Gò0dNews for Encouragement
Hope Beyond Despair
by Abdiel Medina
ife gets overwhelming and stressful. Sometimes,
our Father, the source of immeasurable joy, peace,
it might be because you are trying to balance
and love. What makes this gift all the more incredible
school with extracurricular activities and church
is that Jesus Christ paid the price for it! Romans 6:23
attendance. Sometimes, it might be because of your
states, “For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift
heavy workload from a job. Sometimes, it may be from
of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.”
simply entering a new season of life. Regardless of what is causing you to feel
Jesus Christ has secured us an everlasting hope that prevails against all the darkness and troubles we
overburdened, I want to start by stating, you are not alone in your struggles. I am writing this article a few days before starting school at Lee University. Although I am excited, I am honestly overwhelmed—emotionally and mentally—about entering this new season of life. Everyone experiences times when they are overwhelmed, so you should not feel ashamed when it happens to you. It is also a reminder of how we are in constant need of God’s love and grace. I would like to now offer some Good News for encouragement. No matter what you are facing, it is nothing
will ever face on this Earth! So, I challenge you to use this hope as an encouragement to not give up when
compared to the eternal joy and love we are destined
overburdened, to choose to fix your eyes on God and
to experience if we choose to follow Jesus Christ.
place your trust in Him.
Romans 8:18 states, “For I consider that the sufferings
“And hope does not put us to shame, because God’s
of this present time are not worth comparing with the
love has been poured into our hearts through the Holy
glory that is to be revealed to us.”
Spirit who has been given to us,” (Romans 5:5).
Heaven awaits us, my brothers and sisters—it is a future with no suffering or despair! Heaven will be blessed beyond compare, for we shall dwell with God
38 // October 2021
Abdiel Medina is a servant of Jesus, an energetic nerd, and a young writer. Abdiel is a freshman at Lee University and is trusting God to guide him on this season of life!