Ensayo yojhana ingles copia

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ENGLISH PROJECT “People of Lambayeque”

Tourism management plan for the development of district Oyotún. Yojhana Lissett Yglesias Ramírez 1 Summary. Oyotún district is located in the valley of Zana , slightly east of the provincial capital of Chiclayo , away from the sea and at the foot of the great Andean mountain, bordering districts Chongoyape ( Chiclayo ) and Flame ( Cajamarca) north Catache , Niepos and Florida ( also in Cajamarca 3 ) to the southeast, and Pucalá Cayaltí west archaeological remains as the Aguila in the hamlet of Drinker , Sugarcane Mosaic Cross and the Owl in the village the gate , Huaca el Toro in Oyotún , Oyo stone , koskef (Sugar Loaf ) , falls cord, and others, are indicators of good weather and production conditions of this valley, for the occupation of human groups since time prehispanic . The District Municipality of Oyotún, currently lacks a specialized tourism office function that assumes the Council for Education, Culture, Sports, Youth, Recreation and Tourism; is limited by the diversity of functions corresponding to other sectors. The general problems are: Inadequate notion of tourist capacities Lack of a Tourism Management Plan and lack of human resources management to promote sustainable tourism that is where the project is implemented. These problems, shows a local reality of the municipality against the development of tourism in their jurisdiction, with tourism potential waiting to be tapped. Therefore, the central problem is the lack of a management plan that contributes to sustainable tourist development for the Oyotún District. Therefore, the problem tree was constructed as follows:


Graduate School tourism and business in 2012, the Faculty of Business Administration, University of Lord of Sipan in Chiclayo, Peru . Email: yojha_15@hotmail.com, RPM # 945 154 669 940 664 984 and RPC .

ENGLISH PROJECT “People of Lambayeque” INTRODUCTION In this essay I announce the reality problematic global, national, and local levels, so does the research problem and objectives to be achieved is formulated; emphasizing the importance of our study; giving also know the limitations which I have gone through. Another point is do we present the theoretical framework provides the collection of other experiences and research previously conducted that have helped us to get a clear view of our research topic . Also in this chapter we analyze the theories and guidelines of the TRC . In the “Methodological Framework”, referring to the type of research is developed. Also explained are the methods that have been used are. It also contains techniques that have been used such as survey and / or inventory. The so-called Analysis and Interpretation of Results, which processes graphics obtained through each providing an analysis and interpretation in the light of the theory indicator is shown; in order to test the hypothesis. Finally we present the conclusions and recommendations of the entire research process.

ENGLISH PROJECT “People of Lambayeque” Chart No. 01: Tree problem, causes and effects of Oyotún District 2012.

Indirect Effect 04: institucional disarticulation.

Indirect Effect 01: Absence of a local tourism development plan

Indirect Effect 05: Wastage of cultural and natural resources

Indirect Effect 06: Reduced flow of visitors.

Indirect Effect 03: Lack of defined travel.

Indirect Effect 02: Lack of a tourist office.

Direct Effect 01: Poor management tourist town in the district of Oyotún

Central Problem lack of a management plan that contributes to sustainable tourist development for the Oyotún District . Direct Cause 01: Dropping specialized in tourism training.


Indirect Cause 01: Designation budget to other sectors

Direct Cause 02: Inadequate notion of tourist capacities.

Direct Cause 03: Lack of skilled professional in the tourism industry .

Indirect Cause 03: Lack of a tourism development plan capabilities.

Indirect Cause 02: Relative consideration tourism in the current municipal administration

Source : Observation, registration and identification of problems Oyotún District .

Indirect Cause 04: Lack of tourism professionals in the district.

Indirect Cause 05: Improper selection of personnel for the tourism area .

Direct Cause 04: Lack of human resources management to promote sustainable tourism.

ENGLISH PROJECT “People of Lambayeque”

Locally, the Lord of Sipan University , (2011 ) , with the support of a group of students from the Career of Tourism and Business, directed by teachers of this Trainer House, and through an agreement with the Program support for Local Development ( PADDLE ) , designed a project of Municipal sustainable Tourism Management Tourism 2011 , which represented (continuous process of intervention) the current interest of local governments to develop sustainable tourism in their districts by Tourism Management Municipal . Nationally, the MINCETUR (2002), which followed its guidelines for tourism development policy has implemented a project of international cooperation, called FIT - PERU (Integral Strengthening of Tourism), whose objective was to contribute to the fight against poverty through training and employment growth in a decentralized manner, promoting sustainable tourism development. In your goals / components were: Tourist Consciousness through training, Strengthening Municipal Tourism Management, support through training of small and medium enterprises and administrative expenses. The achievements were: a workshop course entitled “Training of Trainers on Educational Tourism” aimed at teachers of UGELs, taxi drivers, policemen city of Chachapoyas and Workshop “Heritage and Identity" and” Tourism and Community Development " . The geographical location of the project was in the Regions: Lima, Cajamarca, La Libertad, Lambayeque and Amazon. Finally, worldwide, tourism is a phenomenon which constitutes an important element for social, cultural, economic and political development in recipient nations. Being itself an ambivalent activity, since it can provide significant advantages in the socioeconomic and cultural context, but in turn contributes to the loss of cultural identity and its fragile resources. That is why you must take into account the development of tourism that is respectful of the social and physical structure of each destination , along with host populations and their culture , that meets the expectations in the socioeconomic sphere , the demands environmental , and also to seek continued strengthening and protecting the quality of life of the current community and future generations, as the tourist; based on sustainability criteria so that you can give balance and long-term benefits . 2.1. Problem Formulation How a Management Plan will contribute to Sustainable Tourism Development for Oyotún District, Province of Chiclayo, Lambayeque?

2.2. Subject Field Study and Action.

ENGLISH PROJECT “People of Lambayeque” The object of study is the “Sustainable Tourism for the Lambayeque region and country “linked to the development of human resources for sustainable tourism development. 2.3. Delimitation of research This research was conducted in the district of Oyotún, belonging to the province Chiclayo and Lambayeque region. The organizations that participated as an object of study were Oyotún District Municipality. The research was conducted on a time horizon of 8 months, starting from September to December 2015, in a first period April to July 2016 in a second term. 2.1. Justification and importance The proposed thesis topic: Management Plan for Sustainable Tourism Development Oyotún District, Province of Chiclayo, Lambayeque " ; for the following reasons : To build skills in the District Government of Oyotún for municipal tourism management . To thank the municipal tourism management, valuing the tourism potential of the district Oyotún. To achieve the diversification of tourism in the Lambayeque region. To promote the participation of public and private investment in developing tourism. To form skills on actors and entities involved in the sustainable development of tourism. To that municipal managers, stakeholders and community are partakers Oyotunense and partakers of the benefits achieved, thus achieving better quality of life. For that, this management model; serve as an example and can be applied in other districts; allowing the sustainable development of the Lambayeque Region . To that Oyotún district, is in ability to respond to the new demands of comfort, quality and diversity of services, which is experiencing demand. For that, with proper tourism management municipal, it contributes to enhancing the quality of municipal services provided to all tourist population assisted by concerted action. Because this project is to identify the basic characteristics and appropriate with which to tell a true municipal management, so that regulates and promotes sustainable tourism development in the district of Oyotún. Because, lets out a better management of resources and tourist attractions Oyotún district.

2.7. Research objectives: 2.7.1. Overall objective:

ENGLISH PROJECT “People of Lambayeque” Designing a Management Plan will contribute to sustainable tourist development for the Oyotún District, Province of Chiclayo, Lambayeque. 2.7.2. Specific objetives: • Raise information most important tourist potential that Oyotún district. • Understand and analyze the perception of the people, authorities and related to Tourism Development Oyotún District agencies. • Develop a Community Tourism Management Plan. THEORETICAL Municipal Tourism Management. Management “management, understood in contemporary terms, is the process of matching resources of any kind to the purposes for which they were collected resources." (Ministry of Culture of Spain, S. F. , p . 01) . Municipality: It is an autonomous public entity with legal personality and its own, to whom the administration of a commune, and is intended to meet the needs of the local community and ensure their participation in economic, social and cultural progress of the commune. Municipal Management: According to the National Institute for Federalism and Municipal Development ( sf ) , municipal management comprises a set of actions that perform municipal departments and agencies , for the achievement of objectives and compliance with stated goals in plans and work programs through the interrelationships and integration of financial, material and human resources. Municipal Tourism Management : The understood as the space and planning, development and management that seeks to sustainably develop tourist destination, whose actions were working together and integrated through a local manager public organization - private , referred to committee tourism management . Development and Promotion of Tourism : is a dimension of municipal tourism management that aims to develop and promote tourism through the organization, coordination and consensus of all local actors in the relevant jurisdiction , this function meets certain " specific products " planning the municipality has to have developed . Inventory of Tourism Resources: According to the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Tourism (2006), the inventory of tourism resources is an integrated element of state registration and nature tourism, which by its natural, cultural and human qualities are possibility of becoming a resource for tourists, representing a tool for tourism planning.

ENGLISH PROJECT “People of Lambayeque” Local tourism development plan: according to the MINCETUR, (2011), is a management tool product of the analysis, development and activities organized at short, medium and long term. The document provides develop the tourism destination by participating in various public, private, local or sectoral actors, identifying the roles and level of participation of each in the process 3.2.1. Type of Research: Projective Research: according Hurtado (2000: 323) “are all those investigations that lead to inventions, software, designs or creations designed to meet a specific need, and based on prior knowledge." Descriptive research: is the characterization of an event, phenomenon or group to establish its structure or behavior. It aims precise description of the event study. This type of research is associated with the diagnosis. The method is based on the inquiry, observation, recording and definition. (Hernandez, et al, 1997) 3.2.2. Research Design: The research design will not Experimental and Transversal or transactional. 3.1. Population and Sample: 3.2.1. Population: To perform data collection took one type of population: First City: Oyotún makes up the population of 8,335 inhabitants, according to INEI 2007, 100 inhabitants was used.

DATA ANALYSIS All data obtained from research through surveys , it is possible to perform the following statements regarding tourism management plan for the district Oyotún as perceived by citizens : Chart 1

ENGLISH PROJECT “People of Lambayeque”

¿Know what are the attractions of Oyotún? 90


80 70 60 50 40 30




10 0



no sabe, no opina

Chart N° 2

¿what do oyotún turistic you visited? 30 25


20 15 10 5 0





las cataratas el bosque de de espinal koskef oyotún

el cerro del huaca del toro buho mitico aguila de la milenaria compuerta

Chart N° 3


el reservorio

ENGLISH PROJECT “People of Lambayeque”

¿Oyotun know if you are ready to welcome tourists? 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0



Chart N° 4

¿ Oyotun you know why you are not prepared to receive tourists? 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0

porque las porque hay poca porque los porque no hay autoridades no inversion privada recursos un plan de invierten en turisticos estan turismo turismo en mal estado

Chart N° 5

porque no hay una oficina de informacion turistica

ENGLISH PROJECT “People of Lambayeque”

¿You think if have a tourism plan would be achieved enhance the development of oyotun? 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0



no sabe, no opina

DISCUSSION With the results of the surveys, we can deduce, Oyotún has great tourism potential, but does not know all its tourist attractions (see figure 1 and 2) ; but the same citizen is aware that tourism can be a source of development as well as agriculture and livestock (see figure 3). Very despite factors would apply if tourism management plan and encourage the participation of stakeholders would achieve fulfill the goal of developing tourism hence; of Oyotún same. (See Figure 4 y5) CONCLUSIONS Oyotún is an impressive tourist potential attraction as mentioned above, but we must build our tourism resources and convert that tourism is a source of development in Oyotún, We can say that there is no participation of public and private very little investment and not very skilled. We conclude that Oyotún with has a tourism plan that is very important in a destination to know what steps to take and ultimately achieve the objective. RECOMMENDATIONS Promote the attractions of Oyotún intelligently , achieving apply a tourism management plan containing necessary to improve access and the attraction strengthen tourism and development skills that can be achieved with this important

ENGLISH PROJECT “People of Lambayeque” tool as tourism, promote public investment participation by involving the municipality, encourage the participation of private entities and empower them to provide an efficient way to train villagers to provide a good deal for tourists, among other recommendations that will achieve better development of Oyotún taking as an important tool tourism. . THANKS I thank my parents for help and support me give up on my education, sharing and helping me each step of my professional life and Mr. David Sánchez Medina , for helping us overcome our English striving to find ways to understand English in a dynamic and interesting way , the district Oyotún to have attractions and beautiful valleys to be admired by tourists and residents . REFERENCES Libro de Oyotún (2006) Juan Mendoza Cadenas MINCETUR (2006). Lambayeque: Turismo Sostenible. Lima: Mincetur MINCETUR (2009). Lambayeque [En Línea] Lima: Mincetur.

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