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Go! Latinos | February 2019 | 5
Volumen 5 | Issue 53
GO! LATINOS Bilingual Magazine
13345 SW 264th Ter, Homestead, FL 33032 Phones: 786-601-7693 786-725-2070 Fax: 305-851-4115 Director
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San Valentín: El “Amor” a tráves de los ojos de un Niño...
8 12 Emprendedor del mes: Tony García Cheerleading un deporte hábil y divertido para tus hijos 16 Pelican Island una joya en el mar 24 Beneficios de la Avena ¡Y dos Recetas! 26
Valentine’s Day: Love Means the World to Kids
Entrepreneur of the month: Tony García
Cheerleading a skilled and fun sport for your kids
On the Cover: Cheerleading a skilled and fun sport for your kids. Photo by: Ervin Palacios
Pelican Island an Offshore Jewel
Benefits of Oats + 2 Recipes!
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Love Means the World to Kids Ideas to Celebrate Valentine’s Day with the Entire Family, including the kids
By Corina Bethencourt and Isabela Morales Founders of Pixie Dreams Inc | Photos Ervin Palacios
o what you love with those you love. Valentine’s Day is not only to be celebrated by you and your better half; to understand love more deeply, who better to celebrate it with than your kids? Share that day with your children as well. It’s the perfect day to remind ourselves to tell our loved ones (not only our sweethearts) how happy we are to be part of their lives. Here are a few ideas and tips on how to celebrate it this year: • Morning love: Transform a romantic dinner into a candlelight breakfast with kids. This can be quite a treat for little ones; you will notice they will eat more than usual and get excited about sharing a special family meal. A cute surprise like a heart-shaped pancake or a little note underneath the placemat will do the trick! • Thoughtful Gifting: Valentine’s Day gifts are not about a purchased item. Make gifts about expressing love and connecting with loved ones. Work with your little one on handmade cards, quality time together, maybe a free massage! But avoid purchasing expensive gifts that teach all the wrong lessons about this day. • Dinner Date: Prepare a romantic dinner and have your kids be part of it. Have them select the menu and help with the cooking. Ask them to set up the table in a special way. Maybe surprise dad when he gets home! • Behind every song there is a hidden love story: bring music and joy to your Valentine’s Day celebration; have every family member select a favorite love song and play it during dinner time. After dinner, you can even slow dance or play freeze dance with your kids. • Blooming with love: we can all agree that Valentine’s Day without flowers is incomplete. Play a little game with your kids and ask them to pick a flower that represents love to them, research the meaning of that flower and during dinner time have them share the meaning of the flower and the reason for selecting it as a symbol of love. It will be a great conversation starter during dinner time! Love takes many different forms, so we need to be reminded to look close enough and not miss the many examples of love we experience every day. However you decide to celebrate it, we hope February 14, 2019, brings plenty of love to your life! Happy Valentine’s Day! Pixie Dreams aims to teach children how to have a strong mind and a good heart! For more information visit:, , or 8 | February 2019 | Go! Latinos
Pixie Dreams is an education company that practices an integral concept of values in education through different resources tailored for schools, teachers and parents. Our company started with our Instagram account and now offers a Values Program that includes a Curriculum for schools, a children’s book and the ABC Values flashcards designed to teach values and transform communities to make a better world.
El “Amor”a tráves de los ojos de un Niño
l día de los enamorados no solo tiene que celebrarse junto a tu enamorado, también puedes incluir a los más pequeños. Este día nos sirve de recordatorio para decirle a nuestros seres queridos cuanto los queremos y que tan felices nos sentimos de ser parte de sus vidas. Hoy les proponemos celebrar este día en familia. Aquí les damos algunas ideas de cómo lograrlo: • Un mañana llena de amor: convierte la típica cena romántica en un desayuno único con tus niños. Esto le resultará de lo mas divertido a tu peque, se emocionarán mucho al compartir un desayuno diferente en familia. Puedes sorprenderlos con una panqueca en forma de corazón o una notica debajo de su mantel. • Dile “no” al consumismo: trata de que los regalos de San Valentín no sean comprados sino hechos en casa con mucho cariño. Puedes hacer
cartas con diferentes materiales, o regalar cosas sencillas como entradas al cine o cupón para un masaje gratis. Evita comprar cosas muy caras porque le estarás enseñando el mensaje equivocado a tu peque. • Cena Romántica: este año haz que tus peques participen en la preparación de la cena romántica. Pídeles que escojan el menú, que ayuden a cocinar y a poner la mesa de una manera especial. ¡Hasta pueden sorprender a papa cuando llegue a casa! • Cada canción tiene su historia de amor: para traerle un poco de alegría a tu celebración del Día de San Valentín haz un juego con tu familia de música. Que cada miembro de la familia escoja su canción favorita (tiene que ser romántica) y que la ponga a la hora de la cena. Después de cenar pueden bailar y disfrutar de las canciones que escogieron.
Ideas para celebrar el día de los enamorados con la familia completa, incluyendo a los más pequeños... • El amor se siente en el aroma de la flor: todos sabemos que el día de los enamorados no es lo miso sin flores. ¡Este juego les encantara a tus peques! Pídeles que cada uno escoja una flor y durante la cena cada persona tendrá que compartir el significado de su flor y la razón por cual la escogieron. Este juego es la perfecta manera de comenzar un tema de conversación durante la cena. El amor tiene muchos modos de expresión, tratemos este año de estar atentos a todos esos ejemplos de cariño y amor que tenemos a nuestro alrededor. Convierte a tus peques en cómplices tuyos para pasarla mejor y dejar que la energía amorosa fluya en tu hogar. De cualquier manera que decidas celebrar este año, esperamos que este 14 de febrero te traiga mucha felicidad y amor. ¡Te deseamos el mejor Día de San Valentín! Go! Latinos | Febrero 2019 | 9
10 | Febrero 2019 | Go! Latinos
Emprendedores | Entrepreneurs
“Estoy orgulloso de mi trabajo, de mi familia y de mi comunidad”... Tony García es uno de los más éxitos agentes inmobiliarios del sur de la Florida. Su historia, como la de cientos de cubano americanos que hicieron del sur de la florida su casa, es de persistencia y trabajo arduo para lograr sus sueños. ony nació en Nueva York, procedente de una familia de padres cubanos que llegaron a los Estados Unidos en 1957 antes de la revolución. Creció en el barrio de Jackson Heights al lado de muchos inmigrantes latinos que empezaron a poblar el distrito de Queens. Un lugar ideal para crecer entre la cultura americana, pero sin perder la herencia latina que se lleva en la sangre. “Soy orgullosamente americano, pero con sangre cubana”, es una frase que se le escucha varias veces a Tony, que se reafirma con su marcado acento cubano desde que dice la primera palabra. Y es que incluso sus dos hijos, de madre americana y que no hablan español, se consideran cubanos. Su relación con la isla ha sido de amor y odio, vivió de cerca el dolor de su madre cuando, por culpa de las barreras interpuestas por un régimen, no pudo viajar a la isla a enterrar a sus padres. Hasta cuando tenía 48 años pudo ir a su tierra a conocer a su familia materna, “mi papá no me dejaba ir a Cuba hasta que Fidel no muriera y así lo hice” afirma Tony entre risas. “Yo siempre me crié pensando que era necesario como cubano-americanos tener una distancia con el gobierno de Cuba, sin embargo una vez estuve allá, me di cuenta que lo peor que hemos hecho durante todos estos años es no tener la comunicación entre familias, no poder visitarnos los unos a los otros”, afirma. Esa dualidad y la resiliencia que desarrolló al estar tan lejos pero tan cerca de su tierra es la que hace que esta segunda generación de cubano americanos, como él, sean líderes en sus comunidades y exitosas personas de negocios. Es el caso de Tony, quien hoy día es uno de los más exitosos agentes inmobiliarios de la Florida. Empezó su carrera en bienes raíces en una pequeña compañía en la cual tuvo dos primeros años de crecimiento. Sin embargo, decidió incursionar en una empresa más solida como
Keyes, donde ha tenido grandes logros. Desde el 2004 es el Gerente de Ventas de Distrito de The Keyes Company, en la oficina de Homestead. Tony ha logrado aumentar las ventas anuales de la oficina de $45 millones a más de $ 145 millones. Bajo su dirección, la oficina de Homestead se ha convertido en la oficina de bienes raíces número uno en ventas y unidades en el condado de Miami-Dade. Así mismo, Tony es uno de los líderes de la comunidad de Homestead donde vive con su familia desde 1997. Tony lleva casado 23 años con su esposa Nancy, quien además trabaja con él en bienes raíces. Tienen dos hijos, Anthony de 18 años y que estudia en la Universidad Central de la Florida, y Alexandra, de 13 años, que estudia en casa (homeschooling). Junto con su esposa Nancy, y con el patrocinio de The Keyes Company y sus empleados, desarrollan eventos de recaudación de fondos y campañas de alimentos para proporcionar ayuda a los niños de escuelas locales que están necesitados. También participan activamente en la organización sin fines de lucro "This is For the Kids, inc" del concejal Larry Roth, que fue creada para apoyar a organizaciones benéficas para niños en Homestead. Cada año celebran el Homestead Rock'n Food and Craft Beer Fest y donan todas las ganancias a otras organizaciones benéficas que ayudan específicamente a los niños y sus familias. Para Tony su mayor logro profesional ha sido haber tenido la oportunidad de ayudar a otros a lograr sus metas. “Me considero una persona que ha sido muy afortunada, A Dios gracias me ha ido muy bien. Estoy orgulloso de mi trabajo, de mi familia y de mi comunidad. Cuando era niño la gente no tenia fe en que podía llegar a hacer cosas grandes pues siempre fui un estudiante por debajo del promedio. Hoy creo que llegué más alto de lo que muchos esperaban, pero lo más importante es que logré la felicidad,” concluyó Tony.
sunt eumque
"I am proud of my work, my family and my community".. .
TONY GARCIA By Andrés Ospina
Tony Garcia is one of the most successful real estate agents in South Florida. His story, like hundreds of Cuban Americans that made South Florida their home, is based on persistence and hard work to fulfil his dreams. ony was born in New York, from Cuban parents who came to the United States in 1957 before the revolution. He grew up in Jackson Heights alongside many Latino immigrants who started to populate Queens. At the time, it was an ideal place to grow surrounded by American culture, but without losing the Latin heritage that is carried in the blood.
“I am proudly American but with Cuban blood,” says Tony in Spanish with a strong Cuban accent that is noticeable from the moment he pronounces his first word. Even their two children who do not speak a word in Spanish consider themselves Cubans. His relationship with the island has been one of love and hate. He lived closely to his mother’s pain when, because of the barriers set by the Cuban regime, she could not travel to the island to bury her parents. And not until Tony was 48 years old was he able to go to Cuba to meet his maternal family, “My dad would not let me go to Cuba until Fidel had passed away, which I did,” said Tony, laughing. “I always grew up thinking that it was necessary as Cuban-Americans to distance ourselves from the Cuban government, but once I was there, I
realized that the worst thing we have done during all these years is not having communication between families, and not being able to visit each other,” he added. That duality and the resilience developed by being so far away but so close to their homeland is what makes this second generation of Cuban Americans like him leaders in their communities and successful business people. That is the case of Tony, who nowadays is one of the most successful realtors in Florida. He began his career in real estate in a small company in which he first had two years of incremental growth. However, he decided to venture into a more solid company like Keyes, where he has had great achievements. He has been the District Sales Manager of the Keyes Company, Homestead Office, since 2004. Under his management, Tony has grown the office from $45 million to over $145 million in sales annually, and Homestead has become the number one real estate office in sales volume and units in Miami-Dade County. Likewise, Tony is one of the leaders of the Homestead community where he has lived with his family since 1997. Tony has been married for 23 years to his wife Nancy, who also
works with him in real estate. They have two children, Anthony, 18, who goes to the University of Central Florida, and Alexandra, 13, who is homeschooled. Together with his wife Nancy, the Keyes Company sponsorship and employees, he actively participates in helping the community and developing fundraising events and food campaigns to aid needy children from local public schools. He also takes part in councilman Larry Roth’s “This is For the Kids, Inc.” non-profit organization, which was created to support children’s charities in Homestead. Each year the company holds the Homestead Rock’n’ Food and Craft Beer Fest and donate all proceeds to other charities that specifically help children and their families. For Tony, his greatest professional achievement is to be able to help others accomplish their goals. “I consider myself a very fortunate person. Thank God I have done very well. I am proud of my work, my family and my community. When I was a kid, people did not have faith that I could do big things because I was a below-average student. Today I think I got where many did not expect, but the most important thing is that I achieved happiness,” concluded Tony.
Go! Latinos | February 2019 | 13
Dr. Maximiliano Velasco Dr. Maximiliano Velasco is a Board Certified Anesthesiologist and Board Certified in Pain Management. He is dedicated to helping his patients find relief from chronic pain. At our clinic, we offer a multidisciplinary, multispecialty approach that allows each patient access to a variety of pain treatment options and approaches including conservative management such as physical therapy, home stretching exercise programs, and interventional procedures, including but not limited to intra-articular joint injections, trigger point, trigger point injections, epidural injections, facet blocks, radiofrequency ablation, spinal cord stimulators and intrathecal pump placement.Through many years of practice and experience, Dr. Velasco has acquired the knowledge and skill set necessary to effectively diagnose, treat and relief patients suffering from painful conditions from cancer related pain and non-cancer pathologies, ranging from central and peripheral neuropathy, myofascial pain, arthritis and spine related conditions such as herniated discs, spinal stenosis and arthritis of the spine.
Go! Latinos | February 2019 | 15
Cheerleading un deporte hábil y divertido para tus hijos
Por Andrés Ospina
El Cheerleading o porrismo va más allá de unas chicas gritando y saltando en la línea lateral de un partido de fútbol. Es un deporte atlético que brinda muchos beneficios para la salud y el bienestar físico de sus practicantes.
a mayoría de las veces, cuando la gente piensa en las porristas, piensan en las animadoras laterales de cualquier actividad deportiva, quienes animan a los jugadores y ayudan a motivar a la multitud. Sin embargo, el concepto de cheerleading va más allá de las moñas en el pelo, los pompones y las rutinas. A lo largo de los años, el porrismo ha ganado reconocimiento como un deporte por derecho propio, ha cambiado dramáticamente y se ha transformado en una exhibición deportiva que impresiona a atletas de alto nivel de todas las disciplinas. De hecho, la animación es una forma fan-
16 | Febrero 2019 | Go! Latinos
tástica de ejercicio que implica un trabajo muscular y cardiovascular completo. Según Mileydis Concepción, instructora de porristas en AJC Family Centers aquí en Homestead, "el porrismo es un deporte perfecto para que las jóvenes practiquen desde una edad temprana, ya que involucra atletismo, trabajo en equipo y dedicación. En AJC entrenamos chicas de 6 a 14 años con excelentes resultados.” Este deporte enseña y promueve la buena forma física y la buena salud. "El Cheerleading, a través de rutinas coreografiadas, volteretas, acrobacias y saltos, ayuda a mejorar la fuerza muscular, la resistencia, la flexibilidad y la coordinación", agregó Amanda
Rufin, también instructora de porristas en AJC, al referirse a los principales beneficios físicos de este deporte. La mayoría de los equipos de escuela secundaria o competitivos practican durante varias horas a la semana, mientras que muchos equipos universitarios tienen requisitos de entrenamiento de fuerza además de la práctica. “Los requisitos adecuados de acondicionamiento, entrenamiento y seguridad ayudan a prevenir lesiones cuando practican acrobacias, pases y saltos”, dijo la instructora Concepción. Del mismo modo, las animadoras aprenden rápidamente el concepto de "trabajo en equipo" y lo que significa ser un colaborador en el equipo. El Cheerleading se basa en la relación del equipo entre sí para lograr el mejor resultado, ya sea al realizar una coreografía o hacer acrobacias. Sin mencionar las habilidades de liderazgo que generalmente desarrollan las practicantes, quienes a menudo descubren que el ser porrista les ayuda para que sean representantes de la escuela, de otros equipos deportivos y de la comunidad de estudiantes y padres que los rodea. Los padres también están de acuerdo en los beneficios del cheerleading en sus hijos. “Mi niña entrena en AJC Family Centers y la experiencia ha sido fantástica. Ella ha aprendido trabajo en equipo, responsabilidad personal, fortaleza, confianza y ha construido amistades valiosas. "Su entrenadora es una mujer maravillosa que no mima, pero enseña a las niñas (y a los niños, ha habido algunos) a depender de sí mismas y a generar confianza entre sus compañeras", dijo Raquel López con orgullo. Para más información acerca de las clases que ofrece AJC Family Centers llame al 305-246-2121
Cheerleading a skilled and fun sport for your kids
By Andrés Ospina | Photos Ervin Palacios
Cheerleading goes beyond girls screaming and jumping at the sideline of a football match. It is an athletic sport that brings lots of fitness and health benefits to its practitioners.
ost often when people think of cheerleading, they think of sideline cheerleading, which is where you have the cheerleaders on the side of any sporting activity, cheering on the players and helping motivate the crowd. However, the concept of cheerleading goes way beyond hair bows, pom-poms and routines. Over the years, cheerleading has gained recognition as a sport in its own right; it has changed dramatically and transformed into a display of athleticism that impresses top-level athletes from all sports. In fact, cheerleading is a fantastic way of exercising that involves a complete muscular and cardiovascular workout. According to Mileydis Concepcion, a cheerleading instructor at AJC Family Centers here in Homestead, “Cheerleading is a perfect sport for young girls to practice from an early age as it involves athleticism,
teamwork and dedication. At AJC, we train girls from 6 to 14 years old with excellent results.” The sport teaches and promotes fitness and good health choices. “Cheerleading through choreographed routines, tumbling, stunts and jumps, helps improve muscular strength, stamina, flexibility and coordination,” added Amanda Rufin, also a cheerleading instructor at AJC, when referring to the major fitness benefits of the sport. Most high school or competitive squads practice for several hours a week, while many collegiate squads have strength training requirements in addition to practice. “Proper conditioning, training and safety requirements help prevent injuries when practicing stunts, tumbling passes and jumps,” said Mrs. Concepcion. Likewise, cheerleaders quickly learn the concept of “teamwork” and what it means to be an important team player. Cheerleading is based on the squad members’ relationships with one
another to achieve the best outcome, either while performing a choreography or doing stunts. Not to mention the leadership skills that the participants usually develop, they often discover how being a cheerleader can make them representatives of the school, other sports teams, and their surrounding community of students and parents. Parents also agree on the benefits of cheerleading for their kids. “My girl trains with AJC Family Centers, and the experience has been fantastic. She has learned teamwork, personal responsibility, strength, confidence and has built deep friendships. Her coach is a wonderful woman who doesn’t coddle, but teaches the girls (and boys—there have been a few) to depend on themselves and build trust among their teammates,” mentioned Raquel Lopez proudly. For more information about the classes offerings at AJC Family Centers call 305-246-2121
Go! Latinos | February 2019 | 17
18 | Febrero 2019 | Go! Latinos
La Artritis Reumatoide: Entendiendo una enfermedad articular difícil
uando escuchas sobre alguien que tiene artritis, podrías pensar en una persona mayor con dolor o rigidez en sus articulaciones. Pero ese no es siempre el caso. Hay muchos tipos de artritis y millones de personas en los Estados Unidos tienen alguna forma de contraerla. Un tipo de artritis que afecta a más de 1.5 millones de personas en los EE. UU es la artritis reumatoide. La artritis reumatoide (AR) es una enfermedad inflamatoria autoinmune, lo que significa que el sistema inmunológico del cuerpo ataca por error los tejidos que recubren las articulaciones en lugar de combatir las infecciones. La AR causa dolor, hinchazón y rigidez en las articulaciones. Por lo general afecta sus muñecas, manos y rodillas, evitando así que funcionen correctamente. Si bien la AR es más común en mujeres de 30 años o más, la AR puede afectar a todas las personas. La AR es diferente de la artrosis más común, que es la artritis que muchas personas mayores desarrollan con el tiempo.
Nadie sabe qué causa la AR, pero si bien no hay cura, se puede tratar. ¿Qué síntomas mirar? Los síntomas de la AR varían de leves a severos. Algunas veces, la AR afecta una articulación a la vez, pero generalmente se presenta como dolor, calor e hinchazón en las articulaciones de ambos lados del cuerpo al mismo tiempo o en lados alternos. También puede afectar las partes del cuerpo que no son articulaciones, incluidos los ojos, la boca, el corazón y los pulmones. Los síntomas pueden durar poco tiempo o pueden aparecer y desaparecer. Es importante reconocer los signos de la AR y consultar a su proveedor de atención médica tan pronto como sea posible para obtener un diagnóstico adecuado. Su proveedor utilizará pruebas para diagnosticarlo y luego lo remitirá a un reumatólogo, que se enfoca en enfermedades autoinmunes, muchas de las cuales se dirigen a los tejidos musculoesqueléticos. Usted y su reumatólogo pueden determinar cuál es el mejor tratamiento para usted.
Los síntomas de la AR incluyen algunos o todos los siguientes: • Articulaciones inflamadas, sensibles o calientes. • Articulaciones inflamadas simétricas (en ambos lados del cuerpo), como en ambas muñecas derecha e izquierda • Articulaciones inflamadas de la muñeca y las articulaciones de los dedos más cercanas a la mano. • Otras articulaciones inflamadas como el cuello, hombros, codos, caderas, rodillas, tobillos y pies • Sentirse cansado y tener poca energía. • Fiebres • Dolor y rigidez que dura más de 30 minutos por la mañana o después de un largo descanso • Síntomas que duran por muchos años. 20 | Febrero 2019 | Go! Latinos
Rheumatoid Arthritis: Understanding a Difficult Joint Disease
hen you hear about someone who has arthritis, you might think of an older person with pain or stiffness in his or her joints. But that’s not always the case.There are many types of arthritis and millions of people in the U.S. have some form of it. One type of arthritis that affects more than 1.5 million people in the U.S. is rheumatoid arthritis. Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is an inflammatory autoimmune disease, which means the body’s immune system mistakenly attacks the tissues that line your joints instead of fighting infections. RA causes pain, swelling, and stiffness in your joints. It usually affects your wrists, hands, and knees, preventing them from working properly. While RA is more common in women age 30 or older, RA can affect all people. RA is different from the more common osteoarthritis, which is the arthritis that many older people develop
over time. No one knows what causes RA. While there is no cure, it can be treated. What to look for? Symptoms of RA range from mild to severe. Sometimes RA affects one joint at a time, but more typically it presents as pain, warmth, and swelling in the joints on both sides of the body at the same time or on alternating sides. It can also affect body parts that are not joints, including your eyes, mouth, heart, and lungs. Symptoms can last for only a short time or they can come and go. It’s important to recognize the signs of RA and see your health care provider as soon as possible to get a proper diagnosis. Your provider will use tests to help diagnose you and then refer you to a rheumatologist, who focuses on autoimmune illnesses–many of which target the musculoskeletal tissues. You and your rheumatologist can determine the treatment that is best for you.
Symptoms of RA include some or all of the following: • Swollen, tender, or warm joints. • Symmetric swollen joints (on both sides of the body), such as in both your right and left wrists. • Swollen joints in the wrist and finger joints closest to the hand. • Other swollen joints such as the neck, shoulders, elbows, hips, knees, ankles, and feet. • Feeling tired and having low energy. • Fevers. • Pain and stiffness that lasts for more than 30 minutes in the morning or after a long rest. • Symptoms that last for many years. SOURCE: National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases: Rheumatoid Arthritis
Go! Latinos | February 2019 | 21
with AT&T Next Every YearSM and AT&T Next® *Req’s well-qualified credit & elig. svc. Tax due at sale. Limits & restr's apply.
Choose your new smartphone. (Tax due at time of sale.)
Choose your installment and AT&T wireless plans.1 (The retail price of your new smartphone is divided into installment payments and added to your wireless bill.)
AT&T Next Every Year
AT&T Next
Pay 24 installment payments to fulfill the agreement. Upgrade every year.2
Pay 30 installment payments to fulfill the agreement. Upgrade every two years.2
3. Make an optional down payment at the time of purchase to lower your installment payments. 1
If you cancel your wireless service plan, your remaining installment balance becomes due. 2 Upgrade eligible once 50% of device cost is paid on AT&T Next Every Year and 80% with AT&T Next. Requires trade-in of financed smartphone or one of the same make/model in fully functional/good physical condition.
22 | Febrero 2019 | Go! Latinos
AT&T Business Customers: Please contact your AT&T sales representative for more information or call 866.9att.b2b (866.928.8222). AT&T NEXT OR AT&T NEXT EVERY YEAR: Credit approval required. For smartphones only. Tax on sales price due at sale. Requires 0% APR monthly installment agreement and eligible service. Divides sales price into monthly installments. AT&T Next: 30-month agreement with trade-in to upgrade when 80% of sales price is paid off. AT&T Next Every Year: 24-month agreement with trade-in to upgrade when 50% of sales price is paid off. $0 down: Requires well-qualified credit. Limit as low as 2 smartphones at $0 down. Down payment: May be required and depends on a variety of factors. Down payment if required will be either 30% of sales price or a dollar amount ranging from currently $0 to $600 (amount subject to change, and may be higher). You may choose to pay more upfront. Remainder of sales price is divided into 30 or 24 monthly installments. Service: Eligible postpaid voice and data service (minimum $45 per month after AutoPay and Paperless billing discount for new customers. Pay $55 per month until discount starts within 2 bills. Existing customers can add to eligible current plans which may be less) is required and extra. If service is canceled, remaining installment agreement balance is due. Examples: $749.99 sales price on AT&T Next (30-month) with $0 down is $25 per month, with $225 down (30%) is $17.50 per month, or with $600 down is $5 per month. On AT&T Next Every Year (24-month) with $0 down is $31.25 per month, with $225 down (30%) is $21.88 per month, or with $600 down is $6.25 per month. Activation or upgrade fee: Up to $45/line. Waiver of fee subject to change. Restocking Fee: Up to $45. Limits: Purchase limit applies. Eligibility,device, line and financing limits & other restr’s apply. Upgrade with eligible trade-in: Requires payment of percentage of sales price (50% or 80%), account in good standing, trade-in of financed device (or one of the same make and model) in good physical and fully functional condition through the AT&T Next or AT&T Next Every Year trade-in program (excludes AT&T trade-in program where you receive an instant credit or AT&T promotion card), and purchase of new eligible smartphone with qualified wireless service. After upgrade, unbilled installments are waived. See and your Retail Installment Agreement for full details. GENERAL WIRELESS SERVICE: Subject to wireless customer agreement ( Services are not for resale. Deposit: May be required. Limits: Purchase and line limits apply. Prices vary by location. Credit approval, fees, monthly and other charges, usage, eligibility and other restrictions per line may apply. See charges for more details on other charges. Pricing and terms are subject to change and may be modified or terminated at any time without notice. Coverage and service are not available everywhere. You get an off -net (roaming) usage allowance for each service. If you exceed the allowance, your services may be restricted or terminated. Other restrictions apply and may result in service termination. For info on AT&T network management policies see RTP SF T 0218 5181 D-Sa © 2018 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved. Owners of all marks retain their rights.
Pelican Island an Offshore Jewel M
400 yards from Miami-Dade Parks’ Pelican Harbor Marina
By Andrés Ospina
iami has plenty of options for picturesque picnic spots, but few places are more perfect for a sit-down relaxed meal than Pelican Island. It is the perfect spot for picnicking just 400 yards north of the Pelican Harbor Marina. Pelican Island is a nature preserve and bird sanctuary on a 10-acre island park that serves as a oneof-a-kind location to enjoy nature and spend a day out with family and friends. “People enjoy boating and fishing on the way, and once at the island, they like walking the trails. The island’s recreation amenities include covered shelters (open huts with canvas roofs), picnic tables, barbecue grills, and even a sand volleyball court,” said Pelican Harbor Marina Manager Tommy Salleh. Locals and visitors enjoy coming to the island. For instance, Gina Drakes, a South Miami resident, has been visiting the island for seven years and still loves the atmosphere. “Since my first visit, I fell in love with this paradise. I had my birthday party here and all my guests were fascinated, the staff was wonderful, and everyone had a great time. They loved walking the trails and being surrounded by a natural environment close enough to the city,” she added. The island is state-owned land, part of the Biscayne Bay Aquatic Preserve. It is managed by the Miami-Dade Parks Recreation and Open Spaces Department, which oversees the new day docks and general maintenance. This management agreement allows the parks department to rent the island shelters out to the public for gatherings such as birthday parties, weddings, and corporate events. “Pelican Island exists for the public; we provide water taxi transportation from the Pelican Harbor Marina, or you can get here by boat, kayak, paddleboard or canoe if you own one. We have shelters that are for rent, where corporate picnics, birthday parties, BBQs, and even beach weddings take place just across the beauty of the waterfront,” added Manager Salleh. Additionally, the new day docks, opened on January 19, have increased the dockage space on the island by 100 percent and the floating sections make it easier for all types of vessels to dock and board passengers. This new development cost approximately $710,000 and was funded by the Florida Inland Navigation District (FIND), Coastal Park and Marina Enterprise (CPME) and Florida Boating Improvement Program (FBIP) grants. For rentals and water taxi information, the public can contact Pelican Harbor Marina at 305-754-9330.
24 | Febrero 2019 | Go! Latinos
Pelican Island’s newly inaugurated day docks will increase dockage space on the island by 100 percent. These first-class facilities will allow the public to get to the island easier. Just bring out your boat, kayak, paddleboard or take the water taxi for a fun day out.
Tommy Salleh
Sus nuevos muelles diurnos recientemente inaugurados aumentarán el espacio de atraque en la isla en un 100 por ciento. Estas instalaciones de primera clase permitirán al público llegar más fácilmente a la isla. Simplemente saque su bote, kayak, remo o tome un taxi acuático para pasar un día divertido.
iami tiene muchas opciones para lugares de picnic pintorescos, pero pocos lugares son más perfectos para una comida relajada que la isla Pelican. Es el lugar perfecto para hacer picnics a solo 400 yardas al norte del Pelican Harbor Marina. La isla es una reserva natural y un santuario de aves en un parque isleño de 10 acres que sirve como un lugar único para disfrutar de la naturaleza y pasar un día con la familia y los amigos. “La gente disfruta de la navegación y la pesca antes de llegar, y una vez en la isla, disfrutan caminar por los senderos. La isla cuenta con muchas atracciones como cabañas cubiertas (chozas abiertas con techos de paja), mesas de picnic, parrillas para asados e incluso una cancha de vóleibol de arena”, dijo el gerente del Pelican Harbor Marina, Tommy Salleh. Los lugareños y visitantes disfrutan de venir a
c i l e P
d n a l s I n a
0 lo 40 o s n r a ta r Marina a m l ne arbo e H a y n o a una j de Pelic s a yard
la isla. Por ejemplo, Gina Drakes, residente del sur de Miami, ha estado visitando la isla durante siete años y todavía ama el paisaje. “Desde mi primera visita me enamoré de este paraíso. Tuve mi fiesta de cumpleaños aquí y todos mis invitados quedaron fascinados, el personal fue maravilloso y todos se lo pasaron muy bien. Les encantó caminar por los senderos y estar en un entorno natural lo suficientemente cerca de la ciudad ", agregó. La isla es de propiedad estatal, y pertenece a la Reserva Acuática de la Bahía de Biscayne. Es administrado por el Departamento de Parques, Recreación y Espacios Abiertos de Miami-Dade, que está a cargo de los nuevos muelles y el mantenimiento general. Este acuerdo de administración le permite al Departamento de Parques rentar las cabañas de la isla al público para reuniones tales como fiestas de cumpleaños, bodas y eventos corporativos. "Pelican Island existe para el público, ofrecemos
transporte en taxi acuático desde el Pelican Harbor Marina o pueden llegar aquí ya sea en bote, kayak, remo o canoa. "Tenemos cabañas que se rentan, donde se realizan picnics corporativos, fiestas de cumpleaños, barbacoas e incluso bodas en la playa frente a la belleza de la costa", agregó el Gerente Salleh. Además, los nuevos muelles diurnos, que se inauguraron el 19 de enero, han aumentado el espacio de atraque en la isla en un 100 por ciento y las secciones flotantes facilitan la llegada y salida de pasajeros de todo tipo de embarcaciones. Este nuevo proyecto costó aproximadamente $710,000 y fue financiado por las subvenciones del Distrito de Navegación Interior de la Florida (FIND), Coastal Park y Marina Enterprise (CPME) y el Programa de Mejora de Navegación de la Florida (FBIP). Para información sobre rentas y taxi acuático, el público puede comunicarse con Pelican Harbor Marina al 305-754-9330.
Go! Latinos | February 2019 | 25
ello, beautiful! Today, I want to talk to you about one of my favorite foods: oats! They’re versatile, great for you, and full of fiber, minerals, vitamins, and antioxidants. Read on to learn about their benefits, as well as five easy, delicious overnight oats recipes. You’ve probably heard that oats can lower blood sugar levels and reduce the risk of heart disease. But did you know that they’re also full of antioxidants, which help reduce blood pressure and improve blood flow? Oats also contain beta-glucan, which reduces cholesterol, increases insulin sensitivity, and promotes healthy gut bacteria. Oats are a fantastic food for athletes, because they’re full of carbs and protein. They’ll also help you stay in shape by filling you up and keeping you satiated, which helps you to eat fewer calories overall and lose weight as a result. As a gluten-free whole grain, oats are a great choice for people who are avoiding wheat or gluten. Eating oats regularly can relieve constipation, so they’re a great food for the elderly or those who tend to get constipated. For babies, beginning to eat oats before 6 months old could help to reduce the chances of developing asthma. As if that weren’t enough amazing benefits already, oats have some fantastic external uses too! When applied to the skin, they can relieve redness, irritation, and itching, and even reduce the symptoms of eczema. One of my favorite things about oats is their versatility. We all know about eating oatmeal for breakfast, but you can also use them in muffins, granola bars, cookies, and many other baked goods that you can eat for any meal. You can also use them to make simple, delicious overnight oats in a bunch of flavor combinations! Today I want to share five of my favorite recipes for overnight oats with you.
Hello, Beautiful Soul! I’m so excited to have you here, joining millions across the world in the Rawvana family! Transform your life and reveal your authentic self by practicing daily gratitude and self-love. Eat an abundance of delicious fruits and veggies for boundless energy to be active and perform at your best. The Rawvana lifestyle is about connecting your body, mind, and spirit by creating harmony between yourself, your thoughts, and the world. True beauty comes from within, so feel amazing and look amazing! Visit my blog
Two Overnight Oats Recipes For all of these recipes, simply combine all of the ingredients in a resealable glass jar. Mix well, then close the jar and refrigerate overnight (or for at least 8 hours) and enjoy! 1. Chocolate Coconut Overnight Oats - 1/2 cup oats - 3/4 cup almond milk - 2 tablespoons shredded coconut - 1 tablespoon cacao powder - sea salt to taste - 1 tablespoon chia seeds - 1 tablespoon maple syrup - vanilla extract to taste - 1 banana (cut into slices) 2. Strawberry Overnight Oats - 1/2 cup oats - 3/4 cup almond milk - 1 cup strawberries, cut into bite-sized pieces - 1 tablespoon chia seeds - juice of 1/2 lime - 1 tablespoon maple syrup - vanilla extract to taste - sea salt to taste I’m so excited to hear what you think of all of these once you try them! Leave a comment below to let me know which one is your favorite (mine is the strawberry one!). To see how to garnish them so they look as amazing as they taste, check out my video. And for more amazing recipes like these, plus so much more, I recommend my 21-Day Weight-Loss and Self-Love Challenge! It’s ideal for anyone who wants to lose at least 10 pounds and kickstart a healthier lifestyle. Love you! Yovana
ola, hermosa! El día de hoy quiero hablarte de uno de mis alimentos favoritos: ¡la avena! Es versátil, maravillosa y está llena de fibra, minerales, vitaminas y antioxidantes. Sigue leyendo para conocer sus beneficios, así como 5 recetas de avena reposada, fáciles de preparar y deliciosas. Seguramente has escuchado que la avena puede bajar los niveles de azúcar en la sangre y reducir el riesgo de enfermedades cardiacas. ¿Pero sabías que también está llena de antioxidantes, que reducen el colesterol, incrementan la sensibilidad a la insulina y promueven una flora intestinal saludable? La avena es un alimento fantástico para atletas porque está llena de carbohidratos y proteínas. También te ayuda a mantenerte en forma ya que te llena y te mantiene satisfecho, lo que te ayuda a ingerir menos calorías en general y como resultado perder peso. Al ser un grano entero sin gluten, la avena es un excelente alimento para personas que están evitando el trigo o el gluten. Consumir avena regularmente puede aliviar el estreñimiento, por lo que es ideal para adultos mayores y para quienes tienden a estreñirse. Para bebés, si comienzan a consumir avena antes de los 6 meses, puede ayudarles a reducir el riesgo de desarrollar asma.
Y como si todos estos beneficios no fueran suficientes, ¡la avena tiene increíbles usos externos también! Cuando se aplica sobre la piel, puede reducir el enrojecimiento, la irritación y la picazón, e incluso reducir los síntomas de eczema. Uno de los beneficios de la avena que más me gusta es su versatilidad. Todos sabemos que la avena se usa para el desayuno, pero también la puedes usar en muffins, barras de granola, galletas y muchos otros productos horneados que puedes comer en cualquier comida. ¡También la puedes usar para preparar deliciosas recetas de avena reposada con muchas combinaciones de sabores diferentes! El día de hoy quiero compartir contigo 5 de mis recetas favoritas de avena reposada. 2 Recetas de Avena Reposada Para todas estas recetas, simplemente combina todos los ingredientes en un frasco de vidrio con tapa. Mezcla bien, luego cierra el frasco, refrigéralo toda la noche (o por lo menos 8 horas) ¡y disfruta! - 1. Avena Reposada con Coco y Chocolate - ½ taza de avena cruda - ¾ taza de leche de almendras - 2 cucharadas de coco rallado - 1 cucharada de cacao en polvo
- Sal de mar al gusto - 1 cucharada de semillas de chía - 1 cucharada de jarabe de maple - Extracto de vainilla al gusto - 1 plátano (cortado en rebanadas) 2. Avena Reposada con Fresa - ½ taza de avena cruda - ¾ taza de leche de almendras - 1 taza de fresas cortadas en trozos pequeños - 1 cucharada de semillas de chía - Jugo de ½ limón - 1 cucharada de jarabe de maple - Extracto de vainilla al gusto - Sal de mar al gusto ¡Estoy muy emocionada de escuchar lo que piensas de estas recetas ya que las hayas probado! Deja un comentario abajo para decirme cuál es tu favorita (¡la mía es la de fresa!). Para ver cómo adornarlas para que se vean tan ricas como saben, ve mi video. Y para más recetas increíbles como esta, y mucho más, ¡te recomiendo mi Reto de 21 Días para Perder Peso y Amarte! Es ideal para cualquiera que quera perder más de 4.5 kg y dar un salto hacia un estilo de vida más saludable. Con amor, Yovana Go! Latinos | February 2019 | 27
10100 SW 200th St, Cutler Bay, FL 33157 Join us for a movie night under the stars featuring Disney's Incredibles 2. Admission is FREE! Bring your lawn chairs & blankets. Food will be available. For additional information, contact Kimberly Thomas at or call 786-5735502.
HIP HOP: LIVE IN COLOR DANCE COLLECTIVE Price $10-$20 February 9 | 8:00pm - 10:00pm Pinecrest Garden 11000 S Red Rd, Pinecrest, FL 33156 enFUNKopedia volume 1 presented by Live In Color Dance Collective is a high energy night of hip hop dance under the direction of Zedric Bembry,. Live In Color Dance Collective has attained well-deserved recognition by dazzling the nation with its unique, crowd-pleasing performances. Through his fierce, jazzy, cutting-edge, energetic footwork and rhythmic body movements, Zedric has infused a new flavor into the hiphop industry - a creation he terms "Urban Funk." Purchase tickets at the gate. $20.00 Adults, $10 Children 2-18
FREE ride, FREE guided tour, and FREE admission to TWO NATIONAL PARKS! Every weekend through April 21, 2019 Homestead invites its residents, neighbors, and visitors to explore Everglades and Biscayne National Parks, and Homestead Bayfront Park with a free guided trolley ride from Historic Downtown Homestead. The Homestead National Parks Trolley runs EVERY WEEKEND through April 21, 2019. Visit gateway or call 305-224-4457 for detailed schedule information.
FREE Family Admission Every Tuesday - 7pm Homestead Baptist Hospital 975 Baptist Way, Homestead, FL 33033 Willing to work out, have fun and meet likeminded people, don’t hesitate to join this free Run Club every Tuesday Night (7 pm) at the Baptist Hospital, across from the Speech & Therapy Building.
28 | Febrero 2019 | Go! Latinos
WOMEN'S WELLNESS EXPERIENCE "THIS IS US" Price $36 February 5 | 9:30am - 1:30pm The Acqualina Resort & Spa 17875 Collins Avenue Sunny Isles Florida 33160 United States. Chai Lifeline Southeast and The Victor Center present THIS IS US. Save the Date! Reflecting on the PAST, optimizing on the PRESENT, and protecting the FUTURE of Women's Wellness! Tickets on sale soon ($36 Admission includes breakfast, lunch, program and valet parking.) For more information please email or call 305-956-9990. MOVIE NIGHT DISNEY'S INCREDIBLES 2 FREE Family Admission February 8 | 6:00pm - 900pm Cutler Ridge Park
35TH SOUTH MIAMI ROTARY ART FESTIVAL FREE Family Admission February 23 and 24 | 10:00 AM-6:PM Downtown area of South Miami Sunset Drive (SW 72nd Street) from US 1 to Red Road (SW 57th Avenue) The Rotary Club of South Miami proudly presents its 35th annual festival during the last weekend of February. The South Miami Rotary Art Festival takes place in the vibrant downtown area of South Miami on Sunset Drive (SW 72nd Street) from US 1 to Red Road (SW 57th Avenue) adjacent to The Shops at Sunset Place. Just three miles south of Miami's Coconut Grove, South Miami borders the University of Miami and the upscale neighborhoods of Coral Gables and Pinecrest.
EATING SMART FOR A HEALTHY HEART Free February 28 | 7:00pm - 8:30pm West Kendall Baptist Hospital 9555 SW 162nd Ave, Miami, FL 33196 Join us as we talk about how important it is to be heart healthy. All ages are welcome to those with heart disease, risk factors for heart disease, or those who just want to be sure they do not get it! This program will discuss how to make eating healthy and staying physically active easy so you can commit to leading a heart healthy life. Space is limited and registration is required. Email or call 786-596-3812.
56TH ANNUAL COCONUT GROVE ARTS FESTIVAL Price: February 16,17 &18 | 10:00am - 6:00pm 3390 Mary St, Miami, Florida 33133 Join us this year at the 56th Annual Coconut Grove Arts Festival featuring local Artists as well as Artist's from around the world, live Music, and an unforgettable Culinary experience located in the lush, tropical oasis of Coconut Grove, Miami's original art district!
Saturday, February 16 | 12p - 4pm FREE Family Admission Losner Park 104 N Krone Ave, Homestead, FL 33030 Come out to learn the lasted “green� trends from organizations specializing in: Art, Organic Foods, Conservation, Nature and Outdoor Activities, Education, Wildlife Activities for all Ages Visit
CHINESE NEW YEAR FESTIVAL 2019 Price $5 -$10 | Miami Dade College Kendall Fred Shaw Plaza 11011 S.W. 104th St. Miami Chinese New Year is the largest festival in the Asian community calendar which this year welcomes the Year of the Pig. Colorful celebrations featuring Lion Dances, tai chi demonstrations, calligraphy, face painting, acrobatics, arts and crafts, bounce houses ans slides, and of course, lots of food and the Dragon Parade.
Go! Latinos | February 2019 | 29
IN THE QUAINT TOWN OF WHO-VILLE, THERE ARE MANY FRIENDLY WHOS. When you hear their name in the movie, find their name in the puzzle below.
COLOR WHILE YOU WATCH! When you see Max making breakfast, color the image below.
©2019 Universal Studios. All Rights Reserved.
30 | Febrero 2019 | Go! Latinos