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Encouragement for Ministry Teams: You’re change-exhausted and it’s time for FUN!
Gò0dNews for Ministry
Encouragement for Ministry Teams: You’re change-exhausted and it’s time for FUN!
by Amy Eaton
Are you a ministry team leader in a church or non-profit? How is your team doing? No, I am not asking about performance. How is your team doing? Are they tired? Stressed? Stretched too thin? Overwhelmed with life-things?
Many people that I love whom are in ministry are very, very tired. They are wonderful people, with hearts on fire for Jesus and sharing His good news with those that God places in front of them. However, they—like so many of us—have been sprinting and pivoting non-stop since early last year. Constant changes and shifts have cluttered their minds and taxed their emotional resources. Church is still okay: gather and show your faith! Church is not a building: stay home and watch online! Masks for everyone, masks are optional, masks are required, masks are mean oh wait, maybe masks are kind. Open the church building! Close the church building. And this is all barely scratching the surface of the confusions and the social unrest that we have all been wrestling and processing.
I have been in the corporate world for over twenty years, working in fast-paced, frequently changing environments. I also hold a Master’s degree in Psychology, which simply means I have been educated to understand human behavior, specializing in the workplace. The only reason I share that is to encourage you to hear me when I say—your people may not be okay. And, that is okay. However—it is time to focus on your people. How are you pausing to listen to your team(s)? In what ways are you creating space for them to share their challenges and allowing brainstorming to occur for potential solutions? And…possibly most importantly, when was the last time you all had fun together?
I genuinely imagine that Jesus was fun. Yes, He is holy and God in flesh—Emmanuel. He corrected the overly-religious and pulled close the sinners, loved well and flipped necessary tables. However, He was also someone children would come to (Mark 10:13-16), and kids love fun people. Jesus came so that we could live, and live abundantly (John 10:10). When He called you and your team to serve alongside Him, He never expected you to do it in your own strength. However, when you are constantly expected to pivot, it is natural to fall into self-preservation and striving instead of resting and trusting in God. A natural consequence is that we will spend less time in prayer and more time trying to survive.
A great article titled, “Why Having Fun at Work is Important,” via ThriveGlobal.com, shares why having fun is mission-critical for you and your team (Kumar, 2021). Pawan, the author, points out that happiness is connected to healthiness! He also confirms having fun together improves collaboration and communication, increases creativity and productivity, and encourages retention and satisfaction. Simply put—you cannot afford not to plan some fun together.
So, as you are looking ahead and planning for your future as a ministry team, please set aside and guard time for you and your team to rest. Even Jesus created space for solitude and prayer (Matthew 14:23, Mark 1:35, Luke 6:12). In addition to planned sabbaths, I recommend at least one day of fun per quarter if possible, and that you involve your team in the planning since “fun” can be described a little differently by individuals.
You and your team will be healthier, happier, and in a better state to hear from the Holy Spirit and impact your world for His glory—simply because you took the time to show your team you care enough to invest in them through prioritizing fun and rest.
About The Author Amy Eaton has a passion for loving people and helping them see their worth and value in Christ. She hopes her writings will be an encouragement and point people to the heart of God (Acts 20:24).

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