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Faculty & Staff
Marine Corps, he worked as President and CEO of several public and privately-owned companies. In 2006, he earned a M.A. in Liberal Arts from St. John’s College in Santa Fe.
Assistant Director of College Counseling Angela Davies and her husband, Evan, welcomed a daughter, Quinn Meredith Davies, on October 15, 2020.
Following his graduation from Gonzaga in 1958, Jack Fenlon ’58 attended Georgetown University, St. Mary’s Seminary, and Loyola College in Baltimore for a master’s degree in education, and Denver University in Colorado for a doctorate in education. A former Catholic priest, Jack is now an Elder in the Presbyterian Church. While he was a teacher, counselor, and administrator in education, he was also a City Councilman, State Representative, and State Senator in Colorado. He now lives in Charlotte, North Carolina, and has three daughters and six grandchildren.
Guidance Counselor Maureen McLaughlin and her husband, Brian, welcomed a daughter, Isabelle “Izzy” Grace Taylor, on January 14, 2021. Izzy joins big brother, Jonathan.
Religion Teacher Laura Gengler Hudson and her husband, Kevin, welcomed a son, Andrew Bott Hudson, on October 2, 2020. Andrew joins his sister, Kathryn. Director of Educational Technology and Fine Arts Teacher John Kilroy and his wife, Alexa Reimelt, welcomed a son, Christopher Reimelt Kilroy, in October 2020. Last fall, Religion Teacher Dr. Harry Rissetto, PhD ’89 had a book review published in the International Journal of Evangelization and Catechetics. Dr. Rissetto reviewed Claude Pavur, S.J.’s In the School of Ignatius: Studious Zeal and Devoted Learning which examines the role of the Ratio Studiorum and its application within modern Jesuit education.
Col. Nicholas J. Morana, Ret. ’43 celebrated his 95th birthday on October 16, 2020 and celebrated his 70th wedding anniversary with his wife, Ann, on September 4, 2020.
graduated in 1963 from Georgetown University as an Accounting Major in the School of Business, Charlie joined the accounting firm of Councilor, Buchanan and Mitchell. He would then use his financial and accounting acumen to establish successful payroll and human resources companies including Hughes Computer Systems and Wolf Computers, which went on to become Payroll Network. As his business ventures grew, so too did Charlie’s involvement with numerous local civic, religious, and educational institutions.
In September, Thomas Clark, Jr. ’59 published his latest novel, The Altar Boy, which is available in both hard copy and electronically through outlets such as Amazon and Kindle. In November, Charles “Charlie” Wolf II, CPA ’59 was named the Catholic Business Person of the Year by the Catholic Business Network DC (CBN-DC) at their 7th Annual CBN-DC Gala. A Washington DC native, Charlie is Chairman and Founder of Payroll Network. Having
1956 David Hofmann ’56, a painter based in Santa Fe, visited Gonzaga in December 2019 at the invitation of recently retired art teacher Ms. Jenn Carter. After the talk, David decided to donate a painting to Gonzaga, which was hung in the Alumni Art Gallery in Reusch Cantwell in November 2020. After graduating from Gonzaga in 1956, Hofmann attended the U.S. Naval Academy, where he earned a B.S. in Engineering. After serving in the
Top right: Col. Nicholas J. Morana, Ret. ’43 and his wife, Ann. Bottom right: Father Stephen Planning in the Alumni Art Gallery in Reusch Cantwell next to a painting by David Hofmann ’56. Left: Charles “Charlie” Wolf II, CPA ’59