK

AZ.PCA.ORG to check the website for the entire calendar of events.

GOING PLACES 7.2023 | 5 | July 2023 8 Sat Porsches n’ Pancakes - Black Mountain 12 Wed Drive to Prescott and The Palace 24 Mon Board of Directors Meeting 29 Sat 10th Annual Night at the Diamondbacks Aug 2023 2 Wed Monthly Membership Meeting 6-7 Sun-Mon Driving Tour, La Posada,Meteor Crater 12 Sat Porsches n’ Pancakes - Soul Cafe 21 Mon Board of Directors Meeting Sept 2023 10 Sun Porsches n’ Pancakes - Anthem 18 Mon Board of Directors Meeting 23-24 Sat-Sun Charity Driving Tour/Wine Tasting 30 Sat Driving Tour, Mt. Lemmon Oct 2023 4 Wed Monthly Membership Meeting 7 Sat AutoX - AMP Skidpad 14 Sat HPDE - AMP 15 Sun Driving Tour - Wickenburg 20-21 Sat-Sun Flight 45 - Porsche Chandler 29-31 Sun-Tue Driving Tour - Fall Colours Nov 2023 1 Wed Monthly Membership Meeting 4-5 Sat-Sun HPDE-INDE 11 Sat AutoX - AMP Skidpad 12 Sun Lunch Drive to Fountain Hills 19 Sun FI Party at Alpio’s Dec 2023 4-5 Sat-Sun HPDE - Podium Club 6 Wed Monthly Membership Meeting 14-15 Thu-Fri Prescott Holiday Lights 17 Sun Holiday Party-Grayhawk Golf Club Jan 2024 6 Sat HPDE - AMP 11 Sat AutoX - AMP Skidpad

«Straight roads are for fast cars, turns are for fast drivers» Colin McRae

Iam writing this just after Ang and I arrived home from the 23rd Ken Steele Alpine tour. What a great weekend; twisty roads, fabulous weather, great cars, sharing stories and food with great group of Porsche people.

Actually, four hour drives each day reminded me of what George Carlin said, “Have you ever noticed that anybody driving slower than you is an idiot, and anyone going faster is a maniac”.

June started with a search for a new webmaster. In 48 hours, we found two great gentlemen. Mike Ferring and Gregg Bookspan. Mike is a retired TV news director and TV Producer. He has many years of website experience with the Arizona Yacht Club. Yes, I asked about a “Yacht” club in Arizona. It wasn’t the first time he has heard that question.

If Gregg Bookspan’s name is familiar, you are right. Gregg was very helpful in 2016 helping Rook get the website on track. Gregg will be a valuable resource and technical support for Mike. Gregg runs a boutique tech firm, building, managing, and hosting websites and more.

Our club is very fortunate to have people that are passionate about Porsche and willing to devote their time and volunteer to help our membership enjoy the club’s activities.

An individual that works tirelessly over many, many years for the AZPCA, and now PCA National. Rook Younger did two terms as President. He then signed on as the club’s Driving Tour Chair. Rook along with Debbie would plan and conduct all the driving tours up until a few years ago. That means conducting preview drives, planning rest stops and negotiating with restaurants . Now acting as National Driving Tour Chair, he has great assistants to help with driving tours: Jim Bultema and Larry Grimes as Driving Tour Assistants. And Mark Baker, as past president, fills in to organize driving tours. I joined the board five years ago and if a question regarding MSR or another club process came up, someone would say “ Ask Rook”. Rook usually had the answer. He is completing the final year as Director at Large term.

Very few if any club Chairperson(s) could organize, plan and execute events without the support of their significant other. I would like to thank all the people behind the people who volunteer their time for the club.

We are in the process of putting our slate of candidates together for the 2024 Board of Directors election. Consider volunteering to help make club decisions. Please refer to page 8 for all the details.

You probably have some great ideas and experiences that may benefit our club. Get in touch with me if you are interested.

Make it a great month, Mark

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From the EDITORS Gregg and Ali Bull

And breath, WOW, what an incredible month June was for not only us but the entire PCA community. The month started with our Porsche n’ Pancakes outing to Smooze, always a fun venture and a great location smack dab in the middle of Old Town Scottsdale.

Next up was our Members Meeting held at Porsche Chandler, Richard and his team always do an incredible job of hosting us and this time was no exception, a great place for the AZPCA members to gather.

Fast forward only a couple of days and a large number of members were back at Porsche Chandler for a celebration of Porsches 75th anniversary, Richard and his entire team outdid themselves by hosting what can only be described as a truly monumental showcase of everything that is great about owning a Porsche, A big shoutout to Alpio for being kind enough to bring along 3 of his amazing cars for Richard to display.

And now we come to the “Grand Finale” as they say, Ali and I had the pleasure of attending our very first PORSCHE PARADE at the La Quinta Resort in sunny Palm Springs, California. (I can hear Susan now, “It really isn’t in Palm Springs”) We woke up bright and early on Saturday morning and packed up our little Beetle (our pet name for our 993) and headed off on our 4 hour, 300 mile odyssey to the La Quinta Resort.

If you have never been to a Porsche Parade please do yourself a favour and attend one, they are a sight to be seen and an absolute joy to be part of, because Ali and I were newbies we booked far too many events and found ourselves waking up early every day to partake in yet another awesome adventure.

The Driving Tours were absolutely EPIC, can you guess who helped organize those drives?

A huge shoutout to Rook, Debbie, Doug and Susie for volunteering for those events. Speaking about volunteers, it was great to see our own Prez Mark and his wonderful wife Angela helping out too, they lead by example as did Rob B and his wife Kerry and Dwane S and his wife Alma.

As the month of July descends upon us as does the infamous Arizona heat please remember the golden rule, HYDRATE, HYDRATE, HYDRATE…..Stay safe everyone and have a wonderful summer.

And on a final note, who says the early bird doesn’t get the worm, or in this case the best parking spot.

Going Places submittal Deadline:

The Deadline for submitting material is the 15th of each month. Submissions received after that date will appear at a later date. Thanks for your understanding

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Even though November feels like it’s a long time off, we need to give the membership notice, so we are preparing the ballot now for Going Places!






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AZPCA Volunteers Needed

Porsche Parade 2023 - Fueled by Volunteers

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Future Events - Porsches n’ Pancakes

SAVE THE DATES... But Register Today

Black Mountain Coffee Shop in the Carefree Spanish Garden

Saturday, July 8th, 8-10:30AM

Maximum 45 participants (order off the menu)

Well Known for their Delicious Breakfasts for the past 46 years and located in CAREFREE’s historic Spanish Village, join us in the courtyard for this exceptional Porsches & Pancakes Event!

Enjoy Locally Roasted Coffee & Freshly Brewed Tea, Homemade Cinnamon Rolls, Homemade Biscuits and Gravy, and a Full Breakfast Menu that you’ll be able to order from directly.

Select Gluten Free Menu Items and Much More!

Menu—ORDER OFF THE FULL MENU w/ Individual Checks

For more details and to Register for this event CLICK HERE

Soul Café North Scottsdale

August 12th, 0730-0930

Maximum 45 (order off the menu)

Soul offers eclectic dishes influenced by the flavors and cultures of Arizona. Chef Sheila and her staff are committed to giving you the true taste of modern American Southwest cuisine by using only the best ingredients and preparing everything fresh in their kitchen. View their menu at https://www.soulscottsdale.com/menu/breakfast-lunch then join us for this annual AZPCA Porsches & Pancakes event and experience the flavor of the southwest for yourself.

Event from 0730 to 0930 AM in the outdoor seating area on the south side of your building

Menu—ORDER OFF THE FULL MENU w/ Individual Checks

For more details and to Register for this event CLICK HERE

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Future Events - Monthly Membership Meeting

AZPCA Monthly Membership Meeting

August 2, 2023, @ 5:30 pm – 7:30 pm

Persian Room

Back by popular demand, please join us for our monthly meeting with our friends from the Persian Room and yours. Enjoy exotic aromas and flavors of traditional Persian cuisine:

Appetizers: Hummus – Yogurt & Cucumber Dip, Dolmeh, Greek Salad

Entrees Included: Barg (filet Mignon), Chicken Kebab, Koobiedeh, Chicken Filet, Beef Eggplant Stew (vegetarian available), Basmail Rice & Beverage, with fresh Persian Bread with basil butter

Jim and Carole Bultema, Organizers

Day of the event: Mark Baker

Persian Room

17040 N. Scottsdale Rd

Scottsdale, AZ 85255

$40 per person

Event Schedule:

5:30 – 6:15 pm

Social time

6:15 – 6:45 pm Dinner

6:45 – 7:30 pm Meeting and meet a member program

Registration is required for this event.

Click the REGISTER button below to sign up and pay.

For more details and to Register for this event CLICK HERE

Registration is open for 80. The deadline is July 28th at midnight.

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AZPCA Monthly Membership Meeting

September 6, 2023 @ 5:30 pm – 7:30 pm

Fall Dinner at Alpio’s Peakview Garage, Italian Night

Come join us for our meeting at Alpio’s Peakview Garage for a Fall Dinner Italian Style. Enjoy a fine meal catered by the Sharko’s, a family-owned business since 1976.

ENTREES Homemade Baked Lasagna layers of lasagna noodles, cooked sausage, ground beef, ricotta cheese, parmesan cheese, shredded mozzarella and rich red sauce

Creamy Tuscan Chicken Boneless breast of chicken in a brandied cream sauce with roasted garlic, mushrooms, artichokes and sun dried tomatoes

SIDES Caesar Salad Chopped romaine, seasoned croutons, parmesan cheese, caesar dressing Grilled Vegetable Medley Grilled Asparagus, Zucchini, Yellow Squash, Red Bell Pepper, Red Onion and Warm Garlic Breadsticks

DESSERT Tiramisu Italian custard cake

BEVERAGES Bottled Water Assorted Canned Soda Diet & Regular

Jim and Carole Bultema, Organizers

Cost: $40 per person

Alpio’s Peakview Garage

4150f East Peak View Road

Cave Creek, AZ

Event Schedule:

5:30 – 6:15 p.m. Social hour

6:15 – 7:00 p.m. Dinner

7:00 – 7:30 p.m. Meeting & meet a member

Registration is required for this event.

Registration is limited to 75

Click the REGISTER button below to sign up and pay. The closing date to register is August 31, 2023 at midnight.

For more details and to Register for this event CLICK HERE

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Upcoming AZPCA Social Event

H PDE sc he du le

2023 / 2024 Season

Saturday, October 14, 2023

Arizona Motorsports Park

Saturday & Sunday, November 4-5, 2023

Inde Motorsports Ranch 

Saturday, December 2, 2023

Podium Club at Attesa 

Saturday, January 6, 2024

Arizona Motorsports Park

Saturday, February 10, 2024

Arizona Motorsports Park (CCW)

Saturday, March 9, 2024

Podium Club at Attesa 

Saturday & Sunday, April 13-14, 2024

Inde Motorsports Ranch 

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 Time Trials also available at this HPDE event HPDE Event Registrations: azpca.motorsportreg.com Arizona Motorsports Park – 15402 W. Camelback Rd, Litchfield Park, AZ 85340 Inde Motorsports Ranch – 9301 W. Airport Rd, Willcox, AZ 85643 Podium Club at Attesa – 6870 S Bianco Rd, Casa Grande, AZ 85193

April are on Saturday at AMP as follows:

• October 7, 2023, Saturday - AZ Motorsport Park Skidpad

• November 11, 2023, Saturday - AZ Motorsport Park Skidpad

• December 9, 2023, Saturday - AZ Motorsport Park Skidpad

If you have any questions regarding any of the autocross events, please contact the Autocross Co-chairs, Kim K. or Rick A. at autocross@az.pca.org

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photo by Ken Bryant The tentative autocross dates for the 2023-2024 AZPCA Region Autocross Season from November to


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Meet a Member - Arnold Moreno

Meet this month’s featured member, Arnold Moreno

1. When did you join PCA?

I joined PCA in January 2023.

2. What Porsche(s) do you have?

I have a 1999 911 Carrera convertible

3. Where are you from?

I’m from Downtown Phoenix

4. Family?

1 older son

5. Work background or trade?

I am in the Founder of Foster Care Agency and Foundation

6. What makes your car special?

Low mileage, clean and in great condition

7. Next upgrade?

A 1969 911

8. Have you personalized your car?

No, my car is stock.

9. Favorite memory with a car?

None listed

10. Why did you buy your Porsche?

Not sure.....LOL

11. High school nickname?


12. Top 3 cars you would own?

1. Shelby

2. Porsche 911

3. Toyota 4 Runner

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AZPCA Region publishes several emails each month to notify the members of the upcoming social and driving events and other pertinent Region business and activity information. These emails are known as eNews email blasts and will be identified by the PCA Banner as you see above.

It has come to the Region’s attention that several hundred members are not receiving the AZPCA Region’s eNews email blasts. This may be because the PCA National Office may not have your correct email address or there may be a technical problem with your email address. Or the member at one time elected to opt out of receiving the emails and would like to begin receiving them.

AZPCA Region would like to help the members in resolving this issue of you not receiving the eNews emails. If you are not receiving any of the emails that are labeled with the above banner, and prefer to receive them, please email the Region’s Communications Chair, Kenny Mitchell at kenmitchell@az.pca.org

| 18 | AZPCA Regional eNEWS
MULTIFAMILY / RESIDENTIAL • Property Management • Turnover Services • Leasing / Screening • Consulting Dan Bouet, Designated Broker dan@apexrealtysvc.com (480) 702-1011 www.apexrealtysvc.com

Upcoming AZPCA Drives

AZ Region Porsche Club Invites You to A Driving Tour/Wine Tasting Event in Old Town Cottonwood

This is a Charity Fundraiser for St. Vincent de Paul

$50 per person donation on motorsportreg.com (MSR)

We will take a scenic and curvy drive over Mingus Mountain, through Jerome, and down the hill to Cottonwood

The Tavern Hotel Sip & Stay Wine Package Cottonwood

September 23,24, 2023

Prices per couple below include:

Welcome Cocktails

Wine Tasting at Three Local Tasting Rooms

$50 Gift Card for Dinner at one of the local restaurants

Continental Breakfast at Crema Craft Kitchen

Here’s how to sign up: Go on MSR and make your donation. Here is the MSR link: https://www.motorsportreg.com/events/ charity-driving-tour-wine-tasting-in-cottonwood-tavern-hotel-pca-arizona-945200

Lastly, select your room choice and book directly with the hotel by calling: 928-639-1669

King Junior Suite - $363.77

King Deluxe Room - $341.11

Queen Deluxe Room (two beds) - $341.11

Things to Do in the area:

Old Town Cottonwood shops and Wine Tasting Rooms

Dead Horse Ranch State Park

Verde Canyon Railroad

Blazin’M Ranch

Old Town Center for the Arts

Several Golf Courses

Nearby Jerome and all its attractions

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Drive to Prescott & The Palace

Wednesday, July 12

Join your PCA friends for a mid-week drive to cool Prescott, with lunch at the historic Palace Restaurant & Saloon on Whiskey Row

For this drive we will make a change from our usual Prescott route. After the fun and scenic climb up Yarnell Hill from Wickenburg, we will proceed through beautiful Peeples Valley, then turn off at Kirkland Junction and follow Iron Springs Road through Skull Valley. The winding route entering Prescott from the northwest is a road in Central Arizona you will want to return to in your Porsche!

Lunch is planned in downtown Prescott on the famous Whiskey Row, at The Palace Restaurant & Saloon. Opened in the 1870s, The Palace is the oldest frontier saloon in the state of Arizona. You will pay your own tab at the restaurant.

After lunch you may want to stroll around the Courthouse Square, or visit one of the many historic sites, museums, galleries, and shops in the Prescott area. Register early, as this drive is likely to sell out.

Check the event page on the AZPCA website for more details and to follow the link to sign up on MotorsportReg https://az.pca.org/event/drive -to-prescott-and-the-palace/

For more details and to Register for this event CLICK HERE

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Upcoming AZPCA Events

10th Annual Porsche & Pancakes at Anthem Country Club

SUNDAY, September 10 @ 8:30 am – 11:00 am

On the heels of the nine past years’ very successful events, we will again return to the elegant Ironwood Grill at the Anthem Country Club for another signature event [with indoor [open and outdoor seating available]!

Please save the date for this special event, and plan to join us on Sunday, September 10th. Since we will likely exceed 60 Porsches and over 100 enthusiasts, secure your spot now. Forget the red zones in front of the main entrance, this is a Porsche event, and we’ll have the cars lined up around the circular drive and let them overflow into the parking lot once again. Check-In opens at 8:30 AM, with food served at 9:00 AM! There will be no onsite registration and you must pay online in advance.

To entice those of you who missed this event last year or those that drive further, we thought you’d like to see what you missed, all for an all-inclusive $38/person (all-in, Fully Inclusive including tip):

Healthy, Sweet, Savory Buffet

Fresh Sliced Fruit Display

Crème Brule French Toast_

Asparagus, Mushroom and Gruyere Strudel


Prepared to order with Peppers, Onions, Mushrooms, Spinach, Tomatoes, Ham, Bacon, Sausage, Cheddar, Salsa and Swiss and Feta Cheeses!


Coffee, Decaffeinated Coffee, Tea, Grapefruit & Orange Juices

Maria and I are excited by the prospect of welcoming you to experience the best of the Anthem Country Club, please join us and reserve now! — Frank Grimmelmann

For more details and to Register for this event CLICK HERE

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AZPCA Drives - 3 Lakes Fun Run

It was a cold and rainy morning, and being as this was my first time as Lead Driver on an AZPCA group run, I took my role very seriously. Determined not to make a wrong turn and lead the group astray, I decided to pre-run the day before. Rook sent a well detailed Google map, which was fortunate because the run was complicated (for me at least) due to the three separate lakes we would visit. But I completed the pre-run, and was glad I did because there were lots of turns, road construction, many miles and most importantly…I confuse easily…

The next day we were excited but worried about the weather because it had just rained, and it looked like more on the way. Then Audre’s phone rang… “the run is RAINED OUT!”

Well, that was THEN (February 22nd), and this is NOW (May 24th). The weather was beautiful - warm, sunny and clear, so game on! Starting at Porsche Chandler then onto 3 different lakes…Canyon, Saguaro and Bartlett with the Fountain Hills Lake thrown in as a bonus…so technically that makes it 4 lakes, right?

AZPCA Run to Canyon, Saguaro and Bartlett Lakes, May 24, 2023

8:00 AM We met at Porsche Chandler, and what a nice dealership it is! They had quite the layout for uspastries, bagels, juice, coffee and plenty of everything; good thing too because we had a large group - 43 cars and 62+ folks. Besides a great showroom with many new cars, they featured a fully restored 1982 911 SC (one of my favorites). Turns out Porsche Chandler is among a few dealerships that has a specialty shop, Porsche, Classic Partner Chandler where they do full restorations on older Porsches, including paint/body,

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interior and drivetrain. They also have a 1969 911T they plan to restore and give to charity in 2024 (hmmm any chance I can become a 501c3 charity by then??) So, MUCH thanks to Porsche Chandler and especially Renee Delgado who did a fantastic job setting everything up and making us feel so welcome. Thanks again Renee!

After the liability signoffs (thanks Debbie!) and drivers meeting, Rook organized us into three groups of approx. 14 cars each, leaving at 10-minute intervals: Group 1 (Rook/Debbie Lead, Larry/Diego Sweep), Group 2 (Bill/Audre Lead & David/Cynthia Sweep), then Group 3 (Jim/Carole Lead & Bob/Susan Sweep).

9:10 AM Group 2 (13 Porches) is off to Canyon Lake. Mostly freeway until beautiful downtown Apache Junction, then into the hills. The topography through the Superstition Mountains is great with many turns, switchbacks and canyons climbing over 1000’ to Canyon Lake. This is definitely a Porsche-friendly road… two lane, tight, twisty and very scenic! There’s a lot of vertical going through multiple canyons, which (unfortunately) we actually got to see because we soon found ourselves crawling behind a diesel-smokebelching-beater towing a bass boat going (seemingly) 0.1 miles-per hour, grrrr.... Once stuck behind this good ole boy I thought we may fall behind Group 1, which came to fruition when we spotted Group 1 blasting their way past us on their way out to the next stop. But slow as it was, the drive to Canyon Lake was beautiful, as green as I’ve ever seen Arizona, and the lake was completely full! Driving past both of the 1-way bridges, past the Canyon Lake, then downhill to Tortilla Flat for the first stop, I knew we had fallen behind Group 1, especially when I heard someone say “felt like a funeral procession pace” - that hurt, but unfortunately true words. So, we tightened up our spacing on the next leg and that helped to keep up with the group ahead of us.

10:00 AM After a quick bio break we’re off to Saguaro Lake. Only this time the road is clear sailing! Great scenery through the canyons back to Apache Junction, then into the hills on Bush Hwy. This is an easy, fun drive especially when clear of traffic like it was. Nice scenery too although not as vertical as Canyon Lake. And then Saguaro Lake comes up - it too is filled to capacity, and very beautiful! Another quick stop at the turn-around then we’re off to the next lake.

11:00 AM Leaving Saguaro Lake for Bartlett Lake. Back through the hills and into town. Note: at the drivers meeting one of our members (who must have a special relationship with Arizona’s finest?) warned us of speed traps on Shea Blvd and sure enough a State Trooper was waiting right where we thought. The Trooper looked up just long enough to let our Porsches cruise by unmolested on the way to Fountain Hills. I slowed the group down hoping to get a glimpse of said World Famous Fountain, but realizing it goes off only once per hour I feared falling behind again…so we picked up the pace and quickly circled on Panorama Drive (no relation to the magazine), then onto McDowell Mountain Rd.

12:00 Noon Toward Bartlett Lake, more beautiful Arizona scenery through Pinnacle Peak, then over to my stomping grounds, Cave Creek. Or at least that’s what I thought as Rook’s path took us up Lone Mountain Pkwy on roads new to Audre and me (nice, thanks Rook!) Then Bartlett Dam Road is wide open, no Amish carriages or bass boats so we could at least meet the posted speed. And as usual, the scenery is great with open, sweeping turns and slight ups & downs. By now Debbie/Rook had contacted us to go direct to The Cove Restaurant at Bartlett Lake as Group 1 was already there plowing through the buffet. No surprise that Barlett Lake was also at 100% capacity; and being from California I can say I’ve never seen this much water in 20 years! When we finally arrived at the Cove Restaurant, the official drive was over, so we parked it and regrouped for a great lunch and even better conversation. The weather couldn’t have been better, you could sit comfortably inside or outside if you want to work on your tan. The buffet was great - good food and lots of it; we were hungry. With plenty of room everyone sat around talking about the run and had a great time. Finally, much thanks to Rook and Debbie for setting everything up, they do such a great job putting together the stops, road guidance and maps that even a rookie like me can’t get lost!

Actual run was 146 miles, so a total of 272 miles for our 2018 Panamera Turbo. What great fun, we’d definitely do it again!

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Future AZPCA Events - Holiday Party 2023

The 2023 AZPCA Holiday Party is quickly approaching…..

Keep your calendars clear because the festive season will soon be upon us…. You may laugh but Elf Angela is busily preparing for the Holiday party already.

Date: Sunday, December 17, 2023

Location: The Fairway House at Grayhawk Golf Club

Keep an eye on this space as Registration will open on October 1, 2023

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Future AZPCA Drives

SAVE THE DATES...Registration to follow shortly

September 30th, Driving Tour - Mount Lemon

For more details regarding this event CLICK HERE

October 15th, Driving Tour - Wickenburg

For more details regarding this event CLICK HERE

October 29th, Driving Tour - Fall Colours, Flagstaff

For more details regarding this event CLICK HERE

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Volunteers Needed:

Meet fellow club members and enthusiasts.

See what driving a Porsche on a local track is all about.

Volunteer some time to help out the program. No prior experience necessary.

Get involved by volunteering for one of our HPDE program roles below:

Registration – Check in drivers and their guests at the track gate entrance. Approx. 2 hr early AM commitment.

Safety Tech – Using our safety checklist, inspect vehicles and helmets to ensure compliance. Approx. 2 hr early AM commitment

Pre-Grid – While cars are staged waiting to enter the track, check driver wristbands and confirm other safety guidelines are being met prior to releasing vehicles. Approx. 2-7 hr commitment (part to full day).

Grid Marshal – Radio communication with the Chief of Course and Corner Workers to release vehicles onto the track from Pre-Grid, and direct the flow of cars on and off the track. Approx. 2-7 hr commitment (part day to full day).

Corner Worker – Observe cars on track and provide flagging communication to drivers. Radio in to Chief of Course regarding any incidents, issues, and need to flag drivers. 4-7 hr commitment (half to full day).

Photographer – Capture photos of the event from great vantage points on the track or paddock for publication in Going Places. Approx. 2 hr commitment.

Writer – Write an editorial on the event, perhaps with an interview or two from drivers for publication in Going Places. Approx. 2 hr commitment.

Setup / Breakdown – Assist with unloading/loading and set up of equipment such as tables, chairs, canopy, PA system, etc. Approx. 1 hr commitment, early AM or late afternoon.

Driving Instructor – Experienced drivers who are interested in becoming a PCA Instructor.

HPDE Track Locations:

Arizona Motorsports Park – 15402 W. Camelback Rd, Litchfield Park, AZ 85340

Bondurant School of Racing – 20000 S. Maricopa Rd, Gate #3, Chandler, AZ 85226

Inde Motorsports Ranch – 9301 W. Airport Rd, Willcox, AZ 85643

Interested in Volunteering? It’s super easy - here’s how to get involved:

 Register Online – Go to MotorsportReg.com, find the event, select “Volunteer” during the registration process and choose your desired role from above.

 Email – drivereducation@az.pca.org to register or for more information.

Your help is greatly appreciated! We need volunteers to keep these programs healthy and ongoing! We hope to see you out there!

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Monthly Awards & Accolades

Each month the Editors and Contributors of Going Places would like to recognize certain members for special contributions to this amazing Club we are all part of.

The Writers Award, this award is for an individual that submits or presents the best article.

Writers Award – June 2023: Bill Stubbs

The winner will receive a $30 credit on their MotorsportReg account to be used for upcoming AZPCA events.

The Volunteer Award, this award goes to the member who goes above and beyond the call of duty, this person demonstrates what the Clubs values are all about, Passion, a Positive attitude and a willingness to help.

Volunteer of the Month – June 2023: Rook and Debbie Younger

The winner will receive a $30 credit on their MotorsportReg account to be used for upcoming AZPCA events.

**Even if you don’t win this month a big heart felt THANK-YOU to all the wonderful contributors that help make this award-winning Newsletter/Magazine the success that it is, CHEERS.

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Photo courtesy of PCA Parade
| 30 | S o c i a l M e d i a f o r A Z P C A 5 W a y s t o E ngage ! B y Ja n Mackulak , Socia l Medi a Chair , mailto:socialmedia@az.pca.org FACEBOOK at f b . c o m / a z p c a T W I T T E R a t t w i t t e r . c o m / a z p c a I N S T A G R A M a t i n s t a g r a m . c o m / a z p c a P I N T E R E S T a t p i n t e r e s t . c o m / a z p c a Y O U T U B E a t b i t l y / a z p c a © 2018 Po sche Ca s No h Ame ca nc Po sche ecommends sea be t usage and obse vance of t aac aw at a t mes Por sche Chandler Sale s , S er vice, Par t s & Acce ssorie s Porsche Chandler, a luxur y experience encompassing Sales Ser vice Par ts & Accessories in the hear t of the East Valley OOering complimentar y Porsche ser vice loaners and door-to-door Sales & Ser vice vehicle deliver y Showcasing the nest selection of New, Cer ti ed, Pre-Owned and Classic Porsche models C Conveniently located Nor th of the Santan 202 Freeway on Gi ber t Road Please visit us online at Por scheChandler com


NASCAR 75 YEARS by Kelly Crandall, Jimmy Creed, Mike Hembree and Al Pearce, published April 23, 2023 by Motorbooks, Beverly, MA

There seems to be no end to the anniversaries, but indeed NASCAR does seem to have been around ‘forever’. This book tells the story of how NASCAR was conceived and organized by Bill France Sr., a mechanic/race car driver with a vision and a talent for organizing. The first France organized race was held on Daytona beach sand in 1938. He was an upstart. There were numerous race organizing groups in the ‘40s, and the AAA began organizing races in the ‘30s. In December, 1947 he convened a meeting of various track owners and independent race promoters. His vision was of of racing showroom cars (rather than modified jalopies) to increase audience appeal to paying spectators. It is an interesting story, how Bill France sold his idea to those attending his meeting, became head of the organization he created, with ‘Stock Car’ virtually NASCAR’s middle name. To this day NASCAR is still a family business, not a conventional corporation with a more or less cumbersome board of directors.

Book is a chronological series of race and season highlight stories (not complete reports), arranged in chapters by decade. And there are a lot of stories as NASCAR policies continuously evolved to charm audiences and control drivers and cars, sometimes in the name of safety, sometimes, seemingly, just for the sake of change. The frequency and abruptness of the changes to NASCAR rules can be ascribed to a benefit or a liability of private, family, rule.

NASCAR has eight chapters presenting a chronological narrative of tracks, drivers and cars. The first seven chapters include brief profiles of the champion of each year in that decade. Throughout the book there are numerous ‘sidebar’ pages giving details about tracks and drivers. Many drivers, owners and mechanics are mentioned by name. There are numerous pictures, mostly of cars/and or drivers ‘at work’, each with a comprehensive explanatory caption.

Interestingly, during NASCAR’s first season, 1949, there were two woman drivers and three of the 11 races were held north of the Mason-Dixon line, and a black driver in 1952. First race on pavement rather than dirt or sand was Darlington, SC in late 1950. Charlotte and Daytona tracks came later.

Told is how during the 1960s, safety regulations morphed vehicles from strictly stock to custom built, especially through the efforts of former driver Banjo Mathews. The sole ownership of NASCAR by the France family has allowed other changes, to car configuration or race format, to be mandated abruptly over the years to improve safety or audience appeal. Mention is made of the fact that the new CEO has had an interest in sports cars and Le Mans, so more changes may be coming to NASCAR in addition to the imposition of fully independent suspensions in current cars.

Book tells how NASCAR really came of age in the 70s, becoming national, rather than regional, and eliminating the races on small dirt tracks, arguably due to an act of Congress – when advertising of tobacco was banned from radio and television, NASCAR became the vehicle (sorry) of choice for tobacco advertising. From January 1971 on, NASCAR and its Winston Cup races virtually became an arm of the RJ Reynolds Tobacco Company. Then there is the interesting story of how bad weather in December ‘79 initiated flag-to-flag TV coverage of NASCAR Races, and while TV put the sport on the map, the sport went to night races under the lights to help with TV Scheduling.

NASCAR has 224 9x10-1/2 inch heavyweight pages, with a five page, three column index that will guide you to more than you ever wanted to know about NASCAR. It should be available for $50.00 from your favorite bookseller or QuartoKnows.com.

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Eric and Susan Beer

Goodyear, Arizona 2001 911 Carrera 4

Michael and Pat Branham

Peoria, Arizona 2008 Boxster

David Buchli

Scottsdale, Arizona 2023 911 GT3

Mike Ellis and Patti Miles

Cave Creek, Arizona 2023 718 Cayman GT4

Romeo Filip

Cave Creek, Arizona 2019 911 GT3 RS

Gina and Klaus Girmes

Norco, California 2018 718 Cayman S

Daniel and Katherine Gizinski Chandler , Arizona 2023 718 Spyder

Allen Goldman

Paradise Valley, Arizona 2021 911 Turbo S

Robert Grassia

Scottsdale, Arizona 1988 911 Carrera Cabriolet

Scott Hardy

Phoenix, Arizona 2023 911 Targa 4 GTS

Rodney and Shelly Ladd

Cave Creek, Arizona 1980 911 SC Targa

Eric Leaven

Phoenix, Arizona 2013 911 Carrera 4S

Dennis Mahlum Mesa, Arizona 2015 911 Turbo S

Steve Moog

Queen Creek, Arizona 1989 944 Turbo

Enrique Rios Phoenix, Arizona 2007 911 Carrera S

Anthony Ross Tempe, Arizona 2017 718 Cayman

David and Amy Severs

Scottsdale, Arizona 2017 911 Carrera 4 GTS

Daniel Shapiro

Paradise Valley, Arizona 2023 911 Turbo S

John and Kathleen Smieszek

Scottsdale, Arizona 2005 911 Carrera

Cody Spyr

Gilbert, Arizona 2007 911 Carrera S

Eric Strickler

Phoenix, Arizona 2021 718 Spyder


Karl and Jeani Durkheimer

Milwaukie, Oregon

Transfer From: Oregon 1975 911, 1973 911 Carrera RS 2.7 2018 Panamera Turbo Sport Turismo

Jake and Judith Haff

Casa Grande, Arizona

Transfer from Pocono 2001 911 Carrera Coupe Silver

Ryan and Christine Killgore

Scottsdale, Arizona

Transfer from High Desert 2012 911 Carrera GTS White

Tracy and Roberta Lasecke

Peoria, Arizona

Transfer from Golden Gate 1981 911 SC Coupe Other

Todd and Michele Middaugh

San Tan Valley, Arizona

Transfer from Eastern Buckeye 2017 911 Carrera S

Michael Onkst

Scottsdale, Arizona

Transfer from Chesapeake 2006 Cayman S

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Moe Scharhon Membership Chair


These members are observing their PCA Membership Anniversary this month!!

49 Years

Charles Pistoia and Pam Hickson

48 Years

Robert and Leslie Heintz

40 Years

Drew and Susan Salter

38 Years

Brian and Kenneth Preblich

32 Years

Keith and Janet Kimble

31 Years

Bruce and Scott Barth

30 Years

Dawn Sullivan

29 Years

Donald Shaw and Vicki


28 Years

William and Kathryn Kilpatrick

26 Years

Ronald Lee

24 Years

Joe and Connie Piccininni

23 Years

Robert and Samantha Dubay

Alan Gruening

22 Years

Charles Wirken

21 Years

Gregory Luce

Andrew Schermuly

20 Years

Arnold and Joseph Curry

Brian Richardson

19 Years

Thomas Liguori and Christy


Chuck May

18 Years

Mark and Kristen Browne

Albert and Beatrice Zens

17 Years

Arthur and Terry Curtis

John and Mary Moore

16 Years

Jerry and Camille Eagleston

Larry and Jill Porcellato

Emilio Tapia

Taylor Wilson

15 Years

John and Maggie Valiante

14 Years

Christopher Hunter

Jonathan and Karen Weiss

13 Years

Scott Hatcher and Tamela


12 Years

Ernest C’DeBaca

Douglas and Linda Henderson

Jeffrey and Rebecca Frankslittle

Mike and Ashley Seekatz

Michael Simons

11 Years

Chuck Nasser

10 Years

Gregory and Sandra Herd

9 Years

Christopher and Kristin Cova

Alvin and David Glatt

Walter and Judy Skowronski

David Spelich

8 Years

Craig and Dawn McCrory

Lawrence Merry

Matt Morong

Mark Schaefer

7 Years

Michael Cafiso

Ron Hammer and Devon DeLong

Peter and Nancy Heacock

Rudolph Odom

Todd and Zrinka Rozman

Rick and Kathy Seidel

Mark Kwosek and Lisa


6 Years

Robert and Anita Bellowe

Stan and Martha Cohen

Joe and Anne Francini

Michael and Helen McEwan

5 Years

Chris and James Besing

Kevin Campbell

Luke Demler

Gregory Dupuis and Cathy


Richard and Tana Dwornik

Matt Howard

Margaret and Kent Griffen

Ken Muncy

Jim Resnick

4 Years

Carter Emerson

Robert Janas

Jack Milligan

Kathi Van Der Werf

3 Years

Richard and Trish Carroll

Michael Chieco

Randey Cole

Dan Cotterman

Peter Kaikis

Gloria Maciel

Patti Poppie

2 Years

Connor Boushell

Rafael Buerba Jr.

Frederick Coury

Frank and Kim Culver

Jordan Darling

Dave Duncan

Nicholis Faussette

Martin Fuller

Wyn Geiser

Lissa Gladden and Mark Ahn

Curtis Good

Michael Haddad

Patrick Halloran

Genean Harmon

Andy Hyde

Erik and Ina Langley

Christopher Luebke

Bennett McGregor

Richard and Silke Miller

Nash and Patrick Roney

1 Years

Brandon Amienyi

David Brock

Andrea Caron

Cecil Evans

Teresa Farrell-Richardson

Lindsay Grizzle

Todd Grone

Martin Liddell

Alexander Fis Menache

Marla McDermott and Charles Kline

Wladimir Sarmiento

Amit and Rhea Sharma

Eugene Shifrin

Marc and Mary Kay Yeley

GOING PLACES 7.2023 | 33 |



Rick Althouse

Kim Kemper autocross@az.pca.org


Andy Cole concours@az.pca.org


John Dowling CDI@az.pca.org


Dan Bouet drivereducation@az.pca.org


Rook Younger drivingtours@az.pca.org


Jim Bultema drivingtours@az.pca.org


Dave Fisher dfish5666@aol.com


Rook Younger drivingtours@az.pca.org


Bill Stubbs


Betsy Andrade betsy7890@earthlink.net


Loretta Aman jlaman914@cox.net


Moe Scharhon membership@az.pca.org


Jim and Carole Bultema monthlymeetings@az.pca.org


Andy Jorgensen monthlymeetings@az.pca.org


Betsy Andrade betsy7890@earthlink.net


Gregg & Ali Bull gpeditor@az.pca.org


Angela Manente gpeditor@az.pca.org


Larry Grimes panorama@az.pca.org


Dennis Rood dmrood1@comcast.net


Frank Grimmelmann fgrimmelmann@ mindspring.com


David Derr safety@az.pca.org


Ealing Jahn


Abby Ercoline socialchair@az.pca.org

ASSISTANT SOCIAL COMMITTEE CHAIR Open Position socialchair@az.pca.org


Jan Mackulak socialmedia@az.pca.org

SPONSORSHIP & ADVERTISING Andy Jorgensen sponsorship@az.pca.org

TECHNICAL CHAIR Scott Mcilvain CDI@az.pca.org


Mike Ferring webmaster@az.pca.org

WEBMASTER ASSISTANT Gregg Bookspan webmaster@az.pca.org

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Lori DeCristo California Inland Region zonerep@zone8.org


Linda Cobarrubias treasurer@zone8.org


Russell Shon de.tt@zone8.org


Scott Mann cdi@zone8.org


Skip Carter


Tom Brown webmaster@zone8.org


Tom Brown rules@zone8.org


Monica Asbury secretary@zone8.org


Dick Douglass

SOCIAL MEDIA & Communications Chair

Vinita Khilnani Arizona az.pca.org

AZ Mountain azm.pca.org

Cal. Central ccc.pca.org


Cal. Inland cai.pca.org

Golden Empire gem.pca.org

Grand Prix GrandPrixRegion.com Las Vegas lvrpca.com

Los Angeles pcalosangeles.org

Orange Coast pcaocr.com

Riverside riversidepca.org

San Diego pcasdr.org

San Gabriel Valley sgb.pca.org

Santa Barbara pcasb.org

So. Arizona pcasar.org

Vineyard pcavineyardregion.com

GOING PLACES 7.2023 | 35 |


Thesponsorship programs were designed to allow our current and new advertisers and sponsors a simple way to choose a program that will include; digital on-line published newsletter and internet exposure opportunities all for one simple investment.

The sponsorship program has five tiers:

Bronze - $250 includes one small website banner on the Membership and Going Places digital magazine page of our website, and one eighth-page (3.5”x 2”) color or grayscale ad in the Going Places publication.

Silver - $600 Includes one medium-sized website banner on the Membership and Going Places digital magazine page of our website, and one quarter-page (3.5” x 4.75”) color or grayscale ad in the Going Places publication.

Gold - $1200 Includes one medium-sized website ad on the main page of our website rotating with other sponsors, and one halfpage (8” x 5”) color or grayscale ad in the Going Places publication.

Titanium - $2500 Includes one large vertical ad on the front page of our website rotating with other sponsors and one full-page (8” x 10”) color or grayscale ad in the Going Places publication.

Platinum - $10,000. Includes one large vertical ad on the front page of our website, an embedded video, one full-color or grayscale, full-page (8” x 10”) ad inside the front cover in the Going Places publication.

It is the responsibility for each sponsor to develop and design their unique promotional ads. Sponsors must submit their own artwork electronically for ads in gif, pdf, jpeg or swf (for website ads) formats. New sponsorships will run yearly, and investment will be pro-rated for any new sponsor who commits mid-year. The acceptance and display of advertising in this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the advertiser or product by the Porsche Club of America, Arizona Region. AZPCA reserves the right to refuse to print any ad it deems inappropriate. Sponsorships must be prepaid. Staff reserves the right to change rates upon notice at any time.

Contacts: Sponsorship Requests and Tier Details

Sponsorships and Advertising Manager, Andy Jorgensen

E-mail: sponsorship@az.pca.org

Gregg & Ali Bull Going Places Editors

E-mail: gpeditor@az.pca.org

GOING PLACES 7.2023 | 37 |
Shop Your AZPCA Online Goodie Store The ONLY officially authorized site for AZPCA logo’d items! Order AZPCA apparel, gift items and name badges . Just type the az.pca.org/store website in your browser. (Receipts will come from Betsy Andrade LLC) For more information or for special requests, please contact Betsy Andrade, your AZPCA Merchandise Chair – betsy7890@earthlink.net

Upcoming National Events

Join the Porsche Club of America Southern Arizona Region in a New Year’s cruise on the new Viking Mississippi riverboat.

Viking New Orleans and Southern Charms

The Lower Mississippi overflows with charm, history and hospitality. Explore historic estates, and visit notable Civil War sites. Sample the bustling French flavored port cities of New Orleans and Baton Rouge. Sway to the tempos of Dixieland jazz, gospel and blues. Savor gourmet Cajun and Creole cuisine, as well as traditional Southern fare. Join us, and see why local Cajuns say, “Laissez les bons temps rouler” (Let the good times roll). More info is available at: New Orleans & Southern Charms 2023 (vikingrivercruises.com)

Embark New Orleans 30 December 2023

Disembark New Orleans 6 January 2024 Optional Post Extension Tour in New Orleans 6 – 8 January 2024

Prices range from about $4,800 to $12,000 per person depending on cabin. Airfare included from Tucson and airport transfers. Other airports are available. The Viking Cruise will fill up fast so if you are interested act now. Limited time $25 Deposit. When you contact Ed he will provide the Viking Representative contact information and new Viking guests should receive a $100pp credit when they book.

Contact Ed Koharik Email: boardmember4@pcasar.org


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Upcoming National Events

For more details and to Register for this event CLICK HERE

For more details and to Register for this event CLICK HERE

GOING PLACES 7.2023 | 39 |

I Can’t Hear You

I Can’t Hear You

It was a rude awakening recently. I was on a Porsche run, third in line in my run group, following a newish C4S, which was following a 2003 Carrera Targa. More on the Targa in a moment.

The thing that struck me was that, every time we started off, from a layover, a rest stop, whatever, the car ahead rolled up its windows as it headed on out.

Not me, of course. Not in my ’78 SC. First because the AC doesn’t work, and hasn’t since I last tried a freon charge, at least 15 years ago - the freon lasted about 10 minutes. And, even worse, the AC compressor created a power strain on the engine that was really kinda scary.

No worries. For 35 years of ownership, I’ve always savored the sound of the exhaust, along with the melody of the mechanical machinations, back there in the rear. Which has meant an open sunroof for anything but freezing outside temperatures. And open windows for anything above, say, 70 degrees F.

I’m on my fourth exhaust. B and B. When I first had it installed, I actually found it too loud, even for me. I had a baffle put in. But now, to me at least, it’s just right. To savor. Especially in tunnels.

But what about my friend in the C4S, just ahead of me on the run? Of course, his car has climate control. And climate control pretty much obviates the need to open the windows, just about ever. Except maybe for drive-throughs. Too bad for him, I thought, as I relished the sound of a throttle blip on a downshift.

That Targa, two cars ahead? I knew the car well. Because I actually was its first owner. One thing I did was upgrade to the Porsche sport exhaust, in always-on mode. To me, the mix was magic – slide open the top, let the climatized air blow, and you had the best of both worlds – comfort, sunshine and … the sound. I should have never sold it.

Did you ever go to a Formula 1 race, back in the 19,000 rpm redline era? I did. Here’s what it was like, one year, at Monaco. My company was doing some high-class client entertaining, and we rented an apartment near the start-finish line. When we all walked in, we were all given earphones. Not to hear music, not to talk to each other. To keep from going deaf.

The race began. My earphones were doing their job. I couldn’t really hear too much at all. But I got curious – I started wondering, how loud could it possibly be? So I tried lifting them off my ears, just so, maybe an inch … and, bam, I was assaulted by a blood-curdling scream that made the wail from a banshee sound like the tweet from a parakeet. Deafening does not begin to describe the assault on my ears. All I could do was, quick, smack those babies back down. And I didn’t remove them until the race was over.

It all came back, recently, when, instead of doing real work, I was mindlessly screening YouTube videos of historic Formula 1 races. Don’t ask. But I came across a video someone had posted of the best-sounding F! cars of all time. They all sounded, and I really hate using this word, it’s way overused, but in this context it’s appropriate, awesome.

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But now, with the latest incarnation of F1 cars, that’s gone. Remember when everyone on the pit wall, in the pits, anywhere near the action, wore earphones? Just like we did at Monaco? Well, have you noticed that that’s no longer the case? There’s no longer a need. And, with the latest power delivery systems, they don’t even call them engines anymore.

And that’s too bad, I think. As the song says, something’s gained, but something’s lost. It’s another step in the homogenization of gearhead enthusiasm. You see it in racing today. You really see it in e-racing. And you really really see it in passenger cars. And then, in EVs, when you couple climatization with electric power, you really really really see it.

Hey, well, you can always crank up the music, and listen to tunes, right? And, with modern audio systems, you can actually enjoy the experience, right?

Well, not exactly. Not in my rapidly becoming vintage 911, where listening to the radio at speed is as viable as leaping tall buildings in a single bound.

It’s not the same. Progress is progress. But at least one aspect of the thrill is gone.

Whois Danielle Badler? A New York native, Danielle Badler embarked on a writing and communications consulting career in early 2007, following more than 30 years in corporate communications, the last ten years as the chief global communications officer for three Fortune 500 companies, General Instrument Corporation, Unisys Corporation and Western Union.

Danielle now calls Denver home.

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Auto-X 2022-2023 Recap



The 2022-2023 AZPCA Region Autocross Season has come to an end and the Region Autocross members are joining in on other AZPCA Region activities during the summer such as, the Driving Tours, Monthly Membership Meetings, and Porsches & Pancakes get togethers. Some autocross members are taking vacation in far-a-way places enjoying their favorite beverages in hollowed-out coconut shells with little itty-bitty umbrellas while they are lounging on the beach.

The Autocross Chairs, Rick A. and Kim K. are taking a well-deserved break from all the duties that made the aforementioned autocross season a great success. The season included an autocross event on the Roadrace course and several AZPCA Region members attended their first autocross event.

Every event achieved the maximum number of pre-entries. Some events, the Autocross Chairs allowed a few extra entries into the event and that was contingent upon the course design and the estimated lap times.

This season, several autocross season milestones were made by a few members. One member accumulated the most number (five) of “Cone Kills” in a single lap than any other member in the history of AZPCA Autocrossing. One event had the most number (Twenty-Nine) of “Cone Kills” than any other event in the history of AZPCA Autocrossing. Also, this year had the most total number (One Hundred Seventeen) of “Cone Kills”, for the season than any other season.

The “Top Cone Killer Guy” for a single event had six kills and is the same member who had the most “Cone Kills” for the season at eleven. The “Runner Up Cone Killer Guy” for the season had ten kills and this member is the same member that had the most “Cone Kills” for a single lap run.

There was a grand total of thirty-one “Did Not Finish/Course Deviations (DNFs) throughout the year. One event had a total of “nine” DNFs and another event had “eight” DNFs that were committed by four drivers in each event.

This is not a significantly high number of DNFs based on the number of drivers and laps driven for the season. A DNF is when a driver makes a four-wheel deviation on the outside of a course marker (Standing Cone) or that did not slalom when they were required to slalom in a slalom element.

Normally, a first time autocrosser will make a DNF or two at their first event. As a matter of fact, only seven of the thirty-one DNFs for the season were made by first timers. The remaining DNFs were made by experienced autocrossers.

One driver with many years as a AZPCA Region Autocrosser was the Top DNF Guy for the season with “five” DNFs, three in one event. The runner-up (“Next To The Top DNF Guy”) was also a very experienced AZPCA Region Autocrosser with “four” DNFs also had three of those DNFs in one event but, not the same event as the other DNF’er.

The season had (not including the Autocross on-the-track event), two-hundred ninety-five driver entries, not including

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the volunteers and “Taste of Autocrossers”, that drove a total of one-thousand eight-hundred and six laps. Fourteen of those drivers were first-timer autocrossers and several of them returned for more fun-packed competition.

There were seven AZPCA Region Members that attended all the 2022-2023 AZPCA Region Season events, not including the “Autocross On-The-Track Event”. The seven members are: Kim K., Rick A., Dave M., Jonathan B., Eric T., Garry J., and Kenny M.

Although, the AZPCA Region Autocross Program does not present trophies however, this article would like to recognize the 2022-2023 AZPCA Region Autocross “Hot Shoe” drivers for the year. These “Hot Shoe” drivers earned the bragging rights for their respective event Group “P” or “X” “Top Time” and will display a “BIG SMILE” and razz their fellow competitors before they leave for their drive home.

The “Top Hot Shoe” driver for the 2022-2023 season is Jonathan B with five-“Hot Shoe Top Times” and the runnerup with three-“Hot Shoe Top Times” is Kim K., and with a couple of “Hot Shoe Times” is Ealing J. Congratulations drivers.

This year also includes a new recognition for the drivers that were unable to keep the pointed end pointing in the intended direction of the course. In order to receive this prestigious recognition, you must at least complete a 180-degree spin whereas you are looking at where you were a few seconds ago on course and still traveling in the intended direction of the course at the same time. Four drivers will be awarded this recognition.

This recognition is named the “Snidely Whiplash Back Asswards” award basically named after the fictional character that Dudley Do-Right was pursuing and Snidely could not drive a car in a straight even if his wheels were traveling and affixed to a train track rail.

The AZPCA Region Autocross Chairs Kim K. and Rick A. would like to thank all the members who help make this program very successful. Every year the bar gets raised to be better and it is the members who make this happen.

The success of AZPCA Region Autocross Program has been recognized by other PCA Regions. As a matter of fact the Arizona Mountain Region requested the assistance of our Region to assist with their Inaugural Autocross Event that was held on June 4, 2023, at the Findlay Toyota Event Center in Prescott Valley. Details of this event will be a topic in a subsequent article.

The first event of the 2023-2024 AZPCA Region Autocross Season will be Saturday, October 7, 2023, at the AMP in Litchfield Park. The registration information will be posted on the Motorsportreg.com (MSR) site before the end of the summer.

Until then, there are numerous AZPCA Region driving tours, Porsche and Pancakes, membership meetings, and other social events to partake in. You can get all the details for those events from the Region’s calendar on the webpage at az.pca.org.


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TechTime with Scott M - Maintaining your Paint

Maintaining Your Porsche’s Paint

Your Porsche’s paint is a very important part of the car. Not only does it keep the body protected from rust, it also helps give the car its wonderful look. Automotive paint has a life cycle and needs just as much care and maintenance as the rest of the vehicle. I am a Porsche technician, not an automotive paint expert, so I went to the guys that do it best, The Stables in the Scottsdale Airpark. At The Stables, Mike Freeland and his crew maintain some of the highest-end automotive paint work on the planet. This includes classic cars that have been presented at Pebble Beach!

I started the interview with the first step in paint maintenance, washing. With a few simple steps you can protect your Porsche’s paint while you wash. The first tip is to use a lot of water while washing your car. It’s best to use two buckets, one for soap and a separate one for rinsing. Mild soaps are best for washing. Many dishwashing soaps, like Dawn, are safe enough for the paint but can possibly remove any wax that is currently protecting it. Be sure to use fresh microfiber cloths for the application of soap. Problems can happen when too much force is used when cleaning a car so make sure to have a soft hand. If possible, it is best to wash and rinse the car with deionized water to avoid water spots. Also it is better that the car is dried in the shade. Summer heat increases the risk of severe water-spotting.

Mike recommends clay bar to remove any impurities, like sap or overspray, from the paint. Apply a quick detail spray to lubricate the painted surface. Then rub the clay bar over the area. You can often feel, and even hear the contaminants being removed. Knead the clay bar after each pass, and wipe clean with a microfiber cloth when finished. There are two recommendations for which wax to use. For a car that sits and is not driven often a 100% carnauba wax is the best to keep the paint hydrated. This helps the long-term life of the paint. But if your Porsche is driven many times a week, then its better to use a polymer-based wax because the day-today protection will last much longer than the carnauba wax. Just like paint, your microfiber cloths have a life cycle. As

the cloth ages with use it becomes drier and could leave small scratches which dull the paint. For a black or dark-color car, this is vitally important. The Stables will only use new microfiber cloths on a black car. Then those cloths are washed and air dried, with minimal or no heat. Their condition after each cycle will determine if they can safely be used on lighter-colored paint, interior components, glass, engine, undercarriage, or sent to trash. So make sure to take care of your cloths so they can do their job keeping your Porsche scratch-free.

I asked about the products I have seen that claim to “fill” scratches. Mike said that they may work, but only until the car is washed again. “It’s best to leave scratches to the professionals”.

One important paint maintenance detail that I am very aware of is bird poop. My wife left some bird poop on the top of a Cayenne that we owned. It only took a few days for the paint to become permanently etched. It is very important that you remove any bird poop off the paint right away! A detail spray or glass cleaner and a clean cloth will take care of it quickly.

The last topic we discussed is the best way to clean glass. Most everyone has their own way of cleaning windows and the windshield and there is no one way that is best. I use old microfiber cloths when cleaning the glass. The guys at the Stables clean the glass in the sun to make sure there are no streaks. I know I have cleaned my windshield inside, and as soon as I pulled out into the sun, I noticed streaks from the product that artificial light just won’t show.

Hopefully this will get you started on maintaining your Porsche’s paint. If you have any questions feel free to email me scott@mcilvainmotors.com or Mike from The Stables at info@thestablesaz.com.

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“Rough winds do shake the darling buds of May” - William Shakespeare

And we had rough winds in the Porsche market for the month of May. Despite offering the most cars we’ve seen all year, there were 585 Porsches offered on the various online and legacy auctions throughout the month. However, the lowest sell-through rate year to date was 70% and the second lowest dollar volume was just over $31 million. But not all markets were shaken by the winds of May as some, like the 356 markets, fared well while others, like the 992 GT market fell apart.

The 356 markets remained strong with an 88% sell-through rate off of 8 sales with an average price paid of just over $112,000. Now that might seem low for an average price, however, it should be noted that the offerings consisted of run-of-the-mill coupes and cabriolets, not a special car in sight. But that’s ok considering we didn’t have any legacy auctions taking place this month. The top 356 for the month was a 1958 356A Cabriolet finished in a lovely shade of Meissen Blue and coming off of a recent, extensive restoration. Had the car had its original engine the price would have been much higher, but this sale for me is an indication of the strength and interest still held for Porsche’s original.

Classic 911s (1976 & earlier) on the other hand had a difficult time finding new homes with only 59% of cars on offer selling. No one series of 911 stood out as sales were hit or miss but the top end of the market seemed to suffer the most with two notable no sales; one being a 1967 911 Soft-Window Targa 5-speed that was bid to $226,000 and the other an original 1970 911 S/T bid to $385,000. The S/T was a surprise as one would think that with Porsche’s imminent announcement of the new 992 911 S/T, at least a collector or two would want to bag one of the only 33 cars produced to complete the set in their garage.

But it wasn’t just the top end of the classic 911 market that suffered from wind burn either as three cars capable of topping the $1m sales mark failed to sell leaving a highly optioned Chromaflair 2019 GT2 RS as this month’s top sale at $585,000. The first was a very rare 1996 993 GT2 Clubsport that remained unsold at $1,605,000 against a probable $2m reserve price. The other two were models we’ve seen trade hands earlier this year, a 1988 959 Komfort and a 2005 Carrera GT which failed to sell at $1,450,000 and $1,060,000 respectively.

On the top end of the modern 911 market, we saw the 997.1 GT3s start to dip a little bit with an average sales price of $134,000 and two out of the five cars on offer failing to sell. 992 GT3s also continued their slide with new market lows at $224,000 and $235,000 and not a single 6-speed GT3 Touring selling for over $300,000 as that ship has sailed. GT3 RS variants on the other hand climbed with the sale of a 2010 RS at a strong $242,000 and three 991 GT3 RS’ selling for an average price of $211,000.

Cayman GT4s were a hard sell this month with a 10,000-mile 2016 GT4 selling for below $100k at $94,000, which is a trend I’d love to see for personal reasons, and a 2020 GT4 selling about $5,000 light at $122,000. And then there is the GT4 RS market… Two more cars failed to sell at bids of $266,000 and $245,000 proving that huge overs for the GT4 RS aren’t in the cards as they were for their 911 brethren.

As I stated at the beginning though, it wasn’t all gloom for May. We had a number of record sales such as $123,000 for a 120,000mile 1994 911 Coupe finished in Amazon Green Metallic, and $81,000 for the lowest mileage 2002 996 Carrera 4S we’ve seen in five years. We also saw a 928S sell for a record price of $108,000, about 4x the average for these cars, and a “normal” 987 Boxster S achieved $52,000.

But while May might have been a bit of a disappointment, I am looking forward to June’s auctions with the 75th Anniversary Porsche sale hosted by Broad Arrow Auctions at the Porsche Experience Center in Atlanta and the sale of the Gruppe P Collection on Bring a Trailer that includes a 1967 Porsche 910. Will we finally see an important Porsche race car sold next month? Stay tuned.

David K. Whitlock is a writer for The Stuttgart Market Letter, a daily market update for Porschephiles, by Porschefiles, delivered to your inbox. www.stuttgartmarketletter.com

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TechTime with Scott M - Maintaining your Paint Maintaining Your Porsche’s Paint

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I Can’t Hear You

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Upcoming National Events

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Monthly Awards & Accolades

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Volunteers Needed:

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AZPCA Drives - 3 Lakes Fun Run

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Upcoming AZPCA Events

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Drive to Prescott & The Palace

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AZPCA Monthly Membership Meeting

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Future Events - Porsches n’ Pancakes SAVE THE DATES... But Register Today

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From the EDITORS Gregg and Ali Bull

page 7

TechTime with Scott M - Maintaining your Paint Maintaining Your Porsche’s Paint

pages 46-47


pages 44-45

I Can’t Hear You

pages 40-43

Upcoming National Events

page 38


page 37


page 31

Monthly Awards & Accolades

pages 28-30

Volunteers Needed:

page 27

AZPCA Drives - 3 Lakes Fun Run

pages 22-23

Upcoming AZPCA Events

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Drive to Prescott & The Palace

page 20


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AZPCA Monthly Membership Meeting

pages 12-13

Future Events - Porsches n’ Pancakes SAVE THE DATES... But Register Today

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From the EDITORS Gregg and Ali Bull

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