June 2021

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Gò0dNews for Everyone

Relying on God


by Leah Hadder

admit it, I have struggled trusting God. It has not always

relationship was a season, a chapter—it was not meant to be

been easy for me to follow His leading. Through His

a lasting commitment.

goodness and grace, the Lord taught me through a

God taught me to trust Him when I did not

lesson that He could be trusted, even when I was angry,

understand. In His goodness, I realized why the

confused, and heartbroken. His love—in teaching me to

relationship needed to end. I can see it now. When I thought God was punishing me, He was propelling me forward into my destiny on a bright, shining path (Proverbs 4:18 ESV). He gave me hope and perspective. Instead of continuously reliving failure, I began daily to live out a successful future. I have listened to others lament over broken relationships, failed career plans, the loss of financial means, and many other unfortunate occurrences. There were times when I immediately knew what to say to provide comfort and other times when I gave a listening ear. Though I do not have all the answers, I know the One who does. Seek Him in prayer. Tell Him how you feel. Ask Him to guide you

trust Him—was evident in that lesson. It appeared in a breakup years ago. I wanted a relationship to continue so badly that

and to help you trust His plan. Refer to Jeremiah 17:7-8 ESV: “Blessed is the man who trusts in the LORD,

when it fell through, I hastily became angry believing that

whose trust is the LORD.

God took away a blessing. At the time, I wondered if God

He is like a tree planted by water,

had intentionally acted to destroy the relationship as a

that sends out its roots by the stream,

punishment towards me. I mistakenly believed that He did

and does not fear when heat comes,

not care about my happiness nor that He cared about how I

for its leaves remain green,

would miss the relationship moving forward.

and is not anxious in the year of drought,

Though I hatefully questioned God, He lovingly

for it does not cease to bear fruit.”

answered me. God is a faithful God. He is a caring God

Listen to Him. Obey Him. Allow yourself to see the

and He truly knows best. Years later—after much prayer

goodness of God move in your situation. May He continue

and studying scripture—I realized that the relationship I

to amaze you as He reveals His glory. As C.S. Lewis wrote,

had prayed to thrive would not have been ideal for myself

“Relying on God has to begin all over again every day as if

or for him. We were moving through life on separate

nothing had yet been done.”

that relationship “collapse,” God has blessed both of us abundantly, separately, in the lives He designed for us. Our

20 // June 2021

About The Author

tracks, needing to run our Christian races apart. Since Leah Hadder is a speaker, writer, and podcast host. She attends Living Word Church in Cleveland, Tennessee. Contact Leah at www.leahhadder.org.

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