taste The magazine from Select Lincolnshire Spring 2016 Issue 23 • FREE
Spring Lamb
How to deliver the perfect dish
s in
fabulous Lincolnshire recipes
Meet the county butcher selling haggis to the Scots
Make St George’s Day dinner a roaring success
Your guide: where to eat, drink and stay
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Contents Spring 2016 ã News
æè 10 minutes with... GV fZfjK YfYlfML G`Kb n LGffK jVWWfjK`VW – O`Mf ¾bVjVZnKfL nWh ½IeeC’L ¾bVjVZnKf
Ü Masterclass KfHfW ¿fWWfKKô bfnh jbfe nK bf ¾VYeC ½Ij\ô ¦njflCô dI`hfL IL KbMVIdb n LOfjKnIZnM LOM`Wd ZnYl Mfj`Of – G`Kb G`Wf LIddfLK`VWL eMVY bf OK`Y`LK `Wf ¿nM `W ¦`WjVZW
ææ Dining recommendations fZfjK YfYlfML MfHfnZ Kbf`M VGW enHVIM`Kf OZnjfL KV lVV\ eVM LOfj`nZ VjjnL`VWL
¾nKjb IO G`Kb Kbf ZnKfLK eMVY fZfjK ¦`WjVZWLb`Mf YfYlfML nWh VKbfM jVIWKC eVVh WfGL
èè Masterclass leftovers bMff enWKnLK`j YfnZL Ynhf IL`Wd LOnMf YfnK eMVY Kbf ¤nLKfMjZnLL efnKIMf èä Field to fork ¹`Wh VIK bVG n ¦`WjVZWLb`Mf enMY OMVhIjfL Kbf LIOfMeVVh lffKMVVK lfeVMf `K MfnjbfL VIM OZnKfL
æÞ Exotic tastes ÀL`hf eMVY LOMVIKL nWh LOIhLô e`Wh VIK GbnK IWILInZ eVVh nWh hM`W\ OMVhIjKL nMf jMfnKfh G`Kb`W Kbf jVIWKC’L lVMhfML
èÞ Recipes ¹`Hf `WLO`MnK`VWnZ h`LbfL IL`Wd ZVjnZô LfnLVWnZ OMVhIjf
äè Walk ¹VZZVG VIM O`jKIMfLNIfô fEKfWhnlZf LKMVZZ nZVWd Kbf `HfM ¸ZfW `W IMeZffK
æé Salad days ¹MfLbK`Yf’L KfnY LjVIKL ZfneC KMfWhL eVM CfnMòMVIWh LnZfL nWh VeefML n KnLKC hMfLL`Wd `hfn
äæ Food and heritage b`L CfnM’L ½`LjVHfM ¦`WjVZWLb`Mf Gff\fWh `L eIZZ Ve eVVh`f hfZ`dbKL
³W ¦`WjVZWLb`Mfô eMfLb ZVjnZ OMVhIjf bnL n LOfj`nZ OZnjf `W OfVOZf’L bfnMKLï ³W enjKô eVVh effhL YVMf KbnW nOOfK`KfL bfMfï ¾fZflMnK`Wd ¦`WjVZWLb`Mf’L KMnh`K`VW Ve OMVhIj`Wd NInZ`KC eVVh nWh hM`W\ `L fZfjK ¦`WjVZWLb`Mf eVM eVVhï ³W OnMKWfMLb`O G`Kb Kbf ¦`WjVZWLb`Mf ¾bnYlfM Ve ¾VYYfMjf nWh ¦`WjVZWLb`Mf ¾VIWKC ¾VIWj`Zô Gf VeefM Kbf eVVhô hM`W\ô KVIM`LYô bVLO`KnZ`KCô ndM`jIZKIMf nWh bVMK`jIZKIMf LfjKVML n IW`eC`Wd lMnWh KV b`dbZ`dbK OMVHfWnWjf nWh n`YL
æã Grow your own ¸MffWòe`WdfMfh bVYf jVV\L G`ZZ LVVW lf bnMHfLK`Wd LO`Wnjbô \nZf nWh Zff\ – lIK GbnK LbVIZh CVI LVG WfEKÎ
KV nKKMnjK H`L`KVML KV Kbf jVIWKCô OMVYVKf lIL`WfLL dMVGKb nWh ]Vl jMfnK`VWï ³e CVI nMf n ZVjnZ eVVh lIL`WfLL `WKfMfLKfh `W lf`Wd efnKIMfh `W ¸VVh nLKf Yndn>`Wfô fYn`Z LfZfjKÃZ`WjLòjbnYlfMïjVïI\ ¹VM `WeVMYnK`VW VW bVG KV VlKn`W n jVOC ZVjnZZCô VM `e CVI GVIZh Z`\f KV Mfjf`Hf n OVLKnZ jVOCô L`dW IO VWZ`Wf nK LfZfjKZ`WjVZWLb`MfïjVYï VLKndf nWh Onj\nd`Wd MfNI`Mfhï ¾VWKnjK IL VW éèàææ ÜãÞÛäè VM LfZfjKÃZ`WjLòjbnYlfMïjVïI\
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Welcome... 40 34
31 äã Lincolnshire breakfast f’Hf dVK nZZ Kbf `WdMfh`fWKL eVM Kbf lfZVHfh »WdZ`Lb eMCòIO `W Kbf jVIWKC äÝ 10 minutes with... ¹`Wh VIK GbC ÀWdfZL ½fLLfMKL’ jILKVYfML nMf jnZZ`Wd `KL eMfLb OIhh`WdL nWh LfMH`jf bfnHfWZC äÜ Wow at weddings ¹MVY jn\fL Ve jbffLf nWh fh`lZf lVINIfKL KV jMfOfL nWh OfMLVWnZ`Lfh lffM – jVIOZfL nMf d`H`Wd Kbf`M l`d hnC IWILInZ ¦`WjVZWLb`Mf KG`LKL ãé Food and family ³e CVI’Mf bnH`Wd n dnKbfM`Wd KV jfZflMnKf ¤VKbfM’L ½nCô »nLKfM VM K ¸fVMdf’L ½nCô ZfK h`fKnMC MfNI`MfYfWKL lf n jnILf eVM jMfnK`H`KC ãæ Events bnK’L dV`Wd VW `W ¤nMjbô ÀOM`Z nWh ¤nC ãä Select member map and directory
àé Poppies on tour ¤nM\ Kbf jfWKfWnMC Ve Kbf ¿nKKZf Ve Kbf VYYf
½nGW ·`WLZfCô dnMhfW`Wd GM`KfM nWh jVZIYW`LK eVM Kbf ¦`WjVZWLb`Mf »jbV nWh ©VIMWnZ Yndn>`Wf nWh MfdIZnM jVWKM`lIKVM eVM ÀYnKfIM ¸nMhfW`Wd Yndn>`Wfô `L nZLV n \ffW CfnMòMVIWh jVKKndfòLKCZf dnMhfWfM nK bVYf nWh dMVGòCVIMòVGW fWKbIL`nLKï
Recipes Ü OM`Wd ¦`WjVZWLb`Mf ZnYl G`Kb LfnLVWnZ
HfdfKnlZfLô dnYf jb`OLô bVZZnWhn`Lf nWh nMK`jbV\f OIMéf èè ¦nYl jIMMC èè bfObfMh’L O`f èè IZZfh ZnYl GMnOL G`Kb dInjnYVZf èà OfZKô bVMLfMnh`Lb nWh lffKMVVK M`LVKKV èÞ ¦`WjVZWLb`Mf jb`Wfò`WLO`Mfh KfMM`Wf èÝ O`jfh OZIY jbIKWfC èÜ VnLK OIYO\`W LVIO G`Kb K`ZKVW nWh bn>fZWIK èÜ `YWfZ en`MC jn\fL èÛ ¸nMZ`j nWh MVLfYnMC LVhn lMfnh æé ¤nOZf nWh YILKnMh LnZnh hMfLL`Wd æè O`Wnjb Lnnd nZVV ãé MnWdf OVZfWKn jn\f ãé ¿njVWô eZndfVZfK lfnW nWh GnKfMjMfLL LnZnh ãè ¾MfnYC GnKfMjMfLL LVIO ãè ¿ffKMVVK bIYYIL
·Idb ¤nMMVGL `L n MfK`Mfh j`H`Z LfMHnWK nWh n \ffW GnZ\fM G`Kb nW fEKfWL`Hf \WVGZfhdf Ve ¦`WjVZWLb`Mfï ·Idb GM`KfL eVM ¦`WjVZWLb`Mf VhnCô GMVKf Kbf `\`Wd nC dI`hf nWh YVMf MfjfWKZC À ¿VVK O Kbf ¦`WjVZWLb`Mf VZhLï
fZjVYf KV Kbf LOM`Wd fh`K`VW Ve CVIM WfGòZVV\ ¸VVh nLKf Yndn>`Wfï b`L K`Yf Ve CfnM LfMHfL IO Kbf OfMefjK VOOVMKIW`KC eVM jbnWdf – `K’L n K`Yf Ve WfG lfd`WW`WdL nWh eMfLb LKnMKLï ³K LffYL e`KK`Wdô KbfWô KbnK CVIM enHVIM`Kf eVVh Yndn>`Wf bnL lffW d`HfW n Yn\fVHfMï ÀL GfZZ nL bnH`Wd n eMfLbô jVWKfYOVMnMC hfL`dWô Kb`L fh`K`VW nZLV hflIKL n LfZfjK`VW Ve WfG efnKIMfLï ¿fKGffW OndfL èä nWh èàô CVI G`ZZ e`Wh VIM ¹`fZh KV ¹VM\ LfjK`VWô Gb`jb hfKn`ZL bVG ZVjnZ lffKMVVK OMVhIjfM KMnGlfMMC ¹`fZhL Kn\fL Kbf H`lMnWK HfdfKnlZf eMVY Lffh KV LnZfï ÀWhô VW OndfL æè nWh äÝô VIM ‘èé ¤`WIKfL `Kb’ `WKfMH`fGL d`Hf CVI nW `WL`dbK `WKV Kbf Z`ef nWh GVM\ Ve fZfjK ¦`WjVZWLb`Mf YfYlfMLï ÀL CVI Mfnh KbMVIdbô CVI G`ZZ Lff Gf’Hf \fOK YnWC Ve VIM MfdIZnM OZnKeVMYLô `WjZIh`Wd Kbf ¦`LK`WdL LfjK`VWô Gb`jb OMVH`hfL n jVYOMfbfWL`Hf Z`LK Ve Kbf e`WfLK OZnjfL KV fnKô hM`W\ nWh MfZnEïïï »W]VC1
Mel West, editor
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¤nMC VGfZZ `L KVIM`LY hfHfZVOYfWK YnWndfM eVM ¦`WjVZWLb`Mf ¾VIWKC ¾VIWj`Zï bf LfK IO nLKfL Ve ¦`WjVZWLb`Mf $WVG fZfjK" nWh `W æééà lfdnW Kbf èéòCfnM OMVjfLL Ve dn`W`Wd Kbf eIWhL nWh hfZ`HfM`Wd Kbf GVM\L eVM ¦`WjVZW ¾nLKZf fHfnZfh OMV]fjKï GOOD TASTE
Young chef spices up regional heat À j`KC LKIhfWK bnL jVV\fh b`L GnC `WKV Kbf Mfd`VWnZ MVIWh Ve n eVVh jVWKfLKï ¤nMjIL `Z\`WLVWô eMVY ¦`WjVZW ¤`WLKfM jbVVZô GnL MIWWfMòIO `W Kbf h`LKM`jK MVIWh Ve Kbf VKnMC ¾ZIl VIWd ¾bfe Ve Kbf fnM jVYOfK`K`VW `W ·VMWjnLKZfï bf LjbVVZ Ln`hÖ “·f WVG OMVdMfLLfL KV Kbf Mfd`VWnZ MVIWh Ve Kbf WnK`VWnZ jVWKfLK `W ·nZ`enEô WfEK bnZe KfMYï” ·`L YfWI `WjZIhfh e`HfòLO`jf MVnLKfh hIj\ lMfnLK G`Kb OnWjn\f jM`LO nWh n bV`L`W LnIjfï bf LjbVVZ G`ZZ nZLV bVLK nW nZIYW` h`WWfM `W ©IWf nWh n LOfj`nZZC hfH`Lfh ZVjnZ ¦`WjVZWLb`Mf YfWI bnL lffW OZnWWfhï »EfjIK`Hf jbfe Vl Y`Kb LbnMfL LVYf Ve Kbf YfWI VW OndfL èÞòèÝï
Awards evening date announced bf hnKf Ve nW nGnMhL W`dbK Gb`jb jfZflMnKfL Kbf lfLK Ve ¦`WjVZWLb`Mf’L eVVhô hM`W\ nWh bVLO`KnZ`KC lIL`WfLLfL bnL lffW nWWVIWjfhï bf fZfjK ¦`WjVZWLb`Mf nGnMhL G`ZZ lf bfZh nK ¦`WjVZW ¤`WLKfM jbVVZ VW jKVlfM èèô æéèÞô KV jfZflMnKf ZVjnZ eVVh nWh OMVhIjfML eMVY njMVLL ¸MfnKfM ¦`WjVZWLb`Mfï bf fHfW`Wd G`ZZ lf LbVGjnLfh lC ¸MnbnY dhfWô bfnh hfHfZVOYfWK jbfe nK ¾bnMKGfZZL ³WhfOfWhfWKï ·f GnL OMfH`VILZC fEfjIK`Hf jbfe eVM ¾VYOnLL ¸MVIO nWh IdlC jbVVZ nWh `L OnLL`VWnKf nlVIK LIOOVMK`Wd LjbVVZL KV hfZ`HfM dVVhô ZVjnZ eVVh G`Kb`W Kbf`M lIhdfKLï ¾bnMKGfZZL GnL Kbf e`MLK KV lM`Wd nW VIKLVIMjfh jnKfM`Wd LfMH`jf KV `WhfOfWhfWK LjbVVZLï
Book is a recipe for success
Students to sell the fruits of their labour Students will design and produce their own Lincolnshire food for an upcoming market day. Up to 10 groups of students from secondary schools around the county will sell their own goods in Lincoln on May 5. The Food For Thought event will see students from a selection of county schools think up their own food product with the help of mentors from Lincolnshire food businesses. Each school will select a product to be made and then sold at the special market, held on the University of Lincoln’s Brayford Wharf campus. The pilot project could become an annual event. Rosella Gugliotta is community co-ordinator for the Education Business
bfC bnHf ZVjnZ eVVh nWh lIL`WfLL YfWKVML
Partnership, which is putting it together. “It is a little bit of work experience for them, in a way,” she said. “They can see what it takes to come up with a food product and sell it. “The students have local food mentors as well, local business mentors to help get them through it, answer any questions, and they can get in
UP-SELLING: Students will develop food for the public to buy touch with them. We are still looking for those.” Students will form their own mini business to develop a business plan for their ideas. The students, aged between 14 to 19, will sell their products on their own stall at the EBP Market Day, which is open to the public. During the day, students will participate in workshops and present their business plan and marketing ideas. Prizes could be awarded for profit made on the day, most innovative product, and best presentation. Profit from each stalls will go back to the school involved. It will all help students
BEAT IT: Hayley Chew appeared on TV for a British Heart Foundation campaign
À jVV\lVV\ eIZZ Ve Mfj`OfL eMVY ¦`WjVZWLb`Mf OMVhIjfML bnL dVWf hVGW n KMfnK G`Kb jILKVYfML – nWh lfWfe`Kfh Kbf lIL`WfLLfL `WjZIhfhï nh`f ·`MLKô Ve © ·`MLK lIKjbfML `W VVhbnZZ Onô LnCL Kbf ¦`WjVZWLb`Mf ¾VV\ ¿VV\ bnL lffW n LIjjfLLï “¹MVY VIM H`fGOV`WK `K bnL dVWf HfMC GfZZô” Lbf Ln`hï “·VOfeIZZC `K G`ZZ OMVHf OVOIZnM G`Kb bVZ`hnC Yn\fMLï ³ dfK n ZVK Ve effhlnj\ eMVY OfVOZf KbnK bnHf KM`fh VIM LnILndf OZn`K Mfj`Of `W KbfMfï f’Hf bnh OfVOZf jVY`Wd `W KV dfK LnILndf YfnK eVM Kbf Mfj`Ofï”
develop a wider understanding of Lincolnshire food and running a small business, while also promoting the county’s culture of good food. The Lincolnshire Outreach Network is sponsoring the market. Abi Paine, widening participation officer, said: “The Food For Thought project will be a fantastic opportunity for young people to boost their skills, learn about local food production and understand the link between the industry and what they can study at HE level – from marketing and business management to team entrepreneurship and food manufacturing.”
Coffee shop o for a charity v A coffee shop owner who has overcome heart surgery has appeared in a television campaign. Hayley Chew, who runs The Old Butchers coffee shop in Billinghay, is seen in a British Heart Foundation advert with her children – who hold up cards saying “my mum beat it”. The advert is encouraging the nation to sign up for the Wear It. Beat It campaign to raise £1 million for life-saving research. Mrs Chew decided to take part after her father died following a
Golden year for festival gardens
OM`Wde`fZhL ¹fLK`HnZ ¸nMhfWL WfnM OnZh`Wd G`ZZ jfZflMnKf `KL àéKb nWW`HfMLnMC Kb`L CfnMï bf dnMhfWL e`MLK VOfWfh `W èÛÞÞ nL “Kbf LbVO G`WhVG eVM Kbf eZVGfM lIZl `WhILKMC”ô nWh efnKIMf jfZflM`KC LbVGjnLf dnMhfWL `WjZIh`Wd hfL`dWL lC ¾bnMZ`f ½`YYVj\ nWh ¾bM`L ¿fnMhLbnGï
Crafty couple open bottle shop
Welcoming the new team at Old Stables The three new owners of a Horncastle coffee shop and restaurant say they have already seen strong sales and support from customers. Married couple Kate and Andrew Giffen have bought award-winning business The Old Stables in Market Place along with Mrs Giffen’s father, Ian Forrester. And, they say the move is already proving to be a success. “Although it is early days, we are already seeing strong sales growth,” Mr Giffen said. “But most importantly we are receiving very positive feedback from our customers– both regulars and newcomers.” Mr and Mrs Giffen had been living in Switzerland before returning to England and then taking up the business. Mrs Giffen, who runs front of
SUCCESS: Above from left; Kerry Moreton, Andrew Giffen, Tracey Fothergill, Kate Giffen, Wayne Richardson and Luke Hutchinson. Left, afternoon tea house, said: “We want to build on the great reputation The Old Stables has already achieved and add our own personal touch. We are very fortunate that we have the enthusiasm and support of a dedicated and capable staff.” She has a background in
op owner backs campaign y very close to her heart hereditary heart condition and she also had heart surgery. She said: “Everyone assumes that it is an old person’s disease, but I inherited it from my dad.” The 36-year-old was just 13 when her dad died from hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, which makes the heart wall thicker and it is more difficult to pump blood around the body. At 29, doctors found a leaking heart valve that affects blood flow through the heart. Three years later she was then rushed to hospital with pains SPRING 2016
customer services and administration. Her husband has technical and business skills – and experience as a chef – while Mr Forrester has trained in hotel management and a career in the food industry. The family say they want to provide a “mouth-watering selection of hot and cold dishes, superb coffee and beverages presented in a tasteful, comfortable environment”. They are also strong on nutrition and customers’ special dietary requirements. “A successful business is determined by having a genuine interest in your product and going the extra distance,” said Mr Forrester. “You can enjoy the best of local foods and imaginative culinary creations without needing a second mortgage to pay for it.”
À On`M Ve MfnZ nZf ZVHfML bnHf IWHf`Zfh n WfG LbVO `W ¦`WjVZWï ¾Zn`Mf nWh §nMZ ¿MVGW VOfWfh bf ¾MneKC ¿VKKZf VW bf KMn`K VW bIMLhnCô ¹flMInMC èèï bf YnMM`fh jVIOZf Z`Hf WfnM ¦`WjVZW nWh MnW Z`jfWLfh HfWIfL nWh YVl`Zf lnML lfeVMf LKnMK`Wd Kbf ¦`WjVZWLb`Mf ¿MfG`Wd ¾VYOnWC `W æéèãï bf`M LbVO LfZZL ZVjnZô § nWh `WKfMWnK`VWnZZC lMfGfh MfnZ nZfLï “ f nMf bVO`Wd `K G`ZZ MfnZZC dn`W YVYfWKIYô” ¤ML ¿MVGW Ln`hï
Butchers ready to make meals À ¦VIKb lIKjbfML `L OVIM`Wd £èéôééé `WKV jbnWdfL KV bfZO `K jMfnKf \`KjbfWòMfnhC eVVhLï ¤fM`h`nW ¤fnKL bnL nhhfh fEKMnjK`VWô lZnLK jb`ZZ`Wd nWh LbVj\ eMff>`Wd fNI`OYfWK nWh n KMnCòZ`hh`Wd Ynjb`Wf KV n WfG Y`W` OMVhIjK`VW \`KjbfWï ©`Y IKjZ`eefô Ve ¤fM`h`nW ¤fnKLô Ln`hÖ “ b`L `L fWnlZ`Wd IL KV OMVhIjf VIM VGW LYnZZòlnKjbô dVIMYfK MfnhC YfnZLô Gb`jb Gf nMf dV`Wd KV lMnWh nL ¤fM`h`nW ¤fnKL fLKnIMnWK÷VYfï “ bfC nMf dV`Wd KV lf Onj\fh eIZZ Ve KVO NInZ`KCô WnK`VWnZ `WdMfh`fWKLï”
Churches open doors for 20th year
down her left hand side and in her chest. Mrs Chew said: “I was pregnant with my fourth child and when I was at my last antenatal clinic it was picked up that I had a leaky heart valve. “Then over a short period it got worse – all the symptoms were like a heart attack. They said I had to have surgery to get my life back.” Mrs Chew has since been given the all-clear and is passionate about funding research. For more information visit
¢`WfKCòeVIM jbIMjbfL G`ZZ VOfW Kbf`M hVVML eVM KGV Gff\fWhL `W ¤nCï bf æéKb fLK ¦`WhLfC ¾bIMjbfL ¹fLK`HnZ VeefML eMff fWKMC VW ¤nC ÝòÜ eVM Kbf fnLKfMW jbIMjbfL nWh ¤nC èãòèà eVM Kbf GfLKfMW VWfLï ¤nWC jbIMjbfL LfMHf IO hfZ`j`VIL eVVh hIM`Wd Kbf efLK`HnZô eMVY bVYfYnhf jn\fL KV eIZZòLjnZf ZIWjbfLô nWh fHfW n ‘lMfn\enLK `W Kbf n`LZf’ nK K »hYIWhLô `lCï ³W K nhfdIWhô ¸MnC`WdbnYô O`jKIMfh ZfeKô H`L`KVML jnW fW]VC n ZnMdf lnOô e`ZZfh G`Kb Ve ZVjnZ OMVhIjfô nWh enWKnLK`j jn\fLï ¹VM eIZZ hfKn`ZL Ve nZZ jbIMjbfL `WHVZHfhô `WjZIh`Wd GbfMf KV dfK ZIWjbô H`L`K jbIMjbfLefLK`HnZï`WeVô Gb`jb G`ZZ lf IOhnKfh `W ¤nMjbï GOOD TASTE
Discover more of our food heritage
Vine House is one in a million for wildlife aid
`L`KVML jnW h`LjVHfM Kbf jVIWKC’L eVVh bfM`Kndf eVM KbfYLfZHfL nK Kbf ½`LjVHfM ¦`WjVZWLb`Mf ¹VVh ¹fLK`HnZï ³K `L OnMK Ve ½`LjVHfM ¦`WjVZWLb`Mf ff\fWh – GbfMf YnWC nKKMnjK`VWL nMf eMff Ve jbnMdf KV fWKfM – VW ¤nMjb èæ nWh èäï ·`dbZ`dbKL nZLV `WjZIhf eMff M`hfL VW ¦`WjVZW'L VOfWòKVO KVIM lILï IMW KV Ondf äæ eVM YVMf hfKn`ZLï
Loafing about at national show À b`LKVM`j jVIWKC ln\fMC `L Kn\`Wd n KnLKf Ve ¦`WjVZWLb`Mf KV n WnK`VWnZ eVVh fEOVï ¤VhfWL ¿n\fMCô Kbf bVYf Ve dVZh nGnMhòG`WW`Wd ¤VhfWL ¦`WjVZWLb`Mf ZIY ¿Mfnhô `L LfK KV nKKfWh Kbf ¹nMY bVO nWh ½fZ` bVG Kb`L ÀOM`Zï GWfM `YVW ©VbWLVW Ln`hÖ “ IM n`Y `L KV LOMfnh Kbf GVMh nlVIK VIM dMfnK ¦`WjVZWLb`Mf OMVhIjK enM nWh G`hfï”
Infographic & illustrations: Clara Prieto
¢» À ¦`WjVZWLb`Mf enMY bnL lMV\fW Kbf £è Y`ZZ`VW YnM\ `W hVWnK`VWL KV bf `ZhZ`ef MILKLï ½VWnK`VWL eMVY LnZfL nWh OZfhdfL bnHf bfZOfh `Wf ·VILf ¹nMY `W ½ffO`Wd K ¢`jbVZnL Mfnjb Kbf Y`ZfLKVWfï ¹`Hf OVIWhL nMf hVWnKfh GbfW nW VMhfM `L e`MLK OZnjfh nWh n eIMKbfM e`Hf OfM jfWK Ve `KL LnZfLô VW nW VWdV`Wd lnL`Lô G`ZZ bfZO Kbf VMdnW`LnK`VWï ¢`jbVZnL nKKL Ln`hÖ “¹nMY`Wd Kb`L GnC `L n GnC Ve Z`ef eVM IL nWh `K lM`WdL nlVIK dMfnK OZfnLIMf KV Lff G`ZhZ`ef KbM`H`Wdï” `Wf ·VILf ¹nMY lfdnW `W èÛÛæ GbfW ¤M nKKLô n eVIMKbòdfWfMnK`VW enMYfMô KIMWfh b`L OnMKòK`Yf l`MhGnKjb`Wd bVllC `WKV n lIL`WfLLï ·f dMVGL YVMf KbnW ãéé njMfL Ve LffhL eVM l`MhL nL GfZZ nL lf`Wd Kbf ZnMdfLK dMVGfM Ve LIWeZVGfML `W Kbf §ï KfObnW`f ·`ZlVMWfô jb`fe fEfjIK`Hf Ve bf `ZhZ`ef MILKLô Ln`hÖ “¿C hfh`jnK`Wd b`L Z`ef KV jVWLfMH`Wd G`ZhZ`efô ¢`jbVZnL `L Zfnh`Wd Kbf GnC `W G`ZhZ`efòeM`fWhZC enMY`Wdï “ f nMf KbnW\eIZ eVM Kbf GVWhfMeIZ LIOOVMK eMVY `Wf ·VILf ¹nMY nWh `KL jILKVYfMLï” bf enY`ZCòMIW enMY `WjZIhfL ¤M nKKL’ hnIdbKfM ¦IjC nWh LVWò`WòZnG VlfMKï
Hubberts Bridge, Boston, Lincolnshire PE20 3QP
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Couple branch out with Elm Tree B&B The couple behind an award-winning tea room have started a five-star B&B. Jonathan and Chris Wilkinson-White, pictured, have transformed a Georgian house in the Lincolnshire Wolds into hospitality venture Elm Tree. The pair were Select Tea Room of the Year winners in 2015 with The Old Stables in Horncastle. They sold the tea room business and properties they owned to help fund the B&B, based near Hundleby, as well as securing bank funding. The building has been renovated and given an up-market makeover. It is due to open on March 21.
“It was a full restoration project,” Jonathan Wilkinson-White said. “It was a wreck, a huge Georgian house that was a repossession property. “We found it and wanted to just change our life balance.” It has four en-suite bedrooms, two of which are suites, and a one bed apartment. The venue is able to host weddings and can be hired out for meetings. Mr Wilkinson-White said the pair had loved running the tea room and working with their “amazing staff ”, but felt it was time for a change. He hopes to encourage people to holiday inside the county. SPRING 2016
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Spring Lincolnshire lamb served with seasonal vegetables, game chips, hollandaise and artichoke purée
Steven Bennett, head chef at The Comfy Duck at the Oaklands Hall Hotel in Laceby, explains how to make this dish, which is currently on the restaurant’s a la carte menu. It is packed full of local, seasonal ingredients as everything from the meat and herbs, to the butter and rapeseed oil, can be sourced here in Lincolnshire. Pop to your local farm shop and stock up.
Recipe and cooking by Steven Bennett, the Lincolnshire Chef, chef patron at The Comfy Duck. Food styling by Charlotte Hay, The Creative Larder. Main lamb dish photographer: Chris Waud, GoPhoto! Leftover lamb dishes photographer: Elizabeth Clarke, Pink Feet Photography
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“Always buy lamb from your local butcher, it’s locally sourced and much better quality. At this time of year, ask for English spring lamb and get your butcher to remove the main layer of fat. This won’t break down when cooking, and toughens up what would be a beautiful piece of lamb.”
“Artichokes are one of the most delicious, under-used vegetables in Lincolnshire“ LAMB
³¢¸ »½³»¢ æ ZnYl MIYOL æàYZ ¦`WjVZWLb`Mf MnOfLffh V`Z ã dnMZ`j jZVHfLô jMILbfh ä MVLfYnMC LOM`dL ¤» · ½
Prepare your lamb the day before, as it’s going to absorb and take on all of the delicious flavours from the herbs. 1. In a bowl, or freezer bag, place the lamb, oil and herbs, seal and massage gently into the meat. 2. Place in the fridge and leave to marinate over night. 3. Remove an hour before you’re ready to cook to bring the lamb up to room temperature.
³¢¸ »½³»¢ äòã ZnYl lVWfL ä jb`j\fW jnMjnLLfL – f`KbfM LnHf KbfLf `W CVIM eMff>fM neKfM KbVLf Gff\ZC KnLKC MVnLKL VM nL\ CVIM lIKjbfM ½ VW`VW è jfZfMC LK`j\ è dnMZ`j jZVHf è jnMMVK æ KVYnKVfLô jbVOOfh æ ZnMdf YILbMVVYL è lnC Zfne è KbCYf LOM`d ½ lVKKZf Mfh G`Wf è KlLO MfhjIMMnWK ]fZZC ¤» · ½
Prepare the jus the day before when you’re prepping your lamb, as this takes a while to make, but it’s well worth it as the taste is incredibly rich and meaty. 1. Roast the chicken and lamb bones in a 200ºC oven for 40
minutes. This will colour the bones and draw out any excess fat. 2. Discard the fat and add the onion, celery, garlic, carrot, tomatoes, mushrooms, bay leaf, thyme and cover with water. 3. Place over 1 or 2 hobs, depending on the size of the pan and bring to the boil, before simmering for 10 hours. 4. During this time, every hour or so, remove any fats or impurities that rise to the surface. If it reduces too much, keep topping up with water, to make sure the bones are constantly covered. 5. Pass the liquid through a muslin cloth, discarding the bones and vegetables and saving any liquid into a heavy-based saucepan. 6. Add the red wine and redcurrant jelly to the liquid. Reduce by two-thirds by simmering for around 2 hours until thickened and gravy like. 7. To finish, pass through a fine sieve. This recipe will make enough for around 10-12 portions. To store any leftovers, freeze into ice cube moulds and remove from the freezer when you’re ready to use.
³¢¸ »½³»¢ Þ ©fMILnZfY nMK`jbV\fLô àéd lIKKfM ½OK Y`Z\ ¤» · ½
reducing to a simmer and cook for 40 minutes until soft. 4. Add the remaining butter to the artichokes and blend to a purée. 5. Leave to one side until you’re almost ready to plate up, when you’ll need to reheat the purée.
³¢¸ »½³»¢ ã fdd CVZ\L æàéd lIKKfMô YfZKfh IWK`Z jZnM`e`fh æàYZ Gb`Kf G`Wf H`WfdnM æ lnC ZfnHfL è LbnZZVKô jIK `WKV M`WdL ã OfOOfMjVMWL èé Y`WK ZfnHfLô jbVOOfhï ½V Kb`L G`Kb n LbnMO \W`ef KV nHV`h lMI`L`Wd Kbf fhdf Ve Kbf ZfnHfLï ¤» · ½
1. Lightly scrub the artichokes with a scourer and dice. 2. Gently fry in 25g butter for 5 minutes to soften, before adding the milk and topping up with water to cover the artichokes. 3. Bring to the boil before
1. Place the egg yolks into a glass bowl and leave at room temperature. 2. Place the vinegar, shallot, bay leaf and peppercorns into a shallow pan and reduce to half. 3. Whisk the egg yolks, slowly adding in the vinegar, and place into a bain-marie, whisking over a gentle heat for around 5
minutes until the yolks turn pale. 4. Still whisking, gradually pour in the butter a little at a time, leaving the separated butter salts to one side. 5, Once thickened, and you have the consistency of hollandaise, remove from the heat and add the fresh mint, before leaving to one side at room temperature.
³¢¸ »½³»¢ æ lnWnWn LbnZZVKLô L\`WWfh æ »WdZ`Lb jnMMVKLô OffZfh nWh KVOL KM`YYfh KV æjY èàéd ZfneC \nZfô LKfYL MfYVHfh àéd lIKKfM è ¤nM`L `OfM OVKnKV fn LnZK KV LfnLVW ¤» · ½
1. Place the shallots into a pan of boiling water and cook for 2 minutes. 2. Remove from the water and leave to cook on a paper towel. Repeat this process with the carrots, cooking for 4 minutes and the kale for 1 minute. 3. Peel and thinly slice the GOOD TASTE
Tasting notes
“The vegetables are best cooked individually and left to one side. These can be heated up for a minute in a pan once you’re ready to serve”
potato into crisps, before heating up a deep pan filled with vegetable oil and frying until golden. 4. Sprinkle with sea salt and leave to one side, as these will be served cold.
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Wairau Cove Pinot Noir, £8, Tesco: »EOfjK jbfMMC nWh OZIY nMVYnL G`Kb LIlKZf LO`jfô dMfnK lnZnWjf nWh `WKfWL`KCï Kaituna Hills Pinot Noir, £9.75 (when ordering a case of six), Marks & Spencer: À e`Wf fEnYOZf Ve O`WVK WV`Mô Ynhf eMVY dMnOfL dMVGW `W ¤nMZlVMVIdb'L n`MnI nZZfCô Kb`L fZfdnWK MIlCòMfh G`Wf h`LOZnCL nZZ Kbf LYV\Cô Mfh eMI`K jbnMnjKfM KbnK Kb`L HnM`fKC `L enYVIL eVMï Wishbone Marlborough Pinot Noir, £7.98, Asda: À hfZ`j`VILZC LO`jC G`Wf G`Kb b`WKL Ve lZnj\ jbfMMCô Vn\ô G`Zh MnLOlfMMC nWh bfMlLï
³¢¸ »½³»¢ ¦`WjVZWLb`Mf MnOfLffh V`Z è dnMZ`j jZVHf è MVLfYnMC LOM`d æàd lIKKfM
1. Place the seasoned lamb in a hot, smoking pan with a drizzle of oil. 2. Place skin side down and cook for 2 minutes before placing in a 160ºC oven and cooking for a further 10 minutes. 3. Remove from the oven and add the butter, garlic and rosemary, making sure to baste the lamb with all of the juices in the bottom of the pan. 4. Heat this for around 2 minutes over a medium heat before leaving to one side to rest at room temperature for around 5 minutes. 5. Once you’re ready to plate
By Jo and Paul Bycroft, owners of The Optimist Wine Bar, Lincoln fVOZf WVMYnZZC On`M ZnYl G`Kb n dVVh ¿VMhfnIE VM nW Vn\C `V]nô lIK Gf’Hf jbVLfW n O`WVK WV`M – LOfj`e`jnZZCô VWf eMVY ¢fG fnZnWhï ¢nK`Hf KV ¿IMdIWhCô nWh WVKVM`VILZC e`j\Zfô Kbf dMnOf `L OMfhVY`WnWKZC dMVGW `W Kbf jVVZfM LVIKbfMW Mfd`VWLï ·VGfHfMô KbfMf bnL lffW n èæÛ OfM jfWK dMVGKb `W fEOVMK LnZfL Ve ¢fG fnZnWh O`WVK WV`M `W Kbf OnLK e`Hf CfnMLï bf eMI`K nWh LO`jf Ve Kb`L dMnOf YnKjb GfZZ G`Kb Kbf bfMlLô M`jbWfLL Ve Kbf ZnYl nWh Kbf dnYf jb`OLô Gb`Zf Kbf LYVVKbWfLL jVYOZfYfWKL Kbf nMK`jbV\f nWh bVZZnWhn`Lf LnIjfï
10. Drizzle with the warmed up jus and in separate bowls, serve a helping of the hollandaise along with the potato crisps, which add a great texture to this dish. everything up and serve, gently warm up your hollandaise, jus and artichoke purée while placing the lamb back on to a medium heat. 6. Add the carrot, shallot and potato into the pan with the lamb and baste with all of the delicious juices.
7. Discard the rosemary and garlic clove. 8. To plate up, place a smear of artichoke purée into the middle of the plate and top with kale. 9. Generously slice the lamb and place on top of the kale along with the carrot and shallots.
For a special starter, sides and dessert suitable for different dietary needs, see pages 40-41
See facing page for Steven’s three recipe ideas to use up those excess ingredients SPRING 2016
³¢¸ »½³»¢ ¦feKVHfM ZnYl h`jfh $nMVIWh æéV>" ½ KLO YILKnMh LffhL è KlLO dnMnY YnLnZn æ jIMMC ZfnHfL ½ KLO jnMnGnC LffhL ä jnMhnYVW OVhLô jMILbfh è KLO jMILbfh jb`ZZ`fL è KlLO jIY`W è KlLO KIMYfM`j è KlLO dMVIWh jVM`nWhfM ã dnMZ`j jZVHfLô LZ`jfh æ Mfh jb`ZZ`fLô LZ`jfh ä ZnMdf Gb`Kf OnW`Lb VW`VWLô h`jfh æ KlLO KVYnKV OIMéf à ZnMdf M`Of KVYnKVfLô jbVOOfh è K`W jbVOOfh KVYnKVfL ½ OK jb`j\fW LKVj\ èééYZ VZ`Hf V`Z æ VW`VWLô h`jfh æ KlLO bVWfC àéd lIKKfM VM dbff ¤» · ½ èï¹`MLKô Yn\f Kbf VW`VW OIMéf Gb`jb G`ZZ eVMY Kbf LnIjf lnLf eVM Kbf jIMMC lC OZnj`Wd Kbf VW`VW `WKV n bfnHCòlnLfh LnIjfOnW G`Kb bnZe Kbf
VZ`Hf V`Z nWh dfWKZC eMC eVM èé Y`WIKfLô IWK`Z LVeKfWfh lfeVMf nhh`Wd Kbf lIKKfM VM dbff nWh bVWfCï æï ¾VHfM G`Kb GnKfM nWh L`YYfM eVM è bVIMô nZZVG`Wd bnZe Ve Kbf GnKfM KV MfhIjfï äï Wjf jVV\fhô lZfWh nWh ZfnHf KV VWf L`hf IWK`Z CVI’Mf MfnhC KV nhh Kb`L KV Kbf MfLK Ve Kbf h`Lbï ãï ³W n ZnMdfô bfnHCòlnLfh eMC`Wd OnWô dfWKZC eMC Kbf VW`VWL `W bnZe Kbf VZ`Hf V`Z eVM à Y`WIKfL lfeVMf nhh`Wd Kbf YILKnMh LffhLô dnMnY YnLnZnô jIMMC ZfnHfLô jnMnGnC LffhLô jnMhnYVW OVhLô jMILbfh jb`ZZ`fLô KIMYfM`jô jIY`Wô dMVIWh jVM`nWhfMô eMfLb dnMZ`j nWh jb`ZZ`fL nWh jVV\`Wd eVM n eIMKbfM à Y`WIKfLô VjjnL`VWnZZC LK`MM`Wdï àï Àhh Kbf KVYnKV OIMéf nWh eMfLb KVYnKVfL nWh jVV\ eVM VWf Y`WIKfô LK`MM`Wd KVdfKbfM nZZ Ve Kbf `WdMfh`fWKL lfeVMf nhh`Wd Kbf jb`j\fW LKVj\ nWh K`WWfh KVYnKVfLï Þï ¾VV\ eVM n eIMKbfM æé Y`WIKfL KV MfhIjf Kbf Y`EKIMfô KbfW nhh Kbf jVV\fh ZnYl nWh L`YYfM eVM èà Y`WIKfLï Ýï ¹VZh `W Kbf VW`VW OIMéf KbfW OZnjf nZZ Ve Kbf `WdMfh`fWKL `W nW VHfWOMVVe h`Lb nWh jVV\ eVM è bVIM nK èãé°¾ï Üï fMHf G`Kb lnLYnK` M`jf nWh KVO G`Kb eMfLbZC jbVOOfh jVM`nWhfMï ³¢¸ »½³»¢ ã ZnMdf LGffK OVKnKVfLô h`jfh Ýàd lIKKfM ¦feKVHfM ZnYlô LbMfhhfh VM h`jfh $nMVIWh èæV>" è LbnZZVKô e`WfZC h`jfh è jnMMVK ½ LGfhf è Zff\ ä jfZfMC LK`j\L æ lnC ZfnHfL ä MVLfYnMC LOM`dLô MVIdbZC jbVOOfh æ dnMZ`j jZVHfL è KlLO KVYnKV OIMéf æ KlLO lMVGW LnIjf ½ OK dMnHC è KlLO VZ`Hf V`Z ¤» · ½ èï ³W n ZnMdf OnW e`ZZfh G`Kb GnKfMô nhh Kbf LGffK OVKnKVfL nWh jVV\ eVM äé Y`WIKfL lfeVMf hMn`W`Wd nWh OZnj`Wd lnj\ `WKV Kbf OnWï æï Àhh lIKKfM nWh YnLb VHfM n ZVG bfnKï Wjf nZZ Ve Kbf OVKnKVfL nMf LYVVKbô LK`M VHfM n ZVG
À ³¢¸ »½³»¢ Ö ¦feKVHfM ZnYl æ KlLO VZ`Hf V`Z æ KLO hM`fh d`WdfM æ KLO dMVIWh jVM`nWhfM æ KLO dMVIWh jIY`W æ KLO KIMYfM`j è jZVHf dnMZ`j nZK nWh OfOOfM KV LfnLVW ©I`jf nWh dMnKfh M`Wh Ve è ZfYVW è LYnZZ lIWjb jVM`nWhfM ZfnHfLô MVIdbZC jbVOOfh MnOLô LVIM jMfnY nWh eMfLb LnZnh KV LfMHf ¤» · ½ èï MfòbfnK CVIM VHfW KV èÞé°¾ KbfW OIK Kbf V`Zô d`WdfMô jVM`nWhfMô jIY`Wô KIMYfM`jô dnMZ`jô ZfYVW ]I`jfô M`Wh nWh n O`Wjb Ve LnZK nWh OfOOfM `WKV n lZfWhfM nWh lZ`K> `WKV n LYVVKb OnLKf lfeVMf nhh`Wd `K KV Kbf ZnYlï æï ¦`Wf n ln\`Wd KMnC G`Kb KGV LbffKL Ve eV`Z nWh OZnjf Kbf ZnYl Y`EKIMf VW KVOï äï ¹VZh VHfM Kbf fhdfL ZfnH`Wd n OVj\fK Ve n`M lfKGffW Kbf ZnYl nWh eV`Z KbfW OZnjf `W Kbf VHfW nWh jVV\ eVM ä bVIMLï àï Wjf jVV\fhô MfYVHf nWh ZfnHf Kbf YfnK KV MfLK nWh jVVZ eVM äé Y`WIKfLô lfeVMf LbMfhh`Wd G`Kb n eVM\ nWh OZnj`Wd `W n lVGZ MfnhC KV LfMHfï SPRING 2016
¸ À¾À¤ ¦» ³¢¸ »½³»¢ æ M`OfWfh nHVjnhVL è Z`Yfô ]I`jfh ½ VW`VWô e`WfZC h`jfh è jZVHf dnMZ`jô Y`Wjfh VM e`WfZC jbVOOfh è lffe KVYnKVô hfLffhfh nWh h`jfh è lIWjb eMfLb jVM`nWhfM ä LOM`Wd VW`VWLô LZ`jfh è Mfh jb`ZZ`ô LZ`jfh VZ`Hf V`Z nZK nWh OfOOfM KV LfnLVW
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bfnK eVM èà Y`WIKfLô KV MfhIjf hVGW nWh dfK M`h Ve nWC fEjfLL GnKfMï Wjf jVV\fhô LfnLVW G`Kb LnZK nWh OfOOfM nWh ZfnHf KV VWf L`hfï äï ³W n ZnMdfô bfnHCòlnLfh eMC`Wd OnWô jVV\ Kbf LbnZZVKô jnMMVKô LGfhfô Zff\ nWh jfZfMC `W è KlLO Ve VZ`Hf V`Z eVM æ Y`WIKfL VW n Yfh`IY bfnKï ãï Àhh Kbf dnMZ`jô MVLfYnMC nWh lnC ZfnHfLô nWh jVV\ eVM à Y`WIKfLï àï Àhh Kbf h`jfh ZnYl nWh jVV\ VW n ZVG bfnK eVM n eIMKbfM æ Y`WIKfLï Þï fYVHf Kbf ZfnHfL nWh nhh Kbf KVYnKV OIMéfô dMnHC nWh lMVGW LnIjf KV Kbf YfnK nWh HfdfKnlZf Y`EKIMf nWh jVV\ eVM èé Y`WIKfLô IWK`Z nZZ `WdMfh`fWKL bnHf lMV\fW hVGW nWh MfhIjfhï Ýï Znjf Kbf ZnYl `WKV eVIM VHfWOMVVe L`WdZf OVMK`VW lVGZLô VM VWf ZnMdf ln\`Wd h`Lbô nWh KVO fHfWZC G`Kb Kbf LGffK OVKnKV YnLbï Üï Znjf `WKV n èÜé°¾ VHfW eVM nMVIWh æé Y`WIKfL lfeVMf LfMH`Wdï
TRY THIS: As a naughty addition, add grated mozzarella and cheddar to the top before baking
¤» · ½ èï fYVHf Kbf LKVWfL eMVY Kbf nHVjnhVL nWh LjVVO VIK Kbf eZfLb `WKV n dZnLL Y`E`Wd lVGZï æï NIff>f VHfM Kbf ]I`jf Ve bnZe n Z`Yf nWh nhh Kbf VW`VWô dnMZ`jô bnZe Kbf jb`ZZ`ô bnZe Kbf jVM`nWhfMô n hM`>>Zf Ve VZ`Hf V`Z nWh n O`Wjb Ve LnZK lfeVMf dfWKZC YnLb`Wd KVdfKbfMï äï ¸fWKZC LK`M `W Kbf jbVOOfh KVYnKV nWh nhh YVMf Z`Yf nWh LnZK KV KnLKfï ãï Wjf LfnLVWfhô KVO G`Kb Kbf MfYn`W`Wd jb`ZZ`ô LZ`jfh LOM`Wd VW`VWL nWh jVM`nWhfMï
TOP TIP: Don’t over-do it on the mashing, leave the avocado chunky as it adds more texture
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The beet goes on For the past two years, organic farm Strawberry Fields has won Grower of the Year at the Select Lincolnshire awards. Among its range is the superfood beetroot. Owner Pam Bowers tells Dawn Hinsley how growing and distributing this wonder veg is a year-round business... The black soil motivated Pam Bowers and her sons to bring their organic farm produce business to Lincolnshire. And it’s obviously served them well as Strawberry Fields has won glory at the Select Lincolnshire’s Food, Drink and Hospitality Awards. “For two years running, 2014 and 2015, we have won Select Lincolnshire Grower of the Year, which we were very proud of,” says Pam. She first started growing food in 1975, then brought the business to Lincolnshire in 1980. “We were at Walpole Marsh on the Lincolnshire, Norfolk and Cambridgeshire border. We started with an acre of land and tumbledown glass houses and moved up to Stickford for more land. “But the soil is the reason we moved here, we wanted black land and really good soil. “We had seven acres then and over the years added to it when neighbouring fields became available. “We have 53 acres now, which is quite a lot for organic vegetables. “I farm with my two youngest SPRING 2016
Clyde and Dicken Bowers work with their mum at Strawberry Fields farm
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sons, Dicken and Clyde Bowers. We grow a wide range of crops including celery, celeriac, fennel different herbs, kale and about 30 varieties of squash,
courgettes, leeks and onions.” Also among the diverse range of organic produce Pam Bowers and Co grow at the Stickford farm – in the Lincolnshire Fens, 10 miles north of Boston – is a superfood, beetroot. Their beetroot year will sprint from the starting blocks at full speed in March. Pam says they try to get a head start by planting young plants rather than just seeds. “About four acres is given over
to beetroot. Being organic we have to have a sound rotation, so we are not allowed to grow the beetroot back on the same piece of land for another four years. “We start off the year planting the beetroot as plants. About the same time we also start drilling [seeds]. When we come to harvest, the ones we planted as plants are ready first. “We drill in succession from March through to June. “We pull the beetroot in GOOD TASTE
bunches – five or six to a bunch – with lots of nice, green leafy top. “Fresh beetroot is harvested from about the beginning of June until about November – as long as the tops are still green we still sell it as bunched. “After that we take everything up and put it in the cold store to be sold loose netted without the green tops on. “We go from planting out in March right through to taking out of store in April depending on how sales go. “We grow several different varieties of beetroot, the ordinary red beetroot, Chioggia, the red and white stripy one – some people call it candy beetroot – white beetroot and Beetroot ‘Cylindra’, the long tapered one. “We supply outlets in New Covent Garden [Market], we also supply an organic supermarket in Manchester, they take a lot of beetroot as well, and various box schemes which are delivered to people’s doors. “It’s sold mostly wholesale and down in London it’s going into restaurants. Locally, our produce is also for sale in Four Seasons in Spilsby, including bunched beetroot in season.” Pam believes organic farming produces superior-tasting crops. “I think with organic produce
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it’s about the flavour, they seem to be much sweeter when grown organically,” she says. “They are not sprayed at all with any herbicides. “When we are drilling, first of all we get the land worked, leave it fallow for a while, then we go over it with a tractor mounted flame weeder, to burn off any weeds that have come through. “Throughout the growing season we are not allowed to spray to keep the weeds in check, so we go through with different weeding equipment. “We’ve got a tractor-mounted brush weeder which someone sits on the back of and the brush goes between the rows brushing out the weeds. “I know of only one other
Smiles from the Strawberry Fields team at the Select Lincolnshire Awards beetroot farmer growing organically in the county.” But for Pam, Dicken and Clyde growing organically just came naturally. They were growing this way long before it became fashionable.
“When we set out we wouldn’t have dreamt of spraying anyway,” Pam says. “We’d moved into the country and started out in self-sufficiency with chickens, goats and a pig. “Then we started to grow our
“There are few hours in life more agreeable than the hour dedicated to the ceremony known as afternoon tea.” Henry James,The Portrait of a Lady
Take afternoon tea by the Drawing Room fire and indulge in the most English of traditions Served 2.30pm-5.30pm Monday to Saturday, 3pm-5.30pm Sunday
Enjoy fine dining in our restaurant or informal dining in our Terrace Bar Restaurant 6.30-9pm daily, 12-3pm Monday to Friday, 12-2pm Sunday lunchtimes Terrace Bar 12-9pm daily
For further details and menus please visit Petwood Hotel, Stixwould Road,Woodhall Spa, Lincolnshire, LN10 6QG 01526 352411
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own vegetables and sold our surplus. Organic produce was just sold conventionally back then. “The interest in organic came in about 1985 when the supermarkets started showing an interest in it, and then the market really took off. “Beetroot has gained in popularity recently as it’s classed as a superfood now so we get a lot of customers taking it for juicing as well – that’s the latest fad.” But how does Pam like to eat her beetroot? “I like a small beetroot roasted whole, I think that’s delicious.”
æàéd LOfZKô hMn`Wfhô nWh M`WLfh ã KlLO Gb`Kf G`Wf H`WfdnM è KlLO LIdnM æ LYnZZ lffKMVVKô OffZfh nWh h`jfh æ KlLO jMèYf eMnîjbf æ KlLO OMfOnMfh bVMLfMnh`Lb æ KlLO fEKMnòH`Md`W VZ`Hf V`Z ½ LYnZZ lIZl efWWfZô jVMfh nWh Kb`WZC LbnHfh VW n YnWhVZ`W fn LnZK nWh lZnj\ OfOOfM æééYZ lffKMVVK ]I`jf äééYZ jb`j\fW VM HfdfKnlZf LKVj\ æ KlLO MnOfLffh V`Z æ jZVHfL dnMZ`jô OffZfh nWh Y`Wjfh è ZnMdf LbnZZVKô OffZfh nWh Y`Wjfh èééYZ ¤nhf`Mn èééd eMfLbZC dMnKfh nMYfLnW VM ¦`WjVZWLb`Mf VnjbfM jbffLf ã KlLO IWLnZKfh lIKKfM Ü lffe LnILndfLô dM`ZZfh VM eM`fh nWòeM`fh \nZf KV LfMHf
èï ¿V`Z LOfZK eVM èàòæé Y`WIKfL IWK`Z nZ hfWKf $`K G`ZZ MfKn`W n LZ`dbK jMIWjb"ï ½Mn`W nWh LfK nL`hfï æï b`L\ KVdfKbfM ¼ KLO LnZKô H`WfdnM nWh LIdnM `W n LYnZZ lVGZ IWK`Z LIdnM h`LLVZHfLÔ nhh lffKMVVK jIlfL nWh YnM`WnKf eVM è bVIMï äï ³W n lVGZô Y`E jMèYf eMnîjbf nWh bVMLfMnh`Lbï ³W nWVKbfM lVGZô KVLL KVdfKbfM VZ`Hf V`Z nWh efWWfZ
By Rachel Green Serves 4
nWh LfnLVW G`Kb Lfn LnZK nWh lZnj\ OfOOfMï fK lVKb nL`hfï ãï ¾VV\ lffKMVVK ]I`jf `W n LnIjfOnW VHfM Yfh`IYòb`db bfnK IWK`Z MfhIjfh lC bnZeÔ LfK nL`hf nWh ZfK jVVZï àï ·fnK LKVj\ `W nWVKbfM LYnZZ LnIjfOnW VHfM Yfh`IY bfnKÔ LfK nL`hf nWh \ffO GnMYï Þï ·fnK MnOfLffh V`Z `W n èé0 L\`ZZfK VHfM Yfh`IY bfnK nWh nhh dnMZ`j nWh LbnZZVKLÔ jVV\ eVM ä Y`WIKfLô LK`MM`Wd VjjnL`VWnZZCô IWK`Z LVeKï Àhh LOfZK nWh jVV\ eVM nWVKbfM ä Y`WIKfLô LK`MM`Wd VeKfWô IWK`Z Z`dbKZC KVnLKfhï Ý Àhh ¤nhf`Mn nWh jVV\ eVM nlVIK à Y`WIKfL IWK`Z MfhIjfh KV n
Kb`j\ LCMIOï Àhh bnZe Ve MfLfMHfh LKVj\ô LK`MM`Wd VeKfWô IWK`Z nlLVMlfhô eVM nlVIK Ü Y`WIKfLï Üï Àhh MfYn`W`Wd LKVj\ô ¼ jIO nK n K`Yfï Ûï Àhh MfhIjfh lffKMVVK ]I`jf nWh jVV\ eVM nlVIK à Y`WIKfLô LK`MM`Wd VeKfWô IWK`Z jMfnYC nWh Kbf LOfZK `L KfWhfMï èéï fYVHf eMVY bfnKô LK`M `W Kbf jbffLf nWh lIKKfMô nWh LfnLVW G`Kb Lfn LnZK nWh lZnj\ OfOOfMÔ ZfK Kbf M`LVKKV L`K eVM ä Y`WIKfLï V LfMHfô h`H`hf lfKGffW eVIM lVGZL nWh KVO G`Kb bVMLfMnh`Lb jMfnYï ¸nMW`Lb G`Kb MfLfMHfh efWWfZ nWh lffKMVVK jIlfï fMHf G`Kb Kbf \nZf nWh LnILndfLï
Sunday 19th June 2016
An Action Packed Family Day Out including HCF a]eD]WYY aBZ R OYD ]eZ OP[A ICYL ThPF QWYUU KPe OYD ICYL R HFWWBFW J][BeD b]NF ] dY QYPeSWc IXYWSU
Retro, Vintage Signage, Interior Decor & Furniture
Art Gallery, Gifts Home & Lifestyle. 01673 838901 Annie Sloan Chalk Paint™ Stockist & Workshops 07745 215689
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Bully Hill Top, Tealby, LN8 6JA on the crossroads of B1225/B1203
Brocklesby Park, Grimsby, North East Lincolnshire DN41 8PN SPRING 2016
Peek inside professionals’ Robert Smith, head chef at Lincoln Minster School LINCOLNSHIRE CHINE-INSPIRED TERRINE Serves 10
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fHfW nL OVLL`lZfï VIM VHfM Kbf jVV\`Wd Z`NIVM IWK`Z `K jVHfML Kbf KVO ZnCfM Ve YfnKï ¹VZh VHfM Kbf jZ`Wd e`ZY KV jVHfM jVYOZfKfZC nWh jb`ZZ VHfMW`dbKï èéï Z`jf nWh LfMHf G`Kb jMILKC lMfnh nWh jbIKWfC – Lff Ondf èÝï
TOP TIP: Brushing a pie or loaf tin with oil before lining with cling film helps it stick
han t e r o m r e Discov r… o f n i d e p you pop
Find your local food store at
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“They are both easy-to-prepare dishes that take little time and effort, but look stunning on the plate as either a starter or a hearty supper.”
³¢¸ »½³»¢ àééd OZIYLï LKVWfL MfYVHfh æ LYnZZ Mfh VW`VWLô LZ`jfh àéd jMnWlfMM`fL nWh Mn`L`WL ½ KlLO e`WfZC dMnKfh d`WdfM ½ KlLO dMVIWh jIY`W ½ KlLO OnOM`\n è KLO hM`fh jb`ZZ` eZn\fL æééYZ Mfh G`Wf H`WfdnM æàéd Z`dbK YILjVHnhV LIdnM ½ KLO LnZK ¤» · ½ èï IK nZZ `WdMfh`fWKLô fEjfOK Kbf LIdnM nWh LnZKô `W n OnW nWh LK`M GfZZï æï ¿M`Wd LZVGZC KV Kbf lV`Z KbfW MfhIjf bfnK nWh L`YYfM eVM èé Y`WIKfLô VM IWK`Z Kbf OZIYL nMf KfWhfMï äï K`M `W Kbf LIdnM nWh LnZK IWK`Z KbfC h`LLVZHfï ãï ¿V`Z Kbf jbIKWfC dfWKZC eVM æé KV äé Y`WIKfLô LK`MM`Wd VjjnL`VWnZZC KV OMfHfWK `K jnKjb`Wd VW Kbf lVKKVY Ve Kbf OnWï ³K LbVIZh lf Kb`j\ nWh OIZOCï àï ÀZZVG KV jVVZ nWh KbfW jb`ZZ VHfMW`dbKï KVMf `W nW n`MK`dbK ]nMï
Horncastle Cake Art And Hobby House
Wedding and Celebration Cakes Stocking a large range of sugarcraft equipment along with icing, boards, boxes and cake decorations.
Cakes can be Vanilla, chocolate, lemon or fruit and we also make gluten free and special diet cakes. ©LW
Made fresh to order
25 North Street, Horncastle. LN9 5DX 01507 525926/522659 | |
Ivano de Serio of The Old Bakery, Lincoln
500g pumpkin flesh 50ml pumpkin oil 2 cloves smoked garlic, chopped 100g butter 1 small bunch fresh thyme 100ml vermouth 100ml dry white wine 750ml vegetable stock
small pinch ground clove small pinch of ground nutmeg juice of 1 lemon salt to taste 100g toasted, chopped hazelnuts 50g Stilton, crumbled
1. Pre-heat the oven to 180°C.
2. Dice the pumpkin, toss with the pumpkin oil, and roast for 40-45 minutes. 3. Place the butter in a deep-based pan. Add thyme and garlic and cook for 1 minute. 4. Add the roasted pumpkin and cook for 3-4 minutes, wet with the vermouth and flame.
5. Add the white wine, stock and cook for 10 minutes, season with the spices and salt and cook for further 10 minutes. 6. Discard the thyme; add the lemon juice and whizz in a blender. 7. Strain and serve with the hazelnut and Stilton.
Sadie Hirst of RJ Hirst, Woodhall Spa SIMNEL FAIRY CAKES Makes 15 INGREDIENTS
TOP TIP: Pour a little water in a couple of the empty wells in your muffin tin, it helps the cakes rise a bit
¼ O`WK GnKfM ãV> LIZKnWnL ãV> Mn`L`WL ãV> hnM\ lMVGW nIdnM ãV> YnMdnM`Wf ÀZYVWh fLLfWjfô efG hMVOL è fdd Ü V> LfZeòMn`L`Wd eZVIM è KLO Y`Efh LO`jf àééd YnM>`OnW æ KlLO nOM`jVK ]nY `j`Wd LIdnM
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Wendy Seabrook of Caxton House Bed & Breakfast, Skegness
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“Great accompaniment for soups, on a cheese board or just on its own with lashings of butter. I started making this as we had someone who needed to be yeast-free and I didn’t want them to miss out on bread with their meal.” TOP TIP: We store peeled garlic in oil in the fridge so the oil is infused with the flavour - perfect for this recipe
Home Cooked Food • Gifts • Deli Farm Fresh Produce • Home Grown Potatoes Breakfast 9.30-11.30 • Main Menu 9.30-4.00 Lunch Time Specials 11.30-3.00 • Afternoon Tea 2.00-4.00 Opening Times: Monday - Saturday 9.30am-4pm Sunday 9.30am-3.30pm
Scoldhall Lane, Surfleet, Spalding, PE11 4BJ Booking Advisable • Phone: 01775 680101 Email: Find us on Facebook ‘Manna’ Coffee Shop •
Opening Times: Mon to Sat - 9am to 5pm Sun - 9am to 4pm ©LW
Time to get fresh Hannah Gilbey finds out salad’s in season all year for one producer
The crunch of a fresh, crisp salad is often associated with fitness kicks and resolutions to be healthier. However, health-conscious consumers are now driving year-round sales of the green stuff – and want new flavours to keep them tasty. It all means producers are working harder than ever. Mel Miles is head of agronomy at packaged salad and vegetable producer Freshtime in Boston. “We are definitely seeing the focus on healthy eating translating into a greater demand for salad production in winter. It doesn’t fall off as much in winter as it used to,” he said. Freshtime has a team of chefs who scour worldwide food
Splash salad leaves with a little water if they start to wilt.
MAPLE AND MUSTARD DRESSING RECIPE b`L YVhfMW KG`LK VW bVWfC nWh YILKnMh hMfLL`Wd ILfL YnOZf LCMIO KV `YOnMK nW nMVYnK`jô “GVVhC” eZnHVIMï èééYZ MnOfLffh V`Z àéYZ j`hfM H`WfdnM è KlLO GbVZfdMn`W YILKnMh è KlLO ¾nWnh`nW YnOZf LCMIO è KlLO GnKfM `Wjb Ve LnZK nWh OfOOfM ¾VYl`Wf nZZ `WdMfh`fWKL `W n ]Id nWh ILf n bnWh lZfWhfM VM Gb`L\ KV jVYl`Wfï bn\f lfeVMf ILf `e `K LfOnMnKfLï events for new tastes and look ahead to potential trends. “We are starting to see Vietnamese and Cambodian flavours in dressings in the next few months,” Mr Miles said. Freshtime sources much of its salad leaves and vegetables from Lincolnshire growers and the
county boasts the UK headquarters for some of its biggest seed producers. “People are really concerned about provenance, they want to know where their food comes from,” Mr Miles said. “That is where a lot of our work comes in, to make sure we use the freshest ingredients in the best way.” To turn a salad into a show-stopping meal, Mr Miles recommends thinking about the tastes of the individual leaves and what dressing would complement them. “If you have bitter leaves, balance that with a sweet dressing, perhaps something with honey, so that those bitter tones are reduced,” he said. “For iceberg, you might want to balance it with soft acidity such as sherry vinegar, or a touch of citrus zest.”
Freshtime produces packaged salads all year round
SELECT LINCS BEST PUB 2015 Great food, real beer, warm welcome Come join us for all the best Lincolnshire has to offer Find us on Facebook for weekly specials Take away beer battered fish and chips, every night 6-9
6 Trafalgar Avenue, Skegness, Lincs PE25 3EU 01754 764328
We are open for lunch Tues-Sun 11.30am - 2pm and every evening from 6.30pm - 11pm
Aw a an rd-w d a inn cco in mm g co oda urs tio es n
Pepper Pot Tea Room The friendly, family run tea room serving home made and locally produced food. Select Lincolnshire Tearoom of the year winner 2015/16 Highly Commended Business Tourism of the year 2015/16 For opening times please visit:
Pepper Pot Tea Room, Hall Farm Park, Caistor Road, South Kelsey, LN7 6PR life naturally Quality Eco-friendly holiday accommodation Traditional craft and cookery courses Small local history museum
for more information visit us online at
01652 ©LW 678822 æé
Sherry Forbes Telephone: 01526 378717 Mobile: 07979 750760 Email: The Manor House, Timberland Road, Martin, Nr Lincoln, Lincolnshire LN4 3QS
Country Pub, Restaurant & Motel Stixwould Road, Woodhall Spa LN10 6UJ T. 01526 353312
Paul and Wendy invite you to stay in their large Edwardian Guest house. Relax in spacious en-suite rooms, some with sea views and balconies. Sample a hearty breakfast and if wished an evening meal inspired by the wonderful local produce.
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NO BITTERNESS BETWEEN COCOA CREATORS A plethora of chocolatiers and chocolate makers want to put Lincolnshire on the map with their delicately crafted creations. Here, two business owners give Hannah Gilbey an insight into their complementary worlds
FROM BEANS TO BOXES: Duffy Sheardown and, bottom right, Lindsay Gardner. Inset are some Spire Chocolates products
¦`WhLnC ¸nMhWfMô ääô LKnMKfh bfM lIL`WfLL O`Mf ¾bVjVZnKfL `W ¦VIKb `W jKVlfM æéèæï ·VG hVfL Kbf lIL`WfLL GVM\Î
I work from my home kitchen and I sell my products at food fairs, local markets and online. Although I do not have a shop, customers can order chocolates directly and I will deliver locally, post to any UK address or arrange customer collection from Royston’s Deli in Louth. I also work part-time for Duffy’s Chocolate in Cleethorpes – I’m a big fan of Duffy’s products and stock his bars alongside my chocs.
My core product range is fresh chocolate – I mean chocolates that don’t include artificial additives or excessive sugar/glucose to increase shelf life. I also make chocolate barks (shards of chocolate with inclusions) and animals moulded to my own designs.
·VG hV CVI jMfnKf KbfYÎ
Most chocolatiers like me buy from a chocolate maker, we then melt the chocolate down and use it in combination with other ingredients. I buy from two Belgian companies, both of whom offer great quality chocolate which is produced ethically. I use lots of other ingredients for the fillings too, such as fruit, nuts, spices and honey. I source all ingredients for their flavour and quality, and use local produce where possible, such as Lincolnshire honey.
bnK nMf Kbf jbnZZfWdfL Ve GVM\`Wd G`Kb jbVjVZnKfÎ
Apart from self restraint? It’s important to understand the science in processes like tempering and making fillings such as ganache or praline. Chocolate is very sensitive to temperature and humidity, so one of the hardest things is dealing with variations in these conditions in the kitchen.
·nHf CVI dVK nWC K`OL eVM IL`Wd jbVjVZnKf `W eVVh nWh hM`W\Î
A small amount of very dark chocolate can act as a flavour boost when cooking things like chilli, stews, or even gravy. SPRING 2016
bf l`ddfLK jbnZZfWdf Ve GVM\`Wd G`Kb jbVjVZnKf `L LfZeòMfLKMn`WK1
½IeeC bfnMhVGW `L ÞÛ nWh MIWL ½IeeC’L ¾bVjVZnKf `W ¾ZffKbVMOfLô Gb`jb Yn\fL e`Wf Y`Z\ nWh hnM\ jbVjVZnKf lnML nWh LfZZL `W lIZ\ KV jbVjVZnK`fMLï ·VG h`h CVI LKnMK VIKÎ
I started making chocolate after hearing a Radio 4 Food Programme that said “only Cadburys” made chocolate from cocoa beans in the UK. I was making racing cars at the time and thought “how hard can it be? I could do that”. I spent a year making small batches of chocolate at home as experiments and then rented a factory and started Duffy’s.
I only buy fine and rare cocoa beans, from the top five per cent high quality beans in the world. After that all I need to do is treat them as carefully as possible and try not to ruin them. The beans are lightly roasted, have the shells taken off and then they are granite ground for about 60 hours to drive off all the bitterness and let all the natural flavours develop. Most of my dark bars are 72 per cent but they all taste completely different because all of the single origin beans are different. I have been to farms in Guatemala, Honduras and
Jamaica and work closely with the farmers.
bnK bnL lffW CVIM dMfnKfLK YVYfWK G`Kb jbVjVZnKfÎ
Winning the Golden Bean from the Academy of Chocolate for the best dark chocolate in the world (the Honduras Indio Rojo 72 per cent) in my first year. It proved that I was on the right track and that I had found some great cocoa beans.
·nHf CVI dVK nWC K`OL eVM IL`Wd jbVjVZnKf `W eVVh nWh hM`W\Î
I suggest trying a few different sorts and seeing what you can match it with. Unfortunately, it means eating more chocolate, but you can call it research! GOOD TASTE
Perfect place for every occasion CRACKING CUPPA: There are handfuls of tea rooms across the county which are perfect places for a quick catch up with friends, casual family celebrations or just a get together to enjoy a brew
Hayley Bury of Modens Bakery reveals where the renowned Lincolnshire plum bread-makers love to stop for tea...
Bunty’s Tea Room
bfMfÖ ¿IWKC’L fn VVYLô KffO ·`ZZô ¦`WjVZWô ¦¢æ è¦ ï ·nCZfC LnCLÖ “¸MfnK nKYVLObfMfô enWKnLK`j bVYfYnhf jn\fLô nZGnCL MfnZZC eMfLb nWh IWILInZ eZnHVIML KVVï À MfnZ Z`KKZf bnHfW Ve dVVh jn\f1” ÀlVIKÖ À enY`ZCòMIWô nGnMhòG`WW`Wd H`WKndf Kfn MVVYô ¿IWKC’L bnL Ynhf n WnYf eVM `KLfZe KbnW\L KV `KL IWILInZ HnM`fKC Ve bVYfYnhf jn\fL nWh WVLKnZd`j hfjVM bnM\`Wd lnj\ KV CfLKfMCfnMï ³KL ZVjnK`VWô bnZeòGnC IO KffO ·`ZZ `W n dMnhf KGV Z`LKfh lI`Zh`Wdô e`KL OfMefjKZC G`Kb Kbf IW`NIf nOOMVnjb VGWfML ©fWWC nWh ¤nKK bnHf Kn\fW G`Kb Kb`L NI`M\C HfWKIMfï ¤`LYnKjbfh jb`Wn jIOLô l`d lnWh YIL`j nWh enY`Z`nM Vl]fjKL nZZ nhh KV `KL jbnMYï À GVWhfMeIZ OZnjf KV LKVO eVM Kb`MLKòn`h nL Kbf On`M LnCô fEOfjK n G`hf nMMnC Ve bVYfYnhf jn\fL –
eMVY Kbf KMnh`K`VWnZ KV Kbf Gf`Mh nWh GVWhfMeIZ eZnHVIML – OZfWKC Ve LnHVIMC l`KfL nWh LGffK LWnj\L KVVï Ofj`nZ`L`Wd `W neKfMWVVW KfnLô Gb`jb nMf LfMHfh KbMVIdbVIK Kbf hnCô ¿IWKC’L `L fHfMC l`K nL LOfj`nZ nL Kbf jn\fL `K LfMHfLï ¸VVh eVMÖ ¾nLInZ jfZflMnK`VWL nWh eM`fWhZC jnKjb IOLï ¾VWKnjKÖ ¾nZZ éèàææ àäÝÛéÛ VM H`L`K lIWKCLZ`WjVZWïjVY
TAKEN WITH TEA? Why not try Henry’s Tea Room too? Situated on Lincoln High Street, upstairs from Ruddocks, enjoy a varied menu with lots of local produce. Call 01522 514113 or visit
ALSO RECOMMENDED: Winteringham Fields
CELEBRATED CHEF: Colin McGurran of Winteringham Fields
bfMfÖ `WKfM`WdbnY ¹`fZhLô è `ZHfM KMffKô `WKfM`WdbnYô jIWKbVMOfô ½¢èà Û¢½ï ÀlVIKÖ ¢fLKZfh `W n LIYOKIVIL h`W`Wd MVVYô LnYOZ`Wd nYn>`Wd WfG eZnHVIML jVIMKfLC Ve fEjffh`WdZC ZVjnZ OMVhIjfô `K’L bnMh KV `Ynd`Wf CVI’Mf LK`ZZ `W Kbf jVIWKC GbfW h`W`Wd nK `WKfM`WdbnY ¹`fZhLï GWfh lC GVMZh jZnLL jbfe ¾VZ`W ¤j¸IMMnWô Kb`L MfLKnIMnWK G`Kb MVVYL OM`hfL `KLfZe VW hfZ`HfM`Wd n KMIZC LfnLVWnZô nWh OfMLVWnZ fEOfM`fWjfï ¢V YnKKfM bVG IWILInZ ¾VZ`W’L Kn\f VW e`Wf h`W`Wd `L YfWIL nMf
nZGnCL lnLfh VW IL`Wd Kbf HfMC lfLKô eMfLb OMVhIjf nHn`ZnlZf KbfW nWh KbfMf `W `WKfM`WdbnY – CVI Wffh VWZC ZVV\ KV ¾VZ`W’L OnLL`VWô Kbf VWf Y`Zf YfWIô eVM OMVVe Ve KbnKï ¹MVY fjZfjK`j eZnHVIML KV Kbf enIZKZfLL LKnWhnMhL – n ZfdnjC eMVY b`L e`MLK YnWndfM`nZ OVL`K`VW G`Kb Kbf VKnWn ·VKfZL jbn`W `W ÀlI ½bnl` – h`WfML G`ZZ nZGnCL e`Wh KbnK WVKb`Wd `L ZfeK KV jbnWjf nK Kb`L MIMnZ dfYï ¸VVh eVMÖ ÀW IWeVMdfKKnlZf fEOfM`fWjfï ¾VWKnjKÖ ¾nZZ éèÝæã ÝääéÛÞ VM H`L`K G`WKfM`WdbnYe`fZhLïjVïI\
Select Lincolnshire members run excellent places to eat and drink – but where else in the county would they go to celebrate a special occasion or relax on their days off?
Outstanding produce is a way of life for Jane and Terry Tomlinson of Redhill Farm. The pair offer up their recommendation for a special meal...
San Pietro bfMfÖ nW `fKMV fLKnIMnWKô èè ·`db KMffK »nLKô jIWKbVMOfô ¢VMKb ¦`WjVZWLb`Mfô ½¢èà Þ ·ï ©nWf nWh fMMC LnCÖ “ IM enHVIM`Kf MfLKnIMnWK lC n ZVWd GnC `L nW `fKMV `W jIWKbVMOfï bf LfMH`jf `L nZGnCL ZVHfZCô Kbf LKnee nZGnCL eM`fWhZC nWh Kbf eVVh nZGnCL lfnIK`eIZï” ÀlVIKÖ ÀOOMVnjb Kbf dMnhf ³³ Z`LKfh G`WhY`ZZ Gb`jb `L bVYf KV nW `fKMV nWh CVI \WVG CVI’Mf `W eVM LVYfKb`Wd fEKMnVMh`WnMCï `Wjf Kbf MfLKnIMnWK VOfWfh `W æééäô `K bnL dn`Wfh NI`Kf n eVZZVG`Wd IWhfM Kbf jnMfeIZ GnKjb Ve VGWfML `fKMV nWh ¤`jbfZZf ¾nKnZnWVï eefM`Wd n MfZnEfh nWh OM`HnKf h`W`Wd fEOfM`fWjfô Kbf YfWI bfMf `L fHfMòjbnWd`Wd KV LbVGjnLf ZVjnZ OMVhIjf nK `KL e`WfLKï VM\`Wd KV jMfnKf Kbf enWKnLK`j eVVh`f VeefM`Wd bfMf `L `fKMV b`YLfZe nZVWdL`hf KGV ¤`jbfZ`WòLKnM jbfe ¾bM`L ¸M`LKô eMVY `WKfM`WdbnY ¹`fZhLï VdfKbfM Kbf KGV Kb`W\ IO h`LbfL G`Kb Kbf bfnMK Kbf ¤fh`KfMMnWfnW nWh Kbf e`WfLLf Ve ¹MnWjfï ¾bVVLf eMVY YVMf KbnW èéé SPRING 2016
For Lewis de-la-Hey, owner of Lincoln’s West End Tap and Lincoln Taphouse and Kitchen, only one venue will do...
The Hare and Hounds
bfMfÖ bf ·nMf nWh ·VIWhLô bf ¸MffWô ¹IZlfj\ô ¢¸äæ ä©©ï ¦fG`L LnCLÖ “ bfW ³ dfK Kbf jbnWjf KV bfnh LVYfGbfMf VIKL`hf Ve GVM\ eVM n YfnZ `K bnL KV lf bf ·nMf nWh ·VIWhL `W ¹IZlfj\ï ÀW VZhòenLb`VWfh jVnjb`Wd `WWô `K bnL lffW hfjVMnKfh `W n jVWKfYOVMnMC LKCZf CfK LK`ZZ MfhffYL n ZVK Ve Kbf lI`Zh`Wd’L VZh efnKIMfLï “ bf OfMefjK LfKK`Wd eVM n YfWI Gb`jb `L eIZZ Ve L`YOZf
OIl jZnLL`jL hVWf HfMC GfZZï bfC Yn\f Kbf YVLK Ve eMfLb ZVjnZ OMVhIjf KVV G`Kb LIlKZf YVhfMW eVVhC KVIjbfL OfOOfMfh KbMVIdbVIKï” ÀlVIKÖ eefM`Wd h`WfML nWh hM`W\fML nZ`\f n eMfLb nOOMVnjb KV Kbf KMnh`K`VWnZ jVIWKMC OIl `L bf ·nMf nWh ·VIWhLï ·VILfh `W n èÝKb jfWKIMCô dMnhf ³³ Z`LKfh lI`Zh`Wdô jV`Wj`hfWKnZZC VHfMZVV\`Wd nW nKKMnjK`Hf H`ZZndf dMffWô Kb`L nGnMhòG`WW`Wd OIl
bnL lffW KnLKfeIZZC MfeIMl`Lbfh KV jVYl`Wf Kbf lfLK Ve VZh nWh WfGï À lZn>`Wd ZVd e`Mf nWh jVWKfYOVMnMC lIK jVLC `WKfM`VM OMVH`hf Kbf OfMefjK LfKK`Wd `W Gb`jb KV fW]VC Kbf OIl’L fEKfWL`Hf YfWIï ¦VjnZ NInZ`KC `WdMfh`fWKL Kn\f OM`hf Ve OZnjf eVM Kbf jbfe nWh b`L KfnY GbV LfMHf GfZZòjVV\fh eVVh Gb`jb `L LfMHfh nK lVKb ZIWjb nWh fHfW`Wd K`YfL
KbMVIdbVIK Kbf Gff\ï `Kb M`OÀhH`LVM MfH`fGL eMfNIfWKZC L`Wd`Wd Kbf OMn`LfL Ve Kbf eVVhô LfMH`jf nWh nKYVLObfMfô `K’L n YILKòH`L`Kï ¸VVh eVMÖ Mnh`K`VWnZ OIl eVVhô VM n LOfj`nZ jfZflMnK`VWï ¾VWKnjKÖ ¾nZZ éèãéé æÝääææï
ALSO RECOMMENDED: The Inn on the Green bfMfÖ ³WW VW Kbf ¸MffWô äã bf ¸MffWô ³WdbnYô ¦`WjVZWLb`Mfô ¦¢è æ ï ÀlVIKÖ n\`Wd dMfnK jnMf KV jbVVLf Kbf e`WfLK ¦`WjVZWLb`Mf OMVhIjfô bf ³WW VW Kbf ¸MffW `W ³WdbnY bnL ZVWd lffW n bVKLOVK eVM
lVKKZfL Ve G`Wf KV jVYOZfYfWK CVIM YfnZ GbnKfHfM Kbf VjjnL`VW VM lIhdfKï bfKbfM CVI VOK eVM Kbf jbfe’L KnlZf YfWIô n Zn jnMKfô OM`HnKf h`W`Wd VM Kbf LfK ZIWjb nWh h`WWfM YfWIL – GbfMf KGV jVIMLfL nMf OM`jfh eMVY £èãïÛà – e`MLKòjZnLL NInZ`KC `L nLLIMfhï `Kb KGV ÀÀ MVLfKKfLô n bVLK Ve nGnMhL nWh njjVZnhfLô CVI jnW lf LIMf nW fHfW`Wd nK nW `fKMV G`ZZ WVK fnL`ZC lf eVMdVKKfWï ¸VVh eVMÖ Ofj`nZ VjjnL`VW h`W`Wdï ¾VWKnjKÖ ¾nZZ éèÝæã æÝÝÝÝã VM H`L`K LnWO`fKMVïI\ïjVY
ALSO: Dexter’s Bar & Grill bfMfÖ ½fEKfM’L ÀZfbVILf ' §`KjbfWô ä ¢fGZnWhô ¦`WjVZWô ¦¢è è ï ÀlVIKÖ ¹MVY Kbf nLbfL Ve ¦`WjVZWLb`Mf fh MVLf ½fEKfM’L ÀZfbVILf ' §`KjbfWô n LKfn\bVILf KV KfYOK h`WfML G`Kb dVVh eVVh nWh hM`W\ï »EOfjK n G`hf HnM`fKC Ve h`LbfLô nZZ HfMC en`MZC OM`jfhï KnMKfML LIjb nL LjnZZVOLô ¸MfLL`WdbnY hIj\ nWh ¾VKf ·`ZZ ¿ZIf ¾bffLf OnWnjVKKn jnW nZZ lf eVIWh VW Kbf YfWIô nZVWdL`hf jVYeVMK`Wd Yn`WL KbnK MnWdf eMVY O`fL nWh e`Lb KVô Ve jVIMLfô LKfn\ô G`Kb nZZ YnKIMf lffe LIOOZ`fh eMVY ¤fZ nMh ¿IKjbfML Ve ¦`WjVZWï À HnM`fKC Ve L`hfL nWh bVYfYnhf LnIjfL njjVYOnWCï »EjfZZfWK HnZIf nWh NInZ`KC Ve eVVh `L OnMnYVIWKï ¸VVh eVMÖ ¾nLInZ h`W`Wdï ¾VWKnjKÖ ¾nZZ éèàææ Ýééããã VM H`L`K hfEKfMLZ`WjVZWïjVY
eVVh`fLï GWfh lC nMnb nWh ÀWhMfGô nL `K bnL lffW eVM YnWC CfnMLô dVVh LfMH`jf nWh NInZ`KCô bVYfjVV\fh eVVh nMf nK Kbf bfnMK Ve bf ³WWï `Kb OMVhIjf dMVGW VW L`Kf nWh LVIMjfh eMVY nMVIWh Kbf jVIWKCô CVI jnW
lf LIMf h`LbfL nK Kb`L nGnMhòG`WW`Wd b`hfnGnC nMf eIZZ Ve Kbf eZnHVIM Ve ¦`WjVZWLb`Mfï ¸VVh eVMÖ ¹nY`ZC YfnZLï ¾VWKnjKÖ ¾nZZ éèàææ Ýäéäàã VM H`L`K Kbf GflL`Kf `WWVWKbfdMffW`WdbnYïjVïI\
High Class Family Butchers of Woodhall Spa Multi Award Winning Artisan producers - reviving and preserving historic Lincolnshire recipes
2015-2016 Winners of Select Lincolnshire Business of the Year Award 2015 -2016 Finalists Select Lincolnshire Best Producer Award (third year) 2015-2016 Finalists Select Lincolnshire Best Retailer Award (second year) Telephone 01526 352321 or visit our website Station Rd, Woodhall Spa (under the clocktower) Follow Sadie Hirst
@RJHirstbutchers ©LW
Savour and sow in spring After months of careful tending, all your hard work in the veg plot has paid dividends with a bounteous harvest. The question now is what you are going to do with all that food? And what will you start growing next? Dawn Hinsley finds out... Spring and early summer are busy times in any gardener’s calendar. Sowing seeds to ensure a glut of more fresh produce come summer, autumn and winter is a top priority. Karen Gimson, a planting consultant, garden designer, writer and grower, who also works for the BBC on their gardening programmes and is currently assisting the team at Easton Walled Gardens, shares her tips for sowing veg...
INDOOR PREPARATION 1. Use well-washed seed trays and pots to prevent diseases. 2. Choose the best seed compost you can afford. I use
Dalefoot peat-free compost made from sheep’s wool and bracken – 100 per cent natural, mail order, British – it gives seedlings a good start. 3. Best to buy a small electric propagator, and sow little and often. Use fresh seeds. 4. Move seeds on to plant pots as soon as they have germinated to prevent them getting leggy.
GETTING THE GROUND READY 1. Warm the soil with cloches or black plastic. Old compost bags opened out and laid flat are good for this and it’s great to recycle. 2. The heat will encourage weed seeds to germinate. Hoe them off before sowing veg. 3. Use a board to stand on, while sowing the seeds – it stops the soil becoming compacted. 4. Mix small seeds with sand. It helps to ensure even sowing, and marks the area where you’ve sown.
FOR BEETROOT LOVERS: You can use the leaves as well as the beets. Harvest the beets when they are about golf ball size for the best flavour. They can be eaten raw, in salads, or roasted whole in balsamic vinegar and olive oil æã
SENSATIONAL SPRING ONIONS 1. Choose White Lisbon for a tasty, easy spring onion. Sow sparsely in a sunny spot. 2. Thin seedlings to 10cm. You can eat the thinning crops – so nothing is wasted. 3. Grow spring onions between carrots to deter carrot fly.
TRY SOMETHING NEW: Lilia is a pretty red onion, which looks beautiful in salads. If you leave some, they will grow to full size red onions. Delicious cooked or raw.
BEAUTIFUL BEETROOT 1. Choose Chioggia for beets which boasts pretty pink and white stripes. Prepare the soil really well. Hoe and rake until you have a fine crumbly texture. 2. Make small sowings every few weeks from early spring until late summer to keep the supply going. 3. Thin out to prevent overcrowding. You can use the thinning in salads and soups.
REAP WHAT YOU SOW IN SPRING ·À » Ö ¿MVjjVZ`ô ¿MILLfZL LOMVIKLô LOM`Wd jnllndfô jnIZ`eZVGfMô \nZf $IO IWK`Z Kbf fWh Ve ¤nMjb"ô ZfKKIjfô Mnh`Lb $eMVY nMVIWh Kbf lfd`WW`Wd Ve ÀOM`Z" nWh LO`Wnjbï ³¢½ Ö ÀIlfMd`Wf $¤nMjb"ô MIWWfM lfnW $ÀOM`Z"ô LIYYfM jnllndf $¤nMjb"ô jfZfM`nj $¤nMjb"ô jfZfMC $¤nMjb nWh ÀOM`Z"ô jIjIYlfM $¤nMjb nWh ÀOM`Z"ô ZfKKIjf $¤nMjb"ô YnMMVG $ÀOM`Z"ô OfOOfM $¤nMjb"ô LGffKjVMW $ÀOM`Z" nWh KVYnKVfL $¤nMjb"ï ½ Ö ½IM`Wd ¤nMjbô ZVV\ KV LVG lMVnh lfnWL nWh VW`VWLÔ hIM`Wd ¤nCô ¹MfWjb lfnWLô MIWWfM lfnWL jIjIYlfMô LGfhf nWh LGffKjVMW LbVIZh lf VW CVIM dnMhfW`Wd Z`LKÔ KbMVIdbVIK Kbf GbVZf LOM`Wd LfnLVW $¤nMjbô ÀOM`Z nWh ¤nC" jbVVLf eMVY lffKMVVKô lMVjjVZ`ô LIYYfM jnllndfô G`WKfM jnllndfô ¾b`WfLf jnllndfô jnMMVKô jb`jVMCô OnMLW`Oô Ofnô Mnh`Lbô LO`Wnjbô KVYnKV nWh KIMW`Oï
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The season for spinach Â&#x2018;nHHC bVYfòdMVGfML GVWâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;K e`Wh KbfYLfZHfL LKnMK`Wd eMVY LjMnKjb `W LOM`WdĂŻ ÂťHfMC YVWKb Ve Kbf CfnM lM`WdL eMfLb OVKfWK`nZĂ´ ¤nMjbĂ´ Ă&#x20AC;OM`Z nWh ¤nC nMf WV fEjfOK`VWĂŻ Â&#x2013;VOIZnM jMVOL KV h`d IO eMVY Kbf HfdfKnlZf OnKjb hIM`Wd KbfLf YVWKbL `WjZIhf lMVjjVZ`Ă´ LO`WnjbĂ´ jnIZ`eZVGfMĂ´ \nZf nWh Zff\ĂŻ ¡fMf ZVjnZ jVV\fMC hfYVWLKMnKVM nWh jbnYO`VW Ve LfnLVWnZ ÂŚ`WjVZWLb`Mf eVVhĂ´ Ă&#x20AC;YC žZnM`hdf eMVY ½Vhh`WdKVWĂ´ LbnMfL VWf Ve bfM VGW enHVIM`Kf Mfj`OfLĂŻĂŻĂŻ
750g potatoes, scrubbed, boiled and cut in large cubes 250g fresh spinach, washed and roughly cut 4 tbsp olive oil 2 tsp cumin 1 tsp whole coriander 1 tsp yellow/white mustard seeds 1 tsp black mustard seeds ½ tsp fenugreek seeds ½ tsp hot paprika or chilli powder 1 onion, finely diced 2 generous tbsp tomato purÊe Salt and freshly ground black pepper
1. Put the spices into a small frying pan (no oil). Dry fry over
a moderate heat moving frequently until you can smell the spices and the cumin is â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;poppingâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;. 2. Remove from heat and grind to â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;dustâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; in a mortar and pestle. Set aside. Heat the oil in your wok, or a large frying pan, over a moderate heat. Add the ground spices and cook out. 3. Add the onion, and stir until soft. Add potatoes, stir thoroughly so the potatoes are coloured with the spicy oil. Add the tomato purĂŠe and stir. 4. Turn down to a low heat. Season. Put the spinach on top of the potatoes â&#x20AC;&#x201C; do not stir â&#x20AC;&#x201C; put a lid on and leave until the spinach is wilted. 5. Stir so the potatoes and spinach combine, then serve.
SPICY SENSATION: This Indian-style dish is a great way to make the most of a glut of Popeyeâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s favourite veg
TOP TIP: If you think that the potatoes are starting to stick, give the pan a shake or get a wooden spoon underneath the potatoes and agitate them. Add a little water if needed
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Daring producers have Lincolnshire is often called ‘Britain’s food basket’ but there’s more to us than sprouts, potatoes and sausages. Hannah Gilbey discovers home-made haggis and village vineyards are just the start...
MEAT FEAST: Jim Sutcliffe with Meridian Meats haggis. Photo: John Jenkins
Handcrafted Lowland haggis A Louth butcher makes such great haggis, he even manages to sell it to the Scots. Meridian Meats in Louth has already clinched a 2015 Butchers Q Guild Smithfield Award for its Lowland haggis. Now it plans to increase its production due to demand. It has sold more than 650 of the Scottish specialities between Burns Night in 2014 and the same date this year. Jim Sutcliffe, of Meridian Meats, said the year-round sales are down to local people who have tried and love its haggis – and are recommending it to relatives in Scotland. “They say, I’ve had it here in Lincolnshire and it’s better than you have up there,” he said.
“We have been making them for about a year. “I thought, well, it can’t be that difficult to make, and it seemed crazy to get them down from Scotland. “We did 50 in our first batch in a trial run, and they went down so well. “The lamb offal comes from lambs off the Lincolnshire Wolds, and Wold lamb has a
unique taste as the sheep graze on chalk grass. “And, our beef suet comes from our own cattle, from our own farm. “It would be nice to send more up to Scotland, we hope to increase production of them here as well.” Mr Sutcliffe said the business is also planning to forge its way into producing six dishes of kitchen-ready food, that can be oven-cooked or microwaved to fit with people’s busy lifestyles, and even side dishes to accompany meals. The menu is still being decided, yet Mr Sutcliffe said the business is considering whether “haggis might be a component of a dish”.
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surprise in store Gluten-free delicacies Meanwhile, another Lincolnshire butchers has come up with a solution to help meat-lovers who struggle with gluten in food. Handsons Butchers has come up with a recipe for gluten-free haggis.
Also in its gluten-free range are steak and chicken pies, pork pies, Lincolnshire sausages and steak burgers. The Mareham le Fen butchers boasts award-winning pork pies, home-cured bacon and hams, local beef and pork, and lamb.
Locally made wine David Lofthouse and his wife Jennifer own Three Sisters Vineyard in Claxby. The retired couple planted their three-and-a-half-acre vineyard in 2002 and produced their first harvest in 2006. Bad weather in 2015 knocked out that year’s harvest and subsequently scuppered wine production for 2016. However, they hope a good harvest this year will get them back into selling wine in 2017. “You need about five years, or
five summers, really to get the vines growing and producing a crop,” Mr Lofthouse said. “The main difficulty is the weather. We didn’t do well last year – we got a lot of grapes but they were no bigger than pips, they just didn’t swell. “What we make in a year we pretty much sell the following year – [on a full harvest] we can make three different whites, a pink and a red. The taste depends on how good the summer is.”
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Berry good fruit winemakers Wine doesn’t have to come from grapes, as one farm has well and truly proved. Peaks Top Farm is based on the outskirts of New Waltham and produces Fabulously Fruity wine, made from fruit grown and harvested on the farm. Wine-making was brought to Peaks Top Farm as a way of using excess fruit. The first batches were made in spring 2012, and by that September the brand was officially launched. Now, it is at maximum capacity and a new winery could be on the cards to help double production. Production is almost carbon-neutral; the only thing not produced on the farm are the bottles. The wines are being bought by customers across the region through the website and there are summer and winter flavours. “You always have fruit you don’t pick, and so about five years ago we said we should do something with the leftover fruit. I thought, let’s make some wine,” said partner Linda Clayton.
“We knew it would be popular. We had no idea it would take off like this. “Ours is 100 per cent fermented fruit. We have to have a couple of things in to make it stable, but apart from that it is genuine fruit. “We have a bed and breakfast
Cogglesford Watermill Historic and award winning restored watermill. Producing and selling .-!"*(0!+", )'!$*#*/$ /", )'&-* %!+01 along with other local produce.
fVOZf jnW e`Wh G`Kb VIM G`WfL KbnK KbfC hVW’K dfK n bfnhnjbf
Fiery chilli growers
and a lot of people say, ‘I’ll take some home as it is Lincolnshire’ and ‘Fancy that being produced here’. “The tannins in grape wine can affect some people, whereas they can find with our wine they don’t get a headache. “Some people buy it especially for barbecues, for making into punch or with Pimms, and it is quite a talking point. “The people on site picking raspberries and strawberries do take a bottle to see what the fruits are like in liquid form. “My favourite is redcurrant – and as far as I know, we are the only people to produce that.”
¢`j\ ‘ VVhC’ VVhL `L Kbf YnW lfb`Wh Kbf MfhòbVK jb`ZZ` OMVhIjKL jMfnKfh `W ¦`WjVZWLb`Mfï ·f MIWL ¹`Mf ¹VVhL `W ¸MnWKbnY G`Kb OnMKWfM Vf VVhLô O`jKIMfh M`dbKô nWh `L MfWVGWfh eVM jMfnK`Wd Kbf MfjVMhòlMfn\`Wd ‘³We`W`KC ¾b`ZZ`’ï ³K njb`fHfh n jVH`ZZf jnZf nK`Wd Ve èôèÝÞôèÜæ `W æéèèô OMVOfZZ`Wd Kbf ¸MnWKbnY lIL`WfLL `WKV Kbf WnK`VWnZ Z`YfZ`dbKï ¤M VVhLô n eVMYfM À¹ LfjIM`KC dInMhô bnL WVG LKnMKfh KV dMVG jb`ZZ` ndn`W Gb`jb bf bVOfL KV LfWh eVM KfLK`Wd `W nIKIYWï ³e bf LIjjffhLô ¤M VVhL Ln`h bf jVIZh Yn\f n lfLOV\f LnIjf nL bf h`h G`Kb b`L OMfH`VIL ‘GVMZh’L bVKKfLK’ jb`ZZ`ï “»HfMCVWf LK`ZZ \WVGL Kbf lIL`WfLL ¹`Mf ¹VVhL nWh Kbf ³We`W`KC ¾b`ZZ`ô” bf Ln`hï “»HfM L`Wjf Gf bnHf lffW dMVG`Wd Kb`L jb`ZZ` Gf bnHf lffW LfZfjK`Wd Kbf lfLK VWfL KV \ffO eVM Lffhô LV bVOfeIZZC Gf jVIZh lf jZVLf KV Kbf MfjVMh lC Kbf fWh Ve Kb`L CfnMï”
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Meet the county butcher selling ts haggis to the Sco
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• Serving quality food & giving outstanding service is our passion • Traditional & contemporary cuisine served in a relaxed setting • Using only fresh, seasonal ingredients & locally sourced wherever possible
Ostrich meat producers
bf lIL`WfLL jnW MfdIZnMZC lf eVIWh nK LbVGL – `WjZIh`Wd ¦`WjVZW ¾bM`LKYnL ¤nM\fK – GbfMf `K LfZZL lVKKZfL IOVW lVKKZfL Ve `KL OMVhIjKL `W HnMC`Wd bfnKL nWh jbff\C WnYfLï ·VGfHfM Kbf OMVhIjK `WL`hf KbVLf lVKKZfL jVYfL eMVY n MfnZ ZnlVIM Ve ZVHf nWh CfnML Ve bnMh GVM\ KV lI`Zh Kbf lIL`WfLLï ¤M VVhL bnh KV jbVVLf lfKGffW nKKfYOK`Wd KV dMVG fWVIdb eVM Kbf lIL`WfLL `W n Z`Y`Kfh LOnjf VM lIC`Wd Kbf MnG YnKfM`nZL `W nWh lf`Wd nlZf KV YffK hfYnWhï ¤M VVhL Ln`h Kbf ‘ZVV\L VW OfVOZf’L enjfL’ nWh ZnIdbL bf
LbnMfL G`Kb jILKVYfML MfnLLIMf b`Y KbnK bf Ynhf Kbf M`dbK jbV`jfï “¢VK YnWC lIL`WfLLfL KbnK Yn\f YVWfC jnW ZnIdb nL YIjb nL ³ hV nK LbVGLô `W YC Vee`jf `e CVI Z`\fô lfb`Wh Kbf LKnZZô” bf Ln`hï bf lIL`WfLL nZLV OMVhIjfL jb`ZZ` jbVjVZnKfô jb`ZZ` OfnWIK lIKKfM nWh jb`ZZ` ¤nMY`Kfï ¤M VVhL nZLV bnh LVYf nhH`jf eVM KbVLf GbV GVIZh Z`\f KV KMC jb`ZZ` lIK nMf neMn`h Ve Kbf bfnKï “ bfMf nMf ãôééé KCOfL Ve jb`ZZ` `W Kbf GVMZhô d`Hf VM Kn\f n efG bIWhMfhô nWh KbfMf `L n jb`ZZ` VIK KbfMf eVM fHfMCVWfô” bf Ln`hï
In the rolling fields of Moorby, near Horncastle, is a family livestock farm. It doesn’t rear cows or sheep. Instead, ostriches roam across its land. Called Oslinc, it started in 1994 and was one of the very first ostrich farms in the UK. Brian Tomlin, pictured right, is a director along with his brother Russel Tomlin and sister Susan Smith. “For the first four to five years we just had birds and were producing offspring for future breeding,” he said. “We started with six ostriches, incubated eggs and then it snowballed. We now have 28 breeding ostriches. “From the end of March to the end of September we get about 50 to 60 eggs from each female. “We only incubate up to a certain time. You don’t want chicks hatching out in the middle of winter.” After they are reared, some birds are kept for future breeding stock and the rest are used for meat. Mr Tomlin said tourists heading to and from the
coast stop to buy meat and the business even exports ostrich leather, which ends up in places such as the Middle East. “The leather gets exported, as there aren’t really any tanners left in this country. They get shipped out to Spain and go from there.” Ostrich meat is popular diced or minced in casseroles, he said. “We have seen a bit of a boom in healthy eating, we do a lot of mail orders as well now. “We send it all fresh. We get 40 to 50 orders a week. Most people just pan-fry it like a beef steak.” Oslinc also sells reliably sourced crocodile meat from South Africa and kangaroo from Australia.
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Surfleet & the River Glen walk
The Mermaid Inn
Hugh Marrows suggests an extendable amble that could even end with a trip to an outdoor gym
The “big skies” of the fenlands form the backdrop to this walk. Although a single waterway at Surfleet, the Glen originates as two rivers, the East and West that rise to the east-southeast of Grantham near Ingoldsby and Old Somerby respectively. They meet just outside Greatford (near Stamford) then flow northeast to join the River Welland only a few yards beyond Surfleet Reservoir – the termination of Extension 1A to this walk. Serious attempts at draining the fens only began under Dutch engineers in the 1650s. Before then, Surfleet had been a small port some two miles from the sea, but access had often been difficult since the Glen was liable to silting. This background is reflected in Surfleet’s name, which in Old English meant “muddy creek”. The first sluice at the Reservoir was built in 1759; the present one dates from 1879. Surfleet village church is dedicated to St Laurence and its dramatic, leaning tower could be described as Lincolnshire’s “Pisa”. The tip of the spire is actually 6 feet 4½ inches from the vertical and on venturing inside there’s the unsettling experience of peering upwards within the leaning tower walls. Across the road stands The Mermaid Inn, with its impressive, columned doorway. It is mentioned in White’s Directory for 1842 and once had its own brewery. SPRING 2016
lM`hdf VHfM ¿ZIf ¸VGK ½Mn`Wï IMW ZfeK eVM Þé CnMhL nZVWd n jVWjMfKf MVnhï ³YYfh`nKfZC neKfM n Hfb`jZf lnMM`fM dV ZfeK hVGW KV Kbf GnKfM’L fhdf jVWK`WI`Wd KV LVYf LKfOL lfL`hf IMeZffK fLfMHV`M LZI`jfï fKIMW Kbf GnC CVI jnYf KV Mf]V`W Kbf Yn`W GnZ\ eVM LfjK`VW æï ¹VM Kbf LbVMK MVIKfô dV lfWfnKb Kbf ÀèÞ lM`hdf n LfjVWh K`Yf – WVG VW Kbf VOOVL`Kf lnW\ – VW KV Kbf M`HfML`hf OnKbï ¹VZZVG Kb`L IWK`Z CVI Mfnjb LVYf KMffLï §ffO`Wd jZVLf KV Kbf M`HfMô GnZ\ nZVWd Kbf fhdf Ve n ZnMdf dnMhfW nWh eMVY n \`LL`Wd dnKf OnLL ¿M`hdf ·VILf KV ]V`W Kbf MVnhï ¾MVLL jnMfeIZZC `W VMhfM KV KIMW M`dbK VHfM Kbf M`HfM lC Kbf OfhfLKM`nW lM`hdfï bf LfjVWh fEKfWL`VW LKnMKL bfMfï ff ænï|
³WLKfnh Ve jMVLL`Wd Kbf M`HfMô
You’ll work up an appetite on this charming walk, which takes in the beautiful fenland around Surfleet
2a KIMW ZfeK eVM ãéé CnMhL $KbfMf
THE ROUTE ¦fnHf Kbf jnMOnM\ nWh KIMW ZfeK eVM KbMffòNInMKfML Ve n Y`Zf G`Kb dVVh M`HfM H`fGL `W OZnjfLï bfW Kbf MVnh LOZ`KLô \ffO M`dbK $n “¢V bMVIdb Vnh”" OnLK Kbf `HfML`hf ³WW nWh KIMW M`dbK hVGW Kbf GnZZfh OnKb lfb`Wh Kbf jnMOnM\ï ¸V ZfeK IWhfMWfnKb Kbf ÀèÞ MVnh lM`hdf nWh lfnM ZfeK ndn`W IO n MnYOÔ WVG hVIlZf lnj\ LbnMOZC ZfeKGnMhL nlVHf Kbf M`HfM VW n G`hf OfhfLKM`nW GnZ\GnCï ÀK Kbf enM L`hf dV ZfeK ndn`W KV n eVVKOnKb L`dWï bf e`MLK VOK`VWnZ fEKfWL`VW LKnMKL bfMfï ff ènï|
Surfleet church’s leaning tower
1a ¸V KbMVIdb n bnWhdnKf VW KV n LbVMK efWjfh OnKb OnLK n OIKK`Wd dMffWï ©V`W n LKVWC KMnj\ nWh `YYfh`nKfZC neKfM n lIWdnZVG lfnM ZfeK VW KV Kbf M`HfMlnW\ nWh eVZZVG M`dbK Ve GnC nZVWd `Kï bf dVZe jZIl bnL OZnjfh Gb`Kf YnM\fM OVLKLï| ÀeKfM Mfnjb`Wd n ZnMdf GVVhfW bIKô HffM M`dbK KV n
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Wjf lnj\ VHfM Kbf M`HfMô MfKIMW KV Kbf LKnMK lC MfòjMVLL`Wd Kbf MVnh nWh GnZ\`Wd KbMVIdb Kbf jbIMjbCnMhï W ]V`W`Wd KnK`VW Vnhô jVWK`WIf KV Kbf jnMOnM\ï V fEOZVMf Kbf OnM\ô OfMbnOL KMC`Wd Kbf e`KWfLL KMn`Z nWh VIKhVVM dCYô Kn\f Kbf GVVhfh OnKb eMVY Kbf M`dbKòbnWh fWh Ve Kbf jnMOnM\ï
Weekend serves up great chance to try delicacies Centuries of expert food production means this year’s Discover Lincolnshire weekend is a very tasty prospect, writes Sarah Botha
FINE FEAST: Preparing a medieval meal at Gainsborough Old Hall. Photo: Anna Draper
Here in Lincolnshire, we are proud of all that our county has to offer – and what better way to discover it than through our food and drink heritage? Sadie Hirst, artisan baker at RJ Hirst Butchers, set out to explore Lincolnshire’s medieval cooking heritage through a course organised by The Heritage Trust. “It’s not that removed from what we would eat today, just the methods of cooking have changed and the use of spices can be a bit unusual to our palate,” she said. The day’s course offered a whistlestop tour through the ¦`WjVZW ¾nLKZfÖ ¹Mff dI`hfh staples that would have been KVIML Ve Kbf dMVIWhL VW found in the late Middle Ages, ¤nMjb èæ nWh èä nK èènYô including the essential stock pot èæOYô èïäéOYô nWh æïäéOYï that formed the backbone of bf ¤fh`fHnZ nZZ nZ\ô many dishes, almond cream, `jKVM`nW M`LVW nWh ½nH`h boiled puddings, maslin bread © VLL ¤ndWn ¾nMKn nIZK nMf and medieval filo moneybags. LK`ZZ K`j\fKfh VHfM ½`LjVHfM If you’d like to embark on a ¦`WjVZWLb`Mf ff\fWhï similar adventure, contact Heritage Trust Lincolnshire by ¦`WjVZW ¾nKbfhMnZÖ ¹Mff fWKMC calling 01529 461499 or emailing VW ¤nMjb èæ nWh èäô nZKbVIdb htladmin@heritagelincolnshire. hVWnK`VWL G`ZZ lf GfZjVYfï org for details of upcoming food bfMf G`ZZ lf dI`hfh KVIML courses. VW nKIMhnCô ¤nMjb èæô nK n The Discover Lincolnshire jbnMdf Ve £ãOOÖ VWf eZVVM weekend also offers KVIM nK èènYô L`E MVVe KVIML Yellowbellies a variety of VW Kbf bVIM eMVY èénYô nWh heritage events, crafts and L`E KVGfM KVIML VW Kbf attractions on March 12 and 13. bnZeòbVIM eMVY èéïäénYï During this weekend, many renowned destinations will be offering free admission. This year, Select Lincolnshire event. will flying the flag for Lincolnshire Catering Lincolnshire produce ¿VV\ eVM Kbf Company will be with a food market at ½`LjVHfM ¦`WjVZWLb`Mf serving a selection St Marks Square, Gff\fWh nWh dfK ¿'¿ of local, Lincoln, on njjVYYVhnK`VW eVM KGV high-quality meats Saturday, March 12. W`dbKL nK Kbf b`Kf ·nMK and breads – the The market will ·VKfZ `W ¦`WjVZW eVM perfect stop for a start at 10am with £ææàô `e CVI NIVKf spot of lunch, while visitors spoilt for ½³ ¾¦³¢¾èÞ Old Elephant’s Fudge choice by local food has sweet treats with purveyors attending the
½`LjVHfM ¦`WjVZWLb`Mf jbfj\òZ`LK
¸n`WLlVMVIdb Zh ·nZZÖ ¹Mff fWKMC VW lVKb hnCLô G`Kb ZVKL Ve enY`ZCòeM`fWhZC njK`H`K`fLï bf Zh ¢`j\ bfnKMfÖ bf ¸n`WLlVMVIdb bfnKMf ¾VYOnWC G`ZZ lf VeefM`Wd eMff KVIML Ve Kbf dMnhf ³³ Z`LKfh eVMYfM OVZ`jf LKnK`VW nWh Ynd`LKMnKfL’ jVIMKï ¦`WjVZW bfnKMf VCnZÖ ¹Mff KVIML VHfM lVKb hnCL nK èènY nWh äOYï VIM ¦`WjVZWÖ ¹Mff KVIM ¦`WjVZW lIL K`j\fKL eVM ZVGfM hfj\ LfnKL VWZCô KV Kbf HnZIf Ve £èéï fnKL nZZVjnKfh VW n e`MLKòjVYfô e`MLKòLfMHfh lnL`Lï
its range of homemade butter and cream fudge. If you’d like to stock up on your Lincolnshire essentials ahead of the heritage weekend, why not browse from the following local producers? For a signature Lincolnshire sausage, visit Redhill Farm, which makes its sausages with fresh cuts of shoulder and belly
pork, rubbed in English sage, which is what gives its taste. Delicious, rich, heavily fruited plumbread is a staple at the Lincolnshire table, served with butter and thick cheese. Pocklington Bakery’s traditional plum bread recipe spans generations and is a crowd favourite. Other local suppliers include Modens, Myers Bakery and Welbourne Bakery. Unique to Lincolnshire, stuffed chine is a traditional dish made with cured pork and parsley. V.T Lancaster & Son, a traditional family-run butchers in Market Rasen, makes its own chine. Enjoy yours with salad or in a sandwich. Smoked fish is another county favourite and Alfred Enderby Ltd in Grimsby is one of only a few independent, family-run traditional fish smoking firms left in England. Its Grimsby traditional smoked haddock is naturally smoked overnight in 100-year-old traditional brick smoke houses above slowly smouldering embers of wood shavings, giving it the very best flavours. To see what else is happening over the weekend go to SPRING 2016
·» ³ À¸»
By George! ·VG G`ZZ CVI lf jfZflMnK`Wd K ¸fVMdf’L ½nCÎ ¹VMdfK Kbf hMndVW LZnC`Wd nWh `WLKfnh Kb`W\ nlVIK jfZflMnK`Wd Kbf Z`ef Ve »WdZnWh’L OnKMVW Ln`WK G`Kb n efnLK e`K eVM MVCnZKCï ÀjjVMh`Wd KV ZfdfWhô K ¸fVMdf lfjnYf MfHfMfh lC Kbf »WdZ`Lb `W Kbf ¤`hhZf ÀdfL nWh eVIdbK VW Kbf`M L`hf `W Kbf ¾MILnhfL nWh Kbf ·IWhMfh fnML’ nMï ÀeKfM Kbf IW`VW Ve »WdZnWh nWh jVKZnWh `W èÝéÝô jfZflMnK`VW Ve Kbf hnC GnWfh `W OVOIZnM`KCô lIK `K MfYn`WL nL n YVhfMW jfZflMnK`VW Ve »WdZ`Lb jIZKIMf nWh Kb`L CfnM enZZL VW nKIMhnCô ÀOM`Z æäï ³W ¦`WjVZWLb`Mf Gf OM`hf VIMLfZHfL VW lf`Wd bVYf KV LVYf Ve Kbf lfLK ¿M`K`Lb eVVhô nWh LVYf Ve VIM ZVjnZ lIL`WfLLfL G`ZZ lf jfZflMnK`Wd VIM OnKMVW Ln`WK G`Kb n NI`WKfLLfWK`nZZC ¿M`K`Lb YfWI njMVLL Kbf jVIWKCï ¦`WjVZW ¤`W`LKfM jbVVZ G`ZZ lf LfMH`Wd `KL LKIhfWKL n jbV`jf Ve ¦`WjVZWLb`Mf LnILndfL G`Kb ¿MnYZfC nOOZf LnIjf nWh VM\Lb`Mf OIhh`Wdô VM hfZ`j`VIL bnWhòlnKKfMfh e`Lb nWh bnWhòjIK jb`OL G`Kb YILbC OfnLô eVZZVGfh
lC nOOZf jMIYlZf nWh jILKnMhï WjZf ·fWMC’L ¹nMY bVO `W ¸MnC`WdbnY G`ZZ VeefM n LOfj`nZ YfWI eVM jILKVYfML VW K ¸fVMdf’L ½nCô Gb`jb `WjZIhfL n bVYfYnhf jVKjb fdd G`Kb ¦`WjVZWLb`Mf
LnILndf YfnK LfMHfh G`Kb jbIKWfC nWh n GnKfMjMfLL LnZnhï KbfM KbfYfh VOK`VWL nMf n LZ`jf Ve ¦`WjVZWLb`Mf OVM\ O`f G`Kb O`jjnZ`ZZ` nWh n GnKfMjMfLL LnZnh VM n KMnh`K`VWnZ jVIWKC OZVIdbYnW’L
ZIWjb G`Kb WjZf ·fWMC’L LKIeefh jb`Wfô bnLZfK nWh MVnLK OVM\ LfMHfh nZVWdL`hf OVM\ O`fô eMfLb jMILKC lMfnhô ¾VKf ·`ZZ ¿ZIf jbffLfô ¦`WjVZWLb`Mf VnjbfM nWh ©ILK ©nWf jbfhhnMï
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It’s time to put a lot on your plate
Breakfast is the most important meal of the day – so when better to tuck into quality Lincolnshire produce? Sarah Botha looks at where to buy top morning grub
The Essential Full English Breakfast. The full English. A fry-up. Call it what you want, but there are few things in life better than a traditional fried breakfast. A survey by online booking firm found that 37 per cent of people’s favourite breakfast remained the iconic fry-up over other choices such as porridge, cereals and pastries.
However, some of the classic elements like tomatoes and mushrooms may be changing, with people opting to remove them in favour of superfoods such as avocados, asparagus and salmon. Yet the essentials like sausages, bacon and eggs remain key ingredients. The next time you fire up the hob and pull out your frying pan, why not shake it up with
produce from some of these Lincolnshire suppliers?
The combination of bacon and sausage is one of the essential elements to a full fry-up. If you haven’t already, try a classic Lincolnshire sausage from Fosters butchers in Lincoln. Buying from a local butchers such as Fosters will ensure
that your sausages are made from the best quality ingredients, making your fry-up that much more enjoyable. Remember to pair your banger with a meaty slice of back bacon.
Whether scrambled, poached or fried, eggs are
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The Royal Oak High Street, Martin, Lincs LN4 3QT • 01526 378777 • äã
can buy ‘Quack Eggs’ from the Love local range of products at your local Lincolnshire Co-op.
the staple that ties the fry-up together. The fresher your eggs, the better the taste, so source the free-range version from either Primrose Free Range Eggs in Wragby or Scamans Eggs in Louth. If you’re looking for a fancier option, try duck eggs. With bigger yolks and a lovely rich taste, they are ideally suited to those who like their eggs extra runny and gooey. You
These two vegetables are an essential to the classic full English, offering both sweetness and acidity to cut through the richness of the meat. Mushrooms in particular offer you one of your five a day and mirror the succulent sausages and bacon. Buy fresh produce from the Pink Pig Farm shop in Scunthorpe, which sources its food from local suppliers throughout Lincolnshire.
Love it or loathe it, the humble black pudding is experiencing a revival as it joins the ranks of kale, blueberries and pomegranate as a new superfood. The blood sausage is being hailed
as a great source of iron, potassium, calcium and magnesium – giving lovers of the fry up reason to celebrate. Pick up a Lincolnshire black pudding from Minting Farm Park in Gautby.
For some people, enjoying a serving of fish for breakfast is a great tradition on a par with the full English. From the colonial tradition of kedgeree, a dish best described as Indian spice meets the best of British, to the revival of kippers on the breakfast plate – fish remains a quintessential British food. It is also experiencing a surge in demand with consumers
moving towards healthier eating and an interest in refreshing old heritage favourites. While down south, kippers tend to be top choice in the mornings, here in Lincolnshire we favour a side of smoked haddock or salmon with our breakfast. For a local supplier try Alfred Enderby Ltd in Grimsby, which is one of only a few independent family run traditional fish smoking firms left in England. Its smokes the fish over slowly smouldering wood shavings, infusing it with the very best natural flavours. Whatever you choose to include in your fry-up, ensure your ingredients are of the best local quality.
Sunday Lunch 1 course - £6.95 2 courses - £9.95 3 courses - £12.95
Upgrade to a ‘Big Plate’ (extra meat, Yorkshire pudding and stuffing) for just £2.50 extra
Lunchtime Menu Served from 12pm to 2.30pm Tuesday to Saturday Inclusive One course only £6.95 2 courses either starter and main or main and dessert only £9.95
Celebrate your birthday in style with a 3 course meal on the house!*
*Birthday parties must be pre-booked and honoured within 6 days either side of your ur birthday (proof required). required).The The meal eaten by the birthday guest will be the meal given free. A minimum of three accompanying adult guests must order a main course meal. Certain dates are unavailable i.e. Christmas Day / Mother’s Day so please check when booking
40 Town Street, Sutton Cum Lound, Retford DN22 8PT SPRING 2016
01777 709408
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Dessert company owner tells Hannah Gilbey how she has grown her business in tough times bV nMf CVI nWh GbnK hV CVI hVÎ
I am Fiona Harris, the proprietor of Angels Desserts, based at JGR Business Park in Lincoln. We are creators of luxury, handcrafted fresh desserts. I am a qualified patisserie chef, with more than 25 years’ experience in catering.
·VG h`h CVI LKnMK VIK nWh bVG hVfL KbnK jVYOnMf KV GbfMf CVI LKnWh KVhnCÎ Angels Desserts took over from Readman Desserts in 2009, which I had worked for and had left to
pursue my career in catering and business administration. This has stood me in good stead for the varied jobs that a business owner needs to do. Today, Angels Desserts works closely with Lincs FM and has increased its presence in Lincolnshire, Yorkshire and Nottinghamshire.
hit the catering trade in 2010 – since then it has been a battle to maintain our position and expand. It has been difficult to find support from the big banks. Recruitment has been difficult, as has finding dedicated and qualified staff.
I really enjoy making desserts and developing ideas. Owning the business gives me a varied day, from customer service, administration, accounting, human resources, problem-solving and marketing. All of these jobs give can me enjoyment each day – as well as the headaches!
We continually strive to deliver the best desserts, so that our customers can be assured in receiving the best product. This means we are always looking at new flavours and combinations and offering new and unique desserts to give our customers an edge over their competition.
bnK bnL lffW Kbf bnMhfLK Kb`Wd KV VHfMjVYf nlVIK GbnK CVI hVÎ The economic downturn that
·VG hVfL `K effZ KV lf OnMK Ve ¦`WjVZWLb`Mf’L G`hf nWh HnM`fh eVVh nWh hM`W\ LfjKVMÎ
Our aim is to buy raw ingredients where we can from locally sourced suppliers. We are part of the Select Lincolnshire scheme and actively take part in its events to promote Lincolnshire. We are really proud that we came second three years running in the People’s Choice category in the Select awards.
bnK `L OfMefjK`VW `W GbnK CVI hVÎ
MIXING IT UP: Angels Desserts owner Fiona Harris SPRING 2016
Perfection to us is using the highest-quality ingredients, together with our expertise of
over 25 years, to make a dessert we are proud of and stand by.
We plan to open a shop within the next couple of years offering an extensive range of celebration cakes and wedding cakes. We’d also like to build an extension to the bakery to include a class room, a cake workshop and walk-in fridges. I will also be able to teach people in food safety up to level four and on HACCP.
I feel really proud of myself and the team when people return to purchase from us time and again, and when people offer compliments to the team and myself about how the display unit looks when we are at markets and festivals. Most of our trade customers have given me the nickname ‘Angel’, not surprisingly. However, I’m proud when they say “you truly are an angel” or “you deserve your nickname” due to our customer service.
To have an Angels Desserts shop on every high street in the country and to be known as the centre of excellence that we are. I’d also like to be an international speaker, an author as well as a coach and trainer to the industry. GOOD TASTE
Tastes and toasts Wedding season is fast approaching and more couples are opting for unusual, locally produced food, according to county suppliers. From US-style mobile caterers to cupcake bouquets, Lincolnshire can inspire a wedding to remember – as Hannah Gilbey finds out THE WHOLE HOG
For a wedding breakfast or evening meal with a difference, happy couples and their guests can tuck into roast lamb freshly cooked and carved by Hog Roast Lincolnshire and Classic Catering. Rosie Armitage owns the Barton-on-Humber business, which serves hog and lamb roasts. It won Caterer of the Year at the 2013 Select Lincolnshire Food, Drink and Hospitality Awards and was highly commended in the same category in 2015. “I think the hog roast has replaced the curled up sandwich platter at the end of the evening it is very popular to have a hot supper rather than buffets,” said Mrs Armitage. “People now are definitely wanting something different. “We once did a circus theme where we provided a hog roast –
the bride had a full size big top in a field. “We buy locally reared pork, and we cook it slowly with care. “We do lamb, roasted the same way, but served with mint rather than apple sauce. “It is a more costly thing to do as you don’t get as much meat off the lamb, but it is lovely.” Call 01652 660978
¦Ij`f ¤VIWKn`Wô äàô `L VGWfM Ve ¤nM\fK nLfWòlnLfh ¾MêOf ¦IjfKKfô Gb`jb bnL lffW MIWW`Wd eVM nMVIWh eVIM CfnML nWh LfMHfL LGffK nWh LnHVIMC jMfOfL nK fHfWKLô OnMK`fL nWh Gfhh`WdL nMVIWh Kbf §ï bf Ln`h ‘LKMffK eVVh’ LIjb nL jMfOfL `L YVMf OVOIZnM KbnW fHfM nK Gfhh`WdLÖ “»HfMCVWf GnWKL LVYfKb`Wd n Z`KKZf h`eefMfWK LV fHfMCVWf MfYfYlfML Kbf`M hnCï” ¤ML ¤VIWKn`W bnL fEOfM`YfWKfh G`Kb ZnLndWf nWh KndZ`nKfZZf nL OVKfWK`nZ LnHVIMC VOK`VWLô IL`Wd jMfOfL MnKbfM KbnW OnLKnô nZKbVIdb LGffK KnLKfL nMf nZGnCL Kbf l`dòb`KKfMLï “¹VM Gfhh`WdLô CVI jnW
WfHfM dV GMVWd G`Kb ¢IKfZZnô OfVOZf ]ILK ZVHf `Kô” Lbf Ln`hï “ VYf OfVOZf nMf dV`Wd eVM YVMf Ve n efLK`HnZ KbfYfï fVOZf LKMffK eVVh KMnhfML| hV fHfMCKb`Wd CVI jnW `Ynd`Wf – ³ Kb`W\ KbnK jMfnKfL Kbf nYl`nWjf Ve n Gfhh`Wdï” Call 07757936652
Established caterers, specialising in indoor & outdoor events and contract requirements
Traditional Home Cooked Pub Food
National Events Caterers is an established provider of mobile catering units across the Lincolnshire & UK. We provide our UK sourced and Fairtrade produce to indoor and outdoor events from attractive catering units, managed by friendly, trained teams focussed on ensuring customer satisfaction. We also offer a specialist contract service to clients, including local authorities, tourist attractions and exhibition centres, to meet their catering requirements.
Booking advised 01522 790386
Please enjoy browsing around our website for further information, or contact us to find out more.
Monday - Saturday 12 midday - 11pm Sunday 12 midday - 10.30pm
The Melrose, Dowsdale Bank, Shepeau Stow, Whaplode Drove, Spalding, Lincolnshire PE12 0TZ Follow us on Twitter: @EventsCaterers
Like us on Facebook: NationalEventsCaterers
Tel/Fax: 01406 330400 Mobile: 07768 991197
Monday - Saturday 12 midday - 2pm & 5pm - 8pm Sunday 12 midday - 2pm & 5pm - 8pm
High Street, Heighington, Lincolnshire, LN4 1JS
Kate O’Meara is owner of The Cheese Society, which has a shop on The Strait and an eatery on St Martin’s Lane, both in Lincoln. She said cheese wedding cakes are becoming a hugely popular alternative to traditional choices. “I want to be selling cheese wedding cakes to France – that is my ambition,” she said. “People are putting more of themselves in their weddings, rather than a formula. “We have got cheese cakes for really small parties and weddings and for individual tables.” Crusty bread and chutneys sourced in Lincolnshire would accompany cheese wedding cakes best, she said. Call 01522 511003
Steve Marston runs Cathedral Heights Brewery at Bracebridge Heath, just outside Lincoln. He and his wife Sammi started by brewing an ale called Just Married for their wedding in September 2011. “It is the first brew we produced as Cathedral Heights,” he said. “Now we have that for other couples getting married. It is getting more popular.” Couples can choose one of its ales, or its recommended Just Married brew, to be served at their wedding. Their choice is served in bottles with personalised labels or by keg with a personalised pump clip to be served at a bar.
KfHf b`Kfô eMVY ¦`WjVZWô `L jVòVGWfM Ve YV\`W’ ÀjfL nZVWd G`Kb ¿MnhZfC ¿nMMnjZVIdb nWh `jbnMh §W`dbKï ·f Ln`h lVV\`WdL bnHf LVnMfh nL YVMf Gfhh`Wd jVIOZfL jbVVLf eIW e`WdfM eVVhô OnMK`jIZnMZC eVM LYnZZfM fHfWKLï “ MVlnlZC YVLK OVOIZnM nK Gfhh`WdL `L VIM OIZZfh OVM\ô Gb`jb `L nW VM`d`WnZ Mfj`Of eMVY VIM K`Yf `W ÀYfM`jnô” ¤M b`Kf Ln`hï “³K Kn\fL èÞ bVIML `W n LYV\fMô lIK `K `L LV hfZ`j`VILï f hV `K G`Kb lM`L\fK nL GfZZï “ f bnHf dVK VIM VGW MIl nWh Gf Yn\f VIM VGW jVZfLZnGï”
Call 01522 530661
½nMMfW ¿IMMVGLô VGWfM Ve ¢VïÜæ ¾n\f KIh`Vô bnL æé CfnML’ fEOfM`fWjf `W OMVhIj`Wd hfZ`j`VIL jn\fL `W b`L OIMOVLfòlI`ZKô Mfd`LKfMfh \`KjbfW VW fGfZZ Vnhô ¦`WjVZWï “³ jMfnKf jVYOZfKfZC fh`lZf jIOjn\f lVINIfKLô” bf Ln`hï “ bfC nMf jMfnKfh eMVY eZVGfM jIOjn\fLô Gb`Kf jbVjVZnKf MVLfLô YnMLbYnZZVG OfKnZL nWh LIdnM ZfnHfLï “½`LOZnCfh `W n KfMMnjVKKn OVKô KbfLf nMf OfMefjK KnlZf jfWKMfO`fjfL eVM Gfhh`WdL nWh nMf nHn`ZnlZf `W nWC eZnHVIM jVYl`WnK`VW nWh L`>fL eMVY èé LfMH`WdL KV Þéï” Call 01522 805905
Call 07792 208823
? m t e no ffe roo hy co rd W e a ua G v ha new e th at
Hemswell Antique Centres Coffee Shops We are proud of our Lincolnshire heritage at A Wright & Son. Not only is it reflected in our high quality cuts of meat, our ethics and our customer satisfaction, it s also connected to our Quality Lincolnshire Beef, Lamb & Pork which we select from our farm assured Lincolnshire Farmers. This gives us the best farm to fork traceability available. Visit our new online shop and try for yourself!
When you feel like taking time out from browsing the largest selection of antiques and collectables in Europe, visit our licensed Coffee Shop in Building One where, in addition to a range of refreshing cold drinks and reviving hot beverages, you can also enjoy a choice of freshly prepared meals and light snacks, using only the very best fresh, locally-sourced produce.
Open 10.00am - 5.00pm every day Building One - and - The Guardroom Caenby Corner Estate, Hemswell Cliff, Gainsborough, Lincolnshire DN21 5TJ
call: 01205 368032
01427 668389 ©LW
Requiring special
Spring is full of occasions for family gatherings, including Mother’s Day, Easter and St George’s Day, so having a suitable meal for guests who cannot eat gluten, dairy, ut or lots of sugar is vital. If you’ve pulled out the stops with our masterclass, try these spectacular extras DESSERT – ORANGE POLENTA CAKE Serves 8-10 ³¢¸ »½³»¢
120g polenta 80g ground almonds 100g gram flour 1 tsp bicarbonate of soda Zest and juice of 2 blood oranges 100ml olive oil 100ml agave nectar ½ tsp orange extract 100ml soya yogurt 40g crushed pistachios, to decorate For the cashew frosting: 150g cashews, soaked in water for at least 6 hours 100ml agave nectar Juice and zest of ½ orange ½ tsp orange extract 1 tsp (heaped) coconut oil 2-3 tsp water
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Recipe by Aine Carlin, photo by Nassima Rothacker
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1. Preheat the oven to 170°C/gas mark 3 and grease and line a 15cm cake tin. 2. For the frosting, drain and rinse the cashews and blend in a food processor with the agave nectar, orange juice and zest, orange extract, coconut oil and 2 tsp of water until completely smooth. Add more water if necessary and refrigerate until needed. 4. Mix the polenta, ground almonds, gram flour and bicarbonate of soda in a large bowl. Stir through the blood orange zest. 5. In a separate bowl, vigorously whisk together the oil, blood orange juice, agave, orange extract and yogurt.
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6. Make a well in the centre of the flour and pour in the orange and olive oil mixture. Fold gently and transfer to the prepared cake tin. 7. Bake for 30-35 minutes, until a skewer comes out clean.
9. Once baked, leave to cool briefly on a wire rack before removing it from the tin. Set aside until completely cool. 10. Slather over the chilled cashew frosting. 11. Decorate with crushed
pistachios. The cake is best eaten fresh, but will keep for up to three days.
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SERVES 2 ³¢¸ »½³»¢ èàd hn`MCòeMff LOMfnh è LYnZZ VW`VWô e`WfZC jbVOOfh èæàd nLOnMndILô jbVOOfh æàd OZn`W eZVIM ãàéYZ HfdfKnlZf LKVj\ èàéYZ LVCn Y`Z\ eMfLbZC dMVIWh lZnj\ OfOOfM ¤» · ½ èï ·fnK Kbf LOMfnh `W n Yfh`IY
OnWô nhh Kbf VW`VW nWh nLOnMndIL nWh eMC eVM æ–ä Y`WIKfL IWK`Z fHfMCKb`Wd lfd`WL KV LVeKfWï æï Àhh Kbf eZVIM nWh jVV\ eVM n eIMKbfM Y`WIKfï äï ¸MnhInZZCô LK`M `W Kbf LKVj\ô lM`Wd KV Kbf lV`Z nWh L`YYfM eVM èé Y`WIKfL IWK`Z Kbf nLOnMndIL `L jVV\fh KbMVIdbô nWh MfLfMHf n jVIOZf Ve LOfnML eVM LfMH`Wdï ãï Àhh Kbf Y`Z\ô lM`Wd KV nZYVLK lV`Z`Wd OV`WKô KbfW OZnjf `W n eVVh OMVjfLLVM nWh lZfWh IWK`Z LYVVKbï àï fnLVW G`Kb OZfWKC Ve lZnj\ OfOOfM nWh KVO G`Kb Kbf nLOnMndIL LOfnMLô KbfW LfMHf G`Kb jMILKC lMfnh VM KVnLKï Recipes and photos for salad, soup and hummus dishes by Diabetes UK. For more details, see diabetes.
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THREE WAYS WITH... SAMPHIRE b`L lM`ZZ`nWK dMffW HfdfKnlZfô bnMHfLKfh eMVY ¦`WjVZWLb`Mf’L jVnLKZ`Wfô nhhL n LnZKC l`Kf `e ILfh MnG `W LnZnhL – ]ILK d`Hf `K n dVVh GnLb e`MLKï MC lV`Z`Wd `K eVM n efG Y`WIKfLô nL CVI GVIZh
STARTER OR SIDE – BEETROOT HUMMUS SERVES 8 ³¢¸ »½³»¢ ãééd K`W jb`j\OfnLô hMn`Wfh nWh M`WLfh äééd jVV\fh lffKMVVK `W WnKIMnZ ]I`jfLîGnKfMô hMn`Wfh è dnMZ`j jZVHfô jMILbfh O`Wjb Ve jnCfWWf OfOOfM è KLO jIY`W eMfLbZC dMVIWh lZnj\ OfOOfM æ KLO Knb`W`
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RUNNERS UP: The popular Lincoln 10k road race will take place in April
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BLOOMING LOVELY: Enjoy a beautiful display of cherry blossoms at Doddington Hall.
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City of Lincoln WHERE TO STAY Castle Hotel Westgate, Lincoln LN1 3AS 01522 538801 A small unique luxury hotel with m k%Kh3hr7h m! !+h +hm3! ^P -%r7^>rSG +%G!^3%7 7hr!3hY m +mghr P^3 N2hG!G ^Kh3%rN 7^s8>%shr!m3R ^rOG%!h 8m3C%rN mrk d%]W The Lincoln Hotel Eastgate, Lincoln LN2 1PN 01522 520348 71 Bedrooms and stunning views ^P !+h lm!+hk3m>Y !+h 8h3Ph7! 8>m7h to stay, socialise and relax. Select -%r7^>rG+%3h j^!h> ^P !+h ?hm3 EIFDY j%N+>R l^sshrkhk EIFBW The White Hart Hotel 87 Bailgate, Lincoln LN1 3AR 01522 526222 d+%!h+m3!O>%r7^>rW7^W2C @I 3hP239%G+hk 7^r!hs8^3m3R 9hk3^^sG d%!+ m3N2m9>R !+h 9hG! g%hdG ^P -%r7^>r lm!+hk3m>Y 7^s8>%shr!m3R _%1% mrk 8m3C%rNW XT7h>>hr! 3hG!m23mr!Y 93%>>%mr! 7^7C!m%>Go
Doddington Café and Restaurant
Doddington Hall, Lincoln, LN6 4RU 01522 812505 Stylish design, showcasing kitchen, garden and estate produce. Open daily for breakfast, lunch, coffee and cake, plus Friday and Saturday evenings. Book for Restaurant. ©LW 1)<0 A9/C=9 The Terrace, Grantham Street, Lincoln LN2 1BD 07956 653156 9>^NW7mPh8^3p7^W7^W2C 12>>R >%7hrGhk 7mPf 9m3 Gh3g%rN m d%kh Gh>h7p^r ^P kh>%7%^2G homemade and locally sourced P^^k d%!+ mr c!m>%mr emg^23W Cloister Refectory – Lincoln Cathedral -%r7^>r lm!+hk3m>Y -%r7^>r -$E F=A 01522 561644 3hPh7!^3RL>%r7^>r7m!+hk3m>W7^s "h>mT mrk hrH^R m Gh>h7p^r ^P P3hG+>R 83h8m3hk Grm7CG mrk >%N+! shm>GW _h m3h ^8hr m>> Rhm3 mrk ^Kh3 m dm3s dh>7^shW The Electric Bar and Restaurant ,+h [^29>h ,3hh 9R j%>!^r -%r7^>rY n3mRP^3k _+m3P $^3!+Y -%r7^>r -$F F?_ 01522 565182 h>h7!3%79m3mrk3hG!m23mr!W7^W2C The Electric Bar and Restaurant ^Kh3G ]rhOk%r%rN %r mr h>hNmr! Rh! %rP^3sm> ghr2hY 9^mGprN 2rG238mGGhk g%hdG ^P !+h 7%!RW The Green Room The Lincoln Hotel, Eastgate, Lincoln LN2 1PN 01522 520348 [%r%rN %r m G^8+%Gp7m!hk GhZrN mkHm7hr! !^ !+h lm!+hk3m>Y d%!+ %!G ^dr 83%gm!h 9m3 mrk hr!3mr7hW [%G+hG m3h s^kh3r %r G!R>h 2G%rN P3hG+ >^7m> ingredients. Select Lincolnshire Restaurant Winner 2014.
Henry’s Tea Room "2kk^7CG ^P -%r7^>rY 287 High Street, Lincoln LN2 1AW 01522 514113 +hr3RG!hm3^^sW7^W2C 4 8hm7hP2>Y !3mk%p^rm> `%7!^3%mr !hm 3^^s Gh3g%rN !^8 52m>%!R P^^k P3^s P3hG+>R 7^^Chk >^7m> %rN3hk%hr!GW l^sh !^ Vjhr3RSGS P^3 R^23 !32h V-%r7^>r hT8h3%hr7hSW Langton’s -%r7^>r lmG!>hY lmG!>h j%>>Y Lincoln LN1 3AA 07725 706329 3hNmr#&L+^!sm%>W7^s 13hh hr!3R %r!^ !+h lmG!>h N3^2rkGY 8%7C 28 m 7^Khh !^ N^Y 8%7r%7 P^3 !+h N3^2rkG ^3 G!mR P^3 m d^rkh3P2> Gh>h7p^r ^P Grm7CG mrk shm>GW Lincoln Grille at The White Hart Hotel 91 Bailgate, Lincoln LN1 3AR 01522 563290 d+%!h+m3!O>%r7^>rW7^W2C q28h39 s^2!+Odm!h3%rN k%G+hGY Pm92>^2G m!s^G8+h3h d%!+ !+h +%N+hG! quality service. We deliver the dining hT8h3%hr7h ^23 72G!^sh3G +mgh 7^sh !^ hT8h7! mrk khGh3ghW The Reform Restaurant ,+h lmG!>h j^!h>Y _hG!Nm!hY Lincoln LN1 3AS 01522 538801 '^kh3r X23^8hmr 72%G%rh Gh3ghk to the highest standards, using locally G^237hk 83^k27hW ,+h m!s^G8+h3h %G 3h>mThk Rh! G^8+%Gp7m!hk mrk %G m gh3R 8^82>m3 7%!R 3hG!m23mr!W ,mG!h ^P XT7h>>hr7h 4dm3k _%rrh3 EIFE mrk "2rrh3 (8 EIFD Sessions Restaurant qhGG%^rG j^2GhY -%r7^>r l^>>hNhY '^rCG "^mkY -%r7^>r -$E @j< 01522 876343 >%r7^>r7^>>hNhWm7W2C =3h8m3%rN mrk Gh3g%rN shm>G !^ 72G!^sh3G P^3s mr %r!hN3m> 8m3! ^P 83^N3msshG ^P G!2kR P^3 83^PhGG%^rm> 7^^Ch3R mrk +^G8%!m>%!R G!2khr!GW I!9*5H )! !&5 19((5=C9, Danes Terrace, Lincoln LN2 1LP G!^ChGO7^KhhW7^W2C 4 G>hhC G!R>%G+ 7mPf Gh! %r !+h 7^sP^3!m9>h G233^2rk%rNG ^P !+h l^>>h7p^rY -%r7^>rSG m37+mh^>^N%7m> s2Gh2sW l^r!hs8^3m3R 7mPf shr2 mrk km%>R G8h7%m>GW a8hr ) kmRG FIms M B8sW Stokes High Bridge Café (since 1902) 207 High Street, Lincoln LN5 7AU 01522 523548 G!^ChGO7^KhhW7^W2C '^3r%rN 7^KhhY 93hmCPmG!Y >2r7+h^r mrk mUh3r^^r !hmGW =^82>m3 7mPf %r 9hm2pP2> F*!+ 7hr!23R 92%>k%rN ^gh3O>^^C%rN !+h "%gh3 _%!+msW a8hr hgh3R kmRW The Tower Hotel and Tower Restaurant 38 Westgate, Lincoln LN1 3BD 01522 529999 >%r7^>r!^dh3+^!h>W7^W2C The Tower is a 3AA Star Hotel and F "^GGh\h "hG!m23mr!Y Gh! %r !+h +%G!^3%7 m3hm ^P -%r7^>rSG lm!+hk3m> <2m3!h3W qh>h7! -%r7^>rG+%3h j%N+>R l^sshrkhk EIF@W
WHERE TO BUY R Foster & Son FFF '^rCG "^mkY Lincoln LN2 5HT 01522 523369 P^G!h3G92!7+h3G>%r7^>rW7^W2C j^shOsmkh 8%hG mrk ^!+h3 Gmg^23R
8mG!3%hGY P3hG+ 9mChk 93hmk mrk 7^rPh7p^rh3RW -^7m>>R G^237hk mrk sm!23hk 52m>%!R 9hhPY >ms9 mrk 8^3CW
Doddington Farm Shop
Doddington Hall, Lincoln, LN6 4RU 01522 688581 Beautiful and stylish shop showcasing home-grown kitchen garden produce, fab home-baked cakes, Lincolnshire and regional specialities. Full deli, butchery and bakery. Open daily. ©LW +&5 B",=9(, +5) ),> 19355 19.7),% 01522 681838 !+h>%r7^>r!hmmrk7^Khh7^s8mrRW7^W2C "h!m%> mrk d+^>hGm>h G288>%h3 ^P +%N+ 52m>%!R >hmP !hmG mrk G%rN>h ^3%N%rY 9hG8^Ch 9>hrkhk 3^mG!hk 7^KhhGW [%G!3%92!^3 ^P 7^ssh37%m> mrk k^shGp7 -m q8m0%m>h hG83hGG^ sm7+%rhGY d%!+ 9m3%G!m G288^3! mrk mkg%7hW The Naked Marshmallow Co rmChksm3G+sm>>^dW7^W2C q732s8p^2GY +mrksmkh N^23sh! sm3G+sm>>^dG %r m gm3%h!R ^P kh>%7%^2G emg^23GW $mChk 9h7m2Gh m>> ^23 emg^23%rNG mrk 7^>^23%rNG are 100% natural and use the highest 52m>%!RY hGGhrpm> %rN3hk%hr!GW B",=9(,H&"/5 19D97 ;99> I!9/5H 01522 512211 >%r7^>rG+%3hW7^^8 a23 P^^k G!^3hG 7mr 9h P^2rk m>> m73^GG !+h 7^2r!RY dh>> G!^7Chk with more than 100 locally sourced 83^k27!G %r ^23 -^gh -^7m> 3mrNhW
West Lindsey WHERE TO STAY The Grange .hT9RY /m%rG9^3^2N+ [$EF @=J 01427 788265 !+hN3mrNhm!ChT9RW7^W2C 4 dh>7^s%rN `%7!^3%mr Pm3s+^2Gh ^r m d^3C%rN Pm3sW j^sh 7^^Chk P^^k mrk 83^k27hW l^rghr%hr! P^3 /m%rG9^3^2N+ a>k jm>>Y -%r7^>r lm!+hk3m> mrk lmG!>hY jhsGdh>> 4rp52hG mrk !+h _^>kGW '9(> 19G)#5 45> ),> Breakfast By Rachel Green ,hm>9RY 'm3Ch! "mGhrY -$& DA, 07713 102773 3m7+h>L3m7+h>ON3hhrW7^W2C dddW3m7+h>ON3hhrW7^W2C ,+h 8h3Ph7! 93hmC d%!+ N^23sh! shm>GY %kR>>%7 G7hrh3RY N3hm! 7^rgh3Gmp^r mrk d+m! 7mr 9h 9h\h3 !+mr !^ dmCh 28 mUh3 m N3hm! r%N+!SG G>hh8 !^ m >^7m> -%r7^>rG+%3h 93hmCPmG! 7^^Chk !^ 8h3Ph7p^r 9R 7+hP "m7+h> /3hhrW +/55!97H 19G)#5H 6 I7) D# q!mp^r "^mkY /3mG9R [$D& *4= 01652 628071/07790 723602 !3hh!^8G7^\mNhGW7^s ,+3hh Bi 7^\mNhG P^3 28 !^ FI N2hG!GY includes indoor heated swimming 8^^>Y +^! !29Y Gm2rmY d%]Y G8m 3^^s P^3 !3hm!shr!G %r7>2k%rN kmR N2hG!GW Wold View Bed and Breakfast n2>>R j%>> ,^8Y rhm3 ,hm>9RY 'm3Ch! "mGhr -$& *J4 01673 838226 / 07976 563473 d^>kg%hd+^2GhW7^W2C l^GRY +^sh>R ^r !^8 ^P !+h _^>kGY m9^gh 83h\R g%>>mNh ^P ,hm>9RW -^7m>>R G^237hk P^^kY +^shO7^^C%rNW qh>h7! Lincolnshire Winner 2006, 2008, j%N+>R l^sshrkhk EII#W
Caistor Arts & Heritage Centre Cafe 28 Plough Hill, Caistor, LN7 6LZ 01472 851605 Scrumptious cakes, breakfasts, lunches and snacks served in the cafe or outside on the terrace. Open seven days, take-aways and celebration cakes available. Dogs Welcome.
Gainsborough Old Hall, Chambers Café =m3rh>> q!3hh!Y /m%rG9^3^2N+ [$EF 2NB 01427 677348 Nm%rG9^3^2N+^>k+m>>W7^s XrH^R >%N+! 3hP3hG+shr!GY >^7m>>R G^237hk mrk P3hG+>R smkhY %r7>2k%rN G8h7%m>%!R !hmG mrk 7^KhhGY d%!+%r this unique medieval manor house GhZrNW qh>h7! -%r7^>rG+%3h j%N+>R l^sshrkhk EIFBW +&5 8F)/>/99. 19355 I&97 jhsGdh>> 4rp52hG lhr!3hY lmhr9R l^3rh3 XG!m!hY jhsGdh>> l>%KY /m%rG9^3^2N+ [$EF @,J 01427 667113 +hsGdh>>Omrp52hGW7^s a8hr hgh3R kmR FIms M @8sW l+^^Gh P3^s m Gh>h7p^r ^P +^shsmkh 7mChGY Gmrkd%7+hG mrk P3hG+>R smkh 7^KhhGW @5.HE5(( -,C2F5H 19355 I&97 jhsGdh>> 4rp52hG lhr!3hY lmhr9R l^3rh3 XG!m!hY jhsGdh>> l>%KY /m%rG9^3^2N+ [$EF @,J 01427 668389 +hsGdh>>Omrp52hGW7^s a8hr hgh3R kmR FIms M @8sW l+^^Gh P3^s m Gh>h7p^r ^P +^shsmkh 7mChG mrk 7^KhhG ^3 m P3hG+>R 83h8m3hk >2r7+ ^3 >%N+! Grm7CW Caistor Arts & Heritage Centre Cafe E& =>^2N+ j%>>Y lm%G!^3 -$) *-: 01472 851605 E&8>^2N++%>>W7^W2C q732s8p^2G 7mChGY 93hmCPmG!GY >2r7+hG mrk Grm7CG Gh3ghk %r !+h 7mPf ^3 ^2!G%kh ^r !+h !h33m7hW a8hr ) kmRGY !mChmdmR mrk 7h>h93mp^r 7mChG mgm%>m9>hW The Inn on the Green crN+msY -%r7^>r -$F EA, 01522 730354 %rr^r!+hN3hhr%rN+msW7^W2C 4dm3k d%rr%rN 7^2r!3R 829b3hG!m23mr!W 1^^k Q Gh3g%7h !^ !+h +%N+hG! standards. Locally sourced, seasonal shr2W D ,%shG ,mG!h ^P XT7h>>hr7h _%rrh3GW 4>G^ 83%gm!h k%r%rNY 92G%rhGG shhprNGb>2r7+hGW Willingham Fayre 4G+N3^gh 1m3sY $^3!+ _%>>%rN+msY 'm3Ch! "mGhr -$& D"J 01673 838123 d%>>%rN+msPmR3hW7^W2C _h smCh -%r7^>rG+%3h _^>kG [m%3R c7h73hms d%!+ d+^>h P3hG+ 7^dG s%>CW `%G%! ^23 %7h73hms 8m3>^23Y 7mPf mrk 7+%>k3hrSG 8>mR m3hmW A5775/79! +5) $99.? @)(( ;)/. A)/* lm%G!^3 "^mkY South Kelsey LN7 6PR 01652 678822 +m>>Pm3s8m3C^67hLChshW7^W2C Relax and enjoy a light lunch, kh>%7%^2G 7mCh mrk k3%rC %r ^23 !hm3^^s ^3 ^r !+h 8mp^ ^gh3>^^C%rN 9hm2pP2> ^8hr countryside. Select Lincolnshire j%N+>R l^sshrkhk EIF@W SPRING 2016
¦³ ³¢¸ South Kesteven
Blyton Dairy Ice Cream More than 60 flavours of ice cream, hot and cold food, Sunday carvery, children’s play area. Open seven days a week. Select Lincolnshire Highly Recommended 2013.
Old Hall Farm, Blyton, Gainsborough DN21 3LA 01427 628355
Fulbeck Gardens Cottage
Hemswell Antiques Coffee Shop Choose from a selection of home-made cakes and coffees or a freshly prepared lunch or light snack. Open every day 10am to 5pm
Hemswell Antiques Centre, Caenby Corner Estate, Hemswell Cliff, Gainsborough, DN21 5TJ 01427 668389 ! Uncle Henry’s Farm Shop Grayingham Grange, Grayingham, Gainsborough DN21 4JD 01652 640308 Award winning farm shop, butchery, cafe & conference Hd6%;%f`CP aWj` 73Wb26`bS ;W6d;;J CW236`b HWWb C277W3fiF ;W6d; 73Wb26`3C dib 73W_%b%iF dEW3bd8;` quality. Coaches welcome. Select Lincolnshire Awards 2014 & 2015, BBC One Show “Britain’s Best Sausage”. The White Swan Hotel # .-` 03``iS h6WU`3 T$AB @)T 01724 763061 ]-%!`C]diC6WU`3P6Wj Situated in the picturesque village of h6WU`3 W_`3;WW?%iF !-` "%_`3 Rd2S ]` guarantee a warm welcome. A venue for every occasion – weddings, events and more.
Cote Hill Cheese
Cote Hill Farm, Osgodby, Market Rasen, LN8 3PD 01673 828481 Award-winning artisan cheeses handcrafted on our farm using unpasteurised milk from our herd of dairy cows. Available from cheese shops, Lincolnshire Co-op and farmers’ markets. The Chocolate Drop h7`6%d; Rb%fWi c-W6W;d!`S (d3?`! "dC`i /$& @"a 01673 844073 C7`6%d;`b%fWi6-W6W;d!`P6WP2? 4;; 6-W6W;d!` %C jdb` -`3`S $). 1"RRS 0/).R$ 1"RR dib !-` Td3? %C T4\"< 1"RRP $`]OPP4M`3iWWi teas now available. Book for d Nc-W6W;d!` RL7`3%`i6`KP V T Lancaster & Son Ltd 15/47 Queen Street, (d3?`! "dC`i /$& @Ra 01673 843440 or 842260 ;di6dC!`3C82!6-`3CP6WP2? 4 !3db%fWid; family butchers, sourcing produce from local farmers. Famous for Lincolnshire sausages, pork pies, -dC;`!S Cd2CdF` 3W;;CS C!2E`b 6-%i` I 7WU`b 8``HP SPRING 2016
Primrose Free Range Eggs 01673 858379 4 Hdj%;J 32i Hd3j 6Wi6`i!3dfiF Wi producing free range eggs from hens with unrestricted movement within !-`%3 V`;b dib C-`b ]-%6- d3` d663`b%!`b to the Freedom Food Scheme. 9 ; B!',7?6( .'(/,A 0 -2*5/6=2*/,A # )i%Wi h!3``!S (d3?`! "dC`i /$& @44 01673 843483 .3db%fWid; Hdj%;J 8d?`3CP X%b` 3diF` of breads, cakes, pastries, savouries and Lincolnshire plumbread. Look for our speciality and healthy bread range. MarRon Wine, Cider & Liqueurs # e3Wdb8`6?S Xdbb%iF-djS 0d%iC8W3W2F- T$AB >.a (by appointment only) 01673 818478 43fCdi jd?`3C WH c-W6 42 Y%i chocolate wine, cider and liqueurs for retail and trade sales. Specialising in personalised labeling. Redhill Farm Free Range Pork /d2F-!Wi "WdbS (W3!WiS 0d%iC8W3W2FDN21 3DT 01427 628270 redhillfarm. com Farmers, producers and retailers WH $dfWid; 4]d3b X%ii%iF H3`` 3diF` pork. Find us at farmers’ markets, our farm shop or on-line. Select Lincolnshire :`W7;`CK c-W%6` 4]d3b X%ii`3 ADB@S h`;`6! /%i6W;iC-%3` :3Wb26`3 WH !-` <`d3 2012 & 2014. Uncle Henry’s Farm Shop Grayingham Grange, Grayingham, Gainsborough DN21 4JD 01652 640308 Award winning farm shop, butchery, cafe I 6WiH`3`i6` Hd6%;%f`CP aWj` 73Wb26`bS ;W6d;;J CW236`b HWWb C277W3fiF ;W6d; 73Wb26`3C dib 73W_%b%iF dEW3bd8;` quality. Coaches welcome. Select /%i6W;iC-%3` "`!d%;`3 WH !-` <`d3 2014 & Producer 2015, BBC One Show “Britain’s Best Sausage” Lincolnshire Co-op Food Stores 01522 512211 Our food stores can be found all across the county, well stocked with more than 100 locally sourced products in our Love Local range.
01400 273989 07966 430728 GOLD 4 star self-catering cottage adjacent owners vineyard. Sleeps 2-7. Hot-tub. Sorry no pets. Weekly, weekend & short breaks. Complimentary hamper. Select Lincolnshire Highly Commended ©LW 2012 & 2014
Wyndham Garden Grantham .W;; ed3 "WdbS (d3C!WiS 03di!-dj $0@A Aa. 01400 250909 110 bedroom hotel recently refurbished and branded with !-` XJib-dj aW!`; 03W27S %! -dC H2;; ;`%C23` Hd6%;%f`CS 8d3 dib restaurant. Select Lincolnshire, a%F-;J cWjj`ib`b ADB>P
WHERE TO EAT ./&!2* ;2?A/ >)%/ :'=2*'& ),?A!< Grantham NG32 2LS 01476 566116 idfWid;!32C!PW3FP2?[8`;!WiG-W2C` h27`38 B*!- 6`i!23J RiF;%C- 6W2i!3J -W2C` ]%!- b`;%F-g2; Fd3b`iCS 7d3?;dibS h!d8;`C "`C!d23di!S "%b` :;dJ cdH^S F%M dib Fd3b`i C-W7CP Hambleton Hall Hotel and Restaurant adj8;`!WiS Zd?-djS "2!;dib /RB= &.a 01572 756991 .-` 2;fjd!` %i Cjd;; 6W2i!3J -W2C` hotels with elegant surroundings and spectacular lakeside views. The Michelin-starred restaurant is rated djWiFC! RiF;dibKC _`3J 8`C!P
1,'A+/,/ 4',+ ),'8"=2*'& .?!6%/,A 8-10 Market Gate, (d3?`! T``7%iF :R, &T/ 01778 342239 adib c3dM`b .3db%fWid; :W3? products from outdoor bred pigs, reared on our farm. Locally sourced /%i6W;i "`b e``HS ;dj8 dib 6-%6?`i butchered to your requirements. Lincolnshire Co-op Food Stores 01522 512211 Our food stores can be found all across the county, well stocked with more than 100 locally sourced products in our Love Local range.
East Lindsey WHERE TO STAY Brackenborough Hall Coach House Brackenborough, Louth LN11 0NS 01507 603193 X%ii`3Q e`C! h`;HGcd!`3%iF aW;%bdJ %i RiF;dib ADD#[BDS h%;_`3 4]d3bP .-3`` ;2L23J d7d3!j`i!C %i d ;%C!`b cWd6aW2C`S d66WjjWbdfiF B !W A> F2`C!CP h`;`6! /%i6W;iC-%3` a%F-;J Commended 2015 & 2015/2016. Bricktree Barn e2;;J a%;; .W7S i`d3 .`d;8J (d3?`! "dC`iS /$& @R. 07745 215689 .-` 7`3H`6! 3Wjdif6 F`!d]dJ HW3 ]``?`ibCP /W6d; -dj7`3CS RCC` Ironheart, super king bed, slipper bath overlooking Lincs AONB, adjacent to e3%6?!3`` 0d;;`3JS i3 XW;b Y%`] aW2C`P Best Western North h-W3` aW!`; I 0W;H c;28 $W3!- h-W3` "WdbS h?`Fi`CC :RA= BT$ 01754 763298 34 Comfortable en-suite bedrooms, jdiJ ]%!- jdFi%V6`i! _%`]C WH !-` C`d dib FW;H 6W23C`P h%!2d!`b i`L! to Skegness beach.
Hambleton Bakery We bake a selection of delicious breads, savouries, cakes & desserts. Using traditional techniques and the finest ingredients we develop the real taste of our products. Full of flavour with no preservatives or enhancers.
Ownsworth’s Rapeseed Oil
01400 273989 Home-grown cold pressed rapeseed oil. Award winning oil including Winner “Grower of the Year” Select Lincolnshire 2015/2016. Supplying retail, wholesale and caterers. ©LW Bassingthorpe Beef 01476 585274 Lincolnshire Angus Beef and Old Spot Pork all available from farmers markets – Lincoln Castle Square, Sleaford, Spalding and Stamford or George Centre in Grantham alternate Fridays.
1 Ironmonger Street, Stamford, PE9 1PL 01572 812995
)%/ 42,#/ 0 B+"!%$ ;2&"8'$ -2@'#/A c-d7`; "WdbS .2j8J XWWbC%b`S :RAA *h: 01526 342943 1W23 C!d3 b`!d6-`b 6WUdF`C C`! %i 323d; /%i6W;iC-%3`S C;``7C = W3 A +3`C7`6f_`;J'S fully equipped with enclosed garden and parking area. Select Lincolnshire a%F-;J cWjj`ib`b 4]d3b ADBAP The Grange Torrington Lane, RdC! ed3?]%!-S /$& ="< 01673 858670 A perfect 3`!3`d!S WE`3%iF 8`b dib 83`d?HdC! dib C`;HG6d!`3%iFP RL6`;;`i! Hd6%;%f`C dib 52d;%!J !3db%fWid; -Wj` 6WW?`b 62%C%i`S using local produce. Select Lincolnshire Awards 2008 - 2015. GOOD TASTE
Brackenborough Hall Coach House
Brackenborough, Louth, LN11 0NS 01507 603193 Winner: Best Self-Catering Holiday in England 2009/2010, Silver Award. Three luxury apartments in a listed coach house, accommodating 1 to 24 guests. Select Lincolnshire Highly Commended 2015 and 2015/2016 ©LW
The Coach and Horses Hemingby, Horncastle LN9 5QF 01507 578280 ]Ra5PU?!aG _PGGa8- YF[ A-R_P!8 a Ra!8- ?I R-aG aG-A a!5 8??5 VFaGP\9 IaPRG9 YRPZ-5 [aR "-aGA, Select Lincolnshire Highly Commended 2008. ]aA\-A ?I D;Z-GG-!Z@F!!-R=FY JOLO=JOLL,
RJ Hirst Family Butchers High Class Family Butchers of Woodhall Spa 2015-2016 Select Lincolnshire Business of the Year, 2014, 2015 and 2016 Finalist Select Lincolnshire Best Producer, 2015 and 2016 Finalist Select Lincolnshire Best Retailer. Countryside Alliance “Rural Oscars” Finalist Best Butchers Shop East of England 2014 British Pie Awards Bronze and Silver Winner 2014 and 2015 (Pasty and Steak Pie) Follow Sadie on Twitter Sadie Hirst@RJHirstbutchers | Station Road, Woodhall Spa, Lincs, LN10 6QL Tel 01526 352321 | Situated near the world famous Dambusters Memorials
Seacroft Holiday Estate Enjoy award-winning accommodation, first class service and top quality food and drink right next to miles of unspoilt sandy beaches. Select Lincolnshire Winner 2015
Sutton Road, Trusthorpe, LN12 2PN 01507 472421 !
Caxton House Four-star Silver guesthouse, ensuite rooms, sea view/balconies. Home-made food using local produce, licensed bar. Winner of Skegness Accommodation, Business and Green Award 2015. Also winner of East Midlands Best Hidden Gem 2011, Select Lincolnshire B&B Awards Winner
6-8 Trafalgar Avenue, Skegness, PE25 3EU 01754 764328 ! '3D! )"3@ 242 *,8 05B*#3D South View Lane, South Cockerington, Louth LN11 7ED 01507 327209 +&3 9C% 9,,: '/*#7% Market Place, Wragby, Lincoln LN8 5QU 01673 858768 ]Ra5PU?!aG R-IFR[PAS-5 YF[ a!5 restaurant with 4 Star all en-suite aZZ?""?5aU?!2 A-R_P!8 \S- 4!-A\ YR?5FZ- A?FRZ-5 IR?" G?ZaG AFYYGP-RA2 ^P\S 4!- ^P!-A a!5 R-aG aG-A, Converted barn in rural village, R-Ga; a!5 R-ZSaR8-2 IRP-!5G9 a\"?AYS-R- ?B-RP!8 VFaGP\9 a!5 Z?"I?R\, NPAa[G-5 aZZ-AA a!5 aGA? A-GI=Za\-RP!8 Z?/a8-A, Select Lincolnshire Highly Commended 2015 and 2015/2016.
Alford Manor House West Street, Alford, LN13 9HT 01507 463073 Enjoy home-made cakes, snacks or light lunches in the tea room of this historic, thatched manor house. ©LW See website for opening times
Batemans Brewery & Visitors Centre Salem Bridge Brewery, .aP!c--\2 :M-8!-AA bDJE EQD 01754 882009 KY-! .-5!-A5a9 \? :F!5a9 \? \S- 8-!-RaG YF[GPZ [F\ PA !?^ a 8R-a\ _-!F- I?R YaRU-A a!5 weddings including holding a GPZ-!Z- I?R ZP_PG Z-R-"?!P-A,
The Countryman )SaY-G @?a52 7!8?G5"-GGA PE25 1ND 01754 872268 .aR" a!5 IRP-!5G9 _PGGa8- YF[ A-R_P!8 S?"-="a5- I??5 ^P\S 5aPG9 AY-ZPaGA, baRU-A Za\-R-5 I?R, <?"- ?I 3-PGa )?/a8- +R-^-R9,
Farmer Brown’s Ice Cream Woodrow Farm, Sutton Road Huttoft, Alford, LN13 9RL 07946 485549 Ice cream parlour, tearoom and small farm shop set within a working mixed farm by the seaside. ©LW
The Five Sailed Windmill 32 East Street, 0GI?R5 3'LH #D< 01507 462136 aGI?R5=^P!5"PGG,Z?,FM +-aFUIFG ^?RMP!8 ^P!5"PGG P! a 5-GP8SWFG G?ZaU?!2 A-GGP!8 A\?!-8R?F!5 c?FR2 Z-R-aGA2 YR-A-R_-A a!5 8P>A, b?YFGaR2 award-winning tea room ?B-RP!8 ZaM-A a!5 GP8S\ "-aGA
Kenwick Farmhouse Nursery and Tea Room Kenwick Road, Louth LN11 8NW 01507 606469 Freshly made home-cooked meals, cakes and Sunday lunches (including 8GF\-! IR--T2 FAP!8 G?ZaGG9 A?FRZ-5 YR?5FZ-, KY-! ]F-A5a9=:F!5a9 a!5 Bank Holiday Mondays.
+&3 9C% 9,,: '/*#7% Market Place, Wragby, Lincoln LN8 5QU 01673 858768 ]Ra5PU?!aG R-IFR[PAS-5 YF[ a!5 restaurant with 4 Star all en-suite aZZ?""?5aU?!2 A-R_P!8 \S4!-A\ YR?5FZ- A?FRZ-5 IR?" G?ZaG AFYYGP-RA2 ^P\S 4!- ^P!-A and real ales.
Myers Bakery, Café Tearoom & Deli 18-20 The Bull Ring, Horncastle LN9 5HU 01507 525871 0 \Ra5PU?!aG Ia"PG9 [aM-R9 [FAP!-AA P!Z?RY?RaU!8 a ZaI( \-aR??" a!5 5-GPZa\-AA-!, `a"?FA I?R \S-PR award winning Lincolnshire YGF" G?a_-A, :-G-Z\ 3P!Z?G!ASPRHighly Commended 2013.
Just Elleven 11 Market Street, :YPGA[9 bDJH CQ] 01790 755669 0RUAa! [R-a5A2 ZaM-A2 [-AY?MAa!5^PZS-A2 5-GPZP?FA 4GG-5 R?GGA2 [FB-\A Za\-R-5 I?R, :\?M-A Z?B-and teas. Eat in or take away.
+&3 =(8 E!*7(3D ? 05133 ;5AD3 Market Place, Horncastle LN9 5HB 01507 523253 N?F[G- a^aR5 ^P!!P!8 4!- 5P!P!8 [PA\R? ?B-RP!8 G?ZaGG9 A?FRZ-5 YR?5FZthat changes with the seasons. 0 YGaZ- \? R-Ga;2 R-IR-AS2 R-_P_-, Select Lincolnshire Winner 2015.
Petwood Hotel Fabulous food, friendly service and a historic setting make Petwood a favourite for local dining and short breaks
Stixwould Road, Woodhall Spa, LN10 6QG 01526 352411 ©LW
The Village Limits Multi award winning country pub with rooms, serving great local produce, local ales and a warm welcome. Open Tues Sun 12-2 and every night from 6. Takeaway also available
Stixwould Road, Woodhall Spa LN10 6UJ ,(#'" %'%%(' 3 *$551&)5$4$.0/+2/-!
Petwood Hotel :U;^?FG5 @?a52 .??5SaGG :Ya LN10 6QG 01526 352411 Y-\^??5,Z?,FM `a[FG?FA I??52 IRP-!5G9 A-R_PZ- a!5 a SPA\?RPZ A-*!8 "aM- \S- b-\^??5 a Ia_?FRP\- I?R local dining and short breaks. )"((*#3 >"."!D 05A,!/% <A7: Restaurant & Motel :U;^?FG5 @?a52 .??5SaGG :Ya 3'LO &XQ OLCJ& HCHHLJ :-G-Z\ 3P!Z?G!ASPR- 4!aGPA\A JOO&=JOLE, `RP-!5G9 YF[ ^P\S E A\aR aZZ?""?5aU?!, .- A-R_- 8R-a\ IR-AS G?ZaG I??52 G?ZaG aG- a!5 G?_-G9 Z?B--, +&3 $*"(@*% +*C3/, -7% Main Road, Aby, !-aR 0GI?R5 3'LH ON@ OLCO% E$O&%& 5a^!18Ra!8-"PGG,IA!-\,Z?,FM 0^aR5 ^P!!P!8 IRP-!5G9 Ia"PG9 RF! YF[, KB-RP!8 S?"- Z??M-5 -;\-!AP_"-!F a!5 AFY-R[ R-aG aG-A \?? = 4!5 FA ?! `aZ-[??M, SPRING 2016
¦³ ³¢¸ Sea Breeze Restaurant 10-12 High Street, n2[]o ]o nfj -$DC CW? 01507 441548 Efj83ff0fN3fE!j23jo!U6]U2A 4 =]ef=Q EfjE%hf 3fE!j23jo! 2E%oM =]6j==Q E]236fh 73]h26fU nf3e%oM +]pfpjhf O]]hY =%6foEfh 8j3Y =2o6+mpf joh fefo%oM pfo2Y n2ohjQ =2o6+fEU nf=f6! -%o6]=oE+%3f g%M+=Q i]ppfohfh CGDBU
Field Farm Free Rangers
Field Farm, High Toynton, Horncastle, LN9 6NL 01507 523934
Farm shop selling our own rare-breed Berkshire pork, sausages, bacon and gammon, lamb, chickens and eggs. Also home-produced and ©LW local vegetables. - > D)!!)+ 1 7;! /L0 C@NC* k]E!]o "]jhY n7%=E8Q <WCB >"; GD)#G )>C>)B WE!j8=%E+fh %o D#C*Y !+%E Ojp%=Q 82E%ofEE pjAfE jcj3h c%oo%oM oj!23j= %6f 63fjp %o BG dje]23EY j=E] O3]0fo Q]M23! joh E]38f!U nf=f6! -%o6]=oE+%3f CGDG '3 /f]3Mf 4cj3hU (QL)"Q!= (G)N)G6 1 ,F=FL;G= ')!LG) nj=fp k3%hMf k3fcf3QY ^j%odff!Y <WC@ @IW GD)>@ &&CGG# 8j!fpjoU6]U2Aae%E%!]3EH6fo!3f `7fo ^fhofEhjQ !] n2ohjQ !] !+f Mfof3j= 728=%6 82! %E o]c j M3fj! efo2f O]3 7j3mfE joh cfhh%oME %o6=2h%oM +]=h%oM j =%6fo6f O]3 i%e%= if3fp]o%fEU PF)@0 PQG" PG)) <Q!5)G= 1%f=h 1j3pY g%M+ ,]Qo!]oY g]3o6jE!=f -$# *$GD>G) >CB#B@ \f=hOj3pE+]7U6]U2A 1j3p E+]7 Ef==%oM ]23 ]co 3j3f 83ffh kf3AE+%3f 7]3AY Ej2EjMfEY 8j6]o joh Mjpp]oY =jp8Y 6+%6AfoE joh fMMEY j=E] +]pf 73]h26fh joh =]6j= efMf!j8=fEU :Q!0=;!#= (?LJH)G= 'j%o n!3ff!Y 'j3f+jp =f 1foY <WCC );^ GD>G) >*&CCC +johE]oE82!6+f3EU6]U2A 4 !3jh%m]oj= e%==jMf 82!6+f3U "fj= -%o6]=oE+%3f E!2Jfh 6+%ofY +]pfNpjhf 7%fE joh 3fjhQ pfj=EY efo%E]o joh MjpfU <3%ej!f =%efE!]6A 82!6+f3Q Ef3e%6fU 4== -%o6]=oE+%3f 73]h26fhU nf=f6! -%o6]=oE+%3f g%M+=Q i]ppfohfh CGDB P CGD@U Just E11even DD 'j3Af! n!3ff!Y n7%=E8Q <WCB >I, GD)#G )>>**# E%p]oE82!6+f3EU6]U2A 43mEjo 83fjhEY 6jAfEY 8fE7]Af Ejohc%6+fEY hf=%6%]2E \==fh 3]==EY 82Jf!E 6j!f3fh O]3U n!]AfE 6]Jff joh !fjEU Wj! %o ]3 !jAf jcjQU /QCF!5= ;A /;?LH B> WjE!Mj!fY -]2!+ -$DD #$k GD>G) *GBD&* =jA%oME]d]2!+U6]U2A -jA%oME ]O -]2!+ !3jh%m]oj= k2!6+f3EY kjAf3E P Zf=%6j!fEEfoU WE!j8=%E+fh D#G&U /6"! (Q!C PQG" GD)>@ &&GBDC 7]E!j6+ffEfU6]p <3]h26f3E ]O nAfMofEE k=2fY nAfMofEE /]=hY -%o6]=oE+%3f k3%fY I2E! IjofY dje]23fh 6+ffEfE joh gjohpjhf 6+2!ofQU SPRING 2016
%)GF0FQ! %)QL= DG& WjE!Mj!fY -]2!+ -$DD #44 GD>G) *GBB>) pf3%h%jopfj!EE+]7U6]U2A <3]h26f3E ]O k3%!j%oRE kfE! n!fjAY E7f6%j=%E%oM %o pfj! O3]p !3jh%m]oj= 83ffhEY E]236fh O3]p ]23 ]co Oj3p ]3 =]6j==Q !] ]23 E+]7 %o -]2!+U %;0)!= /F!J;@!=HFG) R@?"KG)Q0 '; GD)#G )>>*CG p]hfoEU6]U2A 43mEjo 8jAf3Q 73]h26%oM /]=h 4cj3h ^%oo%oM -%o6]=o <=2p k3fjhY 73]h26fh %o n7%=E8Q E%o6f D#B*U $] jhh%mefEY o] 73fEf3ejmefE ]3 fMMEU B=@F!J ^+%!f g]2Ef 1j3pY 'j%o "]jhY ']]38QY <WCC )<GD>G) >*&&&> ]E=%o6U6]U2A `E!3%6+ Oj3pf3E joh E7f6%j=%!Q =]c Oj! pfj! 73]h26f3EX ]E!3%6+Y AjoMj3]]Y E73%oM8]AY c%=h 8]j3 f!6U 4ej%=j8=f 8Q pj%= ]3hf3Y Oj3pf3ER pj3Af!E joh Oj3p E+]7U R;JC@F!5L;!#= (QC)G6 C 'j3Af! <=j6fY -]2!+ -$DD #$" GD>G) *GGD&G 78=U2AU6]p ,3jh%m]oj= Ojp%=Q 8jAf3EU WE!j8=%E+fh D#C@U i32E!Q joh E7f6%j=%!Q 83fjhEY 3]==EY 6jAfEY 7jE!3%fEY 7]3A 7%fE joh 4cj3h ^%oo%oM -%o6]=oE+%3f <=2p83fjhU if=f83jm]o 6jAf E7f6%j=%E!EU 7F";!= ;A 7IF@=K6 D@ 'j3Af! n!3ff!Y n7%=E8Q <WCB >I, GD)#G )>@>@B E%p]oE82!6+f3EU6]U2A `23 E7f6%j=%mfE %o6=2hfV 3fjhQ pfj=EY Ej2EjMfEY 7%fEY +jE=f!EY -%o6]=oE+%3f E!2Jfh 6+%ofY h3Q 623fh 8j6]o joh +]pf 6]]Afh pfj!EU nf=f6! -%o6]=oE+%3f ^%oof3 CGDGY CGDCY g%M+=Q i]ppfohfh CGDBU
$;GLH 2)=L)O)! WHERE TO STAY MH) %Q!;G :;?=) 7LQK@)= ,+f 'jo]3 g]2EfY ,%p8f3=joh "]jhY 'j3mo -$@ B;n GD>C* B)&)D) pjo]3+]2EfE!j8=fEU6]U2A -]ef=Q Ef=ON6j!f3%oM =2S23Q %o +%E!]3%6 E!j8=fEU "f=jS 8Q Q]23 c]]hN823o%oM E!]ef joh foF]Q j +jp7f3 ]O -%o6]=oE+%3f M]]h%fEl nf=f6! -%o6]=oE+%3f 4cj3hE CGG# N CGD>U
WHERE TO EAT MH) $QL?GQ@ *;G@0 ')!LG). *HF=K6 $j!23f <j3A ']]3 -jofY ,+]37f ]o !+f g%==Y -%o6]=o -$* #k^ GD>CC *&&&*& oj!23j=c]3=h6fo!3fU6]U2A n!2oo%oM =jAfE%hf e%fcEU noj6AEY =2o6+fE joh n2ohjQ 3]jE!E !]]l `7fo hj%=Q DGjpU /]=h 4cj3h c%oof3 CGDD joh nf=f6! -%o6]=oE+%3f g%M+=Q i]ppfohfh CGDCU MH) :FO) 'QA& QL :F@@ :;@L *;;0 $]3!]o Z%EofQ -$* #I< GD*B* &#C&B* +%==+]=!c]]hU6]U2A ,+f g%ef ijOf %E =]6j!fh c%!+%o B@ j63fE ]O 8fj2mO2= c]]h=johU `7fo n2ohjQE DGjp 2om= @7pY Ef3e%oM 83fjAOjE!Y 7jo%o%EY O3fE+ 6jAfE joh h3%oAEU
Cogglesford Watermill
East Road, Sleaford, NG34 7EQ 01529 413671 during opening hours 01529 308102 NKDC Tourism unit Historic working watermill in picturesque setting. Stone-ground wholemeal and white flour mill milled on site and other locally produced goods for sale. ©LW
P)! PQG" ,)!F=;! 1fo 1j3pY g]38=%oM 1foY n=fjO]3h $/B@ GI? GD>C# @CDC)C OfoOj3pefo%E]oU6]U2A ;2j=%!Q Oj3pfh efo%E]o L \==f!EY F]%o!EY E!fjAEY 6jEEf3]=fEY Ej2EjMfE joh 823Mf3EU n]=h ]o !+f Oj3p joh j! =]6j= Oj3pf3ER pj3Af!E joh E+]cEU B0@F!5 (G;LH)G= >@ g%M+ n!3ff!Y $jefo8QY -%o6]=o -$> GW, GD>CC &DGCC& ]h=%oM83]EU6]U2A 4cj3h c%oo%oM <]3A joh 'fj! <%fEY -%o6]=oE+%3f nj2EjMfE joh gjE=f!U ,3jh%m]oj= Ojp%=Q 82!6+f3E joh M3]6f3E 73]e%h%oM +%M+ 52j=%!Q 7f3E]oj= Ef3e%6fU *)@K;?G!)= (QC)G6 B& g%M+ n!3ff!Y $jefo8QY -%o6]=o -$> GZ9 GD>CC &DGCB# cf=8]23ofE8jAf3QU6]p ,3jh%m]oj=Y j3mEjo e%==jMf 8jAf3Q E%o6f D&#*Y E7f6%j=%E%oM %o -%o6]=oE+%3f 7=2p 83fjhU ^%hf 3joMf ]O 83fjhY 6jAfE joh Ej2EjMf 3]==E jej%=j8=fU
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MH) *H)QL=H)QA 4!! 8 :?KK)GL= (GF05) n!jm]o "]jhY g288f3!E k3%hMfY k]E!]o <WCG B;" GDCG> C#GB@) !+fc+fj!E+fj\ooU]3M ,3jh%m]oj= e%==jMf 728 joh 3fE!j23jo! Ef3e%oM !+f \ofE! -%o6]=oE+%3f 73]h26f E]236fh O3]p =]6j= E277=%f3EY !]Mf!+f3 c%!+ \of c%ofE joh 3fj= j=fEU nf=f6! -%o6]=oE+%3f g%M+=Q i]ppfohfh CGD@U E) B@0) <)0 /F;! Z]o%oM!]o "]jhY k%6Af3Y k]E!]o <WCG BW1 01775 821200 3fh=%]o8%6Af3U6]U2A 4 52%o!fEEfomj= WoM=%E+ i]2o!3Q <28Y 6]p7=f!f c%!+ 3fj= j=fEY \of O]]h joh cj3p \3fEU (E%oM j== =]6j==Q E]236fh +]pfpjhf O]]hU nf=f6! -%o6]=oE+%3f g%M+=Q i]ppfohfh CGD>U
Abbey Parks Farm Shop
Parks Farm, East Heckington, Boston, Lincs, PE20 3qg 01205 821610 Open 9am - 5pm, Monday to Saturday, 9.30am - 5pm on Sunday. Vast selection of home-grown and local vegetables, cheeses and meats. Coffee shop serving home-cooked food and Sunday lunch. Select Lincolnshire Highly Commended 2012. Visit our Butchers shop - Boston Sausage. ©LW
PG)0 Q!0 ()9 P@QO;?G)0 ,F!)5QG= G)#D) CB)DC) O3fhjoh8fSUe%ofMj3KMpj%=U6]p 13fh joh kfS _%ofMj3E j3f +johpjhf j! ]23 -%o6]=oE+%3f 6][jMf 2E%oM ]o=Q c+]=f O32%! joh 52j=%!Q %oM3fh%fo!E joh cf Em6A !] !3jh%m]oj= Ojp%=Q 3f6%7fEU MH) 4O6#= PQG" 7H;I _%==j -jofY nc%ofE+fjhY k]E!]o <WCG B$/ GDCG> &CGGGD pjo]3NOj3pK8!6]oof6!U6]p i]pf j=]oM joh 82Q !+f !jEmfE! joh O3fE+fE! 73]h26f j3]2ohU 13fE+ O3]p ]23 Oj3p !] Q]2U %Q!;G PQG" 7H;I kjQ!+]37fY nc%ofE+fjhY k]E!]o <WCG BW9 GDCG> &CGDCB pjo]3Oj3pE+]7U6]U2A i]pf j=]oM !] 82Q !+f !jEmfE! joh O3fE+fE! 73]h26f j3]2ohU 13fE+ O3]p ]23 Oj3p !] Q]2U nf=f6! -%o6]=oE+%3f g%M+=Q i]ppfohfh CGD@ P ^%oof3 CGD>U %;?!LQF!#= (;=L;! 7Q?=Q5) DB g%M+ n!3ff!Y k3%hMfO]]!Y k]E!]o <WCD &ng GDCG> B*CD*) 8]E!]oEj2EjMfU6]U2A <23efQ]3E ]O \ofE! 52j=%!Q +johpjhf -%o6]=oE+%3f Ej2EjMfEU $] 73fEf3ejmefEY jhh%mefE ]3 dje]23 fo+jo6f3EU 4ej%=j8=f ]o=%ofY %oE!]3fY Ef=f6!fh %ohf7fohfo! 3f!j%=f3E joh j! -]oh]oRE k]3]2M+ 'j3Af!U nf=f6! -%o6]=oE+%3f ^%oof3 CGDG joh <f]7=fER i+]%6f CGDBY CGD@ P CGD>U
Strawberry Fields 01205 480490
Family-run business, growing organically since 1975. Lettuces, fresh herbs and a wide range of vegetables, including the more exotic and unusual, supplied wholesale. Select Lincolnshire Grower of the Year 2014 and 2015. GOOD TASTE
A Wright & Sons We are proud of our Lincolnshire heritage at A Wright & Son. Suppliers of high quality cuts of beef, lamb and pork Nursery Road, Riverside Industrial Estate, Boston, PE21 7TN
01205 368032 !
Spalding Farm Shop h5W:b,d:: .di`S h12]``!S h6d:b%iG PE11 4BJ 01775 680101 B6d:b%iGId2jB,W6Q5WQ1> 3\d2b X%ii`2 @DD)Q .%i5W:iB,%2` G2W\i 62Wb15`S 6%5>`b dib b`:%_`2`b !W !,` B,W6 Wi !,` Bdj` bdL !W `iB12` V`:bHI2`B, 62Wb15` `_`2L bdLQ h`:`5! .%i5W:iB,%2` a%G,:L cWjj`ib`b @DA@Q
Riverview Café in Hills T`6d2!j`i! h!W2` A&ZA# e2Wdb h!2``!S h6d:b%iG 9RAA A-e DA)); )+)A;; ,%::Bb`6d2!j`i!B!W2`Q5WQ1> -,` "%_`2_%`\ cdI` ,dB !,` Vi`B! _%`\ %i h6d:b%iG dib B`2_`B 72`d>IdB!BS jW2i%iG 5WF``S :1i5,gj` B6`5%d:B dib W12 G2dib dO`2iWWi !`dQ
Vine House Farm T``6%iG h! $%5,W:dBS h6d:b%iG 9RAA ?T/ DA)); +?D@D& _%i`,W1B`Id2jHId2jB,W6Q5WQ1> X` WF`2 d 2diG` WI ,Wj` G2W\i dib :W5d::L G2W\i _`G`!d7:`B dib W!,`2 :W5d::L BW125`b IWWbBQ X` B6`5%d:%B` %i X%:b e%2b 0WWb dib d55`BBW2%`BQ
Spalding Farm Shop – =*--* 05122 E&53 h5W:b,d:: .di`S h12]``!S h6d:b%iG 9RAA =eE DA)); +&DADA B6d:b%iGId2jB,W6Q5WQ1> R_`2L!,%iG 62`6d2`b I2`B, %i W12 >%!5,`i 1B%iG :W5d: %iG2`b%`i!BQ RiCWL d 516 WI 5WF`` dib 5d>` W2 d b%B, I2Wj W12 bd%:L B6`5%d:B 7Wd2bQ $W\ I1::L :%5`iB`bQ
Wimberley Hall Farm Shop X%j7`2:`L ad:: 0d2jS h!Wi`Gd!`S X`B!WiS h6d:b%iG 9RA@ +a" DA=D+ ?)@)D@ \%j7`2:`L,d::Q5WQ1> 3 Idj%:L 21i Id2j B,W6 dib 5dI^ B166:L%iG :W5d::L 62Wb15`b j`d! d:BW :W5d::L BW125`b I2`B, I21%! dib _`GS 72`db dib j%:>Q Lincolnshire Co-op Food Stores DA;@@ ;A@@AA :%i5W:iB,%2`Q5WW6 Y12 IWWb B!W2`B 5di 7` IW1ib d:: d52WBB !,` 5W1i!LS \`:: B!W5>`b \%!, jW2` !,di ADD :W5d::L BW125`b 62Wb15!B %i W12 .W_` .W5d: 2diG`Q
South Holland WHERE TO STAY
North Lincolnshire WHERE TO STAY Winteringham Fields Restaurant with Rooms A h%:_`2 h!2``!S X%i!`2%iG,djS $W2!, .%i5B T$A; #$T DA)@= )??D#+ \%i!`2%iG,djV`:bBQ5WQ1> X%i!`2%iG,dj 0%`:bB %B Wi` WI !,` jWB! %ib%_%b1d: dib B`52`! 6:d5`B LW1 5W1:b \%B, !W B!1j7:` d52WBBS \%!, di dj7%`i5` dib 51%B%i` !W 2%_d: R12W6`MB Vi`B!Q
WHERE TO BUY ?"-+ ?"# 8*/.D&53 *-; $2D!*C/*-! aW:j` ad::S aW:j`S h51i!,W26` T$A+ ?"R DA)@= &===++ 6%i>6%GId2jQ5WQ1> 02`` 2diG` 6W2>S :dj7S `GGB dib WWb:`B WI :W5d: 62Wb15`Q 9:1BS !,` jWB! b`:%5%W1B *dib d\d2bH\%ii%iG' Bd1BdG`Bf (d%: W2b`2 P.%i5W:iB,%2` adj6`2BM W12 B6`5%d:%!LQ h`:`5! .%i5W:iB,%2` a%G,:L cWjj`ib`b @DA;Q Tom Wood Beers Ltd (`:!Wi a%G, XWWbS ed2i`!7L T$?& +33 DA+;@ +&DDDA !WjH\WWbQ5Wj -Wj XWWb e``2B 72`\ d \`::H:W_`b 2diG` WI d:`BQ X` 62%b` W12B`:_`B Wi 62Wb15%iG `N5`::`i! 7``2 1B%iG Wi:L RiG:%B, %iG2`b%`i!BQ Lincolnshire Co-op Food Stores DA;@@ ;A@@AA :%i5W:iB,%2`Q5WW6 Y12 IWWb B!W2`B 5di 7` IW1ib d:: d52WBB !,` 5W1i!LS \`:: B!W5>`b \%!, jW2` !,di ADD :W5d::L BW125`b 62Wb15!B %i W12 .W_` .W5d: 2diG`Q
Award-winning Harrisons Restaurant is Barton-Upon-Humber's most popular eating establishment. Offer a relaxed informal breakfast and lunch service traditional British Sunday lunch and a stylish, modern dinner service showcasing local Lincolnshire produce.
12 Market Place, Barton Upon Humber, DN18 5DA 01652 637412 !
North East Lincolnshire
The Chestnuts 3A)S (d%i "WdbS /`bi`LS h6d:b%iG 9RA@ Deh DA=D+ ?+?A@? 5,`B!i1!Gd2b`i5`i!2`Q5WQ1> 02%`ib:L !`d 2WWjBS Id2jB,W6 dib Gd2b`i 5`i!2`S WF`2%iG !2db%gWid: ,Wj` 5WW>%iGS :1i5,`BS Bid5>BS :W5d: 62Wb15`S 6:1B :W5d::L G2W\i 6:di!B !WWf
,&2 A5' $2D!*C/*-! AD X2d\7L h!2``!S e2%GG T$@D &Ea DA+;@ +;D=A+ !,`:WO72%GGQ5WQ1> 3\d2b \%ii%iG 5Wi!`j6W2d2L 2`B!d12di!Q RiCWL b`:%5%W1B IWWbS ,Wj`H5WW>`b \%!, 5d2` 1B%iG :W5d::L BW125`b 62Wb15`Q aWj`jdb` 5d>`BS ed2%B!d 5WF`` dib B6`5%d: dO`2iWWi !`dBQ
05122 ?5! *! <5&-D5cWjj1i%!L aWB6%!d: h6d:b%iG "WdbS 9%i5,7`5> 9RAA ?TDA)); +;@A#D ,%::Bb`6d2!j`i!B!W2`Q5WQ1> YF`2%iG ,Wj`jdb` b2%i>B dib Bid5>B IW2 _%B%!W2BS B!dF dib 6dg`i!BQ
Café Courtyard (d2>`! 9:d5`S e2%GG T$@D &Ea DA+;@ +;)#DD 5dI`5W12!Ld2bQ5WQ1> "`:dN %i 7`d1gI1: B122W1ib%iG \%!, 6d:jBS 5,dib`:%`2B dib .:WLb .WWj B`dgiGS \,%:` `iCWL%iG :%G,! :1i5,`BS dO`2iWWi !`dB dib [!d:%di 5WF``BQ
Winteringham Fields "`B!d12di! \%!, "WWjB A h%:_`2 h!2``!S X%i!`2%iG,djS $W2!, .%i5B T$A; #$T DA)@= )??D#+ \%i!`2%iG,djV`:bBQ5WQ1> X%i!`2%iG,dj 0%`:bB %B Wi` WI !,` jWB! %ib%_%b1d: dib B`52`! 6:d5`B LW1 5W1:b \%B, !W B!1j7:` d52WBBS \%!, di dj7%`i5` dib 51%B%i` !W 2%_d: R12W6`MB Vi`B!Q
Harrisons Restaurant
Stennetts Farm Cottages
Moulton Eaugate, Spalding, PE12 0sx 01406 380408 or 07743 828405 In the heart of the highly productive Lincolnshire South Fens, superb accomodation is offered in our four-star ©LW farm cottages.
?"-+ ?"# 8*/.D&53 *-; $2D!*C/*-! aW:j` ad::S aW:j`S h51i!,W26` T$A+ ?"R DA)@= &===++ 6%i>6%GId2jQ5WQ1> RiCWL W12 ,Wj`jdb` 72`d>IdB!BS :1i5,`BS 5WF``BS 5d>`B dib !`dBS jdb` I2Wj I2`B,S b`:%5%W1BS :W5d: 62Wb15`Q -d>` ,Wj` BWj` WI W12 IdjW1B Bd1BdG`B IW2 LW12 B166`2f h`:`5! .%i5W:iB,%2` a%G,:L cWjj`ib`b @DA;Q
WHERE TO STAY @*+(*-;D >*(( >5!2( ed2!Wi h!2``!S .d5`7LS /2%jB7L T$?) ).0 DA=)@ &)@@=& Wd>:dibB,d::,W!`:Q5WQ1> $`B!:%iG %i 7`d1gI1: .%i5W:iB,%2` 6d2>:dibBS !,` Yd>:dibB %B 6`2I`5! IW2 `N6:W2%iG !,` 5W1i!L \,%:B! WF`2%iG !,` 7`B! .%i5W:iB,%2` 62Wb15`Q h`:`5! .%i5W:iB,%2` X%ii`2 @DA; K @DA;Z@DA+Q Humber Royal Hotel and Brasserie .%U:`5Wd!`B "WdbS
/2%jB7L T$?= =.< DA=)@ @=DD@= !,`,1j7`22WLd:,W!`:Q5WQ1> 0W12 B!d2 ,W!`: \%!, d 2diG` WI 2WWjBS BWj` \%!, 7d:5Wi%`B W_`2:WW>%iG d :dibB5d6`b GW:I 5W12B`Q $1j7`2 A Wi -2%6db_%BW2 IW2 /2%jB7LQ h`:`5! .%i5W:iB,%2` a%G, cWjj`ib`b @DA;Q
Alfred Enderby Ltd
Malclure Street, Fish Docks, Grimsby, DN13 3NE 01472 342984 A 100-year-old smokehouse in the heart of the fish docks producing smoked haddock and salmon. Visit or buy online. Open weekday mornings 8am-1pm. ©LW
The Comfy Duck
Oaklands Hall Hotel Barton Street Laceby, DN37 7LF Tel 01472 872248 Award-winning restaurant set on the outskirts of Grimsby, run by Chef Patron, Steven Bennett and his team serve locally sourced, seasonal produce with a modern twist. ©LW Humber Royal Hotel and Brasserie .%U:`5Wd!`B "WdbS /2%jB7L T$?= =.< DA=)@ @=DD@= !,`,1j7`22WLd:,W!`:Q5WQ1> 0W12 B!d2 ,W!`: \%!, WiB%!` e2dBB`2%` B`2_%iG :W5d: 62Wb15` d:: bdLQ cd!`2%iG IW2 16 !W ?DDQ 9dgW d2`d W_`2:WW>%iG /2%jB7L /W:I c:17Q
WHERE TO BUY Chapman’s Seafoods Ltd DA=)@ @+#&)A 5,d6jdiBVB,5d>`BQ5WQ1> 92Wb15`2B WI ,dibjdb` GW12j`! VB, 5d>`BS VB, 6%`BS VB, \`::%iG!WiB dib W!,`2 B`dIWWb b%B,`BS d_d%:d7:` d! .%i5W:iB,%2` Id2j`2BM jd2>`!B dib Id2j B,W6BQ Fabulously Fruity Wine 9`d>B -W6 0d2jS $`\ Xd:!,djS /2%jB7L T$?+ ="h DA=)@ &A@#=A 6`d>B!W6Id2jQ5Wj 0d71:W1B:L 021%!L X%i` %B d 1i%41` dib b`:%5%W1B 2diG` WI \%i`B 62Wb15`b ADDJ I2Wj I21%! G2W\i Wi W12 Id2jQ <".7D 8/2D& 4/".D:% 8"D& A!; 07831 501040 C%jBI2`B,VB,Q5WQ1> Yi` WI /2%jB7LMB Vi`B! VB,jWiG`2BS b`:%_`2%iG I2`B, /2%jB7L VB, B!2d%G,! !W LW12 ,Wj`Q Y12 B,W6 %B jW7%:` dib WF`2B d \`::HB!W5>`b _d2%`!L WI 62Wb15`Q Lincolnshire Co-op Food Stores DA;@@ ;A@@AA :%i5W:iB,%2`Q5WW6 Y12 IWWb B!W2`B 5di 7` IW1ib d:: d52WBB !,` 5W1i!LS \`:: B!W5>`b \%!, jW2` !,di ADD :W5d::L BW125`b 62Wb15!B %i W12 .W_` .W5d: 2diG`Q
Caterers & 8C-9B5- )2-C2D Batemans Brewery & Visitors Centre hd:`j e2%bG` e2`\`2LS SPRING 2016
¦³ ³¢¸ keE8]Ae h%ppe3EY 83%dj!e 8j3meEY behh%pME jph ]!+e3 de3Q E8e7%j= ]77jE%]pEV 'ep2 %p7e8m]pY E8e7%j=%E! jhd%7eY eS!3j]3h%pj3%=Q M3ej! O]]hV
Lime Restaurant A fine dining restaurant serving high quality food at exceptional prices. Customers return time and time again. Open from Tuesday to Friday and Thursday evenings (term time). Reservations: call 10am - 2pm (Tues - Fri) 01205 313220 email
^j%pcee!Y oAeMpeEE <WC@ @IW GD)>@ &&CGG# 9j!eqjpV7]V2A` d%E%!]3EH7ep!3e _8ep ^ehpeEhjQ !] o2phjQ !] !+e Mepe3j= 829=%7 92! %E p]b j M3ej! dep2e O]3 8j3meE jph behh%pME %p7=2h%pM +]=h%pM j =%7ep7e O]3 7%d%= 7e3eq]p%eEV Bowser Brothers G))*) C>CCG# 9]bEe393]EV7]q Ze=%7%]2E E8%! 3]!j3Q 7]]Aeh b+]=e +]MEY =j3Me F]%p!E ]O 8]3AY 9eeOY !23AeQV <e3Oe7! 73j7A=%pMV -]7j==Q E]237ehV > o!j3 gQM%epe "jmpM O3]q Ijp2j3Q CGDGY 3eNjbj3heh CGDCV Charbecue Catering Company GD>C# BG@CB* 7+j39e72e7j!e3%pMV7]q ij!e3%pM O]3 j== ]77jE%]pE 2E%pM =]7j==Q E]237eh 83]h27eY !] 73ej!e pjm]pj= jph %p!e3pjm]pj= 72%E%peV Wde3Q!+%pM O3]q j g]M "]jE! !] ijF2pY i3e]=e jph ij3%9N 9ejp O]]hEV CGC Event Caterers Ltd GDDB C&)*B&) 7M7edep!EV7]V2A _2!E%he 7j!e3%pM 7]q8jpQY ]Je3%pM j 7]q8=e!e 9eE8]Ae Ee3d%7e O]3 edep!E O3]q )> !] CGGG M2eE!EY he=%7%]2E +]qe 83]h27eh O]]h jph qep2E b%!+ j E!3]pM -%p7]=pE+%3e j77ep!V Classic Catering GD*>C **G#)& ` G)&>G @B&*C@ %pO]K+]M3]jE!=%p7]=pE+%3eV7]q 4! i=jEE%7 ij!e3%pM be j3e 8jEE%]pj!e j9]2! 7]]A%pM =]7j==Q 83]h27eh -%p7]=pE+%3e Ej2EjMeEY E8e7%j=%!Q 923Me3E jph =]7j==Q 3ej3eh E2772=ep! 8]3A +]M 3]jE!E O]3 edep!E =j3Me jph Eqj==V oe=e7! -%p7]=pE+%3e ^%ppe3 CGDB P g%M+=Q i]qqepheh CGD>V )%0 3,'*',$ '! 1&+D 7',+ -4B'#0D g299e3!E k3%hMeY k]E!]p <WCG B;< GDCG> C#G&@G !+eM3jpj3QKe=qEOj3q7][jMeEV7]V2A WpF]Q j 3e=jSeh 7]2p!3Q behh%pM beeAN eph %p jp ej3=Q D&!+ 7ep!23Q 7]pde3!eh 9j3pY b%!+ j dj2=!eh 3]]OY eS8]Eeh 93%7Ab]3A jph ]3%M%pj= 9ejqEV i]pOe3ep7e Oj7%=%meE jdj%=j9=eV oe=e7! -%p7]=pE+%3e g%M+=Q i]qqepheh CGD@V Grasmere Farm DC) o!jm]p "]jhY Zee8%pM o! IjqeE <W* &"; GD))& B@CB@@ M3jEqe3eNOj3qV7]V2A ^e E8e7%j=%Ee %p g]M3]jE!E jph kj39e72eEY O3]q ]23 he=%7%]2E /3jEqe3e 1j3q 3ej3eh 8]3AV Wj7+ edep! %E !j%=]3 qjhe !] qee! Q]23 3e52%3eN qep!EV Hemswell Court Lancaster Green, geqEbe== i=%JY $3 /j%pE9]3]2M+ Z$CD >,; GD@C) **&>G& +eqEbe==7]23!V7]q WS7=2E%de=Q Q]23E b%!+ >f44 j77]qq]hjm]pY 7j!e3%pM O]3 behh%pMEY 7]pOe3ep7eEY 83]qE jph h%ppe3 8j3meEV oe=e7! -%p7]=pE+%3e g%M+=Q i]qqepheh CGDC P CGDB jph ^%ppe3 CGD@ P CGD>V ?:;6D /,"@D% 7448= )%4,20 )"&*0$ 7',+ GD>C* B)&D#G M3ejn]]hK+]!qj%=V7]V2A g]qe 83]h27eh 9eeO jph =]7j==Q E]237eh SPRING 2016
Boston College, Skirbeck Rd, Boston PE21 6JF !
The White Hart Hotel &) kj%=Mj!eY -%p7]=p -$D B4" GD>CC >C*CCC b+%!e+j3!N=%p7]=pV7]V2A ij!e3%pM O]3 %pmqj!eY Ojq%=Q jJj%3E jph 7jp j=E] +]E! =j3Me3 O2p7m]pE b%!+ =%de q2E%7Y 9jp52e! h%ppe3E jph 92Je!EV
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Cookery Schools, Children’s Nurseries and Schools The Manor House Stables ,+e 'jp]3 g]2EeY ,%q9e3=jph "]jhY 'j3mp -$@ B;o GD>C* B)&)D) qjp]3+]2EeE!j9=eEV7]V2A i]]Ae3QY 73jT P Mj3hep%pM 7]23EeEY =ej3p !] qjAe 7+eeEe ]3 7+]7]=j!eY 9j!+ 83]h27!E P 8e3O2qeV oee !+e pebE Ee7m]p !] 3ejh q]3eV oe=e7! -%p7]=pE+%3e g%M+=Q i]qqepheh CGDB N CGD>V Lincoln Minster School GD>CC >>DBGG =%p7]=pq%pE!e3E7+]]=V7]V2A ;2j=%!QY =]7j= EejE]pj= %pM3eh%ep!E 2Eeh O]3 +ej=!+Q =2p7+eEX E7+]]= h%ppe3E jE Q]2Rde pede3 Ap]bp !+eql 4p]!+e3 M]]h 3ejE]p !] 7+]]Ee -%p7]=p '%pE!e3V oe=e7! -%p7]=pE+%3e g%M+=Q i]qqepheh CGDBY ^%ppe3 CGD@ P CGD>V GOOD TASTE
Where poppies go Lincolnshire County Council’s tourism development manager Mary Powell goes through a First World War soldier’s Somme diary The iconic sculpture Poppies: Wave by artist Paul Cummins and designer Tom Piper will visit Lincoln Castle between May 28 and September 4, presented by arts experience programme 14-18 NOW. The ceramitc flowers were part of the 2014 installation ‘Blood Swept Lands and Seas of Red’ at the Tower of London, which marked every British death in the First World War. This year marks the 100th anniversary of the Battle of the Somme. Seven Lincolnshire battalions fought there, and having the poppies is a very fitting tribute. To commemorate 1916, there will be a number of events and exhibitions marking not just the 9,000 lost Lincolnshire lives, but what was happening on the home front, too. Preparations are well under way, such as transcribing a tiny First World War diary. The leather 1916 diary measures just 5cm by 8cm, and is largely written in pencil by J. T. Allison. The Charles Letts publication was called a waistcoat pocket diary and had been a gift from his mother.
AIDE MEMOIRE: John Allison’s tiny diary is largely written in pencil and records life in the trenches in France during 1916 Josh Hunt, a 16-year-old from Sleaford who is doing work experience at the county council, photographed every page and is now transcribing the handwritten pages. Some of the entries list pay, meals and the humdrum of training, issue of equipment and inoculations. John Allison used the front of the diary as an address book and kept up an extensive correspondence with friends and family, always recording letters both sent and received. During the First World War,
the postal service was remarkably efficient, with letters taking just three days from home to the trenches. Some of the entries are laconic: “Boulogne a very dirty and dusty, rotten place” or, on one Sunday: “Rock of Ages with guns accompanying”. One August Bank Holiday Monday he wrote rather sarcastically: “Moved from one part of camp to another, best holiday I have ever had.” Other entries are painfully brief: “Anderson blown to pieces” and the bible reference:
“Revelations 4:1”. In September and October, his entries become more detailed as the fighting intensifies. “Excursion to the firing line to carry ammunition (failure) returned just before dawn (rum issued) two or three hours sleep in reserve trenches,” on September 23, 1916. Official records show that 18 men were killed in this attempt. On September 25, 1916, he wrote: “7am move into trenches ready for attack. 12.35 hrs attack commences, over the top, got hit after about 5 mins, fell in shell SPRING 2016
W Kbf e`MLK hnC Ve Kbf ¿nKKZf Ve Kbf VYYfô èôééé ¸M`YLlC ‘¾bIYL’ ]V`Wfh Kbf nKKnj\– àéæ lfjnYf jnLInZK`fL
hole, moved at dusk for dressing station, transferred thro trenches and open ground under fire.” Battalion records exactly match John’s account and finishes: “Throughout the long hours until nightfall the battalion (or rather the survivors of it) lay there out in the open, no wounded could be brought in.” For the next week or so, he recounts wounds dressed, cigs issued, letters received and sent, meals eaten, “raining as usual” and “Doctor marks me DE which I am told means blighty”. Some abbreviations mystified us, but then become clearer later on in the diary, so “2nd W of W” meant nothing until he wrote out in full “8th Week of Wound”. John returned to France in 1917 and was assigned to a new battalion. Originally he was in one of the Pals battalions, but a new policy of integration had been introduced as whole neighbourhoods had been lost in one attack. For example, on July 1, 1916, the first day of the Battle of the Somme, 1,000 SPRING 2016
Grimsby ‘Chums’ took part in the attack – 502 became casualties. John received another wound, that was treated in France, but saw out the rest of the war safely. We are grateful to his son, Christopher – who fought in Bomber Command during the Second World War – for sharing this diary with us. There are so many stories from the First World War, such as the Beechey Boys – eight brothers who went to war and only three returned. Many fishermen from Boston and Grimsby were captured by the German navy while out fishing, made prisoners of war and saw their trawlers sunk. Engineering works in Grimsby, Gainsborough, Grantham and Lincoln moved to the production of munitions and Lincoln became one of the largest centres of aircraft production in the world. John Allison
Unidentified young soldiers with the badge of the Lincolnshire ‘Chums’ Regiment on their caps. Picture: Phil Brewill
refers in his diary to “Loads of aeros” – giving the sense of how unusual planes then were. By early 1915 the Western Front was stymied with neither side being able to advance. A protected way of moving across the ground was needed. Lincoln’s William Foster & Co designed and tested the world’s first track driven armoured vehicle, ‘Little Willie’. Further design improvements were made and the tanks were
The waistcoat pocket diary had been a gift from John’s mother
put into production. They were described by the Daily Mail as “like toads with no wheels or legs”. Many women volunteered to help with the war effort, but there was much opposition to women taking on men’s jobs, but as the war continued they became essential. In Lincolnshire the ’munitionettes’ made planes, shells and, of course, the new tanks. The munitionette story is fascinating and shows how our social history was changing. When the judges from 14-18 NOW visited Lincoln Castle, they were struck by Magna Carta’s proximity to the location of the poppy installation. The message of freedom that it still encompasses, that no person may be persecuted by power, has great resonance 800 years on. GOOD TASTE
Mountain’s Boston Sausage are a fourth generation family butchers specialising in finest quality handmade Lincolnshire sausages.
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Since 1852 we have been trading from our shop in Boston, but due to the popularity of our products we now sell throughout the UK. Due to the popularity of the business our third retail outlet was opened in May 2015.The new artisan butchery is located at Abbey Parks Farm shop on the A17 at East Heckington. Here you will find a contemporary butchers shop selling our famous sausages, cooked meats and a fantastic gourmet range.Within 6 months this branch won the “Taste of Excellence” award for New business of the year so is well worth a visit.
For customers further afield our interactive website offers our latest oven ready products, meal deals and firm favourites at great prices, delivered fresh to your door for just £4.95. Our website also brings you a new monthly recipe, latest news, photos and special offers. Since 2007, we have been selling our famous sausages on London’s Borough Market. Proud winner of the Observer Food Magazine’s “BEST MARKET IN THE COUNTRY”competition. You can also find our products at various food fairs, shows and quality independent retailers around the country. High Street Boston, Abbey Parks East Heckington, online and at London’s Borough Market.