Gò0dNews for Teens
Some Things Never Change by Nadolyn Lee
remember feeling very overwhelmed as a teenager.
Heavenly Father, I come before Your throne.
Grades, friends, pressures, and activities that came with
I am here to admit that I can’t do this alone.
even more obligations seemed to always be adding up.
God, I can barely look myself in the eyes.
Looking back, I almost feel guilty for feeling that way. I talk
I feel so much shame, I hear many lies.
to my own teens today and they feel the same way, but they
I fear, I doubt. My mind is full.
have much more reason to. Sports are all-consuming, grades
But even in the darkest nights I feel Your pull—
seem to feel “make or break” for their future, and I can
On my heart, on my life, on my mind.
hardly believe the difference of pressures in 2021 compared
Your plan is flawless. Your heart is so kind. Lord, I am
to the early ’90s. It’s like comparing apples to oranges.
facing a valley.
A lot has changed, to the point that sometimes I wonder
The enemy is striking—the trails, the lies, the hurt are too
if I am saying the right things to my teens. But the God
much for my liking.
who I counted on as a teen has not changed at all. He is
But You, my God, are limitless. I hurt and I’m broken, I
still just as faithful and just as present in the lives of young
must confess. Wash over me
people today. Nothing you are facing has blindsided Him
Like never before. Please remind me what I am here for.
or caught Him off guard. God knows your pressures, fears,
I’m insecure
and emotions. I was recently reminded of how I felt many
I’m weak
times as a teen when my 15-year-old niece, Julia, sent me
I’m flawed
this poem she wrote.
But my hope comes from you, my God. I can’t tell you that the demands placed upon you will get any less. In fact, they may get even more challenging in the years to come. But I can tell you it gets easier as God equips you to better handle all those demands. Maturing and staying grounded in God’s Word will put a lot of your roller coaster emotions in the rearview mirror. As a teen, I disappointed God plenty of times, but He has never once disappointed me. At my weakest, His strength sustained me. When you are overwhelmed, a great place to turn to in Scripture is the Psalms. “You, Lord, are forgiving and good, abounding in love to all who call you. Hear my prayer, Lord; listen to my cry for mercy. When I am in distress, I call to you, because you answer
About The Author
me” (Psalm 86:5-7).
28 // June 2021
Nadolyn Lee is a graduate of Berry College with her Masters and Education Specialist Degree from LMU. She has taught elementary music for twenty-three years in the North Georgia area. Creator of ‘Dirt Road Believer’ YouTube Channel, Nadolyn produces Christian devotions every Tuesday and Thursday. She is an author, songwriter, and director for children’s musical theater in her community of Summerville, GA. She and her husband of eighteen years, Adam, have four teenage children. Nadolyn co-founded and runs the local chapter of Helping Hands Ending Hunger, INC that feeds hungry students and their families over the weekend.