October 2021

Page 32

Gò0dNews for Everyone

Changing Seasons


by Paula Burgner

oon, these hot summer days will be gone and it will

The Bible tells us in Ecclesiastes 3:1, “To everything

feel like all at once summer fell into fall. When we

there is a season, a time to every purpose under the heaven.”

think of the fall time, we think of how much closer

You just have to dig deep down, pray, keep pushing

winter is, knowing that right around the corner is colder weather—the dread of shorter daylight, cold days, and

through and things will always get better. Pumpkins have a vine that reaches way down into

nights. However, autumn can show us how beautiful it is to

the ground to replenish itself, to prosper, to grow, and to

let things go. A fallen leaf is nothing more than a summer’s

have abundance. We also have a vine that is called faith—it

wave goodbye, a promise that better things are to come.

will replenish us, help us grow, prosper, and give us an

To me, fall is a time of change and another chance to

abundance of more than we could ever ask for if we will just

start with beautiful new things. The trees shed their leaves

listen to God and follow His will. As we look at the outside

and bring on bright colorful leaves. We may often feel

of a pumpkin, it might look strong and beautiful, but after

overwhelmed by the changing of the seasons, as it feels

cutting off the top, we look inside and see that it is full of

like the cold weather might last forever. This is similar to

slimy gunk. We are similar. On the outside, we may look

the way we think about the hard times that come around,

good, but God can see inside our hearts.

that they are here to stay, but we can be assured that they

Once you ask God to come into your life and help you,

are not. The cold is not here to stay and neither will the

He will make you clean on the inside. Once you truly accept

hard times.

Jesus into your life and put Him first in everything, He will fill your life with so much joy and love. Without God, you may feel dark and empty, but the darkness does not last forever. It is like when we place a candle or a light inside a pumpkin, we are reminded that Jesus does not want to leave us empty inside. He wants to fill our hearts with His love and light so that others can see. The Bible tells us in 2 Corinthians 4:6, “For God, who said, ‘Let light shine out of darkness,’ made his light shine in our hearts to give us the light of the knowledge of God’s glory displayed in the face of Christ.” So, when you set your pumpkin out all lit up and shining brightly for everyone to see, make sure that you also let your light shine bright for the world to

32 // October 2021

About The Author

see what God has done for you.

Paula Burgner is a very strong willed, outgoing, girl who loves working out, and she believes in her heart that you are capable of doing anything that you put your mind to.

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