message from the board chair
Dear Members of the Gonzaga Community: As you page through this magazine, take some time to study the faces, read between the lines and reflect on what four short years at Gonzaga mean to a young man. And what they mean to society long after he has graduated. It is the rare alumnus who, looking back, does not view his years at Gonzaga as the most foundational of his life. For two centuries Gonzaga has witnessed—indeed, often stood at the geographic center of—countless national and world events. More than merely witnessing those events, however, she has influenced them by forming leaders in science, politics, the arts, academics, religious life, the military, athletics, and business. The school’s impact on thousands of young men and, through them, on the life of our country is enormous and undeniably for the good. There are few institutions which can claim as much. During my ten years serving on the Board of Trustees, I have witnessed the profound and myriad ways in which Gonzaga shapes the lives of all she touches. Cura personalis, Men for Others, Ignatian identity, the power of a Jesuit education, and Gonzaga spirit are not mere slogans. They are tightly woven into the fabric of the institution. They are at the center of each decision taken by the board, and by Father Planning, his staff, and our faculty. They are why Gonzaga has not only survived but prospered for two hundred years, and why she will continue to do so. Each of you knows Gonzaga; each of you appreciates the broad significance for so many of sustaining her traditions. The lives, accomplishments, and aspirations described in the following pages are but a small part of a 200-year old story which each of us has the honor to support far into the future. You have the commitment of Gonzaga’s board, administration, and faculty to preserve accessibility to all deserving young men, to maintain our core Ignatian values, and to keep vibrant the powerful Gonzaga spirit. I respectfully ask each of you, according to your means, to give to Gonzaga as she gives to others. You will be hard pressed to find a nobler, more grateful, or more impactful recipient of your generosity. Go Eagles.
Michael P. Tierney ’70 Chair of the Gonzaga Board of Trustees
FALL 2020