ENGLISH PROJECT “Meeting Friends on purpose” ARCHAEOLOGICAL COMPLEX "LA PAVA": AN OPPORTUNITY FOR TOURISM DEVELOPMENT FOR MOCHUMI Julio César Altamirano Segura 1, Cinthia Jaquelin Coronado López 2 y Rooss Mireily Torres Díaz 3
ABSTRACT The value of a resource, in this case the archaeological, requires a number of independent factors, including its development, in addition to the education and tourism training to the inhabitants of the area. The lack of development of tourism development in the area own of theories about the value of the archaeological resource joined the academic plans based on the experience. On the other hand, we have the education as a key element in the allocation of value to a resource, either value as a tourist or other; eventually leads to the case in the District of Mochumi, area of study Archaeological Complex “La Pava”.
Keywords: Tourism education, Archaeological Tourism. RESUMEN La puesta en valor de un recurso, en este caso el arqueológico, requiere de una serie de factores independientes entre sí, entre ellos su desarrollo, además de la educación y la capacitación turística a los pobladores de la zona. La falta de desarrollo de desarrollo turístico en la zona propio de teorías acerca de la puesta en valor del recurso arqueológico sumado a los planes académicos basados en la experiencia. Por otro lado, se plantea la educación como un elemento clave en la asignación del valor a un recurso, ya sea valor turístico u otro; finalmente se conduce al caso en el Distrito de Mochumí, área de estudio Complejo Arqueológico “La Pava”. Palabras clave: Educación turística, Turismo Arqueológico. 1
Student in the eighth cycle, of the School of Tourism and Business, in the Faculty of Business Sciences, University of the Lord of Sipan, in the city of Chiclayo, Peru. Email: segalti1809@gmail.com. 2 A student in the eighth cycle, of the School of Tourism and Business, in the Faculty of Business Sciences, University of the Lord of Sipan, in the city of Chiclayo, Peru. Email: coronadocinthia_31@hotmail.com. 3 A student in the ninth cycle, of the School of Tourism and Business, in the Faculty of Business Sciences, University of the Lord of Sipan, in the city of Chiclayo, Peru. Email: romitodi@hotmail.com.
ENGLISH PROJECT “Meeting Friends on purpose” INTRODUCTION In the course of time, the archeological tourism, posing a new development alternative for communities that are within them. In the present essay talks of the Archaeological Complex "La Pava" which is located in the District of Mochumi, place where highlighted varied customs and traditions; in addition, the most important thing that we can emphasize its archeology is the biggest tourist attraction considered as one of the center of political power in the Lambayeque culture. The archaeological heritage of a people is a very important cultural resource that is essential for its social identification and estimation.
The archeology and the tourism in Peru HUACA “LA PAVA” I
contemporary society because it makes it possible to know the vestiges of the ancient
and a
because that is not composed of words, but of concrete objects, usually broken and displaced from their original place of use. (Funari 1988:22).
In accordance with Prous (1992:25) the evidence of the presence or human activity in a given place are called archaeological remains and may be an object of stone, ceramic, an oven for cooking or to make a fire, or funeral home (Pallestrini and Morais 1980:17). The archaeological remains can be prehistoric or historic.
An understanding of the past is of significant value to the extent that helps to understand the present and the future, and helps to preserve past cultures. Rahtz
ENGLISH PROJECT “Meeting Friends on purpose” according (1989:165) the interested public and informed does not destroy his own past. The same author also stresses that the archeology is highly educational, intellectually pleasant and has a great potential as a source of tourism resources; and he was not mistaken, since in most cases the archaeological sites have been completed by becoming hotbeds of tourist attraction and turn in a development opportunity for the people that surround them.
In Peru, you can find big referents about this, archaeological complex of science interest what finished to convert in the top places to do tourism, some examples: Kuelap (Amazonas), Chavín de Huantar (Ancash), Necropolis de Otuzco (Cajamarca), Sacsayhuaman (Cusco), Chan Chan (La Libertad) and a long list of succesful cases what contributed with economy of the citizens of there.
Lambayeque Region isn’t outside of this, because it appeared in the touristic map of Peru because of this. Cases like: Tucume and their 26 mud pyramids, Chotuna – Chornancap and the Priestess of Chornancap (San Jose and Lambayeque), and Huaca Rajada Archaeological Complex and their Lord of Sipan (Zaña), the last it’s most representative cultural icon of Lambayeque in Peru and the World.
La Pava like a oportunity of turistic development
Lake of the Sun
La Pava Archaeological Complex is located 8 kilometers from Mochumi District. In this place there are mud pyramids in two zones: La Pava I and La Pava II, both were part of Lambayeque Kingdom, a civilization what existed between the ages VIII and XIV A.D.
ENGLISH PROJECT “Meeting Friends on purpose” The last discoveries were revealed in 2010 by a group of specialists led by archaeologist Luis Sanchez. The most important discoveries were tombs and oblations of gold and copper, also utensils like ceremonial knives and other ornaments of the Lambayeque royalty (El Comercio, 2010).
But not all are archaeology, in this place there are natural areas like lakes (Lagoon of the Sun, Lagoon of the Moon and the Lagoon of the Snake), flora (beautiful forests of algarrobo, vichayo, cuncuno y mude) and fauna (teals, heron, pigeon field, the chiflón, chilala, coot, hummingbird, huaco, chisco, cuculí, chigüiso, parrot, tricolor faloropo and putilla).
La Pava is a beautiful mix of nature and history, a “rough diamond” that is if good well spent, could be a big opportunity for the tourism development in Mochumi District.
Interior of the Huaca
Diversity of resources
Lake of the Moon
Bird “ The Putilla” Owl
ENGLISH PROJECT “Meeting Friends on purpose�
In the present essay the descriptive method was applied, as references and observation were used, taking as evidence a sample of photographs that were taken at the study site. The above information may be subject to change, as this scenario is still being studied by a team of specialists.
The department of Lambayeque is one of the major tourism departments with wealth and there are many in Peru; but its weakness lies in the lack of tourism infrastructure; this leads to neglect of cultural and natural resources, besides the waste of the benefits generated by the practice of tourism, such as La Pava, which is a resource of great importance, which, if exploited in the right way, can generate various benefits to the population who improve their living conditions. The lack of a tourism project involving this resource makes it deficient for tourist use, since I need good access roads, signage, utilities, among others guidelines necessary to develop and promote visits to this resource . CONCLUSIONS
It becomes imperative to generate information relating to tourism in Lambayeque, such as archeology, placing as attractive in this case at La Pava Archaeological Complex. In addition, it is necessary to propose projects of investment in tourism to promote the development of this resource, in these cases you can take advantage of the foreign investment, who provide support to projects that generate sustainable development.
It should take advantage of the existence of a variety of tour options, as it is not only a cultural space tourist, but also mixes with the natural world.
ENGLISH PROJECT “Meeting Friends on purpose” The public perception about the tourist activity must be positive, and this should be handled through programs of awareness of tourism, trainings, workshops of tourism training, business opportunities, among other activities that you must work with the population as a whole, so that it may be the most benefit as host community.
We are grateful to the Mgr. David Sanchez Medina, who allowed us to contribute to the promotion of a tourist resort and at the same time strengthen our knowledge in another language, which serve us in our professional capacity.
REFERENCES Funari. P. P. 1988 Arqueologia. Ática, São Paulo Prous. A.
1992 Arqueologia brasileira. Editora UNB, Brasilia
Pallestrini, L.; Morais, J. L. 1980 A arqueologia pré-histórica brasileira. Gráfica Objetivo, São Paulo Rahtz, P.
1989 Convite à arqueologia. Imago, Rio de Janeiro
Diario El Comercio 2010, URL: http://elcomercio.pe/peru/lima/descubrimiento-lambayeque-hallan-cincotumbas-complejo-pava-mochumi-noticia-422546, rescatado el 25 de noviembre de 2014. Lima, Perú